FINANCE AND TRADE. financial. exchange review. New York, August 29.—The Btock market was more active to day, but was feverish, and late in the day weak, which wiped ont most of the gains recorded in the early dealings and left the majority of tho active list fractionally lower than last evening's prices. The decision of Judge Fairall against the Town Railroad Commission wsb regarded as a great bull card, snd though there was some yielding at first the demand for stocks was such that the prices, with many reactions, slowly advanced until the last hour. Realizing sales also played an important part and in the last hour became so numerous that almost everything was forced below the level of the opening prices. Coal stocks were again a great feature, though the lowa decision brought the grangers more prom inently to the front. Government bonds were dull and steady. P jtroleum opened strong at 92c, but after a Blight advance reacted to 92!$c. A sharp ad vance then carried the price to 92?«e., after which another reaction occurred, on which the market closed steady at 92J.sC. MONEY QUOTATIONS. New York, August 29.—Money on call easy; ljjj per cent. Prime mercantile paper 4?i@6;s. Sterling exchange $4.84.; for sixty day bills; $4.87., for demand. Bar silver, 91% c. San Francisco, August 29.—Silver bars, 91V$ 012 c. per oz. STOCKS AND BONDS. Niw York. August 29.—Closing quotations: D. 8.45, reg 128!$'N. Y. Central 108 :1 4 0". 8. 4s, coup 128'.j Northern Pac 26>/$ V. 8. 4'.;S reg . .lOli'jj, Preferred 50«4 U.S. 4>.,seoup 107? i Northwestern— 1141$ Pacific 6s 120 (Oregon Imp't .... 07! i American Ex. ...109 INavigation 93 Canada Pacific... 57 ITrans-Con 127% Canada Sou 52%' Pacific Mall 30% Central Pacific... 34..Reading... 62% Burlington 114' 4 : Rock Island 110« D. L. & W 142U 3t. Paul 72% Denver&RloGr.llS'., -it. Paul & Omaha 4lk Erie 28 it Louis &S. F... 32U Lake Shore 97' i Texas Pacific 26% L.AN 68 Union Pacific 00} i Mich Central 85' 2 CJ. 8. Express 79 Missouri Pacific. 80!,; Fargo 136 Kans$c.; October, 01%0. Corn—Easy. Cash, 45c. per bushel; Septem ber, 45! 5 c.: October, 45! ,;c. Oats—Steady. Cash, 25c. per bushel; Septem ber, 24?* c; October, 24%0. Bye—Firm; 51c. per bushel. Bailey—Nominal. FOREIGN. Liverpool, August 29. — Wheat —Strong; holders offer sparingly Corn—firm; holders offer spariugly. New mixed western, 4s. 11., 1. per ceutal. Live siock market. Chicago, August 29.—Cattle—Receipts, 1,000, Market slow and 10c. lower. Beeves, $6.00® 6.40; Bteers, $4.00{g15.90; stockers and feeders, 10: Texas cattle, $1.75(iu,3.75; Western rangers, $3.50@5.05. Hogs—Receipts 10,000. Five ccitfi higher. Mixed, $6.00®0.50; heavy, $5.95@0.60; light, $5.!i,V0(«.60. Bheep—Receipts, 7,000. Slow and sc. lower. Natives, $2.80(0)4.50; Western shorn, $3.20(a) 3.85; Texas shorn, $3.00(83.80. Calltornla Fruit. Chicago, August 29.—Montgomery & Co. sold four cars ol California fruit. The market was firm. Grapes, Muscat, $2.30@2.60; Tokay, $2.05. Peaches, Salwav. $1 15; Orange Cling, $1 05(W1.10; Honey Cling, $1.10; Strawberry Cling, $1.20; Freestone. $1 20 Pears, Duchess, $1 75: Beurre Clairgeau, $l.i« 0; Bartlett, $3.10 @4.00. The Earl Fruit Company sold one car of Cali fornia fruit. Excepting lekwith plums the fruit was ovcripe aud iv bad coudition. Average prices: Pears, Mountain Bartlett, $2.15; Beurre Clairgeau, $1.75. Peaches, !»7c. Piums, Golden Drop, $150; lekwith, $1.40. (•cneral Market*. New York, Angust 29.—Hops—Strong and moderately active. Coffee—Options opened barely steady with a light business, closing steady. Sales, 27,000 bags. August, $11.15®11.25; September, $10.95@U.05; October, $10.30®10.35. Spot Rio steady but quiet; fair cargoes, Sugar—Raw firm with light demand; Centri fugal 9G test, o;^c.; refinea inactive, demand flrm. Copper—Quiet and steady. Lake, If 10.85. Lead—Unsettled. Domestic, $4.08/$. Tin—Quiet and steady. Straits, $21.00. Chicago, August 29.—Whiskey—$1.20. Shoulders, $7.50®7.75: short clear, $9.00 @9.25; short ribs, $8.40®8.42?£. Pork—Lower. Cash and September, $14.20; October, $14 25. Lard—Firm. Cash, September and October, $9.52^- Eggs—Firm; 15c. per dozen. LOCAL MARKET PRICES. Los Angeles, August 29. Wheat—Good demaud; $1.30®1.35. Barley—Fair demand; 80®90c. C0rn—51.15@.1.25. Hay—Barley, $10,00@11.00; alfalfa, $10.00 (S11.50; oat, $12.00®13 50; wheat, $13.00® 14.00. Seed—Alfalfa, 9c. Oats—sl 50@1 75; Oregon $1.25@52 00. Flour—Extra Capital Mills, roller process, 94.75 bbl; Los Augeles xxxx, roller process, $4.75, less 15c. for cash. Mill Feed—Bran, 90c; shorts, $1.20; cracked, ground and rolled barley, 95c; cracked corn, $1.25® 1.30; mixed feed, corn and barley, $125; feed meal, $1.30; oil cake meal. $2.25. Grain Baos—M. S. 22x30, 8Uo.; 1887, Cal cutta spots, 9<4C.; potato sacks, sc; mill sacks, 7c Oranges—Fair supply: seedlings, $1.50® 2.00. Green FRUiTs-Strawberrles, 10@l2Uc.per lb. raspberries, 12! ;,®lsc per lb.; plums, 50c.@ $1.00 per box; peaches, l®3c. per lb.; piuues, $1.00®1.25; grapes, l@3c. perib.; figs. 4®sc. per lb. Lemons—Lisbon, sweated, $3.50; Eureka, sweated, $5.00. Limes—Bs®9oc. per 100. Baisins—London layers, $2@2.25; Sultana seedless, $1.05; loose Muscatels, $1.00. Apples—Sun dried, o®7c ; sun-dried, sliced, evaporated, 12® green, 11% Apricots—Sun-dried, 12U®15c; evaporated, 17U@20c Peaches—Extra fancy peeled, fancy peeled, 2Gc; extra fancy unpeeled, 20c; fancy unpeeled, 17c ; choice unpeeled, 15c; sun dried unpeeled, 12!-£c, Nuts—Walnuts, s®7c; solt shell almonds, 15 ?18c ; large pecans, 12@14c ; Brazils, 12;, c: berts, 15c; peanuts, 6®7c French Prunes—Evaporated, 13®15c. Plums—l4@lso. Elos-California, 31®33c; Eastern, 25@27c. Butter—Good supply; choice fresh roll, 62U @65c. per loll; fair to good, 50®55c; good roll, 60@02Uc; California firkin, 24®20c. per lb ; Eastern firkin, 22®25c per lb. Cheese—Good supply; new, 13@14c; Young America, 15® 10c; A lam it os, 3-lb hand, 18c. Potatoes-Early rose, 50®65c: pink eyes, 55®05c. Onions—Yellow Danvers, 80®95c. Beans—Small navy,54.00@4.25: large white, $3.25; small butter, $3: Lima, $350; pink $2.5U®2.75: red, $2.50@3.00; Bayous, $2.40; Garvanzos, $0®6.50. Beeswax—lo@lßc Honey—Comb, 21b frames, extra white, 15 @16c: medium, 12J-|@lsc; extracted, 601b. tins, extra white, s®■">■ 2 c.; extra amber, 4®sc; amber, 3®4c, Poultry—Fair demand; hens, $6.50@7.00; old roosters, $5.50@6.50; young roosters, $5.55 ®6.50; broilers, large, $3.50®4.00; broilers, small, $2.50®3.00; turkeys. 10®18c; ducks, large, $7.00; ducks, small, $5.00. Ham and Bacon—Eastern, 16c; Lily, 18c; Whittaker hams, 17c; Lily bacon, 17c. Lard—Refined, 3 lb pails, HUe; 5-lb palls, Hike; 10-lb palls, 11c; barrels, lie; extra lard, 3-rb pails, 12'ic; 5-lb pails, 1214 c; 10-lb pails, 12c. TThe following quotations are for dressed treats In whole carcasses. For round lots on the hoof, 50 per cent off from these prices may beqnoted;] Beef—American, dressed, 7@Bo. per lb; Arizona, 6@7c Veal—American, ti® 10c.; Arizona, 9c Pork—9e. Mutton—Ewes, 6U@7c; wethers, 7@7^c Fresh Fish — White, 10c; flounders, 13c; salmon, 16@20c: Lake Tahoe trout, 26®35c; rock cod, 8®10c; smelts, 12li@15c; herring. 8® 10c; baracnta, 8® 10c; ttur geon, B®l2}s of lot 7, W part of Lick tract; $3,000. A L Scoiield to Nellie C Cole—Agreement to convey N 00 feet of lot. 10 resub of E Turner tract, Pasadena; $6,500. Abbot Kinney, trustee to Mrs Catherine Bett ner— Lots 7 and 8 block 88, Santa Monica Heights; $2,000. William C Mosher and Mary S Mosher to H A Reld—Lot 18, Mosher tract, Pasadena: $1,040. M Augustine and J Downey Harvey to Felici tas de Estudillo—Lot 17, Harvey's sub of lot 83 bock E. Oak Knoll tract; $1,500. Alfred James and Julia James to C G Harri son—Lot NW cor of Ban Pedro and Fifth streets; $50,000. William John Scholl to Johu H Bryan and H B Strange— Lots 27 28 and 29, Millard's sub of Garey Place tract; $3,900. T B McDonald to Harriet M Douglass—Lots B, D, F, H and J, blk 107, Long Beach; $3500. Burdette Chandler to Chas W Davis—Undi vided half interest in m.j of sec 20. T 2 8, R 11 W: $8000. Julius C Brown to Marshall McCollum—Lot 22, Schieffelin tract; $5000. Geo Turner to Mrs Sarah L Dyer—Let 19, Legg's lower tract, Pasadena; $1500. SUMMARY. Number of transfers above $1,000 each, 38. Total amount of consideration, $215,220. Number of transfers under $1,000 each. 40. Total amount of consideration, $17,102. Transfers for a nominal consideration, 28. Aggregate of day's transfers, $232,350. Note—Transfers of which the consideration is less than $1,000 are not published in the above list. HOTEL ARRIVALS. St Hotel—J H Kcolle, Gorman Sta tion; A H Rae Brown, McPherson; F Dis. San Francisco; C Molofski, Almos Rock. Wm Olseu. John Rttly, Cal; W E R Lane, Tnlaie; J W BrynesJ London: W Henderson. Santa Monica; J O Siiles, New York; C Clark, W T Welsh, San ta Ana; L Cams, Cal; D Barrow. Riverside: H C Granary, Colton; J 8 Langhton, Nashville; F G Burzell, H Howell, B O Morley, H Myers, Cal; L WClanod, EC Webb, Florence; W Harvery, Pomona; P F Vanclive, Cucamonga; D W Rich ardson, Cal; Jas C Peacock; Colton; 8 Brown ston. San Francisco, H Osborn, W E Hughes. Tucson: W Robinson and family, Santa Ana; T Robinson, Santa Ana; Jas A Small, San Bernar dino. Speeches ami Documents. The political campaign, which has now fairly liegun. will appeal largely to the in telligence of voters through printed docu ments. The Herald Book and Job De partment is prepared, with new type and new presses, to print speeches and cam paign documents by the thousand or mil lion, in good style, at reasonable prices. BORN. GRIFFITH—In this cltv, August 29, 1888, to the wile of G. J. Griffith, a son. He kicks the beam at 12 pounds, Jubilate. MOURNING SUITS TJEADY MADB CONSTANTLY ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER IN SIX HOURS AT Mosgrove's Cloak and Suit House, 31 South, Spring Street. TO CREDITORS. Estate of Charlotte A. Thurber, deceased. No tice is hereby given by the undersigned admin istrator of the estate of Charlotte A. Thurber, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to ex hibit the same with the necessary vouchers, within four months after tho first publication of this notice to the said administrator at his residence on Cbappell street, near Gi aud ave nue, in Alhambra, in the County of Los An geles. Dated this Bth day of August A. D. 1888. LINKING THURBER, Administrator of the Estate of Charlotte A. Thurber, deceased. Julius Lyons, Attorney for Administrator. auOthSt NOTICE. Plru Oil Company, principal place of busi ness, Los Angeles, Cal. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the directors held on July 19, 1888, an assess ment of seven dollars per share was levied uo on the capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately to the Los Angeles County Bank at Los Angeles. Any stock upon which this as sessment shall remain unpaid on the 23d day of Angust, 1888, will be delinquent and ad vertised for sale at public auction; and, unless payment Is made Defore. will be sold on Sep tember 22, 1888. to pay the delinquent assess ment, together with costs of advertising andex penses of sale. THOMAS RHODES, Secretary, Office, 77 Temple Block, Los Angeles. iv 26 thot jUWMJL. OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. In the Superior Court, Los Angeles County, State oi California Iv the matter of the Esta'e and Guardianship of Kirk E. Smith, Dora A. Smith, Zera B. Smith and Birdie J. Smith, minorß. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order of the Superior Court of tne County of Los Angeles, Btate ot California, made on the 18th day of August, 1888, in the matter of the Estate and Guardianship of Kirk E. Smith, Dora A. Smith, Zera B. Smith, and Birdie J. Smith, minors, the undersigned, the guardian oi the estates of said minors, will sell by private sale to the highest bidder, on the terms hereinafter mentioned, and BUbject to confirmation by said Superior Court.on or after Thursday, the 13th day of September, 1888, all the right, title, int erest and estate ol said minors in and to that certain real property situate in the said County of Los Angeles, State of California, and bounded snd described as follows, viz.: The undivided one-half of the west one hundred acres of the northwest one-fourth of Section 24, Township one south, Range fourteen west, San Bernar dino base aud meridian, said tract being a right-angle parallelogram in shape and being bounded on the easterly s'de thereof by land conveyed to Ferdinand Luhring by Zera B. Smith, by deed recorded in book 64, page 286, records of deeds of Los Angeles County, and be ing part of the B. C. Lattin tract. Terms and conditions of sale: Part cash, bal ance in deferred payments, the credit on said deferred payments not to exceed three years and to be secured by notes and mortgage. Bids or offbrs may be made at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. All bids or offers must be in writing and left at the office of Anderson, Fitzgerald & Ander son, attorneys-at-law, rooms 5 to 11, Law Building on Temple street, in the City of Los Angeles, said County and State, or delivered to the undersigned personally. Dated August 25th, 1888. P. M. SCOTT, Guardian of the Estates of Kirk E Smith. Zera B. Smith, Dora A. Smith and Birdie J. Smith, minors. E. E. Galbraith, Anderson, Fitzgerald & Anderson, Attorneys for Guardian. au2B 14t J^OTICE. In the matter of the application of the Central Baptist Church of Los Angeles, a religious cor poration, for aa order to Bell real estate, this is to give notice that an order has been made by the Hon. H. K. O'Melveny, Judse of the Su perior Court of Lob Angeles County, fixing Fri day, the 31st day of August, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, at the courtroom of Depart ment No. 3 of said Court, in the Courthouse of said County of Los Angeles, as the time and place for hearing the application of said cor poration for an order to sell the real estate de scribed in the petition on file in my office. Dated August 24,1888. CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, County Clerk. By F. B. Fanning, Deputy. Scarborough & Waterman, Attorneys for Pe titioners. au2s St FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Los Angeles. Cal., j August 12, 1888 i Notice Is hereby given that the followlDg named settler has bled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Ktgisler and Receiver at Los Angeles, Cal., on Septem ber 30,1888, viz : Thomas G. Marple, Pre. D. 8 No. 5,091, for the NEJ4 of NEVi Sec. 4, Tp. 4 N., R. 17 W., 8. B. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz.: Lyon 8. Snuffen, John H. Forthman, Wm. O.Chormicle.Wm. Lineberger, Newhall, CaL au2l 30t 11. W. PATTON, Register. U. 8. Land Office, Los Angeles, Cal., j February 2, 1888 j Complaint having been entered at this office by Henry Houx against Charles B. Sanders for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 4004, dated June 23, 1887, upon the NE'4 Bee. 24, Tp. 8 N., R. 1(1 W., 8. B. 11., in Los An geles County, Cal., with a view to the cancella tion of laid entry; the said parties ore hereby summoned to appear at this office on the Oth day of October, 1 888, at 10 o'clock A. BC, to re spond and furnish testimony coucerniug said alleged abandonment. J. D. BETIIUNE, Register. auB 30t* 1. H. POLK, Receiver. OCFICE OF THE LAS POSAS LAND AND Water Company, Los Angeles, Cal., August 10,1888. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Di rectors of the Lis Posas Land and Water Com pany Intead to change and remove the princi pal place of business of the corporation from tho City of Los Angeleß, in the County of Los Au geles, California to the Rancho Las Poßas in the County of Ventura, and State of California; the consent in writing of the holders of two thirds of the capital stock of the corporation to such change and removal having been obtained and filed in the ofiice of the corporation. By order of the Hoard of Directors, aul3 21t T. W. T. RICHARDS, Secretary. FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Los Angele», Cal., July 23,1888. Notice Is hereby giveu that the lollowing named settler has filed notice of his iutention to make final proof in support of his claim.and that said proof will be made belorc Register and Receiver at Los Angeles Cal., on August 23d, 1888, viz., Robert H. MacDougall, pre emption D. 8., No. 5.121, for the S.E. \i Section 28, 8 N. of Range; 14 West. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous resideucc upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz,: Firnam Church, of Maynard P. 0., Cal.; A. J. Hannah, of Maynard P. 0., Cal.; R.R. Lander,of Maynard P. 0., Cal.; John Dunn, of Maynard P. O , Cal. jy23 30t* H. W. PATTON, Register. FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Los Angeles,Cal.,) August 3, 1888. \ Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of hfs intention to make final proof iv support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Los Angeleß, Cal, on Friday, September 7,1888, viz : John G. Church, Pre-empt. D. S. No. 5,197, fortheNWK Sec. 30. Tp. 8 N., R 15 W.,8. B. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz.: George Stanuard, John V. Bradbury, John W. Cusack, Clarence W. Brad bury, all of Maynard P. 0., Los Angeles County, Cal. au4 30t» H. W. PATTON, Register. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Office of the North Riverside Laud and Water Company 86 Temple Block, Los Angeles. Cal., Nocice is hereby giveu that at a meeting of the directors of the North Riverside Land and Water Company held ou the 18th day of July, 1888, an assessment of six ($6) dollars per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation then issued, payable immediately to F. C. Howes, the treasurer of the said com pany, at the banking house of the Los Angeles National Bank, at Los Angeles City, California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the 30th day of August 1888, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made Before, will be sold on the 20th day of Septem to pay tho delinquent assessment, together witn cost of advertising and expenses of sale. SHIRLEY C. WARD, Secretary. 86 Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal. jy3l lew 5w OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR probate of will. Iv the Superior Court ol the County of Los Angeles, State of Calllornta. In the matter of the estate of J. P. Fuller, de- Notfce is hereby given that Wednesday, the 29th day of August. 1888, at 10 o'clock a. h. of Baid aay, at the courtroom of Department num ber Two of said Court, in the Jones Bnilding, on Spring street, in the City and County of Los An geles, has been appointed as the time at said place for heating the petition of T. Hardy Smith, praying that a document now on file in this Court, purporting to be the last Will aud Testament of J. P. Fuller, deceased, be admit ted to probate, and that letters testamentary be issued thereon to him, the said T. Hardy Smith, at which time and place all persons interested therein may appear and contest the same. Dated this August 15.1888. C. H. DUNSMOOR, County Clerk. aulGtd By F. B. Fanning, Deputy. Caknp Valley lIH On and after August 12th trains will Leave Diamond St. Leave Hollywood (end of Second-st. (foot of Cahuenga Cable R. R.) pass.) 6:15 A. it. (except 7:00 a. h. (except Sunday.) Sunday) 8:15 " 9:00 " 10:00 " 10:45 " 11:30 " ( (Sunday 12:15 p M.j (Sunday 1:45 p.h.l only) 2:30 " i only) 2:00 " (except 2:45 " (except Sunday) Snnday) 3:30 " 4:15 " 5:30 " 6:15 " Fare to Weed 5c.: to Weyße's Corner 10c; to Hollywood and points beyond Weyse's Corner, 20c. Commutation tlcke ft issued to holders of the Company's agreement therefor at 100. A stage will meet trains at Hollywood and carry passengers to the Cahuenga Pass Hotel and other points In the Valley. H. W. Davis, Superintendent. LINES OF THAVKI:. SoDtherD Pacific Oompy IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME. ATJGrTJOT~26, 1888, Trains leave snd are due to arrive at Lob Anoeleb Daily as Follows: Leave For.| destination. Arr. From 4:35 r. x Banning 9:20 a. x. 7:40 p. m Banning 8:50 p. x. J 9:00 a. m Colton J 4:30 P. x. 4:35 p.m Colton 9:20 a. x. 7:40 r. ji Colton 8:50 p. m. 7:40p.m . Fleming and East... 8:50 p. x. 7:40 p.m El Paso and East.... 8:50 p.m. 1:30 p.m Long Beach 12:35 p.m. *8:00 a. m I (Long Beach andj *8:15p.x. 9:40 A. m. ) San Pedro. I 4:25 r. X. 6:15 P. „., BDd i 8:45 A. X 1:15p.x. 1 __, A m __, 8:00 a.m. 9 :30 p.m. |i Ogden and East j 8 :OOa. m. 9:30 p. M.I Portland, Or 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a. x. j ... Ban Bernardino 4:30 p. x. 4:35 p. M. 1 ... San Bernardino 9:20 a. m. sau Bernardino 8:50 p. X, 1:15 p. M. San Fran, and Bacr -I'to 8:00 A. M. 9:30 p. x. Sau Fran, and Sar rn'to 7:0O p. x. 9:20 a. m. Santa Ana and Anaheim 3 :45 p. x. 5 imi y. m Santa Ana and Auahcim 8:35 A. x. 9:30 a. M.I I a „,„ I 4:35 p.m. 3:30 p.m. I BuaU Barbara ) ; 9 . 15 P . „. +9:30 a. m. Santa Monica i+l2: 10p.m. 1:00 p.m. Santa Monica +4:20 p.m. 4-5:10 f. m. Santa Monica i 6:50 a. m. 6:30 p. x.j Santa Monica +8:20 A. X. *8:O0a. m. Santa Monica 1*7:45 a. m. * 9:00 a.m. Sania Monica i*9 45 a.m. •10:00 a.m.! Santa Monica *10:45 a.x. *11:00 a.m. Santa Monica 1*3:45 p. m. *4:00 p. m Santa Monica j*4:45 p. x. •5:00 p. m Santa Monica. • 5:45 p. m. Santa Monica • 6:45 p. m. 9:50 a.m. I „ k , M ,., ) i 3:45 p. x. SjOOp.x. I WhltUer. j | 8;55 A M Local and through tickets sold, baggage checked, Pullman sleeping car reservations made, and general information given upon ap plication to C. F. SMI RK, Asst. G. Pas. and Fr't Agt., No. 202 North Main street; CHARLES SEYLKR, Agent at Depot. ♦Sundays only. +Daily except Sunday. t Tuesdays and Saturdays, to and from Beau mont. A. N. TOWNE, General Manager. T. H. GOODMAN, Gen'l Passenger and Ticket Agt, San Francisco. E. K. HEWITT, Iyl-3m Superintendent, Los Angeles. Pacific Coast Steamship k QOODALL, PERKINS & CO., General Agents, SAN FRANCISCO. NORTHEHN ROUTES Embrace lines for Portland, Or.; Victoria, B. C, and Puget Sound, Alaska and all coast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES, Time Table for August 188 S. COMING south, going north t £ ■ 5 l! S3 STEAMERS. Bi H r. < H < g,™ fa.o) nit) "DC oo° O 00 g X ogg go g Pomona July 29 July 31 Aog. 1 Aug. 4 Santa Rosa ... "31 Aug. 2 *' 4 " 6 Eureka Aug. 2 " 4 " 5 " 8 City of Puebla " 4 " 6 " 8 " 10 Pomona " 6 " 8 " 9 " 12 Santa Rosa .... " 8 " 10 '• 12 " 14 Enreka " 10 " 12 " 13 " 16 City of Puebla. " 12 " 14 " 16 " 18 Pomona "14 "16 "17 " 20 Santa Rosa ... "16 "18 " 20 " 22 Eureka. "18 "20 " 21 " 24 City of Puebla. " 20 " 22 " 24 " 26 Pomona " 22 " 24 " 25 " 28 Santa Rosa. .. "24 " 26 " 28 " 30 Eureka "26 "28 " 29 Sent. 1 City of Puebla. " 28 " 30 Sept. 1 '* 3 Pomona " 30 Sept. 1 " 2| " 5 The steamers Santa Rosa and City of Puebla leave San Pedro for Ssn Diego ou tho dates of their arrival from BaD Francisco, and on their trips between San Pedro and San Francisco call at Santa Barbara and Port Harford (San Luis Obispo) only. The Eureka and Pomona call at all way ports. Cars to connect with steamerß leave 8. P. R. R. depot, Los Angeleß, as follows: With Queen oi the Pacific, Santa Rosa and City of Puebla at 9:40 o'clock a. m. With Pomona and Eureka going north at 5:15 o'clock p. x. jTJrJF-For passage or freight as above or for tickets to and from All Important Points In Europe, APPLY TO W. PAIXRIS, • cling Agent. Office: No. 8, Commercial Bt., Los Angeles. California Central Railway, •'SANTA FE ROUTE." On and after Sunday, August 12, 1888. trains will leave and arrive at First Street Station as follows: Leave, I Los Angeles. Arrive. 10:00 p. x.iA Overland (A 9:36 p.m. 8:00 a. M.i A .San Bernardino. A 9:55 a.x. 4:00 P.M.] A Ban Bernardino. A 4:24 p. M 10:00 P. M.I A .San Bernardino. A 9:36 p.m. 10:30 A. m.B Glendora B 2:13 p. x 5:15 p. miß Duarte B 7:30 a.x. (1:19 r.M.|S Duarte 8 9:16 a. x. 11:30 p. M. C Duarte theatre tr'n C 7:40 p. x. 8:00 a. X. A Colton A 9:55 A. X. 4:00 P.M. A Colton A 4:24 p.m. 8:00 A. m. A Riverside A 9:55 a. m. 4:00 P. x. A .. ..Riverside .... A 4:24 p.m. 8.00 a. x A Redlands-Lugonia A 9:55 a.m. 4:00 p. X. A Redlandß-Lugonia A 4:24 p. M. 8:00 a.m. A ...San Jacinto. .A 4:24 p.M. 8:00 A.M. A Elßinore A 4:24 p. X. 8:15 A.M. A ... San Diego... A 12:54 p.M. 10:37 P. M, A San Diego .... A 9:24 P.M. 8:15 A. M. A ... Eseondido .' j A 'gilt 8:15 a. m. A San Juan A 12:54 p. m. 10:37 p. X. A San Juan... A 9:24 p.m. 8:30 A. M. 8 Ban Juan S 6:00 P. M. 8:15 A. M A Santa Ana A 12:54 p. x. 8:30 a. M. 8 ...SantaAna 3 6:00 p.m. 9:50a.x.8 ...SantaAna... B 9:00 a. m. 500 p. M. B ... Santa Ana B 2:30 p. M. 10:37 P. M. A ..SantaAna A 9:24 P.M. 7:00 A. N. B ...Port Ballona... IB 9:05 a.m. 8:00 a. X. 8 ...Portßallona. .13 3:35 P.M. 4:55 p. m.B ..Portßallona... B 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a. m. A .Redondo Beach. A 3:50 p.m. 11:15 a.m. 8 Redondo Beach.lS 5:55 p.m. Redondo Beach trains will leave Dowuey Avenue Depot daily (except Sundays) at 9:15 a. m . and on Sundays at 9:06 aud 11:00 a. m. Returning, will arrive at Downey A venue De pot daily (including Sundays) at 4:00 p. m. Also on Sundays at 6 25 p. m. Trainß leaving Los Angeles at. 8 a. m. and ar riving at 4:24 p. x., connect at San Bernardino for all points south to Oceanside. A, daily; B, Dally except Sunday: C, Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays only; 8, Sundays only. Depot at foot of First street. City Ticket Office. No. 29 North Spring street D. McCOOL, General Manager. H. B. WILKINB, Gen. Pass. Agent. WILLIAMSON DUNN, General Agent. Santa Catalina Island! Steamer will Leave San Pedro and Return as Follows: TO CATALINA. | FROM CATALINA, aThursday Aug. 2 dWednesday...Aug. 1 aSaturday " 4 (/Friday " 3 c3unday " 5 /Saturday " 4 oMonday " 0 (Sunday *' 5 aWednesday... " S (/Monday '• 6 aFriday " lOoThursday " 9 aSaturday " 111/ Friday •' 10 cSuuday " 12iTSaturday " 11 bMonday " 13 . Sunday " 12 aTuesday " 14!<(Monday " 13 aThursday " 16 ((Wednesday... " 15 " 18jdFriday " 17 eSunday " 19|/3aturday " 18 iMonday " 20jeSunday " 19 aWednesday... " 22 (/Monday " 20 aFriday " 24k