OCR Interpretation

Daily Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1876-1884, February 09, 1878, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042459/1878-02-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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The Herald Steam Printing
House makes a specialty of Legal
Printing, Briefs, Transcripts, etc.,
printed at low rates.
Holiday Gifts.
Preuss & Schumacher, 21 Spring
street, opposite Court House, have
lust received a large invoice of
fancy goods imported exprossly for
a ur
Ail those Intending to purchase
Christmas and New Year presents
would do well to give us a call
aud examine our immense stock of
colognes, hairolls, perfumes, Ivory
toilet sets, combs, brushes, etc.,
and a thousand and one articles of
utility and beauty, ornaments to
tho boudoir and toilet tablo and
pleasing to the senses.
Reduced Prices.
I offer my stock of doors, sashes,
etc., at the following reduce*d pri
ces -
bxlO $1 35
9x12 J 6*>
9x13 1 65
10x12 1 65
10x14 1 75
10x18 2 25
15x28 2 75
15x32 3 00
15x36 3 35
16x40 3 50
Other sizes in proportion.
2.0x6.6x1 inoh SI 60
».6x6.6x1J, moulded 1 90
2.8x6.8x1* " 2 12
2.8x6.8x1* " 2 25
2.10x8.10x1J " 250
Bx7xlJ " 2 75
Every other size in proportion.
Also great reduction in paints, oils
aud glass, at No. 28 Los Angeles
street, under the White House.
B. Raphael.
Moore's Restaurant Removed.
William Moore, of great fame as
a caterer In our city, has moved his
restaurant to more commodious
<iuart*vs a few doors below the old
stand, on Commercial street. His
many patrons, who kuow where to
tlud a good square meal at half the
rates usually charged, will have no
trouble in finding the new loca
tion. Oct. 7-tf
<e»o io McKenzie's, 129 Main
itreet, Ponet block, for the finest
domestic aud imported liquors and
.Mm.-, by the bottle or on draught,
lite purity of these wines and li
enors is guaranteed, and McKen
«ie's host of customers testify
Kianimously as to their merit. J3tf
Go to Desmond's, Temple Block,
if you want to be suited in a hat,
cap or other head-gear.
Joe Bayer, of Congress Hall, has
lust received a consignment of
lumboldt lager beer. It is a su
uerb article and cannot be excelled
11 a draught beer. Oysters,
shrimps, hot and cold lunches of all
kiuds, constantly ou baud. Give
him a call. Corner Main and Re
queua streets, opposite the U. 8.
Hotel. o9
Tho Ladies' Oyster Rooms, Re
quena street, near Main, opposite
the United States Hotel, are again
opened lo the ladies and will he
carried on iv a sirictly respectable
way, so that all ladies, with or
without escorts, may feel at ease
aud receive prompt and respectful
attentlpn. Oysters In every style,
shrimps, tea, coffee, etc., constantly
on hand. Joe Bayer.
oct 4 tf
Go to Fulton's Sulphur Wells.
They are a sovereign remedy for
rheumatism, scrofula, liver aud
kidney diseases. Stages leave the
St. Charles aud United States
hotels ou Tuesdays, Thursdays aud
Sundays, returning the name day.
Boarding accommodations. Full
information to hn obtained at the
St. Charles aud United States
hotels, Los Angeles.
Call on Caroline C. Burton, at
No. 148 Main street, proprietress of
the Ladies' Hair Dressiug Estab
lishment. She makes braids, curls
and waterfalls at the shortest no
tice. Tangled hair straightened
and made up into any shape. Per
fumeries of the finest qualify al
ways on hand. oct4-lm-eod.
For all kinds of tents, wagon
covers aud awniugs, go to John
Shaffer, No. 68 Alameda street, op
posite Sisters' School. He sells
and sews ail kinds of canvas
cheaper than any one iv Los An
geles or San Francisco, by hand or
machine. Second hand tents
bought and sold or to rent. feStf
Desmond, iv Temple block, oppo
site the United States Hotel, is
noted for the style and perfection
of his bats. Give him a call and
rejoice in a perfect head adorn
It is the opinion of all who have
seen Santa Monica in the winter
season, that it is the most beauti
ful place iv Southern California.
Its equable climate, tho magnifi
cent sea aud mountain views, to
gether with its uuequaled bathing
facilities, render it a most enjoya
ble resort for tourists and invalids.
M. D. Johnson, at the Santa Mon
ica Hotel, is prepared to accommo
date w lull i guests iv first class
style. j7
City Bill Poster.
M. Eugel, bill poster aud distrib
uter. All kinds of advertising
done at reasonable rates. Controls
all the beat and most prominent
bulletin bill boards. Office, No. 8
Market street. ap26tf
The Russian Electric Baths of R.
Hughes and Wife are located at No.
16 Main street, opposite tbe Pico
House. Qentleman and la
dles will be waited upon by persons
of their own sex. novl4tf
Genuine Joule's ale at McKen
zie's. ian4-tf
50,000 Orange Trees,
AT FROM 110 to 120 per 100.
Hpeolnasu tree, oan be seen at tbe Auo-
Uau Homi of W. H. NORTHCKArr.
ooraerof Sprint and Market etreeu, or
by visiting the Nunary. within ten mln
utei' drive ol the Court House. J2S-lm
got &nstU* gernW.
FEB, !), 187fs!
Herald Steam Printing House.
Tbe lacllltlea of the Hebaj.d Steam
Printing House fur doing Job work are not
surpassed In California outside ol San
Francisco and Saoramento. All work en
trusted to us will be oxecutod with neat
ness aud dispatch at the lowest living
BVKUIAI. Mil M 1..
Hereafter notices of coiupanles, socle
ties, churches, etc., will only be Inserted
In tbe Hera 1.11 as paid advertisements,
We reserve, for Places of Worship, a grat
is directory, which will appoar every
Sunday morning.
U. 8. ARMY.
Division of Telegrams and Reports for
tho benefltnf Commerce and Agriculture.
Report of observations taken at Los An
geles, Cat., February S, 1878.
~ 5,
ri 5 >. 0
1 £ 5 6i
s j 1 1 SI 1 I
P E I I IP t J
I Km E S X
4:50 A. k. 30 04 49 74 N 4 Clear
1:50 p.m. 30 VI 59 59 SW 4 Clear
8:15 P.M. 30.01 51 73 NW 5 Clear
Maximum Thermometer, 61.
Minimum " 45.
J. M. Fiiantz, Observer.
Los Angeles was never a health
ier cily than to-day.
The commission of Mr. Holmes
as a Notary Public has been re
newed by the Governor.
Three furnished rooms, suitable
for housekeeping, are for rent to a
man anil wife iv our New To-Day.
Travel is decidedly increasing of
late. Cheap fares would give us
the old tide of visitors, tourists and
At a Wnrkiiiginen's meeting at
San Luis Obispo, the other day, O.
F. Thornton, editor of the Tribune,
waseleoted Chairman.
By request of tho District Attor
ney, a panel of 125 drawn jurors was
ordered In the District Court yes
terday for the trial of the People vs
E. S. Parker.
The Board of Supervisors have
directed tbe Clerk to advertise for
sealed proposals to feed the County
prisoners for ono year from the
date ol award of contract.
Dr. F. H. Tliomas has returned
from his trip to theSespe oil regions.
11.) will take iv tho Pico District
shortly. He has promised us uu
account of his experiences.
Wo acknowledge tho receipt of
an invitation to the Barkeepers'
Ball which comes off at Tur
n Hall Sunday evening, Feb.
Major Charles H. Hempstead,
who lias been spending some timo
With bis friend Col. Kowen, at El
Molino, will return to his home at
Salt Lake City in a few days.
One of Mr. Mesmei's boys found,
the other day, back In tho bills, a
good sized, vicious scorpion. It
wait enclosed 111 a bottle aud added
to the cabinet of natural history
which is being formed fur tha High
Tbe regular monthly masting ol
the Horticultural Society nil! be
held at Qood Templar Hall at 11
o'clock A. M. to-day. The meet
ing will discuss the question of
Northern fruits and receive tbe re
port of the Committee on Exhibi
Mr. Liana ('. Pearson has re
tured from his trip over tbe south
ern portion of Los Angeles couuty.
His appreciation of that section is
without bounds. He thinks that,
taking climate, fertility, accessi
bility to market, etc., into the
count, the Los Angeles is tbe
"boss" valley, not only of the
State of California aud of the con
tinent of America, hut of the
Five men were up' before Judge
Peel yesterday on a charge or drunk
and disorderly. Two were sent up
five days each and the other three
ten days apiece. In the case of
purchasing a stolen horse, the ac
cused proved that ho had bought
the animal in good faith, where
upon the judge decided that be
return tho horse to the rightful
owner and dismissed tho charge.
The jury in tho case of the People
vs Tamiet, on trial for forgery, re
tired about half past four yesterday
evening. A few minutes before
eight o'clock tbey came into Court
and reported that they were not
likely to agree. The Judge remand
ed them to the care of tho Sheriff
and directed him to bring them
into Court this morning, when, if
they havo not agreed, they will
probably bo discharged.
The Board of Supervisors, ut their
last session, adopted an order re
quiring jurors in criminal cases to
make affidavit of tho number of
days they may have served during
a term and the distance traveled.
Heretofore the simple word of the
juror as to the distance traveled has
been deemed sufficient, but, as
their statements of tho number of
miles have not always been exactly
accurate, the Board lias found it
necessary to issue the above order.
J mors will please take notice.
We are pleased to learn that tiie
area auwu in wheat iv the San
Fernando valley Is much larger
thau we had at first supposed. As
one of our contemporaries iiaa as
sumed that our estimate of twenty
thousand acrc9 in wheat for the
whole county is too large, we are
happy to be able to assure it that
there iR within a trifle of seven
teen thousand acres in wheat in
the San Feruando valley alone.
The Messrs. Lankershim aud Van
Nuys have, on their side of tbe
valley, about twelve thousand
acres, of which all but enough for
feed for their own stook is in
wheat. Taking tbe whole county,
we think ws are justified in ad
vancing our original estimate two
or three thousand acres. Tbe green
fields of all kluds never looked
belter than they do now.
The Marra Concert.
Loa Angeles can generally bo re
lied upon to give a local favorite n
cordial aud appreciative testimo
nial. That tendered to Madame
Marra at Turnvereln Hall last
night was really nu ovation. We
were glad to find that the hull was
crowded iv evory quarter, the aud
itorum being filled witli the
fashion and culture of our city.
The concert was opened by Miss
MattleS. Fairmau, who executed a
piauo solo by Gottschalk iv a sym
pathetic and highly finished style.
She was obliged to respond to a
hearty encore. Mrs. S. W. Knapp
sang Millard's "Waiting" in an
arch and acceptable mauner, win
ning a cordial recall. Mr. W. G.
Cogswell gave "I Fear no Foe,"
from Pinsuti, in tho highly artistic
aud spirited fashion which has
made his appearances on our local
stage a welcome feature in any en
tertainment. The usual encoro re
sulted—a feature of the evening, we
may add, which was only broken
in one instance.
Mr. Cogswell gavy place to
Madame Marra. tho beneficiary of
the concert, who was greeted by a
perfect storm of welcoming plaud
its. She sang Gabriol's "Only" in
English, phrasing it perfectly and
rendering it with exquisite appre
ciation. The conservatories of Los
Angeles must have been exhausted
of their contents to furnish the bou
quets, large and small, which were
showered upon ber at its conclu
sion. In response to a peremptory
encore, she sang the Serenade
from Gounod, and her reed like and
delicious votes were never heard to
better advantage than last nlgbt.
Mr. F. W. Ludovici next played,
on the violin, a selection from
Pagauini, accompanied by Miss
Pruneda on tbe piano. Thlsgeti
tlemau is a very superior violinist,
and he enjoyed the advantage, in
his accompanist, of a young lady
who has attained a remarkable pro
ficiency in tbe manipulation ofthe
piano. No incidents of the eve
ning evoked more emphatic recog
nition from the audience than the
Instrumentation of Mr. Ludovici
aud MisbPruneda. Tbey were ob
liged to respond to repeated en
cores, and iv the two last Mr.
Ludovici exchauged his violin for
a cornet, exhibiting a marked
mastery of tbe latter, making ap
parent versatility which was not
expected by those of the audience
not personally acquainted with
Mrs. S. 11. Caswell sang Farm
er's " I'll Follow Thee" piquantly
aud enjoyably. She was compelled
to yield lo a very enthusiastic 011
--core.aud was succeeded by Mr. Car
ter, wliowiifJiot encored because his
descriptive solo, "City on Fire,"
was a trifle too long. With the
experience of the Chicago lire iv
their mind's eye, the audience
thought the conflagration should
have been got through with in a
more expeditious manner. His
singing, however, was unexcept
ionable, and the lack of warmth ou
the part of theaudieuce was simply
referable to an unfortunate selec
Mrs. J. G. Howard, a lady who
very rarely, if ever, sings in public,
gave tho soprano solo from Kobert
le JDiable. Mrs. Howard is notable
for the possession of a very swset
and elaborately cultivated voice.
She answered a vory emphatic en
core by singing "There is a Path
by the River," in a manner, we
thought, even more acceptable
than the Hist selection. Tbe mu
sical portion of tho entertainment
was concluded with "Sunrise," by
the Messrs. Fanning, Carter, Fos
ter and Corbett, a quartette whose
superior qualifications have been
Uo often conceded by a Los Ange
les audienco to need detailed men
tion now.
The whole wound up witli " Les
Fcmmes gui Pluerent," a little
French comedietta which was very
creditably performed by some am
ateur actors of the Latin race.
We take great pleasure iv being
able to note that the testimonial
was not. only a success from an ar
tistic standpoint, but that tho pe
cuniary outcome must prove highly
gratifying to Madame Marra and
the friends who so cordially co
operated with her.
Yuma and the Small-Pox.
A gentleman who lias just re
turned from Yuma gave us a cu
rious account of the Insouciance of
the inhabitants of that burg with
regard to the spread of the small
pox, a disease which has been prev
alent there for some months. He
fliat happened upon an old ac
quaintance, who had been residing
on the Colorado for some time.
After a cordial shake of tho hand,
tbo Augelefio asked after his
friend's health. He was pretty
well but his family was sick.
" What's tho matter?" said our
townsman. "Oh, they have the
small-pox," waß the reply. Horri
fied Augelefio, "And I suppose you
have just come from them." The
soft impeachment was admitted,
and our townsman removed him
self from the scene of the conta
gion, and from further converse
with hia old-time frleud, with an
expedition which spoke of a deci
dedly diminished cordiality.
As the result of his observations,
lie would judge that they seem to
think as little of small-pox out in
Yuma as they do of chicken-pox
elsewhere. Sanitary regulations
were adopted by the authorities,
but no atteulion seems to be paid
to them. Patients just out of bed,
with the small-pox ecabsstill stick
ing on them, would enter tbe
stores,and other publio places,quite
in a matter of course manner.
The fact is that the disuase in
Yuma is of an excessively mild de
scription. Hence tbe comparative
indifference which exists as to its
spread. The arrangements for pre
venting its reaching Los Angeles
and other points are fortunately
far better than for restrlotiug its
spread in Yuma itself.
The Beard of Supervisors yester
day adopted a resolution request
ing tho Loa Angeles Legislative
delegation to procure the passage
of an amendmeut to the delinquent
tax law for this county, extending
tbe time of publication of tbe de
linquent list one month be
yond the time prescribed by tbe
present law.
Board of Supervisors.
Friday, Feb. 8, 1878.
Board met pursuant] to adjouru
meut. Full Board present.
Twelve dollars and a half allowed
for the relief of Mrs. Gayuer for the
present month.
In the matter of paying warrants
on the various Road Funds. Re
solved that tho County Treasurer
he aud is hereby authorized te
transfer $6,000 from the Hospital
Fund and $4,000 from tho Salary
Fund to the General Road Fuud to
pay outstanding warrants and
when so paid out to be charged to
the respective Road Districts,
which transfer shall be only a tem
porary loan.
The olerk is hereby directed to
notify by letter all Road Masters
of tiie County not to expend any
money or labor, except the Road
poll tax, until further notice from
the Board.
Ordered that $10 par month be
allowed for the relief of J. B. Ly
ons, to he disbursed by Supervisor
J. C. Hanuou allowed $20 for the
support of indigent at San Gab
Ordered, that in no case shall a
larger sum be allowed any indigent
than it would cost to keep them lv
the hospital.
Action in the matter of the Pasa
dena road deferred until the sur
veyor furnishes field notes.
Petition of John H. Wildy in re
gard to furnishing maps of School
Districts. Granted, with the un
derstanding that there bo no addi
tional expense.
In the matter of the Vernon road.
When all persons owning land on
the line of said road, from the Main
street extension to the old Wil
mington road, give the right of
way aud sign deeds, then H. J.
Morgan shall be allowed a warrant
for $150 on the Vernon Road Fund,
otherwise the Board will not de
clare said road a pubiio highway.
In the matter of petition and
bond of J, W. Hnott and others, for
a road at Santa Monica. Referred
hack to petitioners, the petition be
ing informal.
In the matter of feeding couuty
prisoners the Clerk Is hereby di
rected to advertise for sealed pro
posals to feed county prisoners for
one year from date of award of con
tract. Supervisors Prager ami Hau
non appointed a Committee to pre
pare specifications.
Resolved, That the Board hereby
request our dtlegation in the Leg
lslature to amend tbe law so that
the time for the publication of the
delinquent tax list in Los Angeles
county be extended one month be
yond the time now prescribed by
Petition fur relief of Mrs. Kirtly.
Laid over one month.
Adjourned for the term.
County Treasurer's Report.
Statement of balances in tbe
County Treasury at close of busi
ness January 31, 1878:
Currant expense fund $10,050 SO
Jail fund 78 84
Road fund 4,404 04
Int. and sinking fd. 1801... 8,761 71
Hospital fund 11,507 45
Int. and sinking fd. 1808... 6,443 36
Int. and sinking fd. 1871... 371 24
Int. and sinking fd. 1873... 170 12
Int. aud sinking fd. 1874... 10,952 83
Int. and sinking fd. 1875-K 401 90
Delinquent tax fund 216 08
State tax fund 84,062 12
Prop. red. State fund 93 69
Prop. red. county fund... 451 72
Salary fund 12,789 36
Estates of dcoedents 40 00
Tide laud funil 31 95
East Jj. A. bridge fund... 2 89
Unapportioned money.... 35 69
Total $179,017 37
Credits. Overdrafts.
Anaheim Ludg...s2ls 93
Anaheim $278 01
Azusa 175 87
Comptou 49 83
El Monte 379 00
Duarte 44 25
Florence 93 25
Vernon 169 10
Las Bolsas 17 05
Los Niotoß 172 15
La Ballona 585 45
San Juan S4 30
Santa Ana 700 18
San Jose 115 70
Sau Gabriel 494 00
Silver 151 89
Nor walk 407 87
San Antonio 98 60
Soledad 419 80
San Fernando 750 57
Westminster 117 03
San Joaquin 285 52
Wilmington 195 07
General fund 60 43
Fountain Valley 79 90
Totals $5,204 24 $833 20
Three Necessities.
Editor Herald: There are
three necessities which our city
must supply before it can claim to
be what it ought to be; these are
good sidewalks, a theatre and a
Court House. Tbe first named are
gradually being supplied. Tbe sec
ond depends upon tbe enterprise
and publio spirit of ourcitizens, and
should be provided without delay.
Iv this day and stage of civiliza
tion, a city without a theatre, or a
well appointed building for public
amusements, is Justly classed
among back-woods settlements, Is
shunued by travelers, ami gains a
reputation as a "one-horse" town,
void of enterprise, and lacking the
commonest modern advantages.
The last named, a new Couuty
Court House, we must have, no
matter what else wo try to get
along without. For this we must
look to our Supervisors and law
makers. As one of your contem
poraries observes, tiie present affair
used as a Court Houso, wouldn't
pass muster as a stable in some
places; aud to think ot putting up
with it much longer, is out ofthe
question. . In appearance, it is a
blot upon the town, and iv incon
venience, want of room, unsafeneas
us a depository of public reoords,
and a total unfitness for the pur
poses for which it is used, it chal
lenges comparison with anything
In the shape of a County Court
House in the United States. We
must have a new Court House.
Look kk on in Vienna.
Residents of Los Angeles regis
tered at San Francisco hotels on
tbe 7th: Gen. George Stoneman,
J. McFadden, Grand; W. D. Gould,
Lick House; J. P. Jackson and
family, International; J. Cohu, S.
Prager, E. P. Hart, Mrs. Tyler, W.
St. Clair, Russ House.
The Fire Near Riverside.
We take the following addition
al particulars of tho burning of Mr.
Walters's house, near Riverside,
San Bernardino county, from the
Express of yesterday:
A gentleman living near the
scene of the late disastrous Are be
low Riverside, gave us, this.moi n
ing, some additional particulars of
the sad affair. The stricken family
consisted of Mr. D. Walters aud
wife, with a boy nine years old,
aud tbair daughter, Mrs. Vau Pat
ten, who, with her husband and
iufant, lived in the same premises.
The men were both away from
home when the fire occurred. Tbe
baby was saved by being thrown
into a trough of water near the
house, aud the others extinguished
the flames in their clothing by pre
cipitating themselves into a pond
of water near at hand. The two
women and the infant, although
their clothes were almost burned
off and th«y received severe inju
ries, are recovering. The boy died
the day after the dreadful occur
rence. He was so badly burned
that the muscles of his arms and
legs contracted, drawing his hands
and feot out of shape; 011 many
parts el' his body tho flesh was
ready to part from the bones at the
least touch. The family were
taken in and cared for by a sym
pathetic neighbor, nnd a subscrip
tion was taken up among others,
which resulted in the collection of a
considerable purse, and some cloth
ing and bedding for their use. Our
informant was Mr. J. Richardson,
Jr., who, himself, was one of the
most active movers in behnlf of
the sadie afflicted pecplc.
Resolution of Thanks.
At a meetiug of Workingmen's
Club No. 1 of Los Angeles, held ou
Thursday evening, the following
resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That we sincerely aud
heartily thank the daily papers,
the Los Angeles Band, the good
friends who aided us, and the peo
ple of our beautiful Los Angeles,
for their willing co-operation with
us in getting up, countenancing
and making our public meetiug of
Saturday evening last a grand and
enthusiastic success; ar.d the large
and respectable audience for their
patient attention and indulgent
appreciation of our efforts to show
the grievances and just demands of
the workingmen of the country.
J. H. Butler,
Secretary of Workingmen's Club
No. 1 of L >s Angeles.
Feb. 7, 1877.
The Supreme Court ou Wendes
day last made the following decis
ion in the case of DeCelis vs. Mac
lay. The order denying the mo
tion for a new trial herein Is af
firmed, the Judgment is reversed,
and the cause remanded witli di
rection-, to the Court below to en
ter a decree herein as of June 27,
1877, in accordance with the form
prepared by T. B. Bishop of counsel
for the appellant, George K. Por
ter, under thedirectiou of the Court
and this day filed.
Messrs. Brown, Foster and War
ner, who have been conducting
Union Sunday School services for
sometime past , have secured the
house No.243,Alameda street,where
Sunday School will be regularly
taught every Sunday. Religious
services will be held every Sunday
afternoon at half past two o'clock,
the ministers of the several church
es alternating. The opening services
to-morrow will be unusually inter
esting and will he conducted by tho
Rev. O. >S. Frambes.
District f'o.frr SaPOLYEDi, J.
Friday, Feb. 8.
People vs. E. S. ParKer—Case re
set for trial March Ist, 187 S. Venire
for 125 jurors ordered to issue, to he
drawn as prescribed by law.
Commercial Bank vs. J. K.
Creigliton—Further hearing di er
red until Saturday at 9:30 A. M.
Peltier vs. Jordan—Damur er
overruled. Ten days to answer.
County Court STEPHENS, J.
Friday, Fob. S.
People vs. Tamiet, forgery—Jury
FRIDAY, Pub. 8.
H W Lake Sc wf, W H Wallace.S Fran
Santa Ana WP Fuller, do
Mrs Wayne, S Juan Chas Miller, do
Mlsa Norrls, do E X Maybury, do
Geo Banning, do Miss L Hose, S Gabrl
G Carrlilo, Downey Miss Annio Rose, do
M Connor, olty
Property Transfers
ritoM J UUSON, Ml.l.sr IK .1 GIBSON'S TRAM"
Los Augelas Ctly Homestead Associa
tion to J Uat— LotsG and 7, blk 11, smell
vision lets (1 and 7, blk B, Haucock's sur
vey; 8300.
Los Augeles City Homestead Aaaocia
tlon to Mary Murray—Lot «, blk 11, su
bdivision lots 8 and 7, block 11, Hancock's
survey; $3(10.
m c Hubbell to Ai ma I, Loomls nud
Lora h Hubbell— Fractional lot 4, blk —,
Hancock's survey; fooo.
A A Loomls to Mrs Lora Allubboll and
Alma Looinls—Fractional lot 4, block 17,
Haucock's survey; $115.
JamesO Banuon to Ellzabth Ann Tur
ner—a %of W lOacies NW H of »W V,
See 31 TIB 1118 Wi 81000.
Win and Johuuna slavey to Frauclsca
A MaeUougail-l.ot H!Oxl67>i; ftou W side
Main st, oelow First; 825UU.
Maunoio Sautouge. Plvridu Parra and
Jose rantonge to Felicldud sonlonge de
rtaker-Lot so ft on \V aide Upper Main
street, aud lot 4, block 38, Ore's survey;
Jose Antonio Manjiquez aud Grsgorla
Talamanles do Mauriquez to John 0
Young—7.77 acres In ruucho La Ballana:
8181 75.
John D Young to Frederick Doilrlob —
5 acres la rancho La Ballona; 81.
Daniel Oridley to Alice Uoruer-N W
of aw U aeo 38 r sa it it w; love.
J La ltansleur to Win H perry, W Wood
worth aud a U Mott—Lot 3, blk 1, Wash
ington tjarden tract; SSUO.
Keziah, William, .Samuel and Jesse
Hunter, Mari.hu Taylor aud Elizabeth
Aerlck to Asa Hunter und Mary Burke —
Lot 6 and part of lot 12 und 13, block A,
Molt tract; SL
Keziah, William, Asa aud Jesse Hun
ter, Martha Taylor, Elizabeth Aerlck
ami Mary Burke to Samuel Hunter—Lot
NE corner Pearl and sixth sts und let on
WsldeofSan Pedro 81; 81.
Keziah,William,Samuel and Asa Hun
ter, Elizabeth Aerick, Martha Taylor and
Mary Burke to Jesse Hunter—Old Metho
dist Church lot on Port st and tract In
rancho Las Fella; 81.
Keziah, Jesse, Hamuel and Asa Hunter,
Mary Burke, Martha Taylor and Eliza
beth Aerich to Wm Hunter—Lot 1, block
X, Mott traot, and sI. >. „m X ', and NE
Bee 32 and NX % ot NW H
and 8 Vi ofN W ii of Sec S3 T 7 N R 14 W;
Wm, Asa, Samuel and Jesae Hunter,
Mary Burke, Martha Taylor and Elisa
beth Aerlck to Keziah Hunter—Lot 70x
160 ft E atde Spring st; tracts In rauchoa
sau Rafael and Canada de loa
and tracts purchased b> Jease D Hunt-r
from Fits Lecroq; 81.
Samuel Brunnan to D S Mills and H P
Brown—Rancho La. Bolsas; 848.
Jas P Jordan to A B feltler aud Julius
Pierrot—Let 10, blk 4, Pryor traot; 81700.
San Fbakcisgo, Feb. s.
Opblr 53X Exchequer 300
Mexicau is , 8 Belcher 37
QiO IM Overman lis
B*B it-, Juetiee 10
Oalilornla 28Vi Succor •-••«
Savage MM Union C
Oon Va 13>i Alta sli
Oliollar 33<i Julia 3 CIS
H■ N \>>i Caledonia 1 00
Crown Point.... 4J4 B Hill 375
1 Jacket 10)6 Senator 3H
Imperial 70 NY 1 70
Kentuck 4 10 Lady Wash 7)4
Belcher 4 8 ) HI es 314
8 Nov 4 35 Benton 1 14
Utah IP. Solid Silver 450
Bullion 4 25
San Fkancisco, Fob. 8.
R 4 B 6V455;; H & N .9'/4<910
EurnkaCon...39!4B4o Con Va teeWM
Phoenix 1 Mexicau i;j' 4
Alps ~.14\ BAB vnikuSl
Rye Patch 3 So Savage 11K4J11K
Bulle 10-% opblr USSSfI]
ti Prize UtHjfimi Cr Paint '....4'4
Argenta 1 05 Balcber 454
Navajo 1 Uxjil HO Kentuck I 90
Btar 1 OOnil 85 Chollar WaafM
Falcon 1 3531 41) Alta S'/.@H' i
Hamburg 3 «aBW N V 105
NCoso 1(4 20 Overman 14%
llechtel 8K Jaokei lo J 4
Leeds 215 8 Nevada...4 S&ai 30
Tip-Top • <MgM Julia I ISM
California Uulou 0
-. 1n I>lMtlua;Ql«liei4 Jurist.
"I Lave tried tho Pkuuvian sykup, and
the result fully sustains your prediction.
It has made a new man of me, Infused In
to toy system new vigor and energy. I
am no longer tremulous und debilitated
as vrlion you last saw me, but stronger,
heartier, and with a larger capacity for
labor—mental and physical-- than at any
time during the Ittsl live years. Sold by
all druggtsta.
Every farmer who owns a good stock ol
horses, cattle aud sheep, and Intends to
kceptbem through the wlntt r should at
once get a good stock of Sheridan's Cav
alry Condition Powders, One dollar's
Worth will save at least a hall a ton of
A Ramrkabla Cure.
Wirt ToWMUSttrB, Vt., May 14, 1860.
Mbssrs. s w, Fowls a Sons.
Oeutlemen— Several years since I took
a suvere cold, whlcb settled on my lungs
where It remained without relaxation. 1
wuslhen iv Mussaoliusotts, aud growlug
worse aud becoming unable to atteud to
my busiuoss, 1 returned home and com
menced searching iv eurncst for some
medicine which would restore my lost
health. 1 consulted physicians and
tried many remedies, but obtained no
help aud dally g ow worse. I had a ter
rlule cougn aud lalsed a good deal ol
blood. I had profuse night sweats aud
severe pain lv my side. 1 couiluued iv
this state for moulhs.aud became so weak
that It was with great dlmt uliy I could
walk, when I was advised to ny WisrAa'a
Ualsam op Wild cukkky, aud, to
inygre.it. Joy 1 soon louud teat this rem.
edy had arrested ihe Oiscuse. I couilu
ued to use the Balsam 10 thu extent olflve
bottles and have, since theu experloueed
no difficulty ofthe luugs. 1 believe Hie
Balsaui saved myllfeand Isiiall ever hold
It lv high estimation.
Yours truly,
Lttwia riiELPg,
A VVidk-Awake Youms Paper.—
For Judicious editing, select and popular
contributors, aud sprtghly, entertaining
reading,the Youth's Ceeieaetfen, of Boston
has no superior among the youth's publi
Lyon's Kathaikon makes beautiful
luxuriant, gloasy balr; prevents Ita inli
ne; out or turning gray. It lias atood the
testof4oyeara Is charmingly perfumod
and has no rival.
Henry K. Bond, of Jefferson, Malue,was
cured ot spitting blood, eofenesa aud weak,
ness of tho stomaou, by the use of John*
<ou's Anodyne Liniment internally.
Do II at Once!
Persons who havo become thoroughly
chilled from any cause, may have their
circulation at once restored by taking lu
to the stomach a toaspoouful of Johnson's
Anodyne Liniment, mixed in a little cold
water, well v.eatened.
In the Juslices' Court of Los Angeles
Township, lv the couuty of I.us Angeles,
State of Calilornla.
Caheu Bros. «a Co., Plaintill',, vs. Louis
Sotnmerueld, Defendant.
The Peoplo of the state of California
send greeting to Louis Soinnierncld, De
You are hereby required to ap
pear In an action brought against you
by tho above-named plaintiff, iv the Jus
tices Court of Los Angeles Township,
county of Los Angeles, State of Califor
nia, and to answer before Ihe Justice at
his office iv said township the com
plaint die I therein, within five days
(exclusive of tho day of service) after the
service ou you of this Summons—lf
served within tho Township In which
this action la brought; or, It served
out of said township, but In aald county
within teu days; otherwise, wlthla twen
ty days.
The sai l action Is brought to havo and
recover from defendant theaum of 8150.50
gold coin,alleged to be due for shoes sold
and delivered upou defendant's order,
aa per complaint on Die In this ofnea.
And you are hereby notified that If y**>
fait to so appear and answer the said
complaint as above required, the said
Jilalutlff will take Judgment against you
or said 8150.50 gold coin, together witli
Mako logat service und due return
'iiven under my huud this -M day ol
December, 1877.
Justice of tho Pence of said Township.
USB Si-d-law
To House Owners.
It Is now tho boat ie ikoii ofthe year to
paint trilldlngs. Be not deceived Into
buying worthleas paint mixtures, but
oall at the PAINT DEPOT ol
Foster, Howard & Co.,
No. 7 ARCADIA BLOCK, and examine
a ample* of tho bust Pain is iv ihe
market before buying, arritit'es mjW.
Silver taken at par. 'i h.j c.trrent rope
mlum allowed on gold and greenback a.
Dr. Htsinnarin
remedy for the cure or nervous and
physical debility, spermatorrhea,seminal
weakness and premature dscliue.
The Essence of Life
Is the only safe and sure remedy and will
res Lore exhausted vitality without rail,
permanently aud effectually, no matter
from what cause or of how long standing-
The Essence of Life
Is pleasant to take, and is free from all
nexiaus drugs; it gives tone te the diges
tive organs, strength lo tbe nerves, avd
purifies and eutictits the bleod, thereby
eradicating all morbid eruptions of the
Price, S3 per bottle, er four times the
quantity iv case, $10, with full directions
for use. Sent to any address, secure from
observation, upon receipt of price, whiten
may be sent by express, registered letter,
or Postolllce money order, or C. O. D.
within 450 mites of Hun Frauolsoo.
References of the highest standing and
umquestienable veracity from persons
lhat have beeu cured. To be had only al
Han Francisco, Cal.. where all letters
should be addressed.
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and fi
toS p. m. marlS-80-lyr
Collectora of Seeds ot all Trees and Shrubs
indigenous to tho Australian Colonies,
t* E a t|*k>i • i"er uay, al home
VPtJ -~ ip+jVJ Semplea worth tl,
free. STiltoit4 Co., Portland, Me.
marltd w
A situation »s COOK, country prefer
red, by a competent person. Under
stands washing, Ironing and general
housework. Good reference. Address
M, Herald offlco. fe7-3t
SITUATION-By a man of experience
In the bee business. Would take full
charge of an Apiary. Address G. P.,
Herald office. re6-lw
change for unimproved real estate in
East Los Angeles. Horse must be gentle;
suitable for ladies to drive.
fe3-lw H. B. FOX, \V. Spring St.
A man of experience, to take entire
charge of bees. Address P. O. box U4l.
By a competent girl, a siluailon lv a
■ mall fam.ly lo do general housework,
address C. C, Herald office. J'29-Iw
By a competent Qcrinau of experience,
with a family,
Either ou share*, salaiy, or, lr small, the
rent of houso for taking oare of tr.es; or
a homo In town, the boardlug of tier
owner for the rent. Best or references.
Address P.O. box 417. Jia-lm j
Wilt be paid and no questions asked, for
Knrllsh Gold Hunting Watch No. 80515.
Maker French Exchange, Loudon. Had
email gold Albert chain attached when
missed. Fluder apply at Sheriff's offlco.
Estray Notice.
Came to ttie premises of the under
slgued.TWO HORSES, one bay und one
sorrel; sorrel white faced and four legs
while. Buy has a white spot on forehead
and one hind leg white. Owners will
please call and prove property, pay
charges and for this advertisement.
fe7-lw Sansevalne St.
quire at No. 15 Franklin street,
Hard finished, verandah on three sides,
fronting the town, view most delightlul,
Just on the hlll-slde, a few steps direct
from tbe M. E. Ch. roll. Key at the
bouse, No. £0. Particulars, by postal
card, address E. N. Fletoher, city, or M
HoJgklus, No. 131 Main street. f 1-lw
The Improved land and part of lue house
At Monte Vista,
Wllh growing crops on a portion or the
laud. Splendid bee ranch, Iree from
Irost, eight miles west of the oily.
Also, FOR SALE, beautiful hll I lot on
Olive street, adjoining northeast corner
of Olive and Thtrd Btreels.
Enquire of JUUOE THOMPSON or 0.
lindley. jaatr
A RARE CHANCE Is offered for a
good BEE MAN with a capital of 11000 to
ICCtIO. Enquire of Thomas C. Armstrong,
39 Also street. les-lw
$1 to $1000 to Loan,
Removed to No. 6 COMMERCIAL ST.
Will advance on collaterals SI lo 81000,
on all kinds of persouul property, such
as watches, Jewelry, diamonds, pistols,
guns, etc. Uold, silver and U. B. Cunen.
or bought and sold. nlltf
Near Orange and Santa Ana,
Which wore heretofore reserved by Glas
sell A Chapman, ure now offered for sale
Apply IoCAPT. GLASSELL.In Temple
Block, Los Angeles, or If. P. PAKKKK,
Orange. diatf
Sunny Rooms and Board,
Gentlemen, and their wives nud .single
gents can bo accommodated with board
and fine, large, frent, sunny rooms, con
taining all modern conveniences and
home comforts, at the
New High street, only one block
from ths Posloffice and Co art House, and
commands a churmlng view of mountain
and valley. Jeltltf
I —1 1 W^JL 1 . —
Livery and Sale Stable,
MAIN ST., Opposite Arcadia St.
Koines nnd Can luges, single or Double,
nnd saddle Horse* fcppt constantly on
hand ior the accommodation of the pub
lic. Hortes Boarded by the day, week or
month .if reasonable rates. Conveyances
famished for private or public occasions
at the inortesi notice and upou as reas
onable terms as at any
First Class Establishment
In Southern California.
1 ,
HEADSTALL. Mexican style, solid ell
vor, will be ranted at the Palace Saloon,
No bar bill to pny. olltf
Ko. i Commercial St., Los Angeles,
Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps,
Cartridges, Wads, Fishing Tackle,
And •vtrylhluu pertaining to SHi i Ill's M EM'S GOODS. Have on band ihe
Houtharu callloiaU, * '.eh we will selt at prices to suit the times.
A fonts f.>r tho new <: V LI.A 111) KIFLKS, tbe BEST and CHEAPEST OUX lv Ike
Repairing Dene by Practical Werkmen ft Guaranteed.
•14 em
The Leonard Scott Publish
ing Company,
41 Barolay St., New York,
Oontinue their authorized Reprints of the
[ Evangelical |,
Thu British Quarterlies giro the reader
well-digested information upon the great
events in contemporanuous history, and con
tain mauteily criticisms on uli that if .esh
and valuable in literature, as noil at a sum.
uiary of the triumphs of science and art.
'i wars likely to convulse all Kur-tpe will
form topics fur discussion, tin* mil be
■ d with a thoroughness and ablliry~'luTi>
wliero else to be found. Blackwood's Maga
zine is fomous fur storlos, essays and sketch
es of the highest literary merit.
TEH MS (liiclUiiing Postage):
Payable Strictly in Advance.
For Annum.
For any ono Review $4 uQ
For any two Reviews 7 oo
For any three Keviews 10 no
For all four Reviews 12 00
For Blackwood's ftUfraziue 4 00
For Blackwood and one Review 7 00
For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00
For Blackwood and three Reviews 13 Ou
For Blackwood and the four Reviews. ..IB 00
A disconnt of twenty per cent, will he al
lowed to Olubs of four or mure persons.
Thus: Fuurcupiesof black wood and of one
Reviow will be sent to oxe adobes a tor (12 HO,
four copies of the four Reviews and Blank
wood for $46, and so on,
New subscribers (applying early) for the
year 1877 may have, without charge, the
mi inters for the last quarter of 1876 of such
periodicals as tbey may nubscribe for.
Noilher premiums to subscribers nor dis
count to Clubs can be allowed unless the
money is remitted to the publishers. No
premiums given to Clubs.
Circulars with further particulars may be
had on application.
The Leonard Scott Publish
ing Company,
41 Barclay St., New York.
uo 1
1878. NEW YORK. 1878.
la tbe time approaches for the renewal of
subscriptions, the Hun would remind its
friends and well-wißhers everywhere, that it
is again a candidate for their consideration
and support. Upon ita record for the past
ten years it relied for a continuance oi the
hearty sympathy and genereu* co-operation
which hns hitherto been extended to it irom
every quarter of the Union.
The uaily Sun is a four page shset of 28col
umns, price by mail, post paid, 85 cents a
month, or fri.G i por year.
The Sunday edition of the Sun is an Hght
page sheet of BO columns. While giving the
news of the day, it also contains a itrgo
amount of literary and miscellaneous matter
specially prepared for it. The buuday Sun
has met with gruat success. Post paid f 1.20
a year.
Tbe Weekly Hun.
Who does not know Ihe weekly Sun ? It
circulates throughout tbo United States, the
Oanadas, and beyond. Ninety thousand fans
ilies greet its welcome pages weekly, and
regard it in the light ot guide, counsellor and
friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural and
literary departments make it essentially a
lournal for the family and the fireside.
Terms: One bellar a year, post paid. This
price, quality considered,makes It the cheap
est newspaper published. For clubs of ten,
with $16 cash, we will send an extra copy
fre.'. Address.
novU-tr Now York City. N. Y.
To Raise Large Crops you
must irrigate.
To Irrigate successfully, yon must have the
power that does not give out when
the wind falls.
Lao fk otter Bros. & Churchman's Horie-Poww
[PATKNTXO FKBUUinT 13th, 1872.]
Nover fails to supply more water than four
or ti vo Windmills, even supposing you have
.ill the wind you want. It is also suitable for
running light machinery, such as Barley
\ Crackers, Corn Shelters, Fanning Mills, Grain
I Separators, or for Sawing Wood. They are
iv>»ver failing, cannot get out of order, easily
worked, substantial, and always give satis*
I taction wherever they have been used. One
.iorge can easily work two 6-inch pumps with
a continuous flow of water. Force Pumps,
from 3,000 to 10,000 gallons per hour.
WINDMILLS of all kinds manufactured to
order. Wells Bored, Windmills and Horse
powers set in any part of the State, and re
pairing of all kinds done. Manufactured and
for sale by
laS Cor. J and 10th Ktn„ Sacramento.
Montana Meat Market.
The b.m nuJ i-ndereat MetlJllHTJ
lv tbe market. None but the
Prlmast Be»f and Mutton
ever to ha found. Note the addreu—-Mon
taaa Meat Market, Main street, Bear
Flr«t. Lo. Anaelea
fh IflA A o.rllU,lV«!Sb
IK I All I I'l^AaSTcßoifci
VlllVVi,i.iitaiiii, cwud.«

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