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The ( CLASSIFIED COURIER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING reserves the The Courier right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run In the regular classified section and inose received later up until 10 a. m. Thursday will run In "Too Late to Classify" section. Errors In advertising should be reported immediately. The Courier will not be responsible for more than insertion. the one incorrect Advertising orders for Irreg ular Insertions taken at the one-time rate: Classified Rate One cent per word with a minimum charge of 25 cents. After first insertion 1 cent per word. Blackleg Vaccine — Life Immunity, 54 cents for ten doses. Tork's Rexall Drug. Glasgow, Mont. tfc FOR SALE—9-room modem home in splendid location on south side; trees, lawn and flowers. Priced rea sonable. Phone 170-M. 42-tfc ORDER your baby chicks now. New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, Leghorn, Hybrids and White Rocks, $16.00 per hundred, $2.00 a hundred deposit with order. 100% blood tested. Bitney's Poultry, Kal ispell, Mont. 3-10tp. FOR SALE—Alfalfa hay. Howard Porter. 4 miles west of Glasgow, Mont. 4-4tp FOR SALE; Coal and wood ranges and stoves; oil heaters; beds, com plete with springs and mattresses., We buy and sell all kinds of house-1 hold fumiure. Trade in your fumi lure for new. Mustful Furniture. North Side. Telephone 154J. 4-tfc FOR SALE: 30 acre tract adjoining town on north side, has good building, good deep well with elec tric pump. Electricity and gas serv ice. Reasonable for quick sale. Call 292 until 4.00 or 164 after 5:00. 4-tfc FOR SALE: Fresh or frozen fish. 7c a pound. McNeil Bros., Saco. Mont. 5-4tp FOR SALE—Pony drill to fit 3 bot tom plow; McCormick-Deering cream separator. Arthur Turner, Nashua, Mont. 6-4tp FOR SALE: 18 inch pipeless furnace in good condition. Write or see Jacob D. Wall, Frazer. Mont. 6-2tp FOR SALE: Sturdy 2 wheel trailer. 7 ft. by 9'x4" bed. See Lyman Hemmert east of Glasgow, Phone 7-2tp HOUSE FOR SALE; See E. P. Hens 7-2tc. FOR SALE; Van Brunt Power Lift Drills: 14 ft. Double Disk; Deering Mower and Rakes: One spring tooth 15 ft.; 8 ft. John Deere Binder; 12 ft. Deering Push Binder; Wagon and Rack. All in Al shape. Carl Son I92-W-2. rud, Nashua. steng, 2 miles east of Larslan, Mont. 7-3tp FOR SALE—Stove, fuel oil burner, 800 capacity - $10.00. Sam Sylvester Fort Peck Route. 7-2tp FOR SALE—80 tons of alfalfa hay, $6 to $10 a ton at Myron Lee farm 1'. miles south of Nashua. See Calvin Hill. Nashua 7-6tp FOR SALE—About 50 1 year old hens, some White Rocks and Leg horns, $1.00 each. Also some turkey hens and Toms. Mrs, Berger Akre. Opheim. Mont, FOR SALE—324 acres with living house and granary about 3 miles north of Port Peck, adjoining Gothard Schindler's farm. Valley county, Montana. 160 acres have been under plow although only 48 acres seeded and 42 summer fal lowed In 1944. interested write J. Knarvik, Two Harbors. Minnesota. 7-2tp 7-2tp I AUCTIONEER—Call Hinsdale at my expense for dates. John C. McColly. | l-52tp LOST OR STRAYED: Several head of cattle, branded bar triangle re versed B on right rib. George _H. Knudson. Saco, Mont. 7-2tp Pfofessional i Dr. G. H. Klein DENTIST Office In Klein*» Log Cabin Motel Highway No. t : 9 to 1 Office 479 I »nd 1 to K fi»«aldew«*e X09 , office Hon Phone: i Income For You If You Live. Comfort For Dependents Die. New York Life Insurance Co. EZRA N. HILL, Agent Phone 261 Someone ha" to pay the prie* for life lOKtiraoee. If the man blmoelf doesn't pay It while he lives b(> Wife .nd ehlldren have ,o pa" It .fier he has gone. When You Glasgow. Mont. Valley County Abstract Company OFFICIAL ABSTRACTORS Phone 50 GLASGOW. MONTANA i Peterson Mortuary LICENSED EMB ALMERS 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 89 Masonic Temple Building GLASGOW. MONTANA 1 . FOR SÄLE Convenient, quick heating kitchen heater, burns coal or wood, white porcelain, enamel finish, easy to keep clean. Can be used for cook ing and to heat water, this is the latest In dual purpose heaters. Just like new, used but little. Bums hard or soft coal. See it now. Price $29.50. Heaters, old style In good condition, heavy cast, will give you lots of service and plenty of heat, $3.00 to $7.50. Kitchen cabinet, cots, day beds, Cream Separator, sheepskin coats, priced reasonable. Building, small, lumber suitable for coal shed. A lot of dry wood, consisting of small lengths of plank. 2x8's and old ties, approximately 3 cords. You can salvage some, use the rest for fuel. A two years supply. All for $25.00. Telephone poles. 20 and 22 feet long, butts and top average 6 to 7 Inches. $1.95 to $2.50 each. Railroad ties, 8 footers, while they last, take your pick, each 65c. We have some heavy timbers. 14x14. 15 feet in length at $25,00 M board feet. Third Grade recapped tires in fol lowing sizes: 600x16, 550x17, 475x19. 550x20. This Is a new shipment. No certificates required. 32-20 Winchester rifle, lever action,! barrel and trigger assembly.) new An ideal gun In first class condi tion, $27.50. Midway Merc NEW DEAL Phone 152-J-L Fort Peck tfc pßEE ; jf Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges [lon Heartburn. Belching, Bloating, Nau ' sea Gas Pains, get free sample, tJd ', Hall Drug Company 48-10tp ° 1 _ __ _ . _ ^ WANT TO BUY—Ojad typewrite*» of all makes. Call phone 44. 43-tfc FOR RENT — 75 acres summer fallow land under irrigation. Good for beets. Henry Reddig, Frazer, Mont._ 6 ~ 2t P FOR SALE— Mindern Durum seed wheat from blue ribbon stuff bought in 1944. Will sell $1.75 per bushel. Order while It lasts John S. Dasher. Glasgow. Port Peck route. 6-3tp WANTED TO BUY—Belt pulley for Fordson tractor. Must be in good shape. Helmer Roe, Wheeler. 6-2tp LAUNDRY—Will do laundry work for a limited number of people. Inquire by calling phone 494-J. 6-2tp STOP THAT NOISY TYPEWRITER —Kil Klatter pads will add to comfort and efficiency. Get them At The Courier Office. , JOHN BARRETT GARBAGE CO. —Authorized garbage collectors. Phone 273. 38-tfc FIELD SEEDS - GARDEN SEEDS in bulk and package. Write for prices. LAKIN SEED COMPANY. Miles City. Mont. 10-tfc WANTED Horse Hair. Furs. We pay 75c lb. for horse tail hair. Maine hair at value. Also buyers of rabbit skins; Raw furs. Ship express or parcel post now to W. H. STURGESS CO. Winner, South Dakota Checks mailed promptly 6-2tc WANTED—Acetylene and Arc Weld- ing, work guaranteed. South Great Northern water tank on Fort Peck road. Art Overland. 5-4tp WANTED TO RENT: Modern one two bedroom home. Good condi tion, good neighborhood, good yard. Preferably furnished. One child. Must have electric range and refrig erator. Write Mrs. R. A. Carter. 10th St., Seattle, 2, Wash. WANTED TO TRADE—Good electric washing machine for a gasoline washing machine. Drop me a card stating what you have. Elmer Zick. Nashua, Mont.. 6 miles north Nashua on Larslan highway. 7-ltp. 7-2tC WANTED—A good reliable man women to supply customers with Rawleigh Products. Write Rawlsigh's, MTB-71-127, Minneapolis, 7-ltp Dept, Minn. "INSTRUCTION OK TRADE SCHOOL** REFRIGERATION Necessary' In War or peace Instruction. Male. Shortage of men Glasgow Ice & Cold Storage Co. ART KOTAKI. Prof.. GLASGOW. MONTANA GLASGOW FLOWER SHOP Flowers for All Occasions Phone 75 . We Telegraph Flowers Holland Funeral Chapel Courteous, Efficient snd Dignified Services at Moderate Trice« LICENSED EMBALMER and LADY ASSISTANT PHONE 2.H Hoar /»iakoM Hrrrlt-o IwMty.loar MEAT CURING SELF SERVICE GROCERY Phone 191-J 3-tfc Markle's EGG MASH WITH CORN 100 pounds s 3'° Markle Transfer Company Glasgow FOR SALE SWIFT'S BABY CHICKS Hatched twice weekly starting March 1st. $1 down payment definitely books your order for the following Top Quality,- U. S. Approved. Pull orum Tested Swift's White Rocks Swift's New Hampshire Reds Swift's Large Type Wh. Leghorns All $15.00 per 100. FOB Minot 50c per 100 discount on all orders received prior to March 1st., also additional discount on lots over 300 head. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! Specify date wanted. Act now and be sure to get chicks when you want them. Mail your order today direct to Swift's Hatchery MINOT, NO. DAK. 5-4tC USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD DAN OAKLAND Glasgow Used Trucks-Cars Bought and Sold FARMERS SUPPLY Fred Sutter, Prop. for installation and repair work. The need for trained men to over and air conditioning equipment is ur gent. If you are mechanically in clined and have a fair education, look into this -big pay trade. Learn how you can get this training spare time or evenings. No inter ference with present job. For full information write at once, giving name, address, etc. Utilities Inst. 7-Up per r / r Courier Glasgow. Mont. of SI MMONS FOB PI ULICATIOX : the District fourt of the Seven teenth Judicial Dial riet of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Valley John Allen. Plaintiff. - -va - Gertrude Dana Elliott, a rude Dana Elliott. Administratrix of the Estât«* of Osburn N. Elliott, de ceased : The Unknown Heirs of Os Elliott. <l«*c«*ased: The I n of Osburn N. Elliott. The fTnknown Owners of II or 743 of •blow : Gort burn N. known D«*vls dti'eased: the lnn«ls described In the Summons and Complaint : Nora Mumford. Tr«*ns •r of Valley County, Montana: and all other peraons claiming any In terest in <»r li«*n upon th«* r«*al estate hereinafter deacrlbed or any part ther«*nf. Defendants, The Stab* of Montana I Named Defendant*: You an* hereby the complaint In this action which Is filed In the offl«*e of the Clerk of this Court, a copy «»f wlil«*b Is herewith upon you. and to file your answer -ond serv«* a ropy ther«*of upon the plaintiffs attorney within twenty «lays after the service of this sum mons. exclusive «*f the «lay of service and In case «if your failure to appear or answer. ju«lgui«*nt will be taken against you by default for Hie r«*Ilef demand«*«! In the complaint. Tills action Is brought f«»r the pur lax d«M*«l from the •»f Valley County. '• the Above or iniiioned to answ ' s«*rv«*«l pose «»f s«»eurlng : County Treasurer Montana, for the lands au«l premises described as follow» SW'«. W^SK 1 ', ! S«*<*. 5, Twp. 35 N to wit : . 4 : Rge. .76 K. M. EURE', M. •al of said Witness my band an«l court this 20th «lay of January. 1945. (Court Seal) Blare-he Grotjan. Clerk of Court. By Susan Rlnderkneeht. Deputy. Thomas Dignan 4»lnsguw. Montana Attorney for Plaintiff. (Jan. 35 - Feh. 1 8 15) NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We wish to announce that the partnership oi Wittmayer & Hens rud, operating the Gamble store in Nashua, has been dissolved and that Mr. Hensrud hereafter will be in sole charge of the store. Wittmayer & Hensrud. 7-4tc. 4»RI»FK TO SHOW CACHE WHY ORDER OF SALK OF REAL ESTATE SHOCLD NOT BE MADE the I »Istriet Court of the Seventeenth Judicial Dlstrbfof the State «»f Mon •1 f«ir th«* County of Valley. In th** matter of the «'state of George H. D«n«'H s«sl. ; in tana, in I 4 'open III! I Luther 4 of th r. th»* Administrator urge 11. Cop**nhav«*r, filed pell tin Estate «»f 4 petition n order of sale of bis I »«•«•«•as«*«i. having j herein praying f«»r 'all of the r«*al estate of sal«l decedent, for the purpose therein set f«>rth. to-wit, the payment «»f claims and «-«»sis of a«l 1 mini«*ration, and deserib«*«! as follows 1 Lots 2. 3, 4. 5. «»f Section 4». Town ship :»• North. Range 37 K. M. M. IT IS TIIRItKFOK OKItBRKIt tiy the Judge of said Court, (hat all per interested in the estate of said court s«»ns de<*ea*ed appear before th«* sabl l..n Mondav. the 19th day of February. ! 1945. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. at the Court Room of sabl court, at the I Court House in tBasgow. County of •mise why an order Valley, lo show I should not be granted to the said SOYBEAN PELLETS For Late January or Early February Delivery Per Ton— $ 68.00 Book N Your Order NOW MARKLE TRANSFER CO. ZENITH HEARING AIDS $40.00 READY TO WEAR Ask for Demonstration Consult MARIETTA BROWN. Agent Clinic Bldg. Havre, Montana tf-c In Repairing That Car, Truck or Tractor See Max FARMERS SUPPLY Luther t'openhnver. ns administrator, lo s«*ll th** la mis above «le*crlbed, of th«» said dw'oawHl George H. Copen haver. _ . And that n copy of this order be pub llshed at least two sueeesslve weeks in The Glasgow Courier, a newspaper printed and published In said Valley County. Dated this 2nd day of February. 194.». John Hurly Judge of the Dlstriçt Court. Feb. 8-15 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the District Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District of the State of Mon tana, in and for the County of Valley. II. L. Squires, Plaintiff. —vs— It. Hunter. also known a* David R. Hunter, also known ah I). It. Hunter j better, and If married. Jane Doej Jlunler. husband and wife; J Chouinard and Florence Chouinard, husband and wife: Samuel K. F and Elisabeth Feesell, husband and wife : Nora Mumford. Treasurer of Valley County. Montana, and all other persons claiming any Interest in or lien upon the real estate hereinafter described or any part thereof, defend ants. n -ph 1*1 •II of Montana lo the Above The Stall named Defendants. Greeting»*: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action which Is fflee of the Clerk of this of which Is herewith upon you, and I •er und serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiffs attorney day* after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service: and In faillir«* filed in the Court, a copy served file your ;i ithln twenty to appear or ease of answ your ... Judgment will be taken against by default for the relief demanded you iu Urn complaint. This action Is brought for the pur-1 post* of securing n tux deed from tbej t 'on nt v Treasurer of Valley County, Montana. for the lands and premises described as follows: NWV, Sec. 20. Twp. 34. X. Itge.. 40 K. M. M. Willie •al of said my hand and Court this 2nd day of February. 1045. (Court Seal) Illanch»* Grotjnn. Clerk of the District Court Thtmuis I ligna a (tlnagow, Montana Attorney for Plaintiff. Feb. 8 15-22 Mar. 1 NO. »*17 SIMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In I ho I list riel Court of tbo Sovcntoonth Judicial District of the State of Mon- tana. in and for the County of Valley. John Bort«*cn, Plaintiff, - vs— Earl E. W«»gcr and Viola I*. W«*gcr; If«*: Viola P. \V«*g«*r: husband and Frank Meyer, Guardian of the peraon and «*8tat«» of Viola P. \V«*g«*r. an In- sun«* person : lnv«*stors Mortgage Com- pany. Bamboo. Wisconsin : and nil olh«*r persons unknown, claiming or ho might claim any right, title, «•state or Interest In, or ll«*n or ln- eu in bra ne«» upon th«* r«*al prop«*rty «I«*- serlbed In the Complaint or any part plaintiffs title th«»reof, advorae t th(*r«*to. whether hu«*Ii «•lain» or poa slbl«» «•lain» he present «»r «*ontlng«*nt, im luding any claim or possible claim •rued. D«*f«*nd «if dower, imdioate or bove] all other ants. The Stale of Montana to the niiined defendants and t persons unknown. Gr«-ellngs: You are hereby sumn»oiu*d I« th»* Coiiiplaint iu this action fil«*d In the office of the Clerk «»f thlaj Court, a «*«»py «»f which answer *hi«*li is is h«*r«*wllh o fib* answer and serv«* a eopy th«*re«»f ih«* plaintiffs attorney «lays nfl«*r the w'rvio* <»f this s exclusive of Hi«* day of in ease of y answer. Judgment an«l ■ II poll )Wl|| within twenty niions and r failure to a ill l>«> lake It for th«* r«*lhT «!«• or ipp.M llisl bv «b-f in the 4*omplaint. This is an a«*tion brought for tin* pur lauds sit Valley County, .Montana, and post* «»r (|lliftillg title t«« th«* uati-d I described as follows; Nb.NE'i. SljSEV, 30. NW«i. \V 1 jSW 1 « ? 29. Twp. ::0 N.. Rg«*. 3*1 E. M. M. my hand and s< Court this 1st «lay of February. Blanche GrotJn Clerk «»f the District Court Thomas Dignan Glasgow. Monta 1ft N Sc-. NE •al of this !M5. Wlln.-i (Court s«ah for Plaintiff. Feb. H 15 22 Mar. 1 All NOTICE TO CBEIHT4»ltS Estate «»f George Fisher. Dee«*as«*d. Notice I** Hereby Given, by the umler signed Administrator of the Estate of (»«•orge Fisher. d«*e*-ased. to the «•reilifora «»f and all persons having «daims against the said d«*4*eased, to exhibit them with the n«H-«^sary vouchers within months after tlie first publication of this notice, to the sabl Administrator .if the law office of Thomas Dignan, a I Gln» g«»w. Montana the place herein desig nated for transa«*ting business of said estate In the County of Valley Dated February 2nd. 1945. W. A. Itaynhara Administrator of the Estate of Fisher. Feb. 8 15 22 Mar. 1 George 1 »«*<«•• s«*d HI MMONS FOR rniM4 ATlOV nt«*4*nth tf Mon In the District Court of the Se Judicial Dlstrbt «»f Hie Sfat« and F «f Va I the County tana, ley. OLAF LARSON. Plaintiff. .«rpnrmloic ' „ Belters and Company, a Cltixens Htate Bank of «•orporation : First National Bank of Starbm k. Minnesota, a corporation : Ole Larson, ami if married. Jane Do«* nd all ■ vit*: claiming, or right, r lien Lar*««.n. hn*ban«l am other p«*rs«>ns unknown wh«« might <*Ialm. any estât«- «»r lnt<*r«*st in. o i'iimbran«*e upon the real prop**rty described In th«* «-»mplaint. or any part thereof, a«lv«*rs»* I«» plaintiffs! «»wnershlp. or any ebui«l upon plain-1 tiffs title thereto, whether stub elaim« or pooolble Haim be present ° r '* on * UilKl-nl, including any claim or po«« I hi*, claim of doner. Inchoate or ac eru«*d. D«*fendants. The State of Montana to the Above Named Urfendanta and to all olh.r. I'eraona Unknown. Ureetintra: You »re hereby summoned to ans ! wer th»* Complaint in this action which fit!.*, r in How on Hand at Lien Motor Sales Frazer, Mont. No. 35 McCormick-Deering Cream Separators to 2!4 HP McCormick Deering Engines Blacksmith Forge, Small Model No. 7, Clipper Fanning Mill (large size) Liberty Grain Blowers Four Wheel Trucks for Grain Elevators Automatic Water Heaters for bottle gas Team .Work Harnesses Hay Unloader and Track and Grapple Fork Harrow Carts Chevrolet Motor Block Assemblies—1937-42 McCormick-Deering Milkers Roll Up Garage Door Shallow Well Water Pumps One Pump Jack 6'' and 7" Spouting in 20 ft. lengths for grain augers One 4 Furrow No. 5 P & O Plow. Good Condition Fresno Scrapers and Road Scrapers Fuel Storage Tanks, 265 Gal.. 400 Gal., 570 Gal. Oil Burning Stock Tank Heaters Windchargers. Electro Power A Revised 200 Wlndcharger Farm Light Batteries 8 Ft. Aeromotor with Tower Used Monitor Windmill Army Saddles, $9.50 each Fordson Belt Pulley Pistons and Sleeves 20-35 Allis Chalmers Master Gear and Pinion for 20-35 Allis Chalmers 32 Volt Delco Light Plants 32 Volt and 110 Volt Motors for Farm Use Chirk Brooders and Chick Supplies Yard Lights Poultry Time Switches, 32 Volt and 110 Volt Kitchen Light Fixtures Fenders for Chevrolet 1939-42 One Four Wheel Farm Wagon. Tractor Hitch 1' J meg of the I It-rk of hb-h Ih herewith is filed in the this Court, u copy of served upon you, and to file your ans wer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiffs attorney within twenty days after Ih«* service of this summons, ex clusive of the day of service; and in ease of your failure to answer, Judgement will he taken a gainst you by default for the relief de manded* in the complaint. This Is an action brought for the purpose of quieting title lo the lands situated in Valley County, Montana, and described as follows: W L.N W Vi Sec. 27. NKV», N*~iSK*4 Sw. 2». all In Twp. .**»0 N.. Kge. 41 K. M. M. Witness my ha nil and seal of this Court this 7th day of February. 11145. Itlancho Grot Jan, Clerk of the District Court. Thomas Dignaii. Glasgow, Montana. Attorney for Plaintiff. (Feh. 8. 15, 22. March I.) appear ..i XOTIÇK TO CKKIIITORS Elizabeth Ill-owning, tie •asud. Notice is hereby given, by the under signed administrator of the estate Elizabeth Drowning, deceased, to the <r«*ditors of and all persons having claims against the said dei-eased. exhibit vouchers wlthi first publication of this notice to tin said administrator at th«* office of II. Roberts: his attorney l Kldg. Glasgow, Montana, in th«* County of Valley. E. ii. Browning, administrator of the estate of Elisabeth Browning. D«H«*as«*d Dated Feb. 7. 1945 wl t h four months aft«*r th« th«* t h«*m n«*«'(*HHnry C. II. Robert s Attornev f**r Administrator. (Feb. K. 15. 22 and Mar.l) NOTICK OF CALL FOR BIOS Unit the Conn of Valley Noth*«* Is h**r«*by glv«* «•I County (Nun in iatduii«* County do h«*r«*by a«lv«*rtls»* and <*nll for bids. f«ir sal«* «»f «-qulpiin*in lows. f«d One 12 yar«l S« rap«*r. one Doser f««r D .h Calerplller Trat I tor. Tin* right h March I (he Court <• o)H'iied ««r h**i»rd • •eliwk a. in.. I Bids will I (ith at 10 «, I ||< •. Glasgow. M« m tana. nd all bids is •j'-ct I n y j hereby reserved. Stephen Weln-r. f Hie Btiard of Clerk • ininissi«» ers 4 *oill ( Feb. Mar I j j NOTICE T4> rKKOITOKS All p«*rsuiis having « lainis Estate of Merle Watters. «!«•«•«• re(|ii«*Htcd to exhibit them ne«'essa ry administraf««r at Marrbdt tional Bank Building. 4ilasg It hin tour «if tin* first publication *»f this Dale of first piiblb-atl s«*«l. ar«' llh Hi« to I Im iiii«l«-rslgiu*«l the off !«*•• ««f John |o5. First Na -, Mon ft« r th«* «late v«»u<*h«' Klin«-. B«««. nlllllK I Ml ice Inn February 15, 1945. Arvie Walters, Adiiiillisl nil or. 2 Mar. 1 -HI 4 Feb. OKDEK TO SHOW C'AI SE W IG I 4IKDKK OF SALE 4IF REAL ESTATE S ||OIL«» NOT BE .MADE In Th«* District C«»urt of the S«*v«*n l«*«*iilli .1 udieiul Dlstrl« l of th«* State of M«>nlHiia. in and for the County «if Valley. I fn th«* Matter of the Sstal« ! Zvonnr. D»H*eas«*«I, C. II. Broeksmlth. the Administrator f the Estate of Marl«* Kvoiiar. «I«h****s«-«I. n praying II of the real • of Marie having fil«-«l his petition h«*r«*i nier ««f Sale of a"I estate of said dcced«*nt. for th«* purposes lhen*ln s«*t forth. <«f claims ami iiikI said mil estate being des«Tlb«*«l follows, to-wit ; Lot* 2 and in Blo« k K Sargents Addition to tin* Tow Montana. SE*/« North. Kang«* 4;i E.M.M. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by f said Court, that all per in th«* «*stat«* «»f sabl dec«-as«*d appear b«*fore th<* sabl on Monday th«* 5th of March. 1945. «»*«*I«m* k a. iu. of said «lay. at flic rt. *t th«- 4 .f Vail f««r to wit. the payment •«sis of administration. as f Nashua. f Section 5. Township 2« the Judge sons int<*reste« r r at in **«»nrt n rl lions«* i ««f to show in Ghisg Count: '•■"«* »hy „n «rdcr kIc . grant«*«! t«» the sabl * H. I administrator of the a ♦•slat«*. !«• S.-II th** land* al «>f sai.1 deceased Marl** Zvonar: And that a «««py publish(*fl at in Th«* Glasgow *'« print«*«! ami publlsh«-«l in County. 4 ... Dated this loth day «»f F«*bruary. 194... John Hurly. f the District Court. I imt ksmilli. as nl Ii ■■-> ■ (escribe« .nier be ,.f t hi; ks if ... . . , , NOTIUK »K SALE O» BKA . I«.STATE Notice I» hereby '-'I','. " ' llu .' ', k -4th day of MareI». 1* . n m. In the 4:ominl*slon.*rs room In m Court Houae ln «Ua.gow. Montana the nnderalitned County of 'alley Montana, will s«*ll at public am lion, to the highest bidder. a«iordlug to ms rf«*r. a n spaper sai«l Vall.y Judge Feb. 1 Day Eor Service Men Observed In Local Church Service Men's day was observed at the Glasgow Gospel tabernacle here Sunday, with the Rev. J. H. Ameson preaching a sermon on "The Spirit uai Home Front'' at the Sunday evening service. ( Not only do church people have ] a spiritual obligation, he said, but they should give their best in the I many home front tasks and helps | ! assigned to civilians. I i He reported that Assembly of God churches have 41,000 service men ; and women in their directory, of I whom 292 are listed as casualties, There are 25 Assembly of God chap- ; j lains, while 2,600 chaplains are re ! oelvlng literature from the church. i The church is serving an average of 110,610 men a month m viel r\ service centers. 1 A vigorous religious literature campaign is carried on and during \ the past year 6,365.100 pieces of : literature and letters were distri- 1 uted to the armed forces. Sergeant Whittle Awarded Cluster Staff Serg. John H. Whittle of Glasgow has teen awarded an Oak Leaf cluster to his Çronze Star j medal by the war department for 1 infantry unit. He is the son of Mr. [ i and Mrs. Robert Whittle of Port Peck. _I j tln„ 2208-1 I'hapter loo of ih.- Revised I Codes of Hie Stute of Montana and f»r, a price which «hall not he lç»* I the fair market value tliereof. which lias heretofore been determined ami fixed by the Hoard of County Coinnilaaionera I of Valley County. Montana, and which i Is hereinafter Hiaied all of the > follow it Co only'of VaUeyState of Montana. 1 The terms of the »ale are as follows; of the United Slates j at the dale of sale. The Cash, lawful money In In* paid i_, ... It,,ard of Connlr Uomiulsslone tin- right al lln-lr option, fo cash payment equal Hu- pnrelinsi- price. Iiahlnee lo he pal , in four equal payments annually. In- j i-IndiiiK Interest al 1 pereenl on all sneh deferred payments. A <lnil elaim deed will he given pnn-lmser ...omplellon | of the above mentioned payments. The right lo rejis-t any and all bids is hereby expressly reserved. inililinga are Inelntled with any | of the following listed property unless spertfleally mentioned in the nesc-rip "a 1 Six and one quarter per.,t royalty 1 reservation in minerals wliiei, exisi ,.r developed is made by the yen 1 .$ I im . -ixi . .vim •rve r«-> 20 pem-lil x may be dor. lla> lor 5 Itlock !.. niork 2 Lot Lots 12. Brut ert Lot ;; llloek 2 . . , . KMHi . "».Oil I . ."».ini I . i.vq»! Ilenverton Tuyl 7 . Ik llliiek 13 ... I.ots 2 llloek 17 . Lot It llloek IK . Lols I, 2, ». llloek 2» . (Slang,iw Orlitlmil Lota 4 mill Ö llloek »1 . Lots K. II. llloek la .. Lot 20. llloek 51 ... 2. llloek 53 .... (Slang»» Mille Lot 7. llloek a . (Slnngow, Lot ft. llloek 1. iiieluding linilil lotas . .. . 150.00 . . . KMMN) .00 . 20.00 Lot 1st 5.00 Wilsons Addition 175.110 Nash mi Original tail 11. Itlm-k 7 . Lot 13. Illm-k 7 . Lot 15. Klni-k 7 . Nashua Sargents Addltl Lot 11. Illm-k 11 . Nashua Welnmelslers Addition (.Ills 13, 14. 15. Ill Illm-k 4 . Lols K. ft. 111. Itlork 4 . (ilrntiinn Lot Id. llloek 7. Including build lug .; South »V of Lot . Op hr I •k 9 .... Hlock 9 50.(10 50.00 . 50.00 50.00 40.00 Ml00 . 150.00 Itlork 8 . 10.00 Oriximil IX) led 15. mi .. Lot Lot 3. llloek III . Lot ft. Itlm-k 14 . 12. llloek 2l>. Including bull Ing . 35.00 25.00 25.00 ONMfgO Lots 7. «. Block 7 . L«.ts T. 2. 3. 4. Block 12 ... Izot 3. Block 14 .. Lots 1(1 and 17. Block 15 . 10.00 Klrhluod Lots 10. 11, Block K. including liiiibliugs .... ... 10.00 ... 40.00 5 <io . 150.00 \ ii min I in f L«»l 2. 3. 4. 5. Block 4 llinsdiile. Kiv Lots 2. 4. Block 4. including buildings .'.. Hi iiMtlitlc. lintbbN Addition . Block 1. Lots 7 to \ll of Blocks 2. 3. 4. Block 5 7. 10. \m \ViU«uiH Townsll Lots . 25.00 \ «blit in 15u.on Lnls 7 Ii 10.11(1 1 5.1 HI III.IMI 5.001 ."».(to J 5,iHi I .-, no I •"».no j .Vint 12. Illiirk K. 3. 4, Lols I All ot Clocks I Lois Known Lot to. Clock I Lots 3. 4. Clock 2 Clock HI . ,ot . Itlork 1 Lot •b All of Block 13. pe Lot 10. Bio« k 11 . .1 .,»( II. lllo«*k 14 •h 7. s. Ill«» k 15. I I*. Block 15 5. 0. Block 17 •f. L««t L«»t .«Ml ' »I. |MT 1,01 oo III«** k IS I.« . ItliM-k til . . Itlii'-k 1(1 . I^.l 7 . Illtit-k 1 » . Sont h lotir t>r itioi-k 2 i. |o-r Lol .ot 5.4 HI • » « m « 11. Block 2 t. to. Block »5. Block 24 ach I« .(HI l. pe Lot Lot («4MH» 5.4 N) 31 It i: :ik WVNW S«*e. 141 SW. W' »SE. S' 5. SE. SbjNE »*<•«•. 41 T. without lmpr«»v«*iiu*iils 1 aen* tract In 2*1. R. 41 ... irn«*l In SWSW N h It 41 . 3, 4. E'/iSU NE.NW S«-«-. NW. SW NE. S« « . R. "•« ÎHHI(Ni ttt.ttti .. T swwv s. I • lu IM» .«•I I. (u .«•I R. 34 .... 2MMMI met In* NENWNW adjoining towiisite of Fraoer In S«*«*tlon ::l It. 44. .. 14. NE T Tt T 2S 1. N\\ .. 4so.(HI Ki SWSW \ |,SK. SESE S«•« *. *9. 11. 5» . T. 29. B 44 S«*«-. 15, .4. . . . H. T. :iO. K. 441 ... S4I.4KI NI-jN W S«H-, L-4Î. T. NK ... 4HI.0I» .. 169.4 S« «-. H. T. N't.jSW, S«*« NEXW. S' R. 45 ... NESW SW S«s- 2: 30. It. 41 Lot »I. Se«* rôtis. T. W' iiSW »S« S'jSE See. S\'i I N\\ - . . . 240.00 ! . 4*0.00 nth 20 :i except lh< 31. R. 35 *. 25. T. 31. R. 3.1 20. T. 31. B. 35 . . . T. 31. R. 38 ... I*. 32. It. ;i«i r. ic. :s* . *. is. * HO.OO »400.00 . H4K).00 640.00 400.UO 1 («0.041 S«*e. SW. NW8B Him*. SU NE S«*«*. 21. 1 S'j.NE. E'.tfSB, R. 45 . K'jKU. S«s*. 19. T. .*! W i.jSW. SW N W S«N NESE. K'/jNE S«s*. 21 3. 4. S'/i.NW, I SENE S«*«-. 5. T. :i5. K. :i: 144). 0o *40.00 . R 45 26. S'/gSB T .*44. R. *W 4H*l.OO SW NE. S.1 l.ot 4. L««t ;n*4».(Kt :.«: 3. 4. SW* N E. S'-.NW Lot 1. SENE S«s*. (i. T. !.««ts ; i: . r'/jit.uo; 35 l: SE S««*. 1 NENE S* It. :18. L«»ts 3. 4. 1«». II. 12. 13. 14. : 9. ii T. 35. . 14 HNMMI i: 41 iii T NWNK Sc-. 14. eluding imprm ». >\ :itHI 4M» •m«*nts «...SK S.* E S. - Ukl.INt 1(111.(10 i; ;• R. .16 . 3. T. :w . NWNW S. W '..SW S«*« W'/ySW s«*«*. m. R. 4i 8. T 1<0.4M> erllHMl I liaf 4-1 v «1« ■ of the ill / be glv«*ti liaiiiK m the terndnallon («f anv I* :hi«*h may «*xlst in sai«l p ith th«* te mmÊm laws of Ih«* state *»f n "I ■«•mls«*s .if the i«*r«*st ac-eonla mi lease an«l the Montana. Dat**«l H»l>* 71 h «lay 'l*h«- Hoard missloners (*arl Shelb-rml. Chairman | Stephen Weber. Clerk and R«i*order (F«»b. 15. 22, Manh I. Ht 11445. of Feb.. <«f County Com of Valley C«mnty. Two Farm Repair Courses Under Way in Hinsdale By Courier Correspondent HINSDALE—Two additional farm machinery repair courses opened at Hinsdale Monday, it is reported by r r Dailey, supervisor. The courses, sponsored jointly by the war food administration and the high school vocational agriculture department, are conducted in the Stuber garage building, with John Rennick as in structor. one course is operating each afternoon between 1 and 5, with the second course each evening from 7 to 10. The afternoon course will be completed in three weeks and the evening course in four. interested farmers may still en ro u Dailey says. Intensive traln j ng j n t y, e re p a j r of all kinds of farm machinery is given and farm ers ma y bring in their machines and repair them under supervision, Lincoln Program Is Heard by Hinsdale Women By Courier Correspondent W. Weingartner, tne club s program chairman. HINSDALE — The Hinsdale Wo man's club met Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Ella Rundle for a Lincoln's birthday program. The Readings given were "Ann Rut ledge" by Mrs. R. R. Dailey, "Lin coin's Farewell Address at Spring field" bv Mrs. Ted Langemo, "Lin co ln's Second Inaugural Address" by Mrs. Oswald Waber and "Abraham . i„coln Walks at Midnight" bv Mrs Lincoln . alKS al MUtnignt 0> Mrs. Weingartner. At t jj e business meeting, a letter from the 0 ff( ce 0 f p r i Ce administra tlon explaining the new rationing program was read. Mrs. Rundle served lunch, Serg. Charles E. Marin. 31, son of; Mrs Adeline Brien of Baylor, is making "normal improvement'' in an army hospital in England from head wound suffered In action in Prance last Nov. 9. his mother partment. informec * by the war de ' Sergeant Marin has received the purple Heart and has sent it home Baylor Sergeant Is Recovering From His Wounds to his mother. He entered the army Feb. 11, 1942, and went overseas with an infantry ( unit in September last year. _ I , ' I ' Lois Ibsen Made Member of 'U' Grade Honorary Lois Ibsen of Glasgow was one of 34 young women at Montana State university who was chosen for mem bership in Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman scholastic honorary. To be eligible for membership, the stu dent must have a grade average of "B" or better. Miss Ibsen recently was a guest at the home of Mary Elrod Ferguson, dean of women, who honored the honorary group with an afternoon tea. Nelson's Nephew Wounded Overseas j Capt. P, P. Nelson, nephew of Bert Nelson of Glasgow, has been wound- ed by shrapnel In the Philippines. Iris uncle has been informed. A heavy bombfcr pilot. Captain Nelson recently was assigned to the Pacific area after completing S3 missions in the European theather. He is a son of Werner B. Nelson of Whitehall, N. Y. Arthur Holter Is Training Graduate ** Mrs. John Holter of Glasgow, has graduated from the aviation ma chlnist mate school at the naval air technical training center in Norman. Okla.. and has received the rating of seaman first class. He is a 1943 Glasgow high school graduate and entered the navy in February, 1944. He will now be transferred to a naval unit afloat or to another shore station for further instruction Arthur J. Holter, son of Mr. and Battle experience has proven that one pint of whole blood is needed for every two casualties, th: Ninth servie command surgeon announced. First vehicle to enter the town of Tacloban on Leyte island in the Philippines was th> "Duck ', an am phibian truck. Skates Sharpened HOLLOW GROUND Knives and Scissors Sharpened Saw Filing Furniture Repairing Cabinet* Built to Order Miscellaneous Repair Work General Repair Shop 525 1st Ave. So. 50-1 tc i GLASGOW Hoe and Cattle Market We will buy your live hogs and cattle in any quantity — one or a carload — at Glasgow. Highest market prices paid. This is a permanent market and we invite you fo see us before you sell. See us for shipping dates before bringing hogs and cattle in. The City Market Gallagher & Sons MARKLE Merchandise Tips to Farmers 4'-6'-7'-8' Stepladders. Several Oil Burning Chick Brood ers. 2 wheel Delivery Carts at less than mail order prices. One Bottom Plow for Model A Parmall. Two way direct connected Plows for Model A. Farmall. One 7-ft. Field Cultivator suit able for Model A. Two Row Corn Cultivators for Model H Parmall. Make a Hyrdaulic Dump out of your grain box. 12 ft. frame, hoist, power take off and con trols, $315.00. Pits Ford, Ohev or IHC or order other models. One Two Furrow P&O Plow. 14" bottoms. 1 Set Good Team Harness $90 00. 1 Set Good Team Harness $85 00. Chick Brooders $22.50; Oil Burn ers $16.50. Make a hydraulic dump out of your grain box, anything from a pickup to 14 ft. body. Include! sills, power take-off. For pickups $295.00 For 12 ft. bodies $315.00. Installation $25.00. Electric drives for cream sepa rators. 110 volt and 32 volt models. E® ft l fft/r Plate î-SglIV riolC • _ , 3^015^ RCIflaiil f omc \"EI fflWÎB"aHa VCCI 3 Markle Transfer Co. GLASGOW — PHONE 71 xhe highway patrol requests all mo torists to remove all old license plates from their cars, showing only the 1945 plate at the rear of each auto. Highway Patrolman William Walden siici tMs w'»':. He said the ruling refers only to Montana license plates, since in some states old plates with stickers are being used for 1945. The regulation regarding plates was made by authority of the state board of examiners. Throughout liberated Prance, quartermaster soldiers operate cold storage plants where perishable foods are stored prior to delivery to field troops. We Sell The 'Grain Buster' A Fast Efficient ; ; FEED MILL Satisfactory Service Guaranteed By Us STENBÂKKEN IMPLEMENT CO. PHONE 486. NASHUA CASE — CHEVROLET ( YOUR NEAREST HOT SPRINGS IS BOULDER All under one roof. Steam baths, indoor ools. Masseur. Just the place for your winter vacation. Rest And Relax At Montana's Finest Resort Hotel $25 Per Week Includes, three meals per day. your room, and unlimited use of the baths. Take G. N. train direct to Boulder or busses. We meet you free of charge. For Illustrated Folder, Write BOULDER HOT SPRINGS 48-12tp f Boulder. Montana