Salt That is Not Salt. PA.TLY HERALD. Published Kvery Morning- (except Monday)bv JOSICP.I D. LYNCH. TKRMS for I'AILV HKRAU): Per milium, by mall or oxprtaa, - - - - $7.00 Six months, 4.00 Three iiionlh.. S.U I'clitfretl by carrier, pt week, .... 16c WEEKLY HERALD PUBI.ISHID l-.VEKV HATI'KHAV Moknino TKftSIS: One year l.y mall or sxpress, oils copy, fA'.i o Six months, .... 1.00 Throe months .... 110 Advertisean sits inserted st reseonsbte rste Job Work done to compete *llb Ml Frandsco tee'styls and eloaanoe of a-orkmsiishlp. Sir Lionel Playfair contributes to Oood Worm some of the reasons why tbe word "salt," as used iv the Bible, often meant wind ie called petroleum nowadays. He says: Many thiugs become comprehensi ble II we take the gencrio term salt aud apply it to petroleum aad iv residue, as phalt. I,ol'a wife, if converted into a Eillar of common salt, would have ecu washed away by the lirst shower of raiut but a pillar of asphalt, even as a memorial to her, would havo been au enduring mounnieiit, and might have been seeu by Joeeplms and his contemporary, Clement of koine, both of whom declared tbey saw it. So, also, when we nre told Mark that very one shall be salted Willi Ire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt,'* 1 see a meaning only when I recollect that iv regions containing petroleum sacrik oial lircs were fed with this fuel to aid the burning, In like manner, when Matthew likens the blessed, first to salt and immediately afterward to a lighten ed torch, (for caudles, as lnu slated, were theu unknown). I see the connection in his mind. Ho had just said that salt which had lost iv savor was only lit to be trodden under foot of men. Now, salt never does lose ils savor and is never fit to be trodden under foot. But petro leum does lose ils essence hy expusure, and out of the residue the ancients used to make asphalt pavements, as they doat thu present day. LATE TELEGRAMS. IBPKUIAL TO THS IIERALI-.I Lieutenant aehw«lk» Breaka an Arm. Sah Fhanciuco, May Sl.—Lieutenant i Frederick Schwatka, who ia now here on hie way to Aril ma, accidentally broke his arm last night. In going to the door of his room to answer raps he stumbled over a chair and in a fall sustained the injury mentioned. Arrival af Ds-leajale-a at Chlraao fjallfarala aud Nevada Irclejca ' tlaa. CniOAOO, 111., May .list.—The weather is steadily growing warmer and the political atmosphere apparently in ' sympathy, is becoming more heat ed. Tnie morning witnessed tbe 1 arrival of a large number of Contin gent delegates mainly from the Southern States who come in independent detach- , ments and representing jrregulsrly all portions of the South. There were a Itrge number of arrivals from lowa, and ' practically tbe entire delegation from that Htate is now in the city. Two Blaitie delegates came in from the eigh teenth Ohio district, and they were ac companied by somewhat over one hun dred visitors. Tbey marched to their ball from the depot in a sol d body. The •vent of the morning waa the arrival of j the California and Nevada delegations, whose transit eastward has already been ; very wid ly heralded. They were met at the depot by a delegation of citizens saAoV, preceded by martini music, were inarched to their quarters nt the Palmer house. The ladies and gentlemen of tbe < party alike were takinir part in the pro- ( cession until their arrival in the hotel lobby where dense crowds hadoolleeled The delegation gave three cheers for the , gentleman from Msiue and sepa rated. The rooms set apart for the reception of a delegation of ■ business men from New York by business men of this city in advancing • tbe oandidaey of Mr. Arthur, being richly decorated in anticipation of the arrival of the parly from the Bast. Al f 3 o'clock this afternoon at tbe (iiand IV oifio Hotel tbe managers in charge of the , movement in the interest of Logan have thrown open tbe two large parlors ou < the flrmt floor in plaue of the more con trscted quarters heretofore occupied by them. It is estimated that about three hundred delegates are now in thn city. Tbe National Convention will begin iv aaaaion at noon to day. (•■rat Ifaj af the) I hira t n t'oa ■■■Hstaji Ohicaoo, May 30.—The National Re puhliean Committee held a session be ginning to day, all the States nnd Terri tories being represented except Louisi ana, Florida, South Carolina and U ab. No business was transacted be} oml ar ranging for the distribution of tickets of idmisainn to the Contention and ap pointing J. M. Ileaii, of Wisconsin, aud James H. At me, of Miobigtn, r.-ndiug clerks. Srwaaaavr Wm aa Ibe W lon. Chk-aoo. May 31.-A special train furnished for tbe Washington corres pendants attending the Chicago conven tion by the lt.iln re aud Ohio Rail road, reached Chicago this morning. Their actual running time between Washington and Chicago, SoO milea, was twenty-one hours. Bjlddlelnn st 4'a. ar WH-lilnaton tJltr Make aw A..1«aa,e.., Washington. May 31—The fol'ow jng notice was putted this moruing npon ihe doors of tbe banking house of H. W. laddleton A Co , No. 1427 F street: "Owing to heavy eaat iminrdate de mands are have assigned to Oeorge F, Oreen for the benefit of onr crelitors," The doors of the hauk am not closed and a number of excited pi renin are gather ed inside talking ovtr tbo suspmslon. No particulars are yet obtainable, ■asraa aad ralrirk Jeyee Threats. N»w May 31.-Rom says: ■'We have g. Kngland at last. It will not be long ' ore ahe will lie on her knees. Last n ght's expl.ieiou we. only tha b.ginning of her troubles.' Patiiok Joyce, Secretary uf the Irish Revolutionary Hrotharhianl, aays: "Last night's work ought to convince Kng land we are in earnest." "You need not be surprised to hear of griatcr ones before many days, tlladstoue bet ter mind himself." rail area far the Work unreal- a Asravlag. N«w Yuan, May 31. -Tbe failures re ported the last seven days in the I' int. d State, and Canada were 177, a deer- as. of 58. A large number of delegatee for Chi caro left this morning. Waat fliaie Hs.k fgraaanea. Naw Yo»K, May 31 -The West Side bank to day rcsnmed. President Arthur had a. few callers thuj' morning. He leaves for Washing pan this afternoon. A father Kill* Hia Man with a •ward. Grasshoppers in Eldorado County. A corrospondoHt, writing of the ap pearance of grasshoppers at White Rock; above Folsom, says: "For a distance of five miles tbe ground is literally alive with them, they have been hatching for two weeks, and the largest are now about the size of large hnu-enies. Every thing green iv this section is doomed, and I fear that when they move weat, as the always do, that they will des.roy the Vatoma vineyard, if it' lies iv their track. The engineer on this morning's train told inetbey were so thick ou the track two miles below here that they mode the wheels slip. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. REMOVAL. GRAHAM & CLARKE, Have removed their Real Estate offioa to 07 Bpriug street, oppotite the Court House. ni29:tt, H. C. ORAfuv. OKonoa J. Clakkr GRAHAM & CLARKE, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, City and oountiy property boiurht, sold and ExchiirryeJ. Loans noKotlated. U. J. Clarke, Nntarv PitUic and Oouveysncer. Office 07 BpriiiK St., Los Angeles, Cal. L. W. DENNIS. C C, COaK. DENNIS A COOK Real Estate, Loan .... AJVI» .... _ INSURANCE. 94m hak kk b: ocr, Reference*- l*s Ansjeles National Bank, First Nationul Bank; I.os Angles County Bank. Have for sale Mty Property, Improved and unimproved; Vineyards, Urape and Fruit Luids RaoctJoa etc. oc.U tf A rAtacniLß, O. A. DoanaoN DOBINSON * FAIRCHILD RIAL ESTATE A INSURANCE BROKERS 10 CtiM.VfKrcJAl. STREF.T, L(« ANOKLEB (liiree doors from Main street.) aeplZtf A. w. KARHtrr. t-:. h albxardba, BARRETT, ALEXANDER & CARR, Real Estate, Mining AN 11 l\Slltl\(K BROKERS, Bernard Block, NO. 4, WEST FIRST ST., teas Assrka. I al, dstdljf MORPORD & SON? Real Estate Brokers, \«. 110 NORTH KI'HIM- tVT.. Temple Block Hmi*es, Orange Groves, Vineyards, Itancboe and Farms FOR BALI AND TO LIT. Refer by permission to J. R. Tulternian, Xx Mayor: den. (tmrge, Stmieman,; Jahn ¥. Plater Preai. L. A. County &t*k: Uen. John Maosfl-M, Ex I.U-M. Governor; R. 8. Hnk«r.\'..w (-resident L. A.Coun ty Hank; J. JfeHarth Hhorb, Vltirnlturist; K. K. Bpenor>, PrealJent Pint National Bank: I. VV llellnia'i, t'retridtsrit Farmer's and Mervl.anfs Hank dec? tf Fa*** E. Adams. J. W. Mi shat. En K. Adams ADAMS. BON * MURRAY, Real Estate Dealers aa! Mo„ey Brokers, i 'dii i-, Nn. 338 Pico House: ImpmvMl and unimproved City and Country Prai|*>rtv. orchards. Vineyaftta and Ranch.* fn the hwt localities in a.nithern Califor ni *. i orrttspondence solicited. No. M Pico House. N. Main St. .Los Angles, Ct" Ventun Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Couth Main streset. No. HB, t«tWfß*>n Rt»condand Third. lnnable rales. W. F. HATCHIR, Pro,.ri,-t.,r. Formerly proprietor nf Live Stock Kvchtviye, 117 First atreet, Loa Annate*. Cala. myUtf Gentle Women Who want glossy, luxuriant and wavy trcsgen of abundant, beautiful Hair ant use LYONS KATIIAIKON. Thia elegant, cheap article always makes Hi • Hair grow freely and faat, keeps it from falling ont, arrests and cures gray ness, removes dandruff and Itching, makes the Hair strong, giving ft a curling tend ney and keeping It in any desired position. Beau tiful, healthy Hair la the sure result of using Kathalrou. TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS 31BORDE REDELIVER, From «"aai!rmro. pirlta, A r.«ll»« njutil thnuw of a remedy that tacfrfHrwtl •iLMha.onoVjtiaL il.lueysand gala Ualao promjAiljmojlri, ,11 ImpurUle. through »eM fcrw " narerii af tha" .P"**?*-»¥g£ It" sound dl*a.tlon, W u l»H^!f, . .kh.a»daTl,rorou.body. , TrT Z. «m no nausea or griping dot lnternm TUTTS HAIR DYE.. Guar Ham oa to i»antly to mQumtrJBLXCKi»ng waters from Kara river from filling the Km nre Vista lake, it was eipecicit would be Hniahed last night. For some daya past 200 men have been engaged under the superintendence of Engineer James, working day and night. .Some idea nf tbe magnitude of the undertaking can be bad in the fact that a fierce tor rent tilty feet lv width by twenty one feat in depth has been ponriug through tha levee, with a river behind it that ia not accustomed to step at any obstacle. Piles thirty-six feet in length were driven down twelve feet into the soil, in a double row, ngainst which over 18,000 sacks of sand have been laid aa faat aa 200 hundred men and 15 teama could fill and move thorn, and 700 tons of baled barley hay to hold the earth thrown against the sacks. Aa many more teams have 'been engaged the past week hauling pi|h'ng and limber from this Cce. a ilistancc of over 13 miles, idea the teams from the differeut ranches supplying the hay. Aa soon aa tha gap ia closed the largo force will be k «iiu,cratic State Convention. to be held at !-tockton on June 10th, 1884, and for such other puOeOaea as may come properly beforei-u'h Convention. That (or the purpose of electing delegates to amid county Convention a Prluiar.. Klewiioii shall be hel l by the l>ti>HK*rats of the several precinct hereinafter named, on Rowland, Broadway, And other street* front 600 to 1000 yards west of fttfuero*. Lots losfx 178 feet at $300 each. Fine Comer, fronting east on a 120 foot street 178 feet, by 211 feet on a6O foot street, for $600. 120 feet corner New High and Franklin streets, with three cottages, $16,fi00. Lot 15, Block X, Mnt tract, on Pearl, between Second and Third streets, $jso Lot west side Carlisle Pt. in Celis Vineyard, 50X140 to 20-foot alley, $400. East of Lot 23, Meserve & Loop Tract, 20 acres, with fine water right, Po mona, $2000. 39 acies, one mile from 3e pulveda Station and ad joining Ban Kafael foot hills; ten acres has water right, $1800. 280 acres in Travis Tract at Orange, subdivided into 20 to 40 acre lots, at from $2 5 to $65 per acre, with wa ter right. A large amount of land in Antelope Valley at $5 per acre. Come and see it. 170x165 leet on Olive street, near Temple street, ats2o per front loot. SATURDAY, HAY 24th, 1384. That the polls In the severe! precincts shall lit ousn et 1 u'cloci r. m sad close at sunset of th* That the following- shall be the test Tor voten »t aaid election: First—Thar the. are qua lined voter* under tin laws of this State. Second—That they intend to support the Dem ■ ►cr.ti c ticket at the ensuing election. That the several lodge* of election, whethei appointed by this eoaimittee or other* ise elected snail be ana they are hereby authorised and re quired to canvass tba votes oast at their respect ive voting places, aud to istue to the delegate elected to said Convention proper certificates, t* be pres- nted by the delegates to the t'unventloi * hen anst mbled, and that aaid Judges seal n] Ihe ballost.ipoll and tall., lists wed at said elec tion and forward the same by some safe means, before the nieeting ol said County Convention, to the Secretary of the Itemocratic Coifnty Cen tral l omrrittee at Los Angelea City. That the following shall be and is a list of the sever I i-reelnuts, polling places judges of clec to which th* several precincts shall be and are entitled, respectively: Anaheim -Anaheim Hotel; A. Kin.uau. judge; ti delegates A zu-ta Asuea School House; T J. Gordon, judge; 4 delegates. Cahuenga -School house; F. Luhring, judge; 1 delegate rienvga Park Station; William l'nden, judge. 2 delegates. Campion— New mark's Store; ' Oeo. Carson Judge; 4 delegates. Irnarte—Scboil house; Barnes, judge; 2, El Monte -Dodson's Hotel; J. C. Hannon, Judge; ft delegates. Hisabeth lake— Heffner's Hotel; Jas. Tweedy, judge; 1 delegate. Floience— School house; 0. W. Juden, judge 3 delegates. Fountain Valley—School house; W. Caudle judge; 1 delegate. Garden Grove—School House; J. D. Price judge; 1 delegate. Lo* Ni eto*- -School house; K. M. San ford judge; ft dr legates. Lancaster- iancaster Hotel; Peter Reiehards judge; 1 delegate. Ui Virgines—F. Dominguer." house; F. Alex ander, Jmige; 1 delegate. La Halloiia—School house; J P. Young, judge - delegates. Lot Angelesv First Want -Kansas City House J. Mullallv, judge; 16 delegates, .Sec*.™iWanl---Ootirt House; H.T.001l ns, judge Third Ward-Turnrerein Hall; J. I. Morris Judge; 13 delegates. Kaurth Ward—No. I Engine House; O. II Bliss, Judge; 8 delegates. Fifth Ward- Hall of Washington Gardens; J. Downey Harvey, judge; 7 delegates. Monte Vista—School house; P.. 0. Parrlsh, judge; 2 delegates. Newhall -foil road Station; C. B. Richardson, judge; 2 delegates. Nor alk- .swigart A Speyer's Store; W W. Orr. judge; 3 delegates. Old Mission--Basey's Stare; F. A. Sanches, judge; 2 delegates. -Water Office; Patterson Bowers, Judge; 3 delegate-'. Pasadena- -school house; C. H. Watts, Judge; i delegates. Pomona—School house; Phil Stein, judge, 3 delegates. Raven*—School House; James eVßeillv, judge, 1 delegate. San Gabriel-Tuch's Stare; J. M. Tiernan, fudge; ft delegates. Kan Pedro -At Phillips' store; S. Phillips, Judgu; 1 delegate. Spaera -Metsgar's Hotel; Jas, Fryer. Judge; I delegatee. San Juan Cwpistrar.o F*ai. s Offloi; R. Kgan, judge, 2 delegate* San Ant mo—School house; W. Ligon, judge; 1 delegate. Santa Ana— Humphrey's Office; J 'D. OU, Judge; '* delegates. San Fernando— Moflvtt a Store; C. R. Rinaldi, judge; 2 delegatea. Seoul*eda- Haworth school house; II M Mitchell, judge; 2 dtlegate-*. Silver (Downer)--Buster's Offlce; W. T. East, Judge, delegates. Santa Monica—Santa Monica Hotel;Geo. Bosh me,; 2 delegate*. SUverado-Carbondaie Postofnce; J. K. Pleas ant, Judge; I delegate. Tiistin—tftt's Store-Oeo Irvine, Judge; 1 del- house; ■ Knowlton, Judge; i del gate*. Wilmington—Geo. Beaver's; David Alexander judge; 4 delegatea. house; J. G. Anderson judge, 2 delegates. Yorha—School house; Prudeneio Yorba, Judge I delegate. , _ By order of the l*emocratic Central Commit tee of Los Angelas county. The County Central Committee recommen that no person holding a proxy be admitted t th* t!ounty Convention unless the person hah ing the proxy is a delegate-elect to tbe ' onven tion, and Is from the same precinct in which the delegate giving the proxy has 1-sen elected. J.T>F. BARTH sHt'KH.Chair ..u.n WALTER D STEPHENSON. Secretary. mylU-dtfcw Notic« of Dissolntion. Notice is hereby gi«sn that the co-partnersh heretofore existing between F. L. Rise and James Bamett, aa proprietors of the St. Anth ny Saloon, in the erty of Lis Ang*le , U hers dissolved by mutual consent, r L- hies retiring from said huslnest,. Messrs. IsarneU and Sol men being In elUMsje of ssid aaioc will collet ant. pa\ all bills of said Brm (of Ri*s * Bar net front and after this date. JAMES BAKNETT r. l un M. L. WICKS. 121 8. FORT ST., LOB ANGELES. ar| will be at Laaeaater on Wednesday. Tharsday and Fri day of each week. ap-J lm ATTRACTIVE Residence Projferty FOR SALE In one of ths FINEST LOCATIONS IN THE CITY. Mr. ( has. W. Davis.has made another suhdi |MN of his beautiiul tract on "BOYLE AVENUE," Southeast of his ratridenos and we will offer this property for sale tn lots of from H to 6 acre* each, which will make the most desirable homes in the city. The City Water Pipes are Laid along the street Frontiug the Lots The other portion prei loutt* offered, oompris uu II large wits, ""ere ail sold inside of ten days and are heing improved, thus showing the at tractiveness of the location. Parties desiring to secure a bargain should call at once and see the maps and the prices, at the office of DENNIS A COOK, Agents, 248 Main St., Baker Block GROWING GRAIN Insured against Fire In the best American and foreign Companies at lowest rates. GEO. M. THOMPSON pftdak* Agent, £» l/OS Angeles Street. The Central Honse, Thir.i street, near rnatomoe BANTA MONICA, la now apen for Guests, Prices for Rooms and Koanl reasonable. TABLE UNEXCELLED I Special inducements to parties desiring :o spend the eeaaon at the Seaahore. FRANK EMERSON, agte-tBI Proprietor. Rare Chance for Small Capital. A good paying hililneaa (or sate at Santa Monloa. < «H at SE corner Loe Angele. and Commercial atroeta, Loa Angsts*. ssUt-lw NEW HOWE AND HOUSEHOLD Sewing Machines. The beet la the market. Hare all th. Utje- Improvements, and aa labor earera are unrivalled Price. (HO tor allher. H. St,OTTSB«BOK,AOIW. No. 11l «OtJl MAW ST.. Oaaos»*lJ Baseld thW FOR BALR—RKAIi KSTATK. Oil Lands for Sale At Pet.-olia, Six Miles North of Anaheim. In Soqnel t'aflon, :»40 acres at **' per acre. Also WO acres In Hrts Canon Sun |x i acre. Also :wu acres In Telegraph Canon at S4& per Title U. 8. Patent. These lands are In the he4rt of the petroleum oil belt, with acres of ssphaltuni or brea beds and iiuitMToiM oil springs. Near these lauds is one producing oil well with two more being drilled Shallow wells of heavy lubricating oil can be obtained at siifclit depths mi it 11 of these lands. Itni-iireof the ..«, H. niAMIHiKK, Ho. In lieignts, or address r O. Box MM. Loa Angeles, or at lIRR ai.ti office. aplfi 3ni NINETY KK.IIT LUIS ! COOD CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY FOR SALK—RRAL KSTATR. FOR SALE. 240 ▲ORBS Fine Level Tine Land! All in Wheat at present. •IO per Acre with Crop half cash. ISO AORBS 2 1-2 MILES FROM CUCAMONCA. Oooil soil: «m mum Pine Fruit or Vineyard Land. Price, «:i,»o per Acre. 160 Acres Adjoining? the above $3 per Acre. $160 Acres with Water ! Price. S3 per Acre, Half Cash, balance In Aye yeara at 7 per cent Apply to H. J. STEi i:\SBX. Surveyor, No. f. First street, l.os Angeles. mrmv FOR SALE. Lots in the linker Tract, i kvtihi.o nitiatki.. Close to the Business Center of the Oity. FRONTING ON Main, Fourth or Lou Angeles Streets. for particulars Apply to CRAVES & CHAPMAN, Attorneys-at-Law, Baker Block. Hy buying aome of tho lots in Ml US SI Hill VISION Of til* SABICHI TRACT, One »,uaro Knat of lha Frekihl Depot, ON MAIN STREET, Korinerly Chaver. street. NO LOTS I.KSS THAN 60 PKET WlhK. This street has been widened and straghtened, and the lota are very desirable for homes. AN ELECTRIC MAST Is now tiring erected near the center of the tract, which will be lighted next week, and will make thia The Best Lighted Tract in the Oity. The prices are put at the lowest rate, the in tentlon being to sell at once. Satisfactory terms will be Aven to those who build. Houses erected here for rent are sure to be rented quickly and always. For sale by POMEROY A. MILLS, Opposite Court House. Janie O NTAftlOl The Model Settlement ol SOOTHERS CALIFORNIA FOS HEALTH, CLIMATE AND CHOICE FRUITS. Map of tract and copy nt "Ontario Fruit Orow er" sent free on api-licatfon. Proceedings ot Hemi-Aniiusl State Convention of Fruit llrowera, with Ontario Appahdix, Kivln< profits nf fruit culture, climate snd general In. formation, sent on receipt of 30 cents in stamp.. Apply to J. 8. IJAI.KINS, Koran No. 6, Schu msker Block, opp. P. !>., I M Amtelcs, or addrea, I HAH XV HROH,, Ontario. Cal. jsnetf San Felipe RANCHO, liTSAN -iIEUO COUNTY, FOR SALE. $50,000 TO $100,000! BARGAIN I For Sale One-Half or All of 17,000 Acres of Oood Land In Fresno Count.,, Cal. 4tOOO Ac res "A No 1" Fruit Und, lo.noo or more ditto good forming land, all first-class grazing; Is well watered snd abundance of OAK TIMBER. Produces clover and alfllleria feed; has carried 20,000 head of stork imlry seasons' in good o*der. Improved with Several Dwellings, One two stones of 10 rooms; two good barn*, several live stock buildings, (mm 7.000 to 8,000 acres feii(«d J* ith 4 and 5 boards, cedar posts, hof tight; 100.J acres in one growing wheat; im provements cost over »rj>,(otl; is splendid proper ty for a colony of from frO to 100 or more families. If oedred, can v c 100 hesd of horses now on the rancho for their keeping. 10,000 Acres of Oood Fruit, Farming and Brazing Land In San Luis Obispo county, unimproved Price M AO per Acre, 4000 acres of good grazing land in Lassen County. Good stock ranch; is well watered and all fenced. There are 10.'00 or more acres good Good Gov ernment Land adjoining, v. ith grazing, but no water; 4000 sheep, ft head horses, 8 head rat tle, wagoiiti, harness and farming implements go with the lan.l. frier. *H» IHMI Apply or address to HENRY M. SMITH, Arlington House, Room 50, San Francisco, Cal. FOR SALE. 10,000 acres, good for sheep or oattle, well watered, can be bought for $3.60 per acre, if applied for soon. Apply to CHARLES CROCKER, San Francisco, or A. B. HOTCHKISS, San Diego, Cala. !anB2in FOR SALE. One Hundred and Fifty Acres or LAM It. Situated on the Asuea. Seventy five acres in grain; four acres in choice fruits, all taring; three acres in grapes, all bear ing A house of four rooms. A good barn, hay press, mowing machine, hay rake, and all the farming in i, .lenient* for carrying on the ranch. A number one watsr right. Anyone looking for a fine fitrin is invited to examine the propeity Price, *6ft per acre. Terms. One half cash, bul ance can remain on mortgage. BARRKTT tfc ALEXANDER, Bernard Block, No. 4 West First street. de«l2 tf FOR SALE, Four Sections of Choice IN ANTELOPE VALLEY, Loe Angeles County. 4 LARGE LODOINt. HOI SK. On Wilmington Siren. Containing 32 Beds. FURNITURE NEW. Nobody hut priori-ml should Apply. Every thing forsule without reserve. Also three acres of land on Tenth street, near Pearl. Oood liouse and stable and good well of water. Apply to MRU. RHRITIIR, mavl Im No. 20 Wilmington St. Splendid Chance FOR AX INVESTMENT. Parties: desiring to make a profitable invest ment can have an opportnmtv of so doing. We will offsr For Sale Blocks or Land Beautiiully situ ted ON BOYLE HEIGHTS, Commanding; a splendid view and no healthier location to be found. These Blocks front on an 80 foot Avenue snd contain about fonr seres each. Would make beautiful building sites or will subdivide into lots to advantage. For terms and Hap of sains call on DENNIS & COOK, 248 Main street. Baker Block. . sp_l3tf FOR SALE. $75 Per Acre for Good Land At west end of Wan' street. Also, round hill, entire block at weat end of Fifth street, one of the choicest hotel or residence sites in the city. Inquire of WILL D. GOULD, raarlOtf Attorney-atLew, Temple Block. RANCH FOR BALE. These lands have been selected with great care from a tract of sixty Section*, originally belonging to tbe Southern Pacific Railroad Company, and com piises some of the best soil in the Valley, Apply to tbe owners, Wicks, Lucas & Bentlcy, 86 and 87 Temple Block, Los Angelee. mhSO-lm FOR SALE. A Dairy Farm of ss scsf s «t cissrrst ststios, On the Wilmington Railroad, well fenced; fine two-t>tory house, 12 rooms, good barn, corrals, etc,; 8 acres of fruit orchard, vineyard, pepper andettcalyptus trees, all 12 years old; 30 acres of goofe nlralta, t interest in 600 Inches of water; plenty of wood tor domestic purpose*. For terms see G. W. GLOWNER, No. f t ALLEN BLOCK, Cor. Spring and Temple Sts., Los Angeles Cal. ap22 14 *HM> Acres of fine and suitable foi colony purposes. Price, $\2.M per acre. En quire of S. SMITH, 31 Daily street. East Los Angeles. ap24 Itr. FOR SALE. Sev.n hundred awl thirty .ere. ol fine tanning l.nd. eooyenlmt to Cu.»olciw» St.tinn. Will he sold .t a bargain ifAPpli-d for coon to WM. THORPE, .pltf Wo. 2 Court rtreet, l.oa An... >l«e KNABE PIANOS. "I have never seen their equal." CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG. A. L. BANCROFT * CO., 721 Market St,, 8. F , Sole Aagent* for the Pa. eiflc Coast mar*.M im MRS. C. LENZBERC, Test and Business Medium, Ho. «» Vine Street. «r<'<«MU».tion. > A. .. to 7 r. a. apSVlm NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. Th. (Sty A«ara«or will be in ht« office daily from I a. a. to 13 a. and 1 to 5 r. a., No. S. WEST FIRST STREET. ROOM No. 2 up Main. maristt H. Newmark & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Dealer, la Wool. Grain, linen 11, 13 nd 16 LOS ANOWJKB STREET. sal removal" Th. Contiaental Oil And Transportation Com- X, |K. A. Edward., MenArfer) hay. removed t oHIc Into the HArdware store of Lacy, Vlereca *00., No. HI Amtele. etroet. aUV"lVlephone No. 118 aa herore. nihMl ORANGE TREES FOR SALE. Three thousand fine budded orange trees six years old at thirty .tollers per hundred. Apply at 290 North Mala street, over C. H Bush's Jewelry "tore. apl7tf TO THE PUBLIC: We hare this dsy reduced the prices on the follow i ntr: STRICTLY CASH. St. Louis lead (Colder brand) 56.60 par cwt Oermania Lead 96.46 per cwt Boiled Linseed Oil, ftrlctly pure, In ft gallon cans 75* c per gal Boiled Linseed Oil. strictly pure, in leas than ft gallons 7Sc per gal Raw Linseed ml, strictly pure, in t gallon cans 70c per gal Raw Li:>*eed oil, strictly pnre, in Issn than ft gallon can 75c per gal Eastern Tun><*n;irte. in ft « l cans ftOc per gal Eastern Turpentine, in less khan ft gallon cans sftc per gal Dry Colors, Yellow Ochre, Venetian Red, Princess, Metalic, Kalsomine and Paris White te per th We also have reduced the prices on Show Casea, Wall Paper, eto. We solicit your kind Yours respectfully, Raphael & Sehlcfllnsrx, 15 N. Main St.. I acres In Uum Trees; gft acres in Alfalfa and Bar ley. A good house of ft rooms, stable for 6 horses and room for hay Ami grain. No, 1 Wind Mill and Tank that contains 4N» gallons; also a tank that oontalns 1000 gallon* This property is all fenced, ami in a line bar gain if taken soon. BARRETT A ALEXANDER, : janlxtfl No. 4 Weak First St.. Bernard Block FOR 8 A I.E. One ot the pre tt I eat and beat home place* tn Loa Angelea Owner's hustnoas requires him to go East. Orange orchard in tall hearing; also peach orchard, walnuts, pears, a pole*, vines and ornamental shrubbery. Net income fA&OO to tsuut) from orchards. Elegant house of tan rooms; hot and cold water and gas throughout cottage, barns and outbuildings in perfect order Oood wall and windmill. Cost of irrigation, 99 per annum. Two street oar lines and ten ruin utes dries from ths Postomoe. For further particulars address, myn-lm | -ha 48ft, City ENOraRRRS AN I. BPBVRTORS. O. H. BBOWN, ARORITHOT, Room 4, Wlduey lilork, - - First Street. DFFH'K IKil'lts i, a, to Ti r. a, ap2ttth TB. ». HOWB, titll Knuliieer and Surveyor, Removed to No. IK| South Spring rltrcet, U t0.,..t,i Moeb, mmm in. st*tf .TO I* m 11A1.1,, ARCIIITFAT AND SANITARY F.NOINF.F.R, vi North Main Street. (Rooma 4 snd ft.) spfitl J. H. WILDY, O. B„ DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Will make simeva ot town lots, Sl linislHl laiulH. ranrhea, rash, street railroa L. irrigat inn ditches ami pipe linos, ami will furnish plan, anil .ji'Ol. iii. .ii. of waterworks, grsdlng ami nlhrr engineering work. BrriOll Room 111, Hillmau building, ever llrsnge Store. IsWsli WILLIAM P. REYNOLDS. CIVIL ESCISEER ASD BURVEYOS, No. 17 North Main Street, Up Stairs, Room No. P. r«l i:\.\MINK.Rs of TITLSt. Gillette, Oibson & Wood, Examiners of Title and Conveyancers, Rooms 13 snd 14, McDonsld Block, Main LOS ANOELEB OAL. asp HSSSV N. OAILOWAY, CHAS. W. JOSSS, Attorney st-(saw. Attorney st lavw. D. B Lisssn. JONES, CALLOWAY & LIENAU Examiners of Titles & Conveyancers Rooms 1 and 2 Moore Block. Court Street, oppo site Court Hons... I/a Anieles, Cal. od! era MIU.INKKY AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. K. MICHAELS, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, NO. Die EAST FIRST STRKKT. A full sasnrtinentof Hie latest .tvlra Frrsrh Milliners Just received. The lailies are cor dlsllv Invited to call and alanine her stork. RSSTAOBaRtS. JOHNSON'S Coffee and Ice Cream Parlor, SO. 6 SORTS MAIS STREET. Ilea Uoffrsand t.uueh Is ths city. Call snd I- ...nwi 1 OpM ita, and nhrtit. A. JOHNSON, PROP'R. THE COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT, V. DOL, Proprietor, UOWNEV BLOCS, - MAIS STRUT. Receives alive slid servos up every dsy the eh0i...1 FISH. IncliKlhw SIII.K, Tl Kl" 1 1' sml BRA TltiiUT. MX. lull, i. Hie evclll.lve eoiisiirnoe o' the eel FKUHAHK UK lIKIK. which Only lie hod al this restaurant. HPItINHrIIH'KKNS, Juat In from the eehes conked In ci pry atvle. This restaurant ia l,os Aturelea'a tlehnonlco. ravllf ILLICH'S Restaurant and Oyster Parlors,! 41 and 43 N. MAIN BT. OREAT REDUCTION IN OYBTF.RB. Law Eastern Oysters, per 100. ... ft fo Small '• o , ... to 50 Small Eastern, raw or ale.ial, 9fi eta. per plate Ure,, ►~„,,.,,,,„,,,.,,, | c , HI i cnla per plat,. SSWiaBSrS aeleeted Ovaters, 85 cents per .-an PRIVATE ROOMS Up stairs lor MS, and lamlliea, where meals will bo aerred In the lieat style. Jerry Mil. h. Proprietor. SOCIKTV NOTICKS. K. of P. Tri Color l.odgc No Be meeta every Friday evenimf in Ma..„,i,. it .il, S| ( tn, k . street. Sojourning K. iglits milted „ „ , J B. BROWN, a 0. M. P. CHtWMLu,, K. ol R. ami 8. in' 24 Carpenters' Union No 56, Brotherhood nf c. 4 I, of A., meeta every Sstur da\ night at 7 :m o'clock, at Hood' Hall. niyi.lm A. VINKTTK, Secretary. Knights Templar. Corns Da Lion CoUMANnsar no. 8, X: • T llolihl its stated coiiclin es at the as\ iuiii in Ma aonic Hall, on ibe Third THURSDAY ol era h month, at 7| o'clock r. M. Sojourning Kniirbta Templar in good standing are eonlialh invited attend. Ry order ot the E: ■ 0 N. KNiCKaaraa km. Reorder Los Angeles Lodge No. 36, L 0. 0. F. f Gtftf- Raom.aa (ting hold on Wednesday evening of each week at 7:30 o'. ks.k. -...j.nimiiig liretbren in goal standing an- eonliiil ly invited. J. O. Da TURK, N. O. A FBASK R. 8 American Legion of Honor. Sassty Coioicii,, No. He, meets First ami Third Thursday evenings ol each month at Oood Tem plnrs Hall. Visiting Coinpaniona alw-ava welcome. I>. R. PAVNK, Commander C. O. Willman. Secretary. apfi 3m Masonic Notice. A Los Anoslsb Lnnos No. 42, F. AA. M. -Tho staled meetings ot thia Lodg. ara held on the first MONDAY of each month at 7:10 r. M. Meniliers of pentalpha. No. •Sri, and all Master Masons In good standing are cordially im ited. By order of the W;. M K. of P. Olivs Lonea No. 88 Host first snd third THURSDAYS in Ihe month at Ikld Fellows' Hall P. O. Building. Sojourning Knights invited. J. R. SI'MMF.RS, C. C. B A. Yosba. K. of R. ami S. jal-lv Eagle Corps, N. O. 0. KaarrtAS meetings at tho Armory, Conr street, every Friday evening st 8 o'clock. W. H. H. RUBSF.LL, Captain Commanding. C. A. Ksti.rr. First Sergeant. Je24-tf Los Ajigoles Lodge No. 2925, K. of H. Regular meetings of tho shove Lodge srs held every Wednesday evening st Old Masoni.- Halt, Spring atreet. Visiting brothers sre cordially in vited to attond. H. O. AUSTIN en 2 Dictator. Los Angeles No. 33, B:- Stated convocations on seoond MONDAY of each month, 71 r. a., at Masonic Hal). Sojourning companions in good standing eordialllv invited. By ordsr of 3AMUF.L I'KAUER. H. P. al. Lsn, Secretary. Los Angeles Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters, P. * A. M HoLDa ita stated assenbHes on ths 4th Mon day of each month at Masonic Hall, at 7,30 p. a. Sojourning Companions in good standing are frataumUly invite,! to attend. By Older of ih, Th in R O. CUNNINGHAM. Reconler. Confidence Engine Company. Rsoclas meetings of this Compa I "Sasaaasarasaof each month, st 7:3oocloek Reoeile. N. COHKN. Secretara SALOONS. LEMP'S LAGER BEER, The (test Heor in mfule by W. J. LKMP, of St. fiouit. Call anil try it at i,i;hp'n iii.i:r ti.K\. v, »VI vn II rII MAIN ntkkß'l Jani3 lm THE SNUG, No. 4 S. MAIN STREET (Next door to CONFIDENCE ENGINE HOUS H X IST R Y. ormerly No. 10 Coinmttrcial St. BEST LIQUORS, BEER AND CIGAR eaTCome end ace me. J3UI HENRY NORBOK. CLUB THEATRE. Main atreet, near tha Pico Hocae. PERRY BROTHERS Proprlctori We present weekly an organization of hrilliant n'tire change of hill every Monday evening. QRKAT ATTstAt'TIOMIt For he Holidays novSO WM. J. LEMP'S Western Brewery, ST. LOUIS, MO., Has established an agency here, and the world renowned Beer is selling st S CTS. A GLASS st C. ZISSIO, 2* X, Msin Street, PAUL SHILLING, Comer of Spring and Second HcfIUGH * MASSET, ssp latf Opp. New Freight Depot. Farmers' Home Saloox. pure liquors, fine cigars and lunches No. 13 8. Main Sl,. near First. FROHtISGER a MSTTNIEStW, PROPRIETORS decaotf Cash Furniture Store, BEESON & ECKSTROM, HBW -saa.BsTX> DKstto jEMT X%% BsTXTirO Xtß io«i infi-lcs Nreet. THE HEADQUARTERS Wangeman's Brass and String Band S now eetahliphed At F. Giese's Drug Store, No. 16 North Spring street mr* lm The Poetry of Southern Cali fornia. DOLORES By Albert F. Kertiieval. Erery home .hould contain . copy of t S beautiful t»ok. For Sale by Phil. Hirschfeld a Co., IMtW\KT BUMK Price, ... S3. ■taSMSXSi OUR NEW Carpet Beating Machine Is now running, and we solicit the patronage of housekeepers and persons wishing carpets taken it*,), . leaned and relaid. We claim to have the only new first claas Car pet Beating Machine in Los Angeles, and «ill tta good w. .rk at a reasonable rate. Carpets in any t|tiantitiee cleaned and relaid within twenty four hours troni the time ol tnkiiw Carpet Beating, Works M Alvarado St. Leave orders at Hotter ft Bradley's Branch Store, opposite Pontottieej, or at the Main Street Store. JTPoekonVe Box 1104. LACEY BROTHERS. ■aw THE EmEGALLERY \lwave in the lead. The finest studio in Southern California. Our work is unequalled and unexcelled. T ■ STAMTOIw, ■>re>sv'r. ' aaeVSat Los Angeles Cala. California Soda forks. S. CELESTIN & CO. i..0 W.ISO STREET. PURE EASTERN CIDEE From Eastern Cider Company. EMr-Free delivurv to any part of the city. Telephone No 304. s***) 'Dm MILES BROTHERS Commision Merchants. Drain, Hay, Feed, Etc, tn North Spring St.. Temple Block Lee An ire lea, California Aaa-cv —Phunix Ins, Co., of Hartford| Home Ins. Co., of New York. apo-lm OFFICE HOURS. I will he at my offlce from 0 a. N. te 12 at.. and root 1 to 4 P. H. daily, Sundevs excepted. R H. BOYD, JvlStf Snperintendei t of Streets Aiiso Street Market, A. A. I LRU 11. Prop'r. 222 Aliso Street, opposite the Cracker Factory Dealer in all kinds ot Fresh an M and 47, opposite the St. Elmo Hotel. U« mJemen and ladle* who wish to ■nmsnlt the Madame on any business whatever will .dense call between the hours ol It) a. tl. to 9 r. a. daily. Sundays In cluded. Uentlemen, tl. ladies, 50 cants P. S.—Entire satisfaction guaranteed, myttf 3 LUMBER YARDS. AVER LUMBER CO., = Alameda street. Near Aliso. ORAND DEPOT of PINE LUMBER. 11l all styles ol ahape, also ami Onlah, Shingles, I ;.Hi A Moldings h'romtne San Prancisco Moun tains of Northern Arizona. Lumbar drllicred Sinn* Use line of the 8. P. R. It. from Ncwhall to thi; Needles. Address HAMPTON 111 ITO V Avent. apian KERCKHOFF-CUZNER MILL AND LUMBER COMPANY, MAHurAonmRM of and in:ai.frs m LUMBEE Doors, Blinds, Windows, Eastern Oak, Ash, Hickory, Walnut and Poplar. Are prepared W inccntc any and all kinds Mill Work. YARD AND MILL, CORNER ALAMEDA AND MACV ITS. Telephone No. 8. P. O. Bos 93. mm a*. J. M. GRIFFITH & CO.. Lumber Dealers, Manufacturers of Doors WINDOWS, BLINDS, Stairs, Stair Rail. Rslluaters, Newell Posts an Mill v*<.rk id tverv description, and dealers n Lime, Plaster, Hair. etc. No. Mt't North Alameda Stree PEMYIIdTT&CO.'S LUMBER YARDIV'. AND PI.ANING MILLS, N0.78 COMMERCIAL STREET TRANSFER COMPANIES. llfii S. Sarross. W«. C'asdwsll, Pics, ami On, Sunt. Vice-Pros I 11.0 Mai.VBST, Secy. CaliFornia Truck Comp'y, (Incorporated.) Successors lo Bills A Co., General Forwarders, No 9 Market St, Temple Block, Opp. Court House, Los Angeles, Cal. Mnchiner.v. Safes. Pianos, Furniturs and MenlHcalise, .hipped or delivered on reasonable PIASOS REPACKED FOR SHIPMEST. Consignments ahippeil to our care C. O. I and Rills of Lading left st our oitlee will receive prompt sttention. Telephone Ne. 78. aprldtf PIONEER TRANSFER COMPANY, Office No. 3 Market Street. Telephone No. 137. spltf UEO. P. McLAIN, Proprietor. Phineas Banning, FORWARDING k COMMHSSION tf til WILMINGTON. Loe Angelea County Cal. Vassals towed, goods lightered ujnbe and grain stored, with ACCUSTOMED PROMPTNESS ooTli m SALE »r>ii\i\«; STOCK. THE COLORADO Copper Mountain Mining COMPANY. LOCATION OF If INKS—Foot miles Fast of the Colorado River, in Tnmn County, Alisons Territory. 50mile* South of "Ihe Needle*." «i the A. * P. R R. orricßis: S. J. BECK President E. E. HEWITT Vice-President HENRY II AMM EL Treasurer THOB. J. CUDDY Secretary JOHN GOLDS WORTH V Superintendent DIRECTORS' 9. J Beck, E. E. Hewitt, Henry King Henry Hainmel, A. H. Dwnker, James Uorma John Goldsworthy, Thos. J. Cuddy. At a meeting ot the Board of Directors or the Colorado Copper Mountain Mining Company it was resolved: to place WOO.OOO of the stock Of the Company on the market to raise a working capital. The stock is to be sold subject to the condition that as **on aa 330.000 are subscribed aud paid, the work or development ana! be commenced. All money subscribed will be pat on special deposit in the First National Bank of Los Angeles. Persons desiring information concerning the mines their assays, location, etc., can apply to any of the Directors and are referred, by per mission, to the following named gentlemen: E. F. Spence, H. S. Orme, John O. Irawuey. This Stock is Peruatuaily Unasses sable. Circulars giving a history of the mi nee may be had upon application te any of the directors. A Map showing the exact location of the mines may be seen at the otllos of QEO. J. DENIS, Attorney forthe Company, Room 4, Duoatnmun Block. The stock is at present in the hands of CoL X E. Hew itt, who may be seen at his office »t the New Depot The shares are ot a par value of *10 each, but for the next t» days will be sold for « 50 tach This is an excellent opportunity for those of ■pjajl means to invest money in a most promis iag home enterprise By order of Board of Directors S. J. BECK. President. Titos* J. CrtM>T. Secretary. uarlMf FOR SAlsB. A BARGAIN. 20 Acres In the Git; of Los Angelea, SUBDIVIDED MO TOWN LOTS, known a* the Hatter Tract. Prioe tT.OOn. tf Applied for MOO. Thi. tract I. well loOAted, eoiuuMMid. . fin. view .mi Adjoin, on the «Hith lite Preehyi^rien r'einmle roiletre Ab'vut to be ereoted. Apply to WICKS, LUCAS & BEMTLEY, SS sad ST, Temple Block MM ANUKLKa »p2*tf ESTABLISHED ISSO. Barrett & Sherwood, , No. 140 Montgomery Street, - San Fraiioisoo. Importers and Manufacturers of htatuou'ta. Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware ami Plated wara. We invito visitors So Saa Fraae'seo to inspect our stock behws tasAiag their puresssssa Al Awerrtoan Waichea A Wfs stark always « hand. Agents for Rockferd Watehea. say* *%r