Newspaper Page Text
THE LOS ANGELES MARKETS Ibe lollowlug quotations are oorraeurd tally Irom theoßli lal record, ol Hie Prodno. liobauga m.n.rr |/»w Wbeat, »„„,....„. Jo 1 .11- Whit. Kuaal.n 1 Do Mold Urop 1 ** ... BS s 1 s»edl I I OJe«Mi No. l' , ? *■ "* I Jo lire. Hi. * Hierler, lied No. 1. old, ar,, .pot j I' 1 -* Hrewlng, No. I, af,' Old H.rley „ Ulllei mi ■ " I'.rn. Urge yellow (oar-load li»U) »■"» lot.). f 1 W luge White ■oi .11 whit. .lour. I,a. An.elea.XXXX, Patent Holler ' * 9 mil fl'eid. eiioru. . Mlaeil Iciml Mlied com ami barley t raced coru ... 4» I'rMjkeil barley i.round barley Kul'od tarley 1 I.roll* H.|l. Mill Hacgi JH ! Isati llalcutt. apot *!. 7 Need. Altall.. uew I" Hal. Harlei. W. B , No. 1, old. n Parley, W. 8., uew. u.rleT 1. B. No. 1 '' lo v 'li All.lh, K. B w ho.l |j» railed lla'y I'ululoe.. Itßtl Kum>, U* 1 10 Noitlieiu I lab Beailll. H, ae.ol I g liregou I'.erliiaa I -'" l ail. It<>ae, aeud I au til.lowa 1 HlTtrlUa. i * llUlolio'ldl. I ft i.ari..-t Chile 1 > v Yellow lied ..ud Wliltu ' l» Mutter. r.uoy itoii, f lb a» ibolceKoll » rait Knll Mlgwlatote " . II) 10 Id to hued ituii, " HH t oh Ills I» llkaraa. ► mSu " I" I . 101 l(I til llltllll) ll' I I'a. cent extra when naaed lor ..ini i.t Hat.c. *H 1" ■loner. i glraeteil light * l .traelud, l)ob lota) *'/> AUbur A ( 4 lt Hveiwni. leeawax '" N itlhern Yell..* Han.. i t ut t, gotiililta, ii.. .1. iiuiite. X a 0»rllo • t, H Itw u« 1 7j .1 mid llrled l'i-a>. link, No. I IB Vteavely . M .1 ITllk, Job low, No. I It"' 1 ft ■»yona ll Urn. , ... '«> . avv large ... 1 '*» Ml': .until -'*> *» i.Btv... 1 b.rvanoo. I-.,„!(,,. Ileua, No. 1, ft do. , IN IOU Old riaailera,l Ul) I Ml l oung ri.i.iera,*' . » «• ««l tlrollera. large, r> dot 4 60 S 00 biollcra, small HSU * 00 1 neks, V»"iliaa tfi . uu ' Live BlaMk. 1 it. hue. it. II mttmi nim. leaehoa. H. 0 7H " •' t 1 3 Peeled lv " Peeled No. 1...... I 8 Plums pilled • 10 I'lutns, pitted, evap'd M Blaekberrles I'ruuos, (lala French. I Irunes, Hal. tletn.ati M IrMUwS. Illltlgailuu 7 Aprlcota, «. 11 iv »|.p1.... i* 11' ''ir iM ".'.1'..'.,'. '.IU ouu dried,.inaiured it, 11111.111.. L.y.ra. i 00 Kg Isill.loii Layers, new 1 If, three ilrnwu Uyi rs 2 00 loo.ii MiiscatoU 1 no ml ?t> Bulk Kulaliia StoO llr'e.l llrapea »!si pJauiiu! '■'»", No. 1. . . iletonds, ti. ■'. ... 1! ~ il. ,• a ... s l.eiu.iii.. ■■Idea. Caff li'sfi " gthlll.. Hbnr'. wool each IsmW riTirorii\a l . 1,i,,r C " rWdl ' ll> ij U Bael. ' ' Hr.isl.lou.. Kstra ilghtbatou II l ight tv • clear Medium f Medium barton »H «I si IpSsir:'.::::;:: PILES! PILES! PILES! riut'.o: 1-11.&.01 rittoi 4 si 111. CI UK IIM Ml I I l. ts'l ! NO 08K NKKO sI'KKKK. '."iv''''' s* l '* eilc" Bclllnie'»«r«V ?,i"'l,cu'!, eel,, .** « poultice, rive- i,L-i„ut relief, en.l U prep-irci only f->r I'lU"., Helmut ol llu' pri me p4itt;M<) totuothloiclM. biil wlimibe Hon. J U.^iialulwrr^ul o .:"'!u.'lt' v!-"c ; '•' re \o vi'y t°h«i I Siitf Jruskl-I- ku.l v c.l oo receipt ol price. IP FeULZIKB MKHH'INK UU., Prun'M. I .... - 1 1 ■< aK-ol«. 1.01 Autfelctt'. HIHCKLLANKOUH. -A- mxrrtia thibto. fr* T» JEI o x -%r X O. Ol MM KM. iiinuttHHi H rofnla, H. pills. Mercurial Poison and nil Chronic Wood I'lkchmcp. Thin tnr.iicliie ei.iitaius no iner Miry. Consists wholly of rooti ami herbs. N H You iii'r-il not go to hot HpriiifM to he cured of auy Bood flisorder Kach hottle contalus one Booth* tiwa4> mwit .Oir-N'iiH- K'-K'ilro' without th. 'a. ■imllaifiMiuri of OKU. K. ELDKK over •■«<' h OOfl. %■> a bottle n: fur 1.6. Laboratory 408 and 4IU Main Ht., Kans** City, Mo. Tim Nitre Tiling HpfMlllf* p'-rroii nently i-urea nfnnorrhoM.ajkfi. liillautmatloti of the hi .drier ,uol ml dtKi'isi!* ol the urlua ry oraan-i. Both Inlet live and Internal nadloiD* tMnatlM«4 in out? packs* a. *;< per package ur 2 fur *.. t:. V, II KIN/KUAN, "The hrugglrii," VZi N. Main Ht., Holo Ageut for U» Augelea, (California. apr4 $50,000 BTALLiION, SILVER TAIL, Now at he l urk'» stable, itoruer of flfll and Kurt Htreet. H,.n of llnnhaw (lUmhlt'louiai. -'■l. ■• ■ ■ i. i stork), kind, Kelilte, beaiillfui and from the fastest Kentucky stock. Too wll known iv l.os Am:<-U-s lo nerd i-itou si va description. Has *aal and fTIM*. uolta lv Houth. ru t'ailforula. #* Having bmiulit Hilt. I. autlful iiuiinaT al a «reut bargain, will acco ..mod Me a limited number of L'untoiiu'rs nl the low prlct- of $"U lor the season. \V||.l, 11K A Cll, tiUNKH. uirU Oil AH. DICE, Kkrpir. FREE OF CHARGE. DR. ALBERT HILL, TilK KLKI, I HIC OKNTAL HIMIOKoN, .■«.• tracts tcelh free of charge ou Krldayh. oilier days from M eta. without puia. Prnareas In !>»■ ill Ul r y.»» Aching teeth saved without extracting. Warranted not to ukurate. I'lllluks aud plate- m teeth at lowest rates warranted. "The HoctorNoiieof the most skilled In bis profession." «r-|'AKI.OKH, NO. HI4 Hul 111 UPRLNQ k | UK I.'! lal'J tf T<Z> LET. AKTP.K MAY KIIIST, STORE in Baker Block ai piesout occupieda« g, itnrtlaAOn, Appl) lv J. A. GRAVES. No. g| It Ah UK BLOCK. •ptntl Ranclio San Felipo, Situ Diutfo County, BB Miles Etst of Temocvla. on rial. Sou'hern Railroad. Five Baling Irnni Wsruer'r Kmii-1i... I'ive MIM Imin Jllll.u SiHtl wll wstered; 1....... ..-res, i in,, i. a. pi....) y |ltil| i... NOTICE. MoMM Is llpHpf given tlmt Hi, partner ship heret.ilore cxi- iug belwe in J.,1,,, p., net, H X urrandW II Muloli, ,1,, iu X l.u.i lies, under the firm iismo of l oio-l. tin ... "nloh, has thla .lay bee l dissolved, the « .hi I'oiiet wellli.ti owiiik froi.i the e..parliieralilp. I'ho business of ihe old firm will hereafter !l'i' l"r'il'"'ll'r " X f'i'i' W " igi.oa, Ma) alb, jf*j'«,» , W. 11. BOTCH, my HI J. POM IT. Q l>R. JOKUAWS jflM MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, J aiJjV TBI ii mi.i i B*», Oil Mail I Ol *£8 »'l' aim . la. han " «rlk THE BOARDING HUMh FLOWER FESTIVAL SOCIETY, Mil. IMI .'art SI. INK VI! IFIIIM | ri"«Hlt Roome, unci lloar.i Frlce« Ml SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES BRANO OPENING- ON APRIL FIRST And roUotrial <iav« A the kneel Import! lloiin lv FRENCH PATTEMN HATS & BONNETS. h,„ I- v Iriuii., .1 ll.'- in I ll" ill' - -1. - J a lull lino ol Fine Mlllilit-ry. I lo- ladle* arc invited ii atiiuoi. M viiAMi: |i mil l 111:11', ' tlafllll British Benevolent Society. illlo'e.u: llou\,') I i. i k. In. AnitclVe. " BATH &, FOSMIR'S " tailj k Maclihiß Shop, 124 South Sprint, St, "'-'tl For Sale or Exchange FOR POULTRY, \ Kaarl] N--» I' tt'lr'lf IM I MAM <»■< HYDRAULIC EN GIN . ER. MARKS FOR SALE. Ml Brei'din* Mares with Coita, (.'haau, at the SAN TA M AKUAHITA RAN^HO ri at hi i KHiLI Mai. for hi n.< '■. tVSI/*!>'l ALMA \l'!'l: a."l '"- lot' !•'.-' In '. Cal. Fui vi. in ImNimlwh , bulk and aklnped tv ens iOaellt) dealreu. Bend v ,oUi iiiil'b ease, w li. LOS AKGELEH DAIL.Y HEKALiD. THURSDAY MOKNINtI. MAY 13. | i,i;mhkb yards. Xl KJKHOU -CUZNEH IMi and Lumtier Company. Mauulaetnrcrs of and dealers In Luiylici, D Him, IlliniU, >VindnWB, KAB'I'KKN OAK, AHII, HIOKOHY, WAIJIUT ANII POPLAR, And a Kauoy Parquetry Floor ol hard wood a tpaofally. 188 il l. BUMMO* mi l, iimih Yard aud Mill, ooruer Alameda At Macy Ble. lelephono No. ». P. O. Bog" ..oeSntl PERRY MOTT&OO.'S LUMBfiB YAUDfcJ AMD I'LANINO MILLS NO. 70 OOMMiaOIAL. STRHt mr.'Otf Oregon hmkt Company Tho Oregon l.uiiiber Cotnpauy have lately opened .splendid assortment of UreisOa Plccaail Caillorula Heflwooa LamDer Ol every description .1 theli new Yard ou Date, Oh»v»z and Mis- Hiou Streets. Wo hiire a Hue st.aJk ol I.ATIIH, PIOKKTB 1 FINISSINtI I.IIMBKK of a superior quality. ■We are al-o prepured U> till orders on short notice lor bit ding materiel, of every de scription. Particular nt! lon ).Hld to orders for un usual leugtha and .llmi ustolis. , Orders solicited. lylll-t! J. A. K.UMH, A..IU. J. M. GRIFFITH & 00.. Lumber Dealers, Manutactuvera ot Doors WINDOWS, (BLINDS'' .'ltalra. Hull lull, Itallusters. Nb.s'll Post, a tgutWefk (.1 tier) ilrserlpt 3.. and dealer, n Uuie. Plaster, Hall, ate. Ni>. SSS i\t»rlh Street .-sALOONS. TORI I ' CLUB, .■ 1 ? i ! & \ 9 ' I | j I U j MARK* j < [II N. SPRING ST. No, 7 CoDHiercial St. TOM SHA W. LADIES, Try "Parlor Mb" STOVE ENAMEL, A N ltd,'your nii'l I.hiiki's twice a year, the top ence a week and you will have BEAUTIFULLY ENAMELED! An ornament lo any rnnui. Aplt your yro c.-r nr move dealer lor 11. 01K.CUI.AKS, fill KOM.J aud Frlce Ltat >cut ou receipt ol PARLOR PRIDE MFG. CO., 85 I .<i .si., Bio* I on, 'i»ss. J. LOCKE HENRY, AUKNT, LUS ANUKLKH. t, o. bus 101,1. roKsalk by all ibe prtntnpal aeedM ol to>O TO TUB Sail Fraucitasco CoLTet. aud Luncli NC. II COMMERCIAL STREET. Oi» TBI imi tito im i-i«Ar\>.** Blended Coffee, with cuke, pU «»r pastry oig's, ureadand butter. .■">'«. will, mutton . linti, lin-.ul mid InUttT, 'jilo, with beefsteak, hi ■ j■. 1 nnil l.uttiT, :'-if . with hum slid e«gs, hr.-itd nnd Imtu-r. Am. Lake Tahoe Proiil » vvajs aprfttl kuwaki- ui'iiuAN, prop. lroii-Siilplar SprinjLS, Amiuiil llt'aitli ami Wr*aN.m> ttMOTi U MlLfcrt FROM LOH ANIiKi.KH, 1 inUoWrom Norw:ilkStaitt>u,Haiin» Ana U. KKKK UAOK TO HOIKL. Chalvboale, Sulphur, Matrucsia, and pur. Mountain drlki:iK waters. Tho beet of Hot and Cold Mtiu ihl lUilis. AlaoKluutricßath.. Th«Bi> waters h tid baths are excellent for Rheumatism, Scrofula aud diseases of the itoniaoh, Liver, l.i.lnevsaud skin. rttatje (rom Iron rfulphurHprlugsto Ostrich Harm, I>R. (' T. Wi:>.NK^, Medical Hupt.* Li i.nv.l'lert of Hotel. tut ton Wells omne. ootißdAwt GRAND DRAWING FOR A SICOO DIAMOND KING I lIHHI < ■»■■■.'» nt »i twb, i.. 1... ilrami lur when cllau c v sure nil taken. Time an.) plate of .Iriiwhnt lo be •i.l. . Mi-.-.t in I.ii- .buy Ibe draw in- will In- lair vi vi; r.'-j.ecl.- A coinauit tlou "l Ft..l l.' - Jewelry mai-JHa, TIM Leadiuc Decorator of Southern California. I tit FIKST PKIIE AT THf LATE FAIR CI. T. HAKhKK St SONS, lebm No. m and li. N. S|.riu, al IXTXHaXJeS PEASB, FURNITURE, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Olotbs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc., Etc. A f)Mt alack of BnetatTß (iinnl. ooinlng iv at low prices ami luw freight.. Alm a goo.l variety of SKOOND-HAND FURNITURE. Oarpets, Crockery, Glassware, Stoves, etc., etc always on hand. A good plane to lit out n restaurant or fur housekeeping. Bar-Highest pries, paid fur Heooud-Hand Uooila. NILEB PEASE, 22 SOOTH SPRING STREET^^ BEE MEN. ATTENTION! 60 Pound Hooey Cases for tbe Million. OUT DDK PStCDM BKKOrtK BI'VINH. OUR DOIMILE KXTKA HOsK i HARANTKKI) THI BEST MADK. «-ITPI AMP i«n.T.T. r GROW t*J 00., OO and 38 JTorth fßii j.- taxK tgt. »p« am John Wieland's Lager Beer. li i Famouft Ban Fraucinc) Lager han gaiued the reputation of being THE FINEST BEER IN THE MARKfcT TO-DAY, It being fur Nllliorlnr lo nil, and defying nny Kasteru competition. It la vow kept ou draught at the following leading Haloous: The Louvre, No. 4 N Main St.; Yolks Hall. Temple Blk, opp. Court House; U U. Hotel bar. United States Hotel 8. Main tit; Hotel de France, cor. Aliso and Aiameda Sts ; Jos de Millardo. c r Ist and Wilmington Sts ; Paul Schilling cur. Spring and Second sts ; (Jus Perret, cor. Spring and Third tiu .; 3ob Hainei, Lis Angeles St; John Oietzil, Alameda St opp. Old R X Depot; Jake Ghrkins, San Fernando St, opp. Now R. K. Depot. STEINIKE & BRUNING, SOLE AGENTS AND BOTTLERS, TtlUSSsae STB. E « WNB Streel, Loa AiiKeli-a. To ICE Oo^VJimers THE UNION ICE COMPANY llavelocHte.lthelromceauddei.otat fso«. IS and 11 «li.l.irdi. Ntreet, ooruer ol First and Alameda. They will keep In stole and for sale Tlxo Very T3o**t Klami'til 100 Kver delivered In lsis Augelea. This Ice Is frtuteii (uitbe water, of IheTruckce Blver,which s> »wn ■«>■ LAKE TAHOE »■'" -,«>ienu.u to be the purest water known. I'rlcca will always be mislerr 1 aud within the reach ol all ronsiiniios* The compsuy have aeeueies all over the Mtnte and tloast aud deal only lv rev- HT A. TTT Tt A Ti I OB I "»» U Order of' Adjudication Jn Insolv ency* hi tut-Superior Court <>r Mm Statu ul Cali fornia, In and for the Couuty of lam | In the mailer of the insolvency ofDavid t, ! Davies and Edward O. Davlea, iusolv- , mil Debtors. hi the lnat.ur of he pelltlou or l>, P. Da- | vies aud K. O. Davtes, luaulveuts, doing hiiMUOsa under tiiu Hi m uame and style of j Davie* A DaVltS, In Uk< county of Loa An , neles, State of California, praying that they j may be adjudged to be leaotvant debtors: that said petitioners having on the M day , of May, 18*5. tiled with the Clerk of this i Conrl by leave of the Judge thereof, their petition, sebedu'e and iuveutory required by law («ee Section . of t In- Insolvent Act of the Stale of Caillorula entitled a.i Act lor Ihc relief of ln" »ivi!iit i'ebirird and for Hie l protection of creditors and for the punish- j uieul of fraudulent debtors, approved April j pith 11*. U.) Aud il further appo iriug to the Court that ail of tlie allegation* contained lv the said petition are true, it Is hereby ordered adjudge I sod decreed that said I', p Davlea and K-'» i'tivles now are and ou M... ::d div •>! M:»v, I "•*'». date of the filing of the petition aforesaid were Insolvent.with lv the true lot-nt and meaning of an Act of the Legislature of the tile of California, , iIT nf Tr i ' Ji'filrr 1 M VlS,*ff. A ltdTt Tr further ordered tn at George t£. inrd, Km,., HherlrT of the I -;iid county ol Los Angcle*., Stale of Cnllfor- ■ ula. take possession of all tlie estate, | real and personal, of such petitioners, en- i cept such us may be by law exempt from execution, and all of t heir deeds, vouchers, books of account, md papers, aud to keep them safely t::itil the iippointiinsßt of an as signee by this Court. And Ills further ur dcred that mid insolvent debt rs, or either Or both Of them be and arc hereby probib Hod from paying any debts or delivering any property belonging to them or either of them, or for their use or benefit to transfer auy property o#U«d by them or iv their pn-scfiion ii> any persmi or persons what soever, uutil tl.e further order of tills Court; and that said petition be set for hearing In this Court i>n the IMb day .if June, IfW>, aud that the Clerk of this Court give notice there of accoidtng to law in the Lag Angeles Daily Hkrh h, for a period of KOdajs irom l the first publication tin reof. May Mil IMD6. ■ayUNW Wat A. CHENEY, Judge. THE BEST or ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN AND B3AST. For room tl,r<ji third ct acnninry tho Mexican fffni.<u»K H»tat>at»g Tisal "feM known to rnP'l'v; * nil over tho world ua the on., ■ re reliance tVt theltuwfol ' 1 :. . . v medicine , pjici mi i ~• i. f -'l.e best of lv | hind, lor every farm ofejtteniN twin ; MEXICAN MustniifT • : Jti M O'piiU. the very ■ ■ -i:inking tho OOBUnu-' unco of p i.n n! j'ul >.ino-.ilion Hnpo" , Hitiio. Its) effucl s upon Hutu an vw»u umi. tho Brute t rent I m are equally wonder- I ful. Tbo ItexJ DU MUSTANG Ualment la needed hy svunebody tn r' i ' \ .li. I".i. lh«ngouy ofi" v fit Ibe i lit or burn -lib. lot"i, .>, rile Atnataa innrtyrs re ■av*.".l'b> : i 'liLi ..unim'ent whim hie feet .ulraents ofl 11... 11l MAN . I,! ~1l US I llhtnmxi.m .-.vehlnil. ■ tint? Join... Contracted HuMlHi num. and Kritl.l'.. t»l .. «nl>M »ndi ■ Mprttln.. 3'nl».*iw>iiH Mite, and Hilnaa, Mtim>..a, Imimi, Old Horn, tilt ■ i ■ i ...<:.. ■.(iillliUlna, Nor. \i f 1c!...! llreest, and Indict! ik'7 fit... of internal dis ease. It Mil . -....nit ect.r.. lurtli.. I'.itinv.i ..rl'.'tf It euri'H Sprain., fwmfur, Bill* .lolnte. round.!.-. HWMH Sores. Hoof ltl>- NUM,I'MH ftt.l, tV.t-.u, Hi nt*, Hollow Hon., BaroUik.., Wind, nil*. Nuittln, Tnru>.ll, HlnKhnnr, Sid - ... ~ I'oll I .11. 1 li.n upon tlifl Nlunt nnd every Mhrt ailment to «U I. Ula «... ttpunls of the Htaldo nnd Nlttrl. YaM nr. liable. Ta. afaxlCaa 31ad.iv l.lnltnent always, riiitu* nml EHtV.I illtaipitolnUo aud U la, |K»»ltlvtily, TITE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN OR BEAST. ' SILT-EDGE INVESTMENT FOR ItIFXI, I'hat will pay more than oue per cent, a noutb the first year; besides the growth of ho young vines -md trees will add thous mds of dollars a year in value to the place. !00 Acres ol Vineyard and Fruit Treei, Mow all lv bearing, one fourth of a mile From tho S. P. K. it. Depot, Sau Gabriel, Cal. There are about wu,oiiQ grapeviues of choice varieties for wine making, that will ,ield about five youuds to the rlne this Fear, or fiOO tous; seven and a half pounds next sear, and ten pounds tbe next year, aa the vines get older. Also au orchard of old, bearing Orange aud Lemon trees, vow loaded with fruit, with some 2,000 choice Apricot, Bartlett fears. Peach, French Plane, Cherry, Plum aud Apple trees. Soil rich sandy loam. Lies beautiful. Must be seen to be appreclaied. Joins L. f, Rose's large vineyard aud winery. H. M. AMES, fe Kan l.abrlel. Cal. 33 XT. M I IV T B Cal., ( rents, all Chronic, Special and Pri vate Dlacsites with Woule Success. THE CHEAT ENC^^ i th li t'i nd |he Vi tal BwrtOfMm (it uaer hla •pedal advice and treatment) will not cure. H.SO a bottle, or four times the quantity $5, tent to auy add re** on recpfpt of price, or :;. O. D In private name if .Usfred, by DR. MINTfE, 11 Kearuy St., 8. F , Cal. Scud for Ist of questions aud pamphlet. Maniple Hotlle free Will be sent to any one applying by letter, italing symptoms, sex aud age. strict secre ;y In regard to all business 'Tftnsactlont. •wttBdA ASSESSMENT NOTICE LgM ANO HLKS Oil. BIiaWINO AHbSUPPLYCO.,} Loa AI4QBLIH, April tith, 18*1. t OF fkim if al*place or HCSINESS, LOS ANGELES, CAU Notice ia hereby given that at a meetlug of he Directors, held on ihe >tb day of April, m>, assesßirent (No. 1- of 10 cents per ibare was levied upon the capital stock of h« LuS Augeles Oil Burning and S'lp ily Co., payable immediately to tbe I'reanurer, F. C. Howes, Los Augele* Natlon il Hank, Los Augeles, Cal. Any stock upon which this asaessment hail remain unpaid on Friday, the 7th lay of May, ISM;, will he delinquent and ad' .'erllsed for sale at public auction, and, tin es* payment be made befoi c, will be sold m Saturd ty. the Will day of May, laßti, at .P. m. at the said company's oftlce, to •ay the deliuq lent tissesameul, together fHh costs of advertising and expenses of It>- order of the Hoard of Directors. L. W. MI I'CHKLL, President. ,Ol lb ULANKF.NHGitN, Secretary. aprStf If. D. Vawter. & Co., SANTA >I0\I( A. Oat, SAVE SOWS] Choice Residence and Business (LOTS tho Te. minus of tUe Proposed Lgs Anneles & Santa Monica »p«. 3AL.ICO UNION MINING CO. i"»-» 11. »i.\ i»ud' m.otk!! April 27. MM, > N .111. I» lit r. by «l vt-n thai .1 a lie illr.■.•lorn, ti.-ltl ..u tlir Wlh Jay uf April, Hm, ma uvunnit ..( .•iio-h.ll per iharr win- lc. ii-d ii|inu tlir capital Mtock (il it* ciirpiir.ti.iii, payable nu lne 'J7lh day nf !!.i>. I—'., t.i A. li. JildMin. at rmim 11. Mr li.inalil Blook, iii the City nf 1.... Angel.*, ;a]n. Any stork ti|>nn wlucli tbl. aa»eßi» -nrnt slu.ll remain uii|..n.l un theCTlb .lay'ol May, I—. . .Ml. lit' •It-lii.-iut-iil HntlHilvcrllKrtl r -n.r .t i>nl.He aiit ii.iii, .nd, unit I-Hindu la iore, will be m.lil mi Ibe lib day ..I Jinn , 11M.1., t.. pay tbe delinquent iMMMment, ...itrtlirr aitli eusttif Hdvertl. Bfafto r xp. lises i.f .ale. I). It ItiM.i.v.rfi.erelary, Ktiuin 11. Mcli.iiiiilil Itl.iek, Auiefe., U.L NOTICE. The IXlrt ANUhLKa (lITY WATER Co. irillitlrir.tly aoforot Hie following* rule: The sour, for H|iritikllng aro between li and 8 I'cloek *. m. an l h nnil s o'clock p. h. For a riolatlon ol tin. ab..vr rt-Kulation the water will be abut un* and a line ol two dollar, will be charari belorr water will be turned ou •In. f I LEUAL. Order to Show Cause Why Oftier.of Sale of Real Estate Should Not Be Hade. Jn the Superior Court uf the County of !,o- Angeles, State oI California. Iv the matter of the Estate and Guardian Nhlpuf Minnie Hmoot pi al,, minors. Un reading aud n the petition of l-ovluß Ann Hmoot, OunrdtHU of ibe peranna and estatea of Minnie May Hmoot et al., minora, and praying anion* other thing* for an order of aaie of certain of tlie real estate of aald minors, It la ordered that the next of kiu of aaid minora and all persons interested In the estate of the said minors he and appear he fore the Huper-nr Court of the said county of Loa Angeles at the Conn Koom of said Court, in the city of Loa Augelos, lv said Los Augelos county, »v Mnndsy, the 7th day of June, IK8»>, at 10 o'olock a. at., then and there to oh ivy cause why au older uf - If of said real property should not he made. It Is further ordered that a copy of this order he published for four successive weeks before tbe said 7th day ol Juue, 18*;, lo the Los Augelea Dally llkkauj, a news paper printed and published iv the said Los Au -eles city aud oouutr. WM, A. CHENEY, Judge of the Buperlor Court. Dated Hay Bth. lgHrt. my 9 lw Notice for Publication of Time for Proviiig Will, etc. In the Superior Court of the County of Loe Augeles. Stat* of California. Iv the matter of the_e state of Uastou Oxar art, tfeoeased. Notice of hearing petition for Probate of Will. Pursuaut to au order of said Court, made the 27th day of April, 188*1, uotice Is hereby given that ou Mouday, the seventeenth day of May, A. I). 1886, at ten o'clock A- m. of said day, at tbe Court Hooui of said Court, at the Court House In the City of Los An geles, County of Loa Angeles, Htate of Cali fornia, have beeu fixed aud appointed as 'he time aud place fbr hearing said peti tion aud proving the will of said Uaatou Oxarart, deceased, and for appointment of Simon F. Olessaa executor of such will, wheu and where any persou Interested In said estate may appear and contest said pe. tltlon and will. Datod Los Augeles, Cel., April '27, ivki. 0. H. DCKHMOOK, ■paa-tu County Clerk. SOCIETY NOTICES. Yoiiiik Men's liiHtltutu (Cntliolic). Inatlttite Nu. 11, ineeU every aecuud and fourth Mouday evenings' of each month lv Palulers' Hall, Nadeau block, at 7:010'olock. I'athollc young men between the age. of 18 aud are eligible to membership. VU itiug brother-, in good .landing arrcordlally Invited. JOHN P. MUHAN, JAMKS I. UKK President. Kecurding Heerelary. oct27-ly K. OF P. Tri Color Lodge N0.96 meet, every sr>n. Friday eveuiug In Pythian oa«iM,iߣ9l No. 'il Hprlugi treet. R-iiT l -l Hojourulug Kulghu invited. KWSrV H. T. PAVNE c. c. \3Hr IUAAC H. SMITH, K.ol K. aud 8. ooyTlyr tOa ANGELES LODGE U, A. 0. U. W. Regular meetiugi of the above Lodge are held every Wednesday eveuiug al A. O. V. VV. Hall. Child.' building, Malu street. Visitingbretbercn cordially invited. FRED. WHITNEY, M. W. WALTER IIEVERAI'X, Recorder. lam l,r Eagle Oorpa, N. 0. 0. RMtn... meeting, .t the Armory, Dour, •treet, every Friday .veiling at 8 o'clock. W. H. 11 HCSBELL, Captain ComuiMidlo.. <: A. K.ri.aa. First Sanrtauit. 'Oonfldenoe Engine Oompany. j**' ■ V RaaiiLaa meetlogs of tola Coin pa -t l l3jWS]aDy ou the first Wedeauay OT.nln. by order J. R Rhimhlt, y. P. K«m.i, Iberetary-. Presl.lenl. BICNET CHAPTER NO. ST, Mm A- - - -.«-jwv#uirou tbe first Thursday a of each month, at 7:lii p. a., at Ma- A sonic Hall, McHouald Block. So tmf V" j. k sattT •M* A * a \Z& Knlghta Templar. Coma Da Lloa OokasKDaav ao. 9, X:- T' lloltis its stated oonclavos at tbo aavluui in Ua- S °" l< ! 0 .", """ ThirJ IHCRSDAV of each inontb, .17)0 oloek r. a. Sojourning Knighte Trmplarshi good suuidi.ig are invfttsl to attend. By order ol the £■ C • J-K. 8 Bau., Recorder. Loe Angelee No. 33, S:- Stated (lOnvoeaUooaouaix-ocdMONDAYoI-HWNI month, 7, r. a., at Masinle Hall, Spting St. Sojourning companion. Id good sun.ling ffav ternally invitttd By order of O. F. MoLELLAN, H. P. r. .1. t.'i'iinv, Secretiiry. Los Angeles Lodge No. 35, L 0. 0. P. REOCLAR MEETING beld ou Wedbesday evening of eaeb week at7-aoo'clook. Sojourning brethren in good staudiug are cordially invited. 11. 11. CRAWFORD, N. O. ED. F. Pbaibo, k. a. Jyia Masonic Notice. Los AasiLaa i No. If, F. m A /W\ M T,,e SUtetl nitietitigs of this Long f \are hukl on the lint MONDAY ol each month at 7:30 r. a. Members ol Slater Lodge. and all Master Masons in good standing as. oordlally invited. THO-t. STKIJIIM, W: M: A. J. Hbchtmam, Secratsry, American Legion of Honor. Safety Cuuucil No. mil meets second aud fourth Thursday evening, ol each month at their Hall, "Eveuiug Express" Building, Sojourning Companions lv good standing aro cordially Invited. W. T. HARNETT, Commander. OKO. W. KNOX, Secretary. Los Angeles Council No. 11, Royal and Solec Masters, F. kA M ejlltiLM lv stated aaMinblle. on th. tth Moo day ol L'trn uionth .1 Masonic Hall, at 7.80 r. H. Sojourrilri'- Comiatnlons in good landing .re fratsjiial y I ivited to attend. ■P. •. - • the Th! Ill:- J. X 8. Bill, Recorder L 0. 0, P. Orange Counell No al, I. O. 0. F., meets every Wetlntxvl.y evening In Tumplars Hall. Visiting members an. cnr.ll.llv Invited. R. W READY, N. U. A. I. K. Xi, Rec. Sec y. Los Angeles Lodge No. 2925, K. of H. Regular meetings of the above Lodge are held ever) Wednesday evening st Old Masonic Hall, Spring struct Visiting brothers ar. cordially In vi. -i to attend. U C. AUSTIN m« Dlulatnt Gillette S Oibaon, Examiners of Title and Conveyancers, routs 18 and 11, McDonald Block, Mala Ht. .TX)R ANIIRI.KH IML, a. W. P.m.. N. A. OOTASaOMaa POTTS & COVARBUBIAB, Real Estate Agents nil General Auctioneers Parties desiring property sold at auctlou will be promptly attended to. Office 33 N. siirlng Nt. Oppo.lte Jut msr2ltl Pioneer Transfer Co., NO. 3MARKET ST.. TELEPHONE 137. Bagage Delivered to A Parts of the City. McLnii & Leta, Frupa J.uiS-l! I LEGAL. Order to Show Cause on Petition for Sale of Real Estate In Ibe Superior Court of tbe County of I .oh Angeles, Mate of California. Iv the matter of the Estate of Audrew Vick, deeeaaed. It appearing tn'the Court from the veri fied petition of Adetalda Vlek aa the Ex . con ix of the last will and testament of Audrew Viok, deceased, this day pr u . sen led aod file<i, praying an order of sale of real estate at private sale, thai It 1m necessa ry to sell some portion of the real property of isld estate to pay the allowance iv favor of the fsinlly of said deceased, and the debts autl expenses aud charges of adminis tration:^ It Is now by tin' Court hereby ordered that the devisees legatees aud all other persons Interested in the estate of said deceased ep pear before this Court at 10 o'clock a. St. on tin...tut. tlie list liny ol iviny, A. I». i-Mi. At the Court Konru of Department aumbOi oue of such Court, at tae Court House, lv tbe city of Loa Angeles, State of California, to show cause why au order si: nild not be granted to ssld Executrix to sell at private sale orotherwlaeao much of the said real property as msy be necessary and as prayed for In aald petition. And il is further ordered by ttieCourUhat a copy of thla order be published for four successive weeks In thu Los Angeles Daily HRKALn, a neWKpMper primed and pub Hohed iusaid Los Vugeles count*. Done In open Court this, the 19th day of April, A. D. 188fi WM. A. CHENEY, ap'2o-sw Judge of said Superior Court. Notice of Application to Furchafe Timber Land. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, j Los Amoelib, Cal., March !A>lh, 1881 ( Notice la hereby giveu that, iv eompH auoa with the provisions of tbe Act of Con gress, approved June Sd, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sate of Timber Laud In tho States of California, uregon, Nevada aud Wash ington Territory," Mrs. Fantilo Nadeau, whose post-office address Ik Los Angeles, Los Angeles couuty, California, has this day filed In this office her application to pur chase the W. % of N. W. v and W. Uot S. W. W, Section No. 14. iv Township No. 1 N., Range No. 13 W., of the S. B. Meridian. All persons holding any adverse claim thereto are required to present the same Hi thla office within sixty days from the flr-d publication of this notice. J. D. BET HUNK, mar*27 60t Register. Notice to Oreditorß Iv the Superior Court ol theCouutyof Ixw Augeles, Slate uf California. Iv Ihe mutter of the estate of Johu Burns, deceased. No. 4m. Notice Is hereby giveu hy the undersigned, as tbe executor of tbe last will of John Burus, deceased, to the creditors of, and ail persons bavins: claims against tlie said de ceased, to exhibit them,with the necessary vouchers,vrilhlu four mouths after the first publication uf this uotlce, to the suld exec utor, at the unlet; of .J. .tioit.ssau, attorney at-law, No. '■»> Baker Block, iv the city of Los Angeles, county of l-OS Angeles, Slate of Cal ifornia. DANK I. I'l.sMoNH, Kxtcutor of tbe last will of Johu Burns, do- Dsleii April 17tb, 18SH. aplStd Notice for Publication. LAND OFFICE * j AT LtjS ANGELES, C A LIFOBNIA, S April Jail. I — ~ ) Notice Is hereby given that tiie followiug named settler hns died notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, aud that »ai<l proof will he made be fore Begister mid Receiver at Loa Au geles, California, ou Al-iy £id, IMB6, via: firasieut Baron. hutry No. 7<o, for the K. % of N. K. W Bee. 2, 1 wp. 5 N., K. 17 W..8. b. sf. He names tBo fullowiiu; vvitiie t'» i-rov*; Ills eoutiuujus reslil.!iiee upon, and Oilitiva tlou of, suld land, vis: Francisco Martinez, I.ataro startlncs, Bap tlste Havlas. Agiistiu Acoata, all of Los Au- Kelei. eioilita. r,iijforuia. ap.l-lm J. I*. HEiHUM., i*■ *f■ ■'■ ■ i Notice to Creditors, In the matter of the estate of Hlaa Au'dlar, deceased. * Notice Is hereby given by the uuder signed, executor of the Estate of Bias rigiiilar, deceased, to tbe creditors of and all persous having claims against the said deceased, t«> exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within fi.ur inou[:,s afUr the Brat publication of tblv u<>i W, the said executor, it tbe olhce ot B. Kgau, Ks<i.. at the Town of Han Juan Capislrauo, county of l-os Augeles, State of California, the same being tbe place for the transaction of the business of the aald c tat- hi the county of Lou Angelea. Htate of California. JKHUH AGUILAB, Kaecntor of the estate of Blaa Agullar, dt - eaaaad. ap , a)<.w Notice to Ureditora In the Superior Court of tbe County «( in.a Angeles, .State of California. In the matter of the estate of ( „ Houore Doneaud, deoaased. ( po " *** Notloe Is hereby given by the undersigned, as the executor of the last will of Houore Ooueaud.deceascd, tothecredltorsof and all persous having claims against the said de cedent, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, withiu four mouths after the r T ■ - ■ publfcatiou of this notice, to the said ex ecutor, at the office of J. Hruss»au, attor uaj-at law. No. A 6, Baker Meek, Main street, in the city ol Angeles, aoutf of lam Augeles, rJtate of Caliiuruia. JOHEPH JiiiI.SHEItANC, Kxecutorof the last will of Honore D.-nuunl, deeeaaed. Dated April 17th, IHB6. ap'<t74w NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE ( At Loa AvoaLKS, Chi., April IR, 1886. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make flual proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made be fore tbo Begister and Receiver at Los An geles, California, on May 2Uh, IMa", viz James K. Holmes, Homestead Entry No. 7;(7 for the fractional HW^ 4 dec 10, 'J w p 1 N, U 14 W, 8. B. M. He names the follow! ug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ami cuitiva Hon of, said land, vis ; Thomas Storey, Marion (iriflln, Frank Burhauk, Edwin rtmltb, all of Los Anguits couuty, California. apl/stld J. p. BKTHUHK, Register. Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice la hereby given that the copart nersliip heretofore exislitiK lv the olty ami OOUUty of Ijo,-i A ugeles, Stile uf Callforuiu, between the undersigned under the Urn, uameofj. Klefer A Co., has been this dur dissolved by mutual consent. John Klefer withdraws from said Mrm and P. I. KUrfer hiul O. If Kiefer will Con tiuue tho same under the name and style of KioferACo, P. P. Klefer and o. H K'b-f - will gay al) liabiiities iitnl r-olb;ct all ile'it and oiilstandings of tlie firm of I .. CO. IBlgued i JOHN KIEFKH. V. 11. KIR FEB. P. P. KIKFFK Los Angeles, April 2~, IBM. h]i^^ Notice to Oroditors. Estate of Marie Larceval, deceased. Notloe is hereby given hythuundersiirneii Executor, with the will aui.-xed, of the es tate of Marie Larceval.iliM'eiiMed, >»tiieoroii| tors of.and all persons bavinn clnimsagiiinst the said deceased, toexbibij tliem.with tlie uecesaary voucherit, witliin four inontbuHfter tbe first pubttcatloii of this notice p. th. said Executor at tiie office of liroussenu A Hatch, Rooms Nos. 31, 83 aud M, Baker Block, iv Ihe city or 1.0- A I'ouuti of Los Angeles, State of Cult loruntT P. L. DUCABHE, Executor, with will annexed, of the Estate of Marie Larceval, deceased. Dated |ta| 4th, IHaB. iny6 4w Dissolution of Oopartnership^ The Copartnership heretofore existing bo tween C. L, Flaber aud J. 0. Fitzheury uu der tbe Mrm uame and style of Fisher A FHsheury in tbe town of Pasadena, Los Augelesconnty. State of California, is this, day dissolved by mutual cotiseut, C. L. Flaber retiring. Che businei<s will he con tinned by J. C. Fit/.heury, who assumes all debt- aud llabillth sof A Fl;7b, or% aud Is authorised to collect all accounts of the old firm. r C. 1.. FISHER. ap'M IWd J. 0. FITZ HENRY 3 LEGAL, I Iv the Superior Court of the that* uf Oaiilcr ute, Iv aud for the county o! U*n MARY A. HOADLKY, Plaintiff, . J. Q, DOWNEY and ,* No ' 4T2A - O. W. CHILDB, Defendants. ) Action brought In the Superior Conl of the ytate of California, iv aud fur tha ouuii ty uf Loa Augelea, and the umuplaiut Bled lv said county of ixa, Angeles, in the office of the clerk ot aald Superior Court. The people of the State of California soud greeting to: J- O. Downey and o. W. Chllds, defend ants- You are hereby required to appear lv au action brought against you by the above named Plaintiff iv the Suuerlor Court oMUe stateof California, lv anil for the count* ol Los Atigciea.aud to answer the eomplalul aled therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of aervleo,, after the service un you of this Bmiunoui if served withiu thi« county: or, if seared elsewhere, withiu thirty days or Judgment by default will be taken against you according to the prayer «.-f said complaint. "■ —. The said autlou is brought to procure a decree of said Court tlnit defendants Jobu <i. Dnwucy aud O. W. Chllds oxeoute, ac knowledge and deliver to plaintiff a grant bargain and sale dead Of tlie followlug des cribed real property, to-wlt: AH that cer tain lot or parcel of land situate lv the cltr aud count} of Los Angeles, State of Califor nia, and hounded and particularly des cribed as follows, to wit; The west half of Division A, of Lot seveu, in Block thlrty elght (88), Huneook's survey of Duuatlou Lots, In the city of Ix>s Augelos, saving aud excepting, however, that portion thereof heretofore sold by defendant*, to wit. The wenL half of lots nine aud (en, iv Uloci (fti ol tbe Brooks tract; also all of lots 8 and a in Itlock oue, of said tract. Tne property above described being a part of what Is commouly known aa Canal and Reservoir Lands. Bee map of said lauds. Hook X, page 2W, Miscellaneous Kecords of said Los Au gelea county, lv accordance with the terms of a contract in writing alleged to have been executed by said defendants ou the 10th day of July, IHB4. and to recover from said defi udanis live hundred dollars dam ages for defendants' failure to comply with the terms of said contract mid MM hundred dollars attorney's lees for enforcing said contract, aud for cost of stilt. Reference Is had to complaint fur partio Ulars. And you aro hereby notified tbatlf you fail to appear and Hiisworthe said complaint v above required, Ibe said plaintiff will si. ply to the court for the relief demanded iv the complaint. Ulveu under my baud and Die seal of tba Superior Court of the State of California, lv and for the county of lam Augeles, this Jill* day of February, vi the year of our Lord,one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. IBeal.l CHAS. H. DCNHMUOK, Clerk. L. J. THOMPSON, Deputy. Endorsed. I (-AR DIN Kit A BTKPH KNSON, Attorneys for plaintiff, martfl -in Notice of Executor's Sale of Real Estate at Private Sale. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance ol tlie urder of tiio s ipcrlor Court nl Ihe • •■< California, ill Mill the ;:'•> day ' Mait-h, A. il. iaoti, 111 lhemaHerofcii,e...i! f iw m 11. Bullook. deceased, tlie undersigned, J. f. VVoodworih. an tiie Executor ol said deoeased, will, un or ulcer Xulurilur, Ml] loth, ISStI, Hell at private sale, to tlie bigbeat bidder, upon the terms hereiiiafC'r stated, lv oue purcel, and subject tne luttrinallou b| aald sui.erlur Court, all ol lite rigbl, title iiinl interest of sml'l deoeaaeal and of bis said estate iv and totbe followingdeserlued real property iying and being situate iv tbe eoimly of l.os Angeles. Stale of Caillorula, 'did describe.] as lolluws, 10-wlt: N. K. of S. K. v and S. E. •, oils. E. ... ol Sec. 7, Ip, » S., K. 11 VV„ and N. K. ol N. S. ol am. 7, Tp.3 9 , K. 11 W., S. B. M. Terme nnd Condltlona of Hatla. l eu per ceut. of the imcinDt ol each 1.1 I must be paid lo tbe executor a( the time of ..u c of si.el., tba kalauce o! tbe amount of bid accepted to be paid lo the EiecnUir ou connrmaliou aud eaecu lioll ol deed. all to be paid tv gold eolu "I tlie Culled Stales. bids or offers will be received by Ihe us. i rsl ued aa such Kxaeutor lor Ibe iutereal ul aald deceaaud and ol said estate iv aald laud. Such bids or offers must be in writing sud may be left at tl.e office of Craves i 0 Alelveuy, itoom ill of llaker lllnck, lv tbe elty ..I Los Aug. ies, California, or delivered to him personally, or may be Sled In the ■ mice ol tbe Clerk of the said Superior Court. Dated Los Augeles.Cal., April 271b, IHAo. J. J. WutIIiWOKTH, aprtStd Xl iliircli said estate Order Fixing Day for Hearing Pc- ' tition tot bale of Real Estate. In the Superior Court of tlie County of lays Angeles Stale lit Cslilorula. In the matter of tbe estates and guardian ahipnf Francisco Leon Keyea el al, ml — "lA i It appearing to Ibis Conn from tbe petl i lo Ibis cause on the mh day of vpril, bwi, una this .lay presented by Haiti giu Ihimiuguel .!. K. i.s, liuardisn of the I esCiCes ..f Jioici Kaiinlfo Keyes. Maria is-Idrti Keyes, Adela Keyea aud lo :, praying lor an order tertalu ren; ..cur,, belonging to her said wards, that It la necessary and would be !■> nefb'lel to her said wards that auch -h .old be sold, it Is hereby or dried tl.e next of kill of aeitl minors, ,i: mc.-rested in the said estate guardianship, appear before tills Coon on Monday, the .71b day ol May, lass, at 10 "' ■" I- 1 .1 sith.-i .ur of this Court, In ineeicy and county of Los Augeles, there then Co show cause Why an order stioiliil not he grant. .1 lor Che sale ol said real es tate. Aud it Is further ordered that a copy of this order be pen dished atleast once a week (or al least three successive weeks before said day ol May. Is ... h, tho Los Angeles .V.V," newspaper printed aud published In said county ol Los Augelea. Dated April Ll. IfiAO. Wat. A. CIIENKV. apis Judge nl tbe Huperlnr Court Notice of Onaidian's Bale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby giveu that iv piirsuauce I 01 au ortler ol cl.c superior Court of tbe 1 county ..I [,c.s Aug. ~ ~ stale „| Caillorula, maiie on the lien tlay ol April, IS*, lv tbe matter ot the ~ i .rd anslilp of the ea- ' late of Sosalle Ksll.lier.a mluor, Ihe uu Hi. g of aald estate, will sell at j.ii.,.[. hi... i.,the lilglical bidder lor rash In gold coin of the Culled SUM . 1 -sor.j-t-t in i urination by said Stipe nor i i. in, on or alter I uesdav. Ihe ISth day lay, Ibe riant, t , 1m,., e-c .ni l estate of th. n.) c; ; ie ksiisher, minor, in and tosil that certain lot, piece or , par. . 1 ..I laud, situate, lying ami being lv lb.: Hit) ..I Los A 1..-. eoonty ot Loa Au j i nl Caillorula, aud bouuded I sn.l described as r.illowa. 10-wlt: Lotrwelve la; in Block -C" ol the Mott (Hoc a- .:. .ri'ail on map reeordrtl In Book (in.. page 4a», of the I ' -r l I I"- Angeles Comity, said ltd | fronting on the easterly of ullve street, I between Court House atreet aud First I 1 leriiis anil eoiuiitjons of aale: Cash iv I gold coin ol Ihc l ulled Slates. Deed at 1 eapeaes of purchaser. bids or offers may be made at any lime I ..fertile first ul ibis uollce and before the making of tbe sale. All bids nicest lie in writing, aud left at 110- First National Hank In said city or de livered toll colerslgned personally. I Dated AprllXJtb, Html. E. F SPENCI, '.oiirdlau ol tbe eslace ~! Rosalie Kail.tier, 1 ■"'"or. apiotoniyia al NOTICE 1 11. S. I.A Nil OFFICE, . " I.OS A.-.. , 1.,, i sI.CIORNIA, 5 iprllaith. late.' Pursuant i.. ih,. instructions of Honorable ' om;ui>»li ' el Land tjttloc, dated Apiil sib. lsai,, notice Is hereby given lliat eh.- odd 1..111,1,, led , ii.,,,, „f Und, Wltllllt ibis Und District west of a line ruuulug >P«lh lr San llut navelilnraas deal. "«'-l •••• 1 hei„; i, ,g,,„„ „„ m,. ln ,„•„ althurawn under the gran! to Ih, Ailaiitlo a, nclllc Kallroad 1 <<! by Art of July mil, ISM,, are re si. il lto Che p.,.,,:,, ,|„„„|,, „,,d IIM , he i h.a.k ill thlsoihce it il: l„. „p,:i, for the eu- i ' ■ ,c i. under tbe slcad. pre- I omptlou end other hues relating to mini [vie 186. "" """* Ist day ~1 W hen said lauds are taken by pre-emption ' - '"" Ut'.l homestead entries p'lviiien'. may he niude at the rale ol on.' dollar aud utj fivecenUlM BJper ue... J. W.i,AV,,i , s/;, X! K^"t «'-