Newspaper Page Text
2 PAHA HKItALD. ■IPHIe Pool— of the Harald. 6 cant* Herald Steam I'lintiiitr HotlHe. The HBiuin Steam PrlDttai House U not livuaswnhyaiir Jo., urlntlng office on the ridflc Cn«l eel-Wo .1 Hsu Krauclaeo, in lacllltles lor rtoliiK Job work. Low prices, B oid work and execution may bo relied afea (a this oAea - Special Not be Hereafter notices si tympanies, soclellea, thnrehes. etc., will only be Inserted lv the itasAi.ii as paid advertisements. We reserve lor elsres ol worship s urstullous directory Vhloh will appear every Hunday moniim Tho MBSAI.n office Is connected with tne telepliouu system of Lee Anxeloa ellf and Orders for advcrtlsemenli. or Job work may be aeut through this medium to number 156. Ths ItssAiaD la theofllclal paper of the city Of Los Angeles. The City delinquent tax list" aud all other municipal notleea appear only lv its columns. Mr. It. N. (towels the Banta Ana agent of the H BRAi.n. . At the Bottom of the Eight Hour Demand. Not since IH7II has there been such v marked perl in hat ion in the Eastern Steise SS during the current Spring. The diseentenl ■ sto be almost universal amongst wage-earners. There is not only, in general, a de maud for increased pay, but there is sise a clamor lor lass hours ol work, in addition. The demand thai elghl iMmiSshould oonstitnte aday'e work E|ie rMpectabl* Intrinsically thai it Disk already beet mted lota « law '~1 Itu United mates un respects all &pM*erioi the noremment, While there inu.v at times lie it H'i'i'l °l talk about demagogiitSi ihers sr« Men Innomarabla ways of defeat! n, lenisUtioii between Hie two Houses of Co4tgre(S tbat, unless there in an honest eonvictlon oi ■ Job underlying, any given measure, II will sever go throngs ami tako the shape uf law. Winn the Congresi ol ihe United dellberstelt sdo| I an eight hour law it wssaitei careful consider otion ami on astatesuianliko anillpat riotit: Impulse. Tbe truth i« thai the unheard ol InnltlpUoatlonof maohlner? has made il vciy bard for the countless millions |jMn of the United Mates te tasks v ■gad (goafs living. Wliiln ws have taken a great pride In ths Invsntlve jteiUssot Americans! Iswol eshave eared to ri«neinl>ci thai Hii" spl Hd Inventive tedulty iia» i»'i>n employed Igrgely i« the line u( Ulmi-H*viuK implemenU. The avennes for the employment ol the working man are not to-day, owing t'> tills agency, as «r«ut aa tlmy wm« ten "i-twenty years ago. We take it thai tliia clamor lor oinht boon' of label arises nol w> inili-li from tbg destrS to tK'onumi/.P thu brawn and sinew of I lie work man uh Iresj Ml loyal and listeria] Mgh lo htdp his lellow wage-earner. It is not so niu«h I petition for indi vidual «aae as il is a demand lliat the working guild rIoiII not be rant be tween tbe grinding action of the up per au<l the nether millstone. After all, it should \m remembered that the modern appliances of steam, electricity and mechanics are giving to capital, and especially to organised capital, au overwhelming advantage In the al niggle for life. The work ingman feels that he has us much right as his more fortunate lellow man, ths capitalist, h> heneflt by the great resiillant goo.l to humanhy arising from the genius of the invent or. Thure is no law compelling him to accept a tiradgrind view of life, Which would convert him into the Helot of old. He Is right to revolt against the task of making bricks •willioul straw. In declining to be a mere hewer of wood ami drawer of water in the sense in which the Is raelite was te tie* Egyptian and Iho Saxon Thrall to the Norman, he will have the sympathy not only of all just, bill of all sagacious people. H has long been apparent that the con ditions of labor must shortly he modified to admit of its sharing in the amelioration of the world which has been brought ahuut hy the su perb (Sorts and exploits of the hu man intellect. To attempt to stem this tendency is merely kicking against the pricks. One of the most Ingenloui chup ters of Henry George's "Progreee and Poverty" \» that In which he takes up and confutes the doctrinss< oi Malthus. Tbe concluding years of the hint end the opening years of tho prenent century were signalised by the writing of two remarkable ho*k» on political economy, one Ad am Smith's "Wealth of Nations," mid the other a work in which Mal ahua tried to demofletrato the fact that the world was then over-populated. In the cleared way in which any thing uutaitle of F.uelid has QVOt been demonstrated, Henry George has phown that under (lv- proper condi- JioiiH ol co-operation the population of the globe might be increased a thounHiul hdd without unduly taxing its capacity t ii feeding mankind, aud M'ithout exceeding the ratio of popu lation Which now exists in Belgium. It in at luch a stage of the worlds de -velopment that tho practical prob lems ot life have been made to hard lor tbe poor that rtoi and disturbance, BA the preliminaries, let ua hope, to a brighter ami better era, are tbe only notes which now roach us from the East. Happily for California we are escaping these disasters. A condi tio!! of exceptional prosperity exists throughout all our bounds. Crops of unprecedented volume will have to be harventcd this year, and lo garner them will require every willing band in the State. But it is well to give in telligent thuturht to the problems ■which are ahead, ami which will UoubtlesH hare been settled satisfac torily loiir before California w ill have population enough to produce here the conditions which now exist in Chicago, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, New "York and other Kastern cities. TiiKßa is something very ugly about the Htrugglc which in taking place in Chicago. It comes right ttpOf) the heels of the apparent ad justment of the ditlicullies between the Knights of Labor ami Jay Gould, which has been brought shout through the Intel position of the Con gressional Labor Committee and the Citizens' Committee of St. Louis. Some very dangerous elements exist in Chicago which will fail, should they continue then* demonstrations, to command tbe popular sympathy In anything like the degree in which it haa gone out tv the Knights of La bor. Nowhere else in the United States are the Socialists ho powerful am there. While this element is ag gressive ami deternkinad, the law •biding iieople are equally so, and tbe attention of the Illinois Legisla ture has been devoted for years past to strengthening the means of resist ance to unlawful outbreaks. The po lice and militia uf Chicago are strong •n<l well Ii- lplined In fart, the municipal pOWaf thorn is »to groat that it ia to be heartily ho|H'd that if will be wiiddt'd by wine and cunaervative men. Tim temptation to shun*} power seems to be more liable tw 1»* availed uf in our free Republic than In inonan h icul Kuro|#. One thins; i" uhnost morally iertuin, vi/., tberi- Jh little dsngiT of tt inoli, Soriulistic or other, getting* posaessinn uf (FUctfD9VM for a dsy. Tiikrk Win lo bi qttHsl nn iinder eurrent of bad blood ninungHt tbe I'epul.h. :iiim of Lot AngeW-H, which waa mtide very apparent ut tbe meet ing ut which an 01 guiii/.ali"ii waa ef fat!tad to make vi MiHgL-iiM-nt* fur a proper reception of thu Hapablkari State t "onvi'iition, which is tv tsMOßt* ble in thia city. This element will be ipiite likely to rrop out at various Htuges uf tln> campaign. A Reliable Article. Kor enterprise, push and - leaii lo get moll goods a» will give the trade Ht* lafackion, C. f, |fein*»mun, itm drog«i#t leads all oumputitinti. lie baa ► cured the agency fur I>r. BoSApko'i Cough lv Lung Hyiup, hecnnae it in i ho licit meili • hie on th« mark't lor eoiigh*, colds, croup ami iirinirtry c iin-uinpiiuii. I'rlce TaJ cts. am) $1.00. .Samples free. A. U. W. Co. At a meeting of the Directors of the A. U. W, Oe on I Hot S.huday, the price of witter WriH lixed at 80 Mbti a head per hour for day water and IS cents for night wati r. A dity is from <1 a. M. to 7 cm. The limit of purchase in 50 cents for the Hi st ahniu and 111 l cents for aaofa Kuliseipieut share. At v special meeting on Monday even, tujl tll ° I 1' " 1"' U'lu|>(e>i a resolution that the work of extending the HI Anaheim tit 101 l to ttM I'encivoii bs pfOßWdfd with iiniiurhiilely. Msajtrf, Kellogg and Tciehmau wart SufSsrsd in muku the ■artsy ami Mtitnatai o( cost, aud it Is liie intention to pil-b tho MMlltlUCtlotl of the diu-li while tho ground is yet soft from the winter rains. The ox pet lenoe of lust your, when the don mi id fur water could not ho flip) lied because the mnJn ilihliett could not hring water enough, although there was plenty in the river, will not again he repeated. The new ditch will emry walor U, mi gate two-thuds of the hmd in the da triot, and will relievo the upper dileli from a atr.iin which is injurious to the flumes.-Uarette. A Case Not Beyond Help. Dr. M 11. Hinsdale, Kewanee, 111., adtUe* of a remarkable Nil N r iinsuih(■ turn. Ho riuys v neighhur's wife wu* attacked with » violent lung, nnil nroimii need beyond help from Illicit i loeaumpUoa. An .1 Lm rwwfL tho tani ily wiw |ifreutided to try Dr. Win. Hull's Kulsum for the Lunge. To the Utontth IMal ol all, hy Ihu time sho hid used one halt do«su buttles she was about the house doinu her own wink. I.O.O.F. Parade-Picnic-Ball. The Pomona Lm>, No. :*lli. I. O. 0. V., otlabratad the sixty-seventh anui versary of the founding of Oddfellow ship, on I .ml Monday. There wee a street Mtfjdf, a picnic at Sycamore (irovn ami a hall in the evening at X easier'a Opera llouao. The parade, Uudar the supervision of Orand Mnrahal MoCornaa. wus a very creditable dieplay. Lad hy tho I'oniena Brass hand, tbe procession passed through our principal street and on to Sycamore Orove, where a joyous (into was h til —a pic uiciiig. .1. K. Uarthsido, pies dent of UlO p iy, introduced j, K. Duptiy, of lajb rVngsltl, the ohoseu oiator of the da). Mr. Hupuy delivered a very Sntertsin big and instructive address on "Oddfel lowsbip." The ball in the evening, ami Sttppsi at the Central, topped ,i) Liv MOT enjoyment with mirth, niiiiic, tho light fantastic and good appetite, The ball was well attended ami all returned to their homes in tin best of humor and wishing the Odd Fellow* of Pomona many hap} y returns ol the day.—Po mona Progress. Our Judgeship. A special t0 tbe San PraUOieoe A.'..<i»i iner, dated Washington, April SSlhI ■ays: "Another uttice will probably . soon be created iii California which will j be more sought after than tbe offioeg tne terms of which are only for four Tears, it the us* (federal Court it orsaled In Southern California, a* it pi obnhl v ¥ ill be, a United states District JudgeferlU baro to be appointed. The term Is tor life, or until disability renders ■crriee impjssiblc, Thil offies will undoubtedly be much a alter, though, as yet, no candidates hsye come to the front The only Federal Judge that Clev- laud has appointed is Senator Jackson, Judge of tbe Ninth Circuit It in thought that the President will select (lie new Judge, when it shall become noeocai > to appoint him, from Southern Califor< What Locality is Exempt. Preni inalaris? In city and suburb, iv village aud hamlet, in th«; miuitig ilia trie Is nr tho weat, iv the low lauds uf the south, in regions teeming with the fruits uf husbandry, in trackless wastes inhabited by halt-naked savages, it ex ists. But travelers, sojourners, obi sot tiers, all who are liable to it, can uproot front tbe system I be diseases to which it Hives birth or prevent them by Bootet* tern Stomach Bitters, ('bills and fever, bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague a tke ere each and all ovorcomo by this ooteol and learebisfl ■peeitle. It v nut less etteeetouo fot lifer cumplaint, dye* pepsin and custivenuss, ailments not ua freqaently oompHe ited with malarial it laOaß, IvlieuiuatiHiii, kidney and blad der trottblss and a want of vital slrengtb are also remediable by its psretetsnl use. Appetite aud deep always nerioudy Ms* pan t d by the OwfOUl disturbance and blliousueee ooaseuoent upon fever aud ague, are invariably restored by the Bitters. Free Transportation on Califor nia Wines. Owing to the .. 1. :t t reduction of froiglita on t'.ilitornia winea (wliiclt nt present is a uotn nsi OOnsidsrftion), I will deliver mir. t 'ttli/ornia utiles to alt parts of the Rut on tbe line of the K. K. gratis, to psrsoasasairinf a sample oulei. Cull ami ius pet-1 tbe stock at '26 and '28 North Bprfag street, Lm Aud it s, Cat. Sunset Cigar Factory. Mmploy none but "lutcnistiunul Uuion Offal MaLers." Hlue Uhel on every liox of cigars. Spocial imlucumcnt to the tratle. M. V. Ci ti.kk 3l «Uo., Importers nml Manilf.tclureni. II!) North Spring St., Los Antroles, Cal. The Population of Los Angeles. Ih about forty thousand, and we would say at least one half are troubled with some af fection of the throat and lungs. As these ■ ■)..;... are, acccordlng to atatlstlcii, mure numerous than othors, ws would ad vise all Unt to uenk-et tln- opportunity to call fin us and net a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lnutcs. Trial size free. Pries Be cents snd For sale by n v. tiodlrey, Nadeau lllock. THK WIFE. MOTHKK AND MAID who Miller from female weaknemi, will find Ull - Ar,.m.iiu- w lue -i p. .-nl v,- en re. Fur aale by 11. D. Godfrey, Nadeau Block. The Mexlean remedy for iliMcaaca of the kidney and blad.ler. i.s Hsiiilaua Hitters. M. teVf « 00,, wholesale rates. JAMKS at LI.IVAN, of Salem, Oregon, nay-, he was cured nf the Asthma by till uiore'a Matuetlc KHxtr For .sale by It. p. Godfrey, Nadeau Block The old reliable store ot C. F. Ueluseman Is still headuuartersfordrugaaud medicines. He has a full line of nak-nt medicines, sell tnc them In quantltloa to auit at Eastern prloea. BHILOH 8 OOTOH and Cnusumptlon Cure lisold by un ou .1 cuarautee. It cures cou lumi-tlon. Sold by C. F. Helnseman, 122 Not th Main atruet. AVaOM HOL't.H.or BUckbeny, Ills.,says he owe* his life io -lilm-.r.- * Manuette Kllx- Ir. For sale by 11. I). , Gtxlfrey, Nadeau Block. WHY WILL TOO HI VFKR from Aeuo htn) Malari'i licit 'illiimn- ►> Aroiimlie Wbi< will cure you. For sale by H. 11. GtMlfrcy Nadeau Block. QIVB YolK CHILDREN, for roughs snd colds, croup, w hoopluK cmigb aud ttoarne ue>»>. tillmnre i Maein to- l lixlr. Pot sale by 11. I). M]r*r. Nadeau Block. Hambina Hitters IgSTllstei the ktomach. Michel LevyA Co., wholesale llqaor dealers, If you want a good appetite, drink Damt- BAS Blttera. Michel I o\ A Co., wholesale lienor dealers, ageuta. "Mother Cary's Salve" Will heal all luttamm on without pain to the sufferer. It Is soothing and cooling pleasant to the sn-ell, doea uot draw like other salves. For sale by C. K. Heiuiemaur sole aitout. Price ■ rents. Iron-Sulphur Water UeIITCTCd nt your buuke by Jcvuc, or Biircb » liosl LOB ANGEhES DAILY HERALD. WEDNESDAY mokNING. MAY f>, 1886. TELEGRAPHIC. A Mini Killed at Jackson, Cslifornia. A 101 STY TKKAMI'KKK SHORT. I hi- CfsstOilaa of lire Unite County Finances Default* and Disappears. t(S r,nl 10 Ihr fffrriM bu Ihr A"iemltd Pr'U I ing LSSSS Heper was allot ssl (SSISsHr kilted by a I'ornpiiiooii iiarneil Oeorga Vega. The nlfray t<iok place in the Mask Bills, two atttsi fniui Drytewa, V*lfM Sai sloshes Aunirian iiameit Ant sic ganrriSk wi re occupying a cabin ownsd by IBS bitter. Laat Friday BSBSf w.Mi then limn Jack.on sad was is vi tea to atayal haruvick'acabin. Vnga lalsaeil nndsr tha impresaiou thai Super', com- II g meant bis being ouatrd fItMM Ihe pi . miles. Vng.i hr.HHled over II »• lion, sad shout aix o'clock Sunday took bis gns and loadvd one bnrrel with baekahot and the other with rifle bullell. lie itepped ouliida uf Ihe cabin uud mw Heper sitting on s rusk. He aald, "Yuu'vs corns to diive me oat,"and took deliberate aim snd gled a cbitrge of buckshot at Seper from ten or twelve feet diitancs. Tha (diurgit took affect in the right side just below Hie nipple. SIM! gave a auddeu |amg I I'll dead. Vuga surrendered (HBSvtti Tliith ia great indignaliou against him, uiei three!! of lynching were ledslged in. Deceased was a am* gls mail, 00 fterl obi. The murderer is sbonl OU years of age, and ia cross and desperate under alight provocation A Trenaurer Mliorl. llkovii i.k, Cal., May 4.—The Hutte i-ouuty treasury, couuted to-day, waa found lv be short $14,(100 W. J. Mor ijan, County Treasurer, left about ten days ago, o.teuaibly to attend astiuotiug msteh in a ueightHil-ing city. Weduea dsy last a letter waa received from Mor gan from Sau Francisco, stating that he would be home Sunday. This was the last beard or leen of him. His family connections are of tlio very beat, I NOV KM AMI lal.K. Violent l-:xprcßNlo,iv of aChlra(a IVewapaiier, CaiOAlO, May 4.The Arhciltr Ztil ting, a Uerman paper, edited liy Spies, a SoslallSl who was one of the speakers Who incited yesterday's riot at McCor mick's, announces thia afternoon Units great meeting of "The People" will be held to-night on Desplaines alreet aud "whoever condemns the Lurribla brutal ity of yesterday rnu.t ho there." The paper further says : "Workinginen, the h it-.1 Settee yesterday murdered four of your brothers ami then wounded per naps twenty-live more at McCormick'a. liud your brothers, who had nothing but ■tones to il.-feud themselves with, beau aimed with good weapons and a few dy namite bombs none of the murderers would have escaped. Aa it waa ouly four of Ihem (ihe policemen) were wounded. That is sad. Yetterday's massacre occurred that the 40,000 strik era iv this city might be tilled with fear and terror and that the dissutintied aud rebellious laborers might be driven uu iier Ihe yoke of slavery. Will thia end be (eeeStglllßedt Has uot a uiisoalcula tion been made? The neat few days will answer Ibis qSSStioo, We will uot speculate on the oourae of eveuta." The paper then goea on to give a detailed account of the trouble and puts the reeponaibilily entirely on the police. Spiea also says that some SehemhuU and I'olea in the background of the Orowd he hi. addressing raised the cry, "tin to McCormick's." Ths asms paper also says that the police yeatenl.iy used their clubs In dispersing the procession nl striking girls, and adds: "la Whose veins does not the blood oonlse faster when he hears of this shameful art of these beasts? Whoever is a man must it these days. Men, to the front." In liver ol Hie llawallmi Treaty, San KiuN. lsco, May 4 — A memorial SiSnsdgby some of the moat prominent ■hip owners, ship builders and lumber dealers ol the I'acittc Coast, has been addressed to Congress, asking Miat the Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty vith this country bo not abrogated, aa it would seriously interfere with the interests rep ua -nteil by the petitioners. I lie, lull Si 11 tt 111 1011. Atkkns, May 4 —Tho powers have instructed their Ministers here to re main nt their poata. It is believed the lowers will accept a guarantee from France, ihal she will secure Hie dis armament of Qrssce, and they will not nx the actual period for its accomplish ment. _ DAY DISPATCHES. London, May 4.—A prominent fea ture of the opening ceremonies of tho Colonial RxttUtio* to day WM an ode composed for the occasion by Tennyson. This waa magnificently rendered by a vast choir uf carefully Bolecttul votesi. The ode wan auug just previous tv thl formal declaration that the ex hibition wan open. Tho third portion of tho ude was evidently composed with a view to stimulating iuteruational fra ternity between the two great Kuglish speaking nutioua, and is tv the following HrlUlii fOOght he- sons of yore — Hntntii IsJlsd, and never more, Careless of our icrnwlng klit, Hlutll we sin our lather's sin; Men that lv it narrower day, l npioplietie rulers thyy, Drove (rein out the niMnsr*! nest That yoiintt cattle of the Weat, To lorsge for hersetf sloue— Itrltons, hold you rowu 1 Tbe last part of the ode, which is in four portions, makes tho following sig nificant allusion to tbe present crista in British politics: Hhall we not through i ■■■ -l aud 111 Cleave to one auother sUH. 1 UrttHin k myriad voices call: Huns, hi' welded, each and all lu'o one Imperial whole. One with .irilulli, heart and soul; Oue life, 001 Hbk, OH fleet, uno throve. Uritoii*, bold your own 1 Ami I Ktiard nil. The Quten was profoundly pleased with tbe ode ami by tbe manner in which it wsa rendered hy the choir. She nodded and smiled with pleasure ami approval nt Saefa sentiment aa it was brought out, and seemed to exceed ingly enjoy the enthusiasm which the poem and music provoked iv the rait ooncuurac, whuße applause was hearty, enthusiastic aud tong-cuutinucd. Imi off Use Kouthucvt Strike. St. Loon, Msy 4.—ln addition to the circular issued last night by tbo QeMCal Kxecutive Hoard of tbo Knights, advis ing the members of district asaemblieH IT, 1)8 snd 101 to apply tv the railroad oompauies for positions vacated by them when the strike wab commenced, an order was sent to the Maater Workmau of each locsl assembly, iuformiug them that the strike hail been declared otl and ordering them tv notify all their men to make application for work to<day. This order applies to Kuigbta in Kast-St. Louis. This morning at 7 o'clock a large number applied tor positions nt the headquarters of the various oompauies unil the naiura of many were immediate ly placed on the pay rolls. Some few recognized a* those who had committed depredation upon the company's prop erty were denied employment. The freight depots present an iiinatislly busy MpeOj this moriiiug uud the manifested niuasinoan of last month has entirely diHrtppaared. It ia expected that the militia will be withdrawn to-night or to-morrow. A local committee of Knights which ordered the employes uf the Missouri Pacific (Jar Foundry Com pany to atrike imormed the men they MUM report for duty iii all thu depart- An Knit-age vie im «altli A pur lire. j ffoaAleM, Arizona, May 4,--Lieut. I Clark, of Captain Lobo'a troop of the Tenth Colored Cavalry, arrived here at daylight this morning with dispatchoa frum the front. Lobo had au hour's engagement with tho host ilea yesterday afteriioou iv Piuiyo inouiitaiua, losiug uue , uisu killed, one wounded aud killing three Apaches. Being unable to dislodge the hoatilas from their stronghold, Lobo withdrew hla troops, Troop Lof the I enth snd Troop B of tbe Fourth Cav alry left here at one o'clock this morning or Phsiyo to ait Lobo in thu second attack which it is proposed to make on the Apsobes. f nlonel Iflarltham Attend* a wedrflnr. WAeMieoVOst, Msy 4.—Kepresenta- Hve Markham bss rstorned from Msni towac, Wis., where he went to sttend tbe wedding of his nephew, Herbert L Msrkhim, sod rejumed his sest in the Huuae yesterday. riNAflVtii AMU TBABK. The new Vark etnest market. New Yurk, May 4 — Oovcriiiufiit bisjali dull and steady. Ou more favorable news iv Ihe morn ing papers stuck* opened active and strong. The sdvance was soon checked and (.rices reacted small fractious, hot became firm before noon and the highest prices of the day were in some iuatances reached at tbat time. In tbe sftemocn there waa another slight declino, but this also was recovered bi fore two o'clock. In the last hour there was au increased activity and tbe market showed renewed strength, closing at or near the highest tigum* of the day. Of the moat active stocks only four show net declines aud two remitined stationary. Pacific Mail ihowed decided strength, cluaing with a act gain of ii per cent at 01|, tho high est point reached, tiioveriinieiic iinndN una Hallway Nharet. Nsw York, May 4.—Three per cent Government bonds, l"l j; four and a half per cents, 1128; four per cents, 1253; Central Pacific, 384; Denver k Kto Grande, IM| Kaunas & Texas, 2tt| Northern Pacilio, preferred, 54J; Chioago it Northwestern, 105$; New York Central, 1H> 8 ; Oregon Navi gation, 91 j(; TraiißcutitinPntttl, 2fl B ;Oregon Improvement, 21; Pacitic Mail Htoam snip, Bill Panama Railway, 98; Texas A Pacific, 7J; Union PaciHc, 48; United Statea Kxpress, TiSJ; Wells.Kargo ft Co.'s Kxpreas, 1IH; Weetem Union Telegrsph, 02ft. New York money market. Nkw Yokk, May 4.—Money on coll easy, at Jin:, per cent; prime paper, 4(«,5 per cent; sterling exchange bills I'll, i, steady. Actual rates have de cliued to $4.8(>4 fur (10 days, t4.Btt& de mand. mi ii i n a Ntocka. Han Francisco. May 4.—Best ft Belcher, $1.10, Chollar, 70- Gnuld ft Curry, 51.05; Flale ft Norcrosa, «2 25; Mexican, 800) Navajo, 35g; Ophir, 55c; Peeiless, 15c; Potoai, (30c; Savage, Use; Sierra Nevada, .'lsc; Uniuu Cousuliduted, 200. Ttie i.linn market. San Francisco, May 4.—Wheat— Firm, brisk. Ordinary No. I shipping, BLttitSfs .86 per cental. Biirley—gaiet. Desirable feed, $1 83| Qppl.SO percental. Brewing steady, at .<1.42 a (u;*l.B2j. < -n California while, 51.15 M 1.90 per cental; large yellow, $1.15 rjMl.flO) small yellow -! !-■ ■ I I ■ Chicauu, May 4.—Wheat nuchanged. Corn—Opeued steady. Cash, ißfopet bushel; Juue, 84|. Closed uuchsuged. Barley—Dull; 59c per bushel. Livkrpuol, May 4.—Wheat—Fair de mand. New No. 2 winter, 7s 2d per ceiitut, steady; do. spring, 7s .! I, steatiy. Com —I'our demand fur luturee. De- Disnd fur spot fallen off. Spot, 4s 3£d per ceuial, i-teady; May, dune and duly, 4s Bit, steady. fork. CrIOAOO, May 4.—Pork opened Uasb, S0 07J per bbl.; June, $9.15. ('1 oned unchanged. (Petroleum. Nkw York, May 4. —Petroleum— Stead) . Untied Pipe Lino closed at 73je . per bbl. A Captain's Fortunate Discovery. (,"upt. Cubiuaii, schr. Vyej mouth, ply ing Detween Atlantic City and New Xofk, had been troubled with a cough so that he waHiintible to sleep, and wu indnoed to try Dr. King's Nnw hiseov cry for CotiHUinptiou. It not only gave bun initiiut relief hut allayed Ihe ex treme soreness iv his breaat. His chil dren were similnrly ail' cted and a single «loae hail the Banie happy etlect. Dr. King'n New Discovery is now the state dent rooaedj In the (Coleman household aud uu btxard the schooner. Kreo trial buttles uf this standard remedy at C. F. Il«inzemau'ri drug Mturf. (M)NhTNKD TU THK UK I) FOUH MONTHS And blind, aud cured by oue box of iiiliuore's Neurnkln Cure For mil- by H th Qoalreyi Nadeau Block. All rcßpectnble dealers keep Dumiaiia Hit tsri, Michel Levy s) Co., wbolensle llijuor dealers, agents. Damlntitt Hitters makes tbe old, young and the weak strniitf ami healthy. M. L ;vy A Co., wholesale liquet deulers, agents. You will never have a sour stomach 11 you drink Dainiaua Bitters. fIOYAI *AKIH fi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This pow <li r never varies. A marvel of purity flreiiffl li ami t. h,>l, SMim-m-sn. Hon- ccononm*. thantheonliiuu \ I. irult, tuni cannot Ih-'koU in com petition «ilh [):.■ multitu.lo nf low test, short wtrtgMtahroorphotpbcte mnlafft, Solpoxltm QUE tWYSL. IHKiSU I*UWUKH Oft.! 100 Wall*. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. May Musical Festival 1886 — JNO W UAItIiNKK, - Manager. PROP. A. J. HTAMM, - - Director. MAY 13, 14, 15, AND HATIJKI'AY MATINKE. (Irrlifwtrit of io. Ten i > l»ti»*« win* DO iManlafa. < lioriit. of urn Voices, Including the Following Soloists : Menuaines ,'crlet, W. 11. Gilbert, Marra- Vfnm.W. W. Kuckin«liam, M. K. Fanning, W K. net-sou, J. H. Hook aud N. Catchhi X ; MisM-rt Anna L. Fuller, A. Frauces Ueorne, Lillian Fcllowh, Jennie Wlubtou, A una Wlvin-iii, Wiseman, Nell Carter. Fatiule Lorkhart ami M <nwi.ei Frof. J. K. Flake. Mc«r>. W. ii. CoKKswelt, A. B. De You aud F, It Fanning, i i■rit ii tt Work for itlaas (;borun : Fair Kllen, Mux Bruoh; Hallelujah Chorus, from Mouut of Olives, Bee thoven. Mary lou• Work*. Irom Creation, BtHUj 4stTi Watrhmt.ii, What of the Nitilit ' sulliviiu; PeammtK' Wedding March. Hodennau. lty Babylou's Wave, Gounod. ORCHESTRAL WORK: lv.' Stumme You Portlcl, Atiber; Visions of a Beautiful Woman. Fahrbach. Pia Diav olo, Aubtr; Tojour* Gallant, Waldteufel. PIANO SELECTIONS, Arrauced for eight hands, executed on TEN i.lauos by TWENTY AKfISTS, . will be I Ventre a Terre, Kowalskl, Hocbzeits nisrscli aus dem Bommeruaehtstraum, KreU-.m-.r-th -ler Priest er, f rom Athalla, Mwlelssohi): Die Juristeu, PIANO AND OROHEBTRA: Overture (rum Mar'ha, Flotow . aud Men delHsohu'tt Weddlug March. I Hataa Tlctteta ... «.-.-; 5 lln ( in it-unit I'arquet - 1.00 | llal.-our ;.. . 111 <i AO Cents ' *Vo extra ekargi for Jttstrved Seat*. , £mwr-i)\,vta House Box Grace opous MoN i'AY, May lDth. my4ld NKW TO DAY. KING'S EVIL Wm the name formerly given to Scrofula hrratiM of a iuperstltton that It coukl bo cured by a king's touch. Tbe world la wlaer now. antl knows tbat SCROFULA ran only be cured by a thorough jiurtuea ilon of tbe blood. If this >c -i. -.ted, the disease perpetuates lis tulnt through feneration sfter generation. Among its earlier symptomatic developments sre Kczema, Cutaneous Kruptlons, Tu mors, Hollo, Oaroanglas, lSryslpelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed lo con tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, find vari ous other dangerous or fatal luuludlcs, are produced by it. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the only powerful and always reliable blood-purifying medicine. 11 Is so effect ual an alterative tbat It eradicate* from tbe system Hereditary Hcrufula, aud the kindred poisons of contagious diseases aud mercury. At the snme time It cn rlchc* and vitalizes the blood, rest or In* healthful action tv the vital organs sua rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Hnvihmts Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, SHl lingia, the lottidea of Potassium and Iron, snd other iiigreuicnls of great po tency, carefully and scientifically com pounded. Its formula Is generally known to the medical profits ion, and tbe best physicians constantly prescribe Ayer's HaHBAPaRILLA US Bn Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by the vitiation of tbe blood. It Is concentrated to the high est practicable degree, far beyond sny other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and Is therefore the cheapest, a* well as the best blood purifying medi cine, In the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. [Analytical Chemists.] Hold by all Druggists: Pries $1; Six bottles for f6. AIOJMBMEAiTS. 811, A. Farltfj Grain Opera Perlormance At the Uraild Opera Houae, Friday Evening, May 7, 1888. Opera rtlarla, by Flowlow; iv four acts Willi full Chorus nuil orchestra. Maria Miss Aunle Wiseman Nancy Miss Ida Wiseman (First act Mr. A. Jeffery Lionel !«econd act Mr. J lireycr f I lilrd iiuil tlti Mr. (I has. Auerbarli liuukett Sig. A. Farinl l.i.'d Frisian Mr. K. Lander bsrtll Mr B. 0. Iliilmi s Farmers, aeivant maids, hunter, aud Between lbs first bml second act Mrs. (11l bets will Suit the grand scene Irorn Travi ata, by request. between the eecond and third act Miss Nell Carter will slier the araud scene from La stniniiaitilmla, anil hetween the third and limrth ad Miss Jennie Wliibioii will nliiKthe stiukl scene from L'Purltanl. "7111 In I'ore. ' A particularly pleiisinn, noVel will he the chaua-e of tenors iv the different act.. Saturday Matinee, MAKI-Atconi plele) with the same cast, and hy particular request 'h. M sen-re s c from II Trova tore, with Miss Jennie Wlustuu aud Mr. A. JefTery. Nuturdur 1 iciiliir, Slur N, entire flrsland last act of IL TKOVATORK, by Verdi. Leonora Mra. W. 11. Clllheri l/iicoiia Miss Ida Wiseman Ires MPs M Cow pel Manrlco Mr. Chaa. Am i 1. ml. Collin li'l.uua Hlg. A. Farinl Farralido Mr. K. I,under Hull Mr. N. Terry 1'11..r.i. of soldiers, servants, etc. l'rev lolls to the opera ths folll wlui{ very at tractive Cuucerl PruKrHinine will he rev 1. overture orchestra '1. I Fear no Foe Peusutl Mr II Harding. ;l. llolero, from Sicilian Vespers Verdi Miss Jeuule Winston. I. The Old Sexton Mr. Oeorge llammel. >. t avatina Koherto Meyerbeer Mis. M. Cowper. I.. Wslls Hondo Uuinheit Miss Lillian Breed. 7. Hexletle l.vela II iiUetli Miss Nell Curler, Mrs Ur Clark. Mr. Faniiliiif, Mr. Slunciuami, dig. A. Farlul, Mr. U. W. Pendleton. -. llraiid scene urn! finale fr..111 Lucia . . ll.illUettl Miss Nell Carter Conductor of orchestra Mr. |{. Panlseu Pianist L. F. iotlsclialk sTaT-P'-l'iil 11 prices. Unserved Seats at »l.i 1.; nailery, 60 cents. Parties BOldUlf SS clinio.',. tickets nil! please present tliem nt (he Holt inline, Thursday, May titli, to avoid Ihe rush at the door. nfl Id VIENNA THEATRE, J. R. WALTON, Proprietor. Olio "VCools., U*»e»i*eaßjg SUNDAY, MAY 2, Special engagement of the v.ung, beautiful and most versatile artiht, Miss Anna Boyle, Supported by ber own Compauy, MR. THEO. ROBERTS, MR. JAS. W. SUMMERS, Iv a beautiful repertoire of plays. a Hazel Kirke," Hunker.M lliniulili r." " Komeo und ADMISSION - - •- - - - 2SS UKSKKVF.n SKATB - 50c ■ »PS'l Nadeau Hall Sunday Lectures. Itir. s., Mils. ANNA KIMBALL, ol New York. Hiitijccls received from Hiullcncn. .V.lnilssloii free 7 lo I. M . I'KllF. OKciltllK I MAINLY, ol oralor ami lira matlc Reader of national reputation, will lecture. Admission '£> ct*. "Next lo lnversoll. Hie innst eloquent nnd mini...l speaker in America."— | Boston 01.. he. "Ills lecluressllr me like trumpets,"— IR. li. lueersnll. DuriuK the v eek, every day from 2 to 4 v. 11. . Mrs, Kimball and Prof. Chaluey will iiiveeuiiver.sll.uis on Mental Ileallliii, Ks thellc Physical Culture, Art. llratorr, lira matlc HcaililiKs and Personal lllaguosls ol I n ense by the power of Annual Charity Ball IN .11. OF Till % Ladies' Benevolent Society, NEW ARMORY HALL, Wedatjstlay Evening, May 12- Hoard oi Maaagen, Mrs. c. Uncommon, Mrs. I. w. Bellmsa, Mrs II Chandler. Mis, c. Wollwebnr, Mrs. John A. Wills, Mis. 11. Newmark, His W. II Perry, Mis Walter H M , Mrs. 11. McLellau, Mrs. H. Ilellmau, Mrs. Will D, Could, Mrs. A. L. Bath KeCCptIOII I iiniaiiio, 11. W. O'Melveuy, Abbot Klnuey, W. B Moore, J. B. Bannlua, Morris Mcybcrg, R. F. Del Valle, Leon Koso, A. Harrell. Mnrrla Newmark. A. W. Montgomery, floor .tlanaser. Ur. W. 1.. Will"- A.slatanl floor Manager.. H. McLellau, 11. J. Flcischmau, Wm. Caswell, Sutherland lliiltou, J. I. Blau.ou.Jr, Fred Orlfnth. Tickets, admitting gentleman aud lady, U.'J> Kach a.ldlllon.l lady - - - - .50 ap2Stomyl2 J. M. BATCHELOR & CO., AUCTIONEERS OFFICE 35 Nadeau Block. It ar. hulls, will. tl. isc Bros., nin to IMhT \ lamrda at. (S,otw Hasdi m.posited with Ibe nil <:lerk. REAL ESTATE OWNERS INVITED to CALL. Lends subdivided for suction sale. Merch andise tnviied for SaaUtni, at ware bouse or ou uwnnr's premises.; distljl MISCELLANEOUS. CATARRH! <Joiisiim|>li»ii! Asthma ! AU Diseases of the Throat and I .nr. km treated Succeaefully with Medioal Inhala tions by 1.1. DAVIS, ID, M. O. P. B. 0., 451-2 N Spring St„ Los Angeles Cal,, BFSX-IALIMT OS Diseases of Ear, Nose. Throat. Lents ai d all Chronic Complaints. CONSUMPTION. The ayinptnms of talldllsasS are gradual and constantly Increasing emselalloii, psle or sallow skin, great debility, frequent [lushes of the face, alternating with pale ness, without any particular cause, or upon the alighted emotion. Increased snscepti hi lity to colds. Expectoration yellow, per hnpa ofteuslve and streaked with blood. liry, backlog cough from tickling In the throat, shorliiefix of breath, especially upon xoing up ritaira, chilly sen»atloiis, and tt pink-red line on the lower gums. More or less pain and ttorcue*s are notice able about the cheat. Later we have night sweats, dlarrhcea and swelling or the fei t If yon have part of these symptoms do not think It Is merely a cold tbat will soon pas* off. but lake treatment before tbe dlseaae Is firmly aeated, and you can be cured. In the last stages life can be prolonged and comfort given to the patient by the aid of our Inhalations, which eaae ihe cough lug. fad ltate expectoration, and promote healthy aud refreshing sleep. Constitutional remedies hasten the cure by bu'ldlug up the system generally, pur) lying the blooo, etc. The treatment can tie used at home with out detention from business. lonnn I tat lon tr rre. A Treatise upon Catarrh and bung IBs esses will be teat freu upon application. Medicines can be Bent by mall or express 10 any add rest) upon receiviug a Hon of your case. OKKICK HOCKS-'J lo 12 A. M.,1t05p. M-, and 7 to 8 T. M. W. N. DAVIS. M. D, 46>» North Spriutf Btrt*t*t, Over People's Htore, Los Angelas, Cal. BprlH-lm AUCTION SALES JOHN 0. BELL & CO.. HEAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AUCTION F.KKB. Otlice, Room liti Nadeau Block. Take the elevator ami the boy will direct yon to the office. Real Estate in all purls of the city, luclud lug resldeuces and business properties, blocks and ranches, sol.ilii i ltd and sold at auction or private sale. Appraisements of every description of property a specialty, dales made st auction by or of Courts, Administrator*), Executors, Commissioners, Receivers, Mortgagee aud Trustees, faithfully comply lug with pre scribed legal forms. Houses aud rooms rented; aasume charge of property, hold power of attorney for ab seutees, collect rents, attend to taxes, Insur ance, street work, Improvements aud build lugs. Also, warehouse and auction, horse and carriage mart and sales yard, Los Augeles atreet, between First aud Second streets. THE BEAUTIFUL Alcantara Groye! TUB (Mi till FOR ELEGANT RESIDENCE LOTS. Ho mi! in the Orange drove. Every Lot U Fit for tha Residence of a Prince. Forty-Six Mapificent Lots! 50X160 FEET EACH, On tfstßi lertlle »n.l i:tiarity Htreew, eov ereS with Hie , bcaillilul OftANCE TREES 16 YEARS OLD, CUnlcr I' 1., Fear, Walnut, Fit, Apple au.l a greal variety ul of oilier treat lv full bearlui The Alcantara (.rove la delightfully innate.) on the line of tbe eitcuaiounltlie Midi llrest can, aisl tin- lurro'itnlhiKi. ar.-1 lie bent lv tbe city. BTRANOBKB ! 11 ynu want a beautiful borne, 101 l Willi every atlvautaso, lv tbe tuldHt ot thl. Tract, so ma lee It su.l .elect the lot you waut to buy at the —UKKVT AUCTION BALK ON FRIDAY, 1141 Ttli. Lsho, When every Lot will be aold without reaervs at your owu prlcei- Free carriage, on ap plication In view the ground*. t. ii. v, ii sou in seriaffi JOHN 0 BKLL&- CO., mjli tl Auctioneer.. Nadeau Blocs. II EN ItV 11011 KM ANN, Cabinet Maker I Wooden Mamie Pieces or all Kinds. Orates. Tiles, etc., constantly on hand. Otlice and Store Fixture, tloue iv the fluent manner at .hurt notice. All Iclud. of Pu. nlture mail.: to order. 414 S. Sprint St , Los Angeles, Oal. aprl lm A. QIBOT & Q. LEPLOT, psiii KiMiiis » • ci a *'■ 1 1* « . The Handling of the Oane, The Eaton and tbe Feot, Every Monday.'l ii. sday Friday BTcn 322 N. Main St. (Merer, i Hall ) aprS lm Oervaise Purcell, B. A. C. 1 , CoHaDltint Eneineer anfl Stneyor Anioclate Member Inalltiite Civil Engineers, (ion 14 turn lllock, corner Spring and lemi.le laWt SPECIAL XOTICE. Notice la hereby slven tbat on and after Ihe first day of April, ISMS, a price of lldwlll b.. charged for Ihe lue of either ol our .r-.-n lu.lde ,f cllv lliulla PONE I', OKK A 8FTi:ll. OASIIF. II i NKI I/ X I apr'i lm ..'' IIRATNKV 4 HOWKY FBENCH LESSONS, I . ¥>. i.lltll tl . Prof, of Claaslca, member ol the Board ot lustriietlou of the Kill. College, aud wboae vernacular Ii the French, will take private pupil. In French and Latin. ■ii Second street. marlO 3m DR. HUCKINS, Kooni 18,19, -ii md tl at 17 N. Mala Street. lIOIIHS -U a. a. lo 1 r s: 2r. a. to Ir. ■; 7 r, s toS r. s. Soeclllty, F.y.;. Far un.l I liroat Illienie. Ke«ldcuce, Ml S. Hill itreet Telephone office and residence, iw. apSS-tl WANTED-GRADING. 1 am prepared to do all Itlndi of gratllug Kouudfue nt uf streel. a apeclalty. order, with McKooM A HKODTHF.cK, No. 11l North Sprlug street. sag im J. M. hawU I f.»»u ... hr.« a \V;'',*ld'Ti?e n/?.ntl NEW TODAY. NEW T -DAY. f H. H MARKffAM, Preside!].. C. B, BRADLEY. Vice-President. E, P. JOHNSON, Secretary. B. T. STAKM. tJH Los Angeles Furniture CompaJ Capital 1100,000, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CAWS, WALL PAPER, Ef 259 North Main Street, opposite Baker Block, XaOff* Angolos, - - - 19(I - Oaliforui NOTICE TO HOUSBKEBPBRSI 1 On nsOZtJTDAY NEXT THE LOS ANGELES CARPET WORK! WIN Hl tH I N l iitlrr Che Sole Sti|teriiiten(lenev ofSll>\i:V LACEY. PRICE for TAKING UP, GLEANING and RELAYING CARPETS, Co, per Yai Haviugr the orily new machine in the city for cleaning oarpeta, I can do better w irk for leaa money than auy like eaiablisbment in I u>a Anfreles. SIDNEY LACEY. After 16 years experience an.l study ss s carpet upbolsterer in thia city, 1 am now prepared to ijive estimation all kind carpet work, bordering, draping or deeoratious. Orders left st LOS ANGELES t'Ii'RNITL'RE CO., Main street; N I'EASE, Spring street; st the Work* OD Alvarilllw street, nr communications sent to P. 0. Box I 104 will be pron ly attended to. I WILL WARRANT ENTIRE SATISFACTION. SIDNEY IL.AOB Y. Having Secured the Sole Agency Hill, Avoudale & Co. FOB LO3 ANUKLES, XX. Clar 409 North Main St., Kespectfully dsllatbsattsntl«»e of hi,friend, and pstruua to bU Uttft stock nf Whiskies, Etc., From the above celebrated distillery at Oovlngtou, K.y. He is also prepared to furnish BLUE GRASS, BUFFALO, HENRY CLAY, AVONDALE ASS—— OTHER FAMOUS KENTUCKY BRANDS IN ANY QUANTITY, Also tv take orders for direct shipment from tbe distillery, mho 3m Notice of Intention. Notice Is hereby given that H Is tbe lutca tlou ol the Council of ihe city of Los An gelas to establish ttie grtide of Mission street from Workman street Lo h point 4800 feet east of Mission itOHd. ss follows: At the intersection of rt orkuian street th» wrH'le shall he ! .>7:2b fed above the datum plane. At west side of Hleliel street the grade shall be 61.00 feet above the datum plane. AL the west side of Michel litieet the grade shall be ti1.70 feet above tbe datum plane. At the west Ride ot Urirhu avenue the grade shall *»c 66.75 feetabove the datum plane. At the east side of (.riffiii arenue the grade shall be H6.50 feet above the datum plane. At the Intersection ol Johnson itreet the grade shall be 68.60 lest above the datum P 'lt the lutersec'lou of HtnoeeV street the grade shall be 71.00 feet above the datum pi r,ne. At the liorthesKt corner of Mission street and Mission Koad the grade »h<ill be 7ft OO feet above the datum plane. At a point at rishtaugl.'S v> the northeast (-truer the grade shall be V,. 00 feet above the datum plaue. At a point 4800 feet from Mlssiou street the grade shall be 110 00 feet above the da- All persons interested are hereby notified to Ale their objections, if auy they have, with the Clerk ot the Council within ten days of the date of the first publication of this uotlce- By order of tne COBM II of the city or Loa Angel.-b at its meeting of April 27th, ■V W KOBINHON, ClerkoftheCfumclloflhe City of Loa An geles. Los Augeles. April 2Hth, 18S6 apr» lOt School Bond Election Notice- Notice Is hereby alveu to the qualified electors of Mulphiir Hprlugs Bchool lUntrlct, Co.inly of Los Angeles, Htate of Calltornla. that an election will be held at the houae of I V Mitchell, in -iiid iMstriet. on the CAJltn twentieth day of May, Thursday, A. 11. 1886, and the polls will be then and there open from U o'clock a. si., until 4 o'clock r. a. of the name day. Sab) electlou will be conducted by Jno. Lang;, W. H. Thoinan and Jerome Cloforth, who have been duly appointed lo serve Sj lodge* thereof. Uaid electlou will be held lor the purpose ol submitting to Ihe electors of aald District whether bonds of such District shall be issued aud sold for the purpose of building a «chool houi-e tv this Dintrlct Its conformity with Die provlstoua ~f the I'ollllcal Co«Ie of this Htate, and a resolution ot the Board of Trustees, of said District heretofore duly The amount of tbe bonds proposed lo be issued Is fifteen basvdred -lollars (11,600 Obi, nl the denomination of S>oo 00 each, and to bear Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per allium. The number of years which said bonds are tv run is as follows, vlt bond No. 1, for 2 years; bond No. 2 tor ' years; bond No n, for 4 years JNO. LAN*i, T. X MITCHELL, N. <;HMIBCO, ap2B-lsw Iw. District School Tntslees. $60,000 BTAL.LION, SILVER TAIL, Now al lie I uk'l slable, comer of First and Fort street. Hon i,l Hssliaw (H.uiMelonlan- Messeniter stock/, kind, sr.nt 1... Inaullful uud from the fastest Kentucky st.ies. Too welt known In L". AiiKeles lo need eiten lie description lias » s«j and ttuOO coin lv s..ut)iernL'allforuls. tlni iutr l.oiiKlit tills ), autlful animal ata soenl l. iiaain, will acoo iimodaM allmit.d Dumber nf eusleaeffs at Hie low price of $w 1,, tne season. WILL BF.ALH, OWBSS. mrll Oil AS UICE, jtstrss. HUNTER & HILL, Corner S'lr.t and Nprlnfr sir,, i.. Wholesale and Ketall IMal.r. lv Fine Wine and Liquors. Family trade a .peel.lly. Sole aseut. for O. t. C. Taylor'. Seletiralvl Kentucky Whiskies. Also Aurora rilstililne Co', warrsutatl all Hye Whlskle.. Pure Sonoma Wine. We have the very tiest taclllllea for BUlii, Eastern order, for i nl Wines nnd Hrandles. Carr, .11 atandsnl braudt iv uuantltlM to suit. eTaT'Seud Trial Order. m27lf AIR BRUSH PORTRAITS. IQUH-JUSI' OUT OUR NEW CAT* 1000 LOlll'E i'rluledlu lour colors; a perfect Kemot tha printer's art: tall, all aou »»'»•» BKI . BH PROCESS, For eular|lns portraits, and Ihe splendid inducements we nrTer aeenta tn haudl. them. Will mail s copy tree to auy on. who men. buslueaa. Addres. T. J. O'BHIKN, ap*3 3m IWI Market .tract, S. F. British Benevolent Society uuuen'a rllrtbd.r May Jllh (HoudayJ Memliers of the Society aud British sub Jecls dcsirlui lo Join in a dinner on Ihe above date are requested lo send In their names lo the Honorary Secretary at once, ■o that ample arrniiaements may be made. W. K. lILArKMAS. Hon. Bee'y, inline ail llowney lllocli, Is,, AUKeles. ap'2Btomr2o 1«J —ESTABLISHED 18H. DR. L. W. WELLS, j URNTIST, Den'ul Biaimt Mo II South - Spring street. Roeder Block. Practiced Zt years. The beat work at moderate prices. [ Teeth extracts without uatu. Special at tention paid to Blithe teats. spao-tt CALIFORNIA WINES I Owing to the Low Rates of Freight to all parts of the East »m% ars Delivering s nl PURE CALIFORNIA WJNES, ' Put up in Cases and Kegs, Half Barrels and Barrels, to atH parts of the United States FREE OF FREIGHT I Visitors STS ourdiallj> Invited to call snd inspect the atoik at 2SO fVllcl Q8 iXTOiC-OCIX SPRINO St H. J. WOOLLACOTT, • P, 0. 11l i.\ J-'u, WS AM.KI.KS, CAL. I'orl, Ang.lics, Sherry, Muscat, Ziufsn W. Riesling, Hock. Burger, B'au I !!.en Red and White Wines. spr9tl John Wieland's Lager Beer. his Famous San Francisco Lager has gained the reputation of beinj THE FINEST BEER IN THE MARKET TO-DAY, II betug tar Superior lo nil, aud defying auy Rasteru competition. It is sol kept on draught at the followlug leading Saloons: The Louvre, No. 4 N Main St; Yolks Hall. Temple Blk, opp. Court House; V 8. Hotel bar. United States Hotel, N. Main st; Hotel de France, oor. Aliso and Alameda Sts ; Jos de Millardo, or Ist and Wilmington Sts.; Paul Schilling, cor. Spring and Second sts j Ous Perret, cor. Spring act Third Sti.; Bob Haines, Los Angetos St ; John Dietzil Alameda St. opp Old R R Depot; Jake Oerkins, San Fernando St, opp. New R R. Depot STEINIKF & BRUHINC, SOLE AGENTS AND BOTTLERS, Telephone 'HH. 154 K. First .Street, l.os Anirelea. apltr. i^m Sol Santa Monica Bath il THE FINEST BEACH OY THIS PAItToI (he COAST. THIRTY-ONE ROOMS ARC FITTED WITH EVERY CONVENIENCE lor BATHERS. EVERYTHING NEW. Imported Bathing Suits. POZiITII J\ TTEIffDAIVTS. | OPEN ABOUT APRIL I, 1886. iHaajM. JOHN S, QUIWN Manager. | HENRY GLASS, |E0 BOOK-BINDER, Q-J | BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. WKP* I JI» ■& N SPKINO ST„ p COURT HOOSE, LOS ANBELES, CAL| • Everything Firs iUsb at_Ban Franeiaeo PriceaH SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING New Styles for Gents, Boys and Cita at 73 N. SPRING STREET. TV M H. SLOTTERBECK, fiIOKTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS, f temple blook. oPPOsiTt united states moth, I Oe.ler lv all latest Unproved English sad wriest. Blno.. KU.,lguu«. and *muia|W| lilllun. All work done lv be.l «tyle spoaktug; for Usell and no neeiWil sew praU..^^rj 157 S. SPRING ST., MTWUN SECOND A THIRD, WEST SIDE || Wellington, Gallug and Sydney Coal.