Newspaper Page Text
6 OLLA PODRIDA. America Dubbed the Greater Ireland. SyUIBS FROM AN IRISH JOURNAL. Shortage in the World's Bread Sup ply—A Peculiar Plague in an Ohio Town. |Associated Press Dispatches to the Hesald. ] Dublin, August 30. — United Ireland says that the rampant American Senators in rejecting the Fisheries treaty, gave England a terrible proof of the power of retaliation of the greater Ireland across the sea, whose vengeance the Balfour coercion policy has aroused. It says the arrest of the Redmond brothers will in cite fresh vengeance. The paper com mends the action of the Cork band in re fusing to play the National anthem at the Irish exhibition in London, and says that only hypocrites and sycophants re pay neglect and cold aversion with a aetnblance of enthusiastic personal loy alty. _ THE UOHI.B-S B 'JEAD. A Shortage on Wheat, Except In the United States. New York, August 30.—The Timet has a long cable which estimates that the Old World needs from 70,000,000 to SO, --000,000 bushels of wheat more than tlie harvests of the year will produce. To put it in another way, the countries which always have to buy wheat must this year buy 390,000,000 bushels, while the countries raising more than they consume will have about 259,000.000 to •ell. The storms of the past week have greatly damaged wheat in Eng land, and the great wheat producing country of France, which was thought a week ago would import. 68,000,000 bushels, will now have, it is estimated, to import from 80,000,000 to 95,000,000. Algiers cannot supply much on account of grasshoppers. The best estimates put the surplus of the United States and Can ada at 103,000,000 bushels; Russia 90, 000,000; India 35 000,000. But all sorts of stories are coming from Russia of late, mostly unfavorable. In London bread has gone up one penny per loaf. The po tato crop ot England and Ireland is a par tial failure, and great distress is believed to be certain. The Timet summarizing the reports from all parts of the United States, says there is enough wheat for home consumption, but not a great deal to spare. A Pi:n Ll.llt PLAGUE. An Oliio Town Belnic Depopulated by a Local Disease. Caldwell, Ohio, August 30.—A month ago a mysterious disease appeared which has some of the characteristics of typhoid fever and some of malaria. Whole families have been attacked. In the course of a fortnight nearly every family in town has been affected; the death rate has become alarming; many families have left town; business is almost para lyzed, and funeral processions are almost constantly in the streets. The physi cians are nearly all worn out; medicine seems to do no good. The disease does seem to be infectious, except to residents here, for outsiders have not been affected. It is believed that disease germs are in the water. The town lias no system of drainage. HIGH LICENSE. Bow the Law Works In Minnesota. Uood Results. St. Paul, August 30. —The Pioneer Press reviews the first year of high license in Minnesota as follows: The system has proved all its friends claimed for it. In the State there are only 1,597 saloons, against 2,80(> when the law went into effect. There is decreased con sumption of liquor in nearly every county. The low groggeries are all closed. The liquor business is under better police supervision. The cost of licenses which averaged $300 and made a total income of $850,000, is now $650 and ■the total income $1,100,000. LIN i_S FKOJI LONDON. Tlie Sngiir Bounties Alfreed I'pon. An Africau Mutiny. London, August 30. —The final meet ing of the sugar bounties conference was bold to-day. All the delegates, repre senting the powers which approved the -convention, affixed their signatures to the document. VVaddington, the French delegate, reserved the signature of France, retaining the option to sign any time within six months. Advices from Lorenzo Marquez, a Por tuguese town in Africa, say a mutiny has broken out among the soldiers of the garrison. The marines have landed from the war 6hips to quell it. Fighting is expected. France's Foreign Itelations. Paris, August 30.—The officials at the •German Embassy are satisfied that Gam ier, who fired a shot at the porter of the Embassy yesterday, is insane. The inci dent is therefore closed. The reply of France to Italy's note, an nouncing the seizure of Massowah, is published, and says France desires to avoid entering upon irritating polemics, and does not care to prolong the debate, but it is impossible to avoid recalling the fact that a French Consulate, sanctioned by the Porte, was established at Masso wah twenty-five years befoie the date of Italian occupation. A fJniformed Corpse. Tucson, August 30.—The remains of a man dressed in a soldier's uniform was found five miles west of here yesterday. The body was covered with rocks and the pockets had been rifled. It is believed he was one of the deserters from Fort Low ell who had been murdered by his com panions for his few dollars. A Degenerate Son. Denver, August 30.—A. J. Throck morton, a nephew of Governor Throck morton, of Texas, suicided at a ten-cent lodging house with morphine. Despon dency, caused by poverty and whisky is the supposed cause. He recently came from Pueblo. Col., where he and his wife spent all they had on account of sickness. Clinch l ull of Lies. London, August 30. —The' St. James Gazette denounces the circular of Presi dent Fitzgerald, of the Irish National League of America, calling for subscrip tions to the Parnell defense fond. It Bays the circular is chuck full of lies. Murdered for Pelf. Chicago, August 30.—This morning footpads waylaid Fred Schuneman, a. well known young man, and when he Attempted to defend himself, shot and MUed him and escaped. The object was i THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 31. 1888. robbery. The pockets of the murdered man were rifled, and besides money,a gold watch, diamond ring and stud and scarf pin were taken. Three men ran away immediately afterward. There is no clue to the murderers. A Prisoner Returned. San Diego, August 30.—Theodore Fowler, one of the men who broke jail here several weeks ago, was brought up from Lower California this morning and put back into his old quarters. He was under a sentence of ten years for grand larceny. The Prcwltt Jury. Saunas, Cal., Augußt 30. —The jury in the Prewitt murder case was discharged this morning, after being out thirty-six hours. They stood seven for acquittal and five for manslaughter. The Result of a Quarrel. Shreveport, Mies., August 30. —Yes- terday Dr. J. W. Arnold was shot and killed by W. J. McMoth as the result of a quarrel. Both were well connected. Richmond's Body Rtcovered. San Francisco, August 30.—The body of Adam Richmond, the water tender of the ill-fated City of Chester, was re covered from the bay this afternoon. HARRISON AND THE IRISH. Charge of Urosa Slander Made by a Respectable Citizen. When the Republican papers and politi cians attempt to face Mr. William Condon down in his statement of Harrison's fatal abuse of the Irish, they will find they are not brushing aside a lying allegation by some irresponsible little campaign pre varicator, but are facing the solemn as severation of an old citizen and influen tial business man of unblemished repu tation, and whose word i 3 as good as his bond. It cannot be set aside on the flimsy ground that some other man fails to recall it. Mr. Wm. Condon, Sr., was seen by a Bulletin reporter and asked as to state ments of this morning's Pantograph in reference to his charges against Harrison for having slandered the Irish people. Mr. Condon has talked the matter over with gentlemen who also heard Harri son's vile speech here at Durley Hall, and has come to the conclusion that it was in the campaign of 1876, and not eight years ago. *" * * * Mr. Con don said: "Harrison, the Republican Presidential candidate, spoke here on an afternoon a few days before the election of 1876, and Colfax spoke in the even ing of the same day, I think, al though I did not hear Colfax. The abusive words from Ben Harrison came out in this way. Harrison had praised all the nationalities, except the Irish, and was just quitting this feature of his address, when an old man with an Irish accent, asked: 'How about the Irish, and where were Meagher, Sheridan, Shields, Mulligan and the others'." The crowd hissed the question, and shouted, •Put him out.' While they were taking the old gentleman from the building Harrison said exactly, or almost exactly, the following words: 'It is easy to know that man's race; you all know what they are; if it were not tor them we would not need half of our penitentiaries, which are almost full of they; them have no intelligence; they are only good to shovel dirt and grade railroads, for which they receive more than they are worth, as they are no acquisition to the American people.' I have frequently mentioned the language to many people, and long before Harrison was prominently men tioned for the Presidency, and therefore it cannot be said I speak of the matter now for mere political effect. I was sur prised to find my letter in print, indeed. In my letter I made merely an incidental reference to the matter, not thinking that or any other portion would be copied by the press. I stand by every material statement I have made. Many of my neighbors, who did not hear Harrison, remember that at the time a great deal *as said about his abusive remarks, which were more bitter then anything I have ever heard from any one. I dislike to bring any foreign nationality in our American politics, in a free country, where we all are or should bo Americans, for American interests only; but Har rison has provoked this matter by his own false and bitter words on the stump. I have no prejudice aginpt other national ities, on the coutrary, it is a pleasure to remember that all races have contributed to the growth and splendor of our country, and that in the terrinle conflict for the maintanence of the Union the Celt and brave heroes from the German Father land fought side by side by the American born. The false alarm of those who say the Democratic party favors a tariff system favorable to England and detrimental to America, should blind no manly Irish-American to the fact that a rancorous defamer of his race is running against Cleveland, that fearless, honest man whose principles are calculated to give cheap food aud clothing to the poor, and to preserve the blessings of this Government for Ameri cans yet unborn. Like every individual, every race has virtues as well as faults, and therefore I protest against Harrison's sweeping villification of the Irish people, who usually come here to obey the laws and help develop the mental and physi cal capabilities of our common country. The Pantograph ta'ks about producing an affidavit that Harrison did not make the abusive remarks. Well, there will be a number of counter affidavits from Irish-Americans. It is hard to prove a negative, but we can prove it was a posi tive fact." —[Bloomington (111.) Bulletin. Strangers and visit orß uever fail to meet friends at the Vienna Buffet, corner Main and Requena streets. Vignes A McGreyor. 134 North Main streets Money to Loan In sums from S5OO to 810,000 on first-class inside, Improved property, or tj improve lirst class property. souses Id stores In good location, want* i to rent, as we have a large demand for same. Blips in Real Estate, INSURANCE. FOMSROO GATES, 16 COURT STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. VOfElfo ATTENTION^ Office of the Clerk of Board of Snporvlsora Los Angeles County, California, March sth, 1888. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A RE registration of the voters of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, has this day been ordered In accordance with section 1094 et eeq.'politlcal code. By order of the Board of Super visors of Los Annies County, California. ie7-7m 0. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk PERFECTION IN COOKERY. No agency has assisted so much toward perfection in cookery as the Royal Baking Powder. Perfection in cookery demands the best methods and the purest and most effective articles to work with. Cream of tartar and soda, or saleratus and sour milk, could never be used In the exact proportions required to raise proper food; hence, when depending upon them, the cook frequently found her bread, cake, biscuit or pastry heavy, bitter, yellow, or with lumps of soda that set the teeth on edge. She was never sure of .an article that was perfect to the taste, much leS3 one that was pure, for the cream of tartar and soda pur chased at the shops'always contained lime and was fre quently adulterated with alum. In the Royal Baking Powder the leavening agencies exist in proportions that are chemically accurate, so that after use there is none of tho ingredients left in the food. All its parts are absolutely pure, hence there can be no impurities or deleterious substances imparted to the finished product. It is cf the highest and always exactly the same leavening power, and its strength never deteriorates with age; thereforo the same effect always is produced by a given Quantity, the lightest food is insured, and there is never a doubt of its effective ness, no matter what its age. When used as directed the Royal Baking Powder never fails to produce pure, whole some and palatable food, while it is more economical than cream of tartar and soda, sour milk and saleratus, and in all ways superior to yeast. The Royal Baking Powder is indispensable to pro gress in cookery, to comfort and convenience in the culinary work of the household, and to the production of the most perfect and wholesome bread and pastry. gIkWTHE Illustrated Herald is now on hand at this office and for sale at the extremely low price of 15 cents each, or eight copies forsl. The current number has a vast amount of fresh statistical matter of great interest regarding this section. The Illustrated Herald of 1888 is by all odds the beat medium through which to make known to those at a distance all the varied attractions and industries of Los Angeles and of tho semi-tropics generally. If you want to keep up the boom send a copy of this splendidly embellished publication to your friends in the Eaßt. Speeches and Documents. The political campaign, which has now fairly begun, v-ill appeal largely to the in telligence of voters through printed documents. The Herald Book and Jot) Department is prepared, with new type and presses, to print speeches and campaign documents by the thousand or million, in good style, at reasonable prices. Godfrey & ITlonrc, Druggists, have removed to their new store op posite the Nadeau, The original Austrian-Hungarian Kitchen can be found at the Vienna Bufiet, comer Main and Requona streets. A CALIFuW DISCOVERY. Tho parasites, of whirh we givo cut below, dls> covered by us, are the direct cause of Catarrh anil Consumption, also uauy other diseases,. Magnified 560 Times. Imagine millions of these animalcuUe in the nose, throat and lungs, as well as the minute eustachian tubes leading from the back part of the throat to the middle ear, and you will imagine tho misery they can produce. Thou sands are swallowed when the patieut is asleep, causing kidney aud liver trouble, headache, blood poison, general debility, etc. We-have a spcciflefor destroying them and expelling tbe poison from the blood. Use the CALIFORNIA POSI TIVE ANO NEGATIVE ELECTRIC COUCH ANO CONSUMPTION CURE to take and the CALIFORNIA POSITIVE AND HECATIVE ELECTRIC LINIMENT to apply, and if the Ftomarh is bad, use tho CALIFORNIA POSITIVE ANO NEGATIVE ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDER it builds up the system and purines the poisoned blood. They are manufactured from roots, herbs and flowers that grow in California, and are safe for child ren. They never fail. The Cough Cure Is ex cellent for Coughs Colds, Croup, etc., no child ,vi I lever W die with croup when this is£r#WHߣ?5 H usol OurLinimentkillspaiuß! -ty_W&*r !> instantly. Secourl^deMark«i</ ; L on every wrapper. Bold by « ffiauPwjSH all druggists. FEsHifcc^lnKt Crriixinstr k fo., Props. LOS AIIOELES. CALIFORNIA. J. WOOLLACOTT, Sole agent for Southern Oali fornia for the celebrated German Mineral Water, Ww\ Put up in cases of 50 quart (Bordeaux bottles) at $8.50 per case. Address all orders to H. J WOOLLACOTT, 88 ar c 88 *• Spring St., LOS ANGELES, CAL. angSOtf THE ONL.V HELIABLE OPTICAL ESTABLISHMENT. 64: North Alain Street. If eyes and value them, go to the Optical Institute for your -.pectaeles and Eye Glasses. It isthe onlyestablishmenton the southern part ol this coast where they are meas ured on thorough sclentiac principles Lenses ground to order if necessary to correct each par ticular case. No visual defect, where glasses are required, too complicated for us. Wo guaran tee our fitting to be absolutely perfect Los Angeles Optical Institute, 64 North main Street. STRASBBURGER & MARSCHOTZ. A lull assortment of artificial eyes always kept on hud. <£&m ED GERMAIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE, Has Removed! 122 SOUTH SPRING ST. TELEPHONE HO. FIRST-CLASS FA H M AND FRUIT LANDS! SUBDIVISION OF THE FAMOUS Sansal Redondo Raich, One Mile from Redondo Beach, ON EASY TERMS, For particulars apply to EC. W. VAIL, au2ltf 54 Worth Main Street. Notice to Contractors. Notice ia hereby given by the Board of Edu cation for the City of Los Angeles, that sealed proposals will be received at their regular meet ing to be held on the 4th day of September, 1888, at City Hall, for the erection of a two-room Schoolhouse, according to plans and specifica tions to be seen at the office of Costcrisan <t For syth, architects, 23 South Spring street, or at the office of Thos. Kelley, Secretary of said Board, 302 North Main street. The Board reserves the right to reject any aud all bids. By order of the Board, THOS. KELLEY, Secretary of Board of Education. _au29 7t 302 North Main street. HOLIDAY SERVICES. Taini Torah Congregation Services WILL BE HXLD AT masonic Rail, on South Spring St., Between First aud Second, ON SEPTEMBER 6 AND 7, ALSO THE 15th, 1888. Those wishing to secure seats caudosoby calling on the Secretary, 106 N. Main street, as no one wi 1 be admitted without tickets. au23 14t LAZARUS&TmEL.ZJ£R, 111 N. SPRING STREET, next to City of Paris. Complete Assortment of STATIONERY, BOOKS AND PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. The leading VAPEE HOUSE in Southern California. Jel7tf mSCEEEANEOES. Los Angeles and San Diego REAL ESTATE AGENCY, No. 1 North Fort Street (Board of Trade Building). tmf Free Carriage to show Property. *^tOL nave for Sale— 8 room not quite finished, Mag nolia, cor. Laurel st., latest style of architecture, choice location; a snap bargain $4,250 8-room house and 2 lots, Magnolia, near Pico St., latest s-tyle; asnapbargain 5,100 5 room house. Workman st. near Down ey aye.: a anap bargain 3,500 Seven 5-room houses *5.">0 to $2.70<> Seven 4-room housts $1,200 to fci.OOO Sixteen 5-room houses $800 to .+('.,000 Seven 6-room houses $2,450 to $8,500 Twelve 7-room houses $500 to $8,001) Six 8-room houses $2,000 to $15,000 seven 0-room houses $800 to $9,000 Fire 10-room houses $(!,000 to +30,000 Six 11-room houses ..: $6,000 to $25,000 rive 12-room houses $5,500 to $1(1,000 Lot Spring, near Fourth st.; snap bar gain $900 a foot Lot Main, near Eighth st $450 a loot Ranches, fruit farms, alfalfa lands and a vast amount of other property. For Exchange- Improved and unimproved California for Eastern property. Houses rented. If you want to sell or exchange property, come and see us. We take pleasure in describing end showing property, and if you.don't find any thing to suit you there will be no harm done. . aul2 2m C. A. SUMNER & CO. FOR SALE. $1,000-I.ot 50x118, on Adam 3 st., near Hoover: hulf cash. This is a sure bargain in the midst o' substantial improvements. $I,loo—Lot 52 1 {x 175, Montgomery, near Hay ward st ; graded aud curbed. $1,200—52,'2x175, Ocean, near Broadway, close to the propoKed park. $1,300—1.0t 69x166, Mattie St., near Severance. Offered at hall its value for a short time ouly. $3,000— lA>t 53x125, Seventh St., on elevated ground, north side, near Logan aye. TO LET. 40 feet on Main, near Third. 50 feet ou San Pedro, near First. 24 feet ou Spring, noar Fifth, htore on Aliso, near Alameda. $40. New Stores on Main st., near Ninth, $40. Store on Main st., near Fourth, $60. Large .Store on Main st., near Second, $175. Store ou Olive St., near Twelfth, $35. Store on Olive St., near Eighth. $30. Store on Seventh, near Main, $40. Hotel, 84 rooms. Main, near Plaza. 26 rooms Hill, near Third, $225. Flat, 30 rooms, Main, near Ninth, $150. Hou'e, 11 rooms, Hooe, near Pico, $80, an ele gant place. Houbo, 8 rooms, Main, near Seventh, $100. Cottage, 5 rooms, Shaw aye., $22. House, 7 rooms. San Pedro, near Twellth, $35. Cottage. 5 rooms, Catherine St., $25. House, f> rooms. Myrtle, near l'ico, $27.50. House,o rooms, ißyrtle, near Pico, $30. Cottage, 8 rooms, York, near Martin, $30. Cottage, 4 rooms, Morris, near Hill, $13. FOR TRADE. 4-room Hou«e, close in. for lots. Fine Eastern reEidence,ov<.rlookiu;;East River, New York. Five corner lot and three inside lots for ranch, improved property, or a business. Get our pamphlet on Los Angeles for free dis tribution. 51 NORTH MAIN ST. aulTtf SIM![RANCHO! %,000-ACRES-96,000 First-class Fruit Lands, SSO TO SIOO. First-class Grain Lands, $30 to $50. First-class Alfalfa Lands, $20 to $40. First-class Stock Ranges, $5 to $25. FINE DAIRY FARMS AT LOW FIGURES Flowing Wells can be had in the lower valleys at less than 100 feet. Special Inducements Offered to Colonists R. W. POINDEXTER, See'y, 19 West First Street. jy3o-3m superfluous Hair Removed! FROM THE FACE BY ELECTROTYSIS —A painless method and a permanent result information freely given. Office, 237 S. Sprina bt. Hours, 10 a. m. to IP. M. aug7lm« H. K. GBTawQT.D. M. D. HOTELS. HOTEL fESTMINSTI, Fourth and Main Sts, LOS A\«iKLKS. A report is bein» circulated that the above hotel has been closed, WHICH IS NOT THE FACT. It never has been closed since March 1, 1888, the date it opened. It Is a leading first class hotel, supplied with all modern improve ments, including elevator, electric bells with return calls in all rooms, fire escapes, bath, etc.: lias the largest and Bnest office aud sitting-room in the city; is centrally located, within a few 1 locks of Santa Fe and S. P. R. R. Co.'s (new) depot, four blocks from new postoffice, and in close proximity to churches and places of amusement. RATEB: $3 per day and upward, according to room. Reduced rates by the month. W. n. HARRON & CO., Propr's. aulS lm THE STEWART SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. A New Hotel Opened January, 1888. Commercial and Tourist Hotel open all the year. Elegance, Convenience snd Comfort. ]e!s3m Democrats, Mention! SERIES OF GRIND RALLIES —foi;— Cleveland, Thurman AND EEFOEM ! The following meetings will be held throughout tho County of Los Angeles on the dates and at the places indicated: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist. EOS ANOELES. R. F. Sepulveda, A. Orfila, Robt. Dom inguez. (Spanish.) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist. SANTA ANA. Hon. Calvin Edgerton, Major G. W. Ar buckle. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th. COMPTON. Hon. Calvin Ednerton, Portland C. Hunt, Esq. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th. ORANGE. Hon. W. S. Herndon. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER sth. ANAHEIM. Portland C. Hunt, Col. I. E. Messmore. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER sth. nosiiiovi A. Hon. Calvin Edgerton, S. G. Long, Esq. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER (ith. MONTE VISTA. COLD WATER SCHOOLHOUSE. Joint Discussion— S. A. Waldron, Democrat. Prohibitionist. Republican. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Gtb, SAN PEDRO. Hon. Calvin Edgerton, Judge R. A. Ling. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th. AZUSA. Major Geo. S. Patton, W. AY. Fisher, Esq. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th. SAN FERNANDO, Hon. John Shirley Ward. S. A. Waldron, Democratic nominee for Assembly, Seventy-sixth District. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Bth. AT RIVERA, WIIITTIER AND DOWNEY CITY. Hon. Calvin Edgerton, Judge R. A. Ling. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Bth. EA PEENTE. Capt. J. C. Maccabe, S. G. Long, Esq. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Bth. SANTA MONICA. Judge R. J. Dunnigan, Judge A. Buck. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th. DOWNEY CITY. FAIR WEEK. Hon. W. S. Herndon, Mr. County Committeemen in the respective pre cincts will please make all arrangements for the foregoing meetings. By order Democratic Countr Central Com mittee, EUGENE GERMAIN, Chairman. B. A. LING, Chairman Literary Committee. W. S. WATERS, Secretary. au2B OFFICE OF J. W. Broaded, Couuty Treasurer, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Proposals for tbe Purchase —OF— LOS ANGELESCOUNTY BONDS. Sealed Proposals will be received by the un dersigned up to Saturday, Septembar 29, 1888, for the purchase of all or any part of one hun dred (100) Los Angeles County Court House Bonds, numbered consecutively from one hun dred and one (101) to two hundred (200) inclu sive ol the denomination of one thousand dollars each, payable on the first list) day of January, A. D. 1907, or at any time before that date, at the pleasure of the said County, in Gold Coin of the United States, with interest thereon, at the rate of four and one-hulfper cent. (4' ;1 , 0 ) per annum, payable semi-auuuallv on the first (Ist) day of January and on the first (Ist) day of July, of each year. Said Bonds having been issued in conformity with resolutions o( the Board of Supervisors of Los Ange cc County, dated September the Oth, A. D. 188(1, and of December the Oth and 29th, A. D. 1886, and under authority conferred upon said Board by the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, en titled "An Act to establish a uniform svstam of County and Township Government," approved March 14th, A. D. 1883. None of said Bonds will be sold for less than face value and accrued Interest, nor shall any sale thereof be final or valid until approved by said Board of Supervisors, aud the right is hereby expressly reserved to reject any or all aforesaid proposals. All such bids must be accompanied by a duly certified checs: to the amount of ten (10) per cent of the bid. Mark envelope "Proposals for the purchase of Court Hou'e Bonds." By order of the Board of Supervisors. J. W. BROADED, County Treasurer. By H. J. FLEISHMAN. Deputy. Los Angeles City, Cal., August 21st, 1888. an2l 3lt C. - C. - c. THE CALIFORNIA Co-Operative Colony still has about 1000 acres of Splendid Land For sale in TEN-ACRE LOTB, on the Colony Tract, at $100 AN ACRE, Less according to quality and location. And no better farming lauds cau be found on the Pa cific Corst. They are not surpassed for the rais ing of Alfalfa, Cereals, Vegetables and Fruits of all kinds. The property is moist land, in an ar tesian belt, and therefore amply supplied with water. THE TOWN OF CLEARWATER Is well located. It has a good start, an excellent School, enterprising and intelligent residents, a lovely Park and Lake, and a Hotel. The Los Angelas aud Ocean Rai'.wav will ran directly through the town, as well as the Colony Tract. Call at the COLONY OFFICE, Rooms 8 and 4, Newell Block, 13 West Second Street, Los Angeles, Cal. augS-lm COCKLE'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. The Great English Remedy. TJOB LIVKR, BILE, INDIGESTION, BTO. £ V J*S * rom mercury; contains only pare XfIKJ? 18 ! 8 , Ingredients. Agents, LANQLKY St MICHAELS, San Francisco. diwklyly