Newspaper Page Text
6 NOTICE. Adverltsomeula In till, c.iliimn to run un til lorbld will not be considered ordered discontinued utlleo the order Is left at the bll.llie.. nliifc of this |.»|.T. FOX .-.ALK. 1M„1 HAM two well broken Saddle 1 Horace, which ladles ur children ran ride with perfect .slcly. Appl» el Ciimua •row. Livery Htable.llo Alameda HI apiT 4t IAOBHAI.E A .even room ise Price jf VJHO. Enquire Nn. tin Pearl 81. elili'.lit r'UK HALF. A carriage painting shop, and 1 dulug a g.a*l trade In ihe e.miitry. No oa-pnslllon Address 11. v. "* ;r *J l 'J J , not "ALE cheap i Hue saddle boraa. JJ I lough work hurie. welnlil fiisih. nnouir. ..( v. o. fohd, i iimd Central Hotel. WW*" 1.101; HAI.I Lodging H Cltj. '.7 tlirul.ho. I room. r" 11 V",. <i UOualv. Cheap liir cash. Inquire ol P.U KHHV, Court Hireel "I' l *' 11 1" .101 l SALE l-.i »»» let. oil Tan"" *};; 1 No. *,4, [or «AWO. will be worth >■"""" a few years. IjStil! I*l iAI .. 1 " day .. JP a lota with ini|.i ~,, .... ..ii exu i " oTtsaluSt. Apply I" MIuMAH A act) I, Mo. li Court 81. ">"" 1 I.VIK HAI.l'.-llue hull lutoresi 111 a hole' bnilue.. lor »I.,"■»> '*'*~,'*i Auply in A DAM S A SUN, ,J el. Spring ol " rr ' aaOM rai lit HACK A Km. .N. .1. » • ''\''"'' [ 1 II Hl.op »l l'> M ' ou ksyeoußl ..I leaviini inoiitiy. epni-iH. ITtOB BALI Bueun Vlaln Salnuu oil Fort r Hill, Willi or wlllioiil luru '•''>'. I c quire of J. PHILIPFI, M. •' ' C ", .nil Hired. r f£s* ml* ■» i" w.«» ?i u .':?j.j. P good paying business; el.JOk. KgL. A.,,,.., «Pr»" a;;:^.!.'*:; and lulene. lliiß, -He'1-. *»'. ,»"'' »"'"' Pa irl ale ullct>-'l l"r s.ile I i me iiii'l n nils very reneooable. Appl) to J B. O'HSIL, on the premises. "' ,r - 1 ■to* BALE Uood set ol ilugle .trap havr JP uuss, very cheap. Apply lo No. 4 Flral, Southeastcorn.-i "I Main HI ... " -<l TV. WHITE ha«»on.« .pei hargalus in tl. bualuua. properly foi a lew "">» J} I .*" In outside properly Call on him an n. Convinced at No. 4 Kasl Ural, aOUtheMI oor. Bar ol Main jji inar/.n 11,111 lALI Flral flaa. »'"ck ""clll'l JJ Veutuia inlllily . ••.'■«. aerea, IMI tillable. all foui'eil and cms. ten I wlit, three wire. good hoil.e, barn, cnrials, etc 40 aires iv parley; abuiiilaiiee ..i niuning wanrani tlmbcr,.Tc,, !»■'»'•';/„ *I'K;^'' a MIM/H _ Eighth Sis , fur .ale. luulllle wllbin or to B." llßßil.noltlrc. LSftl 111 BAROAINB FOB SALE Two 0 hotel., iwn lodging a dalr,".l lalreal, cows, Willi the i,u« llM.ire-. em « iii.'l tile entire imtllt Tea. IJ ti.alvellie p.n chiiHcr teCimri Houh I* 1 " 111 TiOOU HUHINBiW oi'l'ult I I'M I V !i,r'A;:,n^;r;;i.u.i';.:'B;M aireei, n. v v s Und Ultloe. laulaJtl, LHIH HAI.K one half ur the whole of tile JT ulile.l,li-h, .l I I pnylug drug hll.lne™ 111 Ihe city, "the Apolllecarlca *fgE* PP '' r " "" ""To UUIaUBO. iJullrlKrl FOB BAI.B Al Uampbetl'l Uv 11 oryHtalile.N... IT Alt.., Htrect, Uugglea, sarrlagea, liaek. ami lioraea lor hire. Hpleli turnout, at '"Y'lTmimiKU, Fropr. tetoriuary Hur«eoii All horaua aucceaa lufty iteated. nuvWtf riOK 8A1.K.-A splendid Flano. Apply at IJ F.'. store, enriier .if Alameda and AUso rtreals, 1,... Augeiei. ' al, ill" tf ;i til: kknt. I*lll KKN 1' liouhle h.mie, a room, and bath each bl'lc: nea-eeiiler of c ly mi high In he.l locality, very dealra hie. mill ie.pi.ii.ll.le I apply to owuer.K. VV.JtINK4.sIN. HpnngHt. P.O. Boa 141 W. 11 1.108 KKN I Furulshed roonia with hoard ) at No. UOrangl St. apHI-ot 1 inn 1.1 N I Several large .ml ainnll JT dwelling.; -I alores, a lodging liouao (Willi liirtiitiirc tor -ale. HIIMPIIItKVS .» ItlUtilN, Bpjont ;o Moiilh Bprlug. fmi BENT-A suite "I ,l'»rlnr and 1 .Ingle rooms, sunny. Apply « N"- * Hogeut street. 5552! |,tOK KKN I rill IAP A large brlok JJ riwnn wllhsevcn livliiK i is no sccou-l fliKir. In the l.imlii. -- c nlci •■( hasl lan All gclei, ciniicr ~( 11.11 i .ircl uiul liou ni > Ivenne. ipply to I. It. UAKBOIX, *; North Bprlug street. "I" riO btT-ln Bauta Monica, furulshed Cot 1 lagei. Also elcgsnl auliuy rianns, by the day. week or mouth lieiulro of Mr... IIttOKUK HIIKIIMK, 11 1 Aye. mtM Im MaVtaVr rour room house, furnished, MM i- Charity, or »7 S Spring mari.lf mo LKT PltasaUl furillihe.l house of I eight rooms, 10J Ollvo llreel, near Sec on,l. uiarlTll rgll) I.XI Kmc. sunny Irnlil I ...lll'i.tlMKorl I streel, corner 1-illh. tet»«-tt To kkn i rhe secuud door, wmo feet. In the Isgek hull.ling So. II ■ 117, Bojue na street, near Ins Angclc- St. iini.'i.' WANTS. WAN It Ii Ladles aud gentlemen In elty or couutry wishing l" earn >;l l„ t.> a daratthelr own homes, mi I'liiivasslug. work furnishcil ami t mall hiiv ills lauce. Kor partl.-iihirs ..hires, with .lauip. ORVHTAI.I/Kli PHOTO CO • Xl W. «h »t-. Clucluuatl, O. aptT-lt YV'ANTKI) tewing Mac ilue Operators, at v» the Bhlrt Factory. Jl', X Hr.tst. at!, a OUHKK YOPNii M IN wants oiniiloytiL-llt O Inquire MAUItil'K, lliiiii.nolllce. as. at WA"NTKD By a young mau, g I place to *' learn cigar tnakllig. Address C. II UAIL,CIty, No, JU7(toiiim..rci',lsl. ..fl A. -'i QITCATIUN WAN IKM lly a llceused en O gtuecr. to run si nt i or Uireshing machine unglue. A.l.|icss".l ,i ," II kha i.v office. ap!4 ..t U'ANTKII By two responsible young men a situation on a Ir.lll ranch to learn the business, willing t.. work Hie first mon b for hoard ami lodging. Address CA PABLE, Bbralo oStce -»t sun wlt-apga WANTED—At once. ,i clnnee ~ 10 or 1,, ii acre orange orchard in lull hearllig, near Iheecnlot ol the olty, b> lien 1- IVar.l. SI North spring si., 1.. A. ap'Jl If W A Ni'Kn a nice eousge It 'ii™* WARD, ::i S. Spring rit. epU it llASl'Kli Bids lor lis room one and >» one lull .toy house EnquireOraud Ceulral Hotel. aprHlt WANTED Uood horse; weight not less »' than lluu pounds. In ~,ire i.ran.l ,'c,, teal Hotel. eprati WANTED Women aud girls |M good places; men sod hoys for all klud. of work al g.Kal wages, and persons wanting help will save lime ami money by calling lea. lug order Willi \\ . V.. PINSEY A Cl> , Employtnellt Ollii'i". No. *) Aest Flrsl SI. W-iNIKIi 11..1.1 and Silver Mini-, capital II wauted to develop Hliatl . left by . feel, 1.0 feel deep. H igl, grade ore sold lor |1,7 g>.7». Five claims. Address MINER, IhlsuHlCe. mar.'i. Im aJOLICITOKS WANTED In,inc.Hatch for O the sale ol new article, wliich will pay from live to ten dollar, a day. iMSHrBIJI Allao street FINANCIAL. fiva LOAN- 5100.15U to loan oil lit J or X couutry property hi sums rroin »'J.... lo ISO.UXI.aI a reaaouable rate of inlerest. Ap lily In \V I' M.' I S I'HHII , lo'lll l-t,,', A....1. Stooiu It, Nadeau Block. apl H lw AIi.NKV I. I.'AN in -inns to siiu.tao ill times by J. F. Wlll lE. Odioe No. 4, Hoiillieast comer Maui aud Firal SL mli-'Tlt A I ONEY To LOAN in suaal to sun, on .vl real estate eacttlity. Mortgages lamghl and sold. stoKOON v UK, il'tKKrK. novltf No 111 N. Spring St. K H; fim |i«i.| by A-I yiKI.K, IMtKKoWKRS OK LAKIiK SI MS, bftvlni J» flmrlauM real e-iau- e-ii-nrlly, hhixtM oal lon t.Kii. i» kowas. l\i Madaau Block inKrl'jtf BOARD AND LOPQWG, KUOMtf A.Slt BOARD— Elegantly fur uUhed i - ; .- with utitrttlly lo cated and in the dwUmblO part u( t>ie • ,l) 252 W. Klrot etrtcl. apM MISI*KLLA.NK< M'>. KUSINBDB CIIANCK-A youug man ol ftjod liiinliii-M 'jualifli *liinin Imviui. lliree li.iudreil i)oll>>ri> will cliauec tv umkf iiinucy -rlilnni iin-i mill l y addrvimlug J. L. M., No HO South Sprinj 81. ell/. ai'i7 at a 1 AMOUNE S'J'UVK- cleaned aud rg.|>airid. Leave order at Acme Oil bu<l lauioCo., 10S So. Spring St.. or »«.-tnl p<>aUl to '. O. Udl aO. apl £>3t. M. X, VoL'Nti. K. h. KOBBINS MedloaJ Klectrlriau, ii... ;jir.M'f. .i: . .1-.- i-ipUuatlou from the ptitleuu. free of clitirge. Corner First and Hpring titreeta. leUl-tf Ii KANTS MKMOIRS aiMrca* & J- 0. Oliver lou S Spring St., ur call. Jau Alt War Department Signal Service, U.S. Army. Division of T clegrsma and Reports for the l„.in 111 ol I nuiin. roc an.l Agriculture He iinrtofotiaervatlnna taken at Loa Angeles ll.llfnrnls, April n, laan — tf" u a i d a * ! | ||| f I | 8 I I I f * till ».«.! B.N M~j ~f~2~ fW I|0r4l IJJ37 h, ».n ill M » I HO 7:117 T.U.I UW W. I 41 I W Oldl Mailuiillll I Ihtiii i-iit, M il. Minimum Tlirritmm.-U'r. 'HO Weather Indications. K.n Finals'", April if, a p, N Indl eallona fur the sneeeeilliia thirty two lioilia lor California sre as follows: Continued lair weather with nocaaal'inal fog on the Im mediate e.'S.l Dots. L.hi uld Bread cures dyspepsia. Hee Adverllsciueul ol grading wsnted. laastll'i feue, t;igars at e.O.Otfaj riiorc. (Into llr. Ilsld W In, demist, Wlduey lt)ock. Home new r.anna vow ready at Iron Hul rTßow sham holders only ■ ceut, at V7l North Main slresl. All goods start Hi down,ou sec it of low freight, at Alleu',. Furniture ami carpels lor at Allen's. lir Willi.i,i., .peel.Hal In diseases of ths head, throat and cheat Try Mould Mreail X I. Walton* 0s», 111 llequeliu alrect, aKClila. Uo In Ihe I yrttablr, H N. Malu alreel, lor a stylish turnout cheap. f'urullurc and carpets ou luatalliiieut plan al Allen's, Xl Hoiilh Hprtng street. Kve'y cilatotuer si th I lllilcs.n Hat I'o. la entitled lo n ehnuee ou a alls hat. The moat woli'lerlul com poll nd "I tie sfl ia Hr. Heliley'a t'elery, Heel sud Iruu. Kiirnltiire, osrpeta, v-.11-paper, Isoe cur talua, at Allen's, U Houlh Hprlug stieet. Aliotlier cut oliosrpela at Allen's,■ Hoiilh Hprllig stri'i'l, be twee v Klral slid Hveond. It la a well kllnwii laet thst the oldest and Ino-t tell'lhle pslulera' supply store last l.'i Mortfl Main atreet. A l.lge lot ol mocking suil canary caKf, lust received ut FiihlbaUß A Vollmer's, Nu. 11l Weat First Htle.'l. The heal phyalclana of the country pre senile Liquid lirosd. B. J, Walton is Co,, M Huqueiiu street, agelila. New styles of decorated glassware and crockery al Pohlhaus A Volliner'a. No If you wish io leel strung aud vigorous drlnt I I Nleholaou's Liquid bread. E J, Walton A CO-, Hi Ituqueus street, sgcuta. OU!daaxiail lot Auheuser heer la uitpre cedeul'il. We have towered over all otlnir competitors. Notice Ihe alalia, laalc Ihe heer ami do not forifc! to call for " A ll he il scr llusch" ouly. I he one agency la at No. SB Norlh Hprlui! atreet. The Annual Herald. Tin aknuai HHUUI for 18M hat lam rum/iUleit, ttereotyprtt and milt lie Itnud txlatt, li naaldlai forty c into papas of hintorirat, tleteriptine ami BMV /urimt, mkk a lawfj nnVir tf lUaatra Uaai, n/ty thomand eopien have heen mt—d, and hy meant ut samafyji. ■aatal the itslttme run he tmmitVUi nt may he needed. Stupendous Values To-day - Peoples' Store. Our values tu-duy are stupuiiiloua and should be taken udvantage of by all close buyer.—-but recollect that tlu-ae values are for this day unly. There Is uu need tv csll fur them tn-morrow or next day, for we will not obligate nui selves tv ever replace them again. It imbef for to-day unly we will sell ladies' carpet slippers 25u.: worth 50c. Remember fur lu-day ouly we will sell table linen, pure linen, 25c; wurtli 40c. Remember for to day only we will sell gents colored bordered haiiilkercbluta sc; Worth ilia, BamioMoaf lor to day only we will sell yiud w ide blcucbed muslin lijc.; worth 100. Remember fur 10-day only we will sell spring roller dado cloth window shades 800,| worth 800. lien., i r lor to-day ouly we will sell extra large lis. Turkish towels III.:.; worth 90c ftstnember for to-day only wo will sill M inch nil wool bluck Blirutle cloth 81 25; Worth 82 50. Remember lor to day only we will sell all Bilk beaiv black rtUwtaaiM BSo.l worth 81.50. Uamainhar lor to-day only we will sell double width bed sheeting I Sc.: goud value at 2oa. Ren her lor to ilav only we will Bell all our 81.25 cold silks fur 75c. Remember fur to-duy only we will sell summer silks 19c ; worth JoC, Remember [or to-day only we will sell children's pebble goat button alines, sola, tipped, SOO.; Worth 81. licmember for to day only wo will ■ell infant', raroooa kid button shoes 800 : worth 800, Remember lor to day only we will aell buy's calico woiats 20c. Paorun' stork All About Southern California. The iLLBaTaATin Ansi al Hibald is MM'ON! ttHh Ihe muni i nmplele and CMt/ornfa mr brfbrr ovoH.Jkrd. I'riee I!, erntt (I COBf, lo he uhlilinetl ill thin ajtw uut/ ol' nil >«'»'» ItMNtl. Great Auction Sale A,cl t-vcilislnu I lua day. Excursion to Irvington. Fxcllraiun to lrviugtun, six mites bu yond Sun MrnardlaO, and return, Thursday, April over the California DOUlharn rtailroad, leaving l.oa Angelea at 7 a. M. and returning at 9 >'. H, Fat c, round tup 82.00. Home choice lota and laud will he sold ut auotlon, Thia ia a grand opportunity lo secure homes in the linesi fruit section of Southern Cali fornia. Price, 575 (10 to 8150 per acre, including water right l ickola can la. Secured at the up town 000. ..u Apiil 2Sth ami ut lbe depot. For all infor mation uud uiiipß Inquire at • North Spring Klreet. School Again. Darin, Holy week und lor two days of Badtot week the boys and young men of Saint Paul', school have had vuca In.n. Work cuinmeiicea again en Weill...lag morning. A large turrrs trial globe, new desks and other feral. Hue boa been added tv the appoint ments of the school. Saint Paul', ia situated on Olive .treet, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Vienna Theatre. Or. Alex. Hume, the greatest ol all mediums, assisted hy Dr. Hardiug, is tilling this pluce of amusement to Us utmost capacity. At tbe earnest solici tation of uianv fiit-mlx he will give oue mure MMM, which will be to-night, when a nuiulier of new and startling nonni.'stations will M given ou the open Great Auction Sale and Grand Excursion this Day. Free luuch, free carriages, at 10 o'clock, from in trout of the Nadcm mock. This Irani leaves from .San Cv briel and Fasadena depot at 10 o'clock. John C Hell, the auctioneer, sells those elegant lots, on Morgan * Highland View tract, this day. Come early aud secure good Heats. Postponed. The great excursion and auction sale at Highland I'ark avenue is postponed until Tuesday, the -7tli inst. Do You Want to rent your house, buy a ranch or house ami hit, or borrow money? if no, call on Ben. K. Wa&d, Ml X. Spring St. hi another column appears the an nouuieiient of thu Homin/a Five Ceut Store, t.'Ct Smith Spring Street. The proprietor is cloniug out lua Imsiness and oflera a great variety of bargains in tmw re, glassware, tttc. it mil pay tv visit the BoMBM Store tor the next two weeks. Auction Sale To WorrOlT John C. Hell, (he auc tioneer, will Hell at IW.lena a hand- Holne coltuge at it tic lion. This U a hue chance to ttecure a In me cheap. Postponed. The great exetirtiiou auti auction Hale at Higblaud I'm k ivmi bt postponed uutil Tumday, the -'7th inst. The Latest. Do yon want your property nol<l at auction iv ii *atixrat:tor> Mitt ir! If so, call ou BtX. K. \Vaui>, ill N. SnriuK Ht. . LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD, TUESDAY MORNING, APKIL 27, 1886. THE PROHIBITIONISTS. ■ li> Mleellna ol lite lintinty Con vention. Ijiat Saturday Ihe ('inhibition County Convention met in Good Cemplars Hell. At 10 A. M. .leue Yernell celled the meeting lo order. There wire aliout one hundred present, many uf thetn 'in.- of tbe female perauaaioii. M. P. Oulnn, ol Xl Moute, waa elected chair innu, and I. i, Hinith, of thin cily, sec retary, A comliiitteu of live peraoua waa then appointed uu credentials, as follows: Dr. 0, W. Brown, Pomona; K. K. Ilreeu, Los Angcle.; Dr. 1.. Alleu, Pasadena; .fulili Steele, Has la Monica; 0, llnolsliaw, I* Balloea. The C, >mmi ttt-o on Credentials, after about bull au hour, reported the follow, law deli-gate, present and entitled lo Hats ill lbe convention: 1.0. Augeles First precinct— T. A. .Seymour, Jesse Yaruell, Jam.s K. 10w,, --send. A. M. Hough, 100. P.. Howe, C. 11. Wllltui* r; Third precinct Isaac H. Smith anil Mr Mills; Fourlli precinct- Prion this ward there were two sets of delegates, as follows: A. D. Wood, Will li Uoold, ami W W. Taylor. Com oat mil. Julius l.yous, A. M. F.llawurth, nml .1. W.llillHtte; Fifth precinct M. Whitsley and Mr. Alexauder; Kigbtli pnelool X S. Cballin, 0, W. Tart anil K. X Green; Sixth prceiuct-C. 0. Ilnuii and Ulricb Knocli. Pasaii na C. W. Al.bott, S. Tuwu IStld, .la s Campbell, l.ymau Alleu. Sauta Monica -John Steere. Suits Ana —F. .1. Ilugall, J. M. Sell leffer. La Bulimia -Charles llradnliaw. Ihtarto—Hi'tli Dauiela, 11. S. Wurdell, II 11. Bhrodc. Monte V'lsta—KWHtfoci, P. 1,. Bans. diet, N. Uwillg. ronton. C. W. Brawa, J. 11. Dunn, II RaO, f, 1 Reeves. Cieuega—l. N. Hush, Sarali Hush. HI Monte—.l. 11. Curtis, M. F. Ljuiun. The following committees were ap pointed: I In K. solution. Rev. (. W. Tarr. A. 11. Wooil, I). Alien, Dr. F. A. Seymour uud Hey. C. Bruilshaw. On Numiiiiilion ol Delegates to State Convention — Will D Uoold, J. S. Mmilb, K. .1. Hail, J. W. Gillette and J. N. Rush. After the naea reosal the counnittec mi resolutions reported a series which whs adopted. Tbt Hkkai.u does not Hitter itself thai it hue ninny readers who would be iiilereHted in these, ho tiny lire omitted. Following are the delegates to tho Stale Convention which meets in Saoru ■neuto about May first] M. Dunham, lleorge T. Hauloy, I W. Polls, U. Knooa, W. P. Tibbie Stephen Tuwu -i ii I, i:. \v. Abbott, Profsssor vVslls of Santa Ann, Herman Howlaurt, U. 11. Hurritt, Dr. J. 11. Dunn, V, K. Kasves, Louil Lorbeer, John Steele, W. I). Gould, B. K. (Ireen, A. I). Wood, 11. I). Compi I. 11. Blnnohnrd, 0. W. Tarr, 11. T H. il, Winchester Gilhlle, 0.0, II W. W. Taylor, M. I. Qalnn, C. Ihoilibaw, 1. S. Smith, John 11. Rush, llr. C. W. Brown, J. M. Shadier, .lease Yiirnell. The G. A.R. Plans. Tha general ciiliunittet' of three inetn bera frum each of tbe I brer I'usts of the Grand Army of the Republic in this city met Saturday evening at the Courthouse tv make iieceaaary arrangements lor the furthcoming encampment. The committee is composed of the fol lowing members: Stanton I'ost, No. 6fl ,l. M. Qninn, A. M. Thornton ami s. c. Nymoudai Frank 11.ill. it Poll, Nu. II <:'. M, Fairbanks, (leu. K. (lard nud Major Isaac Kinley; (telcich Foal, No. 10*1 A. Saunders, J.J. White and Hurt Smith. The cominitteefeleclod .1. M. Onion chairman ami C. M. Fairbanks aeeic tary. It was concluded to confer witli nil Foata iv > .ntli. i n California, willi the object of organising a batnllion to visit ihe National F.ucampineut at Han Fran cisco in August. .An adjournment was taken subject to thl call uf the chairman. John Godfrey Post No. 93. G. A. R.. Of Pasadena, will give v literary and musical entertainment at William's Hall, Pasudetia, Ibis evening. The pro gramme includes patriotic songs uud readings hy Mine. Perlet, C. W, Ar buckleand Captain .Jordan, of Los An gules; Mis. F. A. Otis will read nu orig iual poem, and Mixa Mabel Otis will give v violin solo; Miss Hall will recite "Kentucky Belle.*' Louis lleitmau will recite "Roll Call,* Sumner W. Bttgbee will read "'Ostler Joe," Miss Fuller will give a piano solo, Miss Agnes McLean will give one uf her popular recitations, OtyuTg. Frost will v recitation, Mis. Abbot Kiuuey will sing some tine classical : cli ctioiia iv her usually line style, mid the raaadtuia i|liarlette will render seme old war songs. Profaaaor Stumiii will glta son. piano solos anil will play the aooomnanianeßts. The Sterra Madre College. The Presbytery of Los Augeles, at its late meeting at Sun licruardiuo, elected a new Hoard of Trustees for the Sierra Mad re College, Pasadena, as follows: M. N. Oorallut, President; P. M. (ireen, C. A. Swurtout, Mr. Maynard, 11, Q. Ben nett, Juo. P. Hunt, M. 11, Rev. Alex siider Parker, Rev. .1. \V. Bill*, Mr. Newton, tol Holyoke, Maas.,) Uot. Maikhimi and Mr. Hewes, of Tun tin. These trustees have made a new organ ization of the school, lenviug, the Presi dency vacant uud making Professor Parker principal, thus creatiug v new ollice. The college commenced its sum mer term last week with a good atten dance, and the pupils are making line progress. Death of N.P. Andersen. List Friday N. P. Andersen, first mate of the schooner Norah at San Pedro was missed off the vessel. Captain Young sen bftd the water dragged and tho body Mas touud about slxteeti feet from the schooner ami under the wharf of tbe Sun Pedro Lumber Company. He Ml from the vessel uo doubt. Dr. McFar laml, County Coroner, held an bqoMt ou the remains Saturday afternoon, und a verdict of accidental drowning was rendered. Deceased win <%% a Swede aud unman led. The May Festival. The chorus practice lust evening was ft perfect success, both in attendance and iv work. There were over one huudred voice*. Universal interest seemed manifested by nil in attendance. Five ol the (irand Choruses were taken up ami sung through, which made the hall ring, aud would have been interest ing for any lover of music. The May Festival beyond a doubt will he a sue- Robbers Captured. Sunday night Deputy Sheritl Mint v Ai;uirrc was going down San Pedro htreet about half past teu o'clock ou his way home. A little below First he heard a man cry for help and retiring a short distance he found two met) at tempting to rob a thin). Martin prompt ly captured the desperadoes and lodged them iv jail. They gave the names of Urn, McDonald and Thos. U-onard. Their victim is Arnold Huher. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or uo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect suttafac tiou, or money refunded. Price 86 cent* per box. For sale hy C. F. Heiii/emaii. Great Auction Sale And excursion this day. Where to Get Your Ice Cream. Having reopened our Ice Cream Fur. lore* We beg leave to cull attention to our friends and patrons that we are pre pared to iurnisb the best ice cream in l.os Angel.-,, ut lowest margins. Being conveniently located at 4IS North Spring street, we are able to simply, nt the shortest nolice, miy ot the following flavors: Van ilia, chocolate, pistaehe, mueerouie, collee. strawberry, peach, fruity, Neapolitan, hurhcou ami ba nauu, orange, lemon, raspberry, ices, etc.. etc. John R. Mkistkk, Proprietor. Postponed. Tin? yn'at excursion an.l auction salu at Hi.-t.iiui.l I'arLt lIWM ia pusl|>uiit-il nulil Tuvailay, the \l~lU mitt. Local News Notes. The Ban Fernando Land and Water Company i. about tv bore several twelvu luch wells. Wurk was begun on the l'laza lark yeslerday and In a few weeks the place will lie a credit to the oily. Sunday an Indian tried to cross be tween two freigbl oars at Colton and fell under the wheels, suffering inataut Tbe Matbeß aud Walters excursion to day will take out a packed-full car. If au extra car could lie had two car loads would gu P.,ut in thia party. The Jyard here ia so crammed with cars (hat a freight train from the Fast was lelt out at Havanuult yesterday until room for it could be fouud in here. Miss May Mortiu, ths fine young or ganist of the Fort Street M. K. Churoh, will delight her numeruus frieuds with an organ recital ou Friday evening next, Thero waa a good deal of fun yester day over a swarm of beea ou Sanchez Btrsst, back of tbe Pico House. The wbule ul Chinatown was to the fore to capture the seekers fur sweets. Gu Saturday a train was hauled from Long Utah atatiou to Long Beaob. The little engiue did the work like a man. Regular traiue will be running iv v few days, euuliectilig with the I, I. Uo*. train at the station. ibe Buutbern Pacific Railroad Com. pany'a trains up aud down yesterday hauled each a dozeu cars all told. There are great crowds inuving In all directiuus. Mo.t uf tbeln hove orders fur return tickets at cut rates. The case of tho people vs. A. Demous set was before Justice Austin all '.lay yesterday. The defendant was on the slan.l a long time and admitted the Htory of lbe girl excepting till tho crim inal features of it. Tho case is con tinued uutil to day at HI A. M. The oranges are moving very rapidly. Saturday tbe .Southern Facilic Company sent uot twenty-nun oars, Sunday, twen ty live ears, and yesterday three oars. Fuityuino cars In forty eight hours ia good There are probably 1,550 cure gone, and some think there are 250 slill t« go. The California Southern changed rales yiatei day aa follows: To Chicago, first class, 152.50; third class, $42.50. Kan sas City, Hi st clues, 840; third class, «:iO. Tsar, is nu rebule. Freight rates m o maintained at tbe full tH, iff frum the Fast, and .'lO cents per 100 pounds uu clasallied. The public Interest in the coming beiiebt concert to Mias Auna L. Fuller is brooming intense. The event will be most memorable. It ia expected Miss Fuller will sing the wondrous song, sung by Parcpa Rosa: "O! Thou Mou- Htrous Ocean.'' To bear Ibis eong la worth mure than tbe price of admission, l be composition la a masterpiece. Mr. P. S. Bartlelt, the lir.t superin tendent of the F.lgiu Watch Compauy, at Klgin, HI ,ia viailiug Los Augelea, uud ia much pleased wilh tbo city aa a held fur tbe establishment ul a watch and cluck faclory. Few people are uware ol the importance of this industry. Tbo pay roll of tbe Hlgiu Company now amounts to 890,000 per month. What will Augeleftoß do to secure such a fac tory here? The Trades aud Labor Couucil, whioh met Sunduy, had a full representation. A large aniouut of buainea, was trans acted upou the aubjjet of Ihe with drawal of palronnge from tbe Chinese next Saturday, May Ist. A committee was appointed lo Bocure a good lot near the centre of tuwu suitable for a hall lirgc couugh lo accommodate the various Labor and Trad, organ.lattona of tlie eily. Delegates were Bdmittoil from a society of cigar makers which is a branch ol the Intel national Union, and their blue label was adopted by the Couucil. Personal Mention. Mr. It. M. Mooer, of Pinacale, is iv the city on a visit. Mr. C. W. Gibson relumed yesterday Gen. Juhu R. Brieiiy is a passenger by the Orizaba, due to-day. Mr. J. R. Bratta, of San Bsraardltvo, is .buttOH in Lua Angelea. Mr. M. R. Craig, of Newball, came down on a till!, visit yesterday. Xx Governor Samuel Merrill, uf Ilea Moines, lowa, is at tlie I'ico House. Lawreuco Barrett, the eminent tra gedlao, is regist.rsd at tbu St. Klmu. Hon. J. Marion Brooks, of Venturn, ia iv tlie city on professional luisiin s ■. Mr. W. B. Boesou returned from Sau Francisco by the afternoon train yester day. K. L. Mayberry. of El Molino, nr. l ived l.y the south-btmutl train yeatcr day. Mr. John B. Jacksuu, Land Agent of the s. I. Cu., went up to Sau Fiaucisco ycßterdny. Dr. N. D. Gadily, uf Indiana, brutber ol M. R. Daddy, of Santa Monica, paid the Herald a call yMtcrday. J. Harry Conlan will arrive from the Statu convention of tlie Native Sous of the Golden West by the Orlsaba tads i.inriiiug. Mr, X, W. Thompson, of the C. R. I. A' I. R'y, went up lv Sau Francisco yesterday. He will return abuut tbo and ol ihe week. Mr. Geo, C. Fabeiiß, Traveling Agent ul tbe S. P. R. R , arrived in tbe oily yesterday and went to Aunbeim uu bu.inen nouueolaxl with the railway cum pany. Postponed. The grand exeumion ami auction sale nt Highland Turk avenue is postponed until Tuesday, the -7th iu»t. The New Railroad. Vi sii rday a n. ot imuii were lauutd at b'ernaodo, uud at mice began lo ■urvej t route townnU the Cahtienga. Saturday a pi 11 neat promoter in the employ of the S. P. Co, id Htld to have closed ti purchase of land on lbe route of a toad from San Kennmdu to Veutuia through' that MM, The laud in in Veottira, und the price in ovxr $-.(X>,OOU. Thia look* like luck for San Fernando. In -pit.> of llii--, however, many people who know inaiiv of tbe facta, uay they think the line will go from Newball at last. Hon. R. V. Del \'»lle came in yestev tlay from the Corn UI ill ranuho, and re poitrt the eugineerr) at that point run ning the lines and Melting the Htukea. That fact would seem to indicate that Newball Is the objective point. The Hibernian Ball. i,a*t tviulag Turuveriii Hall wat orowded by a funbiouahly ilreasetl tbroiif, the occasion being the twelfth aunuttl ball uf the Hiburuiaui. Tbe gnetjta were gracefully received anil made to fed at home, nnd a delightful eveuiug WMipentby all. The hall was nicely decoratetl with Iritfa and American Hag-* and bftDDtrt, I he intiiic waa excellent Mid the floor in prime condition. The following gentlemen aerved on the several committees: Arrangements—-J»hn Mori arty, John S. O'Neill, Terrenee Cooney; keot-iitiou—-lobn A. I'ltilbin, D. M. Me tiarry, J, C. Daley, J. I. Mm an, John Lehigh. Michael llopkiim. Kdw. Roachc, Tboa. McCann, Mathew Clarke; Floor- Chief, Kdward Tynan; Aids, Terrenee Cooney, I'atrick Stack, D. .!. McCarthy, PeitW Coouey, Stabbed in the Head. Sunday moruing at abuut 10 o'clock Joe F.ldridge and L. Ocaila were in a saluou ou Upper Main atreet, F.ldridge attending bar, alien Ocalia ordered drinks, which lie failed to pay for. They got into a dispute aud Kldriilge is said to have pulled s pistol on Ocalia, who instead of being frightened thereby ran at KLdridge ami drew a big koife uilli whioh lie cut a severe gush on the aide of the bead. Klilridge was taken to tbe police station, where Dr. Biker sewed up the wound. letter be was re. moved to tbe County lluspithl, wheru ho is doi.g well '>!'.: - .\■ _i■ ,1 i uu.l Smith dmcov ered Ou.if.ft in the tree* neat theßeamlry water v,uik* kii«l took liiin in. Postponed. Tbe great excursion und auction eale at Hi. hi I Park avenue ia poalpoued uutil Tuesday, tbe I7tfc inst, ATTEMPTED ROBBERY. Tbcr Wake up Itae Wroiiß Pan. .Sunday night at about half-past teu Mr, Harry 0, (Stephens was ou his way home and when at the corner of Fifth nud Charity streets, near the Normal vehool, two men approached him, one of whom threw hia left arm around Mr. Stephens' neck, while with the right hand he presented a revolver with tbe remark: "Come, pard, divy up!'" Marry fortuuntely was armed with a self-cooker, which be drew and peppered awey at his assailant. The robber returned the lire, aud in all five shots were exchanged, hut probably none of tbem took effect. Officer Gilbert, who was neer by, ar rested a man running down Kifth street, who gave tbe name of Win. HoweH, and locked liiin up on suspicion, lie turned out to he a youug inau well kn-twu here, aud it is thought be is hardly the man. Vealerday two ethers were arrested ou suspicion. Thr j(ln*trnied Anntml HstftALD, vow on Bale at this office, contains nmitrnj other interestiiui matter a full account of the. late splendid Plotter Festival, Barrett as Richelien. Lawrenoe Barrett, tM MllliSnl trage dian, appeared laat night nt tbe Grand Opera House as the Cardinal iv Bui wit'b great drama, Richelieu. The great actor enters iuto the spirit of this play with a keen and complete concep tion of the possibilities and requirements of that great and notable claraeter. Mr. Barrett detaches himself completely from the preseut age and appeals aa lbs great wily statesman of a former age. His delineations of Ihe aged and iiitirm Cardinal are remarkably fine, while Hie sudden bursts of patriotism uud tunning lofty thought iv which he forgets his InlttaltlM ami aoara lot., the moat llnil liug wurds for which tbe language of MlTlOa and Hampden can Und expres situi, are indescribably excellent. Tbe eoutraßt between the feeble prelate aud the het-y impetuosity and enthusiasm of tbe patriot which blazes from Ins Hushed cheeks anil Hashing eyes is per fectly unlruuciog end carries hia audi ence by storm. His courage when threatened by aa iiiHectioiiß of his voice ore perfectly adapted lo express all the c Hons n Ibe human heart in trial, Buttering, and danger. It is ueedless to say that tbe lurge audience were charmed with hi. imperßoiiiitiuu of tbe great cardinal, and iiiaulfeaied their delight with frequent and great iippluuae. Hia declaration to Francois, "There ia no such word as fall,' 1 and bis pronunciation of "the curse of Rome," were marvels of excel lence, and revealed the woudroua power of a master miud. Mr. Barrett has .elected bis support with consummate uerceptiou of the qualifications of tbe various actora, and well did they maintain their parts iv every detail of the play. The eualumes were very fine and appropriate tv tbe age of Louis XIII., while Messrs. ,1. Newton Guttbold, Robeiisoii, Bprlng.r, Mosley, Coleman, Rugeta, Collins, Slur gouu, Irving, Furreat, Topper, David son. Harvey, Doud and Misses Miuua Gale and Kate Motony, were prumpt, sympathetic and excellent iv every de tail of the play. The great tragedian will appear to night as Lauciottu in the famous tragedy of Pranceaca da Rimini. The Odd Fellows' Picnic. A large uumber of Odd Felluwa of the (lifl'ereut lodges in this city, as fullows, Lm Augeles Lodge No. '.Hi, Buhcn Lodge No. 138, Golden Rule Ludge No. 100, Nieto. Ixulge No. 197, Centennial Lodge No. •.'4'i, Good Will Lodge No. 838, Pas adena I/idge No. 324, Fast Side Lodge Nu. 325, and Arbor Vita, Rebeknh De gree Lodge No 83, met at their hall yea terdey morning, and preceded by a baud music, marched to tlie Alameda Btreet depot, where they boarded the train fur Cotnptoa fur a basket picnic iv honor uf tbe Bixty-Bi-veiitb anniveraary uf tbe as* taliliahinent of the order. In tbe evening au Invitation ball was given at New Armory Hall, where tbe order und its many friend, bud ti delight ful time of it for Beveral hours. l;rent .tuctloi, Sule And excursion this day. Broke Her Arm. Yesterday morning little Nellie Fer cival broke bulb bones, the radius and ulna iv tbe left forearm, bhe was taken tv her borne where her brother, Dr. Fercivnl, set tbe bones. Mias Nellie endured tbe painful operation witli tbe spirit of a Hpartun girl of the good uld day. of old. fTtd MtJMr6 TilUttfUttd Annual Ilk.ii- Al.n /l«a nrrirrtl, mill in mm mi RIM ul nu tiffin. Prict, 16 renin a cupy. Mrs. Catc hing's Concert. l ie graud cuncert given by that ac cumplisbeil artist, Mrs. Catching, assist ed by Mrs. Abbot Kinney, Misses Mat calf and Wit r Mr. Suouk aud utber line local taleut, will take place to-mor row eveuiug at Nadeau Hall. Tbe pro gramme is very tiue aud should ti 11 lbe house. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Cu., Hau Francisco. Cal., is nature's owu true laxative. T his tileaaaul liquid fruit remedy may bo hatf of Mr. 0. K. Heluceman, ageul, Lm An.eles. rlampls buttles tree slid large liolllea al fifty cents or one dollar. It Is the most prompt, pleas ant snd effective remedy kuowu to cleanse tbe system. tu ucl on the liver, kidneys, buw els ami Blomscli gently yet thoroughly: to dlapel headaches, and fevers; lo cure constipate,ii. Itidigeation slid kludred dls- This Day i licit auction sale and grand excursion. Train leave, tbo San Gabriel aud I'asa dena depot at 10o'clock| ban.l of music: free I nno h; Morgan Highland View tract. Jubn C. Belt, tbo auctioneer, sells th is,- elegant lots, thia day. Be early; get good seats. The Fuel Question. The Kdwards Oil Burner lits in any stove. Burns common cual oil at 12) cents per gallon. Call and see them iv operation at the ollice of Loa Augeles Oil Buruiug ami riupply Compauy, 111 U „st First atreet. Have You A bouse to rent, renta to collect, a ranch, or a house and lot to sell, muuey tn Inau Of property to insure? If so, call on Bin. B, Waru, 31 N. Mpring Ht. Famous Trotters For Sale! 1 111 MII I, KNOWN TKOTTINH Hull I H. moic kftT., With a record ol i:M. eno anno, Willi n record of IttOl alio ■ome floe Ilel Nur 4'olle are offered at private Hale by Mr. C. A, nnrlee. at Agricultural Parlf. Mr. Ilurleela owner of tbe well known troltiua; HUllioti llel Hur, aud thia fnmoita ■talllnu may be found at tlie Park, where lie Is making the seaaou at I*). MEL Stilt la half brother of the famous atalliuu, Hliltan. ■old a mouth ago for tlfvooo, and la one of tlie flucat bred trottera iv California. ayafrlni'po UNCLE Sam has found It A »ure remedy for Torpid Liver, Hick Heailache, Habitual Constipation, 1 'hilia and Fever, and. all affection* of the Kidncyaand Liver. Thia la a New Com pound, antl ono trial will convinoo yon that it la tho Cheapest and Heat Itemody in the Market for Diwaiaoa of Kltlneya, Liver and Htomach. If you want a pure vtajrelable compound, that la positively guaranteed to ooutain no mercury, uo to your Hrnaviat, and gfl a Bottle of tba Arkansaw I.iver aud Kidney lb'ruody. Price, el.oo per ButUe. PKVCBB A 11 AN, I. wboleaale and ; retail Uruggista aud Manufacturing I'bannar.lata, Not-77 and 7U North Spring atreet. Tele phone No. C'i. P.O. Box lieu. 1886. 1886. (lit AISL) SPRING OPENING AT 1 MOSGROVE tdtb 00., 21 Soul! SpriDE Street. On exhibition all the LATEST NOVELTIES IN WRAPS, IMPORTED READY-MADE SUITS, AND French Embroirieretl Wool, AND LaceDressPatterns Which will be found the Rich est and Most rHletritnt Oooda Kver Shown in Loa Angeles, HMosgrove&Co. Tit Oily (M ami Suil Hub. I S. s Ht. aplHtf SELLING BDT AT COST. BONANZA FIVE CENT STORtt 435 South String St., Between sth and 6th. | I lUlll aell my entire Hock ot TIN. CROCKERY AND GI.A9BWA XX at Eastern Cost Prices NOTE MY PRICES: 8-Quart Re-tinned Dish for 20c; 10-Quart, 2F)c; 14 Quart, 30c; 17 Quart, 35c; 21 Quart, 40c; Crank Flour Sifter, 10c; Tea Set, 56 Pieceß, $3.75; Chamber Sets, $1.75; Colored House Tea Set, 40c; Milk Pitchers, So. OI X FIVE CENT COUNTER-9* BONANZA FIVE CENT STORE, 4QE) South Btreet. BEE MEN, ATTENTION! 60 Poind Hooey Coses for tbe Million. OUT OUR PRICES BEPORK BUYING. OUR DOUBLE EXTRA HOSE GUARANTEED THE BEST MADE. ORANDAIiIj, OJR.O"W c*3 00., ao «xi c l 313 Nortli Mi.i i i ■ st. (Bit. »p'« 3m THE EXCELSIOR ~7T [.LAWN MOWER, // BEST tVI /\xC>s7J 1/ EASIEST RUNNING S) LAWN lAIOWER HARPER & REYNOLDS CO., ' ' L^J* .pOCm 4-8 &50 N. MAIN ST. -'**^ m ßS^' Formerly ol Pa.adene, be* to aunounce lo 10. Irleuda thet be In vow reedy to trau.acl a GENERAL REAL ESTATE, LOAN ANO INSURANOE BUSINESS. special attention will bo given to the rating Ol property and collection ol rent,;also "■"H\ r »,e.?K beat F.AHTKKN FOKKKIN sod (toast Companies, 1 can Iff onlyoff.' r In.uranc.i that lv.lire., but the very beat imlemulty. at tbe lowest poa alblerate.. A TTtagIOMBBniBTO. TtsU branch ul Ibe hualuca. will receive every care aud atleullou aud I re.peothilly ask au, aud all who have oroperty ol auy kind to aell al auction, to give me a call Youra truly. BM WAHD, ill IM. taurine, <>ppo. Jrvnr'a. LOOK OUT FOR THE BIC SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 24TH. faß-Peremptory Credit Hale olf*choice Villa Lola. aprll lm Novelties In N'cekwcar. Choice Line of Hosiery. " POPTJI. A.JEJ.." HATTERS m&ijr Gents' and B Furnishers. SCHIECK &FRIEDRICH, PROPS., 17 N. SPRINC ST.,LOS ANCELES. ~ lR»oli-EtlDlo Fire Insurance. Tbe agency of the several well konwn Insurance Companies hitherto repreientcd by J, 11. CARROLL have thia day been transferred to WM. R. HCRKK. who wil hereafter act as agent for said Companies: Sl'N ElRtt OFFICE, of Lrndou, Kngland; CONTINENTAL INSI RAM h >•".•'» New York; FIREMEN'S INhURA NCE CO., of Newark; PITTSBURGH UNDERWRITERS'ASSOUAIION; MRhMEN'S INSURANCE CO. ol Inline MITROI'OI.ITAN PLATE GLASS INSURANCE CO., of New tork. By E. P. FARNSWORTH, special A™t TO "'"»<>" * MANN, Genera, Age,,, J ' »• <** HAQAN, MANHEIM & CO., General Agents. By O. N. HALL, Special A*" l '- ' * April 17, 1880. —" " " Being obliged torelurn Hast for a time, 1 have transferred my '•'-■■rat'ce brtslnea, to Mr. WM. R. BURKE, and would respectfully ask my pattoua to extend to him a eontiunance ol the lavors hitherto granted to me J. B. CARROLL. In connection with the foregoing I deßire to respectfully aolicit a continuance of the Insurance business entrusted to mv prtdecessoi, Mr. Carroll, and tbe insurance business of the people uf Lo, Augeles in general. ' Particular ntteulion paid lo rating, placing and writing all riska. WM. J=L- BURKE, Agrexxt, No. 55 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. »P''-'o lm OUAMPION and BALL, JOIWT ..,„ s. W. LUITW 10 ■' A s First Class Property Only! Noulher limn the very bett property st [he lowest pnulble prlcca, r»b be louud ou my bonks Kurh properly advertised bl uic it believed to be the very beat ol Ha kind tun t-nu be hid. to teres •> mile outside of city liui its. nesrPieo HI., equal lo suy prop ~l, ~.ld lor woo per sere inlet yeer Price tier sore, only • see I no 111 re. I lo.lisn.l.most delight lulls sltunled minmandlug view o .1 .11. II"' .vile. "."I the city V an, , grape . notes o.chsrd. etc ,etc I 1.e»i..~l vegetable land in the Hlstr No Irosla No irrigation, needed. 1 have uothiUK ol Hie kind equal. Per acreonly 100 acres ol very Hue land two miles outside ol city limits, west. iS"sores most desirably situated laud lv Pasadena lor SeOOtl. This properly la worth %\:;M0 lor sub .11 Walou There is uulnlug like ll at tbe price h ~ ... . Nice cottage ot I rooms, halls and closets, with two large lota 1*114.! feel each wllh alley al rear. Vol. must make your own price. Lome Bud ace 11. ~, 111 acres in Ihe city, covered will orange and other trees, ou prluclpa meets. Will make 111 large, elegant lots worth 5 <J0 each. Price V;VM 17 acres on W „. niiialmi street, cov ered with fruits of all kinds, one ol the very beat large trarla In the city. Prlos .... ti-- . *M» Klegant residence on Pearl slreel. 1.0170X.HU feel. Uue of the most Lean tllul places In Ihe city. PrU» »,»™ Kleganl curlier properly, 'I lota nne large II rem. house, beautiful lawn, etc A remarkable barga nat II.MXI HagiiKul" lot ou kfain atreet, lOsißlß feet, with brick house uf 11 rooms. Ihe cheapest property in the city, location con snlercd. Vi lee on application. Immediate '"faW acres uf uinurliaaaed laud, with HOD -bares ol water stock. Aa Hue trull aud vine land a« cau he found lv lbe eouuly. Verveheau as a whole. Admirable lorallb ,11*1.1,,1, Price on appli. allou. WOO acres with ample water supply already nine.l tn Ibe line I I miles from K. It. 1 here 18 notliiug In Hoiilheru rsliforula to com pare with this Iract al the price ottered. Price ou application. F. H. BARCLAY, 11 solllli spring Mreel. There are times in a business man's ca reer when it becomes evident, aud many times necessary, to cut, slash and slaughter his im mediate possesions, in order to gain in the future. As we have heretofore announced that our Mr. D. A. Hamburger has gone to New York to take advantage of the low rates of freight and the bargains of the metropolis, the question arises : Has lie Bucoeeded 7 This we can truly attest, that we vow have in transit, on the whole, about five car loads of merchandise. We are going to make space for their arrival, and if prices have any charms, and if bargains have any alluring ef fect, we are going to get room at any cost. A SAMPLE OF WHAT WE WILL DO Will be shown by close attention to the local column. Silk have been MH down tbat they are nearly valueless. Praia linoda have )«a»l»aal the same late even drsea linings are las-Mill Calico, Mualiu anil Sheeting have diopped out of sight. Ladies' Muslin Underwear oo our On In Table are sold fur leas lhao the material and trimming*. Oai Shoes have beeu cut down iv prices, and now you can get r rench goods at the prices of cheap Hasten, mukes. H ,y*' Clothing are rated at very low prioes. A serviceable suit at f fc ' ."s!J t which is only half price for it. Our Hat Department baa suffered also. Ws sell hata at half tbe puce ~f any place ou this Coast. In fact, we solicit s call to prove what we say is true. People's Store. They have from their first introduction given better satisfaction to tbe farm ers than any othersoa account of tea SUPERIOR fjl W.I IV Of THKIR WORK iv all variety of crops and on all conditions of soil, with extreme lightness of draft and esse of maiiagemeol. BUY TAYLOR'S SULKY RAKE. Hand-Dnmp or Self-Dump, they have been much unproved, aud are lbe belt rakea iv the market. If You Wantttie Best Header V on cannot tin better than lake tha HODGES! IT LEADS ALL OTHERS. HAWLEY BROTHERS' HARDWARE 00,. 58 , 60 and 62 N, Lot Angeles St., Los Angeles, Gal. Wholesale ami Retail l-lealera in Ensrinea, Separators, Ag rirmltural Implements, Barbed Wire, Wind-Mills, Farm and Spring* Wagons, Busrgi-', etc. etr. maris 2m GRAND EXCURSION & AUCTION SALE! -A-t ON TUESDAY, MAY NTH, 1886. Fifty of tbe Largest, Finest, and Most Elegant Residence Building • Lots Ever Offered for Sale in Pasadena, 33y Joint O. Soil, tllo A.ubtlou'r Office test riudeuu Black. Take the Klevstor. Ask the Boy. Sale by order of T. P. I.UKKNS, Real Katate Dealer, Pasadena. These lota are situated on the famous Marengo avenue, on high, smooth ground. TbO most Oil lies- lolssie covered will, all ehole,- niel selected frillt Irres. Ss OraUfS and lei,ion, decld is irees nl every desctintioli. lIvoHI In il les' Hulk front in. , Ml.llu.i and Ihe Hi, rin on,l Hotel. VIKW Not a 10l Inn ,v I, ,i n line > lew "I Ihe mountain. '""I Pasadena's lovely homes; sud, lv lm 1.,,( ihe .nine Man loihrlel Vulley. The ftnesl olimaia ou the lace nl tlie niilver-e WAIKK 11,, iiioiiutinii ivati-r, elesr and arjarklluv. Is pined 111 Iron pipes in fro I ei,-,i i,,i »i ~„ , st,,e k gi. eu Willi escb lot. 111'l.K I KKKtM , n1,,, I, »i|i l„, shown on Hie day ot sale. Free luueli ou the ground. A baud of music accompanies Ihuaiictlnu sale sud tbe grand excursion He believe every dollar mv .--1.-.l in lin ,■ lots will double and triple before nest winter. 'IKKMM <»r \i ' t-aah, % 106 ruoniha, Wln v muulha. laf in w months, at 1 per cent. A libera; discouul lor cssb. Ciainlar 111. I'mperlv Melore Ihr lluv ol Mile. Parties wishing tobeiliowu the property will please call ou T. V. I.UKKNS, II X I.UOUWIN. or I. KlXlrl, at Iheir c iv pasioleua. For furlher particulars call ou JOHN r BEI.I, ths Aili'lloueer. apil 14 SPRING AND SUMMER C IjOTMIBIGrI New Styles for utnts, Buys antl Children at Abernetliy dte Toft's, 1 73 N. SPRING STREET.