Newspaper Page Text
Glasgow Brevities Mrs. Martin Risa of Opheim was in Glasgow Monday and Tuesday on business Howard Mag ruder arrived Tues day from Renton. Wash., and is visiting his grandmother, Mr* H. W. Magruder. Miss Dorothy Widen left this morning for Seattle to visit friends a week or two. Mrs. J. H. Hynes of Long Beach, Calif., arrived last Monday to visit her son. Manson H. Bailey. be"n1mÄ r on^heTcinc h coa h s a t S ents and sisters. Miss Dorothy Baynham. cadet nurse, left Sunday for Great Falls to resume her training at the Dea coness hospital. , Mrs. H. F. Widen arrived this 1 morning from Milaca, Minn., where she has been with her mother. Mrs. Martin Olson, who has been ill. Mrs. Dorothy Peterson of Oakland, Calif., is spending a few weeks in Glasgow visiting relatives and friends and attending to business. Miss Mary Jo Hurly left this morning for Bozeman to resume her studies at the State college. She spent the summer here with her parents. Judge and Mrs. John Hurly. Corp Marcus R E. (Bob) Svingen left Saturday for the marine train mg cmp at SantaAna, Calif., after spending a 15-day furlough with his na rents Mr and Mrs Edward Svin. parents, Mr. and Mrs Edward Svin gen. Miss Vee Mather, who spent the summer in Glasgow with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Morton, left this morning for Missoula to enter the State university as a sophomore. Mrs. Peter West and Miss Grace West have gone to Denver to be near Private Peter Alan West, who is stationed at an airfield near that BAPTIST HELPING HAND SOCIETY e DINNER ODD FELLOWS HALL v Saturday, Oct. 7 11:30 to 1:30 Roast Pork or Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Buttered Carrots Sliced Tomatoes Vegetable Salad Hot Rolls Pie or Cake Coffee Adults 75c Children 50c Bread Lunches Served till 5 p. m. APRONS & FANCY WORK FOR SALE 39-2tc infantry division. Private DeBray, -- - - —-I V \ _ m t SCOTT and SNYDERS FREE DELIVERY WE DO NOT MEET PRICES ... WE MAKE THEM! PHONE 101 FRESH FROM THE GARDENS Hubbard. Table Queen and Buttercup Squash — Lettuce Cantaloupe — Red, Hot and Sweet Peppers — Celery Carrots — Cabbage — Pears — Plums — Grapes Green Peppers — Pumpkins Onions Sweet Potatoes 9: APPLES & Jonathans or Crabapples % Ib 10 c f.OVJV N I n_»—m_, 3 for 27c SYRUP 59 ° FLAP JACK. TWO QUARTS We've Just Received a Shipment of QUEEN AND MANZANILLA STUFFED OLIVES All Sizes to choose from. No points. WHEAT FLAKES 5 C 8-ounce package MORTON'S SMOKE SALT and TENDER QUICK is here! Round. Sirloin & T-bone. Per lb BEEF STEAKS j 9 c FRESH OYSTERS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY HENS and FRYERS HALIBUT and SALMON for Friday and Saturday LOCAL GROWN LAMB ANY CUTS For all your SWEETENING NEEDS U*"°I SUGAR MAPI IN NORTH MONTANA 9 PURE F*NE GRANULATED QUICK DISSOLVING Ask for it bv name. ,1. ■ in, . ... h 11^ 1.11^ .... city. They will probably spend the winter there. Miss Elizabeth Anne Harrison left Friday for West Point to visit her brother. May Matt Harrison. She stopped two days in Minneapolis to visit relatives. Miss Laura Bayne will leave Sat urday for Havre to enter Northern Montana college for her sophomore year Last year she was a student at Billings Polytechnic institute. Mrs Bob Holladay. the former attief former rM^dents, was a visitor in Glasgow at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Sverre Jondahl. Mrs. Barbara Teichrow, who has spent the past month visiting her .son, Peter Teichrow, will leave Sat urday for Dore and Pairyiew, N. D., to spend some time with another s° n an d a daughter. Lieut. Fabian Nyquist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nyquist, who was re cently home on furlough, has been transferred to Kearney, Neb., from Great Bend. Kans. He is a B-29 nav igator. in the air corps. v* r anc j Lloyd Line of Deer and Mrs Line's oarents Mr ^Mrs Johîi Home and Mre Loufs Gefa^ and their cousins Mr and S^f^lovd Smith of Wiota were „"and MrsSlT OrvLs'of Biv f " r ' aod Lhiri lork 311(1 daughter, Mrs. Robert Noe , and , lttle Mn of Mlssoula left Tuesday after spending a week here on business and visiting friends. Mr. Orvls is proprietor of the Fair store, Mrs. Arnold Olson, nurse at the Deaconess hospital, returned Tues day after two months' absence spent at Victoria. Ore., with her husband, who is in the army, and D. Oscar Luck of Glasgoy who suf fered a broken arm two weeks ago when he fell at the Occident eleva tor at Reserve, where he was work ing, is making good progress toward recovery and expects to go back to work soon. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stebbins of Havre arrived Saturday and are visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Watson, while Mr. Stebbins is here on business as regional director of the war reloca tion authority. I Miss Myrtle McGlocklin spent J Saturday and Sunday in Glasgow visiting her mother. Mrs. Julia Mar shall. She is administrative super I Vi«ir of the farm security adminis tration! with headquarters at Great Falls. She had been in Sidney and piontvtt'nnrt nn htusinps-t I U, 1 »mi Mrs Harrv Souires of Onheim left today for Billings to spend two days with their daughter Grace, who is a patient at the Bil lings orthopedic hospital. Miss 1 Squires suffered a broken pelvic I ago. They were in Glasgow Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. George F. Mitchell and son Tom arrived Saturday from Mar shalltown, Iowa, to join Mr Mitchell, , who has been employed for several weeks in the weather bureau here. £iey had been visiting with Mrs. j Mitchells parents at Marshalltown. They are living on First avenue north - Private Gilbert DeBray, son of William DeBray. arrived Tuesday morning from Camp Roberts, Calif., to visit his father and other rela-1 : lives. He will be here about ten days before going on to his new sta j tion at Camp Rucker. Ala., with an) infantry division. Private DeBray, I : I bone in an accident a few weeks BIRCH MAGIC II J , fl J . | I I I If j ULllVUl 11 UI1V Tf AnfTAnm all I IIUL ü fl I U I II . I I 11) P. |\ M j M UV I 1/1/ Lilt »/111 _ Proceeds Will Go to Help Pay „r Ki„ Q ,.u„ rt expenses oi Dteacners at Center. Bu-ch. master magician, will i o'f^/g 0 * w * M°o nT™™" » g,*" g t £ e auspices of > the Cham b er of Commerce. Net proceeds will be applied on payment of new bleachers at the center and the show is the first of a series of en tertainments planned to pay for the seating accomodations. Other civic groups are coopérât ing with the Chamber, with an ex ecutive committee composed of H. J. Priedl, Kiwanis club; R. Sinclair, city; Otto H. Bundy. American Le gion; R. L. Irle, schools, and Milt Kabeary, civic center. , T * le Birch show is the largest ma 8 lc production now on tour in the country. Birch will stage a mat inee at 1116 ^ 5011001 at 3 for student5 311(1 a sh °v-' a t the center at 8. Equipment, scenery to?™*** 1 * "h fmlL " 5 '?2 0 ?" a t the local performence. SUcing a beautiful girl Into four parts, shooting a live canary into a burning light bulb, causing a live pony to vanish in mid-air, and many other mysteries will be presented by this master magician and com pany. The current tour is Birch's twen tieth annua) one. ! sisting artists is Mabel Sperry, hailed by critics as the world's greatest girl xylophonist. j Officers and superintendent and coaches in the Class B District 3 Basketball association will meet at , Glasgow high school Sunday after ! noon at 2:30 to discuss plans for the ! coming season and next winters \ tournament Superintendent H. V. Louri« 0 f Nashua, district presi dent, announced today. Other officers of the association are Superintendent E. P. Slaght of W^Äiarinef 1 of Xsdale ^creta^-troasure? Mem h * i s . } i S0 ' include Onheim 1 sfco Är and Atelta ° pneim ' j "The meeting will provide an op 1 p 0rtunit y for coaches to schedule games for the season, to make ten tative plans for next season's toum i ament and to discuss athletic matters of common interest," Presi dent Locks said. - BOWLING nowi i\c ik\<ik sUBdin. ^ond wJk Team - ' "■ I, Pel. neonera . fl n t.noo (i-ione« r Lumber . 3 1 .W | Markte Transfer . j ^ Maxrnder Maior . ' - j.."'? Vàrget :» ;( iraai j Amwïean Legion . . . . < .383 Nashua sirikes . - 'j .33:1 .Morgan ,v .larrm . l jj .l<>7 Valley Motor ■ " « •«"" Team ,' <;lasgmv . leauers, |-jM 3 : awond, Magruder Moiora. awn. Team, one game. Amerieau Legion. 1112*: se<;ou<l. Glasgow Clean era. 1««. Individual* three games. Wallum, no, Wallum. 30»; third. Watson, individual, one game, oi.stareayk 241; second. Wallum, ä.; third. Me ronï wrd.'. Booling scores Pioneer Lumber. wtr> ski ms 2712 Nashua strikes. s7H-s71»l2—am. Vaiie.v Motor. s»i-«77-sit3 2tt«: Mar kle Transfer. 988 SÖ8-8W—271». Glasgow Cleaners, aiTgfl»ss-Nj+—2»ii : District 3 Hoop Men Meet Sunday second. ÔS7. American Legion, 924-ln4-8W-2*su. City Market. »Ti0 »3S-IKt7- 28«! ; Mor gau .larreit, »U7-»17-»43 27dlt. , Fort Peek, S7» S02 !ri.V 2WM ; Magrllr i der Motor, »70 933.1177 29IKI. .All LES' HOW UNO I, K At it K W I, Pet.' 3 (I I.IHMI 3 0 l.tHHI 2 1 «17 I 2 .333 II 3 .IKK) I Tea» I Friedl'« . 1 Northern Bloom Uoney . JnternHtiomil Klevator I Christ Binon Loud Co. ... ) Duna'H Newsstand . Norman's Beauty Shop .... 0 3 .000 St'ilHOn'r» Hitch Scores Team, three games, International HI evator, 24ir»; second. Thrlstlnson Land Go., 2204. j Team, one game. International Eleva tor, aecond. Uhrlstluson I*and. "SO. Individual, three games, Kaluga. 52U: I swond. I>eKaye, 43H. j Individual, one game, Koliiaa, 200: I second. Johnston, 170. WANT INSTRUMENTS Because of heavy enrollment, the Glasgow high school Kiltie band is in need of more instruments, It was stated this week. Anyone who can j provide an instrument of any kind j was asked to call the high school. I has been in the army since last March. Mrs. Harold Beekman of Plenty wood has been visiting Mrs. Fred B. Haller the past 10 days and will leave tonight She is the former Miss Ruth Robertson, who taught in the Glasgow schools. Her hus band, who has been 10 months in the African theater of war, is now ! a patient at the marine hospital at ! Oceanside, Calif. i Mr. and Mrs. John Wiebe of Ma derla, Calif., arrived Monday morn ing to visit their daughter-in-law, ! Mrs. Alt'in Wiebe, and family in Glasgow. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Armond Wiebe and son ' of Wolf Point, whom they had visit ed. They also had visited Mr. Wiebe's mother in North Dakota. Alvin Wlebe is now in the navy. Private and Mrs. Paul Hoffman and son Paul left Saturday for j Camp Claiborne, La., after spending I a furlough here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. F. Hoffman, and her mother. Mrs. Gordon Jamieson. His brother. Serg. Charles Hoffman, has just been transferred from Camp Bray at Pomona, Calif., to Camp i Claiborne and expected to arrive there this week with Mrs. Hoffman. Both men are in the engineer corps. Mrs. Miles Wofford and children. Joan. 8, Miles Duane. 6. and Gary Lee, 4. of Oakland. Calif., arrived Saturday to spend a month visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Slewing. She is the former Margaret Slewing. She stopped at Portland to visit Miss Margaret Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed of Glasgow, and Mrs. E. F. Sauke, for mer resident of Port Peck. Mrs. Wofford is employed in the Califor nia quartermaster depot at Oak land and Mr. Wofford is night shift I foreman at Amship. ship repair sta tion at Alameda. Calif. e-»o—Dinner nieeting of Method • c 3 LX rd me atZrch parlors, MONDAY 6 • 15 — Business and Professional W iman's club dinner and program ^°S"nn S oungè . nXir.h ln a„ odd nJlioJ^hSn Official vLslf of grand ° 1 g ' TUESDAY h , ... M Les . " e «mvESDAY ^ a « d Wide c,u b at home of "aO^SunÄr^Art club with Mrs. Grace St.Clair, 7:30—District meeting of Montana Nurses association at home of Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Leist, Fort Peck THURSDAY 2:30 — Congregational Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs. J. W. Frazier. wheeler. 2:30— Lutheran Ladies Aid at the church parlors. Please bring needle work. 2:30 — Methodist Womans society of Christian Service at the church. , 2:30—Christian Missionary society' with Mrs. Clint Halladay. 8-White Shrine of Jerusalem at Masonic temple. «-American Legion and Auxiliary at Legion room in civic center. FRIDAY «• 2:30-Woman"christian Temper-"'«»ctor ance union at home of Mrs. Grant _ M piertinn of nffirors 8 Moore - Election of offic ers. CpfOAflllf RnVIMAItfl iwvl gcaill iiajlUVllU w llfl |_ p g mj•_ BjIICUS HI 1a( 1*11 lid 111 __ .. a _ a . HOSDltdl« EiHfifldllO O • • • By Courier Correspondent NASHUA — Mrs. Raymond Luebs has received word from her husband, a sergeant, that he is now recover ing from a left arm wound he suf fered in St. Lo, France, July 15. He is in an English hospital. Sergeant Luebs also has sent her a Purple Heart he was awarded. The Luebs have a small daughter, Paralie Ann. closed last Saturday whereby the 640 acre farm of Knute Stensland and r. stromme of Gram was sold to Ernest Kummerfeldt Possession is to be given at once. Mr. Stromme pi ans to go to North Dakota and M 'ù Stons i al ? d tO i O , reg0 "' Wbere W , iU Spend lho wioter rf Mr - Stensland a * s0 owns °5i? er in f. ame community. Hiey have resided there slnce Victim* îfl f*î#V V IJllwl ill VII J « it j A A L331CO CO L03SÎ! „ _ _ ' MnthPt* PflCCPC On WOIltCr THSSCS ÜB - Mrs. J. B. Christophersen of Port land who, with Mr. Christophersen. » has been visiting here, left Saturday morning for Bremerton, called Uiere by the death of her moUier. Mrs. Johanna Brevig, 88;t Mrs - Bxerig made her home with the Christophersens when they were Valley county residents, from 1913 to 1919. Recently she had been liv ing with another daughter, Mrs. R. c B^lo of Bremerton. HAS r IKST MEETING HINSDALE—The Hinsdale Worn . n ■ r ] nb helri its first meetlnp nf an s «HD neia us iirst meeting oi the new season. Sept. 22, at the home of Mrs. H. L. Burns, with Mrs, A. E. Simonsen as assistant hostess. There was a e °, od a ^ndance and three new members, Mrs. Fred Ring, Mrs. Art Kamrud and Mrs. Ted Lange- | mo, joined the club. The club voted ; to sponsor the school hot lunch, pr0 j ect this year. Stromme, Stensland Sell Grain Acreage By Courier Correspondent NASHUA — A business deal was Wash.. THE WHOLE FAMILY COMES RUNNING FOR I THE MORE fat/c) MORE f/e/tdet^ MACARONI wash with amazing ease! V, '.'fhon "''ey're Painftd with iahetwin - Williams Serai-Lustre L piHT~evi*/ \ mu iTAlMS f j p/iArrt** • j «3.85 VWoihos ootily \/For wollt and woodwork y/Sofl satin finish V Beautiful, pastel color» VFor kitchens and bathrooms V â GALLON o. \\ $315 gal. YtSI we S eu THe SeNSATIONAL '&fCy!77'& lAIRACLe WALL FINliH ■e Markte Transfer Co. FRONT STREET STORE PHONE 71 ™a8l Sherwin-Williams Paints Tomato, Pickle Supplies of two booklets valuable to homemakers ,r this rime when the garden s drawW to à close have ^nTeMiv^ItS»**« tension office Miss Iva L Holladav county home demonstration agent said ° ne i- s entitled "Tomatoes on Your Table" and gives recipies for using both ripe and green tomatoes, 7116 other Ls "Pickle and Relish ed'Ä^Ä'dÄ of -««"• _ ---- . w Qliy H| , ßtnP| , C Of «mwhjvh u * Y ITtamSIv IJvvUrilw I UHIIIV t a . « p fn A rill 6 Q S OFCCS _ _ _ ... . . ^ a ^^ey°rno wothers. sons or Joe Momn of & ^ serving "™ ea Iorces - Eai liest to 80t in tne fight is Sea man Second Class Louis, with the navy air branch in the Pacific area He enlisted in 1941 and was at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked by the Japs. Corp. Henry LeCorno is an in in the motorcycle corps, stationed at Port Bragg fTC In tram mg at Camp Hood. Texas, as # John ^ Como. A brother. Seaman Second Class Victor, is with the navy at San p edro calif. A fifth brother. Lucien of Glasgow, was injured in an automobile acci dent and did not pass his pre-in duction examination. A sister. Mrs Dave Pecora, lives in Glasgow. The brothers were born in Malta, but all Booklets Give Hatty Helps entered the services from Glasgow, FOR SALE-8-piece solid oak dln jng room set with oblong table Phone 204 or call at 640 Sixth ave nue 39-tfc FOR c AI F _ op VPrl head Uncoln Rambouillet purebred cross br ^"! Mo P närc£ Van^. ^Sd; Délavai cream separator, no. 12. f a i r; McCormick Deering 10 ft. » tandem disc. See Fred Cool. Lars lan. Mont. 1 will pay $50.00 reward for In formation leading to the apprehen jion of parties who liave been tres p a ssing on my place and leaving stock gates open. • Due to above. I also serve notice that my place is closed to all hunt mg and trespassers will be prose cuted to the full extent of the law. 39-ltp Jack Meals niachinist's mate first c i ass in the seabees. arrived Mon day to spend a 30-day leave here with Mrs Meals. He came frem serv ice in the South Pacific. His par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Meals of Moberly, Mo., arrived this morning to visit them, Too Late to Classify RED POTATOES Will dig Saturday and Sun day. Sept. 30 and Oct 1 . . . Bring your sacks and con tainers to pick in. $| cwt. CHARLES WALKER Turn right across track, four miles east on No. 2 Highway, t FOR SALE—One building 18x26, 2 : stories high with 2 lean-tos 12x24., Some used lumber. Other small buildings. George Jasper. Nashua. Mont, (live at Square Deal). 39-2tp 39-4tp S50.00 REWARD Sam Pospyhala RETURNS FROM PACIFIC Oct 15 Deadline To Mail Holiday Gifts Overseas service man or woman overseas in time for Christmas, you should mail U between now and 061 15 ' the office of war information says, on the tesis °J information from the armed services, Only one package may be sent by or for a person or concern to any one soldier in any one week between now and Oct. 15. and the period,; ^esmVÄuÄn ÄÄÄSt^ K Äark from rite solder to whom the gift is to be sent, Mark the package "Christmas Parcel" OWI says and use a label that does not look like a postage mark or stamp. Print the address so that it will not run. streak. smudge or fade, and put additional copy of the address and return ad dress inside the package, so that if the package comes apart, the addi Uon al copy can be used, This year the war shipping admin ustralion is going to try to deliver Christmas packages to merchant seamen, in addressing a gift to a merchant seaman, print his full name, the name of the ship he Ls on and the post office address. In the lower left hand corner, print rile rame of the steamship line, but don't put the name of the steam ship Ime name, beta use packages so ed are likely to end up at the com pany office instead of the ship. DEACONESS HOSPITAL BIRTHS If you want to be sure your Christmas package reaches that under the recipient's aadress 4 4 According to The Courier »1 To Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson of Glasgow, Sept 25. a daughter;' To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Copen haver of Hinsdale. Sept. 27. a son. THE WEATHER «From Glasgow weather bureau station.) Max. Min. Prec. 72 36 — 58 47 .02 79 44 — 82 39 — 78 46 — 60 41 .07 67 42 Tr. Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 25 Sept. 26 . Sept. 27 . DANCE CHERRY CREEK HALL Saturday, Sept. 30 GOOD MUSIC GLASGOW BUTTREYS Fort Peck Free Delivery THE COMPLETE FOOD STORE Noodle Soup HT* PRO Tomato Soup LIPTON'S BLEACH CAMPBELL'S J »*'**• 25 e # 29 e J 27 e APPLES! APPLES! JONATHANS WEALTHIER "C M GRADE 20-POUND LUG COMBINATION FANCY AND "C" jibs. 29 e $1.8$ LARGE BOX $3.19 . ! Honey Graham Northern Towels Northern Tissue 5 rolls 29 c 2 ior 25 c DELIS HUS' COFFEE Crackers MANCHESTERS ■0Ê& LESS COST MORE FLAVOR 10 (or 45c Mb. 2<c 3-lb. 7«c BAG " Jp BAG t APPLE CIDER MINCE NEAT Loin Bacon Smoked ib.j9 c 91 il• rust BREAD 4 i BEEF RIBS 2 ,bs - 35 c PORK STEAK Smoked Bloaters 2 for 21 c 2 ,bs 65 c 1 DURELL PROMOTED WHATLEY — Word has been re ceived that Alger Durell, formerly this community, has been pro moted to first lieutenant and has completed over 30 bombing mis sions. He has been in Russia and also in a rest camp at Rome., He Ls stationed in Italy and states that the Italian people are very friendly. Many valuable prizes every week at Farmers Days. A 1 Phone 14 COLD STORAGE LOCKERS Sweet Corn 2 cans 25 e Pudding His package |Cc FLUF-TEX ^ GOLDEN. CREAM STYLE Hemo, Borden's Marshmallow Creme pt. Igc KIDD'S Marmalade jar 59c per jar 23c CRANBERRY-ORANGE For all your SWEETENING NEEDS SUGAR MADE IN NORTH MONTANA PURE FINE GRANULATED QUICK DISSOLVING Ask for it by name. INSIST ON VELVET BRAND CREAMERY BUTTER HIGH QUALITY Made in Glasgow from products of local farms by NOR - MONT DAIRIES, INC. " ÖN SALE AT YOUR GROCER