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2 DAILY HKHAMV finale Ooplea of the Herald, fl Uents Herald Steam Printlm Hontw. The lISRAia. Steam Prlntlm House la not Wrsasaed by any )..'.. prlnlln, office on Hie Pactflr r -■ out.liH i I Han Kranolaco, In ■Wllltlsa for noun Jeli work. l«w prlooa, good work aud execution may be relied upon at this ofnos. S|mrial Notice. Usrssltsr notice, ol companies, aoelotlea, •hnrehea. etc.. will only be Inserted In tba Hssai.ii aa paid advertlnementa. Wo rsaerns lor places ol wnrahlp a iratultoua directory whloh will appear every Miiinlay mornln«. Ths HSSAI.Ii offlee 1- comierlnl Willi tne . stem ol boa Angelea city and taoMj. Order, lor advertlaemeiila or Job Work may be aent throufjb tbla medium lo aumbcr Ps",. Tbs Hssal.n la tl.eoltlelsl paper ol the city al Uia aageles. The olty dellnipieul las llaU and sll cither municipal notices appear only la Ita oolumna. air. B. N. Howe la tha Santa Ana stent ol tbe Hss.i.l) Where It Is Defective. Mr. tllaJstunn'H mitnme ol Home Rule lor Ireland in hciugtliscusßed over tlm world. liismissiiig H"' lnu "" of criticism which would I"' hostile lo anything which might he ptoposeii by the British pr ior, and which mostly rests upon whcit rcmiiins ol the »|>lril of Klmiigbow mid < 'rmu well in Kngland, lliure are Home aspects o( his plan which might, in tl pinion ..f ninny oliscrvinn people, be roinedied wilh great ej'tviiiitiigo. For Instance, Mr. liladvrftne proposes that the Knglish. which he calls the ■ Imperial, '.'arlinmoiit Hhoiihl no longer contuin nny repii'si'iilutiuii kiom Ireland, and lhat this l.ody Should neveilhelcKH logislnte on tariff, "Wise and other inipurlanl mutters, ■ir Irish n. Tins would he, in its 'ta'Ui.Ht extent, taxation without 'cp lAsentatiuti. II would eoiislili.te |ue .-ulsely the i.-: is'( " " "idei which the present United Stale*, Ihen colonies of Oroat Britain. ■up in rebellion. Why should mil a genuine lispeiial Parliament he cunstilnte.l, which should legislate foi lie- common weal of all, while local legislatures should be entrusted witb tbe task of legisla ting lor their several distinctive bodios politic.' A niunhei of Mr. Gladstone's parliitinentary opponents have objected to Ibe scheme because it would logically lead up to local parliaments for Scotland, lOngland ami Wales. II seems to us that this ; .feature, instead "i heing ohjeclion able, is really n stun.:' rei oinmeeda tion of Ihe mci.s.iir. Ireland, Kng -l»nd, Scoliund and Wales should eacbbavu local legislatures ol their own, ami they ought all h, he e,|Ually interested in the concerns of the Im perial legislature in Ihe ratio of their population. It would not he a whit ■miss if the Dominion of Canada, Australia and oilier important depen dencies of Kngland, were also admit ted to the same privilege Then there would he a liuly Imperial Par liament of (ircat l'.iitain. aud the plan would wink ipllte as well as Ihe dual State and national gevernmen a of the United States. II would he an oleniont oi cohesion, mil "I do union. It would strengthen instead Of weakening Ihe bonds which altach tbe near and scallen d dominions of Kngland to the mother country. Notwithstanding the niinouncement that Mr. Put nell 1 Ihe leading Home Killers are williins I" accept Mr. I Hailstone's nieiisiuc asaselili ment itl full of all present demands Of Ireland Ihere are mil wanting aagacious friends of Ihe KnicraM Isle Who look upon Ibis ■inovalioii ns nn exceedingly dangeious one. Under pertain circunistances il mighl prove to be a trap, as lieland surrenders her right to inllnence Ihe legislation of Kngland while that country would retain i untrol of the military, tbe COMUbnlary, the navy and Ihe rev (rtlSie of the lanpiie. These are formidable agencies oi oppression when their course c. 'iiiot be directed or modilled in any sense by a people against whom Ibey mighl possibly be used. Under such eiiciinistances patriot.! Irishmen itiigh! be brought to bitterly rcgiel h.n ing parted with ■ very eliicienl paibamentary iiistru xment through the »«.•...•>• «t which, only the other day. tbey were able lo hurl a confident British Ministry out of power. It ap|>ears lo us that the line solu tion of tbe whole mailer is an Im imr'uil Parliament on the basis ol a federation. This was the conception entertained by the illustrious Kdmuud Burke, and which he developed, with luminous ability, in his speeches on conciliation with Ibe Ameiican co' onies during our Kevohitiouili y war, and which Pngland has only par tially vi.plied lo Ibe 11,111.1111,.11 of Canada and to \nslralia. and which she now seeks to partially apply to Ireland. It will not in the end hurt tbe cause oI ii the Conserva tives should i.illi ... siulicient force to defeat Mr. < .tone's measure. It would result, in the end. in a far mote practicable :in,l wise system, which would give I.eland Home llule and at the same time secure ber her just inllnence in the councils ~l the British Umpire, oi which Mr. lilud- Btonc proposes thai -be shall still re main au integral part. X' Otti of the most spirited and pleas ing episodes Ib.l has occiurcd in the United Slates Senate ol late years was the brilliant and bnninotlsspeech made l.y Senator Keiina. ol West Virginia, in the debate I ight on by Senator Kdinund's contest with President Cleveland in the matter of communicating to the Senate his reasons for the removal ot officials whoso continuance in ollice was, in bis judgment, detrimental to tlie public service. Mr. Kellllimtle adopt ed Lis usual supercilious role with the young Westerner, but the news paper correspondents all agree that Kvarts listened interestedly and smile I frequently during Kenna's speech, and that tbe Democratic aide of Ihe Senate recognized the fact that in the person ol the speaker they bad a genuine champion. He drew a graphic picture of Ihe Republican usurpations 'in the I'.esi.lential olhec, and showed how tbey bad been de signed to prevent President .lohiisull from appointing Democrats. He next pointed out the niodilicatiuu ef the Tenure of Ollice Act when i.iai.t came into power, and quoted the witty passage from the second vol time of P.laine's book, wherein tbe Pine Tree statesman says it was en acted to prevent Johnson from ap pointing Democrats, and paitially repealed toallowof Grant's removing tbem. Senator Edmunds, in bis natural temperament, is one of the old Federalists, who elevated the Presi dency into something regal while it ' was held by one of their own kith and kin, old John Adams, for in stance, and who tried to mako it out something with uot even the shadow of power when it was tilled hy Jeffer son and bis illustrious successors. Witb all Kclmunds'a pomposity and ■übtlety of fence be has been simply triturated in tbe debate which be so causelessly brought on, and he Ims boon ■ on,polled tv sit ami listen lo tbe Henatn acclaiming the wit and wisdom of a mere boy-tlie youngest United States Senator ever elected in Ibe United Stales—who had taken his hiiiinl ou the bulwarks ol the con stitution. Not the least ol the tri umphs of President Cleveland's ad ministration will Is- the restoration of the Proaidontial ollice to its obi constituliolial vigor ami clli. leliev ; and Senator Kenna will have the proud consciousness of having con tributed very powerfully to tbat re suit—a consummation most devoutly to he wished by all Demwiißts, as well, indeed, as by all lovers of American institutions. Many people may not lm .wan that l.os Augeles is simply repealing, witb many delightful variations, the history of Kansas Cily. Since Ibe census of ISSII we have quite equaled the advances of the Miusouii town in the decade between ISIIO and 1170, which was notable in its history. :,os Angeles, in sis years, has more quadrupled bai populatl wd she bas achieved this miracle al though situated ill Ibe extreme SOU til' western corner of the Uniled States, under triuiH'airlntion conditions of great dillirulty and expense. Under the new era of cheap faros and freights there is DO limit to the possi bilities of tbe Angelic city. Tbe factors of her coming great wealth and ox paiislon are the corn, wine and oil of the DOmmeroe Of all ages, to gether wilh iinsnrpiissed ruilway facil ities und a geographical situation not hiii passed ofl the Aniei ican or any oii.ei■continent. Tho temptation aa the pi. loi Angelenos io shout Kureka ia almost iimonliollahle inder Ibe circumstances. Mtiou B, L. Si i ns succeeds Major George H. Bonebtnke M President of ibe Board of Trade. That valuable body thus still nbows its devo tion to tlm "millingtary," and manages tv givo itself a remurkuldy ornumenlul as well us useful figurehead. Both Ihe retiring and incoming ollicials are as popular as they ate mod sit und uteri torioNS. It is pleasant to know that a Major is still to the fore in Ibis peaceful hoard. Wk ure to-day ol,liifed to uiinounee the death nf ux-Mayor Aguiliir, wlm filled tho responsible oflltva of Mayor of Loa Angatei for tlirtto terms, and who ditohargad, ulwuys well and acceptably to tlm people, uiuny other impellunt municipal trusts, lie was it valuable citizen uud bis loss will bo widely mourned. When Not In Positive Agony, Tbo rheumatic arc SaU li. ciln.iu ecr tain aoreneas or atillitesa in tliu jointa and miracles, which aerves thai the vil'lta only waita un unfavorable OuSGgl of woatber or tho aid of a colli to eni phaai/.o Ita preaeuce with excruciating; son :• TO prevent the rcelirrnnee tnitiiiato the pain, tberu ia tu. tiuer or aafur .oitroo of relief titan II owtctter'a Stoniach Itittcra, a meclicilie eve ry way preferable to the; potaoM, rcpcateil in linitusinial cloaca of which are taken, to the prejudice of health unit the jcoparely ..[ life without any permanently remedial elTuet. Sleep hinishett l.y rheumatic and DSttralgk pain at niulit is rtutorcl hy thia heneticont aoothcr of the Iter, votta ayßte.n, an.l the slumber which it aupurintluous ia far more rofreshilli! and than tl.e otupor into which the brain ia thrown l.y a narcotic. Ap patitS Snd digaallOßi aa trail as sleep are liuprovoil l.y It, and it ia an udmirahlo regulator aml tonic for Ihe bow, la and kidneys. Use it for rheutnatinui before retiritiK- What a Wife Said. Simply tbla and nothing more: 11 came Iron, r I- lie.u/el, More. Has proved to tie a perfect cure. Pleasant lasting, sale and sore. That gum tree lonealyp'us) eoiiuh syrup, which Is made from the oltoslyplua, or bins a-utn, leaves of tlie Austral! in tree, anil dur Ing lis Introduction on tbla coast has been er.o co to 1..' th, -t Miluahie remedy for colds, ooilgha, acre throat, whooping cough, bronchitis and oonsi..uptime. Ihe only remedy that will ii.ilca.iiso I rlhit lis order to the slonlach In cases where con somptliili has sot nruhhnl.l. Hie coughing, ill'til" weak frame and Is uoslltTeT) superior lo any drug cough remedy. A dollar si*,- package lor seventy live cents. C. V. llgiNr-KSAN, Agent, laia Angelea. Important to Consumptives. the people of Australia aud of the Stale of llallforula have been tialoiiihl.eil at the won lorlul curaltvo power of Kiioalyptua. or jinn tree leavua, ter all throat and limit llaeaaea. A preparation called the "tlntn I'ree Cough Syrup," baa rapidly sold all iver our Slate, and la the only euro for a old, wlimiplliii cough, bronchitis, ele, will uot make you aiek at the ctomacli lv taking. Kollevca violent •onghlng; aoolhtllg to fever and all irrllallon. 0. F. lloluieman, solo agent, I.oa The Population of Los Angeles la nhoilt Inrty thiiiisand. and we would say ill len-l one hall are trouhled "lili some si lection ol the tl.ruat and |ÜBS> As lliose eomplallila are. aeceordliiK lo slall.tlc-. inure niiineroiia Ulan others, we would ad v..c ~11 1i..1 I" ...■alee, .tie o|'|»'r Ol lo I > sll 0B ua and t*t a Dolt la ol Sasnp's Balsam lor Ihe tliro.t and limits. Trial slr.c Iree. Price r.oei'iit» and ,1 .Ht Kor sac hy 11 It. .iodfrey, Nadeau Itlca.k. Dr. Henley's Discovery Leading uhyalolaaa ia Burop. and tmerioaars now giving Dr. Uanlsjf the credit of iM'ing Iho discoverer of the greatest nervine nod tollio ever eolll pounded. Dr, Henley's fCc lery, lioof and Iron ia lite .sieve of nerve, ainue and strength. Sold by all clruggiatß and country atorea. Hundreds of People Are taking advantage of taatWaoHaaSf of having the pan juice ot the grope delivered free of charge tothe purehaaer to any part of thi Kaat, l.y Ha. r ,t Oaf main, laHoOth Spring. Stop Your Cough By takiug the (iumTrco (eucalyptus) Oongh Byrup. Ouly for sale by (i. K. llelniomau druggist, bos Augelus. P. B. lohu Wieland . celebrate I I'lillsdclphla laager Beer vow on dntughl at the leading UUooua. Slelnike A hruniii,', hole agents •ud bottlers, IM K. First tit. Iron-Sulphur Water Delivered st your house by Jevne, or Hurclt fc Boat OtVI VOUK OWtlLnstßtH, for coughs and colds, croup, wlu'onim; c.miili and hiiHrse iu ". s Maunetie KHxlr I'm aale by U. D, Wodfrey, Nadwau Uloek. IAMBI aUT.UVAN, of rtalem. Orcnon, says he was cured M the Asthma by tiil mt>re r. Matruellc Kllxlr For sale by H. I>. (iodfrey. Nadeau llloc^ THK WIFE. MOTHBB AND MAID who suffer from female wenkness. will find Ml more's Aromatic Wine •» positive cure. For sale by 11. D. Oodfrey, Nadeau Block. XXV. E. J. WHITNEY,nf Clsrkson, j$ Y. say a Oil mores Aromatic Wine for female weakliest., Ktauda without a rival. For sals by 11. D. Uodfrey, Nadeau Block. WHKN iHK' lullf" cannot help you, then take ttlltnore's Mannetic Kllxlr for your throat aud liiukb. For *hlu by 11. D. (iodfrey Nadeau H.ock. THK XXV <IKO. B, THAYKK.of Bourbon lud.,sayH: "Holh iny»elf ami wife owe our livestodHll.tiH St uSSt MITION (.ITKB.' sold by V- V. Helnicmau, in N. Mitlu street LADIES, use Gllmore's Aromatic Wine for nervousness and uleeplessnes*. For aale by 11. t>. (iodfrey. Nadeau Kbwk. Damiana Bitters makes the old, young snd the weak lUOM mid healthy. M. L-vy* Co., wholesale UqUOf dealers, agents. There is Nothing Surprising In the fact tbat lhiia.>n'a Capcluc Hasten, are v. 1. 1, imltatsMt; tiiat iSiaLiaael worthies*. pla*t«ri with nanus of similar souu.l. ami «milu ssjsjsjap an co in type, are freely uHerad tor sale Articles of grfst and original merit always ha*s to com pete with traahy initiations. But aa they )<ec"iiiti known tlit* die out. tlirotigh dr* rvi-4 ■i-tiUa.-t. Meanwhile, wa warn tho i>ut.Ho agninft tha St> calietl "f-apsictuti," •■fapan-iu,'* *i•amichi'* and ■•»'iil«ikluo* plaalcrt, wlnll.-r "Iki.t.n. a." l;.o lawaT or otherwUe. Tlmybava no mraiclnal ot curstlia Virtues whatever, ami are nn*.t« to t. .1 <m Ih* remitatluu of Jieuaon'a. Wh«n iiurchaaiiir,', ask fur llwiinjui'm, ttraj with re»i-< ctnl'le tin mid flu cull and tat Ui aWoemed. Tliw Kelimtie haa t)« 'Tbreo Miala" tnutemark ou tho clotli and tbo WufU "I'siwina" cut iv 14m05.-i.ui. L.OB ANGELEB DAILY HERALD. TUESDAY MUKNIN&, APKIL 13.1880. TELEGRAPHIC. A Suit Against the State, TO RKCOVBB SWAMP LANDS. iho Very Clever Manner iv Which a Large Body wt band Whs Obtained. [SjMetsi to ti« ttfraitt f,» f'.r assefsaas rv.M.i Sas Francisco, April 12— United Stales Attorney Ueaeral (larland haa in .'Hilled suit iv equity in the United Slates Cnurt to net aside letter, patent greu.lnd hy the United St lies to HM Sla'e of Celt ferula, ounveyiug to the Stale Kern Lake and llaena Vitla Lake, in Xi m counly. Tb* ele eudants are .1. 11. Uoggin, Wm. B. Carr, tloorge Hearst, Alfred I. Davis, Col.uo Brewer, Murray I. Taylor, Di.uoan Beaumont, tleorgo tl loIISSSSSI, llovertior of California, flu,mils 1,. Thompson, Secretary of SI ate, 11. I. Willey, Surveyor lienors], ami Kdward C Marshall, Attoruey llctieral. The hill of eoinplain! recite,: "Thai Kirn Lake and Bnena Viata Lake, and the oonusotlng Bbanttcl bs- I True ttic.ii, are large bodies of water some forty-four square milea iv ■rtai thai around Ibe margin ot Ibe aaid lakea, and aaid clian nul aud hetweeti theaj margins and the high land there waa a belt or atrip nf I,net within which belt aad ed by it lire aaid lakea ami channel which contain no island, nor any land al all; that on September St, IS.'iO, ull land bordering on the lakea and the uhanuul and for a great distance around theui waa uusurveyed public Und be longing 10 the United Stales. Uongreaa on the date laat named passed au act eiiiiimunly called tha Arkansas Act, which ia entitled "au act to enable tlie .Slate of Arkansaa ami olher States lo reclaim awiimp landa within their limits." By virtue of thia act tbe United States grauteil to the Statu of Call for phi all awam|si and overflowed land within her liniita. The bill further .InteH that in tha years ISM and MM thu high laud around the aaid lakea aud channel and iuiuied. ately outside of Ihe belt of swamp sud overllowed land mentioned, waa aurveyed hy the Uuito.l Statea mo tboritiea into townships and sectiona, and a line of segregation run which aupa rated tbo awanip aud overflowed foul from the anrroui.ding liighlaud. Tile Held nolta of thia survey were aent to tbs nllioe of tbo United Statoa Surveyor- General for California, where three plots were prepared from the data of the Held notes. The hill alleging that thus plata, however, did not show the extent of the belt of awanip aud ovotftuwnl laud. The complaint further charges Hint the United Statea Surveyor Ueu eral of California, iv pursuauoo of the act of Cutigreaa and iuatruetioiia from the Oeneral Land Otlice to traiiamit lints to Washington of all awanip aud over flowed lauds iv California, did, iv the year Infill, ..Iter the lines uf the sarvsy on the plats remaining iv liiß offloe, canning Hie lakes aud channel mentioned ti, he designated aa ao much lantt. In 181111 the Uniled Statea authorities, aa tho hill allcgus, inadvereutly iaesed a patent tn the State of California for cer tain aectious ot land enumerattd in tha bill of complaint, and embracing the lakes aud channel meutionud. It ia claimed that Ihe patent is void hecau c of fraudulent acts perpetrated hy the BUrveyors. Defendant Beaumont, it ia churged, oa April 7, IS7II. Bads two applications to the Statu Land nt Sacramento, California, to purchase 18,000 acres of what he termed swamp and overllowed landa. Afterwards iv the samo month the Comity Surveyor of Kern county certilied to the Btnte Surveyor Oeneral that ho had aurveyed the swamp and overllowed le-.da mentioned in lleaumunt'a applica tion. The Register of the Land Ollice issued tv Beaumont certificates of pur chase, and, aa the complainant atatca. fol a ,11 .ion Beunmont trauafcrrad nil his intcreat In his 111,000 acres to llaggin. The complainant prays for .in injunction to reatraiu lluggiu and some ol bia co defelidanlß from aaacrting title under tho Beaumont certificates ot pur. oliasc, and alao to prevent the Coventor, Secretary of State, and the other Stale ..Hirers mentioned, from parting with llio State's title to the laud iv question. h. I, is. .1 unit .lallcu Asnln. St. Loi is, April IS. In the criminal court to day the writ of Indies, corptia which was applied for Saturday by Judge Laughlin in behalf of the deputy • uerifla who did the .hooting in tbs Liiuisville and Naahvillo yards ou Kii day was granted and the men released. They were Immediately rearrested at tho instance of the Ban St. Louis nil- IhortUas. Vau,lul. Hue v tlhurch. Sv\ Josa, April I-'.- Burglars entered Bt. Joseph's Catholic Church last night and carried away several hundred mad als, two thurihlea, a brass crucilix and two moDStrsnosa, .Most of Ihe articles hsvstbs sppssranoo of gold and ailvcr, but, With the exception Of one thurible uud parts of the monstrances, they are oi brass, No arrests have been mails. DAY DISPATCHES. Nkw Viiuk, April 12.— Iv an inter view with Jmy liniil.l, wl.ich tho VYi hunf publishes today, Oould, referring to an interview between himnelf and Powderly, qQOtM the hitter nn Haying nf district No. 101, Knlghtl of Labor: "They are outlaws; they aro ouo of ths worst sets of men 1 ovcrsiiw. When 1 WM out tin if among them 1 was really ■ufrald [or my life. They have broken tho laws of the order; tbey have begun tho strike without authority, ami lu morrow 1 intend to insuc a circular right ing iiiyaelf aud plaoiug these men iv their true light." "What will be Ihe outcome of the Southwestern atrikifi?" ini|iiired tbo re porter. "They will breakdown through their own weight. The ■in organ /iitionn, through Ihoir boycott ami their strikes, will nntko tbeuiselvi-a so unpopular that public opinion will no longer support them ami their power will he gone." I oiil Til ii cr* BlMpaUaalM wltb lHa HnlKlklS. St. Lovtm, Mo., April ll!.—Tho ooal miners of tbo It. Louis distint, wLo tliuck iait week, bold a meeting yeatei ilay un. I resolved to remain linn together uud nut to resume work uulit after the striata by the Knight* is euded. Very little coal is on band iv this district, and it ia expected that tbe total cutting ull of tbe supply will allect seriously the manufacturing interests of the city ami vicinity. I'm huudred und fifty coal iniuers ou the Illinois und St. Louis rail road have struck, and it is expected more will strike about Itdleville to-day to assist the K.u ghts in their struggle. All Unlet nl I nstSi. Louis. Kast St. Loui*. 111., April 12.—The presence of the militia hi this city con* imues to have the desired eflcct, ami no disturbance has been reported since tho utcetuliary tires of Friday night, aud it Is now believed that no encounter be tween the military and the strikers will occur. Tbo platforms of thu vai iuus freight depots arc busy with men active ly engaged in loading and unloading aara, and no attempt at interfereuco by strikers has oi :urretl. Inquest on I lie St. louts Affair. St. LOOM, April If,—Tho imjtieeton the viotima of the Kist St. Louis shoot* ing affair was commenced to-day, and spectators of the scene all agree that the deputy sheriffs tired the first shot; that uo atones were thrown ut them; and that the srowd gave the deputies no otber provocation for tiring than hooting and jeerinc at them, aud mnkiug irrita ting remarks. siiteitte ol a «'lklel of I'ollre* Sacramksto, April 12. —Kx-Chief of Police, Olivur C. Jackson, conunittrd suicide last night hy Inking morphine. No cause If known for tbe act, unless it was from tioaueial in vol v ment. His tent, as Chief of J'otieo had juat ex pine). He was defeated fur W lltttflwi fast I'Yiday. FINANCE AND TRADE. Ta* New York stack Market. New Yoai, Aprll 12.— OoTsrnmsnt bonds dull and slsady. Steaks responded promptly to the gen erally favorable outlook. At ths open ing prices were gre generally small frac tions higher, aud with hardly any reac tions tlio market oontinued strong until the olose. Some of tho stock, which hsvs bees neglected for soins time were conspicuous for gains made, Inolading Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western. Common opened at N and rose to 54, while preferred advanced from 7S lo H2, aud closed at 811. Union I'aoilic is up 1 per • -,• which was ascribed lo inside buying on reports from Washiugtou thst tho Hoar bill, extcudiug paymeuts to the government oyer eighty yeara, would pass, hut it is more probable that the story grow out out ol tbe advance, ln •tead of advaaoes coming from tho story. Tbe market closed active and strong. usvunausl liondsaatca Bsllws, aha res. Nsw Voas, April 12.— Three per cent c..... no.■■ ~i bonds, loo;. fonr and a half per cents, IlM| four per cents, ISS) Central I'acilic, 42}. Honver Sl Rio Grande, 11.. Kauaas A Texas, vllf, Northern Pscilio, 261; preferred Hfl Chtcago * Horthweitern. 108 s ; New York Central, 1031; Oregon Navi gation, 1UI; Transcontinental,2!ljlOregoii Tutpruvetnoul, 2.1; I'acilic Mail Steam ship, -; I'snama Railway. IIS; Texas t I'scifio, III; Southern I'acilic,!.] J; United States Kxpreaa, B2; Wolls, Fargo* Co.'a Kxpress, 120; Western Unioti Telegraph, •St. New York inane, market. Nt w Voiik, April 12. —Money ou call easy, at life- por eeoli prime paia.r, 46i~, per coin; sterling exchange bill, dull and steady at $4,801 f or Ull daya; SI ss demand. mtnlnti stacks. Sas Kkanoisoo, April 12 — Beat ft Belcher, 11 25; Chollar, tI.UO; Crocker, 2So| Qoeld i Curry, 75e; Hale t Nor eroaa, J2.UO; Mexican, 50c; Navajo, 15c; Ophir, 70c: Peerless, 25c; I'otoai, 70; Savage, $1.10; Sierra Nevada, 50c; Union Couaolidated, 40c; Yellow .lack ut, 05c. Ti,c it.m.i. at rata rrnde. UMBO*, April 12. The Murk hum AY, in its review of the Ungliah grain trade during tbe paat week saya: Wheels uro growing very fast. Trade baa not improved. Sales of Kuglisli wheat during the week were 50,004 quarters at W. 4,1, against 32,809 quar ters at Ma M durittg the corresponding period Isst year. Klour is stesdy. There la no new feature iv the foreign wheat trade. No cargoes arrived. One cargo was held and oue wua withdrawn. None remained. Tha market tv-clay waa stag nant. Knglish whesto were BJ lower. Foreign wheats wore weak and flat. Corn waa lid dearer. Barley a were ditlicult to sell. The main market. San Fkanuisiso, April 12. Wheat— Tbe week c; ens on ■ steady, Hrm mar ket. No. standard, $l.:i2'fa.*l Ho} per cental. Barley -Steady. Keo.l of gmd ip.ality, .-1.90 per i tal; browing,*! I-",'" I Coru— Market not active. California while, Sl.irsraifl.2o per cental; large yel. l.iw, $l lowf1.20; imallyellow,fl,Mo 51.27 J. Callaaoe, April II —Wheat lower; 73ic per bushel April, 77Jc May, 7'.lj|o June. Corn—April fe higher, at 3o per buah el April. Barley—Hull; HOo per bushel. UraarooL, April 12—Wheat—Fair demand. New No. 2 winter and spring, fork. Ciiicaiio, April 12.—Pork 5n 1 ,wer; $9.10 per bbl. April. l-etroleu,n. "Nkw Yoiik, April IL—Petroleum— Firm. Uuited Pi|>o Line cloaod at 70,0 per bbl. By lack of open air, anil the want of Mltlicictit care in the mutter of diet, the wh tie pbyaical tnechauiaiii t.ftcu becomes impaired during thu winter. Ayer's S.iraapurilla ia th.. proper tc. tuko in the spring of the year to pu rify the blood, invigorate the system, ■ xoito lbs liver to artic.n, and restore the healthy tone and vigor. NKW TO-DAY. A Safeguard. Tho fiitul r:ipidily With which slight ('olds ninl Couklis) fnijueiitly develop Into the gravesit imiliulics of the throat and lungs,ls a consideration which .should Impel every prudent person tn keep at blind, ii* ii "household n uiedv. a bottle of A V Klf SJ 111 Hi It V I*FA T( >ll AL. Nothing ehe given such imineiMutc relief and works so sure v cure in ull iifteetioiw of this eliias. That eminent plivslelun, I'rof. r. Sweel/er. of the Maine Medical School, Hrtmswiek, Me.. Kays:— M Kattlesl tKdenoc has produced no otber ano dyne sspectorant so good as Aveii's Cuiukv I'Ki'TOhai.. ll Ist lm aide for diseases of the throat and lunge." The same Optntoa i* expressed by the welMvtiown I)r.L..J. Addison, of ( bicugo, ID., who says: -"I have never foumt, In thirty-five years of continuous, siittly and prm th c of medicine, any preparation uf su ureal value an A ykr's Ciikkhy Victouai., fur treattuent of diseases of the throat ami liuufs. It not only breaks up roldß and cures severe eoiighe, but Is more effect Iv« than auvlliliitf ■ - In relh-vlng even the mnat aerlouabronehial ami iiuluuinary luTe.etious." AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not v new elufmiiiit for popular confi dence, bul ii medicine which is to-day Having the lives of tin- third ueuerutioii wbo have come into being since It whs irst offered to the public. There is not a household In which tbls invahiiible remedy has once been In troduced where lis use has ever been MMBdoned) and there Is not ■ person who has ever given it a proper trial for any throat or liiiil; disease ■IBWf tible nf cure, who bus not been imide well by it. AYBB*B CHERRY PECTORAL has. In nomberless insfmiees, euretl obstinate eases of chronic llroneliltis, Laryngitis, und even acute I'neiiinonla, uud bus saved many patients in ihe earlier of IMilino'nary Cousiimptioii. It Is it medicine thut only re(|iiii-es to be tukeu ln SlDUll doses, in |,|e;i>:itlt In Die liwtf, Hlld Is needetl in every house where there ore cbildii n, as there is uoiliing so goml as AYKK'S * HLlilt V l'K< T( Ht AL for treat meat of Croup und Whooping Cough. These nrc ull plain facts, which can bo resiled by anybody, uud should bt it> lliellibel'e'f by eVeryltody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PRKI'AREI) BY Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Said by all Druggists. MANt'FACTI'HEK OF Harness, BRIDLES. WHIPS, ROBES, HALTERS. Ull Nate, etc l.att. Nt i n \v. Sf ia Vlrst atreet, lisa purcliaaea tlie buaiueafl of J. K. Slai.Kl.tcr, No 50 H. St., aad will t,e lileiisi'il to n.i it all aud patroua al tl.e new at.ire. A lame and plete aaaartincttt ot KniKla. Hepatrtug neat ly done. aprl lia SIXTY OSTRICHES To visit the Oalrlcti Farm tako the Hanta Ana tralu lo Norwalk Station : 11 a, round trip. Kreo haok to Iron Sulphur Sprlssa Motel. Parties ol tour, So conn state lare to Ostrich Kami and Lack to hotel, or drive out from Loa Antelea and dine or stay a!) nlghlal the Sprlnus and vlatt llio Oatrlchca. marts lm SHKKT MUSIC-BOOKS -INSTKIIMKNia. STONEMAN,(_= Nc. ;tti SOOTH SI'KINU STREET, ■.us trraiuu, ual. decnl Manhood Restored It. .i. i.v lio . o. i.... ■ n if,jli,, i'.'r!. '.'t,' il.-'ti - ,'.'.. ,^^«^sor'-Ilf-V-o^ , J , . ,(,,.., I n.I l ilt I. Oi In. f- em -uS.t.ra. SVOrM. J.U-iUa VVS, v Yeat> NKW TO DAY. mi, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A man-el of purity strength ami wholoaomoncaa Horn economical than the or. I i nar v k intia, and cannot U- wold in you* petition witli the multitude of low test, short weight, slum or phosphate powders. Hotf>ONLr nf 14ms. Koi-AL. Basiho Puwbsa i 0., 100 WaU-S*. N. V. AM USKMKiNTS.-. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. 11. 13. WYATT, Manager. OME WEEK, COMMKNOINd MONDAY, APRIL I'JTH, 1880. The Hsu FranclßCO Favorllea, RanUn California Theatre Ce. McKee Kaukln, D, 11. ilarkln >, John Wal lace. Uco. Oahcrne, .:. I. lilsl.op. 11. Kirk laud, Mal.el Bert. Adele Wal-ra, Silale Will tama, Mra. Oahorue. Annie and 10 othera. Monday.Tueaday.Wedneaday aud Thursdsr, "PAVEIVIENTS OF PARIS." Friday nishlaud Saturday Matinee, "FROU FROU." MlaaSualeWllllamaaa Frou Frou. Saturday Night, x.jax> Ar-»-t- UL /v -v. No advaueeou t.rtcea. Seala for aale at tha boaOfllco apntst NEW ARMORY HALL. Friday Evening, April 16th, (lit AND Farewell Concert 4 TKNUEIIKD TO Hit. OSCAR KELLOCIts. The following artl.U will appear: Hlsa A. F. Ueorge, Miaa A. L. Smith, Mdi,io Marra Vnron, Mrs. S. I. Mayo, Mr. and Mra. Mra. Chapman, .1 II Book, Prof. C. E. Bar. , Mr. E. 11. swoetser. Prof. Kobt. K. Paulsen, Mr Jamea Booth, Prcl. Scliuua, Pror. M. I.anaberg, Prof. Ad Scl.ulenblirg, Prof. K. h. Keut, Prof F. N. Elaer, llr. Kdward 0. Manning, Mr J. bond Frauelaco. Tie CELEBRATED HEINE QUARTETTE, GRAND CHORUS Under leadership of Prof. 0.. El- DAY. Tickets to be hsd at Hay A Hrown's and Bartlott's Music Btorc« for 7'> cents snd 60 cents. "Prt lol DISTRICT Airicitoal Association No. 6. SPRING RACES AGRICULTURAL PARK, IC.s .M.I 1 Is. Thursday, Friday & Saterday iHAV ltiit| 14th and IsVtfca PHOORABSMII: TlUlltariAY. MAY I.I—FIHBT I»AY. No. UstTttfttßg %s) OfaaSll purse, ISM; mile No. 2 -Kilnnliirt—Throe uunrter mile dash; purse, itWl free Tor all; trttfbl for src. FRIDAY, MAY H-SECOND DAY. No. S—TrottltiK—Namvd Race: mllo heats. I lv , r i; purse. *:i.'.o. Open to bady Waati hutton. Apprentice Itoy. (lude. Major. liiinihey, lien. Hewitt, t'outrnctor and Hollo Forest. No. 4— ttuuuintr Half mile mid repeat; free for alt; purse, |U0; weitfht for ag«. SATURDAY, MAY 16—THIRD DAY. No. fi.— Trotting— Purse, BY*; 2 2T>Clsss; mile heats, H In ■>; open tn I.a ratine. No. ft— Running - Purse, si. M); free for all; 1% miles; weight for age. Entries Close on Thursday, Aprll IHaV. All races will be called at 1 o'clock sharp Circulars conl tlniiiK rules, remarks and conditions and eiit- v blanks liirnlahed ou application ;oim; H erolary. U I.ICIM KNItKK'JEK, President. K. H. HEWITT, Hecietary. marltStf 8 and 5 North Main Htreet. To Be Given Away for Next to Nothing. Twenty acres of land I mile south or city and it half mile from UieVei noli school house HIW Orange trees, hearing; Hon Apple trees, Matlnitj UW» Peach trees, hcarlug; 700 French Prunes, heuriug. bin Pours, bearing; 'ii Plum trees, hearing; 2ft Apricot treex, bearing, and -h v Urupe Vim s fnrclgu. Abundance ol city witter, llinned through triot; 2 rows uf Uuin trees 70 feet high on ths uorth, oast and west hides of laud, and a Lime beage lb front. Wood enough can he cut t«) supply a dozen families. The fruits are of the very best varieties, and have been Helected with great care, (inodsiielghbor hood; church mid school close by. Hereto fore tbo fruits have been sold ou the trees for good prices, living the trouble ol hand ling. The pbtc- |til ti very handsome in come last season, nnd ihe owner will assure the buyer ot au income this year uf 12,500 or Frioo, «ia, 000, Or will sell one Imif. Kor further nartlru lars Inquire at ollice of T. K. ROWAN, lit N aprlug Ut. aprll Notice for Publication of Time for Proving Will, etc IN THK aiTPKKIOR COURT. STATE OF CAUFOKNIA, ( COUNTY OF I."H ANUKI.KS. ( ™ In the matter of the estate of Plerie X, Clos, deceased. Noticei- hereby given tbat Monday, the 98411 day of April, 1880, st 10 o'clock A. M.,of said day, atthe court room of this Court, lv said couuiy of Los Augeles, has beeu appointed for hearing the applica tion of Catherine 4ainoncet Clos, praying that a document now on (He lv this Court, purporting to he the lard Will aud Testa ment of Pierre E. Clos; deceased, be admit ted to probate, aud that letters testamentary be Issued thereon to ual 1 C .(herlne Bamon oetCloa, at whloh time and place all per aous luterested therein may appear snd oou test tbe same. Dated April 10th. IRB6. CHAH. 11. DUNHMOOR, Couuty Clerk. By F. B. FANNING. Deputy. aprlltd Proposals for Water Distribution and Drainage System in the Sixth Street Park. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned unto the meet i ng of the Council of the city of Los Angeles of April vwii, DOW, for furnishing complete s water distri bution and drainage system ln the Sixth Street Park Iv accordance wllh specifica tions on file In his office. A certified check for -V-fl, payable to the or der of the uiider-ieiicd. must accompany each prop sal as surety that the bidder will enter Into a coutntei in conformity wltb his proposal If tho same Is accented by the council. The Council reserves the right to reject any snd all proposals. By order of the Council of the city of Los Augeles at its meetiug uf April lith, law. W. W. KOIUNfION, Clerk of the Council of tho City of Los Augeles Los Augelss, April 10th, IWO. aprll Ht NKW TO-DAY. CATARRH I (^oDsuniptiou! Asthma! asi, All Diaeases of the Throat and Lungs treated Successfully with Medical Ichala tions by 1.1J.T15,1!, M. O. P. S. 0., 45 1-2 N. Spring St„ Los Angnles Cal,, Diaeases of Bar, Noae, Throat, Lungs and all Chronic Complaints. SPERM ATOKRH(E A. This disease is very common among both our young uud middle aged meu, uud a sense of flalse) modenty ahoiild not prevent tbem from consulting a physician who pays apecial intention to lta treatment. Tbe ear lier symptoms of this disease are well kuowu, which are usually the result of yotithrul folly. These symptoms If uot arrested become i ggravsled, and are fol lowed by others which cause alarm. The system n - way, there Is depression of tbe meutsl power-, vertigo, ringing lv tho ears, varhnnt catarrhal troubles, acnluK of tbe limbs, lomh of strength, nnd great bod ily disturbance, .ly-j-epsin, eoiisllpatlon. or diarrhtea, aud Ibinilenco, imtll dually the mind allows aymptomti of decay. Bitch an unfortunate individual loses his muscular aud sexual powers, manly character and In lelllgeuce; iv short, he ruases lo be a man. All private dlsoa«en are treated success fully witb vegetable remedies; no mercury is used. The worst forms of hood disease, whether primary, secondnry or tertiary arc entirely eradicated from the system so dis ease will not show Itself lv offspring. t onstaltatloii Free. A Trrsiisp upon Catarrh and Lung Dis eases will be sent free upou application. Metliciuescan ho aent by mall nr express to any address upou receiving a descrip tion of your case. OFFICE HOUKH-ytol2 A. M., 1 to 6p. H„ and 7 to 8 p. M. W. N. DAVIS M. D, North :Sprinfir Street. Over People's Btore, Los Angeles, Cal. Apr 18 I m Notice of Intention. Notice Is hereby given that it Is the Inteu tlon of the Council of the city of Los Auge les to ostaiilish the grade of Workmsn street irom Daly street lo Warren street as follows: At theiuterseclionol Workman street with Daly street tbe grade -shall be ou tbe uorth east coruer ttB.M feat abOTS the datum plane and ou the southwest corner 114.40 feet above the datum plane. . At a point 770 leet north uf north Hue of Dowueyaveuue the grade shall bel&.OUfeet above the datum plane. At tbe intersectlou of Workman street and Dowuey Aye. the grade shall be as now es tablished 7».M leet above the datum plane. Al the Intersection of \\ orkmau atreel and Hawkins street the grade shall be 72.1*) feet above the datum plaue. At the Intersection of Workman street aud Baldwin street the grade shsll be 65.00 feot nbove the datum plaue. At the iutersee'lou of Workman street and Mozart street the grade shall be r.1.00 feet above the datum plaue. At tbs Intersection of Workman srreet and Darwin aye. Hie grade shsll be WJ U0 feet above the datum plane. At the lutersecilon of Workman stroetaud Kuhrts street the grade shall be ■ ■ '■" feet above tbe datum plaue. At a point ou the east side of Workman street l'JO feet north of the north Hue of Mis sion street tho grade Bball be 86 feet above the datum plane. At a a point on the west side of Workmsn street 200 feci north of the north line of Mis sion street the grade shall bo 00 feot above tho datum plaue. At the Interdiction d W.-rktiuiii street aud Mission atreet the grade ahall be ou the east side 57 20-100 above the datum plane, and nu the west aide 66,00 feet above the datum At a point ou the east side of Workmau street ao feci south of the south Hue of Mis slon street the grade shall *»c 04.00 feet above the datum plaue. At a point ou the west side of Workman street 200 feet south ol the south live of Mis sion street ihe grade shall be 04.00 feet above the datum plane. At the northeast cor. of Warren street and Workmau htreet tho grade shall be m.M feel e-MVe the datum plaue. At tbe northweat cor. of Warren street and Workmau street the grade shall be 00 00 feet above the datum plane. All persons Interested are hereby untitled lofllc tbeir objections, If any they have, wltb tbe Clerk of the Council within ten days of the dale of the first publication of this notice. By order ol tbe Council of the City of Los Angeles at Us nu cling of April tilh, A. D, lta*" W. W. KOBINHON, Clerk of the Couucll of the City ol Loa An- April 9, HM. npll 101 Notice of Intention, Notice Is hereby given that ll U tbe Inten Hon of the Ooiincll of the cily of h<s Au gelea tv Oatahlisli the Krmle of Hellmau street from HotTsired to Hawkins atreet sa ftillows: At the Intersect lon ol llilunnn street mid Hoir street the grade shall he on the Muiuh west corner A.tO feet above the datum plane, and on the .-soutlicieai errner *>l aaltl inlersectiou <M.f*) feet abt>ve the daliiin At tbe Intersection of tbe eatt line of be couvreur street with ihe west line of Hell mau street the gr tde shall be W.M feet above the datum plane. At the Intersection of Ihe west line of I# coiivreiir stroet with the west Hue of Hell man street the grade shall be HV.OU feet above tho datum p.ane. At a point on thu eaat side ot Hellman .street, b2*J fuel south of the south Hue of Holt" street, the grade shall bafts feet above tbe datum plane. At the Intersection of Hellmsn street and Dowuevaveuue tin'gi ade shall be, as now established, 1111.79 feet above the dHtiim Mthrj inlersectiou of tho east line uf Tru mau street with the west line of Hellmau street the grave shall he 71 feet above the dam in plane. At a point on the east side of Hellmsn street, 200 leet north of the north line of Hawkins street, thogrado<>lmll7<l feet a>H>vu tbe datum plaue. At the luleruectlMii < f Hie west llueof Tru man atreet with tbe west line of Hellman street the grade shall ba N 50 fast abOTS the datum plane. I At the intersection al Hellman street and Hawkins street tbe gradu shall be 07 feet above the datum plane. All persous Interested are hereby noil Him] to fl'e tbeir oblectioos, U any they have, with the (Jerk of the Council withlu teu days of tbe dale of thu first publication of tbla notice. By order ol the Council of the city of Ua Augelos at Its meeting ol April Oth, A. D. 1886. VV. W. ROBINHON, Clerk of the Council of the City uf Lot Au- Los Angeles, April Kb, IBM. uprlO lOt RESOLUTION No. 389. A resolution providing forthe holding of a special election lv thu Third Ward of the Cltyot Angeles. lie It resolved by the Mayor aud Council of the city of Los Angeles as follows: UkctioK 1, That a special election be held hy tho qualified vote ra or the Third Ward of the oily of l.os Angeles, on Hatur day, the 24th day of April, a. D. ism;, j,, r iho election of oue member of tbe Couucll to All the unexpired term, ending lv Decem ber. A. D. 18*1. Bsc. 2. The polling place shall be at the ottlce of theCblelof Police-of the city of i Angeles. Bsc. 5. The following named persons, residents of said ward, are hereby appointed anolflcera to hold, conduct and make re turn of said election, via Inspector, J. 11. Book; Judges, Janu - H<.oth and J. L. Morris. Bsc. 4. This resolution shall lake otTofl and be iv force Immediately upon Its adoption, approval and publication. Bsc. fi. The Clerk of tha Counsll shsll certify tn the adoption of this resolution aud shall cause the aame to bs published for at laa at ten days lv the Los Augeles Daily HaaaLb, lv such mauuorthat ths laat publication shall bo prior to sad 24tb day of April, 1880, I hereby certify that the foregoing resolu Hon was adoi-led by tbe Council of the city of Lo*. Augeles a| Its meetlug of April tith, A. D. lSsti. W. W. ROIIINBON, Clerk of tho Council nl the City uf Los Angeles. Approved this Sibdsj of April. A. D. IHftC. ET F. BPKNCK, Mayor. I hereby certify thst the foregoing resold. Hon Is a full, ttuu and correct copy nf the original resolution adopted by tbe Council of the city of Ixia Augeles at Its session or Apraltith, A. li. IKB6. VV W. ROBINHON, Clerk of the Council of the City of Los Angeles. Loa Angeles, April 9. A V. 1888. aprlO i ;i ta tu.l .aa-J-o oi B-J^o^' l ."' l 1 NEW TO-DAY. NKW TO DAY. H. li. MARKHAM, President. C. H. BRADLEY. Yice-Presldeal. E. P. JOHNSON, S'crelarr. G. T. STAMM. Treasorer. Los Angeles Furniture Company, OJ»l3lt*vl $100,000. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN mmm carpets, ml paper, etc., 259 North Main Street, opposite Baker Block, Xioa Anseles, - - - dw|9tf " Oaliforiiias, RAYMOND HOTEL. Lots For Sale in the Marenp Tract! ADJOINING ABOVE HOTEL. This traot hu heen subdivided md the portion lying south of the Monterey Koad If vow uttered for aale in lota ot ten and twen ty acres, or smaller, If more desirable to purchasers. Abundant supply of pure water for Irriga tion snd domestic purposes, delivered iv pipes from living springs on the laud at a pressure varying from seven!) to one hun dred and forty Aye feet, will be «dd with each lot. The tract Is distant seven miles from the Los Augeles Court llouae, and frequent communication is had daily over the L. A. Ik B, H. V. H. X., which has a station near tbe hotel. The Kaymond Hotel. Hie largest lv Booth - eru California, is Miniated on a hill on the uortheru end of the tract and ia rapidly ap proaching complet'ou. For further particulars apply to W. G. HUGHES, 39 N. Soring si., Room 1. LOS ANUKLES. Parlies desiring to purchase will he shown the tract on application to L. C, Winston, living au the laud, near to and south of tbs hotel: or to O. K. Dougherty, Keal Katate Agent, corner Mission street and Sylvan avenue, near K. K. Station, Houth Pasadena nils; s MB' ma LEADING HATTER! SOLE AGENT FOR CENTS' FOSTER KIMLOVES, 109 North Main Street. febll tint Having Secnred the Sole Ag»ncy HiU, ATonQale & Go. FOR LO* ANtJKI.KH, JE3C. Clary, 409 North Main St., Respectfully call,tlientteHtinni.l hi. friend, and iiatrpua lo hi. largo stock of Whiskies, Etc., Praia the abov, celebrated distillery at Ooviuston, li.y. lie H alao prepared to fiirulah BLUE GRASS, BUFFALO, HENRY CLAY, AVONDALE OTHER FAMOUS KENTUCKY BRANDS IN ANY QOAMTH v. Alao to take orilara for direct shipmentfroni the dlatlllory. mini am W. D. Yawter & Go., SANTA MONK A, Cal., HAVE SOME Choice Residence and Business At the Terminus of tbe Proposed Los Anples & Santa Monica RAILROAD. sHI $60,000 STALLION, SILVER TAIL, Now at Ho Turk's stablo, corner of Kind sud Fort street. Hon ol l!„»haw (llaiiibletonlan Meaaenifer Ktock); kind, eeiille, beautiful and from tlie faslost Kentucky stock, '100 well known lv l.os Aniteles lo need often slve description. IIh» *a»l and tlual Colts lv Southern tlalllorula. Havluit bouiilil Ibis h'sullful animal at a Itroat baritalu. will ~,'eo : late a limited number of cualomera al the low price of 120 tor Ibe season. WILL bKAOH. OWN.a. ■arts fill AM. PICK, Kssrss. hrs. €. A Frank Stevens, The bo. set ot teeth IS, on Colliilnl. or Rubber. Palule..., extraction of Teeth by Nitrous Oxide lias or Vitalized Air. Flue Hold FillitißS a specialty. AU operations al Fasten, pricea aud guaranteed. Hnoius IN and 111 Net I. her Mlni'lt, op posite F. O. Open Hondayst rom If lo 12. eaTeU SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES! GRAND OPENING ON APRIL FIRST And following days of the latest Importa tion. In FRENCH PATTERN HATS A BORNETg. We bare also received from' New York handsomely trimmed Hat. and Bonnets and a full Hue of l me .Millinery Tlie ladles are Invited to attend. MADAME II lIOTTIIELF, •£> 8. UprliiK St., uext to Moaernre's. ■_ deem A. W. Potts. N. A. CoTasaußua. POTTS & COVARRUBI AS, Real Estate Agents and General Auctioneers. ParUeadealrlDff propetly sold at auction Will be promptly attended to. Ollice at fat. I lino Hotel. ■mini KTl>r NAHAHIOKE Cart Hnr Press) f wUha Capacity of 8 to 15Ton* A Day, Is ud equalled for effective work. Ouly two minute* required in act it up fur work or Up down for moving. Worked by lor 2 Inn -en <r entirely l.y loind p-.wer with two men. Presses compactly for railroad shiftmen! or for local trade, at the will nf the operator. It require! hut one flliinv to complete the hale. It can preix two baleaat oue operation,welghlns: 100 or more each. Cheaper by half than any other l*rena on the ronrket. Il Is portable ou Its own wheels aud moves likes common oart. Ita weight ia about I.WW pounds. Price, from $iW to tl7L>, or more when made to special order. This Press has taken Diplomas at several Pairs, aud many prominent rauchora of Houthern California testify to Its superiority. Address T. C« > til I uoili., l.os Aiaseles. are wanted. mar2l 6mo CALIFORNIA WINES I Owing to the Low Rates of Freight to all parts of the Bast I ara Delivering; PURE CALIFORNIA WJNES, Put up in Oases and Kegs', Half Barrels and Barrels, to all parts of tbe United States FREE OF FREIGHT I V iaitera are cordially invited to call and in-peot tbe atoek at SO And 28 NORTH SPRINGr St. H. J. WOOLUCOTT, i". o. BOX '."io, l.os, GAL. Port, Angelica, Slurry, Muacal, Zinfanlcl, Mealing, llock. li lilau Klben, Bad aad W kjk Winea, Hl ,r9il JSSSI MOORS & CCS FIMB KEHTCCKY WHISKIES. MOORE, HUNT & CO., 404 FRONT ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Sole Agents for Pacific Coast. We have no Bub or Local Agents. All orders filled and qiility guaranteed only by us. MOORE, HUNT & CO., jan.'l Cm 404 Front, Btreot Kan Francisco, Cai, ■ IMI'JhTr KOF AND GRATES. He,i t li,i, till you v,,. ~ur flue new aaaortiiiclit. Ibe large.! variety and Mat aotaplete line ever brought lo tlila eily. •II and tia i „•. AatsalawM. LQI ANHKI.Krt mliTOttaw SHR.IER. MANUFACTURER OF CIGARB rVHOI.KHAI.K ANU KKTAIL DF.AI.F.K IM Imported and Key West Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cigarette., Playing Card., ele. 100 AND 102 NORTH BPRINQ STREET, CORNER MARKET, Temple Uloek, oppoalte Court li .use. In. Augelea, Ual. iW . ■ ladaeamaal offered te tbe Jobbing Trade. Pclomp. Boa No. im. les HOLMES Stc SOOTT. 157 S. SPRING ST.. BETWEEN SEOOND & THIRD. WEST SIDE Wellington, MI iip and Sydney Coal. ATB-AII kiuda ol DRY WOOD, hard nnd .nit; HAY, FKF.U, CHAKCOAI, and COKK Telephone I4f>. Free and ;.r 1 delivery |nt Notice for Application of City Deed. Notice Is berehy glveu that application will la-made to the Council of the Clly of lx,i Angeles, at Ihe aea»ioii of anld Council 1,, tie held Tue,diiy April -'01 li, A I• (or I .-.'iini de. .1 fioin »ud eilj Ui ToJsme.l 11. Lunlierßhli.i ofall thoae eertaln trnels of Hud khuat** lv Lou Alleles olty and county, Htate of Cullfomla. and bounded nnd described ni follows to-wit: I-Un I, 2, :l aud *of Block "II " and to all of lot 1 of Block "A" of the Baker tract, ac cord iUK 11 ,lIH I' 1 here-.I reconlcd in Hook No. t. of MlHrelUneoitM KeconlN ol lea An geies counly, at pago IIW. 2d.—Too. V. Johnaon of Lot* :t and 4 of i i "A" ot snhl Baker tract Hd.-To Johu Johnson of lot I of Block "A" ol said Baker tract. ke.'erence Ismade tothe ahatrurt nf ntle, petition aud map now on tile In my ollice, aud sll parllea Interested are hereby no tified that they am required to file their ob jection).. If any tbey have, in vwiinik', at leaal oue day before said aeaalnn of tbe Council of the iiuih day "f April, in*;. W. W. KOBINHON. Clerk of tbe Council of the city ol LM tn aieffrTAugeles, April 10th, law. nprlltd Notice of Intention. Notice Is hereby given Hint it Is llio Inten tlon ol the Couucll of the city of An geles toesUibllah thu grade of MoiT street Irom Waters street to Italy street hh follows: At the inlerseetlo'i ol -ire i in■ IWu ters street the grade »hii)l be 'it.oo feel above tbe dittum plsnc. At the luteraecllon of MotT street and Hayes street the grade shsll he t.7 00 feet above the datum plsne. Atl c luternecllon of llolTMroi t m>hl Unl nut atreel the grade shall be 7.' <M> let above the datum plane. At the intersection of Hi it Mr. el and Chestuut street the grade nil nil 1,. rH.OOfeel nbovuthe datum plane. At tbe Intersection of Hull -ireei and Truman street the grade aball be S7.UO feet above the dtit.mii plane. At the Intersection of Hull' ; .tr.>e! nnd Le cuuvreur street the grade -l, ~i be 'J'i uo feot above the diitimi plane. At the luiersectloii of Hotr itreet aud the west Hue of Hell man -tr.-t-i the grade aball be y:i.rV) feet ahovr tlu< dm v m pUtif At the luterheeiino ~| Hot! street and the eaat llneof Hellmau Mreet the grade shall M.ftO feet above the datum plane. At the InterKcclfoii of Hoff street aad Duly street tlie uru'le ■ tic nu the aollth went corner Us. to feet übove the datum plane.and on the uorthweat corner <■><•• feet ahove the datum plane. All persnm. interested tire hereby notified to file their nhjiwHlnim, If any they have, with the Clerk of the Council within ten days of ths date of the first publication ol ibis uotice. By order of the Council of the city of I/O* Augeles at Its meeting uf April Ci h. A. D. ItWi. W. W. ROBINHON, Clerk of tbe Couucll of the City of Los An i■ ! . - w ■ ■.-. Aprll Wit, 18a*. aprlO lot ' A- SUIIB THlnrt*. jlSureThing BPBOIrIO. I VV MM Hoaamatlam H' refula, Hypllla, Mercurial Pohuu i.0.l nil Chroulc |[|,„„1 Uinca.ea. Tbla medicine contain, no ner ' inry. CoimlhtH wliully of rootN m l berbi. N. B. You need not go lo hot iprlugalo HUM ol any Bood lilnordcr. Kach bottle contain, one inuiitb'a treat* ment. Afjn-None cemilne wlilmoi tbe leo ■ llnlle nbjuatllre of QKO. K. KLt'KK over each cork. If, a bottle or (i for i">f>. Laboratory ton nnd no Main at., Kanaaa t City, Mo. The aiure Thing- specific perma nenlly euros Kouorrhaaa,gleet, luttauiinatton . or the 1,1 older and all di.eaaca of the urina ry organ., both loleettve and Internal meulelue eoinblned In one package, A 4 per package or 2 for . i 1. lIKIN/.BMAN, "The Uranlat, 122 N. Main at., Sole Agent for la>a Angelea, California. "Prt HUNTER & HILL, Darner aire, an' Nprtna Ntreete, Wholeaaleand Ketall Dealer* In line. Wine and laiquors. Family trade a apeelalty. Hole agenta lorO. Y. G. TayJor'a celebrated Kentucky Wbiaklei, Alao Aurora IMatllltiiK tio'a warranted all Bye Wblaklea. Pure Sonoma Winea We bave tile very heat faollltlen for filling Kaatern ordera for I ulnar Wine* and Hmndlea. Carry all atandard brauda in i|uantltlea to null faff-Kend Trial order mJ; if Qervaise Purc«U, B. A. 0. £~ Consiilt.DE Eii£ineer aud Saryeyor, Anaoclata Mem be i lu.ui.uta Civil Ki.tjlnevn,, Loudon, Hooiu 14 Allen lllnrk, curnt-r Hpriiig and Tempi*. jaUM