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The •'«V CLASSIFIED COURIER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • The Courier reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run In the regular classified section and those received later up until 10 a. m. Thursday will run In the "Too Late to Classify" section. Errors In advertising should be raported Immediately. The Courier will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion. Advertising orders for Irreg ular Insertions taken at the one-time rate: Classified Rate One cent per word with a minimum charge of 25 cents. Ads telephoned in, minimum 30 cent;.'. After first insertion 1 cent per word. FOR CARE ROOFING • SIDING A NEW GAMBLE ROOF FOR FIVE ROOM HOMES as low as $98.60 Complete Fire resistant shingles installed by expert crews at new lost cost. New Convenient Terms. A Lifetime Investment! GAMBLE'S ROLLED BRICK SIDING The modern way to improve the ap pearance and insulate your home in one operation. Original cost is low. Requires no painting. Free estimate. Call 220, GAMBLE'S tfc. DR. HESS LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY REMEDIES — Com plete stocks on hand at all times. Tork's Rexall Drug, Glasgow. 25-tfc FOR SALE—Coal and wood ranges and stoves; oil heaters; beds, com plete with springs and mattresses. Congoleum rugs, running foot. We buy and sell all kinds of household •a furniture. Trade in your furniture lor new. Mustful Furniture. North Side. Telephone 154-J 4-tfC FOR SALE—Eight Week old pigs. Art Fullerton, Glasgow. Mont., former Jim Langdon place. 28-2tp FOR SALE—Five burner oil stove with oven in very good condition. Mrs. John Johnson, 918 5th Ave So.. Glasgow. 28-2tp FOR SALE— Used 12 ft Nichols and Sheppard combine. Write or see Ed Gruszie. Chinook, or Theo. O. Hanlow Co., Chinook, Mont. 28-2tp FOR SALE—1935 Ford truck with o r without Hydraulic dump box. William Brayko, at Westland Oil « 28-3tp Station. FOR SALE—Seventeen-room room ing house; two bathrooms, laun dry room, A good business, close-in. Sickness reason for sale. Inquire 334 West Court street. 28-2tp FOR SALE—Team of white work horses, well broken, good workers, weight about 2600 pounds. $75.00. Henry Schartner, Frazer, Mont. 28-2tp FOR SALE—240 acre, all irrigated farm. 10 miles from Helena, all im provements In excellent condition, 8 room all modern home, dairy barn and out buildings nearly new. School bus bv door, daily mail ser vice Write Frances F'orgy. Helena, Mont. FOR SALE—Roll top desk. Inquire Wonder Krust Bakery. Glasgow. D-23-ltc C-29-ltc FOR SALE — Completey equipped Blacksmith business, including power shear, trip hammer, electric and acetylene welding equipment. Reasonable rent on building. 36 years in Kalispell, Mont,, where Hungry Horse Dam will be located. Death of owner necessitates selling. Pri-e $3.000 Kalispell, Montana. FOF- SALE — Cabins. 16 x 60. to be moved off property. Lots of goejd material Reasonable. (See Joe Holland. 633 First Ave. South. 29-Uc 28-2tc etc. Write A. L, Overby. 29-lie 29 tfc —; ~■ , FOR SALE — Two No. 2 Rum ey , Combines with 4 foot extensions. Good condition One E foot Deer- j ing Binder. One John Deere Trac- I tor on Rubber, all overhauled. C. \ C Rermche. 2 Miles east of Larslan Stör» 29-4tp FOR SALE — Used ?.ll-steel large ice-box. 50 to 75 lb. ice capacity. Glasgow Furniture. North Side. Professional Cards j I j I I ' I Dr. G. H. Klein ■ DENTIST Klein's Log Cabin Motel Highway No. £ Glasgow Ice & Cold Storage Co. Office ti to s Residence 20» r«: » to 1' mrt I Office II ■»hone: Office 479 ART KOTAKI, Prop, GLASGOW FLOWER SHOP 1 Flowers for All Occasions Phone 75 We Telegraph Flowers GLASGOW, MONTANA i » ; Valley County Abstract Company OFFICIAL ABSTRACTORS Phone 50 GLASGOW. MONTANA Holland Funeral Chapel I Courteous, Efficient find Dignified Nerv Ire* at Moderate Frire» ■ LICENSED EMBALMER and LADY ASSISTANT PHONE 3.1» 1 Peterson Mortuary ! LICENSED EMBALMERS ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 89 Masonic Temple Building GLASGOW, MONTANA Twenty Four Ronr / iPlnhnc« Service FOR SALE SPECIAL — 2 Wheel Trailer Tires—New Recaps. 4.75-1#— New Tubes. A very good, ser viceable trailer, that you will buy. See It. and it's yours for $50.00. Used brass valves, % and 1 inch sizes—65c. 1 % and X '4 inch brass valves—95c 6 in. heavy duty valves—$12.50. 6 in. foot valves—$7.50. All kinds of pipe fittings, reduc and flanges in 4 in., 6 in., 12 in. and 14 in. sizes. Used Air Hose % and 1 inch sizes, per ft.—5c. Fire Hose 2'a inch, per foot—15c. Rubber Hose, 2 in., 214 in. and 3 in. sizes. 1926-27 Chevrolet truck rear end —$7.50. 1931 Chevrolet transmission — $7.50. 1935 - 36 Standard Chevrolet | transmission—$20,00. Used Shovels, each—25c. 5/8 in. x 8 in. lag screws, per lb. j —5c. No. 6 bare copper wire for out side wiring, just the size for £ ! and 32 volt plants, per ft.—2c. Large size flexible welding cable | for welding machines, at 15 and 20 cents per foot. Wire rope or cable ■?!, 7/8, 1 and | 1U inch in all lengths. This j rope has 7 small cables, easy to unwind, can be used for re inforcing on concrete, makes good fencing for corrals. Sell ing fast at 5c per foot. Telephone wire in long lengths. Pre-war material. 2 wires in sulated, runs about 35 ft. to the lb. Now 20c per lb. Water cooler and drinking foun tain. well insulated, with stand. Has two faucets, to be used with ice. Just the thing for the ranch. While they last, $1.95. ers 600x16 recap tires — $10.20. Also 600x20. No 550x18. 500 - 550 certificate required to pur chase these tires. Midway Merc NEW DEAL Phone 152-J-l, Fort Peck tfc STURDY WESTERN RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS For .Sale In Carloads Box 373 BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO FOR SALE OR TRADE—2'i yard tumble bug; one 60 h.p. caterpiller tractor, motor in good shape. Ail in fair condition. Would trade for cattle. Paul Rohrer, Glasgow. 27-3tp FOR SALE — John Deere tractor and plow. Write to Mike Uerako. 29-2tp East Port Orchard. Wasn. FOR SALE Philco battery radio. 5 tube . $17.00 complete. Radio guaranteed. R. H. Wiers, Nashua, Mont., Box 191. 29-2tp FOR SALE — International 9-fOot One way. Otto Waitches. Richland. 29-ltp FOR SALE — Two electric motors, pest drill, rope hoist and track. Erick's Print Shop. 1st Ave. No. . 29-ltp FOR SALE—One pure bred Aber deen Angus Bull, 3 years old. Gentle, Max Hueth, Nashua. Mont. Three miles north of Wheeler, 29-ltp FOR SALE—Wheel Chair, practi cally new. I. W. Stover. Frazer. Mont. 29-2tp FOR SALE—Trailer house, built-in fixtures. Good condition. Can be seen at Henry Osterberg's, in First avenue south, Lewis Skogstad. 29-ltp T CH I « AUCTIONEER—Call Hinsdale at my expense for dates. John C. McColIy, l-52tp JOHN BARRETT GARBAGE CO. —Authorized garbage collectors. phone 273. 38-tfc ] SINGERS AND ALL OTHER family sewing machines repaired and re built by ex-Singer shop manager. Mr. Keagy at the Keagy apart ments 24-tfc » MEAT CURING SELF SERVICE GROCERY Phone 191-J 3-tfc Egg Mash $3.60 Scratch $3.10 Starter Mash $3.50 DR. SALSBURYS REMEDIES Markle Transfer Glasgow GAMBLE'S INSULATE 5 ROOM HOMES as low as $140.00 complete Homeguard Insulation, installed by our trained specialists. Makes your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Call 220 today for FREE ESTIMATE. tfc GAMBLE'S McCORMCK PEERING BINDER TWINE J 500' Twine Bale 60(1' Twine Bale S7.5Ü 8.25 MARKLE TRANSFER CO. Phone 71 FOR RENT—Two or three-room furnished apartment at 902 Third Avenue South. Mrs, R. W. Gum ming. 29-ltp D-24-ltp LOST—Thursday night at Nashua ball park Waltham Watch with Gold Case, Finder please return to Courier office or Priest Drug Store, Nashua, for Reward. 29-Up D-24-itp WANTED—Man or Woman lor Rawleigh Route. Permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write Rawleigh 's. Dept. MTG-71 103. Minneapolis, Minn. 29-Up CARPENTER Repair work and Painting. Leave word at 124 First Street North or write Box 1021. Glasgow. Will do General 29-ltp D-24-ltp I to last BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME - Hand made Artificial Roses, see them at Post Office News Stand. 29-3tp LOST—Childs hand made purple leather purse. Initials J. E. K. on flap. Please return to Courier of C-29-ltp WANTED TO BUY—A good young milk cow now milking. Preferably Guernsey. Inquire at Courier office. 27-3tp flee. D-24-ltp WANTED—One mechanic; also man for lubrication rack. Magruder Motor Co., Glasgow. 28-2tp WANTED TO BUY—1928 Chevrolet Uuck. or something similar in good condition. Write William F. Trebas. Nashua, Mont. 28-2tc I hi WANTED—One dinner cook, man or woman, $8.50 per shift: one fry cook. $7.50 per shift; waitresses. $400; dishwashers. $4.00. Write or wire at once to Glacier Cafe. Cut Bank. Mont. D-23-2tp C-29-ltp St \IMONK In the District Court of tin* Seventeenth Judicial District of tin* Stale of Mon tana, In and For Hit* ('«unity ley. Rotiert Prooks, Plaintiff. mail. No. at I line and in lh«* on was f Val Charles Johnson, unknown heirs and d»*vls**cs of Peter Johnson. Elizabeth L Sandvig. u minor. Helen Brooks. Frames New ton. Winnlfred D. B«*l»liew. Margery Rundb*. I'liknown heirs and unknown devisees of f'arl J. Sandvig, d«*eease«l, ami all other persemi unknown, «•(aiming or who might claim any right, title, estate or Interest In. or Hen, or Ineiimbrnnee upon the real properly deserlb«*d In the complaint In this* eas»* or any lh«*reof, adverse to plaintiff's ownership, or any ««loud upon plaintiff's till«* thereto, whether such «daim «»r possible «daim be pre sent or contingent, including claim or possible «daim «»f «lower. In ehoate or accrued. Defendants. The Stale of Montana to the above nuiiKMl Defendant (si; You are hereby summoned fo answer the complaint in tills aeti«»n which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court a copy of which Is herewith served upon you, and to fib* your ans •rve a copy thereof upon the within «if this summons, of the day of servl«*e: and in r»f your failure to appear or ans judgement will be taken ngninsr .von by «(«'fault for the relief ilemanded the «'«»ni plaint. Tliis action Is brought for the pnr pose <tf quieting title fo th«* land sltll atc«l in Valley County, Montana, and deseribe«! as follows; Sb.SK 1 « Se«'f|on 7. N W 1 i Section 17, NO.NE ,/ i Section IS. Township ,'U'l, North Range 40 K. M. M. Witness my hand ami Hie seal of sabl Court this 2Sfh «lav of June. 1945, ISLA NCI IK G ROT JA V. Clerk. By Susan Rlnderkneeht. Deputy Clerk. unknow snlltll tors them in ll«»n lier th«* Estate C. wer and plaintiff's twenty attorn« ays after the scrv xclusi •ai !. ley all beetillle on n*a«Iy price i office Mont., Aug. have July (Court Seal) John Marriott Kline Elizabeth Kline Glasgow. Montana Attorney!») f«»r Plaintiff (July 0. 12. 1» * 26) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR GOOD, CLEAN LATE MODEL USED CARS, Dan Oakland 15-ltc WE CONTRACT FOR INSULATION, ROOF SHINGLING, ROLL BRICK SIDING and WHITE WAVE EDGE SHINGLE SIDING. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE GflWlMfet Phone 220 Farm Items Now on Hand Rotary Gas Pumps Bumper Jacks Spccdigger post hole diggers Rotary type gas pump Small gas engines, Wisconsin and Lauson All sizes Goodyear truck, tractor and car tires * Flashlight batteries limes pickup attachments for combines Pickup box for Ford tractor Fishing boats. 14' long, high, wide and safe Manure loaders for Ford tractor Cultivators, all types for Ford tractors 1500 Walt Automatic Windchargers All types and sizes of car and truck batteries Front rims for nutting on truck tires and tractors New' Ford Car and Truck Motors, 100 H. P. 1500 Watt and small Kohler and Kato Light Plants Platforms to stand on for your Ford tractor Wood saws for Ford tractors Have your tractor tires filled with 100% Solution Galloway Cream Separators, electric and hand Pow'er sickle and tool grinders Farm light and power batteries Hanson-Merseit PHONE 221 __ NOTH F TO C RKDITOKN K stale of I eter I et er son, deceased, Notice Is hereby Given, by the under sisted Executor of the Last \\ ill and esta ment of Peter Peterson, deceased. the creditors of and all persons having claim against the said de «•eased, to exhibit them with the neces- ■ vouchers within four (4) months the first publication of this notice, to tiic said executor at the office of James T. Shea, in Glas Montana, the same being I lit* place designated for the transaction of tin* of the estate In the ('onnty of Valley, State of Montana. Howard C. Arnold. Executor of the Will and Testament of Peter Petersen, Diseased. Dated June 4. 1945. s T. Shea. Attorney for Executor. Glasgow, Montana. (July 12. lb. 2«. Ang. 2) NOTIC E OF SALE A Building 14 x 24, located at the fair grounds was appraised at $125.00 ordered sold al Auction to the highest bidder, on August 15th at 10 o'clock A. M. at tlie Court House in Commissioners room. Stephen Weber. Clerk and Recorder. (July 12. 10 and 26.) nlin 1 • NOTH'K OF HALF Noth«* of lo-aring mi abandonment of A Petition having b«*en |ir«*Hente«l 122(1 n*qii«*sllng Hi«* County Coin missbuiers to abandon a county roa«l tin* lienee run ii in g east, on t li<* Meet ion common (<• seul bom n and 14. 12 15,- two miles and ending at tin* ast eurner of Meetlou 12, ami all T. 2S N. R. 40 K. M. M. Th«* Hoard ordere«! a hearing upon pro August 7th order«*«! published in Slepher \V«*b«*i CI«*rk and Reeorder (July 12. 10 and 20.) «ut h west f Meet ion 11. r ment t «» In* h«d I I lid« I 10 A. M. and notice Hie paper. NOTICE TO CKFDITOKS Estate of Oieane l*e<l«*rseu, deeenned b e Is h«*r«*by given, by the under administratrix of the estate of Pedersen deceas«»«!. to tin* credi of and all persons having claims the said d«*eeased. I» exhibit with th«* necessary vouchers with four months after the first publba of this nolle«', lo the said adniln istartrix at the Office of C. II. Roberts, attorney, in Glasgow. Montana, in County «»f Valley. Anna llild<*n. Administratrix of the of Oieane ivd«*i Date« I July !Mh. 194»' II. Kotiert*. Attorney for Administratrix. (July 12, lb. 26 and Aug. 2.) n. De«'«*ased. Notice «f D«*iin«|iien( Tax Sale Nora Mnmford. Treasurer *»f Val County. Montana, will «»ff«*r for sale pr«»pcrtb*s in Valley County, which <b*lin<|iicnt «»n Hi»* 1944 taxes. » any prior delinquent taxes nnty does not al rllflcale, at a taxes and penalties a is Which Valle h«dd a tax sal not less t lia sal** lo be held in Treasurer's in the Courthouse «I Glasgow. beginning at 12 «»'•■b»« k noon on 1ÎM5. and continuing until 2nd. 1945 <»r until all properties h«*cn offered for sab*. Norn Mnniford Valley County TreaMirt'r (Illy 5. 18 and 10 • 2Grd. Farmers and Stockmen See Us For Materials When Building— Grain Bins Bams Brooders Machine Sheds Sheep Sheds ) Me Still Have Some Shingles Left Pioneer Lumber Yard Glasgow, Mont. SPECIALS Scarce Items NOW ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1940 Chevrolet 3 i-ton Heavy Duty Pickup. 1933 Chevrolet Tudor— Cheap. Complete oxy-acetylene welding outfit, complete with Smith acetylene generator. 100 lb. capacity and barrel of carbide, ready for use. Only $125.00. NEW Minneapolis Moline 15ft. Disc Harrow. Genuine Rubber Felt-back Floor Mats. Various sizes. Pyrene Fire Extinguishers. Hydraulic Jacks. A good slock of Delco and Good rich car and truck batteries. Glasgow Motor Co. Minneapolis-Moline Dealer CHEVROLET and BUCK DEALERS m-o-v-i-n-g We are prepared to handle moving jobs with expert help and equipment to handle the largest buildings. Call 152-J-l Fort Peck Mark Kotkin tfc ( ALL FOR HIPS Notice is ht* roi»y given that the Hoard County Commissioners of Valley County will reeelve Kids up lo August 7th at 10 o'clock A M. at Glasgow, Court House on One Yard Shovel with Drag line attachment. Valley County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Stephen Weber. Clerk and Recorder (July 12. If) and 26.) ALIAS SIMMONS the Hint riet Court of the Seventeen! h .iuilM-lal District of the State of Mon tana, In ami For the Comity of Val ley. .Viiiiiiiii'letla Spang, IMainilfr, -vs Deyo Spang. Defendant, Tho Stale of Montana to the above named Defeudnntta) : Von are hereby Kuinnioned to answer eoiuplaiut the euniplahit in this notion which is filed In the offiee of the Clerk of lliis Court, py of whirh in »rved upon you, and to fib* your answer and w*rvi* a ropy tliorcof hr plaintiff's all or nr.vs within twnity days aftrr tin* srrvlrr of tills nions, rxrlusive of the day of srr vlrr; and in rasr of your failure to appear or answrr, judgment will br taken against you by drfanlt for the relief demanded in the complaint, The nature of this aetion is t 'a divorce by the plaintiff from the de. fendant, and tin* custody of the minor ,.|,n c | u f said marriage, upon the ground extreme cruelty existing and per s j stlM | j,, |,y the defendant against tin* lu \ut Iff for more than two years last , M . fore , he commencement of (his ar |j on witness my hand and the seal of said ,* ol|rt h day of July, 1945. herewith II |H 111»ii.-Iii- lirntjuu. Clerk. iCourt ,SoaI> C. il. Robert n A ttorney for Plaintiff (Julyl2, lb, 2d and Ang. 2.» Iran's oil pools were known for centuries, but were not commercially exploited until British interests were granted a concession in 1901. U JACOBS WIN CHARGER The World's Leading Wind Electric Plant fO. / h» ■ Li if? ' r See Us For Details MARKLE TRANSFER Glasgow, Montana Electrical Supplies —Now Available— Switches - Boxes - Fixtures Conduit . Fittings Pulleys - Belts Yard Lites • Light Bulbs Wire (With Priority Rating) Fuses All wiring devices available for 32 or 110 volt wiring. Maytag Electric Company 23-tfc Ration Reminders I» — - « MEATS. FATS—Red Stamps K2 through P2, last date for use July 31; Red Stamps Q2 through U2. last date fo r use August 31; Bed Stamps V2 through Z2, last date for use September 30; Red Stamps A1 through El. last date for use October Blue stamps T2 through X2, last date for use July 31. Blue stamps Y2. Z2, Al, Bl, Cl. last date for use August 31; Blue Stamps D1 through HI. last date for use September 30; Blue Stamps Jl through Nl, last date for use October 31. SUGAR STAMPS—Stamp 36. last date for use August 31. SHOES—Airplane Stamps Nos. 1. 2. 3. in book three continue valid indefinitely. SI PROCESSED FOODS ■ 1 -■ •' & *V ■ We have just harvested a fine crop of black babies Sired by These calves are low set and thick with Evelisco 3d of Ada. a number of good herd bull prospects, that we will have for It would be a pleasure Evelisco 3d of Ada is a double bred sale at weaning time in November, to show them to you. Juana Erica ison of Jungle Eric bred by the most famous Because of heifers re Aberdeen-Angus breeder in Scotland. (ained in our herd it has become necessary for us to dispose of this good bull, and he has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Berger Akre of Opheim, where he will head their commercial Our heist wishes go with him and we have every reason herd. to believe that he will carry on his record of siring quality calves for them as he did for us. THE SHELDON EARN 5 Miles S.W. of Nashua L. H. SHELDON, Owner AUCTION AT THE HANS SKOTT FARM, 11 MILES SOUTH AND 2 MILES WEST OF RICHLAND 3'4 MILES EAST AND 'a MILE NORTH OF OLD AVONDALE. Wed., July 25 SALE STARTS AT 1:30 P. M. Terms: Cash FARM MACHINERY, ETC. 1—1928 One Ton Chevrolet Truck 1—6 inch Feed Grinder 1—Casey Jones Engine 1—Windmill Tower I—Blacksmith Outfit 1—Post Drill 1—Pump Jack 1—Black hawk Gas Pump I—Wood. 1 Steel Water Tanks 1—Economy King Cream Separator L—5 Gal. Barrel Churn 1—Meat Grinder 1—.22 Rifle; 1 .25-.20 Rifle Tools. Barrels, Sack Holder. Eveners. Etc. 2—John Deere Tractors 1—Nichols & Sheppard, 12 ft. Combine L—John Deere 3-Bottom Plow and Pony Drill ]—jo ft. Tandem John Deere Disc I—10 ft. Single Disc I—Sulky Horse Plow 1 —10 ft. Moline Wheel Drill 1—7 ft. Deering Binder 1—Mower 1 —10 ft. Hay Rake 1—Heavy Wagon and 125 bu. Grain Tank 1— Wagon and Rack 2— Sections Iron Drag 1—Horse Cultivator 1—Grain Treater 1—John Deere Grain Elevator 1—Hero Fanning Mill 1—3 h. p. John Deere Engine 1 —1 'a h. p. Briggs & Stratton Engine 1 —Set Heavy Harness and Collars HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1—Rocking Chaii 1—Single Bed 1—Heating Stove 1—Leather-covered Davenport 1—9 x 12 Linoleum Rug And many other articles too numerous to mention. MRS. MARIA SKOTT, Owner MILO JENNINGS, Auctioneer One Automatic Jayhawk Stacker left. Hay Sweeps for Farmall Models B and H. Hay Sweeps for Cars and Trucks. Farmers Supply CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere a predation for the words of ministers and the music at the fun eral services at Glasgow and Lustre for our father. A. J. Ratzlaff. We also thank those who sent flowers and all who gave assistance, also neighbors and friends sympathy duing our time of be reavement. X who expressed Dr. Helen Ratzlaff. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Past and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ratzlaff and family, Anne Ratzlaff, Mr. and Mrs A. P. Neufeld, David Ratzlaff. Erdmann Ratzlaff. itc BACK FROM PACIFIC Marine Serg. James Emmett An derson, whose wife and small daughter reside in Port Peck, has returned to San Diego. Calif., for furlough and reassignment after serving nine months in the Pacific with the Fifth Marine division. The 22-year old sergeant is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Anderson of Havre, and is an alumnus of Mon tana State university. SAVE ALL WASTE FATS MARKLE Merchandise Tips to Fanners Stucco Wire Autci-.atic Stock Dippers with 5 gallons of dip—$43.50. 3" Fairbanks Centrifugal Pumps. Jacobs Windchargers 1,000 Lbs. Fairbanks Morse Scales $31.50. 3,000 Watt 110 AC and 750 Watt 32 Volt combination lite plant, $498.00. 20-16-12 ga. Shells for farmers and ranchers. 20 in. Brush Plow 660 A. M. Jacobs Batteries. Spring Tooth Harrow, 4 ft. sec tions, 12 teeth each. 1000 Watt. 32 Volt, Gasoline El ectric Plants, new $169.50. One Farmall Sweeprake. Power Sickle Grinders, wet and dry, electric and Gas. Markle Transfer Co. GLASGOW — PHONE 71 wmiiiiwin—i»i—milmn •iwrir 111 m— Notice of D«din«|iicnt Tux Sale I, Nora Mnniford. Treasurer of Val all properties in Valley County, which became delinquent on the 1044 taxes, and also any prior delinquent taxes on which Valley County does not ul ready hold a tax sale certificate, at a price not less than taxes and penalties thereon. This sale to he held In Treasurer's office in the Courthouse at Glasgow, Mont., beginning at 12 o'clock noon on July 33rd, 1945 and continuing until July 80th, 1015 or until all properties have been offered for sale. Nora Mnniford Valley County Treasurer (July 5. 12 & lî». At Sîenlfeakken's 1 All-Purpose Soo Stacker, complete with Manure loader. Has fittings for A or B John Deere tractor, Steel Sweeprakes built for 3 Wheel Tractors. Wind rowers will windrow swath as hay is mowed. Grain Blowers, Grain Eleva tors. 1936 Chevrolet Pickup 1934 Olds Coupe. STENBAKKEN IMPLEMENT CO. PHONE 486, NASHUA CASE — CHEVROLET