Newspaper Page Text
6 NOTICE. Advertisements In this column to run un til lorbld will not be considered ordered discontinued unices ttu- old, rls left St tlio business ofllee ot tills paper. KOK HALK. F~ Un s VLK-A paying cash bttslneas. Aj. ply IoW. A. BKKRY, Moll'" Market. Bin it tjV)R BAI.F -11/asl to r2,000 will nny a X/ good paying business, stock, fixtures *ud good will, cheap rent, also a IwtMtory building, partly finished. Apply to - ► lore, corner of liowaej avenue and Hayes street, F-asl Isrs Angeles, aprtnt lAOB SAI ' I I'D KM A RLLIY, am N. Bt. aprv aw OR BALK—A rare chance lor business. A first class lodging bouse ol 34 rooms lv olty center, well furnished, au estal. llshed bll.llics. lo city c, m, i must tal sold in two weeks owing lo owners ill health Fur particular, appy to P. U. KlHii * Co., aprfl lw lOConrt St. opp. Cvii »"" ■" irtoll SALK—Double carriage sud ba j} roilchc, suitable tor country dilves and city workilloOcash, la* fitun "."15 In orliud C.ntr.lHotil. WF.ST KnT) PKOPF.It I ', '. ' ', >> laeaoe I Seveuti ' !l ■ and Intersecting streeta, -ski Tarda west ol Paul, are offered lor sale. I ''<•«' r " very reasonable. Apply tnj H -° "s"i'n, tbe premlaea. " p "' •KIOR~BALK-Bccoml hand Phaeton. Ap- I; ply Bl DeTllrk's Slal ~, -.iroer ol I ll md Fort street*. »''" WoltSALa-Qood sel of single ,* ,r ? l 's!' r "t V .ess, very cheap. Apply I" No. 4 llrst, southeast corner Qfiaalußt. merrttf TF."willTF.hss - mi- -■-••>•• '-'«»"",,•■,', •I. business piopeily I") » le» "■>" *>{'• molilalia prop. Hi. '-'"I •■■ '.'' r l KoVSSf."?'' • ln-%' I.AOKS.M.F. l i'-m I''ii V'^C'Vllir fef' 1 ":t:.v;i...__ barley, abundance „l ml : »»t ■"' timbe.,l ...,.er M -„,s Fl';.^^.o-'i- :| ' , '- : '' ;; " i - :: ' t -; ::: ; i 'Mgvleti Oottniy ( ._ ires v.o.«°». o, K.^ffl figp. Bta., lor sale i ilr. wllhla or to Bp,,'BnAtD oßee. . UPKt'IAITIIAIttIAINS KOK SACK TWO '"'oile B^!K-lVry ! ''.'l^ie''aTM\liXilr-''''" uiitfll rinly to give the p.iii -n s>, ■ "i"'"r 'v, ,M l ' ,, ',,:','"s,' M ' ,„ V. v. EDDY .v. mi , No. io Court si . opp" loOourl House. jannu ; SOOD~ BI3INK*-. lil-I'DUTCNII'V For U ssle,el.e,.|i, si , I" de pot thi' easier. Apply 1 '■ •• ' I Weet, next v. a I I ottlce, ■«••'*•. I"m,U -H I' 'im' "i the » •»•'• 1 oldest e5t,..,1.-1.. 1 1 best'lH busincSß In the till, ''''I' Apply on Oi. HORSKS tun »li t, VI l iiiopt,ell's I n ervSlalle N... I. .11. .. Street, buggies, oarr".e». loo's v ' .»•• -i--» STd turnout.., "•»i/,''vM,','.. |l .l."i: Veterinary Sorn'.... All horses success fully tre„te,l_ »^lAl.ll^*ue , ' ,, ol aKJic.". P« Allsoslreels, 1,. Mi -Us, Cal. dID-tl f ; " ; 11 :;:'';,;.;';,:;;:!!;;:'V': , M w 'ui, •; r...I -...I modern improve ;«„U;.bout .'.acres ..I ..».!. sel lo eilios and deciduous Irtllls. I», Musi it a lis, in grapes, only .H 1 "" 1 ;";" "■, f.'l'iV'r s purohiser. Apply !•■•>. »• IthlllllMK. 1■ ». land Oltloe, Lo. i i v , i 'I'lmi-se ,|.y ""' FOR RF.NT. i~„it KKM liny I, Mights, No. c ,af3='";im::^::M^o:v:ii::,^;,!:;.:: Mr. well water' !•• a >.; Bponatbie puny ol inov oup p. opn »p i TO KF.NT A sho). ou the corner ol Piueand building suited l„i i. notion atore. Apply at 17 Fine HI. Aprs iv fVIO ItKN I i ' "I ins.well located. I together vv 'il, c .11 ..1 .ml Mali, for !"• Kil l It !\ l/d Vp. I'''a nl' mul o atreel. "I"'" UOI'SK TO LET Hi eight rooms, all lur Dished inn particulars it., pure nt 111 Booth Olive street. apM lw rgsil LET—In Santa Monica, lilrnlshe.l 1.1 1 lagcs. Also elegant sunny room-, by the day. week or tin ml!.. I " • ol Mrs tllioltul liiilllMEjOf .11 Aye. mrHOlm TO I.XT I'onr room i, .use, lumlsbeiL , Charity, or in B Spring, manffil TO LET Pleaaanl fornlsbcd house ol eight rooms. 1>» lili .. slreel, near wr OUd. im.rlTtl mo LET- -Steven-.... House. Kooins by 1 thoday, woekor ... mil. for- im. Angeleiißla. mrlllm 0 LET F1ue,.......> Irom I sinls, JIMForI street,.'...".'. Fifth. lehJd-ll TO KENT The secoil lloor, 10x10 leet, In 117. K..|..e na street, near 1...s Aogele■ si. ii,,v.'.,tl WAN IS. ANTED—A woman vnints work, to wash for novae cleaning by the day. Apply XI cT.y atreel. apra Jt Af.,*ANTED— Buggy oi road osrt, cheap. TT Apply at 11 N. Main SI. spmut LADY WIIIIIS A Hi MACHINE op eralor. wishes-lili'lillig lo do for dress makers and pnviile lainries. Terms mod orals. Mra. 11., Hkbai.o ..llice. aprstlt %%'ANTED Ci I ' dx r i one and TT one hall story li .i-e. Eieitilrc t.raiol <lentral Hotel. apr»tl TVANTEH (100, -c weight Oct |.~. Tl in... lion p..uu I-. In i'ilre I,rami! en trnl Hotel aprll WANTED Women nnil girl, for good places men nnd I. ,ys lor all kinds ol work Big..<«l wages, persons vvnnliog help will save time ,i.. uey by ealluig leaving oide. win, n v\ i i.n.skv A i u.,*J Kmploynien. Ollice. No HO vVest 1 Irsl HI. spt IM ANTED -Hold and silver Mine; capital wauled lo develop Shall .', feel by ,'« feet, IM feel deep High grade or.) sold lot ai.7ifc.TV Five claims. Address MINI-li. thlsotllc msra, lm fIOOD BUY WANTED A t 1., year, old, U to make himscll gener ill, uscdil ill « slore. Apply .( II- Slegel - Mechanic- Blore'opposite i- P. K. It. llepol lilllHl W^eiS^ipl^ lugbiihinos ! ~iisot .>i I lv> tn k. i-i> liiKpHrc time." Hi-ntof relercuccu. UdreM "G., P. (>. Box Tl J, city. inch, tin SOLIOITokh waNTKD Immediately for the Mill., of new nnlcU'N « liicti willj.ii> from live lo ten .|.ill«n . n «l»y. In-iuiro i:'.' AllNOHin-ct. UKV. LUSI A whlti'KOßl. laM VVo<lnci..l.iy, from thcHOiitli junction Finder will iilcHne leave word hi the south Junction store. I 08T—A buy horse, ticlow I'omntou. hirjje -ti while luce, I wlilti- cci, lirmi'leil like n lli'iir. '. Finder return lo i!h) I'onnd, k7 at T-IBTRAY-There came to my ranch, vis XU miles west of town, on the \VH«!ilin;t"ii ■.bout H loin.l ■ 11 iuli i uvinT (••mi hH\e mm me by nrov u K r \ j^ri> ,^ |i ' ll ,' n^. H ' ( { i \.' . Loo AiiKelen, Ckl.. April Mh, IHWi. riprotf Lout -Prom this side <•> tho Salt Work*, on FehniHry Tih. n liorse mule, hltml In the left eye, brnmled I• I' .vi (he left hip Hod on n hulter 'ihe fludei will be Mitral lyrewMnk<i t.\ U'ihih. she moiinirtl nt of floe of J. J. MKLLI'd, Lou A uiielen Hi, ml'Jtf EHl'liAV i im. inio m, cue!.-ure mi or about Mitreh lili, n huv mure colt nbmit ■ix montliH old ;no hriiinl. The owner t'«n have the »nnie hv prm-hik; (.niperty mvi) paying eloirKes nillN D, Yol'NO. t!or. Flgiieroii mid Asburr htreetn, Au gelen. LffUlM lm POUND. FOUND— A brown mare,'.' year* old.whlte line on fun- rli/ht hliol fnoi wliltv, ou thuiistof March at Clen mn ou Lebrun'a farm, uud of Jeirurtfoii ntreet. Oavner eau have property by praring nod paving coats. BOARD AND LODGING. OOMH AND HOAHIi- Klegantly fur ulahed rooms with tioHrd. eetitraliv lo rated ami In tin ilvhinthlc p H rt the f il) a»i W. First stre. t, ap.Mf MISCKI.I.ANIJ'I B, LADiKs KMPLOYMKNT andlntelllnonoe oSee, at No. 17 Houth Mniu, (entrance ol Ladies Kxrhaiiue;, nppmilr the Opera Hmiae. -tirl- waiitiiiK eiui.h ivineut aud cili aeiih wanliUp: female help ea.ii aave lime and expense ami seeur. promptly what they widi by eiillliiK on MKH K. 11 .\.OOl;l Mall order- will be promptly at I ended to. ruarl.'l lm DX. K. HOBRINri UadtaSa] Kleetneinn, &..>lUOhvh disease., wilhoiil explaualion Irom tin* patients, free of charge- Corner Plrataud Spring RireoU. lelrtl tf IjMiK tiKN OKANTH MKUOIKH addrew, Mr J. C. ollvei MM, s H|.ri«gHt..or call. FINANCIAL. ,aM)I I county "property oryajr MIIKTIMF.K, attorney allaw, 74 Temple Block. sprt'.t aIOKBY TO LOAN In ailins to suit stall M times by J. K. WHIIK. office No-4. Bonthcaal corner Main and Flr.t St. nih'.TH ONKY TO LOAN—IO anma to aull, on real estate secilrlly. Mortgages ,oni|t,t and sold. Mt KHUN 1 ilKuliTltH'K, nnvltr No. It N. Spring St. «lllil lIIUII ' LO»N on flr.t class real S I IHI.IHHI wU „.„ . p.., cent and jnort gage tax paid 1.) mortgagee A. J.J IKLK, marl»t/ M N. Spring Bt. KORItOWFKS OF I.AIIIIK HI'MB, having l> flrst class real est.!.- seeur ly, sliould cu11,,11 <.XlI 11 ItuWAN. V i Nadeau Block. marltnf War Department Signal Service, U. S. Army. Division nl Telegrams and Kl-porta forthe benefit ol Commerce snd Agriculture. Re port of observations taken at kos Angelea Calllnrnls, April D, lawi i j i I f I A «l"'| 30.8 r.M.I M ii ii; B| 17 I III M l ii|-| r,|i: Msxlmuin 1 lierlnouieter. 711 0 Minimum Thermometer. iftO. Weather Indications. San Fiiahi isro. A|,rll 0. s f. n.—lndi cstioos lor the succeeding thirty twol is for California sre as follows Fair weather in southern portion. 1,,,-al showera, followed by clearing weather during eaturdsy in northern portions. Variable winds, gener ally from west to north. Dots. Tsuslll's Punch l llssrs st P. O Ulnar store. (Into Dr. Baldwin, dentist, Wblney Block. Home new rooms now ready at lrou Hul phur Sprints. Pillow sham holders ntilv an cents at .'7l North Main street. Alt goods marked down,on account of low frclKht, st Allen's. Furniture and carpcta for cush at Allen'a, g| Houth Spring street. Dr. NVUIIsma, specialist lndisessea ol the head, throat and chest. I Jo to the Pony stable, It N. Main street, forastyllsb tiirnoutchesp. Kvo-y customer st tb • llhlcsgo Hat to. Is entitled to a chance on a silk hat Ms- lm- . i .eleel iltinrlne c'ass lilceli Friday nlßhts oiilv, "t Nadeau Hall. Furniture, cirpcta, vall-psper, laco cur tains, at Allen's, U South Uprlug struct- Another cut on carpels at Allen's, M Booth Spring street, between First sud Becond. Theouly sbowesse maimfsetory In Houth crn California la st 18 North Malu street. For Indigestion, insomnia, Inssltude, or chills anil fever, take I>r. Henley's Celery, lieof and Iron. Our demand for Anheuser beer Is unpre cedented. We have towered over all other competllots. Notice tho algus, taste the l»eet ii ml ,|,, mil lonic! to call for "Anheuser Bosoh" only. The one agency Is at No. Ist North Spring street. Furniture ami carpets on Installment plan st Allen's, 89 South Spring afreet. Riddance Sale-Big Drives To day-People's Store. We will offer to-day all silk black or colored mtttiSfio, worth 50. We will offer to-day black satin lined, lace tun d parasol $-2.t0, worth ft. We will oiler to day tine is.ugee lace trimmed paranoia 83 95, worth $. p >. We will off*? to day four button, real kid gloves 00a, worth *I. •-■.'>. We will offsf to day six-button, real kill tloveasl.26, worth $L7.Y We will offer to-day hoys' blue sailor suits .v. worth $4, We will offer to-ilay hoys' cassimere suits, extra «jutility, $*J 80, worth J.'l.lW. We w ill oiler to-day ladies'silk clocked halhriggon BOMSSo, worth AR, We will otter 10-ilay ladies' embroid ered cashmere, scart shawls, double friiujed, to, worth We will ofl'er to-day hoys' straw hats Mo, worth 4fl. We will otfer to day men's straw hats tfo, worth M. We will ofl'ei to day one-price black gros grain dress silk Mo.WOPI Jl.oO. We will idler to-day tWinUfal summer silks 4»e, worth 7. r >. We will utlVr to-day Ihirk A Moore French kid shm a, tq«tPt or opera toe, i?:t H, worlh H.M. We will otfer lo day extra long col ored silk gloves lie, worth 05. We will offer 10-day children's toe capped shoes hoc, worth |t, We will oiler to-day ladies' cloth and leather scalloped shoes 7tV, worth |1.55. run 11 'i Stock. To-morrow! To-morrow! Kvery half hour'lniHses trom Ml L. Main street to the Urmstou tract. Stanton Post Entertainment. Good Tetnp'arV Hall was j mimed full last night to enjoy a very pleasant en tertainment given by Stanton Post, G. A. K. Dp, Kronsou Rptfled with an original poem entitled "The Atlautic. States vs. California. " lYofessor Ira More followod in a little batch ot interesting army remi- The third numher was a tODg, "f.Hieen of the Night," hy Miss lloitie linsh, aeconipanied by Miss Alice I'itch. This performance receivt.d a hearty encore to which tho young KoVdy gracefully re- Hpouded in a second pleasant aong. ( aptain W« il. Scumans then ad* ilressod the audie>>ce iv v very animated nt rain on the old war .lays. Refresh ments served by the fair hands of the ladies connected with the I'ost in a graceful manner followed, aud then a ■ou was Liven, "My Columbia," hy Dr. I.ronson, Mr Gcorgo Mauuon and the Misses ltush and Kitch. This was re ceived with great applause. Mr. G. W. Arhuckle Ihon held the house enchained for a brief space with oue ol his comical songs given in his best style. This was followed hy a song by Meagre. Arhuckle and Maunou and Dr. Hronson, Miss Fitch playing the accompaniment. Thialwiw received with great applause. Mr.X, A. Ban! sang "Liish. .1 to the Mast,' and Mr. George Young, of I'eun aylvania, gave n sketch of prison experi ence very thrilling iv realism. Messrs. Mannon, Arhuckle and Dr. Kronsoti then feoag ''Tenting ou the Old Camp Ground," tlie audience all joining IB the refrain. Mr. Arhuckle sang his cradle aong anil co the entertainment pleasantly closed. Pacific Coast Manufactures. The new cars of the L, A. ft 8. 0. V. Railroad Company, show that iv the td rue turn mi-1 linUh of genteel passeiigcr euacht'H no i*it of tho I'nion can excel the li. * Count. The new übsoi vfttion Ina of thiaroitd are nmde at Newark, California, at the Carter Brothers' fac loiy, ami ere humU'lh of nea*- QBM und elegimee. The earn ure nixty feet iv length, wilh four nickel plated I'hamlelior., plate glasa windows, cane ttsta, roller inouuted mul movable, while the sides and ceiling are tiuishco in cherry ami nut pie ami painted in character for tlie St»mi-Tropical San t.n briel Valley with its ever blooming AnHefloi may well feel proud of ibis addition to the means of transit, sn beautiful and complete in all ap pointments. Day by day the City of Angeld is attractiuK to itself all that art struct of comfort and maKiiilicenee, and ia faat la'coiuiiiK, if it has not already become, |0 America what llereulaneuin was to Italy the center and seat of the best results of human -dull and learn ing. The apotheosis of Los Angeles is not far henoe. At E. Adams' Clothing House, 15 Spring Street. You will Hud n stock of clothing well ■en nyflß.oo avQ WOM casimere harga'in tients' furnishing goods of the finest ipialities mid lowest possible prices at the Horsy shoe Oothiog House, lOti nnd IM N. Main St. Attention, Knights of Fashion! Just received at the Horse Shoe Cloth ing House, ]ot. and H)S N. Mainstreet the latest stylos of Spring clothing. ' ' Look at this Opportunity. (.ulifornia wine .lelivere.l free of charge to th* purcbiacr to any pari of Mw Haal, by Bu»r .1 Clwialn, 4 > South Spring. Merchant tnilor-nia.lo clothing at the nicmt rea able price, at tba Horae Shoe Clothing Honae, luti noil 106 \ Main I'ATAKUII ODBBD, health and twee or.-nil, «, c.lre.l l,y d ,'si ~i»rrl, 1:..|ne.1» rdoenueeuu. Nasal Injector free. Hold hi . t. IMMI I" NorUi Main muti LOS ANGELES DAILY HEBALD SATURDAY MORN 7 APTtTL 10. .880. THE FLORAL TRIUMPH Tciitli Dfty of tlie (.rent Flower h'pstival. OVKIt IWrM IN HK,I FIITS. Flinvi-ro of all Varieties in Oroat- Ml Almmlanre Continue to Roll In. One of the most internal iliKiliafclaya at the 1 lower I'unlival in Hint of tbe Unl vitally of rkiutheriiCalifornia. It la of iho itrt dfiinrlment of that excellent inHlitniioii awl umlcr the aiiiiGrviaioii uf Mr«. s. s lliirliin, art teacher In tbe HBlliga tkfla* IW4 l> !■ iliarire, assist- Mbj il'" M 1 » i..-.n Mini. aliliirour* mill Liinlley. I i" iiaintiuga i" the ex. hiliit aro all Ibe work of the pupils, nnil the China ia ilecorntoil mill hurncil by Mra. This alio shows a baantlfttl rtia%tl for a tile on plitte gum. Mil" Todd hua a beautifully ileeoruletl mirror, us also has Miss Wll Hants. Miss Todd shows other will done bits of tut, among I hem v snow MCM hi which u„ ruling fashion iv black and white is v.ry ifhiiuivoly used. Mlsa SiußabaQgh shows a couple of hits in black anil white which are also very creditable. .Mis. Flora llowos, Miss Kula QilWt, Mi., Berth* 1.1>>, Miaa Daisy Alls tin, Miss Uracil) Mlewait, Miss Smart, Miss Luln (iilbert, Mils Nellie Grey and Mrs. (;. S, Nellia, are represented in very pntly hits. There are a great many pretty flower pieces, all from the Ulli vi rsily gardens and nil arranged hy tl.e , onuf ludiea. There are two little pan els in colors, one of a magnolia flower and otic of a bunch of anemones that are very line. The public schools arc excellently repreaenttd. The original designs aro .art finely conceived anil executed in a reully tiuisheil manner. Many of the drawings in ilesigo and finish would do credit to nn artist. Misa Dunham and the sub junior class of the High School had charge Thursday, and yesterday Mi-a i.i l. 11 i and the junior class of the same school took care of Ihe booth. ri,\TUIHI Tons TO THE sI'KCIAI. ROSE Mrs. Congor, Pasadena, Climbing, Arclulnke Charles, Loßla I'hillippe, Hon gate, Mont Blanc, La Sylphiile, Chroma fella, Mrs. Moggie Kicc, Highland I'ark, Marshal I. Wilder, Sulrauo, Quintine, jhicheasc de Kruhant, l-loiie ties Koso manes, l.ft France, Aichdnke Charles, l.i Hylpliiilc, Isabella Spiunt, Lv France, Mario Van lloutte. Mrs. li. II Seville, Louis PhdHppa, llinoosn, Homer, Marie Van Houtte, Huchel, stephanio, .leaniic d'Aro. Mis. 1,. M. Ltltler, Downey, Mario Van Houtte, Rciue dOr, Sunset, Chro malclla, American Banner, Triomphe de Luxembourg, Safrano, Cornelia Cook, Bridal Ho a, Ktoile de Lyun. Mrs. L. C. iloo.lwin, Safrano, Baanty of (■Uizunwooil, (lloireilc Dijon. Mra. 8. 0. Hamaver, Downey, Black Prloee, CMS* naner, Maria Galliot, Bun Hilene, Mnreilml Niel, Celine Fores tier, BongaT*, Safrano, Luxembourg, Cbrumatefla. Mrs. .1. W. Clark, Bait Los Angalcs, Luxembourg, MaiecLal Niel, Lamarque, Hon Silene, Madame Margotlin, Chro nuitella. Mrs. A. K. Clark, Lnxembourg, Ru hens, Bon Silone, La Huperba, Marie Van Houtte. Mr. Abbot Kinney. Madame Lain bard, James Sprout, La Superda, liueh ■ssn de Brabant, La Marqne, Beauty of Glaaenwood, Bafrano, Madame Mat-got tin, Homor, Boagere, Comic d'Ku, CtlbM FuruHtii r, Anrippiiin, Marie Bet Mr». Salisbury, Heine Marie Henri elte. Ilrnco and Susie Matties, Ll Marque. Mra. Key.., Superba and Marie Dueller. Mi,. (11 well, Caroline tloodrlch, Luxembourg. Mrs. Irvine, Luxembourg, LaMai'ipi.., Sylphitle, Agripptna. Mis. .1. M. Frew, Safrano. Mr. Stniltou, Clierokeu.. Mis. L. N. Fviuis, Mslinaison. Mrs. 0 W. Cbllds, llougere, Safrano, Louis I'hilippo, Chioinatcllii, Qtoira de Dejon, .Min.chal Niel, lsahilla N|.nnit, Whito ll.ukain, Aichduko Oksrlaa,aad other roses Mrs. \\ . 11. Lanis, Salrnno, Duchesse ■le Brabant ami other varieties. Mrs. (J, F. Harper,Reined'Or,Adam, Aline Bitty, Giant ol Untiles, Monthly MtH.'V'liiitoii and Mrs. Phillips, Kin ,lv Pare, Safrano, Lniirette, Chrointitell i, La Mai<iue, .Jaeirneminot, Malumisou, OeHne Fotreatier, Marie Vail Houtte, <lloiro de Dijon, I;iN IIKAt. roNTftl Itl'TOß.'-. for the San llaliritl and Alhambrahootb, lor April 7 and S, Mrs. Smith of Oak Knoll. Mr. kichatilsou, Mrs. D. Adams, Mrs. 11. .I. Mitchell, Mrs. C. F. White of Pomona, Mrs, L C. Anderson, Miss Kiln Adams, Mrs. J. C. Newton; San Gabriel ami Atliainlira schools, wild ttowers; Capt. K. Gray. Mrs. Geo. .1. Mitchell of Olivcwooil. Mrs. A. H. Dunsinoor sent in tlio fol lowing-named roses and other dowers i Nephitos, Louis Phillip*, l.a Sylphide, White Moss, Devonictisis, Yellow Har rison, (.ainatjiue, Fuglish violets, daisies, white and rod gcraulums, two varieties of pelargoniums, marguerites, ciilhl lilies, orange blossoms, jiihnny-jumpiips and red passion vine. Mrs. .1. F. Dmrraß, Florence, beautiful Mrs. I*. M. Scott, San Pedro street, great variety of roses, Mrs. William Wilkinson, Laurestinn. Mrs. H.C. Hobaoo, Wild flowers from Antelope Valley, Mrs. Kremer, Variety of beautiful Mrs. HuverstLik, marigolds and forget me-uots. Mrs. Wier, large bouquet ot roses and pelargoniums. Cameruu and IV mliroke Thorn, basket of various Bowers; also four leaves ot the Sauro palm. Misa" XI. Ward, Boyle Heights, cut flowers and lilies. Mrs. W. IL Perry, roaes. Mrs. H. Chandler, roses. Mrs. .1. Frier, roses, lilies, geraniums, marguerites and pelargonium. Mrs. Johnston, roses and grasses. Mrs. Win. Knymond, lilies. Mrs.O'Blenuess, choice roses. Mrs. L. 11, Carlton, nasturtiums and Mrs. Bui-ton, variety cut flowera. Mrs. O. W. Childs, basket of heautilul choice ros.s; also geraniums and other lowers, Mrs. W. L. Laws, Pine street, box of Mrs, C, C* Harper, Seymour street, line ussoi'tmcnt of roses, and a lnrt, r e quantity ot orange blossisms and flowers. Mrs. Grosser, vaiiety of phlox, MissKittio Bloss, bosket ol flowers, 100 in nnmlier. Miss Alphin Wright, a large quantity of beautiful flowers. Jacob Miller, of Callltengs, basket nt assorted flowers and one-half dozen I'e |iiuas, or melon fruit. George Fitch and Philip Blair, lilies. Mrs. M. Dodsworth, fifty lilies. Mrs. C. M. Severance, beautiful roses and yiolets. Tillie and Lne Browning, two little or phan girts ol Downey, n collection of cut dowers nnd nn oriiametitnl piece. Mrs. C. 11. Haas, large bitaiitlty of as sorted flowera. Mra. Rogers, basket of assorted flow- Mrs. Hollenbeck, rosea and verbenas. Mrs. Mcßirney, roses, lilies aud pe largoniums. Mrs. McDonald, Knst Washington street, ha-kct of lilies and roaes. Mrs. .lohu Mansfield, roses aud pclar. goninms. L. M. G rider, Downey, basket of roses and lilies. Mrs. Speeiiy, quantity of flowers. Mrs. Grandin, flowers iv abundance. Mrs. S. B. Moran, bountiful roses and other flowera. Mrs. P. Banning, beautiful flowors. Mrs. Clark, beautiful roses in quan tity. Mrs. Dei. Keifer. basket nf moat beau MM white roses. Miaa Framkia King, ~( Washington By lack of open mr exerciae, and tbe want ol sutbcient care in tbe matter of dirt, th,- whole physical mechanism of ten becomes impaired during the winter. Ayer's Snrsapahlla is the proper romedy tn take in the spring of the year to pu lify the blOOd, invigorate the system, excite the liver lo action, ami restore the health) tone and vigor. Local News Notes. Tbo aeaaon'a shipment* of oranges will overrun tboee of last aeaaon. The Covlna !ntU]#ndmt haa been aold by Mr. H. N. Short to J. R. Coulee. Six road acrapers are constantly at work on the river levee for the L. A. ft S. O. V. R. R. Co. Sau Gabriel Valley ships fully fifty per cent, of all tho oragea that leave Hontbern California thia aeaaon. Pomona ia to have a ateam lanndry managed by white men and women. The coat la put down at 95,000. The Southern Pacific Company Bent out four cera of oraugea by tbe north bound passenger train yesterday. Tho California Southern dispatched a car load of citrua fruits from Riverside yesterday, free of charge, to replenish the exhibit at Chicago. Thu Atlantic and Pacific train on Thursday between Tbe Needles and Mojave waa cut into three sections ou account of itt nrreat length. Frank Meaclmm, of Han Bernardino, has struck a fine artesian flow at the depth of 241 feet on the rancho of Dr. P. B, My ere, north of and near San Bernardino, Dr. W. B. Caldwell bas purchased the Donaldaon wayaide inn In the Cahuenga Pa a, end la fitting it up for gueata. It will be a pleasant apot for plcaaure seekera. Mr. D, M. True sent the tine ocr "Davy Crockett" up to Newhall to take a special party of twelve touriata from Santa Barbara eaat by tbe Southern Pacific and Pennaylvania roada to New York. The transfers of real estate yesterday amounted to ifSO.OOO consisting of a large variety of city and country prop erty. The auction sales at the same time were about $15,000, not yet trans ferred. One day early in this week 387 per- Bous left Kansas City by tho Atcbiaon, Topeka ft Santa Fo route for California. The following day .'.tin left the same point, by the same route, for the same destination. Mendel Meyer has prepared his old headquarters at Santa Monica for a re opening. He will entertain his guests in a genteel and generous manner, and always be supplied with the best bever ages of the age. A queer etlect of fiat rat 3a is found in a carload of willow baskets in neats of fours from New York to this city which arrived a tew days ago. The whole carload weighed only 1000 pounds, aud at 5 cents a pound the whole freight bill for a distance of over 3000 miles was only SQ.SO. A young grizzly bear was killed a few daya since iv San Dimas Canon by Messrs. Hume, Stephens and Bcltz. The animal weighed fiOO pounds and was about a year and a half old. Tbe mother has been seen and shot at in the same canon, hut has not yet been unvitalized. Aa Deputy Sheriffs and Aguirre were passing along Main street yester day afternoon they observed a sneak thief steal a lap-robe from A buggy in front of Bell's harness shop aud imme diately gave chase aud captured tbe fel low. He refused tn give bis name and was put in jail till he could remember what it was. April Id the Southern Pacific Compa ny had shipped eastGl9 cars of oranges. The California Southern had sent for ward 336. From February 3st to March 10th there were sent to San Francisco 105 cars. Since above dates somewhat over 50 cars have gone out of Southern California, making a graud total of rising 1200 cars for the season to date. up by the train yestesday into the mountains after ha'r and any o'her sm dl game that inny present itself. They had artillery enough to k ll nil the game iv California. Both gentleman are Ntm ioils id the Caucasian type, dead fho s ami fond of "ktlliug something " If the bars are wise they will limit their hobs. Mrs. Catching, who, for a year past, has been touching vocal and instriimcn tal music, has consented to give a grand concert In the near future. One of the features of the evening wfll be 11.15 den's Joy Symphony played by eight litlte girls wi h a chorus of yi.ung ladies. Mrs. Catching will be assisted by loltte of our best amateur talent, ami will her self render some admirable 1111 deal aelections. Those who have heard Mrs. Catching speak highly of her ability. Flower Festival Notes. Judge Site it sent t > the pansy booth a big lot of the rare ami splendid bignonia v-'nutra. The Festival w ill close at 10 o'clock this evening. All who have not yet vis ited it should take this last opportuuity of seeing the great flower show. The ladies offer all the cut flowera at tbe Tabernacle to-night for sale very cheap. It is a great opportunity for any one who wants to get a lot of handsome The Orange citrus exhibit was given by Mesars. Arthur Weat, Lotspeich Bros., Ben Davis, Mr. Wetherbee and Mrs. Clark. It waa all sold ia one tump yesterday, and the proceeds are for the benefit of the Ladies' Society, The l i.lies wish for a very large quan tify of 11 iwera to-day, iv order to keep the exhibit np to its standard and close it in good order. Fine rosea are wanted for tbe fpecial rose exhibit and they will be sold in the evening for the benefit of the society. At '2 o'clock to-day the newsboys and bootblaoka will be admitted to the IV - tival. They will be met at the door hy a committee of genlleim-n, who will es cort them through the hall and conduct them to Ihe aide entrance, they will receive icfreshmenta and be dia miased. Tbe closing exercises of the Flower Festival Society will bo held at the Tabernacle oo Saturday evening. A special programme is prepared by the ladies that will be original and enter taining. The closing address will be mode by tlie President, Mra. K. M. Widney. Delighted Tourists. Arc those w ho now in large paitiea daily lake the excursion hv SanCahrid Valley Kailroo l to Pasadena and thence hy car nage through the orange groves, gardens and vineyards to Sunny Slope, Santa Anita ami other points of interest and beauty in Ihe paradise ol the San Gabriel Valley. This roule avoids the long and tirtßome thirty mile drive from Loa An geles, Round (rip ticket*, taottdtaa din ner at the famous Sierra Madre Villa, are only &2 75. •llnsscx Kvery -Innr for B Cents. The regular 'bus haves 263 N. Main street every hour fur the Uniuton tract. Sunset Cigar Factory. l l ', in ploy none but "International Union Cigar Makers " Blue Label on every box of cigars. Special inducement to the trade. M. I*. CVTI.BR ft Co., Importers and Manufacturers. 119 North Spring St., Loa Angeles, Cal. A. Phillips & Co's Next Fast-bound excursion w-ill leave WedneMlay, April 14th, for Kansas City, Chicago, Bt. l*ouis, New York, Mostou aud all Fostern points. A. Phiu-H's&Co., 134 N. Main Street. To-morrow! To-morrow! Kvery half hour 'Imsses from N. Main street to the Crmston tract. By Steamer to San Francisco For $1.50. We do, and shall coutinuo to under sell all competitors at the California Auction House. Immigration Association. Persons desiring to see tne -m bnsiiiesa can And me each day hereafter at the rooms of the Immigration As«i.e j si ion, No. :>7N. Spring atreet. H. H. BOVOK. To-morrow! To-morrow! Kvery half hour busses from Hi N, Main street to the Crmston tract. California Auction More. A san»ati..u gmM in tbe c lothing husiiiea*. the way we are slaughtering prices. Good News for Los Angeles. 1 he people ot this city were surprised on Thursday by the appearance of very mnddy water In all the hydrants, and made numerous inqnirifa as to thecanae ot tbla moat nnpleaunt condition of thia iodlapenaable article. On Inquiry of the President of the City Water Company the fact waa as certained that the muddlneat of tbe wa ter Wats caused by the breaking of the dams of the Canal aud Reservoir ditch, which sent the debris of the break into the toina of the City Water Company an.) produced the turbid cunditlou of the water. To prevent further trouble of this character, the company has pat survey ors in the li' II to prepare plana for bringing water into the city reservoirs from "Crystal Mprlugs," ou the Rancho Loi F<-li/. The company owns 13 acres of land on which these springs send up their copious atreama, ami this pure, clear water will be secured, percolated through fine gravel end brought into the reservoirs instead of the present supply, which is hahlo to be disturbed by an eruption of quicksand or a break in the ditch which supplies the city irrigating reservoir No. 4. To oomplote thia work will cost a large sum of money, as tho present conduit to the reaervoira for a large part of the way will have to be changed, but the City Water Company hi determined to keep up with the demanda of the city and will expend all that ia necessary to meet the demands and necessities of the city. Thia new source of supply will add to the resources of the company, which will now have the former supply nd the Crystal Springs besides. The demands of tbe city are s i great and so rapidly increasing that the water is drawn from tbe reservoirs before it has tbe necessary time for the precipitatiou of tbe floating matter which cornea from tlie robust source now in nae at such a velocity that it is impossible to become dear before reaching the cousumera. The new conduit will have less fall than the present ditch and less wear and tear of the banks. Roth sources of sup ply can be used when necessary, and ar rangements will soon be made for perco lating tho present stream, These im provements will cost an immense amount of money, but when completed will be of inestimable advantage to the people of this city. All that men ami mouey cau perform will be done by the com pany to secure clear, pure water at the earliest possible time. Second Ward Aroused. The Second Ward Anti-Chinese Club held its meeting last night in Merced Hall. The canvasser reported over 1000 Signatures to the boycott pledge and about two-thirds of the grouud to go over. Jesse H. Butler gave a fine illus tration of the necessity and practicabil ity of the boycott movement, mak ing extensive quotations from the Bible. Mr. Jas. C. Daly, although laboring under a .severe indisposition, made a thrilling discourse thut electrified the audience, and he was greeted with round after round of applause. The club will hjld regular weekly meetings at the same place. Determination was stamped upon every feature, and if all citizens give this movement a hearty co operation they will have no rsason in tho near future to regret it. An Enterprising, Reliable House C. F. Heinzeman can always be re lied upon, uot only to carry in stock the best of everything, but to secure the agency for such articles as have well known merit aud are popular with the people, thereby sustaining the reputa tion of being enterprising and ever re liable. Having secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discov ery for consumption, will sell it on a pos itive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every utfection of tbe throat, lungs and chest, and to show our confidence, we invite you to call and get a trial bot tle free. To-morrow! To-morrow! Every half hour 'busses from 263 N. Main street to the Urmston tract. Auction Sale and Grand Excur sion. On the morning nf sale and excursion lake tho San Gabriel ami Pasadena Rail road. The round trip 25 cent.". Band of music; tree lunch, otid an elegant time. The lots w ill be sold on the in stallment plan—a bbmU amount down. \oix can take immediate possession and you can commence to build. l<ots will be sold oil the installment plan. Don't pay rent. These lots are sold hy tbe acre—large enough to keep a horse and cow, and raise all the vegetable you re <|uire for your family. Electric Lights on the Urmston Tract. A contract was made yesterday with Col. {lowland by the Southern Califor nia Land Co. for four masts with electric lights to be erected immediately on the Urmstou tract. These lights will be maintained free of charge to the holders for one year. After that time 35 cents a month from subscribers will keep them up until the city takes the lights in charge. The New "Hotel Arcadia." Work bas commenced in earnest on the magnificent new hotel at Santa Mon ica, which will be the finest hotel in Southern California, excepting the Ray mond. The lots in front of the hotel grounds arc now being sold. Go down and choose a lot for your seaside home. Mr. Scott has graded Ocean Avenue, planted treeß iv front of each lot, ani will make Scott's Addition the most de sirable place on the coast. Think of It! Lots 25 feet front in East Los Angeles sold yesterday at auction for $2500 each. Lots on Haw kins street, a country road, sold for $780. And yet the handsomest residence property in Los Angeles city to-day is the Urmston tract, at $220 per lot of 50 feet front with all the elegant buildings, electric lights, artificial stone pavements, vines and orange trees. The Mystery Solved. It has always been understood that con sumption wsn Incurable, but It has recently been discovered lhat Kemp's lislsam forthe throat nnd lungs is giving more relief tban any known remedy. It is guftrsnteed to re lieve and cure asthma, bronchitis and coughs. Call on H. D. Godfrey, Nadeau Block and get a trial bottle free of cost. Large -i • ■■ no cents and tI.OO. The Southern California Insur ance Co. Have money to loan ou real estate secur ity, at favorable rates of interest. Also they soli -it a share of public patronage in protecting against loss or damage by fire. Offices 241 North Main street. All Aboard. \ lolet s excnrsion No. 3 leaves April 15th. Completely .quipped sleeper*, experienced conductors and porters in ottendanco. The only complete outfit on the road. 0. H. Violet Manager, St. Charles Hotel. E. Adams' Clothing House, 15 Spring Street. Is the place w here yon can find a fresh stock of spring clothing at such low prices which defys all competition. Before Going East Call at the California Auction House and show your friends that you can purchase clothing there cheaper than you cau back Fa-t. Bargains! Bargains! In perfect fitting clothing at F. Adam's Clothing Hons, 15 S. Spring Btraet. Excursions. i'hiliips popular pleasure parties go ing Fast leave here April 14 and B> Call on or address A. Phillips ft Co , IM V Main street, Los Augelea. $15.00 Will buy an imported corkscrew suit. Call at K. Adam s Clothing House, 15 8. Spring street. Lung Diseases Cured. Inhalations are positive in their action i*iick snd anting in their effect in tlie cure of ail lung diseases. Ho says Dr. Wtlllama Night School For bookkeeping, penmanship and arithmetic, at rooms Hand 12, Schu macher Block, What Every One Says. Tbe loTeliest spot In IjOS Angeles to day in the Urmston Tract. One Price lo All At K. Adam's Clothing House, 15 South Spring .treat. Wm. T. Coleman & Co's New De parture. The eatahliahmeut of au ageuoy at Loa Angeles by Wm. T. Coleman ft Co. haa been brought about by their Increas ing inveatmenta in Sonthern Califoruia, which now amount to nearly $1,000,000. The rapid iucrease of their trade in wines, brandies, oranges, raisins, tints honey and dried fruits h s reudered it necessary to relieve the parent bouse in San Francisco of its inoreosing labors, which bavxi uHate kept ita force of forty elbrks working day aud uight. Tbe U>a Augeles agenoy will bo under the efficient management of W. L. Locke, withJuaeph E, Cook, accountant, and James N. Brown, cashier. The Los An geles brauch was established March lat. From March Ut to Max h 15th the ship ments (uot including oranges, wtrch am.unite.l to about 80 tars) aggregated 100 cars, a large proportion of which was wine* ami brandies ainjuntiug to over $400,000. TUB manAOkmbnt Mr. W. L. Locke, the manager, has been couueoted with the bouse of Wm. T. Coleman ft Co. for years, aud has beeu oue of its most cherished employ t? . is a bright business man, beiug thor oughly imbued with the progressive principlea of the house with which he has been so long identified, and will, without doubt, make a grand succeas of this new enterprise. Tho growth of the business bouse of Wm. T. Coleman ft Co. and its uniform success iv all its un dertaking* with all of its unrivaled ma chinery, which extends tbe world over, is one of the wonders of California. The remarkable success this house has met iv the trade in California wiuea And brandies boa drawn to it the choiceat vintages of the Stole. Tbey have al ways handled wines and brandies to a greater or less extent, but rather as uuxiliary to their exteiintve business than upon the i xteuded scale of opera tions vow contemplated. It is only within twelve mouths tbat they have established a department and made a specialty of this branch of the business, and bave already secured the agency for a number of the State's brat known vintages, which speaks eloquently for their ability. THEIR VINTAGES. The brands for which this house will act aa agents, include thoao of Joseph Schram, df St. Helena, Napa county, whose white winis are said to equal any produced ou tbe Rhine, aud vie of marvelous flavor and botjuet. E. J. Baldwin's wines aud liquors of Loa Angeles couuty. The Bai ton Vineyard Company of Tbe Eiseu Vineyard Company of Fresno. I. De Turk, of Santa Rosa, Sonoma county. Wm. Wcheffler, of St. Helena, Napa county. They alao carry in atock in New York and Chicago, wines and brandies of the Nadean Vineyard, Loa Angeles county; Paul 0. Burns ft to., of San Jose, Santa Clara county; the Napa Valley Wine Company, Napa county; the Cordelia Wine Company, and others. The magnitude of this business can beat be apt reciateJ when it is known that theao vineyards produce from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000 worth of wine a year. Another fact for consumers to appreciate is, that Wm. T. Coleman ft Co. handle the.product of these vine yards exclusively on commission, repre senting the growers and their good* di rect from theviueyard in all their purity without manipulation or adulteration — California Grooer and Cauner. Eighty-Two Lots Sold. Read the names of the purchasers in Ihe Urmston I raet yestertlav. Call at the office of the Company, 263, N. Main street, aud look at the subscrip tion book. THE Sign of the Arkanaaw Cough f * Syrup ia looking you allequare in the Do yon want a snre.safo and reliable Cough Syninr' Arc yon troubllsl witli A Congh, Cold, Druuchiiis „ r Lung Com plaint ( Do your liable, keen you awako all night with Hacking Couulis, Colds lv tho Head, etc Do y„n want something reliable In the houso to uuet thwS oniergencieH? Wo answe.- to all: ; 'Go to yonr llriißirlst and get a Bottle of the Arkansnw Coogh Syrup, and Isi troul,l,sl no more. Prlco, 50 centft per llottlcl THE EXCELSIOR 7T LAWN MOW I It. // BEST MADB // EASIEST RUNNING y^k LAWN lAJOWER HARPER & REYNOLDS 00., * arii-.i-.m 48 sfc 50 N■ MAIN BT. ' -''B?^"' J BARKER & SONS, 1 2 13 and 15 NORTH SPRING STREET, BB Opp. Postoftlce, I.M Angeles, aW OfTor Uni)i-ooocioTitctl Bargain* In C| o Furniture, Carpets, Upholstered Goods, Beidioi, r AC MATTING, CURTAINS, WALL I'APER, BTO. < M MCall to dee Their Stock Before Purchasing. J-3 »pni Urn ~- J BUCKEYE__MOWERS. Farmers Be Sure You ilet the Original, (.'cmiine and only Adriance Buckeye! They have from their lint introdnrtion given hotter satisfaction to the farm era than any otheraon account of thcHUI'KKIOIt QUALITY OF 1 UK I it WORK in all variety of crops ami on all conditions of soil, wiili SI trams lighlness of draft and ease of management. BUY TAYLOrVS~SULKY RAKE. Hanu-Dnirip or Self-Dump, they bave been much improved, anrl are the beat rakea in the market. If You Want the Best Header N on cannot do I.,■tterjthnn take tha HODGES! IT LEADS ALL OTHERS. HAWLEY BROTHERS' HARDWARE 00., 58, 60 and 62 N. Los Angeles St., Loa Angeles, Cal. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Engines, Separators, Ag ricultural Implements, Barbed Wire, Wind-Mills. Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggis, etc. etc. marlii 2m T/ie Best and Cheapest Natural Aperient Water. SU PE RIO R TO ALL OTHER LAXATIVES. " SPEEDY, SURE, and GENTLE." Professor ROBERTS, I.R.C.P. London. The most certain and comfortable cathartic, in cases of constipation anc! sluggish liv" T or piles. Ordinary Dest, a ll'ines;, "fid before breakfast. O/ ait Druggists titul J/irtt.-nt i '" 1 r *':*t,-rJ. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BLUF I ABEL. The old reliable store ot t: K. Ileluacmau I la still head<|unrter*lordruit!.iui.l medicine*. Behsh s full Hue or iistent medicines, sell ing PM vi qiiantltlas to suit al Kaatera What Hid Yon Have to Pay for Carpets Before LION Opened His Carpet Store ? NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY CARPETS CHEAP Wli ARB THE Only Exclusive CARPET HOUSE IN LOS ANGELES TO-DAY. we Buy and Sell lor ('ash and thereby ess save yon money on any article hi our store. Get Prices Any Where on this Coast and we can Undersell Them. flfE HAVE AN ENTIRELY NEff STOCK OF GOODS AND DEFY COMPETITION. EBTIMATEB GIVEN. tJS*Remember the place, Lion's Carpet Store, 116 WEBT FIRST STREET, NADEAU BLOCK. THE FISHES G««lßTrTir —ox- BOOTS and SHOES. For tti© ]Vext SO Days We will SELL BOOTS and SHOH3 at 60 Cents ON THB DOLLAR to reduca our 145,000 .tuck.' —NORTH aiPBIBTGr STItBET S4L mill OX-3CAMJPXOIO- IVEW STEEL aixcl JC>I»ITT MOWERS! ALSO CALIFORNIA VICTOR MOWERS. Do not Buy a Mower until you have seen the N"EW STBBL GH A.MPIOIs"! The Greatest Triumph of the age. Built almost entire of Wrought Steel. OUR THOMAS HORSE RAKES HAVE NO EQUAL. Planet, Jr., Horse Hoes and Cultivators, STUDEBAKER W AGONS and Carriages at Reduced Prices. tsrSend for circulars and prices, largest house in Southern California. m i. S. W. LUITWIELER, »»». IH A lOt Los Angeles St., L. A.. Cal. NOTICE TO HOUSBKBBPBRSI On V NEXT TUB LOB ANGELES CARPET WORKS Will It! 0 4 \ l uder Ihe Sole Siiperiiilenileiicv ol SIONKI LACtf. PEICE for TAKING OP, CLEANING and RELAYING CARPETS, 6c. per Yard. Having the oDly new machine in the city for cleaning carpets, I can do bettor work for less money than any like establishment in Los Angeles. SIDNEY LACBY, After 10 year, experience and study aa »c.r|«-t upliolaterer iv Ihia city, I am mom prepared to give e.tiiuateeon all kind* of . 1., borderm*. draping or decorations Drdera left at LOS ANCKI.IM lIHN I I I HI: CO., Main street-.Vita. ■ *"•"«'"' "» » SIDNEY LACEY. WII.IJH I, CIII.VKK, ol I'svlllnu. N V lays thai Ulltnnre's Mas-nellc Mlili furr.l him ot a long nlsudlus throat and* Inns trouble. For aale by 11. 1). Uodlrey, Nadeau ■look The RIDDANCE SALE, THK CHIT BARGAIN CIVER! The Riddance Hale whlrh we launched onl a few weeks ago wlthent much ado has reached such proportions lhat we And ourselves drawn onward with the jam, the crowd and the mul titude of buyers, so that in fael. were we to withdraw tbls sale now at its bight, it would cause wide-spread lamenting. Rut we are not yet in a position to say: " We have too mneh room " or to say, "Mo use to throw away our hard earnings" by sell ing goods at cost or less. He still require more spare in order to place our business on the right road, and If prices during Mm week will deplete our stock we are willing. Bargains During this Week Only! A linn of li piece* of double fold black lace hunting, 15c. A live of colored grim grain Hilka at 75c, worth f 1.25. A line of twill..l. all wool, homespun., 44 inches wide, 49c, worth 7Jo. A live of silk satins, all shades, SOc, worth 75c. A lino nf tootoned hrocade satina 85c, worth }il 25. A line ol black lace webb sniting*. 44 inches wide, 25c, worth 50c. A line of black .'(.button ttl.l gloves (small sizes) 25c, worth tl. A line oi hoys' easaimere suits, very nice, t2 75, worth 14. A Hue of youth's Spiece, all wool, suits tB.SO, worth till. A lilib of men's straw hat?, nice styles, 50c, worth $1. A line of ladies' >traw drear hats 05c, worth tl. A line of elegant dre.s law i s 5o a yard. A line of black silkn We, worth t1.50. A live of black silks a yard, worth 11.76. A lineof all shade ola sicjue suitings, the finest goods made, 74,., worth tI.SA. Caution to Lato Gallern. Early Trade Solicited. No Goods Renerved. l eople's Store. A. HAM I! [JKGBB &S< >NB. b Acnnra — bubo r ANOTHER PASADENA BARGAIN THIH TIMK IT IS r AOKKB in I IK.II X I.P.VKL I.ANP, now • r In barley, wllh ample wHtor right piped to the bind. I he awner must sell and Is of lerlng tor n li iv daya at fars). l-'iirnl-l 1 and utifiirnlshed lin to rent: on irds, vineyards and other proper Ilea for Sta. n<» llltn 1 111 llv. lII'. I.KAIMNU AND OLDKRT LAND, I.OA N and INSURANCE OFFICE In Psssdana, No North Fair Oaks Avenue, dmtl Adjoining Postofnce. 0. O. O. I). A. KUOHKM la nuw proprietor ol the c. ilroeery Htnrc. corner of Hprlng and Fourth atreetn, l-oa Augeles having bought out lila partners. He has many Improre menta and largely Increaai d lil« Block. Hf Imya aud sella only for raah and <:*N aid l>or.a sell groceries tor a v cry aiu-tll profll. TlieC, C r la runalmiHy growing In popu lar lavor. inarrf lm PASTURE. flood paatnre lor atoek la to be had In Browii'a Cation second eaAon from Bene diet's. Is n, 11. Irom Ixta Angeles and a m.las from Santa Monies. Terms; For one o,» 7fie, one horsa 11.00. one colt dop |.oi month. Apply to HK.BASTUN LIIfNEK, on tha place. mrl4 lm