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The < CLASSIFIED COURIER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Courier reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and received later up m. Thursday will •Too Late to Classify" section. should those until 10 a. run in the Errors in advertising be reported immediately. Courier will not be responsible lor more than one Incorrect insertion. Advertising orders for irreg ular insertions taken at the one-time rate: The Classified Rate One cent per word with a minimum charge of 25 cents. After first Insertion 1 cent per word. FOR SAFE Blackleg Vaccine — Lite immunity, 54 cents for ten doses, Tork's Rex all Drug, Glasgow. Mont. tfc ORDER your baby chicks now. New Hampshire Reds. Rhode Island Reds, Leghorn, Hybrids and White Hocks, $16.00 per hundred. $2.00 a hundred deposit with order. 100% blood tested. Bitney's Poultry. Kal ispell, Mont. 3-10tp. FOR SALE: Coal and wood ranges and stoves; oil heaters; beds, com plete with springs and mattresses. We buy and sell all kinds of house hold fumiure. Trade in your furni ture for new. Mustful Furniture. North Side. Telephone 154J. FOR SALE: 30 acre tract adjoining town on north side, has good building, good deep well with elec-. trie pump. Electricity and gas serv ice, Reasonable for quick sale. Call 292 until 4.00 or 164 after 5:00. 4-tfc FOR SALE— Ganders. Mrs. Carson Sanders, Fort Peck Route, Glas gow, 9-2tp 4-tfc FOR SALE}—Baled Alfalfa hay at the Abe Peterson ranch. Seven 8-3tp miles southeast of Nashua. FOR SALE—Polled short horn cows. heifers and bull calves. Herd Sire from International 1941 Grand champion bought in Kansas City. William C. Bekkerus, Plaxville, Mont. 8-3tp FOR SALE}—80 tons of alfalfa hay, $6 to $10 a ton at Myron Lee farm Hi miles south of Nashua. See Calvin Hill, Nashua FOR SALE—640 acre farm ranch. lots of inside range and water. About 7 miles of sheep tight fence. Immediate possession. About 200 acres can be put into flax. Price $12.00 per acre. Write Box 951, Malta, Montana. 8-3tp FOR SALE OR TRADE—Registered Hereford bull, coming 5-year-old. inauire J. F. Huebert. Lustre, Mont. M * 9-2tp FOR SALE—Saddle horses. Hairy Sauires. 12 miles south of Opheim, 7-6tp Mont. 9-3tp FOR SALE—Three year old small entle. Also saddle mare, broke, g - —, have heavy saddle, nearly new. Bud Miller, Vo Cotton Bros, Glasgow. 9-2tp POR SALE—14 ft. Van Brunt double disk drill with power lift; Deer ing Mower and Rake; One spring tooth 15 ft; 8 ft. John Deere Binder; 12 ft. Deering Push Binder; Wagon and Rack. All in A1 shape. Carl Sonsteng. 2 miles east of Larslan. Montana. 9-4tp POR SALE—Polled Hereford yearl ing bulla, sired by True Mode Domino the 5th a half brother to the National polled champion. Farm located 8 mi. east of Plentywood on oil road. O. E. Wang. Plentywood. Mont. 10-4tc FOR SALE—House to be moved. Telephone 334. 10-ltp FOR SALE—Electric blower forge, H. G. Hlnz, 937 Fourth avenue so.. Glasgow. 10-2tp FOR SALE—One copper-clad wood coal range in perfect condition. Telephone 507-M or call at house 517, Port Peck, Mont. 10-ltp or FOR SALE—One lot with 3 room house, stucco outside, 1 block south of Grade school house in Nashua. If interested contract Orris of all makes. Call phone 44. 43 -tfc _I Nashua. If interested contract Ouren. Opheim. Mont. 10-4tp Professional Cards Dr. G. H. Klein DENTIST Office ln Klein » Log Cabin Motel Highway No. t •Office Hour»: 9 to 1 wd Phone: Office 479 to 5 Hr«idenre 2«9 -A Income For You If You Live. Comfort For Dependents When You Die. New York Life Insurance Co. EZRA N. HILL. Agent Phone 261 ■ I Glasgow. Mont. Someone lia" to pay the prlca for life Insurance. If the man himself doesn't pay It white he wife and children have it after he has gone. lives, hi» to pay Valley County Abstract Company OFFICIAL ABSTRACTORS Phone 50 GLASGOW. MONTANA Peterson Mortuary LICENSED EMB ALMERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 89 Masonic Temple Building GLASGOW, MONTANA FOR SALE Welding tables. 48 Inches In diam eter. b4 inch thick. An ideal fix ture you will need for your weld ing machine. A couple left at $5.00 each. 6 volt wind charger, factory made, complete with 8 foot angle tower ready to go $19.50. Convenient, quick heating kitchen heater, burns coal or wood, white porcelain, enamel finish, easy keep clean. Can be used for cook ing and to heat water, this is the latest in dual purpose heaters. Just like new. used but little. Bums hard or soft coal. See it now. Price $29.50. Heaters, old style in good condition, heavy cast, will give you lots of service and plenty of heat, $3.00 to $7.50. Kitchen cabinet, cots, day beds, Cream Separator, sheepskin coats, priced reasonable. A lot of dry wood, consisting of small lengths of plank, 2x8 - s and old ties, approximately 3 cords. You can salvage some, use the rest for fuel. A two years supply. All for $25.00. Telephone poles. 20 and 22 feet long, butts and top average 6 to 7 inches. $1.95 to $2.50 each. Railroad ties. 8 footers, while they last, take your pick, each 65c. We have some heavy timbers, 14x14. 15 feet in length at $25.00 M board feet. 32-20 Winchester rifle, lever action, barrel and- trigger assembly. new An ideal gun in first class condi tion, $27.50. Midway Merc NEW DEAL Phone 152-J-l, Fort Peck tfc FOR SALE—Gentle work horses Bruce Tanner, 6 miles west of Hinsdale, Mont 9- 4t P FOR SALE— Mindern Durum seed wheat from blue ribbon stuff bought in 1944. Will sell $1.75 per bushel. Order while it lasts. John S Dasher. Glasgow, Port Peck route. 9-3tp FOR SALE—Two 4 bottom press drills for sale. Have already sold eleven. Jacob Neufeld Sr., one mile south and half mile east of Larslan, Mont. _ 9 * 2t P FOR SALE—15-30 McCormick-Deer ing tractor steel wheels. Inquire mailbox 54, Nashua. _ 9-2tp GOODS ON HAND— Roughage mills. galvanized stock tanks, full stock of batteries, tractor sweep rakes, used Reconnaissance cars 'i ton Dodge, 1936 Ford Coupe in good con dition. Good as new a 4 bottom John Deere late model Moldboard plow Model "D" tractor on steel. No, 36 side hill 20' Holt combine in good condition. Model "G" tractor with sweep rake and 24 inch Case thresh ing machine as one unit. Noble Blades will arrive soon. We are tak ing orders now. Anderson Imple ment Co., Inc. Phone 4, Cut Bank. Montana. 9-2tc FOR SALE—One 10 fool Van Brunt double disk drill, $75.00. Would like to trade a 10 ft John Deere Duckfoot for a 12 ft Duckfoot any make. Willing to pay some cash. O. Pidwerbecki. 9 miles SE of Glasgow. 10-Up MIUILIANEOUS INSTRUCTION — FOR WOMEN — Need great for Practical Nurses for full or part time. Opportunity to train at home. Experience and high school education not necessary. Ages 18 to 60. instruction under super vision of registered nurses, pro minent doctor is Medical Consultant. Nursing supplies included. Informa tion free. Write Wayne School of Glasgow 10-ltp Practical Nursing. Courier, % MEN-WOMEN 30 TO 50 —Supple ment present income; afternoon and evening $5 up; evening only $3 plus carfares. Interesting part time inspection work; local area: national organization; no selling or canvassing. Write giving background, days and hours available. Interview arranged. Box Number D16. r /r The Tribune. Salt Lake City, Utah. up 10 - 2 tc FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers. Indiges tion. Heartburn, Belching, Bloating. Nausea. Gas Pains, get free sample. Udga. at Hall Drug Company 48-10tp WANT TO BUY—Used typewriters Glasgow Ice & Cold Storage Co. ART KOTAKI, Pro,.. GLASGOW, MONTANA GLASGOW FLOWER SHOP Flowers for All Occasions Phone 75 We Telegraph Flowers I Holland Funeral Chapel ronrt«Hin», Kfflrlrnt and Dignified Service» at Moderato Price# LICENSED EMBALMER and LADY ASSISTANT PHONE in Twenty-Four Hour /orva-kaeo Service MEAT CURING SELF SERVICE GROCERY Phone 191-J 3-tfc ( \ Egg Mash $ 3.60 Scratch $ 3.10 Starter Nash $ 3.50 DR. SALSBURY'S REMEDIES Markle Transfer Glasgow USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD DAN OAKLAND Glasgow | | Used Trucks-Cars Bought and Sold FARMERS SUPPLY Fred Sutter, Prop. JOHN BARRETT GARBAGE CO —Authorized garbage collectors Phone 273 AUCTIONEER—Call Hinsdale at my expense for dates. John C. McColly. l-52tp WANTED TO BUY—Late model car. Oscar Anderson, Richland, Mont. 8-4tc 38-tfC FIELD SEEDS - GARDEN SEEDS in bulk and package. Write for LAKIN SEED COMPANY. 10 -llc prices. Miles City. Mont. POUND—Ladies wrist watch. Owner can have same by indentifying and paying for this ad. Call at Post Office. WANTED TO BUY — Basketball. Write Box 74, Opheim WANTED— Woman or girl for part time housework. Preferably Satur day or Monday mornings. Call 23-J before 9 a.m. Ethel E. Kampfer. 10-ltp 10-2tp LOOK — Beauty operators-Would you like a position as an instruc tor. Write L. E. Sha, 419 Franklin St., 10-4tc Olympia, Wash. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We wish to announce that the partnership of Wittmayer & Hens rud, operating the Gamble store in Nashua, has been dissolved and that Mr. Hensrud hereafter will be in sole charge of the store. Wittmayer & Hensrud, 7-4tc. notice: to ckkditokn All persons having vlalms against the Estate of Merle Watters, deceased, are requested to exhibit them with the nis-essary vouchers to the undersigned administrator at the office of John Marriott Kline. Boom 107. First Na tional Bank Building. Glasgow. Mon tana. within four months after the date of Hie first publication of this notice. Dale of first publication February 17, Arvlc Walters, Administrator. (Feb. 15 22 Mar. 18) ift-tr.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Andrew Marelnkowskl. de eea»ed. . Not lee Is hereby given, by the under signed administratrix of tin* estate of Andrew Marelnkowskl, deeeaaed, to the ereditor» of and all persons having «■laims against the said deeeased, to exhibit them with the vouehers within ten months after the first puhliealion of this notice, t said administratrix at the law office of James T. Shea. In Glasgow. Montana, the same being the place, designated for the transaction of the huslne said estate Montana. Mated February 14th. 1045. Agnes Cool. Administratrix of the Marelnkowskl, de necessary the of f Valley, ii the County of Andrew j I 1 nutic'K o» sai.K oi- kkal ls ate 2 ^ 1 " , l l ,' a , y „^-6. i,i 47 at in o'Hoi k a. in. In tin- ConnnlaalonerH room in tin: ; Ci.m-I l louai* in Glasgow. Montana tin of (Feb. 1.5. 22. Mar. 1. 8 .) it ; Ci.m-I l louai* in Glasgow. Montana tin ; nn.l.-rsigni-.l i'.mnty ..f ynll.-y. »»«'« of Montana, will sell at puhln auction, I to the highest bidder, according I tion ! t *od f th«* Revised _ Chapter 1Î*!» of the State of Montana and for than which lias and fixed NIK •hleh shall not bo le a price tho fair market value thcr«*of. j heretofore been determined ! I» v tho Hoard of County Commissioners of Valiev County. Montana, and which II of the follow ln*relnafler stated. Ing deseribed Heal Estât«*, si Mia led in th»* County of Valley. Stale of of the sale are as follow»: I Cash, lawful money of the l nit»*d State» to be pai»l at the »late <»f sale. The Hoard of County Commissioners reserve th»* right at their option, to accept a »•ash paym**nt equal to 20 percent of the purehase price, balance to be paid in four equal payment» annually. In eluding lnt«*r»*st at 4 percent on all such i deferred payments. A Quit claim deed I will be given puiN'haser upon completion of th»* above mentioned payments. The 1 right to reject any an»! all bids Is hereby I expressly r«*serv»*d. No buildings are included with any of the following listed properly unless specifically mentioned In the descrip tion. A six and one quarter percent royalty inerals which exist or j may he dev»*l«»p«*d is mad»* by the ven* I dor. w* f Montana. Tin* t»* I n-si-rvntion in ■In. lur Price .$ 1.00 ; Lot 17 Block I.. 1 Lots 12. 13 Block ; 2.00 lira» rrl 5.00 Lot 3 Hloek 2 . Ilmr Lots 17. 18 Hloek 13 .... I^.l 2 Hloek 17 . . Lot 6 Block 18 . Lots 1. 2, 3. Block 26 .. Glasgow Origi I^»ls 4 and 5 Block 50 . Lots 8 . ». Block 13 . 20. Hloek 51 . j Lot 12. Hloek .53 . (ilimgotv Miller» l»t hot 7. Hloek 3 . Glasgow. Wilson- Addition Lot 9. Hloek 1. in--biding build ings . 1* NamIiuu Original Ta> lo 10 00 5.00 .00 .. . 15.00 il ... 150 00 . J00.00 .. . 25.00 ' J . I l H Lot 7.00 5.00 70.00 70.00 . 70.0(1 I Lot II. Block 7 . P.lo. k 7 . . Block 7 . N»nIiu:i Sararnt. A.ldilion Lot 11. Block 11 .... Nnnhlin Welnmeixlrr** Addition lÆtx 13. 14. 15. 18 Block 4 Lots 8 , B. 10. Block 4 . ... Lot Lot 1 .... 70.00 . 40 00 IMI I SOYBEAN PELLETS On Hand For Immediate Delivery Per Ton— $68.00 Book Your Order NOW MARKLE TRANSFER CO. ZENITH HEARING AIDS $40.00 READY TO WEAR Ask for Demonstration Consult MARIETTA BROWN. Agent Clinic Bldg. Havre, Montana tf-c Glentann Lot 16. ((lock 7. Including build Ing .• • • • • • .. South 5' of Lot 5. Block 8 . Opheim Original Block 9 . Lot 17, Block » . Lot a. Block 10 . Lot ». Block 14 .. Lot 12. Block 20, including build 10.00 . 27.00 3.7.00 . 27.00 27.00 log d»wego ... 10.00 ... 40.00 5.00 ... 10.00 Lots 7. 8 . Block 7 . I# 4 i| s 1. 2. 3. 4. Block 12 Lot 3. Block 14 . Lots 10 und 17. Block 15 Richland Lots 10. 11. Block 8 . including buildings . 130.00 Vundalka r.ols 1. 2. n, 4. 7, V, of Lot 8 . Block 4 . IliiiHilal*-, Hiver Addition Lots 2. 4. Block 4. including buildings . Hinsdale. HriihliH Addition Lots 7 to 12, Block 1. Lots 7 to 12. Block 8 . All of Blocks 2. it. 4. Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. Block 5 All of Blocks II. 7. It). 11. 12.. 270.00 Lots Known As Wilsons To« unite Lot ill. Block 1 . Lots 3, 4. Block 2 ... Lot 7. Block 10 . Lots 1. 2. Block II ... All of Block 13. per lot Lot 10. Block 14 . Lot 11. Block 14 . Lots 7. S. Block 17. per lot. each.. Lot It. Block 17 . Lots 7. 0 . Block 17. per lot. each Lot 1. Bloc k IN . Lot 7. Block 10 . Lol U. Block 111 . Lot 7. Block 1» . Sont I, half of Block 21. per lot, each . Lot 11. Block 22 . Lot it. 10. Block 23. per lot. each Lot 27. Block 24 . Tract 145' i 300' . XW.WV Sec. 10 T. 27 It. its SW, W..SK. S'/jNW. SffXK, Sec. 7. SK, SL..VK Sts-. Il T. 2« It. 34 without Improvements . 1 acre tract in SW.N'W Sec. 7, T. 20. R. 41 . 1 acre tract in SIVSWNK. See. 0 T. 20. K. 41 . Lots 2. 3. 4. K'/iSW Sts-. 30. Loi 1. XKX1V See. 31. T. 27. It. 34 .... 280.00 In NKXWNW adjoining townsitc of Eraser in Section 34 T. 27. IS. 44. N\V See. 14. NE Sec. 1 . 27.00 170 00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 7.00 •adi t*l .00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5:oo 7.1X1 7.00 7.00 30 IN) 00.00 900.00 . 10.00 1000 Tract 00 . 228 It. . 480.00 swsw NK. NUSK, SKSK Sim-. K. T. *J9. K. 30 . T. 29. It. 44 Sec. 15. T 4- v 0.00 . 100.00 Si N'i.SW. S**c. 225, NKXW. SVuNM It. 45 . NKSW Sec. 18. T. 30. It. 40 ... 129, 240 'Hi S0.00 .. .4 30. It. 41 Lot 6 . S«*c. 3 roils. T. 31 WV.SW Sec. 1^4, xeept the South 26 It. 35 . i. T. 31. It. 35 ... Sb.SE Sec. 26. T. 31. K. 35. N»4 See. 35. T. 31. H. 38 . SW. NWSB Sec. 2. T. 32. It. 36 . Sb.NK Sec. 21. T. 32. It 39 . 8 *jNK. K*wSE, Sec. 18. T. 32 R. 45 . K%B*4. Sec. 19. T. 32, It. 45 ... W i.,S\V. SWNW 8 «t. 26. S«*SE NESE. KUNE Sit. 27 T. 34. It. 36 486.00 Lots 2. 3.'4. S*4NW. SW NE. Sec. 4. Lot 1. SENE See. 5. T. 35. It. . so.oo , 800.00 . iHO.tXI n«i I INI MO.00 240.00 720,00 »6 Luts 2. 3. 4. MW NR. SVj.NW Sis- 7 Lot 1. SUNK Sec. 6 , T. 37, It. 720.00 711 MK Sis-, I NKNK See. 12. T. 37. it. 38. Lots 3. 4. 7. «, 7. 8 . 0. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, Sis-. 0. T. 37. It. . XWNK Sis-. 14, T. 37. It. 41 III eluding Improvement» SV.SE See. 23. W%SK See. 26 T. 36. H. 35 W h.SW S*m W >.jSW See. 5. NWNW See. 8 . T. 36. H. 41 1'OSM'KKion . . . . I000.4M) UHMK) . 160.00 *3. T. 36. R. IU\ 160.00 . ISO 00 of the above described premises will lie given immediately upon the termination of any lease In -Itleh may exist in said premises in accordance with the terms of the laws of the slate of terest lease and tin* Montana. Dated this 7th day of Fob.. 1945. The Board of County Corn-) missioners of Valley County. Carl Shellerud. Chairman Stephen Weber. Clerk and Recorder (Feh. L5. 22, March 1. 8 i ntcenth si MMONS FOR Tl IU.IC ATION In the District Court of tho Si ntcenth if M« si MMONS FOR Tl IU.IC ATION In the District Court of tho Si Judicial District of the Stat tana. In and For the County of Val >rgo Kolstad. Plaintiff. ( n: and all other who Gratia A. < ountry ins iinknown. claiming. • might claim, any right. or lnf«*rest in. or loin or inciinihranc«* upon th«* n*al property d«*scrihed the eomplalnt. or any part lhcr«*«»f. nilverse to plaintiffs ownership, any cloud upon plaintiffs title there to. wlmther such elaini or possible claim he present or contingent, m eluding any «lain» or possible . laim of dower, inehoate op a«'«*rned. Defend ants. The State of Montana to the Above Named Defendants and To All other Persons I »known. Gr«*etings : Von are h«*r«*by summoned the Complaint In this action which filed in the office of the Clerk of this, of which is herewith serv«*d upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiffs attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons.! exclusive of th»* day of service : and in ease of your failure to appear or ans wer. Judgment will tie tak»*n against you by d«*fault for the relief demanded Valley County, Montana, III»*, es a nsw»*r c rt. ll i-opy in tin* Complaint. Thi» is an action brought f«*r the purpoH«* *»f quieting till»* to th»* lands situated i ami (lescribe<l as follows; KU, of See. 4. Twp 28 N., Kge. 44 E.M.M. Wit DP •al »»f this my hand and Court fids 26 day 1»I5. of F»*hniary. Hlanehe (Dotjan, Clerk of th.* Dlslrlet Court. Thomas Dignan. Glasgow. Montana. Attorney for Plaintiff. (Mar 1. 8 . 15 A 22.) I* ROC LA M ATION and NOTICE of ELECTION The Mayor ».f the City of Glasgow Connly of Valley. Slate of Montana.' f the City of Glas* crow. Valley County. State of Mon* tana : H«* it known that an election he held in th«* lh<* «*l»v'iors ill I'itr of tîlasgn«-. Cnuntr of Volley. Slate nf Montana, and in each «-a'r«l of anhl City, "ji Monday, the aerond day of April. 1947. The said election li*'ing the Municipal election for the said City, for the We Have Secured \ Power paint equipment, see use about that needed paint job. A good supply of paint and shingle stain on hand now. I I We Deliver Gas, Oil and Grease. Our Truck Is Meter Equipped. Farmers Union Oil Opheim, Montana Piano - Piano - Piano Start your boy's or girl's musical edu cation. We have bought what you have been looking for. A beautiful Gulbransen piano, medium size in solid oak case. Condition just like new as to tone and finish. See this piano, you will appreciate and want it. An asset to any good home. PRICE $150.00 Midway Merc. Co. Phone 152-J-l - Fort Peek 10-tfc PROMOTED IN ITALY WITH THE FIFTH ARMY. ITALY —Private Francis L. Draszt, whose wife Prances lives in Glasgow. Mont., has been promoted to private first class. He is a laborer with a quarter master unit of the Fifth army in Italy. 00 year Ninctoon Hundred Forty Five, hold under «ml pursnaiii to Section 5003 of tli** r»*vis»*»l codes of Montana I »35. at which Ha id election the ijuali fled oloetor* of mild f*lty will elec officers of the City of Glasgow, as fol lows to-wit : elected by the mi the f sub! Mayor shall be two years fier the first Monday In to be One Mayor qualifi«*»! electors of the City term from am May. 1747. Two Aldermen from Ward No. One (1» of salt! rity. which said Aldermen will be elected by the <]iialified elector» of Ward No. One (1) of said City and (he term of which said Aldermen shall be two years from and after the first Monday in May. 1045. Two Aldermen from Ward No. Two (*Jt of said rity, which said Aldermen will he elected by the qualified electors of Ward No. Two CO of »aid City anti tin* term of which saltl Aldermen year« from and after the first Monday in May. 1»4 One City Treasurer to he the qualified electors and the term of Treasurer shall be tw shall be tw looted by City City of s:il«l rhloh said . year» from and after the first Monday in May. 1945. One Police .Tnd|?o to bo elected by tho qualified electors of said Pity and •f which said Police Judge years from and after the the form shall he tw first Monday In May. 1915. Given under my hand this *J7th «lay of February. 1»4 E. J. KJELSTRl'P, Mayor Attest: MARTIN MILLER, rity rierk. Mar. 1. 8 . 15 & £» CALL FOR (tins Not bi* is herdby given that the board of County Commissioners County. Montana, will bids up t 1» 15. 11 O'clock A. M. 1 Truck I nder lbs Gross weight short wheel base 8*4" Huai rear and 7*V front Tires, with 2 speed axle. Address all bids I Commissioners. Glasgow. Montana, en velope to he marked "Kids for Truck." The Hoard reserves the right to re Jecf any and all bids. hated this 5th day of March. 1915. Hoard of Countv Commissioners. Stephen Weber. Clerk (Mardi S. 15 A. 22.» .HI of Valley •elve si*aled and including March 24th. i»i INI f County Hojml SI MMONS FOB 1*1 BLK'ATIOX In tin- Uislrli-I t'niiri nt thi- Si-vi-iit<H-nlh .1 ml t<-in I Dislrlil of I In- Stall- of Mmi tana. In and For the Count ley. Fremont Gbbsiu. Plaintiff. of Va I -vs Jorgen Erickson, guardian of the per n and estate of Bern ha li BHek n. a single man. an insane person: ton. a single man. Nora Mumford. Treasurer of Valley County. Montana : and all other persons claiming any Interest in nr lien upon the real estate hereinafter described, or any part thereof. Defendants. I Hernharf o. Erlek an insane The State of Montana To the Above Named Defentants : You an* hereby sui Die complaint In this actio of the Clerk of this f which Is herewith and to file yond ans n the limned to : ver ■ h ich is fili il in (In- nffi Fonrl. n ! m-rvi-il ••••I«.' I. m. llllTI-Ilf ll| I " •rve a I Intlffs attonn j «fier the servie«* •P iti f this summons. Intlffs attonn j «fier the servie«* iti f this summons. ■ I Huslvo of tin* day of scrv to of your faiInn* r. Judgment will In* ink«* by «l<*fanit fop tin* relief demanded in tlie complaint. This action Is brought for tin* pur poso of seeiiring a tax «Iced from County Treasurer of Valley County. Montana, for tho lands and premises loserlbe» SK* |S\V V 4 , SW *4 SB 1 1 S«*e N \V *,. Wy.NK»,. S F >, \ !•: 1 , S\V*4N\V*J See 12. Twp Rgo. 38 E. M. M. nd *a ! IM I , j ; Witness mv hand and seal of ronri this 7th day of Mnreh. 19*5. SIMMONS FOR IMPLICATION Di the Justice Court of Glasgow T«»wn ship. Valiev County. Montana, Ttefore C. W Kampfer. Justiee *»f the Peace. Fri«*dls. a partnership. Plaintiff, ; o. R. Stewart. Defen«lant. The Stale of Montana t Named D»*f»*ndant. G V«»n an* lier«*by th** complaint In this action, which n th»* »»fflc»* of the above nai f which Is h und to file vour lh»*r**of E * ■ I N.. Blanche Grot » in. C'lerk of the District Court Thnma« Iliunnn, Glasgow. Montana. Altornev for Plaintiff (Ma nil. 8, 15. 22 A 29» - VH - tin *lnir mm»»n»*«l !*• cd filed Jiisfl«*«* Court, with s«*rv»Ml upon you answer <»r s«*rv<* a ••• Dm* Plaintiff »»r iinofi within six «lays aft Summons. «*xclusi vie«*; an«i in <*as .py •py h»*i I » "rii'*v of this ! : .f the day •• f voiir faibi appear <«r answer. Judgment taken against ynu. by »lefanll. f*»r th«* relief «|**mande«i In tin* «*»»mplninf •lire tile ill be This s an action I*» • *f $52.00 due and ..wing Frl»*dD on bill of goods. war»*s and ni»*r«*liMiuIis«* h-feiidniit sold to tb»* defendant, sal giving a had check for th Giv**n under my j of March. 1945. ( • xanu-. this 7tIi liny hand C \V Kampfer I hereby certify flint «'. W. Kampfer lx the Only elected <|(liltifi.'ll llUtl flf-t { Ing Jnxtlee of Peace of the alieve en titled Court, (Si-al of Valley County) \V«*b»*r. St«*phnn (T»*rk and Recorder. (March 8 . 15, 22 & 29.) Stop Ad; Swamped With Buyers, Word From Saco Farmer "I wish you would lake out that advertisement I had in your paper. If it rt week, I am afraid swamped with buyers," writes Arthur C. Muilray, Saco farmer. Mr. Murray ordered a small clas sified advertisement in The Courier, with the result that 'T sold the harness to the first buyer... Thank ''class ads" are doing similar good jobs for many buyers and sellers oes another I I will be you." These NASHUA By Mrs. George Fisher Mrs. Milder Ramsbacker. who has been in the country since Christmas visiting in Rlohland at the home of, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. K Bondy; her sister. Mrs. C. Glazier, and her daughter. Arlene, spent, Friday visiting Mrs. K. Leistiko. She will leave soon for Portland where she is employed The Roval Neighbors met last Wednesday evening at their hall. It was decided to observe the flfieth anniversary of the organization a special meeting in March. Mrs. Della Sevier was the social hostess, Herman Espeseth, who is in the army, was here visiting friends and at the home of Mrs. John Brogan, Me was employed here when h? was called to the army. His father, Henry Espeseth of Wild Rase, N. D. accom ranted him here and they left Pri day. Mrs. D. E. Hawbaker returned Saturday from Wolf Point, where she spent several days. Peter Quiring, who was gone for three weeks, returned Sunday morn ing. He had been in Canistota, S. D.. and Fargo, N. D. Group 1 of the Lutheran Ladies A : ■ ■ w II meet Wednesday. March 14th at the home of Mrs. Fred Stohl D. E. Hawbaker left Saturday , _ . „ „ . ,, . morning for Great Fulls to att-.nd a Fa -i!T er 5r Unl ?? "iîîi in „ . The van Guard Club will meet Tuesday March 13. at the home of w- H _ w. Mis. A. J. Ferguson left Monday morning for New Auburn, Wis.. to be with her mother, who is III. Mrs. Homer Loucks and Bryan who had been visiting her parents ; hi Bratt, Kans., returned home Tuesday morning I Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Zentz re-1 turned Friday after a few day's visit with their daughter, Mrs. Joseph McGowan, in Poplar. Mr. Zentz also was In Williston to attend a live stock sale. ! Workers for the Nashua territory J in the Red Cross War Fund drive have been appointed by Mrs. George ! Fisher. They are Mrs. James Hay, Olli. Heiklns, Mrs. H J. Geer. Mrs. 1 T. Maurselh. D. E. Hawbaker. Mrs. | C. M. Peterson, Mrs. prank Jlmerson, Mrs j. D. Irwin, Mrs. H. E. Hill. Mrs. H. Helgeson. Mrs. Harriet N. Carver, Mrs. Joe Catelle. Hartvig Garsjo. Mrs, Floyd Smith. Victor j Cherney and Joe Wagner. Those who have not been personally soli cited, please contact your worker | and make your contribution. Travel, conditions make it impossible to see I each and everyone. ( Superintendent Homer Loucks drove to Redstone Friday to visit until Sunday at his home there with his younger brother, who was ho J'} a on D a ,ii?,lh Ug rtoi-iiVintTi „.ne a /■nmniimSüpH at a chmvpr ÄK *afSS2onat "he home of Mrs. Otto Useman with Mrs. August. Wessler as co-hostess. The afternoon was spent socially and Mrs. Dehlbom received gifts. About 20 were present. Marion Garwood, who has been making his home in Ohio for the past few years, arrived Tuesday for a visit. The study club of the Altar society met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Victor Dosiert and Mrs. Veran Dos-1 tert and the disarmament lesson was studied. Last week the group met with Mrs. Tom Pointer. The Altar society will be enter talned. Thursday. March 15. at the home of Mrs. C. M. Peterson. Mike Sterback made a business trip to Great Falls the first of the week. W. J. Wittmayer went to Great Palls on business on Monday and returned home Wednesday. A. T. Schnell, seaman first class, who has been In the Pacific for 11 months, arrived home to spend his leave at his home here. He and Mrs, Schnell and daughter Alice spent the week end in Opheim Raymond Collins came from Miami, Fla., to spend a seven day leave at his home here. He is in the navy. Mrs. Ruth Baker and son Fred erick of Hinsdale came Saturday to visit for a few days with friends. She was a house guest at the George Demko home. VANDALIA Sadie Mulfinger James K. McGibney County Agent James K. McGibney was a Vandalia caller last Saturday. Henry Mulfinger and Mrs. Caro lina Claypool were business callers in Malta last Thursday. Mrs. Marion Arrison returned to Canada for a brief stay last week. George Watson returned home from the hospital in Glasgow last Friday. He had been in the hospital taking treatment for a week. "Rattlesnake Pete" came up from Glasgow Saturday to start working for John David, Mr. :.nd Mrs. Homer Claypool vis-1 ited at the Mulfinger home Sunday. Fred Cain delivered some horses to Hinsdale Sunday. Walter Riggin and Bud Burger at tended the Farmers Union dance in Tampico Saturday night. Ed Bundus made a business trip to Fort Peck Monday. Walter Christensen left Wednes day for Tacoma. Wash., on bust ness. That Man's A Hero If he's wearing a «ilk moire rib bon with stripes of blue, white, blue, white, red. white, blue, white and blue. This ribbon signifies the wearer has been awarded the Disa inguished-Flying Cross for "extra ordinary achievement". Mrs. Smith—My husband couldn't get into the army. He was 2F-2F. Mrs. Jones — What on earth is that? Mrs. Smith—Too fat to fight. Rookie—Wliat's the difference be tween KP and MP? Rookie Two— KP is what a soldier catches, and MP is what catches a soldier. Some Pun! Dot — Why did the little cookie ( Dash — Because its mother had been a wafer so long! cry? Over 200 at Farewell (or Telfords By Courier Correspondent OPHEIM — Friends in the com munity entertained at a farewell party honoring the E. R, Telford family at the Farmers hall Thurs day. More than 200 were present spite of the weather. A program was held including numbers by the glee club under direction of Horton Hicks and three numbers by a clarinet quartet com posed of Annabelle Munger, Beryl Tichenor, Margaret Hansen and Phyllis Foss. Mrs. Paulson accom I pamed southern melodies played by 1 Elmer Johnson and son, Charles. Elmer Johnson sang "Follow the i Gleam". quartet composed of Mrs. A. O. st - John a ' ld Mrs Norris Opheim, . j accompaniedl by Mrs. Roy Pausi sang : s Old Sweet Song. ' Miss Violet Co 9 1 an ^ Mrs - Etllel ^ a ^i.? r sang "Id Rather Have Jesus. ' The Rev. Carl Hines gave a talk on "Friend ship," and Milo Jennings, gave the) ! Tellord tamily , histor y and P« 1 ° PaiHrt i , those present. A St. Patrick at|^ u ^ et uncl was P 1 spared, 1 The Telfords are old Opheim resi dents having lived here for 25 j years. They have 12 children, three in the army overseas. They plan to leave soon for Washington where they will locate on a small chicken ranch Mr Telford has been em D i 0 yed as mechanic at the Markle transfer for some years _!_ —_ • « r!|H| A L? ! P(ia«gAM«Cif| ! i»I • fl_a _ fit N S BF ( V f ' ! . Glasgow Girl Scouts Saturday afternoon collected 525 pounds of kit ' eben fats in a door-to-door cam paign in Glasgow and then turn'd in $20,90 as proceeds from the sale of fats to the Red Cross for Its rent War pund campaign, t , ........ Seventeen girls participated in the collection under the direction of ih-ir leader. Dorothy Kimball and Mrs. J 1 ™ 11 ® Lowe Barkhoff, and covered the town thoroughly in spite of » driving snowstorm Girls who participated were Inga „ bolter. Gwen Hoyey. Patsy Crain, 5 ut !} Ca : s ? v ; -, £? n Mclnemey, Donna Rusher. Viola Russell, Ardice Bowles, Bunny SchelUnger, Julene Rowe, Sharon Linn, patsy Pattison, Nona Crain. Mary Ann Farrell, Janet Achen and Wilma Hein. __ ]L(fc<c fltld •*■**» I *J CI K t » rU «I1IU *_ tOFPOFäl L0I1P . " Wprf |t| WaK Pniltf 111 " V81 * 'Jilll By Courier Correspondent FRAZER—Miss Ellen Sophie Ktel gaard. daughter of John Kielgaard Q f prairie Elk, and Corp Clifford V. ( Long, of San Antonio. Tex., son of i m,- s Serena Long of Frazer, were married at the First Lutheran! church in Wolf Pojnt Prldav after . noon ^ Rev 0 N Rue officiated The bride wore a powder blue street dress. Attendants were Mr. a " d ^ w< jr e .. a B ree n street dress. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served at the home of tble bridegroom s brother-in-law i i J | I WENEEDCREÂM HIGHEST PRICES PAID For Sweet and No. 1 Churning Cream. Bring or Ship Your Cream Regularly to N0R-M0NT DAIRIES GLASGOW, MONTANA 49-tf. GLASGOW Hoe and Cattle Market We will buy your live bogs and cattle in any quantity — one or a carload — at Glasgow. Highest market prices paid. This is a permanent market and we invite you to see us before you sell. Sec us for shipping dates before bringing bogs and cattle in. The City Market Gâllagher & Sons FURMITÜBIE MOVERS Call Us For Estimate WE WILL MOVE YOUR FURNITURE TO AND FROM ANYWHERE Unstet Ti'aasfer 8 Storage Cosnpany Agent for * Un!ted Van Lines Glasgow; Phone 1G0 Havre: Phone 2150 Great Falls; Phone 8771 Pag* 9 mamm MARKLE Merchandise Tips to Fanners ; in 1 1 ! j ■ Tap and Die Sets—10 sizes, $16.00 Noble Blades—About April 1 — Order now to secure export permit. Some 20' Grain Elevators, all steel. $95.80. Dixie Cotton Choppers. Order Now. Tractor Sweep Rakes. 3 left — $84.00. 5 Gal. Gasoline Cans—$1.15. 7'n Gal. Government Cans—$1.35 ! ( and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Johnson. Guests included the bride I groom's mother and her son John 1 and daughters, Betty and Thelma, I and Mr and Mrs. Harvey Long, son ! Gary and daughter, Carol Jane. The bride attended the Highland school in McCone county and the Wolf Point high school, and has ; been engaged in teaching at the Highland school which she attended. Corporal Long is stationed at the air forces regional hospital at San Antonio and they will make their home there for the duration. They ( left for San Antonio Saturday. Markle Transfer Co. GLASGOW — PHONE 71 ; Courier want-ads are read all over Valley county, and in other counties. too. cur-___ ; FARMERS Bring Your Tractor Heads To Us For Valve Service We Have the Tools and Equipment and Will Do The Job Right STENBAKKEN IMPLEMENT CO. PHONE 486, NASHUA CASE — CHEVROLET