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< v 1 *1 A GOOD NAME Gives You a Priority Credit Rating with Us Many factors arc of course taken into consid eration when we loan out our depositors' funds, but most important of all is the good name of the borrower ... If you have that, you need never hesitate about coming to this bank to apply for a loan. Right from the start it gives you a "priority" credit rating with us . . . and the other considerations usually take care of themselves. 4 ■ A THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Glasgow ON FRONT STREET SINCE I8SI OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS A. B. FRIEDLUND, PRESIDENT J. W. WBOUM, VICE PRESIDENT J. C. BAKER. CASHIER M. C. SWEITZER ASS T CASHIER FRED IBSEN ROBERT S. COTTON Glasgow Brevities Joyce Blair went to Great Palls Monday night to consult an oculist, Lieut, and Mrs. Lewis Archam bault are now located at Hatties burg, Miss. Dale Moore left Saturday to spend a few days visiting at Beach and Dickinson, N. D. Miss Aagot Llan left Thursday and is soendinc a vacation visitinc ^ t g at Terry and near Bouldei. Mrs. J, B. Durkee visited her daughter. Mrs. Alex Torkelson, at Frazer from Sunday to Tuesday. Nass returned Friday from Great Palls, where they spent a vacation week. Miss Ida Disrud left Tuesday for Ciinton, near Missoula. Where she will be principal of the grade school this year. Superintendent and Mrs. W. C. Greer and son of Ophelm were in Glasgow Thursday for business and shopping. Mr. and Mrs. H. K Near and sons, David and Gerry, left Friday on a vacation trip which they are spend ing in Regina. Sask. Mrs. Ruth Bowling returned Sun day morning from Memphis, Tenn., where she spent three months visit- ! ing her brother. Homer Cooper of Kalispell. former Valley county resident in the Avon iL 54 t /*** a SCOTT mad SNYDERS PHONB 101 FREE DELIVERY WE DO NOT MEET PRICES ... WE MAKE THEM! 2 lbs 25 c Red Malagas or White Seedless GRAPES ITALIAN PRUNES 1-98 PEARS PEACHES Fancy or Extra Fancy 20 Lb. Box ELBERTAS Large Small 2-29 1-89 1-98 LOG CABIN PINT SYRUP 25 c bottle FRUIT JARS 59 c doz. lb. COOKIES 29* Marshmallow Kitchen Roll Orange & Grapefruit JUICE TOWELS Fort Howard No. 2 Can 2 for 35 c 2 fop 19 c ATTENTION FARMERS! We also Pay CASH as well as TRADE for FRESH EGGS. FRYERS and OLD HENS Live or Dressed. BEEF ROAST VEAL STEAK Lean, Tender, Meaty Another Chance 27c lb. 59 c lb. HALIBUT AND SALMON HENS e FRYERS Order Yours Early For all your SWEETENING NEEDS U A "°I SUGAR! MADE in NORTH MONTANA PURE FINE GRANULATED QUICK DISSOLVING Ask for it by name. i dale district, is in Glasgow this week on business. 1 Sjf'lÄJrtSSL ÄV returned Monday morning. Miss Iva Holladay, Miss Bertha i Holladav and Mrs p t Rillin^slev burned sïïidaTnleht frornOllcilr £rk wherîH Sev Tnt afWdavs Mrs Dorothy McCormick and daughter Sorothy "ft Monday for ■ r^r-pof paiic where the dauchter will fVljc -.ilr iuvf CfL-vL C . lea ?" at opneim. . ar l a A ' *? a Y e lor , . , ma 5i i - ' Texas ', , ere tlie y IY 111 visit their son-m-law and 1 daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wohl ro ™- , e Y , j J eturn J*'Pt- 10 - „ Pvt " **yle McLean of Glenwood, Minn., stopped Sunday to visit his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean a day. He was on bis way to Fort Lewis, Wash. Mrs. N. L Jennings went to Saco Monday to visit Mrs. George Robin son a few days, and with her and Mrs. Walter Miller to visit at the farm hopie of Mrs. Henry Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill and daughter, Virginia, of Van Nuys, j Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Sethne here were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Toycen and Harry Rose of Swan Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Widen return ed from Minot and Tagus. N. Dak., Wi Calif., were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Benson. Mrs. Hill is Mr. Benson's daughter. Den O'Connor returned Thursday from Toronto, Ont., where he visited his old home. He also visited rel atives of Mrs. O'Connor at Ottawa. He was gone a month. Mr. and Mrs. James H Archer will leave Saturday on a ten-day vacation trip to western Montana. I They are plannln Missoula. Kalispell and elsewhere. Miss Glenna Grotjan went to Great Falls Saturday to visit Miss | Belinda Johnson, who lived in Glas j gow last year. Miss Grotjan will, I also visit her cousin, Mrs. Frances, Aldridge. Walter and John Baynham. sons of W. A. Baynham. went to Great Falls Friday to visit their sister, Shirley, who is a student nurse at the Deaconess hospital, and Jimmy Joe Walsh. O. H. Bundy, manager of the Montana-Dakota Utilities company office in Glasgow, spent the first of the week at Billings attending a di vision managers meeting of the company. Mr. and Mrs, Pred Leistiko and two children of Cut Bank are here spending a vacation with friends and relatives. Mr. Leistiko is em ployed by the Mountain States Tele phone company. Mr and Mrs. Carl Opsahl and family of Central Valley, Calif., who have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Opsahl. and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Gamas, left for home Monday. Mrs. George Haynes and Miss Judy Rorvik left Tuesday afternoon for Seattle, where they will visit Mrs. Haynes' daughter. Lois, and Doris Christiansen, who are em ployed by the Western Union at Port Lewis Guests at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Angelo Christiana, are Carmel, Catherine and Rosie Cuccaro of Ottawa, ont. They have been spending a vaca tion at the Christiana vegetable farm near Glasgow. Corp. Charles Callaci. musician and entertainer who served with the last squadron that trained at the Glasgow army airbase, has writ ten local friends that he is now sta stops in Butte, tioned at Sioux Palls, S. D., after serving overseas. Mrs. Harry Hosford of Kalispell came Sunday to join Mr. Hos ford. who has spent the past week here assisting with the harvesting at the Hosford farm. She visited part of the week at the Charles M. Gonder home in Glasgow Captain J. L. Hoffmann, who has been home on 30-day leave following his return from Europe, left Wed nesda y morning to report at Port Henning, Ga„ for reassignment. He visited his mother.Mrs. Anna Hoff a £ d members of his while here. Miss Dorothy Kjelstrup and Miss Barbara Porter, who are employed by the government at Denver, ar rived Saturday to spend vacations at their homes here. They came by plane w Great pans. Miss KjeI . s t r up leaves this week end. Miss Porter has a two weeks vacation. Mr anc j Mrs Allison Pitts left for their home in Mississippi Wednes day m0 rning after visiting their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dascher, and helping them during the harvest. They have been engaged in defense work in the g an Francisco area for several years. Mrs. Robert Karlin and. daughter Karen and son Jimmie, afccompan e d by her mother-in-law, Mrs. Bu chanan, came Monday from Mis soula to visit this week with her mother, Mis. W. B. Schmitten. Mrs. Schmitten and Mrs. Karlin went to Port Peck lake to fish Tuesday. Mrs. George Smith of Lake Bluff, Ill., arrived Saturday to visit her cousin Mrs. H. R. Heiland in Glas gow, and her uncle, T. L. Blikken and other relatives at Opheim. Her son George, wno left Lake Bluff with : her, stopped in Lakota, N. D„ to help with the harvest. Her husband is gardener at the P. D. Armour estate in Lake Bluff. Mr. and Mrs. John Dascher, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dascher and fam ilj, Mrs. Dascher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allison Pitts, who are visiting ) tnem, Georgle Watters and Dale Dascner spent Monuay anu iuesuay i on a vacation trip into Canada. | j They said the crops from the bor der to Moose Jaw, Sask., were very poor. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knight re turned Wednesday irom a visit to i tne west, coast, they were accom ! pained home by their son, Dick, who J i nad been working since last March : in the Boeing Kenton plant, and 1 Eddie Lind, lormerly oi Glasgow, ( ! wuo has been working in the Brem erton shipyard. The young men will j ; return to me west coast late next ' ; week to attend high school. Mr. ana Mrs. R. P. Carney and daugnter Deloris have returned from a vacation trip to sevei ai points in Montana and North Da kota. They visited brothers of Mrs. Carney at Glendive and Hebron, N. D., and the G. L. Wolf lamily at Dickinson. They visited fnenos in Hettinger and Bismarck, in both oi which cities they nave lived. 1 .»uss tourne a . Farrell. Daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Fan ell, and Miss Mary Lou Alley, uaugliler of ! Mi-, and Mrs- Charles Alley, re tiunea to uiasgow sunaay from Bozeman, where they completed a summer quarter nursing course at me Montana state college. They will report at the Deaconess hospital in oreat Falls dept. 9, to continue their training. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knight re turned Wednesday morning irom a trip to Chelians, Wasn., wnere mey visited Mrs. Nellie Mill, formerly or Glasgow, They also visited relatives of Mrs. Knight at Tacoma, and Kent, Wash, rheir daughter-in-law, Mi's. Roy Knight, the former Miss Heien Mill, accompanied Mr. Knight to Portland, where they vis 1 itea an uncle and aunt ol Mr. I Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Knight were : gone two weeks. 1 Miss Lois Haynes, daughter of Mr. I and Mrs. George Haynes of Glasgow, and Miss Dons Christianson, daugh te of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Christlan ] son, who have been taking a course j J in telegrapny at Santa Cruz. Calif., i ' have been sent to work at Port i Lewis, Wash. The two young women I recently met David and Dickie Val I lanoigham, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vallandigham, former Glas gow residents, at a San Jose beach. Mrs. J. S. Baraell and son Bor- j land, who had visited at the home [ of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Washburn in [ ! Great Palls, returned Saturday. Miss 1 j Joan Bardell, who accompanied j them, and who went on to Butte to i attend a convocation of the Metho dist Youth Fellowship at which she I represented the Glasgow chapter, re turned Monday. They had gone to j I Great Falls Wednesday with Mr. and j Mrs. D. J. Lintner, parents of Mrs. j j Washburn, who were returning I Help Wanted CHAMBER MAID GLASGOW HOTEL r Cotten, Rogers In Roxy Movie [ ' I ! I ' j I Mr V, J, c ■j 1 F % * i : ! : x. j f f • Joseph Cotten and Ginger Ropers in a scene from "I'll Be Seeing You," costarrinç Shirley Temple, with Spring Byington. at the Ko\y today. Friday and Saturday. there after visiting in Wolf Point. their former home. Mrs. Forrest Cole and sons went to Minot, N. D., Tuesday to visit relatives and see an eye specialist. C. E. Behner of Billings came Sunday to spend a week En Glas gow on business. He expects a nephew Earl Slade of Winona. Minn., to meet him here Friday and j accompany him to Billings Sunday, Mrs. prank Jensen and daughter, I Lucille, arrived Tuesday to visit friends. They are former residents here. Miss Jensen had been work ing in a west coast shipyard. Mrs. Jensen went there from Fort Col lins. Colo., where the family is now living, to meet her daughter. They will leave Saturday for Port Collins. | Burton Mann, son of Mr. and I Mrs. Fred Mann, will be home this week for a 30-day furlough. He en listed in the navy this spring and I) ° si gn ° v th e m ' J! , T _HE RIGHT looking so unstudied. And your face comes first. That's why Dorothy Gray lias a make-up foundation for every skin type... and face powders that blend best with it. Wear the right Dorothy Gray foundation and powder for you...for "the right look." The Dorothy Gray Design for the Right Look" awaits you at our cosmetic counter. Elation Make-Up Balm— a new transparent, natural-looking lotion for a youthful finish. $2. light» Up -The new Dorothy Gray foundation in cream-liquid. 5 rich tones. $1. Finisheen — cream make-up. $1. Portrait Face Powder—% 1. m Elation Make-up Film— transpar ent cream. $1, $2. Elation Face Powder— $3. AU prie** plm IO» Hall Drug Company PHONE 123 — WE DELIVER 'i » f *a Phone 14 COLD STORAGE LOCKERS Noodle Scap, Liptan's ... 3 pkgs. 27c Mytex, water softener .... pkg. ! 9 c Mop Slicks - Past Mops - Brooms G. N. Beasts 4 lbs. 25 c -CORN STARCH DEAL 2 Pkgs. Cube Starch I Pkg. Cream Starch 3 '" 21 ' CANNING Peaches - Pears - Plums PURE FINE GRANULATED QUICK DISSOLVING Ask for it by SUGAR name. 9 For all your SWEETENING NEEDS r MADE IN NORTH MONTANA - *• ( « , has now changed his enlistment from two years to a four year per l°d- '^ le Manns have another son, Jff slle who 15 pharmacist's mate in na \>; a son Wesley in the army, a oangnter, Mazel, who is an army a daughter Mae, who is a 4460 cross social worker, Roger Orr returned from Bis marck, N, D., Monday where he pitched for the Williston A.O.U.W. team a softball tournament. He wl *' g° *o Great Falls Saturday to I Help Wanted DESK CLERK GLASGOW HOTEL pitch tor the Montana Cafe team in a tournament. His family will accompany him and his children, Gary and Gail, will visit his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Daggett, at Big Sandy. Miss Marie Hopkins spent from Thursday to Monday in Plentywood, where she visited her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. prances Hopkins, and other relatives and friends. She returned to work, at the hospital Wednesday. E. D. Benson, Dr. N. O. Agneberg and Sam Gilluly represented the Glasgow Kiwanis club at a state Kiwanis convention in Great Palls last week. Mrs. Btnsnn and Mrs. Agneberg accompanied their hus bands. Mr. Gilluly was accompanied by his sons, Richard and Robert, who visited thei r grandmother. Mis. Hannah Gilluly, at Great Palls and went on to Missoula to visit their grandmother, Mrs. Agnes Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and daughter Elizabeth Anne, left Tues day morning for Minneapolis, where they are visiting Mr. Harrison's rela tives. His sister, Miss Lolla Harrison will accompany them on a trip through Ontario, and they will visit relatives at Woodstock. They will then visit Major and Mrs, Matthew Harrison at West Point, N, Y.. and go to Washington, D. C.. to meet Mr. Harrison's brother, L. M. Harrison, who is in the diplomatic service and is home on leave from the American embassy at Berne, Switzerland. Miss Harrison will then go to New York to enter the Packer School for Girls, where she will major in sociology. Mrs. George Baue r and daughter. Marlene, left Monday to visit Mr. Hats off to our Grocers! We salute the grocers • . . the unsung heroes of the war . . . the fellows who worked short handed and short stocked. We salute the grocers for their hard work ... for their long hours . . . for their understanding in the face of so much misunderstanding. Wc commend the grocers who counted their ration points and kept rationing working effectively . . . who patient ly served their customers . , . who kept America's home-front food dis tribution on an even keel. Wc salute the grocers for their good work .. . their good will . . . their good humor . . . for a job well done. We hope that peace will bring you a speedy return to normal operation. NOR'MONT DAMES VELVET BUTTER VELVET ICE CREAM ( GLASGOW BÜTTREYS Fort Peck Free Delivery THE COMPLETE FOOD STORE PEAS GREEN CATSUP BEANS MT. MAURICE No. 2 Cans PRESIDENT Cut - No. 2 Cans 2 "" 25 ' Pure Tomato, 14 oz. bottles 2 " 25 ' 2 39 ' Case 2.89 Case 2.89 Slicing Wash. No. 1 Tomatoes 16 Lb. Box GREEN Peppers Cucumbers Green, Firm Large, Sweet lb. 7 c 1.89 lb. Igc I — Now Is the Time to CAM ITALIAN PRUNES Dressing for Tasty Salads 39 - tang 19 U jar «J0RAX0 15c \^^fl^lELI6NTFIL II TIE l«TI 1ITEI GRAHAM Crackers Manchesters 1 lb. Box Young Mutton - Veal - Beef - Pork Fryers - Hens - and large assortment Lunch Meats 18 ' SAUSAGE lb. SMOKED LIVER 39 ' TAMALES CHIX - 2 for 45 ' % and Mrs. William Forsyth in Willis ton, returning today. Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Larson return ed last week to Glasgow from their summer home at Flathead lake, where Mrs. Larson has been staying since April. Dr. Larson had been there five weeks. _ Corp. Bernie Wilson, son of Mr., and Mrs. W. H. Wilson, received his ■ honorable discharge from the army a "f r three years sevice in the Pa- I caflc theater at Port Douglas, Utah, and arrived in Glasgow Monday to WILSON DISCHARGED HELP WANTED PIPEFITTERS PIPEFITTER HELPERS LABORERS Some of these jobs will be permanent Inquire Glasgow Office MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO. Page 7 visit his parents. He is a former membe r of Company G of the na tional guard. ENTER MERCHANT MARINE Hinsdale—Dan Mclnnis returned Tuesday from Salt Lake City, Utah, where he was accepted for service in the merchant marine. He expects a call to active duty within the next several weeks, Governor's salaries range from $3,000 in South Dakota to $25,000 in Ne w York. The average salary is $8.385.50.