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4 1 3 Cv^- 'f "!f4 #$ telv $ N #t i':^.s^:.e if® #41 MlssEleie.Kathryn Dahl, a daugh ter ofMra.Emma M. Datil, 1724 Uni versity avenue, was very quietly mar ried to Lieut. Harry E.' South of Argusville, N. D. The service waa read by Hev. Thomas H. Gallagher of the First Methodist church, and the guests were just the immediate rela tives of the bride and groom. The wedding took place in the liv ing room, which was arranged with moccasin flowers and greenery, and for the wedding breakfast which fol lowed, the table was adorned with roses, smllax and ferns. The bride appeared in her traveling costume, a tailored suit of battleship grey silk, with a chic hat to match, and a cor sage of white roses and lilies of the valley. Lieutenant South and his bride left at noon for Fort Snelling, where the former is stationed, with the 36th United States infantry, and where they will be at home after July 1. The wedding is of more than usual interest to University people, both Lieutenant South and his bride being graduates of the University of North Dakota, with the class of 1914. Mrs. South is a member of the Delta Gam ma and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities, and for the last four years has been an instructor in art and design at the university. Lieutenant South is a member of the Synergoi fraternity and before entering the officers' train ing camp at Fort Snelling, was assist ant cashier of the First State bank of Cathay, N. D. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. South of Argusville, N. D. Both Lieutenant South and his bride have a great many friends here and elsewhere in the state who will be in terested in their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. South and their daughter, Miss Lura South, parents and sister of the groom were here to attend the wed ding. The Ladies' Aid society of the St. Mark's Lutheran church will hold a 'business meeting in the church par lors Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The business session will be followed by a social time, at which Mrs. I. Bundlic will be the hostess. jfc SK Rev. J. H. Richard of St. Mark's Lutheran church officiated at the marriage of Miss Helen Blanche Ho kanson and Henry Theodar Johnson, yesterday. Mr. Johnson and his bride will live on a farm south of this city. Miss Anna Saretzkl of Northwood and Fred Karlson of Bangs. N. D., were married at the Dacotah hotel on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. H. B. Thorgrimsen, pastor of the First Lu theran church, officiated. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. S. S. Harrison, 312 North Fourth street, The Scripture lesson will be read by Mrs. Walter Barclay, and Mrs. Gun logson will give a reading. All women are asked to bring their Red Cross knitting. Miss May Kozel of East Grand Forks left for Minto this morning where she will visit for a time. Mrs. Joe Kresl and Mri Frank Ho lob and two children of Tabor were the guests of Mrs. C. E. Keller, East Grand Forks, yesterday en rotate to Minneapolis where they will visit with relatives. A sir Mrs. W. D. Gillespie of Fargo will arrive here on Monday evening for a brief visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Orville Johnson. Mrs. Gillespie and Mrs. Johnson will go to Saskatoon and be met by Mr. Chapelle, their brother-in-law, who is superintendent of the Canadian Northern railway. They will have a special car and will tour western Canada for a few weeks, when they will go on to Vancouver, B. C., to visit Mrs. .Chapelle. sk Specialty Shop—Midsummer sale of georgette, crepe de chine, lingerie waists and lingerie underwear. 10 per cent discount. 311 South Third St.— Adv. Mrs. H. M. Ench of Moscow, Rus .•la, Is the gueRt of Rev. H. B. Thor grimsen and Mrs. Thorgrimsen, of 223 Fourth avenue. Mrs. Ench has resided in Russia with her husband, who is with the International Har vester company, representing its in terests in Russia. She left Russia in December for Copenhagen, Denmark, being called there by the illness and death of her sister, Mrs. A. A. Halver son, a. sister-in-law of Mrs. Thcr 1 grimsen. Since leaving Russia, Mrs. Ench has had no word from her hus band. She arrived in this country some weeks ago. RUNNING'S BAKERY CmiT ST. ft 7th ATX 80. 306 i: '-Yj -i-'^t, yg?..^ .v. VJ r-Jk i'' '*i' ^'S -for*- ______ -. *}H :ti WEDDING OF +\Yi 3m*1- INTEREST TO '•i ?r $m?M*ir PEOPLE PHOZTES ra uniT oooss. Black's Ice Cream TXS A FOOD, HOT A TAD OR. JOHN G. BRUNDIft Beatlst 301 I. v. iau* ADVERTISEMENT. Don Let Soap Spoil Your Hair stiomt soaps and prepared shampoos eoatala too much alkali, which. is tory injurious, is It dries the scalp mm& makes the hair brittle *be' hast thing to mm 1s Just plain "S." sfcnsffssx •HUB •.**-, wqr 'at***, wlllMUwwboW *.«rv Ihiefh of i* it* trest to 1 Women HN QF GENERAL AIDS WAR WORKERS Miss Aiilno Scully. Miss Arline Scully, although a vis itor at Washington, gives very lltUe of her time to the social life of the capital. Instead, she is busy every day doing considerable work with the camp welfare societies. Miss Scully is the daughter of General Scully of Atlanta, Ga., and says' she feels it her duty to assist in every way to make the boys in camps about the city as comfortable as possible. WOULD INSURE TELEPHONE GIRLS An amendment to the War Risk In surance Act now before Congress, which provides for proper war insur ance for telephone operators has re ceived the hearty endorsement of the War Work Council of the National Y. W. C. A. A resolution embodying this en dorsement has been sent to Senator F. M. Simmons, chairman of the Finance Committee of the Senate, and to Hon. Thttus W. Simms, chairman of the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee of the House of Repre sentatives. The rating of telephone operators who are with the American Expedi tionary Forces in France, as "civilian employees with no military status," was responsible for their not coming under the provision of the War Risk Insurance Act, and for their not being entitled to any of its benefits. Al though this situation exists, the women telephone operators are being sent within twenty-three miles of the firing line and are subject to all dan gers that follow the line men, engi neers and other types of Signal Corps workers. A unit of twenty-eight telephone girls headed- by Miss Nellie Snow of Lowell, Massachusetts, chief operator, remained for several days previous to their sailing, at the National Training School of the Y. W. C. A., which ad joins the National Board building, in New York City. SPECIAL MEET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE OF SALVATION ARMY Major Wm. Kiddle, the young people's provincial secretary of the northern province, will be at the Salvation Army hall tonight and to morrow night. A special program has been arranged to be given at to night's meeting. Refreshments will be served, following the program. Major Kiddle will be assisted by the local Salvation Army officers, Captain and Mrs. Veach. The general public is invited to attend. Miss Florence Fjelstad of Wells, Minn., has arrived to spend the sum mer with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Void, 1008 Belmont avenue. sli s(r Miss Florence Pritchard of Thief River Falls, Minn. came last night for a week end visit, with Miss. Made line Turner. Miss Pritchard, who is a former University of North Dakota girl, has been teaching the last year at Roundup, Mont. Mrs. Robert Argyle Chamberlain, who has been here for a month visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamil ton Nason, expects to leave on Sunday for Duluth. HEMSTITCHING Work Promptly and Carefully Done. MRS. L. WHITING Platky BIk. GRAND FORKS, X. DAK. Roses, Carndtidhs and Funeral Designs. LOVELL, V", FLORKT (km to la ffiaiislsliUr About OUR COFFEE "for psopl* HOME TEA CO. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK EAff a«wast£»sS% 5 Mission Workers •%r, Hold Conference The 18 th annual convention of the North Dakota ocnference branch of Woman's Missionary society, Evan gelical association, opened here at the Evangelical* church, this after noon. The conference branch includes societies in North and South Dakota, and delegates representing. the two states began arriving here last night. Mrs. H. G. Wegner of Big Stone City, 8. D., president of the organization, will preside at the meetings, which will continue until Sunday evening. Rev. W. C. Hallwachs of Cleveland, Ohio, a church man and writer of note will be the chdef. speaker at the meetings. Rev. Mr. Brokmueller of Fargo, presiding elder of the Fargo district, also will be a distinguished visitor and will address the meetings. Sessions are open to the general public, the program being as follows: Thursday Afternoon. 2:30—Meditation, Mrs. Mary Telch man. 3:15—Organisation of Convention. 4:00—Announcement of Committees, Thursday Evening. 7:45—Song and Praise Service. 8:00—"Glad You Came," Anna Kauf man "Thank You," Mrs. C. F. Strata. Special Music. 8:30—Sermon, Rev. W. C. Hallwachs. Friday Morning. 9:00—Quiet Hour. 9:30—Roll Call, response with scrip ture on praise. 9:32—Official ^Reports. 10:30—Convention Pointers, Mrs. H. G. Wegner. Friday Afternoon. 2:00—Devotional Exercises. 2:16—Bible Study Hour, Rev. W. C. Hallwachs. 3:00—Our Problems. The Delegates. 3:45—Round Table, Mrs. Wm. Suc kow. (a) Our Y. W. C. A. Work. (b) Our Little Heralds. Friday Evening. 7:45—-Song Service. 8:00—Pageant by Members of the Y. W. M. C. 8:15—Sermon, Rev. W. C. Hallwachs. Saturday Morning. 8:00—Congregational Meeting, Mrs. G. H. Kowalke. 8:30—Business Session. Committee Reports. Election of Officers. Afternoon. 2:00—Bible Study, Rev. W. C. Hall wachs. 3:00—Our Work in the West, Mrs. J. B. Happel. 3:30—Reading, Miss Anna Kaufman. Unfinished Business. 7:45—Song Service.' 8:00—Awarding of Banners, presi dent. 8:15—Sermon, presiding Elder Fargo District. Sunday Morning. 9:30—S.unday school. 10:30—-Convention Sermon, Rev. W. C. Hallwachs. •0 Communion. Receiving of Life Membership Pledges. Afternoon. 3:00—Joy Notes from the Message Bearers, Mrs. J. Voegeli. Address, Rev. W. C. Hallwachs. Evening. 7:45—Praise Service. 8:00—Sermon. Rev. W. C. Hallwachs. ^.:7|:'V%-^r^ GRAND FORKS HERALD THURSDAY It wins in sHIpbuilding, In producing airplane mater* ial, and in other war work. Its latentrnatural resources' and [opportunities for ex-, pansion:are'unlimited and With its^550,000^ square! miles .of 2magnificentlscen-i ery,'its cool,sunny, bracing climate,'it is reinvigorating menland jvvomen^forjtheir/ iwinrtkefjvariduties. IbaPacific Northwest Oregon Washington ]andj .British Columbia, Istthe World's-Greatest Outlof Doors, and Qur Internatibnal 'Write for a booklet :on tK^ Pacific Northwest, of on Automobiling, Fishing, Golfing, Yachting or Moun ^taineedosto Address any Chamber of C^mmerce Board of Ifrade or Commercial Club in the Pacific Northwest, or the iTourist Department, Parliament Building*, Victoria, B. C. Cajpitpl Buildings. Salem, Oregon, or Olym-' pia, WasiL, or the Office of the: Executive Secretary, Herbert Cuthbert, Pacific Northwest Tour 1017-1018 L.. C» Smith iBldg^8eattle^ W. C.T.U.IS CONTINUING DRIVE The W. C. T. U. drive fori, funds to carry on the war relief .work by ^his state, which was to have -been^con cluded last Monday evening, }s being continued, during the remainder of the week, according to an announce ment from those In charge' of the campaign. A number of the workers were not able to thoroughly canva« their districts in the allotted time, and asked for an extension, In order that they could do their-share in secur ing the required sum, 91,500. At the last reports from, the state'_ headquar ters It was announced that'more than. $800 had been raised, and it is felt that the full amount will be. raised by the end of the week. An Interesting wedding at Fargo, yesterday afternoon is of interest here, the bride being Miss Axalia Kol be of Fargo, and the groom, Charles Ellis of Detroit, Mich. The wedding was solemnized at-the'home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kolbe, Dr. Daniels (Freeman of Fargo college officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis 'will leave Frldajr for a week's visit at Lake Melissa, ana will then take the great lakes, trip to Detroit, Mich., which will become their home Mr. Ellis Is'chief chem ist for Berry' company of that city. After his graduation froih'Fargo col lege in 1915, Mr. Ellis went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technogoly Tor a year's post-graduate work. Mrs. Ellis also is a graduate of Fargo col lege with the 1915 class, and during the last two years has taught in New Rockford and Detroit high schools. Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Finch and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lovejoy, who have been at Dorset, Minn., for the last two weeks on a Ashing trip, have returned home. Miss Anna Frazer of this city, who has been at Fargo visiting Mrs. H. D. Paulson for the last three weeks, has gone to Lisbon. j|f The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran Free church congregation will give an ice cream social on the lawn sur rounding the church, Walnut street and Fourth avenue, Friday evening, beginning at 6:30 o'clock. TOO BUSY? 'I'm sure I don't, know .' what is happening tp my kitchen these days," exclaimed a woman the other day. "My grocery bills are appalling. I'm afraid we are wasting fearfully in every way, but I haven't time to con sider economies or to watch the or dering or cooking to see that the food administration's wishes are carried out. I'm too busy." Too busy! This is the universal excuse today of women who are letting their house holds run amuck. Never before in history have there been so many com pelling forces drawing women out side their homes. So much Red Cross work to be done! So many committees on which to serve! So many hundreds of kinds of war work calling daily for our brains and hands. But it is essential that we put off thought on the various war relief activities and work out some plan by which we can apportion our time and strength to those things most worth our while. One of the first questions facing the woman who is running a home is: "Is food conservation worth while?" Before'giving theanswer let us ask ourselves: "Is the saving of human lives worth while?" If It is, then food conservation is worth while for the program of the U. S. food administration for saving food In American kitchens is the only way to save the lives of millions of people in Europe, who might other wise die of starvation. Is not this reason enough to put aside everything we are doing at present, if necessary, rather than to say, "No, I can't follow the program of the food administration for the conservation of food. I'm too busy!" 27,191*. Well Organised. .'' Qn June 15, .there were S,229 chap ters of the !Red- Cross, organised for home service and 20,92 home Mrvl64 Workers In* the-Unltfed States. From the establishment of home servlfee work to May 31 it. Is estimated thai *2,050,000 -has' been: expended" for rep lief. About 202,000 families have been under the• care of home service' a j. iMtB Of HMMI. Owners of more than'' 100 auto mobiles volunteered- to take' citizens of Casselton, N. D„ .and vicinity to a Red, Cross' picnic and entertainrpent which'were held at a large farm near the- town Early- In the -afternoon nearly 2,000 people were gathered at the f^rm,. which was surrounded with refreshment stands. .The program be gan with outdoor games, including athletic stunts. Dinner was then served, followed, by a dance. About $1,339. was raised for the Red Cross during the day. 'f Polk County Meet. One hundred and sixty-Ave dele gates. and visitors, rejpreSenting 20 branches of the Polk County Red Cross chapter, were present at 'the annual" meeting which was held re cently in the assembly room'of a Min neapolis high school.. Among- the resolutions- offered was one expressing gratitude and appreciation to the offi cers of the American Red Cross, es pecially those of the northern divi sion, for their painstaking supervision over their chapters' activities. Shattered Records. An American Red Cross canteen worker in France recently shattered all records in France by serving 265 meals in two hours and a half, or an average of one meal-every 34 sec onds. Juniors Make Furniture. The Junior Red Cross auxiliary of Minneapolis, Minn., recently shipped a carload of furniture, made In the manual training departments of the city schools, to the convalescent home at Camp Grant. 111. The convalescent homes, 50 of which are now being constructed,! are to be maintained in connection with the base hospitals. The house at Camp Grant is the first one lo be completed. The boys' and girls' Knitting club of Euclid avenue will hold a carnival this evening beginning at 8 o'clock at the home of Mamie Christianson, 329 Euclid avenue, the proceeds of which will be given to the Junior Red Cross. Good Work. The Northland and Tabor Red Cross circles seat to the Polk county chapter the sum of $132.87, as the result of some recent patriotic activ ities. The amount was sent in by the Catholic members of the circles. Plans are under way for other mon ey-making affairs, which these ambi tious and loyal circles will give and from which the Red Cross will bene fit. Successful Picnic. The Ojata auxiliary of tho' Red Cross gave a picnic at the home of Mrs. Henry Eccles on .Tuesday, clear ing from the affair something more than $150 for the Red Cross. Rev. W. H. Elfring of this city attended the affair and gave a rousing patri otic talk. Ice cream and home-made candy booths were popular, and in the evening there was a supper and dance. Yesterday the members of the Ojata auxiliary served a noon lunch to the election board. The members of this little Red Cross band are 100 per cent loyal and doing ev erything possible to help th3 Red Cross and other patriotic organiza tions and activities. TO EXTEND VACATIONS. Salt Lake City, Utah, June 27.— School vacations will be extended in Utah this summer in the event the ,,. ... '.i I $» *.r1 ..v IX 3S«IJR rrsii r\:i "Wlteiw Ton the Styles Vlrct" IK'I Every Saleslady in pur store is drafted to. sell War, Stamps. FANCY PARASOLS students and teachers are needed to assist in harvesting the crops which mature about the time school 4s scheduled to resume, .This does not include all school districts, but only these sections where there is need for help. We are showing a" splendid assortment of fancy parasols, and offering some exceptional values. A. C. Rees, secretary of the Manur facturers' association of Utah, who made the announcement, -Also said A Miss Zeyda will feature "Fiancee" and "Garden Fragrance" In perfume, toilet water, face powder, talcum powder, face cream And sachet powder. •.,• May we have the pleasure of serving yon? VOLD'S IN WAR WORK. 1 very anMous to^as- sisjt in the sale of War Sav ings Stamps. Our clerks have volunteered to 'sell stamps and we have offered prizes to those who succeed in selling the largest amount of stamps. We ask that you purchase your War Savings Stamps from your favorite saleslady. that an MIS? ZEYDA From New York YHU Be In Our Store On JUNE 27—28—29 Exhibiting and sampling-the latest exclusive perfume creations which will be In vogue this season. Tou are Invited to inspect our very complete stock—just received. 1 DRUG STORE South Third St. Next to Band's. r: -. We/are ilSbi Mors of QMlttf 9 mi lanin .. effort will be made to teimif the. period, in each district,, when thSji. principal crops require harvesting and v, to arrange for the employment of school children wherever and wh'en ever possible. ,v,„ Already there has been a voluntary offer on the part of school children in Utah to work on the farms during the summer vacation. '''V •. s. -7 «'t I 11! C.-, ii it •1 I L: I mis .... 1 Si I