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The » CLASSIFIED^ COURIER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Courier reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and those received later up m. Thursday will "Too Late to Classify" section. Errors in advertising be roported immediately. The Courier will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Advertising orders for irreg ular Insertions taken at the one-time rate; Classified Rate until 10 a. run In the should tfc I _ One cent per word with a minimum charge of 25 cents. After first insertion 1 cent per word. FOR SAXE For Quick Sale! SEED FLAX — Golden Viking. We must give up our warehouse where it is stored. Cleaned and sacked. $ 3.75 per bushel HANSON-MERSEN MOTORS Blackleg Vaccine — Life Immunity. 54 cents for ten doses. Tork's Rexall Drug, Glasgow. Mont. For Sale — Certified Bliss Triumph| seed potatoes. Quantities from a | sack to a carload. Why plant seed when good seed will produce with higher quality? L. S. more Humphrey. Paisley, Phone 246-R. 14-tfC For Sale—Golden Viking Flax. This is cleaned and ready for seeding. Also 2-row malting barley. H. P. Larsen, Scobey. Mont. 7-tfC For Sale — Fluffed Rock Wool at a great saving to you. Winter warmth, up to 30% saving on your fuel bills, will give you comfort in the summer time, from 10 to 15 de grees cooler. Guards against fire. Will prolong your heating system, less fuel to handle. We have ap proximately 15 tons of this material. While it lasts. $20 a ton. Midway Merc. New Deal, Fort Peck. 15-tfc Team of work horses. 8 For Sale years old. Both yearlings, one black and one gray, weight about 1,400 lbs. Jacob Born, North Star route. Frazer. 17-4tp FOR SALE—7 1 .-foot Oliver Packer. Jasper DeDobbeleer, % mile east of airbase. 18-3tp FOR SÄLEN- One P & O plow. 3 bottom 16 inch. P. J. Breigenzer. 10 miles northeast of Glasgow FOR SALE—Hereford bull 12 months old. Also some seed oats. John Dascher. 9V 2 miles south, on Port Peck highway. 19-tfc 18-3tp Superior Chicks—Oldest hatchery in North Dakota. All our eggs come from North Dakota U.S. Approved and Officially Pullorum Tested flocks. Hatch every Monday. Sever son Hatchery. Stanley, N. D. 19-8tc For Sale — Summer home on South shore of Lake McDonald in Gla cier Park. 150 feet lake frontage: excellent dwelling, large living room, bedroom, bath, kitchen, and fully screened porch; also separate sleep-; ing quarters. Inquire D. J. Korn. Trustee H. E Houston Estate, Box 678. Kalispell. Mont. 17-4tc FOR SALE— Two-wheel trailer house 8 n 14 built-in fixtures and sink, $200 00. John Johnsrud. 1 mile east of Hinsdale on No. 2 highway. 19-2tp j ! 1939 Dodge 4 door sedan. In excellent condition. Only 8.000 j miles. Good tires. Can be seen at Magruder Molar Co. For Sale: : j 19-tfc FOR SALE-Limited quantity of treated malted barley. Apply to Nels Briggs. 19-2tp FOR SALE — Fresh milk cow with calf. Six miles south on Fort Peck road John Ramesz. Glasgow. 20-ltp - FOR SALE — Buildings. 1005 Sixth 20-2tp Ave. So.. Glasgow. Professional Cards Dr. G. H. Klein Glasgow Ice & Cold Storage Co. DENTIST Office In Klein'« Log Cabin Motel Highway No. Ä : 9 to 1' ind 1 to 5 hmidfnrp 209 Office II Phone: Office 47» ART KOTAKI. Prop. GLASGOW. MONTANA* Income For You If You Live. Comfort For Dependents When You Die. New York Life Insurance Co. EZRA N. HILL, Agent Glasgow. Mont. Phone 261 GLASGOW FLOWER SHOP Flowers for All Occasion» Phone 75 We Telegraph Flowers Somi-on#» has to pay the price for Ilf#- insurance, himself doesn't pay il •ife and children have it after he has gone. If the man hile he lives, his to pay « Valley County Abstract Company OFFICIAL ABSTRACTORS Phone 50 GLASGOW, MONTANA Holland Funeral Chapel l Courteoim, Efficient and Dignified Senirpi at Moderate Trlcea LICENSED EMBALMER and LADY ASSISTANT PHONE 3.M Peterson Mortuary LICENSED EMBALMERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 89 Masonic Temple Building GLASGOW. MONTANA Twenty-Four Hoar AnLaknre Servies j FOR SALE 2 H -In. fire hose. 30 to 40 ft. lengths at 15c ft. Rubber hose, ■>.. 1, 2. 3 and 4 in., also some 6 in. hose, priced vèry reasonable. Buy a mess kit; good for picnics and outdoor use: aluminum, opens up like a skillet. 3-qt. alumin um water pitchers or jugs, just the thing, can't break, each 25c and 39c. We have one only large preserving kettle, ideal for home canning, ap proximate 10-gal. capacity, heavy cast aluminum, $6.50. 14x14 timbers 12 and 14 ft., sound, at $30 M' board feet. Good sound ties or timbers, 6x8, 7x8. 8 ft. long, in lots of 100, 70c ea.; less quantity, 75c each. Ask to see other timbers, a good assortment to pick from. Telephone poles. 20 and 22 ft., nice and sound. $1.75, $2. $3 ea. 3-ih plank platform 22x24. stringers 6x8 and 6x6; about 2,000 or more board feet in this platform: easy to take apart or use as is. $60. Small dump box. hand operated: made out of \-in plate, 5x7 ft. 12-in high; braced with 4-in. channel iron: if you have no need for box, good working material in plate, angle, small I beams and channel iron, all for $10. 1926 Chevrolet engine. $10. 1935 Chevrolet transmission, in good con dition. $25. Tank pump, like new, 2 inch, $19.50. Tank pump. $10. Pord son tractor, with magneto attached for easy starting, also belt pulley to use engine for farm chores, $135. Steam boiler, $100. Steel cable. %, it, 1 and 1'» in., in lengths from 50 to 300 ft,, 10c ft. I-beams, angle, flat, strap and plate iron and steel. 2'-c, lb. Heavy bolts 5c lb. Shafting steel. from 1 in.. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in, 2'i-c lb. Ice box, for outside use. holds 1.500 lbs meat, price $10. Hand cars, suit able for mine work; will hold or carry 5 tons. ea. $23. Heavy timbers 10x10 12 ft. long, $1.50 ea. Standard make gasoline range. 4 burners, oven. $15. I Large size gasoline camp stove, no base, $7.50. Natural gas range, three burners, oven, tcabin size. $5^ ',-in.. PjP* 5c 1 " in - ® c - 1 -a-ip. 12 -,c. 2 m 25c is, 40c. 6-m. J 15 ls ' 5. 0c - 8- )n - as is. 75c. Also some lar 8 e , size P'P e - l2 .- 22. 28-in., at popular prices. Tile 4-in soil pipe 20c ft. 7x7 chimney tile 30c foot. 18-in. concrete culverts in 4-foot lengths, with bell ends, $1.95 foot. Brass valves. % and li in., 50c; \ and 1 in., 95c; 1U and 1% in. $1.45; 2 in. $2.45. 3 in. $3.50, 4 in. $7.50 and $10; 6 in. $12.50 to $15. Flanges for pumps, 4, 6. 8, 10 and 12 in. Elbows for irrigation pipe, large sizes, 6. 8, 10. 12 inch. Foot valves in 6. 8 inch. All kinds of small and large pipe fittings. Midway Merc NEW DEAL Phone 341-J-l, Fort Peck FOR SALE — BABY CHICKS 100% blood tested White Rocks. White Leghorns, N. Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds. Hybrids i White Rock and Leghorn cross i. $14 pet hundred, Now booking orders for June chicks. Bitney's Poultry Plant, Kalispell, Mont. 17-6tp FOR SALE — One 5-year-old Here ford bull; one 11-ft. Champion spring - tooth cultivator; one 1928; Fordson tractor, on rubber, 11.25x24 rear, 600-16 front, with plow. Harrie] Adams, Peerless, Mont. 19-2tp FOR SALE — 3-bottom P & O plow. : Good condition. $75. Joe Cyzeski, 9 miles south on Port Peck highway. 19-2tp ! I Chevrolet Motors For sale. Just received shipment of Chevrolet Rebuilt Motors. GAMBLE STORE j poR SALE — Ftour-room house in 12-tfc Hinsdale. Mont. Small barn and i 0 t. Lights and water, but no gas, Ras Une about 40 feet from house. p r j cec j ( 0 se u p ra nk Hoerster, Hins d a i e . 20-4tp __ j IFOR SALE—Three registered Here ford bulls. Five to choose from. 1 Also several young broke work and saddle horses and one Percheron stallion 7 years old. weight about 1.800 lbs., well broke to work. H. A. Davenport, 28 miles northwest of 20-3tc Opheim. FOR SALE— 1934 Chevrolet sedan,j mechanically good throughout. with reconditioned motor, clutch. Peering gear and ready for service-! able U-ansportation. Only *275. pias £° w Mot° r Co. 20-ltc FOR SALE—Registered muley Here- ford 3-years-old bull. Price $250. I bought him of S. E. Nilsson of Sav- age. Mont., and used him two years Ed Nelson, 30 miles south of Frazer. Mont. 20-2tc :v r sa I Gamble Store BABY CHICKS ORDER NOW FOR SPRING YOU CAN'T LOSE! 100% Delivery Guaranteed! 7-tfc MEAT CURING SELF SERVICE GROCERY Phone 191-J 3-tfc Quality Registered ARKRDEEN-ANG1JS CATTI.K Miss Burge**, Blackbird and Juana I ri. .1 t unities. Yonr Inspection of the herd la ( ordiallv Invited. L. II. SHKLDOX 4 Miles Southwest of Nashua 1.1 tfc Tractor Tire Rims Wide base type. We have the j ' ; |_ ! j ' | following sizes: Rear, 32. 38. 30 and 26 inch; front, 16, 18 and 20 inch. HANSEN-MERSEN MOTORS For Sale Have about 1,000 feet 8-in. pipe: a lot of it is suitable for well casing and irrigation. A chance to buy this pipe very reasonable. 50c and 75c a foot. Midway Merc NEW DEAL Phone 341-J-l, Fort Peek 19-tfc NOW ON HAND AT LIEN MOTOR SALES Frazer, Montana 1 Model 850 Delco-Light plant, completely factory reconditioned. 1 Set 6-volt heavy duty light bat teries. 1 10-foot basin tiller. 1 Coronado model 800 cream sep arator. 1 Model 3S McCormick - Deering cream separator. 1 10-foot elevator with auger for large size fanning mills. 1 28-ft. Owatonna grain elevator. 1 4-ft. hog feeder. Reduced price. 1 6-ft. hog feeder. Reduced price. 1 Ford A. reconditioned motor. 1 1937 - 40 Ford V8 reconditioned motor. j 1 1935 - 36 Ford V8 reconditioned motor. 1 1940 Chevrolet new short motor assembly. 1 1941 Chevrolet new short motor assembly. 1 Farmall used motor from No. 11 I combine. 1 McCormick-Deering milker com plete with 2 single units and 32 volt motor. 1 Small cement mixer. ! 1 Model B IHC sweep rake. 2 Jayhawk automatic hay stackers with hitches for Farmall H«fe M. Norge oil heating stoves. 1 1350x32 nobby tread tractor or implement tire. 1 22x36 McCormick-Deering trac tor, on steel, reconditioned. 1 Model 200 Windcharger with 35 ft. self-supporting tower. 1 Elgin Wonder 8-ft. windmill. 1 Commercial Airway link grain I | 1 New Chevrolet l'--ton heavy duty truck. 19-2tc tiimamrini | Buildings Moved — We are equipped to handle large houses, barns. Es timates given. Truck and equipment with experienced man to do job work by the hour. Mark Kotkin. New Deal, Mont. WANTED TO BUY —Tricycle and wagon for 6-year-old child. Either new or used one. See E. A. Ander son. 120 Third avenue north, Glas gow. 19-tfc 18-3:c FIELD SEEDS - GARDEN SEEDS in bulk and package. Write for prices. LAKIN SEED COMPANY, Miles City. Mont. 10-tfc Auctioneer—Call Hinsdale at my ex pense for dates. John C. McColly. l-52tp John Barrett Garbage Co.—Author ized garbage collectors. Phone 38-tfc 273. REFRIGERATION NECESSARY IN WAR OR PEACE Instruction. Male. Shortage of men ! for installation and repair work. The need for trained men to overhaul and install refrigeration and air con i ditioning equipment js urgent. If you are mechanically inclined and have a fair education, look into this big pay trade. Learn how you can get this training in spare time or eve nings. No interference with present job. For full information write at once, giving name, address, etc. 'Utilities Inst., c o Courier. 20-2tp SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING by expert. Bring machine heads only to repair shop at Keagy Apart 18-5tp ments. Glasgow. WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE — Place suitable for one-man ranch. Write R. N. Hendrickson. 1104-A. Gibbons Ave.. Bagley Downs. Van 19-4tp couver. Wash. WANTED TO BUY—Will pay cash for 1935 to 1940 model light car. Phone 307-R. Port Peck. 19-2tp FURNITURE FOR YOUR HOME We have in stock — RANGES. LIVING ROOM RUGS BEDS and MATTRESSES Complete HOUSE FURNISHINGS New and Second Hand We can fill your wants and save you money! Mustful Furniture 19-tfc North Side USED CARS for Sale Champion coupe, radio, heater and spotlight. Good tires. 1940 Oldsmobile sedan. Good tires. 1938 Chevrolet sedan, good tires. 1936 Chevrolet Tudor, good tires. 1929 Buick sedan, good 6-ply 600x20 tires. For sale cheap. 1940 Studebaker Cash paid for good clean used cars. Dan Oakland FOR SALE Famous... WAYZATA EVERBEARING STRAWBERRY PLANTS at $5.00 per Hundred while they last. One delivery, at Northern Montana Seedgrowers of fice, June 2, at 3:00 p. m. Mail order early. DAVID MILLER Saco, Montana 20-ltp DEBTS COLLECTED — Turn money due you into cash. Notes, judgments, accounts. No charge if we fail. Anywhere. 35 years in business. References, Write R. C. Valentine Co., Marshalltown. Iowa. 20-ltc a / WANTED TO BUY Good saddle with 14-in. can tie. Must be in good condi tion. Inquire at the Courier office. _ A I » ■ • 1 I I J k ^ H ^ I I 20 Keagy Apartments please. 15-41p FOR RENT —Nashua Hotel, fully equipped for restaurant. Appfy Kaufman Bar. Nashua. FOR RENT — Store room adjoining Ben Franklin Store, formerly USO. $75 month Chas E Behner Billings 5/d monin. onas uennei. "iiuiigB. -U-lIC 20-tfC Mont. SALESMAN WANTED WANTED AT ONCE — Rawleigh dealer in Valley, West Garfield and Daniels counties. Write Raw leigh's. Dept. MTE-71-F, Minnea polis. Minn. 20-It NOTICE Nolle«* Is herewith g I von that the following deserihed real property in Valley County. Montana. Is to lie sold at privat«* sale on Lots 4. 5. 8. 9. 1« 19. T F. M. M. All off«*rs or bids on tin* above de scribed land will In* received at Ihe office of John Marriott Kline in the First National Rank Rnilding at Glas. , and must be in writing. J. A. DOWNING. 25. Jnn. 1.) after June 2. 11*44 nd 11 of Meet ion nship ."»3 North, Range .*49, gow, Monta (Pub. May 18. NOTICK TO CONTISACTOKS Sit»!«* Miiiotcnanic Project No. 69-5-1199 given that waled hiTcInaflcr «I«* ill be received by Commission of Montana al of tin**said Commission in til 9:30 a. »Ids being publicly opened thereafter. •ontemplatcd consists of tin* crushing and stockpiling of 11 .inmi cubic yards of Grade A lop eoiirs e gravel surfacing fro -rusher set ups in Dani«*ls Com o*t up in Met*ounty. two Noll««* is bids for I In scribe« hereby •ork 111.- Slatt ing lm il##' <>m ll.l.-na 11,44, I Ik and read iiiiuiodiatcly Tho M ' Oil «»rk ■ h. j v* «•It County, ami thn Valley County. Each proposal must I a form ami hi an etive vlded for the the State Iligh\^ay C<hiimiss|on al 11*1 ml endorsed, "Proposal for Im t-ups hi ■ submitted on pro I lo pe to 1 a«i drei »iirpos ... Project provcmciit Siale Mainte No. IÎ9 -5-4.199." No proposal will be «•onslder«*d mil lesa aeeon)|»ani«*(l certified check In an l«*iit to five |»e reell t (o r /r ) amount of bond performam-e of the contract. No proposal will b a Contractor who has not sec Stale license under th«* provlsl Chapter 17s. Laws of 1 «I lient amendments. Speeificatl« !>ond. si ructions are and may the Stale Helena. ' f ...... - , . t«*e|inicalitles as may !»«• d* - "" d •essary in Hie Interest of tin* Stale. No bids will l«e considered except those from contractors ascertained to be «*x p«*rl«*in , ed and responsible. I'ropnKals limy Ih- r.-j.-.t .-.I if H" ■>> deuce r«-vcalc«l by tin* *|iiestloiinairc and sworn financial slal«*mciit >»di ent«*s that the bidder Is Im-apaM- of the work coiif«»mpIafc«I. j Illieolidltio mount eqniva d the t«M he bbl. A corporate sur» f«»r the faithful ill be re«|iiire« d tr ■ mi sill . forms of con I blanks file f«»r examim • «ddaim*d al the offi« Highway Commission Montana. The Commission reserves the rlgl II bids and to " full in prop«» ,11 of ill Proposals may be n*Ject«*«l if pted work performed by Ihe bidder f»»r fin* Commission has l»een ntisatisfm r..ry from the standpoint of worktmin'hip »»r progress, or If he has work utoleij «•out ract the judg danger the prompt w«»rk eontempluted. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF MONTANA Il W. Ilolno-. iliicompbUcd bii-h ni •nl of th«* f'ommis-i« completion l*f a. r. \v kl#T. t'liuiriiian I'ii»>. May is. -_T., Stal.- Il» \ I -T OKDKK TO SHOW 4 AI — P In tin- District 4'<>urt of tin- S# Judicial District of the Slat tana, in and for the County li ente I of M f Vail In tho Matter of tin- Kstate of Mi Harley. Deceased. J. D. Mi Vce. administrator of tin- "id, estate, having filed herein ids verified petition for tin* sale of all tic- r. al estate of :b id d«*««»a*«*d. at privat« al**» Il appearing th«r«fnnu •** D*** Court that a sal« of nil of Hi« r**i»I «•slat« I* for tho advantng«*. b«n«*fit and b«*r Interest of th« said «stab*. :««'l those intercKted therein, including the minor heirs. If any, to k«*II the whole' of said real estate for the purposes set forth in said petitl«»n: It Is ordered that all persons Inter ested in the said estate do appear before the said Court or a Judge ther«»of. at the hour of ten oVlock i s m. on the 22nd day of Ma». 1944, Some Good Markte Buys 2 Only factory rebuilt 32 volt Delco - Remy light plants. 2 Sets Electric Light Plant Batteries. 3 2 hp- Air-cooled Gaso line Stationary Engines. 1 2.2 hp. Air-cooled Gaso line Stationary Engines. 2 110-volt Electric Pump Jacks, complete with */s hp. motors. 1 2-in. Centrifugal Pump. 2 1-in. Centrifugal Pumps. Markle Transfer Co. Glasgow. Montana A Good Buy Move Right In! To the completely fur nished 32-room hotel in Opheim. 15 rooms with lobby on first floor, 17 rooms on second floor. Absolutely modern, with sewer, water, electricity, steam heat, automatic coal stoker. Three-stall garage. Furniture and linen included. This is income property that works miracles. A good paying investment. Rea sonable down payment will give you immediate possession. Write, call or see — Morgan & Jarrett Glasgow, Montana at t lie Court Ro in the County Conn II« and y they have, why f the said Court se at Glas o\v, Montana. show •anse, if >rder should not be issued directing the administra of said estate to sell the said private nr public «« may be determined most beneficial f'»r said estate; It Is further ordered. of this be •e a in The Glasgow Courier, a newspaper circulation in Valley *'i'k fnr (w nty. Montana. Tin* real property petitioned to ho sold Is In Valley County, Montana. and partlcnlarlv doscrlbed as follows: Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quat-irr, 8onthoa»t Quarter of S...H h Q«*» r fer of Section Eight: East IIj|If of Wwit IIaIf WeHt nnIf of Knsf Half, of Section Seventeen: North Half of Southeast Quarter, and Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter of Section Nineteen: and Fast Half of Northwest Quarter; West Half of Southwest Quarter and Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty. In Township Twenty-nine North, of Range of general Ci Township Twenty-nine North, of Range Forty. Fast Montana Meridian, except lug County highway thereon deeded Valley County. Montana. Made In absence of the District Judge. Dated April 29. 1944 NOTICK OF SALK OF KKAI. KSTATK Not lee of sale of real eslale |. r Valiev Conntv hv lax deed 'Not!.!- ' Is herein* given that on the 7t|i ,1.... Tunc 1941 at 10 o'clock a. m . In thi* coinmlHHlonors' room h. flic 11,,..*» ..f Clnsirow Vnllcv Countv, nrl Mioitana. '* the^nmlerslg":'.'. County. Montana, will sell al publie a ml Ion to the highest bidder a. eording In Seel. 220S.1, Chapter " h " M -.••-V"? ibmrd '"of r 'Conunl^lone^" of ' Vt.lh.? Inaftor wfV.ViV/ na 'iII*" «f "m!!. 1 ' fôïlowin "air. nitnatoil in thô County of Valley. State of Montana, and which the said Fount loforo Hcqnired by tax de in : RLANCHK GROTJAN. Clerk of Court. (Court SoaD C. If. Roberts, Atfv for Petitioner. (Pub. May 4. 11. 18) Valley thereof lie ilowrlboil has here I lows: t'asb. lawful mo Fulled Stales, to be paid of the sale. The I missloners reserv option to aeecpl the t the date of I of County Com the rlgh cash payment f flic purchase prier balance t«> be paid In four equal pay •tils annually Including Interest 4 percent on inen I s. A «(nit clai their a I 1 •.'d |i#-i •li deferred pay Iced will hr glveil I'oinpletion of the above mentioned payments. The right lo r«*J«*ct any ami all bids Is hereby expressly No buildings are Included with any of Hie property listed i specifically mentioned in the descrip lion. A six and one-quarter pendent per petual royalty res« which exists or may «le by Hie vendor. SKHSWV,. W L, N K *4 28 N. Rge. :\Sl . Part of lots « and 7. Section ' Twp. 28 N . Rge »2 (I ml ml buildings) N*<j of Section <i/ v\y \> si... n Two "9 N J R*p # . p xK> ; Section 2<I, Twp. :Vt N. Vtg< ^ wu SwlYon "Ü." Twp! "âi "x ;{î| . SL.SK'i N W •iSK 1 , S» £, 411 the purchaser upon •served below n i liera I in •rvntlo be developed iS ,f Sïs tlon 23: sw'.sf«; of Section 95. . $ 1.200.0/1 . 150.00 *9 N . P 4540.00 240.00 320.00 6441.00 Two. y '4SW , Sec :t5. j ' |j_ (l sEUSWi. See. ' * | -0 | K ~ j. si t N-, . ICO 00 34 .V. I. Twp. 100.00 1. Twp. 350.00 \ Rg 40 Twp. Lola 7. 8. SLNW;. S« .17 N.. Rg«*. 40 .... Lots 21 and ; Original WUj of lot 18.. Clock gow Original . 19, in«J iimIvc . 15 lo 22. 4: lots 12. 13. 14. 15 i5: all of block 59: Iota ,1 to 20. Inclusive, of <50: lots 1 to 19. iiielusiv lot 21 of Clock 01 : all of Clock 452. and all of Clock 4« «.f the •nslte of Glasgow 100.00 4ilas mild .154) 041 45las Clock ill 30,00 Gilts .VI (Mi Lot« 13 t Itlis-k lots 12, 1 #.f block f block I... k Lot.7. llloek 4. Maiion's T original I Lot* 1. 2 uml .1. Block * K«w Original (iiirliKb* lUgHt . . 300.00 '11*11« 1«* Glasgow (lin lud«* build lug*) . Lot 12. RIo«k 10. Hoffman Addition to th«* T«tVn*ll« of Glasgow . 25.00 Lot 4. llloek 5, Nashua Original 50.00 Dated this 3rd day of May. 1944. by th«* order of the Hoard of County C'ommlsaloiiera of Valley County, Mon-; tana, . 104) 041 First By STEPHEN WEB El!. # Clerk of Board of County Commissioner«. (Pub. May U. IS. 23. .Inn 1) SIMMONS In the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the State of Mon tana, In anil for the County of Valley. Goorgo I*. Seanson ami Theo Soanaon, his wife. Plaintiffs, \ - Herbert A. Lloyd: the City of Glasgow, a municipal corporation: and all other persons unknown claiming, or who might claim any right, title, or estate or interest In. or lien or en cumbrance upon the real property de scribed In the complaint, or any thereof, adverse to the plaintiff's title thereto, whether such claim or pos sible claim be present or contingent. Including any claim or possible claim of dower. Inchoate or accrued. De fendants. The State of Montana to the above named Defendants; You are herdby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which Is herewith served upon you. and to file your an swer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiffs attorneys within twenty days after the service of this sum mons. exclusive of the day of service: and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief d 'Uianded In the complaint. This action Is brought for the pur pose of quieting title to the land ab ated In Valley County, Montana, and described as follows: Dots Seventeen (17) and West half of Lot Klghteen (18). in llloek Forty-seven (47). of tbè original nslte of Glasgow, Valley Coun ty, Montana. T Wltne with y hand and the seal said Court this 24th dav of April. 1944. RLANCHK GROTJAN. Clerk. (Court Seal) C. H. Roberts, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Glasgow, Mont. (May 4. 11, is. 23) NOTICE TO CRKIXTORS All persons having claims against the estate of .1 are requested to the neeessary signed administrator at the office of John Marriott Kline. Room 105 First National Rank Rnilding. Glasgow. Montana, within four months after the date of tin* first publication of this notice. Date of first publication April 27. le V. Downing, deceased, exhibit them vouchers to the under 1PM J. A. DOWNING. Administrator. (Apr. 27. May 4. 11. IS) NOTIC'K TO CRKIXTORS Estate of George Nlxt deceased. Notice Is hereby given by tin* under signed administrator of the estate of George Nlxt. deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them with the •Ithln four months first publication of this tin* said Administrator at necessary vouchers after the notice, i" the law office of Thomas Dignaii in herein of said Glasgow. Montana, the place designated for doing business estate, in the Conntv of Valiev. Dated May 9fh. 1941 W. A. BAYNIIAM. Ailiiiinislnitnr of the Kstate Kennte XI *1. .1. •<l. • Pub. May 11. IS. June 1) ALIAS SI M MO NS Tn Ihn Dlstrli't Court of tin- Si Jnilh-lal lllatrli-t of tin- Slat nil for the County of Valloy. C. C. Uolmi-ho. 1'Iaiiiliff. Mitccntli of Mon (aim. I Vs. Ode II. Mahon. M . Cora A. McLaugh lin. guardian of the person and cs täte of dele II. Mahon and Jane Doe Mahon, band and wife; the unknown hd of Archie Mahon, deeeaseil : the known devl ceased: and all known claiming, any right, title, estate or interest In. or lien or incumbrance upon tin* real in the complaint, or any thereof, adverse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon plain hether such claim or possible claim be present or con tingent. iiidiidiicr Mahon. lohert II. I.IIS mi 's of An hlc Mahon, de other persons nn who might claim. |iro|MTly •l.-K.-rll>o« tiff» I it I.- Ill.TctO, ny rlaini or pox slbh* claim of dower, inchoate or in - _ crnml. DofonilaniM. r,H * *****"J Montana t namod Defendants p* r * onK * »«known. Greotlnga: i «n are hereby summoned to an i' v ' r r ,.'„'"'.T,'" 1 "' 1 " "y "'Hon w lileli !.,,?* V ,h nfflee of the (lerk of this Court, a " J' the ml to all other f whii h Is here i-opy with served upon yon. and (o file your answer and serve a ropy (hereof upon the plaintiffs attorney within twenty servlee of this f the day of servlee : and days after the exelnsive In ease of your failure I answer. JiulEinenl nils. appear or ill he taken against hy default for the relief demanded J' to hy default for the relief demanded In the eomplainl. This net Ion Involves Ihe title to the situate. nil belpg In the County of Valley. State of Montana, and particu larly deserihed as foil Lots 13 and 1« of llloek .'!. lion's Townsite of South Glasgow. The nature of Ihe r the |.IiiIni iff is as foil plaintiff asks the Court for l'" , - r ioent Mini the defendants, and eaell "J. 1 . " f •'»ein. hare not any right. ' ,l,llm - interest or estate in, ineMinhrnnee upon the property. D r a,; l ,nr * thereof, barring ihe dr *ny *tu h claim, 9incllng title to the |»roTM*rty In plain f"'" •'.'""V'" T ''"."rain.' 'L , ! '"' 1 ln , Lf iV.'j '""V '"'■"I" '• „ ri f h '' " r '"i -' ."„1° ^ InT«"^.'! n, '' ,l '" ^ ' ,v " r * «* * !l " ^rthoun following iIi'siTi til'd proportv, lying It ; Mn •lief sought hy I h.. he hisgow. in Montana. Wit lie my ham I ml (In* seal of '■ s& 7? i a W y ' : / / L [ ! ji L l It Goes So Fast! And Ihe besl part. Sally, is all you have to do is flip a switch and the wizard in your wall whirls the motor in your electric mixer. It wasn't always so easy. When your mother was your age, mixing had lo be done by hand. Then, little girls had lo mash and mash potatoes with a big wood en masher for there were few electric servants. Mashing potatoes, making cake baiter fluffy and light or any of the many things your mixer does, is only one of the dozens of chores around your home being done every day by cheap electric power. Elec tricity makes living so much more con venient and easy. You can't remember, Sally, when you had to mash potatoes by hand, and when your daughter is your age, there will be household conveniences undreamed of to day. Always remember, electricity; de pendable, convenient electricity, does so much, yet costs so little. THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY Don't Waste Electricity Just Because It Isn't Rationed. ' I JJj ««id Court, this Oth day of May. (Court Seal) UI/ANCIIK GROTJAN, Clerk of the Diatriet Court. Tliorna» Dignan. Attorney for I'laintiff. Glasgow. Montana. (Pub. May II. 1«, »,• June all or or en de any De is OKDKK TO SHOW CAI'SK WHY OKDKK OF SALK OF KFAL KS TATK KHOILD NOT UK MA UK In the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the Slate of Mon tana. In and for the County of Valley. In the Matter of the Kstate of Minerva C. Kirk. Deceased. Arthur .1. Ferguson the Administra tor of the Estate of Minerva C. Kirk. Deceased, having filed his petition herein praying for an order of sale of •al estate of said decedent, for the purpose therein set forth: If Is therefore ordered by the Judge of said court, that all persons Inter esfed In the estate of said deceased appear before the said Court day. the 29th day of May. 1944. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the Court Kooni of said Court, at the Court House in Glasgow. County of Valley, to show cause why an should not lie granted to the minist all of the Mon orih-r i.r A.i 1 the r**al estate of I ho »aid «leeeased as »hall ho nooo» »a ry. And that a puldishod at least 2 in Tho Glasgow Courier a printed and published in i County. Itoal K»(nto I Itlook .30 of tho Original Townalte of Glasgow, Valley County Montana. John in-Ri.r. tor to •II all •opy of this order be reeks newspaper id Valley Slice«* In* •Id : Lot 1«. John in-Ri.r. Judge of the Itistriot Polin. Dated May ln. W44. tl'nli. May II and IS.) NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION For tho Primary Kloetlnn to ho hold In Valley County. Montana. Tuesday July 18. 1944. * Notice Is hereby given, that the with registration honks for the registration of electors for the Primary Flection to he held In Valley County. Montana, on Tuesday. July 18. 1944. will bei closed on Friday, June 2, 1911. at 5:0« o'clock p. m. Those who were registered for and I voted In person at the last General nty. Mon •tuber 3rd. 1942. or who •glstered since that time, are) re register as their names will be carried to the new lists. Klectors who voted absentee ballots must re register In order to vote again. Electors who have moved from the precinct last voted In. Into another precinct, must fill ont a transfer card and have the change noted on the reg 1st rat Ion hooks on or before June 2. 1944. Elector« may register for the said .•nsiiing flmtlon by appearing before the County Clerk at his office in the Courthouse in the City of Glasgow, or of 1944. 23) the of the this 27. Kieetion |h >|,1 (n Valley Ci tana, on N have required t not of of the the at in before any Notary Public n the manner by I aw. Fl«*«tors residing within ten miles of the Courthouse must register at the office of the Comity Clerk. Dated this 4(h dav of Mnv. 1944. STEPHEN W EVIER. County Clerk and R«i*or«ler and Ex officio Registrar. Valley County. Montana. (Pub. May 4. 11. 18, 25) r. Justice of the IV of NOTICK TO fit Kill TO Its No. 1!HI| !» Mfalo of Ilcnnc A. Hovcy. deceased. Notice is hereby given, by the un dersigned, Anna J. Hovey, executrix of the estate of Renne A. Hovey. deceased. of and all persons th»* said de Ifli the neces- ' niths after f this notice, to flic said Executrix at Frazer, Montana.' or to the Clerk of Court. Glasgow. Mon tana. or at the law office*« of A rile M. Foor. attorney at law. Wolf Point. Montana, the latter being the place for the transaefIon of all business relating to the said estate. Dated at Glasgow. Montana, this 25th day, of April, A. D. 1944 ANNA J. HOVEY. Executrix of the Estate of Renne to the eredit having claims against ceased, to exhibit them sary vouchers within four the first pnhlieatioii lei i'll sell. Arlli* M. Foor. Attorn# fur Kstnti', Wolf I'liinl, Moiitiinii (Apr. May 4. 11. 18) OKDKK TO SHOW 4'AI'SK WHY I.KASK SIIOI I.O NOT HK M A OK In tin» Itjstrirt Court of tin* Seventeenth .linlli ial I>l»irlrt of the Slate of Mon tana, In anil for the County of Valley, la the Matter of the Kstate of George I Xlxr. Deeeaaed. W. A. Ilaynhniii. administrator ofl Glasgow Hog Market We will buy your live hogs in any quantity — one or a carload — at Glasgow. Highest market prices paid at all times. This will be a permanent hog market and we invite you to see us before you sell. See us for shipping dales before you bring your hogs in. The City Market Gallagher & Sons Page 7 Hip Estate of Georg.- Mit. Il, •.■.•mil'll, narine filed In-ri-in bl« verified poll timi praying for nn Order of Mila ' ourf authorizing ami dlris-tlng him In Ii-OKO l.iit» 2. .1. -I. S^NWVi Son. I,„t 1 Siv. 4. Tap. .'HI .V.. 41 K. M. M.. b<>. longing to »alii 1) »»täte, said property consisting of 304 acres more or less lia \ alley County, Montano, said lease to period of two years with one-fourth 4<i) erop delivered to the closest elevator, and It appearing from said petition vantage le* for a of that if would he ad to lease the property to William Mason of Opheim, Montana. Now therefore. It appears to the a hove entitled court that the lease of said real estate Is ncccssarv for the best advantage, benefit and Interest said estate. Now therefore. It Is persons interested in said estate appear before said Court at the hour of 10:00 A. M. on the 29th day of May. 1941. in the Courtroom in said Court In Glas gow. Valley County. Montana, to show cause, if any they have, why an order should not be made to lease said real estate to William Mason for a period of two years. If Is furthered ordered that copies of this Order be served by publication In the Glasgow Courier, a newspeper of general circulation published In Val ley County and published for two suc cessive weeks. Dated al Glasgow. Montana, this 10th day of May, 1944. of rib-red that all JOHN IIPELT. Judge of tin* District Court. 1 I*uli. May 11 and 18. NOTIC'K Pursuant | rder made by the Star«* Fish and Game (* mission at tliflr iiieeting hold March 2.*». 1944. In tho offh Warden In Helena. * ,,al1 1,0 1 ' r,,m May 21. 1944. to both dates Inclusive. ! Th«» pnr,r «* Missouri River (except that portion in Lewis and Clark and j P**scade Counties between the Morony aml ,l,p Holter Dam and that I l M ***tIon hclow the Fort I «rlnnlnir from the outlet n **i* ,n Its confluence with the Milk Hiver) and the Milk River from the Fresno Dam to its confluence with the Missouri River shall be open t l,m * fl*d*lng for non-game fish at all ho,,rs in «pen waters and through n i<* Un* h*e during the entire year, 'l** 10 Milk River shall lie open to I i filling for all speeles of fish during ''inlre year, exeept whitefish dnr M 11 *? Hosed season from September ! November 30. 1944. both dates I Inclusive. In open waters and through a ,lo, ° ,n h*c. I State Fish and Game Cominssion. j l*.v J. W. Scvcry, Chairman -Mit J. S. McFarland. Secretary Only active volcano in the United states is Mount Shqsta. in Califor n j a ' __ of the State Fish and Ga Montana, fishing permitted in Valley County November 15. •k dam bo f the tun ■t WE HAVE ON HAND TWO SHALLOW WELL Pressure Water Systems WITH AC MOTOR If interested, contact us for one of these. Stenbakken Implement Co. PHONE 486. NASHUA CASE — CHEVROLET