Newspaper Page Text
'Uiv " oM udtefte. RATION BANKING i BEGINS i ■V**, *• f □ a % l ■). s-' H 1 . : '■ . AFTER you spend your ration points, banks come into the picture. We open "ration accounts" for the merchants, help them transfer the stamps up the line to wholesalers, manufacturers and others in trade channels. Like the merchant marine, or the infantry, our part is not spectacular but it's mighty important in these times. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Glasgow ON FRONT STREET SINCE 1891 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS A. B FRICDLUNO. President J. W. WBOUM. ViCI PMîiOfNT J. C. BAKER. C ASM ICR M. E. SWEITZER. ASS t CaSHiiK FRED IBSEN ROBERT S. COTTON Glasgow Brevities Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bertsch will have Friday for Minneapolis on a business trip. Miss Peggy McConnell spent the at the Carden M. Sektnan returned Tuesday from Havre where he spent the past two weeks visiting hiT son-in-law and daughter. Mr, and Mrs. Basil , ._. t ! who was here for several days called j by th® illness of his father, John Hockhalter, returned home Tuesday. His father is improved. Seaman First Class (RM) Spencer Farrington formerly of olasoow and Port P"ck has written local "ft" f .f . nas wrfiten local friends that he is now stationed at i Camp Elliott, San Diego, Calif. j Mr. and Mrs. Peter Past of Lustre were in Glasgow from Thursday to I Saturday. Mra. Fast visited her sis ter !>• Helen tain if while Mr 1 iff' ,, ,1® Mr - Fast attended th.o AAA meeting. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wolhaupt of week end visiting home at Fort Peck. Mrs. Trygde Brer.sdal of Chinook was a guest Friday and Saturday of her sister, Mrs. Dan Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ellis of Op heim were in Glasgow Friday visiting their sister-in-law, Mrs. Dorcle Ellis. Elmer Culver returned Wednesday morning from Seattle, where he had keen accepted for the navy air crew after having taken tests at Helena. The Rev. C. W. McKay returned Saturday from Billings, where he attended a conference of Nazarene ministers for Montana and Wyom ing. SCOTT and SNYDERS FREE DELIVERY WE DO NOT MEET PRICES ... WE MAKE THEM! PHONE 101 Rssse Baaty Apples lb. 10c LETTUCE Green Peppers Cauliflower Brussel Sprouts Fresh Pineapple New Cabbage • Celery Lettuce - Limes Fresh Tomatoes Large Firm Heads tb. 12c Assorted Pure Fruit *2 gaL iar Jgc Van Houten's Honey Maid Graham CSCM CRACKERS Vz ß. fkç. 55 c lb. &ax 33® «1 v. i 5» Makes 45 Cuds Cocoa Staley's CUM STARCH 3 P k § s - 25 c Waffle SYEUF BUY YOUR Vi gal. jar 45 c GOLD SEAL WAX PUREX HERE Drain Opener ',2 ga!. J.75 Can 19 c Clean Out Those Pipes Now! ■ 4 K Salt HERRING 5 fi. piil J.29 Fresh Shipment BLOATERS cad; JQc Morre Is Spiced Luncheon Grade A Beef Sirloin. Round STEAK ?£. 42 c MEAT HA ■nETT. >wr , .ui g ' 1 *Li ttlBM IIBMI—tl Pordville, N. D.. left Sunday morn ing after spending a week visiting Mrs. Wolhaupt's brother-in-law and sister. Mr, and Mrs. O. H. Barnes. Mr, and Mrs. George Herrington of Auburn, Wash., arrived Monday morning to spend a few weeks here visiting their son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. George Scanson. Mrs. Herman Lucke, and son. Her man Jr., went to Havre Monday night, where the little boy received treatment bv an eye specialist. They returned Wednesday Vernon HamUton of Glasgow re ? pmrl iovpd bv the Boeing aircraft „7 wichuT lCa^ mat ^^^^"a^bYe^^on^h" B-29 superfortresses. Mrs H B Clement of Wllliston was a gues ^ Thursday of Mrs. Wil-! ., Raymond she attended meet ' ar " if t^Methodi st woma nT So Æv of Ghrirtfa^ Se^iYand of fhe of Christian Service and of the White Shrine of Jerusalem. Mr - and Mrs E - J Olson of White arrived Friday to visit their rtstl , arrived Friday to visit tuen son-in-law end daughter. Dr, and Mrs. C. N. Gray, Mrs. Olson has re turned to Whilefish. but Mr. Olson will remain here for a months visit, Mrs C D Knauss left Thursday , mf for Minneapolis to meet Miss Barbara Knauss of Coldwater. Robert M. Lewis, pioneer Glasgow banker, is at a hospital at Rochester, Minn., where he has had an opera tion on his eye. He is recovering and expects to return to Glasgow in a few weeks. Mrs. W. C. Oliver and daughter, EIGHT MORE GIRL SCOUT TROOPS SET ï ..„„o I_ f _ „ _In Large increase Comes as Kesult of Mass Meeting of _. " GUTS, Mothers Eight additional Girl Scout Troops including three Brownie troops were organized as a result of a rally at «V.« c/.Krvrvi m, IAM « n .. i ^ schopl Tuesday night which was attended by 150 girls and 50 mothers a.s well as a number of , teachers and members of the Busi npcc and Professional Wnmnn\ elnh who are s non sorin'? the Oirl Scouts wno are sponsoring the Girl Scouts. These are in adcution to the troop which had previously been organized under the leadership of Miss Doro Uiv Kimball and Miss Marinrie Taf tnyK-imoail and Miss Marjorie Car le 2u. The rally was planned for in a series of meetings sponsored by the club Girl Scout committee of which. Margaret Jung 5 SÎÂta Mrs. Margaret Jung. Miss Ida Dis rud Mrs. Carl Herbold and Miss Hope Widen are members. They were assisted by Miss Kimball and Miss Cafferv Mr. „ K1 „. Mrs. Herbold arranged for a high school assembly program during the home room period at the high school Monday morning at which Miss Widen presided and Miss Laura Mae Moore spoke on her experiences as I a Girl Scout. George Cole, repre senting the Boy Scouts, expressed the willingness of that organization ( to help promoting the Girl Scouts. Mrs. Jung presided at the rally Tuesday night. Miss Widen led in group singing and the girls were I Tuesday night. Miss Widen led in group singing and the girls were taught the Girl Scout song. "Taps" Mrs. Jung spoke on the responsibil ities which a Oirl Scout assumes Arrangements are being made for a leader training course taught by Mrs. Eddie Misz of Wllliston in the near future. Those troops who have leaders already trained will corn will not meet until after the train ! ing school, ] __ NASHUA - Announcement has licen made of the wedding of Miss AIvce Berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Knute Berg of Nashua to Corp i, m „ Booth at Kan Diego Galff r* me . 4£ tn J" . , n . Ule?a caln - DeC ' 9 The doub,e nng cpremon >' was nerformed in the Lutheran chapeI - Mrs - Booth graduated from Nashua hieh ^hool in 1943 and is «"PlWd in the navy fusing of fice in San Diego. — ~_ DRAPER VISITOR HERE Charles H. Draper of Helena, nub Iic relations director for the United States employment service in Mont spent Tuesday and Wednesday ! Z, n V,V r .irn,T7i . to»,: * oca ' employment service manager. -elusive GETS STATE BANNER Saco toval Temper-' ,-p jlT. „ n h es reeeived the I T I wann er fnr hsv^In^he 1 arge st me m ™ n ne r mr naring tne lantpst mem i bership in Montana in 1944. Last , ■ ^ c nret^ Jf nt r n year there is an enrollment of 78 mence meetings at once, but others Announcement of ffSflSS OvUr S ** Wedding Is Made 1 Mich., who came to Glasgow with j her Sunday. Miss Knauss is a cousin j of Mr. Knauss. and will make her home here for a time. Seaman First Class iQM) Ned 1 Wagrer arrived Wednesday mom ing from the east co a s t to visit at the home of h>s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, A. Wagner of Vandalia. i while on leave. He has been on duty ; in the Atlantic. James J. Holland, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holland, arrived Sunday j from Salt Lake Citv after complet I ing the armv air reserve course at ; the University of Utah. He has been j called for basic training and will re port at Fort Douglas. Utah, March 1 Mrs, Clarence King ar>d son Daw left Wednesday morning for Seattle to join her husband, who is em ployed jp defense work there. Sh-" was accompanied bv her sisters. MKs Anne Kittleson and Prances Kittle son. who expect to be employed there. William Beizer of Missoula left Tuesday after spending ten davs here oh business and visiting his sist'r, Mrs. Sadie Hall, and his, brothers Howard and Lou Beizer. Mr. Beizer, former Glasgow resident, is now division manager for Investors Syndicate in Missoula. ; Mrs. Hazel James received word 1 this week from her niece. Mrs. Jack j Nay of Brockton, that the body of Mrs Nay's son, Dalmer, 12 had not yet been recovered. He was drowned : in the Missouri river, Feb. 4. Mrs. 1 Nay is now visiting her brother, j Denver Borst, at Cut Bank ; Ralnh Kenck of Helena, state j dire-tor of vocat'onal education, was in Glasgow from Saturday night to 1 Tuesday momlnv and met with the J Glasgow board of education Monday I night to discuss plans for expan sion and improvement of the voca j tional department of the high school. I George E. Stroub of New York City, vice president in charge of the Pacific northwest for the Home in surance company, was a week end visitor in Glegow and cal'ed on local ! j agents. He left Sunday afternoon for j Great Falls, accompanied bv Larry IT. Diringer, state agent for the j ! Home group. Mrs. K. O. 0>sc n came Wednesday from Great Falls to spend a few weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Gamas, she had just re- j turned from San Francisco, where she spent a month visiting friends and relatives. She has received from hcr husband. Staff Serg. Kenneth O. Olson, who was wounded in action in the South Pacific, his Purple Heart decoration. He has been in the service since 1941 and is now in the Philippines. Mrs. William Raymond end -laughter. Patsy, returned last week 'rom Seattle. They visited relatives tpd M-s R, O. Enden, formerly of I 'Volf Point, whose husband, a Great I Northern employe, died two years ago. Mrs. Englen had tust received j word that her son. Platoon Serg. i 1 Milford Englen, who had been a ) Japanese prisoner since the fall of ' Bataan, had been released from a prison camp on Luzon, j Mrs. Charles Alley returned Wed redav morning from Detroit, where I she had been visiting her father, I three sisters and an uncle for the I past six weeks. She was called there by the death of her brother. Joseph Dunn. 31, who was killed in a truck accident. Another brother had been killed in an airplane accident sever I al years ago, and the third. M ke ! Dunn, who Is with th; a-my in Italy, 1 was recently reported wounded. j a th»» Several Pwlnrf* of the Cltj or Glaxjrow. Montana, for the Municipal T.. Ho Hill« <«n The Firm Monday of April. 1945: Appointing tho jlidpos and Dorks of Kl—tlon For Sairi Ki«'« tioii, Fixing Their Com peu^atiun of fluch Judge* and Clerk*, And K*»|H>alin>r All Ordlnawe* and Resolution»« in C'oofHrt With Thin Resolution. 1 Re it nlalm'd by ihi> Diy Council of the Dty of t.lasBow, Montana: For that whereas, under and pursuant to Section JWB. Revised Coder of Montana 1».«. cl.r tlou will be had ami held in and for the City of (ilasgo». the County of Valley and Slate of Montana, on Monday the 2nd day of April. 194,1. and wherea* the Mayor of said City ha« Issued Ids proclamation annoim-iip; the lime and plai-e for hold ing said elcetion mul Hie offleer« of «aid City to lie elected at «aid election. Now therefore, he It resolved; Section 1. That the voting place in "'am No. One tn of «aid City for Municipal election «hall be and J« •« her»*l»y chtablisiifil as in. < onjfrejmllon a | rhuroh. ar which place thi* qualified eta-tnr* re* Ming in Nni«l Ward No. one (1) may vote at wild eleetion. fleet Ion *J That the voting place In ^ artl .No, I wo (2) of said * if.' f«»r Munleipal -I« tlon shall he and it I« -«tahlisli-ii as in city Library at which place the ouallflcd electors residing in said Ward No. Two (2) may vote at said election , 1 Section :t. 1 liai the person« named ^ bl> ar „ h) . r ,. hv appointed Judges of said election in Ward No. One fit for «aid City Election Rev. tirant Moore, and Seltner I. I,arson ( Section 4. That the persona named Î "35 of' said e"r.ta;' n ?n y wU'rd No | 0n ,. (I) of s#i(I ,« it - Khs tlon. Mr» ll a. Votier and Mr« it. a liellaven, Section .1. That the persona named lie I '•••■ *nd are hereby appointed .nidges af said election in Ward No. Two (21 for said City Election, S. !.. (ju-ic waiter w. Hurd Section rt. That the persons named below he. and an ' ' ■ hereby appointed rence Dmn.nard. , compensation of lurks nf haitl flout ion in Ward No. Two 1? » for said t'Ifv Kloctlon. Mrs. II. Kob«»rfa. and Mm. Floroin*«* t'houfnard fl«Mtlon 7. That the <.___ naid judgea and «dork« of said eln tlon «hall b* Four Dollar* (<loo» p«>r day fo £ of them. 1 ' ^ 0 ,lni,,u #kS MonsSn conniot' wHrihls^lUoÄ. nr.- hereby repealed. ar- hereby repealed. J'ass-d by the rounHl and approved b >' ,l,<> Mayor this fith day of Man-b. 1JW5 - Attest: Martin Miller, B. .1. Kj-lsinip, Mayor. Dty Clerk. (Milivh 8i SI MMONS NO. 0A4.4 In Th- nistrl.'t Court of the Seven leenlh .Indieinl nisiriil of the Stale nf Montano, in ami for the County of Artbtir W. Turner. Plaintiff. Sheldon Brother* Company, a Corpora tlon. Th.* Sheldon Foinpanv. n Corp oration. Northern Farms 4'ompany. n Corporation. W. F. Sims. Margaret S. Mather. The First National Hank of Grand Rapid*. Minnesota, n corp oration, and all other person* I n tWÄ" in. or Lion, or 'incumhranc- Upon tin- Heal property Described In the Gomplalnt In this case, or any thereof. adverse to Plaintiffs Ownership, or and cloud upon Plaintiffs title Hiere whether such claim o r possible claim he present or contingent, in eluding any claim or possible claim, " JZT or The stale of Montana to the above named Defendant«: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action which is fd"d in the office of the Derk -f this ' n " r '' « eopy of which Is herewith Kor ,;' , ' < ' "I' 011 vo "' . n 1 n ' 1 to /"® you J * , , nnd sorv " « copy thereof upon the plain - ,1 / r " attorney« within twenty .lay» after the «ervl.v of this summon«, ex of the day of service - and in ease of yogr failure to. apnenr or nn s wer. Jndgmenl win be tnlten against' T,,u hv d, ' fa "" lor lh " ... , , rids action I« brought for the pur ' pos.- of .miotlng title to the land Hitnated in v»iier connu- Morn. «.d descr od is foliows: ^ , ," ,' De SWb of SiM (on 0 Towllshl|( North Hiing- 42. Hast Montana M-ridinn Witness my hand and Hie seal of. said Court this 1.1th day of December, 1944. .... •J,'' hn , Klin '' K> GIaw^JU- Montana Attorneys for I'lairfttff ' (Mar. 815-22 281 IlliiiM-hi* Grotjan. Fl«*rk. Fourt Seal | ( ' 1 ! g ; % 0 | j k v. M g -, y g *i fe 1 y i ; v ' < ; M * § g Ij t MORE TENDER MORE DELICIOUS MACARONI til. MMMUk : « mf. -mm - -- < ■ ■■ I f ■mm ■■■ I iktSer -if yoo lake care of me" i il I ■ Pi'eve.RÉ Losses Aaeng Livestock I ■ The livestock your are now raising is not only going to bring you profits—it is going to mean more food for fighting men all over the world and for workers at home. Keep your cattle free from disease, so they can do their job' • Provide suitable shelter • Guard against grubs • Have sanitary farrowing quarters • Consult us about the correct remedies and cures for your cattle Our Stock of Livestock Remedies Is Complete % \tjf a The Friendly Drug Store We Deliver vnHum*:~J£ . .. sIhmhéhbihhbimmbb I Phone 123 IäT* COURIER Church Services 1 _. Pv .„, S '- Rapha fl s Church E\erj Sunday: Masses at Glasgow at 8 and 10. Masses at Fort Peck 9. Week days: Masses every day 7:30. ( Christian Science Society | Services in the Masonic hall, i f. cond avenue south and Seventh i street Sunday at tl Suhleet of the , ' ' T? 16 j ( « cordially invited to attend. Pro (rram radiocast from The Mother church. Boston, each Saturday 4:45 p. m.. over KOHL. Billings. Larslan M. B. Church Christian Fellowship services 2:30 Sunday afternoon, March II. Jehovah's Witnesses Watch Tower Bible study at King dom hall, 707 Second avenue south. Sunday evening at 8. All interested are welcome. Christian Fellowship Services in American Legion room D f civic center Sunday school at 1(1 Worshm servlce af^ iT serw,on "Growth F^ted ' Ev->ngelisti^' wowin KtpeCteo KVangensilC S--T vices at 8 Subject; -Reaching the Otherwise Unreached." Christian young peoples fellowship Monday at g cottage praver meeting Thursday at g Oeorgr E Moir m is S i on ary for tile American Sunday School union. will be in charge of services Sunday, —C. A. Wall, minister. brouck. Methodist Church Grant S. Moore Funday school at 9:45. A. L. Has superintendent. Morning service at 11. This will be. a memorial service for Serg. John Woodrow' ^ .'j 111 « 1 ,, ' n «p Uon Jan 26. 1945. Youth fellowship at 6:30. Topic "Honesty Requires Cour age" Betty Watson, leader. Ehrninp sjenice at 8. Third in series on the problems Jesus. Popularity.'' Junior choir practice Tuesday at 4 Senior choir practice THiesdov at 4. Senior choir practice Thursday at 7:30. Lenten service Wednesday at 7. We urge the faithful atfendence upon all these services. The young people of the church will serve a oublie supper Tuesday. Th" funds from this supper will be used i for the voung people's camp at King's hill this summer. This will he a roast beef supper. Orhrim Gospel Tabernacle Assemblies of God Sundav school at 10. Morning wor Î shin at 11. Sunday evening evange listic services at 8. Friday evening ?2^ i 52 P, 1 2^ tlng 81 ® Carl H,rKS ' P« stor * - Onhrim Lutheran Churrh ; Sundav school at 9:45. Services at n. Confirmation da«« Wednesday 7 Mid-u'eek service«; Wednesday ^ 8 ^iceTaf TÄ Sunday at I 3. Richland town Ladies Aid at the j home of Mrs. Fllzabîth Eliason, March 16.— E. B. Holte, pastor, First Bant-st Church Ilenrr F Widen 'VTinister " T i* Iln J K,cr (vbul ^^Blble school session at 10 E - R . Pease, sur-srintendent. Publia worshin service at 11, Anthem by the choir. Story to the Jun;o" worshipers Sermon :V'Will There Be a Second chanre''' Placng of blue star on unancei ciacng cn oiue star toi church service flag for Harry Pauth. ceedlng the sermon. Junior youth Glasgow Assembly of God Church (Gospel Tabernacle) Fourth avenue south and Ninth street. Sunday school at 10. Morning worship at II. Junior church, lower addition, at 11. Evangelistic rally at 7:45. Tuesday prayer meeting at 8 Thursday young people's service at 8. We invite you to be with us at each of these services.—J. H. Ame son, minister. fellowship worship service at 6 Leader, Miss Beulah Clowes. Even- | ing song and sermon service at 7:30. Rpocial music. Message: "Jesus, or ... ?" Midweek prayer and visita tion service. Meet in the church of fice at 7 Wednesday. Glasgow Lutheran Sunday school at 9:46 Worship I at II. Brotherhood at 8 ChojThurs-1 Sixth Graders in ÂMMiial Dl/ivr A1HIU31 1*13 Y at!*«# Ilochno Vnttanl at IwWMIilO OvflUlll By Courier Correspondent NASHUA—Nashua sixth graders appeared in their annual play Fri day afternoon under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Harriet N. Carver. The script was written by the language class. "Rip Van Winkle" was the title, with principal parts taken by James Bergstrom, Dan:II Lacy, Adeline Eastman and Gerene Hill, with Donna Mae Ulvcstad as announcer. Others taking part were Harvey Berg. Wayne Nyoakken, Terrance Pointer, Gerald Tihista, Anthony Trotter, Lila Galgerud. Lorene Hill, Dorothy Kugler, Mildred Maurseth, Gloria Mourn, Luella Nicol, Barbara Peterson, Shirley Kugler and Donna, Leraas. 1 at at UNDER "GERMAN" ATTACK FRAZER—Richard Ollert, son oi , A. A. Olfert, who is stationed at Camp Wolters, Texas, is in the hospital with German measles. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE— Two sewing machines. vory good condition. General Re pair Shop, 525 First avenue south, i 10-ltc i . FOR SALE chairs; two floor lamps, straight- I back chairs, sturdy, excellent for | farm use; davenport; electric clock; j overstuffed chair, property of Junior [ Woman's club. May be seen by in-. quiring at civic center. Three occasional 10-itc day at 7. Mid-week Lenten worship at 8:15 Thursday. Nashua Lutheran Worship at 9. Sunday school at 10. Mid-week Lenten Worship Wednes day at 8 . Fort Peck Lutheran Sunday school at 11. Worship first and third Sundays at 7:30. Glasgow Nazarene Mission . Sunday school at 10. Worship ser vice at 11. Evening church service at 7:45. Bible study and prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:45.— Wilfred C. McKay, pastor. Nashua Church of The Nazarene Sunday school at 2:30. Worship at 3:30. Bibi« study and prayer meeting at 7:45,— Wilfred C. Me- ! Kay, pastor. | NOTK'K OK PROBATK OK WILL In The District Court of the Seven leenth Judicial District of the Stale of Montana, in anil for the County of Valley. In the Matter of the Estate of Xrttlo Virginia Glegerieh, D<«*eased. Notice is hereby given, that Ten o'clock A. m.. March 2«lh, A. !>.. 194.1. has been appointed as the time and the Court Room in the Court House in Glasgow, Montana, as the place for proving the Will of Nettle Virginia 1 Giegerieh. deceased, and for hearing the ! application of William N. Glegerieh for the issuance to him of Letter Testa | inentury when nnd where any person ; interested may appear and contest the same. Dated March 7th. 194 . 1 . Blanche Grotjan. Clerk. (Mar. 8 15-22) | 0 GLASGOW Fort Peck iJ Free Delivery THE COMPLETE FOOD STORE OMMGESiCASiAGEi APPLES Wincsaps, C Grade No. 1 New, Solid Large Juicy Navels « 3 lbs. 33 5 ffes. 49 ' T 40 Lb. Box 4.29 c CHEESE GRAPE JELLY I T 21 CHEDDAR—Lb. C. & E., 1 Lb. Jar c KRAUT So£t-As-Silk 23 c 23 Quart Jar Cake Flour JO "ûîSIsShs" 5 t-B. 7 c 1 LS "Cvea Magic bm »? j \ n mi Ga I II » IK 9 3 SOAP AND 25c 10 fcp 45c 25c Cnjcnjk Hi Ends. SHccd »Jilt 1 Point rust BREAD 4 lb. i 24' ■y ■TV xju Frankfurters î» IS e i i round 33 e m 2 Pickled, 1 | oz. jar cSWlITEFÎSM 43 e Sasaer Kraut 2 Pounds 25 - Pound Fresh Halibut - Salmon - Pike - Cod Fillet - Oysters Whiting - Bass Fillets - Smoked Eels ■ Kippers Frozen Pumpkin ■ Vegetable? ■ Apricots • Blackberries J Page 7 'on j 1 i I FAIR WFATHER SUIT * » 1 y $10.95 L W "'V«i M M * m m ä t / I - 1 /j at : mj P ' ? ' » 4 - I i 1 i Hi Seen in Vocvi If m % We |»regeat Nelly Don's FAIR WEATHER SUIT (e appear seasonally In different designs, bat always the same quality, styllag, aid fit. Nate the tailoring ... the eollarless neckline ... the Ingénions detail across the high yeke. ■«"»Un ford Sanforized Cotton. We BOOTERY A WOMAN'S STORE