Newspaper Page Text
LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD. VOL. XXXIII.—NX). 51 WANTS, PERSONALS, AND OTHER AD vtrtisemtnt* under the following heads in serted at the rate of S tents per me lor each tnttrlion, or $1 a line per month. PERSO.IAL. TO HOUSEKEi~PE^r^I3^rT^~O- KAN uNted or 15 lbs. brown sugar, $1; 4 lbs. rice, 25c, 9 IDs. white beans. 25c; starch. 4 packages, 250: can gasoline, 95c; coal oil, 95c; Arbuckle coffee, 25c: Germea, 20c: 10 lbs. corn meal, 20c, new pickles, 10c quart: good black or Japan tea, 35c; sack fl ,ur, $1.25: 10 lbs cornmeal, '-'Oe; 6 lbs raisins or peaches, 25c; 3 lbi primes, 25c; honey, 5o lb; 40 bars soap, 181 j bacon, 13c: hams, 14c; pork, 12c. ECONOMIC GROCERY, 409-411 8. Spring st. d4lm B^ATHING ESTABLISH MKNTS OR B~A~R bers:—Send address to gentleman treatiug all diseases successfully by new method; pru fttableouterprise. PROF. M., box 70, Daily Hkrai.d office. n3O 7t* "Tl OLMSTED, MANAGER HOLLENBECK . Ho n store, 114 W. Second st. Photo graph albums. n26 lm f'Q Aflil WILL BUY 5 ACRES OF THE lOlfl/U finest nursery land in the country, ose to city line, all piantod in choice fruit trees, with 2000 nursery trees, all under irri gating ditch. Address I. W POTTS, box 543, Station C. n2« lm LADIES— McCALL'S BAZAR; OLOVEFIT ting patterns. 231 8. Spring st. n23.1m PERSONAL— DIVORCES OBTAINED WITH the least possible publicity. Terms reason able. Advlco free Address "Lawyors," P. O. box 733, Station C, city. nls-tf MME. JOHNSON, FORTUNE TELLER. 624 Grand aye., between Seventh and Eighth I ts- n!3 lm" . JOTICE.— GALLAGHER A CDSBON. UN- . dertakers and Professional Embalmers. No. rE. First street. Telephone 1,030. Open ■ day and night. n3-lm I MBS. PARKER, BUSINESS MEDIUM AND ! clairvoyant, 224 8. Spring st. n2stf DIVORCE LAW A SPECIALTY. ADVICE : free. W. W. HOLCOMB, attorney's office. 24 West Flrst-st. rooms 10 and 11. n29-tf PERSONAL— 9,000 TAX BALES IN LOS AN geles County; one year to redeem. Do you I wjsh to know if yonr property was on the list? Send for county delinquent tax list, published only In Daily Hkbald. Moiled to any address for 25 cents. Jo2ltf ico housbTnortii MAIN STREET AND ( the I'laz'., under new management, has re- i cently been thoroughly renovated throughout. Conducted on European plan. The rooms large and airy; furniture, carp'its, etc., almost new Rates reasonable. Branch postoffice is located in this building. R J. PRICE, Proprietor. n 19-lm i LOS~AHGELES~ DH.TEC- : five Bureau will furnish reliable and expert dctec i ' tiv es to private persons on 1 *fiysmrj&**' b)\r>rt notice; wn invest ~ crime: locate missing parties; obtain evidei cc in civil aud criminal : action*; and all other legitimate business at tended to with dispatch. All transactions • atiictly coufldcntlal; best of references given < when required: terms reasonable Address - all communications to THOS. MCCARTHY, mm*., Room 38. Wi'son Bock. n9. lm j Cosrr AN Is f FUND— THE BEST PLACE TO HAVE YOUR < watches au J jewelry repaired, or jewelry J made to order; also find a good soleced 6tock : of aU kinds of jewelry suitable for holiday pres ents, at reasonable prices, by J. WALTEt. man- . itfact irlng j .wW. 20 3. Mnln at nlO 2m I HO I"fe t.S AND II OA ft l> Twii. ( bo J beautllul scenery; sunny rooms aud other \ pleasant surrouDdings; carrisge and buggy or i donkey hire roa«onable; shon drive to Pomona; j two mile* ffoin I.ordeburg postoffice, onC C R. t R. Blxh' La Verne n22 . WANTtD-HEIJ. of ] tact in every town and county to repre- \ sent an established hnu>c i salary $tis to $80 - per month. P.J. GANNON, Supt., 11l Mur phy Building, Ban Francisco. Cal. dl-lm* ,' WAN TEtipi X i«A yEJ* flllfi„„ W~' ANTEd"a GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; spplv at 215 San Pedro st, between Second and Third sta. dl 2t* f WaHTKD— FIsBT-CliASg CLOAK AND SUIT . lady; none hut experienced hands need | apply. Addrn s V. 8.. tilts ' fflce. ti3o 2t, , MTAI^i r ! ANTED—PICTUREB TO~ FRAME AT f Burns' Music Store, 152 8. Main st dltf J ANTED—A nORi<E AND CARRIAGE j lor the winter for its keep, by a responsi 1 ble p«ty from New York. Address Room 88, : Westminster hotel. dl 2t» | IGHEBT PRICE~I*AID FOR MISFIT AND 1 second hand clothing. 2.53 Commercial c near Alameda. S.MEYER. I nl7 sun m w sat lm : BookFwantbd -all ciffzkns having J private libraries or collections of books for t sale are reg iestedto notify the Librarian of the - Los Angeles Public Library of the same by t letter. By order of the Board of Directors of \ riie Los Angelei Public Library. T. L. Kelso, 1 Clerk and Lih-nrinn n7-lm . Won it.••;*'«•. J ample water, for a terra o' years. Apply y letter, or ou Saturdays between 9 and 12, i at Grand avo„ opposite Jenkins St. MUS. BTOSKM >N. n27 7t i^s*"iilbivi r -"-i»oofni» SECOND, NE*R LOS . I? Aureles street: cheap WM. S. DbVAN, No. 115H West First, room No. 1. dl 2t* , OR~REt-T — SIX NEW UNFURNISHED rooms. 255 Fourth ft . cor. Hill. n29 tf obFrent-nicb, lTrgbT BUNNY FUR nished rooms, single or en suite, by the I day, week or m»nth, at reasonable rates. See j Itoem at THK ARLINGTON, 115 Commercial t street, under the new management. n26 7* OR RENT—FUirNirUKD~ROOMB, AT NO 1 New High st, near Temple. n22lm ( OK BISE-tUBBE TOOK KW|LY hard finished rooms. Apply at 248 8. Hill st. n2tf ; TAOR RENT—FRONT ROOMS FOR OFFICES j JC In Newell Block, cor. Main and second sts.; piloe« reasonable. n24 lm rO« BtEWT—HQtJwEB. FOR RENT — HANDSOME 10-UOOMED house, partly furnished; large barn and chicken corral; 2 acres ln alfalfa; on E. Wash ington st. Only $40 per month. M. F. O'DRA, 45 8. Fort St. dl-7t OR BENT—HOUSE OF 8 BOOMS; BATH: dose in; cheap. 58 Wilmington st. dlst* OR FOrF ST., 7-ROOM house; partially furnished; with barn:s4o. J. 8. MALTMaN, room 5, Grand Opera Hnnse blk. dl 2t* OR RENT—A 5-ROOMED COTTAGE. FUR nlshed or unfurnished. 225 S. Bunker Hill aye. n3o3t*_ FOR REN I —HOUSE, AND FURNITURE FOR sale chesp. Inquire 226 8. Fort St. u23 tf OIFRENT, CHOICE 6-ROOM FURNI9HED dwelling; bath; barns and outhouses; three acres shrubbery, trees and flowers; near two oar Hues; close ln; $40 per month. W. R. BURKE, 55 N. Spring. n2l tf FOR RENT—HOUBEB ALL OVER THE CITY. 0. A. SUMNER A CO., 7 8. Fort St. nlO tf tSoR LONG MOT V to seloot from: free carriage. LOB ANGELES RENTAL AGEMCY 1 N Fort St. n2S tf TjiolTßTsNT^^A^^ J room. at No. 44 N. Spring st. n3O tf ■too B ,^_^]*!P:J l *ft*JESs*; BMOVAL—MBS. GRIFFITH, FORMERLY at 219 8, Fort, has removed to 418 8. Los Angeles st., wherfe oaa be found first-class room and board, pl 6 lm FOB SAliE—tjlty •nATilTrivil^^ vyUUU house of 7 rooms; 500 bearinu orange and other trees, all in fine condition; water piped to land; bounded by Bellevue. Margueret and Eureka sts. Apply to I. W POT TS, Waterloo st. n26 lm WANTED— A. BUVBB FOB 50 TO 200 FBET frontage In the heart of the olty, between Los Angeles and San Pedro streets, on Nor'h side of East Third street; now being opened 80 feet wide. Property must be sold to pavstreet assessments. Apply at BANDERS' WARE HOUSE, 151 Ban Pedro (treat. dccl 2t* SEE THE CSUJWrUtkS^T^OOsTAT THE opening at the Woman's Exchange, 25 E. Fourth street, December r>th, 6th and 7th. dl-4t THE FUTURE OF AMERICA. THIB IS THE title of the lecture which Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe Watson will deliver ln the Illinois hall on Monday eveninr, December 2d, for the pop ular and enterprising Illinois Association. Mrs. Watson ia said to be the most elcquent and attractive woman lecturer of the age. G'-od music will be provided for the occasion. Admission only 25 cents. dl-2t TO COLLECTORS OF AR¥ AND OLABSIO g"ms, historic relics aud medieval Icons ot religious thought, for sale. Wilton Block. First end Spring sts., Rooms 34 and 35. Ad mittance, 25 cents; to strangers, business, 10 cents, remitted on sale. Hours, 1 to sp. m. n8 lm* rn _ YPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT AT J. Longley's Shorthand and Typewriter In- Mltuto, 24 west Klrnt. ttreet. n5 lm rOt» isAliK—csunirv s»roper*y. T~AND li 10 to 100 acres, with water. Apply to H. KiIOEGEB, Anaheim. n22 lm FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—4O ACRBB, all orange land ln San Gabriel valley; house, barn, cistern, fence, grapes, fruit, water; below value, long time, low interest. 8. B. GORDON, owner, Bryson-Bonebrake block, Los Angeles. nltMmo lOK NAl.K—"iriTKcellsineous. FOR SaTe—SEWING MACHINES AT A sacriti-e. Singers, New Homes, Whites, Domestics, Wheeler A Wilsons aud Royal St. Johns, almost new and with all the latest im provements. WIILCOX & GIBBS, Automatic Sewing Machine Office, 8. Spring st. dl-lt* OR BALE-tt,oOo-PoUND DIEBOLD SAFE, steel chest, nearly new; 700-gallon oil tank; double spring wagon in perfect running order; each or all oan be had at a genuine bar gain, SAM. N. OSBORNE. 16 8. Main St. n3O 7t FOR SALE—FURNITURE, NEARLY NEW, whole or part. 1,511 S. Grand aye. n24-tf FOR SALE—ELEGANT NEW BTECK~PIANO. Room 8, 1., a. Natl nal Bank. nO tf TO EXOHAKOE, FOR HXOHAOiGE—GOOD CALIFORNIA FOR unincumbered Eastern property; lots for live stock; Kansas and Arizona income prop erty olear for California. KURTZ A LIST, 18 South Spring. n3 lm BUSINESS fJHArSjOJBSj IjlOR B\IF. - 1 Seventh st. and Union avenue. Owner about to leave city. Apply on premises. n3O 7t* FOR SALE—A FlltST-OLABB RESTAURAKT; thoroughly equipped: tine range and char coal broiler; splendid location: three years' lease; rent reasonable. Apply 43 8. Fort St. nl!)tf ■ FOB. StLE-ILIVE STOCK. FOR SALE—Wb'haVE SEVERAL HEAD of No. 1 work horses for sale, cheap. Ven tura Stables, 25 8. Los Angeles st. nlB tf FK AND Vernon avenue, or address J. W. HARRIS, box 469, .city. 1i25 2m* HO HO UGH Bit ED FOWLS AND EGGS OF 15 varieties by A. O. RUBCHHAUPT, on Btve street, Brooklyn Heights, P. O. Box 43 SUtinn P. Circulars fr°o. dl tf EiniOATIUItIAL. VIOLIN PLAYING TAUGHT BY GEORGE » Heemann; certifloate of Benin Conservatory of Music. Can be Keen at l'rof. Loeb's studio, Bryson Bouebrake block, room 19, between 12 and Ipm. n3O 2t* NIGHT CLASS IN ELOCUTION NOW FORM ing. Apply at I.uolam Sohool of Oratory and Arts, 580 South Olive st. n3O tf RAWINgT ROUND WitlTlNG, ESGROS3 log. Euclid, algebra, German language. Experienced teacher; terms moderate H. ECKERT. 22 Jackson St., Los Angeles. n3O 7t* R3. JEANIY~PEETB' STUDIO WILL BK open for pupils November 18th. Class in clay modelling now forming. Twenty lessons for $12. Orders taken for all high class work. nl6 3mos o7cE~^OiTtURE—MRS. JIRAH D. COLE wilt receive her pupils at her residence, 580 South Olive street, from this date. n5 tf i CCIDENTAL ACADEMY, 526 GRAND aye.; a boarding and day school; prepares boys for college or business. REV. J. W. PAKKHILL, principal. u2-tf S~T~ CATHARINE'S ACADEMY—A BOARD- | lug and Day Sohool: full courses of study, perfect care, charges m derate Address for particulars, THE BIBTER SUPERIOR, Ana- 1 helm, Cal. n25 tf OS ANOBLBB BUSINESS OOLLEGB AMD I English Training School, 38,40 and 42 8 Main st, near Second. Experienced teachers; complete courses of study. Day and evening I sessions. D. B. WILLIAMS. Prin. nls tf RS. NANNIE CATCHING, TEACHER OF Singing, Plauo and Guitar. Special rates to beginners. 337 Olive, near Fifth. nlstf CICHOOL OF CIVIL. MINING, MECHANICAL, . O Engineering, Surveying. Architect"re. Drawing, Assaying. A. VAN DEE NATL! EN, 723 Market St., Sau Francisco. nlo-5m WOODBURY 8 BUSINEBB COLLEGE —AND— SHORTHAND AND TYPBWRITINa INSTITUTE, 159 Soath Spring Street, Los Angeles, Oal SE9SIOSBBAY AND BVitNIKS. For partlorilare, call at offloe or address. «20-Tv V O WfIOTIRTTRV. PMncdnal. EJiEJiJiSiSIS?: : Makes from 12 to 24 hours :SANTA FE' quicker time to Missouri river ROUTE : and all Eastern points. Will : run personally conducted Tour Ist Exonrsions every Thursday under the man agement of Clarence A. Warner, formerly of the Warner Bros. Excursion Agency. For further Information apply to any ticket agent of the company, or to 8. P. HYNEB, Gen. Pass. Agent, 29 N. Bpring St., Los Angeles 0. A. WARNER, Excursion Manager. n2tf WINTER TRAVEL— FORTNIGHTLY TOUR Ist Exonrsions—Organised and conducted by the Southern Pacific Company, via the Sunset Route, New Orleans Birmingham, Chat tonoogo and Cincinnati, to Boston, New York, phliadelrhla and intermediates. Through service of Pullman Tourist Sleepers. Parties personally conducted by a Southern Pacific employe- Sleepers have improved heaters for light cooking and tea and cuffee. Adjustable lunoh tables in every section. 12 nours In New Orleans for sight-seeing. Leave Loa Angeles Oct 10th and 31st; Nov. 14th and 28th; Doc. 12th. 188 <; Jan 2d, 16th and 30th; Feb. 13th and 27th: March 13lhand 27th; April 10th and 24th, 18°0. Por further information apply to any Agent Southern Pacific Co., or to the General fas scnger Offico. 202 N. Main st., Los Angelea Cal. O. H. WHITE, Ticket Agent; J. M. CRAWLEY, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent: T. H. GOODMAN, G. P. A T. A.; R. GRAY, Gen'l Traffic M»r.; A. N. TOWNE, Qen'l Mgr. nls 5m DENVER AND RIO GRANDE AND B URLING ton route exonrsions, via Salt Lake City and Denver, leave Los Angeles every Thursday. Pullman tourist sleeping cars elegantly equipped. T.H. DUZAN.Agent, 34 South Spring street DENVER AND RIO GRANDE AND ROOK Island mate excursions leave Los Ange les every Tuesday. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars, fully equipped, to Chicago, Boston and New York. F. vY. THOMPSON, Agent, 110 N Spring st. n2 tf JIHTLIIPS' EXCURSIONS ARB PERBoN ally conducted in Pullman tourist oars rough to New York and Boston. Offloe, 44 N. Spring st. . n27 tf_ WALTERS' SELECT EXOURBIONB, PER sonally conducted to all points East with out <*»nge : l£NBpTijigst. n2Uf UNION PACIFIC EXCURSIONS LEAVE Los Anreles every, Wednesday; through Pullman tourist cars to Kansas Olty, Omaha, Chicago, New York and Boston. Call or ad dress JNO CLARK. 51 N Sprint st. dl tf ' ABsTH«CTB. BSTRacTAIfirTTrLE IN3UR4.NOE COM panynf Los Angeles, N. W. «or. Franklin aud New High streets. nl7llm THE SKOURITY TITLE INSURANCE AND Abstract Co. of 80. Cal., 40 N. Hnrlng St., rooms 4. 5 and 6. n!7-tf IDELITV ABSTRACT CO. PLANT, ROOMS 3 and 4 Phillips Blook No. 1. n!6 tf THE LOS ANGELES ABSTRACT COMPANY, No. 11 Temple at nV74I SUN DAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1. 1889.—TifiiN PAGES SJP^IALISTiS^ EP. HOY, M. D., OCULIST AND AORIBT, • treats tho eye and ear exclusively, :W , N. spring st Honrs 10 a. m. to 4p. m. and 7 to 8 p.m. nls 5m M HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D.,"_. C. P. 8. • O. Specialist in diseases of the head, throat and chest. Compound oxygen and other medicated inhalations used ln all eases of the respiratory organs. Osflce movea to 37 South Fort St., between First and Second, Office honrs from 9a.m.t04 p. m. Sundays from 2 to 2:30 p. m. n2 B~ ¥i_vuFly ino-in hospital ilTnow opeo, under the management of Mrs. Dr. J. H. Smith. Patients can nave their choice of physicians, and the best of care is given, Mid wifery a specialty. 145 Bellevue aye. n2Btf R. I. 87"weya~nd7 HERNIA SPECIALIST. Office, 115 South Matn st, Booms 3 and 4. n3O 6m AS. LANGLBY, ELECTRIC PHYsTciAN, • cor. Second and l.os Angeles sts. Electrical treatment, baths and massage. u3otf HOWEOPAXJHISTS^ \fREI. H. TYLER. WILCOX, ST 1)., CORNER ill First and Spring st, Wilson block. n-S-tf ALBERT WILLIAMS, M. D.—OFFICE, 121 8. Spring st., hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5; resi dence, 1604 Graud aye. n23 tf SB.S ALISBDBY, M. D.. HOMOJOPATHIST. . Offloe, rooms 11 and 12, L. A. Bank build ing, cor. First and Spring sts. Residenoe, 588 8. Pearl st. Office hours, 11 a. h. to 8 r. ». Telephone Nos.: Offloe SO7: residence 577, • n24tt DBS. BEACH 4 37 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Office hours, 8 to 12 _~ 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 r. a. Dr. Boynton's residenoe. 735 Olive St. nl9tf d., OFFICE AND RESt Li. denoe, 24 8. Spring st, Hours 1 to 4 r. x. Telephone3sB. nl4 ISAAC FELLOWS, at. D.—HOMBOP ATHIST Office Hours—ll to 18 a, m., Bto 6 r. v., Offloe—Nos. 2 and 5 Odd Fellows' Building, Los Angeles, Oal Residence 408 South Main stroet n»-tf, OKNTINTN. STEVENS & PONT DENTISTB, 7 N. 81'RINli st. Rooms 18-19 Schumacher block Fill ings, $1 up; porcelain and gold crowns, $5 up; plates. $4 to $10. Painless extraction by the electric vibrator, the only one in the city. n22 lm bTjTmT WHITE, DE. E. L TOWNSEND, —Dentists, — 41 South Spring street First building north of Bryson-Bonebrake block. Telephone 138. nlO lm G. CUNNINGHAM, DENTIST, REMOVED . to No. 31 N. Spring st, rooms 1 and 2 Phillips block, Los Angeles, Cal. nlstf 1882 ESTABLISHED 1882 DR. 1.. W. WELLB, COR. SPRING AND FIRST sts,, Wilson block; tako elevator; Room 36; teeth filled without pain: anmstheticper fectly harmless; all kinds of dentistry done and teo'b extracted positively without pain. n4 tf TjJAMS BROB.T DENTISTS, _3 8. SPRING fx street, Rooms 4 and 5. Gold fillings from $2 np. Amalgam and silver fillings, SI. Painless extraction nf teoth by vitalised air or nitrons oxide gac, $1, Teeth extracted without gas or alr„so cents. Best sets of tooth from $6 to $10. By onr now method of making teeth, a misfit is impossible. All work guaranteed. We make a specialty of extracting teeth with out pain. Office Hoars from Ba, m., to 5 p.ra. Sundays from 10 a. m, to 13 m. Evenings, 7p.m. to 9 p. m. nB-tf ATTORNEYS. ISIDORE B. DOCKWEILER. ATTORNEY-AT law, rooms 10 and 11, Bryson-Bonebrake Block. nl7 lm* B, B. Tbeat. F. B. Willis, ~ Com ml ►sinner for lowa. WILLIS & TREAT, ATTORNEYS. RO'IMS 35 to 38 Lanfranco block, 118 N. Main at,, Los Angeles, Cal. n!5 lm R. K. WOOD. K. C. HESTER. A. H. WDSOM. TTJDBON, HE3TBR A WOOD, ATTORNEYB -0 at Law, 117 New High street, rooms 17, is, 19, University Bank building, Los Angeles, Cal. nS-tf D. LONGBTRE ET—ATT OR NE VAT liwi . Room 100, Phil Ups Block. tf WF. HEATH MAN, ATTO~RNE y"at"la W. • Rooms 21 and 18 Bryson-Bonebrake block. n!7tf SB. GOBDON, ATTORNEY, BIMOVBD TC . Rooms 28-29, Bryson-Bonebrake Building. nl7 tf Ukorok H. Smith. Thomas L. Windeb. Hknbv M. BWITH. ' SMITH, WINDER & SMITH, ATTORNEYB -at-Law, will practice ln all tho State and Federal Courts. Offices: Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, University Bank building, 117 New High st, Los Angeles, Cal. Telephone, No. 583. nl4tl ANIEL PIOKIT, 'room 19, Jones block, 75 N. Spring at, over RnstQTi atoTP lAngelas Cal. n4*f financial.. L. SCHM'DT, 109 W. Ist St.,room 13. n6 PACIFIC LOAN COMPANY—LOANS MONEY in any amounts on all kinds of personal property and collateral security, on pianos without removal, diamonds, jewelry, seal skins, horses, carriages, libraries or any prop erty ol value; also on furniture, merchandise, etc., in warehouse; partial payments received, monoy withont delay; private offices ior con sultation. WILSON ,fc DkGKQOT, Managers, Rooms 14 and 15, No, 8214 South Spring at. n29 ti iTSMoQo TO LOAN AT R. G. LUNT'S LOAN AND INBURANCE AGENCY, Cor. First and Fort, Redick Block, Los Angeles, Agent for the GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY of San Francisco. n22 1m 11 AAA I ifsfs—B * * FBAICOISfIO wA.UUVy.V/V/tJ money, to loan on ohoioe ciiy and rancho property: lowest rates and best terms. W. R. BURKE, 55 N. Spring st. n2l lm T~~OWER CALIFORNIA MINING COMPANY'S J stock bought and sold. RICHARD GAR VEY, Ban Diego. dl-3t MONaY LOANED ON WATCHES, DlA monds, musical instruments and all kinds 01 personal pr petty Everything strictly pri vate And confidential. Address P. O. box 1632. n2B lm ONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE—O. A. SUMNER & CO.. 7 S. Fort st n2O-tf JTONEY TO LOAN PIA.NO3 WITHOUT REMOVAL, MORTGAGES, NOTES, ETC., —ALSO— Personal property of all descriptions. F. A. GARBUTT, room 23, Bryson-Bonebrake block, n 13-lm* ONI Y~L~O A NED 6N~IT T~AM ()ND 8, watches, Jewelry, pianoi, sealskins, live stock, carriages and all kinds of personal and collateral security. 304 S. Spring and SW. First sts., room 1. n 13-lm •mo LOAM. Sl.OOO to 9100,000. , At the Main-street Savings Bank and Trust Co J. B. LANKER3HIM, President, n!3-tf 326 8. Main st. CRAWFORD A McCREEKY, Room 10, over Los Angeles National Bank, Corner First and Spring s reets. Loan 850 to $50,000 on oity and country prop erty; buy notes and mortgages; conservative first mortgages ior sale. dl 2m MONEY TO LOAN—IN LARGE OR SMALL amounts on real estate security, by POHLHAUS A SMITH, No. 28 N. Spring st., room 4. , n3lm AC-AA Ail A TO LOAN UPON IMPROVED ©OUU'IIUU city and country property; lowest rates; loans made with dispatch. Ad dress the Northern Counties Investment Trust, Ltd., FRED. J. SMITH, Agent, Pomona, Cal. RW. POINDEXTER, 25 W. SECOND ST.— . Leans on good city or country property, dltf MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT. L. SCHMIDT, No. 109 W. First St., Boom 13. ' n4 tf $100,000 l°£f^£!*' SB MONEY TO LOAN ON MOBTGAGE. MOR- M TIMER A HARRIS, attorneys-at-Uw 78 Temple Moo*. ' n8«I _ PHTIIOHmiI. DB. ELIZABETH FOLLANBBEE. HAS BE. turned Irom the Eut. Offloe end residence, ' 240 S. Fort st. Offloe hours, from 11:30 s. m. to 3:30 p.m. n24-tf DR. N. MAIN ST., Los Angeles. Specialty: Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Chest. Office hours, 10 to 12, ! 2 to 5, 7to 8. Tel: Office, 96: residence, 964. Residence, 1410 Temple st. nl7 DR. LEONID A OUVHSRI, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon Office and residence, Loa An geles st, corner First, No 4. Office hours. 10 a. m. to 12: 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. n2O 2m HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., M. 0. P. 8. •O. Specialist in diseases of the head, threat and chest, including tho eye, ear and heart. Oxygen, compound oxygen, nitrogen, monoxide, ana other medicated inhalations, us«d ln all diseases of tho respiratory organs. Office, 37 Sonth Fort street, Irom 9 a. m. to «r. M. nlO DB. JOSEPH"KURTZ,~2«O - n7 MAIN ST. Office hours: 11 to 12 a. m.; 4to 6 and _to 9 p, m. n26 tf (1 P. BAGG, M. D.. ROOMS 1. 8 ANITiT J. Los Angeles National Bank Building, Los Angeles, CaL Telephone 485. dl tf DB. JOHN W. REESE, Noi it. Roim 23 Schumacher block. Office notus: 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 4 p -.n., 7to 0 n m- Residence, No. W. First st. nlStf DR. DARLING - OCULIST AND AURJBT Offloe 2R North Main St. Office Honrs. 9 a 4 T. K. d ltf-dAw /J. W. BURLEIGH, M. D., 1218 SPRING BIT *_»• Specialties, diseases of women (medloal and surgical). Chronio diseases of stomach and bowels. n3 tf "st. Hi~ABKNBBIt B.G. FROM THE UNIVEK sity of Berlin, treats all chronic diseases successfully; diseases of the sexual organs a specialty. Hoars, Bto 10, 2t04,7 to 8. Room 15, Bryson-Bonebrake block. n2O tf f\B r iirstisf fiMfTB "pifiir >nirn" 6? If women a specialty. Rectal diseases onred without tbe knife by the BrlnkerhofT system. Those suffering with any form ol chronio or rectal disease will do well to investigate oar system of treatment. Office, corner Main and Seventh sts. Robert's blook. nIC-tf mJGH¥B,"TOBMRR RESIDENT Surgeon to tbe New York Hospital. 75 N. Spring st. Hoars, 9to 13,2 to 5. Tel. No. 1,026. Dr. o. remov"e"d~ his office from 75 N. Spring to 41 8. Spring at Hours from 11 A. a. to 2r. X. Specialty-- Sex ual and skin diseases, chronic diseases in gen- a2ia T.B. CHAS. DE SZIGETHY. OFFICE AND If residence, 313 8. Main st. Tele. 1,056. tf TGI A. DE CAILHOL, mTd.—AT HM~SAnT JPj. tariam, Pearl, south ot Temple. Telephone 881 nl -M misin *«;.«.. MASONIC NOTICE — THK MEM- * bers of Los Angeles Lodge, No. 42, Jt\ F. A A. M., aro hereby notified that V the election of officers for the ensuing /\&\ Masonic year will take pUce on Mon- ' — ' day, December 2d, 1889, at 7:30 p.m.', at Masonic Hali, 29>J South Spring st. Your par ticular attention is called to Sec. 6. By order of W. M u27 td D. J. CARR, Secretary. . j... JK-yag'M:ici MBS. O. T. 811 EC A RD, OF CHICAGO, META physical Teaoher and lealer, is at the Ramona, cor. Spring aud Third streets, Los Angeles. All interested in cote physics are cordially invited to call. Glasses will open at an early gate. Mrs. Shepard's method of In struction is *niinpntlv practical. rilO lm AHUHIItIUnn. CH. BROWN. ARCHITECT, OFFICE, BRY . son-Bonebrake block, 3d floor, rooms 42 and 43. nl4tf AvT AUCTION! WITHOUT LIMIT, —AT THU— Z N SILVER : HOUSE, 244 N. Main Street, BAKKR BLOCK, EVERY DAY AT 10 A. M„ By Catalogue, untU the entire stock is dis posed of. Superb Solid Silver Ware, Rogers' Best Table Ware, Quadruple Silver Plate In Oreat Variety, Ornaineats, Mold Headed Canes, Opera Olasses, etc., etc. Tho Costly Fixtures now for sale, n9 lm ~ge().~w. cookeTcolT —WHOLESALE— Paper Dealers and BootMaders, 108 Nortn Cos Ang. in street* Ml* ANSELES. OAL. dltf $3.66 ■Tor One Bozen Finest Finished Cabinet Photographs. We guarantee them to be as fine as any made in the city. Come early wich the babies. N. B.—Parties holding contract tickets on other galleries will be allowed $1.00 on their order. WESNER, 21 West First street, bet. Main and Spring. nl9-6m DRESSMAKINGI MISS SUMMERFIELD Has Jest returned from the East, and ahe will be glad to see her patrons at her DRESSMAKING BOOMS, At B*B% Mouth Spring- Street. n22 lm M. Hopkins & Co., Un dertakers and Embalme rs OPEN DAY AND NIGHT TELKFBONB NO. 249. n7 tf 35 South Main Street. W- F. WEBER, Meat Market. ALL KINDS OV MEATS AND BATJBAGKB ALWAYS ON HAND. 306 SOUTH SPRING STREET, n2 lm Los Angeles Oal. A Speedy Cure Warranted. DB. BELL'S GERMAN EXTRACT CURES all private syphilitic chronic, urinary, skin and blood diseases; catarrh, lung affeo ' tions, female complaints, and all snob diseases ss are brought about by indiscretion and ex cesses; SI. No euro no pay. Dr. Bell's , French Wash cures all private diseases, blood poison, old sores and ulcers, G. A O. in two or three days. SI. No preparation on earth eqnal .to it. For rale only at tbe BERLIN DRUG . STORE 405 South Spring street Los Angeles, I Cal. They save over 80,000 testimonials oi wonderful cores. ocOSm LOCAL EVENTS. Lncky People at the Relief Corps Fair. THOSE WHO WON THE PHIZES. The Inqaest on the Body of W. A. Clinton—Other News of Interest. In spite of the rain the attendance at the Woman's Belief Corps Union Fair last night was very good. The usual programme of dances was given, and the entertainment passed off very success fully. The principal feature of the even ing was the closing of the polls on the various contests for prizes which had been in progress during the week. As was expected, the voting for county snd city officers and for most popular G. A. R. men grew very exciting toward the close, and the total receipts on these three approaches $800; The sword for the G. A. R. man goes to Captain Barrett, who had 544 votes. The nearest to him was Gard, with 235 votes. Theodore Sammerland, Council man of the Eighth ward, carried off, with 474 votes, the elegant silk crazy quilt, which was to go to the most popular city official. The others in the poll stood as follows: Brown, 350; Wirsching, 50; Morford, 41; Hazard, 14; and Teed, 30. Tbe black silk quilt for a county officer was won by Martin Aguirre, with 1,014 votes. This was the most exciting contest of all. The others stood: Dunsmoor, 70; Francis, 895; Mason, 175. This fight netted $215.70. The pink apron for a young lady of the W. R. C. was won by Miss Bara clough, of Gelcich past, with 179 votes. Miss Donnell had 72 votes and Miss Mc- Lellan 66. The slnmber robe for an at torney went to Judge Ling, who had 90 votes. Willis had 30 and White 15. Captain McKeag, of the police force, won the black silk quilt, with 63 votes. Fletcher had 40 votes; Roberts 15 and Glidden 10. Mrs. Johnson, of Stanton, received the bureau set for a President of aW. R. 0. The vote stood 216; Mrs. Weeks, 215; Mrs. Sterling, 90; and Mrs. Tarble, 14. Several new contests were begun and finished last night. For a young lady in the candy booth, a box of candy was offered. The vote was: Miss Tarble 76 and Miss Douglas 50. For the handsomest G. A. R. widow the vote stood: Mrs. Rickey 60. Mrs. York 28 and Mrs Wise 7. The prize was a painted apron. The fair will be open Monday night, and a grand ball will take place. CLINTON'S DEATH. Tne Coroner's Jury Final Ttiat It ' was Accidental. Coroner Meredith held an inquest, yesterday afternoon, upon the body of William A. Clinton, the man who was killed on Friday evening by being rnn over by a street car on Second street. The body was identified at the morgue by B. H. Clinton, a brother of the deceased, who testified that the body was that of W. A. Clinton, a native of Missouri, aged 43 years, and a etene mason by occupation. The deceased was a hard drinker and was slightly deaf. G. H. Baxter, a colored man, said that he saw the deceased struck by tho car as he attempted to cross the street. O. E. Mason, an attorney, testified that be was crossing Los Angeles etreet when the car stopped, and as he heard two groans be ran back and assisted the car men in lifting the car from the body of the injured man, who was carried to the porch of the Grange Lodging House near by. The mules were approaching at an ordinary trot and be was of the opinion that the driver could have stopped his car in time to prevent its running over the deceased after he fell. G. E. McCriety was stand ing on the porch of the Grange House and saw the deceased fall. He assisted in lifting the car from the prostrate form of the deceased. Officer M. Whaling brought the man up from the Grange to tbe Police Station in the patrol wagon. He smelt the man's breath and was of the opinion that he was drunk, though it was evident from his inability to sit up in the wagon that he was pretty badly hurt. G. Defrain, the driver, and W. E. Longstreth, the conductor, of the car, testified that the deceased reeled and fell within six feet of the car, the front wheels of which passed over his body before the car could be stopped. After a lengthy deliberation the jury returned a verdict of accidental death. The deceased,who came from Missouri about ten months ago, had been out of work for some time past and leaves a wife and five children, of whom the eld est is a 17-year old girl, in absolutely destitute circumstances. Prize winners. The following articles of the Orphans' Fair have been raffled: A valuable camel's hair shawl, No. 61, won by Mrs. Hancock; silver center piece ; Kpergne), No. 3; lace spread and shams, No. 68; lady's gold watch, won by Mrs. Lucia Archimont, No. 137; "L'Angelus," etch ing, from Millet, No. 117; dinner set, No. 297, won by Miss Tracy; oil paint ing, "Lakes of Killarney," No. 66; large doll, No. 37, won by F. W. Sabichi; des sert knives, No. 39, won by Mr. J. J. Mooney; wall banner, No. 121; writing fluid and gold pen. No. 27, won by M. E. Maloney; silk quilt, No. 45, won by Emile Parck; shell basket, No. 121; gent's gold cane, No. 25; oil painting (landscape). No. 54; crazy quilt. No. 117, lace shams, hand made, No. 47; earrings, No. 13; doll, No. 67; smoking jacket, No. 119. Many of the above articles have not been claimed and may be found at the Sisters', corner Macy and Alameda streets. County Morticultnrlsts. The Los Angeles County Horticultural Board met at 10 a. m. yesterday, a full membership present. Upon motion of Mr. Hamilton the board passed the following resolution: We hereby resolve that after a very careful examination of the so called red scale parasite made by this board we cannot come to any other conclusion than that FIVE CENTS. tbe parasite is not doing the work that has been accredited to it. The board most earnestly reonests the people to commence work at once on their orchards and endeavor to clean them by some other means. Mr. Kercheval reported that he bad appointed Mr. E. B. Flack to fill the va cancy caused by the resignation of Mr. G. Compere. Upon motion of Mr. Driffill the board ratified tbe appointment of Mr. Flack. Mr. Kercheval was instructed to pro ceed against F. O. Cass unless be cleans his orchard within seven days. Upon motion of Mr. Driffill the board resolved that where an owner or agent of any orchard or lot refuses to clean up said orchard or lot, after having been duly notified by an inspector, he shall bo proceeded against by tbe Commissioner in charge of the district where said parties reside. THE DOCTOR'S STORY. His Theory at why Mr*. Clark** tear la ft aort. The ease of Mrs. Hattie G. Clark against Dr. S. 8. Salisbury is still before Judge Clark, of Department 2 of the Superior Court. As readers of the Her ald will recall, Mrs. Clark demands damages because her leg, which was broken, healed up shorter than the other, and Dr. SalUboro, who attended her, ia alleged to have treated the break badly. Dr. Salisbury tells his side of the story to the effect that when first summoned be found the plaintiff in a hack with both bones of her leg broken. Her husband was in the hack intoxicated. Dr. Salisbury says he attended to the case as well as could be, but that Mr. Clark was continually drunk and neglected to care for his wife. He did not give her medicine prepared for her, but carried it about in his pocket for days. The doctor ordered a nurse, but when Clark fonnd it would cost $1S a week he refused to employ the nurse. Yesterday afternoon expert, were on tbe stand to tell the jury how such a wound should be treated, in order to show whether or not this case had been properly attended to. It will take at least another day to finish the case. SUSAN B'S WILL. BM tho Neg-reos lortr tho em- porium Paper. The trial of Laura E. Sample, the negress charged with forging the will of (he late 0. L. Sasand, is on before Judge Shaw in Department 6 of the Superior Court. The State yesterday called Deputy Clerk D. E. Adams to show who filed the will for probate. To tbis at each step the attorney for Mrs. Sample objected for come mysterious purpose— mysterious if she is not guilty. It was shown, in spite of objections, that Robert Hardin, an attorney, filed the paper, and Hardie being caiied, testified that he did so, acting for Mrs. Sample. Tbe will was then offered in evidence, bat the woman's attorney did not wish this done. After some argument the docu ment was put in evidence. The negress is not helping her case at all, if reports are trne tbat she allege* her attorneys, who seem to be doing their best for her, are really selling her out. martin I.acr's Death. | The many friends and acquaintances of Mr. Martin Lacy will be grieved on learning of his death, which took place at 2:30 yesterday afternoon in the Sis ters' Hospital, where he had been con fined whilst Buffering with an affection of the lungs for the past two months. Mr. Lacy was widely known in business circles in this State, having been en gaged as manager of the house estab lished here by George W. Meade & Co., of San Francisco, as also by the well known firm of Dalton Bros. In recent years Mr. Lacy associated himself with the firm of F. M. Keach & Co., of this city. Mr. Lacy was a prominent member of tbe Young Men's Institute during his residence in Los Angeles, and was highly esteemed by his fellow brothers. He tilled the office of President of No. 36 some two years ago. Toe arrangements for his burial are in the hands of his fellow brothers of the Y. M. 1., and will take place from the Church of Our Lady of Angels, at 0:39 tomorrow morning. No doubt there will be a large attend ance at his funeral, as his circle of friends in this city was quite large. The members of the Y. M. I. are re quested to meet at their hall, No. 17 North Main street, at 0 a. m. Monday, for the purpose of attending his funeral in a body. J. iTlarlon the Loser. In Jane, 1387, when the boom was at flood tide, Hon. J. Marion Brooks plunged like a thoroughbred and bought the Philbin tract of 36 65 acres for $125,000. He cut it np into about 200 lota and sold off one-third of them for nearly $100,000. T. J. Cuddy and J. W. Green recently came into court and alleged that they held a written agreement with Brooks, according to the terms of which Cuddy was to get 25 per cent., Green one-third aud Brooks two-thirds of the balance of all net profit realized on the deal. Tbe case was tried here in tbe Superior Court and went in favor of Cuddy and Green. Brooks appealed the case and the Supreme Court has handed down a decision affirming the decision. A Now Witness. The toils seem to toe tightening around Captain F. M. Garrett Fate seemß to fight against the man like tbe stars against the Syrian King. He sent to find Malta's mother to help him ont, bat found her to come here and swear the truth on behalf ot her long lost child. Now bobs up a new witness in the per son of a man who knew Garrett and Annie Lewis in the old days, when love's young dream was fresh between them. These are the facts Malta's side now allege. Two Divorces. Yesterday in the Superior Courts two pairs were divorced, the cause being desertion in both cases. John K. With erspoon was divorced from Margaret A. Witherapoon, and John F. Marshall was divorced from Lizzie F. Marshall. Undelivered Telr arrant* At the Western TJaioa Telegraph office, corner Court and Main streets, Novem ber 30,1888: Miss Matilda Johnston, £. K. Gird, George Ooz, William H. Tourtellotte, Miller * Co., M. Tomioh.