Newspaper Page Text
LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD. VOL. XXXII.—NO. 24. amusements. OralJdopera~holwe! H. O. Wyatt. Lessee and Manager. R. B. Douolas, Associate Manager. THIS (THUR9DAY) EVENING, APRIL 26TH LAST PERFORMANCE BUT TWO OF I 1.l I il l: l.vit i, FAENTLEBOi, : Wollie Eddinger will appear as "Little Lord Kauntkroy" iv first act and part of second. Also as the Bootblack In third act. Flossy Ethyl will appear as "Little Lord Faun tleroy" in part of second act and in thiid act. Acknowledged by the entire press of London, New York, Bostou and San Francisco as the sweetest play ever produced. Seats now on sale Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c., and 25c. * al7td •J.RAND OPERA HOUB_. v« H. O. Wyatt. Lessee and Manager. R. 8. Douglas. Associate Manager. THE MONARCHS OF MINSTRELSY. WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 29. UOODVEAR, COOK A DILLON'S DEFINED MINSTRELS. The dynamo from which all rivals receive their supply Eight fnnny end men; ten artlstlcalog dancers; th c fanons Bay BtaeSextette; twenty five minstrel kings. Notable among whom are: Mr. Chas. W. Good year America's comedian; Mr. Geo. H. Ed wards, the greatest negro dialect comedian; Mr. Ellsworth Cook, the celebrated male soprano; the Kroi Diliion, actors, authors and dancers; Welby A Petri, in waltz and sehottlsclie clogs; Leecn Bros., the banjo wizards; Mr. Ben. Mow att, the only club-swing, r on earth, and three Nichol Bros., premier brother actors. Refinement is our motto. Unrivaled band and orchestra. Metch less street parade at noon. Watch for the white silk hats. Regulsr Prices. Seats on sale Thursday, April 25th. a 24 LOS ANGELES THEATER. H. C. Wyatt, Lessee and Manager R. 8. Douulas, Associate Manager. HOLIDAY .'ATTRACTIONS. EASTER WEEK. Commencing SUNDAY, ARPIL 21st. j■gj; 11 jl _■• ■ • x'iti b" wbb b > '■'' I NEW BIG SHOW Greatest-all feature show In America. Every act a distinct hit. Direct from Bush-street Theater, San Francisco. The only Specialty Company visiting tho Coast this season that has played to nrstcUss houses at first-class prices. REDUCTION OF PRICES : Gallery 15c | Balcony 25c Parquet and Dbesb Circle 50c Seats now on sale. al7-td pALIFOBNIA DIME MUSEUM _ THEATER THE POPULAR FAniLY RESORT! GREAT BILL FOR EASTER WEEK: Museum— Amphitheater— JAMES CARR, The BESSIE WESr, A Re- Strange Albino, who markably Talented mounts ladders, etc., Juvenile Specialty barefooted, the ruugg Artist. swora, koen edße<J ROBZART, The Clever LITTLE DOT, The Pre- L yno Artist. cocioEß Bewitohing, FLUCARD & DANA, Midget Lady aprime Daring and Intrepid favorite with every- Aorobats and Gym body. nftotß PROF. THEO. GREIN BR, our Celebrated ED. ARMSTRONG, Bohemian HI ass Finished Exponent of Blower, exhibiting Song and Dance, hit gorgeous glass _„„ MB , BRTTT v . p dress, gloss steam JOH .-? MERRlTT.Ver ongines, etc. satlle Mimic and ART EXHIBIT of a Comedian, collection of superb JOHN WEST, Ex works of art in oil, by pounder of the the most famous ar- Ethics of OoikedMln- Usts. atrclsy Doors open from 10 A. k. to 10 r. at. Admission, 100. Reserved seats 10c. extra. ANGELES THEATER. THREE NIGHTS, BEGINNING 2ND MAY, i THE OWE DDABIATIt) CLUB : Have the honor to announce a series of three performances, the net proceeds of which will ' be given to local charitable institutions. The following ladies have kindly consented to act as PATRONESSES. Mrs. Gen. Stontman, Mrs. A. Glassell, Mrs. Dan McFarland, Mrs. Severance, Mrs. H. T. I*6, Mrs. M. G. Newhall, t Mrs. Long.treet, Mrs. J. 8. Slauson, Mrs. I. N. VanNuys, Mrs. Juana Neal, The Baroness Kognlut, Mrs. Volkmar, Mrs C. J. Ellis. Mrs. J. A. Wills, Mrs. E. F. Spence. THUBSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 2D AND 3D, H. J. Byron's Comedy in Three Acts, " OUR BOYS." SATURDAY, MAY 4TH, J. Stirling Coyne'B Comedy in Three Acts, "EVERYBODY'S FRIEND." Characters will be sustained by Messrs. Martin Lehman, 0, A. Vogelsang, G. A. DobiUßOn, W. E. Pile, W. A. Seymour, Mrs. Wing. Misses Mamie Short, Julia Crawford, Josie Williams, A. G. Lyford and Grace Austin. Tickets, One Dollar. Reserved seats may be secured without extra charge at the box office, which will open at 10 a. m., Wednesday, May Ist, a 23 "FtHE WASHINGTON GARDENS, Under new management, Mr. George Tal mond, Proprietor, the CELEBRATED VIENNA LADIES'ORCHESTRA will give a SACRED CONCERT eaoh Sunday at 2 o'clock p. m. Admission 10c. The beantiful grounds and spacious halls for rent for picnics and private parties. No objectionable characters admitted. a2stf JJAZARD'S PAVILION. ; FLOWER FESTIVAL. APRIL 16th to 27th Inclusive. THE NATATORIUM, 9 A Swimming Bath, FORT STREET, BET. SECOND AND THIRD, Adjoining New City Hall. Basin 30x84 feet; water heated by steam. Open day and evening; Sundays close at 6 p. at. Admission, 25c. and 35e Plain, hot baths, in fine procelalu tubs, at all hourß, for ladies or gentlemen, 250 Every Tuesday, from 7to 10 p. M., ladies' and gentlemen's ulght; no gentle men admitted wituout a lady. Spectators, lree. h9-tf "yiENNA BUFFET, cor. Main and Requeue sts. FIRST-CLASS ENTERTAINMENT AND CONCERT EVERY EVENING FREE! By the Vienna Ladies' Orchestra, under Miss Julia de Beltran. FIRST-CLASS AUSTRIAN KITCHEN. ]a2tf tXTANTrt, PERSONALS, AND OTHER *«■ IT vertisements under the following heads Inserted at the rate of 5 cents per line for oaoh insertion. PERSONAL. ONIiT~TO LOAN UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Spring. Pri vate entrance. a 23 2m IVOBOE AND CRIMINAL LAW A SPECI alty. Advice free. W. W. HOLCOMB, At torney, 11 Temple street, Room 10-13. m29-tf ORDAN BROS., OF 22 S. SPRING ST., are making the cheapest clothes In the city, In order to make room for their coming spring and summer goods. m27tf IF YOU WANT TO BUY REAL~KBTATE AT bedrock prices, see T. B. MCDONALD, rooms 8 and 9 new Wilson building, corner Spring and First sts. a 26 tf SPECIAL NOTICES^ and jewelry. UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Spring. q 23 2m HYBIOAL DEVELOPMENT OF WOMEN— Mrs. E. A. Pingree, room 71 Wilson block, aie-lm* BB7IJR. FRENCH, THE RENOWNED FOR tane teller. This woman tells wonderful things, brings parties together; also doctors ladles for general debility and chronic diseases. Room 19, WATTELL BLOCK, 139 E. First at. a 24 7t* LOST AKU FOUND. rpHOROUOHLY KFU,iABIJE?nS«ToFToXI? 1 OFFICE, 17 N. Main st. Private entrance. 123 2m LOST— A BLACK NEWFOUNDLAND PUI\ about 5 months oM; nickel collar, with Gilbert A-E.ving on. Return to 602 San Pedro St., and receive reward. a 26 1* IOBT— PROM ~ EAST LOS ANGELES, A j medium-sized dark bay bone, abont 13 years old; dark mane, falln on both Bides of neck; Bmall white spot on one Bide; new shoe on left hind foot. Anybody returning to Mrs. NORTON'S, 49 North Johnson street. East. Los Angplos, will receive $10 reward, or to C. MOORE, Sycamore Cs nun, above Glendale v- a 25 5* W A IUTf,D—IIE I, P~. IF YOU NEED MONEY GOTO~raK)NLOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Spring. Private entrance. a 23 2m WANT El>—!tl ALE lIKLP. ced dress goods salesmen at J. M HALE & CO. a 26 »t WANTED —A~ DREES~GOODB salesman at the Boston Dry Goods Store, Pasadena. A. CAMBRIDGE. a 26 3" WANTED — CERTIFICATED TEACHER, man, immediately. PACIFIC TKAOH KR'B BUREAU. 1)8 Wilson Block. a 24 3t* U AM'|;!»—t- EiVALB HELP. PRIVATE LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Bprlug. «23 2m W4NTEU SITUATIONS—PEItI ALE. A FASHION A BLE iSeTsmTkER FROM the East wishes to eew by the day in pri vate families. S. T. Taylor system cut. Call or address 218 Temple st. a 24 3t* WANTKU-AVMNTI. WANTED —LADY for the sale of an article for ladles' wear; a recent patent; the very best; big commissions; come at once. 324 8. Hill. azs 4* WAN TED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED— THE country. For particular! call at No. 32 Philadelphia St.. or 181!) Carlisle st. alB 11* WAN rED—TO BUY A GENTLeTrELIABLE family horse; must be good size. Apply to M. MUELLER, cor Fort and Fifth st. a 25 3* WANTED— 2 HOKBES AND EXPRESS WAG on; state price and where can be seen. Address N., box 100, Hbbald offloe. a 25 3* WANTED— SO h6rsEB~TO BOARD BY THE month;cheap rates; stable a brick, fireproof building; everything flrst-clai-s. Apply to IXL Stable, 728 S. Main st. Tele. 731. a 23 lm* EOS heat- -Dooms. en suite at the Lakeville, 17 and 19 E. Fifth st »25tf FOR RENT—UN FURNISHED ROOMS IN THE 1 Norton Block, suit-, be for light housekeep ing, cor. Seventh and mil sts. a2l-lm OR RENT—AT" THE LAKEVILLE, FUR- I nished or unfurnished rooms by the day, week, or month; al»o for housekeeping; beds , reasonable by the night,. 17 and 19 E. Fifth st. j Newly furnished; everything neat and clean. A. X. SHEPHERD, manager. a23tf I'OH ItKNi-HOlilEn. ] 1 Grand Avenue. Inquire at No. 35. al4-lm* ' OR RENT—NICE~_OUSE OF 7 ROOMS for 2 families; $22. Apply 53 Turner st. a__3_ " OR REN I—HOUSES AND hTORES — ALL parts city; long list; can examine free L. ! A. RENTAL AGENCY, IN. Fort Bt. m2B lm» ; FOB DENT—NTOBES AND ROOMS. ' i J? location. Shelving complete. Address H. < KROBHER, Anaheim. a9-tf | I'OU ! F~ o!H_NT^_V_ and Sin Pedro. Inquire at office Depot R. , R. Co., cor. Second and Vine. a.21 tf < OWER FOR HENI—PARTIES WANTING '. steam power for light manufacturing pur- ■ poses, apply to "D. H„" box 100, Hkrald office. a24-st» ( T7IOR RENT—A 20-ACRE RANCH EIGHT ! J? miles from the city. Well Imprvoed, good , house and barn, artesian well, orchard, etc. In- ! quire of E. J. ROCHE, 150 Alameda street or at the Lyiiwood Paper Mill. Will be rented . cheap. a24-4t" BUSINESS tHANCKS j FOR SALE—BLACKSMITH SHOP, PLENTY ' of work; on account of other business will . Bell cheap. Inquire at place of bußin Bs.JSan Gabriel, of MICHBL BT. PAUL a20B» iob"sale. PLEDGES. '. UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Bpring. a 23 2m OR SALE—S, 10, 20 and 100 acre tracts : with water stock. Address H. KROEGER, I Anaheim. te->-lf FOH BALE-Clty Property. WOE SALE—7,OOO RKD AND BLUE GUM ' J? trees, pines and other evergreens; 500 palms, roses, etc., at lowest price. Call at HOFFMAN'S NURSERY, Washington Heights, Alvarado st,, north of Temple; or address P. O. StatiouD. a2l-6t» OR SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST BLOCKS in South Pasadena, 320 feet square; plenty of trees; water; 2 houses, barn, etc.; good loca tion for physical n or druggist; price cheap and terms easy. For particulars address J. J. BUK.HLER, 143 E. First at , Los Angeles. a 2 lm t'Ota—country Property. F~~or a good business and located in one of the thriftiest raisin growing districts in San Diego county. Cheap and on easy terms; reason for selling given on application. Aodress A. J. CAMPBELL, Dehesia, San Diego county, Cal. a2l-7t HE NEWHALL LAND AND FARMING CO. cff;r for sale FARMING, FRUIT AND GRAZING LAND 3 in lots to suit. Horses and mules for sll purposes. Stallions and j icks for breeding. Cattle, hay and grain. Fur information, terms, etc., apply at or ad dresß the company's offices in San Francisco— New'jall—Los Angele*. a2l-14t TU E\l'HAAljrE< ____ IN Ex change for diamonds and Jewelry. UNION LOAN OFFICE. 17 N. Spring. m 23 3m O EXCHANGE—THE BEST SANTA ANA and Ban Fernando Valloy lands for first class Eastern city or farm property. Address owner, room 0. Allen hiook, Loa Angeles. al3« ALIFORNIA AND EASTERN PROPERTY to exchange. T. B. MCDONALD, rooms 8 and 9 new Wilson building, corner Spring and First sts. a22tf ~ ATI'OUNEVS* ALTETTItOBXATioRNEY, ROOM 0 AL len blook, cor. Spring and Temple Btß.ml4tf B. HOTCHKISS, ATTORNEY, BOOMS 8 , and 9, Safe Deposit building, cor. New Hli/h and Temple sts. a!7tf UNTIHTS. rTiTlT~c7Tn^simjha^^ st, McDonald block. alB-tf R. W. H. MABBEB HAS REOPENED HIS dental office In rooms 1 and 2, California Bank building, cor. Seoond and Fori its. ]30-tf REMOVED. DR. L. W. WELLS, COR. SPRING AND FIRST sts., Wilson block; take elevator. Teeth filled painlessly. Gold crowns and bridge work a specialty. Teeth extracted painlessly. Dr. Max Wassman, of San Francisco, and Dr. Caaaon Mac Donald, of Philadelphia, assistants. ft 10m ■ A DA_Tb¥6&T DENTISTS, 28 8. SPRING I _ street, Rooms 4 and 5, Gold fillings from 82 up. Amalgam and silver fillings, 91, Painless extraction of teeth by ; vitalised air or nitrons oxide gas, 91, Teeth extracted without gas or air, 60 cents. Best sots of toeth from #6 to #10. By osr new - method of making teeth, a misfit la impossible. - All work guaranteed. _ I We make a specialty of extracting teeth with i ontpain. _ . Office Honrs from 8, to Br. at. Sundays from 10 a. K. to 13 m. Night calls answered F 1.1 DAY MORNING. APRIL 26, 1889. financial. collatkralTthor oughly reliable. UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N Spring Private entrance. £a 23 2m MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT. F.C. ANDERSON, 28 N. Spring. a2tf ONEY TO LOAN IN ANY SUM. CORKER di LAYNG, 16 S. Spring st. m3l lm MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT. Lv SCHMIDT, No. 16 S. Spring at. m3O lm MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY SUMS TO BUIT. J. M. FORNEY, 18 8. Fort st. a 2 lm* ONEY TO LOAN ON IMPBOVED PBOP erty. POMEROY & GATES, 16 Court at. _ aietf MONEY TO LOAN-CITY OR COUNTRY property. J. B. Lankershim, 336 S. Main st. a 23 lm ffiK/WWViTTO~LE'''D IN SUMS TO SUIT. ©DU.UUU R. W. POINDEXTER, 19 W. First m 27 lm (TIOAN—SEVERAL sIjMS" FROM 81,000 to 110,000. W. R. BURKE, 55 N. Spring. a! 9 lm AN~ON~ MOR TIMER & HARRIS, attorneys-at-law, 78 Temple block. a 22tf ONEY TO LOAN-IN SU4IB~TOBUI.T, ON gilt edved security. W. 8. WATERS, room 2,117 New High Bt. alot L_ COLLATEBAL TO LOAN MONEY ON. UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Spring. Pri vato entrance. a 23 2m ©1 t\n nniri~To loan — a jTvTele, room 1, Wilson block, cor. First and Spring m3otf ©-I TIAfT AftftTOLOAK ~ON REAL EB -ifflljUUUjUlJvl tate. SECURITY HAVINGS BANK,_4O S. Main st. »17tf O~~TTO BRODTBECK, ROOMS 20 AXD 21, Schumacher block. No. 7 N. Spring St. Money to lian on improved city property. a2ltf ONEY TO LOAN — ON FIRST mortgages. Apply to JOHN MILNER, Room 9, Baker Block, Los Angeles. a9tf ANTED—TO BORROW $2,000 ON GOOD realty worth 99,000, Improved, will p«y 8 per oent. net; no agent need apply. Address GEO. H. RICE, University P. 0., Los Angeles, Cal. a 23 5t Sl iit LOAN AT REASONA <?I<JV ble rates. LOB ANGELES REAL ES TATE AND FINANCIAL AGENCY, J. C. FLOURNOY, Secretory, 1 N. Fort St. a 6 lm iIRAWFORD & MCCREERY, ROOM I67oVER VLos Angeles National Bank. Loan >50 to $50,000. Short term loans a specialty. Buy notes, mortgages aud contracts. a2otf O LOAN—ANY AMOUNT FROM 825 TO 81000 on real estate, notes, mortgages, pianos, collateral, and personal property ofall kinds. E. L. BUCK, rooms 31 and 32, Wilson block. al9tf «1 fiAil T0 LOAN-W. 8. WIL- H.yUU.Uvy HAMS, attomey-atlaw, Bute Deposit building, cor. Temple and New High sts., Los Angeles, agent for San Francisco and Eastern capitalists. astf ONEYTOLOAN—BAVE RENT, JOIN THE Homo Bnilding Association. Build your self a homo and pay for it on the Installment plan. For information apply to M. C. WEST BROOK, Secretary, room 87, Phillips blook, Spring st. mlO 5m ONEY TO LOAN In"ANY DESIRED ■mount on improved city and country real estate. Collateral or commercial paper at cur rent rates. Stocks, bonds and other securities bought and sold on commission. NEUSTADT & PIRTI.E, 10 8. Fort. Will move May Ist to Bnrdick building, Second and Bpring sts. «3 1m exi;i iwit>f». '"' OVERLAND EXCURSIONS LEAVE LOS Angeles every Wednesday; Pullman tourist cars, fully equipped, to Omaha and Kansas City. Call or address JOHN CLARK, 51 N. Bpring st. m2B lm I~jiXCOBBIONS —EAST AND WEST, BEMI -2 monthlr. Through sleeping cars to Kansas City and Chicago. FREE sleeping accommoda tions going East. For lowest rates, etc., apply to WARNER BROS., 34 N. Spring at., Los An geles. Eal2tf I~IENVER AND RIO GRANDE AND ROCK ' If Island route excursions will leave Lob Angeles every Tuesday. Pullman tourist cars elegantly equipped. Call on or addrea, F. W. THOMPSON, 110 N. Spring st. a3-tf j ALTERS' BELECTEXCURBIONB TO ALL points East. Through Pullman tourist cars to Boston via Chicago, Our next parties leave Los Angeles April 3d and 17th, May Ist i 15th and 29th. For tickets, berths, and farther i information, address L. M. WALTERS, 19 N. - Spring st., or 51 N. Spring St., Los Angeles. , ago I liiXCUBSIONS TO P\RIS EXPOSITION, ' !i leaving May 6th and June 10th, In Pullman ' palace cars; railroad and steamship tickets; all ' arrangements and Information. Address A. B. DES3KRY, 23t> N .Main St., Los Angeles. a 25 lm ABASH ROUTE — EXCURSIONS LEAVE I Los Angeles every week. Pullman tourist sleepers furnished complete. Excursions to - Paris May 6th and June 10th. Call or address J. A. GRANGER.I 7 N. Spring St. a 26 lm | TTIXCURBIONB—PHILLIPS' SELECT EXCUB- Vi slons, personally conducted, with through | Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars completely oauipped from Los Angeles to Boston and New ' York City without change. Next parties leave ! April 10'h and 24th, May Bth and 22 ), June sth and 19th. For tickets, berths and further information, call on or address A. PHILLIPS & CO., 44 N. Spring st, Los Angeles, Cal. a 27-tf ■—-""TTITIXCURSIONS TO ALL JL point* East, via Salt i Lake City and Denver, (spending Snnday in Salt Lake City,) leave April 11th, 1 25th, May 9th, 23d. Pull- | man tourist cars completely equipped. Call upon or ad _l dress J. B. Quigley, agent, street. alO-tf i SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY-THROUGH excursions to New York, Boston and Phila delphia. Pullman's new tourist cara with ladies [reusing room and lavatory; stoves with im proved heaters for making tea and coffee; com plete Pullman's equipment of bedding, In cluding bed linen, toilet accessories, etc.; uniformed colored porters; 8. P. Co.'s party managers go through to New Orleans, thence 1 to Boston aud Philadelphia. Butono change of cars (in Union Depot) at ClnicnnHi. The Sunset and Queen and Crescent Route through the rich and historic South, Meridian, Bir minghain, Cnattauooga, Cincinnati, etc. Quick time, direct connections. Excursions leave Los Angeles Maroh 28th: April llth; May 2d, 16tli and 30th; June 13tb and 27th; July llth, 1889. For further particulars call on or write any of the agenoies oi the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY In Southern California, orC. F.BMURR, Assistant General Passenger Agent southern Pacific Company, No. 202 N. Main st- Los Angeles, Oal. a! 3 5m EDUCATION A*,. HARVARD MILITARY ACADEMY, COR ner Sixth and Hill sts., opposite postofiice. in3l-tf T|HE LOS ANGELES CONSERVATORY OF Music. No. 406 S. Main st. MRS. EMILY J. VALENTINE, President. • NELLIE I. BOYNTON, VOCAL TEACHER. Voice building taught from a purely scien tific basis. Room 6, P. O. block, Fort st. A3 lm* ST. MATTHEW'S HALL, SAN MATEO, CAL A Church School for boys; 23rd year. REV. ALFRED LEE BREWER. M. A., Principal. fl9-2m 1 ' LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND Engllah Training School, 38, 40 and 42 8. Main Bt, near Second. Experienced teachers; complete courses of study. Day and evening aeaatona. D. B. WILLIAMS. Prln. JJ»t ST. HILDA'S HALL OF GLKNDALE — A Boarding and Day School for Girls, at Glen dale. Accommodates 100 pupils. Full corps of teachers. For circulars apply at school, or city office. 75 North Spring street. REV. THOS. W. RASKIN'S, Aoting Rector. m27-tf _____ WOODBURY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE —AND— SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING INSTITUTE, 159 South Spring Street, Los Angelea, Oal SESSIONS DAT AND »V«SINO. For particulars, call at offioe or address. s2O-ly F. 0. WOODBURY, Principal. 1 AHCHITECTB. nHAB. W. DAVIS, ARCHITECT BOOMS ,I; 3 and 4, Downey blook, Los Angeles. a22tt PAWNBROKER. , FKIVATE EN -1 trance. UNION LOAN OFFICE, 17 N. Spring. »232 m PHYBICIANB. EA. DE OAILHOL, M. D.-AT HIS BANI -. tarium. Pearl, south of Temple. Telephone a 1-tf OCULIST AND AUBIBT Office 25 North Main Bt Offlee Honrs, 9a. E "' to 4r ' "'. a i£^ Aw _ DE. t iIAS. DE 6ZIGETHY. OFFICE AND residence, 313 8. Main st. Tele. 1,056 tf DR. KANNON, VISITING PHYSICIAN BIF tors' Hospital; 7?< N. Main at., rooms 1, 2 and 3. Telephone 116. m 27 tf AS. LANGLSY, ELECTRIC PHYSICIAN. . cor. Seoond and Los Angeles sU. Electrical treatment, baths and massage. m3O lm DR. 0. E. OLACIUB HAS TIRMOVED~HIi office from 75 N. Spring to 41 8. Spring st. Hours from 11 a. m. to 2p. m. Specialty—Sex ual and skin diseases, chronic diseases in gen- a24tf DR. W. W. MURPHY, OCULIST AND ATJR -Ist, 107 a Spring St., Holleubeck block, Los Auzeios Office honrs, 9a, 13 a. and 2to *P- a24tf DR. L. GOLDSCHMIEDT—GBNERAL PKAC ,„ tleo. 23 8. Spring, room 12; telephone, 1019. Residence, "Emerson," 415 S. Olive; telephone, 1054. m2tf MRS. DR. J. M."SMITH (FORMERLY MRS. C. E. BOURCEY) Infirmary and Lying-in Hospital, 145 Bellevne aye. Ladies cared for durinsr confinement Midwifery a specialty. !m2B-6m T.R. FORMERnBESIDENT U Snrgeon to the New York Hospital. Bur gory (including genito-nrinary disease!) and dißeaßes of the noso, throat and chest. 75 N Spring st. Jlours, 9 to 12. 2 to 5. a 24tf H ANN ON dc TURPIN. PHYSICIANS AND surgeons. Offlce,2lSUB.Bpringst. Rooms 3 and 4. Telephone 1028. J. Hannon, M. D., 1495 3. Main. Tel. 573. T. J. Turpin, M. D., 648 8. Olive. Tel. 1029 ■ al9 lm M HILTON WILLIAMS. M. M. C. P. 8. .O. Specialist In diseases of the head, tnroet and chest, including the eye, ear and heart. Oxygen, compound oxygon, nitrogen, monoxide, and other medicated Inhalations, used in all diseases of the respiratory organs. Office, Hollenbeck Block, corner Seooucf and Spring srreots, Los Angeles, Cal. Office honrs, from 9 a h. to 4 p. m. ROiUEOPATMsSTS. iji A. !i, deuce, 24 8. Spring st. Hoars 1 to 4 p. it. Telephone 353. al4 DBS. BEACITi~BOYNTON. OFFICE, 37 N. Spring et., Los Angeles, Cal. Office hours, 8 to 12 m , 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. at. Dr. Boyntou's residence, 735 Olive St. ml9tf TBAAC FELLOWS, M. D.-HOMBOP AT HIST JL Offltio Hours—ll to 12 A. v., 3to 5 p. it.. Office—Not. 3 and 5 Odd Fellows' Bnilding, Los Angolet, Oal. Residence 408 Sooth Main street a9-tf. 8 8. SAUSBURY, M. D.. HOMiEPATHIST. . Office, rooms 11 and 12. Bryson blook. cor. First and Spring stß. Residence, 538 3. Pearl ft Office hours, 11 a. m. to 3p. m. Telephone Not. I Office 597! resldenoe 877. a 24tf SOCIETY MEETINGS. EAST SIDE LODGE, Meets every Tuesday evening in Odd Pel- ' lows' Hall, 510 Bank building, Downev aye., I East Los Angeles. AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR. SAFETY i Council, No. 664—Meets second and fourth i Thi rsiiay eveniDgsof each month at their Hall, , __ rirst st., bet. Main and Spring. LOS ANGELES LODGE, NO. 2925, K. OF H.—Regular meetings are held every Wed nesday evening at 17 W. First st. 10. G. T., MERRILL LODGE, NO. 299 I . Meet* every Saturday evening at Pythian Castle, No 24 3. Spring st, just below First ' SAMPSON LODGE, NO. 148, K. OF P.— Meets every Monday night at Castle Hall. No. 510 Downey aye., East Los Angeles. Hall ojrerEast Side Bank. ROYAL ARCANUM — SOUTHERN CALl fornla Council, No 570, meets second and fourth Tuesdays at Y. M. I. Hall, 17 N. Main I st. Visiting brothers welcome. LOS ANGELES LODGE. NO. 35, L O. O. F.— Regular meeUnga held on Wednesday even- I Ing of each week at 1.0. O. F. Hall, Spring st, t near First j LOB ANGELES LEGION, NO. 6, SELECT Knights, A. O. U. W.—Meets every Monday evening In Campbell's Hall, cor. Downey aye. and Truman St., East Loa Angeles. ( SIGNET CHAPTER, NO. 57, R. A. M.—MEETS statedly on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:15 p. m. , at Masonic Hall, cor. of Spring and First sts. 1 FRATERNITY LODGE, NO. 79, K. OF P.— J Meets on second and fourth Wednesday ' evenings in each month at Pythian Castle, 24 . 3. Spring st WELCOME LODGE, K. OF H„ NO. 3342— i Meets Tuesday evenings at room 45, Call- , fornia Bank Building. OC. F., GUARDIAN COUNCIL, NO. 90— i . Regular meeting first and third Fridays, at Pythian Castle, 24 S. Spring at. ]" 08 ANGELES TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, J No. 174—Meets the first Sunday in each month at the G. A. R. Hall, Main st. MORRIS VINEYARD LODGE, I. O. G.T..NO. 120—Meets every Monday night. Hall, cor. Laurel and Main sts. GOODWILL COUNCIL, NO. 629, AMERICAN " Legion of Honor-Meets on second and fourth Fridays of each month at thoir hall, 17 W. First st. JOHN A. LOGAN POST, G. A. B —MEETS (J every Monday evening in G. A. B. Hall, Mc- Donald block, on Main st OBANGE BRANCH COMMANDERY, NO 306, U. O. G. C —Meets every Friday even ing in New Odd Fellows' Hall, Hayden block, East Loa Angeles. JOHN B. FINCH LODGE, I. O. G. T —MEETS »J Tuesday evenings in Campbell's Hall, East Los Angeles. LOB ANGELES CHAPTER, R A. M.—STATED con vocations on the second Monday of each month, at 7:40 p.m., at Masonic Hall, Spring at., bet. First and Second. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, CCEUB DE LION Commandery, No. 9, K. T. — Holds Its ctated conclaves in ths asylum in Masonic Hall sor. of Spring and First sts., on the third Thurs day of each month, st 7:30 p'm. aELCICH WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, NO. 22—Meets first and third Friday of each month, at 2 p. M., In Campbell's Hall, East Los Angeles. OLIVE LODGE, NO. 26, K. OF P.—MEETS every Thursday evening In Pythian Castle, 24 S. Spring, just below First st LOS ANGELES COUNCIL, NO. 11, ROYAI and Select Masters, F. and A. M.-Holds its stated assemblies on the fourth Monday of each month, at 7:30 p. M., at. Masonic Hall, Spring St., bet. First and Second ISABT LOS ANGELES LODGE. NO. 230, A. O. \j rj. w.—Meets every Wednesday evening In Campbell's Hall, Truman st and Downey aye., East Lot Angoles. /■JAUNTLET LODGE NO. 129, K. OF P.— \y Meets on Monday evoning, In Pythian Cas tle, No. 24 8. St. TRI-COLOR LODGE, NO. 96, K. OF P.— Meets en Tuesday evenings in Pythian Caa tie, 24 S. Spring Bt /IELCICH POST, NO. 106, G. A. R.—MEETS VX first and Third Fridays of each month In Campbell'B Hall, Bast Los Angeles. LLEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT €F MEAT. PINBST AND Meat Flavoring Stock —FOR — 1 SOUPS, .11A OE DISHES and SAUCES. . Annual sole 800.000 jars. I Genuine only with - : fac-slmile of Baron f * M Lleblg'a signature In a'CoSliif* ; BLUE INK across la-Vfl' £j . beL To be had of all Storekeepers, Grocers, and Oruggtsta de«2lmon<fc thorl2n LOCAL MATTERS. The Sequel to the Tar and Feathers Episode. THE PRINCIPALS JUMP TOWN. The Rev. James to Appear is the Criminal Courts—Ueueral Vandever Banquetted. Gus Bramen, the individual whose wardrobe was increased on Wednesday morning by a suit of tar and feathers, re turned to San Pedro on yesterday after noon's train, accompanied by Sheriff Martin Aguirre and Deputy-Sheriff Brady. The officers went with him to serve the fourteen warrants which Braman had had sworn out against his assailants, but as they were nearly all for John Does and Richard Roes, some detective work will be necessary to serve them all. Braman thinks that he knows nearly all of the party who so rudely interrupted his slumbers, but in all probability, beyond perhaps the individual who read the "warrant" to him, he did not 'get an opportunity to see any of their faces, for the light in his room was quickly blown out, and he im mediately blindfolded. As he sat at the Wolfskill depot yesterday afternoon awaiting the train, he presented a sorry spectacle. His head was bound up in linen cloths, and his face liberally cov ered with court plaster, for he had used kerosene in attempting to remove the leopard-like stripes with which he had been adorned, and as a result the skin bad become blistered. The news soon went around as to who he was, and a crowd of people thronged the waiting room, anxious to see a man who had been tarred and feathered. MORE TROUBLE EXPECTED. About 8 o'clock last evening the news came to the Herald that more trouble would take place during the night, as a hot pot hung prepared for Braman on account of his action in the affair. In quiries np * an early hour this morning, showed, However, that no violence had been attempted, and private news, sent td> this office, said that the danger of an outbreak was over, as the principals in the tarring and feathering business had jumped the town. The following mes sage from the harbor town was also re ceived by the Herald dnring the course of the evening: "Public sentiment ran so high against Mrs. Koughan that there was strong talk last night about using the remaining tar and feathers in ornamenting the woman of agile affections. At Mrs. Kougban's earnest request, therefore, Marshal Sjoberg kept watch at her house all night, and on the next morning she, with het child in her arms, boarded the train for Los Angeles. Even her departure was attended by another stormy scene, for at the last moment Captain Koughan put in an appearance, and a scramble for the possession of the infant took place,which bade fair to result in the child's dismem berment. The mother was victorious, howover, and her babe went with her to the metropolis." THE REV. JAMES. Charges to be inside In the Court Affatnst Him. It appears that the Rev. James is not yet through with his trials. It was re ported yesterday that complaints had been drawn charging him as follows: "That George W. James, of Long Beach, Cal., did, on the 3d day of April, feloniously raise a heavy chair in his hand, over the bed in which his wife was then lying, and did swing the chair over her head in a mur derous manner, and with intent to do her greivous bodily harm, and with the intention of killing and murdering her, and at the same time doing her other wrongs contrary to the peace and dig nity, etc. "That the said James did, on April 3d, and on divers other occasions, threaten to murder his wife, Emma James; by reason of the same the said Emma James is, and has been for some time past, in bodily fear of the said George W. James, wherefore the said complainant prays that the said George- W. James may be bound over to keep the peace toward his wife." "That the said James did obtain pro perty under false representations, in that he secured the official seal used by W. W. Lowe as his Notarial seal, and that by the use of said seal he did maliciously and falsely mislead several people." These complaints, it is said, will be filed and given to the Sheriff to serve. Mr. Pollard of Long Beach in relation to the trial said: "The other specifications were not entered into for the reason t hat it was useless to take more than sufficient testimony to suspend Mr. James. But all the matters held back were reserved, and I have now formulated charges to te need at the annual conference, which will contain all the matter entered upon, and also those specifications that were not touched upon at all in the investiga tion held by the Presiding Elder. Last week, in view of the trial which was held Wednesday and the day before at Long Beach, and in the ex lactation that Mr. James would, at ' <tse, attempt some defense, I obtained, per Wells-Fargo Express Company, full evidence of his ciuel conduct toward his wife from Tuscarora, Cedarvillo, Battle Mountain, Reno, Oakland, ban Francisco and Fresno. Wherever he has lived in the past seven years he has been impor tuned to depart before his term has ex pired, and has always thought best to do so, for the people did not want him and were, in every case, determined that he should go away from them. James as serts that his wife has been guilty of adultery, but the villainy of this charge, coming out at this late day in the trial, is clearly known to the public. Such an outrageous proceeding was never heard of before, and had James not been per suaded to make this charge by some of the so-called friends he would never have been made." Mr. Pollard referred to the other charges made against James by the com mittee that had not been investigated, and to others published in the papers in relation to bis servant, and said that per haps it might be proven that James bad been living with his own sister for the past five years in a manner not sanc tioned by law. It is stated that proceedings will be commenced by Mrs. James for a divorce FIVE CENTS. and that all or many of the charges made will be included in her complaint. ! Jam os was about Long Beach yester day as usual and did not seem to have been disturbed by the investigations of the past few days. THE FLO WEB FESTIVAL. . fresh Attractions tn all ctlrectiena— The Entertain meats. There were too many counter-attrac tions last night to make it possible for the usual crowded attendance to be the Pavilion, and added to this, was the soggy condition of the atmosphere, which slso kept a good many people away. In i pite oi all, however, a goodly number passed through the doors, and to the pleasant music of a promenade concert given by the Seventh Infantry Band, , the booths were inspected and the new ly-added charms admired. One of the features of the evening was the presence iof the Whittier Children's Band of Hope, in charge of their Superintendent,. Mrs. Harris. Some of these children gather the Sowers daily that are sent to their booth in Les Angeles, and it way amusing' to see their interest in the dec orations that they recognized at the Whittier stand as those gathered by them; Mr. Given, of the Whittier liv ery stables, generously offered his ser vices to bring the children to Los Ange les in a six-seated coach, drawn by four horses. He has driven from Whittier to Los Angeles daily to accommodate the workers and visitors. The booth was all retrimmed yesterday, and the shaft of the umbrella gracefully bedecked with showy striped grass and wild locusts and vines from the Whittier canons. The flower-bank was very artistically and lightly trimmed, with a great variety of flowers, there being much cactus and Easter lily intermixed. The visitor will be well repaid by mak ing a trip to the milk shake booth, in the southeast corner of the first gallery. In it has been placed an ingeniously con trived cow, which lows and gives forth the milk for the shakes. It is an ad mirable piece of work, and will be sold at auction to the highest bidder on Sat urday night, by Mr. H. H. Matlock, the auctioneer. The Hanna College booth is one of the features of the exhibition. The flowers are always fresh and the ladies in charge ever have a pleasant smile and courteous word for the inquirer. The special [ Flower Festival edition of The Olive Leaf, published at the College, is in great de mand, for it is well written and makes a charming souvenir of the occasion. NOTES. Alhambra holds her own as the days roll by. A stalk of yucca is to be seen at the wild-nWer booth. Lemons, pinks and pansies are wanted for today and tomorrow. The mesa of the Sierra Madre booth is as fresh and beautiful as ever. Duarte's windmill has been redecor ated, and is a sight that mast not be missed. The three judges on premiums are to be seen constantly studying the details of their work. Do not forget to make a call at the Woman's Exchange. The visit will be amply repaid. Those who are to participate in tonight's tableaux are requested to be on hand sharp at 7:30 p. m. Special contributions were sent into the rose booth yesterday by Mrs. Bacheller and Mrs. S. A. Widney. Mrs. H. T. Hazard has done noble work for the affair. Her title of Queen is to be raised to Empress. Mrs. Kubel and her energetic aides had the Philharmonic booth looking as attractive as ever last night. Egyptian acanthus, with its long blos som stems, can be seen in the morning glery or Hanna College booth. 27k Gypsy Queen will be given by the University students to-morrow night, after which the premiums will be awarded. Miss Culver was in attendance again last night. Apart from her beauty, her charming manners make her a favorite wherever she goes. Some ranunculus, Easter lilies, tube roses, double poppies and an orchid, some from the Raymond and others from Mr. Germain, were all added yes terday. The snow plant sent in by Hulda Leidy is still to be seen at the bulbous nootb, where it springs up blood-red from its bank of snow. Magnolia blos soms, fall and white, stand as a contrast in their southern character to the snow plant of tli3 north. TO-NieHT's I'ROGRAMEE. To-night the tableaux entitled "Leg ends" will be again produced. Those who saw them at their first representa tion on Monday night will surely want to see them again, and those who were not present on that occasion should not miss the opportunity now. Vandever Banqueted. The Union League Club gave a recep tion at the Nadeau Hotel yesterday even ing to General Vandever, the representa tive of this district in Congress. About fifty of the members of the clnb met shortly after 8 o'clock, and healed by a baud, proceeded to the Nadeau where they entered and greeted General Van dever. About an hour was spent at the hotel in convention, aud then the party proceeded to the rooms of the Cal ifornia Club where a banquet bad been prepared. After the guetts of the Club bad become seated, District Attorney Kelly introduced General Vandever in a neat speech, and to this General Vande ver replied that it gave him great pleasure to know that he bad the hearty good will of every one present. It compensated him for every sacrifice he had made and recompensed him for all efforts he had made for the benefit of the great and excellent district which he represented. He spoke for about twenty minutes and his remarks were well re ceived. Mayor Hazard then reviewed briefly the work that General Vandever had done in Congres , and was followed by T. K. Bard, of Ventura, Judge Adams and E. J. Ensign, of San Diego. The banquet closed with the presentation by Captain Seamans of a package, which be said bad been sent by the ladies to thr hungriest man, to Sutherland Hut ton. The package contained candy in the shape of rabbits. Undelivered Telegrams, The following are the telegrams re maining at the Western Union Telegraph Office, 6 Court street, April 25th: Eugene |S. Tomblin, A. Gautter.