Newspaper Page Text
A HEALTHY STATE. ■oa aii<lh Taßes tlse "'•••» of All. Tlio monlhly circular ol the State Board of Health tor Maroh lm juit come to haod. It is a very valuable paper Id mauy respects. On tbe second page ia a tabulated statement of tlie hoalth of 70 localities, from Han Diego to Ukiah, aud embracing thecoatt conn try, tha hill country, the great plaint, the towns on all the prinoipal water courses, aud np into tbe monntaius. The towns and vtciuitiea reported repre sent a total populaliou of 501,650 per tout. The total deaths i, 824, or one in eaoh 720. This is about H deatha to each 1000 of population. Tbe average la low, yet ouly the larger cities aud towns are reported. Of oonrae in the country the proportion ia much leaa. Sau Krancteoo, with her populaliou of 270,000, or considerably lest thao half tbe represeutatiou, reporta 470 of the deaths, or considerably more than half tho entire number. Oakland cornea next, with a population claimed aa 45,000, and 57 deaths, or nearly the State average of I '/_ lo each 1000. Nacrameuto claiming a population of 25,000, reports 37 deaths or about the aame ratio, a little biherg in taot—Sacramento is a little lower titan the State rate. San Jose, with 15,000 population, baa 20 deatbe, or one in 760, a little luwer rate than tbe State average alio. The ouly other large cily iv tbe State ia I.oe Angelee, with 4U,UUO people and 39 deatha, or one death iv each 1020 ol population, by far tbe loweat average of all the cities of lurge population in the list. Aa to the correctness of ths eatiinates of popula tion, they all appear to be fair. If there is any error aa to the number set down for Lot Angelas it ia in tha way ol au underestimate rather than of oue io tbe opposite direction. If a census were takeu to-day it would probably show thia city to be uext in size tn San Frau ciaoo of all thoae in tbe State, or at least she wosid divide the hofiors with Oak land quite eveuly. Iv all respects aave that of population, of course, there ia uo comparison betweeu the two cities Thia ia a great business center. Oak land i - aimply a dormitory to Sau Fran- Af'to the causes of death, of the 39 in Loe Anqelea 11 were from consump tion, 2 acute poeumouia, I acute bron cltitia, I diarrhoea, 3 other diseases of the atomach or bowels, 1 diphtheria, 3 scarlet fever, 2 typhomalarial fevers, 1 typhoid fever, 1 cerebro spinal fever, 2 heart disease, 1 alcoholism, 10 other cauaes. Oakland, of her 57 deaths re porta conaiimptioo 9, acute pneumonia 4, acute hrouchitia 1, congestion of the lunga 1, diarrhoea I, other diseases of tbe alomacli or bowela 6, diphtheria 1, croup 1, whooping cough 1, typho-ma iaria fever 1, cancer I, heart disease 1, other causes 30. Of the 37 in Sacra mento consumption 7, acute puenmonia i, acute bronchitis I, congestion of the lunga 2, diseasei ol llie bowela not specified 1, typhoid fever I, remittent fever I, cerebro-spinal fever 2, canoer 2, other causes 19. Sau Francisco of the 479, lost 67 of con sumption, 24 of acute pneumonia, 12 of acute bronchitis, congestion of the longs 7, diarrhoea 1, nnspesitied stomach or bowel complaints 21, diphtheria 14, oroop 13, toarlat fever I, measles 2, email pin 2, typhoid fever 7, cerebro spinal fever 15, heart disease 26, alco holism 3, other 260. Of the 20 deatha iv San Jose, 5 were caused by consumption, 1 hy acute pueumonia, I uoapecilied bowel complaint, I cancer, 3 heart disease, 9 other causes. This season of the year is the worst in the whole twelve montha for diseases of the respiratory organs. The number of deaths here from consumption is large as lompared with the total number, hut nearly all of the II reported were caaea wbo bad come bere in the very last stages of the fell disease, and died in a atrange land, It will be noted that diseaaes uf eliildieu are very few bere. Taking out the 11 consumptives from tbe total sum, Ihe deatha were only 28 in a population of 40 000. All fevers typhoid or otherwise in character—are all of a /cry mild type in Lot Augeles. Comparing Los Angeles with her robust titters in tbe genial airs ft Sooth California, she ata at the top. Riverside, with 4,01X1 peo. pie, reports II deaths. San Lingo with a population of 5000 reporta 17, half of which wete Irom consumption. Both averages are higher than law An gelea. March, of courae, it a bad month everywhere, therefore tbe record may be taken as rather worse than the average for Ihia State. A perusal of the tacts bere set down will convince people in more rigorous climates of tbe great benefit to be found bere in casea of failing health and low state of vitality whether Ihe retnlt of aome organic tronble, of tbe decliue of life or feeble constitution. Excitement in Texas. Great excitement has been caused in tbe viciuily of Paris, Tex., by the re markable recovery of Mr. J. K. Corley, wbo was so helpless that he could not tarn in bed nor raise his head; every body aaid he waa dying of consumption. A trial bottle of Or. King's New Discov ery was sent Man. Finding relief be bought a large bottle and a liox of Dr. King's NewLifo Pills. By the time be bad taken two boxes of the Pills and two bottles of Ihe Discovery, be was well and bad gained in flesh thirty six pounds. Trial bottles of tbis great dis covery for consumption free at C. V. Heinzeman's drug store. Vote of Thanks. Ths managers of tbe Flower Festival Society fesl themselves indebted to tbe entire community for the cordial sup port given tbein during the flower festi val just closed, but the list of benefac tors being so large they mnst necessarily omit in this expression of thanks the names of many who have earned, and who certainly receive the gratitude of all interested in the society's work. Too frequent mention cannot he made of ths generosity and kindness of the press of the city, of Rev, Mr. Colbnrn's gratuitous and most valuable work in designing ths decorationa of the taber nacle. To. Mrs. A. .1. Wslls and Mra. Widnsr, who gave time and effort un sparingly aud made the floral proces sions aud tableaux the prominent eventa of tbe festival; to Mra. K. A. Utia, whoss prolific pen furnished the floial cantata of the opening evening, and to Miss Anna L. - Fuller, Miss Frances A. George, Miss Bertie Bush and Mias Lillian Fellows, whose singing added so much to the success and pleas are of the evenings on which tbey ap peared, we extend most sincere aud oordial thanks. We also remember gratefully tbe assistance of Messrs. Fun ning, Booth, Manning, Pendleton aud Arbnckle, and the Eagle Corps io fur nishing delightful entertainment for the throng of evening visitors. Aud we desire to acknowledge our obhgatiou to the oity authorities for providiug night watchmen at the Tabernacle, the City Water Co. for water supply during the festival, ths Oil Burning A Supply Co. lor burner, the Union Ice Co. for liberal dunationa of ice, Messrs. Craudall A Crow for range, Mr. Hall agent of Hafs and Lock Co. for safe, Messrs. Polbaus i Vollmer for dishes, Mr. Stengel for loan of rare plants and baaketa, Messrs. Schneider A Key for valuable assistance, Mr. McMannia for tbe floral chariot, Mr. and Mrs. Lichtenherger for many favors, and tv the Baptist, Trinity and Christian churches for use of chairs. [Signed. J Board of Managers of the Flower F«a tival Society. Cure For Piles. plica are often preceded by i sense of wtthibt in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen causing the i.allenl.toisupoose hi lim some affection of the kidneys or nSighU.rlng organs. At times, symptoms W£wjTsn<iptf IT I — It ■ very ****** Itching pile. yl. Ll .1 ..i.e.- lo Hie application ol Dr. V!>..nk..» file Keinedy. which acta dlrentlr BpOB tlie |.arta effected, absorbing The tumors, allaying 11..' Intcuse Itching, ~,.1 enVollng c nertnaueut oure. l'l Ice ju rents Address Hut l>r. bosauko Medicine Co Pique, Ohio. Hold by C. »■ Helnie men, egenl, Loe Angelea. Undelivered Messages. Liat of undelivered tel.grama at tbe Western Uniou Telegraph un, ,-. No. 17 North Main street- Harry Olaaford, \\ H 11. Blaikic, Henry Trumbull, A. P Stode] Harry Pioney care of Geo. H. Pinn>y A- «• K,id y> A - (,r «* B . Thos. K. Bard'J, Prof. H. B. Brown, J. f. Van Syoale. Many imitators, but no equal baa Dr. t_\mm Calarrh Reeiedy. Let Angeles rivers for Kenlucßy. Following ia a copy of a letter re salved in thia city concerning lee. Ang elea horses. It shows a proud array of oboloe atock: LkllNuTtiN, Ky„ April 9. 1886. Mm 11. M. Johnston, Esq., Lot Angeles, Cal., haa consigned lo us to be auld In oar next grand tale, whioh takes place April 27, 28, 29, 30 aud May lit, the billowing highly bred marea. They will be offered in our supplement whioh lakes plaoe immediately after catalogued atook it disputed of: Pre cloaa, black mare by Sultan (2.24) brat dam Allele by Criobton, by Olenooe, second dam by Young Vermont Mor gan, lired to Judge Salisbury by Nut wood Peri hay mare by F.ohoi Bret dam by Willianison'i Belmont, brad to Judge Saulsbury. Annonua, bay mare by A. W. Richmond, lirtt dam by Bahl Chief, second dam by Woodpecker. Klainore, bay filly by Chief of .tbe Kohos, by fcoho dam Elsie, hy A.. W. Richmond, bred to Judge Saolsburv. Del Cam, chestnut lilly by Del Slur, 2.24J, by The Moor, sire of Sultan, (2.24), first dam Marie Smith Itrial 2 27) by Overland, by Bald Ghiel, Boruca, black mare by Del Sur by Tbe Moor tint dam by The Mour, «econd dam by Warner's Trnttee, etc The above, together with the ttallion Judge Saulsbury are at our ttablea. We will take pleasure in showiug them aud wtll furnish ail information iv our power. Respectfully, Woohard A Harbison, No. 62 Kaßt Short street. Not a female Gray Hair. "You may write and think me a vain thing," writes Mra. J. C. R., of San Francisco t> a friend in this city, "hut 1 have not a gray hair iv my bead, and yet (aad to aay, I I am lifty and a day. Recently my hair waa not ouly quite gray but quite thin, too. Parker's Hair Balaam—made io New York I think— did wonders for me. Try it if you have ocoasion. It really does what I aay and restores the color also." Not a dye, not greasy, highly perfumed. Only reliable 60 cent dressing. Lawrence Barrell. Thia unrivaled tragedian will appear at Ihe Orend Opera Housefon Thursday uext, April 26th, in Victor Hugo'a trag edy in five acta, "Hernani, 'in wbiob Mr. Barrett will appear as Hernani. The first English version of thia play was produced at the Mi m y Lane Thea ter, London, April 8, 1831, with the elder VVallack, Macready and Cooper in the cast. It haa been materially strengthened and improved by Mr. Bar rett, wbo has beeu greatly aided in his work by the literary akill of one of America'a greateat poets. The part of Hernani, which will be played by Mr. Barrett, is the central llgure of the drama, and was created in the English version oi the play by Mr. VVallack. Thia is the play which caused the quarrel between the romantic and class ical writers of French playa—a battle which was fought with great violence hy both parties on tbe stage of the Comedie Fraiioaise early in the present century, with all literary France for the combatants aod tbe world for an audi- In tbe original cast Mile. Mara Bcored her lirst great sucoees as Hugo's hero ine. After an era of political persecn tioo aud ostl'Acism, when Hugo had re turned to France upon the rnins of a fallen empire, his genius as a dramatist waa again recognized by republican France in a moat conspicuous reproduc tion of the long-interdicted "Hernani," in which the celebrated Sarah Bernhardt, tbe no leas renowned Oot. Coqoelin, Mouuet, Sully and Worms rivaled the triumphs of Iheir predecessors. Mr. Barrett will present the piece with new and historically correct cos tumes and a strong cast. Syrup of Figs. Manulacturedonly by the California Pig Syrup Co., San Franclaco, Cel., is uature's own true laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of Mr. C. F. Heinieman, agent, l-os Anteles. Sample bottles free aud large bottles at fifty cenla or oue dollar. It la the most prompt, pleas ant and effective remedy known to cleanse the system; to set on the liver, kidneys, bow els snd stomach gently yet thoroughly: lo dispel headaches, colds and fevers: to cure oouitlpatlou. Indigestion and kindred dis- Domestic Mushrooms. A short article in the Hkkai i, last winter on the non appearance of tbe usuel crop of mushrooms haa attracted the attention of Mr. H. Weeks, 1,342 Fifth Avenae, Kaat Oakland, wbo in re ply to tbe article sent lo tbe Herald a box of the most plump, clean aud deli cious mushrooms that human deaire can crave. The muabrooms are cultivated by Mr. Weeks for the market, and can be sent without injury to all parte of the atata. Mr. Weeks desires to supply tbe Loa Angelea market continually. The Mm: Mi. suggests to him tbat the best way to supply this city is to remove bis business to Los Angeles, where he oan always find a market both in tbe city and on the six lines of railway tbat diverge herefrom. The profit of raising mushrooms Is simply enormous, audit seems strange tbat the gardeners of Los Angelea do not cultivate this lusoiuus, rich and rewarding plant. D. D. D. To insure tbe perfect digestion and assimilation of food and lo cure chronic dyspepsia, indigeation, flatulency, sour stomach, sick,headache, etc., use lie Ha ven's Dyspepsia Cure. It never fails to eflcct a cure and is superior to all medi cines offered to the public for these troubles. For sale at Littleboy's drug store. a Fryer's Abietene Ointment. Frysr's Abietene is producer! in the northorn part of Butte County, Cal., and combining it with Vaseline ana other therapeutic agents, we challenge the world to produce anything to equal Fryer'a Abietene Ointment for old sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, corns, chilblains, fever sores, chapped hands, cancers burns, ring worms, bleeding, blind, itch ing and nlceren piles, and all eruptions of tbe skin. Price 25 cents. Sold by C. F. Heinzeman. In Memorium. Whereas, It haa been the sad fats of Miss Hettie West to hays been suddenly taken from among us, to be laid to eter* nal repose; Whereas, Tbe deceased haa bean a diligent student of the Los Angeles State Normal School, aa well aa a faithful member and aa ex secretary of our so- ciety; Retolved, Tbat »c, ths members of the L. O. L Society tender tbe be reaved friends our deepest sympsthy in their affliction. Resolved, That these resolutions be entered on the records of the society. Rttolved, That a floral wreath be fur. nished by Ihe society; and Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the relatives of the deceased. E. R. Kellah, President. Mary M. Barer, Secretary. Happiness and Health Are important problems, the former de pending greatly upon the latter. Kvery one is familiar with tbe healthy prop srtiea of fruit, and no one can afford to be sick and miserable while the pleasant concentrated liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs may be had of our enterprising drnggiat, C. F. Heinzeman, agent. Marriage Licenses. The following persona were yeatsrday granted license lo wed: F. Kooutz to T. Beys. California's Greatest Product. The greatest product California, haa yet produced ia Fryer'a Abietene, and combining it witb Yerba Hanta, Mullein and other cipectoraota aud narootios (without opium,) it makea a cough remedy that cannot be equaled fur consumption, eougha, oolda, bronchltia, aathma, boaraeueae, pneumonia, pleurlay and any and ell ci- Bictiona of the throat, cheat and lunga. Ask 0. r. Heinzeman for Fryer'a Abie tene Cough Balaam and take no other. Price 75 centa. Important to Conseumptives. Tlx people (if Australia ami of the Htate. of California have been astonished at the won lerful curatlfs power of Kuealyptns, or cum tree leaves, for-all throat and lone diseases. A preparation nailed tha "Onm free Cough syrup," haa rapidly sold all over our Htate, and la the only ou re for a OOld, whooplui cough, bronchitis. •.«., tbat will not make you tick at tbe stomach In taking. Relieves violent coughing; soothing to fever and all irritation. C. F. HeFusems*. sole agent. Loa Angelas. _ Yon will never haveaaour stomach 11 you drink Damlana Bitters. UhlrardelH's chocolate la the moat wholesome and agreeeble beverage. LOB ANGELES DAILY HKKALD. THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 22, \SBG__ LETTERES FROM THE PEOPLE. i The tenorol Communications eppearlut lull "is column l« not uecessarlly eudorsed by the editor of the H.aai o . fhe writer who desires to be beard lv It thou d always seoompauy Ilia screed with his lull usme, not necea.arlly lor publication but a. a fusraolee ol food faith. I Editor H«rai,d: The tpecitl corres pondent of tha J'isMs at Fort Bowie, Aritout, who aigut himself "Lum," (which we suppose ia abort for "Ltim mux") ia bia laat letter iudulget in oou tiderable gu-h over the removal of Oen eral Crook, ami like a puppy hat in- at the moon ventilates loth hie iguortuoe and bis spleen hy an attack on President Cleveland. lt makea an Arizona mau tired to read such hogwaah. Oeneral Crook'a cam paigns against tbe Apaches have beeu failures from tbe very beginniug, and the people nf Arizona are delighted with Ihe action of our wise and far-sighted Presi dent iv transferring the unsuccessful Oeneral to the peaceful latitude of Oma ha aud giving the command of affairs iv the Territory to that redoubtable Indian fighter, Oeneral Mi'es. Oeneral Crook's mistake all tbe way through the Arizona troubles waa that he truated to the word of the Apache. The Apacbe it a tierce, rapacious human tiger, bouud by ao promise and incapa hlo of any emotion of gratitude. Ban croft detoribet him well wheu heaaya: "Their industries are theft aud murder, to which they are trained by their mothers and in which they display con summate cuuning, treachery and cruel ty." Oeneral Crook is a man of beuevo leut mid kindly impulses, and he al lowed himself to be governed by the idea tbat an Apaohe Indian tould be ruled by "moral suasion," and this ia Ihe rook upon which be split. Exter mination or complete isolation of the tribe on Catalina, or one of the Califor via ialanda, ia the only solution of the Apache question. Respectfully, ToctON. Los Anuelis, April 16, 1886. Buckien's Arnica Salve. The best aalve in the world for outa, bruises, soreß, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, uhilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Prioe 26 cents per box. For aale by C. F. Heinzeman. THE COURTS. anperler C'aiaM.-Brisoeaa. JJ. Wednesday, April 21. C. A. (iriunell va. P. K. Newman et al —Ordered that plaintiff furnish security to defendant. J. Mouette vs. M. V. Biseailuz et al— Action dismissed, defendant paying costs. Haley vs. Haley—Findings for plain tiff for I and coats. Haley vs. Haley, bonds of matrimony dissolved- Alimony of 81000 to plaintiff Mrs. Haley. She resnmes her maiden name of Miss P. Ballisteroa. McUnire vs. McGuire—Decree for pla'ntifl; custody of children to defend ant; plaintiff to pay $25 per month for benefit of children. Ballisteros vs. Haley—Passed for tbe davitt vs. Mohr—Decree for plain tiff. Ontrim va. Outrim—Decree ordered for plaintiff. SET FOR THURSDAY. Rodriguez vs. Kerns. Oneneyv •*• People vs. Cbaa. Mitchell —8. M. White, Esq., made aasnciate oouasel; continued to April 22d. .lames vs. His Creditors—lnsolvent discharged. • People vs. Addie Moore—Defendant acquitted. Information tiled oharging W. L. Berry with grand larceny; S. M. White, Esq., appointed to represent accused. SET roa THURSDAY. People vs. John Sweeny. The miasar nouns. JUSTICE AUSTIN, People va. H. B. Keinbardt— Disturb ing the peace: defendant discharged. People va. James White—Petit lar ceuy; fined $5. People vs. Edward Murray—Grand larceny; defendant discharged. SET rOR THURRDAY. Little vs. Wagner. People va. Quoug Yoon and Ah Chung. JUSTICE RANNET. H. B. Sutliff * Co. vs. M. 9. Baker A Co.—Set (or Aprill 22nd. People vs. Juan Duarte—Murder; con tinued until April 23rd. People vs. W. L. Berry-Oread lar ceny; held to answer in $500. Cbadwick vs. Valdez—Set for April 28th. McKinuey vs. Davis A Whistler—Set for May Ist. SET POR THURSDAY. Crnr. vs. Young at al. Sutliff vs. Baker. Hard Times. While money ia close, wages and pricea low, expenses should be out down in every household. Economy, the wetcti word for mothers, head off doctor bills by always keeping in Ihe house a bottle of Dr. Hoaanko's Cough and Lung Sytnp, Stops croup and pain in the chest in one night. It ia just the rem edy for hard times. Price 50 cents and 11.00. Samples free. Sold by C. F. Heiuzaman, agent. The Finest Picture You Ever Set Your Eyss Upon. G. W. Morgan announces that Pros pect avenue, which has been noticed hy the local papers several times, is vow open for inspection by the public. If you wish to enjoy the pleasure of a grand drive without passing out of ths corporate limits of our city, when on Downey avenne, turn into Daly street, cross the Arroyo Seco at a point where tbe Los Angeles A San (lAtrial Railway crosses the road to Pasadena the second time, keep to the left along the west side of the railroad, you will notice pointers as you pass along to Prospect avenne. Keep on in tbe direction as indicated to the left and yon will soon be convinced of tne truth of Ibe statement at the head of thia article. This is the property all staked, the one hundred lots that John C. Bell, tbe auctioneer, sells at auction on the 27th at 11 o'clock. Take a ride over thia road now open to tbe public. Don't fail in taking a ride over it. Delighted Tourists. Are those who now in large parties daily take the excursion by Sen Gabriel Valley Railroad lo Pasadena and thence by car nage through the orange groves, gardens end vineyards to Sonnjr Slope, SanU Anita and other points of interest and beauty in the parodist, oi the San Gabriel Valley. Tbia route avoids the long and tiresome thirty mile drive from Los An geles. Round trip ticketa, iocudiog din ner at the famous Sierra Madre Villa, are only $2 76. The NEw "Hotel Arcadia." Work baa commenced in earnest on Ihe magnificent new hotel at Santa Mon ica, which will be tha finest hotel in Southern California, eioaptiog the Ray mond. Tha lots in front of the hotel grounds nre now being sold. Uo down and choose a lot for yonr seaside home. Mr. Scott haa graded Ooaao Avenue, planted trees in front of each lot, an I will make Scott's Addition the most de sirable place on the coast. The Geysers Trip. The Oeyaera rank with tbo Yoaemite in grandeur of aceuery, but the Oeyaera ia easy of ecoess, only ait teen mile, staging over tha moat picturesque moun tain road in California. Half a day's ride fro.n Man Francisco; fare only 18.fiO lo the Oeyaera and return. Kighlyfour lourista ami aigbtacera visited Ihe great Oeyaera canon laat week. Sunset Cigar Factory. Kinploy none but "International Union Cigar Makere." Blue Übel on every box of cigars. Special Inducement to tbe trade. M.P. CnTLia * Co., Importers aud Manufacturers. 119 North Spring St., 1.. .1 Angelea, Cal. A Remaakable Good Man. Is he who attends lo Ihe onmlort ol his (am end will not let his Hill, ones ..iffer with affection ol the throat and lung., whereby Urea _ endaugered. hut who should st ail times iwae tbein that sovereign rem edy. Kemri \ilsem. Price «> ceuts snd • 1.66. friyY V free. For sate by H. V. itodfrer./ \ \Block. £ release. PI J,r . Maks*V pleasure partial go in A \e April 17 and 59. C atrucA Free Carriages - An Excellent Op portunity All nortiea wiahing to purobase and visit Morgan's elegant Hlghlaud View tract, take notice: Tbat you cau ride free. Our carriages will leave Nadeau block every morning at 9 o'clock sharp, aud will take you qniokly to the ground. 11. W. Morgan, Eaq., will be happy to ace all who may oome and will show yon over tbe grounds. John C. B-11. the auctioneer, will aell ou Ihe '-'Tibet II o'clock ou the iirembee. Our great, grand excursion on tho day uf our auc tion aale. Do uot forgel that wo have a fine free lunch. City Band will accom pany us aud discourse their popular ni* lie. The ronnd trip will be only 26 oents lor that occasion, tlo and -oo the line properly; it coats you not Inn. . Eastern Prices Have Come to Stay at McDowell's Drug Store, 271 North Main Street. The enormous profits ones realized by the drug trade are a thing of the pnet We self our goods at genuine Kaatern piice. For instoiice, .« will sell you: Beat Oitni Camphor 25 c. a It.; regular price 00 eta. Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap 26 eta. per cake j regular price M cts. Hoyt'a Oerman Cologne 16 ota.; reg ular price 26 eta. Waruer'a Kidney and Liver Cure tl per bnltli-i regular price $I.26—aud all other gooda at genuine Eastern prirea. Prescriptions compounded at the new schedule of prices. Remember Mc- Donell, tbe druggist, Rose Block. Housekeepers. Remember the only place tv the city to buy Oorham'a Quadruple Plate knives, forks and apoons, Rued A Bar ton'a first premium plated ware, Oor ham's sterling silverware, genuine French marble clocks, fine Bisque, Bo hemian and Vienna ware, full line of American clocks, nicest patterns in gold and silver jewelry, also the largest siook of gold and silver Mexican filigree jew elry, making a beautiful souvenir to tend friends in tbe Eaat. Jewelry made to order, and watches, clocks aud jew elry repaired at the Opera House Jewelry Htork. Second Ward Anti-Chinese Asso ciation. Please take notice that owing to the refusal of the Board of Supervisors lo grant onr petition lor Ihe use of either of tbe Superior Court rooms, and to tbe difficulty of finding a suitable room to hold our meetings in the Second Ward, your officers have oouclmled to join our forces with tbs Third aod Fourth Wards and meet hereafter on every Friday evening in Turnverein Hall. Be gov , mod accordingly. Oood speakers will be in attendance. J. J. Haneord, President. S. L. Pritoharii, Secretary. Dr. Lalllar,' s nl Pllle for for Weskoess. Loss of Vigor, Sexual aud General Debility, Nervoas and Physical Prostration aud the mauy ailments arising from Indlsoretlou, Over-indulgence aud Abuse. To those requiring a reliable reme dy for the above complaints. Dr. LaMars' Seminal Pills art a veritable "Tower of Strength" and "Fountain of Youth." Price, #2.60 per bottle. Sent by mall on receipt of postal order (thua saving express charges), or C. O. D. by express. A McBOYLE A ,:o„ Druggists, not Wa-hingtou Btreet, Sau Fran cisco, P. O. Box 1,962, to whom all orders should be addressed. apis 6m The Population of Los Angeles. Is about forty thousand, and we would aay at least oue half aro troubled with aome af fection of the tbroat end lungs. As those complaints are, scccordlng tn slatlstloa, more numerous than others, we would ad vise all not to neglect the opportunity to call onusaud get a bottle of Kemp's Balaam for the tbroat and lungs. Trial size free Price 60 cents and 11.00 For sale by H. O Godfrey, Nadeau Block. Free Trasportation on Califor nia Wines. Owing to the great reduction of freights on California wines (which at present is a nominai consideration), I will deliver nun California wines to all parts of the East oo the line of the R. R. gratis, to persons desiring a sample order. Call and inspect the stock at 26 and 28 North Spring street, Loa Angelea, Cal. The Southern California Insur ance Co. Have money to loon oureal estate secur ity, at favorable rates of interest. Also they solitit a share of public patrooage in protecting against loss or damage by tire. Officea 241 North Maiu street. Important. Ladies Buffering from female weak ness, irregularities arid all diseases in ■ deot to their sex, should consult Mrs. Dr. Wells, whose specialty is diseaaes of women. Consultation free. 341 Spring atreet. Dr. Healey's Nerve Tonic. Is composed of pnre extract of Celery Beef and Iron, and ia a food for the brain, strength for the nerves and en riches the blood. Beware of immitatious. Violet's Excursion No. 4. U»h M.y Ist. Fully If yon want a good fitting truss call at 0. P. Helnseman s Drug Store, 122 Main street, who keeps the largest aasortment of trusses n hand in Southern California. THE WIFE, MOTHER AMD M AID who suffer from female weakness, will find Oil more's Aromatic Wine a positive cure. For aale by H. D. Godfrey, Nadeau Block. Damiana Bitters makes the old, young and the weak strong and healthy. M. L-svy A Co., wholesale liquor dealers, agsnts. WHY WILL YOU SI'EFER from Agne and Malaris when Ollmore'e Aromatic Wine will cure you. For sale by H. D. Godfrey Nadeau Block. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepaia and Liver Complaint? Shlloh'a Vital izer it guaranteed to cure you. Sold by C. F. Helnseman 122 Nortr Main street.. GIVE YOUR CHILDREN, for coughs snd colds, croup, whooping cough and hoarse ness, Gilmore's Msgnetlc Elixir. For sale by H. D. Godfrey, Nadeau Block. The Mexican remedy for diseases of the kidney and bladder, is Damtans Bitters. M. .Larry A Co., wholesale rates. Damiana Bitters regulates the stomach. MMhel Levy A Co., wholesale liquor dealers, agent*. THE GRAPE CURE. SAL MDSC ATELLE a^ATBIaL Sick Headache and Dyspepsia Cure IN AMEBICA, Tqe crystallised salts, as extracted from cranes and fruit, a moat wonderful product from Nature ■ labratory. Have lt in youi homes and travels—a specific for the faggf d, weary or worn-out. It cures sick headache, ityspepsla, stomach and bowel complaints, removes bllotuneas, stimulates the liver to a heathy action, counteract* the effects of impure water aad the excessive us« of alco holic beverages and prevents the absorption uf malaria, and supplies to the system the want ef sound ripe fruit. Prepared by the London >v \l> -hkmi Co., UiPDOlf, BNOLSIID. Beware of Imitations. The tannine In • blue wrappers only." JOtr-Send for circulars to Q. KVAMO- VfT.TH, General American manager, P. O. Boa 1960, New York < itv Mention this paper. Por sale by the following Druggist: Preusa A Hsuce. Central Pharmacy, 77 and 79North Springsireet.C K. Heinieman. 11l N. Main St.; H. A. Godfrey, 11 South Spring; Kills A Co., a? it. Spring;?. J. Oteae, iAH. Spring; 0. Laux, Jr. 20ft N. Main Ht , K. C, (iulrado, 231 N. Main St.. next to Dow ney Block, Los Angeles, Cal. mar» PreposAls for Building Culvert Meale-I proposals will be received by tbe undersigned up to tbe meeting of the Conncil of the City of l*os Angeles of Aprll '27th, 1886, for the ooustruc I 100 of a culvsrt across the extension of Main street iv accordance with ipeclflca tlous now on Die In his office. A rerlifled check for SAO, payable to the ordei of the undersigned, must accompany each bid aa surety that the bidder will enter loto a contract In conformity with his bid if the same is accepted The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of tbe Council of tbe city of Loa Cl«r* nl the Counell si Urn City ol Loe Ao ua Angeles, April 21st. IMB. apa-st AUCTION HALKS. AUCTION SALES JOHN 0. BELL & CO.. KKAL ESTATE ANl> GENERAL AUCTION I KUH. Office, Boom I*l Nadeau Hlook. Take Hie elevator sud the boy will direct run to the offloe. Keel Estate in nil MTU ol the clly, lnclud- IliK i evidences and business properties., blocks -ml ranches, - Il\ bled .. I mild et auction ol ,0U «ie aale. Appralsemeiil* of every description of property a specialty Sales made ft micliou l.y or oi Courts, Administrators, Kxecutor*. Commissioners, Rcceiverb, Mortgagee and Trustees, faithfully comply lug with pre scribed legal form* Houses imil rooms rented , assume charge nf property, hold power o( attorney for au ■ I'lUeew, collect rentn. mtend to taxes, ici-.ur nitee, atreet work, Improvement*, mid bulld- Alao, warehouse and auction, home aud carriage mart and sale* yard, I-on Angeles ■Ireet.between Klrel and streets. Elept RESIDENCE LOTS IN HAST LOS ANGBLBB. 1 In tin: .'ii i ("i block bounded b r Hoff, Walnut, Chestnut and Barranca Streets, Harks tt Felt's mil In ol Block 44. line Hlocfc from bowlirr Avenue. Will be sold ou tbe premises THIS DA V AT t O'CLOCK. Twenty one fine, elegant, large lots, hit flop aim level Od this property li a large building, with an excellent cellar, suitable for a wine vhiili or h first-class fruit packing house. Hlse of building .uxll.i. i he drain age In Complete. City water. Fine view from every lot The Hellmau street Un* of earn passes through HofTstreet 1 he Spring utreet Hue Is one block off only, nil (ending to make this very desirable property. The Electric line I' tw-s einse lo it. Kvery h,( j* lighted by the Kleetrir Light, making it aa light flu day. Many line nml elegant resi dence- 60 Ihla aide, among which In Geo. W, Peachey's elegant place aud many others. TERMS OF HALF. Onequarter iv six months, one-quarter iv nine months, one quartet in twelve mouths, at 1 per cent, on unpaid amount. These terms are the name mud tbe installment plan, and give every hod v a chance to mnchsse. NO IK. -Thin property In only ten minuted' ride from the City Hall and Postofflce, and within about three minutes from the new Brunch Postofflce at Kaat Log Augelea. Take the Hprlng street cars, get off at Chest uut atreet. go north one block from Downey avenue, you are on the property. apr9td GREAT, GRAND REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE AMD i Grand Excursion. ■■.rem ftubriJvlelAnn ef the HIGHLAND VIEW TRACT On Tuesday, April '27, 1886, AT 11 O'CLOCK. Sale on Ihe t.rounst at Highland View Station. By order of <J. W. Morgan, mUL. Real Estate Agent, No. M Nadeau Block. 100 Large. Klrffaii. Villa Heal deiire l.otw, varying in slxe from one fourth of an acre to each. Water abundant for all purposes. At this point the view may be said to he sublime, com mending finer views of the entire city and .surroundings than any lots ever before of fered to thopnbllc. I'lt«t*.t'l « I I t t M ! Just ready to be opened, will be found to be the finest pleasure drive in Southern Cali fornia. This property is withlu 15" ride by buggy to the Postofflce aud about 10 minutes by rail, and is a continuation of the lovely Pasadena Valley. Terms of the sale will be such an inducement that hardly any lady or gentlemau would fail to pur chane \.\ cliaah, >4 sixth months, in twelve, V 4 in eighteen month*, one per cent. The City Rand accompanies the Encur aloo, A floe FREE LI'NCH and always a spleo did time. Take the San Gabriel aud Pasadena oars. For further particulars in..wire of O. W. Morgan, Esq., No :« Nadeau Block, or of John C. Bell, the auctioneer, at Room No. 126, Nadean Block. Take the Elevator. The boy will direct you. JOHN C. BELL, Auctioneer. PASADENA! OLIVEWOOD STATION. LARGE AUCTION SALE I Oreat, Orand Excursion ! H]r John I. Bell Ac t 0.. On Friday, April 30,1886, At 11 O'CLOCK, to I In. . l.ara;e, Elearant HOMESTEAD k VILLA RESIDENCE LOTS, 4 'iiiianiiMK Two Acrea Each. Connecting with our sale Is the great, grand excursion. Band of music. Free lunch Fare for the round tripSOcents. Free ride from ollvewood Station. Every body will be happy and delighted; they always are. Sale takes place ontheground. This property is situated on Mountain atreet, east of Lake avenue, Pasadena. These lots are admirably situated for homesteads or villa lots, Tbeir size com mends them to 'be thinking purchasers. Located within five minutes' walk ot the Olivewood Station on the L A. A S. Q. V. R X , makes them suited to purchasers doing tantMMl in the city aod yet desiring ttie pleasures of a quiet home. Their he-altalid poatttoa at the base of the mountain, with a Isfgher altitude than tlie Raymond Hotel, render them extra desirable for theiuvalid. The quality ofthe soil, arlch, saudy loam, free from gravel and adobe, makes them unsurpassed for any and all varieties of fruit and vegetables. Free from mountain wash during the freshets The view from all the lots ft excellent. The mountain aud the ocean bolh giving interest to the sight. The s: reels and avenues at and near tbe tract are exceptionally fine, being newly made of moderate width. The improve ments iv the immediate neighborhood give promise of being the finest among tbe sub urbia of tbe city. The immediate future holds i v store a full share of the enterprises fast making Pasadana the wonder ol the aga. Among which are the cable road on the magnificent PrVpect avenue grade to the mmiuiain. from no- terminus nf which a wouderfullyaccesslble trail will be made to the summit.also the Las Florea Hot*!, Ihe .Ite of which haa beeD purchased, and Kast erncapitalUUstanii ready to fulfill the de sire of the tourist and the want of the in valid by placing a grand hotel ou Nature's choicest site, the mouth of the Las Plorei Cafioo. All of these enterprise-! will have a direct iiiflueuec on tbe value of every one of the lots to be sold. On many oi these lots are to be found deciduous m as, just begin nlng to bear, thereby in-mring comfort. Fox ury and income at once. On one of these lots la a fine new house and barn, with all needed surroundings Tbe house haa eight quod sized, well furnished rooms. the barn furnishes rof in for horses, carriages and cow, also a start has been made of flow ers and ornamental surroundings. Thlslot furnlshesready at hand a Hue horn* for auy one with reasonable desires. Water—To each of these bits ir. piped a full shareof the j purci cold, sparkling water, TU« water | comes in extra stroug gas pipe from the mountain, <>ne*nd leet higher than the tots. Thfltnpply of water Is continually increased ami an.pie In qnaUlty and une qualled in quality, while the expense of condu t ng me water syHem U less than any other in Psssdena. N<<<> And last but not lea*t, we shaii u..t expert more than city prices for country property, but will be satisfied with what they are worth today, and allow the advance that future Improve menta may bring. This consideration, to gether with our terms, place them within the reach of all who want a home. TERMS unt? third on the day of sale, balance on or before three years, at 7% per cent. Interest. Free carriages will meet you on the day of ■ale at Ollvewood Station. An elegant free lunch will be gladly served by N. Q. YO- CfTM, office room Nn. 7, Ward Bros. Block, Pasadena, or JoHN C BELL, tbe auctiou aer ap« td Charles Wapihac!], DYEING AND SCOURING ESTABLISHMENT, 202>*. Spring St., Below Third, l.os Aalffelea, < al. I wish to uollfy my former customers that I have opened a new place at the above nutn ber.and the only one that gives satisfaction. Tailoring aud Repairing Neatly Done at Lowest Rate*. Satisfaction guaranteed ap 18 lm GRAND DRAWING FOR A SICOO DIAMOND RING! IUOO rham ea sit • I RstCßl, To be drawn for when ohanees are all taken. Time and plaoe of drawing to he advertised tn the daily papers. Tbe draw Ing will be fair lv all respect* A eommil tee of ticket hoders will choose two children wbo will do the drawing. King on exhibi tion at Kred Linda's Jewelry Store. ssarMtf of Premises. The Restaurant tin Mott Markot haa enlarged its quarters, and Is now pre pared to serve easterners In rlrsl-class style. The beat the market affords will be served. The public will do well by calling on It aud giving it a trial. Satisfaction guar anteed. Don I forget the place in the Mott Market. ILLICH A CO. MIBCKLL A NKO U H. MIHOKLLANEOUH. E. MARTIN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS riCIUIS, i 244 BAKER BLOOK, MAIN STREET. 1.08 ANOKI.KS, CAL, A PHI I. 7th, 1886. Thia bouae havinu told to ila re«ular Iraile almoat all ile liquors ia bnlk, now offers lo Ibe public at KKUOCKO PRICES i Ist—A lot of BITTBRB or different kinds, such an are daily bought at every regular aaloon. 2d.—A lot of Bottled Napa and Sonoma WINBB from the best vineyards, iv cases of one dozen each. 3d —80 barrels of 3-year-old PORT WINK in 'barrels of about 45 gallons each. - 4th. -Shelf Goods used in every respßotable saloon. ' 6th -Shelves and Offlce Fixtures Elevator, 16 Oaken Casks, Handsome Oasks tor n retail or wholesale house, for re tail purposes. Our olrl cnatofcieri auil friends aro invited to inspect wines eld enough t, he sent to hot countries, with a ouarautcc to keep. This bouse never dealt in so called cheap wince and our bottling by a competent oellarman, years in onr em ploy, will guarantee brat-claaa caae goods. tar Come and see as. Onr store will he closed ou May Ist, 1886. Yours respectfully, £2. IVI.aLi-tln <to 00. J^CaTZUTJ CALIFORNIA WINES! Owing to the Low Rates of Freight to all parts of the Hast I ant Delivering PURE CALIFORNIA WJNES, Put up in Oases and Kegs, Half Barrels and Barrels, to all parts of the United States FREE OF FREIGHT 1 Visitors are cordially inviteil to call and inspect the stock at Q6 niicl 28 NORTH SFBINO St. H. J. WOOLLACOTT, P. O. BOX 226, LOS ANOELES, CAL. Port, Angelica, Sherry, Muscat, Zinfaudel, Riesling, Hook, Burger, Blau Klben, Red and While Wince. apr»tf The N tll IMOHIM arl Mny P»eaa,wiiri a Capacity of Bto IJTonsa Day, Is nu equalled (or effective work. Only two minutes required to set it up for work or tip down for moving. Worked by lor 2 horses or entirely by hand power with two men. Presses compactly for railroad shipment or for local trade, at the will of the operator. It requires but one flilinn to complete the bale. It can press two bales at one opera don, weight nsr 100 or more each. Cheaper by half than any other Press on the market. It is portable on Its own wheelsand moves likea common cart. Its weight is about i.fioo pounds. Price, from tlf*) to $175, or more when made to special order. This Press has taken Diplomas at several Fairs, and mauy prominent ranchers of Southern California testify to its superiority. Address *• C. NaKt MOIIK, Tea An are lea. fig*-Agent* are wanted. mar2t fmo Painless Extraction, BY LOCAL APPLICATIONS TO THE OUMS ONLY. TJ. SMITH, THE WELL KNOWN DENTIBT, Has opened a Branch Dentistry Department adjoining his present office, CORNER OF TEMPLE AND SPRING BTREETB, OVER HAKKIB' CLOTHINO STORE, Where Sets of Teeth are made for the Low Price of S6 and $7 Each. faaaaVtf John Wieland's Lager Beer. This Famous San Francisco Lager has gained the reputation of being THE FINEST BEER If) THE MARKET TO-DAY, 11 being far Sfsperlar fa all. aod defying any Eaatern competition. It la now kept on draught at the following leading Saloon.: The Louvre, No. 4 N. Main St; Yolks Hall. Temple Blk, opp. Court House; U. S. Hotel bar. United States Hotel, N. Main at ■ Hotel de France, cor. Aliso and Alameda Sts ; Jos. de Millardo. c r Ist and Wilmington Sts ; Paul Schilling, cor. Spring and Second sts ; Ous Ferret, cor. Spring and Third Sts.; Bob Haines, Los Angeles St; John Dietzsl, Alameda St, opp. Old R R Depot; Jake (Jerkins, San Fernando St, opp. Hew K. R Depot. STEINIKE & BRUNINC, SOLE ACENTS AND BOTTLERS, Telephone STS. 154 E. First Street, Los Angela. TEMPLE BLOCK, OPPOSITE UNITED STATES MOTEL. Dealer lv all latest Improved English and American allies, stiotguns. Pistols and Ammu nlllon. All work done In best style -speaking lor luelf and no need of sell praise aTJeP~ l 'n.nke-bortnc and repairing of tne guns a specialty. Telephone No. Ms. ser.l3 FRAKKL BHRIER MANUFACTURER OF CIGARS WHOUBAU ArTT> RETAIL DEALER lit Imported and Key West Cigars, Chewing aad Smoking Tobacco, Cigarettes, Playing Cards, ate. 100 AND 107 NORTH SPRING STREET, CORNER MARKET, Temple Bioek, opposite Court Bouse. Loe Angelea. Cel. ataV-Speolal ladueemeat offend to the Jobbiug Trade. Pcasoftee Boa No. IM.' fes LBOAL. Not.,'* of Intuition. Notice Ii hereby given that it Is the Inten tit.ii ..f tin- Council uf (lie i it\ f.f |,o, \u geles, tn establish tlie grade of Missiou road from Downey nvenue to Macy utreet, as follows: At the Intersection of Missiou road and Downey avenue, Ihe grade shall be 170 feet ahove tne datum plane, at a polut on the south bank uf the Kast Hide ditch. Ml feel more or leaa, south of the south live of Downey avenue, the grade shall be 143 feet above the datum plaue. Ata point it Hi feet south of smith hank of Kast Hide ditch, the grade sh>iit be lift feet atrove the datum plane. At the Intersection ol Mission road aud a street running between Block C and Hlock D, Park Tract, tbe trade shall be 97 feet at>ove the datum plane. At the luterseetiou of Barbee street, the grsde shall be 92 feet above the latum niane Wine luterseetiou of Mission rond nnd a street running betw i Block I, and Blook J, Park Tract, the grade shall he ft* feet above, the datum plane. At the luterseetiou of Mission road with the north Hue of Kuhrts street, the grade shall be 7y feet above the datum plane. At the Intersection of Mission road and south line of Kuhrts atreet, the grade shall be 77.D0 feet above tbe datum plane. Al the Intersection of Mission road and Hausen street, the grade shall be 72 feet above tlie datum plane At the Intersection of Missiou mail and Hancock atreet. tbe grade shall he 70 feel above thedatum plane At the Intersection of Mission mad and Johnson atreet, the grade shall be 69 feet above the datum plane At the Intersection of Mission road nud • irlffln aveuue, the grade shall he 68 feet abnve the datum plane. At the Intersection of Mission road aud Slchel street, the gradeshall be 07 feet shove tbe datum plaue. At the inierseeilon of Mission road and Warren itreet, Ihe grade shall he 68 feet above tbe datum plane. At the intersectlou of Mission road aud Magnolia street, thegrade shall be fl'2 feet above the datum plane. At the Intersection of Mission road and Wabash Aveuue, thu grade shall he 56 feet above the datum plane. Ala polut 625 feet south or south line of Wabash aveuue, the grade shall be CI feet alaive the datum plaue. At a point 560 feet north of north Hue of Macy atreei, thegrade shall he '<*> feet above tbe datum plane. At a polut'24o [eet nortb off north line of Macv itreet, the grade shall be 50 feet above the datum plane. At the Intersection of Mission mad and Macy street, the grade shall be 42 feet above thedatum plane. All persons interested are herehy notified to flle their objection*, if any they have, with the Clerk of the i oiin. il. within teu days uf the date of the first publication of this notice. Hy order of the Couucii of the (Jlty of Los Augeles,at its meeting uf April lit, A. D , ISM. W. W. KOBINSON, Clerk of ihe Council of the City ol lajs An* geles. Los Augeles, April 14, IS*'.. aprlfi lot Notice of Intention. Notice la hereby giveu that It is the Inten tion uf the Council of Ihe city of Los Auge les to establish the grade of Hlchel street fromSigier street to Mission Koad as fol lows; At the Intersectlou of Hlchel street and Higler street the grade shall he 121 00 feet above the .latum plaue. At a poiut - r UO i* et north of the uorth line of Patrick street thegradeihallbe lOV.OOfeet above the datum plaue. At tbe Intersection of Hichpl street aud Patrick stre.t the grade shall be 97.00 feet above the datum plane. At the Intersection oi Slchel street and Downey A vi' the grade sball be, as Dow ea tabll-hed, 81.45 feet above the datum plaue. At the iuterseetiou of Sictiel atreet and llawkius street tin- .trade sball be 67.00 feet above the datum plaue. At the intersectlou of Slchel street and Baldwin street the grade shsll be 66.00 feet above the datum plane. At the Intersection of Hichel street and Mosart street the grade shall he tv>.oo feel above the datum plaue. At the intersectlou of Slchel street and Darwin Aye. the grade stiall be 67.00 feet above the datum plane. At tbe luterseetiou of Hichel street and Kuhrts street the grade shall be 62.00 feet above the datum plane. At a point ou the east side of Hichel street 220 feet north of uorth line or Mission street the grade shall be 67 feet above the datum plaoe. At a point ou the west side of Hichel street I*l feet uorth of north Hoe of Mission itreet the grado shall be 67 feet above the datum plaoe. Atthe intersection of Sichel street with Mission street the grade shall be on the east side 61.70 feet above the datum plaoe, and on the west side SIM feet above the datum plane. At the intersection of Sichel street and Miaslou Road the grade shall be 67.00 feet above the datum plane. All persons interested are hereby notified to file tbeir objections. If any they have.wlth the Clerk of the Council wilhii. ten days of the date of the first publication of this no tice. By order of the Council of the city of Lob Angeles at Its meeting of April 13th, A. D. 1886. W. W. ROBINSON, Clerk of tho Council of the City of Loa An geles. Los Augeles, April 141 h, 1886. ap!6 lOt Notice of Intention. Notice is herehy given that it is the Inten tion of the Couucii of the City of Los Ange les to change aud establish the grade of Pleasant atreet, from Mlso Aye to Summit Aye , as follows: At the Intersection of A If so Aveuue, Lopes St. and Pleasant Aye the grade sball he 66.00 feet above the dstum plaue. At the intersection of Kschandia street the grade shall be 64.00 feet above the datum plane. At the intersection of Michigan street tbe grade shall be 70.00 feet above the datum plane. At a point on the west side of Pleasant St. 100 feet south of south line of Summit Aye. the grade shall be as now established, M.M feet above the datum plane on the south west corner, and on the southeast corner 56.00 feet above the datum plane. All persona interested are hereby notified to tile their objections, if any they have, with the Clerk of the Council within ten days of tbe date of the flrst publication of this notice. By order of the Council of the City of Loa Angeles at its meeting of April 13th, A. D. 1888. W. W. ROBINSON, Clerk of the Council of the city of Loa Au gelea. Loa Augelea, April 14th, I***. aplC lot Notice of Intention. Notice la hereby given tbat It is the inser tion of the Council of the City of Los An geles to establish the grade of Barbee street from Thomas street to Hancock street as At tbe Intersection of Barbee street and Thomas street the grade shall be 92.00 feet above the datum plane. At t c intersection of Barbee street and Gates street the grade shall he 86.50 feet above the datum plane. At the intersection of Barbee street and Hausen street the grade shall he 82.50 feet above the datum plaue. At tbe intersection of Barbee street and Hsncock street the grade shall be 78.00 feet above the datum plane. • All persons interested are hereby notified to flle their objections, if auy they have.wlth the Clerk of the Council within ten days of the dale of the first publication of this notice. By order of the Council of the city of Lou Angeles at ltsmeeting of April 6th, A. D. 1886. W. W. ROBINSON, Clerk of the Council of the City of Loa An gale.". Los Angeles April 9th 1886. aprlO lot Notice of Intention. Notice is hereby given that It is the inten flon of the Council of the City of I Ata Auge l«a to establish the grsde of Saud itreet, from Cemetery Aye. to Fort slreet, as fol- At the intersection of Hand street and the east Hoe of Cemetery Aye. the grade shall be 116.00 feel above the datum plaoe. At a point oo (he north live oi Saud street 116.70 feet west of tbe wen line of Fort street the grade ahall be 110.35 feet above the datum plane. _ Thence to a point on the weit line of Fort street .18.00 feet north of south line of Sand street, where the grade ahall be 106.60 feet above tbe datum plane. At the S. W. corner of Sand and Fort the grade shall be 106.30 feet above the datum persona Interested are hereby notified to flle their objections, if any they have, with tbe Clerk of the Conncil within ten days of the date of the first publicatiou of this notice. By order of the Council of the City of Los Angeles at its meeting of April 13th. A. 0. 1486. W. W. ROBINSON, Clerk of tbo Council of the City of Los Aa- Aprll 14th, 1886. spl6 lot \<>tu-e ot Intention. Notice is hereby given that ll Is tbe Inten tion of the Council of the City of Los An geles to establish the grade of Gates street from Barbee street to Kuhru street, aa saw At the Intersection of Oates street and Barbee street the grade shall bo 86.50 feet above the datum plane. At the iuterseetiou of Gates street and Darwin avenue the grade shall be 30.50 feet above the datum plane. At the intersection of Gates street aod Kuhrts street the grade shall be 77 .10 feet above the datum plane. AU persona iutereated are hereby notified to flle their objections, if any they have, with the Clerk of the Council within ten days of the dale of the first publication of this notice. By order of the Council of the City of Loa Angeles at Ita meeting of April i3tb, A. D , Clerk or the Council of the Clly of Los Ao iJe" Ange lea. April 14, 1886. apl6-10t JOHNMASKELL, WaoLsaaLa a»d Retail Di*i.aa ih FRUITS, »UTS and CANDIES, No. II FIRST STREET. aprt lm o*mi— Pare 11, 8.i0.1, CoßßinuflLipttr ami Suneyor, Associate Member Institute Civil ■ nclneera, London, Hoom 14 Alton Hlwett, corner Spring aad Temple. Jastf | 5 LEGAL. Notice of Intention* 0 .J?.. ,lre "•»»** that it is the In tention of the Council of the City of Loa An geles to establish thegrade ol Griffln aye foiniw" 1 " * " tr,et 10 M,Mlou Rood, as At the intersection of Grlffln avenue and Canada street the grade shall he 142.00 feet above tbe datum plane: Atthe luterseetiou of Orifflu aye. and Graudln street the gradeshall he 156.00 fee*, above the datum plane; At the Intersection of Grlffln aye. aud Hig ler street the grade shall be 149.00 feet above tne datum plane; At a point 2Wj feet south f.f the south line of S.gler street lb« grade, shall be feet alaive the datum plane Al a point MU feet south of the south lino of sigler street the grade sball bo 136 foot above the datum plaue; t.f A iJiX2l ll \ " ,1, ;/ I t ,m . lh °' tl "' ""rthllne o Patrick sti eet the grade shall be 130 feet above the datum plane; At the Intersection of Griffln Aye snd Patrick street the grade shall be IW.m feet above thedatum plaue; At the luterseetiou of Grlfflu Aye. and Downey Aye. the grade shall be as now es tablished 83.67 feet above the datum plane Atthe Intersection of Orifflu Aye and Hawkins street thegrade shall he 78.00 feet atiove the datum plane; Atthe intersection of Grlffln Aye. and Baldwin street the grade shall be 71.00 feet above the datum plane; At Ihe Intersection of Grlffln Aye. and Mozart street the grade shall be 70.00 feet above the datum plane; At the Intersection of Oriflin Aye. and Darwin Aye. the grado shall be 68.00 feet above the datum plane; At tbe Intersection of Grlffln Aye and Kuhrtiitreet the grade sball be 66 uo feet thedatum plane; At a point '1 15 feet north of the north line of Mission street the grade shall be 67.00 reel above the datum plane; At the intersection of Griffin Aye. and Mission street the grade sball be on the northeast and southeast comers of said lv [enaction 60,60 feet above the datum plaue; at the northwest aud southwest corners of said intersection 65.75 feet above Ihe datum plane; At a point ou the west side of Griffin Aye. I<m feet south of the south Hue of Mission street the grade shall be 66.3U feet above UM datum plaue; > At the Intersection of Urlfflu Aye. with Mission Road the grade Hhall be iB.OO feet above the datum plaue. All persons iutereated are herehy notified to flle 'heir objections, If any they have, wilh the Clerk of the Council withlu ten days of the date of the first publication of this notice. By order of the Council of the City nf Los Angeles at Its meeting of April utih, a. D. W. W KOBINSON, Clerk of the Council of tbe City of Los An Los Angeles. April 14th, 1886, op 16 lOt Notice of Intention. Notice Is hereby given that ft is the inten tion of the council ol theclty of Urn Augeles to establish the grade of Fort street from temple street to a point B'2U feet North of the North line of Kock street: At tbe Intersection of Temple street tbe grade shall be, si now established 77.0U feet above the datum plane. At a polut 150 feet north of tbe uorth line of Temple itreet the grade shall be on the east and west side of Fort street 89 '20-100 feet ahove the datum plane. The easterly 20 feet of Fort street shall hive a rise of 1 foot in 5 feet, from a point 150 feet uorth of the north line of Temple street to the north line of Sand street,where ths grade shaM be 140 feet above tbe datum plaue. At the southwest coruer of Fort and Sand street tne grade shall be 106.80 feet above the datum plane. At the luterseetiou of the center lines of Fort and Saud street the grade shall be 106 30 feet above thedatum plane. Al a polut ou the west line of* Fort street 38 feet uorth of the south live of Sand street the grade shall be 106.60 feet above the datum plane. At the northwest corner of Fort and Sand street the grade shall be 140 feet above tbe datum plane. At a point 60 feet north of the north line of Sand street tho grade shall be 140.00 feet above the datum plane. At a point 180 feet north of tbe north Hoe Sand street the grade sball be 140.00 feet above the datum plane. At tbe Intersection of Kock street tbe grade shalt be, as nowestabllshed,l42.oo feet above the datum plane. At a point 320 feet north of tbe north lino of Kock street the grade shall be 134,00 foot above the datum plane. Ml persons interested are hereby notified to file their objections, If any tbey have, with the Clerk of the Council within 10 days of the date of the flrst publication of this notice. By order of the Council of the City of Loa Augeles, at Its meeting of April 13th, A. D. W. W. KOBINSON, Clerk of the Council of the City of Loo An geles. Los Angeles, April 14th, 1886. aprlfi lOt Notice of Intention. Notice Is hereby given tbat It is the Inten tion of the Council of the city of Los Ange- Iss to estaolisb the grade of Hansen itreot from Patrick street to Mission Road, as fol- Ai the Intersection of Hansen street aod Patrick street the grade shall be 128.00 foot above tbe datum plane. Ata point 415 feet north of the north lino of Downey avenue the gradeshall bo 116.00 feet above the datum plane. At the intersection of Hansen street and Downey avenue the grade shall be, as now established, 99.67 feet above the datum plane. At the Intersection of Hansen street and Hawkins street the grade shall be 98.60 feet above the datum plane. At the intersection of Hansen itreet and Baldwin street the grade shsll be 88.00 foet above the datum plane. At tbe intersection of Hansen street and Barbee street the grade shall be 82.60 feet above the datum plane. At the Intersection of Hansen street and Darwin Aye. the grade shall bo 77.00 feet above the datum plane. At the intersection of Hansen street and Kuhrts street the grade shall be 74.00 foet above tbe datum plane. At the intersection of Hansen street and Million Koad tbe grade shall be 72.00 feet above the datnm plane. All persons interested are hereby notified to file their objections, if any tbey have.wlth the Clerk of the Council within ten days of the date of the flrst publication of this no- By order of the Council of tho city of Los Angeles at its meeting of April ISth, A. D. 1886. W. W. ROBINSON, Clerk of the Council of tho olty of Loo An geles. Los Angeles, April 14th, 1886. ap!6 lot Notice or Intention. Notice is hereby given that It is tbe inten tion of the Couucii of the City of Loa Ange les to establish the grade of Hayes street from HotT st reet to Kuhrts street, as follows: At the iuterseetiou of Hayes street and Hon*" street the grade shall be 67.00 feet above the datum plane. At tbe intersection of Haves street and Downey avenue the grade shall be as now established, 61.46 feet above tbe datum plane. At the iuterseetiou of Hayes street and Chares itreet the grade shall be 50.00 foot above the datum plane. At the intersection of Hayes street with tbe n >rth line of Mozart street the grade shall be 46.00 feet above the datum plane. At the southeast corner of said intersec tion the grade shall be 45.26 feet above tho datum P rane. At the southwest corner of said intersec tion the grade shall be 44.36 feet above tbe dalum plane. At the intersection of Haves street and Darwin avenue the grade shall be 42.00 feet above the datum plane. At the intersection of Hayes itreet with Kuhru street the grade sball be 40.00 feet above the datum plane. All persons interested sre hereby notified to flle their objections, If any tbey bare, with the Clerk of the Council within ton days of the date of tbe flrst publication of this notice. By order of the Council of tho Cltv of Loo Augelei at its meeting of Aprll 13th, A. D . 1885. V?. W KOBINSON, Clerk of tbe Counell of the City of Loo An- Los Augelei, Aprll 14, 1886. apl6-10t Notice of Intention. Notice Is hereby giveu that it is the inten tion of tbe Couucii of the City of Los Ange les to establish the grade of Baldwin street, from Hansen street to Workman street, as follows: At the intersection of Baldwin street and Hansen street the grade shall 00 88 00 feet above tbe datum plane. At the iuterseetiou of Baldwin street and Hancock street tbe grade shall bo 82 00 feet above the datum piano. At the Intersection of Baldwin street and Johnson street tbe grade shall be 76.00 fact above the datum plane. At tbe intersection of Baldwin street and Griffln Aye. the grado shall bo 7LOO foot above the datum plaoe At tbe Intersection of Baldwin street and Sichel street the grade shall be 66.00 foet above ths datum plane. At tbe intersectlou of Baldwin itreet and Workman street the grade shall be 66.00 feet above the datum piano. All persons interested are hereby notified to file tbeir objections, if any they havo, with the Clerk of the Counell within ton days of the date of tbe flrst publication of this notice. By order of the Council of the City of Loe Augeles st IU meeting of April 13th, A. D. _m W.W. ROBINSON. Clerk nf the Council of tbe City of Los An* gelea. Loe Angelea, Aprll 14, 1086. apt 6 UK Notice of Intention. Notice is hereby given tbat it is Iho inten tion of the Couoetl of the City of Los An geles to establish the grade of Thome* street from Downey avenoe to Mission road, aa follows Atthe intersection of Thomas itreet and Downey avanue the grade shall be aa now established 121 feet above the datum plane. Atthe intersection ■>( Thomas street and Hawkioi street the grade shall be 10» test above the datum plane. Al the intersection of Thomas street and Barbee street the grade shall be 92 feet above the datum plane. At the interaction of Thomas street and Darwin aveuue Ibe grade shalt be 90 feet above the datum plane. Atthe northwest corner of Thomas street and Miaaiou road tbe grade shall bo 58,2 feet above the datum plane. At tho northeast coruer of Thomas street aud Miaaiou road the grade shall be 64.26 feet above the datum plans. AU persons interested are herehy notified to file Lhetr objections, if any tbey have, with tbe Clerk of tbe Council within ten days of the first publicatiou of this Übtlce. By order of the Council of ibe City of Los iv w. VoiSJ⁢ D * Clerk of tbe Ceuaeil of tbo CHr oi Las An l.rVuge.e- AOSII Mo Is* agdSViet