Newspaper Page Text
6 EDUCATIONAL. " STAMMERINT r Thoroughly and Permanently (tared TESTIMONIAL. •I was afflicted with itammerlug lor twenl} three ye.ra. PROFEBSOR Willi E Now Jerusalem, Ventura Co., CaJ. M > method of treßlrneui I. buy I <!■>«><■> title , I. thorough and perm. unit In IU result. All >urftrers "ii? H.n to c»U at n.) office. No. l Fifth sir," Fr«tiHiro lor further mfor .nation, where 1 VtniT&SU L it g.rdlug my "4-Vft l .'Jt,, ";„"" Eo U £«or ol Kloourf™ «d'"l» Bulldlof• ~uTmt\a CanttrriUfJ ul Hilc, No. 4M S.J MAIN STREET, NEAR FIFI H, a*. lMrmTonon drvoted to MOBIC IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. AUK), The Modern Lansrnag«H, Art and AjjW-FIRKT CLABB TEACUERB X. }. VALENTINE, aep3 ti Uxst Boi tto. Bast Los AnKeles Institute, For Young Ladles aid Children.. Mr-For Clrcol»r» mod PRrtlculars iPPlyto fiTDAME 0. DKLEVAL, corner ol (irfffiu avenue snl Kuhrts iitrcct. P. O. Box 290. rocht-tf Certificate of Partnership of Lion ft Son. This in to certify that we, the undersigned, Laiard Lion, who reside* lv the city of San Jose, county of Santa Clara, In the State of California, and Oustave Lion, who resiles In the olty of Los Angeles i) id oounty of Loa Angeles, in said i-tnte, con" »j the firm of LION 4 HON, aud that the principal place of bustoesa of said firm Is lv the said city of Lori Angeles, and that the above namea are the names In full, aud the placet, of res idence are the true places of residence of tbe membora of said firm, and that they are tbe only partners of said firm. As witness, our hands, thia first day of June, eltrlityou hundred and eighty-six. June, cm e» LAZABD LION. QUBTAVF. LION. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, j Cirv aid County ..f Lo» anoeir* ( on tblsthlid day of Juue, oue thousand eight hundred and eighty-ill b fore rye, George J. Clarke, a Notary Public In and for said Los Angeles oouuty, restdlug therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Oustave Lion, Identified through A.X Fomeroy, duly sworn, known to me to be the person describe'! In aud whose name Is subscribed lo the within instru ment, snd acknowledged to me that he exe cuted the same. lv witness whereof I have hereunto eel my hand aud affixed my official seal at my office In the city and county of Los Angeles, the day and year fint above written. ffieaf. IIEO. J. CLARKE, 1 M Notary Public STATE OF CALIFORNIA, j „ Cotjbtt or Bauta claka. f On this first dsy of June. A. D. ono thou ■audelabt hundred and eighty Si, before me, W. A. Parkburst. a NoWry Public In and for said county of Santa Cbra, duly commissioned aud sworn, personally ap peared Laxard Lion, whose name is sub scribed to tbe within Instrument, known to me to be tbe same person described lv, aud who executed the said Instrument, and ac knowledged tn me that he executed the W in*wltuess whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, tbe day and year lv thia certificate first above "(Beau W. A. I'ARKHUR9T, Ie" lw law Fr Notary Public. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Saturday, June 19. if. PICO BWCSI -1; Baebmau a wile, N I Little San Diego pro,' , f'tah v Powell, Indlanapols N L Meyer. Omaha Dr W hll.beek, N*Y sr. v v.. New York D Edwards, Chicago .toiiie S F K OmaL r a " c * ' 1? £ Booth do J M Sweetman.Omaha It ST. CHaRLJta. Rev UudU>. ti V L (ludoebeck, Orange i.„ / -p cuddeback, Orange DBFOT HOTIL, F H Bt.WArl.Clly * H H* n «h** 0 C B Boswiirlb, do Mrs 0 v Hallclt, do fi W Ucirbrc.w, Ballon c N Shaw, do BRAND CENTRA L. T A Case, Newhall I * Alien, Riverside s'jaeullv puente J Allen, do j a Sen log. SauJose J C Dougherty. Term D Conned, Newhall Mrs A E Foster, Did Mrs DCunuell, do as lis M roster, do li Applegate, Outarla AC Peters, Marysvllo J H Barrett, Wllm alu 'In M Peters, do b Keaiasuu. Auah'm M Jemlson, Kansas ]I T Mills, Monrovia Friday, Jnne l», l«t« --.ACTA MONICA HOTEL. li Uui.ey. Lug R vaudorvort. fejd" LFetteriuan, do i' 1 V»uderv',rt 'lo I H Johnson, do Mia. Rohlnson,Vla«l» E 11 Crowdus, Dallas E R Merrill, Kan City I" W Mitchell, Fran kin J I> O'Connell. Platts " fucioT 8 ' 4 ° b - 1 M landful: (1 ef Urlffln Aw, 8 F 0 M Gordon A w.Chgo curr HOUSE, SANTA riobiica. N il.rrl.on. BFcdro fir "l»«c_H?' An «f„"" It M Wilkiu, San Kin Mrs RVV Ellis. do "tin?™"' LA Mendelsohn do UrsHFStoris do iSIIs.-PbllliPsou. do WBHtree Omaha Miss M Phllllpion vlrf W B Street: do J H Southwortb. do «w£aon;^«n^r' th '| geles Mrs H *" Barrowsdo iron sctPHOR arRINUi. Mrs Fills Lamauda JII Juda,Los Augelei C X Lane, New York WII C rawford, do I M Burke Aw do Mra Crawford, do J Uryaul, Mluneapols N W Stowell. do Mrs; Dciwulu,-, Wilm ucj McLean. do Itlsi Downing, do C 8 ORJJes, do I L Stewart, Tusliu I, Kbluger, do I D Powell, SF SJHIir ao L c Dollls, do KVV Pierce Aw, do I D Walker. Case ode A W Wells. do C B Hauun, Clcielud S B Bnrnei, do Miss Kills. Brooklyn HTHsiard, do ci W Revs. Anaheim Jesic Yaruell. do ; M Mickey, 40 FFlirlfflth, do Mrs FG Butler, Uni« II O Stevenson, do Reach P Fltswilllams A 1 hoi Oarr, Vernon 2cUlldren, do W P Rains iur A wile, ti D Brick, do Florence Mm G Snulrc, do X McClure, Tombstne H A McAlliiier, do L U Cone, Loi Augels John 'irant, do F A Howes Aw. do Miss I McClure, do X F Lotipclch, do Miss B McClure. do Rev R W C Faroiworth, Los Angeles PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Men""** Oi ..luetic A Ulb««n. Kiaminer* of rule. Batdbday, June 19th. Charles m MiMaOn to Jobu Frederick Hni broek Lot sMt A, lots 17 and l» bik B, cM, sjtlinioii' P.ospen Hill additl n to Santa Monica, aud lot 45, addition to San ta Monica, Soft". Abrah tin W Clark to F F Pauiy aud S Jen nie Pauly WlO acrea ol SW .of BE'4 sec 7 T J 3 X 13 W. »250u. Milton Sanlee to Hester t. Wanner-B>, of MK|4 of leo 1 T 3 8 B I W, #28(0. Hester A Wagner to Harriet Newmark and Morrlsa Nevvulark -8 70 feet of let 9 blk •4, 05.130.i1. #Jr Heater \ WagueTu, Morris A Newmark- SP of SE'4 sec 1 T 11 S X < W. #2801. C T Widnej, Wm N Monroe and It M Wld oey, trustees, to Ueury Freed—Lot 17 blk 7 Fulton Wells, KOO. Manuel Cota to Balvlu t Duarte de Abila — Lot 1, Caderi'iue tract, #100. X F snence, I F Cruuk and J l> Blckuell to Bertha Llndley-Lot JO blk 11. Monrovia, 1200. Same parties to Ida B Llndley—Lot 19 blk 11. Monrovia, #200, Sylvia L sessions to Arthur I Hutchinson -Lot 6 blk a. sioutn Sanla Monica. 1901. vieorae A roarOMe I to Oora SGitebell and Nettle Gllctiell—Lot I blk 0, Moreno vlneyd tract, llotio. Klchard A Brown and Eva J Brown, his wife, to Joseph ilamlllon-Lot I '..Mills' sub division of lot an, O 8. #*», Theodore Weisendanger and Oan 'vleFar land to Mrs Sophie B Weldon-Lot 97, Wei ■endanger tract. '142.90, Anton Nuaser aud KaSharlna Nusser, his wile, to C M Stlm,on aud Oa .rge W Stlmfon -Lot 11 blk 7%, 0 S, lIGOO. Wm S lioyle to lames Meckel—Lot JO blkl Bennett tract, #250. George II Smith to Fellcle Dol. wife of V Dol-Lot in blk 17, o S, 1111,010 C E Claclua to W L Locke-Lota 23 21 25 S3 md .%, Wllhardt tract, *5. I' 1: Browu toNi isou W Hell and Florence I 1 ell- NW of lot lllb'k K. Sau i'aacual tract, MCOO. Hubert Mcpherson and Anu 1 McPhcrson to William Schkumodau—Lot 4 blk B, Town of McPherson, #12:.. V BeaudrytoJ tin Turner—Agreement to convey 259 acrea In Ko Sau Rafael, #777. lohn Turner tn MrsChrlstlnaNlelson -As- Angeles Improvement Do to Maria E Murdoch and Grace Murdoch—Lot 17 blk 1 In lota 6 and 7 blk 119, II .-, I Co Grace Murdoch to Maria X Murdoch Dame, 1300. Charles M Htlmsou to H X Goodwin and T P f.ukens—'J foot strip In lots 7 and • blk O, -so Pascual tract, 11. Andrew Glnssell to John F Foster Lot on 1 line of Franklin atreet E of fort. »l. H H Wakehutu to I' 11 Sltlon -Lots 123 4 and fi blk 6, Sauta Aua. #1411. A C Shafer to Margaret C Ferris -0 10 feet of lot 11 and »' 2 feet of lot 12, A 0 Shafer a subdu of part of lot s blk 39, ,1 s, #16,4) H X S O'Melfeuey to KllrebethC Mullock NVj of sec 1 I 1 sj X 12 W, #1 Elizabeth C Mullock to Marthe A Riddle - .*!, of BWU of BKI4 acd KM of IE , of SF.^ 4 aec I T 1 8 ft l'J W. .1. Same to Harvey Kill Melveney WM 01' j Mol 8E« and S' ,of MWt, of sJEVa sec I T I 8 R 12 W, 11. Martha Riddle to H X - O'Melveney ~l t I'/■'siii* Ddw?4 °' BE! *°' Mli>4MC H X 8 O'Meiveuey to Martha Ann Riddle -Nfcof SWUorsE 'iand SE> 4 of riK v t aec 1 T 1 T X 12 W, #1. E F Bpence, J I Crank and John D Bicknell to Persia M Htowell -Lot [1 blk 2, uonrovin, #30IKI. Prudent Beaudry toChaiM Stlm-.u Lots 4 and 5 blk 12, Park tract. #790. William Stewart to Peter Noonan - Lot I blk 1. Hollenbeck tract. Mia. Kdward Bouton to Charles Eaton Lot 2, Truman tract, #410. John E Piter to Charles Eatou—Lou 11 11 13 and It b.a 1, Plmcr s subdivision ol Mes sick tract.#S4o. Joseph I.Street to Delia W Chase Lot 6 blk J. Morris vineyard tract, #550. J C Swlserto Patrick Robertson Und ml in Uuarte tawn site, #1000. Ueorge Hansen snd Geo II Rowan to A R Haune-Lot on N line ol Fl rat atreet E of Fort itreet, #9000. c alter 8 Newhall to Los Angelea Improve ment Co—Lot 4 blk S3 111 lot 2 blk Ss, H S, #f>. Joseph Howe to Martin Neerburg— Lou I -> 8 and 4 blk 131, Pomona, #400. Jane luverarlty and 1 Inverarity to Her man W letch-Lou 1« and 30, Dickers..n ,k '>-r'« suhdn of hlk '.list, Griffin's addti to X L A, #6. naniuel R Orlswold and Moths Griewo'd, hia wife, to J S Slauaon- Lot 60 aec J, Rose dale Cemetery, #250. Andrew Oldssell, Hugh fllaasell and John W Woo rey to X li Wise '«> acrea In River dale tract, no an Rnfs, i, HSOO. Charles tiScnti t„ II I o.i-llacolt Agree ment to convey lor on ,\ lino Spring afreet Not third,tot (a) ■dson Turner 1.. II li Pane Lot on W line of Fair t'aks a .euiie, I'aaed-n 1, #000 Adrian A ■■ lliisin-on to Will H Wakeley —Part ol lot 1 blk I, Sao Pascuil reel, »HOO, Wm II Nlesweuiler to Alfred I Corhln-N K'4 of NEP of of HE* sec :W I' 1 8 R 14 W,«1250. Thejdore Weisendanger aod I»an McFar land to John H ingraliani I nt 31, Wetaen danger tract, #200. 1 1 r,' 11 n , st-. MRKS, BTC Inknown Owner to 1 L Pavkovlck—Cer liflcate of tea sale of lot 3 blk 1, Hollenbeck J i Bwvkovlch to William Slewart-Ai signment of above. Ii aefa Malariu d • Ollvera to Henry Wal •er Lease of two sires In lot 2 blk jr.. H L; 4 yeara mo rent, #15. Eleanor A f Hy tiHB Early and James Waggoner—Notice of action to quiet title to lot 11, Watt's subdivision of part of Ro Sau Rafael. Horla Jones to George O Ford—Lease of St Blmo Hotel property, 2 yrs A moa and 15 dya monthly rent, James to -I w True—CertlScale of Jag sale of IS acrea lv Ro SanU .ertrndes, ienT V'bo l ° ' B Buchanan-Aeslgu Sale of hem I?setae. KO. 27*5. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of ao order of the Superior Court of Lhe County of Los Augelea, State of California, made ou the 12lh day of tune. IS*-, iv the matter of the t state of Andrew ceaacd, the under-lgued, the Executrix of the las*. Will au t fes-a neotof said deceased, will sell at private tale, to the highest bid der, for cash. In lawful money of the United States, aud subject to confirmation by said Superior Court, on or after Friday., the Bib Day off Jsily, 18S6, At 10 o'clock a. v. at the residence of sale Executrix, No. 171 Eaat Find street, iv tbe city and county of Los Augelea, all th right, '.Ule, Interest and estate of the said Andrew v ick at ihe time of hia death, and all t ; >e right, title aud iutereat tbat the said estate has, by operation of taw or otherwise, acquired other than or in addition to that of the said Audrew Vlck at tbe time of his death, inand to all that certain lot, piece or parcel oflaud situate, lying and being in the aaid city aud couuty of Los Angeleß, State of California, aud bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point in the south line of First street be tween San Pedro aod Al'Tieda streets, in the dividing line between the land of An drew \ ick, deceased, a id that 'ormerly of Dillon, now of Mra Daniel Hhleck. aud run nlng thence along the south line of First street H. 4'ja; E. .Wo feet to a pfeket fence; thence along said fence S. atf' W. 73.0 feet t • ait angle In said fence thence leaving the said feii- o uud running 9 41»f W. ..4 0 feet l« a Make *el In a picket fence ou the eaat line of tha estate of W. Wood worth; thence along raid picket fence N. -'i ' E. 36 0 feet to the corner of said fence; theuce along a board fence N. 64' W. 12.9 fee. to the Cor ner thereof; t* t nee along a fence N. E. sl.lfeetto the place oi beginu^ng. Terms aud conditions of sale: Cash In lawful money of tbe I'nited States, ten per cent of the purchase money to he paid to tne undersigned executrix on the day of sale, balance ou confirmation of aale by said Su perior Court. l»i ed at expt-n.<>eof purchaser. Bids or offers in writing may be made at any time alter the first puolicatloi, of thU notice aud b 'rre making the sale, ad must be left at 'he residence of said Kxecu trix, No. 174 Kaht first street, in »afd city of Los Angeles, or delivered to the under signed ocrfonally. Dated June 17th. 1886. ADELAIDA VICE, Executrix of the last will of Andrew, deceased. THOH. B. BROWN, JnlBtoJyt» Attorney. Notioe to Creditors In tbe Superior Court of tbe County of Lm Angelea. State of California. In the matter of the estate of Francois (tasne. dece-iaed. Notice it hereby given by the undersigned, the executor of the estate of Francois tjasnt», deceased, to the creditors and all persons having claims against tne aaid de cesad, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first pnbllcatlou of thia notice, to the executor. Isalas W Heilraan, at his office in the Farm era' A Merchants' Hauk, on the corner of Main and Commercial streets, In the city of Loa Angelea, couuty of Loa Augelea, Sta'e of California, the same being hia plaec. for tbe transaction of the business of the said eatate, in the city and county of Loa An geles, State or California. ISAIAS W. HKLLMAN, Rxeoutor i f the c tate of Francois Oaane, deceased. Dated Juue lath, IHS6. jcl7 4w Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnership heretofore existing be tween X H. Graaett aud tt A. Boys, under the firm name and style of Graaett A- Boy,, in the city of Los Angelea aud county of Los Angeles, State of California, is thts day dissolved by mutual consent, S. A. Boys re tiring. The business will he carried on by E. H. Graaett. who assumes ail debts and liabilities of Graaett A Boys, and is author ised to collect all accounts of the old Him. E. H. GKASKTT. jnlo lm d. A. ROYS. SSUaT _BI SOLD I ONE ACRE OF FINE LAND ON JOHN SON STREET; under the eleelrio light,: between Bnldwln atreet aud Darn-In ave nno. Ordered »nld by a nou resident. HORACE A. KERUI'SON, J» lw IS Temple HI nek. Oervaise Pnrcell, B. A. 0. E-, CoDSDitiDi Engineer aaCB.mj.r- Aaaoclate Member Inatltute Civil Engineers, London, Uoom 14 Alien Hiork. corner Spring and Temple. ja9tf Slary Brown, wife ot John (J Browu H, •ores un San Pedro street. How to Save Money Ami we might alio any time and pain a well in our advice to good boueekoopers and ladiee generally. The great neon ■ity exiating aUay, 10 have a perfectly •ale remedy convenient (or the relit I and prompt care ol the ailments peculiat to women— functional irregularity, con stant paiaa and all the symptoms at ten dant upon uterine diaordera—induce! ua lo recommend atr.ngly and unqualified ly Dr. I'ceroea "Favorite I'rerorlption" -woman's heat friend. It will aave mnnry. Tba Leading Decorator of Southern California. THIF'R <r PRIZE AT TNI LATA FAIR I. HARRY CONLAN, at 0. T. RARKRR k SONS, eehut v„ is ..... v n Rnrlne- fit EXCURSIONS EAST June Bth And 22d. July 20th, VIA SALT LAKR, the Romeot tha SaaMA HAKEH A Damson, rayas'im »Q4 N. MAIN ST., Loa Angeles. CLIFF HOUSE, OPKAN A VKNfJK, - - SANTA MONICA I'horoiiithlT renovated and newly fur althed. .it offer clean rooms, aood hcria ivid flr.l claaa Uhle Term, reasonl hie MAB. J. K. BtISH. to thoea beoomlnij agents No risk" <juhT£ sales, rtiritory (Ivea. Mj r >Satlslaetl..n (llfl'antet'd. A I.lres,, iIR. *mXX marie eowiat Dissolution r*f partners hip. HTATR OF Iviii ' >" M \, , City mid County of Los Angelea | M> I ha copartnership heretofore existing be IffNtW, A. Boring aod I,L Hat*, imdi r the firm n ime nn i MftocH Boring A Huns in this day dUf'Ked by mutnttl consent. The business whloti was lv charge of the said firm of Berlin *• Haas will henceforth beoarrled by Hie new firm of Caukln, Ha*» 4 Borlns. mm sawn tec nil d»-Ms -nd !laM)l -ties and are authorised >o col it* i all ac counts of the nil) Arm of Hiring m Haas. Signed: w. a. ROWTMO 9. I. HAAS. STATE A)RN!a. ( City and County of Los tngelea.j **• We, tbe under*!/ led, hereby enrtlfv thai we nre partners, trasjaaotlag bttwiue -.hi architects lv Lot Aiigelos city ami county State of California, under the Arm nam* and atyle of Cnukin, Haas A Boring: thii tbe fnll names of ihe partners are K. 1, Cenklii, 4. I. Haas and W a. Boring; thsi ■ mrplaceaof residence are In the city aud county of Loa Angelea. State of Calif train In witaeaa we have hereunto set onr hands thin flrstdnv of J m » " B L. CACCINft. fl. i HAAJ. jed lw Ur Tv n. A. LOS ANGELES DAILY HEKALD, SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 20. 1880. Telephone 4tl. f • »• Box »»». OITY STEAM CARPET BEATING COMPANY, 408 Pearl Street, near the Woolen Mills. #ITM JOHN BLOBSERS UPHOLSTERING AND MATTRESS FACTORY. 1 The attention of houiekeepera la reipect fully called to the fact that we have located at the above point, and having the latent improved and beat machinery In the city for clean ing carpeta we are now prepared to do all work with the greatest dlapatch and cheaper than any other houae. Carpets Taken Up, Cleaned and Returned the Same Day FURNITURE HANOIED CARE' ULLY AND NO DAMAGE DU -E TO T. The proprietors give their personal mipervlalon to the work and gui. rati tee *ailr.r*e ttou. Leave ordera at Barker A Sou's, \V E. Bce«n,i'a and W. 8. Allen'a. gjar-Order-* from the country promptly attended to. mmt JONES & GORDON, Proprs John Wieland's Lager Beer. ii i Fi moos San Francisco Lager has gained the reputation of being THE FINEST BEER IN THE MARKET TO-DAY, II being far superior lo nil. uud defying any Baatern competition. It la now kept ou draught at the following feeding Saloon.: The Louvre, No. 4 N. Main St; Yolks Hall, Toinple Blk, opp. Court House; U. 8. Hotel bar, United States Hotel, N. Main St; Hotel de France, cor. Aliso and Alameda Sts ; Jos de Millardo. cor Ist and Wilmington Sts.; Paul Schilling cor. Spring and Second sts ; dus Perret, cor. Spring and Third Sts.; Bob Haines, Los Angeles St; John Dietzel, Alameda St opp. Old R R. Depot; Jake Gjrfcins, San Fernando St., opp New R R. Depot. STEINIKE & BRUNING, SOLE AGENTS AND BOTTLERS, Telephone £78. 134 E. First Street. Lost Angeles. _voßaraxm TOYS! An' ENTIRELY NEW and VERY COMPLETE STOCK of TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS Will be Heady for Exhibition on or About December 111 N. Spring Street, Next to Oity of Paris. LAZARUS & MELZER, „ OT 29tf X.OS ATSr«3HSX.33!H. ==. — m Immense Bargains TO CLOSE OUT BUSINESS. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF STOVES, RANGES, TINV7ARE, ETC., AT LESS THAN COST PRICES ! This is a Roil dicing Oat Sale ai wa aro Out of Bu«iuess, BE OUR PRICES AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. O. W. CHILDS. JR., n, y l-> im No 209 and 211 Ira Angeles Street. ' FOR AIECR RENT 9uNw S ' C * FOY ' s pioneer *' ESTABLISHMENT, 111 and alt Lea Anzeles Street, RKSI AUKANTh. H.UCK'S HfastauTd I m Ovsior Parion «| and 43 N. MAIN ST. OREAT REDUCTION (tt OYSTERS. Unrr Eastern Ovat- rs, per 100, • • • **.M Small Extern, no or stowed, 36 ote. per pUto Lane Eastern, any stylo, - 60 cents per plat BeJttmnr* eelected Ovstera, 86 cent, per ca PRIVATF ROOMS Up stairs for ladle, and fwnille?, where meejj will bs served tbe beat style. Jerrj IVUI-, eroiirletcr TM OO VMERCIAL t** HBTJt JRAITT, V. 1 OL, 'roprietor, DOW*' M4SS, - HAW STREET. leeelrea us. and ■• •yea op every ftf tbt iota* Fl - I i.. .. < SOLE, TURBOT nod A TROUI IR. DOL 1 ... - . a oonslirnee oi; the eel ated FROJ M P PE 118 lE, ••hich (only be -! at this reetAurani -PRINQ CHU ;■: !;.N8 ;:iet tn Irom the '•johcs' l ed in aretv V* I" '■ i. .etauram la L a 1 ngflee's Delniontco. Imvltf SALOONS. LAWVKKB. _ GrEOKGi!) J. DENIS, AttoraeF at Law itl Notary Faille. Kooma 7 and iv Ducommu.i Block, Cor. of Main and Commercial Sts., LOS ANGELES, CAL. m9tf li. P HATCH. J. BBOVBBKAU. Brousseau & Hatch, Attornej a and Counsellor a at Law. Not. 31, 82 and 66 Baker Block, LOS ANGELES, - - - - CALIFORNIA, mrl First Class Property Only! No other than the very beat property, at the lowest possible prices, can be fouud ou mv I k?,. Each property advertised by me Is believed to be the very bait of its kind that can be had. 60acres '<i mile outside of city lim its, near Pico at., equal to any prop erty aold for MOO per acre (hia year. Price per acre, only 9 200 IGO acrea foothi.l land, mot>t delight fully situated ; rr.mmandiug view of the ocean, the volley aud the city: 20 acres grapes, 6 acre* orchard,etc .etc The flueat vegetable land tn the State. No frosts no irrigation needed. I have nothing of the kind equal. Per acre only 160 100 acrea of very flue land two mile* outside of city limits west. Per aero . 100 10 acres moat desirably situated land in Pasadena for «WOO. This property Is worth 112,000 for sub di vision. There ta nothing like It at the price. Nice cottage of t rooms, halls and Closets, with two large lots 30x142 feet each with alley at rear. You must make your own price. Come and nee it. 10 acre* in the city, covered with orange aud other trees, on principal streets. Will make 46 large, elegant lota worth *&00 each. Price . 16.000 17 acres ou Waahtnglou street, cov ered with fruits of allkii.ds. One of the very best large tract)" tv the city. Price 20,000 Elegant residence ou Pearl street. Lot 70x349 feet Oneof the montbeau tiiul places iv the elly. Price 14,800 Elegant corner property, 2 iota' fine large 11 room house, beautiful lawn, etc. A remarkable h.rgatn at 11,600 Magnificent lot on Halo street, US*:'] feel, with brick houae of 11 rooms. Thr cheapest property in the city, location con sidered. Price on application. Immediate poaarsslon. 600 acres of unsurpassed land, with 800 sharea of water atock. As due fruit aud I vine land as oan be found in the or'- v. Veryeheap aa a whole. Admirable fi rm> dixlslon. Price on application, 2000 acres with ample waterouppty al' oady piped to the laud ; 4 mile-, from it. K. There ia nothing in Southern California to com pare with this tract at the price offered. Price on application. \TUI» OLDS, U* Aft K| * N. SPRIHC ST.^v The BOUQUET No. 7 Commercial St. TOM SHAW. wg MARKET, Clop House _and Restaurant. HOT AND COLD LUNCHES, OYSTERS in EVERY STYLE, Gholoe Foreign sad Domestic Wine* cjfj tilQuora, Particular attention paid to patroiiH wh tiave but a few momenta to spare for re 'reahments. CV-V specialty made In the COPES inuoYoTKK trade. Polite aud accommodating attendauls lo rait on ladles and gentlemen from the play rum the Grand Opera House. F. H. BARCLAY, aplß-tf t» Month Spring- street.. Gas Heaters and Cooking Stoves A largo assortment of the above gooda having just a.rlved, lh» KiS ANGELES fi AH COMPANY is prepared to sell the same at ABSOLUTE COST. THE HEATERS For heating oftlcaa aud rooms, are very ef fective and of neat dea gn, adding greatly to tbe appearance of the apartment. THE COOKING STOVES Are adapted ao aa to All all the requlre menta ol familleaof all aiaes GAS ia not ouly the most convenient, but at its present price la undoubtedly the cheap est, cleanest aud safest fuel iv the city. Call aud examine the«e stoves at the com pany's storerooms, 0 Moaora m. Jo* $60,000 STALLION, SILVER TAIL, Now at l>« Turk's stable, corner of First and Fort street. mSM of BHfiiaw Mtambletonlaii- Measenger stock), kind, gentle, beautiful and from the faatcal Kentucky stock. Too woll known In I-oh Angeles to need exten sive: deacript "vi. Has IftOO and 11000 oolta lv Southern California. « llsviug bought this beautiful animal at a great bargsln, will aoco.nmodate a limited number of customers at tbe low price of |Vo for the season. . j WILL HRACH, Owwmt. ' tarlf OHAS. DICE, Klirta. mmi ~~Ca*VlilT CRAVEtI SAND ! SAND ! SAND I The nnder-dgned haa In KM property ,u~ covered the beet kind ol grarel and eand The gravel la coerae and regular—no bonl den. The sand eleo tha aame and Una aa gunpowder. The above artlo\e» lurnlahed to an» nan j IntbecltjCHKAP. „ „ Gallon B. BALI.RHINA. or al la Mart nraaa. ' mnl MARIS roa SALE. 100 Brooding Mares with Oolta, Cheap, at the SANTA MARGARITA RANCH! W KICHAHOO^ JERRY ILLICH & CO. Mice to Stock Breeders, All parttea concerned are hereby notified that ail money due for the service of my Peroheron Norman slallloUß, "Wideawake, Jr.." aud 'Welcome." must be paid to JOHN KKIMKK, mv aeent. or to ,'v'Ml R 11. O'MKLVKKY. Owner V ISIT ii u-. AID PIONEER TAILOR I 113 N. >rins-St., tot tha) Ut«< aud SumUctlw <x) iQOd. i OUR OWN COLUMN. Daily and Weekly HEKALD, SOCIETY NOTICES. Youiitr Men'H Institute (Catholic). inalitute No. 14, meela .-very aecond and fourth Monday eveulugs of each month lv Palmers' Hall, Nadeau L'lock, at 7 SO o'clock Catholic young men between the ages of la aud so are »iljt!l>le to membership. Via Ulna brother* tv good slaudlug «r.'cordially Invited. John p. mokan, iv mi J. UEK President. Ki-eor.Una Secretary. oct'-T-ly K. OF P. Tri-Color Lodge N0.96 mecta every Friday evening in Pytlilm ( .> .tie, ft «_ A So. MSprlusi ticeL ~ Q Hojuuruihg Knights Invited. H. f. I'AYNE ('. 0. \|V .SAAC B. SMITH, K. of It. and 8. nov7-lyr LOS ANCELES LODCE 55, A. 0. 0. W. Kegular meetings of the above Lodge are held every Wedueaduy evening at A. U. 11. W. Hall, Child,' building, Main atreet. Vlalliugbrellitrvii i-0i.i1,.:., luvlted. HtKll. WHITNEY, M. W. VYALTBK DKVKKAI'X, Keoorder. Jan»lyr Eaglo Corps, n. Q. 0. RaetrLaß tnosttogs at tbe Armory, Conrl street, avery Friday eveulng at 8 o'clook. W. H. U HUHSKLL, Capuln Commanding, f. A r'lrrtt t u'ttllj Knights Templar. Cejea Da Lip:, t ~<s, ~ v ao. 9, X:- T Holds It* IUU-; . .Mi,-1a,,-« at tho asylum In Mv aoulc Hall, on I'm Tl.i.-.l THURSDAY ctsart month, at 7i tr*ateak r. a. Sojourning Knight* Templars in good etajudl&f aro curdlally in, load to attend. By order ot tha X: * 0: - B. 8. Bsll, Recorder. Los Angelas Mo. 33, Re stated oonvooatlona cusecond MONDATof each month, 7g r. a., at Mairinto Ball, Spring St. Rojournlng companions tn good fra ternally lnvilrd hv-order ef ' l». f. UoLBLI AN.H. P. T. J. Cirnpr.'Baeretorr. Los Angeles Lodge No. 35,1. 0. 0. P. . £i x KEUULAB MKETIN 5 held on **3aV Wednesday evening of eaoh week at 7 JO o'clook. S.rioiirnlug brethren in good atertninS are cordl.-Uly luvlted. 11. 11. CRAWFORD, N. Q. En. F. TiiAiao. B. 8. Ir» THB JLieading Paper OF Southern California Will devote IU eolumni to furthering tbe nter •ate of Loa Antrelea olty aod county and the Sonthum portion of tho Slat* It la the Intention of the publisher to maka The Herald NEWSPAPER CF IBS DAY Complete in *ll ita details and in every department PULL & RELIABLE The Editorial Columns vrrr.Li.Dra „.... AIX LIVE TOPICS OF THK OAY WHH.KTTHK...... Masonic Notice. A Loa AmaLaa Lone. No. «. F. » A AL—Tbe stated meetings of this Lodg - aro hold ou tho Orst MONDAY of each moolh al 7:30 r. M. Members of Sister Lodges *nd all Master Masons In good standing si oordially invited. THO3. BTROHM. W: U: A. J. HrcHTnaa, SecreTAry. .Oonndence Engine Company. _lA Raanua meetings ol this Oompa -JSPMeny on the first Wedewa, .venlng •JSBSesol each month, at 7:80oolook. By order J. X BaiaauT, F. P., Secretary. President. SICNET CHAPTER NO. 57, 0. A. ■~ Meete statedly ou the first Thursday m ol eaoh mouth, at 7:1& r. «., at Ma- #% — wuio Hall, McDou.ld Block. So- V Tf ourulngUompsuli'ii* iv goodstttinl- MARTIN, H P. y J. K. »■ BEL... tan'2l-tf American Legion of Honor. Safety Council No. 664 meeta *ecood aud fourth Thursday evenings of each month at their Hall. "Eveulng Kxpreaa" Building, Sojourning Compaulone Lv go<»d atandlug are cordially luvlted. W. T. BARNETT. Commander. GEO. W. KNOX, Secretary. t 0. 0. P. 0»d«* Council No. X, I. O. C. t., meet* evory Wednesday evening* in Good TumpUrs Hall. Vlalttntr m t 'n.i)t-,'H we coidittllv in M ted. R. W. READY, N. 0. A. J. E. rruuiHH. Rec. Bee'y. m \ Lob Angeles Council No. 11, Rcya: and Selec Masters, F. ft A. M. HoiaOS Ita aUtcd aaawDbllea *#n the 4th Mor. dv of tmch nii'iith tl M'.-*onir U«li, nt 7,30 P. M. - unions In food eteDdlng *rt fratejnft] y 1 nited to attend. Byordlj theTh!- Ill!■ J. E 8. Bbll, Recorder. Summer Races—-First Series INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE Los IX.FIh TI'RP k*\\V\% At AKrlttitiaral Park, JULY 22d, 23d and 24th. FIRST DAY- THURSDAY. JULY 22. First H ace—it uun tug— lutroductioii Stake, half mile dath for two year olda; |2S en trance, $.10 added to winner; aecond horse to save stake. Second—Trotting—2:4o class; purse, 1200: mile heats, 3 In 3 Third—"La Ballona" Stakes—Running- Three-quarters of a mile dash : free for all; weight for age: entrance, 1100 sdded to winner; second horse to save stake. EXTRA DAY—FRIDAY, JULY 23. events to be announced l ereafter. SECOND REGULAR DAY - SATURDAY, S-CM 3VhY 24. First Race—Rum dug—"El Cajon" Stakes, dash of three furlongs; free for all, weight forage. #£0 entrance, 12ft added to winner, second horse to save stake- Second Race—Trotting—2:3o class; purse, riftO; mile heats, 3 In ft. Third Kae*t— Ruuuiug — "fligh License" Stake, dash of \% miles, for all ages, weight for age; *t>o entrance, ijlH> added by'the oppressed taxpayers of Los Augeles city," 1190 added by the Club; all to wiuuer, ex ct*>t stake to second horse. RULES. The rules of National i'rotting Aasociation to govern trotting and Pacific Coast Blood Horse Aasociation rules to gover.i ruuuiug races. Ten per cent entrance to trotting races; three to enter and two to start; sixty per ceDt to first, :I0 per cent to second, 10 per cent to third horse. Entries to close with the Secretary July Ist. IWfl. Entrance fee to accompany nominations. By order of Los A»gelea Turf Club. X. A. COVARRUBIAS, President. E. A. DkCAMP, Secretary. Box 210. Loa Angeles, Cal. myttlm TELEGR AMS. By UTftniremeDt. dswlt ffee*ed w)iriw the fulUu and most exhaustive to be found In any paper of the State, not belae, vuniaseeri by those of th.- Sau "ranelaoo dallies. THE LOCAL COLUMNS Wlli contain a oompleU mocaa oj Lo Uappentntrs and all Matter** Home lut«raet. xee«. SEVENTH ANNUAL FAIR! DISTRICT Agricultural Association, Ra. 6. Los \\(;t:i,Fs oil. rvto3Nrr>A.Y, oot. v, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, INCLUSIVE, THE BEST RAGINB LIST EVER OFFERED $12,000 in Purses aid Premiums Knlarged and Attractive Prem ium Ltat for the Horticultural and Agrl cultural Departments iv active preparation. PROGRAMME OF RACES : rlrat Day—Tueaday, October IC. No. 1 -Running Race, purae tlftO, dash S if a mile, free for all two year olds. 2. —Ruuuiug race, purse SISO, daah mile, 'ree for all, weight for age 3. —Trotting race, purse |f»O0, for '2:» claaa. second Day-Wednesday, Oct. 13. 4. —Running race, purae 9300, for three fear olds. % ot a mile. ft.—Ruini' tg race, purse $160, mile dash, ree for hli and weight for age. Trotting race, purse *\MK>, three-miuute Third Day-Tlmrsday, Oct. 14. 7.-Ruuuiug race, pur c f2M, 1W miles, ree for all, weight for sge. — Ruuuiug race, purae 9*200, one mile for wo-year-olds. 9.~Trotllug race, purae IftOO, for 2.90 claaa. I he programme for the Ladies' Hiding oumsment la being couaidered for Thura lay. nud will be auuounced in due time. Kourih Day-frrlday, October lft. 10 — Kitnnti grace, purae 9200, for three •ear olds, \% miles. 11.—Kunulug race, purse taoo. selllug ■ace— Kiral valuation #7.0, 2 pounds ndded or eac>> «t"0 above and 2 pouude taken off or i ■'• 1 »|ou below, oue mile. 13,— njug race.purse 9*oo,for2:4oclaaa. tin. IMsy -Saturday, October 18 is.—Running race, puraafsftO, \\ miles, ree for all. weight for age. U.-Consolation running race, puree r2OO, >ue mile, free for all aud weight for age, for ll horses that hnve not won first inoue) lurlug this meeting. is.-Trotting race, puree 9MO, free for all All races will be called at 1 o'clock sharp. Knlrloa close on SATURDAY, July Hist. Circulars cootM.lulug rule*., remarke and oiidllions, and mtry blanks furnished on ppllcatloii to the T, O. NRWTON. Preeldeut. X A. DkC AMI', Been tary. Jaw a and 6 North Main st, OWrtU, * QHbMB. * Examiners of Title and Conveyancers, nova Rsud 14, McDouald Block, Mala Hl LOB ANU4CLKH Oal* TBRMS DAILY HERALD, by Ball, ooa year M go DAILY HKKALI), by mall, au uoatka .00 DAILY HERALD, by mall, three month. .8 ro DELIVERED IN THE CITY 16 Cents Per Week THE WEEKLY HERALD th a at« a WEEKLY, cm year, by malt. aaaa WKEKLY «« 0,00 th.: by mat"'S rVyaNa, v, Man JOSEPH D. LYNCH & CO. LUMBER VARUS. KCPCKHOPF-CLiZNBR. •ifilland Lumbur Oompany. Manufacturer, ol aod dealera In i uini', i. DOOn, ill I Hurt, V. imtllWS. (ASTIKN UAK, A-ill. HICKORY, WALNUT AND fOPIJVR, And a Kauev Parquetry n,.. of land wood a apeotaltr. t-<<> m i, KIRSMor nui.i »oick Yard ami Mill, ourner AlaniLda A M.or Sla. WssliobsHo.A P. O. Bi.n" n -aiu PERRY MOWtiCXMS LflM iF, YA Dfl AMD PLANING Mill . NO. TO OOMMfROIAL STREIV arrutf Oregon Lambsr Ouuipaiiy rheOiegiu Lumber OootMUf have lately opened | MDieudld aaaoriineut of Oreson Plseaad California Redwood Lumber BAKKCVg HOUiißfi. First Wsjuoual Hank OP I.QM A,NIIKLKH. uapical Htoca : : aioo.ow, Surplui, : ; iioCivK' E. F. SPBMOE, : President J M. ELLIOTT, : j Oashlor IXItKtTuKS: I n KtutuuA, J. T. Cham, II kirni An. Law, K. r. araaea ST. N aatOaXHUcS; pan A. ll Wiloo,. De. ~ a. m. ~ Os Wrru, aar, jAaa. MoOor j r, caui . r. o. stoat, J S llou.,taaoa. A L Laaaaaaeia U UUOBT. W> '.il. I. 11. Cabi roil. ti. 11. Hurt, A. W. H.vavar. ocHtf (•MHiersttMbMauk bm or i.os ESTABLISHED IN 186 a < iDltml. autoO.OOII. Marplaa aa llvaei-vo rn»d, •aIA.WOO. IHAIAS W. IIELLHAN PRESIDENT I. . O. UOUDWIN VIOB-PHESIDK.W JOHN MILNEH SECRETARY aOAKD or piaaofoaa ISAIAB W. UEL' lAN JOHN S. OBIKPIN, 11. W. til I t,l>3, O. E. TUOM, i'lllL. UAP.NIKK J. 0. LANK Kitsfillt 0. DUCOMMUN, JOSE MASLAREL SXUSAStiE roK HAI.I liv Of etory description ai tliel- new Yard on Date, Chavez and Mis sion Streets. We liaro a One atock of LATHS, PICKETS SHINCILK9 aud KINIBHINU LUMBER of a auperlnr quality. We are alao prepared lo Oil ordera on ihort notice for bu ding material! of orcry de scription. rartlrmHf stttntltm paid to ord. rt for un gual length, an I dlmeneloua. Orders solicited. )yl6-lf J. A. KIISH. Agent. I. M. GMFFTTH * 00.. Lumber Dealers. Manufacturers of Doors WINDOWS, BLINDS Stain, SUir Rail, belluaters, Newell Post, a . Mill Work of every dceorlptirj, and dealera I f.lme, Plaeter. Hair. etc. : So. ASS North Alameda St roc I New York. London, Frankfort, DubUn, Paris and Berlin. JV Receive deposit* end c Thell Cer tldoates. aW Uuy end Sell OovtTDmriils, Stele, Count, end Oily ' bOH ANOBEaBR COUNTY BANK, Main St, 1-oa Angeles, Oal. CAPITAL STOCK. PAID UP, 0100.301! Remrve 'una, *<tOO.OOO. >OUJi K. PLATF X- PrnUem. It S. PAKFtt . Vi v.l r. ■ ti. L. I«AOi,UL Oeemet. DIRKCTORSI J. S. Slaudoh, Jotuam Biter, Joan E. J t. .Tan, Robbkt ti\ lUaaa, John a. Paxroa, Oaoaea VVi f'aeftoor, X a Winaat< aVßut and Sill Kkchah.b n aa ' ..ouoo New York, London, Parle, Berlin and f .'kfortj. aVßvr RtoniMoa on all part Unite State.' md Kuret*. Cfraa'.'uva M ou open aecou no.l vertlf. » "I depoelt, Mkj lo a ge0.,.1 Larking .no Vrea'l Jl> "" MTK vie'Vre«' f\ C UoAaa, Cadhler. DR. LIEBIG iS/) frlvato Ulspentiaj y. 4iv, r, t - ,ry Ht . Han Francisco, Conducted by Qualified KHyESjSyj, PbyslclaiiH aud Uurgeona— IvteX-'. ' n'giihir (triidnati'fc 4Md«-Hl Wim* - Vs/X&SJ ctaliHta. lv tba Unfted Htatea, whoao Lifi:lom< Bl <sgr*ir pBitiBKCK, perfect metliod and pun; medlclue, insuro \ cuaas of all Private, t'hmnle \3Vt and NcrvmiK Ulsoasea. Affcc \»Vrf Uontjof the Blood, Kklu. Kid..- >n. Bladder, >J»r Xi Upl iUfIH. t li i-i M.01.1 ■ Sorea.iawelliiiic «f th.- IIIMU, mh Month, Throßland Runt- PuinN, iH -r maneutly cured and eradicated from tba i system for life. I BTTJirnnO Debility. luipotoucy, dtunlna t llLill UUu Loi-m'n, Bezual Decay, Meuta and Failing Memory Weak Eyes, Stunted lit-v.-lopmeut, linpedj j meuta to Marriage, etc.. from excesses o, \ youthful follies, or auy cnu.-e, apeedil-T, aafely and privately cured. I Yon si «t. A»llddi«'-aceil aud Old men I aud all wbo uecd medical Ptklll and ex pt-rlt-ii.-f eontUl tn* OM European P!iy | alclau at ouoe. His opinion coats notbii>g, 1 aud may save fuiure misery and shame. ] When iucou?euleut to visit the City for reitment, medicines chu be acnt every where by express rn"«* from obsi rvu tion. It la self < \ i'Rut th tit a physician who gives hia whole aiteut.on to a ola*s ol dlaeasea atluinN icr*-ut«-i- sikUl. aud phyalclaua throughout tbe country,knowing thia frequently roeommoud dlillcult cases to the Oldt-at Mpt-clallMt. by whom every kuowo guud remedy la used. The Doctor's ngv and exp«rienee make his opinion of stapreme important-. who call see no one but tne Doctor. CoiihUltattoiiN free and Maert-dly eofitldentiul, C u-i-s wb-cl. have lailed lv ohtaiulng re.lef elsewhere especUlly wj ilclted. Kemale diseases succusnlully treated. The l»oet*ii* will agree to forfeit •I.iHM) 'or a case undertaken uolcured. Call or write. Hours: Dally, from » a. m. to 4 P. at., 6 to 8 eveuiuus. Suudaya. tO to 154 ouly. t)a»i» fob the H*NiTAiiiaT Uuidito Health. Best i-'kee. Addrebb aa above. ll ia acknowledged by the Medical World tbat the uaaie lalKfllij* would have been lmiuortaliEed, eveu had 'hediscovery of the life-giving material corr-pot-lug the Lite bin Wonderful 4>.erauaii luvißoratnr beeu hia only gift to aufleriug humanity. So effectual aud mic-esriful haa been the treatment of all Private Diseasea aud Spe cial Complaluts of men, by the Db. Lixuiq method, that the Liebig m*peuBttry now has a monopoly of »ucn diseasea ou the Pacific Coast-in fact, many arc comiug from tin Eastern States to be cured. The l>octor'M fame as a specialist fur diseases of meu la universally known and hundreds are daily availing themselverv of the opportunity of free consultation, per sonally or by letter, iv all languages. X> J=C, X.XXSBX4Qr v k9 Wouderfnl Maaruetie Healers, or Sell' t.tlifHH i-ri'-. Are the latest discovery made at tbe Liebig Dispensary, and vow every one can be hit own Magnetic Healer aud Hand Rubber. Sold only at tbe Liebig Die penaary. OR. I li Kli. n Wonderful Uermnn InvlsTorntor Permanently preveuts all (Junalural from the system, tones tho nerves, strength ens the mu>cies, checks the Wfte, luvigor ates the whole system, aud am- -stores the afflicted to Health aud lliipplu«4. The reason m many cannot get cured «f Seminal Weaktieas, Loss of Manhood, etc., .s owing to a complication called PRUSTOK KHEA witb H VPERAKTHEHiA, which re tiuires peculiar treatmcut. Dr. Llebig's in vlgorator Is the ouly positive cure for PROS TOKKiIEA.with peculiar special treatmeut, used at the LIKL'!«- I-IHI'KaNSABY. jfrles? of iiivliciinitoi $■», Case of six bottles, f 10. Sent to any address, cov ered securely from observation. Most powerful electric belts free to pa tient*. To Prove the Wonderful Powin of the IN VIGOR A TOR A »* Bottle Mvrn or Kent Free Consultation free aud private. Ca!l or addreaa 1,1 .Hit. lUM'E\**A XV. 400 Geary Street. Sau Francisco, Cal. Private entrance, 406 Mason street, four blocks up Qcary street from Kearney. Main entrance through Dispensary Drug Store. Los Angeles National Ban£. NO. ti N-jRTH MAIN .-THtti \. Los An gelas. Oal CAPITAL. ajIOO.OOU DIRECTORS : Da. W U. CoouasH H. H. MAaKHam PasKf U. Oasia, Joua Brtsos, Sa,. Da. H aiNaASAiiaH. V. C. Ifowsa. Qso. n. UoaassAßß. ttV ExiAluaiige for salt) on all the principal cltlei o tbe Un!t»l State aad Snropa. mh9 Los Angeles Savings Bank 130 NORTH MAIN ST., CAPITAL, - - - , $100,000 PRKBID L. C. GOODWIN SCORE J. V, WAOUTEI flourd of Director*: tSAIAj W. ll Ki.,t.wAis Jons E. PuAraa Roar. H. lUaaa, John A. PArrow L. C. GOODWIM. Term Deposits will be reeetved tn sums of on hutidrexl dnlLvra land over. Ordinary Deposlte in sums of tea dollar* en t MoDuy to lorni ou flrst-olaaa Real EsUte. T>v At.irelt>fl, July 1, 1884' ARCHITECTS. EfBOK & MORGAN, AKCHIi KCTH, ROOMS 1, I ANO 3, No. 86, South Spring &>. Ll a gelesCal. oca tf JOHN HAI.I \RI.fIITKCT AWD 9ANTTARY ENUINEKR 1 ti Knrth Main fnre«t. (Rootna 4 -nd ft.) In the Superior Court Of tbe County of Loa Angeles State of California. In tbe matter of JOSEPH F. N ADR A IT, an Insolvent Debtor. Adjudication of Insolvency. Stay of Pro ceedlugs aud Order of Piiblfc-Ulou of Notice to Creditors. V Joseph K. Nadeau hay fug filed In this Court ► his petition, hchedule and iuveutory in mi i- which it appears thai he ißan In I- solveut debtor, the haM Joseph F. Nadeau is i, hereby declared to he insolvent. The Sheriff of tbe said county of Los Angele*, Is hereby f directed to take piaallanllin <J all ihe entate - real and pi-r-onal, of the aaid Jn,-ep!i F. Nadeau. insolvent debtor, ex ■ cepl such as may be by >w «*• empt from executiou, aud of all his deeds b vouchers, b -ok-s of accotiat.and papers, and to keep the same safely until ihe appoiut , meut of an Assiguee of his eatatt. All per boum are forbifiden topav any debts to the naid Insolvent, or lo deliver any properly belonginr to him. or to any person, tirm or corprrstiou or association (or hia use The said debtor Is hereby forbidden to trans T feiord.Lver auy property, until tbe fur iher order of thia Court, except ac hereiu ordered. It Is further ordered, that all tbe credl tore of nald debtor be aud appear before tbe Honorable Win, A Cheuev, Judge of th* Superior Court of the said county of ix>s Augelea, in open Court, at tbe court rm-ra i of aaid Court. Departnii-nt One lhereof, iv the city and county of Los Angelea, on the 6th Uny al July, INBU. At ten o'clock a. j*., of that day, to prove their debt« au i etwS c one or more Asslgu eea of the estate -if aaid debtor. It Is further ordered, that the order be published iv the Loa Angeles Dally II ntt\i i< a newspaper of general circulatiou. pofa llahed iv the said county of Los Au geles. an often >m the aald paper ia pub lished, before the »atd day set for the meet fug of credl ton*. And It la further ordered, that. In the meantime. «!] proreediligs egainst the sai.l insolvent he stayed. Dated June ;.d. HtM. WM. A. CHENEY. J4td Judge of Superior Court Gilt Hp Investment fine Hr«ln, Vine or rrnlt Ranch of JO7 arrea. Ice itrd ~ mile, from Sauta Ana and 4 mile, fr.m Newport Harbor, aud adjoining me New|M»rt t'olouy. Public roa.l i.ouud. Hoi and cud and croaaea the middle of tne ' 75 Acres Com and Alfalfa ! Land, I Aud balanceadapted to grain,vine, or fruit Elegant aicatlnu to .übdlvlde. Artealati water. 1 wo churcbea. .tore aud 130 o school houae within mile of tr.rl Good land. fine view. Will sell aa a whole or .übdlvlde laMat „uil price to anlt. «r. vioio, 65 North Street. ' Ja«lm , Stock b ilders' Notice. RAYMOND HOTEL. Lots For Sale in the Marfiio Tract! ADJOINING ABOVE HOTEL. Thia tract haa been subdivided aud the portion 1) ins nmth uf the Monterey Knad la now offered for sale hi lot* of ten and tweu : ty acrea, or smaller, If more desirable to purchasers. Abundant supply of pure water for irrlra tlon and domestic purposes, delivered tv pipes from living springs on tbe laud at a pressure varying irom seventy to oue hun dred and forty live feet, will besold wltb eaCh lot. Tbe tract Is distant seven miles from the Ixm Angeles Court House, nnd frequent communication is had dally over ibeL. A. AB. Q. V. K. X., which baa a station near tbe hotel. Tha Raymond Hotel, the largest in South eru California, is situated oo a hill on the northern end of the tract and la rapidly ap proachlug ootnpiet'ou. For further particulars apply to W. G. HUGHES, 39 N. Spring St.. Roos 1. I LOS AKUKI.KK 1 Pun lei- desiring |a MV-MM will be ahowii the tract ouappireatiou to L. C.Winston, living on th- land, near to nnd south of tbe hotel: or to O. K. Dougherty, Heal KnUtt Agent, corner Mission street and Sylvan aveuue, uear K. K. Station, South Pusa'dens dec2ttf iroii-Sulpbur Springs, Animal Health aud I'leasnif Ktwort U MILKS PROM LOS ANOEI.EB, Inllee from NorwalkStatlon,saute Ana H. KKEK IMc ■ X TO HOTEL, c'hclj beate, Sulphur, Maaneala, uhl put MounulD drfklttg water*. The beet of Hot end Cold Mineral Hatha. These waters cind bans ere excellent for Khetitnatlsm, Scrofula And dtaeaeee of tbe stomach, liver. kidneys and cckAa. rarm'' tT ° m lr ° U BnlphntBpr ™'T ,loO,triCQ Ua. O. T. Widhby, Medleal Snot Cham as Bosav, Clerk ot Hotel, •wlton Wells offlee. notTMAvr Certificate f •""--Vartnership. We hereby eertiiy mat we coo.llttitc t partnership. irau-iictluit business In the city of Loa Angeles, hi Use state of Ceihlr nla. at No. 141 I'nper Main it., tlu .aid olty. Tba style of audi pariner?titp will he known aa the South t'oaat Manufacturing Company. The ml) uacnecc aud respective place, ol all Ita members are »lgtietl,arctc, David Ewtao «,.,.,, Kealdlug at Eureka. Nevada; VY. L. Oewax. RMldlue; al Loa Angeles, California StDNiv Roantavao, , Eealdluf at Los Angc,,,, cilo.r la. Dated Lo. Angeles. Mny 30. lata;. I twlaw Ufflce of the city Railroad Company of Lo Angelea. , , , . April IMb, 18W. In accordance with a resolution .domed »t a meeting of tbe Director, of the Clt, Railroad Company of Loa Augelti held thl. dar. a encclal meeting ol tbe ■tockt..-,lder« of a.ld company l» herel'y called the ua, to be held at the offlee of'he company No ii Oommer lal .treel, lv the city ol 1„;,' An ; gelea county of Lo, Angelea state of Call lorula, ou Monday, the l.t ,iay of June a 1). lNki, al the hour of to o'clock a at „n that day, to lake Int., conaide allon clde upon the nroiawtlioa lo InereaAe th, •aplt.l ,t,«-k „f ; »|j comprny from one hundred thoo».nd dollar., .li.tded into one thnn.nnd .bare, of o'e hnudr,d dollara each, MM preaent caplr.l atiM-k of th. com pany, to two hundred .nd ally thou.aml dollar., to be divided into two ihouaand ahaiea of one hundred dollar, IBAIABW. lIELI.MAN. Pre.i.len- >„i Director W. J. BBOIIRI - v ' rlr t K. II CHAPM M, ',„ JOHN . , IHrwiora I>. WIIKKLKI; ' I JOHN O WIIKKI.KU. s . r.t.ry. aplll-w-td JLOBT POWER W..tggstt howetet iuiluced. v..'. only r.lleved but PKKMAN KNI LV t'CREI) without nied cine. IT rovt'M tot lIIMI tosen.l for partlcTlar., which we will forward free lv aealed euvelnpe ou application. Don', I mlfta this onporiin.lty, Addreas, M. K. A. CO., IW7 Bnatdw.., I ,j mrmu New York olir. s LINB-I OK TKAVICL. YOSEMITE ROUTE IVo Open. Reduced Rates f TO jB YOSEMITE AND BIG TREES '■ Via a Railroad f,.,.. H.e Mum ! til at 1 •*. v 7* »»< ooaoi , io * ti „ well I C<l -IX 11f.r.., .'. il'.il'.sl ,| M , , g|,J -I dlreelly 11111>11|i H jr<i\tj i.f ii,.. I i!f and tb. historical ,„id ~,, \ "'flcV?. lurormatlot, may tieobtttmed of S ,„„ . THUS. T. WALTON, ;9jfJ 148 Montgomery Ml., Han v rsnclscn cil. j 4 Or WAKNHRU U. & (!KO*- ( BY, P.xcuraionists, 1 SOt N. Main St., Loa Angelea, Oal. J Tbe ahurteat, quickest and cbenpeal n.ute. I'..|iil|,iii.-iiti. iiim.-i ~„., ii.. n„ mi.repre I •entation on Ibl.llue. m.riiiiai i PACIFIC COAST SteHDiKhii Hompanj^B GOO HALL, PEKKINa Alio., General AgstJjtßfl SAN FBANOISOO. NORTHERN ROUTES. STEAMERS LEAVK r»AN FRANI'MCrO For Wrangle, Hitk* and Hiirrint urir, AlR**** and Nanalmo and New W, . i- i r * C , a- a.lvertlae'! In f-tu Fth; <> :i..w<dhl per 9. For Victoria, Port T.twii«eud, Seattle Taco ma, Stoilaeooai and Olympia ou June 4 11, IS, 20, aud July '2. For Astoria and Portland June :t fi It M i JS. 28 and July 3. Fur Eureka. AruuU mid H.Kiktou, cvury W educed ay. For Point Arena. CtitTy'e Covo, Lltllo Klret a Whitenboro, Menilocino Ctty aud N (t ,o. M eyi-ry afonda • _ SOUTHED 30UTES. TIME TABLE FOR JURE, ISB6. COKINe BOOTH. SOIHS HOKTH. JJ A A II HTEAMEKH »■ £i 5E »S 3 i ft| Oriiaba jjune I June * June « 39H Eureka i " a " & " fi » i Geo.W.EluVr ■• t ft *• am A a Sau la Rosa •' ■( " v •• jji Lea Angelea i " 10 " 11 •* Ml Orlaaba iv " i:> " •» Wa Vureka ).• •• 14 - u> mm Geo.W.Elder ia •' 1;. •■ 17 « S§ Santa Rosa - Hi " 18 ' -JO " 31 LcaAngeloa 17 " lv " JO " 31 Oriaaba- tn •• -/l ■• 26 Wm Kureka Jl »• n " 2* M 9 UtMi.VV.FId.T ii. " J4 '• 26 •* ml HauLa ,i..*,h " 2.', ■• J7 " £t July fa L.m Augelea. *' 26 28 " '2a «• jfj Ortzalj i 28 " 33 July V « S Eureka " HO July 2 " B L*L_ i M Steamera Santa Rosa, urlaaba aud QmMM w . Kider k» 'hrotikjh to ti iMTilflH from San Krarclaoo. " * The tt earners Sauia Uriraha and Geo.l W. Elder. Can ai Han a Ba-bara and Port Har ford irtmi« übiMp'ij ouly, 011 tbe MM Cara .0 couuect wltb ateatueni leave «*, All K. R. depot, Loa Augelea, at. follow* ■ vYKkfij 3auta Komi, Orizaba ami Geo. VV. Elder, ill y;.'o o'clock a. » -Villi Loa Angeles aiflß goinj; uor'li at : 4ft o'clock f. at^ ox 1 FROM ANGELES To Ban Franolpco . tr? n ' *^3H|B Hau FrancUcoaud returu. |>. | FROM HAN PKIUtO WUAKF To Monterey and Hauta Oral 14 i Cayucoa il fl Off fort Harford 10 Vi s3| Garleta 9 7 0 Santa Barbara 8 1 00 San Buenaventura 5 - &■ Ban Diego 5 M «»"Pla-jfsof steaniert Oablua at AceflM office, where bertha may be secured. Fur Newport Laudiug.vla Sauta CruLffMlsl freight steamera leave Man Frarif"-,c<> uW,ul weeks, aa tides ser*e or 4iL^Xmmm The Company reserves the right to chafljin tho ateamera or their <Jaya of nailing;. i| £a>T*Fi.r pai»sat;e or 'reU'ic aa aboved!! for ticket* to aud from All Important Point-* in EtttfH -APPLY TO— ■ H. MoLBLLAN, ; ; AfftiH OFFICE-No. 8 Commercial St.. Lo- A.i*^ns Soitiieri Pacific CoDipdD?. PACIFIC SYSTEM.) .ttjtntjh loih, xoa«a» Trains leave and are duo to arrive at' H >•r» f* j» jot «s* a- ie jej al Al voixowa: a "A T » .BlilV«* r»« I'KWTIN-ATll'S. !Si m __i^g^gS iflu r. ■ Coltou uta^H < so f x coium *aIH .' 00 r. M .OenMo» Kxpreaa |ta|H < aajl I Kmlgrant. . tVt] 2-00 f. if El Paaoaud Kut. U . M H 12:»0 r. m .aan Fran . Expresa ] -so r X ] and ■ 12:S0 r. m (Sacramento) Emigr't. ■9 50 . at SanU Ana and Anaheim M 4 -'0 r. at Santa Aua and Anaheim r. tHi.u f:3O a. m SantA afonloa g ; ifi, A .g| '5:10 r. M SanU Monica.. .. . 4:M P> v Wn SanU Monica.. . f5 : 20r.« 9:«.. m 1 .Long Beach,Wllm'g-. 5 10 c. M *' r m' mv and Sun Pedro i «^ag9 tSuud.iy. Only. I I' "OonMAJt f'H cenerK r'aaaeugernnd ncMJgMgS A. N. Ti. >\NK, Oeneral ■ E E. HEWITT I l.os Aga>Va\Vfl California Mim I iue betwe.-r ,\ oval OfgaaTMaTal I)ieß..-.uc Augelea »,,. i«uuto Bast' andgj at B Mia with aigVgVgVgl audPacilicß. c.nnd Lt I ,» •HBbI *..i'l.en, I'.rUf K. K. Pullman .Sleeping Can i-n MaSaVjtttVjVJ 1 11. ii,id ,„ ~a> jaßaß i:uro|,r, »lih choice "I rnui- a. TIME jR Vi».-*iiß I -imklii.. t u4, IKW.K4 I'atlT Dally dIT7?H -■T" 2-*»»'»'-*«■« v.ioni -£> '.21 Sau Gahr . 8.30 l'nm,.„. 7ss ggggggggfl t.l'< »1S ,|.S Sgw It «' •., , r | SSf , M J| loiiS piVru I t!o a^ggggl IJ.4SAH 1.50rv. F,:i H, „. , M »S Mt 630 606 OC «* n > lJ ' II.aSAM 388 7°" Bss arNlujilir ao gggggggggggi »f-i'ts)-l xcpt3d TJSS aßaaVal .i.airm IU Ha* lK' ' '?r« IQ.'<o erßlv.sdlv' 0 l»"fgj n'.«'' !, I "-"J J.'29a* !> C'lt'nar 6.26 m B ».« s Ber'dno j 6.01 ■ Vlcior «.« ■ TTtdß an m on PmeUo ,1 Paaaengera will .aye Irom ten ceVti u,, t? fajffai their ticket. For rates of freight or fare -n1,1r M .., it I fornla Southern Ageuta al 1,.,' ; -t ™lons73Hl •«. k'. \» n -tCi ; W^»^^H Los Aageies k Su mm m\ti M\niM . leave and are doe Liaviroa: dbstinition: Ur*. FBll a, <^H ffl:4A a. H. Pasadena .t |.. ; man-'4-10 :t3 a. lo „ da Park. ■ t8:10 r. m. Paaadeua A Laman- ii uo r w ■■■ +s:»f>i-. m Santa Anil > flgfl "10:90 a., m. Santa A nit* *9:ift a. w, •6:40 r. M. Sauia Aatta r. m. ' 'V: ''^^KtfHaaH Freight and PaaaeHgflßgagagagajgal >' W .. r -i> ■ ffi I>.a. ,H ffil MUSEUM OF ANATOMY. I | \V\ ft IMKKT I udTerHwi' ''' *" ''«H^^H|