Newspaper Page Text
THE LOS ANGELES MARKETS The following quotation! are eorreeted daily from theofflclal records of the Produce Exohantte. Hiener LOWMT am. askhd. Wheat. Australian, No. 1 1 1 10 So. a l io So. 3 I 05 Whit* Russian i v< Uold Drop 1 26 Honor* 1 00 Defiauoe. No. 1 *««d 1 ao Ho. «... . i 26 ude.ea No. I . IJB " " lob lota 120 atye. »■!■■ ftorprtee 1 AO 1 AU Hnrler* feed No. l.old, spot " . " new, * 115 1 22U i.rewing, No. 1, " Old Barley i J oller v ß6 fif, 7-, | Corn. l*Vge yellow (car-load lota) 1 00 I lnUan , co,n' Job,0l,) : 1 M .all white 1 10 t'loni. l A n K elc». XXXX, Patent toller 4 60 Riol Mill. ,6* >n*er or Victor 4 ft) Mill teed. "> 17 00 >»• ted feed l 20 ted corn and baric;. I HO ceed corn .. 1 2.) eked barley 1 85 iiud barley ] 86 led 1-arley 1 a.** Uraln Hail. leacka. " 3 u ft Calcutta ipot 6*4 T too sacks a Seed. tifa, now 10 n>i Hay. hy W. 8.,N0. 1, old ... 8 to far, w. h., new ll oo ley K. o No. 1 12 00 lie, E. B W B 860 10 00 tat R. B 12 00 " W. B. U 00 W. B. 11 00 i fotaloe*. J Rose, L, A • •>.neru l 25 fell ilcautie., aeed 1 lb egon I'eerle.a 1 26 iriy Rose, seed acbblow, 1 00 Tor Bed. 1 oo )w Potatoee 1 26 i„..*.., .met Chile 1 10 bite Elephant. 100 Sweet Potato**. d an-J WhUo ■tatter. ley Roll, a< la 20 olce Roll 18 " Roll .. 12W «od .tore " 10 to 16 JtledßoU, " 2J >Ung iv Ctieeee. a w3 11 OB) tuna) u8 lent extra when cued t ■hipment) fear**. • 17 18 «ct*d light UK « acted, (job lou) *M «r S < b W 121, Beeswax. wax v aa Onion... 'iem Tetlbw Denver... I«0 5 00 Vegelable*, l*llxed. lei ~ 7« 10 la • 1» -.0 "Ml*, 1* 100 By* 1 7i Bean* anal Dried Pea*. .SO. 1 1 25 rel* 40 . lob lot,, No. 1 100 I*o So. 2. SO m >*» , 2 20 , lane 1 so , amali : o > Hi ■•eyed ; oo ■aeo* 2 oo iJeMpeaa 200 2M 1* » 00 Potßltrr. , No. 1. * do« 100 ' w loaler,.'' " J 00 I jrt ■KSao.:' :.2 S3! -r. amalf S &.' < oo "jijiis .... :.i is sVdoi I •«• • » 810*11 Live ««*. bog* JH « Dried Frail. , 2* reeled 10 Peeled Ho. 1 ... < » i slued 1" *, pitted, evep'd 10 berries Id Cala Frencb. 2 a, Cal. German IM *, Hungarian )tt,B.D . 10 Apple*. f Aidol» SM ■led, ,l!oed VA rloa, quartered 2H ■, 2 00 idon Layers, uew .. 2 Ift Crown Layer* 2 oo Muscatel. 1 .'«(., 1 7 . lalalna. — 5 to < (trapes *M Nat*. tx, new 6H "H i*,C*i.,No. L b VSeeUrn S t£s.i». it t[ ' orange*. •tea, new 1 06 1 75 1 I per box 18 1 I » 00 A 11 » I I Iranberrl**.. A I per bbl 12 00 id fugle, per bbl. id Sherry. " *' .... NO. M NOKTII MAIN STREET, to. A.V (ale Cal. I'APITAL, • IOO.IMM DIKRCTOIV) : Da. W. O. Oocna.a. C .11. 11. »,a«r>.» Paaar 11. Okaaa, Ba-so-, Ba., Da, X Bur,».B.r_H, r. o. I ..... Oao. R BoN-aa-aa. Okt Kxchanir. for sale on all th. principal rltle 1 the Jailed Mate and Europe. mh» SaniigB Banii. ISO NORTH MAIN ST., CAPITAL, - - - , $100,000 PHESID L.O.OOODWTN SBCHE J. V iOHTEL Board of I'irertorn: UUtA W. IIKLUfA*, JOBM E. Pl_l__ Roit. 8. Da in. Job* A. Pattob L. C. OOQDWUC. Term Depoelto will be r tn rami of era rmt,<lre<l dollsr. and over. _rdin_.ry HepoHlts In sums of ten dollars and o?er. Uont>v to I'wnnn Arft'-elass Real Estate, bos Angeles, July 1, 18*4 HMU. 1 I Sklae. „J Ll. 7 > toH " ■ 1 «■«■••' 10 >m B B cured) 12 to H § I Wool. rllpA I. jK Vro* I a lon .. • light r/aooo U p MeSlnm » iijrn bacon • K n ry bacon. • ■ ' MUd MM.. • jnd Mill M nod palla. J» >und pail. * Ull VIUOK rntored Id i and women by u.iuir ■•'•lmore'i Aro Ir- wine. Ku_ aaie by 11. I). Godfrey, m jtE.LESfI KIOMTB.made miaerthleby terrible on'Ujh. rlhllob , onre la the .dy for you. Bold by v. F. Ilelnzemnn. sorth M»l" _____ rra.iM'B T«roai ni lvi mm I Bo»Throat,lnlluenza, (. iln Croup, If""' . r.a, Un.ncht Aatto.'litarrb au.l Wl ;,, , »Udti««»e«' , ttbelhr,ro an.] ( l,unij«. II !' r ilatren'itib.-u« the Lnn,, and In.tant !y '■» 11,rr,U,,MO ' rt Ct h .vk, , a«n.Oh,o. n. F«»«iiin- 1 1 t ;,;" B :;^ 1 m , ' I :; "all wfth'iironehllM and a bad coiiith er trytu, »^' e _/"J?2,li'l A"* soy reilef, I ''V\_W»dlate h«ln on i * .am, aud louii.l imrn o•"«!"- l or V I'uiln. S° meoMeln. 0 ,t .nv.elf c..r»d. MV. K. Nt I X fe^^of^rrth'^rre'reEr.^ 11le 1 " F»a«ea ManiciK* (JO., Proprietor., __.aVp.ioV.. M.OU. fX» AMrt- X> JR.. M. IHfT jB ■ 111 MM (lil ls I , No 11 Kearny St.. San Franeinco. OA!., fro*!., all Chronic, Special nnd In rate ril.enaca with Won le Hnoeoaa. t«« ißr.u^ ■ f 'hi. 'Ke.t oati.e 'iMnlVr hi. ! " . >»> advice and treatment; wl.l not cure a bottle, or four time, the quantity «fj. .enMo any addreaa oo receipt of prlue, or <> "■ 111 private name if de.ired, hy DX., 81., 8. F , Cal. Bend for 'tart olqnmion. and pamphlet. Mavmple Bottle area Will be acnt to any oue applying hy letter .allng .ymntnma, .ex and aac Strict «ocr«. cy In regaxeftn all tr.naactlou.. fMMps I, o. o. r. SIXTY - SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY AMERICAN ODD-FELLOWSHIP. Monday, April %st% 1880, the Lodges in Irlstrict Xo. 30 will Celebrate the >ixty Seventh Amiirersarv of the Order hy JBk. :Oetstl£-e"t Picnic AT — DOWNEY CI TV During the day and an INVITATION BALL in the Evening at ARMORY HALL LOS ANGELES. A Spe.-ial train will leave Loa Angalos from Commercial Street Oepot at 11 A M. Returning, leave Downey City about 4:30 p. m. FAHK. Hound Trip, 75 cent*. All Oddfellow*, their families and friends, are cordially iuviled to participate. Members of tho Order will meet at Odd Fellows Hall Loa Angeles, at 8 A. m., and march thenoe to the depot. Lot Angelea Lodge No. 3">, Ccnlonn ml Lodge No. 247, Bohen Ladgc No. 138, Good Will Lodge No. 323, (loldeu Role Lodg* No. 160, Paaadena Lodge No. 32*, Nietos Lodge No. 197, Kait Side Lodge No. 323. Arbor Vilas Rebekali Degroo Lodge No. 83. TirKKTS will be for salo by members of th* Order at W. F. Marleau's Cigar Store, Main St eel, aud at the Natiok Howie, corner Main and First streets. . aprlO BANKING HOUBKS. First National iiauk OK laOS angelks. Oaplfefii fdtoost. : SIOO.OOG Surplua, t ! *IOO,OOU RF, SPENOeJTT": Preeident J HL ELLIOTT, : : Cashier DIRRCTORS: **. D. Bica-Kiai,, J. F. Caaaxp B. Masuai We. Lact. kf. . r STWKHOLDKttS: Oan. A H. Wtieoox, Ds, R. tL' 0 B Wmuxbbt, Jsaac MoCot J. F. i.a&jia, F v. SaVkf, 1 K. HouLaassoß, A. L. LssssfianfM H Mastar, Wm Llcr, L. H.» ■ k .r s, a it. Mott, J. D. Hh-kssli,. t. F. Si-SHua. A. W. HsavsT. OcWtf FaiiuerB&Merciiaiii8 r lia.iL i . OF LO6 ANOELXB. ESTABLISHED IN 186 a ' npltal. StSMM*) i. Harplda aa Beaeref >'uud, *U»7S.<KH>. ISAIAS W. lIEU.Ua.S PHESIDKkI L.C. OOtIUWIN VIC'K.I'KI>III.»!iA l JOHN UII.NKK MKUkKTAX.) auaan or DtaaorOß* 13A1A3 W. ngLLMAN JOHN *. arUFFCN, l>. W. CHIUMt, C. t TilOM PHIL. OARNIBB, J. ' . . v.\UKl^,(llllf| C. OUCOMHUN, .1011. HA.-a.AKKL HVHAIBK c OK MAI.*- ON New York, London. Prarikfort, Dublin, Paris and Berlin. xer Rwadv. ...poiHt. and c Thcll Cfi tlScate*. XXf T'UJ and Hell Oo.ernmentf, Mtaia, Count. .'..1 Cllv Bjna. X.OS ATVJGHi r.i l • . COUNTY BAjNK, Main Bt., Los Aoceles, OaL CAPITAL ST9CK, SAID 01 s , Seaerve Fund, t'MO.OOO. JOHN (. PLATKR- Pnaldam. li. 9. HAKC& t . n. L. Mai NEIL CwU«r. * DIRKOIOMI i. 8. SLAtTMH, JOTUaX BIXBI, Joua t. r. Roaaar Joua A. Hairox, o*jaal a ' ! R. H. Wiobbtl Jtrßur axaSau. SscXAßea on a* * „cuoo Nn York. London, Pari., nwlln and f ,~klortJ Jafßer '.t ....... on all part Unl'«i atauw aad Kuiutw. far loa *, ~ Uo.xr oa open aoooQ Baßd ocntf hU of deposit, and do * central bwaai ng «ih> ÜBO. M BOBBBEAXX, JOXV I.IHI ba , Prafl Viw-Pn*! P. a How**, Caahioi. Los Angeles National Bam. LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD. BUNUAY MORNING. APRIL 25. I/A DR. LIE BIG f*rA Private) |>l«peunN I j, (%. \A 400 Genry.St., Ban Francisco, I Cal. Conducted uj Qualified *- r-gulai Graduate*. ■mflkX""? lm~l he trident t >V*av/ < i«UM* in the t iiiled States, whose LiruLOHu t x fxKaRMs, perfect method y pure medicine, insure \ * v cuua* of all Private, Ciirwuie \-3\\ and Nervuus Diseases. AffeC- XssvJ liousol the Blond. Hkln. ifVk) H.(iui',i H. Blattd *-r, Xi uiitieus. I 14-t*rx. Old aiU'i-.Sv<lli«ii; ... Hi- 4j.lnudw.Muri Heath,'j I- j-«i.i iiti. • i ItfiM** Paius, r»er msneutly cured and eradicated from the sjste-m fur Ufa. Ul DUniK' Debility. Impotuucy, Serajna JILuIUU.) IeiKMM, Sexual Decay, Meuta and Phyal al Weakness, Failing Memory Weak Kyes, Blunted Development, ImpedJ menu* to Marriage, etc., from excess*.* ti youthful folliea, or any cause, speed. I', safely and privately cured. Youuic. Jlidd.i-.aaed and Old men aud all who need medical rtk.ll aud «*x l» rif , consult the old European Phy sician at once. Ills opinion costs uolhing, and may save future misery and sin*me. When inconvenient to visit the City fu> re uncut, medicine* can be sent every where by espies* lr» » iiuui ohm rVtt non. It is relf-evideut that a physician who gives bis whole arteutiou to a class of i diaeaaes Hltainw igrnatrr Hktll. and pfayaiclaus throughout the oouutry .knowing this frequently reconuaend diflicult cases jto the Old. at HperlaliMt. by whom j HS loam***** and rxp- .iencr m* iniiMn ISH-r. ttf~ iiione who cah see no one nut the Doctor. Consultations free aud sarrtuiy cunfldt'utlul. Cases which have failed in obtaining r'e.ief elsewhere espccirUly so llclted. female disease* successfully treated. The ltoctor will agree to forieft • I,«*OU for a case undertaken not cured. Culler write, hours: to 4 f. b to 8 uveulufp. Sundays, te 14 only. "Bknd fob thk Sshitaust Gums to HSALTH. BXMT t-BKK Address as above. |ti«ackuowi(rdi.ed by the Medical World I thai tbe usaie 1.11-.lili- have been immortalUed, even had thediscovery of the I life giving material composing the Ce.-bift %% eudi-i'fui tm*rm».n lutmvrsior ! bean bis only gift lo surleriug humanity. *4o affectuai aud sucessful has been the ireatmcntuf alixPrivae Diseases and Bpe- I cial CompUiuts of men, by Ui« Da. Lllbio ! method, thai the Llehig Disptiusary now baa a monopoly of such diseases on the Pacific I Coast—iv fact, many are coming frum tbe 'Hit? Ifoetot *•» fame aa a specialist for ' diseases of men la universally known and ! hundreds are daily availing themselves of \ thu opportuuity of free consultation, per- I sonauy or hy letter, In all languages. 1 Woutlerlnl Mittriutic Healers, or Keif Magnet inert*. j Are the latest discovery ma<le at tbe Ueblf I Dispeu ary, aed vow every one c*u be his , ami Magnetic ifesileraud ilaud Kubl>«r. 1 frlct. 1600. Sold only at the Lleblf Dfa | pe *** rT DR. LIKBlftlU it .. ..>. inn •.■ jni ii Inrlc«ra.tar Permanently preveuts all Unnatural *U>asea ff-in tbe system, tones the neivcs, strength ens tlie musclea, checks the w**te. Invigor ates tl *c whole system, and ant stores the aLUieit d to Health and Heppln,..*. The r eutou so many eanoot net cured of Bemiuai Weaknoas, L-»ss of Manhood, etc., la owlnc to a complication ch.icl PKv^iou- KHL V w Ith H i PhKAKiIiKHJA, which re autre* m x'.uhar treatment. Dr. Lietdg'a in vlfforatTr Is the only positive cure for PKOS iued am,h«^UE^^'^"HPK^^^\H^^ L * tin * Ul, r> f s tiTlsnrulor ft*. Case of six Iwules, HO. Sunt to any address, cov (M| wcarei f /mm observation. Most powe. "fai electric Delta free to pa tients. _ , . To Paova thi tVorDiitrct Powss of ibe nrViooEATOR A « eWttlio «jHt*:i« or lient rrec. Consultation free and prtrate. Call or addre «a I li- HI.. IfIMPKSIwARY. 400 Geary Street, Ban Francisco. Cal. Private entr» jice, 405 Maa-m street, lour blocks up Gear; ■ street from Kearney. Main entrance throu*. h DUpem-ary Diug St ere. nortO W. D. Tawter & Co., SANT* MONICA, Cal., HAVE SOME Cloice Residence and Bnsiaess LOTS At the Terminus of tho Propojed Los Alleles & Santa Monica Depot fot the Brook»lo> Vtnt»fer_ ; whole ■ale aud retail iealern 1b Fine Wines, Liquors, Ac, .aml'.y trade a apecialty. Aleopuro HqOor. for medicinal purpose., Oor. Oomnicrcial and Alameda Sts., OPPuHITK o_l> DKHOT. anil ty Mr Store for Sale. AT WEST FAUB'tOOK, SAN DIEC it COUNTY, CAL., In r.iie pleaaautclimate, a growing drug liuatnea* and practice for a good physician OHCtiD ta able and willing to rcapotid -•hen called can build up a due- hitaluo... both In the drug line and the practice ot > Sri tor *"atUlttf, pa!/ health, "Addre.a I Howe P.aUnffloc. X...1 1*..*,, c.uraty, Cal. |*10 M. OAKTRRBUHT. M. D. OLIVE TRI 18 ANO Cm TIRCS FOR Routed oil ?o treoi for aala; alaoOllre cut ting.. Apdlt to W. Aliton Bayna, Jr...Hapta LMwK SEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Ed. E. Adams. F»ak* c. it..,. Frank Adams. 7 ADAMS & SONS, Real Estate hsirace and Money Broken Office, IA Ji* HprlUff st. (Room U, upstair*, next to Hkrald offlce.) Improved aud unimproved oity and Cuuu tty property, nranue orchards, vineyards aud ntuchot, in the best localities In South era California. illnltig Property n Specialty. KehldentH of the county 17 years. Agency "Connecticut Fire luMintnee. Co. of Hart solicited IAIH ANi.KLKh. (lel..'Vtf) CALIFORNIA GEO B. GRIFFIN 0. W. SCrHtOEDER, GRIFFIN & SCHROEDER, Real Estate aniLoaiißiters. OEO. B. GKIIKIN, Attorney at Lew, No tary Public, Searcher of Records and Con rW- * VS4T FIRST STREET, Bernard Block, Los Cal. auBo-tf CHAS. CHARWCK, "REAL ESTATE DEALER Has a large list of improved and unim proved city and coilutry properly. Also, agent for the Teinecula Valley Colon viands at MtuVtu. Colony lands a speciall v Cull or address himatfiO. It COI'RT I i'RKHT, upno*dt. Court House, Los Angeles. Ca al4tf McUOY ft CUSHMAN, L'rok, rs in Real Estate, 23 North Fpringr Street. Bargains In City and Country Real Estate. marttf I ] BPBOIPIO. CI litis s rnfula, n.ptli.. Mercurial Pohon and »U Chronic Blood Iliseases. This medicine contains no mer tury. Consists wholly ol roots snd herns. N B. You need uot go to hot springs to he cured ol tuiy Bo.*l Disorder. Esoh bottle contslns cue month i treat mtnt. jr*e-Noue genuine without the fac .iinilesigusture of OKI). K. KLUEft over each cori. la a bottle o: C /or I 5. Laboratory 408 and 110 Maiu Ot., Kansas City, Mo. •Ihe sure Tiling Nperlflr. pcrma nentiy cures Kouorrhoia.gleet, 101 l uniostioo of tbe bl .elder aud all diseases oi Ibe urina ry organs. Both inleitive and luterual intoiciue combined iv one i.noksqe. |3 per package or 2 for IV «:. F. II K.!N ZI.M AN, "Tbe Druggist," 122 N. Main St., Hole Aeeul for Los Augeles, California. «Prl RAKMBI HOTEL. Lots For Sale in the Mali Tract! ADJOINING ABOVE HOTEL. This tract has been subdivided aud the portlou lying -outli of ihe Monterey .Road ia BOW nii. i. d ...r .-ale in l"tr> «d ten and twen ty acres, <>r smaller, if more deslrsble to purchaser*. Abundant supply o: pure waier for irriga tion and purposes, delivered in pipes from living spring* uu the land at a pre-sure vnrvun- fr- in venty to one hun dred and forty five feet, wllf besoldwttb each lot, Tlie tract is diotsnt seven from the Loa Augeles Court Hoase, and frequent communication is bad daily over tbe L A. AS. O. V. R. R. t which baa a etallou near tbe hotel. , m Tbe Kayinond Hotel, the largest In South ern caliloruts, i* situated mi a bill ou tne northern end of ibe tract and is rapidly ap proaching coinplet'on For further particulars apply to W. G. HUGHES, 391, sprlne 81.10011 LOS ANGELES. Parties dcirfng to purchase will be shown tbe tract on application to L. C, Wluston, living on the laud, near to and south of the hotel: or to O. R. Dougherty, Real Estate Agent, corner Mission $MtsM% and Sylvan avenue near K. it Station, South Pasadena dec-Htf At J. D. GUERRERO'S, Kos. 4.1 and 443 N. Main St., You can buy your good, during the week at the follow price* (or oaah; 12 lb. "lillas Sugar, ft; 12', lba Gran. 8u gar, 11 iIM lb. Extra C Sngar.ll MX lb. Qui leu O Sug.r, ,1; IS', lb.. U. Sugar, 81.00; * lb, Pea Berry Coffe-e I(rMD), It: * lb» Oct* Klea Coffee (green), ll;7Ib*Kolgor « IMoni erCofTee, 11; 5, lb. C K. Koaabal Coffee, 11.American Sardluee, S can* 25c: Preucu Siirdluea per eau, 1.-c; Syrup per gal,, sue. Jelile.,atan<lard brand*, 20ci L A Jam*, t ' »"" L A. Apple But ter, 150: h A Table Fruits per can, 15C and We:B Paramtie Caudie., 25e: 8a«o, 16 lba ,1; Tapli«a, IS 1 * IH San Luis Oblapo Beau* tier 100 lb. |l 75: Cornel and star Chocolate, IWt.M "» Klce. II Bon, lea. Cod Fl*b per lb. K,c : Salmon per can, 10c; l>ried Apple, and peache. per lb, ;'c. Maccorout per box, hoc lo'Cuar. f..r .V.Waheeta Note Paper. Ua? 40 .beau llrlef, legal form, 2fto; 30 En velope*, se; Writing It k per b ttle, sc; Mick candy per lb, i:,c; Gum Prop,, 20c; Fancy Mined, 22c; Cuecae. II!jo per lb: llraaffa-t 11 on, 10c. 1.-.rd iv 3 lb*, 850; Lard In 51b*. fcOc.ln 10 1b», »V. aprl r ©60.000 STALLION, SIM TAIL, Sow »t He Turk', .table, corner of Flrrt snd Forr.lroct. Bon of Hi,haw (Hambletoolan- Uevrnncr Hock); klud, gentle, beautiful aud fr- m tbe i „•, .t Relit icky stock. Too well known iv 1.-» Anitele-s to need exletl 7l ye deacripron. lias *iOO «nd SlOOO ct>H. lv S T.vlni°b*u,b, n thi. b-.utlful animal st a are it b ira-atii, will acco imodate .limited number of customer, at the low price of 190 for the aeasou. MKACH, OtrittE. mrlt QUAD. PICS. Kntntn. Pioneer Transfer Co., NO, 3MARKET ST.. TELEPHONE 137. Batrage Delivered to A • Parts of the Oity. McJ-ain & Lehraan, Prop, SAItTA ROIHICA, Third atreet, - - - - Oppoaite PoFtofTlce, M!■ N lil-.1. MKYKR, lately from Tombsloue. Proprietor. Mr Meyer remind, hi. friend, and the o'.btlc generall) that lie keen, on hand a "nl, .-"orment "I all kinds of beer, and lionora Quality guarauleed. Alan all kind. »l cold lunchea. He Invite. Ilium to g|i c iilinae.ll. No dlarepulable oharactera al lowed on the, sp 10 LEGAL. Order to Show Cause on Petition for Sale of Real Estate. In tbe Superior Court of tbe County of Los Angelea, State of California. In tbe matter of the Estate of Andrew Viek. 'deceased. It appearing to tbe Court from the rer! fled petition of Adelslda Vlck aa the Ex euutrixof tbe las. will aud testament ol Andrew Vlok, deceased, this day pre' Dented and tiled, praying an order of sale of real estate at private sale, that It Is necessa ry to sell some portion of the real property 01 t>ald estate to pay tbe allowance lv favor of the family of tald deceased, aud the debut and expenses and charges of adminis tration;. It ia now by the Court hereby ordered that tho devisees, legatees and all other persons interested in the estate of said deceased ap pear before thu, Court at 10 o'clock a. m. ou Holiday, tbe Hut Day of Maw, A. ». 1880, At the Court Koom of Department numb*, one of tuoo Court, at the Court House, lv the city of Lorn Angeles, Bute of California, to show oautte why an order should not be granted to said Executrix to sell at private r>ale or otherwise so muohof the said real property aa may be necessary aud aa prayed for lv said vetlttnu. And It is further ordered by theCourtthal a copy of this order be published for four successive weeluilii the Loa Augeles Daii/v Hkhald, a newspaper printed aud pub lished ia mid l.os Auceles couutj. Done iuopvu Court thla, the lath day of April, A. D. 1880 WH. A. CHENEY, ap2o-4w Judge of said Uuperior Court. ' ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Los AitaaLßSOilßubmimo anoSuppltCo., / Loa Anoelss, April f>th, 1860, t LOCATION OF PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS, LOd ANUKLLB, CAL. Notice Is hereby gi veu that at a meeting of the Directors, beid on tlie Oih day of April, laftti, assessment (No. ll of 10 cenU per shaie wan levied upon the capita] stock of the Loa Angeles Oil Burning and Sup ply Co., pnyuhi c f in mcd lately to the 1 reasurer, K. C. Howes, UM Augeles Natlou al, Los Augeles, Cal. Any httick upon winch this asseasmeut -h i.. remain uupanl t.u Friday, tbe 7tb day of May, 1880, will be delinquent aud ad vertlaed fur sale at public auction, aud, un less payment be made before, will be sold on daturdiy, the itfth day of May, lsf6, at 1 P. M., at the said company's office, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with oosts of advertising and expenses of sale. tiy order of the Board of Directors. L. W. MITCHELL, President. LOUIS BLANK EN HORN, Secretary. aprOlf SALOONS. CLUB, y SPRING ST \l The BOUQUET No. 7 Commercial St TOM SHAW. TURF CLUB, 1880. DOU&HERTY k CLEMENCE, BANT A MONICA. Grand Opening March 21st. marlstl Ir^R^ALE. 200 ACRES OP LAND Between San Rafael and ProYidencia Ranch; surface water near; Hue soil, suited to grapes, apricots, etc.; nice bearing orchards and vineyard* adjoin ing. Price for choice, $36 per acre in 20 -flcre lots. Terms, one-third cash, halance in one and two years, at S per cent. 160 acres land near this at $I*2 per acre. 4,000 ACHES Of lend In Tejunga Kancho, at from 16 to 1100 per acre, ahuodauc* of irrigation water, as 800 acres will have the first right to aud all that is necessary for its use out of nve elghtbs of all the water of the rauch, S-oper acre of the price ol tbe Irrigable land will be lull on the land to be expended lud.u proving the irrigation facilities. There isou the tract a beautiful cove in the foothills of SfiO acres of Irrigable land, surrounded by low hills, suluble for vines. THE LICK TRACT Come and investigate the Lick Tract. It adjoins Los Augeles City; contains twenty four hundred acres, aud equals anything in Southern California. It will be sold In lota of Aye acres or more at prices from forty to oue hundred and fifty dollars per acre, with water. This ia the choice of tbe couuty Title perfect; a full abstract wUI be furnish ed with each lot sold. lU. I- WICKS does, not act as au Agent, and can generally make term* and, prices to suit the pur chaser. Several hundred acres of land two miles northwest of Orange, at from 815 tp t&> per acre. Irrigation right, about $12 per acre, lv addition. Surface water at shallow depth. 40 Acre, in tie Fiente Ranch, Ou the south side of tbe county road, ex teudlug to Fine chocolate soil, a beautiful building site, gentle slope to the south; water ditch to l>e hereafter construct' cd. Present price, 840 per acre. I have beautiful laoda adjoining Ontario at $30 per acre, water piped to the laud. Nice ten-acre home, Improved, in Orange Price. *2,«0. Fine twenty-acre tract. Improved, lv Or ante. Price. «M». M. L. WICKS, Rooms 1 & 4 Postofflce Block, LOa AM,KM a CITY, CAL. lamlll 1. FOR SALE. A Good Property, Com prising -i« Acres. Situated three mtlea from the Court House on Atametla .treat; 20,000 vine,, all from 16 tn ft year, old; tot tree, of different varieties, A GOOD HOrrSK OT HIVEN ROOMS Aml a large barn; a large windmill on the place. Inquire ou the place of J. sf. VKtNKS, betweeuWaablugtou and Jefferson atreet*. east aide of Wilmington Railroad. anes—TTTl.K PKHrHOT. —v.** A. W. Potts. H. A. CovassUßlas. POTT 3 & COVARRUBIAS, Real Estate Agents au General Auctioneers. Parties desiring property sold at auction will be promptly attended to. Office 33 N. Sprits* M. Opponlte Jeve'a tasrSltf LEGAL. Notice of Ad mini ttratoi's Sale o Real Estate at Private Sale. In re MUteof J- W Baldwin, j IHI deceased. ( Notice li hereby given that lv pursuance nf the order ol tbe Buperlor Court uf the county ol Loa Angeles, Stale ol California made ou tbe sth day of April, I*B6, lv the matter of tbe estate of J. VY. Baldwfu, de ceaked, tlie underalgued, £. A. DeCamp, a* itor of theeetateof nab] deceased will ou or after Tuesday, Ihe »Ttb Day of April, IMBB, 3eU at private aale, to tee highest bidder, Jpou tbe terms hereluafter stated, lv one parcel, aud subject to oonflrmatiou by aaid Hipenar Court, all of the right, title and me rest of »ald deceased, end of bis said es ate, lv and to the following described real property situate In tbe city of Los Augeles tounty of Lot Augeles, State of Callioruia, intl particularly denarii., <l .v - t . mi «t N "- »of Block No. Jof the Cbavcx tract, Cast Los Angeles. Terra* and.Condition* of Katie: Ten per cent, of the amouut bid must be >a!d to tbe administrator ou hla acceptance »f such bid, the balance of the amuuut of »fd so accepted >,y the administrator pay a » c on the confirmation of the sale by tue tuperlor Court of Los Augeles county and lie execution of deeds for said property by he administrator, all inouyes to be lawful louey of the United State*. Deed at the expense, of euro baser. AU bids or offers must be in wr ting and ■ay be left at the office of Howard & Rot* rU, altorueys-at law, Rooms 3 aud 6, Wl px Block, N. Spring street, Los Aug< lea Ity, or deliver to the administrator IC i ■uslly, or may be Sled in tbe office of iuk of aaid Superior Court. Dated Los Angeles, April Bth, 1880. .. , , E. a. Decamp; Adminiatrator of the estate of J. W. Bald win, deceased. Howard A Roberts, Attorneys for Estate. *Pr» Executor's Sale of Real Estate. Notice la hereby given that in pursuance of the order of the Superior Court of the county of Los Angeles, state of Csdiforuia made ou the Ink day of June, 188.>, lv tbe matter of the estate of R, T. Johnson, de ceased, the undersigned, Kxeoutor of the *gßVfi] and testament of said deceased, will sell at private saie, to the highest bid der for cash, iv oue parcel, subject to oou firmaUou by said Court, on Wednesday, tbe 5tU day of ITlay, . . 1880, At 12 o'clock M of that day, all tbe right, title, interest aud estate ol the aaid K. T. Jobuson, 'leceased, at the time of his death, and an the right, title, Interest that the said estate baa by operation of law or other wise acquired other than or iv addition to that of the said tutestate. at the time of his death, iv aud to all that lot, piece, parcel of laud lyiug and being lv the city and county of Los Angeles, State o California, described as follows, to wit; Lylug on the east aide of Lemon street in said city, and particularly described as follows, to wit Beginning at i point at the S. W. corner of Presl >n'a laud formerly belougin *to Frata cleco Lopez; thence running n. 1° W. along the west boundary of R. T. Jobusou's land 3.95 chains to the line of J. H* Arohibald s laud, formerly helongiug to LuU Martlnex, thence 8. E. along the Hue betweeu ■>aid Archibald and Johnson 16 m> ciiaius to end of line feure;lhence S. 77' E.B.W chains to 8. E. comer of R. r. Johusou's land tbeuce N. nyf E.; chains to the N. E. corner of laud, thence N.B2°W. 18.08 cbaius to the east line of Preston's land; tbeuce 8. Off E. along said east line of Preston 1.1)7 oUhlus to said Preston a S. H. corner; thence N. 88' W. along tbe southern bouudary line of said Preston 14.46 cbaius to tbe place of beginning c nlaJuins; IS acres of land, more or less, aud being tbe same land marked "K. T. Johnson 18 A ' according to map of City of Los Angeles made by If J, Steveuaon, dated, lftfH. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Casb in gold coin of the U. S., ten per cent, thereof payable on acceptance of bid and balauce upon confirmation. Sealed bids for above property to be ..>'■■-. office of Graves A v Mcl >eiiy, Room 21, Ba» ker Block, in aaid city of Los Augeles, at any time after first publication of tin's no tee and before the making of the sale. Los Augeles, April llilb, 1886. J. o. Mcdonald, ap!7 td Executor of said Estate. Notice for Publication of Time for Proving Will, etc. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. BTATE OF CALIFORNIA, ( „ County or Los Angeles, i In the matter of tbe estate of Ptene E. Cloa, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Monday, the :■ l :i day of April, 1886, at 10 o'clock a. n,,of said day, atthe court room of this Court, in said oouuty of Los Angeles, has been appointed for hearing the applies* tion of Catherine 3axuoncet Cloa, praying that a document now on file in this Court, purporting to be the last Will and Testa meutof Pierre K. Clos. deceased, be admit ted to probate, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon to said 0 itberlne Samou cetCloa, at which time and place all per sons interested tberelu may appearand oon teet the same. Dated ApiU 10th. 1886. CHAB. H DUNBMOOR, County Clerk. By F. B, FANNING, Deputy. aprlltd NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, LAN D OFFICE I AT Los AMOIL-B, CaL, April 16, 1886. { Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of but iuten tlon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Registeraud Receiver at Los An geles, California, on May 2 r >th, 1886. vis : James R. Holmes, Homestead Entry No. 737 for the fractional HW'i Sec 10, l * p 1 N, R 14 W, S. B. M. He names tbe following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, vli : Thomas Storey. Marlon Grlffln, Frank Burbauk, Edwin Smith, all of Loa Angeles county, California. apl7iod J. D. BETHUNB, Register. Notice to Creditors In the Superior Court of the County of Loa Augeles, Sute of Califorula. In the matter of the estate of John Burns, deceased. No. 48M. • Notice isherebygtven by the undersigned, aa the executor ol the last will of John Burus, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persona having claims against the said de ceased, to exhibit them,with the necessary vouchers.wlthin four months after the flrst publication of this notice, to the said exec utor, at the office ol J Broiissau, attorney at law, No, 56 Baker Bh ><:k, lv tbe city of Loa Angeles, county of Lot Aiureles.State of Cal ifornia. DAN EL DESMOND, Executor of the last will of John Burns, de ceased Dated April 17tb, 1886. aplB td Notice for Publication. LAND OFFICE > AT LOS ANGKLFS, CALIFORNIA, } April --th. 1886. ) Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has riled uotlco of his Inten tion to make final prool iv support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Register and Receiver at Loa An geles, California, on May /.d, 1886, vis: v rasleut Baron, Homeetead Kntry No. 746, fnr the K. \4 at N. K. \4 Sec. 2, Twp. 5 N., R vr w.,a. ■ m He names the following witnesses to prove bis conttnirms residence upon, and cu.tiva tlon of, aaid land vis: Frauctsco Martinez, Laiaro Martinez, Bap ttste Davlaa. Agustiu Acosta, all of Loa An geles county, California. ap2l lm J. D. BEIHUNE, Register NEW aid SecOßfi-Haßil FURNITURE STORE, 361 «. Spring- Bt.. Cor. Fltk. Having opened the aoovc place I am able to offer special inducements to those who wish to purchase New aud Second-hand Furniture. Call aud get my prices before purchasing elsewhere- Highest prices for Secoud*teud Furniture. W.J. KIM., marffl im Proprietor. NOTICE. The UOB ANQELES CITY WATER Co, willstrlctly euforcethafollowtngrule: The hours for sprinkling are between 6 and 8 o'clock s. *. and 6 and 6 o'clock r. H. for a violation of tlie above regulation the water will be shut off and a fine of two dollars will be charned before water will be tnrued on ttln. I LEGAL. . 0 SUMMONS. In tbe Superior Court of the State of Call ferula, in and for the County of Loa An gelee. n Action brought lv the Superior Court of ! the Slate of California, lv aud for the couu ' ty of Los Angeles, and tbe ccmplalut riled , lv said county of Loa Angeles, lv the office ' of the Clerk of aaid Superior Court. ■ h M Frew, plaintiff, re, tieo. Slusabaugh, H r-ter A. .Vaguer. Edwin I. Duller, John W . Pitkin, David S. llalatoad and Annie K. Sewall. comprising thu firm of Duller. » Pitkin A Co., defeudauU. The people of tlte Bute of Calfforuta aeud , greeting to: , Geo. Stuaabaugb, Hester A. Wagner, Ed 1 wiu I. Butler, John W. Pitkin, David s IUI stead and Annie K. Sewall, ciuiiposinc the firm of Hutlor, Pitklu A Co., deieud ante. You are hereby required to appear In an Action brought against you hy tin: above named jdolnillTlu the Superior Co.irt of the Sute of California, tv and for the county of Lou Augeles, and to answer the complain; filed therein, within ten day* 'exclusive of the day of service), after the mn lea on you of tula Suinmous, 1/ nerved within this county; or, If served elsewhere, within thirty days, or judgment hy default will be token against you according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain the Judgment of this Court defining tiie lieu of a certain judgment against David H -guer in favor of sain Duller, Pitklu A Co., aud that a partition of the southwest <v feet oi lot numbered v in Dloc» No J4,u<d s Sur vey of the city of Lo* Angeles, Cal*, he made in accordance.with the rights!.! the respect Ive parties herein, aud for coat of suit. Is had to complaint for partlc i And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear aud answer tlie aaldeomniaJui as above required, the said plaiutirT will ■■ oause your default to be entered aud wlb ' apply to the Court for tbe relief demanded t In the complaint. Given under my baud and the Seal • of the Superior Court of the State . of California, inand (orthecouu -. ty of Loa Augeles, this 6th day of j 1 Marob, in the year of our Lord t cue thousand eight hundred and t eighty-six. , CIIAB. U. DL-NUMOOK, Clerk. By F. B. FANNING. Deputy. marV fiOds i In the Superior Court Of Los Angeles County, State of Cal ifornia. In tbe matter of Alfred James and Walter Jamea, Copartners as James Bros., insolvent debtors. Notice ia hereby given that In pursuance of an order of the above entitled Court, to me directed, dated April itfih 1886. 1 will, at ten o'clock a. m. on Iffonday, the Third day of nay. A. I*. I§KH, In (rout of the Sheriff's office on Sprint street in Los Augeles oily and couuty, Cali fornia, sell st public auction to the highest aud best bidder fur cash in U. S. gold coin, aU the right, title and interest which tbe above named insolvent, Alfred James, bad on the Second any of October, 1884, lv or to that certain real property silusted lv the county of Los Augeles, State of Cali fornia, described as follows, to-Wit Lot No. <i, iv Block one (1) Lot No. IK, In Block two (?). Lots 8. 7 and 8, lv Block eight (8). Lot 8, Iv Block ten (10) And an undivided one half Interest in Lot IS, Block 2, sud Lots 7. 11 aud 13 in Block 7. and Lot No. 3 ia Block tf, all In the towu of Mouth Santa Mouica, in Loa Augeies couutv, Cal.. according lo msp thereof recorded iv Book No. 3 of MiocellHiieous Records of Lob Augeles county. Terms and conditions of sale; Cash on accenUuce of bid and deed at expeuse of An abstract of the title of aaid Alfred James to said property can be seeu at the office of Craves A O'Melveuv, No. tl Baker Block, at any time prior to the day of said Dated at Los Angeles, April 19th, l-Wi. JOHN P. EARLY", Assignee of the Estate or Alfred aud Walter James, Insolveut Debtors. ap2o-td Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Bias Aguilar, deceased. Notice la hereby given by the under signed, executor of the Estate ot Bias Aguilar, deceased, to the creditors of aud all persous having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with tbe necessary vouchers, within four months aft .-r the first publication of this notice, to tbe said executor, it the office of K. Egau, Esq., at the Town of dan Juau Caplatrano, county of Los Angeles, State of Califorula, the same being tbe place for the transaction of the buaineas of tbe said c tate in tbe county of Los Angeles, Slate of California. JESUS AGCILAR. Executor of the estate of Bias Aguilar, de ceased. ep2o-4w Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, Cal. Seeled bids will be received at thia office mull 10 A, M., May 3d, 1886, for furnishing for the ensuiug year the necessary supplies for county purposes. In accordance with specification* ou file lv thia office. A certified check of fttfO to accompany each bid. The Board reserves the right to reject auy or all bids. By order of the Board of 8 v per visors of Lo* Augeles Couuty, Cal. ap2o lOt C. H. DLNSMOOR, Clerk. Notice of Dissolution of Copart nership. The Arm heretofore existing and doing bualuesk at No. 116 South Spring street, lv tbe city of .„os Augeles, State of Califorula, uuder tbe firm name aud style of Shurter A Brummett. dealers lv wood aud coal, la thia day dissolved by mutual consent, ».r. A. Shuster having purchased the entire Inter eat of S. J Biummett in the concern All debts due to said firm will be paid to Mr. A. Shuster. A. SHI'STKK. April sth, 1*86.: apr 6 lm A FIRST-GLASS GILT-EDGE INVESTMENT roit I*IFB, That will pay more thau one per cent, a moutb the first year ; besides the growth of tbe yuuna vlues and trees will add thous> suds of dollars a year in value to the place. 200 Acres of Vineyaril anil Fruit Trees, Now all in bearing, oue fourth of a mile from the tf. P. K. K. Depot, Sau Gabriel, CaL There are about 200,000 grapevines of choice varieties for wine making, that will yield about five younds to the vine this year, or 500 tons; seven and a half pounds next year, and ten pounds the next year, a» the vfues get older. Also an orchard of old, hearing Urauge and Lemon trees, vow loaded with fruit, with some 2,000 choice Apricot, Hun), it Pears. Peach, French Prune, Cherry, Plum and Apple trees. Soil rich sandy .oam. Lies beautiful. Must be seen to be appreciated. Joins L. J. Kose's large vineyard and winery. Go and see, or write, H. M. AMES, fa nam Ossarlcl, Cal. AFTER MAY FIRST, STORE in Baker Block At present occupied by IK. Martin A Co. Apply to J. A. GRAVES, No. iH BAKER BLOCK. aprStf LOS ANQHLBS Steal ByeioE Kleaßifli Co, Office uor. Malt? and Arcadia street, op poaite Well., rare i A Co Dyeing and clean ing of every description of ladles' and gents' clothing, tlloves. Laces, Mu.lln and Cttrtatna cleaned. Orders taken and de livered. Send postal card. aplMI JAITIF.N LlßqillEß, Manager. The Leading Decorator of Southern California. THE FIRST PRIZE AT THE LATE FAIR 1. HARRY CONLAM, st 0. T. BAHKKH * 80N8, leb'St No. U and U N. Spring ol 3 LEGAL. Order Fixing Time of Hearing Pe tltlon for Bale of Real Estate of Minor. In the Superior Court, of the County of Lor . Angel, a. Sute of California. ! no.i«so The verified petition ol James D. OU, M obtain an order for Ibe sale of Ihe real c. tate of wild mluor. aud it appearing to I™, .oiirtfrom .aid petition thai it would b« .cucaci.l io the .aid ward that bl. rial J? bit* deacrlood iv p0i1t1,,,,, i„.„lt Th* "■'divided lialf,„u-re,i iv . psVcelol laud annate In lb,. vlll.ii,. „f dauta Aua In the couuty of 10, AnselL, KuSrt S3&£ ula, bounded and uesorlbed a. follow. Commencing at tbe south**.! comer ol a tract of laud conveyed b> ~,„„ j. H I ',',h , ' > ; l " A ,"*",' '"" "' "« 'h.u'e uoith two buudri'd anil ally led. Ibeuoe wen two hundred ad uluely feet; theuce aoulh two hundred and fifty feel, thence eaal two hundred and ninety feet to the taunt of beglnulug, b*lu* lv Mock on*, lv VJ altou-a ajdltlon m ibe lowa of Santa Ana, in aaid ia* Auiele.couutjr," ahould be aold 1 • v.l Ibe proceed, realised from auch Ml* ahould be iuvoaled lv the purchasing of otbar raal properly wl.icb will be cultt .atc.l pud made productive for the benefit ol aaid ward, aa f. prayed for in aaid pet, lion. And li appealing that the ouly uaat 0 kin of .aid minor are the .aid petitioner, bo, father, and Folia it. Beauchamp aud KlUrtbelh ilealuhamn. Ilia niatorual araud iwraola, all living In ilie .aid eoiiuly ~f Uw Aio:. ;, ~, aud lhat uo other pcrnou 1. Inter '■ato.l in aaid eatate. Therefore, It is hereby oroered, that aaid Fella o. Beauobauin aud Kllsabeth Beau bam p. ibe ueit of kin of aaid ward, and 01 |.craoua uncreated In tbe .aid estate of .aid minor, do appear before tills Court, *t Hit i.our! Hoom thereof, iv the city of Los Augele., county ol Lo. Anfeles, State of TenthDnyol Hay, 1886, At teu o'clock iv the forenoon, to show cause why au order should not he made by this Court tv said matter for the sale of said real estate. Done lv open court this 2td day of March, WM. A. CHENEY, Judge. I, C. H. Dunsmoor. County Clerk and Ex officio Clerk of tbe Superior Court, do here by cortlty tbe foregoing to be a full, true aud correct copy of the original order fixing time of hearing petition for sale of real es tate of miuor ou file lv ny office, and that I have carefully compared the same with the original. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand aud affixed thu seal of the Supe rior Court, this WO day of March, 1886. C. H. DCNSMOOR. _ Couuty Clerk. By A. N. HAMII.Ii.N, heputy. mar.Mld SUMMONS. In tbe Superior Court of the Sute of Calif, r nla, In and for the couuty of Loa Angeles MARY A. UOADLEY, Plaintiff, , J. G. DOWNEY and t#°- 47 * 8 - O. W. OHILDS, Defendants. ) Action brought in tbe Superior Cotutof the State of Califorula, In and for the coun ty of Los Angeles, and the complaiut filed iv said couuty of Los Augeles, iv the office of tbe clerk of aaid Superior Court. The people of the Sute of California send greeting to: J. O. Downey and 0. W. Chllds, defend anu* You are hereby required to appear lv au action brought against you hy tbe above named Plaintiff in the Superior Court ol the State of California, in aud for the county ol Los Augeles, and to answer the complaint Sled therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service), after tbe service on you of tbis Summons—if served within this county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days -or Judgment by default will be taken against you according to the prayer i f Maid complaint. The said action is brought to procure a deereo of said Court that defendants John (i. Downey aud O. W. Childs execute an knowledge aud deliver to plalutiff a grant bargain aud sale deed of the following des cribed real property, to wit; All that cer tain lot or parcel of laud situate in tbe city and count} of Los Angeles, State of Califor nia, and bounded aud particularly des cribed as follows, to-wlt; The west half of Division A, of Lot seven. In Block thirty eight (88), Hancock's survey of Donation Lola, in the city of Los Angeles, savfug aud excepting, however, that portlou thereof heretofore sold by defendants, to-wlt: The west half of lots nine and ten, in Blocx (6) of the Brooks tract; also all of lota 8 and V, in Block one, of said tract. Tut? property above described being a part of what Is commonly known as oaual aud Reservoir Lands. See map of said lauds. Book 2. page 20y, Miscellaneous Becords ol said Los An geles couuty, iv accordance with the terms of a contract in writing alleged to have beeu executed by said defeudaou on the lOth day ol July, 1884, aud to recover from rtaid defendants five hundred dollars dam ages for defendants' failure to comply with the terms of aaid contract and one hundred dollars attorney s fees for enforcing said contract, and for cost of aulL Reference is had to complaint for parti c uUre. • And you are hereby notified that II you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required, the said plaintiff will ap ply to the court, for the relief demanded In [lie eotuplaJnL Olven under my hand and the seal of tbe Superior Court of the State of California, Iv and for the county of Los Augeles, this 24th day of February, tn tbe year of our Lord,one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. [Seal.l CHAB. II DVITOMOOK, Clerk. L. J. THOMPSON, Deputy. Endorsed. GARDINER A STEPHENSON. Attorneys for plaintiff. inarid 2m Notice of Application to Purchase Timber Land. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ( Los Amoblxs, Ual.. March 26th, 1886. i Notice is hereby given that, in compli ance with the provisions of the Act of Con gress, approved Juue 3d, IS7S, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Land in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash ington Territory," Mrs. Fauuie Kadeau, whose postofflce address is Los Angeles, Los Angeles couuty, California, ha.-, this day filed in this office her application to pur ohaae tbe W. U of N. W. U aud W. U ot S W. Section No. U, iv Township No. 2 N Range No. 13 VV., of the S. B. Meridian. All persons holdlug any adverse claim thereto are required to preseut the same at this office within sixty days from the Ami publication of this notice. J. D. BETHUNK. marZT 60t Register. Notice of Dissolution of Copartner ship. The firm heretofore existing and doing business at No. 116 South Spring street, la the City of Los Angeles, State of Califorula, uuder tbe firm name aud style of Shuster A Brummett, dealers iv coal and wood, la this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. A. Shuster having purchased the entire Inter est of Mr. S.J. Brummett In the concern. All debts due to said firm will be paid to A. Shuster, who will .settle all liabilities. I ■ Angeles, April 8, 1886. aprtlf 8. J. BRrifMETT. Order Fixing Day for Hearing Pe tition fox dale of Bead Estate. In the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles State of California. In the mstter of the estates and guardian ship of Francisco Laos) Keyea et al, mi- It appearing to this Court from tbe peti tion filed In ibis cause on the Pith day of April,lBB6, and this day presented by Refu gio Domlugu>s de Reyes, Guardian of the persons and estate* of Juan Ranoifo Reyes, Maria Vsldra Keyes, Adela Reyes and Ro saura Reyes, minors, praying for an order of sale of certain real estate belonging to her said wards, that I' is necessary and would \te beneficial to her said wards that such real estate should he sold, it is hereby or dered that the uext of kin of aaid minors, aud all persous interested in the said estate and guardianship, appear before this Court W Monday, the iTth day of May, 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m at the court room of this Court, in the city and county of Los Angeles, there aud then to show cause w by an order should not be granted for the sale of aaid real es tate. And it Is further ordered that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for at least three successive weeks before said day of May, ptHft, 1q the Los Angeles Daily lUrald, a uewspaper printed and published In said couuty of Los Angeles Dated April 13.1586. Wm. A. CHENEY, apl& Judge of the Superior Court.