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Lieut Milo Olds Visitor; Soon Going to Europe Lieut. Milo Olds, son of Art Olds, was here last week visiting his father and renewing acquaintance. He also planned to visit in Wolf Point. Prom there he will go to an embarkation port, bound for service in Europe. He was met in Great Falls by his father after "hitch-hike" flying on army planes from New York to Port land. At Portland, lie visited his mother, Mrs. Nellie Olds, and brother, William. William, who was recently married, served with the 163rd Infantry in the southwest Pacific. Lieutenant Olds attended high school In Wolf Point. He received a bachelor of science degree In elec trical engineering, from State college in Bozeman. He received his commission in January following a course in ficer's training at Port Monmouth, N. J„ signal corps post. easier for tuberculosis to break loose in the human body. War, excitement and fear make it !•: m i ■ »y .f jjj| W 'I » y r |;> mP WHY CONTINUE YOUR Deafness SEE MR. R. J. CARUTH Maico Prccisioner Technician Special Ifer.Hng Service —at— GLASGOW, MONTANA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Hours 1 P. M. to 8 P. M. GLASGOW HOTEL Enjoy the Christmas songs and music in 1945 YOUR HEARING IS PREC IOUS, have it measured on the famous MAICO AUDIO METER and you will be told EXACTLY what MAICO can do to help you. Over 90 percent of all pre cision hearing test instru ments used by ear physi cians, hospitals, clinics, uni versities, government, and the armed services are MAICO. If unable to attend write for information. MAICO PARK HOTEL Great Falls, Mont. / / / \ A \ T he right lapel FOR YOUR DISCHARGE BUTTON Not only the lapel , but every other part of your suit, must be right to show off your new discharge button properly! For clothing you'll be proud to wear, come to Penney's. We'll be proud to help you choose your post-war wardrobe—correct and well-cut outfits, at conservative prices . . . y % v\ Ties Shoes Raincoats Suspenders Belts Gloves Mufflers Underwear Handkerchiefs Robes Pajamas Hosiery Toiletries Work Clothes Suits Coats Jackets Slacks Shirts Sweaters Hats GLENTANA By Mrs. Ruby Stein Mr. and Mrs. V. J O'Brien and Mrs. Bose Ackerman and son Eldon were shoppers In Glasgow Tuesday. A number of friends and neigh bors helped Hubert Gunderman pour the cement for the basement of his house Tuesday and Wednes day. Mr, and Mrs. George Dyrland and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stolen an( j family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schuster and Miss Anna Schuster were shoppers in Glasgow Saturday, oscar and Charles Goodrich left for Billings Friday morning. They w jjj v j s jt at the Howard Hines home w hp e there ■ Gerald Stein, who has just :e ceived a discharge from the navy, arrived Friday for a visit, Mis. Rose Schuster left day for Glasgow. From there she left for Miles City to visit her sis ter, who is teaching in junior high of-{school there, A large crowd attended the bridal shower held at the Pete Stein home for Miss Anna Mae Zimmer Wed nesday afternoon. Miss Zimmer re ceived many gifts. The afternoon was spent socially after which lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Fred Gilson and Mae and Viola Stein. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linderman took Mr. Linderman's mother to Glasgow Friday, from where she left for Minneapolis and Iowa, where die will spend the winter. Mrs. P. J. Reinboid and children of Glasgow visited her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Renner, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Georee Dyrland and son and Mrs. Esther Halvorson were Sunday dinner guests at the V. J O'Brien home. The Altar society meeting was held at the Holy Family rectory Thursday afternoon. Mrs. John Zim mer and Mrs. Glen Daley were hostesses. Mrs. P'hil Simshaw, sons Vernon and Roger and Mrs. Pan ko drove to Glasgow Tuesday. Mrs. Panko and Roger left from there for Butte, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Bell. Mrs. j Prank Pehan and Tonv Pehan were I callers in Glasgow Saturday, j Callers in Seobey Monday were Mr. and Mrs George Dyrland and j V. J. O'Brien, ( Mrs Charles Jessen and daughter, I Mrs. DoHs Goodell, drove to Willis ton. N. D.. Monday to meet her son Clifford who has received a dis charge from the army. Prank L. Bailey returned from a visit at Sutton, N. D., Monday even ing. Howard Arnold. John Zimmer, Carl Nelson and Pete Zimmer are shipping sheep this week. MANY ANTELOPE HUNTERS Thceny—There were more cars and hunters than antelope here Sunday. Noted were some from port Peck. Richland, Glasgow and Opheim. Complete !ncome Tax Records I For Farm, Ranch and Home or Any Type of Business For Sale by GLASGOW COURIER i Harvester New Development «j-sr'y r «:« ■ - — - m ■» . ■4 •A, •*4* ."1 £ g I I ■ I I •SjN , s&wit I pi w* «g aÇ: ■■ . -• > - V* i «g , ; •i t r/* e I SjA-jl y, \ * m È i i i > ' % mi M % ■ W* 1 »■J ill ■ ' K s r* Ï a. > $ • The most tedious tasks in sugar beet farming—digging and topping the beets, and loading and hauling them from the field for shipment to market—can now be handled by one efficient ma chine, the sugar beet harvester. This machine, designed by Inter national Harvester company for use with Farmall tractors, is now in the preprodnetion stage. The first public showing of the new sugar beet harvester was made by Harvester at a field demonstra tion of postwar farm machines at Hinsdale, Ill. With this machine one man digs, tops, loads, and transports the crop to the edge of the field. In other words, the equipment completely performs the harvejiing operation. "Cod Is My Co-Pilot" Coming p > <*■ r/ I r (■ «y 9 mm - a r V s r 1 :-ï A . • "God Is My Co-Pilot," story of men who found faith over the skies of China, comes to the Roxy .Saturday night at 11, Sunday and Monday. SACO Mrs. Ethel A. Vagg _ _ , „ , ._._ Eric Presbo, Mr, and Mrs. Andros Strommen and Douglas Vagg went deer hunting in the Cottonwood country and brought back a three point buck. J Emil Lucht and Charlie Dull left Saturday morning for "parts un- j known" on a big game hunting ex- j pedition. i Mrs. Mildred Graeter, grand | worthy matronof Uie Eastern Star of Montana wll Pay her official pveniml ^ ^ Chapt€r ^ V evening. J Mearl Hetrick was a Glasgow vis iter Monday. t * K / nneth Jp uds °" tallied a few neighbors and friends Sunday afternoon at the home of mte?man, tS 'ln Mr honOT o^'he; 1 ' son Max who was one year old. Max received many gifts and enjoyed *V' rSt H b ™ hday T C f P A tt Mrs Gerald Doty and Mrs Clare Miller spent a few days in Great Palis on business last week. ,_home Mrs. S. W. Jackline, Mrs. Mcsrl | Hetrick, Mrs. C. P. Martin. Mrs. W. ' E Woods, Mrs. I. W. Larson and ; Mrs. E. À. Vagg were in Glasgow, Saturday to attend a meeting of the Eastern Star when Mrs. Mildred I Bernard Is Clack Co. Representative Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barnard are new Glasgow residents, making their home in the Clack apartments. Mr. Barnard is district representative h ere for the H. Earl Clack company, He succeeds C. B. Loe, who has been transferred to the Great Falls dls trict. Mr. and Mrs. Loe have moved to Great Palls, ~ G raeter, grand worthy matron, paid ^,. cfficl ^ ^ then f Mrs. F. E. Erickson entertained the Legion Auxiliary at her home Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Joe Mavencamp will enter tain the W. S. C. S. at her home Thu^cay afternoon. Wednesday morning frorn overseas was honorably discharged at vear? y in W thp ^rmfanri ^ overset hf European theatre. He is at home with his u Mr d Mrs g R crow i ev , • ' . " ' Ueut - Broadbrooks arrived Sunday afternoon on a 40 furlouvh T " g „ . . . S^g. John Barton is home on fur lough visiting^ his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barton, Loi L^! g ] ltn 3 a n ' Mrc, Lucy Jones, Pfc Sam R. Crowley arrived home Mildred I ,, Loi L^! g ] ltn 3 a , n ' Mrc, Lucy Jones, Mrs. Emil Lucht and Dorothy Lucht were shopping in Malta Thursday. Mrs. J. C. Banks left Saturday for Seattle to visit her daughter, Mrs. Richard Farm an, and two chil dren. S. R. Crowley and son Sam were Malta business visitors Tuesday. Lois Waite and Darlene Scheele were shopping In Glasgow Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W, Jackllne were in Richey last week. Mrs. Jackline attended a meeting of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Lucy Jones and Mrs. James Wightman left Sunday mcmlng for Seattle. They were called there by the sudden death of Mr. Witte, hus band of their sister, AbWe Witte. Mrs. Herman Knuth of Porks was In town Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Doty, Mrs. Rose Twomey, J. C. Banks; Jens Christianson and I. C. Smith went to Glasgow Tuesday for an examin ation on the book of rules. All but Mrs. Dotv are employed on the Great Northern. Registrar tto youthful bride groom) : "The young lady is not a minor, is she?" Bridegroom: "Oh, no. She works in a beauty parlor. Stockmen Attention! BLACKLEGOL-CUTTER Aluminum Hydroxide Adsorbed for longer immunity. per dose 10c Ask for quantity prices. BLACKLEG AGGRESSIN As Low as 6c per dose BLACKLEG BACTERIN Germ Free * 10 doses 54c FRANKLIN BLACKLEG BACTERIN per dose 10c Ask for quantity prices. You Can Get All Vaccines at Hall's Hall Drug Co. Glasgow, Montana Fort Peck News By Mrs. Richard Eriksen Phone 409-J Grand Worthy Matron Honored j Mrs. Mildren Graeter of Bozeman, grand worthy matron of the Eastern j Star of Montana, was honor guest ! a dinner given by Fort Peck mem bers of the Eastern Star at the Peck Rec store at 2 Sunday. The worthy matron of the Glasgow chapter, Mrs. G. R. Austin, and her husband. ( also attended. H - H. Goodrich was toastmaster. The honor guest and Mrs. Austin spoke. Mrs. Ralph Keagy presented I Mrs. Graeter with a gilt from the I Port Peck group, s. C. Berry acted ( as chaplain. _. . ., The table, at which 23 were seated, was decorated with candles and P lace cards which carried out the Eastern Star colors. Tlie visitors were taken on a tour I of the dam and power house. Mrs. Roy e. Epperson was general chairman. Mrs. C. P. Zeige was chairman of the table committee assisted by Mrs. E. E. Thompson and Mrs. E M. Johnson. Mrs. Keagy and Mrs. Eugene Noyes composed the calling committee. Mrs. Ira B. TOurtlotte and Mrs. Ole Hagen made up the gift and finance com mittee. New Sewing Club Organized Mrs. Robert Bundle entertained a newly organized sewing club Fri day aftemcon at her home at 2:30. Eight members were present. The hostess served dessert. Mrs. Ralph Keagy was hostess to her sewing club Friday afternoon at her home. Mrs. E. M. Johnson was a guest. Three o'clock dessert was served. Mrs. Wiley Parmer's sewing club met at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Rasmussen became a member. Refreshments were served. » Mrs. Carey P. Wentz was hostess to her sewmg club Thursday after noon at her home. A finger lunch was served. Mrs. Steffen Has Birthday Club Mrs. A. P. Steffen entertained the birthday club at her home Wednes day afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. E. E. Thompson received the door prize, pie and coffee were served, Mrs. Alden Canterbury and Mrs. Gilbert Peterson will be the November hostesses. Fortnighters at Gatos Home Mrs J. A. Gates entertained the Fortnighters at her home Tuesday evening at 8. The high score for the evening's bridge was held by Mrs. W. L. Torgerson. Mrs. J. V, House held the second high score and Mrs. John L. Schlanser held the low score. The hostess served refresh ments at midnight. Mrs. Torgerson Has Friday Bridge . Mrs. W. L. Torgerson was hostess to her Friday bridge club In the hotel lobby at T30. Mrs. W. C, Punk, Mrs. Jack Rohrbough and Mrs. John L. Schlanser were guests. Mrs. Bohr bough was the high scorer. Mrs. Carev P, Wentz was the second hi^h scorer and Mrs. Torgerson was the low scorer. Refreshments were served. 3-5-7 Entertain Wives The members of the 3-5-7 club entertained their wives at a card nartv in the American Legion hall at 8 Thnrsriav even'ng. Mrs. Mark Kotkin and J. V. House were the high scorers in and bridge. Ralph Keagy were high woman and HAVE YOU meäb d!! first fOST-WM 1946 MODELS . rEFB.GMATORS THE M LEONARD MOW ON DISPLAY WW COÄST STORES ft' ••• COnST-TO ■ AT At LEONARD ' A % (1 • OLDEST NAME IN REFRIGERATION • LARGE MEAT CHEST • LARGER FREEZER COMPARTMENT • MORE SHELF SPACE THAN EVER BEFORE I J l j ! 1 I Ai" v. -y* V I J X • EXTRA ICE CUBES READY ALL THE TIME • LARGE VEGETABLE CRISPER • ADJUSTABLE SHELVES rm . » ' ■ ! ft. i / k: ■* i i :. ' ! '.'.j. ■ ■ - r ■ *>.. % * iß Î V ■■ > J- ÿfiTÔÏQ STORES CO r COME IN AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW THREE MODELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE man in the whist play. Mrs. Alden Canterbury and Emil Kuebler were the high scorers for the pinochle group. H. A. Goodrich outscored The Rev. Orant S. Moore of the Methodist church of Glasgow held church services in the Girl Scout rooms in the town hall at 9:30 Sun day morning. This service preceded the Community Sunday school at i0. Plans are that services will be con ducted every other Sunday. his opponents at cribbage. After the card play, the hosts served refreshments. Rev. Moore Holds Service Mrs. Torgersou Honored At Shower Mrs. W. L. Torgerson w'as honored at a pink and blue shower at the hotel clubrooms Friday evening at 3. The hostesses were Mrs. L. W, Hargrove. Mrs. J. V. House, Mrs. H. h. Nicholson, Mrs. Bruce W. Peter son, Mrs. E. G. Rudberg and Mrs. ; Richard Eriksen. The gifts were presented to Mrs Torgerson from a bassinette of white and pink. The baby's bath was the theme used for the table decora tions. Mrs. John L. Schlanser pre sided at the coffee table. Pink and white ice cream and decorated cup cakes were the refreshments. Mrs, Johnson Honors Mother Mrs. Carter Johnson was hostess at a coffee party Monday afternoon at her home in honor of her mother, Mrs. A. Kalkbrenner of Wall, S. D. Mrs. Kalkbrenner has been visiting at the Johnson home for six weeks and left Wednesday for her home. Mrs. House Honors Mother Mrs. J. V. House entertained at dessert bridge Monday evening at 8 at her home in honor of her mother, Mrs. David Danks of Livingston. Mrs. Carey P. Wentz received the high score prize. Mrs. Danks re ceived the second high score prize and Mrs. H. H. Roberts received the low score prize. PERSONALS Miss Jane Ann Thompson and Miss Mae McMillan of Havre spent the week end in their respective homes. Miss Thompson is in nurses' training and Miss McMillan is at |e! Jr I've found out that Dr. Salsbury's iff ROTA-CAPS really do give extra Li value. The Rotamine they in contain removes both j. I the large roundworms M*' and cecal worms in JBL E 1 'i'l'ifj chickens—without thcwBg ill e ^ ect harsher Heavy infestations * ^ i. menti. cen fee costly in * toying \ Hock so girt your birds (JA tAe btnefil of o good • «V individual treatment. Rf wno-E vou at it gET rota-caps EXTRA VALUE MÂRKLE TRANSFER CO. Phone 71 j tending Northern Montana college. Mrs. David Danks of Livingston ' arrived Saturday to spend a week in I the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. V. House. Mr. and Mrs. T, K. Graham and I daughters, Penny Lynn and Kendra Sue, of Great Palls and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mattmiller of Helena i spend from Friday to Monday visit ing in the L. W. Hargrove home. - »r,«t . ... 1 VllllOrll 1*3116111 _ _ , _ I (Zpfc îlfCrhftt'OP Mutual gC PORT DOUGLAS, Utah — Pfc. Clifford Kallem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kallem of Nashua, received his discharge here under the army point system. He spent 16 months in the European theater and wears five battle stars for campaigns there. J |C> you haven't tried our pie and coffee . . . DO SO! Allen Cafe GREAT NEWS FOR POLICY HOLDERS FOR ONLY $ S oo Additional premium on your present insurance policy you can get full protection coverage against breakage and damage from any cause to glass doors and windows in your home and garage. TIUS IS A NEW FEATURE ASK US ABOUT IT— Ott® M. Christinson Land Company I NSURE N SURE NSURANCE 37 YEARS OF INSURANCE SERVICE "THE PIONEER AGENCY" Telephone 57 - First National Bank Bldg., Glasgow PFC. SIMON HOME Tampico—Pfc. James Simon ar rived home Monday. He lias been overseas, stationed in Europe He is the son of Mr. and Mrs Isaac Simon. SHOES OFF RATION LIST Shoe rationing was revoked by the OPA effective at midnight Oct. 30. CLEANS YOUR BREATH AS IT CLEANS YOUR TEETH ! 1 ScUnfHIc • prove that in tovon cases out of ton Colgate instant ly Stops unploasing breath originating in the mouth. ? C -S LA # OIAMI SIZE 1 °S/f HALL DRUG CO.