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Society ^lemsL 1 ! NO UNSIGNED ITEMS Under no circumstances will society or other news items mailed to The Courier without signature and address of the sender be published. Nor, ordin arily, will items be published that are too "old" to be news, such as happenings that ocur red from ten days to two weeks before the issue of the paper. Fouts-Bretzke « a m 1 ^ r£ou£ C 'of S - NaÄ was . Thomas L. Fouts or Nashua, was married to Richard A. Bretzke, son f, Mrs- Anna Bretzke of Glasgow at 9:30. Oct. 24. in St. Raphaels church in Glasgow, The Rev. Pr. A. E. Foley peiiormed the ceremony. Mrs. Bretzke wore a brown street dress with brown accessories. She carried a white prayer book with a corsage of talesman roses and gar £n r £T ed " e ' k She wore a brown dress with brown accessories and carried a corsage of wlesman rose^-nre best man wa, 5 «tiro' groom s hL of Mr RrSs hirTh also the day of Mr. Bretzke s birth day and his parents' wedding an ni versary. Mrs. Bretzke attended school in Harlem, Glasgow and Nashua. Mr. Bretzke was recently honorably dis charged from the army. He served for some time in the Pacific. Afte r the wedding ceremony a breakfast reception was held at the home of the bridegroom's mother. The couple left last Wednesday night for Big Fork to visit Mr. Bretzke's sister, Mrs. John Heikens, and her family. Hospital Guild Meets Mrs Grant S. Moore presided at a meeting of the Deaconess Hospital guild last Friday, Members answered to roll call with Hallowe'en num bers. Mrs. Grace Weber, a past president of the group, was a guest, Mrs R. A DeHaven, who has been ill was able to attend. Mrs. O. R. McCleery and Mrs. Pete r Nyquist L. D. R. Meets At Church The Lutheran Daughters of Re formation met at the church parlors last Tuesday with Doris Peterson as hostess. Twelve members were pres ent. Selma Vegge, president, presid ed. Helen Egstad discussed "Hymns and Authors." Meditation was by Mrs. Florence Keith and devotions ; were hostesses. were led by Edna Mae Erickson. The next meeting will be at the home of Judith Svingen next Tues day night at 8 Dinner Honors Veteran Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Benson enter tained at a 7 o'clock dinner Tuesday night in honor of Robert Jensen Jr., who has just received his honorable 1 discharge and has just returned from the Pacific. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jensen, form erly of Fort Peck and now of Seat tle. Other guests at the dinner were Mrs. Robert Jensen and their son Dennis and Fred Tollefson of Scobey. Mrs. King Entertains Mrs. James King entertained at a Hallowe'en party in honor of her mother, Mrs. Charles Clifton of Spokane, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clifton formerly lived in Glasgow. Neighbors and friends were invited and games were played. Prizes were won by Mrs. Henry Skillingberg and ANNOUNCEMENT The Radio & Sound Laboratory which operated as a radio service organization for this area, and as a sup ply source for this territiory, will in the future operate as a division of the Maytag Electric Co., of North Dakota and Montana. Plans are going forward for a radio service business but it will be several weeks before any radios can be accepted for repair. The Courier will carry the "open for business" announcement. Correspondence regarding radio service will he answered. Our desire would be to rapair ajul recon dition every radio offered, but unfortunately, the out look is that material and tubes will limit the initial volume to about fifty percent of normal capacity. It is a sincere pleasure to be able to make any an nouncement regarding future operations here and we look forward with pleasure to the prospect of seeing many old friends again. Irving Tjomsland with Radio Ö Sound Laboratory MAYTAG ELECTRIC CO. FORK'S Rexall THURS. - FRL - SAT. now 2 i One Cent Sale SEE OUR MAIL CIRCULARS FOR BARGAINS '«r / -V À Mrs. Joyce Hall. Mrs. Clifton re ceived a guest prize. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Baptist Society Hears Report The Helping Hand society met last Thursday afternoon in the Baptist church. Mrs. E. I. Farrell was in charge of the program. Reports of an association meeting held recently in Great Palls were given by Mrs. Kon Puhrman, Mrs. H. F. Widen. Mrs, E. B. Pease and Mrs. Ella Burger. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. C. H. Roberts and Mrs. H, P. Widen. The next meeting will be an all-hostess meet ing in the church, Nov, 8. , Lydia Circle of the Lutheran church met with Mrs. C, O. John Î?" at he J h H 0me la H C T h H UrS H ay '^ rSl Henry Sand conducted dpvotions and Mrs. Sid Erickson was program chairman. Mrs. Hans Egstad Mrs. Edward Svmgen, Mrs. O. C. Ander s0n , Mrs. Ted Swanson, Mrs. Waldo Wetterling and Mrs. Peder Foss were guests; The next meeting of t h e circle will be with Mrs. T. T. Boe. Thursday, Nov. 15. _ Guild With Mrs. Jamieson St. Mathew's Guild met with Mrs. Jamieson as hostess Thurs ^av afternoon Mrs G A Clark d • ned \ C he meeting'with prayers. A business meeting was conducted and Lydia Circle At Johnsons the afternoon was spent in sewing. Mrs. Paul R. Priedl was cupst A lunch was served with ? h e^Haliowe'm Mrs F « „ fh „ next me etmg o f the g roup on Ncv. 8. Mrs. Krusee Has Triple Deck Mrs. A. V. Krusee enertained the Triple Deck Bridge club at her home last Wednesday evening. Mrs. M. M. Roach substituted for an absent member. The high score prize was won by Mrs. C. J. Carney and the second high by Mrs. E. W. Olson, The next meeting will be a nc-host meeting on Nov. - Home Demonstration Club Meets Mrs. W. E. Dail was hostess to the Glasgow Home Demonstration club in the Red Crossrcom of the coun- Î ty building last Tuesday. Four new members joined the club. Mrs. C. P. Cabell and Mrs, M. A. Wright, pro ject leaders, gave a demonstration on cleaning a sewing machine. Mrs. J. W. Peterson will be the next hostess. Nov. 13. The roll call response will, be "My Favorite Recipe." - Mrs. Leistiko Entertains Mrs. Alice Leistiko entertained her bridge club last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Glenn Larson and Mrs. Roy j Huber were guests. High score was "on by Mrs. Larson and Mrs. Mar 'in Hanson won the low prize. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Jack Messmer, Nov. 7. - Rainbow Girls to Meet All Rainbow girls are requested i b >' Mrs. Gertrude Weiss, mother ad visor, to be at the Masonic hall at J' 3 ®. ®H ndav afternoon, to practice * or initiation. Mrs, Weiss wishes to emphasize that this meeting is im portant and that every girl should be there. Congregational Ladies Aid Meets The Congregational Ladies Aid met last Thursday afternoon in the church clubroom. Mrs. J. E. Brown, president, presided at the meeting. Plans were discussed for a series of food sales the first of which was held last Saturday afternoon. The next one will be held Nov. 17 in Alvord's grocery store. Sunday School Has Party Sunday school enjoyed a Hallowe'en party Friday night at the church, Ghost stories were told and games Members of the Christian church i Deaconess Hospital Notes patients who entered the hospital Friday were Mack Swain of Fort peck for medical treatment; Norma Gale Osier, 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Osier of Saco, for a tonsil operation; James Thill 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Thill of Glas gow, for medical treatment, and Mrs. Oscar La Valle of Fort Peck, for medical treatment. Prank Lane entered Saturday as a medical patient. Mrs. J. S. Bardell of Glasgow has been a surgical patient since Sunday. te^^^Ämedielf Xtme^t ' oiluncev " ram£hell of Saco re centîy Sa C r|"d ^ete?an entered hncnifal Mnnriav ns « mpdiral D atient ^ ' H aroid Jimison of Wheeler entered Monday for surgerv L j] a B aney, 8 daughter of Mr and Mrs. Hiram Baney of Glasgow, re ceived medical treatment Tuesday, Mrs. Charles O. Peterson of Port Peck entered Tuesday for medical treatment. Mrs. K. H. Dixon of Opheim has been a medical patient since Tues day. Mrs. Henrv Lick of Hinsdale is a surgical Patient. She entered Tues da -V Patients who entered Wednesday are George German of Glasgow, for surgery; Mrs. J. D. Wood of Glas gow medical treatment; Mrs. Wil liam Barworth of Glasgow, a medi cal patient, and Beatrice Murr, 6. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Murr of Wheeler, for medical treatment. - ' LICENSE IS ISSUED Havre—A marriage license was is sued here Wednesday to Walter josenh Birkoski. 44 Opheim. and Goldyn Pauline Botkin. 41 Glasgow. 7._" Lester Heiland of Tampico en tered for surgical treatment Tues day. played during the evening. The de corations were in keeping with Hall owe'en and refreshments were served. The committee in charge of tlle party was composed of Mrs. Emory Johnson and Mrs. Pern Op nus. - Miss node Honored Members of the Deaconess hosp *tal staff joined in extending birth bay wishes to Miss Mary Ann Hoole Sunday afternoon. A birthday cake was presented m the hospital din "J g o 0 ° n l ?, n ?, w " s .9 ut by Miss Hoole * ai J? ak u-S5 d 1Ce "®vp! ^ number ^' feuding a bmmnet oT Amedean JJf*? 1 bouquet of Ameiican y e PORTRAITS v » MAKE FINE XMAS GIFTS 5x7 Portraits in Mounts $12.50 Others Larger and Smaller Have it taken now to avoid the rush. We cannot guarantee Xmas delivery on portraits taken in Dec ember. Kodak Finishing Will Bfc Discontinued from Dec. 1 to Jan. 1 •L COLE'S PHOTO STUDIO C44-D53-54 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Our Repair Shop Will Be Closed MONDAY - TUESDAY, NOV. 5 0 6 For Alterations The Office, Parts and Lubrication Departments Will Be Open for Business as Usual. Phone 221 HANiON-MERSEN f A MOTOR5 \ Mrs. Saindon Will Reopen Blanche's Beauty Shop Here Blanche's Beauty shop will be re opened by Mrs. Gladyce Saindon next Wednesday i n its old location in the Sutter building. Mrs. Saindon with her husband. Ed Saindcn, recently returned from East Greenwich, R. I. While in the east, Mrs. Saindon continued her •beauty shop work and took several special courses, including one in haircutting. Mr. Saindon recently received an honorable discharge from the Sea bees at Camp Endicott, R. i He was a petty officer first class and had been in the service fo r more than three years. For over two years he was i n the South Pacific. He is the holder of the good conduct medal Mr. Saindon has gone back to work for the Montana Dakota-Utilitics company. Niece of Mrs. Edd Appears in Movie Coming to Glasgow Francine, who sings with the _ _ 4rr ÎÏ t*ttC Ar Dpf •*" radio "Hour of Gharm" program every Sunday evening at 8, and who appears this week end in the show of "Here Come the Co-Eds" with Abbott and Costello, is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Edd of Glasgow, and a cousin of Mrs. John Shep herd and Mrs. Willard Hasbrouck. Francine, whose real name is Meta Westberg, is a native of Moorhead, Minn. She has a contralto voice. Valley Resident Deer Along Road "If you see a deer along the Tam pico road near Paisley, please leave it alone." was the word brought here Tuesday by Elmer Cotton, farmer in the vicinity. The animal is a pet, he said, and will not run from human beings. Hence, he asked that It, not be mol ested. The deer was found as a fawn last spring by Martha Kaulitzke, hidden in brush on the Kaulitzke farm. It was almost starved and, ap parently, its mother had been killed. "It follows her around just like a dog. It would be a shame if any one shot it," Mr. Cotton commented. | Community Calendar * • • TONIGHT 8—Degree 0 f Honor business meet ing in Odd Fellows hall. 8—American Legion and Auxiliary in civic center Legion room. FRIDAY 2:30 — W.C.T.U. with Mrs. Jacob pattison. Three-minute talk on work by each local director. Dues collec tion, 4:15—Degree of Honor juveniles at Odd Fellows hall. MONDAY 6:15 — Business and Professional Woman's club in Allen cafe. 7:30—Order of Rainbow in Mas onic temple. TUESDAY 8 — P.E.O. Sisterhood with Mrs. Roy P. Huber. 8—Lutheran Daughters of the Re formation with Judith Svingen. THURSDAY 2:30—Lutheran Esther circle with Mrs. Mark Watson, 940 Second ave nue south. BUTTREYS Are Ready to help You Fix Dp For Winter LAMPS re Bridge Lamps Three-Way Lamps Table Lamps Window Shades r J DRUM TABLE J BUNK BEDS Mahogany Finish. Duncan Phyfe Style. A Real Lamp Table. A Real Buy. Maple Finish. A Very Strong Built Bed. Complete with 19« I -'■II m » END OR Occasional TABLE Mahogany, Walnut, Maple Finish. One. Two or Three Shelves. 29 5 up m Kitchen and Dining Room CHAIRS Mahogany or Walnut. A Very Strong Built Chair. Leather Seat. 6 « to 12 50 NASHUA AID PLANS BAZAAR Nashua — Lutheran Ladles Aid Group 1. meeting with Mrs. Charles Alsberg Wednesday, made plans for its annual food sale and bazaar at the Farmers Union market Thurs day, Nov. 8. Serving will begin at 11:30. CHANGE OF NAME LOLA'S BEAUTY SHOP I I ! | ; 130 Fifth Street South Now Changed to ADELINE'S BEAUTY SHOP The New Phone Directory Will List Us Under the New Name — PHONE No. 52 44-2tc A Few Cleanable Shades at Only 65c HANGING NOVELTY SHELF 1 î» In Mahogany, and you'll want one for the living room for the hall and bedrooms, too. > Mahogany Finished DESK J^50 up /tf Very Large Mahogany Finished. 2 Filing Drawers. 5 Other Drawers. RUGS You Always Have Room for a Rug CHENILLE TUMBLE TWIST VEL TWIST HAG HUGS TREATED FOR CUT Richard Dempsey, 23-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dempsey of Port Peck, received treatment Wednesday at the Deaconess hos pial for a cut he suffered when he dropped a glass he was holding. He was taken home the same day. Attend Glasgow Farmers Days. ' NICHT Coughs due to colds are eased, sticky phlegm loosened up, irritated upper breathing passages are soothed and relieved, by rubbing Vicks poRub on throat, chest and back bedtime. Blessed relief as VapoRub PENETRATES to upper bronchial tubes with its special medicinal STIMULATES chest and back sur faces like a warming poultice. Often by morning most of the mis cry of the cold is gone! Remember— ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this spe cial double action. It's time-tested, home-proved... the best-known home remedy for reliev ing miseries of children's colds. Va at vapors. VICKS ▼ V*PORUB Ladder and Guides. These Beds Can Be Made into Twin Beds. They Are a Very Attractive Set for Samll Room. onl y 4450 » c> 41' «O o •j CHEST ON CHEST f Just the Thing You Have Been Looking for. 4 Drawer in Mahogany. 5 Drawer in Walnut. . Mahogany 44 s ; to S9 M 9 HAMPERS Reed Cover. Wood Frame. Very Attractive Cover. 4' 5up