Newspaper Page Text
2 I>A||A IIKRAI l> •tiurlv Ooplo of th« H«r«l<l. 6 Pent* Herald Ht«>aii I'ltntimr Honw>. Th. H»».ui m. .m Critrtln, Hook I. nol ■nrpuw'l bj .o, H> prinlln, o«c. nn lh« fulfoCoHl, onWlrto rl 8»n Fr»ncl»oo, In fUTllltl.. lor aolm Job work. Low prlcm, (oad work .nd .leoulinn m., b. r.llwl upon «t till. OlßCfl SpiTinl Nutlet-. notice, ol aomn.ule>, «»letle.. ■harahM. eto.. will onl, be lnnerted in the ■■B.LD v p»l<! .dvertlnemenu. Wereeen. lor ol worahlp . ,r»lnllon« dlreotor, which will .ppe.r ever, Sund^mnmlnf. The H.IUJ.O nfflce 1. connected with tne telephone .r'tem ol l-o. An«ele. city »nd ooant,. Order, lor «d»ertl.ement« or Job work m«T he .ent thromh thi. medium to number IM. The HEm.U>l«theoH!cl«l p.per ol the nil, M Urn ytngelM. The clt, delinquent t« H><« Mid ell other munlelpM notice. »ppe«r only la iv column. Mr. B. H. Row. I. the An. went ol the U.ral.i. < A Salutary Departure. Henator lngalla, of Kenaaa, haa in troduced a constitutional amendment into the Senate changing the inau guration Of the Preoident from the 4th of March till the 30th of April, and prolonging the "short wtwion from the fourth of March till that date, adding nearly two monthato^U duration. Thia hill waft originally framed hy Hon. Robert 0. Wlnthrop, und thfl [dot ißtOnMtlW the change on the centennial of Washington*! inauguration aa the tirat President of the United Htatea, which event took place on the IHHh of April, 17*1. Senator Ingalls, in a communication to the Sorth American Review, entt meraten a number of very convincing argumentH in support of the change. First ia the matter of convenience and hygiene. He dwells upon tin fact that the climate at Washington ie exceedingly trying al-oul the 4th ! of March. Kor a wonder on the last I inaugural day—which was probably an incident of Cleveland's good tuck in the weather was perfect. Ordinal ily, however, it fs execrahle at that | date, [tie a tradition that the ex poeure to the bleak weather of the 4th of March was really the cause of the death of President Harrison. Two mouths later, while beautiful weather is not even then to be ac cepted as certain, nevertheless the rigon of winter have disappeared Thare is thus great force in this view from the standpoint of convenience. The other argument of the facilita tion of tbe public business seems to be Irresistible. In the short session the public interests are necessarily often sacrificed. Taking into account the cumbrous methods of legislation which have grown, like v Barnacle encrustment, in our Congressional experience it is impossible to trans-j act any but the most tontine business in the time available. Absolutely no argument worthy of the name can be made against oltuei of these proposi tions. To effect tin change all that is needed is tbat both houses of Con gross should submit this amendment to this people ny a two thirds vote; and tbat three-fourths of the States should ratify it. As there is nothing parti/an in the innovation its attain ment ought to be quit** feasible. There are two years in which to con sider the matter. As the law stands now the President is always obliged to call an extra session of the Senate to consider bin nominations and other executive business of pressing mo- Tl.a oj tin? House can very well gnorol to sunui.. ...«* inconvenience made inevitable in the case of the Senators und Ihe public business would gain amazingly from the change. A THKMHNIMHfM good 04)00 COBM Out of Naiareth, and even the Civil B«l vice) Commission, in the person of Mi . Dorm an B. Baton, its lately resigned chief, seems to have acquitted him self of something deserving of approv al. In a late magazine article he dis cusses the controversy as to removals between the Praetoentand the Senate , and be shows with convincing argu ment and illustration, that, under the leadership ni Senator Edmunds, tbat august* body has attempted to degrade ' and belittle the Presidential office. He proves conclusively, what every lawyer and well read man knows, that the attempt of the Senate tv - pel the Executive to give bis reasons for the removal of officials from office is a dangerous und micuiistitutiuna! innovation. The Tenure of Office bill, designed to shackle President Johnson, was really the most infam ous infraction of the Constitution of the United States ever known in out history, A number of indiscreet Re publicans have set up Mr. Edmunds as a sOrt of political fetish. Oftener wrong than nine Republicans out of ten, and absolutely gangrened with j political bigotry, Mr. Kdmunds [9 a aafe guide lor uu party. Mr. Cleve- 1 land's special message to the Senate, in which he repelled and rebuked this invasion his constitutional prerog atives, was ouo of the most effective documents ever sent to Congress by] an American Kxecutive. Thkkk has been a good deal of blood ou the face of the political moon in Sun Kraucisoo, of lata, Thai Democratic war-horae, Col. Stuart M. Taylor, having belabored Mr. Christopher Buckley with great vigor, that Chieftain has responded with considerable self - containment und placidity. In the columns of (be pngf he talks with the serene air uf a man who thinks he controls the interior lines. There is a tone of judicial" re serve about the utterances of the Bush street "Boss" that would impross a new arrival from Australia or Adelialand with tbe idea that ho knows no guile. Surface indications, however, are not always reliable. They are like beauty at times, and are only skin deep. A little fermen tation in the poUtical pool in the metropolitan city of California can not fail to have salutary results. Tmkek in getting to he a pretty well detiued idea amongst Amen, arm tbat tbis country ought tv haw a navy. Whether we build it ourselves or buy it the conviction ia becoming general that we ought ut least tv stand as well a- Chili or Turkey in our equipment for offensive and de fensive warfare. There is an old adage which speaks oi the luck, uf drunken men and fools, und the United States (teems to he trusting to some happy go-lucky dispensatiun uf that kind. Five minutes at a New Year'- reception at the Tuileries pre cipitated the Franco-Italian-Auatro -war, and Sedan wan led up tv with fdmoat equal suddenness. If the United States were tv he treated tv a pimilar experience the awakening would he quite unpleasant. J Eiiixnui nufttarn a very interest ing letter from our Rexramento cor reaponiient, whe ha» laMy taken n trip to Mokelumne Mill—a claaair ground to the oM Californian. "Tu olumne thievea" and "Calaverua atiOuiultelß" are the einuiiieitt terinri hy which theee old pioneer* delight lo identify each other. What memo ries of Argonaut dayß darted around Mokelnmne Hill, Copweiopolie, San Andreae, and the other centera of placer richen. Theni in a flavor of antiquity ahout all theae uMaoan tiona, although Ihe ('alifornia of the modern world only dates hack to IM'.i. The liiijii tide? uf good humor fol lowing upon the nuptials of the Presi dent having rwebod itm Hood im now fftit)Hidmg. There ia a good dead of ■olid satisfaction, however, in know ing that the White Houae hits at lanl un accredited mistress of tliusdandunl type. Californium* are interested in knowing thut the President and his bride contemplate a mid-summer visit to California. lt is heartily to he hoped thut thin plan will he carried out and that Lob Angelea will he In* eluded in the places visited. A TRIP TO THE MINES. An Old-l lmer Itt-vtslts Ihe Old *lin. — Hn.wurd'* Last Strike. All Old *■ p lon. In * Vomy *l in - Ing Town Hlrh Deep Mine* A Heninrfsnble Theory ill ok r laflHM Hill nnd Win I I,ell There. | BmrOa Hkkai.ii -] have just returned from a very hiteresliuii; trip tt) "the mines,'' aa we uaed lo call all that Ml |of the mount nit. that made Cali fornia fainotia thirty-six years axo. Witb a pleasant party and team we reached Sutter Creek the first day out. Ou our way wo took in I'lymonth, where liayward, after crippling tbeim menee fortune he had made in the Ku reka initio at Sutter creek, ia now work ing oue of tbe richest and moat reliable i minea iv the State. The output of the consolidate! Empire and L'aodio ranges tiomsSo,oot) to 5120,000 per month. Thu Now London, a mtue that baa hut recently been opened, ta now iv rich urn, with the prosper t of beginning a stan dard property of great value. Leaving Plymouth we passed through Dry-town, oue of the original '49 mountain camps. The lait time I had visited ihytnwn was in LBO4 It was then a nmrshing place, the diggings in tbe vicinity being very rich. Now tbe town presents the char acteriatic appearauau of noarly all thu old placer mining oampa. Three or four storea do all the business of the place, aud outalde of these the buildings are going to decay. At Ainidor there is more lifts, aud tho proapoioua appear ance of the place ta due to the fact that on*grail ijimnz mini baa been constant ly and profitably worked (here ever ainoe 1852 1 mean the Keys one. A. H. Hose worked thia mine auecessfully down to about 1868, nt which time the lead whb lost, and ho notd it to a compa ny of which (.apt. Jim McDonald nnd Andy McCreery are tbe principal own urs. Tbey soou recovered the lost load, and since that time the output has been something less thau half a million a year Mr. Hewitt, a stalwart Virginian, has superintended thia mine for the paat eighteen years, uud by hia intelligent system of pn-apt oting ahead, hll kept the mill constantly going on good ply ing ore. SUTTER CREEK. Three miles a mth of Amador it Sutter Creuk, of the moat delightfully situ ated towns in tlie mountains. It is pic turesquely placed in a small valley sur rounded by hills, The creek which gave tbe name to the town runs ainuoualy through thi valley, and it ia bordered by neat ami handaoinu reaidencca in the midst of apacious green lawns, shaded by spreading treea, under whose foliage the torrid beat of the open ia turned iuto a cool and refreshing atmosphere. Sinn l the great Kureka mine was burned out aome fifteen years ago, tbe business of the camp has been comparatively stag . nant; yet some of the smaller mines in thi- i'iiu 'illl-* ha. c r,in fttaut the proapecting going on and the trade ot the farmers ot the surrounding coun ■ try, have contributed to i/ive the busi ness portion ot the towu an air of pros perity which ia not to be fo*mt iv any of the old earn pi tbat were built up alone ou placer mining. Consid erable employ merit ia also given here by the chloridiz ition works of Mossra. R.C. YuorlW* ft, Barney, Mr. B. having been, with myself, one of the viotlmi of thi White Fine diasster in 1809. Theae works are very extensive, their capacity : being equal to the reduction of eight tona of Htilpburota per day. They re ceive aulphurets from all thu mills in the vicinity, as well aa from mines aa far away as Xl Dorado. When I aay that tbey guarantee ninety per cent of thu naaay value of the sulphurels, you will admit that the gentlemen who ruu these worka understand tlieir buainesa. The quartz range that has made this place fitmona lies eaat Of the town, and lias been traced by profitable sinking from tho »ile mine, south of Jackson, to the (Irais Valluy miuea in Nevada county. The ledge is lost at long inter vals, but wherever it bos been found, its geological characteristics have con. tinned tbe theory that there is a vaat and continuous mineral belt, sometimes cropping out on the surface and aorne tuins diving thouaanda of feet into the bowels of the earth, and reaching per haps from the San (.abriel cation range, iv tho south, to tbe Trinity mountains, in tbe north. The contemplation of this well ascertained fact opens np an inter minable luld of speculation, and justifies the assertion that wo have bat just op ened tbe door to the vast treasures which wu posaeaa in tin- bidden reseasei of our mountains. I'he time will come when the inventive genius of the coun try will evolve a means of cheap pros pecting that will enable capital and labor to reach those great With unerring certainty. The diamond drill may do something towarda it; but 1 believe that tbe germ of the idea of a machine that is to explore tbe depth* aud bring to the surface the evidences of underground wealth, ta to be found in tlie artesian well bay IT. When, by the aid ot Invention, deep proapecting is made cheap, tfctn rioh discoveries will bu numerous all along thu lower Siern an belt, and tbe production of our mi net will far surpasa anything dreamed of in the past. There have been over thirty million of dollars taken out of this belt iv a distanoe ot lesa than three milea—-th*' ta, from Sutter Creek to Amador. How mauy mdlions would be the output yesrly of the entire range, from lavh Angeles to Trinity, when a cheap means of pros pecting would have caused the opening ai paying iiiiues at short intervals durmg |W entire ! Now capital shrinks from pros|>uctiiig. lt will only buy when it is sure there is a miue; and aa the poor miner has no means to do deep prospecting, the chances for the discovery of new mines are rather lim ited. From Sutter Creek to Plymouth there are no le-« than one hundred claims patented along the bell; and yet not one-tenth of these claims Imvu even beeu partially expl. red. The time, however, will come when these claims will have a value tbat will cause them to be anxiously aought by capital. In tbe meantime their poor owners can only hope and pray and wait. There is an old gentleman at Suttir j Creek who has lived there since the Argonaut year, and who for the last twenty tive years has devoted hunaelf to the atudy of the mineralogies.! pecnliari tils of the locality, aud especially to the perturbations and irregularities of tbe oourae ol the paying qaartl ledge. While there we made the acquaintance of thia gentleman, whose name is M lntire. The result of his observations ia curious He found tbat the ledge in any one mine was limited to a horiz -ntal distanoe of about 300 feet, followed by a barren gap to the aame extent; and thia gap exists very regularly tietween the paying mines on Ibe sime line. Hut tie observed that paying mines bad heen opened farther to tbe weat in theae bar ren intervals, aud with thia discovery as a cue, he bas determined the fact that tbe paying ledge is really a broken zig xog, breaking regularly evsry 300 feet or so, and resum ing its ooursc from a poiut directly op posite to tbe break at a diatauce ot sot T.Ofl ANGETjES DAILY HERALD. THURSDAY mukNIKG. JUNK 17. 18S0. ersl hundred feet. (lie th- m is con firmed all along the tin* by the regularity with wh eh the slate and green granite cro ping*—the invariable casing* of tbe veins—appear opposite each break. In ordt-r to prove thia theory, hia aou haa erected hoist log works and hss sunk a abaft at a point oppoaite to where the paying ledge will terminate lv the Houth Spring Hill Mine. The abaft ie down two hundred feet, going tbrungh slate and gauge such as are conaldered to l>e sure forerunners of mineral. Should Mr. Mclntire's theory be proven correot, it will revolutionize mining not only in tbe vicinity of Sutler Creek, but for boa drcda of miles along this gold-producing belt; for the seme eccentricities that have characterized tbu ledges h- re have beeu met with in all other sections. The value of the discovery of a principle or la v of thia character will be at once ap preciated, wheu it is known that ao far, un accouut of these perplexing breaks in tbe ebimueya, an tmmtnsity of money has been spent in trying to recover the bdge in a birron lipsc, when by seeking the vein at a poiut opposite to tbe break, it would readily he recovered, and the pay 'edge be thus cheaply aud expedi tiously duplicated. Although thu theory is not yet proven, mauy of the moat In telligent miners of the vicinity are thor ottghly impreased with its soundness. Mr. Molmireis a tyue of the old '49 minefs who hsve stuck to the camps the) first struck in the golden days of the pionoera. From Sutter Creek I went to MOKKLUMNkC HILL. Which was at one time tbe richest and moot populous camp in California. I bad not visited the place tor over thirty years, and the coutrast between its pres ent repose and dearth of people and ita .dd-time eucrgy and crowded atreeta, brought up a feeling of sadness. Thu Hnt time I visited the Hill was in May, 1860. Ureat diecoveries Were being there thun, mid miners were dock ing to it from all parts of the State, lt grew vury rapidly and bad a population ol al least 10,000 in less than a year from that lime, lv 185'J, when at the zenith of its glory, there could uot be lesa than thirty thousand people in aud around the camp. Now you could fire grape shut through ita atreeta at auy lime of the day with very little chance of hurting anybody. And this aeetns to be the luatory of mining camps and cit ies everywhere. Thoae that arose ou tdacei wealth go tlrst; those built up from duep mining last longer; but it is only a question of tuuu with either, as the faie of Virgin a City and many other once flourishing tonal shows, But the failing fortunes of Uokolurnni Hill still find many of thu old-timers clinging around thu scene of th<dr pa-u glory. Tbey have doubtless given up their old dreama of wealth, »ud long iluOl aettled down to the stern reulity of an existence without hope, without ain bitlou. In the struggle with fortune they have given up the fight and re •dgnnd themselves tn au annleas eg* iatenoe. Tlieir only ambition ia to live on from day to day— without plan for tbu future, perhaps without deaiie beyond their mere dailj necessaries. Vet litre and there are to be found pioneers of a far difturent libra. I met several at the Hill who were II buoyant aud hopeful a. ever. They bad bright prospects; tbey o .ly required a little capital to opeu mines that weie fabulously rioh. Theae men are never without certificates of assay showing hundreds of dollars to the ton. They tire always waiting for the capitalist to come along; but aomehow bo never comes. Vet they do not despair. He will come some day; or in the meantime it may happen that accident will open to them one uf thoae great bnt rare mines that pay richly from the top and which will develop themselves without tbe aid of capital. The fate of this kind of old-timer ia much leas to be deplored than that of the other; yet one who has known tbem both; who knew thetu when young, ardent, ambitious und full of energy; and who seea tbem now, either blunted and atnnued by adversi ty, or buoyed up by a pleasing hallucin ation, cannot but feel sa<l in the rualiza tion that both are wasted Uvea. Ma* Lukoo, DAY DISPATCHES. Kacinx. Wis., June 16.— An attempt waa made laat night to aasaaainnte M. M Secor, proprietor of an extenaive trunk establishment of thia city, by placing a dynamite bomb in the driveway uf bil yard. There muat have been some hitch to the programme,a* Secor drove through aud gone into his houae before the ex plosion occurred. John Jambur, a Bo hemian, of Milwaukee, was aeverely in jured by the exploaiou. A warrant bas been isaucd for hia arrest. The greatest excitement prevailed. Tbe exploaiou was terrific, and was beard by residents alt over the ci y. Jamber was a t verely hurt, Imtli lega aud bis body being fright fully cut lit; claims he was ou hia way to the depu. and when oppoaite the reai dence of Secor the explosion occurred. Portiona of tbe bomb are now in the binds of the police, from which it appears that the bomb wan at leuat eight mcheß in diameter. Secor nerved oim term as Mayor. No reasons for the attempt upon hia life are known. 4 souvenir. San Kkancisco, dune lb".—Tho gen eral committed of the management of theCrand Army of (he Kepnblio has forwarded to President Cleveland au in vitation to be present at the national encampment in August next. The. invi tation couaiata of a sheet of gold bearing the coat of anna of the organization, the lettering being rim lv engraved. Vermont Hepubllcans. Monti'Ki.ikk, Vt., June 16 —At the Republican State Convention to day i.J'i delegates were present, with twenty-tive towns not represented. Au anliofeo< mirgirine resolution was atibmitlod and referred, io- Were also reaolutious eudora ingGtadHtone s sfrorll for Home Kuk. Lieutenant lloveruor Ormsbie was numi nated for Governor on the first ballot. Unruritn Yield. Has Francisco, June 16.— Hepnrts reoeived from all i npoi taut localtiea throughout the State show tbat the re cent north wind caused small diimags and give asaurauco*. of largely increased yield over former veara, while the qnality of the crop in weight and brightuesa will average about the atandard. rnlletl to ftnve Tlieir Hnron. Nku Havkn, Juue 16. -The lar fe e provision and poi k- pweking house ol Sherry & Baruea, at long Hharf, took fire tbia morning and ia atill burnlug. Loss, about $40t),000; insurance, 4300, --000 m Cure For Piles. PI loe are often preceded by a sense of weight In the back, lolaa and lower part of the ;ttxlomeu canning the natlem to suppose he lias some affeciTno of the kt»inpv a or iieirhrmrfng ortjanß. At times, aymptoma of lndlirestlon are present, aatOleuc), on easiness of the stomach, etc. A motsturt like a very able itching, after getting warm la a wr\ common atteudsnt. Mllnd, bleeding and ltciitiiK piles yield at once to the application r>f Dr. Bosauko'H Pile Hemedy, which aotl tlreetly upon the purls s nee ted, absorbing die. tumors, allaying the (nteuae Itching, aod effect lug « permanent cure. Price w) cents. Addret*. the Dr, Hosanko Medicine 00., Mqoa, Ohio. Sold by 0. F- Helnse man, agent, bos Anselea. Our Eastern Visitors. Kvery atranger, aeemingly, intondn vis it! ug the Ueyaem, as hundreds are daily going and coming. "The Oeysera" are unequalled for grandeur of scenery, and are of easy access—only sixteen miles staging over tbu most picturesque moun tain road in California—half a day'» travel from Han Francisco. They are rieaenl-ed by our Natioual Ceologiat as "fearful, wonderful. ' The Ceysera trip is the moat popular in California, No lounat, aight-xeera, health or pleasure aeeker, ahould fail to visit them. Dr. Duflot's 3 Creat Kgyptlau remed es cau be bad of Preusa & Hauce, druggists, 77 and 70 North Spriug street, opposite the Court Houae. P. B. lohn Wieland s cdebrsted Philadelphia lAger Beer now on draught at tbe leading talouna. Hlelnlke A hrunlng, sole agents aud bottlert.. IM P.. First St Medicated Inhalations. No oue can say aught against ths use of medicated lnhal-abmi. f.»r lung dtaeases, on iheeoutriiry we are in tsvor of them, ao says Dr. Williams, who has tntd the houor of Mating over A 7.000 patients during the past Is years Iron-Sulphur Water Oeltvered at your house by Jevne, or Burob ft Boal Stop Your Cough 8v taking the Guaa Tree (eiioalyptusj Cough trrup. Only for aale by 0, I. tleluaemau diUftKtst, Los Augeles. FINANCE AND TRADE. Tbe Net* York. Htetck market. N«w York, Jnne 16 — I o.ernmenl honrla, dull bnt .trocg, three per cent, 1 - higher anrl Ihe four. \ higher I'he Northern Pacific forfeiture I.a I no effect apon .tocka, it. isfluenoe bay. inK been ilucounted. Tha opening wa. comparntivel> steady. There wa. aome he.ltaocy In the Hnt few minute* and many .tncks declined light fraction.. The*, were almost without exception the loweat of tha day. Ibe market loon gathered strength and activity and prices roae atmoat without a break until Jr. v. Then there waa a alight reac tion, but Ihe cloae waa hriu at or near the beat figure, of tbe day. Government Hond. end Hallway ajbaree. Niw York, Jnne ]».— Three per cent (Jorernment bond., 102; fuur percent., I ill, four aud a half per cenu, lll|i Central racißc, 4I ( ; Denver t Rio llrande, Is<; Kaus.i. 4 Trxaa, 29; Northern Pacific, 27J; preferred, 00, i UUic.go ft Norlhweitorn, 114|; New York Central, 104j; Oregon Naviga tion.lOoj); Transo lutinciital, :i3ji Oregon Improvement, 18; Pacitic Mail Staam .hip, 54; Panama Railway, 98; Toxa. ft Pacihe, IU; Union Pacific, 84»; United Miatea Kxpre.s. 1)5; Wella, Fargo ft Co.'. Kxpres., 128; Weatarti Union Telegraph, 82| r>ew Vark market. New Yokk, June 18—Money on oall easy, at IK*2 V r c »nt; prime pa|*r, i/u.~, per ceut; .t. i ling exchange bills dull. Actual rate., S4 87 for 60 day., <l M] demand. minliiß sit.. H*. Ban Krancisco, June 18 —Be.t ft Helclier, 75c; Chollar, 40c; Crocker, 35c; U.iuld ft Curry, 80o; Hale ft Norcros., 12 15; Navajo, 75c; O. bir, 46c; Savage,; Hierra Nevada, Ho. lin tin i. I. San Francisco, June 16 — Wheat- Quiet. Uood No. 1 shipping, SI.SUW »1.21, per ceutnl. Uarley—Quiet. Feed, choioe color and good weight, 85c per cental; brew, tag unchanged; »6c@1.00 for new and 81.35 for old. Corn—No choice California to be had, Califorai, while, $I.lo@*l.l2Jper cental; large yellow. |1.05t5f1.10. OmcAOO. June 10.—Wheat tirm and higher; asb, 71?" per bu.hel; July, 72j f(i.73c; August, 74J. Corn—Opened weak and lower. Ca«h, 34, c per bushel; July, 354, c; August, 38} i tl steady and unchanged. Cash, 34Jc; July, MJOSoge; August, 36j@36i. Barley—DuUj 53c per buahel. UvaRPOOL, Jnne 16—W r heal—Holder. oHer freely. New No. 2 winter, 6. 9d per cental, .lull; Bpring, 6a 9J, dull. Corn —Supply good Spot, steady, 4. ti I percental; July and August, 4s 2d, dull. I'ork.l Chicago, Juu. 16.—Pork opened weak and lower. Cn«h nud July, t8.72J tierbbl.; August, $8 824. Closed weak and lower; July, *8 66. B'elrolemn. i>KW York, Juna 16 —Petroleum- Steady. Uulled Pipe Live clo.eil nt 67c per bbl. How to Avoid Doctors' Bills. "My wife suffered more than a year from dy*p<psia; abe consulted the very best phyaicians in ihe oity and at last tried that valuable medicine Simmons Liver Regulator. Doctors were of no avail hnt the Regulator effected a perfect cure Please forward per express a half dozen bottles of the Regulator.— Detiel, St. Paul, Minn." OIVE YOIIK CIIILDIIEN, for coughs and colds, croup, whooping cough and hoarse ness, Gllmorc's Magnetic Kllsir. For sale by EL D. Godfrey, Nadeau Hlock. For lame hack, side or chest, use flbllob's noroua Plaster Price » Dents. A positive cure for dyspepsia—Dsmlana Bitters. Michel Levy ACo . wholesale liq uor dealers, agents. ANSON HOUGH, of Blackberiy, lUs.,aayN he owes hia life to UUmnre'a Magnetic Ellx lr. For aale by H. f>. Uodfrey, Nadeau Block. The old reliable store of 0. F. Helnaemau is still headquarterßfordruga aud medicines. He baa a full line of patent medicines, Bell ing them In qnsntltfes to suit at Eastern AtiK YOU MADE miserable by Indtgea 6011, Constlp iti on. IMasiiiasa, Loss of Appe te. Yellow Skin? Shtloh's Vltallser Is a positive cure. Sold by C. F. Heinzeman, 122 ft Mainstnet H D. Godfrey, Nadeau Ulock. ** BlllLOll'S COUGH and (Consumption Cure (> « >ld by us on a guarantee. It cures con sumption. Sold by C. F. Heinzeman, 123 gmtb Main street. JAMES SI'LI.IVAN, of Salem, Oregou, says he wns cured of the Asthma by Gfl more's Magnetic Elixir For sale by H. D. .loilfroy. Nsdean Bloc^ GROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and bron ghftia immediately relieved by Shlloh's Cure. Sold by F. C. Heluseman, 122 North Haln "tree Ladies who fire troubled with cramps nnd nervousness should drluk Damlaua Hitters. It Is pleaaaut to take WILL YOU 3UFFF.R with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Hhiloh's Vitalises 1« gHstr \nteed to cure you. Hold by 0. F, Helnse man. V 22 North !u°ln treet CATARRH OURID, health and Rwee orcath secured by dliiloh'M Catarrh Remedy Price M cent". Nasal Injector free. Sold by F Helnseinnn. 1 « North Main street Alt roapOOtabll daaleri keep Damlaua Bit tors. Michel Levy A Co., wholesale liquor •lealers, sgeiits inhalations are positive In their action I'llck and astlng In their effect in the cure i' id lung diseases. So saya Dr. Williams. You will never have a sour stomach if you drink D.imlnim Bitters. THE BEST Huir restorative in the world Is Hall's Hair Kknkwek. It cures nil diseases of Ihe scalp, and stimulates ihe bail* glands to healihful action. It stops the falling of ihe hair; prevents its turning gray ; cures baldness, and restores youthful color and freshness nf appearance to heads already white with aire. Tlie following are a few illustrations of what ia done by HALL'S Yegetatilß Sicilian HAIR RENEWER: Mrs. Hi'Nbberry, 344 franklin Ate., Brooklyn, A. I., after a aevc-ru attack nf Ery alpcias In the head, found Iter hair—already gray—falling oil'no rapidly ibnt eheaoon became quite bald, One bottle of Hall's Hair Re. newer brought It back aa eoft, brown and thick aa when she waa a girl. »• Mr. Keslinq, an old farmer, near War aaic, Ind., had •eareely any huir left, and what little there was of it had become nearly white. One bottle of Hai l's Hair Kenewir stopped Ita falling out, and gave him a thick, luxuriant head of hair, n» brown and fresh aa he ever bad. «#- Mrs. A. T. Wall. Greenfield, Chenhire. Kng., writes : "I have found the greatest ben efit from the naa of Hai La Hair Rene wm, it having restored my hair, which wan rnpily fall, in* off, and returned Itaoriglnal color." «~ Dr. Ban. Seip, Detroit, Mtoh., certiflee that "Hall's Hair Renkwkh Is excellent for hair growing, and given back the natural cultNT tv Haded aud gray hair." *#■ Mrs. H. K. Elliott, Glenvllte, W. Va., *»>» "One bottle of Hall's Haih ReNXWER restored my hair to Ita natural, youthful color." No Injurious auhstanees enter RjN the ComuofirUonof Hall** Haik Uknkwkh, ■nd ii la doI a dye. Its vegetable Ingre dients render it iv the highest degree bene flelal tn tbe sculp «s a preventive of dls> M*e, Its effect* are natural and lasting, iud it does not make the hair dry and brushy, like the so-called restoratives com- I MM with alcohol. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS It. In four respects, superior to all others. l-t —it will produce n riVh, natural color, brown or black, aadealred. I'd -The color so produced i* permanent, cannot he washed oil', and will not ftoil any thing with which it conies In contact. 3d—lt la a preparation, and more convenient of application ihan any other hair or whisker dye. 4th—lt contains DO deleterious Ingre dients, m do many preparations offered for like uae. mini by X P. HALL. A CO., Nashua, IS. H. Sold hy all Dealers in Uedh vies.; Proposals for Purchase of Oity Bonds. Sealed propoaala will be received by the undersigned up to the meeting of the Council nl the City of i - Angelea of July l'2tb, ISftti, for the purchase of all or any portion nf I no Ueneral Improve ment bonds of the olty of Loa Angelea, aald t>nndAtobe of the denomination of 1500 each, drawing Intercut at the rate of als per cent, per annum, and to be laaued un <U-r tbe pr.ivir.irmH of ordlnaueee No. \T> and 'AH of aaiit city, coplea of whioh Ordi nances may be had on application to Hit.' nfllt-e of the undersigned. M Propoaelstn l»e endorsed . " l'l%poaalf lor pnrcliaa • o| bond*. " Tbe Council of the elty of Los Angelea reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Hv order of the Council of tbe city of [.oa Angelea at its nieeilnu of tune 7th,lBSb. W. W. KOhINSON Clerk of tin* Council of the Clly of Loa AO- Kelts. I lam Angelea, June loth, 18*6. jyll NEW TO DAT. ftOYAl^ 5 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Bus powder never varies. A marvel of purity asrengCh and wbolosomeness. More cconomlosi Usm the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold to com* petition with the multitude of low teat, short welght,aluni or phosphate powders. Sold ONLY nt ci-rs. Hotau llauxo Pos-uss. Co.. MS Weu-st H V ' A M DSBM KN TS. GRAND OPERA HOTJSE M. I.KIIMAN. - - - M.n.fer THE OWL DRAMATIC CLUB In the Sparkling Four Act Comedy entitled DECEPTION, FOR THE BENEFIT OP Frank Bartlett PostG.U., Friday and Saturday, June 25th and 28th, and SATUKDAY MATINEE. Box office open for the aale of reserved sens Wednesday mornlug, June 23d, at 10 o'oloek. leietd Societe Francaise Bicnfaisance Mntneile Los Anples. A Grand Picnic Will be given by the above-named Society at Washiautox Gardens, On Sunday, Jnne m\, 1886. PRIZES Witt BE GIVEN For the best lady snd gentleman dancer and other contests. A GRAND TOMBOLO, With HANDSOME PRI7.KB, will take GOOD MUSIC. TICKETS, - - BO CtNJ-S. GRAND PICNIC I City Gardens, Monday, July 5, Yountr Men's Oatholic Union. frgTg-Pri'zes will be given'to the best lsdy and gentleman Hchottfsche dancers. There will be Fat Men's rsces, races by Young Girls, snd Egg and Spoon Races for ladies. Among the tickets sold there will be num bers entitled to valuable prlzea. This fea ture will make a great demanl for tickets, so secure them early COMMITTKK 11F ARRANGEMENTS. F. A. GARCIA, K. M DIAZ, J. 9. RE DON A, V HERNANDEZ, C. P. HALE, A. U, RIVERA, J. A. Li GO. Admlesloil SO Cents. Ladlea tree. SECOND ANNUAL PICNIC EMERALD CLUB Arroyo Seoo, SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1886 IHI EVKNT OF THE SEASON. MI'SIC, DANCING, RACINU and GAMES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EH TAHLIHHED RI'LESof the Club Prizes will be nw.rded nn follows: F.t M.n'n Rftce, Elegant Meerschaum Pipe Sack Race Fine Hold Wa,i l. Chain. Thmwlna the Hammer-aliver Set. I.ailit.6' K.u..' -HaudhoiuL' Pitrasol. 2UO-ynrd walk for girl, of 14 yean—Superb Portmonie. Best Lady Dancer-Ht!vt>r Card Receiver. Beat Irish Jlk Solitaire Setting. The !.os Angeles & San Gabriel Valley train, leave l>nu iie> avcuui; depot Sunday morning at 10:30. TICKETS to grounds, admitting gentle man and ladles. 50c., to be had ol Messrs. J P. Mansfield, W. S. M00r.., '. 8. O'Neil, W. II Burke, T..1. Cuddy, D. F. Donegan, J. C. MnMcnomy. Capt. A. F. M.iekay, P. M. Dar sey, J. P. Mm-in, T. Cooney aud J. F.Joyce Committee of Arrat.gement.. COMR EVERYBODY Aud "Hie je Avrnr (or a Jnll, flood Time." )nU7t REPORT OF THE CONDITION First National Bank, OF LOS ANGELES,-; At Lo. Angeles, In the Bi.te of California, at the olose of 1 u.lneu, JUNH 3.1, 1886. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts. 18,243 21 U. 8. Bonds to secure clrcuhitiou. 8N,000.00 r. 8. Bond.on hand 6,000.00 Otherstockfl, bonds and mortgage. 160,047.42 Due rromapl'r..\*',li.... r\. ..Kent. 870,112 16 Due from . ther National Hunks 68,468.89 Due from State Banks and banket s H-. tt. Kcalestate, furniture and nature. 48.201.00 Current expenses nu.l tales paid. 4.167.4S Premiums bald 2,01.48 Check, ahdolber cash Item, .. ~281.40 Bills nl other Hanka ... 6,146.00 Fractional paper currency, nick el. .ndoenta 85.14 Specie 212.019.2 A Legal tender note. .. 87,228.00 Redemption Inud with It. 8 Treas urer (Opercent. of circulation) 8,980.00 Tout ... H,f.>i,a64l.> LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 1100,000.00 Surplus fund 100,080.10 I'ntllvlded profit. 76,880.20 National Bank Notes outstanding 74,270.00 hittjecttooh'k 1,4«1,377.0ti Demand cerllftestes ol dciiosit . 81,684.79 Certified checks 1,08100 Cashier's checks outstanding 3,883.ft2 Due to other National Banks. . .'t.440.99 Due to State Banks and banker. 20,4tW.4a Total 11.irA964.12 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, | Couuty of l*ni anublb..! I, J. M. Elllou, Cashier of the abov. named Bank, do solemnly .wear th.l the .bnve ststement is true to the best ol my knowledge aud belief. J. M. ELLIOTT, Cuhter. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi. lllh day of Juna, 1888. |814L.| JAMES 0. KAYS, NoUry Public. Correct Attest: E. F. BPENCE, • JOHN li. BICKNEI.L. ! DirecUir.. WILLIAM LACY. > )11 1882-ESTABI.IBKD—IBB2. , DR. L. W. WELLS. j ') DENTIST, Deuul Room. No. 21 South Sprlug .treat. Kueder Block. Prantieed 26 year.. Th. beat work .1 moderate prices. Teeth extracted without p.ln. Bpe.-lal at* tentloo paid to filling teeth apto-tf 1 BENNETT, The Chicago anil Saginaw SPECIALIST! OFFICE, 21 SOUIH MAIN ST. Hoome 10 nnd 11. OFFICE HOl'Ha— From 9 A. V to 12 M„ from z v. h. to S r. v., snd from 7 to a p. m. KMJSIUKNUE--#O9 Pearl street. tnyMtf BHILOH H VITAUZERis what you need ForConstlTaMon, Lobs of Appetite, Dizziness and all aymptoma of Dyspepsia. Price SO nnd 75 cents per bottle sold by J. C. Helnse mm, 192 North Main Htreet IT HAS COMB AT LAST! HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE! Anyone Can Acquire a Pleasant Home Small Monthly Savings. LOTS WITH HOUSES ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN! ELECTRIC RAILWAY HOMEBTEAO TRACT, On Pico XXt3l@rlxtss.> PURE AIR ! I=»TJIIES WATER I CHfIKMING VIEW I Pico Street Electric K,eL±\weLy Will be Immediately Constructed Past the Property. That Splendid Property Between Pico and Ninth Stmts, on Pico Heighls, lo !>< Subdivided into Lots ;iud Sold on the Installment Plan. Prices of Lots, - Only $290. FIRST PAYMENT. - - - - $20 CASH DOWN. SUCCEEDING PAYMENTS. WITHOUT INTEREST. SIO PER MONTH. «Ca -ONE HOUSE with Pitch Ele renvois, in Value Iron. $000 to $4000, without Extra < Unn.-.'j&ft [Tern Hollars Worth or Tickets on Electric Kailaay with Each Lot. lo be Distributed by Mutual Agreement, Similar to the ( hihls Trait Distribution.*^)f/ The Deeds for this Property Held for the Association by P. O. HOWES, Cashier of* Los Angeles National Bank, as Trustee. Books will be Opened for Subscribers on JUNE Ist, at the Office of the ELsGOTRIO RAILWAY HOME-3TEAD ASSOCIATION, Room No. 8 Schumacher Block, opposite Postofflce. i Notice of Intention. Notice la hereby given that It la tho inter Hon of the Council of the city of Los An feles to change aud establish the grade of lope ntreet from Temple to Fifth street aa follow*: At the ink-section of Temple street and Hope street the (trude shall be, aa now es tablished, on the 8. E. cor. 127.00 and on thu SW. cor. 121 30 feet above the datum plane: a a point 100 feet south nf Temple Ht. the grade ahall be 1$ feet above tne datum Slane: at a point' 26* feet south of Temple t the grade shall he I*B.oo fed above the datum plane; at tbe intersection of Court House atreet the grade shall be 184 feet above the datum plane, st a point 140 feet tooth of Court House the grsde shall be feet above tbe datum plane: st the intersection of Kirst atreet the gmde sball be, aa now ea tablished, 180 feet above the daMtn plane; at the luterse tion of Second street tbe grade ahall be, as noweHabltshed.tln.oo feetabove thedatuinpl«ne; Htiheintersectionof Third tt-eet the grade shall be So.oo feet above the datum plane; at a point i4K feet nort of Fourth the grade ahall be, an now eatab lishfld, 180 feet above the datnm plane; at the intersection of Fourth street tne grade shall be on the N.W. and N X cornera 11!) v feet above the datum plane; on the 8. v. Corner 117 feet above the datum and ou the BE, oorner feet above the datum plane All persons InMrettM an hereby uotlflud to file their objections, If any they have,witb the Clerk of the Council wtthlu ten days of the date of tbe first publication of this notice By order of the Council nf the city of Los Auicelee at its meeting of lune 7th, A. I). ISB6. W. W. HOBINBON, Clerk of the Council of the City of Loa An gele*. Loa Augelea June 10th 188 ft. Jell lot IS THb PUREST. HEALTHIEST and SOFTEST mAQ^ (gfVV HERMAN mjt\) SPARK LI NO MINERAL Table Water H. J. WOOLLACOTT, Sole Agent, Loa Angelea. my2B VALUABLE PROPERTY On the line of tbe new iLixro-xaxi Of tbe L. A. A 8 U V. K. R. Company la for aale by ALiFRBD MOORS, 33 Morlla Spring Mir. t. Who la the agent for tbe lota on the A I.ISO TRACT, Speculators, Mauufacturera, yard, men aud othera pleaae make a note of thia. Now Is the proper lime to tureet on the loaded district. Prloee will n*ver be ao low agalu. Mr. Moore may be found ou the tract at 118 Welle atreet, after office hours. Houses and lota at all prices, ranging from taw up. .mr2i im LUNG Notice of Intention. f Notice In hereby given that It la the luten i tlon of :he Council of the city of Loa Auge lea to change and the grade of I Court House street from Charity to flower ! aa follows: At the S. W. corner nl < I- n||v street the ■ grade ahall he, an now b, if.: "i feet abort! . |he datum i>] v c , At the N. W. corner nf . ti -int v street the . grado sha ' he, aa now Is, 11" feet above the , Baton plane I At Hunk r Kill avuuue thegt l - ahall he • 18,'j feet ah M c the dtttum pi j At the IttteAtectlnn of H p.< tbe grade ; the grade ahall be I*4 feet the datum At the Intersection of Flower the grade ■ aha)> l c t«n 'eet sb- ye tin- d«i'im plane. I All per-oiin interested urn hereby notified »to me theh ohj.'otlous, If nn, they have. I with the idera <>f the C 11 within ten , daya of the date of the tcstlou of ' this notice Hy i>rder of the Council "f th- '•Ity of Lot ; Angelea al Its meellug ol lime 7th, A. D. , im. W W KUIIIMBON, Clerk of the Council of the city »f Loa An geles. I,os Angeles, June loth, I- 101 l lOt Piopjsals for Excavation for Oity Hall. Scaled pmpoaaU will he i real red by the [ undersigned up the meeting o ( the Council nf the city of Cos Aug le- of .Mine Jlit, ISftrt, lor the exoavailng for .he building of the City Hal), In with pinna and speelrtemlnii" In tint nilli I 'torinn 4 Haas, architects, No. I and I", ■eh uischer Hlock, h (ropy of sxid specific it ,m!ih i>elng on file In the office nf the undersigned A certified chuck for lion, p yable lo the order of the undersigned, niu- ncrompHiiy each bid a* surety lhat the tod < r will enter into a contract lv eonforml• y with his old If the (.sine N Accepted by the C toll. 1 I be Council reeerve-* tii*> ifajM to reject auy snd all blda. Hy order of the Council of the City of Loa Augelea at Its no eitng of J me 7th, IAM. W. W. HOIIINHON, I Clark of the Council of the City ot An gelea. lais Augelea, Juue luth lawl. lull ut Notice of Intention. Notice la hereby given that It la tho lv ternlon of the Council of the City of Loa An gelen to eslnitltah tbe grade ol llnriiinca "treet from Wtdl slreet to a point 7HO feel north of Well Mi.-ci aa fullowa: At Well atreet the grade ahall be 104 feel above tbe datum plaue. . t „ . At a polut 47u feet north the'grade shall be 10ti feet above the datum plane. At a point 7ho feet north tbe grade ahall be 90 feet above the datum plane. All persons interested are hereby nm i He,l toflle their objections, 11 any they have, with the Clerk of the Council, within ten daya of tbe date of the Brat publication of this notice. t , _ By order of the CoiiDcil of the clly of Los Angeles at Ha meeting ol June 7th. A. D. 1 W. W. ROBINSON, Clerk of the Council of Ihe City of Lot A Loa Angelea, June 10th. 18Se. jnll lOt i HOLMES ft SCOTT, 167 S. Spring Hi. COAL. WOOD, HAY, &c. . TELEPHONE 14b. ny* lm t Pleasinsr to the Palate and Death to a Oouijlv LONG RESTORER, SAUTA ABIE, THE KINC OF COHSUMPTIO". The original and only gennlne .elentiile compound ol Abletine Hum and lerba Santa, lor Cough., Cold., Lung and Bronchial Troubles, Etc. BETTER THAW GOLD. P.IW4RE OF IMITATIONS. Non. geOUl'U unless the words "Lung Keatorer." 'SaxTs Abik " ars nn tho labels ol eaoh bottle Not a secret compound. For sale by all Druggists, wholesale and retail. I'ltgrAKKP ONLT HY ABIBTINB MHDIOAL CO.. Orovllle, Butte C0.,Ca1., 11. 8. A., Owner, ol the only Abletine Orove and Illltillory la tbe World. frr r send for Circular.. •»» j AUCTIONI lon iteoogntoi having ro five up theetore by July I, l"' , we have concluded to oloae out our entire stock et auction. |At No. 84 North ti»,i» street, ' Oppoaite Coart Hoaae, |Co«ir,Ug WeuflESdir. June Itjlli, 1886. j At 7 o'clock p. m., Consisting of I | .V.itches, t locks. Jewelry I lOf every description; alao, a full Hue of i Albums, I'upketb'n'ks, I.idlee' Hand Saieh ; els, Cigar Ca»es, Hlauk Honk-,, Htmlouery. Pane (ioods, plush Oooda lv i every v.riity, Cnuuters, Store Fixturea, These Roods w«M all purchased lor ratal) and li'vo )ihi ii "-fleeted with Rteatcare. I «g-f*nalfi liosltlvn. NORTHCRAFTS A CI.ARK, I JnU 3t Auciloueera. , \ Proposals far Flume on Zituja 8-R. I Herded proposals will be received by the undersigned no to the meeting of the Council of the city of Loa Angeles of June a let, H«Wi, for the eon-<truc!ioii of a wooden : tlumc on Zau] i l*K , on Figueroa street, ac ■ ' ! Mi.' ' 1' ,1 | ' 1 ;i t >lIS on file ■ in thetMty .nirveyor's office. A certified check for 450, payable to theor ! der of the undersigned, must accompany each bid as surety tbat the bidder wifl enter Into a contrnet In couformll/ with hit bid If the aame la accented by the Council. Tbe Council reaervea tbe right to reject I J any ami all bids. | i Ity order ol the Council of the oity of Los Angeles at Ha meeting of June 7tb, , inert. W. W. KOBINUON, Clerk of the Council of the City of Loa Los Angeles, Juue 10th, i- jnll 9t COOKS' AND WAITERS' UNION OP LOB ANHKLEH | KMPLOYMKN I lIIIKKAU. Tbe Heorotary : can be found nl the Fountain lunch noun ter, an and li North Hprlng street, whero first elm* help In the, above brauohea cau be secured free of charge. OHA&LKfj KLMA, gfJI lm Kmployinent Seoretary. EXCURSIONS T~ PBILLIPS' POPULAR PLL'ASDRi: PARTIES mvfit l K Jnd t» V "— '° re "" nit,t 11 *" a Call on or addre.a A. PHILLIPS 4 cv., mylltt 1114 N. Ualn Ht. Lo. Angelea. DR. HUCKINS Hnnt i. IR, 10, 20 and It at 17 M. Main Htreot. lIOUKU-li v. lo 1 P,lu %r. a. 104 r. M. 7 r, n. to. r . „. Hoecla'ty, Kye, Kar and Throat Dl.eaae Realdence, (Ml H. Hill alreet. Telephone olfleo and ro.ldeuoe, iftft. apM-tl The Patriotic Kntertainmont At the (Jraud Opera Houae by Btautou Vnnt. tl. A. X , take, place Jun. 2?d H.niembet tha date. JnlO-td ».k lor HANTA ABIE «»« O*. TABKH miHE. >»)J -CAT-R-CURB! Guaranteed a positive CUBS lor Catarrh, Cold In Ihe Baad, Hay Fever. Rom Cold Catarrhal Ueafncaa and Sore Eye., Ke.tore. Ihe Heme ol and Smell. amoves Bad Teste aud Copleasant Breath resulting Irom Catarrh. Ke>y aod pleaiaul to u.e. Follow 11 alltllall and a Cure 1» warranted Sold by PBKUBB A HAN UK, 77 aud 71 North aprlng atreet. gjp-M. A. NEWMARK A CO.,Wholeaale Depot. m?M '> Notice uf Intoution. ! Notloe In hereby glveD that II i- the lnton tlon nf tlie Council nt thpclt. ol ui.Aug.le. to chaue<- end e.tabll.h the' of tl linker Mill avem.,- if m n j oint .-i i i.-..t inuth of , TempleiHreetto• point lefl leel loutn ol ! Oottfl llno.e streeta, follow.: i Al «potn, Jl:t leetioulhul Temple Mreet I i w ~tablf.hed, ISO I feet above'he datum pl.n'-. Altheluler.eMmii „i (•„,„ Hou.e atreet the prude .hail In- lr. fe,*i . !...-.« toe datum ! plane | At a point III) feet eontli nl Ooatt HoilM n'reet he grade shall b i 187 feet above Ihe .lHt'im plane.. : Al! pernou. Interested .re hereby notified Mo file, ii m, tbe, haee, with the clerk of the Counoll „ithin 10 day. ol the date of Ihe lit.! lull ,i.- ,Hon of thia uotloe. | Hy order ol the Coimril of .1, ■ city of Lo. Angelee, at It. meeting of .l me 7.b, A. D. „, ' , . , w. w honmaoN, Clerk nt the Council of tin- ( Ity ol Loa An I gelec j Ixi. Angela., Jon. Jnll tot Notioe of Intention. Notice I. berehy given lt II Ihe inten tion ul the <'..iniell ~l Ihe city ..I Lo. An galea lo e.tibllan the grade ol Wall itreet Eiffel? Arroyo . omreet a. At the 8. w corner „l liaJ, .treat and Well the iiriide .hall he > feet above the datum plane, AttbeN. W r iruer nl Daly ■ lid Well .Iron, the grille,lull |.» IUO feet above Ihe ilalnin plane Al tb. Inleraeo nn ol Harrem... .treat Ihe trade ahall be I. . V;:' ?'"' ,,! ""■ 'latum plaue. Ate .point IIKI feel norih of Daly street Ihe grade ahall he 117.0(1 feet .1, ,ye the datum plane v the lutemectlou of Arroyo Heen atreet Ihe grade ah.II he al Wi feet .bote thed.tntii plaue. . Per " .re hereby notified .. file their .in). r i1..ii..1f any they b.v«,wltn the Clerk of Counoll wllhiu ten lay.o! Ihe •Lie ..(Hi- urn publln.ilou of Ihl. uotloe. liy order ol the Council ~f the city ol Loa leaf* al " , lnei " lu » 01 Juo e w., A. v. W. W. KOBINSOM, llerkotthe incll ofllieelly ol Loa An gel... la,« Ati.elen. Juue lli, lieu. JeU Un Nuiire ul' lattention, Nolloe la hereby glv.u thai tt In lb. luleil t ou ol th. Council ol th. i.v v ol Uj. An Helen, to ..lahhah the grade nf P.arl a reel irnm flecond nlreel tv Kifth street c. lol low.: at the Inleraeotloo of Hi ootid ..treet tbe (trade ahall bent, the H W. noruei leel above the d.lum plane, .0.l ~v the S. K. j eonier rJOI fell .We the datum BUM. At the luter,eeilou ol 1 hlrd .treat tha .hall be 411 00 feet above the 'latum plane, v in,. lui.t«, , tlnn nt fourth .trecl tho .rade ahall he :w nn fe i above the datum, at a point mm le.t north of Fifth .treet tha grade .h.II he leel above the datum plane. Al Kilth direct the (trade .hell be a. now eitahllßbad. All per.oiiK luten-.te.l are hereby IloliO.d. to rll«, Iheli objection*. If any they, with Ihe Clerk nt the I nuni-il. within ten day. ol tin, dale ~f ihe first ~uh]|nat!ou of thi. nolle.. liy ordernl ibe Cornell ol the City of Lo, Augelea, alll. ineeugi.ol June 14, A. D , MM. „, . . *.W ltO»lll»0H, Clerk ol ihe Council of tho Clly of Loa An gale. law Aligalea, Juue lilh, UM. JeU 111