Newspaper Page Text
EASTERN TOPICS. Manager Stone Makes a Statement. EXTRAORDINARY DISCLOSURES. Chapter of Crimes andlCasualties. Boiler Explosion at Pittsburg-. _ Associated Press Dispatches to tbe Herald. I Chicago, July 6.—General Manager Stone, of the C. B. &. Q. railroad, has furnished the Associated Press with a long statement giving the history of the dynamite plot. He says about the mid dle of May the company was informed of a plot to destroy its property by dyna mite, and that Bowles was about to leave town to put the plan in operation. Bow les did leave Chicago, having taken dynamite caps with him from the room occupied at the Grand Pacific by Chair man Hoge, of the General Grievance . Committee. On the 29th of May, near Aurora, an engine struck explosive mate trial which bore strong evidences of dy namite. The engine was badly damaged. On remnants of the paper found was the mark of the manufacturer, the same as on the cartridges in the possession of the men arrested on Thursday. Shortly after this Bowles was at Noblesville, where he was supplied with funds by a draft from J. A. Bauereisn, Chairman of the Griev ance Committee, who was also arrested this morning. Broderick was at this time at Creston, lowa, where he repeat edly requested Bauereisn to send Bowles with his goods, as it was a favorable place for operations. Bowles accordingly went to Creston and met Broderick. A few hours after Bowles left Creston another explosion took place in the Creoton yards, with all the circum stances and evidences of the previous explosion. During this time, Broderick and Bowles had been furnished with a letter of introduction to various members of the Brotherhood, stating they were acting on business of importance to the Brotherhood, and asking co operation from members. Such letters were found in their possession when arrested. Be fore going to the train at Aurora on Thursday, Broderick went to the hall of tbe Brotherhood and got the package of dynamite which was taken on the train. This package had been taken to the hall by Bauereism on April 16th. Chairman Hoge issued a circular to Chief Engineers and members of the divisions of the Brotherhood, reading as follows: "The C. B. & Q. wants from four to five hundred more engineers. We have de cided to ask you to furnish one or two men from your division. We ask the same of all divisions to come and apply for positions under assumed names and as soon as they get positions to corre spond with John Showers, of Chicago, for instructions. The object is to disable engines in every way we can and quit work on a given day. Supply the men - with plenty of sal soda and emery." A number of attempts were made to carry out the suggestions in this circular, but in all cases the applicants were re fused employment. Mr. Stone explained that the sal soda referred to in Hoge's circular was to be put into the tanks of the engines to make the water foam and prevent steam, and to cause the burning of the crown sheets in the fire boxes. Emery was to be thrown on different parts of tbe machinery , to cause the bear ings to run hot and ruin them. The offi cers who went to Aurora to-day, returned to-night, bringing with them Aleck Smith, a striking fireman, who is said to have handled some of the dynamite. AURORA DYNA.TIITERB. Bauereisn Released Detectives After more Conspirators. Chicago, July 6. —Bauereisn, the al leged dynamiter arrested to-day at Au rora, gave bail for $5,000 this evening, and was released. Bail was furnished by J. A. Feidler, a Chicago , merchant. The three men arrested yesterday are still in jail, being unable to give bail for $15,000. Attorneys Donohoe and Davis have been retained to defend them in connection with any attorneys that may be selected by the Brotherhood ot En g'neers. In conversation with Chairman oge to-day, the men denied all knowl edge of the dynamite and did not know who brought the stuff into the car. They said after they were arrested General Manager Stone came into the car and then one of the detectives took a package from a hat rack. They say they never saw the package until it was in the hands of the detective. Deputy United States Marshall Burchard left for Aurora this afternoon with a warrant for more of the alleged conspirators. THE BOISE. Fixing; Duties on Lead, Ore and Sugar Products. Washington, July 7. — Kilgore, of Texas, presented a conference report on the bill to ratify the act creating the county of San Juan, New Mexico; agreed to. The regular order was then demanded, being an aye and no vote, on the Land Grant Forfeiture bill, which was passed on a vote of 177 to 8. The House then went into committee of tbe whole on the Tariff bill, the pend ing paragraph being that relating to iron or steel railway fish plates or splice bars. Buchanan's motion to strike out the paragraph was rejected. The reading of the bill then progressed rapidly, motions made on the Republican side to strike out many of the paragraphs being rejected generally without division and with little debate.. Farquhar's amendment increasing and scaling duties in proportion to the size of file*, prevailed by a vote of 64 to CI. Mills, however, demanded tellers, and tbe amendment was rejected. On motion of Vance, of Connecticut, with assent of Mills, the paragraph im posing a duty of thirty-five per cent, ad valorem on wood screws, was stricken out, thus restoring the present rate of duty. Dubois, of Ohio, opposed the reduc tion of the duty on lead ore, quoting from a leading Democratic paper of Ida ho Territory, protesting against the re duction, and declaring that the Demo cratic party of Idaho was antagonistic to it. It would have an injurious effect up on silver mining, as in the low grade mines great reliance was placed upon lead which was mined in the process of silver mining. He offered an amend ment restoring the existing duty, and providing that the combination of lead ore with gold or silver ore shall not be exempted from duty on lead ore. Perkins, of Kansas, sustained ihe amendment, but it was lost by a tie vote, 62 to 62. Stone, of Missouri, offered an amend ment, which leaving the duty on lead oro THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY. 7, 1888. ■3 fixed by the bill, provides that the combination of lead with silver in ores shall not exempt lead therein from duty. Me contends that it was unfair that a cargo of ores, of which 51 per cent, was lead and 49 per cent, silver, should be compelled to pay duty, while if the pro portions were reversed, it could be free. Reed, of Maine, referred to the recent speech made by Mills, in New York, and said that that gentlemen had been re ceiving in certain Democratic papers a good deal of praise for his manly bold ness in resisting his const itutents on the subject of wool, and he hoped the gentle man would have the strength and brav ery to get up and avow to the House what his position was. Mills retorted sharply, attacking the Republican party and itß platform. A discussion of a political nature, between Mills, Reed, and Burrows, of Michigan, then continued for some time. Finally a vote was ordered and the amendment read by Stone was rejected, as also was the one submitted by Wagner, of Mis souri, restoring the present rate of duty on lead ore. On motion of Mills the clause was stricken out, which imposes a duty of 35 per cent ad valorem on pen knives and razors, thus restoring to present rate. On motion of Mills a clause was insert ed, fixing the rate on new type for print ing, at fifteen per cent ad valorem. The sugar and molasses and confection ery clauses being reached by agreement, they were all considered together. After an understanding had been reached that a vote should not be taken to-day, Can non, of Illinois, offered an amendment striking out all of the sugar and molasses paragraphs and inserting clauses fixing the duties as follows: Sugars not above No. IG, Dutch standard, syrup, etc., and all molasses testing not above 65 degrees, not otherwise provided for, are to be ex empt from duty, in the event that no ex port duty is levied by the country of exportation. Sugars above No. 16 are to pay a duty of 3-10 of one per cent; molasses above 56 de grees, two cents per gallon; maple sugar, two cents per pound on crystaliza ble sugar; maple syrup or molasses, four cents per gallon; glucose, one cent per pound; sugar candy, not colored, five cents per pound; all other confectionery, not enumerated, and sugars after being refined, when tinctured, colored or adul terated, and on all chocolate confection ery, ten cents per pound with a similar provision against an export duty. It is also provided that to encourage domestic production, there shall be paid a bounty to United States producers of sugar from beets, sorghum and other cane raised in the United States as fol lows : On sugar, two cents per pound; on molasses above fifty six degrees, six cents per gallon; not above fifty-six degress, four cents. In supporting the amendment, Cannon alluded to the frauds which had grown up under the present law, and criticised the bill for perpetuating these frauds. Funston, of Kansas, suggested that the farmer who produced sorghum would not be protected if sugar under No. 10 was admitted free. Cannon replied that the total product ion of sugar in the United States was about 300,000,000, pounds, nearly all made in Louisiana, and the product was decreasing. In 17 years the value of sugar imported into the United States was $200,000,000. During these 17 years the duty paid has amounted to over $700,000,000. Never since the govern ment was founded had any article re ceived one-half the protection that sugar had received. Was it right to levy_ this tax on every man, woman and child in the United States to 'the amount not only of a duty of $60,000,000 year, but of $30,000,000 of refined profits? What for? To protect refiners and en able them to keep up trusts, and to pro tect the Louisiana planters, and the man who grew beets and snrgum. He did not think this was right. Let sugar un der sixteen come in free, and then let a policy be pursued which would give the Louisiana planter, the California beet grower and the Kansas sorgum grower as much protection as he receives now. This the proposed amendment accom plishes. After some debate the committee arose and the House took a recess until 8 r. if. Boiler Explosion. Pittsburg, June 6.—A battery of boil ers at the tannery of A. and J. Groet zinger, Allegheny City, exploded thic af ternoon, wrecking several buildings and seriously injuring six persons, three of whom will die. Engineer Wetzle was blown through the roof of the tannery and lauded in the yard outside. One side of the building was blown out and the boiler house was completely demol ished. A heavy double wagon was blown against Mr. Welzle's residence sixty feet away, and the side of the house crushed in. One section of the boiler was carried across the Allegheny river, a distance of one thousand feet. Another piece struck a school house 1,200 feet away and tore out the end of the build ing. A scene of the wildest excitement followed the explosion. Fully sixty men were at work in the tannery. Tne Turf. Washington Park, July 6.—Attend ance moderate. Fast time; five furlongs. Joyful won, Benson second, Maud Ward third; time, 1.02)£. Five furlongs—lrish Dan"won, Cassan dra second, Lee Dinkelspiel third; time, 1.03. One mile —Irma H won, Balance sec ond, Martha third; time, 1.43>£. Seven furlongs—Antonio won, Jim Nave second, Bedstone third; time, 1.30. One and one-sixteenth mile—Santa lene won, Famine second, Sayre third; time, 1.50}^. Six furlongs—Destruction won, Weav er second, AUie third; time, 1.16. Six furlongs—Waring won, Lafltte sec ond, Jacobin third; time, 1.14%. Brighton Beach, July 6. —Weather fine, track fast. Five furlongs—Mon mouth won, Zodiac second, Salvage third; time 1:03%. Five furlongs—Boodle won, Martha second, Corocco third; time 1:03%. Three-quarters of a mile—Nina W. won, Keystone second, Lemon third; 1:16?4. Seven furlongs—Harper won, Cruiser second, Barnum third; time I:2i> _ . Handicap, mile and a quarter—Troy won, Valiant second, Lute Arnold third: time 2:10. Mile and an eighth—lvanhoe won, Miss Charmer second, Cato third; time 2:01 M A RECORD LOWERED. Helena, Mont., July 6. —Daniel 8., a 6-year-old, belonging to the stables of Morehouse. Blivens & Co., Helena, ran three-eighths of a mile yesterday at the Montana Association's meeting in 34% seconds, beating the record for that dis tance by % second, as made by Cyclone, a California horse, last year. Oalled Enough—-Wife—The gas collec tor was here again to-day. Husband- Did you tell him to call again ? Wife— Yes; but be said it wouldn't be neces sary. Husband—Wouldn't be necessary? Wife—Yes; he shut the meter off.—[Tid- Bits. THE O. R. C. PICNIC. How the Fourth was Passed at Santa Barbara. A MAGNIFICENT PARADE. Notes Gathered by a Herald's Representative in the Queen City. When the excursionists from Los An geles to Santa Barbara arrived at their destination at 2:30 p. m. on the 3rd inst. they found a large crowd of persons assembled to welcome them. A charge was at once made for the different hotels and after everyone was comfortably quartered, the beach became the center of attraction and numbers indulged in a dip in the surf. Long before the time announced for the grand march, Lobero's Theatre was filled to its utmost capacity by the merrymakers, who passed the time admiring the handsome decorations within the building. The theatre was fitted up with elaborate floral designs and gayly-colored bunting. And scattered here, there and everywhere were the red, white and blue flags and lanterns, emblematic of tbe "Ail-aboard" Brigade. At each end of the stage stood a locomotive head-light inscribed with the lettering "O. R. 0., L. A. Div. Ill," around the word "Wel come." At the left side of the hall were ice cream and lemonade booths, presided over by the Woman's Relief Corps of Santa Monica, the following ladies being in charge: Lemonade booth—Mrs. Packard, Miss Prisel, Miss Bonner. Ice-cream booth —Mrs. Telhune, Mrs. Bates, Miss Allare, Miss Clette, Miss Cum. The McCoy orchestra occupied the stage and furnished sweet music for the many dances which consisted of the usual polkas, schottisches, waltzes, etc. A feature of the programme was, that each dance was dedicated to some rail road magnate or organization, all of the local officials receiving recognition. Al together about four hundred persons participated in the affair, among whom were noted the following: Mr. Hartell and -n ife, Mrs. L. Marshall, J. H.Thomp son, Mr. French, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Polk, Mrs. Hoffman, Miss Barry, Miss Garfield, Mr. Smith and wife, Mrs. Chopscast, Mrs. Sealey, Miss Andrews, Elder Thomas and wife, Miss Hattie Prescott, W. H. Lake, Mr. Cowell, James Monroe, W. C. Duell, Fred Chandler, Miss May Schlador, Mrs. H. T. Andrews, Jose Romero, Nick Co varrubias, Mr. and Mrs. Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Mohen. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Gar ry, Mr. and Mrs. Goddy, Col. Johnston and sister, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. H. H. Webb, Miss Burton, Miss Hodge, Miss Harmon, Miss Yoekman, Miss Bassett, Charles Fife, Mr. Miller, E. J. Vawter, D. Kennedy, Mr. Pridham, Mr. French, H. Boehme, E. Boehme, J. Walters, B. Hawes, E. Huie, W. Stimpson, G. Bid der, Mr. Hay, J. Mahan, Mr. Ayers, W. J. Bigelow and wife, Miss Hattie Bige low, Miss T. Ward, W. L. Edwards, Miss Ida Thurston, J. S. Thompson and wife, Miss Rockafellow, Miss Lizzie Howard, F. L. Harris, R. W. Payne, F. H. Bay lies, C. Fenner. W. E. Anderson and wife, F. Curtis and wife, Frank Homer and wife. Miss Clara Shephard, Theo. Hnret, H. E. Sweetser, W. J. Hamilton, Thos. Humphreys, D. J. Carr and wife, Mrs. Adelaide Cummings, Mrs. A. Pine, P. F. Paterson and wife, W. A. Platner and wife, Miss Nellie Platner, E. Jesurun, Bobert Green and C. F. Gray. The Committee of Arrangements con sisted of Messrs. J. E. Hartell, C. F, Phillips and R. W. Payne, and the floor managers were Messrs. F. L. Harris, S. E. Howd, E. W. King, F. H. Seely, J. E. Hartell, B. J. Gardiner and R. W. Payne. An excellent supper was served at mid night, after which dancing was resumed until nearly daybreak, when all retired to snatch a few hours sleep preparatory to enjoying the festivities arranged for the Nation's birthday. THE FOURTH. Tbe citizens were up betimes, pre paring for tbe day's celebration, and' had good reason to be proud of the city's decorations, which were admired by one and all. Every street was ornamented, and from all the principal buildings' the national colors floated, and variegated bunting attracted the eye. The procession form ed on State street, at 10 a. m. , and moved off with the City Marshal and mounted police across State street, on north line of Haley street, at the head, followed by Grand Marshal P. J. Barber, Staff officers J. A. Brown, J. W. Taggart, A. E. Put nam, and Aids C. C. Hunt, Jas. M. Short, Clio Lloyd, W. A. Hawley, C. A. Stuart, J. A. Mathia, C. J. Murphy and William Hoemer. • The pageant with its four divisions formed a very imposing spectacle and met with considerable applause in its tour along the crowded streets. The marching of the First Infantry, com manded by Col. W. R. Shatter, was much admired, and this regiment can justly lay claim to being one of the best drilled and most efficient corps in the whole service. Its members stepped as one man and the music furnished by the regimental band was exception ally fine. After the parade the sightseers betook themselves to the beach while many strolled over to the Infantry Camp, where a concert was given at 4:45 p. m. The Herald is indebted to Col. .Shatter and the other officers of the company for their courteous treatment of its representative, who passed a pleasant hour inspecting the camp and its sur roundings. IN THE EVENING. As soon as dark had fallen the entire population of the city proceeded to the beach to witness the pyrotechnic display that was to be given from a raft moored 300 feet from shore. No expense had been spared and the display was very brilliant.the set pieces, "Fourth of July" and "Good Night" being very handsome. After the last rocket had sped its course heavenward the whistle of a locomotive announced that a special train was about to leave for Los Angeles, and those whose business interests called them to that city at once bade their friends adieu and boarded the gaily decorated cars. For those who remained, there was plenty of amusement, for a grand ball was tendered to the officers of the First Regiment of the United States Army by the citizens of Santa Barbara. When morning again broke, the city had resumed its wonted business appearance, and as the 10:30 train sped away on its southern journey, it carried away the balance of the excur sionists, in whose memory will ever dwell pleasant recollections of the beauti ful Queen city. Eastern Echoes. The Pittsburg city authorities have de cided to close all pco'. rooms on the 16th, and not wait for the (supreme Court. At St. Louis Wm. C. Mitchell, proprie tor of the People's Theater, fell from a street car and was killed. At Water Valley, Miss., three of those injured in the grand stand accident of the Fourth, have died. Others are in a serious condition. At Fort Smith, Ark., Gus Bogles, aged 19, was hanged for the murder of Wm. Morgan in the Creek Nation a year ago. He died very hard. The evening session of the Charities Conference, at Buffalo, N. V., was occu pied by State reports. The session closed with a short address by ex-Governor Moody, of Oregon. At Minneapolis the three members of the firm of Shotwell.Clerihew & Lotham, which failed some days ago, were Friday afternoon arrested on a warrant sworn out by the cashier of a bank to which the firm is largely indebted, cm the charge of swindling. Near Joliet, Illinois, a construction train on the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern road was wrecked Friday evening, by ob structions on the track. Three Italian laborers were instantly killed. Engineer Knight was fatally scalded. J. W. Brown, the bigamist recently arrested at Chicago, was arraigned at Detroit and pleaded not guilty. He was remanded to jail. It is stated that Brown was married no less than thirty-two times, and many of his dupes are ex pected at the trial. At Hardinsburg, Ky., Friday morning, County Judge A. M. Pulliam called James Miller, a well-to-do farmer, into his office. Shortly afterwards shots were heard and Pulliam came out and surren dered to the officers. Miller was found dead in the office. Pulliam will not talk. Abash fire is raging near South Indian, Ont., on the C. & A. R., below Otta wa. Wade's saw mill, 500 cords of wood, five freight cars, five houses and thou sands of cords of tan bark have been de stroyed. The country on each side for some days has been utterly impaes sible. At Salt Lake the church agents on Friday turned over to Receiver Dyer the noted church farm near the city of 1,100 acres valued at $150,000. Further large amounts of property are expected to be t eel aimed within a few days in the Government proceedings against the Mormon Church property. Robert Byran, a sixteen-year-old negro boy, stabbed Riley Hancock, white, aged nineteen years, and killed him, near Smith's Mills, Ky. Three men started to Henderson with Bryan and at dark were in the outskirts of the town, when overtaken by fifty masked men who drove Bryan's guards off and hanged the murderer to the nearest tree. The Committee on Notification ap pointed by the Republican Convention arrived at New York last night and stopped at the Murray Hill Hotel. Chairman Estee received a few personal friends and then retired to the Union League Club to prepare the address to be delivered at Rheinbeck to Mr. Morton to-morrow. At the Friday afternoon session of the Christian Endeavor Convention at Chi cago, the general topic was, "How the Society aids the Churches as an evan gelistic force. Several interesting papers were read. At the ovening session there was an address by Rev. J. H. Barrows, of Chicago. The object of his discourse was to show the course of Christianity in America. At Milwaukee three men entered the office of the Northwestern Insurance Company and engaged the cashier and clerk in conversation. Before they left one of them stole $2,000 from the cash drawer. An hour later one of the rob bers was arrested at St. Francis station. He proved to be Rufus Minor, a well known Eastern bank robber. The wreck which occurred on the Pennsylvania railroad near Nanticoke, by the collision of two passenger trains, was not nearly so bad as at first reported. One of the firemen, in jumping, was seriously bruised about the body. The other trainmen escaped without injury. The passengers on both trains were badly frightened and shaken up. Some thirty of them are slightly injured, though none fatally. The accident was due to the blunder of a train dispatcher. A Chicago Times special from Wichita, Kan., reports the murder on the Red Fork of the Arkansas river in the Indian Territory of Ed. Fraley, H. Holliday and J. Morwood, of Springfield, 111., all under 20 years of age. A few days ago they missed some money and accused a half b eed Indian, named Evans, of having stolen it. The day following this Evans was found murdered in his cabin. The three boys had disappeared. Evans' friends supposing the boys had murdered him, started in pursuit and coming up with them murdered them in a shanty which they were occupying. No trace of the gang has been discovered. tVmiUtMgton Wiring's. Washington July 6.—Bond offerings to-day $437,000. There were no accept ances. In the case ol Senator Cullom's coach man, indicted for manslaughter in caus ing the death or Prof. Paul, on March 31st, by recklessly driving into him on his bicycle, the jury to-day returned a verdict of guilty. A motion for a new trial was made. The President has vetoed the bills S anting pensions to Nathaniel D. Chase, arriet Cooper and Wm. M. Campbell, Jr., and the bill for the relief of Van Buren Brown. " BOOH FOR THE LEPER, ROOM! " A Chinese Found Near Nigger Alley Rotting' to Pieces with Leprosy. In a horribly filthy Chinese ' "dead house," located just back of Nigger Al ley, in the Chinese quarter, lies a man slowly but surely mouldering to death from that dread disease, —leprosy. Late last night Officer Walsh, who patrols a beat in Chinatown, was in formed by a Chinaman that a fellow countryman was dying at the dead-house, at the place designated. A Chinese "dead-house" is usually a tumble-down and isolated hovel into which Celestials, overtaken by incurable diseases, are thrown and allowed to die. The one in which the dying Chinaman was found by Officer Walsh answered the description above. The policeman was nearly stifled as he entered the horrible place. Lying upon a bunk was an emaciated Chinese. The man groaned with pain and it was evident that dissolution was near at hand. Ex amination revealed the fact that the man had literally rotted to death from leprosy . Where he came from no one knew, or if they did none would say. The officer hastily quitted the "dead house" and re ported the case at police headquarters. It was ordered that the leper be allowed to remain in the "dead house" until to day, when probably some disposition will be made of the case. Do not forget Dr. Nonrse's great lec tures. j JIUCFLIASMII. NOVELTIES IN — 1888- -1888- Spring and Summer Dress Goods SILKS AND TRIMMINGS ARK BEING RECEIVED DAILY. The Cream of the Eastern and European markets. City of Paris, THE PEEELE9B Dry Goods Emporium of Southern California, IOS, 107, 109 N. SPRING ST. OTIS P. ARNOLD, L. J. P. MORRILL, NEWELL NIGHTINGALE, President. Vice-Pres. Bee. and Tress. MILWAUKEE FURNITURE CO. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS 111 Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, WINDOW SHADES, And Manufacturers of Upholstered Goods and Bedding Supplier 238-340 South Main Street, and 11, 13 and IS East Fourth Street, LOS ANGELES, - - - ' - - CAL. Telephone 762. jy2-3m Offer Extraordinary for Investment. Forty Lots in Los Angeles City for $8,000. Fine View, being Block 9 of Schmidt Tract, fronting 1,211 feet on Stevenson aye. All lots 173 feet deep to 10 loot alley and 52,60 and 130 feet front. Gentle slope to south and east. Stevenson aye. has been brought to official grade at an expense of $25,000. Lots from one to three feet above the street. Terms half cash, balance one year, 10 per cent, mortgage. Paying taxes. Lot 50x140, north side College Street; street graded; $1,100. Lot 47, Block 4, Howes Tract, $400. Corner Lot 18, Block "B," Bird Tract, $600. Land and Water in Crescenta Canada, at $100 per acre. (The home of the Orange and Cherry.) Land and Water in San Jose Banch at low rates. Land in Puente Kancho, with Water, at $150 per acre. Easy terms. Sec. 31, Tp. 7 N., R. 12 W., at $5 per acre. Terms easy. M. 17. WICKS, Corner Court House and Main Streets, Los Angeles, Cal. , ir 3m _ ROUSE & CURTIS, General Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN POTATOES, ONIONS, BEANS, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, POULTRY, ETC. POTATOES JN CAR LOTS A SPECIALTY. 110 Upper Main Street and 539 North Main Street, LOS ANGELES, CAL. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. TELEPHONE NO. 861. jan29-12m TARRANT'S TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT SELTZER APERIENT. usmvsmsaMsmvsaßßaßßßaHsVsi^^ TT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BAY TOO MUCH IN PRAISE OF THIS GOOD OLD STANDARD family medicine. It cannot be too highly recommended, ss it Is truly a MARVEL OF THE AOE, snd no household should be without It. It prevents as well as cures Skin Diseases, Gout, Rheumatism, Gravel, and all Kidney Diseases, Affected Liver, Headacbe, Nausea, Bile Wind, Indigestion, Constipation, Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Fever snd Agne, Sleeplessness, lassitude. Foul Breath, snd every disease brought on or aggravated by a disordered stomach. It is s Spe cific against contagion snd as efficacious remedy for Biliousness, Nervousness, Scrofula, Jaundice and Dyspepsia. It Purifies the Blood, Cleanses the stomach and Bowels, and gives the whole system a Healthy and Delightful Tone. Then never was a Medicine for the Nursery ojual to it FOR BALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS AND CROCERB. n toeusel *3WR y _—\ l[ lx-4W— 'JL am ss AW ■*->» II giving sa'is faction, and a customer with Bron ' i_J Cr*" — BftTg _£k I chitis says it is the only remedy that gives ln- Dt ia lle c '"j —Bkbkex ' 1 ' * CovEK ' Druggists, VA U fl 't\ Havp" * * ,ne pleasure to inform yon ISnStllj"* =siefe==L I Sit imllC _\ a l *'C that your preparations are meeting | %i Notnlni'but praise c"i' n ' " _NIACAWEN & Co., Diuggists, Visalia, "ZsSaOM That it will accomplish tie end desired in'all SgjßJXSfc' "* 1 I'" 'tegf' affections of the Throat ond Lungs snd you not SPSsW**" Tf TT TTvtT l7* -v- —Sr*: It will only Will rot be without it yourself, JL g \f\ hV| [(tn 0 11 wlll but will recommend it to others, as Jlxl f-"— , thousands: have done who have tried everything <\ tt fl* AfiC\ a <W Wv 3 17 TffikwF else in vain, money is no objsct where health is Convince you S_\ ytf _ purchafe a remedy that will stand between you flrM-lPrt AOIIGHo, one of the most dreaded of human Ills. \__) UrvtD 1 x'.\_ »_ Is prepared only by the ABIETINE MEDICAL r 0 J) Ch it I* CO-.tUlll^CaMonua. d e & c r l " Bsent,ree ' cont " nlng ieMM fa?r^£f l>t SANTA ABIE For Sale by C. H. HANCE, 77 and 79 North Spring Street, HELLMAN, HAAS & CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS, sB-12m LOS ANGELES, 5