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THE GLASGOW COURIER and The Glasgow Times Continuing The Glasgow Messenger Official Newspaper. County of Valley Official Newspaper, City of Glasgow GLASGOW, MONTANA SAM GILLULY, Editor T. J. HOCKING, Publisher Entered at the Postoffice at Glasgow. Montana, as second class matter October 6th, 1911. Published Thursday of Each Week TELEPHONE 44 NATIONAL 6DITORIAL_ m/AWASSogpoN - » r a,t Taxpayers of Montana District Are Reminded to Have Thoir Paners in Iheir rapers in. HKLENA-Lewis Penwell. collector MARCH 151 iS DEADLINE FOR REIMS of internal retenue, reminded tax payers of the Montana district that 1943 Income tax returns must be filed not later than March id. With Mareh 15 so close at hand. Collector Penwell saw it was nn portant that every taxpayer under stand his legal oohgauon to com plete his return on time. "This is a time for frankness " or Penweli adaed. Much has been said about the difficulty of tax forms, aoout the complexity of tax laws, and so forth. As I understand it. every branch of the government is committed to future simplilication of taxes. "But, no taxpayer can afford to misunoerstana this. Whatever changes ate eventually enacted into law tnev will not and cannot alter the 1943 forms which 50,000 000 of us taxpayers must file by March 15/ -The intelligent, the democratic thing tor all ot us to do is to make out and Lie 1943 retun^ to the best ol our ability, as soon a» possible. and in as good humor as eircu.n stances will permu. "I take the liberty of giving this advice for a very simple reason. The law requires these returns to be filed on time. The law requires penalties to be added to me tax 01 those who fail to do so. Neither I nor the bureau of imernal revenue wants to assess such penalties. We hope the patriotic good sense of our citizens will make such action un necessary." Collector Pemveil added that his office is provid ing as much assi-t ance to taxpayers as it can. but u is physically Impossible for his office to make out the return of every taxpayer, and therefore citizens should collect their ligures and tackie the blanks line by lire. "Following the tax terms 0.1 a "the ii.i cut Ids Use celery for seasoning instead of the none 100 abudmuu ornons and garlic. Celery contains calcium a d Vitamin B. Serve Lite omet stalks cooked, the inner stalks raw. and use the leaves for stuffing-,, soups, and stews. line-by-line basis." he said, average'taxpayer can own return." a AttOi ; ■ / ; ' ns* J V litiw , Cfi i ■ g.- w - a • Và.-vd». ; zi < e-y , « r * Triple- A committeemen represent - ing H . a two-o; 5 t >'■ uf ; ■ ■ » u . L î : the courthouse (hi* -findig in whi?h every feature of tue 1944 ag ricultural conservation pio^ram wul be covered. Discussion of many war time problems also is scheduled. at the* school include __ . . . , 17ns mornings session opened at 10 and discussion will be resumed at 10 Friday morning. Spealu V T uiejitouôw.a © l •» Li >vV ' -i * 7^ ■ ri (Over 200 "All Wool" Fobrics) I ARE HERE y'- k «j v i FOR YOUR I tacùmzd n ■ y*. <5* f 1 •y $\s i -yT il Vr- e fa i ■j m? me$/Uvtc SPRING CLOTHES Ifl K Vk.M < ¥■ L y U « I V y : tVf ANY STYLE • ANY CLOTK HIGH QUALITY LOW PRICES Satisfaction Guaranteed u •f i ~c&u/r ■ EST AB. 1906 Over 2 C 0 Fabrics $ 3 ^ Starting at... 75 W: 1J Wk s h. <97? iris j=>n oi^: mp 7 30— Raibow at Masonic temple. 8 Royal Neighbors al R. N. A FRIDAY 2:30—Council of Church Women with Mrs. Ella Sutter, 608 First avenue North, Women of Nazarene church, hostesses. 8—Junior Woman's club with Miss D 0r is Peterson. 428 Mahon street, SATEKDAA' 3 — Junior group of DcgtcÇ of Honor juveniles at south side school 8 — Council for Social Action at Congregational church Miss Cath erlne : • • « TONIGHT hall. Monday 8 _ Eastern sta r at Masonic temple v Tl'ESDAY 0 30—Glasgow Home Demonstra y on c ; u t> social meeting at Allen ca f e g—Ladies Society of the B. L. F. g. E at Dignan hall. 8—Lydia Circle of Lutheran Aid with Mrs. John Bakken. 8—Glasgow Woman's club at c.vic center. American home program by Mrs. Cecil Harrison, WEDNESDAY 2:30 — Sunflower Art club with Mrs. T. W. Leer ham, S—Odd Fellows at Oodd Fellows hall. Till KSDAl _ - 30 — Helping Hand society a. church. Mrs. Cece.ia Larson. Mrs. Ruth Berke and Dr. Helen Ratzlon. hostesses; M ÿ s 3 ^ Alfred 1 B,-a\:drv at' home of Mrs Q M christinson. ^ _ Mp.jtctjist circle B with ^ rs Howard Nelson. 3 — Degree of Honor executive meeting at'Allen cafe. .——- 4Îo, Âr i <»5 Wï klCu , , „ , sV'/î'H!«* pPFVIffi J " v ' fi*ai; 25The V» iii ÜHiit vJëii H $L, i HELENA — Adjutant Herbert Kibler of the Montana American i^gjjn department has announced thal ■ccpcndc-nts of men k.lled in in ; ac tion or dying while members cl t j iC 1U mcd forces are not entitled veteran's dependents weie mustering-out pay. W.dows. children, or parents are entitled to collect the mustering out pay, Kibler added, if a veteran has died since being discnargec l-um 'he arm. or navy and before he could apply lor the pay. Fiic American Legion ai d other veterans' organ,<.atioas . :c ; epure to assist veterans or tu br £hg.a> to cc-Kect tin n.t; . ;.ng K.bicr said. to mustering out pay provided by a recent act of congress. An earlier announcement of the organization said these entitled to the to. GU Ta ma.; \. wnsncr. cr.oinnr.n. am; • 1 ■ n- *n t d O * C .. n,. , i : ion assostation bo.u M. Morena oir.m, ACA s.-.retar aeusurer, „i.d County J. mV . ioGibnei * pui n - lS dll. being taken up arc tne Uon program, iransyor war board work a id func ions, machinery rationing, gasoline and tractor plans and ,he pi;ce sup port program lor lull. 1944 e onse la;ion • This Hen May Have Been Influenced by Flying Fortresses M .. Perhaps an indirect influence of the four-motored bombers that used to roar over Glasgow is the egg brought to The Courier office by Mrs. Ida Henderson of Glasgow. In stead of the normal shape, it has the appearance of a small bomb and is much longer than its width Tire bombers that were once based here are now laying much larger and deadlier "eggs" over axis ter ritory J The Montana Home Economics _ 18. The Family in the War and Post War World" will be the general theme of the convention. Registra lion will open Friday morning at 9. and Friday noon there will be five division luncheons. Program themes at the luncheons will be "Family Relations and Child Development", Family Economics." Food and Nu-: trition." Housing." "Textiles and Clothing." --cans _ , „ , tk?lf'CNr7t| BJî , PÇÇIIlî> ■'* WaiUg We?kSrS tO St 3 Pt 0k Quota Tuesday Statewide Heme Economics Meet Is March 17,18 convention will be held at the Bax ter hotel in Bozeman. March 17 and Mrs. W G Crawford, acting chairman of surgical dressings for the Valley county Red Cross chapter, announced that a new quota of surgical dressing materials has been received. Work will bo resumed here Tuesday a! the regular shift periods, Dr. and Mrs Chester W Lawson will both be speakers at the Con gregational church services Sunday morning at 11 They wJl tell of their experiences while in China where they were interned, and of their re ' Urn C W " S repatriat ion \irr-iw ernrni i rn MF.huNl, S( HFDl LED NASHe T A — Th.e Farmers Union Market officers had a meeting Sat urdav evening at which Elmer Lad wig. Fanners Unit 11 central exchange held an of Gier dive gave a talk The annual meeting of the stock holders is scheduled for Saturday, March 20. a: the Royal Neighbor hall. Lunch w.'l be served at noon, meeting will follow Lamms to Speak At Siiüihy Service Mechanical clocks were invented 966 by Pope Sylvester II. but did not comp into common usa ce in Europe until four centuries later. 4 I I g V. I à I «a i % I f I H St' ^ ^ ^ i ' * *1 v - , '-b? î a pfPaU Size w— y ' V X. -i S* "■ .-1 ns vj » i ribbed cX : si » ' " r* f. ■ g ieic-i V hrf f $ te ■ ■>.; a 9 y? î tBSïi - nVs ^ h j <■» -5 A 50c vah only 39c. Hev jfjgfe > ifm vSSS&LZ* ct : :e itey. m 4 • -V ;d id 1 slip - on cover. i •= Ï * TTpi. •/. 'Ip ' / I k m , r t>'- k - iri' m2 H* hS m w rç, r, . fT. *•/ il / / ■> *. i? .i i!fiy a :rt : ! ^ Seamless, ea Handle-' with a million u • a 5 iv îi L t i/ J -, - ■* 'v i MA M r-. ■ i f r f "' ' - . v M . ï u ïé'M: li WiWF mmèi 3 r m j gî i* Jl 1 - . ?en mî F2s;c;1 V:t V (ï* Worth $5 09, Hi "h ' grade fount and pcrcil. i« ir. pen 'ju \ m ii JmII 1 cM 1 i P.KNEUX LKAK\ i \l ' £ t Ujr i! fV O '■ r % Does away with old w even the screw. Slips on jiffy without much hot. ]) «r? '■* / • •* r • v k . / P«les*s A most useful cut ting pliers. Made of good steel. Strong jaws. Leaîhe? EillFotâ Handsomely decorated genuine leather . . . Many styles. Î0S ÎC MflRSURLL-UJELLS STORES ' ~ ' - ■ P S S O CIRTE P—Z____ --S_2 Hardware and Furniture ART STROM, Manager dl* Red Crass Contributions «in ra ur» îi. r ;„ a Sâ ^ r *'.i. Joe n 'rpml)a, MO, Mr«. 1 aul I>asKonvll|,.. Gporjfl Ko M "i„ a ."i' v *i liaac nô'JiïL }' vUr sanWtt »V- O J SaïSÎ Ï' IV V Î* nj,.iUnd. $i ; ran Holtber*' «V renee Holtber». »2: Roy *' .Sliùm.ard $1: Mr. and Mr«. Granada, *.V Pl v£k pi«». *} : John W. Calf«., *1, Mrs. ■ . r». *10; sêreni Long S' j iam Brough'. *8: George .V Thomas I aekaon. »I : Fav J nïn« d ' f, : M. Eddy, »1: Helen Peters. »1 ■'Bar bara Mae Knlefl, »1; l»el| a Bruner *! Mildred Slelton, »1: Ilaaei IVrrv ii C. !.. Thoma. »2; Toby I nrail, »X^Alex Torkelson. *5: George Lookliur '«I •laek Clark. *2: Mrs. Esaoerga I Viola MaeOonald. $1: Agnes Brown si : Mrs. Boxer. »1: Frank Meyers «"mVs , -linni's Sweeney. $2; Mr. and Mrs Vint Mavis. »2.50 : William Hen.g" Ed Bear. ».75: Janice Uaaaon-' *1: K. !.. Kenner. »1- Mr« £ ? Zenner. »1: Robert Hovey. *2 :'m' V Kien. »»: George Koistad. »to : Aaron F. Himlit. $10: William Wulff $-»v lluebert. $5; Ed Ilorgen. $10; M r HKnd Mrs. L. K. Stratton, $!<)• i | W |, V |p sdimitt. $R» : Helen otr«»inba; $2- Earl l*. Ow. n. »2: .Nellie Hall, *1 ; May. *1 : Jennie Moran. ».30: Henr\ ——- 1 There are no such things as idle thoughts. Thoughts are always ere atlng or destroying something. --— ' There can be no 50-50 American ism in this country. There is room here for only those who are Ameri and nothing else. — Theodore Roosevelt ooore , ___,, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ^ I.e Lost Key*-Will party who took ke - vs Irom P°« toXfice box No. 1041. Please return to Courier office for SI 00 reward.—No guestions will be asked. 10-ltc For Sale—30 tons alfalfa hay at my place near Paisiej crossing. Le~ Humphrey. Vo 2tp Tlio concession or dining j room of Meadow Larh Country Club of Great Falls is at present avail- i able to responsible party. ' Interested persons may di- j rect inquiries to — MEADOW LARK COUNTRY CLUB P O. Box 1933. Great Falls. Mont, j I . For Sale—Studio couch with good sprinrs. See Ole Kagen. Fort Peck. House No 527 phone 374M. 10 Itp ' John Deere 15-27 on with new M sale.— , 10-l:p For tractor, block Arma:*'. Sale good co 1943. S400 for qulc : Ccrulus. Nashua. IT. addrpxM. Si 1 : Albert Day. * I: Emily , win.l. |ji.-f. $1; BeuUb A. Hiirkle*. * :, ° ophelm— Kenner Rlikkeii. »25: K. .la.«baoii. »1«: H. T. Thompson. lio: Farmer» I nlon Oil Co.. »10: Awl Wat ternd. »10: Hon Wholf. tlo, Orajilon »10: I.ldrlo* J^hnlm! 'u,........ *m- Mrs Beriha *i«is *i(t: Mrs. Glen Kills. *10: Olaf M. Kliason. $10: Frank a. Keough. *io Mr and Mrs. Olaf harson. »10: .Adolph ll " r,,l ;T s ' * . n , rl n-WV , 1 1 '" SM ' *,V.V ?!, «'" I Mrs - . I „ ar °ll l " "helm »10; Ole Kml'ilng. *10: Emory Burt ness »10. '< ' V " l,lv 'l- V '„ A , "„""TV' K.l Asleson. »•>: Hattie Jtergtoll. ».1 H"V Bergstrom. »5; Martin Johnnon. *•'•: Kenneth Halloek. *.•: Mark Tnfte. *' '' , M. IMHlrik B: A A Opbel.n, ' "* ,n • G^'n-u IIf< kok. ", nry S. hleeter »V I.anrlts An Kn.ite Mixon, *3: Sam Obaneslan. *..: K r.snl $3; Vernon l.arson. »1 „von iianaon' *v ° ' l '*"*' ^ '"T. 01 ' , l,a iV* on * I-' Kilward Slufurt. f2:< harl.»« Dorn. *•»: Milton Stetson, $2: Cînv Burroughs, $1 VJ , " r • ,0,mswn ' î 1: « A,b, ï. S is ? a î? "'T 1 \,™ n VeV.nin* olnei Kmll Ellason. »5. M™ k nninOJinl. Jr,; j„h r ," , ît" r ôs!r'mn *.v' intemationai i j,.voter. »1»; George Milner. *3: Jaeob .i. stein.' *5: Milo Jennings, »to: tv.i ,t„nt Elevator <v. »to: Henry Unnvoid. Farmers Fnlon Elevator. |1 0: I"",",.,. T. av r ; ihert *3 Wililan. /• Greer. *3- Harry A.-kera. *5: i.n.iiie M st.-iti,'*•'!: Rev. E. it Holte. *1«: T Johnson. »3; Horton Hleks. S) | Ulln „ xn.-k. *2: Hollis Thompson. *.*, M»r„thv Bohlig. *-t: Allee Follan» Hellekaon Lumber Po.. »I«; 'V'S »•= 'Âîl'ï A «». Onivijr. $-"» f I • v. SI: F rod .loss«*!. Mr nnd Mr< (Mi. f • \Jr<. Af'Dintla .\ml«»rs«>n. s'»: J'»lm Roi'lilor. : I golf. , Fred Jessel. 1 ■ v, llalWk s." • ' Mrv . T.osli -lis j F' I ■ ' ' 1 ■■ •> M. 1 - ifh. $■*»: Joli 11 l'a <lfl Joe T«>«î du $3: Of • ii. $5 : T ; I f*»rl *« *rf Martin Can 1 fa mil' Pius •« F» MY Ml 1 FI ? T .-c: >'t : D-»H M. 1 l 1 :i • !'■ > Waiter Oiaromc Ke Dv,tion.1 WM *•>«•1 WIiBM«». .'1L.I-Inar«»r nil Mrs. T.o •s. Orval H Bull '•uli »! <•? I M ' ■ M 1 if r \»r IT. >f- MM.I Vr f. Mild M lirv I» U ! M «N Mmsi : >r« <on. <10: '1rs. S»mu Mid Mr. and M « I! O. Did, . Mrs. M**. and M**s. SI : Mr. k. T «niHt« G -li. S T' in* S3 : fly du S** llarrv v.mir. •ifO; IVWIt* ? * S° TJiifl* 1 is. S': Lars I •If.—1. SI • Too 1? . S2: Tum Sf G Vall'*v uoiTiiiiiinlt . v r . S" Carl M Vul ... ..»! S2 • V. ('. Wlufu SI : Î s. .lohn <1 : Anna J.dins .mi S3- Gl«n Land««. S-. • Sum. I John BluMrd-A mi S2 : William T micro. A F. drl Ti-hun D* S'-' (Mir $10: hs. SI : nssPli, SI : f. Join Buhl * 1 •a. n TTn SSM 2' I >•; S3: 1 - Biui . o. 1:. s ^ ■ •■•-] J. \n v , r th I'nr s Mrs. A Savdo S': r. Durhln K. V .!• dm son. $5: iliner ; Hart. I î \v v lad I Dm Tu, I Mill. i Fail Paul 1 : Mr. ft J Mrs. Frank Kvil field, *30: Mr, and Mrs. <■11 y FaKan. *23; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred KolNtrad. $10: Mrs. Dorua* Fanait, $2. r » Chrln Fuhrmun, $1; Sam Fuhrmaii. $.*»; Futur H. Fuhruiun. $10; Clarence Fuhr man, $10; .Mr. au<l Mrs. Karl Fuhrman, $1,*»; Mr. ami Mrs. Art Carlson, $."»: Mr. und Mrs. Theodor«» Buuk and Mrs. Ward, IT»: Art Gramlluntl, $5; Ed G randliind. $2: Mr. and Mrs. An Wacker, $S: Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis, $•"»; Mr. fumuroii, $2; .Mr. and Mrs. Johan I». Glen. $10; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Jennings, $10: Mr. au«l Mrs. L. OalK, $2; Mr. and Mrs. E. Tweeten, $.*»; Mr. and Mrs. Don Fnhrman. $ 0 : Jacob Fanth. |5; John Huukner, $."»; Kou Fnhrman. $2: Mrs. Rhodes. $5: Clar uiuu Robinson, $1; Peter isakson, $2:1 Albert Hagen. $2: Peter Hagen, $1 : Mrs. Ad<»liiie Bruun, $2.30: Frank Diss, $2.00: George Caraway, $1. u. : r : : : Uk'hland—C. C. Ellingson, $.'»: Ed moud St. Amant, $."»: Howard Swell ho n, $1«: Fliffor«! N. llalvorsen, $3; Max K. Mavlty, $1 ; William Templern an, $10: Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Trang. $10; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mortenson. Mrs. George Klllenbeek, $15; Wilson, $2: H. 11. Hughes, $ Norman. $1; C. W. Iteilly, $: Knndsen, $1: How M. Kleeman, $A; Mr. Willason, $10; ( Anton Sherry, $.'»: Bay Varsnlek, $."»; Mr. and Mrs. Gust Sami, $.*•: Farmers I nion Elevator, $10: Mr. ami Mrs. W. J. Paulson, $10; Axel Pearson. $0; Bon Wilson, $2; Mr. and! Mrs. E. K. Hahn, $10; Mr. and Mrs. I. Waarvlek. $10; .WIs Ersland. $.*•: P. J. Peters, $.'»; Mr. ami Mrs. I'eder F«»ss, $10; John Uogones. $10; C. E. Johnson, $2; Victor Olson, $1; Farmers Union oil Co., $10; Clarence Kravlk. $10: Earl G. Bracket», $7; Mrs. Elisabeth Eliason, $1; International Elevator Co.,' $10; Henry Gardner, $10; 11. Gnnder man. $0; Bruee Zemliska, $1; T. F. Winder], $5; Mrs. Beddig. $1: G«*orge Stahl, $5: Herman Gunther family, $10; A tie Tarnni family, $0; Norman Zim liska family, $10; Franefa Tarnm. $5; Pete Lasar and family. $H»: Johnny Lasar, $ô: Osear G. Kemp, $5; C'lar cnee Phillips. $10; Fred J. Kramer, $10: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hausen, $10; Mr. and Mrs. B. V, Curtis. $10: John Beilly, Iliekner. $r»; S. Nelson, $1; c. Harry Stahl. $10; Mr. Mrs. H. L. Tunis. $10; y, $10: Carl W. Swanson. $5; i'a;l Shellernd, $0: Gust Peterson, $2.50; Willis Cleveland, $0; B«'limla Hanehett, $1; .Mrs. Carl Shellernd. $1; Mrs. o. Wainhies. $2; David Sauskojus, $10: j Mr. ami Mrs. Chris Kllertson. $0; Poder j Braa. $.*Ul; Kate Lofius. Arthur 'Vjilby, $5; Bay B«»hiiison. $5; Os.-ar Borvig. $3: Fred Staniiahein. $11; E K.l Dn*ger, $0 $10: Mr. ami Harold It. O. Verda d Arnold, $0; Leo ml Mrs. Dlaf i'org«' MeKenzi«», $1 ; Boliert Bondell, $2.00: *3: Muir Boyd Kinulsin. $1 Boniialifl. $: Unset, $10: Frank Carl Mr. and Mis. n I M Mr. an« !.. .1 G I Special Showing r f F irr PIÏDÇ ^ U ^ lia% c \i Jvj; V ti u Li v I A -v ( t( -4 , *•> Y r I j I • K \ V \ \ i k I jl j f . $ j *■. ■ J* V s m ■ i I - ■ MSB « Hi * ■ * l| I % m.: v ; m * î : tv -i :-ï î: m s y s ^ . •4r: 1; >>L : t ' 'S, y t.r /l.i; f.l i / wm > ■■ m ■ S] ÿsM - m. & ■ i ■ ü n m ■■ ' ! ' in iy r ■i,V ■■4 fi Mk . •-?: : W ! ■ ■ I ', • * : I i \ m ", wm ■M&m v a v •/ m i (■J: « r ■ X < • : M I! i m ' tm-fA ■ W ; i mjtn m , ". X ■ , ■Âïi f: > • .■v «f. L ii a ■ m ? îi < i. ■ H m , a ■ T S I «d id/ i V ■ ■■ y ■ <„ Pb, ' K ■ m : * fl I 1 A » .1 b] m v % BR«k I W . Y Yfeâsr'.: 1 sÆâ, Jm w w •x ^ r ' ?> t : ü -y » t ^ e v / tJma b tj ! -x r F * (■' â V V/ 'S. y Ou ■ i ! i w r and W i W W-' *iw nursoay • j j March 15 and 16 Choose from our !nr~e selection of lovely, new. fashion-perfect furs . . . al? rto<ierate J y priced. Mary Ann's Shoppe Rundle Building I i March 9, 1944 ; \ j ; 1 j i , i ; A 1 Phone 14 COLD STORAGE LOCKERS I { : j I I ; DUD9ING MIX * FIuff-Tcx. Box SARDINES Porlola, natural. Large No. 2 tin 15 c I I ! is ^ISQUICK Large package 32 c QRAPE JAN Pure. One-pound jar JELL-O 25 C ASSORTED FLAVORS ■< WÊTSlMÆm I iâCfifl