OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles daily herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1884-1890, August 30, 1888, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

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Yellow Fever Spreading Be
yond Control.
Overland Flyer Wrecked in Ne
braska—Democratic Conven
tions—Eastern Echoes.
I Associated Press Dispatches to the Herald. 1
Jacksonville, Fla., August29.—There
is no longer the shadow of a doubt that
we have on our hands a regular epe
demic. Thirty-four new cases were re
ported to the Board of Health for the
twenty-four hours ending atOo'clock this
evening. The colored people assert that
ten thousand colored people will soon be
dependent on the Relief Committee, and
that $10,000 per week will be required to
furnish them with the necessities of life.
New Orleans, August 29.—A dispatch
from Jacksonville, Fla., to the Picayune
says: This morning's list of twenty-one
new cases with sixteen others reported
up to noon, has again sent the people
panic-stricken in every direction.
Hon. John A. McShane Nominated
tor Governor.
Lincoln, Neb., August 29.—The Dem
ocratic State Convention met at 3 o'clock
and placed in nomination the following
ticket. For Fovernor, John McShane, of
Omaha, the present Democratic Con
gressman from the First District; Lieu
tenant-Governor, Frank Folda, of Colfax;
Treasurer, John M. Patterson, of Cass;
Auditor of Public Accounts. W. A. Paint
er, of Boone; Attorney General, W. H.
Munger, of Dodge.
The platform adopted is a hearty ap
proval of the platform adopted by the
National Democratic Convention at St.
Louis, and endorses the names of Cleve
land and Thurman. It approves the
course of Representative John A.
McShane, the present Democratic
Representative from the First District,
in Congress; condemns the Republican
party of Nebraska for being false to its
pledges and for allowing Pinkerton
detectives to be imported iuto the State
for special police duty; favors the regula
tion and control of railroads, and the en
actment of laws to destroy "trusts;" op
poses the system of convict labor in use
in the State; favors the present high li
cense system as the best means of deal
ing with the liquor traffic; denounces the
protective tariff and favors the Mills bill
as a step towards lightening the burdens
of the peosle from taxation; approves
the course of the Administration regard
ing the fisheries question, and denounces
the two Republican Congressmen from
Nebraska for their votes against free
lumber and free salt.
Good Candidates and a Strong ]
Platform Adopted. t
Dcs Moines, la., August 29.—The ;
Democratic State Convention met this '
morning. Michael Healy was made tern- i
porary Chairman. Committees were ap- c
pointed and a recess taken. \
On re-convening the Committee on i
Permanent Organization reported for (
permanent Chairman Fred Lehman, of
Dcs Moines. After his speech balloting
for candidates began. George C. Heber
ling, of Jackson, was nominated for Sec- 1
retary of State; Daniel J. Ockenstein, of
Montgomery, was nominated for Auditor. 1
The ticket was completed by the nomi
nation of Amos Case for Treasurer, Pat
rick S. Smith for Judge of the Supreme -
Court, and Joseph O. Mitchell for At
torney General. 1
The platform adopted endorses the
National platform and the nominees of
the St. Louis Convention. It congratu
lates the people of lowa upon the pass- 1
age of the Mills tariff bill for the reduc
tion of taxes on necessaries, and denoun- f
es the Republicans for accepting a new I
doctrine which means the continuance of
the existing war taxation. The fifth
plank of the platform says: ' 'The Demo
cratic party now, as heretofore, declares
itself opposed to prohibition, and strong
ly condemns the same as imperious,
alike to business interests and the cause }
of temperence." 1
"We recognize in the death of Phil H. 1
Sheridan a National loss and hereby ex- j
tend our sympathy to his bereaved j
The Sheridan resolution, which was J
not a part of the platform, was unani
mously adopted by a rising vote. Ad
journed. j
A Stormy Time Over the Election ,
Of a Chairman. <
Denver, Col., August 29.—The Deep (
Water Convention was called to order (
this morning by ex-Governor Evans, i
The report of the Committee on Creden- f
tials was read and adopted. Judge 1
Brady, of Texas, presented the report of ]
the Committee on Permanent Organiza- ]
tion as follows: Chairman, Hon. G. P. ]
Noel, of Kansas; vice-presidents, Gover- (
nor Adams, Colorado; John Hancock, i
Texas; D. H. Armstrong, Missouri; J. (
L. Hill, Kansas; A. D. Yocum, Nebras- t
ka; W. A. Culp, Iowa; G. F. Fowell, <
Arkansas; J. Reynolds, New Mexico; F. (
D. Kelley, Wyoming; Lewis Wolfley, i
Arizona; secretary, F. A. Dana. 1
Lieutenant-Governor Gibbs, of Texas, j
presented as a substitute for the report |
of the committee a proposition that the i
Convention provide its own Chairman, i
and then nominated Governor Thayer, ;
of Nebraska,for that position. This brought
the battle between Galveston and Ar
kansas Pass squarely to the front, and for ,
over two hours the substitute was warmly
debated between tbe friends of these two
cities, it being understood that Thayer
was favoring Arkansas Pass, while Noel
was for Galveston. Gibbs' substitute
was finally carried, and the roll call
resulted in 217 votes for Thayer and 198
for Noel. The announcement of the vote
created a pandemonium which lasted
several minutes. The Convention then
took a recess till three o'clock this after
noon. On reassembling Governor
Thayer took the chair and was presented
with a handsome silver-mounted gavel
from Senator Houston, of Texas, on be
half of the President of the San Antonio
and Arkansas Pass Railway. After a
brief address from Governor Thayer, the
Convention then appointed a Committee
on Resolutions and adjourned until 10 a.
m. to-morrow.
Transcontinental Freight Rates
Not Yet Adjusted.
Chicago, August 29.—The freight de
partments of the Western roads have re
ceived a promised supplement to the
transcontinental tariff. It modifies in a
great measure some of the inconsisten
cies that Chicago shippers are complain
ing of, but only partly relieves this city
of the discrimination imposed by _ the
original rate sheet. On many articles
that are manufactured here, such as
matches, musical instruments, etc., the
rates are still higher from Chicago to the
Pacific Coast than from New York to the
same points. The majority of the Mis
souri river roads refuse to adopt the new
rate. Chairman Midgely will be home
to-morrow and a meeting of merchants
and railroad men will be held to consider
the subject.
A Narrow Escape tor Claus Spreckels
and Others.
Chicago, August 29.—The overland
"flyer" on the Union Pacific road was
wrecked at Kimball, Neb., early this
morning by a broken rail. Three sleep
ing cars, one of them occupied by Claus
Spreckels, the sugar king, rolled down
an embankment. Spreckels escaped, but
three other passengers were seriously in
Eastern Echoes.
0, S. Terry, of Watterville, N. Y. has
just sold his 1888 hop crop at twenty
five cents, an advance of ten cents on
the pound within one week.
Mrs. Mary Caslick Hume, wife of Prof.
Hume, well known in literary circles,
dropped dead while preparing to bathe in
the surf at Good Ground, Long Island.
The first shipment of standard silver
dollars for storage in the large new
Treasury vault was received at the De
partment Wednesday morning from
Philadelphia by express. It amounted
to $60,000.
A barn at the Spring Valley stock
farn, nine miles from Indianapolis, was
burned Tuesday and eighteen head of
fine horses perished. The fine stallion
Brignoli Wilkes was lost; also Ina,
valued at $6,000; Mary C, $5,000;
Vassar Girl, Madam Homewood and
The boiler of a locomotive attached to
a Lehigh Valleytfreight train exploded
while going up the mountains Wednes
day afternoon. A brakeman named
Joseph Van Horn was blown from the
engine into the woods two hundred feet
away. Both of his legs and one arm were
broken and his back was injured. He
died before reaching home.
Condensed CableKrams,
The colliers' strike is seriously inter
fering with the movements of steamships
from Melbourne.
Emperor Francis Joseph has invited
the Prince of Wales to witness the au
tumn maneuvers of Austrian troops.
Advices from St. Petersburg say that
another Nihilist plot has been unearth
ed. The conspirators, who had quarters
near the Imperial palace, were raided by
the police, who captured twelve men
and three women, and secured a number
of bombs. Several other arrests were
subsequently made.
Five hundred Dervishes attacked an
Egyptian fort near Wady Haifa and cap
tured a portion of it. The Egyptians re
ceived reinforcements from Wady Haifa
and finally succeeded in driving out the
Dervishes, killing more than 100 of them.
The Egyptian loss was sixteen killed and
twenty-seven wounded.
Sir Charles Tupper has been made a
Baronet; Minister West has been given
tlie grand Cross of the order of St.
.Michael and St. George; and Messrs.
Thompson, Winter and Berne have been
made Knights Commander of the same
orders. These honors have been conferred
in recognition of services rendered by the
recipients as members of the Fishieries
Marine Intelligence.
London, August 29. —Passed Sicily Is
land : The steamer Bohemia from New
York for Hamburg. Passed Isle of
Wight: The steamer Buffalo from New
York to Halle.
Queenstown, August 19.—Arizona from
New York.
Dover, August 29. —Denmark from
New York.
Rouen, August 29.—Phoenix from New
Liverpool, August 29. —Peruvian from
New York, August 29. —Jersey City
from Bristol and The Queen from Liver
A Crank Who Received a. Revelation 1
la Lob Angeles. 1
New York, August 15.—Among the
witnesses who appeared before the Ford
Committee on Immigration yesterday, .
was Lewis B. Greenslade, better known ;
as "Lewis the Light." He was dressed
in a blouse and knickerbockers of spot
less white duck, and on his chest was a '
great scarlet heart. He looked very pic- !
turesque, and was by far the most inter
esting witness of the day. He was
asked to take the oath, and held up his '
left hand, saying that he had as much
respect for one hand as for the other. J
His age he gave as 30 years, and said he
came to this country first in 1876, by way
of Canada. In telling briefly the story
of his life he said that he started out as
a carpenter, but soon left that trade to ,
run a news agency, and became the agent ,
for the National and Anchor steamship ]
lines. He did not do any soliciting of ,
passengers, but if any one came to |
his office he would give them plenty of j
reading matter. He had been to this ,
country three times, and on his second ,
trip he was convinced, while in Los An- t
geles, Cal., that he had an especial call
to become the "Chief Jester in the Royal
Court of the King of Kings," so he went
at once to England and determined to i
raise a commotion. He had some circu- j
lars printed, and one day he went to St.
Paul's in London and astonished every- j
body by going through the church and |
distributing the circulars. He did .
the same thing at Westminster Abbey
and at the Temple he jumped into Dr.
Parker's place and delivered a little ser- •
mon. This caused his arrest, and he was
examined as to his sanity. The exam
iners said he was all right and he was al
lowed to go, but he repeated his feat and
was sent to Hollo way Prison, where he
was again examined, declared to be in
sane and sent to the Stone Asylum. He
appealed to tbe Commissioners of Lun
acy, who ordered his release. Ihey
wanted him to promise to come to this
country, but he would not do' so.
Filially he had a consultation
with Dr. White, the Superintend
ent of the Asylum, and Polydore Key
ser, the present Lord Mayor of London,
and decided to come here, as the Govern
ment would pay his passage. For three
weeks he was in London, and one morn
ing a newspaper announced that he had
' taken part in a Socialistic meeting. He
' was arrested and taken to the Guild
Hall, where he pronounced the state
ment to be fake, but it stirred up the
officials and he was shipped off at once.
He came on the Egyptian Monarch, and
, had been provided with a steerage pas
sage. He went to the Captain and an
. nounced himself as a lunatic, saying
. that he wished a cabin passage. He got
, it. He has been disseminating his views
, of how he can beat death, while bis wife
. is a barber in Brooklyn.
Fresh roasted coffees can always be found at
H. Jevne's grocery house. i
The Will of tbe Late
Charles Crocker.
Mrs. Hopkins Searles Smells a
Mouse—The Officers of the
Oceanic Exonerated.
Associated Press Dispatches to the Herald. I
San Francisco, August 29.—The ill
of the late Charles Crocker was filed in
the Probate Court this afternoon. It was
executed on May 2,1887. Mrs. Mary A.
Crocker, the widow of the deceased, is
made executrix, and applies for letters of
testamentary. The petition for the pro
bate of the will states that the estate is
worth $25,209,037, divided among the
following property: Real estate, $2,800,
--000; bonds and stocks, $12,000,000; ac
counts, $8,150,000; promisory notes,
$1,850,000; cash, $4,59,037. The testa
tor declares that all the es
tate is community property, and
that Mrs. Mary A. Crocker, his wife, is
entitled to one-half. In addition she is
bequeathed the residences at Sacramento
and on California street, this city, with
all the pictures, furniture, horses, etc.
Nothing is left to Charles Crocker, the
son of H. S. Crocker, and nothing to bis
brother, H. S. Crocker, because the tes
tator gave both in his lifetime all he in
tended to leave them. To Fannie and
Julia, daughters of C. W. Crocker, he
leaves $10,000 each, and to Edgar, the
son of the same, he leaves $22,000; to
Clark W. Crocker, his brother, he leaves
nothing; to each servant in his em
ploy at the time of his death
he leaves $1,500 for each year of service;
to his sister, Mrs. Sarah E. McKee, he
leaves $30,000; to his cousin, Mrs. Fan
nie Hoff, he gave $25,000; one-quarter of
the residue is left to his two sons,
Charles F. and William H., and all the
balance is to be invested by the execu
tors for his daughter, Mrs. Harriet V.
Alexander, of New York. To his son
George the deceased leaves all he has ad
vanced to him for his business.
Citizens of Nogules Thirsting for the
Blood ol Kohn's Murderer.
Nooales, Ariz., August 29.—Officers
arrived this evening from Sonora with
Manuel Verdugo, supposed to be the
murderer of Louis Kobn, a dry goods
merchant of this city. Verdugo was ar
rested on telegraph at Ortiz station, near
Guaymas, Monday last, and the evidence
is very strong against him. Bloody
clothing, the same as that worn by the
prisoner the day before the murder, was
found in a room occupied by him
while here, and which he left without
turning over the key. There is strong
talk of lynching when the prisoner is
turned over to the American oflicers.
The Experiment of a Christian
Temperance Commonwealth.
Victoria, B. C, August 29.—Joseph
Spencer, of London, England, represent
ing the Christian Temperance Common
wealth, of this city, has arranged with
the providencial authorities for tho
whole of Malcolm Island, two miles wide,
and twelve long, and intends to populate
this with poor families from England,
giving them houses and every necessary,
in roturn for eight hours work per day
from the head of the famiiy.
Suspicious of the lHunagciiient.
San Francisco, August 29. —An even
ing paper publishes a statement to-day
to the effect that Mrs. Mark L. Hopkins-
Searles has become suspicious of the
management of the Southern Pacific
Company property, so far as her interest
is concerned, and that the affairs 01 the
company were in a very bad condition,
and that through her attorneys she was
instigating a searching examination.
Manager Towne said this evening that
her attorneys are hereon business touch
ing interests in the Southern Pacific, but
she is entirely satisfied with the manage
ment of the company's affairs and has no
desire to withdraw her investments.
The Fault was the Tide's.
San Francisco, August 29.—The Brit
ish Court of Inquiry which has been in
vestigating ihe recent steamer disaster,
announced its dicision to-day, exhonor
ating the officers of the steamer Oceanic,
and complimenting the officers and men
for the fine discipline observed during
the trouble. The Court states that it can
only attribute the cause of the collision
to the fact that the City of Chester was
caught in a strong tide, off Fort Point,
which caused ber to run across the bows
of the Oceanic.
Sau Diego Fire.
San Diego, August 29.—Early this
morning fire broke out in a Chinese laun
dry and soon spread to the Eureka sa
loon, kept by Hart & Turner; then to
George Hardy's paint shop, and Park
hurst & Judge's chop-house. The total
loss is about $0000. There was $1500 in
surance on the saloon. During the fire
a man named Hart was seriously in
juried by falling timber.
Santa Harbara's Ship Comes In.
Santa Barbara, August 29. — This ,
morning the ship J. H. Bowers arrived
here seventy-five days from Newcastle,
Australia, with one thousand tons of coal
for the Santa Barbara Gas Company, the
first foreign ship to come here direct for
many years.
The Santa Barbara county fair is now
being held here. The exhibits are un
usually fine.
Trains Delayed by Forest Fires.
San Francisco, August 29. —During
the past few days extensive forest fires
have occurred along the line of the Cen
tral Pacific near Summit Station. Many
telegraph poles have been destroyed and
some snow sheds partially burned. A
large force of men are busily engaged in
fighting the flames. Through trains
have been slightly delayed in con
A Three.! ear-Old's mischief.
Seattle, August 29.—The large barn
of Thos. Webb, on Hoods Canal, was
entirely destroyed by fire, with two
thousand tons of hay, wagons and
machinery. Loss, from $8,000 to $10,000.
No insurance. Caused by a three-year
old boy playing with matches.
The Coast Conference.
San Jose, August 29.—The annual
Coast Conference of the Wesleyan Metho
dist Church, convened here to-day for a
four days' session. Representatives are
present from Oregon and Northern Cali
; fornia. Committees were appointed on
; Itinerancy and Pastoral relations.
I Opium Carpetbaggers.
Seattle, W. T., August 29—The Chief
t of Police to-night arrested two men, Un
derwood and Dessussey, and captured
forty pounds of smuggled opium which
they had in a valise. The prisoners are
waiters on the steamer Olympia, plying
between Victoria, B. C, and this port. I
linger Ifloorc Resigns.
Stockton, August 29. —Manager Moore,
of the Stockton baseball club, to-day
sent in his resignation. At a meeting of
the directors last night much of his
authority was relegated to them.
I The tenor of communications appearing in
this column is not necessarily endorsed by the
editors of the Hekald. Tho writer who desires
to be heard i a it should always accompany his
screed with his full name, not necessarily for
publication hut as a guarantee of good faith. ]
Tax Assessment.
Editors Herald—Although the as
sessed valuation of the real property of
Los Angeles county for the year 1888 is
exorbitantly high, it is doubtful whether
the State or County Treasury will realize
as high an aggregate of taxes for this
year as would be realized if the assess
ments were not so oppressively extrava
gant. The people of this county are in
unison with the progressive spirit of
this portion of the State, and are
accustomed to cheerfully waive any ex
ceptions to assessments that are known
to be moderately above the actual and
legal valuation of property. They say
nothing about it and let it go for effect;
but when the assessments levied are not
only above actual values, but so extrava
gantly and palpably above actual values
as to appear to threaten absolute confis
cation of the property, the people so
assessed will see to it not only that taxes
will not be paid under such illegal assess
ments, but that sales of property for non
payment will be stopped by writs of
It is not apparent whether the asses
sor was under the prevalent craze of
"booms" in real estate, or was stupidly
and stubbornly ignorant of His official
duty. However this may be, it appears
on looking over the rolls that the assess
ments levied upon the cultivated farms
of this county are extravagantly above
actual values, and, therefore, not only
illegal but oppressive.
By section 3673 of the Political Code,
the Board of Supervisors has lawful au
thority to compare and equalize assess
ments, but they have authority also to
reduce the whole county assessment
down to the actual and legal valuation of
property; and knowing as they do that
these assessments are far above actual
values, and not having made such re
duction, they cannot escape censure for
dereliction of duty. Nor can they shirk
their own responsibility by shifting this
work over to the State Board of Equali
zation. The Supervisors having authority
by the Statute law, to make such reduc
tion, and not having done so,
the State Board at Sacramento
will decline the work, and upon
the plausible assumption that the Super
visors, being local witnesses on the
ground, ought to know best about it; or it
may be urged in the State Board that if
the people down there in the south part
of the State are willing and anxious and
proud to pay more than double their just
proportion of the State taxes, then let
them do so; but if they are dissatisfied
with this, then let their home Board of
Supervisors attend to it. And so it will
turn out that the farmers of this county
will be expected to succumb to unlawful
taxation laid on under the crazy incentive
of an asf.essor, and sanctioned by the
weak, passive inaction of the Board of
A speculative puffing of the ptices of
real estate in market does not affect tlie
actual value of the cultivated homestead
farms oi the county. It is bad policy,
bad statesmanship, to crush out or dis
courage by excessive taxation, the set
tled cultivators of the useful products of
these farmß. The foregoing is apposite
to the county assessments generally;
but mention may he made of particular
instances in which the County Assessor,
whatever his name is, was grossly and
corruptly personal, seemingly with the
view to provoke people to dispose of
their farms to speculators, under pressure
of over-burdensome taxation. For in
stance, on the Homestead farm of 134
acres, owned and occupied and cultivated
by the undersigned for many years past,
the County Assessor imposed an assess
ment of $147,400, being $1100 per acre
for last year, and $120,000, being $900
per acre for this year, each one of these
two annual assessments being about
seven times more than the actual value
or legal valuation of the land, as proved
by the recorded fact that prior to these
last two years this same farm had been
assessed from year to year at only its
actnal value of from $4000 to $5000.
To show the Assessor's personal dis
crimination against the undersigned, let
it he observed that the neighboring farm
of like quality is assessed at the coi ipar
atively low figure of only $250 per acre.
Now, the legal proceeding of impeach
ment against the County Assessor for
mal-practice in office would not remuner
ate the damages; and then impeachment
would be conferring a kind of dignity
and honor upon him.
B. Ballerino.
Callforlila Rem Sand Stone Com
Editors Herald—Through your valu
able and extensively read journal please
allow me to state that the above com
pany has now completed the wagon road
to the quarry, and will probably com
mence shipping stone in a few days.
Stone of any size, from one pound up to
twenty-five ton, can be had, and the most
berutiful stone ever known. The com
pany is wealthy and financially very
solid, always prepared to furnish any
amount of bonds that may be required
for all contracts; they mean business and
are gentlemen in every sense. It is a
pleasure to do business with such a com
pany. The demand for the stone is
simply immense. The company is org
anized as a building and contract com
pany, and will deliver the stone at any
point designated at rates that defy com
petition. John Long.
An TJnluckv Roat.
Near the hoist bridge in the Oswego
Canal is moored an old and dilapidated
canal-boat, the letters of whose name,
Hat tie Sweeney, are still legible. A
canalman leaned over the railing of the
bridge yesterday afternooa contemplating
her. "If ever there was a Jonah boat in
the world that's her," he said. "She
has been a Jonah to everybody that ever
owned her. Nobody has kept her long,
and every one seems to lose money on
ber. I lost f3OO myself when I owned
her. There is no reason why she
shouldn't make money as well as any
other boat, except that she is a Jonah.
Then look at her record. First there
was somebody shot on her deck. Then
a boy fell off her deck and was drowned.
Just after that she went down to New
York and everybody on board was taken
with the smallpox. That is a specimen
of the kind of boat she is. She carries
: lumber now."—[Syracuse Standard.
i Children Cry for PitchersJJastoria.
An Old Landmark.
The Herald's Eastern exchanges
bring an item of news which will
prove of much interest to readers of
this paper. It is to the effect
that by the retirement of General
Baird from the head of the Inspector
General's Department of the army Major
Geo. H. Burton, now on duty at General
Miles' headquarters, is promoted to a
lieutenant-coloncy. Old-time Angelefios
will remember Colonel Burton back in
1869 to 1872 as a lieutenant in the infan
try, and stationed at Drum Barracks.
They will also recall his marriage in this
city to Miss Minnie Larabee, of whom
the local press at that time said she
was the most beautiful of all the Los
Angeles belles. Since that period Colonel
Burton has served in many parts of tbe
country and participated in various
severe Indian campaigns, notably the
Modoc war in the Oregon lava beds,
when General Canby was killed. He
now returns to his old haunts a Lieuten
ant-Colonel in the most favored corps in
the army, with the prospect of remaining
for four or five years. Those who knew
him of old will be glad to welcome him
back, and they will desire that his stay
may be very long, and this wish will
be shared by all the community, as
Colonel Burton becomes as generally
known as he was twenty years ago.
She Is of Age.
On Tuesday morning last the Timet
contained a sensational story about a
young woman, whom the writer alleged
was forced to live a life of shame by her
"Mac." The story also stated that the
young woman had endeavored to reform,
but that the "Mac" forced her back to
the life she disliked. Miss Carrie Blair,
the young woman in question, called at
the police station last night and said that
there was no word of truth in the alle
gations of the Times. She had not been
living with one of the Abbotts and had
not been forced from virtuous paths by
him. She said that she was living a re
spectable life and that she was 21 years
of age, and that she proposed to live us
she pleased.
*_%\WTiie Illustrated Herald is now
on hand at this office and for sale at the
extremely low price of 15 cents each, or
eight copies for $1. The current number
has a vast amount of fresh statistical
matter of great interest regarding this
section. The Illustrated Herald of
1888 is by all odds the best medium
through which to make known to those
at a distance all the varied attractions
and industries of Los Angeles and of the
semi-tropics generally. If you want to
keep up the boom send a copy of this
splendidly embellished publication to
your friends in the East.
Speeches and Uocuincnts.
The political campaign, which has now
fairly begun, will appeal largely to tlie in
telligence of voters through printed
documents. Tlie Herald Book and Job
Department is prepared, with new type and
newpresses, to print speeches and cam
paign documents by the thousand or
million, in good style, at reasonable
The Circus Still Runs.
It is a pleasure to see that the fun-lov
ing people of our city know how to ap
preciate a good show. Robinson &
Heike's large canvas, which seats over
2,000 people, was filled last night—
"standing room only;" and everyone
went away well pleased, and many re
marks were made about this really ex
cellent performance. This is one of the
best shows that ever visited this town
for the money. Messrs. Robinson &
Heike have been requested by many of
the citizens to move their canvas further
up town, so as to give the people a chance
to witness the performance who live a
long ways from the present location. A
grand family matinee at 2 p. if., also a
performance to-night. Doors open at 7
p. m. Admission 25 cents.
Don't forget the place—San Fernando
street, near the Southern Pacific freight
The Los Angeles (Hanna) College.
The fall term of this institution will
open on Wednesday, September sth, at
10 a. v. All students should be present
at that time in order that they may be

Fancy Groceries
For the very best trade, at Seymour <fc Johnson
Godfrey & Moore,
Druggißts, have removed to their new store op
posite the Nadeau.
The celebrated "White Rose" tlour can now
be hadat H. Jevne's, 38 and 40 North Spring
Strangers and visit ors never fail to meet
friends at the Vienna Buffet, corner Main and
Requena streets.
Lunch, Lunch. The finest lunch in the city
at Speuce's, 40 South Spring street.
Silver BeanstCarolina rice just received st H.
Jevne's, 38 and 40 North Spring street.
bTT. P. WALLACE, 44'■ s. Spring st. Res
idence, 10 Witiner et. Telephone 22, ollice
aud residence. au!s lm
Specialties: All private diseases and die
eases oi women. Consultation Iree. aug2ti-tf
IC Physician. Office Park place, cor. Filth
aud-Hill sts. Office Hours, 9to 12 a. if, 3 to 5
p. m . Will visit patients out of office hours.
!i, geoc, corner of First and Spring Sts., en
trance ou First Bt. Electricity and diseases ol
women a specialty. Disease diagnosed with
out explanation irom patient. Proprietor of
the celebrated electric healing baths. Consul
tation free. Office hours 10 to 12, 2to 4 and 7
to 8. Telephone 70. auglO-tf
cor. Third and Spring sts. aug 12-tf
. St. Hours Ito 4 v. si. Telephone 353.
Residence, 134 8. Hill St. sugl4
Office Hours—ll to 12 A. if.. 2to Or. m.,
Office—Nos. 2 and 5 Odd Fellows' Building,
Los Augeles, Cal. Residence 408 Sonth Main
street. aug9-tf.
A street, Rooms 4 and 5,
Gold fillings from $2 up.
Amalgam and silver finings, $1.
Painless extraction of teeth by vitalized air
or nitrons oxide gas, $1.
Teeth extracted without gas or air, 50 cents.
Best so's of teeth from $6 to $10. By our new
method of making teeth, a misfit is impossible.
All work guaranteed.
We make a specialty of extracting teeth with
out pain.
Office Honrs from Ba. m., to sr. x. Sundays
from 10 a. M. to 12 m. augB-tf
6 and 7, No. 23 8. Spring st. Gold filling,
$2 and up; gold and platlna alloy, $1.50: com
position, $1; filling root, $3; set teeth on rub
ber, $10; on silver, $25; on aluminum, $30.
My new improved aluminum plate will cure all
diseases of the mouth caused by rubber. Set on
gold, $50 and up: gold crown, $10 and up. Fill- 1
ing teeth and bridge work a specialty. Teeth
extracted, 50c.; witnout pain, $1. au4 12m
•t., McDonald block. JylS tf
Being crowded for room, we
have determined to
Close Out Our Eatire Stock
Less than tbe Wholesale Cost!
If you are in need of these
Garments, now is your oppor
tunity. Avail yourself of it.
ao« push l|f raps,
Children's Cloaks
Come and take your choice.
See large front show windows
for prices.
These Goods Sold Only for Cash.
101, 103, 105 S. Spring St..
aug2l 5m
Regular Sale Days at Our spacious
Salesrooms, 114 W. First St.,
Large consign men t of
Household Furniture.
Including parlor, bedroom, dining-room and
kitchen furniture, consisting of a good assort
ment of furnitnre of all kinds, carpets, pianos,
organs, bedding, crockery and glassware.
At our Salesroom, 111 West First street.
On Wednesday Morning:, August 29.
Sale at 10 o'clock sharp.
E. A. RICE & CO.,
(General Auctioneers.
Outdoor sales of every kind attended to.
Consignments solicited and quick returns
made. augl3 lm
0. B. FULLER & CO.,
(Successors to McL&in & Lehman.)
Truck and Transfer Co.
No. 3. Market St.
Telephone 137.
gmW Yap!, corner Second and Alameda sts.
Office, 231 Los Angeleß street.
TELEPHONE 80. 100. Bu5U
Plumbing and Gas Fitting.
Plumbing- Goods, Rubber Rose,
water Pipe, Sewer Pipe, etc.
Tin Roofing and General Jobbing on short
30 South Main St., Log Angela.
aueTs 6m
~ AEEUPA't ntS » S.
Office 25 North Main St Offlee Hoars, 9A.
m. to 4 p. m., 7 to 8 p. h. aultf-d&w
7 N. Spring St. Telephone 605. aug26-tf.
ful physician and surgeon, cures all kinds
of diseases of male and female, Internally and
' externally. No. 122 Upper Main st au.'iO lm
MS. JONES, M. D. Eye, ear,
. and throat diseases a speclalt;
23 years' experience). Santa AnaffEßNK.
I Cal. au4 1m» *mir

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