Newspaper Page Text
CITY COUNCIL. jceedingsof that Body Yesterday. V SEWERS TO BE BUILT. mt Sreet Hill Discussed. IV Board of Public Works. C » Council met in regular sea est day afternoon, President Sin gh the chair. Present, Messrs. I, I inkentield, Gobs, Holbrook, j, I hrta, Perry, Steams, Velsir Will d. The m itoa of the previous meeting ware reat nd approved. HE BT3 OF CITY OFFICERS. The At tor presented bis report of *' a oondi >v of the several funds uf the i Co nittee on Finance, i ePi ;e Commissioners announced asigi ion of Frank Marsh as In ►r c ruit pests and the appoint of, R. Bard ham. Filed. Fi Uommissioners recommended ro ie of 1,000 feet of boat hoae. ad o Committee on Fire and > i )rted the expenditure during c $2,113.80. Committee on ,c perinlendent of Streets pre ed i *y roll amounting to $291.00, > on Finance. ture The I l*r° reported the cxpendi jf $)uQ . Committee ou Finance. The yTa x Collector reported that s e had old 100 feet on west side of for $114.08 for extension jf Ho»rd street. Committee on tTinandl Thepommiaeioners] on opening of Cbaritbtreet presented a certified copy of propdinga. Filed. ■E BOARD Or PUBLIC WORKS risiimended that petition of D. M. Me Gary et al. to have Ninth street tpeueT be granted. So ordered, and the Cfk ordered to advertise for bids for finishing an abstraot of title. Ths sidewalks on Hill street between Fourt and Fifth be widened, a block at a tim-f So ordered. Th|t petitien to sprinkle Scblndler 'reelbe denied. So ordered. Th* grade of Beaudry avenue be es lisled. So ordered, ski a for further time on petitions bs • Chestnut, Truman aadv*~ ~ial d. made pa«We. d/ ' Y^g Jf* dlfce. So ordered. Jfct E. C. Burlingame grade intersec ts of Metcalf and Temple streets at 48.70 per foot. Bo ordered. That tbe City Surveyor define lines and propose grade of the proposed ex tension of Seventh street. Adopted and tbe City Attorney instructed to draft a resolution opening said street. Tbat deed of J. O. Wheeler to one half of Seventh street along his lot be accepted. So ordered. Asked for further time on petitions of Mrs. D. E. Scott and E. Nittinger. Granted. That deed of V. Beaudry bs referred to City Surveyor. So ordered. That property owners ou Main street between First and Seventh streets be no t fieri to comply with tbe ordinance re quiring sidewalk paving. So ordered. That City Attorney draft an ordin ance requiring cable roads to maintain the grip slot at a width of three-fourths of an inch. So ordered. Tnat resolutions establishing grades of Pleasant, Mayo and First streets be adopted. So ordered. That notices of intention to fix grades of Pearl from Second to Fifth; Flower from Second to Sixth, aod Well from Huff to Arroyo Beoo be published. So ordered. THE COHUITTEE ON FINANCE Reported the examination of sundry oity officers reports aod recommended that they be fifed. So ordered. That a warrant be drawn in favor of If. L. Wicks and H. W. Mills for $11,500 for reservoir sites. So ordered. That City Attorney draft an ordinance requiring bonds on franchises. 3o or dered. Tbat petition of P. G. Eddy k Co. to rent portion of oity hall lot be denied. So ordered. That City Attorney notify all persons tow occupying city hall lot to vacate at ace. So ordered. MINOR COMMITTEX REPORTS. The Committee) on Parks recoDimended at bid of McLean for Plaza Park curb at, be accepted. So ordered. That Louis Legrand be employed at a •ai > of $75 per month, the lake charge the East Loa Angeles Park, and tist is laying oat other oity parks. So lered. The Committee on Zaojae presented us for location of Zaoje Madre and ommended that tbe Clerk advertise btds for location of the same. So red. Ie special committee submitted an lance granting a franchise to \V . K. irs to lay down water pipes iv the Adopted. ,c City (surveyor recommended a i for attaching the Boyle Heights way bridge to the side of the pre highway bridge. On motion of Perry the committee waa permitted u*troot under supervision uf the Jngiaeer. Committee on the efficiency of the . Peat Inspectors asked further time, .nted. The special committee on street rail way franchise asked by M. O. MoKoon et al., presented a substitute which was ordered published. Ths Committee ou Fire Alarm recom mended that the time for tbe completion of the contrast Le extended to Ootober 15th, 1886. So ordered. NEW SKWKKti. The Committee on Sewers recom mended that a sewer be constructed on Wilmington street, between First and Jackson streets. City Attorney In structed to draft resolution ordering construction of aaid sewer. That a sewer be built on Requena street, between Los Angelas and Ala meda streets. So ordered. HTJtKEaT SritXNKLi.VO. The Commute* oa Fire aod Water reported that they had met a committee from tbe water company, and found them inclined to consider the matter of street sprinkling In a friendly spirit. The foliowiug reoommendaiions are madet That the streets be spriukled be tween the hours of 10 r. m. and 6 a. m., as the carts will obstruct traffic less dur ing these hours. That none but accepted graded streeta be sprinkled, as this may induce prop erty owners to more cheerfully grade and improve. That sewers be flashed, when actually necessary, during above hours. The Superintendent of streets said that night sprinkling was tried several years ago, and the result was that in toe morning the streets were muddy, and from 10 o'clock in the morning un til night the dust was fearful. This por> tlon of the report was referred to Board of Health, and balance of report adopted. ANSELES STBEET, The special committee on opening of Los Angeles atreet presented an ordi nance repealing certain ordinances and resolutions declaring Negro alley part of Los Angeles street, Rulee suspended In regard to printing and ordinance adopted. MISCELLANEOUS. Zanjero Dalton denied that be had re fused through spite to let C. M. Jeukins have water which be had paid for. Deputy Zanjero MeFadden supported Mr. Dalton's statement. Referred to the Zauja Committee. City Attorney aaid it waa dangerous to advertise for bids for abstracts of title as some men bid who couldn't do the work. Referred to Finance Committee with power to act. The Richmond Fire Alarm Cempany ■nbmitted a proposition to establish a system of polioe signals ia conjunction with tbe fire alarm. Committee oa Fire and Water. The City Attorney presented the bond aud contract with tbe Los Angsles Cc ment Works for laying a pipe through the Daviea-Henderson tract. Ap proved Mr. Holbrook voting no. The City Attorney asked for an ad vance of $172, the oou-t fess in the opening of ban Pedro street, from Fifth to Washington streets. Referred to Committee on Finance. FIRST STREET BILL. The recommendation of tbe Board of Public Works that First street hill be . cut down snd tbe street widened was presented. Mr. Perry moved work be done and said $500 had been raised by property owuers. Mr. Breed said Mr. Workman, of the First street elect, ie read, would pay one fourth of expenses of widening said street. Mr. Breed said every approach to the city should be Improved and made as eaay as possible. Mr. Jones wanted Ninth street aud Seventh atreet bills cut down, and would oppose money being spent on east side nn leaa a proportionate amount was spent for the same purpose on the west side Mr. Workman said that when he put his road through It woold completely block up First street if it were not widened. He said tbe work would cost $2,000, exclusive of retaining wall. Action deferred for one week, city engineer to furnish estimates of oost without retaining wall. PETITIONS, OOMMCNICATIONS, BTO. The following petitions were ordered referred by the Clerk to the appropriate committees: From August Brandon, reciting that on Juue stn hia horse fell into a hole un Sixth atreet, near St. Vincent's college, injured tbe horse, broke the buggy ami oaused him loss of time, and aukiug for $15 damages. From Beaudry Bros, offering to donate land for streets in Park traot, ii survey or is ordered to define said streets. From R. R. Bryant, to use portion of Eleventh and Olive streets for building material. From Ralph Leon, to move a dwell ing house. From Q. S. R. Dominguez, for a sew er on between tteveuth and Ogier lane. From A. McCartney, for return of taxes. From V. Beaudry et al, to have grade of Centinela avenue changed and to have avenue graded. From J. W. Kilts, to grade in front of Ellis Villa college. From citizens, to grade on Flower street betweeu Eighth aud Ninth streets. From citizens, to have grade of First street between Charity street and Bun ker Hill avenue established. From Geo. S. Walker, to move a house. From Mrs. C. N. Reynolds, protesting against a smoke-house ou property of Charles Rich, near the New Depot. From the City R. R. Co., for an ex tension of sixty days in completing road to terminus in East Los Angeles. From Officer, W. A. Bosun* for the return of $128.25 expon''"* by him in ar rest of gsmblers and opium fiends. From Jerry 0"i"». *° na * 9 Zin J» lv front of his west aide of Flg ueroa sir** Thu, wiU be a qnt*' itfirwr* of the flume in front of Col. Moore's and J. Downey Harvey's places. From U. T. Newell et al., calling at tention to the necessity of adopting some plan and proceeding with the work of saving the property adjacent to the river from destruction by floods. The sure tffecta of Ayer's Saraaparilla are thorough aod permanent. If there is a lurku g taint of scrofula about you, Ayer's Saraaparilla will dislodge it and expel it from your sytaem. Fire Department Items. The Board of Fire Commissioners held ' their regular meeting yesterday morn- 1 iog. Present: Mayor Spenoe, H. Siusa baughand J. Kuhita. Tbe following were appointed extra men for Hook and • Ladder Company No. 1: Sam. Gowau, ' vice Ed. Forrest, resigned; Frank E. j Lewis, vice N, R. btauton, res'gned. i The Secretary read the followiug com munication from the Chief Engineer: Lot Anqkleu, June 14, 1886 To the Honorable the Board of Commissioner*; Gkntlkmkn:—After carefully watch- . ing the workings of our fire department , I make the followiug reoommendatiou'f, ( and would ask for tneir immediate con- | sideration: First—Tbat the extra force of each engine company be increased . two men, making six extra men to eaoh „ company instead of four as at present. t Secoud—That the extra force of the ( hook and ladder company be increased j fonr men, making eight men instead of , four aa at present. Third—That each j engine company be provided with relief valves and shut-off nozzles. Fourth— | That the department be provided with t about 1000 feet of new hose. Fifth— , That tbe book and ladder truck be pro- , vided with a Johnson pump, battering t ram, sledge hammers and extension jimmy, to open iron doors. Hixth— ( That a suitable horse be purchased for , Engine No 1. Respectfully, Walter S, Moore, j Chief Engineer. , All the recommendations were tiled ( for future reference, with the exception f of the fourth Item, which was ordered , referred to the City Council for immedi ate action. The Department was or dered out for inspection by the Commis sioners on Monday, June sth, at 9 I o'clock a. M- The usual monthly bills i were ordered paid. 1 St. Jacobs Oil cured rheumatism in I tbe government hoepitsi, Calcutta. 1 Board of Supervisors. Monday, June 14, 1886. ' Board met pursuant to adjournment. 1 Present, full Board and the Clerk. t The vote of Paaadena canvassed and t that town declared au incorporated ' town, and tbe officers (heretofore pub 1 lisbed in the Herald) declared duly 1 elected. The sard town to be known a< ) the "City of Paaadena." The Ab-. School District, formed ou« of parts oi tbe San Juan and Trabuco ' districts. Warrant for $30 on indigent fund or- < • lered drawn in favor of Oscar Macy. 1 Compton School Dtatrietauthorized to ' levy a special school tax. Policy for $500 on the Hoapital build- 1 iug, order aud a warrant for $20 pre- 1 mium ordered drawn. Name of Glenwood School Distriot ] changed to Alosta; aud boundaries be- < tween that and the Azusa School Dis- 1 trict changed according to petition. ' Petition for copyists for Assessor's of • lice laid on table. Tha committee appointed to investi- 1 gate tbe bills preaented by Dr. J. d ' Bailey, of Santa Ana, consisting of Su per vi**™ Oscar Macy, James Foord and ' George Hinds, reported, setting forth J that tn tbe opinion of the committee ■ Dr. Bailey has imposed upon tbe couuty 1 and tbe Board. Tbe committee recom mended tbat tbe services of Dr. Bailey be dispensed with. They further rec ommend that the matter of instituting criminal proceedings against Dr. Bailey be refarred to tbe District Attorney. Report adopted. Ths Cbainnsn of tbe Board was au thorized to sign an agreement as to tbe party wall wiih R. M. Widney, ou the county lots formerly Dan. G. Stephen a property. Board adjourned till June 15. Fryer's Abietene Ointment. Fryer's Abietene is produced in the northern part of Butte County, Cel., and combining, it with Vaseline aud other therapeutic agents, we challenge the world to produce anything to equul Fryer's Abietene Ointment for old -ore-, ulcers, salt rhenm, corns, chilblains, fever sores, chapped hands, cancers, burns, ring worms, bleeding, blind, itch ing and ulcered piles, and all eruptions of the skin. Price 25 oents. Sold by C. F. Heinieman. Widening San Perdo Street. Tho City Attorney has the papers re lating lo tbe widening of San Pedro street, all ready to file as soon as the city puts up abont $150 costs. There are sixty five persons on whom to serve papers. It is proposed to widen the street to ninety feet from Fifth street to the south limits of the oity. Better than Gold Con be truly said of that new and effi cacious remedy for Consumption and dis eases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, HANTA ABIE, for it ia pleasant to the palate and death to a cold. Every bot tle warranted by Preuss k Hanoe, Nos. 77 and 79 North Spring street. Gas Fixtures for the Nadeau. Elsewhere appears the announcement of Thomas Day A Co., Han Francisoo dealers in gee tiitures. Tbia arm hu taken tbe uonlreet lo Ut au the Nadeau Hoaee with gas biturea and hM the fa cilities lor doiug the h'neat work on the cuaat. In addition to the hotel Metiers. Day * Co. will lit up tbe ssloon in the Nadeau, wblch has been taken by Mr. Chaa. Eaton. The firm's agent her* ia Mr. 8. M. Perry, and ha will auperin -1 tend the work. i oblrardeUl'a prepared cocoa, most ex calleat substitute (or tea and eoflee. Mi ju T.OS ANftET.F.R DAILY HERALD. TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE IS. 1688. THE SCALE AGAIN. Is it a Harmless Hummer Visitor? WHAT THE TREKS WANT. Not tin White bat the Cottony Cushion Scale—A Cochin eal Buif. Id accordance with the promise made, tbe Hkkald reporter yesterday culled on Mr. Geo. Rice aod Col. J. R. Dobbins, of the County Hoard of Horti cultural Commissioners, to get the re sult of tbe efforts of this board to medi cate the scale bugs. These gentlemen were found in their rooms iv Baker Block and with their usual affability proceeded at once to lay the facta bare to the reportorial eye. First in order a notice waa served upou the reporter to clean up hia own trees on a lot on Boyle t Heights. There are six trees on the j lot, and the owuer told his agent three mouths ago when the property tirat oame into his bands to cut the trees down and burn tbem. He supposed this had been done. He waa of course delighted with this positive evidence of the • fficaoy of the Hkrald'h work and , hopes the good work will go ou until the last white bug expires. ! The notification was endorsed 1 by oae of the inspectors, the one who waa seared away from an orchard ou Sat urday by shaking a copy of tbe Hkkald at him. Sunday's issue braced him up to the fray, lt is well. Hia maudatea shall be obeyed. Mr. Rioe showed from his books that no less than 0000 places bad been in speuted by the County Commissioners during the year. This work had cost $5976. Many of theae places bad been revisited during the year. A great num ber were small places in this oity. All t bene places were not infected. It ia hard to get the people in the oity who have a few orange trees for ornament to < clean them. In the country it is easier, where tbe treea are cultivated for profit. But even there it ia otten bard. The place where it ataxted, at Han Gabriel, was a diffaoult one to clean up. Tbe owner resisted, appealed to hi. lawyer | and tried every way to retard it. The | oommiaaioners gave him notice that if he did not move on the buga by high noon next day, they would take charge of hia place and do the work at hia ex- ] pense. He went right to work and out down every true and burned it up. , Many other places in Han Gabriel were cleaned up. There are some places in that valley where it ia still found, but , the ore hard i sts are getting at work with , great vigor to root them out. Every hope ie entertained that it will be eradi cated in tbat splendid valley. In Paaadena there were a year ago thirteen places where the soale was found. No two of them were nearer than oue-u, tiartor of a mile to each other. 1 There are now only four orchards where < it is found, and these will boob be cleaned. I Iv the Verdugo country two places 1 were found infested, and theae were at once cleaned and Ihe spread of tbe bugs 1 stopped in tbat settlement. These places were alive with the cottony I cushion. Above there in the Crescent a Canada there waa found oue tree just I planted which waa alive with buga. It belonged to Gen. Shields, aud thia gen- | tlernan covered tbe tree with atraw and burned up bugs and tree. , At La Bailout, a few tree* were infected. They were radically treatedandtheplague j stayed. At i*,wo > City the peat waa found. Thu inspector came, saw and J conquered, us ( a*sar did. Near Ana heim one tree was found, aud it waa 2 promptly denned aud that place saved. At Sycamore Grove in tbe Arroyo tteoo, some trees were covered. Mr. Rice took hold of the matter iv peraou. The owner told bim to go ahead and do as n he pleased. Tbe energetic commissioner went to work with a hve-gallon cau of a 190 degree teat kerosene and a spray pump. Tbe bugs died. There are no ■ ■on of them in the Arroyo Seco. In the ciiy there ia great difficulty to get the tracts cleaned up near the center, il where the owners are expecting to sub divide the lands for residence purpoaea. t Iv one orchard near the co?ered • bridge the Inspector found the trees clean, but the intelligent proprietor was t propping up the over burdened limbs with polea just brought from oue of the worat orchards in the city. The In spector called attention to the vermin on the poles, but it waa hard to prevent the man from poisoning hia own tree*. ARK THK BCOH INSTRUCTIVE* ( Mr. La tour Vazquez, whose name ap peared in the Herald on Sunday, being present, said the i rouble with the trees ia not to be found in the scale. Many t of this gentleman's views are very aovel here. He is intelligent, baa had much practical experience aa well aa theoretic study. In conversation with tha Her- t alo reporter and tbe Commissioners Mr. Vazquez aaid, the red scale is aestruc- tive, tbe black scale ia worst of all. There ia no white scale here ao far aa I j have seen. What you call the white soale is the cottony cushion scale. It t dom not feed on Ida tree. It goes there tor feeding purposes. The real trouble with your tn --a ia the tingus on tbe trees. This is worse than all tbe eoalea. The treea should be cleaned of all tbis. Then the next trouble ia you put too much water ou tbe trees. Once a year, ■ in August, is enough to irrigate your < trees. Again, tha ground is plowed too much and too near the trees. Tbe or ange is a surface feeder. You plow close up to the stem, tear up the roota aud I murder the tree. Lastly, yon must fer- | tilize the ground with tbe beat chemical , fertilizers. There are seventy rive trees , to the acre. These produce 2,000 to ] 3,000 oranges each. So much cannot , tie, taken constantly from the trees, uu- j leaa fertilizers are put in to replace this , waste. The trees are starved, murdered , and drowned, because you do not l*f> | tilize. because you plow up all tbe roots, and put on too much water, I know tbat trees are not killed by the cottony cu-tbion scale because I have seen them in the Phil ' lipiue Islands, covered with theae ani- 1 mala and tha trees bear juat as well. 1 Look at yonr own orchards. The soale ' is worst on vigorous young treea. Old trees are sick where there are no bugs, they are starving. The bng is a variety of the cochineal bug. I have an order out for several pounds of tha buga, which I will make tbe dye of. luspray_ iug there should not be too much soap used. The soap will develop more bugs, i Use a good fertilizer in the wash and then you cau afford to pay more than a cent a gallon for it. Mr. Vazquez ad vanoes other views of great value whiah be will give the people in elabor ate form at a later day. Headdresses to , tbe Hkrald THK FOLLOW! NO STATEMENT: I .ii- Anoeles, Cal.. June 12, 1886. 1 Editor Hkrald— Dear Sir; In to day's issue of the paper which you bo ably edit, after giving me kindly the nn merited epithet of a learned man from Spain (being only a poor scholar MM anxious to learn) it exprssses incorrectly 1 the few remarks that I made iv the presence of the distinguished gentlemen that compose yoar Board of Fruit (Grow ers' Association. To correct the impres sion made in the minds of your practical men of experience iv orange growing, I beg of you a small space in your valua ble paper to explain my remarks. Your reporter quotes mn aa saying that com mercial fertilizars and careful cultivation are the best remedies for the peat that threatens just now tbe existence of yonr citric wealth. It is true that I §aid something of the kind, sneaking of the scale, before seeing yonr orange trees. However, chemical fertilizers in practi cal cultivation are the beat remedies known to prevent and cure the soale if iit is not allowed to take complete pos- i session of the trees, when only a pow erful insecticide and a heavy brush will eradicate the insect, or as a laat remedy you will be compelled to | employ tha Quaker prescription from > Pennsylvania. That is a fact already established both In Europe aud Florida, i where the scientific and practi cal cultivation of the citrus family has already passed the Platonic stage of the I orange fever. But yoar present plague is not, posi tively not, the white scale. The cot tony cushion soala of your reporter has i uothing in common entomologioally with tha scale. It ia mora nearly related to the cochineal family. The Icerya Pur chasi of tha Americans, or tha leery a Oceanlca of the Spanish entomologist, I doaa not desire tbe honor ot being called by a wrong name. The white scale is another insect. You have before you an enemy that is more troublesome on account of its wonderful fertility, but is not so hard to deal with as the soale in tbe same quantities. lam under the belief tbat the aotual danger comes from the care lessness of the owners of very large groves in permitting tbe Icerya to take such mammoth development on their trees. In respect to tbe use ef fertilizer snd manuer of cultivation, principally plant ing, pruniug, plowiug and irrigation, 1 will explain myself hereafter, iv some agricultural paper that may have space to spare. Now if you are a little blind to my grammatical faults and style arising from the many difficulties that your lan* gnage presents to a foreigner, I will end letter by subscribing myself. Your humble servant, Arturo L. de VAzqUKz. How to Avoid Doctors' Bills. "My wife suffered more than a year from dyspepsia; she consulted the very 1 best physicians in the oity aud at last j tried that valuable medicine Simmons Liver Regulator. Doctors were of no i avail bnt tbe Regulator effected a perfect cure. Please forward per express a half . dozen bottles of the Regulator.—A. i Defiel, St. Paul, Minn " THE COURTS. Superior Court—Williams, J. Monday, June Uth. Tolman vs. Smith—Molt v granted. Hecht vs. Slaney—Passed to June 21. | Baldwin vs. Bell—Submitted with 1 leave to tile briefs—three 4 days to 1 answer. < Baldwin vs. Bell—Same order. , Page vs. Shorb— Passed to June 21. Naratnore vs. Copley—Same order. ' Arnaz vs. Gassen—Same order. 1 Drown vs. Ortiz. — Demurrer sua- i tamed. Ten days to file order. Moore et al vs. oity of Los Angeles —Passed 2 to r, st. Hellman vs. Corea—Demurrer with drawn. Thirty days to answer. Sodiui vs. Sodini — Demurrer sua- , tamed. Ten days to answer. i Lefler vs. McArthur—Demurrer over- i ruled. 1 MeFadden vs. MeFadden—Deposi tion on tile ordered opened. Page vs. Short—Continued till Jnne M' McKinnie vb. 3chafer et al—Decree as prayed for. Brainard vs. Brainard— Ten days fur- • ther time to answer. Bernard vs. Valla—Thirty days to I prepare statemont on motion for new j trial. i Ida Hatch admitted to practice as an t Attorney before this court. 1 Lussmau vb. Lussmao—Decree as i prayed for. MeFadden vb. MeFadden—Same or- t der. j atmalley vs. SinaJley—Same order. Anaheim Union Water Co. vs. Yorbo et al —Ten days further lime to defen- \ dant. c SET FOR TUESDAY. 1 FCasten vs. Paxton. Cheney, Jf. Estate of McLean—Will admitted to probate. E, T. Hughes appointed cxc- • outor. I Estate of Freeman—Petition for let ters of administration granted. Bond ' $300. 1 Estate of Morrison—Same order, t Bond $100. j Estate of Taylor—Decree of diatribu- | tion granted. I Estate of Mc Dermott—Petition to set aside homestead, granted. 1 Estate of Dennett—Petitfon to sell personal property, granted. ] Estate of Haunefield— Letters of f guardianship granted; bond, $4000. ; Estate ot Olvera—Order granted as prayed for. Estate of Alverado—Continued until J June 15th. L Estate of Lugo—Continued until June f 21st. Estate of Ferlin—Same order. * Estate of Green—Same order. Estate of Smart—Same order. > Estate of Lippincott—Letters of ad- , ministration granted; bond, $1200. t Estate of K.reamer--Annual account I approved. People vs. Gassen—Continued for the session. People vs Gassen—Same order. ( People vs. Valenznela—Sentenced to San Quentin for five years. People vs. Valenznela—Sentenced Is ; two years in San Quentin from and after - expiration of previous term. Henna et el. vs. Senseney et al.—Con- ' tinned until June 16. SET FOR TTTEADAT. Francis vs. Rector. The Minor Courta. J can OK AUSTIN. People vs. Diego OHvera— Disturbing 1 the peace; discharged. j SET FOR TCEBDAY. People vs. Ricardo Marino—Assault , to murder. People vs. John Gee—Petit larceny. , JUSTICE RANNET. j People vs. John Smith—Vagrancy; * ten days. People vs. John Burns—Disturbing the peace; ten days. 1 People vs. John Williams—Disturb ing the peace; five days. People vs. Joseph Bowen— Vagrancy, J ten days. 1 SET FOR TUBHBAY, People vs. F. Capitaui. People vs. R. H. Rising. j All medicines containing opiates are ] dangerous. None in Bed Star Cough . Cure. I The Puente Oil Development. Mr. Vt. K. Yonle, tbe veteran oil well borer, yesterday went to the front with , three carloads of machinery and other j material for sinking another great oil - well, about 500 feet weetof the last well, | No. 5. The drill is of the Urgent kind i used in oil well boring, being thirteen inches in diameter, and all the appoint- j ments are first-class. As the train pulled out, Lacy and Rowland said to him blandly, -'You'll get oil." A Sensible Man Would use Kemp's Balsam for the throat 1 and lungs. It is caring more casea of 1 coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup • aud all throat and lang troubles, thou any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized H. D. Godfrey to refund your money if, after taking three-fourths 1 of a bottle, relief is not obtained. Price ' 50c. and $1. Trial size free. Call and See the List Of subscribers to the Co-operative Nur sery Tract; the namea mount aay up in the hundreds; 236 N. Main street. _ Marriage Licenses. The following persona were yesterday licensed to wed: W. L, Ogden to C. Braconier; W. A. Bartley to N. Sco field; C. L. Thomas to F. R VanCleve; A. Wetmore to N. Sweeney; J. A. Wil kins to M. Houeer; J. Povensana to J. Geraci. Wild Cherry and Tar. Everybody knows the virtues oi Wild Cherry snd Tar as a relief and cure for any affections of the throat and lungs. Combined with these two ingredients are a few simple healing remedies in the composition of Dr. Boeanko's Cough and Long Syrup, making it just ihe ar ticle you should always have in the houae for oougba, oolde, cronp and bron chitis. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Sam pies free. Sold by CF. Heinzeman, agent. Recorded. There were recorded yesterday 54 deeds, U mortgagee, 11 releasee, 53 mis cellaneous papers and 6 marriage li censee. Call and See the List Of subscribers tv the Co-operative Nur sery Tract; the names mount way up in the hundreds; 236 N. Main street. WHEN DOCTORS cannot help you, then take Oilmore's Magnetic Elixir for your throat aod lungs. For sale by H. D. Godfrey Nadeau Block. As They Cannot Possibly soasa a porous piaatac aeatac aaruiac u» tha laedlcioal of ateaaon'a, theewpfellwwa** \ •f the .»hsmsec>Ui«sU ivrufaastou produce toes of wortatv sisal sts, sad (Its them sauna* which . lossoibas la eclat stmt el Sao a-auuma, and, when oareleaaiy aDokwn aoun<l Ilka it. For srampl.-, rheep John drugtlsts will offer you traah wlo'ialr 1 ■triad *CafUfSBAB.* "Capwiolu.' 'Vapaiaina"* or '•Oapiidu- pusHais, jrsfrosit sissillmss with tha ( namo Banton*." or 'laartan't - We aau-i.Mt.l7 1 cautioß the publio aaahwt tk« whole tribe of tbeui E Thar are abtkuluuli umlcm as nmsdlsa for dta aaas To ba sure ihfj are aheap, hut plain mua liu ia abaatper and Just v efficacious. Arts fur t Bauson's, wafcoh the ■KvUln*. and feei f«r ihe -"Torse Bonis" tndaouu >, ana Urn word 1 Cnpcine,' which la aut Id Iba eamtof e4 th* seauiue « THE GREATEST REAL ESTATE SALE OF THE SEASON. Subdivision of the Celebrated Co-operative Nursery Tract. Grand Sale of 482 Bruiililnl Residence Lots, Each 50 feet Front, Inciiiilin,' 15 Extra large Corner Prize LoU, On Soutn Main Btreet, nstr Jefferson, at $250 Bach, on Easy Inatallments, Without Interest, With these Lots are included Ten Beautiful and Efotpene ive Cottages, four maat Klectric Lights, Ample and Heavy Plauk Sidewalks in front of every Lot. 14 year-old Seedling Orange Trees; Also bearing « Orape Vines, all of whioh aro Free to Subscribers. jVjp-Hooks lor ftnbscrlptlen Will be apeueel en and after Thursday, April 99tta, at J. il. Hatchelor A Co., Heal Estate Auctloneer«,''V3« North lflaln street.-ea^ Tbe owner ol this property respectlully refers to His Honor Mayor Speuoe, President of First Nat Bauk; President John X Plater, of Urn Angeles County Barfk ; President Goo. H. Bnnebrske. of Los Angeles Nat Bank Avery unusual pportnulty to oMalsj a lovely home I n the most beaiiti ful Houtberii suburbs of la>h Augeles. Four hundred ami eighty twit lots for sale on terms within the reach of anyone within? a home of their own at less rates thsu house rem cau be obtained. Over one half of these lots contalu 14-year old seedling orange trees ; uot common nra iges, remember. A few IoU of this section afford a good family livlog. One third of i.ese lots are covered with the thr c best *srletle* of bearing grspe vines. Ail hut a small portion of the remainder In 1 1-year old full bearing seedling orauge trees. This estate, sightly and well situated, noted for the care It has always had, with high, level ground, way above auy pcnUDia overflow, 1* the gem ol ibe city The scenery in every direction I* of gr«*t extent and b-.muty. Situated 2*4 miles south of the Postoffle-, on tbe chlci tbor outfhfsro of Los Angeles, directly in line with th* heavy or more valuable butduens growth of the city. No other street contains sn )h valuable property. This fact >* mis'. Important and should be remembered by these looking for fttj tp rise of values, Hut lv minutes' drive north nf this site on the same street lots of same slse sell for $2000 each. ' TRHKIt :-|5O cash, %2h In 1 month, 116 In 2 mouths 110 in 3 mouf's, and every mouth there ifter until KAO Is paid Subs.•ripMoin will he received st above rates direct b» the owner, whose respon B |billtv la of the highest elsss. A meeting of the subscribers wfll be held on or about July 81, lHflti. for the purpose of selecting the lot subscribe 1 for. V this tnec;.i7g a eommlttae o* three will be appointed by the subscribers The names of every subscriber will then bo rend aloud from written slips of paper which will theu be placed in a suitable box, from which, wujn all the nam are, pace 1 therein, will be drawn by tbe committee, oue name at onetime. This name who read aloud permits Its owner to select the best lot of tbe entire number uuchoaen. A deed will then be nial" out and the subscriber can lik** Immediate possession. The deed to remain iv the owner's hands until ISM tbe price of the lot-shall be pal I. To give evw-y subwrlhar a fair chance, one n use Is entitled to selaet n>t m >re thin one lv o:it iliitiij a dwelling bouse, nor Is one name entitled to select more than one-half the lots that name subserlh»* for either on New Main or San Pedro streets, except lv case of two lots only iv oue name. These dwellings are to be beautiful In design, ten in uuinher aud strictly first-class hi every reaped, complete au I for occupancy without any additional expense Their cost of construction is a comparatively large flgu'e. Plansand designs may be seen at our office, J. M. BATOHKLOK A CO., Heal Mate Auctioneers, iWNirtli Main street, where the subscriptions are now received. Maps to be had and evety information ou spplicatlou. Tbe Main street horse car line has already errauged to go to tbe c. truer of Main md Jefferson streets, within Aye minutes' walk of the traot, and will be extended to pass the tract ou demand of a sufficient numocr of new residents. A secoud horse car line Is promoted, to pas within * block of the entire t».nt side of the tract, which extends nearly one mile on Sin Pelro street Also tbe raatu line or Col. Howlaud's Electric Kail road will run either paat the entire tract on San Pedro street, or whhfu a parallel h!>ck,oti its way onto! the city. The Ssuta Monlo* Kailru l In- tin v t K ( a< SMtl-m wlrhlti Aye minutes' walk from tbe tract, so there will be no lack of couveyauoe to aud from the ceuter of the city. Tbe water on the ground is of tbe intit qn titty. It om be tested at tho lab trors' home oa Sin Pedro side 't( tl st ite. Wa er will be piped from the city malu as soon a* there Is a sufficient demsud. The property He* close by the fTniverslty of Southern Ca'lfitrnU, affording a first-class education for the young, within eiay w .lain? di-'-iuc -. \r- i n will coover paaseugers dally to and from the tract fare 6cents each way, leaving Maker Bock at stated Intervals. Team leaves Baker Block daily, Including Sunday*. 9:30 A. M., lIM v. St. and 3 c. a. Fare, Aye ceuts. Open .Saturday evenings from 7 to 980 o'clock J. M. BATCHELOR & CO.. Keal Estate Auctioneers, •>:.« X. Main St,, Baker Block. r «d2B p5 Whitsunday. Fort Btreet M. 8. Church was beauti fully decorated on Sunday, and tbe even ing seasion was specially given to the children, who had a very interesting time. The edifice was crowded. The exercises were as follows: Singing by the school; prayer by Rev. Dr. song—children's greeting; -'The value of wisdom"—responsive reading; address of welcome, Lottie Germain; anniversary song, Jennie Bruner; recitation, Emma Widney; Our Jubilee, Mel. Bresee: "Mission of the Cburch"—song, by the school; recitation, Forest Howry; recita tion, Charley French; primary cate chism, Berths aod Frank Phelps; song by the school; recitation, Mary Hayes; recitation, Thomas Gilbert; responsive reading; "Teachings of the Eagle," hy the school; collection address, recitation, Pierce Baldwin; marchiug by the chil dren and collection by the following: Misses Jennie Ball, Mira Lord, Bertha Oliver, Mary Offenbacher, Florence Crow, Blnnch Boring and Charles Hub bell and Luther Brown; song, Ernest Ol iver; recitation by Katie Widney, Wal ter Pomeroy, J. Harrington, Ella Bow mer, John Thomas and Jessie Jordan; recitation, Mattie Widney; song, Flor ence Langtey; recitation, Morris Crow; "Voices of tbe Clock," Jennie Brnner and Flossie Hollenbeck; recitation, Miss Anna E (wards. A whisker dye must be convenient Wa use, easy to apply, impossible to rub off, elegant in appearance aud cheap in price. Buckingham's Dye for tbe whiskers unites in itself all these merits. Try it. Passengers Sailed. The steamer Orizaba sailed north yesterday morning with passengers as follows: For San Francisco—A S Ferguson, Wm G. Fitzmier, A C Paine Miss E W Smith, Mrs Olta Bermau at d child, Miss Gnasie Dimmock, Mrs F D Cooro, EA Paige aud wife, O A Ljckbart, J S Mc- Crillta, F Bnnham, J G M tot*, three iv Harford—v"i»ua A (per*, J< seph j Fit.thing, Alfx. P..ul. Sauta Burb.-rs -M ss A tt i'akewell, Ifrs A s Pndiips, M ts* II B liuaewell, 1 Rev. Sobn Bakewell, X Thayer, II iberl A,tarns. The Original Abietine Ointment i* put up iv two uuuee tin boxes, and is an ..bdolute cure for old sore*, ulcers, barae, wounds, salt rbt-um, fever sores, I lunds aud all akin eruptions. Will poaiti.el> i ure all kinds of piles. Ask tor the Original Abietine Ointment, in two ■ muce boxes. Price 25 ceuts. For sale by Preuos k Hauce, Druggists, 77 and 79 K. Spring street. Passengers to Arrive. The steamer Oeo. W. Kldtr sailed from San Francisco for Los Angelea Sunday with the follow ng passengers: Mrs J VV Day, Mrs L >vv. Mi« Uty, Mrs A Aotasi R C Brown, Major If Bell, I R True, Mrs Seymour, C P TuOMlsJ i- tt, ■ X Coon, A E Pomeroy, P A Vast Tasseil. Mrs Van Taasell, Mis? England. II A ribunar, F B Snyder. A Cure of Pneumonia. Mr. D. H. Baroaby, of Oswego, N. j t., n-ty.i that hia daughter was aken i w<th a vi. lent cold which terminated in I pneumonia and all the best physicians: gave the case up and said she could live i but ■ r'.-w hours at most. She wns in i this condition when a friend recom ! gsajjrtid Dr. \Ym. Hall's Balsam fur the, Lungs, aud adv.aed ber to try it. She accepted it aa a last resort uud was sur* prised to find that it produced a marked change and by persevertug a permanent cure was effected. Flower festival and Woman's Home. Tbe annual meeting of the Flower 1 Festival Society wiil be held in the j First Congregationol Church on Wednes« day afternoon, June 23d, at 2 o'clock, j Every one interested in the work of the Woman's Home ia desired to be present. Full reports will be giveu of the past year's work, and tbe plans of the much needed home will be shown and ex plained by tbe architect ami building committee. By order of Society. Fire. Merchants, manufacturers, landlords and housekeepers are showing good! judgment in supplying their premises with the infallible Giblin Self-acting Fire Extinguishers. Anybody can use them and tbey are always in order. Francisco & Co., 34 N. Spring St., State agents. Call and see testimonials. Sunday in the Country. For a pleasant quiet dsy amid nat are's* picturesque surroundings and a delightful trip through beautiful Pasa dena) into the Sau|Gabriel Valley, take the f train leaving at 10:30 a. m. No Sunday crowds. Round trip 65 cents. M-30-e-S-in-J Call and See the List Of subscribers to the Co-operative Nur sery Tract; tbe names mount way up in the hundreds; 236 N. Main street. Grand Excursion To Santa Monica June IM. Loe An- i geles City Band will aceompaaj the ex cursionists. The wiil gieeaa open ooucert at the beach j-avili.tu. Every body come. There is room for all. New Cab ana Carriage Co. The cabs and carriages of the new company at No. 31 South Spring street have made their appearance, and the traveling public will find comfortable conveyances at all houra on application hi the office. Orders telephoned to No. 475 will receive prompt attention. $9.25 All Wool Indigo Blue Flan nel Suits. We received an immense stack in flsn nels, which we will sell at $9.25. This suit is sold elsewhere at $12.50. Come and save yoar money at L. Adam's oue price Clothing House, 15 ft, Spring St. Latest Novelties in Ice Cream. The Loe Angeles Ice Company, P. O. box 3*B, telephone 47, offei the following novelties in iue cream: Indi vidual moulds, Turk's bead, strawberry basket, croquettes, fruits and fliwers, birds and animals. Alao, make tbe fol lowing creams: Neapolitaine, vanilla, strawberry, Ismoo, custard, pineapple, harlequin, Pistaohio. Ices i orange, lemon, pineapple, raspberry. Miscel laneous: bombe glace, biscuit glace, cafe Praline, oafe Pafe, maccarou, frozen pudding, tatti fruiti, Charlotte rneee, brown bread cream, caramel ice cream, filbert ice cream, plum pudding. Coal, Coke, Charcoal and Wood. The undeiaigned srholeealea ami retails j all kinds of house, steam and blacksmith j coal, fonm tr v and gas coke and charcoal. Alao all "kinds of wood in tour-foot, two-foot and stove-wood length*. Tha above delivered to all parts of the city and county. Special rates for carload lots aud to dealers. Wholesale agent for Wellington coat, the beat fuel for all purposes in this market. Walt** 8. Maxwell, Ofttce, 10 Com* street; telephone 33. ( | Yard, corner Alameda and Jackaou street*; telephone 31ft. 1 Delighted Tourists Are those who now in large parties daily take the excursion by San Gabriel Valley Railroad to Paaadena and thence by car riage through tbe orange groves, gardens and vineyards to Snnny Slope, Santa Anita and other points of interest and beauty in tbe paradise of tho San Gabriel Valley. This route avoida the long and tiresome thirty mile drive from Los An- I geles. Round trip tickets, incudinp dm ncr at the famous Sierra Madre Villa, are only $2 75. Fine Whiskey. (ieo. Hunmonds, proprietor of tbe celebrated Nabob whiskey, haa ap pointed Hellman, Hass k Co. as whole sale agents for Lo* Angeles and vicinity, where the trade cau be supplied by di rect shipment*. By barrel, half barrel or in cases, at the same prioe as the goods cm be purchased from tbe propri etors direct. Eastern Prices Have Come to Stay at McDonells' Drug Store, 271 N. Main Street. Tbe enormous profits once realized by the drug trade are a thing of the past. We sell our goods at genuine Eastern ; price. For instance, we will sell you; B?st Gum Camphor 25c. a tb: regular price 60 cts. Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap 25 i cts. per cake; regular price £5 cts. Hoyt's German Cologne 15 cts; tegu lar price 25 ots. Warner's Kidney anil Liver Cure $1 per bottle; regular price $1.25— and all other gooda at genuine Eastern prices. Prescriptions oompounded at tbe new schedule of prices. Remember McDon ell, the druggist, Rose Block. lm Many Society Excursions i Out of the city are contemplated for tbe coming picnic season. The Sau Gabriel Valley railroad invites attention to the I delightful trip over its line to Lamanda Park. Free use of the groves at that 1 place, dancing platform, etc. Special > excursion trains at low ratea. Silvertail will be at DeTurks June Ist, 4th and every third day afterwards. Other days at Pasadena. Addreas, Will Beach, Grand Hotel, Pasadena. THK REV (JKO. H. THA YBR, of Bourbon Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our irree to BHILOI'- : , L'ONSI'MPTION oure/ J oid hy 0. r. Heluseinau. \£i N. Malu atreet I TBS GRAPE CURE. SAL-M!ISu|ELLE A NATURAL^ Sick Headache and Dyspepsia Cure IN AMMCM 'i t(« crystallized units, as extracted from frames and fruit, a most wonderful product rom Nature's Isbratory, Have li iv youi t homes aud tnvels—a specific for ilie fagged, weary or worn uut. It cures sick headache, 1 oynpepsia, stomach aud bowel complaints; 1 reiioves bilnuanetss, stimulates t ,c liver to a heathy action, couuteracts tbe c fleets of ! Impure water and tbe excessive use of a co , bolic beverages and prcveutsthwabsoriuion of malaria, snd supplies to tbe system Ibe want ef sound ripe fruit. Prepared by the London Sal-Mtsactsllk Co., londom. xnglano. Beware of imitations. The geuuine in "blue wrappers only." for circulars to G. EVANo- VITuH, General American manager, P. O. Box l»tia. New York City, i Mention this paper. For sale by the lollowfug Druggist: Preuss A Hance, Central Pharmacy, 77 and 79 North Spring street: C. V. Heinzemsn. : 122 N. Main St.: H. A. Godfrey. U Booth i Spring; Ellis & Co , 27 3. Sprlug; P. J. Uiese, IS N. Spring; C Laiix, jr. 300 N. Main St.; K. C. Gulrado, 231 N Main 3L, next to Dow ney Block, Los Angeles, Cal. mart) Cheap Lands For AcMSettlers. I will be at the ST. ELMO HOTEL until Friday. Juue etb. aud will be pleeeed to i meet i.artiea dealrlng to aecure CHEAP and I ■ bC-1 KABLE LANDS In KEnN AHD TULARE COUNTIES. These lands may be secured by actual i settlers for 92.60 per acre. Other lauds wl'b ■ title from IS to 910 an acre—all level, fertile and well supplied with water. Ou or about June 10th I wt'l be prepared to accompany parties desiring to see these lands. Refer ' to Oeo. Ilausen, Surve or, and Col. (J. H, • Smith, of I.on Augeles, both of whom have '■ seen these lauds. ' Any parties who desire luformation dur > Ing my absence will receive prompt ntten tlou on my return, if they leave word at tbe St. Klmo. te*2w W. H. NORWAY. Drs. C. tt Frank Stevens, X>x3JW'A'XMTtat ' "The bee set of teeth tn, on Cellulolc" or • Rubber. Painless extraction or Teeth by . Nitrous Oxide Gas or Vitalised Air. Pine . Gold Fillings a specialty. All operations at i Eastern prices and guaranteed. Kooun IH and l» Ncliumarhcr Black, op ' posits P. O. Opeu^duudajsfroml)tolx. i f!.; i ■ Vr>™»iiir* Decay, itV Lost wm.-'.tj.bsafl^ A. RBEODE, \u Cre« aid fioffet Parlor, 43 Mouth Crt stre.t, l» HOW OPEN. FIKJT-CLASB BAKER and CONFECTIONER. I he finest 11 HE AD, CAKES and PIES In th. oil*, made fre.h every day. CST-OI X ICK CREAK IS IN EXCBIXXD. Olvo ua a trial. aU7 lm & A. CLAHKE, M. D. Omoe and K.aideaca>—NO. 94 SOI'TH SPRING STREET, - t ngelee. otto. Hour, li tv U,. at.,3 toft r. «. urn : CATARRH! ! A NEW TREATMENT. CONSUMPTION AND BROCHITIS CURED BY INHALATION. Blood Di.easea of All Kinds, Diseases I of Women, an well as all Chronic Com -1 plaints, Trsstsd Hpei'ially aud Sncehas fully by : 1.1 DAVIS, 18, M.|C. P. 8. 0., Graduate of Hnmcepatbio Col lege, Chicago, and College of Physi cians and Surgeons of Ontario, Toronln, Canada.) DIPLOMAS HANG IN OFFICE. BRONCHITIS. lutlamation 0: mucus membrsne of bronchial tubes. This disease msy exist iv either toe scute or c ironic forms. Acute Bronchitis, like other inflsmstory affections of the chest, generally urine* ti the result of exposuro to cold, particularly if accompanied with damp, or of suddeu 1 ohange from s heated to a cool atmosphere. I The symptoms vary according to the severi , ty of the attack, and BMffl especially accord ing to the extent to which the iutfamaU ry 1 action spreads in tbe bronchial tubes. Tbe ( disease usually manifests Itself at flrst In the 1 form of a catarrh, or common cold, but tbe accompanying feverishuessandgeneralcou stltutional disturbance proclaim the attack to be something more severe, and symptom | denoting the onset of bronchitis soon pre sent themselves. A short, painful, dry cough, accompanied with rapid and wheez ing respiration, a feeling of rawness aud pain In the throat and behind tbe breast boue, and of oppression or tightness throughout the chest mark the early stages of the dls- In some cases, from the first, symptoms of the form of asthma known as hrouchltls.are supersdded, aud greatly aggravate tbe pa tient's suffering. Afterafew day* expectoration begins lo come with tbe cough, at first scanty aud vis eld or frothy, but soon becoming copious and of purulent character. Iv general after free expectoration bas heen established tbe more urgent and painful symptoms abate: and while tbe cough may persist for a length of time, ofteu extending for three or four weeks, in the majority of instances conval eseence advance.-, and the patleut is ulti mstely restored to health, although there is not unlrequently left a tendency to a recur rence of the disease ou exposure to Its ex - Chronic Bronchitis may arise aa tbe result of repealed attacks of tbe acute form, or it may exist altogether Independently. It oc curs more frequently among persons ad vanced in life than among the young, al though no age Is exempt from it. It also frequently occurs from the extension of catarrh of tbe throat to tbe bronchial tabes. The usual history of this form of bronchi tlsisthatof a cough recurring during the colder seasons ot the yea- and iv Its earlier stages, departing entirely in summer, so that it Is often called "winter cough." In mnuy i persons subject to It, however, attacks are apt to be excited at any time by very slight causes, such as changes In the weather; and in advanced cases of the disease tbe cough Is seldom altogether absent. Febrile din- Iturbance is less marked than iv the acute form of bronchitis. The cough is usually more troublesome in the morning than dur -1 Ing the day. There is usually free and Co pious expectoratiou, and occasionally this is so ab mdant as to constitute l.ronrhorren. The expectoratiou is ofteu foetid. Chrouic bronchitis Is liable in some in stance-, particularly when accompanied with loss of (lesh and strength, to be mis takeu for consumption. Treatment—The h.-nefit of medical inhal atlous combiued with constituiioual reme dies ls more marked lv this than In auy other disease of the air passages. The healing remedies are carried directly to the seat of the disease, facilitate expecto ration and ease tbe cougb. Tbe deep in spiration that is necessary when using tbe Inhaler forces the medicated ah past any mucous obstructlou, opens and hcala air cells that have become collapsed and lv a few days paLlcnts always cxperiemcj let* dtllienlry in breathing. If impossible to call at office, a treatise will be sent upon sppllcation. CONSULTATION FREE. Office hours—9 a. K. to 12:30 p. SI.; 3P. M. to 6:30 p M, W. N. DAVIS, M. D., i > Ms Sarin* Street, Over Peo ple's Morr, i,o-» Angelea, Cat. my 19 CITY HOMES I W IKS END ANGER'S CITY TRACT! ON WASHINGTON AND HOOVER STS., ALL INSIDE CITY LIMITS, Will he offered f.r sale on MONDAY. Juue its!, and after. F.r Bsal. hi mrCOYE A < I sun A > tf;l N. spring- Street. Of\ FINE, LARQf BUt UlkblNQ LOTS, ALL INSIDE THE CITY LIMITS, At a very short distance ouly from Wa»h -i lgton i. Meat and Flgueroa street. Tbe new nttttl n line of Hellman's fsst two borne ears in io psst directly In front of the tract. All tlie Lets m Level as a Floor' * Purchasers off l.otw will Have Ns Eipenve ol trading! The streets will be grsded aud shsde trees planted by tbe present owners ol tbe trsct at their owu expeuse. The fact that tbe tract has been worked by Chinamen aa s vegetable garden is suffl cieut proof of tbe excellency and rlcbuass of the soli. Pure, excellent drinking water Is struck lv wells on any lot at a amall depth. Prices Low and Terms Easy! Our prices are lower than either lottery or auction prices aud our system of private 1 sale greats you your owu choice of location. laitaa I Choose your lot before you purchase. Price, {225 to $400, hi.lih the City. Tonus-$3O Cash; $30 a Month; NO INTEREST TO PAY. sTssP~Fr»?e carriages-a, U TO, 2 and 4p. sr., from.m North -prlugsL mj-."j iru EUGENE'S RESTAURANT, -a%.t Santa Monica, IS HS-OPEMBD and oo.du.Ud by I'IEKKIC At'BKIKRK (Kreiu'h rVt.) and ou. ol the 1 beat oraia.. KMII.E OAt'KIKK. Open !.>r arctrairaodalhms at any rluie. ereu lv the r 1 n.,ti: ft IW DR. D. MoLENNAN, Who has become Famous Tor his Remarkable Cures Here and Elsewhere, ' HAS RETURNED FROM HIS I ASTERN VISIT AND IS NO Located at 111 South Main Street When be mar lw cnnsnltod '- ■■ "I beirge. Diseases t*at have resisted Ihe potency drugs and ha filed the beet-dti. I elfins ..f the ordinary practitioner, takeu and cured hy the use nf Maenetistn, Klrr i v. .0 I other stihtle agents The diseases Which yield . most readily In the curatlre a "'this method, as practiced by Dr. McLennan, are— „ Af'b'na. Bronchitis. Cons ■ .! on, Keafneu, Eruption, Gravel. Paral als, Loaa ol Volec. Wakefulness. Dlarrhn- llrnpsy, Fits. Piles. Scrofula, Swellings, Wens, Spinal Gompl.tint, Cold Feet and dan I r.i r .utracted Limbs, Di.>ased Kidneys Bry -.1f..-'.l*. ffervons Depression, St \ itns" Dance. Weak and Failing L.mbs, Mental Depres sion, Disease-..f tne Hr.iln, l> • p.,a, Dlnl.etes, Fistula. Impotency. Tape Worm. Cer buucles, Costlveness, Palniiai i, ~f the Heart. Liter Complaint, Seminal Weakneee, Fall ni of the Womb, cata-rh, Heart Plaease, Fever Mores. Lameness. Kbeumatlaaa. i Swollen Joint., Weak l.nn a, i. ;• t, .i !r e. roughs, Diseases of tbe Byes, White Swelling, Leucorrhea, Ague aud Fever, Mils l.'g.eto. ; lb-member the ;> !ir ss. 11l So;th Maim St. I<w SPkI&L AND SUMMER CLOTHING M&w Styles for Gents, Boys aod Cbildreo at Abernetliv dte Taft's, 73 N. SPRING STREET. .p.,,, LOOK JX/lIE TTI* I New 6 roomed ottage, har I n.ii.lied: hath, oloaeta, pantry, etc.; lot 50xlM; Beaudr* water; furnished c.-inr-leie. i> : • :-ion, '.j easb, balance to suir. Choice house hM lot oear Pearl, t, rooma; lot 40x155. OuU $2.VW. A choice lot in the Fairviow tract, 1350. Klegaut lota ou i emple street at low prices (or a few da> * A block of 4 elegant lots nt Boyb> Heights, oue miuute from horse cars. House aud lot m Boyle Heights new and cheap, 9T200. Choice lot on Flower street, aiOOO. .OU acres; 7 in oranges, 1 in apricots, acres vacant; no buildings; oranges soM lIJOO this year, apricots sold f r tx*). water right;* big buy. Price for a few days ouly HM Tho most cotnp'.ete lis; in Un: city of Pasadena property. Csjp-Kor these an 1 other like bargains call on JJEHT. XI. Heal Relate, I.aan, Insnraaee and tin tienrrr, In the 4Hd Adobe. ap2fl 31 Ne>rth Spring street ! Immense Bargains jTO CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. OUK ENTIRE ' STOVES, RANGES. TMM, ETC., AT LESS TH AN CQBT PRICES I This is a Rail Clotin? Out Sale as wa are Ooiag Out of Business, SEE OUR PRIOES AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. O. VV. CHILDS, JR., ™y' 2 lm No. 209 and 211 Lea Angeles Street. s) for sale or rent Jafcr B (aaaaaaaaaawnaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaW AT *" C ' FOY ' S PIONEER ESTABLISHMENT, 217 aud 'Hi) bos Aiizeles Street, ";l. , ;"?e^;!^^"je ,^, AG-iBSrOY roxt IRON TURBINE WIND MILLS AND BUCK£Y£|PUMPS,iTHE BEST IN THE WORLD. And John Christian Steel Laid Thresher Teeth For all kinds of Threshing Machines, at H. GlESfci'S, 44,46,48, Los Angeles Street LOS ANGELES, CAL., DEALF.R.IN l*itrm Implomcntat, Wemomi, Bto. I rayat L. J. IXX'BHAKr, President. B J. CL'R.I"N, general Haaacer 0, K. FOUI', Secy and Treas. W. A. MAXWELL, Sup't. I OFFICE-ISo. l!( N. Spring si. YARDS—No. 306 Tper Main: No. CS» S. Ma.a St. B. J. Donahue. Il« 8. Sprlug .St., Simmons A Soa, 749 «. Malu St.. Clark Broe.. jM First UL, CUr Bros., Downey aveuue. Seat Lot Aa galea my» «n» i A leW t'natce Lots to Sell Ist the Wlesudauger Trait. PHI 4 IC »!«&. sTIO A lIIOMTH. Orange drove Addition TO TUB HIOKMUM.M! TKAI'T! SIX SPLENDID LOTS FOR SALE, 1 Forming a charming Orange tlmro, with large P. pper treu ell eloug the front, cavli ■ one making a flue semi tropic home. PRICES EXTREMELY LOW, VIZ : • aso to *3a 6. v., COKNEB OF JETFBKSON AND VER MONT AVBNLK. | Bach lot laces dlreetlv ou the uew Hell man Fast 1 w.i-ll.irso Car Kiteuelon Liu.. TißJeS—one third oasU ana U) a mouth until paid lor. No Interest to pay ; For sale hy h. ioi i .v luiinn. • 3 North N|irti>« mtk Free Carriage—a. 11, -2 and 4r. at. Jeltf ~ TURF CLUB, ~ MSa. ; DOUGHERTY & CLEMENCE, >; SANTA MONICA. • Grand Opening March 31st. I ataristi 5 TO THE FARMERS! Cucumbers of all sites sre bought end tbe highest oriee paid for them by toe LOt ANGELES VINEGAR WORKS, 341 Upper Mattel street. Opposite Porter Mr is. A Co. taSOLiu EXCURSIONS EAST June Bth and 22d. July 20th, I VIA SALT LAKE, Ul. Hum. of the baliiu. BIKEB & DAMIIuaN, :mm n main sr.. Lo. Angeiee. ItENUVAL \OTI« K. Oa .vi I .(ter J nun Ut. IS*'., th. office nl C. C. COOK AND OAVID CAM, Ksal Estate and Loon Agents, 1 will b. located at Sfo. IB Couvi atreot, onnnelteCourt House, with Cderle. H. afo- Nelly, lu.uraujc Age... aud I'uff.r « Bally, Searcher, ol Racorda. asyg taa POSt SALE. .MIW BBIMO yiNIMBBB. AW BLBBAITT I'Wo STOKY CotTAtiE ou i.rliuu lars. lot to a su-100l alley. 1 rooma. a»cb S i A" PP r,,o•^«t 1 K b i^^^ i H i ,s~ , • l ' lot (MU D.itruer sreaue