OCR Interpretation

Jamestown weekly alert. [volume] (Jamestown, Stutsman County, D.T. [N.D.]) 1882-1925, February 02, 1883, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042405/1883-02-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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Attorneys aiJ Ojiiollors at Law,
And Negotators of Frst Mortgage Laa»s.
^?-)0,000 "bo Loam, oti Improvai Xja-o.a.s
nil /JIMI I'c.v f'»f «HI- 's .»I
Tr-'f '*Uitn
T?)3 O ijimi Ji nD3 ttivar SoD.nsrs,
The Greatest Advertisers of the Jim Rivrr Vail y,
The Largest List of Bargains in North Dakota,
The Largest ales in the James River Valley-
Office with the J.une* River National U.istk, J'»iu st»wn, D. T.
If you want to Buy or Sell Improved Farms.
Wild Lands, Houses and Lots in Jamestown.
Lots in Grand Rapids, or to Loan or Borrow
Money you will serve your own Best Interests
By calling on or writing:: 'lis Pionesr 5?r.sy.
Wholesale and Retail Eealer in
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Building Paper, &c.
Building Supplies Furnished to Contractors.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Legal Business Promptly Attended to.
Contested Land Clam
us he+ore the Local and General
Land Offices made a Soecialti/.
Jamestown, Dakota.
\)C3T3 Druggists.
T31S, C»ITi3S,
C.i:rn I (*i)0(K
P«rk anil Kams,
Patent Me liciiies,
ii it I O
1 S: *11 i-i'i Lr.np* & 0»uiii:i\v
Land O.ttce *t Farg •, T, Jiin. 18.1983.
Notice is hereby given that the followi j[ named
settler has rtl»U notice of his Ateut on lo make
final proof in ipp.iri of hi* claim »nd**iire rtnal
entry thereof on the &M day of February, 1883,
Henry K»mp, D. S. No. 13,321, fir ths ne
of sec. 44, tp l-U n. W w.and name* the follow!
aa hi* witnj««-s, viz
VV A. iwlcr, W. K. Dodge, John A. Holber.',
John T. tatelirook, all of stiiuman coun'y, l.T.
The te'timnuy br taken Imfm* Hon. H. J. Ott.
judge of prm »te court, Jamestown Sinismui
«ouny, C. thu iiHh day of February. A.
at hi* ••We-.
And 11, 8 ph -n A. H,mdrick«, who mad I)
S. Jio.
8,-M ou S pie nher 14, 1831. on the above
•describe.! tract, are her. by notid.*! to ppear.i ..
time and place anil giv- reason. il an .. w.i.v rl« :i
ant oh.ia nor »k- dni»i proof.
li ttcR vtmi"iv, ite*'"'"''
iliJ.f. »it"rn''t«
U.S. LandOfflce, Fargo, T, .Ian. 188,.
Pomp.ain*. naving hj*n eni«v«f at tin* oJii.K hi
Ji i-« S. Cainw, of Mat-muu c.mnty, 1. T.,
'u.ast Hourv lln ubjrn tor atianloiiitii( hi# fc.
•eatry So. datna MirchS7, 188-', upon lh
.of ft.-c 8, tp 1
I O 3
R. M. Wrvsr, »w, Ca|.iuh»t
8. K. McUlv.vrs
""-'a' kst»t«.
A. A. ALLEN, "F Allen & DKIZ®, Att'S at Law.
II. T. BUSH, of Bash & rwm's Grain Elevator.
All Inquiries in regard to the Country Promptly
Strangers should have their mail addressed to our carc.
Money, Money, Money,
Owing to our pressing liabilities we offer for the
next 33 days at cost for cash our entire stock ol
Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Ladies' Cloaks, Hats & Caps,
Trunks and Valises, and
many other articles too numerous to msntion.
This is a bonafide sale. We mean what we say.
Wo discounts given on credit sale. Also, we would
say to all our patrons who are in arrears, in ac­
count or note overdue, that "the Season is pas
and the Harvest is ended" and Buck & Mdls have
hato ad their pay. We are not going out ofbusi
n35i, but ju3t intend to clear the "dacJc' for 1883.
Jam3itown, D. T., Nov. 6,1832.
n, 63 w, in Stutsman mnty,D l.
•nirti a view to the cancellation of Mid entry the
~-.it partiea are hereby rammoned to appear at
thM oOlce on the 28th day of February, 1883, at II
o'clock a. m., tt rennond and fnrni»h testimony
concerning aaid alleged abmndomment-
w. I1) (JK
Hisinis- in rcilif U. S. Lund Office artI
luHiiriinfv efTictc-ii in the most reliii'ile compntiies. A. Imsi!••*!» •,'1 to
with |»rin:tiu»-« nnd d'spatHi.
Sugars ami Syrups,
Flour, VVt)3 l8iiware,
Tobaccos ami Cigars.
Fancy Goods,
..13 OOK. ?AM£STOWM 0VC07A.
is \. uVi.v
The FirstNati Bank
Ltnd O.Hee.it Firno, IJ T, -Tan. 11. 1333.
Notice in h- mliv eiven Mint Ihe following namrr
«ettlr lias tiled imticc of his iM. ntion to mak
final proof in support or his claim and M'Cure tinaI
entry thcr of on the ICtii duy of February, IfiS
Henry Tolman. E Xo. 10 6.3.for the nw ol
«ec. 2, tp 137 n.rlti w, and iiuini? I lie foilowing a
hi* w.tnesm'*, viz:
Jleury Gilmnn. Ernest Bronghton. W.BatesNich
ol«. II. W. Fu ler. a" of Stats.n inc inty. O. T.
Theteetimony to be takun bflnru lion II. J. Oti
jiidg Ol
pr-ibate court, at .lurne-t"*vn, SniL-nmi
county, ii- T., on rlie liih day of Fobmry, A.
1888, at his office.
Allen !»od){ •, Attoru.:)^. SS5-5
irtlTO at Far^'i. T., 1881.
Nuire in ii-T -'ny given hat rlie folintving im.'d
set:ler lias ill -d N ticf of iii« inirntion IO mitke
dn proof in support »f his claim and sivair Unal
entry iher»-of.-in The *d day nt M-ir* 183-1 viz
OyriM 1 *lt"»n D. S N'». ll.wM. f'ir ih,* nw
of Si:c. 84. tp 144 n, r56 w, and ii.tin ihe foilow
ini a« his witn ps s. viz.
R. O. DcPny, Thoma« Fii-'ds IL-nry Gilman,
Ernest T. Bronghton, all of S:ntsman connty,
D. T,
The testimony to he tak *n before Johnson
Nickeus, clerk of the district conr*,
at Jamestown,
D. T-, OS the Kelt day of fehruaiy, ip l88S,athis
«IMI Auirur,
Lund (illlc, at Furiro, I). T., Jan. II. 1883.
Nnti.e i" litTtby /i\VII that tli« following
nam.'il Kt'ttlur bus il led notice of his inttr.rionto
make liuiii ]roof in Mipport of his claim und sc
nr- ilii.il entry thereof,on tlij 16tli day of Februa­
ry 1883, /,:
iburi E Wi»llac«, II. E. No. 0,979, for the HW
Jiof soc. 80. tpl40n, r63%v.und numes the fol­
lowing as his witnessed, viz:
S. Ii. McUinu s, J.J. Ediy, A. A. Alien, Geo.
W. Veiiuum all of Miiismnn county. U. T.
The stiinouy to lie be taken liefore lljtn. II. J.
Ott judye of prnbiite C"iir ut Jainjsto.i n. Stuts­
man county, 1J T. on the hull day of Febr.aiy
A. .). liii, at hi« o:Bce
IN, Hogi »tcr.
Ai ei. & Dodue, Atturii vs i.'li-ftt
Land Odicc at Fargo, I). T, Jan. 10, 1883.
Notice i- hereby given il'.ut the follow ins: named
si-till bus tiled notice of her intention to make
flnal proof in support of her claim and secure tiual
entry thereof on the 13th duy of February, 1883,
Jennie V. Berry, D. S. No. 11,19!, for the nw
of sec.32, tp 141 u, t4 w, and named the following
aa her witnesses, vU:
A. A. All.-n, Sam.i 1 Dodds, C. B. Bnshnell and
W. E Dodge, all of Jamettown, Stutsman coun­
ty. D.T.
The teiti"iiiir to he taken Mfore lion. II. J.
Ott, judge of probate court, at Jamestown, D.T..
on the 10th day of February, A. I. 1883, at his
IIOHAT. Amnx, Itegia'cr.
Allen A Dodue. Attor evs. 25-St
Land Office at Fargo, DT. Jan. 8.1883.
Notice i* hereby given that the following named
settler has died notice of intention to make
tinal proof in support of his clainr. and seen re tiual
ent thereof ou the 31st day of February, A. 1).
1883. viz:
John T. Eager. D. S. No. 9,801. for the se
sec. 13, lp :4:s n, C5 w, und names the follow­
ing as his witnesses, viz.
tlenry GrilUu, 1\ Kurtz, John Trubs'iaw,
Chas.It. Frigira^t. alt or SrttMi.an enmity II. 'P.
The testimony to be taken ben-re Johnson
Nickeus, clerk of the district court, at Jamestown,
I). T., on the ^Olti day of February, 1883. at his
office. HORACE AUSTIN, leister.
I)nlino & Marsh, A:tys. i.S-St
U. S. Land Office Fargo, I. T.. Jan. 10,1883.
Neisou Ii. Merry having duly ."ade und 111. ap­
plication to enter under the provision'' oi the act"f
June 14, 1878, entitled an ait tonnn rid m- toei.
couraire the growth of timber on western prairies,
se of sec. 14. lp 139, rGfi, and eoiiipla.nt liav iu
been thereupon entered «t this oilice by su Nel­
son I!. Merry against Allen Clark who m-de tim­
ber culture entry No. 0,154. dated Oct. 5ih, 1881,
upon said land: that said Allen Clark has not
bi oken or caused to be broken live aeres of said
land du.ing the flr*t year succeeding suid cmry,
and thut no part, of said land has been broken nor
in any manner improved or cul'ivated from the
date of suid .ntry to the dale of ihis contest.
With a view to the cancellation of said entry Un­
said parties are hereby summoned nppc rat
this office on the 23d day of February, 1883, at two
o'cloe.i p. m., to respond and I'uriiisii ti stim"ny
concerning suid ailegi-d failure to comply with the
timber culture laws.
TIIOS. M. PUGII,Receiver.
Nickeus & Wtlbur, Auorneys. iC-ftt
Land Office at Fargo, D.T., Jan. 16. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler ha» tiled nonce of her int-ntion io make
liiial proof in support of her claim and secure Dual
entry thereof on the £d day »f March, 1883.
Mary E -wcy. D. S. Ni. 10487, for the se of
-e.- 1J, ip 13? II. 6J w. and names the following
is her wii.,e«si s, viz:
Henry Gilinmi. Ernest T. Bronghton, Bayard T.
.irmi^luou, \\*ii 1 liani Longielluw, all ol Stiil.iinan
couniy, l». T.
The testimony to bo tak"n before Johnson
Nickeus, clerk of the district court, at Jamestown.
D. T.. on ihe 20th day of February, A I) 1883, at
his oilice.
J. E. McGill, Atiorni-y. 20 5t
LandOilice at Fargo, D. T., -Tun. 15, 1SS3.
Notice is hereby g.wn that (lie following named
'ettier has tiled nniicc of his intention io make
iti.il pr.iof in -upport of his e.luim and secure Unal
•niry thereof on the 2.1 day of March, i88i.
Elmer A. Freder S. No. 10,111 for the a
nw 1, anil sw of sec 28, tp 141 n, ii.
•v. and names the foil ving as his witnesses, viz:
Henry Gilman Ernest T. Hroughton.vN m. Long
.i-ll,,w, Albert Conant, ail of Stutsman county,
't he testimony to be tuken before John'or
Nickeus, ch-rk »f the district court. »t Juini-toi n,
T. on the x'6th day of Fobru ,ry, A. i». 1838, ut
is office.
ItoHACE Af«TlN, Register.
•I.H. McGill, Attorney. .C-M
Land Office at F'argo, T, Jan. 13, 'AS".
Notice is iieieby iiiven lliat the following named
et.t.er has ftled notice of Ills intention t-i make
nal proof in support of his claim and secure iluai
utiy thereof on the 19th day of biliary, I.yj.
Ni'il Campbell. D. S No. 10.33). for the nw
of sec. 14. tp U2 n. CS w, and numes the fol
•iwmy a- Ins witnestes, viz.
Cbris Jorgeiison, Albert Fisher. Frank Aken.
i'hos. II. Armil, nil of Stutsman connty, i. T.
The b'stimony to be taken before Johnson
I'iekeus. clerk or the district court, at James
•wn. O T, on the 17th day of February, A 1) 1883,
this office.
And you. E. P. Thompson, who made 11. S. No.
693, on July 28,1881, open said tract, ar reqtiir
dt. appe* at said time and place and snow
anse why said Unal proof and entjr should not
S. L. Glaspell, Attorney. 26-5
Land Office at Fargo, D. T., Jan. S5,1883.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler has filed -tice of his intention to make
.Inai proof in support of his claim and sccnre
inal entry thereof on the 28th day of February,
1883. viz:
William B. Dodge, II. E. No 9566. for these
•f sec 2t, tp 140 n. K3 w, and names the fol!owing
is Uis witnesses, viz:
A. A- Allen. W. Ii.tesNiehols,B. W. Fuller, I).
0. Buck,all of Stutsman county, DT.
The test mony to he ftiken before Hon. II.
Ott. judge of probate c.urt, at JameMown, Stuts­
man coun'y, D. on the 26th day of February,
1883, at his office.
Allen & Dodge, Attorneys. 27-5t
Territory of Dakota, Third Judicial District,Stuts­
man connty, ss:
In District Court Third Judicial District.
E. P. Wells, Plaintiff, vs. George II. Purchase,
iefen dant.
I'he Territory of Dakota to the above named de­
You are hereby summoned and required to an­
swer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above
•ntitlcd action, a copy of which is herewith served
upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to
-mid complaint upon the subscribers at their
flic-. in the village ef Jamestown witliin thirty
liys after the service of this inimons on ou,
xclusiveof the day of such service, and if you
ail to answer to said mplarnt wiilun tile time
ifore-aid the pia ntiff in his action wiii apply to
hecourt for the relief demand il in cmp.-iint.
Dated at Jamestown, D. T., N"Vemlier 33,1S.12.
Allen & Dodge, Plaintiff's Attorneys. i'5-6t
District Court, Third Jndicial District.
Territorv of Dakota, Coun'V of Stutsman, ss:
Mary s'Uniiigan, platntiit, against John Fran
ligan. defendant.
lie Territory of Dakota to the above named de­
Yon are hereby summoned and required to an
•ver the complaint of the plaintiff in the above
milled aciiiui. which is Hied tn the office of the
it-rkof the District Court of the Third jndicial dts
,-.ct, in and for the county of Stutsman and terri
rv of Dakota, and to serve a copy of yonr an
w.'r to said c'tnplamt on the subscribers, at their
rtice in Jamestown in saitt connty, within thirty
!.ivs after the service of this summons upon yon.
xcinslve of the day of t«ch servic and if yon
ail to answer the sa complaint within the time
iforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply
the court for the relief demand in the com
'ai nt, together with the costs and disbursements
this aetion.
Dated at Jamestown, D.T., November 24th,
2 6t AL.LBN .(s Donnf, Plaintiff*. Attr*
.'eTitorv of Dakota, county of Smtsman, ss:
i)istri UN Third Judicial District.
Edward llntj-on, plaimiff, vs. .Mary Ann Hud
n. L-lend*iit.
.'lie Territory of Dakota to the aookp ijftined de
You. Marv Ann lluson, nre hereby summoned
ml require'd to answer the complaint in the above
iMtled action, a copy of which was tiled with the
erk ot said conn fceptembi 2d, 1882. and to serve
opy of vour answer to the said complaint on the
ibsi-ribcr*. at their offiec in Cnrrin^ton, in the
mnty cf Fo«tcr and Territory aforesaid, within
hirty days after th- service of this summons upon
111 exclusive of Ihe day of such service and if
on fail to answ :i the said comjjlaint within ihe
me aforesaid, the plaintiff in tlli» action will ap
,iv to the court for tile relief demanded in tne
•jut December 2d. 1882.
Plaintiff'* Attorneys.
Cairingion, D.T.
pprTitorv of Dal£ a. Connty of Stntsman, ss:
To the defend! nt Mary Ann Hudson
Take notice tnstthe ccmpla nt in this action
was filed in the office of the clerk of the District
Court at Jamestown, in the connty of Stutsman,
in the territory of Dakota, on the day of De­
cember, A. D. IMS.
Th3 Baniahment BUI.
PARIS, Jan. 26—il in isters to-day had
another couierence with the commiitee
ciiHinber of deputies on thu bills against
the pretenders in reply lo various ques­
tions they promised to consider any
dceision wuich the committee adopted.
A proposition excluding from the Fiench
territory of Algeria and colonies,all mem­
bers of funiilica having reigned in France
depriving ihctn ol' political ri^liis us citi
2:1:11$, declunng them ineligible to any
oflicc and preventing them belonging to
tlic urinv. liesolntion of the commiitee
further provides Unit a transgression of
the |i'|v S 'ti law be amenable
tion nt ii.Initials and li ii»ie li live years
iinpris.in .iciit iiltcr wUicli tliey shall
be again xpciled. iiisotis-iioii revealed
wilii divergencies between iJuviewnnf
tne iiumsiiy and committee Proust en­
quired whether the ministry would use
permissive powers if granted. The only
answer to be elicited was they would
examine the matter. Fallieries, minister
of the iuteiior, declared that no danger
existed threatening tlie republic. Some
trouble existed lint they had no chance of
reHlizatiou. No eonspirary he thought,
considering the general feeling in the
nation could neuomc formidable. The
rumor w!», .. gained curreucy that the
charge 1 nst Prince Jerome had been
dismiss uus been contradicted. It is
formally nniiouiiccd Ir .iii Frolisdorf that
Count DeCuatubord iiab' no idea of issu­
ing a manifesto under iiiu present cir
Another Fira.
MILWAUKEE, Jan. 20—Sulltnan & Mc­
Neil mattress factory was destroyed hy
fire this eveuing. Loss $6,000, insurance
$2,000. Four lireinan were injured, one
it is feared futully, by breaking down
with third floor falling onto second right
Ihe burning building. C'hurles .McCor
inick, (lreiiian, physicians thiuk cannot
live, oilier.-, will recover.
Fire 1:30 this morning totally destroyed
Milwaukee College, one of the finest
ladies' schools in the Northwest. A blaze
started in the basement of the gymnasium
over the boiler and made rapid headway
into the dormitories and class rooms of
the mam building. All of the sixty young
lady inmates were saved by efforts of the
tiri-men and police. Loss fully $10,000.
There is $15,000 insurance ou the build
Fire in Richland Centre destroyed
Kron.ikop's business hook to-day. Loss
In Caucua.
DENVER, Jan. 26—It now transpires
Hull ail the southern members of thu leg­
islature held a secret caucus to-day und
pledged themselves te unite ou Bowen in
caucus to-night. This same arrange­
ment was entered into Wednesday last
but tut fact leaked out and the scheme
miscarried. The comoina'tion was made
up of supporters of all the other candi
uidates except llatumel, who had no fol­
lowing in the south. But three ballots
\v\-r liid be second or which was declar­
ed void because of «tne irregularity. The
fallowing is the result of the rirst, ballot:
Pukin 16, T.-thor 15, Hummel 10, Willard
1, Boweii 10, Teller 1, Uoutt 1. Th.rd
oailot: I'll kin 5, Tabor 13, Hummel S,
Thomas M. liowen, of liio Grande, 27,
who was dec lured the nominee of the
The French Question.
PARIS, Jau. 27—The government and
committee of deputies agree to accept
the project of Fabre's which oropjses thai
Oilcans princes be prohibited from tilling
any civil or military poets. At the cabi­
net council to-day the ministers decided
to accept the compromise between the
government and committee of deputies
ou the question of excluding pretenders
from exercising the elective function and
Admiral Juaivqueiiery then resigued.
Geueral iiiilot minister of war announc­
ed that he should oppose the measure but
consented to remain in office provisional­
ly in order to avoid a ministerial crisis.
Thecommittee on being informed of tin
resignation the cab.net agreed to sup
part Fabre's proposal.
The Wrestlers.
ST. LOOIS, Jan. 27—Tne wresting match
between Muldoon and Bauer for $500 a
•i.de at Masonic hall to-nighr, attracted
the largest audience ever at alike per­
formance in this city. Muldoon won the
contest getting first and third falls in fine
style. Ti.ne 17, 5 and 14 minutes. Dur­
ing the evening a telegram was received
from Edward Bibby, the Englishman,
now in New York, challenging the win­
ner for a match for $500 a side. If tin
winner should be Bauer he offers $500 to
$400. Muldoon said he would accept Ihe
challenge it Billy would meet him in teu
days, cither here or in Cincinnati.
CJ a Oil i*ira.
WINOOK, N. J., Jan. 27—At 7 o'clock a
car ran off llu trackcoliding with auoth
er car loaded with kerosene oil which ex­
ploded setting fire to a large wooden
storehouse. The storehouse was consum­
ed together with its contents which con­
sisted r.f wool and null supplies of all
kinds belonging to the Burleigh Woolen
company. The loss will reach $200,000
The Ceutral railroad of Vermont hud ten
loaded freight cars 1 ui tied. The cause
of the tire was hot boxes on the wrecked
kerosene oil car. The water system proved
utterly inadequate, one steamer onlv be­
ing available. The fire is still ourning.
Kentacki-uia cu tae Shoot-
CINCINNATI, Jan. 27—At half an hour
after this (midnight) lour men, all Ken
tuckians, residents of Covington, had a
shooting affray on tbe sidewalk corner of
iiace and Longwortli street. JohnGrumer
a saloon keeper, was slightly wounded,
but the ball Irom his pistol took effect in
the left br ast of Bob Elliott, a glass
blower, inflicting a mortal wound. Billy
McCartiiey, one ot' the combatants, slight­
ly wounded. Only four shots were fired.
A rrcsis iiave been made.
Colorado Senators.
DENVER, Jan. 27—In the joint session
of both houses of the legislature at noon
'•«Ugr» Bon* Titos, M. Bowne of Bio
Grande was re-elected Uniied Si ales sen­
ator for Ihe term of s'.x years from Marel
4th and Hon. II. A. VV. Tabor of Arapa­
hoe for the short term each of which re­
ceived the full party vole.
DENVER, Jan. 29.—A terrific wind
storm again visited this cily at an early
hour this morning. A dozen or mor
buildings demolished while the roofs ol
many more were lorn off and in some in­
stances carried 250 l'cct. During th
storm another electric light tower wm
blown down and cars on the circle rail­
road blown from the track. Several per­
sons seriously though none fatally injur­
ed. In several instances the roofs aid
debris was blown one direction while in
the immediate neighborhood others
carried in »n opposite dneciiou. A sini
ular feature was ihe wind came in gusl
cucli Huccccdct. by a few moment perfect
At Lofftfarlioiids.
CHICAGO, Jan. 26—At the board of
trade meeting this afternoon formtii
notice was received from the eastern
trunk lines that their freight representa­
tives would be withdrawn from the flom
of the exchange because the board sus­
pended a representative of the Pennsy'
vania company on account ot' a disputed
claim between that company and a mem­
ber of the board. The roads furthci
threaten lo withhold further informatioi
as to daily shipments eastward which wil
make it dilQuult to estimate stocks ol
grain and provision* in store.
The Bruisers iii New Vork.
NEW YORK, Jan. 26—During the course
of Mace aud Siiule's tour to-night the)
entered the saloon of Leary on 23d streci
and met Mike Cleary, of Philadelphia.
Discussing Sullivan's merits arose wh
Cleary, after a warm defense of Sullivrn»
challenged Slade and made a rush for
him. Friends interfered and the matter
was settled by McKisson and Koblnns.
When the parly arrived at Hurry Hill's
he announced that ltic'iard K. Fox had
authorized htm to state that he would
hack Sladc to tight any than in the world
for $5,000.
Slclpp: with
is stated that in this way shipping meal
to market is 20 percent more profitable to
stock men than shipping on hoof.
Artanaaw Repudiation.
LITTLE ROCK, Jan. 27—The senate's
joint resolution to submit constitutional
amendment forbidding payment of the
railroad and Levee and Halford bonds,
amounting to about eleven millions, as
amended by the house was adopted by the
senate and goes to the governor who will
sign it.
An Exciting Discovery.
KAYNHAM, Mass., Jan. 27—The body of
Adoniram Leonard, a workman, wa«
found in the woods near here frozen stiff.
iotli feet tied with a rope to a sapling.
Vear tbe. corpse was found a revolver
ueonard has been missing since Nov. Is
Excitement caused by this discovery.
Buried Alive.
ALIENTOWN, Pa., Jan. 27—Cave 111 this
afternoon at Jonas Metzger's ore mine,
operated by Hokendqua iron company,
near here, killed Elias Hurtsberger. Win.
.VIetzger was caugli tin the debris and still
•dive, though probably rescuers cannot
reach him to night.
$5 tO $20 £errda ut lioine. Samples wor'u
•orr.ianrt. MHIIIP

the uiiurch Fuads.
L\WHENCE, Mass., Jan. 26—The con­
gregation of the Olive Baptist church,
colored, says the pastor and funds disap­
peared simultaneously recently, a fail
realized five hundred dollars. Pastor
Powell stated that after the expenses
were paid and one third due himself de
dueled there remained a balance of six­
teen dollars. lie then presented a bill
'•f fifteen dollars for extra service which
left the congregation one doilar.
Surrounded "0.7 Indians.
TUCSON, Arizona, Jan.
reached Uarmosillo, Sonora, this
evening, begging for immediate militia
assistance near Casa de Janos, on .e
Chihuahua frontier. People there sur­
rounded by thirteen hundred Apaches.
All available cavalry and infantry left at
once from Harmosillo under command of
Col. Garcia. Everybody in Sotiora hopes
American soldiers will co-operate.
A^ffomana Batarpriae.
MILES CITV, Mo:it., Jan. 27—Already
several car loads of dressed beef and
dressed sheep have been slaughtered here
aud shipped in refrigerator cars. A stjck
company is organized who will in the
spring build large slaughter houses here
and go into business
a large scale. Ii
Addritop Sfinunn Co,
N & A I S
Jamestown, D. T.
Three Doors South of Post office. Jan5
Surgical and mechanical
Frail and sensitive tivth died. ArtiSc!ni teeth
of all kind", and'a perfect tit gunrentc d.
All seasis of leeth. gum and moith treated.
Childreu's teeth straightened, ctc^ ctc.
Agent for Eicoiri-Mavn.-tic and Surgical
For Chronic Diseases, Deformities, E:c., made
to order from actual meis irement.
Life and lie il th and Medical Publications.
Prices moderate. Satisfaction giveu.
Office 4 doors south of Postoffic over Hnnt
Dealers in
General Merchandise.
Lumber & Coal.
A full line of Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps,
gents FurnishingGtoods,
Groceries, Dry Goods
and Hardware.
GO 01)111
Corner Sixth Avenue and Front Street.
SECTION 2.—At the cxpi ation of fifty year
fri.in the passage of this ordt anee, the siiiil vil
age shall have the option of ex'endmg the grant
to said coii.oany loru tcim i.f fifiv yeais longer
or of purchasing the pro[*rt.v Iictnaliv used bi
s4.1l Company 111 can .ving on the said business be­
fore mentioned, at us actual cash valu without
refer- nee to any privilege hereiu granted, which
«hall be ascertii -ed bv three disinterested ap­
praisers, one of whom shall be ppoiuud ny tne
President and Trustees of said village, another by
tne mil.lay company, and a third by the two thus
SECTION 3 —In the ev.Mit of said cm pany violat
ingor f.iilingto conform to any the londitions
•ind requirements contained in this ordlnain e. tnen
shall f.-rfeit to the Milage of Jamestown all lh.-*
•ig. is and franchises acquitd under tins ordin
SECTION-4—The said railway company incon
struciiug said ioad, shall leave tne Streets and
Avenues iliey use in as good condi'ioti and rip ir
is he.- tiny mine tie. 1 to lay ihvir said rauwaj
ind ail 01 said work shall b^ subject, to the super­
vision of the said Presid.nt and Trustees of said
Approved Jan. 10,18.H3.
New Year's Greeting!
the new voir dawns on ns, we make our sreond bow to tbe public,, being
fu i-lli 'lged nai ling. We have come among you to stay and furnish you with
the v«ry lut ol farming implements at tbe very lowest prices.
In order ro do this we have conocluded to adopt the oiic-price system, simply
cash or good security notes, with interest. We believe this to be for the interest
of every man, woman and child in the territory, as those that pay won't have to
pay for them that don't.
We have made our ariausements for tbe following world»renowned goods,
*hi«li have never failed to give satisfaction:
First, The D. 0. VanBrunt Force Feed Seed Sower, which has been greatly
improved, also harrows made by this renowned company.
Second, the Monitor Breaking Plows, warranted to be the best in the market,
the John Deere Plows and Gilpen Sulky Plow, known all over the United States
for their draught and good material.
Third, Monitor Hay Rakes and farm machinery of all kinds, field rollers,
spring-tooth barrows, disc harrows, dagger-tooth and all iron liarrowf.
That great world-renowned McCormiek Harvester and Binder, which has been
greatly improved for the coming year, with iron cutter bar, and too many others
to mention here. Call nnd get a pamphlet which has a description. The price
will begrea ly reduced to all early orders.
We also keep in stock tbe very best wagons, buggies, carriages, etc. Thank*
ing yon for your past patronage and wishing you a happy new year, with a boun­
tiful harvest, bursting granaries and a good price, with plenty* to eat and drink,
wc remain,
Yours tauly,
The ''Jamestown Street uar Sailway Ccm
AN ORDINANCE, Authorizing the "Jamestown
Str etC'ar Kaiiwuy Companv" to construct and
operate a Streci Runway 'ipon Fifth Avenue and
other Avenues itid Sinets
The Fies deat and Trustees of the Village of
Jamestown, Dakota.(Io ordain as follows:
SECTION 1—That In consideration of the per­
formance of said company of the conditions lierin
ifter specified, tin Jamestown Sireei Car Railway
Jo. is hereby gran'id the exclusive right, to in and
•perate on 1st, 2nd. 3rd 4th. 5 h, Oili, 7tb. iic tic,
vennuin, Miiwauk.e and hi, i-'aitl A cuues ill
-aid Village, a si .ylc or double ack st ect rail­
way witn the Uiiessary side tracks auJ switches
or the term of fifty years from tne passage of this
jrdiuancc upon the lollow ng conditions:
1. Said railway i-liul 1 be constructed under tae
superii-ion of the Pre ident and Trustees of siid
Village, and shall commence at. ihe iniers^ciiou of
daiii Street and Filth Avenue, and ru 1 thence
ioiitliwar along said Filt Avenue 10 Milwaukee
venue, tlieucj East aiong Milwaukee A enue to
4'ourth Av. nue, tnciiee S mil along Fourth Aveu
le 10 St. l'aiil Avenue, the ce Ea along St i'aul
Avei ue to Third Avuuie. The said railway shall
not be laid nearer to any side walk t' an ten feet.
2. The said comp iny shall keep the space b«
tween ihe ra Is of suid road or roads tilled with
shale or gravel, and shale anil gravel shall he filled
on each side of said railroad to ilie wid of three
feei.and shall kiep the same iu good repair ucnil
times at its own expense, to be approved by the
said President and Trusteesof su Village.
3 The carriages upon said riilway shall be of
such si vie anu class as are used by first cla-g rail­
way- in the Cnited States, and the rails shall be of
the best materials, and shall not be elevated above
ihe street to such height as will obstruCi inter­
fere w-th lh. ord nan use and pas age of vehicles
.ipon and across suiu Avenues Streets at any
i'Oint. Nor siiali tne cars ot said co.npuny beal
ou'ed bland at nit-rsections of s-reo s, nor at
tiler places on said streets longer ilian is necessary
for .h- passengers to get into and out of sud .urs.
i'he car* of aid c. inpn.y shall take precedence
•ver other vehicles, aud if any person Sim I tinnec
ssanly obstruct Imped tliu running of ears on
•aid irack tracks, he shall upon conviction
iher ot be fined by any miigisirale or justice of
the p.-ace of the village in any sum 't less than
ive di l'irs nor uioro than iwen dollars, and
hall stand couvicied unii. t'.iesame is paid.
4. work upon said railway •mmeucing at
ihe intersection of Main Street und Fifth Avenue
and running on Fiftt Avenue to Milwauke
venue, iheiice East along Milwaukee Aven ie to
Fourth Avenue, enoe So-ithwa.d along Fourth
Avenue to St. Paul Avenue, tnence East on St.
Paul Avenue to Third Avenue, shall be com me. u
ed within one year from ti.e pa-sage of this ordin
auce, and shall be completed within two years
from the passa of this ordinance, and said line
of railway shall he esended north on Fifth Aven­
ue to its intersection with Third Street within two
years from the passage 'if this ordinance, and
hall be in guoii running order and shall
be ke,.t so unless Unavoidable circumstances
preveni. But if said Company shall eomukte its
..neof railway last sc ibid 011 or before two
ears from the passage of this ordinance it si.all
not be req dred to construct its line of railway on
ihe tilerof said Avenues nnd Str. eta only as fol
.ows: OnPacticand Vennum Avenues within
ive years from the passage of this ordinance, and
1 he oth Avenues and Streets or parts thereo
ithin ten years.
5 Said company shall have the power to regn
ate and establish from lime to rime such rates 01
ar for the tran|portaliOn of passengers and ihe.i
aggugH over th'ir railway as t.,.-y may deeu,
.roper, provided that that tliu barge fjrcarrviut
person from one extreme to the other. ?hall" uoi
eed ten cents, alio for each trunk or other large
..rtel 'wenty-fivec--me.
0 Said Com. any shall be held liable tor and
ay tothe person injured all damages r. sun
.rom the car.-lessness, negligence or inisc nductof
ny agent or servant of said Company, while eiu
,j|oyed in con-tructln^ or operating said railway,
old shall ho.d said village harmless on accoilnl
iny damage which may accrue to any person b
reason of th construction of said raiiw iy or any
part thereof
7. Saia Company shall accept, hold and use th
tranchi.-e granted by this ordinance subject to th
ght of said village to make such reamations a
to the rate of spe^d of its car and suc.i other reg
•ilat us as tne pubiic safety may require, and
ubj.-ct further, to the right of sa.d village t-. lay
gas and Wuter pip-s. make sew.rs and all other
..ecessarv or expedient Mreut improvements. sn
.mproveinent.* nor to delay the passage of ear
on,er than i»absolutely ui'ce sary.
8. Th« oaic.-rs ..f sad village shall have the
-''gilt to rid- 011 t,.e ears of saia m^auy free
when on oiiicial nithi. e?»,
O O I & O N S O N
iT €f
Jamestown, D«
"pn. j. w. CLOE8,
"resident of Board of Trustees.
Attest— O. X.CriVKR. r-nntv Vi•••e" OvrV.
To the President and iYustees of tbe iliag_- ot
Tne undersigned respcctfullyrepresent that thev
have assoeiated themselves together and formed a
cor,oralion by theco.poraie name of the ••James
iown Street Car Kail way Companv," and have
received .h eerti Scale of iueo poration of sani
Company from the Secretary of the Territory ot
Oakota. Said Company have organized for the
pnrposo of constructing and op rating a Siree.
Riiuwiy in Jamestown, provided your honorable
uody will grant to the said Company the right 01
way on the avenues aLd streets of Jamestown
named in the accompying ordinance on the condi­
tions named ana specified therein.
Thev t..enf.ire rcspeciiui.y asK that /on grant
uch ghl of way 10 sad Company to use the
avenues and streets mentioned 111 said ordinance
and in cons d. ration thvretor thev will bnild a
Strwt Railway thai wil. supply a wrant which will
be felt by our c-ti*. lis bef.ire long and add another
imp oveinent to our yninir ciiy worthy to be
assvd along w.th tne othereuterprising imnrtixe
n-s mad- therm, lor all of which your pet
"f». 3sS
Corper Front Street and Sixth Avenue.
Now is the Time to
Daily and Weekly
R. G. DePUY, M. D.,
Surgeon XHomceopathist
iyAt office day and night.
OIBce In Lloyd's Block. Jamestown. D.T.
Physicians and Surgeon^
Office open day sod mfbt, over Entk &, Mills
Also at City Prog Storo. Fifth avenne south.
And a Complete Line of
Northern PacMR
To the Land Explorer,
To th2 Busin F9 man,
To th»* Farnior,
To the Mechanic,
To the Laborer,
To the sportsman,
To Ihe Tourist,
To the Miner
To all Classes.!
For the Raising of Wheat,
For the Raising of Stock,
For ready and Cash Markets,
For a Healthy Climate,
For Rcmanerative Investments,
For Business Opportunities,
For Sure and Good Crops,
For Wierd Scent ry,
By porchaslng tic tets throagh^lso by bvyiwIkM
before Retting on train.
Ronnd Trip Tickets are at ail Ticket TTfllf te
all stations at redncM rates.
^Conpon 'nckets. are .old at JameMown to ak
EMtara and Northern points at lowest rate*.
Puilnan Sl-epers between St. Pan), Farso
Bia—tefc, and Bismarck aad Glendiw.
aecanthy applying to p. x. Daly, AE^J«ST

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