Newspaper Page Text
6 DAILY HERALD. FAMILIES SERVED WITH MEALS. A System of Catering; That te Not Popular ln New leik. "It would seem," said a New York woman recently , "that we have not taken very kindly to what might be called the itinerant catering service. A friend from a Western town who is in the city with a crippled child for treatment, wrote me to secure for her a tarnished room near a physician, and arrange to have their meals served there. I went at once, after engaging a very pleasant back par lor, to look up the New York Catering Company, which I hazily recollected used to be on Sixth avenue, somewhere among the forties. Not finding it readily I inquired in the neighborhood and learned that the concern sold out and went oat of existence two or three years ago, presumably on account of non-sup port. "My informant told me beside that he knew of but one other similar enterprize in operation in the city, that conducted by a colored man further down the aye nue on a much less extended scale. I found and interviewed this person, and was surprised at the moderate prices he gave. Seven dollars par week for one, $12 for two, il6 for three. He gave me a list of dishes for that day's service, eggs, chops, or cereal, two kinds of hoc bread, and coffee for breakfast, with soup, fish, roast beef and two vegetables, a salad, dessert and coffee for dinner. Only two meals are served. In answer to my inquiry he told me that the roast meat was sliced and Berved on a small platter, a generous portion being allowed for each. I rather objected to this, and after some farther aiscassion he agreed to serve whole joints, entire puddings and pies and the like, for the two persons whose need 1 was endeavor ing to supply, for $20 per week. My friend is greatly pleased with his services, says that everything that ought to come hot does, and all things come garnished and appetizing. Before I finished with the man I found that most ol his custom comes from furnuhed room occupants and small flats odßbied by two or three adults, who can by this means dispense with a servant or need only an inexpensive one. Yet the fact that he has not all the customers he wants and that he is almost tha only rep resentative in the field (I heard later of one other, less prosperous even than he) indicates that the system is not a popular one."—[New York Sun. EXPERT BOWLEN. He ftlafce* Auoihcr Report on tne Vina Disease. In report No. 35 was given a descrip tion of certain vines at Florence, which had been treated by catting back the canes and introducing benzine into the circulation, by pouring it into holes bored in the crown of the vine; this had been done at different periods, ranging from. July 11th to the middle of August last. Daring the past month the vineyard was again visited, when the vines were all found to show signs of disease, though none of them showed so much as the surrounding untreated vines j nor was the amount of the disease the same in each vine, those vines which had been treated earliest showing moat disease. From the appearance of the vines it would seem likely that had the treat ment been continued, the vines might have recovered. It is cer tain that, for a time, the diseese was checked, and a healthy growth was induced. Some vines here, which had been treated in a similar way, Report No. 35, have also given results like thone obtained at Florence, though it must be remembered that a hot spell of consid erable severity immediately followed the treating of the vines here, and this seri ously interfered with the success of the experiment. In order to bettor test the above treat ment, as well as some other suggested remedies, fresh vines have been set out in the experimental hot-house, the vines originally placed there last winter being taken out, with a few exceptions. The vines first planted in the hot-house consisted of rooted vines and cuttings, obtained from this neighborhood, and from Orange, and included the following varieties, viz.: Mission, Muscat, Grenache, Carig nan, Grosser Blauer, Folle Blanche, Lenoir, Burger, Black Malvoisie, Ries ling and Mataro, and several of these were known to be diseased when planted. These all came out well, and, with the exception of several light attacks of mildew, showed no sign of disease until March, when a few sus picious-looking yellow spots appeared on the Missions, and on a wild vine. At this period the vines were liberally dressed with the powder known afterwards as Ongerth's powder. This powder had been applied before the yellow spots appeared, as well as afterward, it being always applied at the first appearance of mildew. Of the catlings, thirty-six were Mission canes. These were planted in nine rows of four canes each. Two canes in each row were untreated. The other two were treated with various substances, both in powder and solution, differing more in the amount than in the kind of the ingredients used in each. The re mainder of the cuttings of Black Mal voisie, Burger, etc., were not treated. Nearly all of these cuttings started by the end of April. The house was full of vines, almost too full for the good health of the vines, and by June the growth had increased to such an extent that the crowding of the plants was in ducing sickly growth. Quite a third of the vines was then taken out. After the end of April the vines were practically left to themselves, being pur posely neglected, with the exception of a little water being given at intervals. At the present time, three Mission vines which were diseased when put in now ■how no sign of sickness; three Muscats and one Burger show a very little disease, and three Mission cuttings, which were dressed when pat in, do not show any disease. All have made large growth, many of the cuttings having canes from ton feet to fourteen feet in length. Almost all the cuttings, both dressed and undressed, made a start, but by Ootober it was found that, of the Mission cuttings, nearly every undressed cane was dead, whilst of the dressed cuttings, all but two were alive aad vigorous. All the rest of the cuttings had made a large amount of growth. As the vines have practically ceased growing for the present year, it may be well to notice the present condition of the vines in this locality which have been treated for disease, ln reports No. 20 and 32, attention was called to the bene fits which had followed the use of the so-called Ongerth's powder. As was stated in the above mentioned reports, three applications of the powder were made, and there is no question but that good results followed; the disease was checked, and a new and healthy growth was produced. This state of things continued until the hot weather set in. In July the first hot spell was experi enced, which threw back the vines oon THE I,OS ANGjSLES DAILY HERALD. MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2. 1889. siderably. This damago was intensified by the excessive heat in September, the heat being so great then that the vine? could be seen to droop as one stood and watched them. This period of heat di minished the yield of grapes on those vines which were not diseased. At the present time the vineyards which were treated show considerable disease, though they are in decidedly better condition than neighboring vineyards which had nothing done to them. The Mission and Mataro varieties have suf fered most, then the Muscat, the Burger. Black Malvoisis, Zinfandel, Carignan, Grenache and Blanc Elba are least af fected, all of these except the Burger showing very little disease, having suffered more from heat than anything else. In this connection the following facts are worthy of notice: The vines in the hot-house have been exposed to temperatures considerably abovo the nor mal, both night and day, all through the year, and so' became inured to high degrees of heat, but were at tho same time sheltered from the direct rays of the sun, the glass of roof and sides being thickly coated with whitewash on the south and east sides. These vines were not affected by the hot spells. Again, one of the vineyards at Florence has a row of cypress trees about twelve or fourteen feet high along its western side. The vines (Muscat), under the shelter of these trees for an average depth of eight rows, are decidedly green, and more free from disease, and have made a much more vigorous growth than the vines in the rest of the two vineyards. These facts would seem to show that the excessive heat has not been without effect, but has rather been an important factor in the case. The wild vines in the neighboring canons show some easosjof disease plainly marked, but there is certainly not so much as there was last year, hore too the vines were protected to some extent from the heat. Ethelbert Bowlen. November 1, 1889.— [ Merchant and Viticulturust. i Aa Watterson Seen It. Li je has been instructed to see that no newspaper with rooster pictures reaches I Dr. Harrison. Of Governor Forakerit can be said that nothing in his public life has so become him as his act of leaving it. Instead of seizing his shotgun, Gen eral Mahone should have set up the lemonade for his enthusiastic fallow citizens. Mr. Clarksou has stopped turning out Democrats long enough to explain the overwhelming incidents of the past few days. Vice-President Morton's bar feels the result of the State elections. No rejoic ing Republicans are thronging in front of it and bidding Levi to "set 'em up." With equal pertinence and plaintive ness, Mr. Halstead observes that "the melancholy days bave come, the saddest of the year." They havo indeed. We mo arc for Halstead. We all sympathize with Sister Beck with in her defeat in Brooklyn. Had Sister Beckwith come out with more pro nounced views on the tariff Bhe might have bsen Mayor. Lije Halford is authority for tbe state ment that the President is Bawing wood and 6aying nothing. It will tako a good deal of wood to warm the White House in the coming winter —[Courier-Journal. ILII i IKK »AUl>,>. DEALERS IN Abh KINDS OF LUMBER] San Pedro Street, Near Seventh. P. O. Box 1235. Telephone 178. nl 3m Lumber Yards AND PLANING MILLS, N0.76 Commercial Street. nl II Western liil)er Co. TABD: Cor. Ninth and San Pedro Streets. LiVMStUH ot all else* can bo had stthioyard n6-tf Till Im and Yards—Portland, Oregon, Wholesale Yard—Kedondo Beach. WILLAMETTE STEAM MILLS lumbering and Stafg Co., Mannlactnrers ol Fir and Spruco Lumber. Dealeri in Flooring, Siding, Rustic, Lath, Pink ets, etc. Special orders cut to suit purchasers. Large orders in extra sizes and lengths solicited. YARDS-COR. NEW MAIN AND BAN FER NANDO UTS., LOS ANGELEB. n27 tt CHAB. WIER, Agent. :n:ew_h6tjse7 Wagon Material, Hardwood, Iron, Steel, Blacksmiths' Coal and Tools, Cabinet. Woods, etc. JOHN "WIGMORE, lit and is South r.«>» Ausretcs Mtrcet. nltf KKUVKHOCF-bIJEMKit Mill and Lumber Company, Wholesale snd Retail Dsslert In X, CJ MB IS Mt Yards at San Pedro (Whsrf), Los Augelej (Main office), Pomona, Passflens, Ptiaats, La manda, Monrovia, Asasa, (Hondo™, Lords bmrg, Bnrbank. Planing Mills at Los Angelon, Pomona, Mon rovia. u35-tf J. M. Orlfflth, President. H. Q. Stevenson, Vioo-Pres. and Treas. T. K. Nichols, Seo'y. K. L. Chandler, dspt. J, M GRIFFITH COMPANY, LUMBER DEALERS. And MannlautHrers of Doors, Windows, minds, Stairs, Mill work ol every description. S3* n. Alameda St., L,es Angeles. a— i.i——-Slat "Rich and Poor." Ladles In Diamonds and Hall Dresses, Laborers wttn Dinner Palls and Hlouses now testify everywhere to the practical results of the In Beauty, Cleanliness and Preservation of the teeth its use can alone impart "'l'lie Ideal Lustre," at tbe same time avoiding the well known irritation and annoyances of bristles, AT AM. DRIUUISTS. HANKING HOUSE*!. MA-UNT STREET SA-VIISTG-S TRUST CO. 320 SOUTH MAIN STREET. CAJFITAJL,, - • • - - $200,000 President, J. B. Lsnkersbtm; Vice-President. Chas. Forman: Cashier, F. W.DeVan. Dirictors—Chas. Forman, A. H. Denser, J. J. Sohallert, G. J. Griffith, J. B. Lankershlm, J. H. JoneJ, I. N. Van Nnys, Geo. H. Pike, F. Bablchi. Five per oent. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Money to Loan on Real Instate. se2Bt sEUCHiry SAVINGS BANK. AND TKCST; CO., 40 South Main. Capital, $200,000. ft per oent interest pul>l on deposits. RssiDictfT Stockholders: —f, W. Hellman, O. W cuius, Eugene Germain, 1. A. Graves, B. A. Fleming aud others. THE NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA. Corner of Spring and Second Streets, Lo Angeles, Cal. CAPITAL, ag50,000. Is fully equipped for evory kind of legitimate hanking, and solicits the accounts of all needing v banker. OFFTriRq. I BOARD OF DIRECTORS: r w r- w...,. «' ... . Owen H. Churchill, Thos. R. Bard, J. M. C» Marble President. Gen'l M. 11. Sherman, Dr. W. L. Graves, Owkn H. Churchill...Vice-President. I Oapt. George F.Lemon, HI. F. C. Klokke W. G. nnoH-Bs Cashier. I Dan McFarland, Fred Eaton, Pkbry Wildmak Assistant Cashier. | Perry Wildmau, W.G.Hughes i J. M. 0. Marble. n4 tf TAARMKRS' AND MERC HANI'S' BANE V Or LOS AMBILES. CAL. ISA:An W. Hkllmah President L. 0. Goodwiu Vice-President Capital (paid up) - - $500,000. | Bnrplas and Reserve Fund 800,000. Total, - $1,300,000. DIRECTORS. 0. W. Ohilda, c. E. Thorn, Jose Mascarel, B. Lankershlm. C. Dncommnn, PhlUppo G»r nier, L. 0. Goodwin, L. L. Bradbnry, Isiiiss W, Bellman. STOCKHOLDERS. O. W. Chllds, L. L. Bradbnry, Philippe Gsr nler, James B. Lankershlm, T. L. Deque, Jono Mancarol, Chas. Duoommun, Andrew Glatsell, Cameron E. Thorn, Domingo Amestoy, Coals Polaskl, L. O. Goodwin, Prestley 0. Baker, Frank Leconvrenr, Oliver H. Bllas. Sarah J. ice. Estate D. BoJomou, Chris. Henno, Jacob Kuhrts, Isaias W. Hellmsn. ml ANGELK3 SAVINGS BANE, ISO NORTH MAIN STREET, OAPITAL $100,000 L. 0. GOODWIN PBBSIDBira W. M. CASWELL. SBCBBTABV I. W. Hbllxah, Johh a. Plates. BobxbtS. Baxab, J. B. Lanksbshim, L, 0. Goodwin, Term deposit* will be received ln samiof $100 and over. Ordinary deposits ln tarns of £10 aud over. Money to losn on flrsi-ci&sa real estate. Los Angeles, July 1, 1889. nltl QALTFORNIA BANK, Cor. Fort and Second sts., Los Angelas Subscribed Capital $500,00 C Paid up Capital $300,00; Burplsa $20,00? DIBBOrOBtI Hervny Undiey, J. o. Kays, E. W. Jonas. „ Jnan Bernard, H.G. Newhali. n. C. Witmer President J. Fran's euflelJ Vice-Presidaßl •A'- J. Weldon, Csehler. J. M. Witmer, Assistant Cashier, Ganural Bsnklng snd Exchange Bvtlneta transaotod. ul 4m THE CITY BANK. 37 South Spring street. Capital Stock $300,000 A. D. CHILDRESS President JOHN S. PARK Cashier maaoTOßs, W. T. Childress Poindexter Dnnn P. FiUwilliam E. E. Crandall John S. Park R. G. Lnnt A. D. Childress. General banking. Fire and burglar proof safe deposit boxes rented at irom *3 to $20 per annum. u4l2m rJIHK UNIVERSITY BANE OF LOB ANGELB» No. 119 New High street, CAPITAL STOCK PAID DP - - $100,000 BDBPLOB 20,000 E. M, WIDNEY- • ~" 7~~ . Presfdeat GEO. I* ARNOLD - • ■ Cat—lei dibbctobs: R. M. WIDHBY, 0. A. W.AEHEK. D. O. MILTiMOBfe C M. WBLLS. 8. W. LITTLB, L. J. P. MOBSUA, L. H. TITUS. Eight per pent, bonds seenred by first etort gago on real estate, with interest payable semi annually, are offered to Investors of $250 and upwards, nltl gOUTHEBN CALIFORNIA NATIONAL BANK NADEAU BLOCK. L. N. BREED Prosldeßt WM. F. BCHBYBHHLL Vloe-Fretldenl 0. N. FLINT cashlar Paid-is Capital $200,000 Bdbplus 20,000 Author—;ao Capital 600,000 Directors—L. N. Breed, H. T. Newell, H. A Barclay, Charles E. Day, E. C. Bosbysnell, M. Hagan. Frank Rador, Louis Gottschalk, D. Remick, Thos. Goss, William S. Bonbyshell. nltl ANGELES COUNTY BANK, Temple Blook, Lot Angalos, C«>, Oapital Stock Paid Up, 3100,000, Reserve Fund, $100,000. JOHN B. PLATER." Pretldcai R. 8. BAKER Vlco-rWdoai GEO. H. STEWART USeblei _ DIRECTORS: H. h, Maonell, Jotham Blxby, John St. Plater, Robert S. Baker, John A. Psxton, Geo. W. Prescott, Geo. H. Stewart. Bny sad Sell Exchange on San Font olsoo, New York. Loudon. Parlt, Berliu and Frankfort. Buy Exchange on all paxtsot theUnitsd'at st and Europe. Receive Monoy on open aocomnt and stir tlfloaf oof deposit, and do a general banklns and exchange business. nl jCIIBBT NATIONAL BANK OF LOB ANGELS OAPITAL STOCK $200,000. RESERVE $21)5,000, UNITED STATKB DEPOSITORY, B. K. BPBNOX Fresldsnl {■ £• WMSi^ 1 Vloe-Presldenl J. M, ELLIOTT Osshler 0. B SHAFFER Asttatant Cashier Dlroctort-E. F. Bpenoe, J. D. BiokHell, S. H ? o .?' J^. m _ J - *• Orank, H. Ifsbmry J. M. Elliott. ul State Loan anil Trust Co, Capita! bi ,oou,ooo. BANKING ROOM, N. W. CORNER SPRING AND SECOND STREETS, BRYSON BONEBRAKE BUILDING. dibbctobb: GKO. H. BONKBKAKR, Prealdent. JOHN BRYSON, SB.. | vl .„ P „. M .„,. B. F. BPBNCK. ( Vice-Presidents. SAMUEL B. HUNT, Secretary. H. 0. Witmer, L. N. Breed, H. J. Woollaoott, P.M.Green, W. G. Coohran, L. W. Dennlt, W. H. Perry. We act as trustees for corporations, syndicates and estates. Loan money on choice real estate and collaterals. Keep choice securities for sale' Pay Interest on savings deposit. Fiveper cent paid on time depotltt. Safe deposit boxes rent, sstt ANGELES NATIONAL BANE, cob. flbst and sprihb sh. oapital $500,000 co Bcbplub abb Undivided Pbofits. 50,000 00 Tot Al, .$550,000 00 GEO. Bt. BONKBRAKB. President. JOHN BRYSON, 8b Vice-President. W. 0. HOWX9 Oaahisr. DIRECTORS. DB. W. a. OOCHKAH, H. H. MAUKHAU. Pbebv M. gbkbn, John Bbybos, DB. H. BIHBAVADSB, F. C. HOWBS, Gbobsb H, Bj <M«u«. Exchange I )r tale on all tho principal ottloi of tho United States and Karope. > ol rents" BOXES, BTOKB3 13la m SJ^»?l^■ VALUABLES, LqAMUKSmnnsH exkoutks TBUBTB >_i_>_s___M_d___K o26tf UUminiMSlOlN AND B'rUUAtili. laud'b waSehouseT E. G. With, Proprietor. GRAIN, WOOL —AUD— General imMm WarehoHse. Advances made oa wool. _ n!2-tf "' H. HIU.KB, Pres. J. J. Woodwobth, Sec. LOS ANGELES STORAGE, COMMISSION AND LUMBER CO, Ban Pedro St., bet. Fourth and Fifth. Dealers in Lumber of all kinds. Lath, Piaster, Doors, Lluie, Fireclay, Windows, Cement, Fire brick, Blinds, Plastering Hair, Monterey Sand, etc. Best brands English Portland Cement by the 100 or 1,000 barrels. Prices on application Telephone 109. P. o. Box 87. n7 3in California Warehouse CORNER SEVENTH AND ALAMBDA. Grain, Wool and General Merchandise Warehouse. Storage, Commission A Insurance. nlttf MAIN-ST. WARMOUSE^ Oor, of New N. Main and Holly Streets, OKNEUAL STOKAOU. Advances made on Oram. CECIL 0. R. SUMNBB.Proprietor. nig tf Neustadt & Pirtle, BROKERS, Real Estate and Insurance Agts Buy and sell bonds, stocks, mortgages and other securities. Ample capital lor any reasonable demand. Loans negotiated on real estate and collat erals from $200 to $100,000—any time-cur rent rates. REAL ESTATE. Wo would like the list of all parties having property lor sale in or near tho city. Buyers call for our list, you will find eomothlng to suit you. Business, resident, suburban, acreage, im proved and unimproved. Special attention given to the collection of rents and the oare of property. Refer, by permission, to First National Bank, aud National Bank of California. NEUSTADT A PIKTL£, 27 W. Second Br- Burdick Block. nl9 3m ______ The Gem of the San Gabriel Valley. Only Three Miles from City Limits ot Lev Angoles. Property of San Gabriel Wine Uo. original owners. LOCATED AT SHORB'S STATION, On line of S. P. B. R. and Sau Gabriel Valley Rapid Transit It. 8., From 10 to 15 minutes to the Plata, Los An geles Olty. OH_APBBT BC-.URBAN TOWN LOTS. VILL_ BITES, OB ACREAGE PBOPRK i FOr-OLAB TUBUS. PTJKSCBT SPRING WATEB luoxhtßstiblo nn an titles raar an teed, Apply at Office of BAN GABRIEL WINS CO., Bomons, Los Angeles county, Oal. n7» Or to J. M.TTERNAN. Ramon*. COCKLE'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. The Great English Remedy. FOB LIVER, BILE, INDIGESTION. ETC. Free from mercury; contains only pure Vegetable Ingredients. Agents, LANGLRY a MICHAELS, 9an FraATltoo. diwflyly i 38 and 40 N. Spring St. - -WGROCER FRESHLY ROASTED COMBINATION COFFEEI 3 A Lbs. for $1.00. BEST VALUE ON THE COAST. ECONOMY 19 PRACTICED BY BUYING THE BEST GOODS. C. E. DONAHUE'S GROCERY HOUSE! 205 SOUTH SP'RITSTCSr ST. Yonr neighbor trades and will recommend our Teas, Coffees, Fine Groceries, Lunch Goods and Luxuries. Telephone 441. $1.00 PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Wheukah, Certain Photographers of this city have been, through the medium of agents, selling tickets for cabinet photos at reduced rates, and considering that such ;,,(• :;s are detrimental to the advancement of the art, and being of no benefit to the purchaser, We, the undersigned, have mutually agreed to give one dollar each for Baid tickets, cniy ono ticket accepted from each sitter. N. B.—This otter only good for a limited time. J. T. Bert-hand, 413 N. Main street, I Edocart & Son, 121 S. Spring street, E. \V. Fortune, 151 8. Spring street, A. P. Nkwdi ok, 354 8. Spring street, M. A. Wehnek, 21 W. First street, I G. N. Dewry, 41 8. Main street. nolT-lm JOE BAYER & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE and LIQUOR MERCHANTS, 29 NORTH MAIN ST. Telephone 38. Fredericksburg Brewing Co. Have Removed their Office and Bottling Works to Junction of North Main, Mission and Chavez Streets, Opposite !«rtiYid'» Warehuua Where they have enlarged the capacity of their Bottling Establishment, which is the bast and largest on the Coast. Their friends and patrons will De kindly received by Mtm JACOB ADLOFF, General Agent. NILEB PEASE IMPORTSR AND DEALER. IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, LINDLEUMS, OIL-OLOTHB" MATTINGS AND WINDOW SHADES. 243,245 and 247 S. SPRING ST. n4 tt RECEIVED AND NOW ON SALE AT HARPER & REYNOLDS CO. Carload of those celebrated wrought-iron Home Comfort Ranges; also several cai loads of Cooking and Heating Stoves for Coal, Wood, Coal Oil and Gasoline on hand. A very fine assortment of Geo. Wostenbehn's IX L ft&d Hamasoi A Buckley's Pocket Cutlery, American Carvers and Table Knives in fine cases, also those celebrated brands of Razors, "Progress," "Bengal," and Wade A Batcher. Complete stock of all kinds of Builders' Hardware and Mechanics' Tools always on hand. HARPER & REYNOLDS 00. AS snd 8Q Nft.b Main Str—t. Patronize Home Industry. CALIFORNIA SEWER PIPE COMPANY, •manufacturers of Salt Glazed, Vitrified Iron Stone Sewer Pipe TERRA COTTA, FIRE BRICK, ETC. ITirst Premium at l.os .Angeles ITalr, 188». BORA)! HILIEB, President, i Office and Yard, SKS - * CO*. FIFTH AND BAN NCDEO KM. .1 M. RII.K.V. Mm,i?K"r, nggtf I Telephone, 1009. -REMOVAL. S. M. PERRY, —DKALKK IN— GAS FIXTURES 10 S. MAIN ITRBET, WIU Remove about December Ist to 417 and 419 South Fort St. (WILEY BLOCK.) Sanitary Plumbing in all Its branches. Orders by Telephone 84 promptly attended to. _ _ nB6 7* O. B. FULLER & CO., (Saooessors to MoLaln _ Lehman.) Pioneer Truck anil Transfer Co. So. 8 *f_Bj_T St., Los ahsslss, Oal. Safeaad Piano Motlm. All kinds <>f TrnokWotf T»lk_ok» 137. dltf DR. M. HILTON WILLIAMS, Specialist lv diseases of the HKAD, THROAT AND CHEST, ALSO ALL- Chronic Diseases of tbe Blood, Etc. OFFICE—37 South Fort St., Between Kirst and Second streets Loe Angeles, Cal. OVER 100.000 Hnf P LTW«s D Anr. eases of the respiratory organs treated by the most improved MEDICATED INHALATIONS and the OXYGEN TREATMENT, whtoh has such a wonderful reputation ln the East OXYGEN antagonizes and thoroughly re moves every poison of the system from the Blood, no matter from W»at cause it exists or how long it has continued, and is efficacious iv the cnre of Catarrh, Throat Diseases, Asthma, Bronchitis. Consumption, Nervous Prostration, Inromnla and Dyspepsia, etc., together with any poisoned condition of the blood. In all cases ol Catarrh and other diseases of the Respiratory Organs, where the system suf fers Irom the deleterious effects of sorofula oi other vitiated condition of the blood local treatment is invariably conjoined with consti tutional remedies. Persons deslrlsg treatment by this system ot practice can use the remedies at home as well as at oar office, aad which will cause no incon venience or hindrance to business whatever. I have seen so many of these cases cured that I do not consider any case hopeless, un less the disease has advanced 10 the chest and both lungs are seriously involved. The In halations aid us ia dissolving the mucus and ln connecting and healing ttrb cavities, which not hing else can do with tho same success. The very post of references from those al ready oared. Those who desire to consult me In regard to their cases had better oall at the offlos for an examination, bnt if Impossible to visit the office perionally can write for list of questions and circular, both of whtoh will be sent free of charge. - Address M. HILTON WILLIAMS. M. D, 37 south lort St., Los Angeles, Cat.' Office hoars—From 9a. v. to 4r, st Sundays—From 2 to 2:80 r. sr. Residence—lS South Grand Avaaue * a 14