Newspaper Page Text
8 AN IMPORTANT LETTER. It Describes the ilegliiiilng «f Work • n (he I itk Connection. The following important letter was re ceived by a well known citizen of Los Angeles from a resident of Ban Fran cisco who has been visiting in Nephi, Utah. Nephi is a prosperous little city on the junction of the Utah Central and the Ban Pete Valley roads. It is about fifty miles south of Salt Lake City and about 150 miles from Milford, where the connection to Los Angeles begins. The letter is addressed to a prominent citizen of Los Angeles, and reads as follows: Nhphi, Utah.. November 27, 1889. Dkar Sir—Let Los Angeles rejoice! The citizens of Nephi have just ad journed a meeting in which they agreed to give 15 acres of land to the Utah, Ne vada and California railway (backed by the Denver and Bio Grande) for round houses, etc. It is agreed by the railroad company, in consideration of the land, that the grading*will begin at once, and be continued until Los Angeles is reached. The Union Pacific railway began grading today at Milford and are heading for Los Angeles, to shut the new road off. Mr. Roberts, the gentleman who has the contract for the Union Pacific work, told me he wtvi under bonds to complete 150 miles ot his contract in four months. Mr. Moore, of tbe Denver and Bio Grande, told me last evening that his teams and graders were all ready, and that their road would parallel the Union Pacific as far as Milford, 150 miles south of here, and then would cut across South ern Nevada, thence due southwest to Los Angeles. Mr. Miller. First Vice-President of the Denver and Rio Grande, and signer, on behalf of his company, of the agreements entered into between Nephi and his rail road company, assured me his contract ors were under a heavy bond to complete their grade to Los - Angeles before the Union Pacific people got there. Everything and everybody is all ex citement here at present, the town is full of laborers and teams, and the cry of both roads is: "On to U» Angeles;" hence I say, let Los AngeH rejoice, for from present indications she will soon have two more transcontinental roads. Tne Speakership. Ths Smn newspaper of this city, deign ing, with possible irony, to admit tbat there may be western candidates for tbe Speakership of the next House of Repre sentatives the equal of Mr. Reed in "brains, energy and personal beauty," adds: "But Tom Reed, of Maine, is likely to get the Chair, all the same," for the reason that''in the first place, he starts with more votes. In tbe second place, he has been the caucus nominee for Speaker in minority years, and custom and decency entitle him to the nomi nation now that it means something." Exactly so, the nomination by a caucus of his party to the Speakership this > ear would mean his election, and that would carry a meaning portentously antagonistic to great western interests. It would mean an arrangement of the Committees on Banks, Ways and Means, Internal Improvements, and last but not least, of the Committee on Coinage and on Mining, adverse to the views, wishes and interests of the West and Sonth, including the Pacific Coast Stales. With Mr. Thomas B. Reed in the Speaker's chair, there would be no hope of the enactment during the next Congress, of any beneficial laws in re gard to our mining interests. No mem ber of tbe House from the West or S sUth has a right to remain blind to the long Congressional record of Mr. Reed, of Maine, upon pub lic questions that in anywise have affected the interests and industries of the western people. We call as witness, also, the zealous advocacy ot Mr. Reed's pretensions to the Speakership, by such papers as the New York Times, and nearly every other eastern journal that is conspicuous for its special opposition to bi-metallism even to the extent already in operation in the United States, and for an obdurate advocacy of a false cur rency system based exclusively on gold. One and all, these journals strenuously favor the election of Mr. Reed, and as strenuously oppose that of Mr. McKin ley.—[Financial and Mining Record. The esteemed Republican contem poraries of the country will no doubt make great efforts to convince the people that Reed is not inimical to silver, and to all the other interests of the West. But the above, written before the event, is the true estimate of this matter. Reed's career and its record in public life all proves this to be so. Germany and tbe silver Question. It may be regarded as certain that the German Government must abandon the single gold monetary system. In fact, that was virtually done years ago when the sale of Germany's silver was stopped leaving fully $100.,000,000 .of the old thaler full tender money in circulation and some $70,000,000 of which in the vaults of the Imperial Bank of Germany now constitute a material part of the specie reserve of that bank and the basis of about 33 per cent, of her note circulation. Under an exaltation consequent upon so su preme a success as that gained in the war with France, it was somewhat nat ural for Bismarck to fancy that he could successfully establish a new monetary system for the German Empire which be had consolidated. With so large a sum of money in hand aa that acquired from France, it was not irrational for him to listen to mono-metallic theorists and to suppose, with them, that Germany was sufficiently rich to establish an exclu sively gold monetary circulation, and be forever rid of one chiefly of silver. As will be remembered, the production of geld by the process of alchemy been the great study and aim of Faust, as pictured by the great German poet, it was for gold the pact with Mephistopheles was contracted. Made thus to figure in the grand drama of Goethe, the acquisition of so large an amount of gold in successful war with France, naturally made the professors of political economy in Germany ready to fancy that tbe time had come for mak ing a sole gold standard in the German Empire as well as in England, and pre pared the military and diplomatic men of Germany to accept their visionary teachings. A thousand millions of dollars gained from France was enough to mislead even so calm a brain as that of Bismarck, for the time. The greatest of statesmen havo fallen into such errors, while statesmanship consists in the rare power to comprehend, in time, the error that haa been com mitted and to unhesitatingly and wholly abandon the false road which may have been entered. The Imperial Chancellor, we are satisfied, has dis covered long ago the full extent of the financial blunder into which closet polit ical economists to whom he listened, led the Government, and, therefore, he will have the statesmanship to throw them and their quackery overboard and re trace his steps, satisfied that economic results are not made obedient to the THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2 1889. sword and bayonet and are never brought about by means of mere statecraft even at the behest of Bismarck, nor are they to be woven in a closet out of the brains of a Professor Dumkoff, any more than Faust was able to transmute lead into gold by tbe process of alchemy. French Napoleons, paid by France as the price of removing the heel of Ger many from her soil, soon and steadily flowed back into the vaults of the Bank of France, carrying with them, in time, large sums of newly coined German gold crowns and half-crowns. Notoriously, the more gold there was coined under the new system in Germany, the more there was that flowed away through in numerable channels into France. The German Government sent to and sold by weight in London, at a heavy dis count, the old and worn silver currency, besides such of it as had been previously melted into bullion. It is now known that these coins have largely found their way back to Germany and have entered again, at least the thalers, into circulation. 1 n other word j, tbe gold currency with the Germans had gained at such cost and sought to acclimate, so to speak, would not Stay with them; while the silver that the Government had sought to be rid of would not stay away, but, like tbe ghost ot "blood-bolstered Banquo," would return to confound and trouble those who murdered it. Excepting the petty Scandinavian States and Portugal,' hitherto only one great commercial State, England—since 1820 —has been able to adopt a single gold standard, but it was in connection with a subsidiary silver currency with which a debtor could pay as much as $10 to any creditor at home, and coupled also with a silver monetary system upon a vast 6cale for her Imperial Anglo-Indian possessions.—["Financial and Mining Becord. A Oreat Reduction Sale. An unequaled opportunity to buy dia monds, jewelry, canes, watches, silver ware, etc., at lower prices than ever before known in Loe Angelas, appears in the advertising columns of the Hkrai.d this morning. M. M. Lowentha), 17 North Spring street, is making the offer, and you will be surprised to find how much can be bought for a little money at his establishment. Perfectly Flendish. To be assaulted by the three imps, dyspepsia, constipation and liver complaint—a trio of Satanic majesty—is perfectly fiendish. This often happens. The hateful three, however, soon whisk, away to the nether inferno when Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is employed to evict them. As a stomachic and alterative of disordered conditions of the bowels and liver, it is speaking within bounds to say that there is not in existence a medicine so widely known as this, and few iudeed which have received such positive and authoritative sanction from the medical fraternity. The fact that it promptly relieves, then extirpates, the three maladies of most common occurrence, ought and does make it the most popnlar of family medicines. But, in addition to that, It has achieved the foremost reputation as a prevent ive of and remedy for chills and fever, rheum atism, nervous and kidney trouble. For Sale. Fine, stylish, polished oak cart, made by R. M. Bingham & Co., Rome, N. V.; front and back seat, carrying two to four light persons; height of wheel, 42 inches; height of body from floor, 30 inches; length of shaft front of bar, 6 feet 2 Inches; for small horse, 13 to 15 hands high; has been slightly used; is offered at a bargain, Hawlby, King & Co., Los Angeles and Reqnena streets. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor:—Please Inform yonr readers that I have a positive remedy for Consumption. By Its timely in thousands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured. I Bhall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy rsss to any of yonr readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. Address Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl First-class mercantile I limb at John Embry's, 41 South Fort street 1 nequalled—Elgin brand condensed milk. Paint Your Floor With Senour's Floor Paint. It dries over night. For sale by J. M. Blackburn, 111 8. Main street. Try Elgin brand condensed milk. Children Cry for Pitcher's C*stortaL FI.LA.MO! S. RaifroarJll^^ ENGINEERS, FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN, GRIPMEN", All mat Bile GontinnonslF, TAKE NOTICE. It is a well-known fact that nine out of ten of all classes of iieople whoso busi ness calling is railroading, where they ride day in and day out, will sooner or later complain of sovere pains in their backs. Caution. What does this mean ? Ask yourselves the question. We will answer it for you. YourJcidneys are fast becoming diseased, anil if you neglect them there is one result—certain death. We have had many cases, and hold testi monials of railroad men that have taken their trouble in time, and by the use of the greatest vegetable remedy that has •;ver been, introduced in the world, viz: THE GREAT SIERRA KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE, have been cured and their kidneys strengthened to such an ex tent that they can pursue their vocations without fear. This wonderful remedy is becoming daily the most, popular of any Kidney and I .ivoT Cure that ever has I existed. Give it one trial and you will send to us a testimonial to add to en large and fast increasing list. For sale by all druggists. F. W. BRAUN & CO., Wholesale»Agents, oclfSeodSm Los Angeles. FOR MEOnLY! A POSITIVF F;r LOST or FAILING MANHOOD; ft rum ■ lib General and NERVOUS DEBILITY; fiTTTJ Weakness of Body and Mind: Effect* v «J J.VJC. of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. RoNut, Kohl* MAMIIKtI) Mil, lt.;,(or>Ml. How to rVnrsi- itn.i fitwiKthpn !H:*!,.l MM . M.O,'H> Mil. »\S A. I'll! 11 .1 11(11 >V. nkwiiittiT a-iMiim nn wiiTinrr nmsu in > *»•. Hon iMllfy from 47 Slal, .. T,-,-, !h rV>. urn! :- ~r,-i_-n CttMlriM. Yoa rnn wrlle la«m. Book, Hill ~x|,lr.,mll„r, and proof, mailed iwahxi) rr,e. Add™.. [B|i MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO,N. 1, seleodAW tf Chinese Lady's Store, t 206 8. SPRING STREET. IMPORTER OF ASIATIC aooss, And dealer ln Fine Teas, Chinese and Japanese Cnrlosilies and Inlaid Chairs, Bamboo work of all kinds made to order. I also keep a fine line of Jap anese Robej and Emnroiderv. n3 lm LSI K.WAI HHia, Frop. BDSOELLAftEOrjII. For Bilious tnd Nervous Disorders, such a* Wind and Pain In the Stomach. Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals. Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings ol Heat, Loss of appetite. Shortness ol Breath, Costlvenos, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous end Trembling Sensations, 4c. THS FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This ia no fiction. Every sufferer!-! earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they utill bo acknowledged to be a Wonderful .V«Hefne.-"'Worth ajruinra abox."- BEECIIAM'S PILLS, taken a.j directed, will quickly restore females locotnpletehealth. For a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT LIKE MAGlC:— ufeto doses will work wonders upon the Vital Organs: Strengthening the muscular S)!iOPi; restorinjr LmR-lost Complexion; bringing back, the ..eon edna of appetite, and arousing with Oi'ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physiral energy of the humanframe. These are "facts" admitted by thousands, in all classeaof society, and one of tile best guaran tees to the Kervotis and Debilitated is t';at REECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Full directions with each Bos. I Prepared only by THOS. BEECH AN, St. Helena, Lancashire, England. Sold *y Dntofflsts gmeraUy. B. F. ALLEN 4 CO., 3E5 and 367 Canal St., New York, Sole Agents for the United States, who, (If yonr druggist does not keep them,) . WILLJAIL BEECiU^ ' # f£l 26 & 28" N. SPR IN G ST. LOS ANQEL.ES. FOR FAMILY AND MECUCINAL USE. I WITHOUT FACSIMILE Jfr over cork. f W THE GEEAT APPETIZER Famous H. J. W. Old Bourbon and Rye Whiskey. ABSOLUTELY PI RE-NO I i;.«sKI. OIL,. A great relief to those troubled with Consumption, Dyspepsia. lability, Malaria, Chills and lever, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, etc. Price, $1.00 per quart bottle, six bottles for $5.00. FOR SALE BY C. H. Ror.ERTs, agent for Monrovia, Cal. j An«elena Pharm.u y, 1208 Temple St., city Gko. B. Hooin, agent for Pasadena, Cal. I Templk-?t. Dboo Co., cor. Temple aad Bcaudry C. R. Johnson, agent for Inglowood, Cal. aveuue, city. H. C. Worland, drug store, Station B, 3oy!e i q« 0 , q D i B ik, 224 South Main street, city. Heights. H. J. Woolucott, Branch, 351 S. Spring, city. Cable Pharmacy, Boyle Heights c Laux, 48 Sonth Spring street, city. Wrede & Buehlkr. 143 East First St., city. | c . Laux, 447 South Fort street, city. Wrkde 4 Bcehlsr (branch), 421 East First i BrrjCTTia Si Seei.", 115 ScuthJSprlng St., City. street, city. I g. w. Lockktt, Druggist, cor. and Second Macbice Lee, 500 3an Fernando St., city. streets, city. Raymond Hotel, East Pasadena. ■ Matson <& Brchn, cor. Fifth »nl Depot grounds. A. 11. Bbock amp, 11 S. Maiu st. Peter Debkum, No. 8 East First st. Tho Arcade. J. D Yates, 110 W. Bixth street. nl7 :im Fbitz Arbooast, 417 N. Main (Washington I Hotel Metropole, Avalon, Catalina Island. Saloon], | Urban A Buehleh, 595 South Olive, Phar- Ed. Meyers, 23 N.Los Angeles street. Thai macists. Champion Saloon. I Louis Mbsmer, U. 8. Hotel Bar, city. Ocean View Hotel, Redondo Beach, Cal. / John MciVoah, agent for Downey, Cal. A. Z. Vidal, agent for Aiuia, Cal. ] Ullman A Milleb. agent for Eanta Ana, Cal. OUR "{SPECIAL BRAjSTD" IS THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY PURE I.ARD SOLD IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Take No Other. ( 'JfW ) Take No Other. , BUY OUR "SPECIAL BRAND" /^^^^S^^^^^^g^^^^^^K EVERYWHERE THY OUE CANNED MEATS We.Guarantee lhem the Finest on the Market. The Trade Supplied; by Wholesalers generally. W. H. MAURICE Ao-pnt ■• *•«*«'•• **»«•••» street, nlllm THE EAYMOND, EAST PASADENA, Among *P*tH of tbe . eautiful San < afcrl.l Valley, cl K bt mile, from ».os Ansreles, "■KB'l'l'i Maaater (daring the summer season manage - of the Crawford House, White Mountains, N. H.) you c f n , uot 8° ont to The Raymond ami sDend a day, a wees, a month, or the wnole season thou no out and «t«w n faw hnn™ Tt la mil Tea^s-^ _.. A very complete livery Is connected with the hotel, and It Is an excellent starting-point for a drive tlro ich the San Oahrlel vnll«,» in •tllAmir^ ,ne 8M ° ftbrlel MMoa ehurch ' Kose '» wlnery ' Lucky Baldwin's and mx% 'other places Pasatfesta'.'osilif ,nd olh " nutu » i o%n *• oMilael 1 j tUMtltDf c. B. Herri:l, Manager •t The Raymond, East Great Special Sale And no hnmbng, at THE WONDER, 70 and 73 S, Main Street, To continue until $10,000 worth of Milli nery is disposed of. Dull times! Creditors are pushing us and the goods must be sold to meet them. Look at tbe bargains. 50 black trimmed Hats, $1 each reduced from $2.50. Hats,.s I.soeach; reduced from 25 fine trimmed Hats, |4 each; reduced from $7 50. 25 pattern Hats. $6.50 to .ffl; reduced from $10 aud $18. French felt Hat", all new shapes, $1 each; sold elsewhere for $2.25. 200 black straa- Hats, all now shapes, 25c; sold elsewhere for 75c. English felt Hate, all new shapes. 55c; sold elsewhere forsl 25. 50 silk beaver Hals, 50c; sold elsewnere for $3. 200 Knglish felt Hats, 250; sold elsewhere for $1.25. 100 wool felt Hats, 10c each; sold elsewhere forsl. RIBBONS. No, 0 all-silk Elbbon, 10c; sold elsewhere for 25c. No 12 all-silk Kibbou, 15c; sold elsewhere for 30c No. 10 all-silk Kibbou, 20c; Bold elsewhero for 35c.' No. 40. 4 inches iv width, black Batln Ribbon, 20c; sold elsewhers for 50c. All other Ribbons reduced the same. 2,000 fancy Feathers at your own price. Plumes and Tips reduce! one-third. Hat and Bonnet Forms, all new ehapea. Now is the t'me for bargains. If yen want Millinery cheaper than any mil liner can buy it, give us a call. THE WONDER, 70 and 72 South Main Street. RIVERA. Town Lots, Villa Lots, Farms of 5, 10, 20 to 40 acres. CHOICE ORANGE AND WALNUT LANDS. Parties wishing to find homes in South ern California Bhould see RIVERA! SNAP BARGAINS IN ALL LINES OF PROPERTY. J. F. ISBELL, Agent for Rivera. n3O lm NOTICE* Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 23,1889. Having purchased the entire business of the Los Angeles Gas Company, the Lowe Gas and Electric Company and the Consumers' Gas Light, Heat and Power Company, we beg to announce that on DECEMBER 1, 1389, the price of gas will be reduced to Two Dollars and Twenty-five Genta per One Thou sand Cubic Feet. FROM THAT DATE Positively No Rebates Will be_Allowed. Los Angeles Lighting Coipany By W. B. CLINE, Pbksidbnt. n23 lOt W.„ G. FURREY BnMers' Hardware Full Stock at Lowest Prices The finest stock of GARDEN HOSE ln [he city LAWN SPRINKLERS in every variety. POMPS for destroying the scale bug a specialty. THE MODEL GRAND RANGE, ihe leader ol them all. METAL ROOFINa andSANITAE7 PLUMBING a specialty. Will the public kindly give ma a call. 39 and 61 n7 Spring St. 116 S. Fort St o2otf OFFICIAL.. lIS mis sTipliKKlK COUitT OF THK county ot ho* Augeles, State of California. D. R Brearley, plaintiff, vi. Lizzie Baker, Thomas Kllpatrick and William Ktley. de fendant!!. Action brought In the Superior Court of tbe county of Loa Angeles, State of California, and thu ooniplalnl filed in «a!d county of Lou An geles in the office of tbe Clerk of said Superior Conrt, The people of the State of California send greeting to Lizzie Baker and Thomas Kilpat rick, defendants. Yoa are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the Superior Court of the oounty of Los Angeles, State of California, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service ou you of this summons, if served within this county: or, If served elsewhere, within thirty days, or judgment by default, will be taken against you according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought to foreclose the lien against lot 10, block 14, Pioneer Building Lots Association Tract, in the city of Los An geleß, county and state aforesaid, created by the assessment and warrant made brine Super intendent of Stteute of said city for grading Sicnel street, the amount of said assessment against said lot 10 being $102.30—f0r attor neys' fees and for costs of suit. Reference is had to complaint for particulars. And yon are hereby notified that if yon fail to appear and auiwer the said complaint as above required, the said plaintiff will cause your default to be entered, and apply to the i court for the relief demauded in the complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the i Superior Court of the county of Los Angeles, State of California, this 25th day of September. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine. i ISeal 1 CHAS. 11. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. By F. B. Fanning, Deputy Clerk i Jones & Canton, attorneys for plalstiff. j_ n3osatlot SUMMONS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE County of Los Angeles, State of California. E. J. Baldwin, plaintiff, vs. Anionio Ajurria, Francisco Ajurria and Gregorito Ajurria, de fendants. Action brought In the Superior Court of tho County of Los Angeles, State of California, and the Complaint tiled in said County of Los Aiißcles, in the offloe of the Clerk of said Su perior Court The People of the State of California send greeting to Antonio Ajurria, Francisco Ajurria and Gregorito Ajurria, defendants. You are hereby required to appear ln an ac tion brought against you by tho above named plaintiff, ln the Superior Court of theCoauty of Los Angeles, Mate of Califoriiis, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service), after the service on yon of this summons, if served within this county; or, if served else where, within thirty days. The said action is brought to quiet title to that certain lot or parctl of land situate on Spring stre t, in the city and county of Los Angeles, State of California, being the same premises 1 described in a certain deed of conveyance from Francisoa Temple ac Ajurria to Francs P. F. Temple, of date May 26th, A.D. 1860, recorded In the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles county, in Book No. 13 of Deeds, at page 559. and more particularly described in the com plaint to which reference is hereby made for Faniculars aud for costs of suit, as will more ully appear by reference to the Complaint on • file herein. And you are hereby notified that if you faii;to appear and answer the said complaint as above ' required, the Baid plaintiff will apply to the Conrt for the relief demanded in said com plaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the Su perior Court of the sail County of Los Angeles, State of California, this 3d day of October, . A. D. 1889. ' [seal.] CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. By F. B. Fannisd, Deputy Clerk. Smith, Winder A Smith, Attorneys of Plaintiff. ocs sa2m NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. William; d. vawter, plaintiff vs. Frits E. Johnson, Geotge H. Recce, et a!, . defendants. Sheriff'ssalo. No. '.mi. Order of sale and (decree of foreclosure and sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, issued out of the Superior Court of the county of Los Ange les, State of California, on the 11th day of Nov ember, A. D. 1889, in the aboveentitle'd action, wherein William D. Vawter, the above named plainliff, obtained a judgment aud decree of foreclosure and sale agahint Fritz K. Johnson, et al , defendant, on the 11th day of Novem ber, A.D. 1889, for the sum of $121 98 dol lars, in lawful money of the;Unlted States, which said decree was ou the llth day of Novomber, 1 A. D. 1889, recorded lv judgment book 13 of , said court, at page 304,1 am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situ -1 ate, lying and being in the county of Los An geles, State of California, and bounded ant" 1 described as follows: Lot five (5), block two (2), of the Vawter J iraet.being a subdivision of part of Division "I" of the subdivided lands of the San Gabriel S Orange Grove Association, according to map of said tract recorded in book 7, page 19,0f mia -1 cellaneous records of said Los Angeles couuty, . to which map and the record thereof referenoe is hereby made for further and more particular description. Public notice is hereby given that onThurs day, the 12th day of December, A. D, 1883, at 12 o'clock m. ol that day, ln front of ths Court House floor of the couuty of Los Angeles, on , Bpriug street, I will, in obedience to said order | of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, sell the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, etc., to tho highest and best bidder for cash, lawful money of the United States. Dated this 18th day of November, 1889. M. (1. AGUIKKE, Sheriff of Los Angoles couut7. By A. M. THORNTON, Under Sheriff. R. R. Townjsb Attorney for Plaintiff, n!9 tuee4t NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. ANDRE3 DANERI, PLAINTIFF, VS. RO3A Castellar Johnson, ct al., defendants.— Sheriff's salo No. 10,970. Order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale. Uuder and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, Issued out of the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1889, in the above entitled action, wherein Anrlreß Danerl, the above named plaintiff, obtained a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale against Rosa Castellar Johnson, Lucrecia Borgia Johnson, Antonelli Johnson and H. C. McClure, defendants, on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1839, for the sura of 349.45 dollars, in lawful money of I the United Slates, which laid decree was, on the 18th day of October, A.D. 1889, recorded in judgment book 14 of said Court, at page 97 I am commanded to sell all that certain lot piece, or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Los Angeles State of California, and bounded and described' as follows: Lot six (6) in block nine (9) of the Pioneer Building Lot Association of East Los Angeles according to a map thc-reof made in May 1875' by L. Secbold, County Surveyor, and recorded" in book 3, page 70, and book 32, pages 63-4 of Miscellaneous Records iv the Recorder's office of Los Angelas County Public notico is hereby Riven, that on Satur day, the 14thday Df December, A.D. 1889, at 12 o clock M. of that day, in front of the Court House door of tho County of Los Augeles, on Spring street, I will, in obedience to said orde of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, sell the above described property, or so much there of as may be necessary to (satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, etc., to the highest and best bidder, for cash, law;ul money of tho United States. Dated this 21st day of November, 1889. M. G. AGUIRRE, Sheriff of Los Angeles County. By A. M. Thornton, Under Sheriff. Smith, Winder & Smith, att'ya for plaintiff. n22 4t fr TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF LOS ANGE- X les Couuty, State of California. In the matter of the estate of 0. A. S. Weyse. deceased. No. 6,667. It appearing to the Court, by « petition pre sented and filed by L. 0 Uoodwin, adminis trator Of the estate of C. A. 8. Weyse, deceased praying for an order to sell real estate, that it is nocessary to sell the whole, or some portion of the real estate to pay the debts outstanding agaiustthe deceased, and the debts, expenses and charges of is, therefore, ordered by the Court, that all persons inter ested ln the said estate appear before the said Court, Department No. 2 thereof, on Thursday the 19th day of December, 1889, at ten o'clock a. m., at the court-room of said Superior Court in the Abstract and Tide Insurance Company's building, corner of Franklin and Now High streets, in the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California, to show cause why an order should not be granted to said ad ministrator to sell so much of the real estate of Bald deceased es shall be necessary; and that a copy of this order be published at least four suc cessive weeks In the Los Angeles Heraid a newspaper printed and published in the said City of Los Angeles, County ol Los Amrelen State of California. Augeies, Los Angeles, November 19,1889 .oaol-w 1 - CLA «*'J"1 B e, S 1 °A E I, 0 Ha wk . no. r>v, statedly on the first Tuesday of each month. qnd 7 at MMOnlO °° r '«" <W JOHN A LOGAN~TOBT, G. A. X.—MEETS X~ very Monday evening in G. A. R. HaU,Mc- Donald block, on Main st, '