Newspaper Page Text
COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Minuten of m«*«*llng of tin* Hoard *>f for July. 1945. Count? Commission«* Jul? 2nd. Meeting was « ailed to «»rder by Carl Shellerud. all members ami the clerk b«*lag present. Minim's of the Inst meeting ami al of the Canvassing Hoard for Khftlon «»f June Mh. wer«* rend and approved. The Ked.-rnI Land Hank tendered $2T».00 for sat Isfaetion and releas«* «if .lmlgin«*at of Mr. Chris Gamrath. flle«l Oct. 22. 102!. for $230.00 plus $15.40 «•«»sfs. It was moved ami seconded that the «iff«*r he accepted, ami the Chairman was authorised to sign Valley County. A Delegation was in from Nashua requesting Valley C«»uuty Nashua Fort Peek mad. or turn it over to the State Highway departm«*nt. An Insurance Policy for $51.300 was renewed for 5 year» with the O. M. Christinson Land Co. M«*etlng adjourned, to r«*eonvene July •leas«* for i repair th«* :;rd. .Inly 3rd. The Hoard met as a Weli fan* Board, all rn«*in«*rs and the CI«*rk and Child wtdfare worker. Wiletta Smith, and Supervisor Margar«*t Jung wen* present. Heport of the Child welfare was read and approved. Th«* Hoanl r«* «-(•mmciidcd an luer«*ase <»f Salary («» Child W«Ufare Worker to $105.00 ja r month. (Md Age Assistance grants w«*re r«* vicw«*d and sum«* changes w«*n* auth orised. The following claims on the Poor Fund were audited ami approved: WTHCKLLANWH S KI ND Dr. C. B. I^arson, county physi cian .... Dr. T. L. Cockrell, county phy sician. Hinsdale . Dr. W. 31. Heed, county physi cian, Opheim . Hu I trey a, groceries . Huttreya, groceries . Ruttreya, groceries . Lawrence Luke, care county ■ barge Montana State sanatorium, care county inmates . Montana State Training School, «are inmates . Montana State Training School, «•are llOftlM . Slate Orphans Home, care orphans . W. B. Schmitten, care county charges . Welfare atate department Glasgow Courier, office sup p8m . Francis Mahon Hospital, hospi taliaation poor . Montana Home for Ag«*d, rare of Inmates . Ml. State Tel A Tel Co., tele phone, welfar«* deptnient .... 12.60 W«*atern Union, welfare dept mcnl .I Farmers Union Co-op, Farmers Farmers Union Co-op . Petty ('aah. transient relief . . Hak«*rs Handy Store, groceries CASH GRANTS M. Rliason. general r«*ll«»f .... H. Halverson, general relief . . K«i llenle, general rulf«*f . Mrs. J. Hopstad, general relb'f Barney Hoyde«*. general relief 30.00 Mrs. Rena Luckcy. general r»' •orker .$ 207.00 49.3) K» 90 5.00 (Ml IN'«» 10.00 140.45 4.7« V1..T7 20.00 105.00 . 1,501.05 11.35 e 312.10 30.00 mi 15.00 1.Î.3ÎI 5.00 17.00 :w»oo x.(«l ON HAND NOW * De Laval Cream Separators 1—12-foot Rod Weeder. 1—26-inch Wagon Box. Letz Blower for Grain. 1—Burr Feed Mill 8 in. 1—10" Hammer Mill Pickup for 12A Combines. V Belts and Pulleys for No. 9 Combine. Grain Augers Have a few steel grain bins com ing (1,000 and 1,500 bu. size.) Order now. 9 Order Harvester Repairs Now! Harvester Parts Will Be Slow Again This Fall, So Order Early! nc 31 1 ¥alley Implement Co. YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALERS V \N 7 / # # "EXHIBITION V ^ «et«». <£ *rs.y- rÄ*j5rffÄ» of 1945* 4 4 The greatest grandstand attraction ever to go on tour. It's Just chock-full of stars of stage, screen and radio ... with gorge . ous scenic, costume and lighting effects. Comady! Dancing! Singing! Mus Ici Acrobatic! Novelties! See it nightly on the huge grandstand stage at Regina's Victory Year Ex hibition, July 30 to Aug ust 4! o i\ *tV EXHIBITS! (Livestock • Agriculture - Horticulture • Women's Work • School Exhibits • Indian Work • Government display! - Light Horse Show • a complete HORSE RACES! picture of ths cultural and agrl* cultural waatl Seven running races each afternoon featuring *Dafly Double* and 4 Qukiella*. Automatic starting gate . • . Pari-Mutuels MIDWAY ! Gay tent theatres and thrHflng rides! All the fun ef the fair' for young and old! # / j r û SIX BIG DATS Hof . Mrs. M. Miller, general relief Bet«* Kan general relief Hugh Seelherg. Mrs. E. W lief . The meet lug adjourned at The Meeting of «'utility Commissioner* at A Delegation was in from the Glas gow Chamber of Commerce and asked the County to co-operate in an adver tising campaign being sponsored hy the Montanans' Incorpora tad. Tin* County was asked for an ap propriation of $585.00* us its share of the advertising costa. It was moved hy N. C. Brigg*. .se conded hy M. Arnold that Valley County participate In the advertising campaign as outlined and that $585.00 he appropriated from the Fair Fund and paid to the Montanana* Incorpor ated. The Board adjourned at 5 IVM. to m«*«*l with the City Council in a joint meeting at 8 B.M. to take «are of in ut ut 1 business (liât affected both the City and County. A Joint resolution ns follows; RESOLUTION NO. 527 OF GLASGOW. RESOLUTION NO. — COUNTY. MONTANA. 11 40.00 50.00 18.00 •lief Innl. general re gem* ral 30.00 to P. M. •olivened ns a Hoanl 30 B.M. OF THF CITY OF VALLEY! A JOINT KESOLFTION AUTHORIZ ING THE CITY OF GLASGOW AND THE COUNTY OF VALLEY TO ENTER INTO A LEASE WITH T1I7 UNITES STATES GOVERNMENT ON THE GLASGOW AIRPORT. JOINTLY OWNED BY THE CITY OF GLASGOW AND THE COUNTY OF VALLEY. FOR A TERM COM MENCING THE 51 JULY 1945, AND ENDING 30 JUNE 194«, PROVIDING FOR RENEWAL THEREOF AS PROVIDED HV THE TERMS OF THE M \si. AND in CON8I8 TENCY WITH THE LAW. WHEREAS, the City of Glasgow jointly with th«* County of Valley here to fore entered into a lease with the United States of America of the pre mises owned jointly by, Lessors ami known as Glasgow Municipal Airport, tad___ _ WHEREAS, by an Act approved 24 ! February 1943. th«* laws of the Stat«*|ls of Montana applicable to such l«*ases have be«*n amended since execution of said Lease by an amendment of Bee* tion 5 of Chapter 171 of the Session Laws of th«* Twenty-seventh Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana. and th.- L<-«Hce has requested the Lessors to execute a new lease of said premises because of such amendment and the continuing need for the use the premises for military purposes: NOW. THK1UCKORK. BH IT UK SOLVED, that the City of Glasgow, jointly with the County of Valley, enter Into a written lease to be dated JS I July 1945. with the United States of | America, of the Glasgow Municipal Air port for a term commencing «1 July, | XlMA, and ending 30 June. llMtl, renew- i able at the la-ssec's option from year j year as Authorized by applicable laws of the State of Montana: I BE IT RESOLVED, that such lease shall be in the Korin and , shall contain the terms and conditional contalm-d in a draft of such loose pro -1 sented to this Joint meeting by tho ; Valley Men Meet in Reunion in Pacific ■ m ♦ a. : I i fl f'yUiimyj Mk\ ajyi - • v-\ « MJWj jSDAH it m r 01 • Montana day was held in the Pacific recently and men from all over the state got together and met for the first time. In Vie group above are pictured citizen*, from six Montana towns, including a number of Valley county residents. Front' row, left to right are Merwin J. Babcock, carpenter's maV? first class, Fort Peck; Henry Stover, machinist's mate first class, Frazer; Henry B. Redekopp. boatswain's mate second claiss, Wolf Point; Glenn Vinson, shipfitter second class. Glasgow: Fran cis L. Christiana, machinist's mate third elniw, Glasgow; Charles Guy Seely, seaman second clas^ Hinsdale: Harry Studt, electrician's ma'.e first class, White fish, and Philip O. Lexey, baker second class, Whitefish. Back row, left to right. First Serg. James E. Wininger. Fort Peck: L. D. Langley, chief shipfitter,* Fort Peck; AI Nissen, electrician's mate firsf. class, Fort Peek; Lieut. Jerold B. Van Faasen, navy civil engineering corps, Fort Peck; P. J. Surprenant, seaman first class, Whitefish; W. C. Price, carpenter's mate first class. Whitefish; C. W. Rein, chief electrician's mate. Whitefish. and R. K. Foisier, carpenter's mate first class, Whit*'fish. (Official U. S. Navy photograph). Federal Government's representatives some of said provisions being that the rental shall be On«* Dollar ($1.00) for the term and all renewals and 24 ! extensions, that receipt of such rental Stat«*|ls acknowledged, that th«* l«*ss«*e shall have the right to make alterations to of the premises and that all Improvements heretofore made upon the premises by or for the Lessee are the property of the liesse«*; A jj n BB !T puRTIIER RESOLVED, th>t thp Mayor of , hp city of Glas , n( j chairman of the Board of county Commissioners of Valley county be and they are hereby author fo exwllte aI ; (1 ,| ( .)l V er said lease for and on behalf of said City and County, and that the Clerks of said city and County be nnd they are here. JS I ,j>y authorized to attest thereto and of | attach the official seals of said City an q County. | Passed and approved and adopted i unanimously by the City Council of tin j city of Glasgow and the Board of County Commissioners of Valley I County. Montana, in Ibis Joint meeting convened Ibis day of July. 1C4A, , CITY OK GLASGOW. MONTANA By E. J. KJBLSTBITP -1 Mayor ; ATTEST; Martin Miller, City Clerk. (OFFICIAL SEAL) VALLEY COI NTV. MONTANA By CAUL SHELLERUD Chairman. Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: St«*ph«'n Webor Countv Clork (OFFK'IAL SEAL) waa paaaod, l«*aHlng tho Airport to (ho T', S. A. for on«» y«*nr or rt montha afi**r <ho preaont omorg«'noy Is onrt«*«l, with oortaln n*s«*rvat ions which wore Incor poratod into th«* loaao an«l th«* Uhalr man <'arl Shollenirt was authorize«! to sign th«» loaso. and tho ('l«*rk an«l R** corder was instructed to fil«» a copy of tho lease upon Its execution. Future financial n«*«*«ls of tho Airport wore discussed, and policy outlined for mooting apparent future n«*«*ds. Tho City Council and County Hoard also discuss«*! details of a propos«*«! contract h«*tw«»cn them to extend Lib rary facilities to give County wide Lib rary servi«*e. .. _ Tho City Attorney and the County Attorney were also present and they •re asked to draw up such a contract or agreement. t Meeting adjourned over the fourth of July. . . # July 5th. Meeting reconv«»ned for regular business. A building 14x24 located at the fair grounds was appraised at $125.00 and ordered advertls«*d to be hold at Auction August 13th at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Court House In the Commissioners Room. ... . Th«* following claims were audited and approved on the General. Road, Bridge and Ml scella neons Funds : GENERAL FI ND: SALARIES: L. McPherson, sheriff ..$ 1«*>.30 Paul M. Christenson, sheriff Hinsdale W/alt Nashua . Hud Richter, undersherlff E. G. Browning. Jall«»r ... Nora Mumford, treasun*r . Everett tr»*asurer . Arthur M. Parke, deputy tr«*a K. 130.90 «h«*riff. Witt mayor, 68.15 1(15.15 128 00 160.00 d«*puty Meinem«* 147.20 128.50 surer . Audrey I. Barke, deputy tr«*a surer .*. Rtepheu Weber. cl«*rk and r«* «•order .'.; • v J. F. Hoffman, deputy cl«*rk and r«vorder .. . Ella Ma«* Kr«*ls. el«*rk. <*lerk and minier ... Mildred \V. Kriisl«*h. deputy «•lerk an«l recorder .. . . . j Mary Ann Moen. clerk, flerk nnd recorder .,*•••••,* Ella llaninn*ni«*ss. auiKTlntend ! «*nt of school« ... ! Ida Disrud. deputy J tend«*nt of «ehool« i A. G. Hruee, a«««*s«or . 1 Ed flodapp. deputy Riiidcrkn«*«'ht, «*I«*rk as 128.50 158.50 150.90 157.50 128.50 157.5«) [9 J Î0 1 12(MS) j I 74..M) j 141.93 super! ii 128.50 130.00 145.20 :iss«*ss«»r ,Susan i; •ss««r 32. Anderson. el«*rk •lerk of B. Carn«*y, court •r . 1 . D j Blanch«* Grotjan. I Robert h; >urt liorutr . Thomas Dignan. all minty t«»rne> F*t»i stt'iiagnipher Slieph«*nl. attorney ; Dr. N. O. Agnccrg, flC«T . Aagot Llan. ««Minty : Thclnia Manning 125.20 I 1 ÎMV.SO 128.50 145,301 I l.tNt _ 89.9.« I 14.40 ! 2.20 j I 13.00 I I .j 5.00 .80 1 ««unity if h«*alth 49.ÎM) 81.00 rs«* .... •I«*rk. county nurx*- . William S<-liml!l<-n. Janitor Anliur Paulson. Janitor «KKI.LINK«»»! ■ffii-.- work 70.00 Manson Hailey. Mary J. H« ns«*n. posting notlc« Burroughs Adding Ma« hlin* ( «» •hlnes . Kervleing adding Clt| "f Glasgow, water county buildings .... City of (Hasgow, G. L. DeWltt, Hharp«*nlng lawn ili-r hospital mower . Great Kails Paper Co. supplies . i c. W. Kampfer. janitor 8.50 of Jiistlt*«* 7.50 B«*a««* Fees . engineer •r ( K«*uff«*l A- E transit ... I Frank le«i« - k. d«*I ballot li«ix«*s I John Maxness. «!«•! ballot box«'s I H (». organ, Insurame premium I Lewis Mitchell, repair« county ! superintendent • J Chris Molvig - 414.04 130.55 I 1.25 5.00 J I 3100 I Uk(B 42.00 1 8ety, Tampico hall, r«*nt for «»lection . E. L. MeBhers«»n, board pris oners . K. L. McBherson. mll«*age sh«*r Iff .... Montana School, care lnmat«*s . repair fir«* Indiisi rial Stale D. H. Smith & ( 1.25 I 300.00 ( 10.00 pump .. Slate Hoard ««f Health, supplies unty nurse . Vocational School for Girls, care county charges .. O. M. (Christ In ho® Land Co., insurance county buildings 1210...4 Markle Transfer, nail« Janitor (Jettlc Tachache, work clerk of court .... Election Ju«lg«*s & clerks, Jun«.* «•lection . w. R. Billingsley. refund lease money . John Barrett, haul garbage .. atatiunery 4.X> 21.00 .18 ! 18.00 •Ifction Bay roll. ; : 003.70 6.00 IM Glasgow Courier, count ag«ml . Mildred II. Crosby, general ol ( îla«g«»w Courier, prlatlng .... Hammond & Stephens, Flee mont Supplies County super lnd«*ntcnt . Jo«» Holland, burial ««»Idlers Joe Holland, coroners fees .. .90 attorn«»y pinion service .... f ■*' i p; 7-n 55.60 Elmer Johnson. plumbing «•minty buildings . Aagot Llan, mileag*», county nurse and expenses . Mt. States lei & tel Co., tele phone service . Montana Power Co-., lights, county buildings . Mohr's Texaco. Janitor suppll«** MacMillians & Co., supplies county superintendent . Nora Mumford, mileage, county treasurer . Norma J. Nelson, clerk county superintendent . Weatern Union, time service .. Western Union, telegrams .... West Publishing Co., books Teachers Retirement Fund. s.. county superintendent Montana Dakota Utilités, heat unty buildings . Montana Dakota Utllltl«»*. heat eonnty buildings . Petty Cash, postag«* . Maurice Arnold, per diem and mileage . Carl Shellerud, per diem and mll«*age .. N. C. Hriggs. per diem. BRIDGE FUND: Eric Jager. June salary . Harry Maas, bridgework .... Stanley Ozark, bridgework .... Robert Robbins, bridgework Earl G. Snyder, .Tun«* salary O. L. DeWltt, repair bridge machine . Markte Transfer. repair equip ment . Monarch Lumber Co., bridge material . Monarch Lumber Co., bridge material . Western Construction Co., rm pairs for machinery . Tom Leedham, bridge suppli«*s Carl Shellerud, inspection bridge machinery . ROAD FUND: Robert J. Wallis, roadwork .. M. W. Robbins, roadwork .... Jack Schuster, roadwork .... John Dartman. roa«lwork .... William Alb«*rts, roadwork .. V. T. Hartley, roadwork . Arthur Harris, roadwork .... Mark E. Kayrs, roadwork .... J. W. Crane. roa«lwork . J. A. Betmyren. roadwork .... iMauson Hailey Sr.. fl«*ld sur helper ma 13.95 53.05 sn,;ui o-'.ll •70 3.44 5.94 7..VI i.:i7 23.00 s 14.10 63.34 SOI 43.74 4S.8IJ 47.9(1 32.00 101.80 148.40 179.00 117.0*4 13.H.ÎIÜ 10.4« 21 .«« .... 302.01 .... 080.07 14.53 -, • 10.75 100.70 189.30 157.90 173.30 135.40 173.30 160.30 157.00 140.50 s 101.00 103.40 yeys . Tom IVogon. survo.v City of Glasgow, water, shop . L. DaWltt. r«*palr road ma chinery . Farmer« Union Elevator Co., road supplicft . Farmer« Union OH Co., road '«uppIi(»M . Standard Oil. road nuppllca .. Silver Servi««*, road «upplie« Markte Tran«f«*r Co., road hup pile* . j. .,. K. Shuler, repair roa«l ma 5.00 • hi 2.00 38.55 33.85 39.31 . 11S.4S 13.90 4.50 •hinery ... Traetor & Equipment, repair road machinery . Glasgow Motors, repairs road equipment . Markte Transfer, repairs and P Plies . 32J 29.80 289.00 71.40 279.1« road A«lolf Klllngson, roadwork .. Farmer« Union Oil Co., «applies Elmer Johnson, road supplies Montana Bower Co., pow«*r and light ahop I*lon«*er Lumber < 80 9.42 ., repairs. 33.95 . Markle Transfer Co... road sup plies . MaurU'e Arnold, viewing r«*ads N. C. Hriggs. vi«>wing roads .. Farmers Tru«*k Insu ranee, In snrnnee premium . Montana Dakota I'tllltl«*s. h«*af county sb«>p . M Fred Sutter. 4 wh«*«*l trailer Betty Cash, freight on air rom prMiMir . Carl Sh«»llerud. viewing roads Smith Commercial H«»dy Work 12 yard «erap«*r . JVMH 32.00 32.00 344 20 10.95 moo 4 10 40.00 . 5,557.98 AGRICULTURE EXTENSION FUND: James M«*Glbney. «alary, enmity agent . \ . Iva L. Holliday, salary, horn«* (leinoiiHtrntion ag«*nt . Byrne«*«» Urs. salary el«*rk county ng«*nt . Iva Holliday, expenses mileage boni«» d<*inonstration agent Janies k. MeGibney, «'«Minty agent . Mountain Slates T«*l A T«*L. telephone, count}' ng«*nt .... Weste 10 8 «; 120.20 «•x penses 5.19 21.ÎS) Union, telegrams. ««»unty agi'iif . IIINSDALF, ..IGIIT AND WATER FUND: Montana Stnt«* Hoard of H«»nlth water Insnwtloii at Hinsdah* Montana B«»w«*r C«»., power Illnndnlo L h \V . H«*riiar<t Gaspnr, refund me(«*r deposit . i{«.mard Gaspar. salary. Hins dale light A- wat«*r . h | ( , h S f IIOOL TRANSPORTATION Il M» fÿoorge Accola, high school transportation ... . John (»r« *ufo, high portation . Chnrl«*s II. McChesney, high s«-h«»ol transportation Alma McCain. high transportation . R. I. Nichols, high school transportation . Dnvbl SniiskoJus, high school 13.50 41.73 5.00 5930 30.50 •ho<d (ran 44.00 21.75 school 58.00 45.00 ; 56.00 transportation School District No high school . Cloyd Sfahl. high school trans portation . Mrs. Albert Sfubor, high s«*h«Md transportation . Katherine Sw«s*ting, high school transportation . Mrs. Mark Tufta, high s«ho'»l transportation . Abe Unger, high »ehool trans portation . tuition 270.00 45.00 44.00 45.00 40 00 FAIR FUND Montanans' Incorporated, adver tising. Vall«»y county ........ FRKDATOHV ANIMAL CONTROL M M» Herman Loeke, coyote bounty Roy Jloer«t«*r. coyot«» bounty Albert Craig Jr., coyote bounty William Cherry, coyote bounty Richard Nicol, coyot«* bounty T. II. Kid red ge, coyote bounty Sam Lebert, coyote bounty .... George Looking, coyote bounty James Sweeney, coyote bounty (Jene Etehart. coyote bounty The County having been advised by the Sh«*epm«*n of Valley Coutity. that they wished to divide the money In the Bredatory Animal Control Fund, three way«, to allow the three dlff**rent parts the county, <*aeh to take care of their own Coyote Bounty problem. When the claim« were presented on the Predatory Animal Control fund, it was found that one of the divisions the county reprt*s«*ntlng the North 535.06 15.00 30.00 155.00 43.00 2.00 40.00 18.00 22 "O 27,00 40.00 western part of the county had ap proved « Inims in excess of their alloted «m«* third of th«* fnada. Th«* Hoard order«*d the f«»llowlng claims which reppe««*nts the excess, to be held over until passed upon t»y a maeting of th«* <*omhiii«'d conimit(e«*'s representing all th«* sheepmea «»f Valley County. J>at«*s were s«*t f«»r a meeting from July Pith to 2nth Inclusive, wh«*n th«* Hoard will sit as a Hoard of E«|imliza lion. Meeting was called for July 30th and 51st for fnrth« r study of the Hudgets, including school Hudg«*ts. A delegation was in from Lustn*. asking f«»r Road Repairs. Bids wen* opened on a 12 yard scraper. A Hid was surnitt«*«! by the Smith Commercial Body Works f«»r $5. 887.08. It was moved by N. C. Hriggs. Secon«l«*<| by Maurice Arnold an«l car ried unanimously that the bid Ik* ac cepted as presented. Meeting was adjourned, to re«*onvene July aili. July lith m«*(*tiiig r«K*onvened for re gular business. A Road |M*tltion N«». 1220 for abandon ment of R<»ad as follows, was pres<*nt«'d to the Hoard. To Abandon as a County Road be ginning at th«* southwest corner of s«v* tl«»n 11. th«*n«*e running East, «»n the ctlon line common to s«*ctions 1D& 14. 12 A- 13. two miles and ending at the sont h«*nst corner «»f N«*ction 12, and all In T. 2* N. R. 40. E. M. M. Th«* b«>ard ordered a hearing to ho held August 7th. at 10 A. M.. and notie«* was or«i«-red published In th«* paprr. The Printing «*«»ntract was renewed wtlh th«* (Hasgow* Courier f«»r a two year period with min«>r changes. Th«* following quit claim deeds were approv«*«! and signed. IL L. Hums, lots 7. 9. 11. block 1 Hinsdale river addition . .$ 25.00 Georg«* Hlcko«ic. lots 19, *20, 21. block 6. Glentnna . C. Kravik. bits 10, 11. 12, block 3. Richland . William J. Lingle. spWH, NEUSW*;. NW »4SEV4, S«v. 20 T 'JH. N. R. -pi, K. M. M. 180.00 Dan O'Conner, lots 1. 2. EU* NW44. NBV4. Het*. 18 , T. 34. N. K 42. K. M. M. 720.00 Misting was adjourned. 15.00 30.00 NOTICE OF SALE OF MORTGAGE LANDS OWNED BY THE STATE OF MONTANA IN VALLEY COUNTY Office of Commissioner of State Lands and Investments Helena, Montana JUly 13, 1945 Notice Is Hereby Given that the Commissioner of State lands and Investments for the State of Mon tana will receive sealed bids up to 2:00 o'clock PM.. Tuesday, August 1945, at the office of the Com missioner, State Capital. Helena, Montana, for the sale of the herein after described mortgage lands owned by the State of Montana in Valley County. All bids should be addressed to the Commissioner, en closed in a sealed envelope marked "Bids on Mortgage Lands." and ac 1 11 : «HUIT BLENDED WHISKEY 86 proof. 60% groin neutrol »piritt. Schenley Oiililler« Corp., N.Y.C. To Prepare Your Lawn FOR THE DRY FALL MONTHS MORE PLANT FOOD IS NEEDED TO KEEP IT GROWING FOR BEST RESULTS USE LAWN AND GARDEN FERTILIZER Boy War Bonds Every Month Anaconda Copper Mining Company fertilizer department Anaconda, Montana companied by a certified check for the initial payment and fees as here inafter explained. All bids will be opened on the date and at the hour above given and all bidders and other interested persons are invited to be present if they so desire. After the bids have been opened and the highest bid has been determined the lessee shall be granted the prefer [ ence right to purchase the land at the highest bid made by any other bidder. DESCRIPTION OF LAND ( The W'*i of Section 24, Town j ship 27 North, Range 40 East, M. M.. containing 320 acres, more or less, appraised at I $4,320.00. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE The sale will be held under the provisions of Chapter 165 of the Political Code, R. C. M. 1935, and all acts amendatory thereof. No land shall be sold for less than the ap praised price. Every bidder upon the land shall accompany his bid with a certified check for not less than 20 per cent of the total advertised and appraised price as shown above. The pur chaser is required to pay in cash on the date of sale not less than 20 per cent of the total purchase price, and in case the balance on the pur chase price is not an exact multiple of $25.00. then he shall pay such additional sum as is necessary to reduce the balance to an even multiple of $25.00. He may at his option pay a larger portion of the purchase price. He is also required to pay the sum of $5.00 as a fee for the deed or each certificate to be issued to him. The entire balance of the pur chase price draws interest at the rate of 5 percent per annum and will be payable on the amortization plan in 20 annual installments. All sales are made subject to the approval and confirmation of the State Board of Land Commissioners and no sale shall be deemed com pleted until after such approval and the issue of the certificate of pur chase. The State reserves all minerals in the land sold excepting that the purchaser of mortgage lands shall be entitled to receive a royalty of six and one fourth (6'<%) per cent of all gas and oil produced from such mortgage lands as provided by Section 1805.65. R. C. M. 1935. The State will have a lien on the crops all lands sold fo r installments _principal and interest on the un paid balance of the purchase price. The lands will be sold subject to all right-of-way and other easements and all reservations, including Fed eral reservation, obtained in the land prior to the date of sale. in the case of lands under lease the purchaser shall be given posses sion by the State o n March 1 suc ceeding the date of sale and not on Window Shades Without Rollers 15c & 18c Cloth Shades In Ivory Color with Brackets 85c STEEL Curtain Rods With Brackets Si 19c ; Glasgow Furniture North Side before, unless the lease expires prior to that date, except through special agreement between the purchaser and the lessee. If no bids are received for the land advertised and the land is not sold on the day set for the sale, it may be sold by the Commissioner at private sale at any time within two years from the date fixed for the sale under previous notice, to any qualified person who will pay the appraised price and make the required initial payment. J. W. WALKER, Commissioner of State Lands and Invest ments of the State of Mon tana. (July 19,26. and August 2). A jj ce Holder, daughter of C. E recognition, j I ( ■ j Holder of Nashua. Mont., has been commended by the Twelfth naval district transportation pool com mander here upon completion of a year's service as a navy driver. She received an official certificate of i COMMENDED AS DRIVER Treasure Island. San Francisco— Keep Roiling with Tircsfow* t FACTORY-METHOD RECAPPING * if. f/i «h m a m mm 4» * 1 mi r m i X mH 7t> ^ ^ 600 'I6 MjHH L « I O th PropoZ SiZe * P ^ r#, ° n «tely m Only with Firestone recapping do your tires get the Deluxe Champion Gear Grip tread, the same famous tread design used on new Firestone Deluxe Champion tires. You get extra safety, extra traction, longer mileage! We recap any make tire with this famous tread design. Prompt service. Guaranteed materials and workmanship. . ■ : v L"' 0 [•j 'r Iff Your Tires Can Not Be Recapped, Come In and Let W) elf: M 1 Us Kelp You Make ; I«« B • W 6.00-14 I Out an IfW m plus I« Grade I Tire Certificate Needed Other Sise» Proportionately Low i » 'pr* Application for a Tire Rationing Certificate 91 » w fi restons i» E LUXE C II A M I'lON The Tires That Stay Safer Longer Because of These Extra Value Features. Only Tire Built with the Famous Qear-Qrip Tread for Extra Protection Against Skidding! The 1 Built with Safti-Iaock Gum-Dipped Cord 2 The Only Tire Body for Extra Strength and Blowout Protection! Built with Safti-Sured Construction for 3 The Only Tire Greater Safety and Longer Mileage! MARKLE TRANSFER SECOND AVENUE STORE «MÜH Opheim Man Helps In Huge Program EIOHTH AIR FORCE HEAD QUARTERS, ENGLAND— If it had not been for the work of the Eighth air force service command, more than 15.000 additional replacement bombers and fighter planes, costing more than $4,413,000,000 would have been required to maintain the sky power of the Eighth air force in the war against Germany. Personel of the command included Pfc. Don E. Baldwin of Opheim, Mont. Major Gen. William E. Kepner of Kokomo, Ind.. Commander of the Eighth revealed this as he pointed out that the last repairable plane force-landed on the Continent be cause of battle damage was ready for service again. The Eighth had more than 4.00Ü combat planes during its last month 0 f operations in Europe. Many planes, of course, suffered flak dam age several times, and service com mand technicians repaired battle damage on 12,025 B-17 Flying Port resses, 2,328 B-24 Liberators, and 1,077 fighter planes.