Newspaper Page Text
8 DAILY HERALD. United States Signal Service. Report ol observaHoas taken st Lot Angeles. OaU.Vwuls, April 20, 1889. by the Wsr De partment: Tune. Bar. i&r L. U. 30 03 i!07r. M. 30.12 59 54 SW ttl 54 W 1 9 Mexinram temperatare, 73; minimum tem perature. Mi Indications. Bak Fkarcisco, April 20.—Indications for twenty-four hours for California—Fair weather tn Southern California; light rains in Northern California; southwesterly winds; nearly sta tioarv temperature PERSONAL. Optain Banning will leave for Sari iTaaulsoo on to-night's train. Mr. 8. Nordlinger will leave for the t north on the noon train to day. ( Mr. I. W. Hellman left for San Fran- j Cisco on the noon train yesterday. Dr. C. F. Lane, a well-known practi tioner of Oakland, is at the Westmin ster. ; Mr. W. E. Duun, hailing from Knee- 1 nada, Lower California, is at the Hollen- ' beck. Ex-Governor Eli Murray, who figured i so strongly in the Mormon troubles, is in the city. Mr. Charles F. Lammis, the well known journalist, is in the city on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hanson and maid, wealthy tourists from Saratoga, N. J., are at the Hollenbeck. Mr. 8. J. Paul, chief clerk of the great Cullen House of Salt Lake City, is in town. He is in comfortable quarters at the Nadeau. Col. B. S. Baker, though in his sixty third year, has never worn glasses. Few men fifteen years younger than he can say as much. Harry Sherwood, formerly of Los An geles, but now of Fresno, is amongst us again for a few days. He is the same gei U! good fellow as of yore. A. P. Magiunis, who is a Jeffersonian Democrat of the old school,returned from Kansas yesterday morning. Mack is looking remarkably well, and carries a beautiful cane, presented to him by W. 8. Hebron, editor of the Kinsley Mercury and a prominent Bepublican of Kansas, When Jerry Illich's Restaurant closes to-night it closes for all time as it was in the past. A new and gorgeous palace of the gourmand, modeled on Tony Faust's place in St. Louis, will rise on the ruins of the present Restaurant, and the build ing will be ready for occupancy ou the Ist of September, when Illicit will re sume his role of caterer and go quite up up to the standard of Delmonico, New York, or theMaisonßichc, in San Fran cisco. NEW* .NOTES. The divorce case of Comocy against Comocy was submitted yesterday to Judge Clark, without argument. The Los Angeles Bide Club will hold a practice shoot this morning at 9 o'clock at its range near the city reservoir. The Bey. J. L. Bussell will deliver a lecture on '"The Good Old Times," to morrow evening, at the new Caledonia Hall, No. 23 South Spring street. Transfers of real estate yesterday amounted to $129,201, and were 75 in number. Of these 32 were for more than $1,000 each, and 26 were for nor- j inal considerations. Some of the religious people of the city visited the jail yesterday and trimmed up the cells wtth roses in honor of Easter Sabbath. Extra services will be held ti-day. Tbe Executive Committee of the Southern California Editorial Association will meet at Pasadena Thursday, May 2d, to perfect arrangements for the anniver sary of the Association. The Historical Society will hold a special meeting to-morrow, at noon, in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, for the purpose of making arrangements for celebrating April 30th. The President of the California State Liberal Union, Samuel P. Putnam, will give a free lecture in Turnverein Hall to night at 7:30 o'clock. Subject, "The Work of Moody and Jones Reviewed." Wong Si was tried for battery before Justice Lockwood, yesterday, and found guilty. He is a seller of vegetables, and, it appeared, had thrashed another Chi naman for encroaching on his territory. Judge Shaw yesterday rendered a ver dict in favor of plaintiff for $152 in the case of Natschke vs. Hazard, Pike, O'Melveny and Oakey, brought to re cover tbat amount due for music fur nished for the Pavilion in September and October. The First Baptist Sunday School, cor ner Fort and Sixth streets, will have specially interesting exercises, appro priate to the Lord's Day, at 9:30 sharp, this morning, to which all are invited. The members of the First Congregational Sunday School and congregation will be present, as specially invited guests. The fire alarm rang out about 11 o'clock yesterday evening. Some rub bish under tbe house at No. 212 New Main street was on fire, and had ignited the floor above. The building is a two story lodging house. A Babcock extin guisher was used, and the fire quickly put out without any serious damage be ing done. Several Chinamen went to Justice Staunton yesterday evening and informed him that the highbinders were going to hold a meeting and get up a riot to de molish the houses of those who had com plained against the gamblers. Several detectives of the city force attended the meeting and arrested the ringleader, Wong Gok, and six others who were taking a hand in the business. Wong was charged with inciting to riot and the others with vagrancy. AN ASTONISHING CHANGE. " My dear madam, I never saw you looking to well, and yon were ao poorly, too." ■ Vet, doctor, Joy's Vegetable Sarspartlla Is the grandest thing in the world for run-down, nervous and debilitated women. That's the secret of my appearance." Up to a mouth ago Mrs. Belden. an elderly lady, living at 510 Mason struct, San Francisco, was failing in health aud flesh so rapidly as to seriously alarm her relatives. Sho now writes: "I have taken but one bottle of Joy's Vegetable Sarsparllla, but it Is astonishing. I am regain ing my lost flesh and have not felt as well in jean." Consult Mrs. Dr. Wells. Uterine and rectal diaeases treated with ikiU by her new painlers method. City references from hopeless oaees cared. 400 Fort street, corner Fifth. THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 21, 1889. County Hospital sewage. B. A. Ling commenced suit in the Superior Court yesterday against the Supervisors and Dr. Brainerd. The complaint alleges that the plaintiff has a wife and two children, that he resides on property adjoining the County Hospital, that the defendants now permit the of fensive sewage from the County Hospital to oveinow the cesspool and run in a dis gusting stream through the hospital grounds, in consequence of which his family has became debilitated iv health, and unless this is stopped he will have to remove from his house. He asks that the Supervisors be restrained from al lowing the sewage to overflow. A Runaway. A horse attached to a buggy ran away on Spring street yesterday afternoon. He was soon captured, but riot however, un til he bad had time to wreck the vehicle through turning too sharply off the car tracks. The driver of the buggy was not iv it at the time of the exploit. Bye, Ear and. Tnroat Diseases. Dr. S. M. Sloeum, lately associated with the celebrated Dr. Sadler, is now located at No. 320 South Mala street, "Moro Castle " Deaf ness, noises in the ears, discharges from the ears, catarrh and throat diseases moat success fully treated. Operations on the eye skillfully performed. Free consultation from 12 a. to 5 p. a.; evenings, 8 to 9; Sundays.9A. a. to 8 *■ . Sporting Goods. Cal at Sportsmen Headquarters tor your fish ing supplies, just received. All kinds of sport ing goods on hand. Goods guaranteed or money refunded. All work neatly done and guaran teed. H. Slotterbeck, 111 North Main street, Temple block. Scriver & Quinn, 38 South Spring street, sole agents for Heath A Milllgen's nest prepared paints. TlosewhoTaveusei K3s-~ C< -j — {\ I -I J_'fa A I! I 1 giving satis faction, and a customer with Bron - L_J £v*t « ' chitis says it is the only remedy that gives in- sf nt id C."f~ BlißE * LL * Covxa, Druggists. • VyW H 0 IfA. Ha trio" * * tl,e Pt***nre to inform yon jjwjpiC' ithl tllat are meetai g I %! praise !SZ£?b*ii iteli them,"—Naacawsk A Co., Druggists, Visalia, n \ That it will accomplish the end desired in all Ills-. affections of the Throat and Langs and you not TEP* TTrAIT/T* —If nri 11 only Will not be without It yourself, £.W%M>\ l& I fv| (Irr 11 w 111 but will recommend it to others, a» J^ve^^-LiJ-l Ji Vj thousands have donewhohavetrledeverythlns tri fA f? if 4 O C\ fl VHIIf 1 17 V?tST vv\ e ' 6o * n vein, monoy is no object whore health v If 0 MSUMP « W> COuVlllCe yd! \v P At -, I pnrchafe a remedy that will stand between yor ASTHMA AOllGHoj and one of the most dreaded of hnman Ills. V" J *J.» > • _ 1 Is prepared only by tho ABIETINE MEDICAL ror) chjt l co - oroTlUe - c *- uforni * •SenJ(oPCtrtjr.w|.ptrt'HlOl»raaJ <u -^"I"™ For Sale by C. H. HANCE, 77 aad 79 North Spring Street. F. W. BRAUN & CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS. sB-12m LOS ANGELES. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Works: 571, 573. 575 North Main Street. MAIN OFFICE: UNDER LOS ANGELES NATIONAL BANK, FIRST AM» SPRINU STREETS. mDTEL, RESTAURANT and FAMILY W ASHIN^ TROY SYSTEM. PRIOEB A 8 LOW AS ANY LAUNDRY. |a 27 3m cod PHOTOS, PHOTOS. JEJJF-Reallzingnthe stringency of the money market, I have reduced tho price of my Photos from $5 to $3 per Dozen. Having been ten years in business in Chicago, and three years in this city, I can guar antee a first-class photo, equal to the very best made, and invite comparison with higher price work. French, English and German spoken. J. T. BERTRAND, 413 N. Mam st , opp. Plaza. )a3O-3m ITWANTED NOW AT McCarthys a; lis West first st, SOME GOLD COIN, SPOT CASH BUYERS, At about one-fourth valne for Los Angeles City and County Properties, now owned by con-residents who are owing deferred payments they hre unable to meet and placed their properties in our handx to dispose of. Several large Ranches for exchange. Eastern Farms to swap for California Property. Please call at McCarthy's California Land Office, 115 W. First St al7-lm H. H. HOWELL. R. L. CKAitt. HOWELL & CRAIG, IMPORTERS. -:- Grrocers, 33, 34 and 36 South Los Angeles Street. ?-.£r2°os» N 775 8 *- LOS ANGELEF, OAL. 173 m MASSAGE AND JsWEMMH MOVEMENT CUKE! By C. STAFFER, 237 South Sprint? Street, a pupil of Dr. Douglass Graham of Bob ton. Alio method of Dr. George Hunerf juth of Lipiig used. "M A A £117 13 ESPECIALLY BENEFICIAL FOR ALL NERVOUS TROUBLE, WRITER'S Jll AOO A XXIU Cramps, Weak Eyes, Female Weaknesses, Kidney, Throat and Chest Trouble, often preventing Consumption. It has no equal fir Paralysis and all Ohonic Diseases. Rheu matism, Neuralgia and Sciatica are cured by it It is unexcelled for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Convalescence from Fever and Surgical Operations. It is a method of treat ment that all educated physicians recommend who have their patients' welfare at heart. CONSULTATION FREE. TELEPHONE 792 m 22 lm " THE BEST OF BEVERAGES.' Blade Instantly 9 POWDER Absolutely Pure. '< he powder never varies. A model of purity and wholsomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and oannot be sold In compo tltlon with the m intrudes of low test, short weight, slum of phosphate powders. Solo only IN CANE, Royal Baking Powokb Co., 106 Wall st.N. Y. THE JOHNSON LOCKE MERCAN TILE CO.. San Francisco. Agents. .14-4 ra NOTICE. THE LOB ANGELES CITY WATER CO, will strictly enforce tho following rule: The honrs for sprinkling are between 6 and 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 snd 8 o'clock p. a. For a violation of the above regulation tbe water will be shut- of and a fine of two dollar* will be charged biiora water will be tsrnod on SSAI*. J. T. SHE W A HP. 13 AND lj NORTH SPRINU STREBT. From tie Manufacturers Direct to the Consumer! NO INTERMEDIATE PROFITS ! linens from Ireland, from Scotland, from Germany. a linejnT sale. The only direct importations ever placed on sale in this city. You can see the advantage. The qualities and the prices speak for themselves. A saving to you of twenty-five, in some cases thirty-three, and in others fifty per cent, over any offering ever made in this city. We are carrying the Linen trade. We have increased the space —increased the quantity—increased the quality, and largely increased the sale of all kinds of Household Linens. Mr. Wm. Bain, for a number of years one of the leading linen men of Chicago, ha 3 taken charge of this department, and on Monday next, the 220", we will sell linens lower than ever named by any house on this Coast, in some cases lower than Eastern prices. Our object is to at once give such values that will place this department beyond the reach of competition, and enable us to give larger import orders. HUCK TOWELS are the best for wear, most satisfactory a i a dryer, and are used exclusively by all the best hotels throughout the world. WE OFFER 200 dozen Huck Towels, soft, mellow finish, ready for use, cine 24x46 inch, at S3 per dozen, 25 cents each, well worth $6. Note the size of the towels. 500 dozen Huck Barber Towels, $1.20 per dozen, 10 cents each. 500 dozen Bedroom Huck Towels, $1.50 per dozen, 12£ cents each, 2 for 25 cents. 100 dozen Elephant Huck Towels, the largest towel ever offered in America at $3, and equal in every respect to any $6 towel in the city. 200 dozen Border Towels, $1.80 per dozen, 15 cents each. 50 pieces German Cream Damask, 60 inches wide, new designs, 50 cents. 5 pieces 66-inch Cream Damask, 75 cents. 25 pieces 58-inch Old Fashioned Home Spun, dice pattern, 50 cents, worth 75 cents. 5 cases 60-inch Oil Dye (40 Patterns) Turkey Bed Damask, 50 cents, worth 75 cents. Genuine imported goods. Ch:e case Manufacturer s Remnants, at about one-half the usual prices. We know the above Table Linens are the cheapest ever offered in this country. One case Liven Lap Robes, assorted patterns, 50 cents. You know their value. IN ADDITION TO OUR SALE OF TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS WE OFFER £SO O Pieces Embroideries, Extra wide, at 25 cents for choice of patterns,, worth 50 and 75 cents. 500 pieces extra wide Embroideries, including a large line of Flouncings, at 50 cents for choice, worth 75 cents, $1 and $1.25. 100 pieces 45-inch Flouncings, choice, $1 per yard, worth up to $2.50. This is one of the very best purchases we ever made in Embroideries. SALE "WEDNESDAY : 50 DOZ. SWISS JERSEY RIBBED VESTS In Pink, Blue and Cream, extra long, finely finished. Goods will be on show Tuesday. It is needless to say prices will touch bottom. The Only Diy Goods House in the City Showing a Large Increase in Sales Over Last Year, AN INDICATION THAT "GRASS" IS NOT GROWING UNDER OUR FEET. STILL ON THE UPWARD TURN! OUR : CLOAK : AND : SUIT : DEPARTMENT Showing the Most Rapid Growth.