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fSlfv«::.: i'|^|^ pivestqck Losses in Statiii' Heavy puring Winter ,r: T,1, 1 ifc ,1 Says Surratt. '. •. t» ••--.s/.T- •Si -A tremendous cut in rye acreage* condition of, rye. hay unci pastures, as well as the progress of plowing and planting: unsatisfactory and heavier .. than usual, live stock losses during the past year are disclosed by the Way 1 report of the U. S. bureau of A. W'a frosts. Numerous fields that looked acres fei ft Is iw crop estimates lor North Dakota, js" g-rowth to be unusually backward. J. Surra.U of Grand gurf.lce moisture is sufficient quite sued by Arks, itye came through the winter nearly an average condition but it is j'""'j'" indicate doubtful if this1 crop during its earlier stage oC plant development has ever before been subjected to such prolonged unfavorable climatic conditions as. have existed during the past month. Rye has been frozen 9j., back repeatedly either ,by freezing average for the state as a whole. day temperatures or severe night j,-aEJT, promising a month ago were un- favorably spotted the closing week oC April. This condition coupled with the backward growth is responsible: ,ion -attains !}o£p^r -eggs. Farmers be ing well' aware of. the fact.: that. t|ie usual practice of srubbjitig- re provided an" Ideaf -breeding Aground for hoppers,. reduced their acreage 52. per cctitfrom last., season., ,The decrease was extrefn«5iy' heavy in central and, western counties where hoppers caused such wide spread damage last' season, but of much les ser sire irt. eastern counties where the' practlcfe' o^ sowing rye on a fall plow ed seed bed has been more generally Allowed. ".United States,'rye production esti mtLted to be'79,789.000 bushels com pared With '88(47'8jOM bushels last year an .average of 59.933,000 bush els. Winter wheat production in the United' States is estimated to be 484,47,000 bushels compared with 731,636,000 bushels last year and the average of 563,498,000 bushels. Hfly and Pasture. Hay and pasture condition of Majr is below average general^. Lack of growing weather in April, and se vere night frosts caused all spring -generally to give grass a _£00d, start with the advent of warm weather. a substantial in crease in hay acreage especially .that of tame hay this season. Planting Is Ijale. Plowing and planting is from ten days to two weeks later than the WOrk rnuch ing size. Foremost among the com-j stock is inclined to be below aver bative measures advocated by the'age. Agricultural collcgo authorities was1 the plowing of a large acreage cither last fall or this spring to aid in de- in general while late is further advanced in the south- ern than ln the state. vere' night northern half of the The cold backward spring, se- freezes, and hea\-y condi- 0(. for the unfavorable rye report this jn northwestern counties greatly month. Therf consensus of opinion retarded^^ the progress of field work" among farmers is that most of the fields in this area, especially until thc ]ast few days of April. rye fields including those that did not get a start last fall will show mark- Ijive Stocsk'Losses. ed improvement with the advent of Owing to the extremely severe and ... warm weather. The condition of rye prolonged winter live stock losses a 1 a 7 0 a a a a a cent compared with SS per cent last, all classes of live stock. Hogs and year, and the ten year average, of sheep show nearer an average 84.5 per cent. The loss from the than other classes. The bulk of the 'n fall planted acreage due to winter state sheep numbers arc located du%iT his ternPas' ambassador to killing or rather spring killing and the eastern half of the state where!®"""* .Ttidgcd by the. pictures of them, a "homely philosopher" always is. AV\U\' 111 i" 'iSSJS DELICIOUS Vi-'-T-V: 721 Mm AND The bottle-that answers the call of the millions. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY ATLANTA, GA. "I SOCIETY LEADER SAILS'TD VISIT BRITISH ROYALTY Natalie Ma^rnder. Miss Natalie Magruder, a social leader in resident circles in Wash lnBlon, l. flooding low parts of fields is es-: feed was ample. More attention] Uhriated to he |)er cent. than usual had been given to thc I Tlie North Dakota rye acreage re-"jcare of sheep in all counties. The mainmg for harvi-st is estimated to comparatively moderate loss in hogs STUDENTS SUPPORT DEIiAT. be. 984,000 acres compared tn 1,345,-• is due largely to thc fact that hog Eugene, Ore., May 10.~Thirty 000 acres last year and a live-year cholera has been kept well under seven per cent of the students in the lished by the public library of Sioux average of (I014-1918) of 769,000 control as a rule and has not effect-[University of Oregon are wholly self acres. The acreage planted last, fall ed extensive areas. Thc loss of cat- supporting, according to figures just was i)72,000 acres. Rye has a rather tie and horses was very severe in tho made public by the universities au spectacular record in this state owing short feed counties of the western, thorities. Sixty-seven -per cent earn to the tremendous changes in acre- and especially south western, part of more than half of their college- ex age in recent years. The acreage in the state. The big March blizzard iienses, the figures show. 1915 was 2SO.OOO acres. 191.7, 1,040.- was the cause of the heaviest losses The statistics tell another story 000 acres, lfl l9, 1.945,000 acres and of the winter. The unusual length concerning the women students, regularly twice a week and supplies in 1920, 934.0,0 acres. Many of the and severity of this storm caught Many girls begin their college course the reading matter. Selection is well known and substantial reasons numerous cattle unprotected or in a and try to support themselves, but made easy for the patients by thq use for continuing a hea.vy acreage of rye weakened condition and took a heavy there is generally a falling off in the in each hospital of a booktruck.' would have held good again this sea- toll. Live stock not only, in the west- first year the authorities said. 1 Frequently 'in the children's ward son, had not the control of hoppers ern counties but over the entire state (the hospital, librarian tell stories or necessitated radical changes to meet'.shows the effects of the past hard MORE KEQUIREMJ5NTS NEEDED, occasionally lyeads aloud as the need a problem of unexpected and grow-j winter, arid the general condition of Stanford University, May 10.— arises. c.. is expectea 10 sail 0 :y T^,rd -'•, |Vj •»•!. Ti. 7 •'•.«•-.'• GRAND FORKS HEBAIff* MQNlSAy MAY W\ prPv lerm as a«»Dassaaoi 10 REFRESHING Passengers Robbed and Boat Is Searched For Two .. Hours. .. Constantinonlp iMav a rRv the Among those: on"-~board the vessel were Mrs. Haskell, wife of. Col.'* Wm. Haskell, director general of American relief in the Near Bast, and Mrs. Daly ,a.nd Mrs. Booth, whose ^husbands, are connected with nfeliol work in Ar menia. Tley were fleeing before the Bolshevik' advance, and were fprced to give up their money and jewelry at the point of a revolver. The pirates boardefi the steamer at Batum. either'as passengers or mem bers of the crew. At 9 o'clock on the night, of May 6, 'fifteen men feprang up from various parts of the ship, covered officers and passengers with pistols and shouted warnings .they would kill any who opposed them. Search of the. shiiv continued for two hours A French destroyer took the Ameri can women aboa.rd and laters transfer red them to the .American destroyer Cole, which arrived :her© today. Hospital Library.' Service Established Sioux City-, Iowa, May 10.—Hospi tal library service, an entirely new line of work from thfe public library standpoint, has recently been estab- City. The library placed a carefully and well chosen collection of books ranging from 300 to 500 hundred vol umes in each-of Sioux City's sijc hos pitals. A -hospital librarian visits the con valescing patients in each "hospital More stringent entrance requirements' The service has become very pop for admission to this university have ular in all Siou* City hospitals and. been prescribed by the Academic it is said its value can hardly be es council. to take effect beginning with timated. The therapeutic value of the the autumn quarter in October. I use of books in the hand of conval- wiMtuiwuuwMBitmiiwaiMwwurliBiN. 0 '.-V j" A 'SS: 4 mre,*- fscthk parents Wa« proven by thei' American Xl^rary attociattoridurirjg the- War. .» ... The Idea'of public library, hospital service is a direct outgrowth, of I' jhrary war work, It wan'through his 'experience as camp librarian that the librarian of Sioux "City, C-. W. Sum mers, 4eveloped. this new line o.f pub lic library work which is attracting attention among librarians' through out the country. ':SHORTAGE Honolulu, T) H.., May .2.—^afiiiary 1,1921, will, 'in" all likelihood, see, the end df the shortage of .' passenger ships Connecting Hawaii with the outside, worlds according to Harold'H Ebey, assistant director, of thel Unit ed States shipping oo^rd at) San' Fr Constantinople,/May 9. (By the ^ancisco. Associated Press.)•—Pirates held up said: the French packet Souirah,'which left] "I think that by January 1, J.92-1, Batiim on May 6 en rojite to Mar- 3°u seilles, and after robbing the pas- ^r,1) l?mp,aint Speaking recently to the awalian toUri8t bureau, -Mr. Ebey probably will have as little cause about .. i" facilities as you- now- -have about sengers of the steamer, went ashore freight carrying capacity." ill boats which they compelled rtiem- During the war a?.d since the sign bers of the crew to man. ing of the armistice frawriii has been you,.r Passenger 1 West Point Military Academy recently ordered .1 gtass of My-Kroba for use-among the soldiers In graining there. •x oofding to -, shipping., .companies, (w preventing thousands visiting tne isUnds. o»e. company recently an nounced that it had- a waiting lfet of three thousand prospective passen- ADVERTISEMENT. Plumpness Makes Health. TMa Fsople Bead This. '.If you are too thin if you are pale and. sallow if what you eat seems noi to strengthen you if your lips aiw cheeks^are colorless. It Is because yoflr blood is deficient in rtd corpuscles ana disease can easily Overcome you. as you Have noj-eserve strength.or naurisnmeni to iipholl you. A pharmaceutical product, called grain hypo-nuclane tablets, is much pre scribed for these, conditions, and if taicen .for several months, rapdily increases weight and Improves- the color. Buy sealed papkage of any well stocked apothecary shop. I S EVERY DAY Make, Her Days Brighter, Her Work Easier And H^urs Shorter Bv Civincf Her An .t V: -v. VctS My-Kroba ^/••.wouMds, for general 1 1 So. 4th St 'f 'Small,Bottle 50c sS T*r~f OR A HOOVER or ROYAL Vacuu/frl Gleaner OR A SIMPLEX.mpijl^Q MACHINE We have many other electrical aevices that will lighten her work We are always glad to have you eall and see these devices demon strated or .we will demonstrate tljem in your honje without any obligation to you. EVERYTHING EtECTRIGAL 115-17-19 North Thir3 St. J-.2 Grand Forks, N. D. The Fame of MY-KR0BA Is Spreading Rapidly Voluntary mail orders for the great antiseptic,-My-Kroba, are coming in daily from suteh far distant cities as Fresno, Cal., .San Francisco Los Angeles, Helesna, Mont., Great Falls, Mont.," Pittsbiflrg, Pa., Masoif City, la., Topeka, "Kansas, Phoenix, Arizona and many other points. whim 5.l.SHIIlD*««*r DISEASE THE REASON— MY-KROBASis the Greatest Antiseptic Known to Science It is 2.4 times as strong as carbolic acid as a germ killer. Yet non poisonous arid non-corrbsive.' It^ can be s^Lllbw«!d without causing sickness By laboratory te^ts, My-Kroba kills germs in minutes.5 Hemember this— Klll the Qerm And You Cure the Diseass 33 i9 unsurpassed' When u§ed fpr, tohsilitis,: iofe thf6aV''tuts^ neral antiseptic and di^itfecting(piir^pses^'.H'S'- '^5 Your' Drugg st Or Write To Srf Arming edition^. ^Tboow In .«• S«" EVh gers on office. Notice is hereby given by^Bei Western Oil Western on 9,0?a^t"week^pVefeat^-',nat the amount as we ft the amouni -a -tnke teri not to any price u»_ti11.uh,^ '"information0will munication. ,l oer(Uuv be D^SlcSCWBCTB'AN HER'S DAY Of Labor A A Leading Grand Forks Druggist •ordered 7 gross (1,008 bottles) of My Kroba only two' days ago in order to mipply his rapidly increasing demand. .- ~*o_ ?ottle $1,00 E 1 I 1 ^4 »'*. upon request. ^.N Olt CO. Olt. CO. By H. S. Johnson, DES iiAt. By H. S. Johnson. Secretary and Gen. Mgr. Dated at Minot. N. D.. May 5, 1920. Co •xriHtfi! vf 'i~. A-ri* fl VI *, fl 4# *. '-'Wii" it T'. k» -~\vf ,v