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-I V ï*** s co'" O* OVA A ^ % Î*# , v ,wV i'gS*** 3. C ΠGO^' 3 ^ WM tt ' C Co''AA ' t " CS „ja* ***** G\asé oVJ -o to ■Ç>oV u V rfs oî tvv VtD® Oh® y\vc d® Ä lot Ûv®V ^ o " * e es^' t »'gfa* rtül to*' iP®° r eÙt® ttv etvt 2« 9*» lot IfC to® a TVveV 4 T> eV , at e 5. 6. 0 \à aé Vtvc° c® w® 9 •yoP IP tr.VOtV •ÿOP •ÿQP a ^ c •ßoP c oto e tv®V iP itP° .1««'' ,e s aV* oV o^° dvete ol^ e teS® A- 1 - afp •ßoP ot^ e deP v ,ÛPé tort S^ C -pyCSW 6 N'\C d\ eSS fï® 5 ' VP •W®ê aT p^ siVA a Ot do h» ÙOP veS a^o US s® e Glasgow Brevit ie s Phil Clack of Havre was a Glas NE3V SHIPMENT »I full length plate mirrors. Glasgow Furniture. 45-lte r d W 4 W 4 .L. 1 Lawrence Rybock left this morning for Great Falls for a few days. Pete Rohde has left for Great Fall to receive treatment for cancer of the face. Ä-SU5& - - 3SW- » «A tJ ^ ^nTnd 1 gow visitor Monday. North Side. Ml Portland and Seattle. ,ng Ws r ätT\V * SCOTT and SNYDERS PHONE 101 FREE DELIVERY WE DO NOT MEET PRICES ... WE MAKE THEM! Fresh POMEGRANATES DATES 69 ® lb. Giant Size each 20 e ORANGES LETTUCE - CELERY CABBAGE - CARROTS ;544's - Last Chance J.75 case All Garden Fresh! 2Vz can in Syrup JS C SWEET POTATOES Swanky MIRACLE WHIP HANKIES 8 oz. Jar 100 to a Box 2 Cor 35c 17 c Cigarettes Carton _ £.23 CHESTERFIELD BEANS MINCE MEAT Now's the time for one of those Pies Great Northern J lbs. 25 e 2Jc lb. 37 c BISQUICK Large Package PORK VEAL CHOPS - ROASTS STEAKS ALL CUTS - CHOPS STEAKS - ROAST - STEW HALIBUT - OYSTERS - SALMON Buy For 2 Days - Closed Monday! 28 c PORK SAUSAGE Pound Fresh Dressed Young Pigeons 20c ea. „ „ ^ wpl1 Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Souoll. Great Falls. I Mrs. W. L. Landis arrived from 1 Seattle Sunday morning to attend 1 the wedding of her daughter. left for home this morning. » ieu ior nome w« uw ^ Mrs. Helen Reid of La Jolla. Calif.. arrived Monday morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rice of Glasgow, and other relatives. ; Stephen Urs. Glasgow high school î assTn ass , SSSäSZ ÄÄ& «i - no». Electric Extension Cor 1 Ben Franklin Store. | Mrs. Rose Schuster of Glentana was in Glasgow Friday on her way 1 to Miles City, where she will spena I several weeks visiting a sister. John Nass left on Sunday morn ing for Minneapolis on a business ln trip that will include buying for the n p ec jerated store. Mr and Mrs Carl Qnberg Havre, former Glasgow residents, spe nt from Monday to Wednesday here as guests at the A. W. Edd home nome. Mrs. Prank Curry of Great Palls has been visiting since Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Gritz. she plans to leave Friday for Great pans. _ . f «^"ïsrÂrÂw: J»«»- t Mr and f ^^d'wïsd«' Ma^guÄÄ the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Grant S. Moore. Capt. and Mrs. C. J. Herbold Jr. left Sunday to visit friends in Chicago. Captain Herbold is now on terminal leave from the army pend ing his discharge in February. Beautiful New Lucite Towel Holders. Ben Franklin Store. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gray of Spokane arrived Sunday to visit their daughter. Mrs. Marlene Neiss and her daughter Sharon. They plan leave Saturday for Spokane. Pharmalst's Mate Clifford Combs received a medical discharge from the navy at Parragut on Tuesday. He expects to be home this week to resume work as owner of the Pubic Drug store here. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hocking re turned Sunday after attending the annual convention of the Montana State Press association in Great Palls. Mr. Hocking served on the convention resolutions committee. Fred Rice, former Great Northern employe, returned Monday from Minneapolis and other Minnesota points. He underwent a major oper ation in a Minneapolis hospital on to Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith arrived Sunday from Seattle and are visit ing his mother, Mrs. Ollle Smith, and other relatives here. Mr. Smith recently was discharged from the navy Seabees after service in the southwest Pacific. Christmas Cards on Display. Ben Franklin Store. I Prank Vorell, aviation technician ! third class and Miss Joyce Russell I of Bczeman, Mont,, spent the week end with Mr. Vorell's sister. Mrs. Cliff Rice. Mr. Vorell is a former resident of Glasgow and is home on a delayed furlough. Dan Oakland has gone to Seattle to visit his daughters. Miss Norma Oakland and Mrs. Reginald Brown and her three children. Mrs. Brown has been living in Vancouver but Is now in Seattle awaiting passage to Anchorage. Alaska, where her husband is employed. The Rev. George Moir, American Sunday School union missionary here spent Sunday in Phillips coun ty. attending Sunday school services j at South Wager in the morning and 1 at the Longview school north of j Dodson in the afternoon. Mrs. Moir , and their children accompanied him. Do You Have a Birthday to Remember? Appropriate Cards and Gifts. Ben Franklin Store. j Miss Edith Ackerman. R. N.. grad uate of the Deaconess hospital in I Great Palls, has arrived to be super j vising nurse for senior cadet nurses [ who will be at the Glasgow hospital beginning in December. The cadets \ are coming from the Deaconess Hos pital School of Nursing in Great j Palls. i Mr. and Mrs. Mettle LaPond and \ daughters. Cora and Eva Bish, of ; Olympia, Wash., spent some time i here last week visiting at the homes : of their son and daughter, Homer I LaPond and Mrs. Ed Johnson. Ac j companied by Mr. LaFond, they also visited rleatlves in Malta and left from there for their home Monday, Mrs. Marjorie Bradford of Santa Cruz, calif., former operator of Glasgow cafe, is a visitor here this week. Mrs. Bradford is now owner of a cafe in Santa Cruz. She will go from here to Minneapolk to visit her brother before returning to ifaf sMn^S^ta°Cruz are J^a leaver and A W Hanson received "rs. M M Roacii received J vo01 Hamilton field, Calif.. Saturday evening from her son Ueut Charles H, Mitchell in forming her that he had arrived in this country from Guam. Lieutenant Mitchell is a medical officer and has been in the army for the past ss âïæ" B.» .r« w Get y° ur Christmas Toys "° W there is a good selec tIon ' Frank,u ' Store - Mrs. D. E. Yandell and her son, Douglas yandell, of Greybull, Wyo„ are visiting at the home of Mrs. Yondell's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Benson. Douglas Yandell has been a master sergeant In the army and has been overseas In the Pacific area for the past 2'/4 years. He has Just recently re ceived his honorable discharge. They plan to stay until next week Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Kirchen ar rived in Glasgow Saturday to visit Mrs. Kirchen's father, M Sektnan. Mr. Kirchen, formerly of Port Peck. received his honorable discharge from the navy on Sept. 15 after serving as a petty officer first class. in the Seabees for the past three years. He spent 18 months in Alaska, Recently he has been stationed at Camp Parks, near San Francisco. The Kirchens leave today for Den ver where Mr. Kirchen will resume work as a geologist with the bureau of reclamation. Nashua Girls at Home Ec Meeting „ NASHUA—Members of the Home Ec club, accompanied by Mrs. Homer Loucks, drove to Wolf Point to at-1 tend the district meeting. Those who. made the trip were Carine Brenna, Rita Matuska, Florence Nicholson, Sheila Brenna. Gertrude Kugler. Dorothy Maurseth, Laura Mae Has sler, Marlene Hauger, Luella Rawe, and Grace Cole, The girls contri buted a musical number and sang, "When You Wore A Tulip." Mrs. Dorothy Engel, their instructor, went to Wolf Point to spend the week end and was with them at the meeting. RICHLAND By Gladys Killenberk Mrs. Millie Ramsbacher returned from Portland, where she has been doing defense work for the past few years. Her daughter, Arlene, has been staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Bondy. Ben Wilson returned Tuesday from Hamilton where he had been visiting his brother. The local school children gave a program followed by a dance Sat urday night at the school, under the direction of their teacher. Miss Eleanor Millard. The proceeds will be used for the Christmas program and treats and other school activity. Guests of Mr. and Mrs Elmer Bahn from Wednesday until Friday last week were Mr. Balm's two sis ters and his brother, Mrs. Dallas McNiel and two children of Froid, Mrs. Herb Reardon cf Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and Bill Bahn of Balnvllle. The latter has Just received his discharge from the navy after al most three years in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Bahn also had as dinner guests Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walstad and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stein of OPhelm and Mr. and Mrs. John Enneking of Melrose. Minn., who have been vis iting at the Stein home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kleeman are the parents of a daughter bom Nov. 1 at Scobey. HIGH school news notes n M n - - Peck S Bad Boy Rehearsals Start; Hoop Contests Played By LARRY HOLLAND Under the direction of Miss Shir ley Larson, who is devoting most of her spare time to pushing this year's : "î 100 , 1 p . lay j e ca " ^ that the play is fast taking shape. The cast has already been chosen I an(i is practicing five times a week. I either at night or after school. Tire j tilte of the play is ''Peck's Bad Boy" ! and the cast is composed of Ted Parker, Mary Ferber, Gerry Near, Merilyn Hughes, Bobby Joe Keating. Joe Obstarczyk, Delores Ackerman, { Beverly Baker, Dale Moore, Wayne j Larson, Owen Hovey, Ruth Casey, j Arciice Bowles and Pat Crain. The play will be presented Friday night, I Nov. 30. While losing two students from the high school this past week, we have added one new student. Those leav ing are Marvin and Edward Tate, who are moving to Stevensville. Our new student is Donna Dale Miller, whose folks recently acquired the Sunset Cabins. Previously Donna at tended school at Conrad, where she j was enrolled in the seventh grade. At the assembly held last Wednes day, a talk was given by the Rev. Peter H. Epp, of Lincoln, Neb., a visiting minister. His talk was on the comparison of man with a pen cil. In his comparison Rev. Epp men tioned the colors, sizes and shapes, and ended describing the lead of a pencil as compared with the heart and soul of a man. Rev. Epp was introduced by the Rev. C. A. Wall of Glasgow, who in turn had been introduced by Superintendent R. L. Irle. At the close of the talk pamph lets were passed out to the assembly on Rev. Epp's latest sermons. „ Twenty-two of the girls of the Glasgow Home Ec club, accompanied by Mrs. Edith Holte and Miss Mar Jorie Caffrey. attended the Home Ec clubs district meeting at Wolf Point Saturday. Other clubs attending represented Wolf Point, Nashua, Frazer, Poplar and Medicine Lake. District club officers were elected at the meeting, and Verona Nelson of Glasgow was elected secretary. I Friday night saw Luckman's and I Maag's quintets coming out on top I in the opening of the intramural league. Luckman's five trounced Hammerness's team by a 25 to 12 score, and Maag's team defeated Czyzeski's five. 20 to 14. Friday's high scorers were Combs of Luck man's team, with 14 points, and Maag, who led his team by scoring 12 points. Competing teams in the league are as follows: Maag—Hovland, Aitkin. Shellerud, Nelson, Boyles and Kinzel. . , Cyzeski—Moyer, Magee. Joe Keat ing, Past, DeDobbeleer and Tihista, Russel—Wilson, Rantz and Bertsch. Koon — Mickey Luckman, Gal s tar^c^an d'j'enks f>uhrm a n ' ob Luckman-Johnson. Combs, Har a, V ev, Hatton Pranzen and Baker , Hammerness—Moore. Phay, Kueb i er phil Hammerness, Sauskojus. sternhagen - Stensland, Holland, x^ke. Malunat. Johnny Austin and Dix. r-^ Undy " Pcters0n ' Tom Keating ' ; Coheen, Parker, Hoffman and Sul a a ( - [ xiie frosh held their annual | f res hman nnrtv in the small FViriav moh Rrnm nl »™i,nhi. rn 3 '„mr l! nî i «neeJ« P 01 ts was very much ol a success. r ... „ „ „ „ a "; -1 äv ä ÄeÄÄXÄÄ nov. 16. sedation. Friday—All-high party. Monday—Armistice day program at 2. Girls athletic association at 4:05. Tuesday—Girl's chorus. __ _ „ . \pHO îftntlCPSm fl o* — " aF " ClvAtsIS UI m ww ■ n • ; 3 l€3I*S SCTVICC —Muster Serg. Roger W. JtMinsrud arrived last week from fwx Douglas, where he received his honorable discharge. He is a vet j eran , °f five years and two months f, e 7 lce ' more than three years of ^ overseas. He enlisted in the army Quartermaster corps Aug. 1, 1940. He we o l overseas in August, 1942 ! wl to the 164th aviation ordnance company and spent oyer three years mamf«none/°®S n fnr n 8 nd n,se enance work for bp mbcr and ! Enroll Tnnf r fnrrl P i>.H I o W v np 5k,m wiLtreasurer ; f°rd Lodge, Northern Ireland for 1 two years and has been at Sudbury, WEEKLY CALENDAR Today—G-club: Girls athletic as England for the past year and two ■ 1 months j H is ' decorations include the American defense, Pre-Pearl Har bor and European theatre ribbons and the good conduct medal. He also holds a citation certificate for outstanding efficiency in his work with the air force supply and main tenance divisions, Sergeant Johnsrud is the son of of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnsrud of Hinsdale and attended the local 1 schools before his enlistment, TROOP 7 HAS PARTY Girl Scout troop 7 nave a party in Î the auditorium of the South Side school Friday evening, to which ; members of two other troops were invited. Seventy-five girls partiel- j Dated in folk dancing, a scavenger, hunt and other games. Lunch was served by the leaders. | I NOTICK OF niOBATF OF W ILL In the District Court of the Seventeenth j .Iniltelal Dlxlrief of the Stute of Mon- j tana. In and For the County of > al loy. In tho Matter of tho Kntate of Coonro John IMffnnn, Deceaw'd. Noflcr |n HerH»v t»lv**n. that O'clock A. M. Monday, the 2flth tiny of ( Norenrbor, HOT,, ha» been appointed ns the lime and the Court Room In the Court Houae In 45la»jrow. Montana, a» the plaee for provint: the Will of (»eorire John Dlcnan. deeeaned, anti for hearing the application of Thomas Pitman, Jr ( for the iKHuanee to him of I»*tters j ToKtamentary when and where any per- i eon Interested may appear and content | the same. Dated November Hth. 1945. BLANCHE O HOT JAN. Clerk. Bv Susan Ulnderknecht. Deputy f Nov. 8. 13 * 22 ) CLERKS W'ANTED MEN OR WOMEN Immediate opening for young man or girl. Experience not necessary. Steady position AND PLEASANT WORK. GAMBLES tfc ______ fill Df f'|' r rf/|kT !/l/l/l H I It 1 I III MJ ililrl LLLv I ll/ii w«t r* f\w rmirriv T mA IRI I I II III I V III I j V I I || IIV I I * i «II vv vll & JL A V/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f||' ||1T RT/||/ AA IcM I l[\J [ul R 1/ /I I Sllj î / ! 3 I '■ 1 , All j I j j Farmers in Valley countv will vote | at community elections in 11 county j districts, Nov. 20, to choose farmers for Triple-A community commit tees, as well as county delegates, it I is announced by Thomas A. Wag ner, county committee chairman. All farmers cooperating in the j AAA program are eligible to vote, it j was pointed out by Mr Wagner. Every eligible farmer is urged to j cast his ballot for the men he wants to represent him in the farm pro-1 gram. In each district, three regular committeemen and two alternates are to be elected, as well as a dele gate to the county election. It will be held at 1 p. m. on Nov. 24, at 1 which a county committee of three regular members and two alter nates will be chosen. Polls will open at 1 p. m. for the district elections. Following are ; listed (Killing places for each dis- t trlct: District 1. Hinsdale community hall; 2, Genevieve hall; 3. Opheim school; 4. Richland school; 5, Fair- ' view school: 6. Nashua Farmers Union elevator: 7, Glasgow court room; 8, Glasgow courtroom; 9 Frazer school; 10, Larslan school, and 11. Wild Rose school, Farmers Will Select Leaders in Communities; County Poll Nov. 24 BOWLING CITY I.KACrK STANDINGS sth Week Team— Aim-ricnn Lojfion («litsgow I'loanorK Marklo Transfer Valley Motor Supply . Magruiler Motor . Won Lost Pel. .S75 17 7 70S 1« » l»!7 1» S fill* 14 111 ,r.S3 Mm trey's. Port Peck ..12 12 .COO II 13 .438 11 LT .438 10 14 .417 8 10 .333 5 10 .238 3 21 .120 Season's High Score« Team, three games, Ameriean Legion, 2084: second, Glasgow Cleaners, 2IM11 : third. Magrnder Motor, 2032. Team, one game; American Is'gion, 21 ■; Nashua .Strikes . Krb'a Cafe. Nashua .. Great Northern . Holland's . Gamble Store» . City Market . Team, 2!,s - : *' Jtn , T . „„o '*7„JlviZ i SuiS nr Kru^l. k W. ' indivlclual. one cram«»: Knlnxa and ' city 'îî a ii Momlav. Nov! 12 7 l-'ori sink,«, alley« i & 2 . < 'ity Mnrkct r*. Krb'g f'af«*. Nashiui. alley« a \ 4 , «Jnmhlo Stores vs. Am. Legion, aI "'- VH ** nn '' "• rnesdny Nov is. 7 .4o. ! 1 * o "' r " I vîn ' .. , r ' * * Individual, three games; Heiland, 030; second. Harden, 027: third. Allen, 022. Individual, one game: Harden, 288: ■ond. McLain. 237: third, Allen, 237. Weekly II iah Score« three games: Magrnder Motor, •eond. American Legion, 2877. one game: Magrnder Motor. Peek Nashua Magrnder Motor, Motor Supply vu. Markle j Transfer, alley» 3 & 4. Gleaner» Holland»'». | LADIF.S HOWLING I.KAGI F I Team— Won I.ost Pet. Frledl's 17 4 .810 I Dunn's . |3 8 .«10 j International . 12 0 .371 j ('lassie . ii to .504 U'lirlHtlnaon'« . 10 11 , 47 « . ''' " * 7 J' , .7 I* 1 Gambles 8 ri nsi vi.k's ...I','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.', n 13 is« weekly nigh «core« Team, three game«; t'lussie, 2384; I second, Friedl'«. 24«4 ( ^iearn, mn-game; < lassie. so8; «eeond Intllvldnal, three game«: Kaluaa, 483:1 second, linker, 470. Individual, one game: Maker U»3: •' l J' Kn -^. Ka i. . M T „„.„mi,'classic &S 4 ' ' ' Team, one game; Krledl'«. 90B: second, I international. 1103 . individual, threo game«; Maker. 4M; s'-eond : Olson, 4!»2. ! J"«"* 1 *'" 1 - »"JL 1 Frazer—Mrs, D. H. Welsh, Ardlth wilcy Rjta clark ^ Allce Dvck attended a district home economics 1 meeting in Wolf Point Saturday. I l Ardith Wiiey was elected district! of the newly organized j p u > ure Homenvikers | * ulure Homemakers. ' ; game : Maker, 1ÎI3 ; DISTRICT TREASURER - Grazing Applications To all members of the North Valley and Badlands Grazing Districts: Please let us have your ap plications for grazing for 194G as soon as possible. All applications must be in the office before November 30th. Neil D. Campbell Secretary-Treasurer I Bible Book Store Is Opened Here in Sutter Building A Bible book store, sponsored by the Sowers of Seed Fellowship, young people's group from churches in the Frazer community, was opened here Tuesday in the Sutter garage building. I The Rev. and Mrs. C. A, Wall of the Glasgow Fellowship group church are in charge of the store, present hours will be from 1 to 6 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur j days. Offered at the store are greeting I cards with Scripture text, Christmas cards, plaques, mottoes, Christian fiction, Bible and New Testaments The Sowers of Seed group has as j its principal purposes the distribu tion of evangelical literature and j conducting of religious programs. | su £° Uner Classified ads bring re j _ ' A1 on , Christmas Shopping Headquarters ★ GOT THE SNIFFLES? < —it may be Fatal to try to wear out a cold ★ If you are sniffling, you are going to be sick — maybe seriously. Don't try to wear out a cold. It can't be done. It will wear you out first. Start working on your cold at the first sign. Don't let colds make you mis erable and keep you from doing your daily tasks. Here you will find effec tive cold remedies that will give you relief at once. Come in and let our registered pharmacist advise you. Remember You Are A GUEST in This Store Before Y'ou Are A ★ Customer t HALL SLUG CO. The Friendly Drug Store We Deliver Phone 123 BUTTREYS GLASGOW — FREE DELIVERY — FORT PECK —THE COMPLETE FOOD STORE— VAN CAMPS — No. 2 Cans SAKED9EANS 47 3 Cans TEXAS SEEDLESS — Swcet-N-Juicy «RAPÏFRîtîT 45 S Pounds CABSÂGE pound 5' U. S. Ho. 1 - Solid Heads . . Paper Bags Are Very Scarce - Any You Return Will Be Greatly Appreciated! 'WALDORF' KRAFT Crackers DINNERS Manchesters Krafts Macaroni and Cheese 2:32 e $**2? PRESIDENT DICED CARROTS 2 *" 25 ' 1 Pound Jar MY CLEANER 8 al - 75 ' Aunt Sue Hl'iiWY 6 for 27c 6 OZ. PICKLED FRESH SHRIMP HERRING £25 P er ca " 25 each FRESH HALIBUT - SALMON LARD - BACON - ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS AND SAUSAGES Choice Beef - Veal • Lamb and Pork FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS HAMS SHOULD BE HERE FOR FRIDAY! Glasgow Graders Win in Practice Six-Man Contest by Glasgow Junior high school six - man football players met Hinsdalf graders here Saturday afternoon in a practice game, which was won by a bulkier Glasgow team, 35 to 0 It was the first out-of-town com petition for either team and was the of 1 first football team for Hinsdale in several years. Coach Ted Langemo 6 said . Coach Ray Baker of Glasgow I officiated, j on the Hinsdale squad were Leslie Î Smith. Monte Denham, Howard 1 Paraasen, Edwin Sorenson. Bobby Fewer, Gene Morehouse, Dan Baker ' Prank Hopwood and Tom Hickok. Glasgow Junior high players were Bob Baker, Cletus Puhrman, Dave Pecora, Garry Boyles, Charles , S®" d , er ' .P er " a , r , d Sullivan. Bob I Gilluly. Mitchell Tihista, Darrell - Cole, Edward Clark and Glenn Dix. Two freshman, Joe Keating and Joe Obstarczyk. played part of the game