■UOS ANGELES ONE DAY ONLY! IkaToiiclcvy, Juno X 3. world over 'TIX JJ niGOFJJT AM) IJESs'X': iiv:,: C D COLISEUM ::F ROME iW.W. COLIC'S /^^^^ KW MAMMOTH 011008 " * MENAGERIE OF TRAINED ANIMAES, leS awb conar.Ess oar livinc -woTTOiur:.; ■ptjestic Marvels of Many Nations Blpir lUnrllom, mrlllias Scnwiliims. Slrnne<- I'tiUuiv.. .i. isii:i<- futile., STALLIONS IMimiilil I I .. r l. ~.. liar. K*ASsia, Beautiful Thur.. " * Al a still further comm. ...i tho superior aumllvna • ii.,.1 oat* tin followiuj MM, A Taorrsor ts.KEHin, Tlt.Mi i: ; viv; AI'.KIAL 11H A« IX KII>KUS; THE VllTni DIM t I.s > K> HIXIMtO KVAKIi 11l ttllltlts: I'tiVl'TlA* \! < Ittl'l »S» LUS| I III: tVIIIULIM, MKYMKES or t1.t.11 lt» j Till'll IttMWTH OA ; BABY CAMELS : SPANISH ■ I'ERFOUIIIM: i:i ll| PF.UTORMINf; n»lI8El| l-UtEOitlllM. POMES: ■ PEKtoKIJIAt: LLi:PHA\TS i and PEBFOBMUMI miVMA.. I shall also, for tho [SOUTH S SAVAGES! I Or MAORI DAKCEHB, £? Krftonodßarlarjm-. faithfully portrayal :V>l.».t. W... 1 wss au.t ant I. ' noonliar to their unclritlMd raoe I* Then, too, J aha!le\!oOit a Ti.,u; £ ' ' I Genuine Bedouin Arabian Athletes I a&tSS ■* ™onua„c M wfh The $SO,OOO A A TROI'PE OF I Performing Stallions! j¥ Educated, Reasoning ThMnuvl wonderful t.ijnino trior. AtWl TRICK STALLIONS, ! "'loalssl on Fnrlh. jf-. An AJi'lao-owu'ti Vmint u-\ lii.-m. t:.c .»--,iy one o*iei ; i:; this citLAr ( Two-Continent Cipnnd Circus OF 160 SKILLED ARTISTS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, Eaghtßare Back Riders, Finn' V, iv.v 4 low hi, '!'< v <;rnu Leaper*, A lieainteiit oflVr ftS"*.**. .Vi* •»'.*:l>«al«. Ilui-.lii- «i.1.-r Lady fl.iuuasis, Lady F.i|iirslrinn«, ■•■r Aerlallsts. Lady Itiryclv 1ti.1.r.. Mow 51,.», M«r.t Horses, Mom Aot, and Hotter Lttocti than aay show tn existence. i,oi>;> : Olttli.y a fcATI KEi ! I.ajj .UlAiurv iilitti.is • SEE THE BREST STREET PARADE! Which will outrival ftnythtn ; i a A:: .t.o.i A i;.,val Prtt;;atl.T Pacbant, worth a day'a travel to latSTtupoo. t1... i.r .' i . i ..f il.i. Tr.ily Show. Thirty Dean of Animals Drovoa Li a*al»P>a"'». Hards ol C'aiDffls. Mount*..! KaijlUsauU /.idles. Tho Largest Tableau! Cara ever ooustnutsd, ate ■ssunktr Ih* Ureal Siren Parade, Every Nomina at Tea o'clock. , -tmrn PBBFOBMANTES Et'ERY OA 1. Ooors opra at I ..'clock aad 7 o'clock P. M. ONE DOLLAR. LEGAL. Mortgage Sale. Kjcemitlon No. Hi'). Iv tbe Superior Court ol the oounty of [joe Stß'e cf Califoruia. KJwar.l L. Mayl.errv, Plaintiff, \ \s. Uerocd Abbott,alias Merced Garcia j Ue Abbot, Joliu Abbot, sal.ua**! Abbot,Willlu'u Abboi, Aaroa Ab-1 bot, Amos Abbot, Merced Abbot,! a*» executrix of tlie last wilt und r leMLHtuent of William Abbot, dc-! ceanett, Me ced Abbot, Uu lighter I of the above-uanit-d Merced Ab- j bot, <_;ei»r»ie Abbut, Critberino Ab* I bot. Frank Al>bot and the City] of Lo* Aueeles.de.eudtintij. j I rNDEK AND BY VIRTt'K OF A |J decree of foreclosure aud order ol sal* entered in the Buuerior Court uf the coiiHty of Los Angeles, state of Calllornla, on tbe IBtu day ol May, a. I), 1881| and a writ ol c*. ecu tlon for the cuforcemont of Juil£ raeDl, requlriuK sale ol property uudui forcclosi.ro of mortgage. Issued out of Hiild Court, on (tie 20th day ol May, A. 1). ISSI, In the above eutitled action, and In favorof Edward L. May berry, plaluttiT, and against Merced Ab bot, alias imcreed (iarcla de -\bbot, John Abbot, Ball Dal Abbot, William About, Aaron Abbot, Amos Ab mt, Meiced Ab bot. us ct,ecu rlx of tbu lam will uud tes lameat oi William Abbot, deceased, Merct-d Abbat, daughter of the above naa ed Merged Abbot, *Je->r«« Abbot, Catherine Abbot, F'rauk Abbot and the ott> uiLos ftngelei, de!endauts, a certified copy oi wntch said decree ot foreclosure, dul3* attested under the seiil of nald i-nperior court on the2athdayof May, A. i).lBSl,and delivered to me, together with the writ annexed thereto,on the 2;id day of May, A. t>, 1881. whereby i ) am commuuded to sell at public auction, to i he highest, aud best bidder, lorcasn In United estate* gold coin, the following and In said decree described real estate. to*wit: Ail that rfal property in the city nf Los Angeles, couuty of Los Angeles, Stateof Caiiioruia, bounded and described as fol lows, viz: i a lot on the west side of Main street, the boundaries of which are us follows: Commeticlug at a point on the went bide of Mum street, being tbe northeast corner of a 1 >t now or formerly of 1. W. Htlluaanaud formerly of the heirs of , Juan D<>miugo, deceased; thence run , ultttf north easterly along the said ltne of Main street Klxty-flve ftt»t, mure or lei-s, to lot formerly belonging to F. 81 g noretaud ailerwards parcaaMedof U.K. Tt *cbmacker. tbence uurlbwesterly i along une oi wali ajignoret It.t to eastern 1 line of New Hlgn street; theuce southwesterly along line ot New Hub street sixty-flvo leet, mure or le<», tv lot ot I. W. Hellm 4ii; thence southeasterly along lot of lluilmau to tho point ul be ginuiug. I second—A lot bounded on the west by Main Mreet and fronting thereou tblrty | six ie«lj on the north by a lutformeriy owned by Pio P.co aud on which tbe Pico ilouse-tsnds; on tho east by Han uhez street »*nj nuving a fioutagti there on oi thirty-six leei, moie or IeBS, and <>n thes.utti by a lot formerly owied by W.H. Perry and Wallace W-oUworih, t he lot h ;>etiy described being lhe Mttme lot ou whioh stands what Is known M .Merctrd Theatre bulldlug, 11:ird—A lot bounded on the west by Mam street; on the nurth by lotfor-"-! |y of v,. ti. Perry ana Wuilace \\'i*.>d- Woitb! uu ihe ea*.t by Hanch*2 * reet, und on the s >uth hy lot nu\v or to merly of F. A. having a of i.) iveu n ytain street and be ngsamelf g:\*eu that on WEDNESDAY, THE 15tb| DAY OK JUNK, A. D. 1881, At 12 o'clock 51. ot Guid day, I will pro ceed to st-11 at tho Cour ( iloase door in the city and couuty of Los Augeles, State of Californi.ii at public auctmu, to the highest and best bidder for cash in U. 3. g >ld com, to stttUiy said decree fo<- priuci pal aud interest, attorucys* fees, costs and all accraing costs, all the above described real estate,, or so much tlit-roof ad may ht necessary to -at:- I'y said earns. Attested under my hand at the olty nnd county ot" Los Angt-les, BtHteofOall forma,this23d uuvot May, a. it. mi. WM.ll. LOWLAND, Sheriff. Hy JAS. G. Kilfl, Under Sheriff. l'xecutlou No. 5021. IX THE SUPEHIOU COUNT OL' THE Conntyof Los Augules, State of Cali fornia. Jesus A. de ftepulveda, Plaintiff;) vs. ; Plo i'ico, Defendant. ) Under and by virtue yf an execution 1*- KUed out oi the superior Uottrt of tbe L-t>nnty of t.os Angeles, mate of Califor nia, on the llth d iy of May, A. O 188 i, to me directed und delivered on (he SSJ day ol May, A. I>. 1881, for a Juugment ren dered in said Court on tue oth day of hebruary, A- D. 1881, In f *vor of Jems A deScpulveda, plaloliff, and against Plo Fico, deienJant, 1 nuve levied upon and shall on THURSDAY, THE 16 h DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1381, At l_ o'clock m of said day, proc°ed to uell, at the court House d .or, in ■ he c cj aihe rlgnt, title and interest of said dtfeudd post-el lv a li v« fencu at the end of a board fence auo ihe southeastern corner of tne tract of land described lo the cumpUlm ; theuci running nortu 56% degrees west along a board Jtnre on north lloe oi lam of £b erle 4 v>u iOU caatu* to ins end of sab' board fence und a 2x3 redwood post lv . live willow it-nee between the land de orlbed in compla nt uud sa d land o Valilula Abila, Ih n c north 82K dettrets east aiong «aid fencj to ihe south western corn* rof said tr.>c a lo.ted to Maria OH vera de Allamlrano heretofore; theuce running south 51% oegrees east 4 87 lOOnhati s to ihe place oi uegluniuaf, coutainlug 4l»*Uoi> acres o land, Hefert-nce is hereby made t» th' map annexe*! to ihe report f*-f furlbei dt,--criptiou ofthe tract of land above de scribed. \ nested under my hand, this -J 1 duj of Muy, A. D. itt>l. W. ft. ROWLAND. Bherlff. By J. C. ICaYS, Under Sheriff. PROPOSALS For the Purchase of Forty-Six Bonds oi the County ot Los Angeles. OmOl OF TUB TIUSA9URr.IT OF TUB I CuCN V OP LOS ANQLi.ES, f Los Angeies, Cab, May 13, 1861. .1 In accordance wiib a resolution of tin Board of Mupervisum of Los county, duted the fourth day of May, ISM, sealed proposal- will be received b : , t he i'reasurei of the county of Loe ctntte les, at bis office, in tbe city and count ot Cos Angeies, until Hi o'clock a.m. ou Juno Gth. 1881, for the purchase ot f-rty sixboudsof the couuty uf Los Ai geles. of one thousand dollars each, bearing Interest at tne rate of six per cent, pei annum, interest payable seu.i-auniially, ou the drat days of January and July o eaoh year, both principal and interes payable in gold coin ofthe United male-, said bonds to run from ih- first day ot July, 1841, to tho first day of July, )Uoi. o> payable at any time beiore maturity, at the pietsure oi tbe counly Wald bonds are lasued » the Board ot Supervisors ol Los Angeles county, un der the provisions of Chapter 11. of th PoUUohI i ode ut California, and in con fortuity with a re-oiuiiun of said Board dated tbe fourth day of May. UBI. ' >- ropnsais will tie recelv*d for purchas lug any or all ot said hondn. The county reserves tho right to reiect aoy or a 1 proposals. M. LINDIJCY, Treasurer of Los Mig ies Cou .iy. Bgy XV. SPKNCK. Deputy. mU-80d NOTICE. Ths pabllo ara hereby notified tba> neither tb* a,*nt or maatrrof tbe British sraipS ottl h Mlostrel win b» reapona bis tat any deoia contracted by anj member uf ber oistr. MrS lw 0. H. MANSFIELD, Ag*t>* LEGAL. Sale of Real Eatate By Administrator with the w 111 annexed. Ia the Superior Courtof Loe Ange les County, State of California. In re the estato of Rosa Isabella D. Baldwin, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that in pursu ance oi tbe order 01 said superior Court uf the county of Los Angeies, state vi Culuoruia, uiadeon iheb.u day of May, a. D. Igft, iv the mat.erof lhe estate oi HOsa Isabella mt, iiaid win, deceased, the undersigned, administrator with tbe Will annexed 01 said estate, will sell at private saie to the nigUest aud best bid uer lor cash uud aubject to the contl.m atluo oi said Superior Court, all me right, line, interest aud estate of the said deceased al ihe time of birueatb, aud all ihe right, title and interest the said estate has, by operation of law 01 otherwise, acquired other than or in ad dition to that vi tue mi id deceased ut ihe iiiu-v oi her denth lv and lo tiiose certain 10**. pieces,or tracis ol lund lylug and being lv the couuty ol Los Angeies, otuit ul t_.»i Hoi nia, ana described us follows, town: tirai—Commencing nt v forked willow iree abOM .1 1 nelics through, marked 015, tv black pa,nt, winch In situ a leu near 1 tie hutik 01 the l«nju or Irrigating uitcu una corresponds \wiii aud is Mn. ir,otasurve> inuue iv Dccc inner, ig?u oy 11. M. John-ion uf tue 11 rigaole llut vi me i.auctto Los re:./, reicreuce lo wit.eh is In-it ny more particularly made; tneuce, lullowlug the line 01 said survey IS Pfi degrees wove cuuiit uud I:C.oniy.eifclH links; ihence a iiffm degrees bi g*l6 cnaius; tneuce m\ uctieta a i.76 chuius; thence > 1«H de grees WI 51 cnaius; theuce N 1.2 , ue giees L 2 Si OtuttUsj thence a u« ; i t:.. -ttlMli ChUIUH IO SllttlOU -i Ol .IoUUaUU'b Niuvey; thenco A degrees E zB.au cut.il]-.; thtmcu S IUM dtg.ees w 20.3 i elialus; lueiictt S 71'' 4 degrees W ium chains; thence N oj degrees \v sou OuMiiiM to lue point ol beniuuing the to tal mi ea 01 ibe laud hereby conveyed being 6-i o*lPu auics 11 laud. octouu—Aiso the oue-mlh Interest in about 3 800 aciea 01 tuat cerialu iract 01 lanu situate, lylug und being in iv« county 01 u.os Augeles, .sLaiout (Jailtur uiu, aud mute particularly uescubedas foiiuwn, to wit; Commenc.ng ut tue iiVer ol Los Augeles, ul au ova tiee, a i«uu-tuurk ol me luucitu caiied 'jfruvi deucia," uear a ilto'i alio, aud running ineuce souiuwesierly aioug tue v.,11 un ary lineol Aaid Kuucho La rrovldenclu tv the a 11=0 tree uf the uopalero; lucuc eaateiiy to the ".-tguuge ue Mocuvei*ga;" thence toa point lv liuni uf tne "Aguugc uel SaUultO;" tueutv in unoiner mragui liuw passing directly through tne 1 ot'tezueia to the river of Lo, Augeien; thence up the cuaunei 01 in- saiu river to the place o beginning, tue lauu heteuy uuscilbeu being a pvrt of the HanCuu Lus Feiiz, lo Maug. YgUaciu Vetdugj by jduuuei Mieheitoreu.. MurCu 22. 1841, saving aud ejk.cepilug ftum the last above uescribed iiact a cenaln parcel ut taud described us iuliows; Commencing at a letlWouu Slake lv mound ot Bluu.es marked f. v. &. 1, 4x4 incues m Uiaiue itr aud distant Id iluaa iroui theceutei 0. theCuual aud tve.-ervoir company'» diun and uu north side uf kuuic.iiuiii WtktOu point a Lve-ouk tree abuut 4 feet ludiuioetei andmaraea B. i'.s. t. I*. v., Uears JS 43-J* degrees tv 271 cnaius dis- Uuilj auotuet nve-uaa ou Oppbiiie siue OL lvcaeiVUirLOQlt>ttli>'a dt.CU tlUulll feet in d.auit.ur, oiaZod una inuiaed o T. IH, 3tt. I k*. if., bears n buy* degrees X £2$ uhuiuo distant, aud 18 uu Lue WeMi buna of v Hiuuliguichi ihence n lcn liuas 10 the uurthWurdof Uehervoi. L'unij.uiij'a ditch N j' 4 degreea vv t>2* cuun.s tv sandstone aud stake mutkea a. 2, 6t. liuks frum cuter ot uiu v it .in. wiilch iju.ii. v live .... k. t.eti M UoUk ltd iv ulutueler ueur > uge ut ditch Uig ees W U,2j cualuS ul • taut, ttuotner ove-uuk auuut bazue siZe ueais> Wltn degrees W ii.UUCuaiua cti comer of Joso I'amV.i a .uuu bouse Lears IN 4u degrcea £ 4.4. chains aud is i.t* cnaius lung by 27 4de gteeM >v 2bi chains lo a stake "7 links v.a.an 1 frum center oi ditch aud maraed ».^ 4 d> gives » iJUt chains to v siuae 10 unas Irou, ccntt roi d.ich and marked a. t; tlieuce jN i6}+ tl. gives i-. 4.65 cua.us to v aiuae 11 ilufca uohi ceutcr ul uitcn uud inaiked a Vj theuce is 2 dc gr.es W b.ib chains to a Itakfl UistautiU uiiasfrom ceute. of dlccuaud maiked a lv; thence jN AHy t d grees vv b.o; cnaius tv a stake 3 Ef>D links dis tau ; another live uai same »iue, ef>iut ■ia* oi ouch, beats a 4#y m uegtees t: »0 auks dislaui; thence aloug dn.cn uu hill* side» vv tf.db chains loa stake li links irom center ol ditcu aud uiaiktd 12; theuce i\ $hy A d. grees n &ju chaiiu Lubuike ib ir. iv t-jnter uf d.tcu auu maiked a. 13; theuce a 4u^ 4 uegices w ,"i.hj cuaius to a stake maratd ». 14; tneuce .% »>4 degrees X 11.6J cuains to v •al.iuw stump utazeu auu marked with black paim a. lo; thence a.ong diich uuu edge of small swamp vv t haiua to a aiake ii> iiuas irum ceutei ol di>ch and maraeu M. lb; tneuce A de< grees i. 2.7 a chains to a stake g iiuas Hum cen er 01 uncu aud maiked a. 17; ihence 3 wi% degrees X 1.75 cuains to a make ma. aed 18, on eus.erly side of flood gAie; tneuce N 32y v octrees X L3schains. aiuiuj center 01 ruunlug wa«.er uf ditch aud turougn a deep cut wnlch crosse-, udl on puiui ol wnich is Jocaied houae of K. r*aco to staae maritraS. ID; thent c N3>4 degrees W 223 chains to a stake maiked a. 2% thei.ee IN \\>v A degrtes W sJ.,cuains to v .Make 2b links from center oiuucu sua luaikeu & Hij theuce .\ 2i- A .egrees h. 2.87 chuius lv a stuko IS links irutu centie ol dttch aud marked a t xt; ihence H 37>£ degrees tv 2bl chains to Make m*rk d «. », thencu ls 4y t d grees W 4 47 chains to stake 2a Unas rtumuiich ami, maraed .->. 24; tneuce C* vV 4.ia ciiain" to v staae 15liuk>irum ditch and maiked ». 25; thence ri ad^du trtcs t a,ij ch-.li.tt lv a Staku iuiluaS irumeeuteroi uhcu and maiked ti- 2d; theuce N Il?4 degrees »> 2 62 oualuNtoa slake marked H, g«; theuce ou side oi uiu between ditch and iouu in r2>\ de grees w g.t>9cbalus dtaku on edgj 01 .uad marked >S zt.;. theuce in y^> 4 de crees Vv 6.W7 chains to stuke on edge of tuau aud maiked o. 29; tneuce ti de giess W 4.87 chains lv a stake oue u g«ul di eh auu murked ». ihence a ung edge uf ditcu IN Hi degrees VV 6uu chain, tj stake en c. ge ol road and marked 8 |i* thence N 3V/4 degrees W 4.01 chains tv a slake be wee v ruad aud u'.tch aud marked St. M 2; thence along Canai auu Reservoir Company's di ou 4 n 2H deg ees VV il.iO cnaius to a stake maiked a, 8r meuce fuiiowlug meuudeis ol r.Yer bank N 83V 4 degrees * 4.7U cnaiu* to a stake ut ue .d ol deep WasU aud marked a. SI; ihence N 41^ue M rees E S.bi cnaius to a aiake oa edge or bauk marked H. gi; theuce N So aegrees E i.jl chalus to a stake on Westerly bide uf sauja maratd ,i. aa; meuce N 45; 4 degree* J£ iu.uuchaiu» v stake maiked o. U7; thunce c is ao grees W t.b7onun>s tv v stake mark« 1 s .is. irum which point a wiliuw tree mark ed B. l.fcS. 88 c. v, bears N4l ' 4 ucgrees L tfg links distant; thencu o J»ji dtgreea tv 2.70 chains to Stake tnarkeue*. 8»; tneuce 1 degrees r. 7.b4 rhaios lv sLak. maiked », 10; thenoe ti 7% degrees t. 8 Ou cuains to stake mu.ked o. 41) tneuce -4 degrete W 14.84 chains to stake marked n, 42; thenoi n 2% degr.es a J.o* cnaina t*> stake marked H. 48; tbcute 74? i degiees X l.tl chains 10 oak ( .n, iv nneol wihow l- nee marked 44 t t>. thtuoe M. n !» dtgreea VV. 31.42 cuains along said willow fence losLaae lv Hue ■ f feuc« uud marked a. 4;>, theuo a. lt% M grees C 16.15 chains to stake markru 40; thence s aegreea i: 11.58 chains 1,0 stake marked a. 47; thence ti ;ret nL b.86 ohaius tj i-tafce maraed a 48; thence a. 38 degrees £. 1J.37 chains 10 p"St in line 01 willow lence at internee ion of said f nee with L. A. C. VV. W Co's j eh and maraed f Ik h. 49; ibence ti. degrees W. 808 chains slung |iv* wniow fence to slake marked H tuence N. 77 degiees W. 69 chaiuh to Htake marked S 61; thence 8 54 degrees W. 68b chains tv stake marked a. 62; Ihence a. 22% VV. 14 &v hams to stake inaiked S. 63, theuce a Itte degreta W 10.13 cuains ljfltaae4x4 aches In diameter in mound ol siunea tnd marked t. I), a. l.iho place ot ulug and containing 823 a.b9j acres ul laud and being the sumo tract of lanu witbln the exterior boundaries or which is luoluded tbe 64 acre tract herelnbefor* j escribed, and all of said lands being wltbia the exterior boundaries of tbe itancho "Los *elu"and forming apart hereof. Also.all tbe water rights, easement nd servitudes to each or said diner* ut iHcis belonging or lv any way apper taining. • said sale will be made on or after the 6th DA7 OF JUNE. 1881. AU bids or offers mast be in wriilns md will be received at tne offloe of Messrs. Phillip * Baldwin. No 67 Mela ■tract, Loa Angeies eltjr, CfJe. l ermay be LEGAL. delivered to the administrator personal ly.or tiled wltb tho clerk of said r-uperlor Court, at any time after the first publica tion of this notice and before the making of ibe saie. Terois and conditions of sale—Ten per cent, of tbe purchase nioney to be paid upon notice ut acceptance ol bid, balauce on coflrinaiion of sale by said Superior Court, need at expense of purchtist r. Dated Los Angeles, Cal.. May 1881. JOHN M. BALDWIN, Administrator with tne win annexed of the estate of feoca IsubcHu D. Baldwin, deceased. Eastman, Haley, King ft RohartS, At torneys lor (he (-stute. MORTGAGE SALE. Execution No. - . Ia the Superior Court of ihe county of Loj Angeles, RttUe* of California. Edward L. Muyberry, Plaintiff,l vs. { Merced Abbot et al, Defendants.) Under and by virtue of a decree Ol fore closure aud order ot saie en tered iv the superior Court »f the county of Los Angeles. State ol California, oat lie lit h dsy of May, A. 1> I*Bl, and a writ ot execution for the en iorcement of judgment requiring sale of property uniei foreclosure of iiiorfguge, •slued uui uf said Court, annexed lo said decree aud dated tne 20th day of May, A. D 183t,lnine above eutllcd actlun und iniavorof Edwaid L. Mayberry, plain ill', and against Merced Abbot, alius Merced Garcia do Abbot. John Abbot. Salinas Abbot, William Aobot, Aurun Abbot, Amos Abbot, Merced abbot.as executrix ot the last will and testament of William Abbot, deceased, Merced \bbot, daughter or the above named Merced Abbot, Frank Abbot, Geuige abbot, Catarina abbot and the City of Los Aumeles, deiendanU,a certified copy of which said decree of foreclosure, duiy attested under tbe seal ot said Court ou the2iJthday of May, A. *D. 1881, and de livered tv me, together with the writ an nexed thereto, on the 27th day of May, \.T* 1881, whereby 1 am commanded to sell at public auction, to the hlgbest and t»est bidder, for cash lv U.S. void coin, the following and In said decree de scribed real estate, to wit: 1 irst— A lot bounded on tho wen by Main street and fronting thereon ihtrty six feet; on the north by a lot formerly owned by Pio i-ico and on which the Pico rjouie utand-; on Ihe east oy Sanchez street and having a frontage thereon of 6 feet, more or ie<>s; and on the south by a iotformerly owned by W H.Perry and WaJlaiw Woodworm, the lo; hereby describe ) bolng tue same lot ou win-h stands what is known as the Merced Theater building. Second—A lot bounded on the west by Main street, on the north by lot former ly of W. H. Pert 7 and Wallace Wood w >rth; on the east by Sanchez street, and on the south by lot now or formerly ol F, A MaoDougall, having a frontage • -f about SO feet on Main street aad an equsl nuntage on Sanchez stiect. and oe-iug the same lot occupied by William Abt ot, since deceased, as a furniture store. rubllc notice Is hereby given that on TUESDAY, THE Slit DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1&S1, At UO'oIOOI M of said day, I will pro ceed to sell, at the Court house door, in thecitv and county of I.os Augeles,Stale of California, at public uuction. lo the highest and best bidder for osh lv If. S. gold coin, to satisfy sad decree tor prin cipal aud Interest, attorney's f e<, > osts an 1' 11 accruing costs, ull the above de scribed reai estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary 10 satisfy said sums. Given und r my hand, tnts *7th dayof May, A. D. 1881. Wt K. KOWu.Nb. Sheriff. By Jas. 0. K**s. Under Blioriit. SHERIFFS SALE Under Foreclosure of Mortgage. Execution No. 491. Iv the Buperlor Court of the county of Loa Augele-, State of Califor nia. A. LUIS WALTER, Plaintiff,! vs. I Pio Pico et al., Defendants.) Under and by virtue of a decree ol fore closure and orderof snio entered lv the Superior Court utoreeaid on the h day of May, a. D. l)>3l,uud a will of execu tion for the enforcement ot judgment re* quiring sale of property under foreclos ure of mortgage issued out of said Court, unueXed tv said decree and dated the utb day of May, A. L>. 1881, iv the übove emit ed action and in favor 01 Andres Hriswalter, plaintiff, and against Pio Pico, J. U. Lucas, A. v. Chapman, 'iheodureC. Porter, W.Woodworth, John Hancock, the City or Los Angeles aud Maria Martinez, defendants, a certified copy of wnlch said deoree ot foreclosure, duly attested under the seal of said court on the 6th day of May, A. D. 1881, and dellveied tome, together with the writ annexed there to, on tbe said last mentioned day, whereby I am commanded to soli at publlo auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash iv United States gold coin, the following nnd lv said de oreedescrlbed real estate,to-wlt: All ihuse certain lots or parcels of land situated in the city of Los Angeles, coun ty ot Los Angele-s and state of California, and more particularly described as fol lows, to wl(: one lot bounded on tbe north by the main plaza, on the east by the small piuza and the lot formerly of Ocampo; un the south by the lot formetly of r*e pulveda and on the west by Sanchez street. One lot bounded on the north by the school house (lot No. 1); eu--t by tne lot or Petanconl; south by the lot of Maria Martinez, uud on ihe west by bath street. One lot bounded on the north by the Catholic Church; t ust by Main street; south by the lot of Mrs. Sancboz, and westb, the lot of tho Gas Company; ref erence being made for further descrip tion uf add three tracts of lund übove describe 1 to the mortgage from Pio Pico to Andres Rnswulier, recorded in the of fice ofthe Oouniy Kecorderof Los Ange les county, Iv book No. 29, page 859, et seq. Publio notice Is hereby given that on TUESDAY, THE 31st DAY OF MAY', A. D. 1881, At twelve o'clock h, oi said day, I will proceed to sell at the Court House door, in the City and County of Los Angeles, State of California, at publio auction, to the highest and bid der, for cash in United States gold coin, tc satisfy said deoree for principal aud interest, attorney's tees, costs, and all accruing costs, all the abore described real estato, or ao mnou thereof as m..y bu necessary to satisfy ssld sums. Given nuder mv h«ud, thii (>tb -dsy of May, A. li 1881. WM. R. KOWLAND, Sheriff. Ry JAS. C. KAYS, Under Sherlit. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Jacob L. Wrlghf, deceased.— Notice is bereuy given by the under signed, execu< rix 01 the last will aud tes tament of Jacob 1 m W r -in , deceased, to the creditors oi, and alt persons having c alms against tbe said deceased, 10 ex ulbli. them, with the necessary vouch ers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to be-aidex ecutrix, at the ( tlicu of her atloruev, Nu, 4 Temple liloi k. In ihe city of Los An geies. In the counly of Los Angeles,state of California. Dated ul Los Am ' los. May 17, l«Kl. ADa LINK WK.GHT, EXCCUtriX, eto.,Of Jacob L. « right, do ceased, my 18-iw ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Los Angeles Oil Company. Loeutlouof principal plane of business, Los Augeles. Califoruia. L"Cailou of woik.i, Ventura cutiutj ,California Notice Is hereby given that at a meet ing of tne Kouru of Directors of tbis com pany held on the liflh day of May, iBsi.au assessment (No. lv uf fifteen (15o> cents per share was levied upon ib> capital stuck of Lhe company, payable Immediately, in Us. gold coin, to the Seoretary, at room No. 5, lemplu Block, city of Los Angeles. And any slock upon whioh this assess ment remains unpaid on Tuesday, tbe 84'h day of Jun-, ltfBj, will be deln.queni and advertised f *r sale at pr bile auction. and. unless payment In made before, wll hp sold on Tuenduy. tbe IH. h day of Jul v. 1881, to pay delinquent costs of advertising and expenses of sale. W. J. NlfiKLY.se reiary, , mm No. 6, Temple Blook. Los Angeles, May 23,1881. 4* m mm ''\t%%4m in ' LEGAi,. SUMMONS In the Superior Court Of the State of California in a for the County of Loe A dgefes Francisco Orazlde, platntifl", vs. Oliver Devlllers, defendant. Action broogtitiu the Superior Court of the State of Califoruia, lv and for (lv* county of Los Angeles, and the com plaint filed in said county of Los Ange ies, la the office oi Ihe Clerk of Said Sa* perlorCourt, The People of tho State of California send gieetlng to Oliver Devlllers, de fendant. You are hereby required to appear in an action brougbt ugaiust you by the above named plaintiff In the auperior Courtof the State of California, iv aud for tbe couuty of Los Angeles, and 10 an swer the complaint tiled therein, within ten da> s (exclusive ol tbe day of service) after tbe service on you of this summons —if served within this county; or, li served elsewhere, within thirty days—or judgment by default will betaken against you according to the prayer of said com plaint. iho said action Is brought to obtain n decree of ibis Court lor the foreclosure of a cenaln mortgage described in the said complaint, and executed by tbe Bald v. Devilleis toC. Orazlue, on the ;j 1 day ol October, 1876, to seoure the payment of a certain promissory note, mado on tbe 3d dayof October, 1876, by o. Devlllers. for the sum ol $300 gold colu.with Interest at tbe rate of l'- 4 per cent per month irom date until pa>d, and payu ble to the s.iid C. Grazide; that the piemises conveyed by said mortgage may be sold and the pnuveds applied to the payment of £300 noid nolo, with Interest al tbo raie of \% percent per mouth trom Oct 'ber 3, 1870 and lor 10 per cent us attorney's lees, as provided for In said mortgage, and costs of suit; aud in cuso such proceeds ate not sumcienlio pay the sume,tbHn to ob tain un execution against si. id defendant for tbe balauce remaining due; and also that the defendant and hi 1 persons claim ing by, through or under bim, may be barred aad foieclosed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity 01 redemption and In terest In aud to s&id mortgaged premises' and for otber and further relief. Heierence ls had to complulut for par ticulars. And you are hereby notified that if you fall to appear and arswtr tho said com plaint, as above required, tho said plain tin will apply to tbe Court for the reilei demanded In the said complaint. Given under my hand and the seal 01 the Superior Court of the State 01 Call fo, nia, in and for tue county of Los Ange les, this 4th day of March, in the year ot our Lord.one thousand eight hun - dred and eighty-one. LSeui.l A. W. POTTS, Clerk. By A. HIMPAI7, Deputy. Endorsed: Walter d. stephenson, mB-2m Attorney lor Plaintiff* Summons. In the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the county of Lop AngelOS. The Farmers'and Merchants' Panko' Los Angeles, ft corporation, plaintiff, vs. Crlstoval Macnado el al, defendants Action brought in the Superior Court or the State of California, lv and for the county of Los Angeles, and the cum {daint filed in sold .county of Los es, in ibe office of the Clerk oi said an perior Court. Tbe People of the State of California send greetlu* to Crlstoval Mach .d >. Jou qu v Almada nnd T D. Mo.t, Harris newmark, hasparCobn, Me.er 1. .New ma k, Morris A. Mewmark, composing the firm of H. Newmark A Co., uud i.W. tietiiuuii, d<'londaftts* >. ou are hereby icqulred to appear In an action brought you by the sbove named plaintiff In ihe Superior Courtof iheSiuie of Ca Iforuiu. in Bud for the county of Lot- Augeles, aud to an swer the complaint flied therein, within ten days (exclusive oi tbe day 0/ service) af er the service on youui thissumuion —if served witbln this county; i.r, If served eisewhere, within ihtny day-—or judgment by default will be tak< n ugaiust you, according to tho prayer of said complaint. 1 lie said action Is brought to obtain a decree of tbis court for the l'oe -Insure of a cerialu mor gage described in tbe said complaint and ex. cut -d by the *uid OrlM tuval Machado tv lhe plalutlit herein on the first duy of November A O 1876 to S'Curethe payment of ac-rtaln promis sory note of date Oct. 31st, 1576, fur in* sum ul 81000, with inteiest then on iron date tbl paid at tbe rate ot 1J« percent, per mouth; If not paid punctually 10 he compounded and bear like Interest; exe cuted by defendant Ortstoval M'Cbad>>. to the plaintiff hereto (all in U. S. gold coin); tbat the premises conveyed by said mortgage may be suld and the pro ceeds spplied lo the payment of the said principal sum of $1000, with Interest at the rate of one aud uue- half percent pei nioutlt,compounded monthly, rom in* Set h day of April. A- D. 1879; SY7 48 taxes paid March 12, 1878; $31.03 ou 20lh Match, 1879; $2101 paid on sth February, lBao. $15.00 paid Dec. xu.lSfto; $19.40 paid Febru ary Ist, 1881, with interest thereon at ihe rate of 1% per tent per mouth till paid irom tbeir respective dates; counsel tees at tbe rate of 10 per ceni ou the ainouni of luclgmeut recovered, aud lor costs of suit; ana In case such proceeds are not sufficient to pay tbe same, then to obtain an execution against said Crls oval Machado lor the balance remaining due; uud also thai tbe defendants aud all persons claiming by,through or under them,may be barred and foreclosed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity of redemption and Interest lv and lo said mortgaged premises, and fjro herund mrtber relief. Reference Is had 10 complaint for par ticulars. And yon are hereby notified that if you fall to appear and answer tue said com plaint as above required, the sad plain tiff will apply to the Court fur the relief demanded lv the said complaint. Qlven under my hand aud the Real of the Superior Courtof the State of Califor nia, in and for ihe county of Los Ange les, tnis sth dayof Februaty, lntheyear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aud eighty-one, (Seal.) A. W. POTTS. Clerk. By L. H. OWEN, Deputy. XHuM A sfFPHEN*. mr3o-2m Attorneys lor PJaintiil. In the Superior Court Of Los Angeles County, State of of California. L. W. Klrhy, an Inso'vent Debtor, vs. Ills Creditors. The petition of Meritz Meyberg, as signee of L Wt Kiroy. above eutltled Insolvent debtor, eouilng un regulari> for hearing Mils day, and It appearing to the satisfaction or this Court tbat there liss ueen a failure of proper publication of notice Ut creditors of said insolvent csla c of said hearing, hy reason of Ihe lailuie of tbe Clerk uf t his Court to mat 1 or to serve personally said creditor* with copies of tbe order heretofore m«de setting this matter for hearing, as or dered by ibis Com t by order made and filed ot date May 4, 1881. It ls hereby ordered tbat tho ordot hereinbefore made on tie 4th day ut May. 1881, setting the petition ofthe saiu assignee for sale of assets ot said insol vent . state for hearlug May 16 isSi.aud directing no-lee of said hearing to b given. bedeoUred oull and void.md on motion of counsel for said as said order Is berebv set aside and vac-it ed; and, it appearing to the Cun from the records herein tbat Merits Mey berg, assignee of L W. Kltb,, abovo-eu tltied Insolvent,did on the 4 said petition. And tbat this urder be pubi shed in th* Dally h. raid, a newspaper ul general 'droulation, published In tbo city and co-imy of Los Angeb s, state o Callfur via, as often as tne said paper is puo nsbed before tbe said day sol ror ib< '.earing of said pe'itbm; and that ami.< oftbli order be served by t be Clerk uf tub Court for hwbb by United Stales nail, postiue prepaid, or personally, 011 all creditors named In tbe schedule. Dated stay 16,1881. V. E. HOWARD, m v I7td Judge of tbe auperior Court. For Sale. TEN ORTWFNTY ACRES of GOOD L\ND, uear the city, well improved, with bearing trees and grapevines, and a bouse, nam, windmill, etc. Al»o, FOUR DWKLLINO HOUsFK netrihe Normal school grounds, will be sold cheap. For particulars enquire of H. ED WARDS, at the central cUablcs, Bering street, opposite tho Oourt Hoose. attHm LEGAL. SHERIFF'S SALE. BkMUtton No. EC7O. ta tbeSt'ptrlor OonrC of liie Counly of Lo« AngeleSetotate erf California. A. LOTHIAN, Plalntlfl, i LKWIw WOLFSKILu, Defendant.) I'ndcr and by virtue Of iiu cxocutlon Is sued out (if Uie MHperlor Court of ibe county oi" Lou Anneles, «tat« ol Cultfor- n nt, o i tile 51 ti day of .V] uy, A. i> IBSI. to ma directed and delivered on the 18 b day or May, A. D ISS', for a ludvtnt-nt rendered In I un DllUloC Cuurt ol the l?Mi J Bdl'dai Diatrlot ol m d ouunty nf Lo* Ac galea, State of Calif rum, ou thcfjth dny of luno, A I). 1579, lv fuVjr ol A. • otlilim, plHlntlff, and egalut Lewis Woiisktii, defendant11 have levied upon aud fch .11 ou SATURDAY, THE 4th DAY OK JUNE, A. D. ISSI, At 12 o'clock H, or laid day, proceed lo ■ell, at tbe Oourt House door, in the olty und couuty of Los Aiiinles, al -te ■ f Cal iiorui.t, at public n&d on, to thu hlgbeNt aud best bidder, (Or cask in U. gold coin, to satiNiy said Jtuitfrnfm, lnt« rcsl aud co-is, and all accruing costs, all tuc titcut, title n nd intertst ofsaid uefenduut which be bad on iho day wbOQ ihe tuiig me it wa<* dt ckoied or at any time tuorc uitt r lv uLd tul First-All Ihftttraet or parcel of land, rl uate, lyliiK «nu ueing In .ho coumy oi Los Ai rites, 8 tttc of Uailfontla, known hs thd IttU' ho satite of imviu ehuitpg, deoeasfd* will tvell at puulic ituctiou, to the lit.li M I ler, for o*»i»fi in U. H. g -Id coin iui ; cc- to - Ouflr matlon by vi .' ■ t ~ . MONDAY, THE SIXTH DAY OF JUNE, lStit, at eleven o'clock a. m., in front of the .sheriff's t fflcc, at the court House vi -aid county, in the city and OuUuly ol Los a naelee, all t ,<■ rfsnt, title, interest and osiate of tue stid Uavld Phillips at the tune ol his death, uud all tun iuli , title uud interest ihrUtbeeald e>t .tehas b> operation oi law or OtbOiWise, he gui ed other than or iv addttl<-n to lhat of ir.e Kald deceased at the time ot his deaih. In uud to aL thut certain lot pleceorparoej of Und Bl uate, b lug and being lv ihe said cny .nd county o Los Ana ties, State ol Cal foi i.la, und bounded and deoilbfd u> f dlows, to wt: Lot No 6of blOOk 101, Bel lev US Terrace Tr.'Ct. accord In g lo the survey oi said iract maie by rraok Lecouvieur, ."aid lot iionis on itet on olive stieet by 185 IOOt deep 1 frins and o md it tons of sale: Cash in U a g.dd coin paa vi' « ••: » me nl -a", to be refuuded snou tv the superior court, lail tooonfirm tha sale. J, A. GRAVED, Auut> u> Lo> Augeles, un i Fred. Sleeker, residing in ihe el yof i.os AuttaleM, coumy ot Loe Angeles, in tue t*taia of Calliorota, uo hereby oorilfy and declare thatwehavs huil loimed into v ao*parinership, uud we covenant and agr< o each with ihe other, to be co-p,»rt uers tor ttte purpose oi carr> lug and coo ducting ihe uur.inet-3 of cairyingou ihe New York Brewtry. in tbe elty of Los Aiign es. county of Los Angela*, State ol California, under the linn name aud sty le ol liAUl'HikUl l-.CKKet i h tt the p« Incipsi place of business r.f Nniu co-paitner»uip Is .--iiu.ited in the olty o 1 Los Anueles. couuty of Los Angeles, and -ia '■' aforesaid. 1 hat the names of all the personsin terested as partnews in sul>li buslue»>S are übovo slated and si«:nea hereto, and that such partnership will oout iuue auu be In forcT) until fUrtuer n.,t c i by us. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hauds and seals, this sccoud da> of May. A.U. ISSI. ISeal.] PHH* L\UTFI, LSsal.J I'HKi). SIkCKfCR. j STATE Off CALIFORNIA, I County of Lus Angeles. J sa On this seuoud day ol May, In tho year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred aud eighty 000, before me, A. W. Potts, Couuty Clerk and ex-omcio Clerk of the superior Court In and lor said county, personally uppr-ared Phil. Lauih uud Fred, meeker, known io me to be tho persons Wuose names are subscribed to the within In sttuuieut, and acknowledged to uu thut tbey executed tue same. lv witness whereof, I have hereunto set my baud aud athxed the seal uf said t'ourt, ibe day and year in this certificate fiist above written. (seal J A. W. POTTS, County Clerk and ex-omcio Clerk ol eaid superior court. Hy to. H.OWEN,Deputy. in 3 IVotlee tv Cretlitors. In the Bupprlor Court of Los Ange lea couuty, titatu of California. In the matter of ibe estate of MAT THKW KfiLLhR, Deceased. —Notice In hereby given by thu undcrsigint d, execu tor of tuo last will and test ament or M\ITHEvV KKLLfctt. decs ised, to trbo crsdltoi.s of auu all per sons having claims agalust tbe said de ceased, io exblbli tbem, v nh Ihe necesHa ry vouchers, w thm teu mouths af<«ar the rtist publoaiiou of tills no lea, to tne -aid execuLn ,ut his plafl* of he i«\n ihit.s' and Merchants' bank uf Los Angeles, in tne city of Los Angeles, county of Los AOgeleS, State of Calllor nla. Dated May 14, m\. HALS W. HRLLMAN, FZfOQtor of lb last will ami testa ment of Maini w X -ller, dec ju;iud. myl.Tiw IN THE SUPERIOR COURT~ OfthefSiuto <»f Culifortita, in and for the County oi Log Augel#B, In tbo matter of ihe estato or t Nicolas QiiUolu, deceased, | It appearing to this Court by tlie pctl lon this day pre-euied an i filed by Ut* tugia qulrolo, tha admin stiairlx of tne riMiale uf Nicolas Quiiolo, oiM-eascd, praying for an order of sale ol real c tate; that it Is necessary to *o I tbe whole of the real eftiaieioiay the .allowance to the lam ly, the dobts ou (. standi g against the deceased and tin debts, expenses and charges of admlnls* nation: It is thertf pro ordered by the said Court, that all poison-Interested In the Mi ate ot said dcci a->od tielore the -..id Super or tomt on Monday, i he twen'ietoday of .itit.o, A< l>. ISst. ht ten •'clock In ih»- loitnoon oi' sat ' dai*, at ibt oourt rootn of -aid uperlorCoUr at the Jourt Hons.., in the city and uwtiutyw l.os AtlgS es, io sh<».v oause wny an ordet diould do. ij" to \h- s-ud .dm n str 'tilx to S'dl , muoh ol tho real estat ■ r tbe said decease.i shall be neoes ary. And tbat a copy of this order he put>* lisbed at leasi lour successive w. o\%* I n he i os Angela llally Herald, a news* aiper prtoteu and puulished in Suld chy and county. V. E HOWARD, iSuptror Judge. Dated May 10tb,18Sl. I hereby certify the foregoing to be n lull, true and cm ct copy of th* original >rder lo r-liow cause, c c . In trse estate ol Sic 'las Q,llroio. -»eeea-ed, on Hie lv ,»y ome *, and that 1 have oarefuiiy com pared tber-ame with the original. In witness whereof, I have hereunto el my b .nd ami xfflxed the seal of ih*> Super lor Court, this Ifitn day nf May. IBBL By fi. H. OwxN, Deputy, mtttd LEOAL. lv the Superior Court Or tbe county of Loa Angelea, State of California. In the matter of tbe eatate of MarlH Antoula Villa de Xt yea, d,-cea»ed —No tice to Creditor-.—f> once la hereby given en by the undersigned, JoseYsldro But a, administrator, and Francisca Reyes, ad iiili.i-iririii ol lhe estate or lhe .aid Mnrla Autoula VII a dc rtoyps, deceased, to lhe creditors oi. hiiil ail peisoub bavlne claim*, against suld neeea-ed, to exhibit them, with lhe ucceaaary vnuchera.withlncli lour months Irom the flrsi puniiratlon oi this • otlee, 10 the said adiuinli-trator and adminis tratrix,ai ti.i.. unci sof tbe'r attorneys, .Mc»or.-. i~nilth, Brown & Mutton, attor neys ut law, roiiins number, d ul, 92 and Ml, ietii|,le nlock. In tne oity of Loa An gelas, Stut'i ol Calllornla. bated L"S AngcKs, California, May 13ih, A. D, MM, J. YSIDRO REYES, Administrator of tue estato oi Maria Antouia Vulade Heyea. deceased. FR\NCiSOA hEYES, Administratrix of tbe eatate or Maria Antonia Villa de Ke.et*, deceased. Mimm SHERIFF'S SALE. Execution No. 07». In thp Superior Court, f the county of Lib Angulea, Stuiu of Cnliror nia. Uoromerclil Bank of br« Amjules.l a corporation, Plaint 11, I aiiai ,st i The Loa Angeles a .v Allso Avenne | Mtr. et Kallroad 0 >rapany, is coi-: porullun, IJCiendaut. j Underand by vlrlue or an execution Issued out of the superior Court or tbe coumy ot Lo. Angeles, State or C il nor ma,., tbe 2utb d.v or May, AD. IfBl, to vie dlreoted and delivered on tbe IU day of May, A. i>. tSrJ•. ror v Judgment reu deied.nsnld Court on the iioth day of May. a. I). ISSI. lv favor of tbe Coinmer elal H>.nko. L.OB Angeles, a corporation, p alnnff and anainst tne Los Angeles anil Aliso Avenue Street Bat. road coin t'liuy, a coip irutloii, defendant, i bave levied upon auu shall on WEDNESDAY, THE 15th DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1881, At 12-30 o'clock P. m. or aald day, pro ceed to sell, at lhe Court House door. In tne city uuu county ot Loa Angeles.State of California, ut public auction, to ti,a Ugliest und lie, t uldder,ror caaa In U. ti nold coin, to satisfy said Ju lament, wnh imercst, costs and ,11 accruing cos, nil tbo runt, title and Interest ol suio de.enditnt in and to tbe following ■I scriiiid pr perty, situate in the city anil oounty ot Los Ansel, s, Caltlornia, to wit: lhe atreet railroad be'onglng lo aald i1»l M r-nnimenclug at a pomt on "j.'.o.' ii. 'ieujplo Block, in the Rliyof LOS Aug lee, uud extending up M.,iu street to Arcadia street, down Ar cadia to Al so, and extending ou Allso stieet to lhe eastern line of tbe tract known as Uo. le Heights, to the end of -ai i»,reet imlroad, together wlih tne truck road-bed, franeblse and all rights of way uud privileges apourteuant to »utd roadofihento beloualair. uiven under my baud, tbla 23d day of Mu\, A. ~. I8ti;. W. R. ROWLAND.Sheriff. By I.C. X \YS Under Sheriff. Assessment Notice. Los Angeles Mining and Smelting Com pan*— L ictt ton oi works, Rearing prints, inyocounty, Calnoruiu—Lo- Oailou• f priuclp-l pL.ce,.f eusln.ss, Loa Angelea, Los Angeles county, California. Notice ls hereby given that al. a meet lug oi tho Buard of Directors of s.»ld C-,lnp,ny bold on the thine, tub day of Mhj , ISBI, un Hsseaameut, number six (9), or one d , lur and seventy-five centsper share was levied on the entire capital si. ea of said corp. ration, p. yable imme diately iv i win money, to J n. Elliott, s.-cin'.iry of a 1,1 com, any, at bis otthe, No. I Ten,pie Block, lv Ibe city and county of Los Angeles, Stale of Calllor nla Anyatock upon which thl. assessment shall remain unpaid on Tuesday, tbe sth oiiy of July, 1881, win be delinquent and advertised ror sale ut public auu Ion: i,ml, unless payment is made before, will bu sool on i'upsday, tbe 9.h day or Au atiat, iSSl,lo pay s ,ld delinquent assess inenl, together with cost ol advertising anil ex pens, sol sale. By order uf tbe Hoard or Direolors. I. M. El.l.liiri\-ec etojy. Office of Secretary, No. 1 Temple Bl.ck, c ; ty and counly ol i,us Augeles, Ctllfur. nia, tnlllw J. G. DeTurk, FEED AND LIVERY STABLES, Near corner of First and Fort atreels. e-a-BuL'giea. spring wagons and saddle horses to biro. Double team and tmggy.a day............53.nQ Two borsea and spring wagon, a day. 2.60 Horse aud buggy, per iluy„, Hlwt . HHH . 2.60 Hall a day „„.._ „ „. 1.80 GUARANTEED. a22tf BRANCH OF THE PACIFIC I Ocean House, Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica. »»rFlrst-01ail in Every Roepeot.-Be This popular bouse having been thor oughly rennvateil and leQtted. Is open tor ibe ucoommodatiou of tbe publlo. THP. r A [ILK Will ha supplied wltb ail he luxuries the market auor.ia. MRS. S. KaYLKY, opWtf Proprlatreaa. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Tho Annual Meeting of thfis'ockhoid eta of tiiH Los Augeles vt inlng ana »m--!t -lug Cotapuny will be heid at ibe office of tbe Company. No. 1 'j ample Bii.ak. Loa Aogol***. uu Monday, the Sixth day of June lt>Bl.atone o'clock p. a. mttftd J. M. ELLIoiT, (secretary. *sir*32nd-W Popular Monthly Drawing ol tbe Commonwealth Distribution Co., AT MAOaDXEX'B THEATEJt, IN THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE, On Tuesday May 31, MSI. These drawings, occur monthly (Sun ilaya excepted/, under provision, of au set oi tne Uenerai Assembly of Ken tucky, incrpoiatlug Ibe Newport Print ing >ud Newspaper Co.. approved April ■J, 1878. «r l'bls is a special act, and haa never been repeated Tbe United States Otrcult Court on Marcb Hist, rendered the following de 0 1..011-. Ist—That the Commonwealth Distri bution Company Is legal. 2 1—its drawings are :air. The Company has bow on hand * large reserve land. Head the llstot prl/.es for the MAY DRAWING. 1 Prize - ......................130,000 1 Krize — 10,000 I Prize........ - 6,1X0 10 Prises, HOuu each IO.OuU 10 Hrlze*. loOu each.. ....... 10,000 100 Prises, 1100 each „ 10,000 AM Prises. 150 eucb _. _. Io,uoo dOO Prlaes. $20 eacll. 12,0. 0 loot. Prises $10 each lo.la 0 » Prizes, {.am eaeb, Approxlma tloo prises 2,700 U Prizes, $200 each, Approxima tion prizes _ 1,800 9 Prlzi-s, $100 eaoh. Approxima tion prices. „, 9to IDiiO Prizes - .....$"lls,400 Whole Ticket*.M. Half Ticcets, $1. 27 llckeis. $50. S> Ticket*, f.uo. Bemlt Money or Bank Draft In Letter orseud by Expresa, Don't send by reg> istered tetter or Postoffloe order. Order* it $5 and upward, by Kxpreas, can be .entatour expense. Addresa all order " R. H. BOARDMAN. Courier Journn 1 building .Lnnlavllie.Ky. kT, J. COMMERFOBP. ••• Broadway. Mew York. tuVdatw UIIM