Newspaper Page Text
Page Mr, and Mrs. Edward Morris and family left Saturday for Philadel phia from where they will go to visit WrTX» eÄÄMÄ home Friday with friends who spent the week end here. They were Mrs. H. R. Hood of Great Palls and | her son and daughter-in-law, Mr,, and Mrs. Harvey R. Hood, and son. Mr. Hood was a naval officer. They I are from Sau Francisco ■ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Buechler and son Eddie left Friday for Glasgow where they will make their home, Mrs. Buechler. who was Lutheran Ladies Aid president, was given a party by that group at the DeWitt St. John home Thursday, tw ! Buechler home and furniture were nurchased bv Mr and Mrs Chester Fo«um Marvin Jennings, who was dis charged from the naw in Juiv ar nvÄiswMk tovlsYt at the Milo Jennings home and with other rela OPHEIM By OIna Thompson lives here. He will also visit at the Glenn Ellis home and with his father, who is undergoing treatment at the Legion plunge. He plans to attend Napps Business school in Tacoma, Wash., starting in Dec ember. Private Dorcie Jennings is on a light cruiser now in Japan. Mrs. Samuel Paus was a dinner guest of Mr and Mrs. Hans Soren son Sunday. Mrs. Graydon Edwards and fam ily were Glasgow callers Monday. Mark Tufte, Frank Redfield, Ben Wliolf, Ray Tweeten, Charles Dorn, Charles Goodrich, Andrew Stöhlen, 'k # B ii r«" c 3 •M :*: . , ■!, Plan Now For An Old Fashioned THANKSGIVING DINNER UEL - fj I-//J 'At A K y. L «1 / a » *•. 'mi w /J* M' Dine with us Thanksgiving Day and enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings, efficiently served in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. THE ALLEM CAFE GEORGE ALLEN, Prop. THE HOME OF GOOD FOOD NSïiCE TAHPAYEHS Notice is hcieby given that under (he laws of the Slate of Montana, the first install ment of the 1S45 taxes is due. and payable at this office before 5 o'clock p. in., Novem ber 20, 1.945. After December 1, 1945, Real Estate taxes become delinquent and arc then subject to a 2% penalty and two-thirds of one percent interest per month until paid. i \ ' - Personal property taxes are due in the Spring of each year, and the final notices were mailed out last April. There will be no further notice given. We must insist on pay ment of 1945 Personal Taxe; which are still unpaid at this time. ■ - i » 1192® Maasf«r4 COUNTY TREASURER, VALLEY COUNTY 47-2t o EtdJfthe «fhrlnfmitrn/irHelenä tended the Shrine meeting at Helen, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade and Walter Wade were guests at the Laurits Anderson home Sunday. Radioman First Class James Boh lig. son of Mr, and Mrs. E. C, Boh erU^S. h ^Ä a ago7d navy, all of which were at sea ex cept five months. He served °n the aïthe' onangn ua ana uie n f Mr. and Mrs. James McFadden and son of Helena arrived last Pri day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nel son. Mr. McFadden is the son of Mrs. Nelson. He was recently dis charged from the army. Mrs. Omar Trentland of Sheyenne. D., sister of Mrs. P. K. Halverson, arrived Friday to spend a few days u.. wi.,.™,. h^p Mrs Trent land and the Halverson family were dinner guests Monday evening at the S jakopson home The L. C. R, wall meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. DwigTSamrath Mr. and Mrs, Neil Rogers were Glasgow callers Monday. | Mrs. Art Reed and Mrs. Clarence Tichenor are helping out by prepar i ing meals at the dorm while Mrs. ' Dorcas Fagan is away. Miss Anna j Johnson is staying there nights. Seventeen cars of cattle were ship j ped from Opheim last week. Five ! went to Chicago and 12 to South St. Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Burroughs left Friday for Chicago and other points to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Stellflug were Monday callers. Mr, and Mrs, John Fuchs and First FfaZCP High mil ilB " w CrllAAl PaftPV* 9CHU01 1006" , r n i JJ tHC FfÉSS By Courier Correspondent ÆÂ'TÂÆ Wekh W |nnoÄ rintendent ° Albert Murdock is editor, with John Long as mimeograph editor, 1er LUCille Br ° Wn ' " » e r. Other staff members are Steve Collins humor. Dick Taylor, art; Margaret Lingle, adventising mana ger; Doris Hustad, circulation mana ger; Bill Brooks, grade reporter; Har ey Eliason, high school reporter: 5°^ erB ; Ru ^ y Jol l nS w n a " d ,1!®, J^ ro ",P,;i™.P 1St " S ' and Mrs D H - Welsh, advisor. p CMITI/ICA/C GENEVIEVE «T Isabell Swalhelm --— -—— c nmm .„ „„ „ otlH a . ,, Butte* Th^frsdiv 0 he attende™ ft Mmü na cl commi!sioners L^°atk.n conven Hon Tuesd v an^Wednesdav tlon 1 ue ® d ^ and Wednesday, John Lenertz and John Arndt drove to Bowdoin lake Saturday to S et usb Grace and Allen Olson, Alfrida Bolinger and Blanch Canen, who are attending high school in Glasgow and Saco, spent the week end at their homes, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson and children were visitors in Glasgow Tuesday „ _ _, , , _....! Mrs. Dora Grady and son Philip drove to Glasgow Saturday. Mrs. Grady was a winner of a Guernsey calf at the Farmers Day drawing. Mrs. Lester Johnson attended the bridal shower given for Mrs. Edward Band and Mrs. Herman Johnson Wednesday. Bobby Peck went to Nashua Mon day to visit his brother Dickie, who is attending school there, and his sister, Mrs. John Candea, for a week. Henry Lick called at the Ole Swal heim home Wednesday, He was look ing over the telephone line in this community, which had been out of order. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Arnold and sons and Tom Atkinson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Valentine of ! Saco were visiting frineds in the j community last week. They spent j Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arndt. Mrs, Andrew Stiley, teacher of West Cache Creek school, spent this week at the Elmer Canen home on account of car trouble. Mrs. Dora Grady and son Phillip visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Peck Fri day afternoon. family were in town on business Fri day. Mrs. Hans Offett, of Scobey, mother of Mrs. Alfred Sells, visited here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jacobson of Nashua and daughter and grand children visited at the Clarence Tichenor home Sunday. The annual Lutheran dinner and bazaar has been postponed until I Wednesday, Nov. 28. Mrs. E. B. Holte left Friday for Stanley, N. D., for a few days' stay. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Schnell and daughter Alice of Nashua are vis iting relatives here for a few days. Mr. Schnei] was recently discharged from the service. At present they are visiting at the Selmer Grindeland home. Robert Squires received his dis charge a few days ago. He was an air force mechanic in England, Ire ; land and Germany. Mr. and Mrs. John Redfield are here for a few days after visiting at St. Cloud, Minn. They have rent ed an apartment in Glasgow for the winter. Tlie senior class has started play practice under the sponsorship of Miss Dorothy Bohlig. The play is "Princess O'Toole." Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan Monday shoppers. Mrs. Amelia Lee and daughter. Mrs. John Moir, of Portland iting relatives in Glasgow. They to visit soon with relatives in' heim. George Hickok Monday. Mrs. Thca Risa took care of the I Stetson children while their parents were in Great Falls over the week end. were are vis are Op-) was a shopper Mr. and Mrs. Milt Stetson. Fern | j Risa. LeRoy Whittle and Don Risa I were Great Palls callers Friday to I Sunday. I Sammy Fcezeil returned home i | Monday from the Glasgow hospital I where he was taken when he suf- I fered several breaks in his collar- I bone after a fail from a horse, I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keough and | daughter Grace reutrned from all three week trip from Washington I and other points Friday. They vis- I ited Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nielson at I Marysville, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs I Gower Hanson. At Snohomish, I Wash., they visited the George Ke- 11 ough family, the Walter Matchetts I at Lohman and Mr. Keough's sister I at Fairfield. f I Corp. Rasmussen Is formende*! For Action Under Fire Carp. Anton Rasmussen Jr.., son of Mr. and Mrs Anton Rasmussen of ■ Dee" Park. Wash., former county residents. lias been commended for "excellent performance of duty" on , Saipan in June a id July. 1914.'while I serving with the 4th marine divi sion. A citation states that j carrying.. on I j areas exposed to enemy ■ "while survey operations in artillery, I j mortar and small arms fire. Corp j ; oral Rasmussen's coolness and devo dutv were an outstanding (j factor in the success of his unit's missions." l He lies ju«t returned la flip main land after two years in the Pacific. . where he took part in t te invasions of Roi. Namur, Tinian. Saipan and Iwo Jima. Sis Games Are on Pre-Holiday Hoop Schedule, Frazer By Courier Correspondent FRAZER—Frnzer's Bearcubs will play six basketball contests befere j Christmas, Coach D. H. Welsh an nounces, opening with Brockton j there. Nov. 30. Other contests are I Saco here, Dec. 7; Wolf Point here, Dec. 12; Opheim there, Dec. 14: Glasgow here. Dec. 19. and Wolf Point there, Dec. 21. GLASGOW ^ 1 ' lr - - - - rD A By Mrs. J. w. Calfer --- Calfe * Mrs Nick Peters Mr. . „ , ! son and Sharon Mrf*' . „ et V? r , S j la ^ n ' c "« e Anna Hovej called by the sickness of her mother Mrs Peter Dyck, who is a patient wMrÄ gov. m rs .Morris E. Tiffin of Jack J la -- also , a daughter, ar m ^ d Friday morning. fr( fi, C t> Y, erle n Va nderhoff came home from Baton Rouge, La„ last Wednes da y morning. He has been dis ^ ne^dav momh?/ 10 frn etU1 i?i ed Wed * where' chp snetft f!!?® Minnesota, relatives^ C tW ° weeks vislt " John n riilf.. a. —, . > . : . • aviation radio - n,.j . d c w ent to Glasgow Wednesday and spent a couple of BrownTn^ h Wte ' Mrs - Gordon wup w ° j . . — Wednesday Night Bridge club j j ! j 1 typecâzé/ PEG BOAT I GamMei 7, Mi. I ? ■ w y <Sm / .• Our Reg. Low Price 45c r, OJ ''S', //> 27 y t SALE PRICE j ? § ! I j I ' I \ I I j | j I 1 1 11 11 11 I I I I I 11 | I I I I j I ' ] 11 : 1 À of ^«o<l "UlocU» V 84 c m B0 09 \ For \ 60 n •asrs 10 5 *^ »T9» JT, At \VaS° n colore» tiiak® f ï»o«° »l 98 'll na '' 9S> if They 98 e »j 3 ara\> U i\c r Coi°5 S\' in ^ Ull 'ellot'^' ee ' 3 ^{or w® 8 lot3 ' % . cere's® Vi Fur> Coloff ' Ul ' e urge o'" 1 '® peg». laK O ar f/ i. Kcto vCldd 'S thiS {aBC ' t ' i \^g C ol° t U>y ' g pio»' nB - ^ V.XD »v 29 a fine P®; V b ' v \eaab \ 1 Q 8 C h I Hot»« '■""'Vo »T19 i*0 Itto* VJ» tcb Ö n8 V"'- t *" d ss&Srf '&gft c °' or8 - float »T9» a«*' Lan»'' Ntaiy 7 -Ugo. \oted , flag 9. iht' v *' saÄ 'hüy " et t co i ; : Uor« e VTot bat* VlobM flott V.aiob'® V 9 98 e gfâiy vtary U^ v5 .W"g. iiü; Bl» ck „addle a«d « \ba«T° v ' Fa»" ^fl eC rhr igtia»* «0 »I » 9 « MM 11 » »»»• rottcc Heap ,t ^^ s a»' lte - Chr ^* db ° 1 ' Ca fl *\ 79 29 e \»6 Ride* 1 For .'S'' roe "i _. T° l\or» e 29 c \Ie'»P erkV t ^d- , ea»»y^»8V4 • G a.o«? C Vtuc» ' 7^*»' \o»8-. 29 e i\\a y ct^PV 1 \.a y P c , \tue K . r v deVWet' 68 V Op e ° 69 irs n 89 c to r BrigW® Trv»«' 4 y .\i Revo' vb '®jy\ovabJ e u,t6 ck*°» 4W ? d ^n ' ott ^bÄ tvpc 89 e \oog v'm Uottd®*** °%t, U v> n Tru«'^ a 'll"'» X. Fa f ®«T d actS" U»»' 18 Rad'»l or rk *33#-'** «2*9 .< \ 1 i I I 0 I |9 H a il 95' Jeep 1 ») AaraP B° d V e vet d V»" H r' by le „ and red. gr tH/*' n - l ° n8 ' flid er JK d.toek ()V' VC ah U ° U / 4T n 6 ' Ictre» <b' lb Viin.'° og ' I ui tor Cut® flook» flott Tra c 19 Va rn ha» "°b' " cV '°" ' o b"J r "tugb 6 r ° U n od< 10 e rjruck a Jan ] c\ ijff: fjfij no««'.* Driver Sh'" Virf Sic»®' for n" lodo°5 b'.^adie» fasb'O^p^ges. »9 *\ V. j: IP iaV" Vire« \ri" \ve» * 1 » "b Ca lTo^ scoopca " d ' r ^a" opiretna" * "an -^/towered b» f V ■A 69 dVoivereo »2 be V Cat T n'' Three, ■irai® Vor Ufù''* "" d anb. \ \CC * 49 l ^ 29 n cay \®ay " . .;, c lr" ck ' Redan d ^ a „d ^ , "ice-^^in.b'b« \ tong» - flag? VA •v: ^cotnob^'X.and tender. 8 0 in . long Cabo« 3 "' J _ i-'xK if- "J 14* ti 1 98 ' •a V'^ttook* XU«®' 1 ® UR W/i Ch«' d ^d A»dy°®^ *$£&**>% * p ■ih iu in 98' C.S.H' 0 ">"*1 ,»cy NN "fl'ok* tpfiSW ïéM ».o'— |l fro»* M aich u a h on Po ; 89' Ô4*, t>.^' r'/V/sjw z0SsS °' v ' ,< dd VH' 1 ' 41 ' :'ajo.e« c - // V'«' f r i / fl For Christmas treasure to fill little folks' stockings, Santa will find everyth ing he needs at Gamble's—every thing to make sure Christmas is an exciting joyous day. / Vi 'a,' 1 r 'I & j •t m Seabcc Hoad Builder Set Tractors, Road Rollers, Cement Mixers, Trucks. Free-Rolling Wheels... Bulldozer and Logging Truck Realistic action and sound, Driver. Shovel, and 6 logs included... Hook and Ladder Truck "5-Alarm" truck—Extension Ladder can be raised and lowered. 24 in. long. Children's Classics Tom Sawyer, Heidi, Alice in Wonderland and other favorites. .. Tower Carl Colored cylinders fit on colored pegs which can be driven into wheeled base. Six Car Train Locomotive, coal tender, box car, tank car, coal car, caboose. New and Old Testament Stories and Mother Goose Books Favorite stories for all children. Hard covers, 21 pages.. i.. Toy Land Animated Books A happy surprise from the Christmas Tree—6 pages of movement in color. : ;. *109 59 c *239 *319 *2 79 The Friendly Store 50c 39« 98« COURIER Mrs William Adkins substituted for an ' ^o Sen wvT e i?™Jr am** 8 was L lgh scorer and Mrs - Adtklns was low. | Dobald Cal,ee wen L t0 Brock - ton . F \* da y t0 spend the week end with Henry Johnson ^ their stock S nipanie Services were held Sunday after A N ° rn T"' will Ue Lutheran services every two weeks at 2:30 p.m. Choir prac tice is Thursday evenings at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs, Verle Vanderhoff were business callers in Glasgow Saturday between skidocs. Mr. and Mrs. George Koslowsky from t he Cottonwood country stopped cn their way to Wolf point : f ', lday _ , t Glasgow callers Saturday, bringing home the calf that Mrs. Brooks won at the Farmers Day drawing some :il ïl e ago A „. „ . , . Mrs. Anton Hustad and son Myron of Lustre, Miss Violet Punk, who teaches at plea *ant View, and Mrs. Joe Hall of Port Peck, were SU 5 p £ r gUests 1116 Geor S e Kjens rud home Sunday. Services W 1U be held at the com S 1 """ 1 " church Sunday evening at "30 _ „ ... .. John R^Calfee aviation radioman SSJS" h ° me ^ ^ TT'.-.-. ~r'r WHATELY Mrs. William Molunat —-_ ,, . w _ Mr and Mrs. Martin Schindler received word that their son Vernon "H rch : radioman second class has arrived in the states and is being discharged at Bremerton Wash. He expects to be home in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. OUle Heikens and sons James and Kenneth left Tues SÄ®*. * tw0 , w , eek f visit at Mrs. Heikens parents home in Reck Rapids, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Bretzke are taking care of f«Çl ac S' 1 2f 11 , e , t 5 ey a . re g ° n? \ Milford Kalstad returned home Saturday morning from Havre where he had gone on a business trip 1 earlier in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heikens and SO ns and Mr. and Mrs Willard Lee wer e dinner guests Sunday at Mr and Mrs, Richard Bretzke ' | Mrs. Boss Dorr was a visitor at the Ulauoe Propper home Wednes ^d Rusher were ^Jensen ot ^ Glasgow was a Wednesday* Charles Walker home Joe Wanner and Edward Gcssler visited Josenh Novak Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Stellflué and daughters were visitors at the Wil ham 6 Malunat home Saturday after noon baturaay alter Dorothy Walker has been sick par t of this week ^ M r. and Mrs. Mike Heikens and Mr, and Mrs. Prank Perrin were visitors at the Fred Rusher home ; Thursday night. T/4 Joseph Novak arrived home 1 Saturday morning after a visit with j sister near Buhl, Idaho/He was discharged from service at Fort Ord, Calif,, last Oct. 30. He had neg lected to inform his relatives and November 22, 1945 friends of his promotions which are 'as follows: from Pfc. to corpora 1 las t August and from corporal to technician fourth grade last October. A co-op meeting was held at the Willard Hines home Thursday after noon. Mr. Garberg of Malta met with them. SERVICES THURSDAY Nash™-Than^WhS^rvices Na^uia Tnanksgivmg series., church Thursday at 11 30 Dr L N Md Sent of the itockv Mountain district, will preach, a candlelighting service will also be held. turned home from McKee. Ky.. where she was called to be at the bedside of her father, who passed away before she arrived. ASSOCIATION SHIPS Nashua—Pour carloads of cattle were shipped Sunday by the Milk River Livestock Shippers assn, to St. Paul. Olaf Hovland of lArslan accompanied the shipment. Hubert Brogan is the manager of the as sociation. FATHER PASSES ON Nashua — Mrs. M. Garwood re-