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OFFICII!.. 6^Dlli r (New Series.) AR ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 29 OF OKUI NANCK NO. 287 (NEW SERIES) ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THK MAYOR AND COUN OIL OF THE CITY OF LOS ANOELIS FOR TIIE PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE AND EXPLOBIONB, AND REGULATING THK KRKcnON OF BUILDINGS," APPROVED JULY 25, A. v. 1889. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Au geles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Ssetlou 29 ol Ordinance No. 2H7 (New Series) entitled "An ordinance of the Mayor aud Council ol the City of l.os Angeles tor the protection of life and proporty from tire sud explosions, sud regulating tho erection of buildings," approved July 25, A. D. 1889 be snd the same Is hereby amended to read at follows: . „_, Sec. 29. The outer walls of frame buildings •hall bo form-1 with Uuddlug and covered with rustic •■hentluß shingles or »ny arrange ment of sis in c materials equally substantial on the ci.tilde. For buildings of one story lv hold!* 'hn s'uddiug shsll not ba l*ss thas 2x4 mi i. >c uiing; for buildings of two stories ln height the -tuddlng shall not be less than 2x4; for buildings of three stories in hslght the ttuddiug shall sot bo less than 6x2 inck scantling; and for buildings oi fourstorlos in height the suiddlng shall not be less than Sx3 inch tcantlisg for height of two stories, aad 6x2 inch scantling for third and fourth stories. All epeninga for doors, windows, etc., shall have double studding for jambs. All studs shall be set on the plates mpon which ths joists rest where it li practicable. Ths floor jotsta shall reit upon outside walls, except where trimmed out for stairs or other openings. Should It be Impracticable to rest the joists ot eaoh cud on the outside walls, it than be re quired to have the partition or girder upon which thoy may rest of e<iual hearing strength with ths outside wall. All angles shall be solid studded. When brick walla are used as foundations for frame buildings, they shall not be less than eight inches ln thickness for a oue-story frame building; aud for a bnildinL'of not more than three stories in height tbe foundation walls shall not bo less than twelve inches in thick ness; and for a building of five storios in height the foundation walls shall not be less than sixteen inches lv thickness. If there are no cross walls, there shall be pisrs of not less than eight inches projection by ' • face or width of two feet and four inches, built to strengthen the wails, at distance* not to exceed sixteen feet apart. Where chimney breasts are carried out they shall bo considered as piers. It is to be under stood that the main longitudinal or bearing partitions are to be 'underpinned t,ha same as i the outside walls. I Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the i passage of this ordinance and cause tne same i to be pit illshed ouoe in the Los Augeles Daily t Herald, and thereupon and thereaiter the > same shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance I was adopted by the Council of the City of Los t Angeles at Us meeting of November 25th, 1839. i FREEMAN G. TEED, I City Clerk. Approved this 30th day of November, 1889. . HENRY T. .HAZARD, I d 2 It Mayor. . ORDINANCE NO. 400. (New Series.) 1 ORDINANCE OF INTENTION. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF I THK CITY OF LOB ANGELES, DECLARING THEIR I INTENTION TO IMPROVE A PORTION OF OSANiIK STREET. . I — ) The Mayor and Council of the City of.Lu Ange- J les do trdain as follows: . Section 1. That, the public Interest and con venience require that Orange street in said city between Pearl aud Loomis, ou the north side, , and between Pearl street and Kip street on the south side, ba sidewalked; that it is the iuten- j tloa of the Council of said City of Los Angeles j to order the following work to be done, to-wit: Ist That aald north sldo of Orange street, from west line of Pearl to the east curb line of ' Loomis snd south side of Orange street, in Baid , olty, from the west Hue of Pearl street to the . east curb lino of Kip street be sidswalked with cement lv accordance with plans and speci fications on file in the office of the City Clerk of the city of Los Angeles, for sidewalkiug streets in said city, said specifications being No. , excepting from the above that portion of the sidewalk that has been already laid and , accepted by the city. Sec 2, The Saperintendent of Streets shall publish a notice of tbis proceeding each day for six consecutive days (after tbe publication of this ordinance) in the Los Angeles Daily Herald, the official newspaper of the city, and shall pott copies of laid notice along the line of said proposed improvement at a distance of not to exceed three hundred feet upirt, and if within i ten days after the expiration of the publication of said notice, the property owners along the Hue of said improvement amounting to oue hal' of the frontage thereof, shall file wl'h tbe Olty Clerk a written objection against said im- , p-ovement, then and in that case said im- - provemeut shall not be proceeded with. sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, aud shall cause tho f same to be published for two days in the Los ( Angeles Daily Hibald, aud thereupon and , thereafter it shall take effect and be in lorce. ~ I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance \ was adopted by the Council of the City of Los , Augeles, at lt« meeting of November 25, A. D. . 1889, by the following vote: i Ayes—Messrs. Bonsall, Browu, Hamilton, , McLain, Sammerland, Shafer, Van Dusen, , Wirsebing aud President Frankenfield. 1 FREEMAN G. TEED, , City Clerk snd ex-offlcio Clerk of the Council , of the City of Los Angeles. . , Approved this 30th day of November, 1889. . HENKY T. HAZARD. , d 2 2t Mayor. ( ORDINANCE NO. 404. (New Series). AN ORDINANCE DKCLARINO THE INTENTION OK . THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES, TO CHANGE and ESTABLISH THE ORADKS OF CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. Thst It is the intention ol tbe Council of the City of Los Angelas to change aud establish the grade of Pearl street, from Orange to Seventh streets on the west sldo, and ou the east side from a point 220 feet south of the south line of Sixth street to Seventh Btreet, aa follow!: At the northwest corner of Orange street the . grade shall be as now established, 23.00. At the northwest corner ol Seventh street the grade shall be 15.00. At a point ln the east line of Pearl street, 220 ieet south of the south line of Sixth street, the grade shall boas now establish".!, 30 00. At s point in the east line of Pearl street, 277 feet south of the south Hue of Sixth street, the grado shall be 27.25. At s point in the east lino of Pcf,rl street, 130 feet north of the north line of Seventh street, the grade shall he 19.40. At the northeast corner of Seventh street the grade Bhall be 14.00, as now established. sine. 2. That It li the intention of the Coun cil of the City of Loa Augeles to ohaugo and usta bllsh the grade of the north side of Seventh street, from Pearl street to a point SO feet westerly, as follows. At the northwest corner of Seventh street the grade shall be 15.00. At a point lv the north line of Seventh street. SO feet westerly from the we t Hue of Pearl street, the grade shall be as now established, 17.00. All elevatlona are in feet and above city datum plane. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall oertlfy to the passage of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to bo published for ten daya ln tho Los Angeles Daily Hxrald, snd thereupon and thereafter the same shall take effect and bo In force. I horeby oertlfy that the foregoing ordinanco was adopted by the Council ol the City of l.os Angeles, at Its meeting of November 25, A. D lBB9 ' FREEMAN G. TEED, City Clerk. ADDroved this 30th dayof November, 1889. py HENRY T, HAZAP.D, d£S 10* Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. 469. (New Series.) »1! ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BUILDING COMMITTSE OF THE COUNCIL »F THK CITY OF LOS ANGELES TO EXPEND A SUM NOT EXCEED ING THREE 110NDBED DOLLARS FOR THK RE MOVAL OF TBE PISE STREET SCHOOL HOUSE. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Building Committee of the Coubcll of the City of Los Angeles are hereby authorized to bind aald city In a snm aot to exceed three hundred dollars for the re moval of the Flue-street school hotiae without entering into a contract lv writing. Sec. 2. The City Clerk Bhall certify to the pas sage of this ordinance, and oause the same to be publlihed once in the Los Augeles Daily Herald, and thereupon sud theiealter the aame shall take effect snd be ln force. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinanco was adopted by the Council of tho City of Loa Augslea. at Its meeting of November 25, A. D. ■*" 9 ' FREEMAN G. TKKD, City Clerk. Approved thti At It THK LO£ ANGELES DAILY HERALD: MONDAY MOKIMING. DECEMBER 2, 1889. ernoi.AX, MO. 46S\ (New Serlei.) AN ORDINANCE DEC'LARISc. THI INTENTION Of THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL 01' THK CITY OK LOS ANOELKS TO CHANGE AN D ESTABLISH THE GRADES 01 CERTAIN STREETS IN THS CITT OF LOS ANGELES. The Mayor and Council of the City of Imi Ange les do ordain as follows: Section 1. Tint it Is the intention of tho Council of the City ef Lou Angeles to chp.uge aud establish the yratle of Sixth street, from a point 250 feet west of the west line of Luoss avenue to Lucks avenue, as follows: At a point 250 feet west of the west lino of Lucas aveuue the grade shall be as now estab lished, 112 00. At a point 100 feet west of tbe west line of Lucas avenue the grade shall be 113.00. At the Intersection with Lucas avenue the grade shall be 10!).00. also in oast line opposite thereto. Sec. 2. That it is the intention of the Coun cil of the City of Los Augeles to ctiange aud establish the grade of Lucas aveuue, from Ward street to Orange Btreet, as lollows: At the intersection with Ward stroet thegrade shall bo as now established. 04.00 on tho south east earner and 03.00 on the southwest corner. At the intersection with sixth Btreet the grade shall ba 100.00; and aleo in east line op posite thereto. At the north line of Orange street the grade shall be as now established, 77.00. All elevations aro iv feet and above datum plane. Sec. 3. The City Clerk Bhall certify to the passage of this ordinance, and cause the same to be puolished for ten days in the Los Angeles Daily Herald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. 1 hereby certify that the foregoiDg ordinance was adopted by the Council of the City of Los Angeles at its meeting of November 25th, A. D. I*B9. FREEMAN 14. TEED, City Clerk. Approved this 30th day of November, 188 ft. KINKY T. HAZARD, _<r2_lot Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. 470. (New Series.) AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE AMOUNT TO RE I'AID PER FRONT FOOT FOR CONNECTING WITH PUBLIC SEWERS. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los An geles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a'l parties desiring to con nect property, either directly or indirectly, with any pub/ie sewer of said city shall make appli cation to the Street Superintendent, who shall issue a permit to make such sewer convections, if the said property has been assessed for the construction ol said sewer with which it is proposed to connect, aul such assessment has been paid, provided, that In all oases iv which the said property haß not been assessed for the construction of soil sewer, the Street .Superin tendent shall Issue a permit to make Buch con nection only on the payment to him of the sum of sixty cents per front foot of the property sought to be conncotod. Sec. 2. That in cast the assessment of sixty cents per front foot provideß for ln Section 1 hereof bo paid on proDerty fronting on a street ou which there is no public sewer, and there- ; after a public sewer be built on said street and said property be assessed for its construction, and said assessment ho paid, tho owner of said property will be entitled to have repaid him from the City Treasury the said assessment of sixty cents per front foot. Sec. 3. The Street Superintendent is hereby empowered to collect and receive the monies mentioned in Section one (1) hereo', and shall pay the same to the City Treasurer, who shall receipt to him therefor, and plaeo the same to tho account of the llenpral Sewer Fund Sec. 4. Ordin-nce No. 427, entitled, "An ordinance fixing thecost to be paid per front foot for connecting with public Sewers," ap- i proved Octobor 30.1889, aud all ordinaucos or parts of ordinances cod dieting herewith arc hereby repealed. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passago of this ordinance; and cause the same to be published ouco in the Los Angeles Daily Herald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify thai the foregoing ordinance ; was adopted by tne Council of the City of l.os Angeles, at its meeting of November 25,1839 ', FREEMAN G. TEED, , . City Clerk. this 30th day of November, HENRY T. HAZARD, 1 dec2lt Mayor. "ORDINANCE NO. 468. ~ 1 (New Series.) an ordinance granting permission to grade, gravel and curil fourth street from hope strut to a point lt>s k«kt west of hope street, by private contract. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That permission is hereby granted i and authority given to ihe pioperty owners on Kourth Btreet, between Hope street I snd a point 168 feet west of Hope : street, to grade and gravel said Kourth (.treat, I between said points, including Btreet in- > tersections, according to the specifications : for making graveled streets No. ; also i to construct a redwood curb along tho lines of I roadway of said Fourth street, between said points, according to the specifications for laying redwood curbs; all of Baid plans and specifications being on Sle ln the office of the City Clerk. Said work shall te done at the expense of the property owners on said street, between said points, and shall te completed to the satisfaction ol the Superin tendent of Streets aud the Council of said city, on or before the 25th day of January, 1889. Sec. 2. Tho City Clerk shall certify tothe pas sago of this ordinance, aud shall cause the same , to bo published once in the Los Augeles , Daily Herald, and thereupon and there after it shall take effect and be in force. I hggeby certify that the foregoing ordinance wasKßopted by the Council of the City of Los . Angeles at its meeting of November 25th, 1889. FREEMAN 0. TEED, City Clerk. Approved this 30th day of November, 1889. HENRY T. HAZARD, d2-lt Mayor. 6lti3i^iroFrNo746s7" — (New Series.) An ordinance declaring the intention of the mayor and council of thk city of los angeles to change and establish the grade of figueroa street from rkllbvub avenue to ionia street. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los An geles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it is the intention of the Council' f tho city of Los Augeles to change aud establish the grade of l'igueroa stieet from Bellevuo nveuuo to lonia street, as follows: At Bellevue aveimo the grade shall be, as BOW established, 153.90 on the southeast corner aud 157 05 ou tho southwest cornor. At the no'thwest corner of lonia street the grade shall hp. as now established, 158.80. At the southwest corner of lonia street and at a point In the cist lino of Figueroa street oppo si c thereto tne tirade shall be, as now estab lished, 159 00. Elevations are iv feot and above city datum plaue. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance aud cuise the saino to published tor ton days in the Los "v geles Daily Herald, and thereupon and there after It shall t«Uo effect and be ln force. I herchy certify that the foregoing ordinance was adoptod by the Council of the city of I >b Angeles, at its meeting of November 25th, A.B. 1889. FREEMAN Q. TEKD, City Clerk. Approved this 30th day of November, 1889. HENKY T. HAZARD, d 2 lOt Mayor. NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT. PURSUANT TO STATUTES AND TO TUB order of the City Council oftue City of Los Augeles, adopted November 25th, 1889, directing this notice, notice is hereby glveu that the said City Council, in open session, on the 18th day of November, 1889, opened, examined aud publicly declared all sealed proposals or bids offered for the follow ing work, to-wlt: Ist. That, intersection of Belmont and Second Btreet be graded and groveled, lv accordance with plans and specifications on tllo in the office of the City Clerk of the city of 1,93 Angeles, for making gravel streets in said city, said specifi cations being numbered r>; (except snch portion thereof as is required by law to bo kept in order or repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon),und thereafter awarded Ihe contract for said work to tho lowest regular responsible bidder, to-wit: to Union Construction Co,,at the prices named for satd work lv his pronoaal on file, 10-wit: $168 for the oomple'e Job. Clerk's Office, Los Angeles, Cal., December 2nd, 1889. FREEMAN G. TEED, d 2 2t City Clerk of the Olty of Los Augeles. TOHN B. FINCH LODOK, I. 0. G. T —MEETS J Tuesday evenings in Campbell's Hall, East Los Augeles. GC. F.. GUARDIAN COUNCIL, NO. 90— . Regular meeting drat and third Fridays, at Pythian Castle, 34 8, Spring ft. OFFICIAL,. PROPOSALS TO ERECT CERTAIN SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF LOS ANQELEB. PROPOBALS WILL BK RECEIVED BY THE undersigned up to 11 o'clock of December 2d, 1-89, to construct school buildings upon sites hereinafter mentioned, and in accordance with plans and specifications heretofore adopted by the Council and now on file in tho offloe of the City Clerk. Detailed plau„ on file ln tbe offices of the architects. Bids on eight-roomed buildings to be in ac cordance with plans of J. L. Burton, Esq., ar chitect. Bids for four-roomed buildings to be in ac cordance with plaits of J. L. Burton, Earnest Ooxhead, or 0. H. Brown. Contractors to bid ou any or all of said plans, as they may elect. Twc-roomed buildings to be erected in accord ance with tbe plans of J. L. Burton, S. I. Haas, or John R. Forsyth. Contractors to bid on any or all of said plans, as they may elect. The Bitea uposi which said buildings are to be orected, and for which proposals are invited, are as follows: Ouo two-roomed building on Ela Hills tiact One four-roomed building at Thomas and Vignes sireets. One four-roomed building at Alpine and Deepwater streets. One four-roomed building on Collado street. One four-roomed building on Beaudry street. One eight-roomed building at Ninth And Stanford street*. One two-roomed building at First snd Savan nah streets. One lour-roomed building at CornwrU and Grant streets. Bidders will be required to accompany their proposals with a certified check for ten per cent, of the amount of their proposal. The Council reserves tbe right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Los An geles st Its special meeting held for this pur pose Thursday, November 21st, A D. 1889. FREEMAN G. TEED, n22 lOt City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 458. (New Series, i AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LOS ANQELKS TO ESTABLISH THK GRADE OF BAILEY STREET FROM BROOKLYN AVKNtIR TO FIRST STREET. The Mayor and Council of ihe OUy of f.os Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it is the Intention of the Gonncll of the City of Los Angeles to estab lish the grado of Bailey street from Brooklyn avenue to First Btreet, as follows: At the south line of Brooklyn aveuue the grade shall be as now established, 99 00. At the intersection with New Jersey street the grado shall be as now e>tabllshed, 95 00. At tho intersection with Michigan aveuuo the grade shall bo as now established, 84.00. At the inter'ectlon with Pennsylvania avenue the grade shall De as now established, 62.00. At the intersection with first street the grade shall be as now established. 50 80 on the north west corner and 50 20 on the northeast corner. Elevations are In feet and above city datum plane. Sec 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of tbis ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published for ten days iv the Los Angelea Daily Herald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Council of the city of Los Angeles at Its meeting of November 18, A. D. 1889. FREEMAN G. TEED, City Clerk. Approved this 22nd day of November, 1889. HENRY T. HAZARD*, • n23-10t Mayor. NOTICE OF THE FILING OF TIIE REPORT OF THE COMMIS SIONERS ARPOINIKD TO EXTEND AND OPEN THIRD STREET, IN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDI NANCE NO. 235 (NEW SERIES), TOGETHER WITH TIIE PLAT OF THE ASSESSMENT DIS TRICT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Commissioners appointed to assess benefits and damages, and to hato general supervision 1 of tbe proposed work of exteudingann opening Third street, have filed ln the office of the undersigned a report, together with a plat of tho assessment district. All persons interested are hereby required to show cause, if any they hove, on or before Monday, the 23d day of Deoember. A D. 1889, why such report should not be confirmed by the Council of the city of Los Angeles. All objections must be iv writing, aad filed with tho Clerk of said City Council. FREEMAN G. TEED, City Clerk and ex-Ofiicio Clerk ol the Council of the City of Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Novem'.er 22,1889. n22-10t NOTICE TO PAINTERS! BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE of th« Street Superintendent, until 12 m. of December 3d, 1889, for furnishing, painting and planing in position pustß and street signs, where needed, upon newly named streets. Postß to be redwood, aurfaced, 4x4 inches, 12 . ft. long, placed 3 ft. lv ground (cainted white). Signs to be double surfaced redwood, painted white, with black letters and numbers, securely nailed to posts, when ln position. Said posts and signs to be in such numbers as the Street SuDerintendent may require and direct. Paint must be of tho best white lead, mixed with boiled linseed oil W. E. MORFORD, Street Superintendent. November 28th, 1889 n2l! Ot NOTICE OF STREET WORK. ■ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON Monday, the 18th day of November, A. D. 1889, the Council of the city of Los Angeles did, at a regular meeting, adopt an ordinance : of iutentlon to grade, gravel find curb, tbe enrb to be of redwood, Eighth street, in the city of Los Angoles, from the west line of Grand ave nue to the east line of Pearl street, except the intersection of Hope aud Flower streets, according to plans and specifications on file lv the of fice of the City Clerk for making graveled streets and constructing redwood curbs, to i whicli Bald Ordinance No. 448 reference is hereby made for further particulars. W. E. MORrt'ORD, Street Superintendent. By Geo. R. Flint, Deputy. n26 8t NOTICE OF STREET WORK. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, ON Mouday.the 18th .lay of November, A.D.1889, the Council of the City of Los Augeles did. at a regular meeting, adopt an ordinance of in tention to grade, gravel aud curb (the curb to be of redwood) Hancock street, in the city of Los Angeles, from the north line of Downe av enue to the south Due of George street, according to plans 6ud specificat ions on file lv the office of the City Clerk, mr making graveled streets and constructing redwood curbs, to which said ordinance No. 413 reference is hereby made for further particulars. W. E. MORFORD, Street Superintendent. By Geo. R. F .tt-r, Deputy. n26-6t NOTICE OF STREET" WOSkT " NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON Mouday.the ISthdsy of November A.D.1889, tbo Council of the City of Los Augeles did, at a regular meeting, adopt an ordinance of In tention to grade, gravel and curb: tbe curb to be o' redwood, Sepulvcda street, in tbe city of Los Augeles, from the east line of Alameda street to the west line of Lafayette street, ac cording to pirns aud specifications on file in tho office of the City Clerk for making grAveled streets And constructing rodwood cnrbß, to which said ordinance No. 444 reference is hereby made for further particulars. W. K. MORFORD, Street Superintendent. By Geo. R. Flint, Deputy. n2*> 6t NOTICE OF STREET WORK. BKWER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON MON day, thelSthdayof November, A. D. 1889, the Council of the City of Los Angeles did at a regular meeting, adopt an ordiuance of its in tention to construct a public sewer ou Yale street, iv the olty of Los Angeles, from a point 50 feet south of the souta line of College street to the sewer in Alpine street, according to plans and specifications on file in tho office of the City Clerk for constructing sewers, to which said ordinance, No. 446, reference is hereby made for further particulars. W. E. MORFORD, Street Superintendent. By Geo. R. Flint, Deputy, Dated this 23d day ot November, 1889. n2S-6t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PARDON. THE UNDERSIGNED GIVES NOTICE THAT ne intends to apply to the Governor of this State for a nardon of Georpe Dletrloh, who was convicted fn the Superior Court of Los Augeles l County, State of California, on tho 23d doy of . February, 18S7, of the orime of manslaughter; and in punishment thereof, he was sentenced to imprisonment in the State prison of said State at San Quentln Penitentiary for the term i of ten years. nS 30t. THEODORE FSOXHUNGIR. OFFICIAL.. NOTICE OF THE FILING OF THE REPORT OF THK COMMIS SIONERS APPOINTED TO OPEN AND EXTEND CHICAGO STREET, • COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE NO 329 (NEW SERIES), TO GHTIfKI: WITH THE PLAT (IF THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Commissioners appointed to assess benefits and damages, and to have general supervision of the proposed work of extending and opening Chicago street, have filed iv the office of tbe undersigned a report, together with a plat of the assessment district. All persons interested are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, on or before Sat urday, the 28th doy of December, A. D 1889, why such report should not be confirmed by the Council of the olty of Los Augeles. All objections must be in writfrg, and filed with the Cler* of said City Council, FREEMAN a. TEED, City Clerk aud ex-officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Los Angeles. Los Angeles, November 28,1889. n2B lot ORDINANCE NO. 454. New Series. AN ORDINANCE DECLARING TIIE INTENTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THK CITY OF LOS ANGELES TO KSTABLtSH THK GRADE OF PAT TON STREET' fr.OJI TEMPLE STREET TO P.L'LLK VI'E AVIUM. The Mayor and Council of the Citij of l.os Ange les do ordain as follows: Bee. 1. That it is theintentlon of theCounctl of the city of l.os Angeles to establish tho grade of Patton street from Temple street to Bellevue avenue, as follows: At the uorlh line of Temple street tho grade shall be as now established, 143.00. At the soutbweßt corner of Bellevue avenue the grade shall be us now established, 178.00. At the southeast corner of Bellevue avenue the grade shall be as now established, 179.75. Elevations are in feet and abovo city datum plane. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published for ten days iv the Los Angeles Daily Herald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and We ln force. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Council of the Olty of Los Angeles at its meeting of November 18ih, A.D. 1889. FREEMAN G. TEED, City Clerk. Approved this 22tb day nf November, 1889. HENRY T. HAZARD, _823-10t Mayor. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT, IN accordance with the lenuirementsof Ordi nance No. 452 (new serlc-B), the undersigned, on November 25tb. 1889, posted eoi-splcuously, near the Council Chamber door of the Council of the City of Los Angeles, a notice invitlDg sealed proposals for the following street work: Ist. That Kcquena street, in said city, from the east curb lino of Los Angeles street to the west curb line of Wilmington street (except that portion cf the sidewalk of said portion of said street already laid and accepted by tbe city), be sldewalked with cement in accordance with plans and specifications on file iv the office of the City Clerk of the City of Los Augeles, for laying cement walks In snid city, said speci fications being numbered —. 2d, That a cement curb be constructed along the line of roadway of said Requena street from the east curb line of Los Angeles street to the west curb line of Wilmington street (except that portion of tbe cement curb of (laid portion of said street already laid and accepted by the city), iv accordance with plans and specifica tions on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city for constructing cement I enrbs, and which said specifications wero made a part of said notice, to which notice, so posted, icf crence is hereby made. FREEMAN G. TEED, City Clerk. l.os Angclea, CaL, December Ist, 1889. dl-2t "~ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT IN sccordance with ihe requirements of Or diuance Nn. 451 (Dewseries), theundersigned, ou November 25, 1889, pc ted conspicuously, near the Council Chamber door of the Council of the City of Lorn Angeles, a notico Inviting sealed proposals for tbe following street work: Ist. That Jefferson street, iv said city, from the west line of Main street to the east lineof Figucroa street (except, the rights of way of street-car lines), be graded and graveled in accordance with plans snd specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk of the city of Loa Angeles, for making gravel streets in said city, said specifications being numbered 5. 2d. That a redwood curb be constructed along the line of roadway of said Jefferson street from the west line of Main street to the eußt line of Figueroa street, in accordance with plans and specifications ou filo in the office of the City Clerk of said city for constructing red wood curbs, and which said specifications were made a part of said notice, to which notice, so posted, reference is hereby made. FREEMAN (1. TEED. City Clerk. Los Angeles, Cal., December 1, 1889. dl-2t NOTICE TO .CONTRACTORS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN Ac cordance with tho requirements of Ordi nance N0.450 (new series), the undersigned on November 25, 1889, posted conspicuously, near the Council Chamber door of the Council of the city of Los Angeles, a notico inviting sealed proposals for the following street work: Ist. That Carrol! avenue in said city, from the west line of Waters street to a point 400 feet west thereof, bo graded and graveled in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Los Angeles, for making gravel streets in said city, , said specifications being numbered 5. 2d. That a redwood curb be constructed along the lineof roadway of said Carroil avenue from the west line of Waters street lo a point 400 feet west, thereof, iv accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city for constructing redwood curbs; and which Baid specifications were made a part of said notice, to which no tice, so pobteii, reference Is hereby made. FREEMAN G TEED. > City Clerk. Los Angeles, Cal., December Ist, 1889. dl-2t NOTICE OF sYr^ET^AVORK. SEWER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON Monday, the ISth day of November, A. D. 1889, the council oi the City of Los Angeleß did at a regular meeting adopt an ordinance of ita intention to construct a public sewer on Marchesßault street ln the City of Los Angeles, from a point. 25 feet east of the cast lineof New High street to the present sewer in Upper Main street, according to plans and specifica tions on file in thoofliceot tbe City Clerk for constructing sewers, to wuich -aid ordi-' nance No. 44.~> reference ts hereby made for further particulars. W. E. MORFORD, Street Superintendent. Bp Geo. R. Flint, Deputy. Dated this 23d day of November, 1889. n2« tit ' ~ LEI.AI.. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOX PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE County of Los Angeles, State of California, fn the matter of tho Estate of Jsmeß Goimsn, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Richard Dil'on has produced ana riled herein a document in writing purporting to be tbo lost will ami testa ment ol James Gorman, deceased, and has pre sented and filed herein a petition prayiug the probate of such last will and testament and the issuance to him of letters testamentary thereon, and tbat Friday, the 13th day of December, 1389, at 10 o'clock a. m. ol that day, aud the courtroom of said court iv the Abstract and Title Insurance Company's building, corner of New High aud Franklin streets, in the city of Los Angeles, California, have been fixed and appointed as the time and place lorthe becring by said court of said petition for such probate and for such lettors: at which time and place auy person interested may appear aud conlcst auch probate or the if suonce of such letters. Tbis done at my office in tbo City of Los An geles, California, this the 29th day of Novem ber, A. D. 1889. C. H. DUNSMOOR, County Clerk and ex-ofiicio Clerk of said Court. By M. J. Asiimiire, Deputy. Hutton & IWAgBKi n. u3O-td N O T I C E . UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, 1.08 Angeles, CaL, November 9, 1889. Complaint having been entered at this office by Lucien Revmond against Charles A. Barnes lor abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 3,319, dated May 16th, 1887, upon the of NE% and BW!i of NE'.( and NW'..; of BE!, Section 8, Township 4 north, Range 10 west. s. B. M., in Los Angeles county, California, with a view to the cancellation of -aid entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 20th day of December, 1889, at 10 o'clock a m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. H. W. PATTON, n?0 30t* Register. * JLEUAL,. bUMMONS. IN THS SUPERIOR COURT OF LOS ANGE- Ies comity, statu of California, i Daniel Halladay, plaintiff, vn. W. G. Benedict. . H. Hammond. S. 0. Arnold, E. A. Mote, W. I. ■ Keese, W. W. Benedict, H. A. Church, I. Wel lington Gardner, A. L. Moye, K. E. Strang, W. M. Pierson,D. W. Smith, W. B. Winans, Fred i crick Baucile, Jacob Bauerle, D. S. Collins, £. S. ! 8, Rouse, Catherine F Buidiek, C. A Bradley, 1 it. H. Dibble, Gnorge Hayford, Edith M. Rouse, ; J. C, MoClurg, U. W. Stutchell, J. W. Geibel. W. ; M. Smart, assignee oi tho estate of Stutchell ds I Geibel, Insolvents, M. L. Willits, A. A. Toland, M. D. Painter, J. C. Studebaker, J. D. Chnmber llo,George Patterson, «. H. Basher, J. H.Painter, H. Forney, N. W. Dickson, John M. Stewart, E. F. Ellis, Sadie G. Kershner. C. C. Shaw, Jennie Arnold, City of Santa Ana W. B. Winans, guar ' diau of Mary E. Winans, a minor, MaryE. Wi naus, a minor, Elizabeth B. Allen, Edward H. Ackerson, George H. Barse.J. H.Colllnß, Dillie M. Church, Richard Lauxen, J. W. Maxwell, L. 11. Mitchener, J. F. Mueller, W. G Pollock, F. 8. Pollock, Thomas B. Peet, J. B. Rolsion, Mrs. Anna B. Repp, Mis? Mary M. Shields, 8. F. Smith, Robert Thompson, G. D. Viles, Deborah 0. Pierson, J. H. Maley. John Doe, Richard Roe, Mary Doe and Jane Roe, defendants. The People of the State of California send greeting to W. G. Benedict, H. Hammond, 8. C. Arnold, E. A. Mote.W. I. Keese,W.W. Benedict, H. A. Church, I. Wellington Gardner, A. L Moye, li. E. Straug.W. M. Pierson, D. W. Smith, W.B. Winanß, Frederick Bauerle, Jacob Bauerle. D. 8. Collins, E. 8. 8. Rouse, Catharine F. Ilur dick, (J, A. Bradley, It. H. nibble, George Hay ford. Edith M. Rouse, J. C. McClurg, H. W Stutchell, J. W. Geibel, W. M. Smart, assignee of the estate of Stutchell & Geibel, insolvents, M. L. Willits, A. A. Toland, M. D. Painter, J. t-\ btndebaker, J. D. Chamberlain, Goorgo Pat terson, 8. H. Basber, J. H. Painter, H. Forney N. W. Dickßon, John M. Stewart, K. F. Ellis, Sadie G. Kershner, C. C Shaw, Jennie Arnold, City of Santa Ana, W. B. Winans, guardian of Mary E, Winans, a minor. Mary E. Winans, a minor, Elizabeth B. Allen, Edward 11. Acker sou. George H. Barse, J. H. Collius, Dillie M. Church, Richard Lauxen, J. W. Maxwell, L. H. Mitchener, J. F. Mueller, W. G. Pollock, T. 8. Pollock, Thomas B. Peet, J. B, Rolston, Mrs. Anna B. Repp, Miss Mary M. Shields, S. F. Smith, Robert Thompson, G. D. Viles, Deborah C Pierson, J. H. Maley, John Doe, Richard Hoc, Mary Doe and Jane Roe, defendants'. You and each of you are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of Call font's, and to answer the complaint filed therein with in ten days (exclusive of the day of service,) after the service on you of this summons, if served within this county; or if served else where within thirty days, or judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of said complaint. This action is brought by the plaintiff against you, alleging that there is due and uupald upon the agreement hereinafter referred to, from defendant, W. G. Benedict, to him, a large sum of money, and to foreclose said agree ment in writlug, bearing date the 27th day ol August, A. D, 1887, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the said County of Los Angeleß. ou the 31st day of October, 1887, in Book 321 of Deeds, at pages 211 et seq„ a copy of which agreement is set forth in the complaint herein, and ln which agreement the said plaintiff contracted to sell, and the said defendant, W. G. Benedict, contracted to buy from .he plaintiff, upon the terms and condi tions iv the said agreement set forth, all of tbat certain parcel or lot of land situated in the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, County of Los At geles. State of California, and bounded and described its follows, to-wit: Commencing at a pointonthe east line of Daniel Halladay's land 330 feet south of the northeast corner of said land; said northeast coruer is situate in the center of First street on the north line of Section 18, Townshii) 5, Sonth Rangefl west, miming thence south Hi;.i rods, thence east, 24% rods to the west line of land formerly owned by D. H. Samis, thence sonth along tbe west line of said land 131 1 . rods, more or less, to the north lino of laud now or formerly owned by J. and R. McFadden, thence west along the north line oi said land rods, thence north 131% rods, more or less, to tho southwest coruer of land formerl* owned by Frances Denney, thence cast along the south line of said land 48% rods to tho southeast corner of said land, north along the east line of said Deuuey tract 111% rods to the north line of Walnut street as laid out through land formerly owned by M. D. Halladay, thence east along the north line of said Walnut street 24% rods to the place of beginning In the said action, tho plaintiff prays Judg ment ugaiust you, and that In and by said judgment the court adjudicate and determine the amount of the balance to be paid to the plaintiff by said W. G. Benedict, for and on account of said agreement to purchase said land, and that the court fix the time within which tho amount of the balance shall be paid by the said defendant, Benedict, to plaintiff; that said defendant, Beuedlct, be required by the court to make such payment within the time so fixed, and that in tho event of the fail ure on his part to make such payment, that he and all ol the other defoudants herein bo fore closed of all their rlitht, title and interest in and to any and all claims upon the lands de scribed iv the said agreement, aud not pre viously conveyed, as Bhowu in said complaint; aud that, the plaintiff may recover of the de fendant W. G. Benedict, liis costs of snit, and may have such other and further relief as to the court may seem proper. Reference is had to complaint for further particulars. And you and each of yon are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will cause your default to be entered, aud the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relic demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the Sa- perior Court of the State of Califor : seal. : nia, iv and for the county of Los An- geles, this 19th day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousaud eight hundred and eighty-nine. CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. By D. E. Adams, Deputy Clerk. •'Hndorsed:" V. Montgomery and Hutton & Bwanwick, attorneys of plaintiff. oc2G 2m ASSESSMENT NOTICE. LO3 ANUELIiS AND PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, LOCATION OF PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS, LOS ANGELES CITY, CALIFORNIA. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A meeting ol the Board of Directors, held on the 25th Jay of November, 1889, an assess ment of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per share was levied upon the entire capital stock of the corporation, payable at once to the Secretary, at his otlice, room 3, Burdick Block, N. E. corner Second and Spring streets, Los An geles, Cal. All stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the 28th day of December, 1889, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Saturday, the Ilth day of January, 1890, to pay tho delinquent as sessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. 8. P. REEB, Secretary. u2B 30t NOTICE OF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN THAT ONMON day, tho 2d day of December, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. m„ 1 will sell at public auction, to the highest, bidder for cash, at the office of R. W. Poludexter, 25 West Second street, Los An geles, California, sixteen (16) shares of stock lv the Rosedale Cemetery Association, such shares having i par value of one hundred dol lars each, aud having been pledged by John C. Byram to secure the payment of a promissory rote given hy said John V. Byram in favor of Wm. D. Srui'li. April 23d, 1888, and payable on or before ninety (90) dsys after date, with inter est at the rate of ten'per cent, per annum. The said John C. Byram having failed to pay said note, and due demand having been made upon S. G. Millard, administrator of the estate of John O. Byram, for the payment of the same, said stock will be sold as aforesaid to realize the amount due upon snid note, together with costs of sale WM. D. SMITH, Pledgee. Dated, l.os Angeles, Cat, November 26,1889. n'J6 7t" DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER SHIP. THE PARTNERSHIP EXISTING PETWEEN Lulgi Macoono and S. T. Anselmo is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All demands against the lato firm of Maocono A Anselmo will be psid by Anselmo. and all accounts due the late firm will be collected by 8. T. ANSELMO. n2ti 7' MAKE MONEY. HOW!> By raising Broilers for ¥m jfiTßk. Market with a Pacific Incubator /. The ins'ructions I give make ««jW**jg|tyjlMß failure Impossible. You will never regret burins; a Pacific. Come and see me, or send for circulars. W. B. NIBBET, P. 0. Box 733, Los Angeles, Calif. Otlice, 220 Sonth Main street (up-stalrs). ■ auB lyd&w 5 LEGAL. SUMMONS. " TN THE SUPERIOR COURT, (STATE 0* JL California, In and for the County of D-os t, Angeles. The Brunswiok Balke-Collender Company, a - corporation, plaintiff, vs. G. 8. Lee and 67 8 . Harrison, defendants. Action brought in the Superior Court of the I, State of California, in snd for the County of , Los Angeles, and the complaint Sled ln said , County of Los Augeles, in the offloe of the . Cleric of said Superior Court. No. 11,404. !: The people of the State of California send , greeting to Grove 8. Lee snd C. B. Harrison. - defendants. , You sre hereby required to appear la an ae . tlon brought against you by the above named ! plaintiff iv the Superior Court of the State of - California, in and for the County of Los Aug* - les, and to answer the complaint filed therm, . within ten days, (exclusive of the day of sex -3 vice) after the service on yon of this summons— if served within this county; or, if served else where, within thirty days—or Judgment by de . fault will be taken against you according to th* . prayer of satd plaintiff. i The said action is brought to obtain s decree , of this Court for the foreclosure of s certain mortgage described In the said complaint, and i executed by the said G 8. Lee on the 224 day of September, A, D. 1888, to secure the par i nient of a certain note of C. S. Hsrrtson for fly* hundred dollars with 7 per cent. Interest per , annnm thereon from September 22d, 1889; . that the premises conveyed by said mortgage ■ may be sold, and the proceeds applied to the payment of said note and costs of suit, and in case such proceeds are not sufficient to pay the i same, then to obtain an execution against laid , Cos. Harrison for the balanoe remaining data, aud also that the defendants and all persona . Iniming by, through or under them maybe barred and loreclosed of all right, title, claim, lien, equity of redemption and interest in and ; to Said mortgaged premises, and for other and further relief. Reference la had to complaint for particulars. Aud you are hereby notified that if yon fall to appear and answer the said complaint sa above required, the said plaintiff wtll apply to the Court for tbe relief demanded in the said complaint. Given under ray i and and the seal of the Su perior Court of the elate of California, in snd for toe County of Los Augeles, this 11th day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thou sand eight hundred and eighty-nine. fsEAi.l Chas. H. DUNSMOOR, County Clerk. By D. E. Adams, Deputy. Smith, Winder A Smith, Attorneys of Plaintiff. oc7-Mou-10t SUMMONS. ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COUNTY cf Los Angeles, State of California. C. B. lio .es and C. K. Crowley, partner* un der the firm name ol Boyes, snd Crowley, Plaintiff, va. William 8. Robinson, Defendant. Action brougnt in the Superior Court of the County of I-os Angeles, Biate of California, and the Computet filed in said County of Los Au ireles in the office of tbe Clerk ol said Superior Court The people of tbe State of California send greeting to: William S. Robinson, Defendant. You are hereby required to appear ln an ac tion brought agulnst you by the above named plaintif! iv tne Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, state of California, and to answer tbe Complaint tiled therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of terriee), after tbe service on you o! tbis Summons, if served wit'ein this county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days, or judgment by defailt will be taken against you according to the prayer of said Complaint. The said action is brought to foreclose the lien against lots 81 and 87, Mills & Wicks ex tension of Second street in the City of Los An geles. Couuty and State sforesaid, for grading Thitd street. The amount claimed against lot 81 is $38.42 and against 87 Is $40.36, with in terest, attorneys lees snd lor costs of suit. Reference Is had to Complaint for paiticulars. And you are hereby notified that if you fall to uppear and answer the said Complaint a* above required, the said Tilaintiff will cause your default to be entered aud apply to the Coust for the* relief demanded In the Com plaint. . Given under my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, this 30th day ot October, lv the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred aud eighty-nine. iSeal. | CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. By,F. B. Fannino, Deputy Clerk. Jones & Cakleton, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. nll-mo-lOt NOTICE'" OF~ DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNERSHIP. THE PARTNERSHIP EXISTING BETWEEN Swartz and Whomes Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All demands against the lste firm oi Swartz and Whomes will bt. paid by Stewart and Whomes, and all accounts due the lste firm will be collected by Stewart and Whomes. CERTIFICATE OF PARTNERSHIP. WE CERTIFY THAT WE CONSTITUTE A partnership transacting business in this State. Its principal place of butinesa is Los Augeles, California. Its name Is Stewart A Whomes. The full names and reapeotive places of residence of all its members are signed hereto. Dated November Bth, 1889. W. B. STEWART, (SEAL) Los Angeles. JOSBPH WHOMES, (seal) Los Angeles, Cal. State of California, County of Los Angeles— IS. On this Bth day of November, one thouisnd eight hundred and eighty-nine, before me, Robt, N. Bulla, a Notary Public ln and for said county and State, residing therein, duly com missioned an 1 sworn, personally appeared W. B. Stewart and Joseph Whomes, known to me to be tbe persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the annexed Instrument, and they duly acknowledge to me that they exe cuted the same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. (SEAL) ROBT. N. BULLA. nil mo4t Notary Public. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THK County of Los Angeles, State of California. D. R. Brearley, plaintiff, vs. Kate Simpson* John H. Simpson, her husband, and Lissfe Baker, defendants. Action brought in the Superior Court of the Couuty of Los Angeles, State of California, snd the complaint filed in said County of Los Ange les in the offloe of the Clerk of said Superior Court. Tbe People of the State of California send greeting to Lizzie Baker, defendant. You are hereby required to appear ln an no tion brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the Superior Court of the County of l.os Angeles, State of California, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive oi the day of servloe) after the ser vice on you of this summons, if served within this county; or, If served elsewhere, within thirty days, or judgment by default will he taken against you according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action Is brought to foreclose the lien, created by the assessment and warrant made by tbe Superintendent of Streets of the City of Los Angeles, for grading Blohel street, against lot 13, block 14, Pioneer Building Lota Association tract, ln said city, county and State, the amount assessed against said lot 13 boing $272.43; for $15 attorney's fee, and for costs of suit. Reference is had to csmplaiut for particulars. And you are hereby notified tint if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required, the ssld plaintiff will cause your delimit to be entered snd apply to th* Court for the relief demanded iv tho complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of tho Superior Court of the County of Los Augeles, State of California, this 25th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thouisnd eight hundred aud eighty nine. j seal. J CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. By F. B. Fannino, Deputy Clerk, tones A Carlton, Attorneys for plaintiff, eel l mon ltawk 2m SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS? " ELECTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE •inn li lied electors of Caatec School District of Los Angeles connty, State of California, that an election will be held ln said district on Sat urday, the 21st day of Decembsr, 1839, at whlcn the question will be submitted whether bonds of tne district will be issued, in accord ance with the provisions of sections 1,880 to 1838 of the Political Code, for the purpose of building a school house and furnishing th* same, aud to liquidate the indebtedness of the distrlot. The polls will ne open at the sohool honse, from nine o'clock a. m. to fonr o'clock p. m. Thomaß Marple, Wm. Gardiner snd Wm A. Gardiner will act an Judges of Election. Tho amount of bonds to be Issued is eight hundred dollars ($800), of the denomination of two, three and three hundred dollars (9200, $300, $300) each, and ths rate of Interest will be eight per cent, per annum. The number of years that aald bonds are to ruu Is sa follows: One bond of $200. payable lntwo years; on* bond of $300, payable in three years, and oa* bond of $300, payable in four years from ths date of iasuanoe thereof, the Interest to bs paid annually. WM. B. ROSE. WM. GARDINER, THOMAS MARPLE. Bosrd of Trustees ol Cos tec Sohool District, Los Angeles County. Casteo Sebool Dtitrlot, Lot Angelas oounty, Nov«mb»r 26,1889. u3O sat 3t