Newspaper Page Text
LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD. VOL. XXXII.—NO. 18. AffIVBEnCENTS. HOCBETToTATigeieT H. C. Wyatt. Lessee aud Manager. P.. 3. Douolas, Associate Manager. ONE WEEK ONLY Matiuces Wednesday and Saturday. Com mencing Monday eve next, April 22d. — THE EVENT OF THE SEASON — Production of Mrs. Francis Hodgson Bur nett's Dramatic Idyl, (now ruuuiug tn crowded houses in Loudon, New York and SanFran- LITTLE LORD FAUNTLBROIf, WALLIE EDDINGER ana FLOSSIE ETHYL Alternating as "Little Lord Fauntleroy," and specially selected company. gym- Matinees Wednesday and Saturday "Every mottier will like thia pretty play."- N. Y. Times. Seats on sale Thursday. April 18th, 10 a. m. Prices, 81.50, $1.00 75c , 50c., and 25c. a!7td LOS ANGELEB THEATER. H. C. Wyatt, Lessee and Manager R. 8. Douglas, Associate Manager. HOLIDAY "ATTRACTIONS. EASTER WEEK. Commencing SUNDAY, ARPIL 21st. REILLY AND WOO D ' 8 NEW BIG SHOW Greatest-all feature show in America. Every act a distinct hit. Direct from BUBH-BTBBBT THEATER, SAN FRANCISCO. The only Specialty Company visiting the this season that has played to first-class houses at first-class prices. REDUCTION OF PRICES : Gallery 15c | Balcoky 25c Parquet and Dresb Circlb 50c Be::ta now on sale. al7-td /CALIFORNIA DIME MUSEUM at THEATER THE POPULAR FA I*lll. V RESORT! GREAT BILL FOR EASTER WEEK; Museum— Amplalitoeater— JAMES CARR, The BE3SIE WEST, A Re- Strange Albino, who markably Talented mounts ladders, etc., Juvenile Speoialty barefooted, the rungs Artist. awo/ds k6ea 6dged ROBZ ART, The Clever LITTLE DOT, The Pre- L i"' ic Artist, eocioua Bewitohing, yi.tTCARD A DANA. Midget Lady, a prime Daring and Intrepid favorite with every- Acrobats and Gym body, nasts PROF. THEO. GREIN ER. our Celebrated ED. ARMSTRONG, Bohemian Glaas Finished Exponent of Blower, exhibiting Song and Dance. dress g ° glass 8 tuSS ™BK MERRITT, Ver- So«,e" satile Mimic and ART EXHIBIT of a Comedian, collection of superb JOHN WEST, Ex works of art in oil, by pounder of the the most famoua ar- Ethics of CorkedMiu tlsts. strelsy Doors open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Admission. 10c. Reserved scets 10c. extra. TTAZARD'S PAVILION. I FLOWER FESTIVAL. I APRIL 16th to 27th Ibclusive. WTASHIN^GTON^GARDENir EASTER SUNDAY. URAND NICHED CONCERT By the Celebrated VIENNA LADIES' ORCHES TRA under Miss Julia de Beltran. Dsors open at Ir. m Concert commences at 2 r. m. a2O 2t HE NATATORHJIL A Swimming Bath, FORT STREET, BET. SECOND AND THIRD, Adjoining New City Hali. Basin 30x84 feet; water heated by steam. Open day aud evening; Suudays close at 6 r. m. Admission, 25c. and 35c. Plain, hot baths, in fine procelaln tubs, at all hours, for ladies or gentlemen, 25e. Every Tuesday, from 7to 10 r. m., ladles' and gentlemen's night; no gentle men admitted without a lady. Spectators, tree. a9-tf TTIENNA BUFFET, cor. Main and Reqnenaata. FIRST-CLASS ENTERTAINMENT AND CONCERT EVERY EVENING FREE! By the Vienna Ladles' Orchestra, under Miss Julia de Beltran. FIRST CLASS AUSTRIAN KITCHEN. Ja2tf WANTS, PERSONALS, AND OTHER AD vertisemeuts under the following heads inserted at the rate of B cents per line for each Insertion. MONEY TO LOAN ON COLLATERAL UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Spring. Pri vate entrance. m 23 3m ivorce and Criminal law a speci alty. Advice free. W. W. HOLCOMB, At torney, 11 Temple street. Room 10-12. jn29-tf OF 22 li. SPRING BT~, \T are making the cheapest clothes in the city, ln order to make room for their coming spring and summer goods. m27tf IF YOU WANT TO BUY REAL ESTATE AT bedrock prices, see T. B. McDONALD, rooms 8 and 9 new Wilson building, corner Spring and First Bts. m26-tf EW NATICK HOUSE —~NEW~IiANAGE- ment; furnished rooms, single, $6 to $8 per month; in suite*, $12 to $20; use of parlor, reading room and bath; lodging, 50c. to $1; meals, 25c., $4 per week; special rates to work ingwomen for the summer; no trouble to show rooms. MRS- ALLEN, Prop. a! 3 lm SPECIAL NOTICES. ii?Ti7rgainTTnT>^^ and Jewelry. UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Springy m 23 3m MRS. JOHNSON —CARD READER. LADIES only, rear 225 S. Sichel St., E. L. A. 50c. m2l lm* HYBIOAL DEVELOPMENT Of WOMEN— Mrs. E. A. Plngree, room 11 Wilson block, aIG-lm* BrTbTkK 7 AS3AYE," FROM NEWCASTLE, New South Wales—l will not be responsible lor any debts that may be contracted by crew of above-named veßsel. D. M. RITCHIE, Mas ter. al6-7t X, SHIP "VANDUARA," FROM NEWCAB -tle, New Bouth Wales—l will not be respon aible for any debts that may be contract: d by crew of above ■ named vessel. RICHARD SKINNER, Master. a!6-7t i" SHIP " OLD KENSINGTON," FROM Newcastle, New South Wales—l will not be responsible for any debts that may be con tracted by crew of above-named vestel. JOHN H. JONES, Master. a!6-7t HE FOLLOWING CHILDREN HAVE BEEN reoeived into the Los Angeles Orphan Asylum since the last publication; Whole or phans—Fannie Temple, Tere;a Tfmple. Half orphans—isab'lla Ramirez. Aurella Ramirez, ißSidra Aeunea, Emma Colson, Irene Polllch, Agnes Polllch, Conception Morales, Antonia Morales, Santua Acootta, Anastasia Hughs, John J. Hughs, Dolores Arnas, Beatrix Yoiba, Oarlotta tuorisich, Madeleine Morisich, Bertha Boole, John Soule, Josephine Anderson, Laura Baltz, Isldora Campatano, Francirca Campa aano, Marie Loarra, Laura Maguire. Frauces Maguire, Llllle Bradley SISTER JOSEPHINE, April 10, 1889. all lOt LOST AND FOUND. THOROUGHLY KKUABLE UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Main Bt. Private entrance. m 23 3m STRAYED— MONDAY, FROM 702 TEMPLE tt., a tray mare, 4 years old. A liberal re ward will be given for tbe return of aaid animal to HAWLEY & SHAW. a2O satAmon 2* STRAYED — BOHREL HORSE, 3 WHITE feet and white face. Owner can apply SB oor. Eighth and San Psdro tta. al6 OST —A SILVER CLABP BELT BUCKLE, bet. 112 8. Fort St. and the Hotel Lincoln. If returned to the Herald office reward will be paid. a! 9 3* PA W VHItOKI H. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE. PRIVATE FN Uanoe. UNION . LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Spring. m 23 3m ARCRITEC rs. 3 and 4, Downey block, Loa Angeles. m22tf WANTEB-nELP. GO TO UNION LOAN OFFIOE, 17 N. Spring. Private entrance. m233m W~AHTED— IF YOU WANT A COOIT OK help in the kitchen; also all kinds of la bor or mechanics, call at Chief Cooks' head quarters, 243 i.oa Angelea st., Jennett Block, QUO. LA CO UK. al4-tim WAHTEB-t EBaALjB HELP. LOAN OFFiCK, 17 N. Spring. m 23 3m anted—a girl fo 13o~ij"i^inu"-koom and chamberwork. SOS S Fort st. al9 2* ANTED-YOUNG GIRL TO HELP TAKE eire of baby part of the day. 1117 8. Olive st. a2O 1* ANTED — RESIDENT GOVERNESS TO teach two children, ages 10 and 12, music. French, aud English branches; also care of health and clothing Wagess3o a mout '<, board and washing. Address LONG BEACH JOUR NAL, Long Beach. Cal. al6-st* wanted—♦wEN'Sr ANTED TO THE right man. Apply 318. Fort at m2O-mistw-lm* WANTED— ENERGETIC MEN TO ACT A 8 local and general agents throughout Cali fornia for the Capital Accident Company. HERBERT C. PARKS, State Manager, cor. Temple end New High sts., Los Angeles. E N. BROWN,special agent. m 22 lm WllNTtfLwrO PLACE AGENCY WITH RE llable resident parties for city aLd State right* for the sale of Queen City Electric Mo tors. Address WOODWORTH & BMII'H, gen eral agents, Mitchell building, Cincinnati, O. ' " ' a2O 1* MONTH CAN BE MADE f »J working lor us. Agents preferred who can furnish a horse and give theirwhole time to the business. Spare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1,009 Main st, Klehmoud, Va. N. B.—Ladies employed also. Never mind about sending stamp for reply C< me quick. Yours for biz. B. F. J. & Co. WA«TiiB sFriiATions^iiALE. Ti/antelX^To-u^ » ' any first-class Box A, Umild office. al9 2* ANTE D —SITUATION. BYAY O UNcTm AX ried man of good business ability as book keeper, or any position of trnst; eecurity fur nished li required. Box G. Herald office. a! 9 2» ANTED —31T U A TION, BY YCiUNG JfAN, thoroughly conversant with the care of horses and garden; private family preferred. Address R. J S., box 100, this office. al6-6t* WAN TEW—MINcTKLXANIfcOUS. ALL advi. on page 3. al6-21 W' ANT ED —PICT ORES T ~ FRAMbToHEAP est place at BURKS'. 411 8. Main st. ANTED—A SMALL, GENERaITg ROCERY business cheap tor cash. Bex X, Herald office. a 19 2* W~~ ANTED—GOOD,SOUND, GENTL^HORBE; also canopy top buggy. Address -'Alpha," box 80, Hkeald office. »l!t 2* ANTED—FOR CABH—ABOUT 5 ACRE;! near Alhambra San Gabriel or Florence depots. C B. W., Herald office. al7-7t* ANTED—CHILDREN TO BOARD IN THE country. For particulars call at No. 32 Philadelphia St.. or 1819 Carlisle st. a! 8 11* FOR HLNT -- ROOMS. F'^R~RE NT—L Main st., f renting on two streets, very cheap; also 1 store and large basement at 314 N. Mxlv st, fronting ou two streets. Inquire at 238 All«o >.t. a!3tf FOJtaT KEIVs —HOC **«•. Grand Avenue. Inquire at No. 35. al4-tm* OR RENT—A HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS AND bath and furniture for sale at a sacrifice. 21 W. Third, bet Spring and Main. alB 3* OR, REN STORES — ALL parts city; long list; can examine free. L. A. RENTAL AGENCY, IN. Fort St. m2B lm* IfiOß RENT—A FURNISHBD COTTAGE, IN 1 eluding piano; 8 rooms; nice garden all round the house; rent $55 per month. Apply on the premises, 325 W. Eighth at. al9 3* OR RENT—AT SANTA MONICA, OCEAN aye., first-class furnished cottage, 7 rooms, all modern conveniences; also house of 9 rooms, fully furnished, fruit and flowers. Apply to M. H. KIMBALL, Santa Monies. a2O 3t FUR RENT—STORES AND ROOIIIS. 6XTsElt«^T^iG~^ location. Shelving complete. Address H. KROEGER, Anaheim. a9-tf for — i«.. es. " rooms at very reasonable rates in the Tem perance Temple, cor. of Fort and Temple sts. One of the trustees will be there from 9 to 12 each day. all 10* EOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. oTIrEN^THE^^ and Hill, at $50 per month. Furniture etc. lor sale cheap. Apply on premises. MRS. Mc- LEWIB. a! 8-4* OR RENT—BUILDING 18x54, SUITABLE for manufacturing purpose; can furnish steam to parties desiring it. Apply to L. A. Soap Co., 54 Banning at. al9 7* OR RENT—CHKAP, A HOG AND CHICKEN ranch, only 8 miles from the city; contains 20 acres; good house, barn, and 100 full bear ing fruit trees; also arttslau well of excellent water. Apply to E. J. ROCHE, 156 N. Alameda St., or to the Lynwool Paper Mill. al2tf EOR SALE UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Spring. m 23 8m OR SALE—S, 10, 20 aud 100 acre tracts with water stock Address H. KROEGER, Anaheim. a9-if Ij-lOR SALE—BY THE ! estate of Rem! Nadeau, that desirable property on the southeast, corner of Olive and Fifth sts., (routing the City Park, having a frontage of 90 feet ou Oltve and 165 on Fifth. Also, adjoining the above lot on Filth St., 67x120 feet. For prices apply to S. B. CAS WELL, Executor. m26-lm FOR SALE—City Property. FOR SALE —RESIDENCE PROPERTY ON or near Figueroa and Grand aye. a specialty. E.J. VALENTINE, office Figueroa and Brook lyn. . a! 9 7* OF THE FINEST BLOCKS * in South Pasadena, 320 feet sqnare; plenty of trees', water; 2 houses, barn, etc.; good loca tion for physician or druggist; price cheap and terms easy. For particulars address J. J. BUEHI.ER. 143 H First sr.., Los Angeles. a 2 lm OR SALE OR EXCHANGE-ONE OF THK finest houses ln Pasadena; a residence of 12 rooms, all modern improvements; lot con taining % of an acre, covered with flue frnit and shade trees, shrubbery etc- Cost $17,000; will sacrifice for cash, or will take from \% to % iv good acreage or other property. Address J. L. Box 340, Pasadena. al7-7t tou SALE—Country Property. lease 10.000 acres first-class grazing land for the season for $500. Will carry over 500 cattle. BIMI LAND AND WATER COMPANY, 19 W. First st. m24-lm to exchange. change for diamonds aud jewelry. UNION . LOAN OFFICE. 17 N. Bpring. m 23 3m T — 0 EXCHANGE—THE BEST SANTA ANA and San Fernando Valley lands for flrst ' olaaa Eaatern city or farm property. Address owner, room 6. Allen block. Los Angelea. ; al2tf ANTED-STOCK 8 OF MERCHANDISE OF any kind in exchange for good, clear lots , aud acres. Will pay some cash. Communica . tions confidential. Adareaa, G., Box 80, this I office. m 24 . inALIFORNIATAND EASTERN PROPERTY " \j to exchange. T. B. McDONALD, rooms 8 , and 9 new Wilson building, corner Spring and - First sts. T»22tf BUSINESS CHANCKIJ PLENTY of work; on account of other bualnesa will i sell cheap. Inquire at place of bualnesa, San I Gabriel, of MICHEL ST. PAUL. a2O 8* SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 20, 1880. FINANCIAL,. MONEY LOANED ON COLLATKBAL; THOR oughly reliable. UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N Spring Private entrance. m 23 3m TO LOAN IN SUIT F.C. M AN PERSON, 28 N. Spring. a»tf MONEY To loan IN ANY sl'M. CORKER & LAYNG, 16 8. Spring st. m3l lm ONEY TO TO SUIT. L. SCHMIDT, No. 16 b. Spring st. m3O 1m ONEY TO LO AN TN AHY~BUMB TO SUIT. J. M. FORNEY, 18 8. Fori St. a 2 lm* MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED PROP erty. POMEROY & GATES, 16 Court st ,a!6U LEND IN SUMS TO SUIT. JroDU.UUU R. W. POINDEXTER, 19 W. Flrat m 27 lm TO LOAN—SEVERAL SUMS FROM $1,000 to aiO.OOO. W. R. BURKE, 55 N. Spring. a! 9 lm ONEY TO LOAN~ON MORTGAGE. MOR TIMER <b HARRIS, attoroeys-at-law, 78 Temple block. m 22tf ONET TO LOAN —IN ~BUMB TO SUIT, ON gilt edged security. W. S. WATERS, room 2,117 New Highjt alOtf COLLATKBAL TO LOAN MONEY ON. UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Bpring. Pri vate entrance. m 23 3m AIAAAAA TO LOAN — A J. VIELR, tfjIUUrUUU room 1, Wilson block, cor. Flrat and Spring m not f ffiTTTiAA AAA™ LOAN ON REAL EB -ftljlf UUjUUI) tate. SECURITY SAVINGS BANK, 40 8. Main st. a! 7 tf M- ONEY~TcT~LOAN7iroN~FiRBf - CLASB mortgages. Apply to JOHN MILNER, Room 9, Baker Blook, Loa Angeles. a9tf *1 BDY A HOUSE OF SIX tJI.OIHf rooms, bath.cementsidewalk; near Tenth and Pearl. J. E. HOW. 9 N. Main. m2l:tf ONBY TO LOAN ON PIANOS AND organs without removal, collateral and personal property of all kinds. Addrets P. O. box 156, city. m24-lm* ffil All TO $50,000 TO LOAN AT BEASONA- V-l'rU ble rates. LOS ANGELES REAL ES TATE AND FINANCIAL AGENCY, J. C. FLOURNOY, Secretary, 1 N. Fort-at 86 lm iIBAWFOHD A McCREERY7ROOM 10, OVEB \jhon Angeles National Bank. Loan $50 to $50,000, Short term loans a specialty. Buy notes, mortgages and contracts. m2otf 6 LOAN—ANY AMOUNT FROM $25 TO $1000 on real estate, notes, mortgages, pianos, collateral, and personal property of all kinds. E. L. BUCK, rooms 31 and 32,Wi180n block. a!9tf $1,000,000 LIAMS, attorney-at-law, I Safe Deposit building, cor. Temple and New High sts., Los Angeles, agent lor Ban Francisco and Eastern capitalists. »stf ONE YTO LOAN—BAVE BENT, JOIN THB Home Building Association Build your self a home and pay for it on the installment plan. For information apply to M. C. WEST BROOK, Secretary, room 87, Phillips blook, Spring st. mlo 5m ONEY TO LOAN IN ANY DESIRED "mount, on improved city and country real estate. Collateral or commercial paper at cur rent rates. Stocks, bonds and other securities bought md sold on commission. NEUSTADT A PIRTLE, 10 8. Fort. Will move May Ist to: Burdick building, Second and Spring pts. A3 lm EXCURSIONS. OVERLAND EXCUR3IONB LEAVE LOB Angelea every Wednesday; Pullman tourist cars, fully equipped, to Omaha and Kansas City. Call or address JOHN CLARK, 51 N. Spring st. m2B lm TrBt transc^otinental"excursion. under auspices Y. M. C. A., personally con ducted by General Secretary, leaves Loa Ange lea April 22d Excursion to Paris Exposition May 1 st. Call or address J. A. GRANGER, 17 N. Bpring at. m26-lm AND WEST, BKMI -!i monthly. Through sleeping cars to Kansas City and Chicago. FREE sleeping accommoda tions going East. For lowest rates, etc., apply to WARNER BROS., 34 N. Spring at., Los An geles. |al2tf ENVER AND RIO GRANDE AND ROCK Island route excursions will leave Lob Angeles every Tuesday. Pullman tourist cars elegantly equipped. Call on or addrea, F. W. THOMPSON, 110 N. Spring at a3-tf WALTERS' SELECT EXCURSIONS TO ALL points East Through Pullman tourist can to Boston via Chicago, Our next parties leave Loa Angelea April 3d and 17th, May Ist 15th and 29th. For tickets, berths, and further Information, address L. M. WALTEBB, 19 N. Spring st, or 51 N. Spring at., Loa Angeles. m 25 . IpXCUBSIONS —PHILLIPS' SELECT EXCUB- V slona, personally conducted, with through Pullman Tourist Bleeping Lara completely equipped from Lob Angeles to Boston and New York City without change. Next parties leave April 10<h and 24th, May Bth and 22d, June sth and 19th. For tickets, berths and further information, call on or address A. PHILLIPS k CO., 44 N. Spring at, Los Angelea, Cal. m27-tf TO ALL MMB Hi points East, via Salt KfJjTfl Lake City and Denver, _yjl]l| (spending Sunday in Suit KMNH Lake City,) leave April 11th, HOI 25th, May 9th, 23d. Pull !>{■____ man tourist cars completely aISBH equipped. Call upon or ml _a_a_g_a[ drcas J. B. Quigley, agent, 112 North Spring street. alO-tf SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY-THROUGH excursions to New York, Boston and Phila delphia. Pullman's new tourist cars with ladies droesiug room and lavatory; stoves with im proved heaters for making tea and coffee; com plete Pullman's equipment of bedding, in cluding bed linen, toilet aocesßorics, etc.; uniformed colored porters; S, P. Co.'s party managers go through to Now Orleans, thence to Boston and Philadelphia. But one change of cars (in Union Depot) at Cinionnitti. The Sunset and Queen and Crescent Route through the rloh and historic South, Meridian, Bir , mlngham, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, etc. Quick time, direct connections. Excursions leave Lob Angeles Msroh 28th: April llth; May 2d, 16th and 30th: June 13th and 27th; July llth, 1889. For further particulars call on or write any of the agencies of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY in Southern California, orC.F.SMURR, Assistant General Pasrenger Agent Southern Paciflo Company, No. 202 N. Main St., Los Augeles, Cal al3 5m EUCCAXIONAA.. HARVARD MILITARY ACADEMY, COR ner Sixth and Hill sts., opposite postoffice. m3l-tf THB LOS ANGELEB CONSERVATORY OF Music, No. 406 8. Main at. MRS. EMILY J. VALENTINE. President. NELLIE I. BOYNTON, VOCAL TEACHER. Voice building taught from a purely scien tific basis. Room 6, P. o. block, Fort at. a3lm* ST. MATTHEW'S HALL, SAN MATEO, CAL. A Church School for boya; 23rd year. REV. ALFRED LEE BREWER, M. A., Principal. fl9tf NIGHT SCHOOL—LOS ANGELEB BUSINESS College and English Training School. 38 40 and 42 8. Main st, near Sooond. D. B. WIL LIAMS, Prin. alßtf 108 ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND 1 English Training School, 38, 40 and 42 3. Main st., near Second. Experienced teachers; complete couraeß of study. Day and evening sessions. D. B. WILLIAMS, Prin. i 80i ST. HILDA'S HALL OF GLENDALE — A Boarding and Day School for Girls, at Glen dale. Accommodates 100 pupils. Full corps of teachers. For circulars apply at sohool, or city office, 75 North Spring street. BEY. THOS. W. HASKINS, Acting Rector. m27-tf yyOODBURY'B BUSINESS COLLEGE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING INSTITUTE, 159 South Spring Street, Lot Angelea, Cal BIBBIONB DAT ADD EVENING. 1 For particulars, call at offloe or address. ( a2O-ly F. O. WOODBURY. Principal. ATTORNEYS. I Q V. LANDT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL- I O. or-at-Law. Office, over Los Angeles Na tional Bank, oor. Flrat and Spring sts. alltt WALTER ROBB, ATTORNEY, BOOM 8 AL len block, cor. Spring and Temple sU.mLttf 1 k B. HOTCHKIBB, ATTORNEY, BOOMS 8 i A. and 9, Safe Deposit building, oor. New Hltih end Temple sts. eI7U HEGIILAR PHYSICIANS. EA. DE CAILHOL, 11. D.—AtTiB~SASL . tarium, Pa«rl, south of Temple. Telephone B_l. a 1-tf DH. DARLING OCULIST AND ADRIBT Office 25 North Main St. Office Hour*. oa. m. to 4 r. m. altf-dAw DR. OHAB. DE SZIGETHY. OFFICE AND residence, 313 8. Main st. Tele. 1,056. tf DR. KANNON, VISITING PHYSICIAN SIS- , ters' Hospital; 7% N. Main it., rooms 1,2 and 3. Telephone 116. m 27 tf AS. LANGLEY 7 , .cor. Second aud Los Angelessts. Electrical ' treatineot. baths and massage. m3O lm DB~. C. B. OLACIUBHAS REMOVED - HIS office from 75 N. Spring to 41 S. Spring st. Honrs from 11 a. h. to 2p. m. Specialty—Sex nal aud skin dlsoasoa, chronic diseases in gen eral. m24tf DB. W. W7 MUKPHY, OCULIST AND AUB- ( Ist, 107 8. Spring at., Hollenbeck block, Los Ameles. Offioe hoars, 9a. v. to 12 v. and 2to < *r. M. , m24tf , DR. L. GOLDSCHMIEDT—GBNEBAL PBAC- , tico. 23 8. Spring, room 12; telephone, 1019. Residence, "Emerion," 415 S. Olive; < telephone, 1054. m2tf MRS. DB. J. M. SMITH (FORMERLY MBS. ( C. E. BOURCEY) Infirmary and Lying-in * Hospital, 145 Bellevue aye. Ladles cared for ( during confinement. Midwifery a specialty. •m2B-6m < 1.8. ( 3J Surgeon to the New York Hospital. Sur- i ge.-y (including genitourinary diseases) and . diseases of the noso, throat and cheat. 75 N. 1 Spring at. Honrs, 9to 12. 2to 5. m24tf , HANNON Sc TURPIN. PHYSICIANS AND i BU'geons. Office,2lBHB.Bpringst. Rooms ' 3 and 4. Telephone 1028. 1 J. Hannou, M. D., 1495 8 Main. Tel. 573. T. J. Turpin, M. D., 648 8. Olive Tel. 1029 , al9 lm M HILTON WILLIAMS, M. M. O. pTIT . •O. Specialist ln dlaeasea of the head, j throat and chest, including the eye, ear and ' heart. Oxygen, compound oxygen, nitrogen, ( mo ioxide, and other medicated Inhalations, , used ln all diseases of the respiratory organs. Office, Hollenbeck Block, corner Second and < Spring srreets, Los Angelea, Cal. Office hours, < from 9 a m. to 4 p. m. , HOffIEOPATHISTS. Ip A. CLARKE, M. D„ OFFICE AND RBBl 'j. dence, 24 B. Spring at. Hours 1 to 4 p. w '. Telephone 353. al4 ' DRB7 BEACH A BOYNTON. OFFICE, 37 N. ' Spring st , Los Angelea, Cal. Office hours, < 8 to 12 m., 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. x. Dr. Boyuton's I residence, 735 Olive st. ml9tf . Isaac fellowsVm. D.—HOMKOP ATHIST 1 Office Hours—ll to 12 A. M„ 2 to 5 p. v., . Office—Noi. 2 and 5 Odd Fellows' Building, LOa Angeles, CsL Residence 408 South Main street. a9-tf. i 8. BALIBBURY, M. D.. HOMO4PATHIBT ] , Office, rooms 11 and 12. Bryson block, cor. j First and Bpring sts. Residence, 538 S. Pearl st Office hours, 11 a. m. to 3p. m. Telephone Nos.; Offloe 597! residence 577. m24tf < oentTstsl , db. b. g. cunningham, 26 north main i St., McDonald block. al.vtt , DB. W. H. MASSES HAS REOPENED HIS i dental office in rooms 1 and 2, California i Bs uk building, cor. Second and Fort sts. ]30-tf DENTAL INSTITUTE, COB. SPRING AND , Temple afreets. Set teeth, $5.00; gold fill ing, from $1.00 up; amalgam filling, from 50c. 1 up; extracting, 25c. A regular graduate in ] constant attendance. m2l tf ( REMOVED. I DB. L. W. WELLB, COR. SPRING AND FIRST , sts., Wilson block; take elevator. Teeth filled painlessly. Gold crowns aud bridge work a specialty. Teeth extracted painlessly. Dr. Max Wassman, of Ban Francisco, and Dr. , Casson Mac Donald, of Philadelphia, assistants. , filOrn A DAMS 8808., B."SPRING 1 £X street, Rooms 4 and 5. Gold fillings from $2 up. Amalgam and silver fillings, $1. Painless extraction of teeth by vitalised air or nitrons oxide gaa, $1, Teeth extracted without gas or air, 50 cents. Best seta of teeth from $6 to $10. By oar new method of making teeth, a misfit la Impossible, j All work guaranteed. We make a specialty of extracting tooth with- ' out pain. Office Hours from BA. v., to sp. m. Sundays , from 10 a. X. to 12 m. Night calls answered ' office aB-tf < BKRIiTINSS. , Na~3342— 1 Meets Tuesday evenings at room 45, Call- j fornia Bauk Building. j C. F.. GUARDIAN COUNCIL. NO. 90— i . Regular meeting first and third Fridays, at ) Pythian Castle, 24 8. Spring St. j AST SIDE LODGE, NO. 325, I. O. 0. F.— i Meets every Tuesday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall, 510 Bank building, Downey aye., I Bast Los Angeles. | MEBfCAN LEGION"oF^HONOR, SAFETY i ■ Council, No. 664—Meets second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month at their Hall, 17 W first St., bet. Main and Spring. OS ANGELEB~~LODGE, NO. 2925, X OF 1 H.—Regular meetings are held every Wed- . nesday evening at 17 W. First at. y o. g7 t7, mebrill lodge, no. 299 ; A. Meets every Saturday evening at Pythian Castle, No. 24 S. Spring St., just below First. ' SAMPSON LODGbTnCL 148, K. OF P.— 1 Meets every Monday night at Castle Hall, No. 510 Downey aye., East Los Angeles. Hall over East Side Bank. 1 ROYAL ARCANUM —HOUTH ER N CALl fornia Council, No. 570, meets second and . fourth Tuesdays at N. 8. G. W. Hall, 75 N. . Spring st. Visiting brothers welcome. LOS AmSELEsToDGE, NO. 35."T O. 0. F.— i Regular meetings held on Wednesday even ing of each week at I. O. O. F. Hall, Bpring st, near First. OS ANGELES NO. 6, SELECT ; Knights, A. O. U. W.—Meets every Monday evening ln Campbell's Hall, cor. Downey aye. and Truman St., East Los Angeles. I IGNET CHAPTER, NO. 57, B. A. m7-MEETS statedly on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:15 p.m., at Masonlo Hall, cor. of Spring and First sts. 1 bTteBNITY IX)DGBrN~a 79, K. OF P.— Meets on aecond and fourth Wednesday evenings in each month at Pythian Castle, 24 , 3. Spring at _____ RANGE BRANCH ~C OMMANDE R V i NO 306, U. 0. G. C —Meeta every Friday even- , ing ln New Odd Fellows' Hall, Hayden block, East Lob Angeles. i I TOHN B. FINCH ia)DgX"I- o7g7t~MEETB i tl Tuesday evonings in Campbell's Hall, Eaat Lob Angeles. LOS ANGELES CHAPTER, B, A. M.—STATED convocations on the second Monday of each month, at 7:40 r. H., at Masonic Hall, Spring at., bet. First and Second. NIGHTS TEMPLAR, COXUR DE LION Commaudery, No. 9, K. T. — Holds its elated conclaves in ths asylum ln Masonic Hall sor. of Spring and First sts., on the third Thurs day of each month, at 7:30 p *n. rtELCICH WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, NO. IT 22—Meets iirst and third Friday of each month, at 2 P. H., in Campbell's Kail, East Los Angeles. LIVE LODGE, NO. 26, K.~OF p7— MEETS every Thursday evening in Pythian Castle, 24 8. Boring, Just below First st LOB ANGELES COUNCIL, NO. 11, ROYAI and Select Masters, F. and A. M.—Holds Its stated assemblies on the fourth Monday of each month, at 7:30 p. >~ at. Masonlo Hall, Spring st., bet. First and Second IjUST LOS ANGELES LODGE. NO. 230, A. O. U U. W.—Meets every Wednesday evening ln Campbell's Hall, Truman at. and Downey aye., Eaat Loa Angeles. AUNTLET LODGE NO. 129, K. OF P.— Meeta on Monday evening, in Pythian Cas tle, No. 24 8 at. OBRIB VINEYARD LODGE, I. O. G.T., NO. 126—Meeta every Monday night. Hall, oor. Laurel and Main sta. GOODWILL COUNCIL, NO. 689, AMKKK \N Legion of Honor—Meets on aeoond and fourth Fridays of each month at their hall, 17 W. Flrstat. JOHN A. LOGAN POST, G. A. B.—MEETS every Monday evening ln G. A. B. Hall, Mc- Donald block, on Main at. LODGE, NO. 98, K.~OF P.— Meeta on Tueaday evening! ln Pythian Cas tie, 24 8. Spring st ELCICH P08T"nO. 106, G. A. B,—MEETS first and Third Fridays of each month ln Campbell's Hall, Eaat Los Angeles. NATURE'S GIFTS. Scenes at the I flower Festival A ENTERTAINMENT. A Bfg Attendant!*. 1 Yesterday—The Booths All Rear, "-nsred-To night's Progrv mn »e- The ladies in charge of the i.'ower Fes tival anticipated a poor businesa yester day, on account of it being Good i.'iday, a day that forbids representative. l of nearly all religious denominations to in dulge in any kind of amusement what ever. Contrary to the expectation, how ever, there was a steady incoming of guests throughout the day, and when evening came on the experiences of pro ceeding nights were repeated. Altogether about 3,000 paying persons poured through the doors, and the gate receipts footed up to nearly $500, with which must be estimated the large number of season ticket-holders. It can safely be said that there is not a single flower in the hall that was there on the opening night. Every morning a procession of vehicles of all descriptions has pulled up at the door, and their loads of flowers transferred to within the hall, where they have been substituted for any of the ornamentations that showed even the slightest signs of decay. These changes are notably perceptible at the rose booth where yesterday some handsome specimens were put in place. A special exhibit of about thirty roses is furnished to it daily by Mrs. A. Straus, cf Boyle Heights, from which region also comes a newly created specimen which has been dubbed the Boyle Heights novelty. Thirty-five varieties are also furnished by Mr. Bosenbaum, of Pasa dena, and seventy-five specimens by Mrs. Gibbs. The doors of the Bose booth were re-arranged yesterday by Mr. Burnham, and his efforts were -unani mously voted as highly successful. The Philharmonic booth, in the hands of Mrs. Kubel and her corps of charming assistants, also underwent a "lightning change." Mirrors bearing the title of the booth are inlaid in the bound aries of the stand, and reflect their artist ically arranged surroundings of choice flowers. A number of musical instru ments were also made up during the course of the day, and suspended at con spicuous places about the stand. In point of fact, all of the booths deserve separate mention, for in every instance they have new features, and the visitor during the early part of the week will do well to make the rounds again. The entertainment last night was one of the most pleasant affairs given so far. The first part consisted of a vocal and in strumental concert, which was opened by a selection by the orchestra. Then Miss Kate Fleming sang Arditi's "Let Me Love Thee," in excellent style, and was followed by Prof. Fred Borneman, who rendered a couple of ballads in a manner that brought forth hearty plaud its from all. Then Mrs. Wenger gave Matties "Hearest Thou," and the first part concluded with a striking rendition of Verdi's "Miserere," by Mrs. Mamie Perry-Davis and Sig. Modini. The second part was opened by a Lome reel, danced by Pearlie Gleason, Pearlie Straube and Bobbie Burns, and the programme concluded with a May pole dance by fourteen pretty little girls. Their names are Pearlie Gleason, Lottie Beed, Carrie Dolter, Ida Dolter, Madge McAllister, Florence Archer, Dora Dun ham, Jennie JoLes, Kate Linsey, Pearl Straube, Pearl Brown, Nellie Wright, and Anna Stahm. THE VISITORS. Among the many present on the floor during the course of the evening were Mr. Herman Silver, wife and daughter, Mrs. L. J. Bose, Miss Bose, Mr. and Mrs. Beau de Zast, Major Furrey, Mr. Joe Allen, Hon. Harry Butterfield, Mr. J. Parker, Auditor W. E. Trull, of the Santa Fe, Miss E. L. Pepper, Mr. B. G. Irvine, Miss Carrant, Mies Starkey, Miss Cally Wise, Miss E. L. U.-.vis, Miss B. B. Williams, Mr. Guy Barham, Mr. A. E. Mackey, Miss Ellis, Mr. B. Schief felin, Dr". James Ford, Mr. Frank Walsh, Mr. H. F. Schwannecke and Commander Brown. NOTES. The ice cream booth has taken in over $500 so far. Mrs. J. C. Byram donated a box of gorgeous geranium blossoms to the Phil harmonic booth. Soda water and lemonade are in great demand. The receipts from these two booths amount to date to nearly $400. Fifteen rolls of choice butter were do nated to the lunch room by Mr. Ger main, of the Germain Fruit Company. The candy booth does a big business. This is due not only to the good quality of the wares but to the magnetic powers of the vendors. Mr. George Pomeroy and Mr. Ney brought an exquisite collection of pinks and pansieß yesterday to the booth ap propriated to those flowers. The ladies of the society express their disappointment at not having the exhi bition of tropical plants promised by Mr. Germain. Those he proposed to enter for competition for the $100 premium were hurt by a cold wind, and were in no condition for show purposes. TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAMME. The following programme has been ar ranged for this evening's entertainment: Concert by tbe Seventh Regiment Band, A. G. Bartlett. Director. March-"Flower Feativai," IK. F. McCoy Grand Salaotion—"Trovatore," Kereft Charaoterlßtlc Piece—"Guard Mount/'.... R. Eilenburg Cornet Solo—"Old Folkaat Home,"G. W. Stewart Mr. C. Conner. Gavotte—"The Bell," AC. Watson Polka—"The Jolly Blacksmiths,"...,.S'. Suckley Maroh-"Batalllon Vorwarts," I. PoMe Robt.Sckuman Medley Overtuie—"The Jolly Minstrel,".. B. Brook* Characteristic Piece — "First Heart Throbs," R. Eilenberg March—"Fektags Morgengruas," C. Franks Promenade—"Home Sweet Home," Qungl The Ctrl of the Period. Emtobs Herald—The Herald's edi torial columns I always turn to first, and seldom do I fail to find amusement, in struction and profit therein. Surely this confession speaks of my fine literary taste. But this morning I was surprised . to read tbe caustic part of the "gallant" 1 editor's theory of the "Evolution of the American Girl," ln which he ungallantly FIVE CENTS. insinuates that "ehe" would wear a t I ? C j ln|? wllich needed darning. I wish I had the ability to take up the cudgels in defense of the much-written-about Amtrican girl of tie period. It is diffi cult to be a girl nowadays, so much ia expected of them, and if I were to live my life over again I think I would be born a boy. Then no one would object to my carrying a cane and nothing nobler in the way of a "career" would be asked of me than that I grow up .. mto * Politician; which, if bom with a gift" of shrewdness and sharp ness and smartness, instead of goodness and virtue and honesty, would be an easy rnattar to compass. Now, dear Mr. Editor, may I tall you of a typicaFAmer lcangirl—by no means an exceptional one—who will soon graduate from one of our largest colleges. This girl is a tower of strength to her mother during the long summer vacations, so deftly does she darn all the family hose, from her father's down to the smallest atom of all. Her Earning bears no resemblance to Gobelin tapestry, on the wrong side either, but so skillfully is it done one can hardly deter mine whera»the fabric ends and the darn begins. She is also an expert in cakes l and puddings, preserves and pickles, and well versed in that art of arts, the proper boiling of a potato and cooking of a beef steak. Now that I may further vindicate my position, let me copy an extract from a letter written to her parents, somewhat in diary fashion: "Monday proved a relentlessly rainy day, and we were obliged to give up our skating. In the morning I swept my room thoroughly and wrote for a while on my 'physics' paper. In the after noon a dozen or so of the girls went down into the parlor, where an open fire made the room cheerful, and took with us our weekly mending, while one of our num ber was deputed to read aloud while we darned her stockings aa well as our own. I think this girl had the best of the bar gain, as she had evidently saved up her hole-y stockings for several weeks, so to darn them in a batch." There, Mr. Ed itor, what do you think of that? To be sure these girls are "stuffed with erudi tion—all the 'ologies' of all the colleges, and the knowledges of tbe past; know all the forms and features of the prehis toric creatures; can describe the ancient Tuscans, and the Basques and Etruscans; the theology of Bramah and the scan dals of the Vandals; know all the learn ing that is turning in the bußjr mind of man:" but I do not agree with you that they think "they ought to be waited upon, and that from the four quarters of the globe ought to come servi tors t» do their sweet bidding." The gills of this college realize the blessedness of doing and serving. During last winter, for a charity fair, these girls—a number of them —donned their big aprons, went into the kitchen of oue of the cottages connected with the college, and made a dozen or more kinds of candy, for which they received 80 cents per pound and realized a nice little sum; and a few weeks ago, in behalf of the Students' Aid Society, they got up theatricals, playing Sheridan's "Rivals" to an audience of over 300—all women. They nettsd a profit of $125. The costumes wore gotten up by the deft fingers of these college girls, with the exception of that of "Bob Acres," which they hired for the occa sion. Perhaps some deluded man may think making candy delightfully sweet work, partaking of the character of play. Let that man go into the kitchen and try it, in company with other men,be sure; let no maiden's bright eyes be near to stimul ate and encourage; and I am sure no mortal man—unless it be Worth, with his "Paree" costumes —can realize the amount of work involved in the learn ing, rehearsing and preparing a play like The Rivals. "Bob Acres' " servant says, "I am sure Joe Jefferson does not per sonate any better than did our Bob Acres (!) last night." Now, Mr. Editor, I hope your experience in the future with American girls will not be so un fortunate as it evidently has been in the past. Suppose you devote your next theme to the typical American young man; see what you can make out of him. That surely will not be a misdirection of energy or perversion of your talented editorial pen. Yours very resoectjully, A NO ELK NO H BIGHTS. Thursday, April 18th. Depot Jotting*. Mr. C. M. McNameron, of theL. N. A. and C. Road, left yesterday for his head quarters at Chicago. An effort is being made to run a special train from San Diego to Lor Angeles one day before tbe Flower Festival closes. The steamer Southern California with a heavy cargo of coal for this city, has been sighted, and will anchor in San Pedro bay this morning. Mr. F. J. Hendry, Passenger Agent for the Santa Fe at Indianapolis, left yester day for home with his family, who have been passing the winter here. Mr. Geo. Norfolk, Chief Clerk in the office of the General Manager of the Great Rock Island, left on last night's train for his headquarters at Chicago. The officials in the freight and passen ger departments have been photographed en masse. They are eighteen in number, and being a fine-looking body of men, make an excellent picture. Mr. J. M. Chesbrougb, Assistant General Passenger Agent of the Yandalia line, who has been looking about Los Angeles for the past few days, left for San Diego on yesterday's overland. Small Fires. There were two alarms of tire yester day evening, to which the department responded. At 3:30 a Chinaman's tent and shanty on Date street, near Macy, burned np. The loss was trifling. At 9:20 an alarm came from Boyle Heights. An oil lamp exploded in a house on Soto street. No damage was done. rutlelivered Telearram*. The following are the telegrams re maining at the Western Union Telegraph Office, 6 Court street, April 19th: J. W. Bear, Miles Snart, Wong Hong Wah. Kind Old Gentleman (to street boy)— "Where were you bom, my son?" Boy —"Dunno, sir." "Ah, yoo don't know. What are you going to do when you be come a man?" "Rob trains." "Ah, (musing), the little fellow was bora in Missouri."—[Arkansas Traveler. A Presence Explained. Merchant's Wife (suddenly appearing in her hus band's office)—"Ha! I thought you said your typewriter was an old maid." Mer chant (much confused)—"Um—er, yes, m' dear, of course, of course; but she is sick to-day and she sent her little grand daughter as a substitute.' '—[ Philadelphia Record. Fresh fish dinners a f pecialty at Santa Monica Pavilion.