Newspaper Page Text
8 DAILY HERALD. United States Signal Service. Report of observations taken at Los Angeles, California, August 30, 1888, by tbe War Depart ment: J?"*" I B "' i Ther lpof°t| wd py| 5:07 a. si.|29 01; 62 I 60 W 1 18:07 r. M.!2a.89 82 65 8 9 5:07 p. m. 129 851 70 I 61 W I 10 |Ve*| Wes- ley ther. Maximum temperature, 83; minimum tem perature. 61. PERSONALS. Mr. A. C. Hudson, of Kansas City, is at the Nadeau. Rev. M. B. Wilson left last evening fcr a trip to Chicago. Mr. Julin E. Carey, of New York, is at the Westminster. Mr. W. L. Harderson, of Santa Paula, is at the Westminster. Mr. and Mrs. Julian P. Jones, of Elsi nore, are visiting the city. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wingard left yes terday for Einporia, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nimock, of Santa Fe Springs, are at the Westminster. Mrs. 3. Fleishman and Miss Fleish man, of New York, are paying a visit to the city. Mr. W. A. Thompson, manager for Miss Hattie Bernard Chase, is at the Nadeau. Messrs. A. M. Van Horn, L. Betzel and Wm. Collier, of San Diego, are at the Nadeau. Governor R. W. Waterman and his son J. S. Waterman, of New York, are at the Nadeau. Tom J. Field, of Topeka, Kan., and Mr. and Mrs. Swetnam, of Omaha, are visiting the coast. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. McLain.of Monroe, La., and Misb I. McLain, of Pasadena, are at the Nadeau. Mr. C. R. Dempster, Mrs. C. J. Demp ster and D. O. Herbert, of San Francisco, are at the Westminster. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Warden, of Boston, have returned from Coronado Beach and are again at the Nadeau. Messrs. Thomas R. Bard and D. T. Perkins, prominent lawyers of Huenemo, Ventura county, are at the Westminster. A party consisting of Mr. H. C. Bald win and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. C. Baldwin, started last evening on a trip to Chicago. Dan Williamson, a popular newspaper man of San Francisco and San Diego, is spending a short and well earned vaca tion in this city. Mrs. C. A. Hamilton, of Meriden, Miss., arrived in the city yesterday. She joins her husband here, and they will make Los Angeles their home. United States Marshal Kisley passed through the city yesterday on his way to Santa Monica, where he went to see Mr. J. W. Potts, who is lying in a precatious state of health at the Arcadia. Mr. Chas. Golimer, who has been visit ing his home in Europe, has returned to this city. He states that he enjoyed his trip very much, but that he is pleased to be in Los Angeles again. D. Gager Peck and wife, of the firm of Peck & McCoy, funeral directors, are so journing at the Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, taking a much needed rest. His friends hope to see him back soon, greatly improved by his visit. Rev. Dr. E. Schreiber, of the Congre gation B'nai B'rith, in this city, who has been spending a few weeks at Denver, has returned home. He lectured before very large audiences of his former con gregation in Temple Emanuel, in Den ver. He will appear at the Synagogue on Fort street to-morrow. NEWS NOTES. A court-martial will convene at Fort Grant, Ariz., next Monday. The Conference of the Methodist Church of California will convene next week at Pasadena. The Central W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meeting to-day at 2 p. m. in the Methodist Church, South. The Third Ward Republican Club will hold its first meeting to-night at the County Committee rooms on First street. The Mystic Society gave an entertain ment last night at Odd Fellows Hall. There was a large crowd and a pleasant programme. The Fort street Lyceum will meet this evening in the parlors of the Fort street M. E. Church. An excellent programme has been arranged. Plats of township 9 north, range 18 and 19 east, have been filed in the Land Of fice and the lands embraced in these townships are now open for entry. The Turner festival will take place in this city shortly. On Saturday evening the San Diego delegation will arrive, and a reception will follow at Turner Hall. Transfers of real estate yesterday amounted to $110,624, and were 95 in number. Of these 27 were for nominal considerations and 34 were for more than $1000 each. The service of the Eait Los Angeles Baptist Church next Sunday evening will be dispensed with as the pastor and congregation will attend the first services in the new Central Baptist Church. The halls of the Ramona were enliv ened last night by one of the pleasant socials given by the proprietor, Mr. J. F. Burns. About tbirty-five couples were present to enjoy the dancing and the festivities were continued until a late hour. On Saturday evening a Spanish Dem ocratic mass meeting will be held in front of the Pico House. The speeches will all be in Spanish, and the orators already secured are A. Orfila, R. T. Sepulveda and R. Doininguez. Several others will address the meeting. Free lectures on national subjects will by given by Alonzo T. Jones at Armory Hall on Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings. The subject of the first lecture will be "Senator Blair's proposed amend ment to the National Constitution." Sunday evening he will lecture on "The National Sunday Law." The Reliance Club will hold its regular weekly meeting in Judge Huiton's court room this evening. It will be a rare treat, as ex-Congressman Herndon, of Texas, Hon. Ellis Powell, Colonel Violet and S. C. Lockwood have decided to give some good Democratic logic. All Democrats are invited to attend. The Traders and Travelers' Accident Insurance Company of New York, whose General Agent, Fred S. Case, recently THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1888. established an agency here, is doing a fine business in this city. Among the memhers of its Board of Directors are such men as John L. Burdett, Paymaster N. Y. C. k H. R. R. Co., Samuel F. Pier son, Vice-Chairman Trunk Line Com mission, Nathaniel Niles, President Tradesman's National Bank, New York, and others. We think so well of this company and its individual registry sys tem that we have a policy with them. Criminal Notes. The five Chinamen who were arrested in Chinatown while running a dice game Wednesday night, were fined !?'> a piece in Justice Taney's court yesterday. A jury was impaneled in Judge Che ney's court yesterday morning to try Francisco Soto, who is accused of having committed an outrage upon little Tillie Vest. The case was continued until to day. A family quarrel between the Kurtzes and the O'Briens, occupied the attention of Justice Taney's Court yesterday morn ing. After a quantity of testimony, the charge of battery against Emma O'Brien was dismissed. Cyrus True, the Clerk of the Police Department, captured a deserter from the United States Army by tho name of John R. Davis, who got away from Whip ple Barracks, Arizona. Mr. True will get a reward of $ol). William Leonard appeared before Jus tice Austin yesterday on a charge of as sault with a deadly weapon. He got into a difficulty with an architect bythenitme of Apponyi.and struck hint in the face, it is alleged, with a brickbat. Tbe battery case against Joe Durston in Justice Austin's Court was dismissed yesterday. This was the charge pre ferred by Jane Thompson, the young girl who persisted in wandering about the streets in spite of her brother's eft'orts to prevent her. Charles A. Smith, who was sent to the county jail for nine months by Judge Cheney, for an assault with a deadly weapon, has written a long letter to the Judge, hogging that he may be sent to Sau Quentin, as the jail is a very disa greeable place of residence. John Gillman, who worked the direc tory fraud, was committed for forty days by Justice Austin yesterday. Tlie detec tives who looked into his case discovered that he Bad done some lino work in the petty larceny line. Among other tilings he took a coat from 20 East First street and sold it to a "fence." A man by the name of Austin came into Justice Taney's C.urt yesterday to complain of tlie severe beating which his little son had received from some un known man driving a dump-oart. The man had not contented himself with pounding the boy, but had also stolen his coat and hat. As the man could not be identified, no warrant was issued. J. Blumenthal, of 131 Commercial street, was arrested yesteroay by Detect ives Mackenzie and Lynch. Mis. Aek ermau. of First street, happened to dis cover at Blumenthai's place a coat which she says had been stolon from her hus band. Tlie dealer refused to pive up the coat and Mrs. Ackermau complained at the station. Blumenthal was brought to the station and John Gillman, a prisoner, identified the coat as the one he had stolen and sold. Undelivered i Vleirruitm. Undelivered telegrams at the Western Union Telegraph office, Xo 8 Court street, at 10 p. m., August 30th: Mrs. Clara Oakman, Henry, Arrlety, Faustino Urena, (i. E. Dayton, Prof. Henry Leed lam, Robert McCuistion. The Ellis College has been rebuilt and in every way improved. It will open September 12. Where shajl I take my lunch? At the Vienna Bntret POWDER Absolutely Pure. The powder never varies. A model of purity and wholsomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in compe tition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, slum of phosphate powders. Sold only in cans, Royal Baking Powder Co., 10li Wall St., N. Y. WM. T. COLEMAN & CO., Sau Fran cisco, Agents. aO-12m H. W. CHASE. H. K. MOORE. LOS ANGKLKf, : : CAL. NEW MANAGEMENT, cut si; & jiuoßE, : Proprietors. Strictly first-class. All modern improve ments, including elevator, electric light, per fect electric fire alarm and call s\stem. Rates, $2 50 to $3 per day. excepting parlors and rooms with bath. The patronage of commercial tourists especi ally solicited. Ample sample rooms. JOS. BCHREIBER, JR., Associate Manager, _au4 3m Late Bates House, Indianapolis. rtc. canton; Heal Estate ana Loan Agent, 28 North Spring street (room 2), LOS ANGELES, CAL., Will buy and sell real estate, negotiate loans, make col'ecrions, aud fttend to filiugcorrect assessment., of real estat?, payment of taxes for non-residents, aud redemption of property un der tax sales List of lands—first class Improved and unim proved city lots solicited, for s«le. Reference—First National Bank. an!9tf niSGELL.ANEOCS. BEESON & RHOADES. Will sell at their elegant new salesrooms, Nos. 1 10 and 121 West Second Street, Between Spring and Fort, ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, AT 10 A. M. AND 2 P. M., The Contents of a Four'een Room Dwelling Consisting of BEDROOM SETS, CIIIIIOKMEHS, Easy Chairs, Lounges, Parlor Sets aud Fine mirrors, CARPETS. In Wilton.velvet, body Brussels, tapestries, and all grades of ingrains. Window Shades, Lace Curtains, PORTIERES AND CORNICE POLES, And a General Assortment of gcois found In a first-class house. Sale peremptory and without reserve. Ladies are especially invited to attend our sales, as especial pains will be taken to make everybody comfortable. Goods on exhibition the day before. KEN O. BHOADEjj, Aui tloneer. SttO lm Lon cl on in g Co. Trade in ark. LEADERS UN" STYLES OF MEN' 3 AND BOYS' CLOTHING-, Furnishing : Goods : and : Hats. Til IS WEEK WE OFFER «>i:R ENTIRE LINE OF T !R JJ UST X s — At Actual Cost. This is a Genuine Offer. London Clothing Co., CORNER SPRING AND TEMPLE STREETS. HARRIS & FRANK, Proprietors. tn36am PHILADELPHIA ~ Carpet and Wall Paper House. In order to reduce our stock to make room lor new goods, we will offer Two-ply Ingrain Carpets From 35c. per yard up. Hand-loom " From (15c. " " Three-ply " From 90c. " " Tapestry Brussels " From (>sc. " " Body " " From 90c. " " Moquette " 91.85toQl.80" " Linoleums, Matting, Draperies, etc., at proportionately low prices. In WAEE PIPEK we will give you White Blanks From sc. per roll up. Gilts From 10c. " ,r Embossed Gilts From 18c. " " Borders and Decorations at equally low figures. BEN COHEN, 240 S. Spring St., Los Angeles au23 3 m ROUSE & CURTIS, General Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN POTATOES, ONIONS, BEANS, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, POULTRY, ETC. POTATOES IN CAR LOTS A SPECIALTY. 110 Upper Main Street and 539 Noitli Main Street, LOS ANGELES, CAL. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. TELEPHONE NO. 861. aug29-12m Summer Specialties! Full stock of the following goods now on hand and for sale by HARPER & R'EY ISTOLDS 00. Ice Cream Freezers, Agate-lined Water Coolers, Gate City Stone Filters, Gasoline Cooking Stoves, 10,000 feet 2-in. Wrought Pipe at Be. per foot. HARPER & REYNOLDS CO.. 48 and 50 NORTH MAIN ST. JylOOm JT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY TOO MUCH IN PRAISE OF THIS GOOD OLD STANDARD family medicine. It cannot be too highly recommended, aa it is truly a MARVEL OF THE AGE, and no household should be without it. It prevents as well as cures Skin DiBeascs,G.out, Rheumatism, Gravel, and all Kidney Diseases, Affected Liver, Headache, Nausea, Bile Wind Indigestlo i, Constipation, Dlorrhooa and Dysentery, Fever and Ague, Sleeplessness, Lassitude Foul Breath, and every disease brought on or aggravated by a disordered stomach. It is a Spe clfio against contagion and an efficacious remedy for Biliousness, Nervon&ness, Scrofula, Jaundice and Dyspepsia. It Purifies the Blood, Cleanses the stomach and Bowels, and gives tbe -whole System a Healthy and Delightful Tone. Then never was a Medicine for the Nursery egnal to it FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS. •w. uer m la mire. a.».iAcr. " WC " C " 11 Sheet Iron Well and Water Pipe, IRON TANKS, A.nd all classes of Sheet Iron Work. WATER GATES and EIEE HYDRANTS. FACTORY : Foot of Leeouvreur Street, East Los Angeles. au3 3m O. F. HEINZ EM AN, Druggist and Chemist, no. 122 N. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. REMOVED TO 25 TEMPLE ST. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at Day or Night. jy23tf (3AINS. One good inside lot on Shaw aye., in the Montague Tract, 50x125 *975 An.elegant corner in the Shaw Tract, 50x125, $850; very cheap " ne n°u f t! h chSra -c; has wal -480 acres good land in Kern County, 82 per acre; there is money in this land n,nrti?„ c . mc,st bea,l «fhl homes in Garvanzo, 8 room 2 story house with modern improvements; lot 50x200; only nouse, with ROOM 11 PHILLIPS' BLOCK, I—LOS ANGELES. CAL, 20 20 I 20 20 I 20 Per Cent. Per Cent. 1 Per Cent. Per Cent j Per Cent. Pacific Furniture Company 226, 228 Wi 23(1 S. HUN ST, THE ao BIGGEST BARGAIN 20 Per Cent. Eyer offered jnjheFurniture Line. Per Cent "WE BOOM OUR 1 7 7 Bedroom Set I IT CONSISTS OF ONE BEDSTEAD, DRESSER WITH LARGE BEVEL PLATE, also a large 20 WASHSTAND, in Antique Oak, Maple 20 Per Cent. or Mahogany Finish > for Per Cent. $25. It is the best made, the largest and finest finish for the money ever brought here. Come quick. Only 175 in stock. ALL OTHER GOODS 20 PER CENT. OFF FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE MONTH. 20 Remember, this Oifer ol 20 per cent, 20 Percent. Reduction is off on and after Percent. September Ist, NO DEVIATION IN PRICES. Tie Facile Furniture Co. 226-230 S. MAIN ST. 20 20 j 20 20 " 20 Per Cent. Per Cent. | Per Cent. I Per Cent. | Per Cent. au2B lm THE BEST For sale at all first-class coal yards. Ask for no other. Q-eneral Office—6o9 East First Street- aug29 6m E. H. HOWELL. fi, L. CRAIG. HOWELL & CRAIG, IMPORTERS -:- Grrocers, 837 NORTH MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES, OAL. PACIFIC BEACH. THE IDEAI, Sl jiuiUH und W IM CR RCS<*BT off tbe PACIFIC COAST. Finest Moating, Flsulub, Surf Hutnliiff aud Kcacli Drive In theWorM. It Is a suburb ol San Diego, located about Bix miles north, and connected with the cltv hv a fine motor road. Its water system is the same as that oi the Bay City. It is beauttfnilv in. c,lt i^ on D tb ,« nortn » uore ° f Mission Bsy. The views are ol mountains, bays, cities islands and the Pacific-grand and glorious. Extensive college buildings nearly complete Pavil?on the nnest on the coast Hotel accommodations. Large publishing house. GaShrace track near. Wide and solid beach, splendid for driving. Surf bathing One. FishingexoeUen? Waters of the bay beautiful for yachting and rowing. Families moving ~ln Backed by a strong oompany. For lurther Information address y an4lra» FRANK E. ADAMS, T5 North Spring Street.