Newspaper Page Text
THE RAILROADS. A New Appointment by the Atlautic and Pacific. TRAFFIC IMPROVING DAILY. A Burlington Excursion to Leave the City To-Nigut-De pot Gossip. The following circular was received in this city yesterday from the headquarters of the Atlantic aud Pacific road at Boston: "In addition to his duties as General Agent on the Pacific coast, Mr. W. A. Bissell will on and after September Ist next fill the position of General Freight and Passenger Agent with headquarters at San Francisco and Albuquerque, N. M. In all matters pertaining to through traffic the General Freight and Passenger Agent will report to and be governed by instructions of the Traffic Manager, which officer he will also keep fully advised as to all local matters. But for specific in structions ia making rates and handling the local traffic of the road he will report to the General Superintendent. All communications relating to through business should be addressed to the San Francisco office, and that pertaining to local business should be addressed to the Albuquerque office. C. VV. Smith, General Manager. Pullman Passengers. The following Pullman passengers left yesterday for San Francisco and the North By the 12:45 i>. M. train—B.T. Smith, H. N. Kroblock, Mr. Woodbury, Mr. Long, W. D. Sanborn, Mr. McGregor, Lieutenant Chase, F. G. Schumacher, Mr. Welch, A. Avens, H. W. Wright, T. L. Hawley, Mr. Coney, Mr. Bello, C. W. Pratt, H. Farquhar. By the 9:30 P. at. train—Mr. Lewis, F. Slagh, L. W. Vance. G. E. Gabry, W. B. King, C. Nobruck, Nellie Shankland. Ucneral meaning's. Tickets to the Columbus Encampment are going at a lively rate. The S. P. is putting its lines on the thoroughfares in this city in good shape. Mr. C. A. Mead, Material Agent of the California Central and California South ern, is in the city. There has been a big rush for tickets for the Burlington excursion that leaves the city to-night. Ticket Agent C. H. White has lost his wife —temporarily. She has gone on a trip to San Francisco. Mr. H. B. Wilkins did not return from San Diego yesterday, as was expected, but wired that he will be in to-day. Tlie repairing of cars and machinery necessitates the employment of 185 men in this city for the Southern Pacific. General Agent Williamson Dunn's desk was vacant yesterday, as that gentleman was absent at the Monrovia excursion. Mr. C. R. Alberger, the obliging ticket agent in this city of the Chicago and Rock Island road, left for Oregon last night. Mr. L. W. Sanborn, of Gainesburg, Ills., accompanied his brother, General Coast Agent W. D. Sanborn, of theC. B. & Q., to San Francisco last night. The Southern Pacific freight house on San Fernando street is beginning to look like it did last winter. Business is com ing in at a remarkably rapid rate. Six more locomotives are all that are due now to complete the order for 150 new engines given out by the Southern Pacific some time ago. They are being distributed at the most needed points along the line. A SUCCESSFUL CHASE. Deputy Sheriff Cooney Captures Charles II• Huy moiid. Deputy Sheriff TerraDce Cooney has earned a feather for his cap, for the man ner in which he handled a case which was placed in his hands a few days ago, and which resulted in the arrest of a man named C. H. Raymond, on a charge of obtaining money under false pretences. It appears from statements made that in April last Mr. Raymond married a young lady in Bakersfield named Hoffman who comes of a very good family. About three months ago the young married couple took board and lodgings at Mrs. Scott's boarding house on Temple street. They became very popular, especially Mrs. Raymond whom everybody liked. A short time ago Mr. Raymond told Mrs. Scott that he had considerable money in New York, and he would like to cash a draft or draw some money until he could obtain his funds from the East. Mrs. Scott having an account at the First National Bank, and knowing Mr. E. F. Spence, went to the bank and introduced Mr. Raymond to Mr. Spence, who told Mr. Raymond that he could draw on him pending in auiries in New York. Mr. Spence called o*n the Sheriff about a week ago and stated that he had made inquires in the East, and his advices were to the effect that Raymond had no money there, and that the parties who were alleged to have the money were not known. Mr. Spence stated that he had cashed checks amount ing to about $100 signed by Raymond, and other checks were coming to hand which he had refused to cash. He swore to a complaint charging Raymond with obtaining money by false pretences, and this the Sheriff placed in Deputy Sheriff Cooney's hands, who found that Ray mond was not in the city but at Catalina Island. Mrs. Raymond had been at the Island with her husband, but had re turned to Mrs. Scott's alone, and Mr. Cooney found that Raymond had left the Island and had stopped at San Pedro and then he was lost to view. Mr. Cooney returned to this city, and by means of an intercepted letter found that Ray mond desired his wife to meet him at noon last Saturday in the grave yard. Mr Cooney was there and watched Mrs. Raymond as she sat two hours in the graveyard waiting for the hus band who did not appear. Another letter arrived from Raymond to his wife and this was intercepted. A note contained in it was as follows: "Josie: This afternoon, go with Louie out to his home to-night, and I will come up there to-night. Don't fail to go out to his house to-night, as I will come. Louie will explain all to you, and when I come I will tell you all. Do not fail to go. From your true husband. Charles." This letter came from San Bernardino, and the Louie spoken of was Mr. L. Biebersheim, who resides about half a mile beyond the end of the Electric Rail road. All night long a man watched Mrs. Raymond's house, but she did not leave it until yesterday morning, and when she took the car Mr. Co jney sat in the seat behind her. The result of the chase was the capture of Raymond who was found at his friend's house, and it THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 1888. was stated that he intended to leave immediately for New York. He. was taken to the Sheriff's office and before Judge Taney, who fixed his bail at $500 and set his examination for Septem ber 12th. Mrs. Raymond accompanied him and was out all afternoon trying to find bail for him, but up to five o'clock she had not succeeded. Mr. Raymond claims that ho has the money in New Ytrk aud that he will be able to settle for the checks which the bank paid as well as for those which were not cashed. The exact amount of the latter is not known, hut it is supposed they amount to a couple hundred dollars. [ THE COURTS. Department No. I—Cheney, J. Tuesday, August 28,1888. People vs. Fray—On trial. People vs. Francisco Soto —Continued to Thursday. , SET FOR TO-DAY. People vs. Ah Jim—Dealing fan tan; trial 10 a. if. People vs. J. W. Cummings—For ar raignment. Towmbip Court—Taney, J. Breaky vs. Moore —Judgment for plain tiff as prayed for; ten days stay of execu tion. Clarke vs. Philbin —Trial September sth, at 0 a. if. Prosper vs. M. G. Aguirre—Demurrer to intervention submitted and overruled; three days to answer. Los Angeles Gas Company vs. W. A. Clinton—Judgment for plaintiff as pray ed for; ten days stay of execution. Reynell vs. Hoyt—Demurrer set for hearing September 4th, at 4 r.M. SET FOR TO-DAY. Perkins vs. Armstrong, 10 a. m. People vs. McAdams, D. Burlan and J. M. Coronado, 2 p. m. City Justice Court, No. I—Austin, J. W. 11. Holmes vs. H. Herald —Judg- ment for plaintiff for $51.20. People vs. S. H. Michell —Disturbing the peace; jury return a verdict of not guilty. People vs. James Harvey—Petit lar ceny; trial by jury August 29, at 11 a. v, j bail $100; committed. SET FOR TO-DAY. People vs. Amos Abbott—lo a. m. People vs. James Harvey—ll a. m. Holmes vs. James Harvey— 2 p. if, Justice Kind's [Court. People vs. John Nichols —Battery; [to appear for sentence to-day, at 2 p. if. People vs. Merced and Amos Abbott— Malicious mischief; default of defendants entered and bail forfeited. People vs. John Beattie, J. Mathews, VV. Maxey, T. Leadbetter, J. Dole and Alwyn Bloss —Petit larceny; set for trial by jury on Thursday, September 13, at 10 A. M. People vs. Maggie Blair—Disturbing the peace; trial set for September 11, at 2 p. M. People vs. D. K. Ramey—Disturbing the peace; decision reserved by court until 10 this morning. People vs. T. Bauer, Fehneman and Woods—Fined $25 each, to which de fendants appeal. SET FOB TO-DAY. People vs. A. Weyermann—Assault to murder; examination at!) A. M. People vs. H. Wicks —Assault to mur der; examination at 10 a. m. People vs. Ah Hern and Ah Chee— Battery; jury trial at 10 a, m. steamer Departures. The steamer Santa Rosa left for San Francisco yesterday with the following passengers: Ogro Atwood, O. T. At wood and wife, A. Atwood, Mrs. E. Ruit er, Mrs. M. A. Herick, Frank Ohappell, J. F. Peck, E. J. Williams, Miss Carrie Cox, Miss Fmma Clark, Mis? M. Barclay, Miss R. Wentworth, Miss N. E, Robbins, Geo. White, Jno. R. McGregor, Chas. Klese Miss Carrie Thomas, Miss M. F. Moore' Mrs. L. E. Ville, Mrs. J. T. Mey ery, .1. A. Fisher, M. Chase, W. L. Vail, Judge C. Silent, Mrs. W. L. Vail two chil dren and maid, Russell Vail, T. Caley and wife, J. S. Turner, F. J. Kohler, C. S. Russell, M. E. Lewis, T. W. Wright, G. E. Lawrence and wife. Mrs. A. W. Wood, Mrs. L. N. Cronkhite, Mrs.C. Jen nings, Josie P. Trolson, VV. A. Vincent, wife and maid, Mrs. E. A. Abbott, M. Z. Butler and wife, Rev. A. W. Sheep, Rev. G. W. Burtner, Rev. D. A. Mabley, A. R. Darwall, A. Fttoh, J. Wainright, L. Bonham, A. S. Abbott, J. C. Portz, Mrs. J. C. Portz and infant, Mrs. W. R. Fortune, Miss Laura Bosqui, and four teen in steerege. For San Luis Obispo—A. W. Clark, Sam Sharp, G. H. Gibson. D. G. Lehy, G. H. Leach, J. B. Mills. For Santa Barbara—Dr. B. R. Westfall, Miss Mira Westfall, Miss Alice Westfall, Henry Steitz. The Southern farmers on Wool. The following tabulated statement of the number of sheep in the wool-growing States, and the votes of the Representa tives of those States on the Mills bill is copied from the Knoxville Tribune, which found the figures in the Philadel phia Press: States. xexu Pennsylvania Michigan 11 6 5 2(i 6 2 1 2 8 Rhode Island Minnesota Missouri Massachusetts Georgia Maine North Carolina New Hampshire Tennessee Indiana Illinois Arkansas New Jersey Alabama 4 12 4 10 7 8 6 6 5 2 8 4 2 2 7 14 Total The most noticeable point in the above is the vote of Texa?, Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee, North Carolina, Arkansas and Alabama. They own 7,820,000 ot of the 13,800,000 sheep returned, and yet only voted six votes against the Mills bill —two Republicans in Tennessee, two in Missouri and two in North Carolina. — [Exchange. Benton's Hair Urower. All who are BALD, all who are becoming BALD, all who do not want to be BALD, all who are troubled with DANDAtCFF or ITCH ING) of the scalp, should use Benton's Hair Grower. Eighty Per Cent ot those using It have grown hair. It never tails to stoo the hair from falling. Through sicknesß and fevers the hair sometimes falls off in a short time, and though the person may have remained bald for years, if you use Beutou's Hair Grower accord ing to directions you are sure of a growth of hair. In hundreds of cases we have procured a good growth of hair ou those who have been bald and glazed for years. We have fully sub stantiated the following facts: We grow hair In every case, no matter how long bald. Unlike other preparations, it contains no su gar of lead, or vegetable or mineral poi sons. It Is a specific for falling hair, dandruff and itching of the scalp. The Hair Grower is a hair food, and its com position is almost exactly like the oil which supplies the hair with its vitality. If your druggists have not got it, we will send it prepaid on receipt of price, $1.00, For sale by C. U. Hance. Strangers and visitors never fail to meet friends at the Vienna Buffet, corner Main and Requena streets. I gjmT"TuK Illustrated Herald is now on hand at this office and for sale at the extremely low price of 15 cents each, or eight copies for $1. The current number has a vast amount of fresh statistical matter of great interest regarding this section. The Illustrated Herald of 1883 is by all odds the best medium through which to make known to those at a distance all the varied attractions and industries of Los Angeles and of the semi-tropics generally. If you want to keep up the boom send a copy of this splendidly embellished publication to your friends in the East. Speeches und Oncumcnts. The political campaign, which ha* now f airly begun, wiU appeal largely to to the in telligence of raters through printed documents. The. Herald Book and Job Department is prepared, with new type and presses, to print speeches and campaign documents by the thousand or million, in good style, at rensonat/le prices. lilts. CASE A CAHHIIL,!/, JiENTISTS, 41 S. SPRING ST.,LOS ANGELES. 11. 11. Carroll D. D. 8., Graduate Baltimore | College Dental Surgery. Da. E. G. Case, Licentiate State Board Dental Examiners. Great reduction in prices Gold filling, *t;2 upward; gold and platina fillings, $1.50 up ward; amalgam, $1; enamel cement, if 1. Bridge work, gold and porcelain crowns, cheapest li the City. Painless extraction of teeth, by new process, 50c. Nitrous oxide gus administered .fl extra. Full sets of teeth, the very best, $10. Partial sots in proportion. We guarantee all our work to be first-class in every particular. To Our Customers. We would respectfully call the attention of our customers to the fact that Mr. John H Walker is no longer in our employ. American Biscuit Co., San Francisco, Cal. To Lovers of Music. Bargains for the next thirty days at A. D. Whitson & Co.'s Piano rooms, 223 West Fifth street, in the well known pianos, Wm. Knabe & Co., Kranach & Bach and Conover Brothers Co. Baby Grands a specialty. Two Brothers Restaurant, No. 20 East Second street, 1b the best aud clean est place to eat in the city. Ics cream every day. chicken on Bunday: 25c. a meal,2l tickets $4.50. Thomas and Guy Bedford. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. P, 11. Matthews, corner Second and Los An geles streets Specialty, the finest quality of mixed paiiits, St. Louis lead and Eastern oil. Vienna Buffet, corner Main and Requena streets, for good, nourishing food. Swiss, Roquefert, Edam, Sap-Sago, Pineapple, Parmesan and Brie cheese can be had at Jevne's. Go to the American Bakery, corner of First and Main streets, for the best bread, cream cakes, pies, etc. BARNETT & CO., the only exclusive whole sale clfjarand tobacco house in the city, comer of Los Angeles and Commercial streets. Goldman & Felg Jewelers, have removed Irom Ihe Nidcau Block to 131 S. Spring st. The Vienna BufTetls tne leading place in the city for refreshments. Dr. P. H. Flynn, V. S., proprietor of Maud S. Liniment for Man and Buust, and Flynn's Blood Purifier for the Horse, at 104 North Maiu street, room 25. Agents wanted. C. H. SCHULTZ, M, D.~ Formerly of Europe—City of Moscow, Rus sia (now locat d at 207 S. Main, cor. of Third street, room 2), where ho made an en viable reputation iv his specialty, Private and Chronic Illscascs Of men and women, and is prepared to suc cessfully treat all those diseases—Buch as syphilis, stricture, gonorrhea in all its forms, seminal weakness, impotency and lost manhood. Warranted to cure in a very short time. The doctor has devoted his life to this one specialty, and his proficiency is attested by the thousands who have been cured—successfully trerted by my new method without the use of mercury. The doctor curei where others fail. Try him. Office hours, oto 12, 2to 4 and (S to 8. 207 South Main street. buk2l 12m JOE POHEIM THE TAILOR, Makes the Best Fitting Clothes in the State at 25 per cent less than any other Tailor on the Pacific Coast. Business Suits IO F S B - $25 00 Business Pants " 600 Dress Pants " 8 00 Dress Suits " 35. 00 203 Montgomery Street, 724 Market and fllO ft 1112 Market St. SAM FRANCISCO. 203 North Main Street, LOS ANGELES. 1081 & 1023 Fourth Street, SMjjjjjO HUM CLASS AND FRUIT LANDS! SUBDIVISION OF THE FAMOUS Sausal Redondo Ranch, One Mile from Redondo Beach, ON EASY TERMS, For particulars apply to H. W. VAIL, av.2ltf 51 North Main Street. fcg H. I WOOLLACOTT, •v Sole agent for Southern Cali fornia for the celebrated German Mineral Water, >W\ Put "P in cases of 50 quart (Bordeaux bottles) at $8.50 per case. Address all orders to H. J WOOLLACOTT, 26 ar £L 28 N. Spring; St., LOS ANGELES, CAL. Jy3otl BAKER IRON WORKS. 542-561 Buena Vista St., Los Angeles. Adjoining Southern Pacific Grounds aug22tf THE LOS ANGELES =: Cold Storage > COMPANY (LIMITED.) TBI BENBEICE MACHINE ICE COMPANY (LIMITED.) Tlie Largest and Most Complete Ic3 and Cold Storage Plant in the World. Business Men and the Public are Cordially Invited to Inspect it. Situated at tlie Corner of Seventh Street and Santa Fe Railroad. M. DODSWORTH, General Manager- ICE DEPARTMENT. C. i:. TIBBETTS, Superintendent. The quality of our lee la superior to nat ural ice in purity. The water of which it is made is taken from a deep driven well, is first boiled, then filtered, and thus is abso lutely free from all Impurities. It Is Irozen evenly and solid, and will last 25 per cent, longer than natural ice. Actual tests will always prove this, and scientific men have long ago demonstrated and now admit it. Wo are now prepared to furnish resi dences, and on application by postal card or otherwise, our canvasser will visit and ar range for delivery, It should be generally taken, so we can have paying routes. By using refrigerators and taking 50 pounds at a time, much can be saved in price, and as it will keep better In large pieces, it is a sav ing in all ways. PRICE: 10 LBS. DAILY, 70 CENT 3 PER WEEK. 50 LBS. AT A TIME, 40 CENTS. Hotel and Restaurant trade solicited. Orders may be left at OIL BURNING AND SUPPLY COMRAXY, 518 North Main Street. MERGEREAU'S CIGAR STORE, iCor. First and Main Streets. To THE UN FOB! ON ATE. ness, Impotency and Lost Manhood permanent ly cured. The Bick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled ex tensively in Europe' and inspected thoroughly the various hospitals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable information, which he is eom ?etent to impart to those in need of his services, he Doctor cures where others fail. Try him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effects a cure. Persons ate distance CURED AT HOME. All communications strictly confiden tial. All letters answered iv plain envelopes, Send ten dollars for a package of medicine. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON, Box 1957, San Francisco, Cal. Mention Los Angeles Herald. 07-1 BLACKMAN & FORBES, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS * AND AUDITORS, fellows of the American Associa tion of Public Accountants. [fI—CAWTftL EXPXMBE ~~_] [M . .HIOH!E.S.I. l MEHCTEBHBISEJWJ PROFIT S.LOSS** Land, Water, Company and Corporation Books opened and adapted to special require ments, Office—Rooms 16 and 17, 117 New High Street, Los Angeles. jy 1 -3m OLIVE RANCH A Ranch of about 450 Acres. Having over 11,000 olive trees set out; with hay and grain fields; plonty of running water; fully equipped with buildings, agricultural tools and horses, is FOR SALE. The property is situated in Santa Barbara county, near Los Olivos railroad depot. For particulars apply to \V. A. II \ Y.N 10, JR., an2stf Santa Barbara, THE ONLY RELIABLE! OPTICAL ESTABLISHMENT, 64: North. Main Street. If you have defective eyes and value them, go to tho Optical Institute for your frpectaeles and Eye Glasses. It is tho only establishment on the southern part of this coast where they are meas ured oh thorough scientific principles. Lenses ground to order if necessary to correct each par ticular case. No visual defect, where glasses are required, too complicated for us. We guaran tee our fitting to be absolutely perfect. Lus Angeles Optical Institute, 64 North Main Street. STRASSBURGER & MARSCHUTZ. A full assortment of artificial eyes always kept on hand. fB-5m ""VOTER* ATTENTION I Office of the Clerk of Board of Supervisors las Angeles County, California, March sth, 1888. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A RE registration of the voters of the County of Los Angeles. State of California, has this day been ordered in accordance with section 1094 et seq. political code. By order of the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, California. . Je7-7m 0. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk "LILY" HAMS & BACON. With our large cold storage and smoke house facilities, we are now enabled to take care of our rapidly increasing trade in "LILY" HAMS AND BACON. They are the only Eastern Hams and Bacon smoked in this city, and all will per ceive the advantage our goods have over others that are brought over two thousand miles over the desert. They are for sale by all grocers and butchers. Every ham is branded the "LILY." After once using it you will have |no other. NO SKIPPERS! NO MOULD! FULL WEIGHT! We always keep on hand COLD BTOBAGE LARD, BUTTER AND CHEESE For Sale to the Trade. GOLD MEDAL AWARDED AT MECHANICS' FAIR, SAN FRANCISCO. r nn i tt mmm It* dealeb in £. C. IiARRATT, Wj C&jSi Llewellyn Feed Water Purifier and Heater for No. :•» N. Main St., {glKra Steam Boiler8 ' "Ml-- BRASS GOODS, los angeles. p um p S an( j Machinery Hooker's Patent Direct-Acting Steam Pnmps. | Water and Gas Gates. Garratt's Jack Head Minina Pump. Garratt's Patent Fire Hydrants. Single and Double-Acring Hand Pumps. Water, Gas and Hydraulic Pipe. Boilers and Steam Pumps combined. Cast and Malleable Iron Fittings. Special Pumps for Wine, Oii and Acids. Church and School Bells. Gates' Lnbricator and Louergan Oilers. Mills and Engineers' Supplies. Richards' Centrifugal Pumps for irrigation. Phosphor Bronze and Castings. Hydraulic Rams. Ingot Copper and Metals. Do not order your Machinery until yon see GtKRATT, at sio. 3 lU. main St.. i.os Angeles, and get his prices aulS lm Rare Auction Sale of Fine Furniture, The entire contents of the elegant residence, 1030 SOUTH HILL STREET, will be sold SEPTEMBER 3,10 o'clock a. m., without reserve, by H. H. Matlock & Son, AUCTIONEERS. These goods were all brand new June 1, 1838, and consist mainly of the follow ing: Two pairs real lace curtains,.cost $100; genuine Turkish parlor set, 5 pieces, cost $350; large beveled plate mahogany mantel mirror, cost $138; elegant cherry large sideboard, cost $140; walnut bedroom suit, 3 pieces, including chili onnier to match and best hair mattress spring, co3t $341. Other fine bedroom suits, fancy tables, writing desk, carpets, shades, $85 range, and kitchen ware, in fact, a com plete outfit in proportion. House for Rent, party buying carpets, gas fixtures and range having preference. an 26 St Offer Extraordinary for Investment. Forty Lots in Los Angeles City for $S,OOO. "Fine View, helng Block 9 of Schmidt Tract, fronting 1,211 feet on Stevenson aye. All lots 173 feet deep to 19-foot alley and 52,60 and 130 feet front. Gentle slope to south and east. Stevenson aye. has been brought to offlclsl grade at an expense of $25,000. Lots from one to three feet above the street. Terms half cash, balance one year, 10 per cent., mortgagee paying tuxes. Lot 50x140, north side College Street; street graded; $1,100. Lot 47, Block 4, Howes Tract, $400. Corner Lot 18, Block "B," Bird Tract, $600. Land and Water in Crescenta Canada, at $100 per acre. (The home oi the Orange and Cherry.) Land and Water in San Jose Ranch at low rates. Land in Puente Rancho, with Water, at $150 per acre. Easy terms. Sec. 31, Tp. 7 N., R. 12 W„ at $5 per acre. Terms easy. M. T_7. WICKS, Corner Court House and Main Streets, Los Angeles, Cal. aug7 3m Laxative^O^ Tarrnal's Sej tzer Aperient, t yifF (C7_%*€ .3 11-11-L ~6 Moi./\ ' , "*r V r \ THE ONLY i - by cuVfe rOT i ATARRH IABILTINPICO-CoVOHOViLLE CAL. HAVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better? Have you an excessive se cretion of mucus matter in the nasal passages? Are you troubled by hawking spitting weak and inflamed eyes, frequeut soreness of the throat, ringing or roaring in the ears more or less impairment of the hearing, loss of smell, memory Impaired, dullness or dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of the nose? Have you lost all sense of unell? your breath foul? If an. ni have the Catarrh. Some have all these symptoms, others only a part. California Cat-R-Cure Restores the sense of taste and smell, removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, resulting frost catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted by all druggists. CAPTAIN CHARLES L. special agent of tbe Phonns and Home Insurance Company at San Francisco, Cal., says: "I had been troubled with Chronic Catarrh for twenty years. A friend in Woodland, Cal., recommended your California CAT-B CDRE. I procured a Jar, having but little faith in Its curative properties; bat I mast say aAsr using three jars, I am cnred of that disgusting disease. Inclosed And to. for which sendM California CAT-R-CURS tor some friends, who ar? sufferers. For Sale byK>. H. Hance, T7 ana T9 N. Spring- street, Bellman, Baa* * fla. Wholesale Agents. Los Anfeles, Cal. 3 COLD STORAGE. «EO. in. sTO WE, Superintendent. In our three-story brick building, 60x120 feet, we have 20 rooms for the COLD STORAGE OF ALL COMMODITIES By the pound, box, barrel, or case, or will rent the rooms at prices given on applica tion. There is no city in the world where cold storage is needed so much for almost everything we produce and eat. READ THE LIST. Apples and dried and evaporated apples. Berries. Cranberries. Bntter and Cheese. Cauliflower. Celery. Cherries. Ducks. Eggs. Figs. Dried Fruits of all kinds. Dried Fish. Grapes. Lard. Molasses. Syrups. Oranges and Lemons. Potatoes and Onions. Provisions. Meats. Dry Salted Meats. Fresh Meats. Poultry to be frozen. anil 3w