Newspaper Page Text
s&>si Jriigrkss gentfd. WEDNESDAY DEC. 17, 1879. Herald Steam Printing House. The facilities of tbe Herald Steam Printing House for doing Job work are not surpassed In California outside of San Francisco and Sacramento. All work en trusted to as will be executed with neat ness and dlspatob at the lowest living rates. There is au almost universal /opinion amongst Democrats in California tbat tbe State Central Committee needs a very thorough re-organization. Nothing is gained by blinking the matter. We are on tbe eve of a national struggle of momentous proportions. We shall require all tbat thorough discipline and hearty devotion to Democratic principles can do for us. We do not undertake to arraign auy one personally, aud anything we shall say that may prove to be unfound ed we shall very heartily recall on mora reliable information. It is whispered throughout the State that at least some of tbe nieu upon whom we are warrauted In relying for the official energy and impetus of a successful campaign are half hearted and not with us in spirit. The party owes it to itself to inves tigate these rumors. It is quite willing to take tbe ordinary haz ards of tbeeontest, but it has the right to demand good faith and hearty service from those it has in vested with vital party trusts. If there Is any contingency, arising from personal preference or other wise, in which any member of the State Central Committee would fall to do his duty loyally to the party which has honored him, be should resign or be displaced. Compli ment or hesitation is out of place in affairs of this gravity. It may be that the rumors to which we have alluded do injustice to tbe gentle men referred to, and a fearless in vestigation is tbe best way of ascer taining tbat fact. The six electoral votes of California may decide tbe next Presidential election and our prospects of getting them should not be jeopardized by insufficient organization. We have heard this demand from Democrats all over the State. Tbe situation is suffi ciently interesting to render an early conference of representative Democrats desirable. A Bam Francisco paper, lo its rsvisw of tbe new magazine, The Californian, does not anticipate any great degree of merit in, or success for tbat publication, on tbe ground that its conductors do not propose to pay for contributions. If such is indeed the plan upon whicb it is proposed to run this literary bantling it will never get out of its •waddling clothes. When a writer appraises tho product of bis brain at nothing he is very likely to know just what he is about. Tbe celebrated Lord Jeffrey, when at tbe head of tbe Edinburgh Review, wrote to a correspondent wbo pro posed to write for nothing that be did not require to read the enclosed article to know that he was corres ponding with an ass. People who can write things of any value in this utilitarian age are very apt to rats their labor in dollars and cents, and to think that tbe laborer Is worthy of his hire. A magazine which designs to rely upon tbe brain-work of those who desire to see) their names in print might amuse such callow geniuses them selves, but It would have a very slender attraction for tbe seekers after intellectual pabulum. A CORRESPONDENT Of the San Francisco Chronicle hss been hav ing a series of chats with James Red path, of Lyceum fame. Ac cording to Rsdpath the late Zacha rlah Chandler had some peculiar notions about Abraham Lincoln, painting that illustrious man as a canning and crafty politician and as the opposite of the "Honest Old Abe" who won the hearts of the farmers. This was in line with the ■ardocic remark of John Van Buren, in a speech in tbe second Lincoln campaign, wbo said tbat be never knew a man yet wbo was called "Honest Jack" or "Honest Jim" or "Honest" anything who was not at heart a fox. Readers of newspapers will remember that, when Lincoln forced old Simon Cameron out or the War Office for alleged loose practices, old Lochiel, In aspeecb at a banquet given him at Harrisburg before his departure for Russia, expressed pretty plainly the same sentiments and even inti mated that he was as honest as his chief. As Chandler, at the same time tbat be uttered this slighting opinion of Lincoln, gave express ion to a very coutemptuous esti mate of Washington, he will be looked upou as a disgruntled icono clast, unworthy of attention. Thk first of George C. Gorhain's Washington letters appeared in Monday's Chronicle. As a corres pondent this energetic marplot is by no means tbe success one would ba led to expect from tbe flourish wltb which tbe public were bade to prepare for tbe epistolary feast. Tbe Chronicle's ordinary staff em braces quite a number who could do much better literary work. Qorham's universal acquaintance ought to stamp bis correspondence withywedtbJUty, 1 mi, ajllljgljli valuable characteristics will begin to make their appearance. Tbe gift of graphic writing comes by nature, as Dogberry would havo said, aud it by no means inheres iv tbe or dinary hack politician, however "smart and knowing be may be In the domain of machine politics. Two Interesting struggles are go ing on in Republican political cir cles just now. One Is as to the suc cessor of Senator Chandler in tbe Chairmanship of the Republican National Committee. McCormick stands for Sherman, Arthur or Cor nell, as Senator Conkling may de cide for one or the other, for Grant, aud William E. Chandler for Blame. A lively fight is also being made as to where tbe Republican National Convention shall be held. A strong pressure is being btougbt to hear upon the National Commit tee to call it at Chicago, A for midable Graut claque could be as sembled there, and the fact that he is nominally a citizen of Illinois would rally Republicans of the in terior to swell the throng. Should either McCormick or Chaudler cap ture tbe Chairmanship, someplace less favorable to Grant would in all likelihood be chosen. The Central Pacific Railway has paid the Government of tbe United States tbe Aye per cent, on tbe net earnings of tbe road stipulated in the act creating that corporation. A check for $609,080.09, together with tbe amounts due tbe company for government service, made the payment complete from Novem ber 6th, 1889, till June 30tb, 1878. This remittance includes the obli gations under the Thurmau act. Against the operation of tbe latter Mr. Huntington protests in his let ter to the Secretary of the Treasury, reserving to himself the right to seek a remedy in the Courts. Senator Thurman is generally thought to have killed himself as a Democratic Presidential candidate by tbe adoption of greeuback views. And now comes John Sher man, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, aud, by his proposition to retire greenbacks and play Into tbe hands of the Na tional Bank ring, that crafty indi vidual lays himself out stiff and cold as a Republican Presidential aspirant, in the West, at least. There is small doubt but that the Western States will dictate the Republican nomination. Ex-Gov. Joel Parker, of New Jersey, and ex-Goy.Englißh,of Cou necticu t,are the latest candidates for President suggested for the Democ racy. It is amongst tho possibili ties tbat some one will be hit upou who, like Polk aud Pierce, in the Democratic, and Lincoln and Hayes, amongst tbe Republican Presidents, has been very little in public life. Tbe thing needed is a strong assertion of Democratic principles. Measures uot men has always been the rallying cry of the Democracy. An appropriation of a paltry $20,000 for tbe improvement of Wilmington harbor will rightfully excite the ire of our accomplished military friend, Gen. Banning. We like economy but would prefer to see it diverted into other chan nels. Pacheco baa here a fine op portunity to show his gratitude for the large vote received by bim in Los Angeles county by having this beggarly dole increased to $100,000. Under the new Constitution the Boards of Supervisors are the local legislatures of the several counties. Special legislation having been done away with atSacrameuto, the lobbying and log-rolling will be transferred to some fifty or more minor theaters. This fact invests the position with much more sig nificance than formerly attached ; to it. Who will organize tbe new Leg islature? This is a question which no one as yet is able to answer. Everything hinges on the action of tbe New Constitution Republi cans. Tbe Republicans seem still to lack four of an absolute majority lv tbe House. LAST NIGHT'S NEWS. PACIFIC COAST. fI'OOU KKHOHT. *»N KKANCWUO STOCK AH' KX OHANOK UUAKI>. eoKMIHU SESSIOK. SAB FhanOlhco, Dee. 16. 773 opklr. 'JI, WA, 1215 Belcher, 1.10,1, 2.i'., 2i»i, 204 I.CS G.cVM«xicau. 17,17 b 8258 Nevada. 28, 5, loy 23>j,23H,aJ^ 010 Q* , 295 Utah, 10 4.10,4 05, 4 400 Bullion. 3 60, 3.05 •40 BAB. 9, S' 4 , 874 , 3.70, 350 '■»'«,9Ji, 'I 32.ICxciheuuer.-j.wi, 895 ijula, 4.10', 33..Savage. 4 25, 4.15, 850verman, 3.85, 4.10,4,4.05,4 3.90 195 Cod Va,4.10,4.05, 10 Beg Belcher, 10 4, 3.95,4 795 Union, 39, 39», 285 Chollar, V, 40, iOH. 40V;, 39, 405 Potuel,2.Bo. 2'A 39S 775 HAN, :,!,, &/„ 705 Alta, 3, 2.95, 2 SO, ty„ b% 2.95 855 Point, »oc, 85, 80, 525 Challenge, 1.00, DO 1.65 865 Jacket, 8!4,8%, 510 Ward, 1,1.10 BH. s'» 080 Hcorplou.-J 80,2 55 450 Kentuca, 2.75, «i 2.80, 8 585 Hen ton, 235 Alpha, 8, 25 Qoldenuate, 1.10 H>4 , 8 400 Don Dorido, 1.80 325Conndonoe,6J4 410 Justice, } 10, 1.15 KVKNIHU STBEITS—4.IS P. M. Jacket, tW s; Scorpion, 2.90 n; Crown Fulut, UOci b; tiavage, i', . . Julia, 06c b; Con Virginia.4.loa; Belcher, 1.05b,1.10a; linp.iial.4oob; U lah, 11 b, 1114 a; HAN, «J4,; Ward. 1.10 b; OA C,i%a; Alta. 2.91) b »a; KxatSQUer, 295 a; union, 48 c; ('aledoiiua£j>; 21jjtx; Itelllon. 8.80 EASTERN. I'ullou Mud Cure t'r«.p-. Washington, Deo. 10th.—Tbe Department of Agriculture says, regarding the condition of the cot ton and corn crops, that returns from correspondents for the month ending December Ist substantially confirm tho report of the month previous. Tbe weather has beeu favorable iv all sections of tbe cot ton belt. Reports of the produot west of the Mississippi river are more favorable, and will increase the aggregate of Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas over that reported last month. The corn crop during November depreciated through im perfect ripening in our heaviest corn growiug regions In the States north of the Ohio river and Mis souri, some States falling off 10 per oent. This will reduce the aver age yield per acre of tbo whole country to 29.1 bushels, which is exceeded by only one former year, 29.4 In 1875. This reduces the ag gregate production about 55,000,000 bushels from the November figures, but still leaves tbe crop larger thau any previous year by over 150,000, --000 bushels. States and Territories, west of the Mississippi return over 100,000,000 bushels more than in 1878. West Pulal Academy Appropria tion. Washington, Dec. 16th.—The Bub-Committee. of the House Ap propriation Committee have agreed upon the West Point Academy ap propriation bill. The aggregate sum is understood to be about $275,000, considerably in excess or last year's appropriations. Pro vision is made for new barracks. dram to Define Ills Position. Washington, Dec. 10th.—A declaration from General Grant iv relation to tbe third term is ex pected to be made at his reception this week at Philadelphia. New Yoru'a ciaamiMau Clubber. New York, Dec. 16th.—The Hoard of Police to-day, by a unan imous vote, transferred Captain Williams, of clubbing notoriety, from the Twenty-ninth precinct to tbe street cleaning bureau. Colonists far Liberie. New York, Dec. 10th.— The bark Mourovia sailed for Liberia with seventy-five colored emi grants and teu cablu passengers. A Snot at cnunon. New York, Dec. lGth.—Tho Tri bune's Washington special says: luformatiou, believed trustworthy, has been received here to tho effect that Delegate Caunon, of Utah, wbo is under indictment of viola tion et tbe anti-polygamy law, has taken a fifth wife within so recent a period tbat bis plea of tbe statute of limitations will not avail htm. There is talk of bringing Cannon's case up in tbe House of Represent atives. It is more than probable that some attempt of tbe kind will be made at the present session of Congress. Uuiii rreiu Euriip*'. New York. Dec. 16th.—The City of Berlin brought $211,000 in gold. BJlulusT block Board Uueuuil. Chicago, December 16th.—Tbe rooms of the Chicago Mining Board in this city were formally opened this morning and several transactious in mloiug stocks took place. The enterprise promises to be a success. IsllcilM rntll's Libel Mill. Sr. Louis, Dec. 10.—The taking of depositions in the libel case of Carlotta Patti against the Post- Dispatch, commenced to-day, and tbe testimony of Patti's agent aud waiting maid were taken. Patti Is now testifying, aud it is expected she will make a full statement of all circumstances iv the case. A Hmm EiptllHl. ST. Louts, Dec. 16th.—The He publican's special from Houston, Texas, says: Tbe Masonic Grand Lodge of tbat State has approved tbe action of Waxabatchie Lodge in expelling Rev. A. G. Veal, a well known minister of the Gospel, for attempting to seduce Mrs. E. G. Griffin, wife of a brother Mason. This decision practically expels Veal from Masonic orders. Mrlcueu Willi paralysis. Cincinnati, Dec. IGlh. —R. M. Shoemaker, a prominent railroad and business man, was stricken with paralysis this morning. fire al Ilarvard. Boston, Dec. 16th.—Fire and water this arternoon did mucli damage to Stoughton Hail, one of tbe Harvard College buildings. FOREIGN. Sura Bernhardt. London, Dec. 16tb.—Mile. Sara Bernhardt has resumed negotia tions for an Americau visit. Her present plan Is a short tour next December, to include New York, Bosten and Philadelphia. She will remain in America two months al together, returning in January, 1681. ■ be Irish Ai[U>(lou. London, Dec. 16.—Several large land agitation meetings were held iv West Ireland last Sunday. The meeting at Balliua was presided over by a Catholic clergyman. Among tbe speakers were several Catbolic clergymen. Qovernment reporters were present, taking uote9. All of tbe speakers advo cated a peasaut proprietary system, a resolution in favor of which was adopted. Another meeting was held at Carrick-on>Shannon. Davilt, Daly, Killen, Brennan, recently released prisoners, were present. The grand Jury at Carrick-on- Shaunon has returned a true bill against Brennan. Ay-oub Habit's Ailvanee ou Cau tioner London, December 16tb.—Ayoub Khan, Governor of Herat, left that city a fortnight ago with bis troops with the iutentiou of attacking the British at Candahar. A corres pondent at Candahar thinks that undoubtedly tbe Durains of Canda har and that district will unite with the British, if uecessary to resist tbe Heratese. AppeMi from AMierirnu Sfceelea- London, Decsmber 16tb. — An appeal has reached London from Americau missionaries at Ooroo I Meeyab, Persia, iv behalf of tbe [population oCr-*!r-at district and i-.ikult Kur4 aro sta: V. failure of tlie wheat and raisin crops. Owing to poverty, only about a tenth part of tlie usual im port of food bus been made aud im portation has now entirely ceased. The goveruatent is doing little or nothing to aid tbe inhabitants. Beiirsttuiß kilou at iiitt cbmer. Paris, Dec. 16th.— The Temps as serts that tbe Ministry will avail themselves of the retirement of Le Koyer from tbe Ministry of Justice to reconstitute tbe Cabinet, of tbeir own motion. In the reorganiza tion Waddington only will retain the Foreign portfolio. De Frey sinet will be Premier, and will have complete freedom of action in choosing his colleagues, and when tbe Cabinet is formed he will, with them, determine upou a common programme. These changes ure not expected to be made, however, before the adjournment of tbe Chambers. E.ltleuve Ak'iluhi Kii..lh>. Calcutta, December Kith.—Ths Pioneer newspaper asserts that an immense mans of correspondence has been fouud and laid before the government, including instructions from the Russian government to Its agents in Central Asia, mark ing out tlie course they were to pursue with tlie ex-Ameer, Shere Ali. These papers are said to show that Russian intrigues against Af ghanistan were active as far back as IST3, and afford conclusive proof of the falsity of the excuse given for the Russian missiou to Cabul last year. Tlie Sii.oenUer el (.ualeje. Constantinople, Dec. 16.—The Porte has scut a circular to its rep resentatives abroad reciting the measures to be taken to secure the surrenderor Gusinje, and express ing a hope that tho Montenegrins will not precipitate matters, as some delay is necessary if blood shed Is to be avoided. Mukhtar Pasha, who Is at pres ent at Cettinje with teu battalions, has asked for reinforcements. Twenty battalions have started for his relief. A CHECK FOR $609,080.69. The Central Pacific Settling Its Accounts With the QoTernment. Washington, Nov. 21at.—The United States Auditor or Railroad Accounts has received a communi cation from the Vice-President of the Central Pacific Railroad Com pany, enclosing a oheck for $609, --080.69, which in connection with the amounts due the oompany and withheld by the United States Treasury for government trauspoi tatiou (both ou lis subsidized and unsubsidized roads) between Nov. 6, 1869, and June 30, 1878, fulfills the requirments of all existing laws In regard to the payment to tbe government of live per cent, of the company's net earnings during that entire period, Tbe payments made by the com pany last week settled its Indebted ness on accouut of the five per cent, requirement, aud also discharged Its obligation under the Tlutrman Sinking Fund law for the blx months following the 30th of June, 1878, from which date the sinking fund obligation was to be comput ed, ft may be said, therefore, tbat the Central Pacific Company has settled all its accouuts with tbe •government up to the 31st of De cember. The cash payments for tbe year 1879 will not be due until next February. Vice-President Huntington, iv his letter transmit ting the check for $609,050.69, writes to Auditor Frencli as fol lows: In making these payments, I may add thut the Central Pacific Railroad Company does not, and never did, dispute the claim of tbe general government to five per cent, of tbe net earnings of the road after its completion in the eyes of the law. Differences have arisen as to what constituted "net earnings;" as to whether the five per cent, could be taken out of the earnings of non-aided roads; and as to the date when this participation should begin. These points have been but recently decided, so that an appropriate settlement can at last he reached. There remains the question as to whether the Pa cific railroad companies are receiv ing the "reasonable compensation for services" stipulated by the acts of 1362 and 1861, and by common business equity due ? Iv regard to tbe malls, iv particular, the rail road companies do not receive what tho exceptionally onerous service is worth, but only so much us Congress In its discretion sees fit to allow. The Central Pacific Railroad Company reserves the right to appeal to the courts for re dress of this and like grievances; aud this payment I desire to be un derstood as being subject to that reservation. This "five per cent.," when accurately ascertained, we have always regarded as the right of tbe government, but tbe 20 per cent, and half the earnings from government business, taken and withheld iv excess of the five per cent, under our contract for the period subsequent to June 30, 1878 (as required by the Thurman act of Congress), we must regard as hav ing been wrongfully extorted from the company in defiance of justice, equity uud good faith, in fact, "by the law of the strongest." Fkfkctioss of thk Longs, Bilious Dis orders, Hick Headache, etc., are thor oughly cured by Dr. Jayno's Sanative Pills. Actingas a generul laxative, they remove all Irritating and fecal matter from tbe bowels, gradually change tbe vitiated secretions of the stomach and liver, and restore these organs to a healthy condition.. -A- O-AJR/ID. To til I who are suffering from the errors Mid Indiscretions of youth, nurvous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., i will send a recipe that will euro you, FKEK OF CHAllOtf. This groat remedy was discovered by a missionary inBourJ» Amerlc*. Hetid a self-addressed envelope to the UEV. JOSEPH T. IN MAtV.titatlou D, Bible House, New York Cltr d6-ly NEW TO-PAy. NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS. Notice in hereby glveu that sealed pro posals will bo received by the Odd Fel lows' Build Injr Association at Dowuey up to 3 p. m. on FBIDAY, 26Lh Inst., for the erection of A TWO - tSTOKY BBIUK BUIIjUINW in Dowuey, as per plans and speclllcntlons Lo be seen at the store of Messrs. Buruoh & Loew, In Downey; the worK to be completed hy April 1,1880. Proposals to be separate for each class of work, consisting of carpentering, brick-laying, plastering, tinning, paint ing and blaoksmlthlng. The Association reserves the right to reject any and all bids. w. p. Mcdonald, flec»y. Downoy, Dee. I, 1879. dJi-td Arp *a Oil A WEEK to agents. $10 WANTS - LOST-FOUND. Wanted. A middle-aged Gorman woman, to do general housework; must speak good uorman and give references. Apply at No. 15 Fort street, Just out of Ten.plo. dl((3t Situation Wanted. By a competent woman, to do general housework or take careof children. Call at Grand Central Hotel. dl 6 at TO LET. To a gentleman and his wife, SUNNY FRONT KOOM. with hoard (flrst-clasß) In private family; looaiton desirable; ifii,is moderate. Address, with refer ences, "C.,** Herald olllce. dll-lw Wanted, A widow lady, with ahoy four years old, desires a place as housekeeper. Wages not so much an object as a homo. Best of references given. Address, Mrs. M. X, P. O. box 106, Los Angeles. d9-lw BTRA.YJKD. Strayed to my place, on San Pedro St., A SORKEL CoLT. about two years old; uo brand. Tho owner can recover his property by paying charges and the cost of this advertisement. dlMft JOSH GARCIA. FOR SALE—FOR RENT. Nicely Furnished Rooms To-Let, To respectable gentlemen. Enquire at No. 72 Spring street. do 1m TO LET. DESIRABLLE ROOMS on the corner of Fort and Frankliu streets. Board may he had next door, if desired. n23-lin Rooms and Board, Gen 11 emeu and their wivei antl single gents can be accommodated with board and fine, large, sunny, front rooms, con talnlng all modern conveniences and homecomforts, at the KIMBALL MANSION. New High street, only one block from the Postofflce and Court House, and commands a charming view of mountain and valley. telOtf FOR HINT. The Store No. 33 Spring St., Formerly occupied by the Cash Store. Apply (0 RICHARD GARVEY, s2fl Mascarel Block. Stock Range for Sale. Suitable for lOOObead of cattle. For in. formation enquire at this office. JelStf Episcopal Church Entertainment AT TURNVEREIN HALL, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, Dec. 16, 17 and 18. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings will be presented Itobertson's celebrated com edy of "SCHOOL." The cast of characters to be filled entirely by our city amatenr artists. On Thursday evening, OONOBHT , With the best talent of the cltv. rendering a programme of choice selections, tbe whole to conclude with a HOOIAL DANOE, during which refreshments will be served. Admission to each Performance—Adults, 60 cents; children under 12 years of age. n cents ; reserved seats, 25 cent*, to be seenred ac Lewln & Oo.'s. Refreshments, 26 cents. Doors opon at 7 o'clock. Performance *.o commence at 7:33. dl 3 td LOS ANGELES GUARDS 15 L I , ! CIIItIISTMA-Si EVE, December 24, I87t». iar MUSIC FURNISHED BY CON TERNO'S BAND. Tickets to be bad from officers of the company and from Mr. T. McUAN,>2 Maiu street. d9td A Grand Christmas Ball WtXiti BR GIVEN AT EL MONTE HOTEL, December 25, 1879. IVMUftIO by CONTERNO'S BAHD."W A.J. HORN, Manager. A match Mile and Repeat Horse Race will take place at 11 o'clock a. m , for 350 aside. This will be the finest race ever given in Xi Monte. A Turkey Shooting Match will take place at 10 a . m , when many crack shots will exhibit their remarkable skill. dl3Ld W. R. DODSON. Grand Holiday Races! — AT — AGRICULTURAL PARK, Thursday, Dec. 25,1879. H-PURHE, .100: »60 to first, $30 to second and JIO to third horse. The race will be TROTTING, mile heats, .1 in 5, to harness, lor the following named horses: Apprentice Boy, Fleland, Cade aud Donibey. diotd C. A. DURFEE, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE AGENCY! Los Angeles and San Bernardino Ranchos. The undersignod having opened a Real Estate Office In tho Arcadia Block, Los Angeles, respectfully suggests to those who contemplate the purchase of land that they will consult their own Interest by calling at this agency and securing informablon regarding eboice tracts oi Improved and unimproved land which have been placed in my bands for sale. I can show intending purchasers some of the finest tracts of agricultural land in Southern California and I especially draw attention to the fact that I only deal in lands to which the title is un questionably good. When not personably present In my office, visitors will receive the attentions of Mr. Charles Forbes, who will cheer fully give every Information desired. For the purpose of examining the different tracts of land, carriages will al ways be In readiness to convey parties to the place desired. CommUsiou Afjronoy. Connected with my real estate busi ness 1 have established a commission agency, and will buy and sell on com mission all kinds of grain nnd produce; also horses, cattle, kheep and hogs. Loans negotiated on reasonable therms. «l. K. Tuffree. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. Parlies removing would do well to call on ALFRED MOORE, Auctioneer, No. 3 United States Hotel Block, If they I want to getgoou prlees torwhuttbey wish " ' ' ' ! '""' .'Itl.IlM NEW TO-DAY. isiooo; $1,000 WORTH !$iooo; PRESENTS I TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT THE DOLLAR STORE CHRISTMAS, _r~ CHRISTMAS! Ittarin order that every one may receive a Chiixtojas Present, we shall give away 1,000 ELEG\ N T and USEFUL articles on Christmas, consisting of SILVERWARE, VASES. TOILET BETH HAND. SOME PICTURES and LADIES' and CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Prizes worth from ."50 cents to *)».»0. Every oue wbo purchases $5 worth of goods at the Dollar Store will receive a ticket entitling him or her to one of the Elegant Presents to bo awarded on Christmas. We have received a large and elegant new stock of Toys, Fancy Goods, Notions, Silverware, Jewelry etc for the HOLIDAY TRADE. Our stock is larger and more complete than ever before aud Prices Lower. Buy Your Holiday Goods at the Dollar Store, and Receive an Elegant Present. A new stock of Hosiery, Corsets, Buttons, Zephyrs, Germantown Wool, Chenille, Ladles' Vest*, Pants etc.; Elegant Vases, Toilet Sets, Perfumery, Jewelry, Purses, Card Cases and Fancy Goods of every descrip tion. Picture Frames at the Lowest Prices ever known in this city. It will be to your INTEREST to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Respectfully, N. B.—We have a fine line of Samples of Silks, Cashmere, Brocade Silks aud Cretons, from S MO3- GROVE & COS, and will furnish these goods at San Francisco prices. Please call and examine sam- P' es - d 3 F. „j. GILLMORE. :-— — . BOOKS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, AND Musical Instruments, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Can be found In Immense Quantities AND AT Lowest Living Prices AT THE POPULAR STORE OF LOUIS LEWIN & CO. novltf A. McKENZIE, DEALER IN FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. H. & H W. CATHERWOOD'S PHILADELPHIA Fine Old Whiskies i From tbeir agents, Dickson, DeWolf 4 Co., Sau Francisco; also, J. H. Cutter's Old Bourbon and Rye Whiskies. From their agents, A. P. Hotallng & Co., San Francisco, by the bottle or gallon, at wholesale prices. GENUINE SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKT, ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER. The Sample Room Is provided with th« purest Wines, LI QUOKHand KINK NEW YORK CIO A UK ENGLISH ALE ON DRAUGHT. no. 129 Mcdonald block, Maiu street, near Court, Los Angeles. ecpl7 tr AGENCY OF THE CONTINENTAL OIL & TRANS PORTATION CO. —AND — CALIFORNIA STAR OIL CO. I. 11. ONMTOTT, 1 79 SPBING ST., Is prepared to sell tbe REST OILS to be found lv thl. market at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. eas-Call and inspect stock and get prices. nB-lm REDUCED PRICES! DOORS, WINDOWS and BLINDS. REDUCED PRICES ! LEAD, OIL and TURPENTINE. REDUCED PRICES I COACH and CARRIAGE PAINTS. REDUCED PRICES ! COACH & CARRIAGE VARNISHES. REDUCED PRICES! All kinds ol MIXED PAINTS, Known as best brands. I REDUCED RRICES! All kinds of WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, etc., etc. 1 guarantee that all pcrsous who will call and examine my stock and prices can make a saving of at ioast 15 per cent ou their purchases. it. BAPUAEL, IMo. UN 1., m -A.nfr.elei. Street, Under the White House. J 10-Gm Btftf GRAND CENTRAL DINING ROOMS. SCHMIDT & TAPPEINF.It, Proprietors. all the delicacies of the market phkpaked in supe rior style. kwch arue s moderate. Mr. SCHMIDT has had yean ot eiperl enoeafachef do cuisine in Europe anil • ■ . ... uOtf t 5,000 Presents! 5,000 Gifts! A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Duriug tlie Holidays we have determined to GIVE A WAY S 000 GORGEOUS PRESENTS! 5,000 Elegant Gifts Given Away! A Present for Everybody, rich or poor! Everybody marie happy' A Present worthy of a King will be GIVEN AWAY with every pair of Boots and Shoes bought at the GREAT HALF-PRICE BOOT & SHOE HOUSE, 57 and 59 Spring Street Opposite the Postofflce. We have made another GREAT REDUCTION in BOOTS AND SHOES. Other shoe houses cannot buy Boots nnd Bhoes by the case as cheap as we have determiued to sell them during the Holidays. Immense Reductions In every department! The largest stock of Boots and Shoes and the best variety in Southern California' New Goods arriving daily, and we mark them In plain figures to sell away down! I »*-To our immense initio— l I We repair all Boots and Snoes FREE ot charge I | that nrn honght fit our I Big Inducement to the WHOLESALE COUNTRY TRADE. The GREAT HALF-PRICE BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, 57 aud 59 SPRING ST., opposite the Postofflce. Lewis Brothers. pSOtf GRAND OPENING! —OF THE NEW STORE, THE CITY OF BERLIN Under the Cosmopolitan Hotel, No. 49 MAIN ST. Opening, Monday, Nov. 24th. GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OF FERED IN LOS ANGELES, consisting of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ladies' Ready-made Undergarments, OloetlsLS, Sla£L"^vls 7 ZELTto. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods, HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC, HcS§r*Owing to the present depressed times, we are de termined to sell goods at such exceedingly low prices as were never before known in Los Angeles. the place, CITY OF BERLIN, No. 49 Main street. u23 M. HOFF & CO., Prop's. THE METROPOLITAN : GROCERY STORE, 14 MAIN ST., West of the Pico House, Has been opened (n First-Class Stylo. Nothing it. kept but FIRST-CLASS GOODS, sold at figures AS LOW AS ANY IN THE CITY, which will be dellv ered to every part of the city free of charge. Terms are Strictly Cash. J. J. WOODWORTH, Prop'r.