Newspaper Page Text
_ _ ^ ^ _ _I JORDAN COULEE Joan and John Mogan spent the week end at their home, returning to Hinsdale for school Monday morning Mrs N. Hatton and son Oscar were Hinsdale callers Monday. John Lenertz visited Jentoff Olson Sunday afternoon. Mr. Olson re turned from Vancouver. Wash., re cently where he had spent the The Markle Transfer company) finished hauling wheat for Andrew, Stiley Thursday. The Home Demonstration club met with Mrs. Stiley Thursday afternoon. Miss Iva L. Holladay exhibited a wardrobe of work clothes for women after which lunch was, served. Because of poor road condi- ! tiens, the attendance was small, Tlie next meeting will be at the 1 home of Mrs. T. A. Thompson April 27 at 2 p. m. i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luraas and i daughter Janet returned home By Mrs. Clarence A. Nelson winter. We Sell Bank Exchange Our drafts and cashier's checks can be bought for fess than postal money or ders . . . they offer a safe and convenient method of transferring funds. On a $25.00 transfer you save 15c, on a $50.00 transfer you save 20c, on a $100 transfer you save 22c, on a $500 transfer you save $1.10. Comparable savings, any amount of transfer, large or small. Complete banking service ...we solicit your banking business. Farmers-Stockgrowers Bank OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Waiter Brown, President J. E. Brown. Vice Pres. C. H. Brocksmith, Vice President C. E. Brocksmith, Cashier T. H. Markle Thomas Dignan Jr. M. E. Watson Richard Motzkau £ AT MY PLACE, THREE MILES NORTH AND HALF A MILE EAST OF FORT PECK ON NASHUA HIGHWAY. BEGIN NING AT ONE O'CLOCK ON WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5 FREE LUNCH AT 12:00 BRING CUPS MACHINERY 1 DEBRING BEET CULTIVATOR 1 MOLINE CORN PLANTER 1 HEAVY LEVELER, 6x20 ft. 1 WAGON WITH DUMP BOX 1 1 TILT-FRAME SAW 1 FAIRBANKS-MORSE ENGINE. 6 horsepower 1 OIL BROODER. 500-chick, nearly new BUILDINGS 1 BUILDING, 12x24 ft., with 8x12 ft. Granary 1 3-ROOM HOUSE with 2 rooms 10x16 ft. and 1 room 8x10 ft. 1 BROODER HOUSE, 10x20, with 60 ft. of 5-ft. chicken fence. LIVESTOCK 5 COWS, all milking, three fresh since Jan. 1 3 HEIFERS, coming two-year-olds. 24 CALVES from one to eight months old 4 GEESE and 1 GANDER 80 LEGHORN HENS, good layers MISCELLANEOUS 100 GOOD TIES 500 ft good 2-in. LUMBER POSTS 1 PONTOON, 20x20 ft Other articles too numerous to mention. WARB WIRE WOOD TERMS; CASH led Donovan, Owner T. L. Fouts, Auctioneer Monday morning from Saco where they had spent the week visiting ; relatives I Alex Mogan and son Junior were j Glasgow callers Monday. and Mrs. children Bobby and Shirley visited Mrs- N. Hatton and son Oscar Sun-; I day afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Nelson were Hinsdale callers Tuesday. Clinton Hockley and Oscar Hatton were Hinsdale callers Saturday, Mrs. N. Hatton entertained at 1 supper Sunday Mrs. Dora Johnson, John Lenertz, Hanry Lick and Mr. an( * Mrs. Clarence Nelson, ...... , „ ,, . LEAP YEAR DANCE HINSDALE—A leap year dance will be given at the Legion Hall Friday evening under the sponsor ship of the American Auxiliary, Girls and women will invite their partners, escort them, buy the tickets and arrange the dances. Music will be donated and proceeds will go to the Auxiliary. - Save your paper for the next drive, April 30. | 1 g | g | g g ■ g I r ■ ! Porter Candidate .<• • rwr«. P Prtrti»r «f HHpna * oeorge p. porter or Helena, d a ° for the "Republican ^om ination for state treasurer at the juiv nrimaxv Mr porter a native Helena served as state Ä-Äfr'.S-Ä Mid — * Mrs. Karl Wild was hostess to ! the Saco Woman's club Monday evening at her home. The Rev. R. O. Johnson gave a talk on "Religion In Art." The Dodson Woman's çlubi (offered to put on a home talent) play In Saco without charge to the Saco club. The proceeds are to go the the cancer control fund, it was decided to accept the offer. The date will be announced and the play will be given in the school. SACO Mrs. Ethel A. Vagg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haynes were In town this week. Mrs Carl Ryding was hostess at an old fashioned quilting bee Fri day afternoon. Guests were Mrs. E. Foss, Mrs. J. Cattanach, Mrs, J. Christensen and Mrs. B. Chellgren. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs Ryding Mr. and Mrs. A. Soennichsen were Onnn chrtmv>r<; TiiPsdav Saco shoppers Tuesday Mrs. P. Erickson spent a few days in Havre last wreek visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. Goggins. Mr. and Mrs. W. Myhre returned to their home in Saco Wednesday. Mrç. Myhre spent the past two weeks visiting he.' parents and other relatives in Portland and Seattle. Mr. Myhre has been a patient in a hospital, recovering from injuries received sometime ago while work ing on the railroad. Mrs. H. V. Goggins of Havre drove to Saco Saturday. She plans to make her home in Saco while her husband is in the navy. The dance given by the Odd Pel lows In Saco Saturday evening was well attended. The proceeds were donated to the Red Cross War Fund for Phillips county. Mrs. H. Goggins, Mrs. R. Bryson, Mrs. M. Erickson and Mrs. P. Erick son called at the Scheele home Sun day afternoon to visit Mrs. Scheele, hn« hppn in ^ j " tJ "il,* . the Carlton Brown residence Mon-1 day morning to extinguish a chlm nèy fire. Damage was slight. Mrs. Herbert Strain and Mrs. E. Rude and children arrived in Saco Tuesday morning to visit Mrs. Strain, who is a patient in the Glas gow hospital. Mrs. Roy Crossan returned from Portland Saturday morning. She bad been visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crossan. for a month. Serg. A. Stroramen and Mrs. Strommen of Chattanooga, Tenn., arrived in Saco last week. They were called by the condition of Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Banks entertained the Eastern Star auxiliary Monday afternoon. Mrs. B. Chelgren won first prize and Mrs. C. P. Martin won second. Strommen's father. Walter Christensen came from Whitewater Friday to spend a few days at his home in Vandalia and visit friends. Walter spent Friday night with Thomas McKeague. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cain both had the flu last week but are much im proved. The Milk river was almost bank full from the thaws last week. The cold wave this week end prevented a flood condition and the water is down about two feet. Th road beween Vandalia and Tampico was flooded at Hay coulee last week. Now the holes are so deep that the road is almost im passable by car. Charles H. McChesney of Saco bought a bunch of hogs from John David this week to fatten out. Ed Bundus and Ray Zeiger have been sick the past few days with the flu. El Is up and around again R. P. Nelson of Hinsdale and the hired and 1 VANDALIA Sadie Mulfinger the hired men are branding and dehorning calves at the stockyard this week. A group of neighbors helped Harry Wright saw his stove wood last Friday. WHATELY By Mrs. Hans Jensen Mrs, Homer Clowes entertained Saturday evening honoring her hus band at a surprise birthday party.) Those present were Mr. and Mrs Martin Schindler, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. McCleery, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ( Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hake, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Johnson and Mr, and Mrs. Hans Jensen and Donna i Jean. O. R. McCleery received word from his daughter Leota that her l husband. Irving Hoye of Froid, was called for selective service Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs, William MahinatJ were visitors at the Ross Dorr home { Friday night. j Charles Walker was a caller Mon j day afternoon at the Hans Jensen j home. • j Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dorr and fam ily spent Saturday evening at the j Mark Eayrs home in Glasgow, i Mr. and Mrs. William Malunat I entertained Mr and Mrs Clifford j Combs and family at dinner Sun i day. Mr. Combs expects to join the j navv soon. ] Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eton- and family at dinner Tuesday evening, j trimer Hake. Mr. and Mrs. Ora! ; McCleery, Mr. and Mrs. Melius and William Malunat attended the j Maricle sale Thursday. Clarence Tichenor, the Watkins agent, was working In the com munity Thursday. HINSDALE Mrs. Katherine Boucher returned I Friday to her home in Baker, after j visiting her son, Everett Boucher, and family. j Eugene Gisley returned Friday I morning from Seattle, where he spent the winter. He plans to oper ate the farm of his father. Ole Ols ley. Mrs. Cliff Doke and grandchildren, Wayne, Carol and Myrtis, of Port Peck spent the week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bumer. Mrs. Burel Rennick and son left j last week to visit relatives at Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, after a visit at Uie Harry Rennick home. Mrs. Rennick ! plans to visit her husband soon at a camp in New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burner and son Jack. George Zieger, Norman Hickok and Esther Weasa visited at the Cliff Doke home in Port Peck, Sunday. Mrs. Glen Harshaw and Mrs. Les lie Jones of Saco attended the Salo here shower for Mrs. George Saturday afternoon. ' Norman Hickok and George Zieger went to Glasgow Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaspar re turned Sunday morning from a visit -f. »0 Mr., « Oaspar « Ensljfa Elmer Thompson arrived Äd^T.ÄÄS'r: ents, Mr and Mrs. T. A. Thomp sofjacfc^A^fS Éfcril Burner and Mrs. Cliff Doke and > grandchildren drove to Glasgow| Saturday Mrs Charles Stewart, who has | ^ teaching in Peerless, resigned ) : las t we ek and has returned to Hlns da j e for t he balance of the school term Her husband met her In' opheim Friday evening. i x>r anj Mrs C i are nce Isaacson J' m ^ e a tr ip^ Glasgow Monday. Mrs Robert Rennie of Glasgow was a week end guest of Mrs. Ruth 1 Baker. ■ Baker. Technical Serg. Walter Johnsrud, 1 left Tuesday morning for the army airbase at Ardmore. Okla . after spending a furlough visiting hfs parents, Mr. and Mrs. John John srud. , __ Mrs. R E. Hillman returned Tues day morning from Medena. Wis.. where she spent several weeks vis '«"g relative*. She was accompanied hCFG by O. E. Hillmflll, hCF fattier in-law. who wiU make his home with his son aIlt j daughter-in-law. yeoman Third Class Roy Hillman > j r arrived Tuesday morning from p or t Huenene, Calif., to spend a 1 leave visiting his wife and children and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hillman. - . iJ.j f*AAc> *VOOSCl 13X llOGS _ __ . _ IlltO E£l€Ct SOOSÎ « " J. . XrlAW TirlfPtV Via wllv" llvllvw I Increased federal excise taxes on I theater admissions will bring a small increase in cost of tickets at the : Roxy theater beginning Saturday, j Manager Ed Davison announced this week , The increase will be \.cent for children s ticket, 1 cent for student tickets and 2 cents for adult tickets, Revised admissions for matinees now will be 12 cents, 30 cents and 40 cents. Evening admission charges will be 18 cents. 30 cents and 50 J for each 10 cents or fraction in admission charge. The new tax in 1 cent for each 5 cents or fraction in admission charge. The previous tax required 1 cen in admission charge. SOCIETY HAS MEETING HINSDALE — The Woman's society Service Thursday afternoon at the Methodist church. A short business meeting was folowed by group singing, reading of letters of appreciation from men in the services for Christmas cards sent by the society and two readings, "The Consolation Psalm" by Mrs. Oswald Waber and "Esther, the Self-Effacing Queen" by Mrs. Ruth Baker, ! GIVE WEDDING DANCE HINSDALE—Mr. and Mrs. George Salo entertained a wedding dance I Friday evening in the Legion hall. A large crowd attended. Music was furnished by the Saco Merrymakers, i , A midnight lunch was served, a feature of which was a large wed ding cake baked by Mrs. John Ben- j ! nick, Mrs. Salo's mother, and Mrs. Steve Montgomery, her aunt, - J » . | ) I I I i 1 35,000 Cars Junked l Every Week LET 5HELLUBRICATI0N HELP YOURS OUTLAST THE DURATION A N V*p i : ! i I I )y. SNILl OIL COMPANY, ImctrporaUd I I ! Vi V Raw, unexploded gasoline trickling down cylinder walls to dilute your oil! That's just one way today's shorter, slower. Wartime Stop and Go driving leads to ruined engines... helps send 35,000 cars a week to junk yards ! Start SHELLUBRICATION and make your car outlast the duration. Thi* service, designed to meet today's Stop and Go driving conditions, protects every vital part with correct lubrication. And gives you a diagram-receipt showing exactly what's been done. Be safe! Chong* to clean, X fresh GOLDEN SHELL Motor Oil {shell before it's toe late MAKE A DATE FOR SHELLUBRICATION TODAY In Pacific War iü | < j ;, ä A < | ! I I I I S I I I ! j I I P- " I Ifc-iy m - i || 1 '_ ] « Walter Pidwerbeoki, petty of ficer third class, left last week to report at Norfolk, Va., after spending a leave visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. Pidu er becki. He had returned from the - - lh. sister. ME. Clara Pldwer ÂÆcVÂl a visit and went eas t with him. TEACHER RESIGNS > Mrs. Edith Holte, home economics teacher in Glasgow high school, has resigned to join her | Lieutenant Holte, in Alabama. Mrs. ) Charles MacNeill Is substituting home economics teacher in the h school. - i \V'e need 667 000 tons nf waxtr J' ", neea b670 ja) tons of waste col wiim'teAiSl an""' PSU ' t N x coUe ctlon Is April 30. 1 " — ■ _ a; igh Ê f A |^»|t W mSÊÊt m " ,,, ^; -- JSBH***' i V 1 I f I» ^1 Ni ; | J -i PI y/ \ 'J n YOUR HOME I investment! Sherwin-Williams HIGHEST QUALITY J VARNISH S-W Mar-Not for floor», furniture, wood work. Quick-drying. Beautiful, brilliant clear-glou finish. : «1« Qwii Sherwin-Williams SF\PORCHsDECK PAINT j - - Make your porch »ay X J Q j "Welcome." A beauti ' ful, tough and lasting finish. Gallon Sner win - Willi a ms FLOOR ENAMEL ^*4 Colorful, high-glosa enamel made to walk on. For wood, composi tion, cement floors. $|Î0 Quart Markle Transfer Co. ^ PHONE 71 SC Young People o( Malta Church to Conduct Program | Young people from the Malta ! i Assembly of God will be in charge I of a service at the Glasgow Gospel I ; Tabernacle tonight. I [ Miss Marie Seelberg of Los I Angeles, who has been an assistant S at the Malta church for several I I months, and the young people's I , leader, will be the principal speaker. I There will be special music. About, ! 20 young people are expected to come to Glasgow for the program, j the Rev. Paul Wllllscroft said. A group of young people from the I Glasgow tabernacle presented a I program at Malta two weeks ago. John Johnson of Missoula is vis itjng hls s j s t er _ j^rs. E. E. Johnson, GENEVIEVE By Isabel) Swalheim Mrs. George Olson had her tonsils re SJ ove t7üf sda ^ ^ .WÄ ) ap d Mrs. *fe UI ?£ e Arnold and V*' enC i?u V 16 by c l iester W. Lawson TiTÄÄ «d hom^ trSLrtST Sî ' ^Mr^and Mrs. John Olson and daughters were Hinsdale visitors Tuesday evening. husband.) Dr. Margaret Kromer Practice Limited to Optometry, the Science of Vision Bring me your broken glasses for duplication. i Office 203 Bundle Bldg. Phone 360 I It's Spring tune-up time \ at Studebaker dealers Ä m / V K K V n r' /^UR country needs the transportation youi ' V^/ car provides. Don't risk your car through . To be on the safe side, have your car À neglect checked over regularly by skilled mechanics. Studebaker dealers' mechanics know their way ■round expertly—not only on Studebakers but on all cars. Don't waif fill everyone else wants a Spring tune-up. Be an early bird. Bring in your car for a complete check-up now. m L --' 7 BUY MORE U. S. WAR BONDS! KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO RAR WITH STUDEBAKER SERVICE Frazer Oil & Motor Company FRAZER, MONTANA KOV SHEPPARD ■V* AUCTION! I 2 miles west and one mile north of Tampico, on Milk River, or 3 miles east of Vandalia. WATCH FOR ARROW ON HIGHWAY Sale starts at 1:00 o'clock Thurs., April 6 1 BLACKSMITH OUTFIT 1 TAP AND DIE SET 1 SOCKET WRENCH SET 1 BRACE AND BIT SET 1 CROSS-CUT SAW, 6-foot 4 OIL BARRELS 1 FARM LEVEL 1 MELOTT CREAM SEPARATOR 1 WORM GEAR PUMP JACK SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 DINING TABLE, 54-inch 1 KITCHEN CABINET 1 GOOD COOK STOVE 1 WAGON 1 WALKING PLOW 1 CORN CULTIVATOR, 2-horse 1 GARDEN CULTIVATOR. 1-horse 1 SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR 4-horse 4 TIMBERS, 12xl2-in„ 18 to 26 ft. 1 WITTE ENGINE, 6 horsepower 2 CABLES, V 2 -inch. 40 feet long 1 CABLE, 3/8-in., 35 feet long SEVERAL LOG CHAINS 1 WOVEN WIRE STRETCHER / TERMS: CASH J. A. Downing, Owner R. E. Hillman, Clerk John C. McColly, Auctioneer GRANDVIEW Mrs. Otto Kliewer Mrs. D. M. Olfert and Mrs. Karl Reddlg returned from Kansas Thurs day, where they attended the fu neral of a relative. A number of people from this community attended the funeral of Ben Hovey in Frazer Saturday af ternoon. The E, M. B. held Bible study at j the Alvin Unrau home Thursday af I ternoon. The Bethel Bible study was held at the Henry Franz home Pri 1 day evening D H . A. Schultz and son Paul of Richey took Melvin Schultz to his ■ NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Promptness in making personal fax returns and the manner in which they are being filled out is very gratifying and is appreciated. I take this means of reminding taxpayers who have overlooked making returns and ask them to do so as soon as possible. Promptness will be a real help to this office. In case you have misplaced your questionnaire or failed to receive one, I shall be glad to give you a form if you call at my office. ARCHIE C. BRUCE County Assessor home there Friday. Melvin has been attending the Lustre Bible school this term. Mrs. K. Saubak and Mrs. Arnold Sonsteng left a week ago for Can ada, where they were called by the illness of Mrs. George Saubak A group of neighbors gathered at the Ludwig Schmitt home last Mon day and Tuesday and helped Mr. Schmitt put up his windcharger The Rev. Ronald Reesen, who is pastor of the Walton Mennonite church in Walton, Kans., held serv ices in the Bethel church Thursday night. He was representing the Bethel college. The Bethel Lustre choir drove to Frazer Sunday night and gave a pro gram at the opening of the new Frazer church. of