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Society &]\ews^ Combs -Billingsley Donna Jane Combs, daughter of; Earl Combs of Glasgow, and E. Gale Billingsley, son of Mr. and Mrs Hulse Billingsley of Glasgow, were married Friday in the Baptist par sonage by the Rev. H. P. Widen. Mrs Billingsley wore a tourquoise blue suit with black accessories. She wore a corsage of yellow roses, She was attended by Mrs, Clifford Combs as matron of honor and Mrs, Bert Armstrong as bridesmaid. Mrs. Combs wore a beige suit with brown accessories and Mrs. Armstrong a brown suit with brown accessories, They both wore corsages of roses and mums. Serg. Bert Armstrong was the best man. Mrs. Billingsley attended the Glasgow public schools and grad uated in 1942. She has been em ployed at the Public Drug company. Mr. Billingslev also attended the Glasgow schools. He has been farm ing with his father. After the reremonv Mr and Mrs ä ïïS'âïï couple ana relatives at a weacung dinner at Dunn s lounge. Mr. and Mrs. Billingsley left on a wedding trip to Iowa to visit relatives. _ . .. nesday. The legular meeting was followed .by a reading on the "race problem by Mrs, J H Bowling. Mrs. Grace Weber and Mrs, T. H. Markle were guests. The hostess served a lunch with Mrs D M Oak klinin» hl« S ^ L irlf Mn rlniw R^nripsrin^Nr 1 ' 01 !'! ° f M ' S George Bondeson. Nov. 14, ■ fuschia colored accessories. She was attended by Mrs. Richard Larson, who wore a grey suit with black ac cessories. Tire best man was Corp. Max Yaspe. Following the ceremony, a dinner was held at noon in the Eat Shop i Sunflower Art Club Meets The Sunflower Art club met at the home of Mrs. J. E. Brown last Wed Wigmore-Bakley Wedding Miss Phyllis Lorrain Wigmore, daughter of Gerry Wigmore of Red stone. and Alvin Kenneth Bakley, son of Mrs. Clara Dupuis of Par ragut, Idaho, were married last Wednesday by the Rev. Orant S Moore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A, Larson. Mrs. Bakley wore a grey suit with „ _ , . . . .. Mrs. Bakley graduated from the Redstone high schoo in 1940 and completed her nurses training in 1943. She has been employed in the Deaconess hospital in Glasgow. Mr. Bakley attended school in Plaxville, and is now a fireman first class in the navy- He is to return to Philadelphia to report for duty. Mrs. Bakley will make her home with the Larsons until Mr. Bakley is dis charged. faeatWay It's wonderful how a little Va-tro-nol relieves transient congestion that stuffs up the nose and spoils sleep. Quickly your nose opens up —breath ing is easier ! If you need re lief tonight, try it! Follow di rections in the package. to relieve stuffiness, invite Sleep Just a f « w drops j up oach nostril a if nose gets "stopped up VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Toniqhti NOV. 21,1945 AN IMPORTANT DATE FOR thousands of ARMY VETERANS NOW IN CIVILIAN LIFE B •tween now and November 21, thousands of Army veterans will reenlist in Uncle Sam's new volun teer peacetime Army. Because — men who have teen discharged be tween May 12 and November 1 of this year and reenlist on or before November 21 will be able to return to the Army with the aaiiii• grade as they held when discharged. Men with six months of satisfac tory service discharged as privates will, on reenlistment before Novem ber 21, be given the grade of private first class. Men now in the Army who apply for discharge after NOVEMBER 1 for the purpose of reenlisting in the Regular Army will also retain their piesent grades, if they enlist within 20 days after discharge and before FEBRUARY 1, 1046. "BEST JOB IN THE WORLD" These special privileges are typical of the new law recently passed by Congress. Few opportunities for a lifetime career offer as many attrac tive advantages. Can you think of any other job that would give you good pay, your food, clothing, quarters, free med ical and dental care, world-wide travel, 30 days'furlough every year, education and training in any of nearly 200 skills or trades, and enable you to retire with a life in come any time af 1er 20 yea rs'service ? There isn't any! That's why a job in the Regular Army has been called "Tbe Best Job in the World." MONTHLY RETIREMENT INCOME AFTER: 20 Years' 30 Years' Service Service PAY PER MONTH ENLISTED MEN Addition lo Food. Lodging, Clothes md Medical Care Starting Base Pay Per Month Master Sergeant or First Sergeant ? 138.00 $89.70 $155.25 Technical Sergeant 114.00 Staff Sergeant . . 96.00 74.10 128.25 If 62.40 50.70 42.90 35.10 32.50 108.00 87.75 74.25 60.75 56.25 (a) -Plus 20% Increase for Service Overseas, (b) -Plus 50% if Member of Flying Crews. Parachutist, etc. (c) Plus 5% Increase in Pay for Each 3 Years of Service. Sergeant . . Corporal . . Private First Class . . . 78.00 . . 66.00 54.00 Private .... 50.00 SEE THE JOB THROUGH REENLIST NOW AT YOUR NEAREST U. S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION U. S. ARMY 2822% First Ave. North, Billings BE A "GUARDIAN OF VICTORY" AIN, GROUND. SERVICE FORCES Hjelter-Larson Wedding Word has been received of the marriage of Miss Marie Hjelter, formerly of Opheim, to Serg. James W. Larson of Fargo, N. D. The cere mony took place recently at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ida Hjelter. in Northfield, Minn_, with ! , ®, Rev - c C Menzers of the Danish ! Lutheran church officiating. Mrs. Larson wore an ice blue street ' length dress with a shoulder bouquet i of roses and white pom-poms. The , matron of honor was Mrs. Foster Fransburg. Miss Ruth Hjelter, sister [ of the bride was bridesmaid. Poster ' Pransburg. uncle of the bride, was ! best man. A reception followed the j ceremony. Mrs. Larson is a graduate of the Opheim high school and of the Sacred Heart hospital at Havre. She is employed at the Northfield hos pital and will continue there. Ser géant Larson has returned to Camp Planchi. La. - Mrs. Jennings Entertains Sister Mrs. N. L. Jennings entertained a S r °uP of 12 friends at coffee m honor ller sister, Mrs Adolph Holte of teck here ?.° te , spen , t a* 30 " 1 a w . eek lie ' e wlth ^ rs ' J® nnin 8 s - From here she went to Butte. . „ . ~ , ... . " r their f ami i y we re given a surprise farewell party by the West Galpin community Union Sunday school Saturday evening. About 75 guests went to the Tade home. The evening was spent informally with singing. 'Tnmianri tho simrtav srhnni . ' ,, Tr*kp of «Pendent. a " d charge of Irrangé Polt Peck weie m charge ol airange ments for the paity. The Tades are leaving to live near Missoula, where they have hniifrhi p- farm in tin. Ritfni- Bnnt val ev ' _ Kabearv Has Delt i-Dek The nel'i i'Dei- Bride- einh met foi a no-hôst dinner at the home of Mrs. M. M. Kabeary last Thurs dav evening Mrs T D Keatin^ and Mrs. John Boyd substituted fer absent members. High score was won by Mrs. Russell Koon and second high bv Mrs Bovd second r.ign oy m . Boyo. Valiev chapter of the Eastern Star honored the visiting worthy grand matron, Mrs, Mildred Graeter of Deer Lodge, at a banquet in the Methodist church basement Satur day evening. Fa " n <>wers were used in decorat ^ lle tables and the colors of the rainbow and the wortby 8 ra ' ld at - The Rev. George Moir spoke. Re freshments were served. Mrs. James Star Honors Grand Matron "J ion's motto were used on the place cards There were corsages for each of fl ce r. the gift of Mrs. T. W. Leed h am Tliere was also a corsage for Mrs Gertrude Weiss and Miss Gwen Burke, gifts of the Rainbow girls. Mrs. C A. Dunnell presided toastmistress and Mrs. Gertrude Weiss gave the address of welcome. to which Mrs. Graeter responded. Mrs. C. H. Roberts asked the bless ing. Mrs. C. H Brocksmith pre sented the guest of honor with HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NEW ENLISTMENT PROGRAM • 1. Enlistments for Wit 2 or 3 years. ( 1-year enlistments permitted for men with 6 months' service.) 2. Men reenlisting retain their present grades, if they reenlist with in 20 days after discharge and before Feb. 1, 1946. The same applies to men discharged between May 12 and Nov. 1. 1945, who reeniist before Nov. 21, 1945. 3. An increase in the reenlistment bonus to $50 for each year of active ince the bonus was last paid, or since last entry into service. 4. 20% extra pay when overseas. 5. Paid furlough, up to 90 days, depending furlough travel paid to home and r -turn, for men now in the Army who enlist. 6. Mustering-out pay (based upon length of service) to all men who are discharged to reenlist. 7. Option to retire at half pay for the rest of your life after 20 years' service 30 years. ( Retirement income in grade of Master or First Sergeant up to S 155.25 per month for life.) All previous active federal military ser vice counts toward retirement. service length of service. •ith three-quarters pay after 8. Benefits of GI BUI of Rights. 9. Family allowances for the term of enlistment for dependents of men who enlist July 1, 1946. reenlist before 10. Choice of branch of service and overseas theater in Air, Ground or Service Forces 3-year enlistments. | corsage and Miss Gwen Burke gave her a gift from the Order of Rain bow. A varied program by a group of high school students including a Scottish dance, a clarinet solo and vocal solo, was enjoyed. After the banquet the members met jn special session in the Masonic temple. There was initiation and the work of the order was exempli fied for inspection by the worthy grand matron, who was also pre sented with a gift from the chapter by Mrs. Howard Tripp. Mrs. Graeter closed the session with a talk. | Visitors from Saco and Richey at tended. About 75 guests were pre sent. Circle B of the Methodist Ladies Aid served the banquet. Mrs. Graeter was a guest of the Port Peck members Sunday after- ! noon at a lunch at which Hartley Goodrich was toastmaster. This was followed by a tour of the project. 1 - Birkoskis Have Wedding Dinner 1 Mr, and Mrs. Walter Birkoski and Mr. John Birkoski entertained at a dinner in Dunn's lounge Friday night in honor of the marriage of Mr ' and Mrs ' WaIter Birkoski. Four teen guests were present. The tables were decorated with autumn flow ers. Mr. and Mrs. Birkoski were mar ried in Havre, Oct. 20. Mrs. Birkoski Mfflïïïï' nea v. onheim ' _ . , . .. __ _ ^ î c n ^* ^ Mrs. Carney Tl , ; rs . V: . C a ™ ey ?îîî®i *152 110 R ridg 9, c i ub n \^ uay e/ening. Mrs. o, A. uunneu ana Mrs. Isabel Smith substituted for absent members. High score was won by Mrs - L - s Alexander and sec 0Ild hi B h by Mrs, Smith. Mrs. Car served a lunch following the bridge game _ . .... ... ,, Business Women Meet in Blue Room The Business and Professional Woman's club met Monday evening for dinn er in the blue room of the Allen cafe. Their regular meeting was held. Miss Mardrid Reite, presi dent, presided. Mrs S. I. Larson and Mls - Joe Gorman discussed the trips l!ley to °k to Butte and Havre, re P p ctively. in connection with Girl Scout work. The rest of the meeting was turned over to Miss Aagot Lian, chairman of the health committee She was assisted by Mrs. J. L. ,>ung was announced that Miss Molly Clasby of Missoula, the state president will attend the next meet ing of the group on Nov. 19. - a Mrs. Clark Entertains Club The Tuesday Bridge club met this week a t the home of Mrs. G. A. ?? ^ R i amipsnn nnri r N ^ bs tZ ld^for absent members ' j U g Brawn won the high Drive for örown me mgn prize toi mpmb ers with Mrs. Mae Bondeson winning the low. Mrs. McIntyre won: bl Bh for the guests. Mrs. Clark ®® rved a lu " ch foUowing the game. : Mls H Morgan will entertain the S rou P ne xt on Nov. 20. - North Side Bridge Club Meets ; , I Mrs L V. Lockwood entertained ; the North Side Bridge club at her j home Friday afternoon. Guests were ; ®£ r ?- T. H. Markle, Mrs. Roy P. Huber, Mrs. Paul Priedl, Mrs. Mae Bondeson, and Mrs. A. G, Strom, Fall flowers were used for decora tions and three tables were in play. | High score for members was won by Mrs. A. B. Priedlund and high for the guests was held by Mrs. j Strom. Mrs. Friedlund will entertain I the club next on Nov. 16 1 ... Rainbow Girls Have Meeting The Order of the Rainbow for L m 5,L'P esday l evening. Gwen Uinch was served bv' Mrs^Jam« Christinen S and d M^Gertrudl Weiss. Marvel Bliven was installed as Love at the meeting, with Gwen Burke as installing officer and | Louise Benson acting as marshall. , » Landis-Beecher Wedding Miss Bernice Landis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Landis of Seattle, and Technical Serg. Virgil 1 : Beecher, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Beecher of Bremerton. Wash., were married at 5 Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Grant S. Moore in the Methodist church. Mrs. Beecher wore a blue suit with black accessories. She wore ; an orchid corsage. Her attendant was Miss Maxine Turner of Nashua, who wore a yellow suit with a red rose corsage. Sergeant Beecher's best man was Raymond R. Nichols of Nashua. Tlie couple took a short wedding trip to North Dakota. Mrs, Beecher is a senior in the Following the marriage a recep tion was held at the home of the bride's sister-in-law, Mrs, Orville Landis. About 20 relatives and friends were present. Mrs. W, L. Landis, mother of the bride, arrived Sunday morning from Seattle to at tend the wedding. Glasgow high school. She has been a part time student in But trey's ready-to-wear department. Sergeant Beecher graduated from the Nashua high school and has teen in the army for two years. He spent six months in Germany, returning last tloned S àt C Port e Jacksonisme" and U ZÄÄiiv 'f CfK,r( dac ^ t0 Fo . It Jacl<son No ' ;it _() for re-assignment. Mrs. Beecher will remain in Glas gow and complete tlie school year, FOR SALE NO. S-290— Improved irrigated farm between Hinsdale and Saco. Total of 245 cares with 135 acres under irrigation. Seven room house with good basement, granaries, garage, barn and large chicken house. Will sell with or without farming equipment. This farm is a high producer. Can sell on terms. NO. S-291 Eighty acre improved irrigated farm five miles from Glasgow on oiled highway. Four room house, barns, granaries and garage. See us about this good farm. H» 0. MORGAN INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phone 325 i Glasgow ! nirtiltnau*« WlYvIl UlsCnaiEc , ,, . . ° AFtCI* AlîtlOSt A VpilfC ftl Ammv •v * •»* HI Jr Serg. and Mrs. Joseph C. Nygaard and son Jimmy arrived Monday from Spokane. His wife is the f Avalee Clifton. Sergeant Nygaard served with the ioth reconaissance group of the 9th a j r force as a ground crewmen. The groU p received the presidential unit citation for furnishing vitally im portant photographs of the Nor mandy coastline before the invasion of France. They were needed gently by assault troops and had to ormer be of large scale and superior quality. Sergeant Nygaard wears six battle stars, along with campaign ribbons and the good conduct medal. The Nygaards plan to make their home here for the present. K7TTVfY C. AfitC? ISTO SCFVICS Corp. Donald Reid has returned to Glasgow after army service in the European theater and receiving his Reid, here. Corporal Reid is visiting in Kalispcll this week. He served overseas with the 4th armored divi sien of the 3rd army, landing in Fi*ance July 11, 1944. Later, he seriously wounded but has fully re-1 covered. _ ~ :fjt| Jil 1 U B f (At* WII,,ICr Iür C**, CfTsiniçS 0^1130 ri n =i ainn« r .. Final dinner meeting of the Glas gow G-Club Sponsors organization trill be held in the Allen cafe blue room at 7 tonight. President Russell Koon announced today. The entire Scotty squad will be guests. at the dinner for which there will be an informal program. President Koon said that any interested foot ball fans are welcomed and invited, to attend the dinner. -_-_— K'mo'vam am £* tahtV f rCSIIIlICll » n . u . AF6 Jt3PtV HOStS . * lir^ >UI i er Corespondent ekazek rresnmen were hosts at school Halloween "dress-up' party for all pupils and faculty L j a ?L »JÄÄ! i. g fjl .. t nr j 7 ? , L ™ Si Hallow® en motif was used in dec ur Corporal Reid Back ™ Hallow® en motif was used in dec orations A two-course luncheon was served ' ,-- She will live with Mrs. Orville Lan " s - _ _ . Vislisel-Jones /*• News has been received in Gibs gow of the marriage on Oct. 19 of Francis Marie Vislisel, daughter of M r. and Mrs. O. C. Kuehn of Glas g 0 w, to Charles Wayne Jones, N.R.O. t.C„ of Seattle. The couple was married before a candlelit altar in the Denny Park Lutheran church in Seattle. The bride wore a two piece white wool jersey dress with a halo of Stephanotis and carried a corsage of pink roses and gar dénias. Mr Jone . eraduate of the es W a B raduate 03 tbe Mmot ' N. D., Teachers college and is a member of the Alpha 1 Sigma Tau sorority. She is now teaching 'physical education at stanwood high school in Stanwood. Wash. Mr . Jones is attending the Univer sity of Washington in Seattle. He is of U P silo!1 frater - mty Following tlie wedding the couple left by boat for Victoria, B, C.. where they spent a dav. _ Raglan-Herricd Lucile Raglan of York ville, Calif., and Marvin Herried of Spring Rock, N. D., were married by the Rev. Grant S. Moore at the Methodist parsonage Thursday. Witnesses were Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Walter Carl son. - Auxiliary Plans Campaign Plans for participation in the "Give to the Yanks Who Gave," campaign sponsored nationally on the Eddie Cantor radio program, we ie discussed by members of the American Legion Auxiliary at a meeting in the civic center Thurs day night. Mrs. Charles E. Peter son. president, presided. For the second year. Cantor, over the air, will urge everyone to pur chase a gift for the sick, wounded and disabled service men and wo men and veterans hospitalized in any type of hospital. Nothing per ishable is to te mailed. Through the unit's work last year. 55 gift packages were sent from here. It will again ask dona wd !. be published soon. The members also discussed plans for the Armistice dance Monday. Mrs. J. A Holland and Mrs. E. J. tions and details of the campaign . ._ _ _ _ „ Kjelstrup were appointed to take charge, . . " sternhagen entertained hf ' r homr Wednesday afternoon t'™ Rua' "Jom"," ToTe nh,thVrih& was. A luncheon with birthday cake was served to the 23 guests. who played games. Rita received many gifts from her friends. According to The Courier * i tt deaconess hospital births A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. George Berge of Frazer, Nov. 2. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. i Peters of Glasgow, Nov 3 I A son to Mr, and Mrs. A. V. Krusee of Glasgow, Nov. 4. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Trutell of Glasgow, Nov. 5. j MARRIAGE LICENSES E Gale Billingsley, 24, and Donna 1 Jane Combs, 21, both of Glasgow. I Marvin Herreid, 26, Spring Brook, : N D.. and Lucile Raglan. 25. York- ; ville. Calif. j Virgil L. Beecher, 21, Nashua, and j Leah Bernice Landis, 17, Glasgow. | - j Data from Glasgow weather sta- | I Max. Min. Free, 40 22 — I 50 24 Tr. 67 38 .03 : 40 32 .13 35 12 .361 18 10 .02 I RtiAafll«QC# MOIF (0 DfOoflCaSl .« ah IlVtlC n AIIH Pniiiiitn Ilf_!.. HOÎIP C0!îtIÎ&R WCCK , rl , ® j The Rev. George Moir of Glasgow, { American Sunday School union mis-j jonarv f or f be northeastern Mon-' . onal ? 1 -V ule noruieastem mon tana temUMry will iireaeh sermons : 61 statl 2, n KGCX, Sidney, next; i mornln g s frop 1 8 - 15 to 8.30. The pro h^uÆdUC^Tfr^toe ^ ^ngeiiMicnour conaucted lrom Uie slauou w j FIX REFRIGERATOR PRICES Ceiling prices for new household ; 'refrigerators have been established at levels that will maintain, on the average, the March, 1942, prices to 'consumers, the OPA announces. Manufacturers will tag all units with the retail ceiling price, both as a j service to retailers and as an aid ' in the enforcement of the new ceil-j ing prices. THE WEATHER tion. Dated— Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 This morning's low was 1. The temperature at 11 today was 8. I THE FORECAST Considerable cloudiness with ac- i TÎÏS ' «ääus. I I ' ■JO NEW SEASON'S FAVORITES IN HEN'S SUITSI AND O'COATS rv imim AN EMBLEM OF DISTINCTION THROUGH THE YEARS -ÿrj »* 'H , . Ü A pin to wear with pride given for services rendered your country — A pin to wear on clothes that deserve the honor. For suits that measure up to this mark of distinction see our selection in the best colors, fashions and fabrics for Fall. 24 50 and up $ % S"T* I r & / J. A r* if* A YOUR NEW WINTER O'COAT IS A SMART FLY FRONT MODEL I Vf / Just button up in this smart all wool overcoat and you're set for winter's coldest days. Come in and see our large selection in coverts, fleece, tweeds and meltons. J J «SO a«* up 4 • Crosby Square Shoes • Portis Hats Wilson Sportswear Bültmjs i Glasgow, Montana Hinsdale Banquet Held in Honor of Grand Matron _. . , HINSDALE — Biverylew chapter of the Eastern Star held a banquet M °nday evening at the Hinsdale £2fî? M 5 lity hi honor of Mrs. Mildred Graeter of Deer Lodge, ^ and worthy matron for Montana. P f° CS . W ® re laid for thlrty ' Musical entertainment included a by J ° Ann Nelson, Darlene Neteon June Clay pool, "In Old Montana and two vocal duets by Mrs Ted Langemo and Mrs, H. F. Tattle. The three-course banquet was served by the Lutheran Ladies' Aid. After the banquet, the chapter held a special session in the chap ter room in the Masonic temple to exemplify the work of the order for the visitor, who addressed the group. A midnight lunch was serv ed. SUNDAY 1—Rainbow girls, including choir meets in Masonir temnle Masonic temple. TUESDAY 2:30—Glasgow Home Demonstra tion club at home of Mrs. J. W Peterson, Roll call response, "My favorite recipe." o_(-i aseon , Woman's Huh in Hub 8 Glasgow woman sciub in cluo roommciviccenter.TheRev.Por rest B sharkey will be the speaker. g —Ladies Society of the B. of L - & E - in the Dignan hall. WEDNESDAY 2 ~ West Gal P' n club at bom e of Mrs otto M christinsen, 315 Fifth avenue south. Mrs. John Rusher Jr., j hostess. g —p as t Matron's council in Ma sonic clubroom TAKES EXAMINATION FRAZER—J. W. Calfee. third trick operator at the Frazer depot, went Williston, N. D„ Sunday, where passed examinations on operat ing rules conducted by a traveling; 2:30—Council ol Chord, Women sas «j» • « 8—Fifty-Fifty club of Congrega tionai church in church basement. ! Calendar Community * • * FRIDAY Great Northern examination board. L Triple-A Offering Storage Bins county* a a re n S r orteÄor^Jte Ä-Ä-» Trlple-A chairman, pointed out that regulations have teen changed. Pur chase is no longer limited to farmers and offers will te received from any buyer, regardless of whether he farmer. OPHEIM BAZAAR WEDNESDAY Opheim — The Lutheran Ladies Aid will conduct its bazaar and din ner in the church basement next Wednesday. METHODIST DINNER BAZAAR RUMMAGE Saturday, Nov. 10 AT IOOF HALL 11:30 to 5 75c MENU Roast Beef - Brown Gravy Mashed Potatoes Harvard Beets Combination Salad Tea Rolls - Peach Pie Pickles - Jelly Coffee 50c MENU Swedish Meat Balls - Gravy Mashed Potatoes Harvard Beets Combination Salad Tea Rolls - Peach Pie Jelly - Pickles Coffee Lunches All Afternoon Baked Beans Chicken and Beef Sandwiches - Potato Salad Cake - Pie - Donuts - Coffee Hot Chili FORT PECK DELEGATES Fort Peck—Port Peck delegates to the Lutheran W. M, F. meeting in Opheim Sunday were Mrs. Eugene SVeW M? S ' E° fSV" : =FrSirSr5 : ^ F Vi ?; r4 . r rnnrtiot ■ na^es te ' accompanied by M .. G i Nashua Altar Society DINNER Church Hall Sun., Nov. 11 Dinner Starting at 1:30 I —MENU— Roast Pork - Dressing Glazed Apples Mashed Potatoes - Gravy Vegetable Salad Pickles Rolls - Dark Bread Pie - Coffee