Newspaper Page Text
LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD. VOL. XXXIII. —NO. 53 WANTS, PKRBOHALB, AND OTHER AD vertitemente under the following heads in terted at tke rate of S cents per i»« lor each jrurrtton, or ft a line per month. TO HOOSEKKEPKfiS —14 LBS. GKAN uI-ted or 16 lbs. brown sugar, $1; 4 lbs. rloe, 25c, 9 lbs. white beans. 250; starch, 4 packages, 25c: can gasoline. 90c: opal oil, l)Oo: Arbnckle coffee, 25a; Germea, JSOo; 10 lbs com meal. 20b; new pickles, 10c. quart: good black or Japan tea. 30a: sock fl-mr, $1..!j: 10 lb« eornmeal, 'iOc; 6 lbs raisins or peaches, 25c: 3 lbs prunes, 25c; honey. 50 lb; 40 bars snap, ilj baenn.l23: hams. 13n; 'Ork, 110. ECONOMIC GROCERY, 409-111 S. Springst. <131 m C~ OLMSTKdT mTiIaGBR H"LLENBKCK . Bo«k storn. 114 W. Second 6t. Sub ssrlptions received for all periodicals. d 3 AI'IUNG ESTABLISHMENTS OR BAR bers:—Send address to gentleman treating all diseases sue jessfnlly by new method; pro fitable enterprise. PROF. M., bux 70. Daily Herald offloe. n3O 7t* fi QWIUL SUV 6 (fJRBtJ OK THK \o\)"\f finest nursery laa,t in the country, ose to oity line, all planted In choice fruit trees, with 2000 nursery trees, sll under Irri gating ditch, Address J. W. POTTS, bflx 543, Station C. n26 lm LADIEB— McCALL'S BA'AB; OLOVEFIT tIng patterns. 231 8. Si.ring st. n23.1m PBRBONAI.-DIVORCR3 OBTAINED WITH the least possible publicity. Terms reason able. Advice free. Address "Lawyers," P. O. box 733, Station C, city. uls-tf MME, JOHNSON, FORTUNE TELLER. 624 Grand aye., between Seventh aud Eighth sts. nl3 lm* MBS. PARKER, BUSINESS MEDIUM AND clairvoyant, 224 8. Spring at. n2stf rVORCE LAW A SPECIALTY. ADVICE freo. W. W. HOLOOMB, attorney's office. 24 West Flrst-st.. rooms 10 aud 11. n29-tf ERSONAL—9,OOO TAX SALES IN LOS AN geles oounty; one year to redeem. Do you wish to know if your property was ou the list? B*nd for county delinquent tax list, published only in Daily Herald. Mailed to any address for 25 cents. Je2ltf ICO HOUSE, NORTH MAIN STREET AND tbe Plssa, under new management, has re cently D3eu thoroughly renovated throughout. Conducted on European plan. The rooms large aud airy; furniture, carpet,, etc., almost new Rates reasonable. Branch postotficeaas located In this building. R J. PRICE, Proprietor. n 19-lm MMjV AlilT fiilJMI. • FOUND— THE BEST PLACE TO HAVE YOUR watcbes and Jewelry repaired, or Jewelry made to order; also find a good selected stock of all kinds of Jewelry suitable for holiday pres ents, at reasonable prices, by J. WALTER, man nfactnrlng Jeweler, 20 8. Main st nlO 2m hoteesi and boardiiva. olunTaTiFbiSa^din^ beautiful scenery; sunny rooms and other pleasant snrroundings; carriage and buggy or donkey hire reasonable; shot drive to Pomona; two miles from Lordsburg postofflce, onC 0. R. B. Blxh- Ranch. La Verne rt22 lm* want m D—n WaSt£d— tac: In every town and county to repre sent an established bon«6: salary f6sto*Bo per month. P. J. GANNON, Supt., 11l Mur phy Bulldlnp-, San Francisco. Cal. dl-lm* \t7mTjM »s^p^3ll I WISH TO EMPLOY A FEW LADIES, ON salary,to take charge of my business at their homes; entirely unobjectionable: light; very fascinating and hea thf nl: no talking re quired; permanent position: wages $10 pur week in advance; good pay for part time; my referenoes include s - roe ot the best well known people of Loulsvillo. Cincinnati, Pittsburg and elsewhere. Address, with stamp, «RS MaBIOS WALTER, Fourth and Chestnut at» . TouUvlllc. Ky. se27 iri&tnlim W A NTED—CITIIA CIONB. and wife; mauls experienced coachman and gardener; wife is experienced cook and understands general housework: conntry pre ferred; wages no object. Call at Moffit Hcuse, 26 Days street, room 5. ri3-4* WAD I'tSll— nUMfKLI.ANbVUa. TO FRAME AT Burns' Music Store, 152 S. Main St. dltf ooks ha"ving private libraries or collections of books for sale are requested to notify the Librarian of tho Los Antrelea Public Library of the same by latter. By order of the Board of Directors of the Los Angelet Publio Library. T. L. Kelso, sMerk and Librarian i)7-lm Flit* iiV. vr. ample water, for a terra of years. Apply by letter, or on Saturdays between 9 and 12, at Grand aye., opposite Jenkins St. MRS. BTONEM tN. n27 7t ton uk« i itooinit. P rooms. Fourth st, cor. II ill. n29tf OR RENT—FURNIsIiIt2D~~ROOMS, AT NO Now Highst.,near'iemple. n22lm ORIENT—FBONT ROOMS FOB OFFICES in Newell Block, cor, Main ana Second sts.; ptioe» re»sonahle. n'24 lm rUH B*KtS^— HO IDNEK. FOR RENT — HANDSOME 10 ROOMED house, partly furnished; large ham and chicken corral; 2 acres in alfalfa; on E. Wash ington st. Only $40 per month. M. F. O'DKA, 45 S. Fort st. dl-7t OR RENT-HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS; BATH: close In; cheap. 58 Wilmington st. dl 51* OR RKN?—HOUSE,"anFftJUNITURE FOR sale cheap. Inquire 226 S. Fort st. nBB tf IB BINT, QHOIOE 6-BQOIf FUitnYshED dwelling; bath; barns and outhouses; three acres shrubbery, trees and flowers; near two oar lines; close in; $40 per month. W. R. BUKKB, 55 N. Springy n2l tf OR BENT-HOUSEB ALL OVER THE CITY. 0. A. SUMNER A CO., 7 8. Fort st. nlO tf TjlOR R>NT—Ht"USES, STORM. LONG i HT J 1 to select from: free carriage. LOS ANGELES BENT A L AGEMCY IN Fort st. n25 t' FOR HlE^r^»»t'Fli:K!^ FOR RENT—A FINE OFCICE; ALSO DESK room, at No. 44 N. Spring st. n3O tf ituo in « K«V*lHtio. R"emoval-mrs. i,rTffith, formerly at 219 S Fort, has removed to 418 S. Los Angeles st., where eau be found firss-elass room and hoard. n!6 lm AOOTION SALES. and harnesses at the Kentucky Stables, No. 110 Upper Main and f>39 N. Main sts. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock Wednesday, Deoembar 4, 1889 d»2« i^~KJt^HAr««*is. F"~~OR^XGHA^GE —GOOD CALIFORNIA FOR unincumbered oastern property; un'u cumbered Ventura county fruit ranch, paylDg well, for Los Augeles property. KURTZ * LIST. 18 Hnuth Soring. d 3 lm ton »AA,*T--Out CASH AND $500 DUE IN four years buys fine lot. small house, bam. fruit trees, ere. Apply H. E. HDD ALL. No. 39 South Fort street d 3-2* git.|,t/t WILL BUY 5 ACRES, WITH V»/Ul/U house of 7 rooms; 500 bearing orange and other trees, all in fine condition; water piped to land; bounded by Bellevue, Margueret and Eureka sts. Apply to I. W POT rs, Waterlo" st, n26 lm t'OH SALIs-country (*rop«rtT. LAND TO RENT AND FOR SALE—FROM 10 to 100 acres, with water. Apply to H. KBOEQER, Anaheim. n22 lm FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE—4O ACRES, all orange land in Ban Gabriel valley; house, bam, cistern, fence, grapes, fruit, water; below value, long time, low interest, S. B. GORDON, owner, Bryson-Bonebrake block, Los Angeles. nI3-lmo FOR SAL.E— miscellaneous. in 4 roomed cottsge, close to plaza. In quire this week 501 N. Main St., opposite pleza. d 3 3t* OR BALE-3.000-POUND DIEBOLD SAFE, steel chest, nearly new; 700-gallon oil tank; double spring wagon in perfeot running order; eaoh or all can be had at a genuine bar ■ am, SAM. N. OSBORNE. 16 S. Main st * P3O 7t TCIOR BALE—FIXBNITURE. NKaBLY NEW, Jb whole or part. 1,011 B. Grand aye. n24-ti SPEC 1 ALi NOVICES. SKK THK CHRISTMAS GOOD 3 AT THK 'ipcninif at the Woman's Exchange, 25 K. Fortrth street, December sth. 6th and 7th. dl-4t TO COLLECTORS OP AKT AND CLASSIC g-ma, historic relics and medieval loons ot religions thought (or sale. Wilson Block. First aud Swing sts., Booms 34 and 35. Ad mittance, 25 cents; to strangers, business, 10 tents, remitted on sale. Hours, 1 to sp. m. n8 lm* TYPE Wit ITKKB FOR SALE Oil KENT AT Lousiey's Shorthand and Typewriter In stitu">, 24 west First ttreet. nB lm I^SINE»«^HA J TjlOR SALE—A RESTAURANT; CENTRALLY r located snd doing a good business. POUL HAUS <t SMITH. No. 28 N. Spring St., room 4. d 3 3t JIOR SALS- MX AT MARKET, COKNkR OF 1 Seventh st. and Union avenue. Owner about to leave city. Apply on premises. rt3o7t* FOR SALE-LITE STOCK. of No. 1 work horses for sale, cheap. Ven tura Stables, 25 8. Los Angeles St. nIS tf OR COR. SANTA FK AND Vernon aveuuo, or address J. W. HARRIS, box 409, City. n25 2m* HO ROUGH BRED FOWLS AND EGGS OF 15 varletlos by A. C. RUSOnHADPT, ou State street, Brooklyn Heights, P. O. Box 43 Station Tt. Clronlara frew. dl tf NIGHT CLASS IN ELOCUTION NOW FORM ing. Apply al Luolam School of Oratory and Arts. 580 South Olive St. n3O tf BAWINO. ROUND WRITING, ENGROSS- Ing. Euclid, algebra, German language. Experienced teachor; terms moderate H. ECKERT, 22 Jaoksun st., Los Angeles. n3O 7t* BA~JXANIK PEET9' STUDIO WILL BE open for pupils November 18t*. Class In clay modelling sow forming. Twenty lessons for $12. Orders taken for all high class work, nl6 3mos 01CB CWLTURE—MRS. JIRAH D. COLE wfll reoeive her pupils st her residence, 580 South Olive street, from this date. nf> tf OCCIDENTAL ACADEMf, 526 GRAND aye.; a hoarding and day school; prepares boys for college or business. BEY. J. W. PARKHILL, principal. • d2-tf. ST. CATHARINE'S ACADEMY—A BOARD ing and Day School: fall course, of study, perfect care, oharge* m deratx Address for particulars, THE SISTER SUPERIOR, Ana. helm. Cal. n2stf_ 108 ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGbTaND I English Training School, 38, 40 and 42 S. Main st, near Second. Experienced teachers; complete courses of study. Day and evening sessions. D. B. WILLIAMS. Prin, nls tf RsT"naNNhT (lATC OF Singing, Plaao aud Guitar. Soecial rates to beginners. 337 Olive, near Fifth. nls tf SCHOOLOF CIVIL. MINING, MECHANICAL, Engineering, Surveying, Architect" re. Drawing, Arsaying. A. VAN DER NAIL I EN, 723 Market st, San Francisco. nlo-5m WOODBUKY3 BUSINESS COLLEGE —AND— SHORTHAND AND TVPEWBTTINB INSTITUTE, 159 tZoath. Epring Street, Les Angeles, Cal Hiwom day abo svarmro. For particulars, call at offioo or address. *trt I t F. fl WnfIOTPBV. Putnolwal EACUHMIONK. : Makes from 12 to 24 hours :SANTA FE" quicker time to Missouri river BOUTB . and all Eastern points. Will ; : run personally condnetedTonr Ist Excursions every Thursday nnder the man agement of Clarence A. Warner, formerly of the Warner Bros. Excursion Agency. For furtherinformatlon apply to any ticket agent of the company, or to 8. P. HYNES, Gen. Pass. Agent, 29 N. Bpring St., Iyj Angeles C. A. WARNER, Excursion Manager. d2tf WINTER TRAVEL—FORTNIGHTLY TOUR Ist Excursions—Organized and conducted by the Southern Pacific Company, via the Sunset Boute, New Orleuns Birmingham, Cha ttanooga and Cincinnati, to 1W ton. Now York, Fhttadelnhia and Intermediates. Through service of Pullman Tourist Sleepers Parties personally conducted by a Southern Pacific employe. Sleepers have Improved heaters for light cooking aud tea and entree. Adjustable lnnch tables in every section. 12 nours iv New Orleans for sight-seeing. Leave Los Angeles Oct 10th and 31st; Nov. 14th and 28th; Dec. 12th. isS*v Jen 2d, 10th and 30th; Feb. 13th and 27th: March 13thand 27th; April 10:h and 24th. 18^0. Per further information apply to any Agent Southern Pacific Co, or to the General cas senger Office, 202 N. Main St., Los Angeles. Cal. 0. H. WHITE, Tioket Agent; J. M CRAWLEY, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent; T. H. GOODMAN, G. P. A T. A.; B. OKAY, Gen'l Traffic M»r.; A. N. TOWNE, Gen'l Mgr. nls 5m DENVER AN D RIO GRANDE AND BUBLlNfit ton route excursions, via Salt Lake City and Denver, leave Los Angeles every Thursday. Pullman tonrist 6leaping cars elegantly equipped. T.H. DUZAN.Agent, 34 South Spring street. ENVEB AND 810 GRANDE AND ROCK Island route excursions leave Los Ange les every Tuesday. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars, fully equipped, to Chicago, Boston and New York. F. W, THOMP3ON, Agent, 110 N Springst, 08 tf HILLIFS' EXCURSIONS ABE PERSON aIIy conducted in Pullman tonrist cars through to New York and Boston. Office, 44 N. Spring rt. n27tf W _ ALTERS' SELECT EXCUR3IONB, PER soually conducted to all points East wlth ont change. 13 N Spring st n2l tf l>HT8IO|AJ«ll, DB. EIIZABETII FOLLANSBEE, HAB BE turned front thoEtst. Office and residence, 240 8. Fort st. Office hours, from 11:30 a. in. to 2:30 p. m. p24-tf R FRED R. FROST, 17 N. MAIN ST., Los Angele*. Specialty: Diseases of tie Nose, Throat and Chest. Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5, 7to 8 Tel: Offloe, 96; residence, 964 Residence, 1419 Temple Bt n!7 rTIEONIDA OUTVIEBI, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, office and residence, Los An geles et. corner First. No 4. Office hours. 10 a. m. to 12; 2 to 4 and 8 p.m. n2O 2m M HILTON WILLIAMS, M, ».. M. 0. P. 8. .O. Specialist In diseases of tha bead, throat and ohest, inoludlng the eye, ear and heart. Oxygen, compound oxygen, nitrogen, monoxide, and other medicatod Inhalations, used in all diseases of the respiratory organs Office, 37 Soutu Fort street, from 9 a. m. to 4 T. M. nlO B. JOSEPH KURTZ, 266 N. MAIN ST. Office hours: 11 to 12 a. m ; 4 to 6 aud 1 to 9 p m n26 tf bT JOHN W. REESE, NO. 7J< N SPRING St. Ro -in 23 Schumacher blook. Office nours: 8 to 10 a. m.,1 to 4p. m„7to9p m Residence, No. 128V5 W. First St. n!stf B. DARLING OOULJBT AND A U RIOT Offloe 25 North Main St. Office Hoars. 9 a i v. to 4 r.M, dltf-d&w W. BURLEIGH, M. D., 121 S. SPBING ST. . Specialties, diseases of women (medical and surgical). Chronic diseases of stomach ' and bowels. dBtf B. H. AP.ENSBERG. FROM THE UNI V Kit - slty of Berlin, treats all chtonio diseases l successfully; disesses of tbe sexual organs a : specialty. Hours, Bto 10, 2t0A,7 to 8. Room , 15, Brysou-Bonebrake block. n2O tf B. 0. EDGAR SMITH, DISEASES ~OF women a specialty. Rectal diseases cured without the knife by the Brlnkerhofr system. ; Those suffering with any form of chronio or 1 rectal disease will do well to lnvefctlgate our ' system of trostment. Offlee, corner Main aud Seventh sts, Robart'sblook. nl6-tf B. WEST HUGHES, FORMER RESIDENT Surgeon to the New York Hospital. 75 N. ' Spring it. Hours, 9to 12, S to 5. Tel. No. 1,020 1 TkR. C. B. OLACICS HAS BfEMOVXD HIS ■ \J offloe from 75 N. Spring to 41 8. Spring at. Hours from 11 a. St. to Br. at. Specialty—Sex nsl aad skin diseases, chronic diseases in gen- I oral. n24tl DB. OHAS. DE 6ZIGKTHY. OFFICE AND residence, 813 8. Main st. Tele. 1,056. tf { TCI A. DE OAILHOL, M. D.—AT HDJ BANI -1 JZi. tsrlum, Pearl, south of Temple. Telephone \ 891. nl tf ARonii co rm. , frigrßßowrAßo^^ . U. son-Bonebrake blook, 3d floor, rooms 42 X and 43. raUtt TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3. 1889.—TJfiJM PAGES SPECIALISTS. 171 P. HOY, M. D„ OCULIST ANd "aURIST, < !i. treats the eye and ear exclusively, 39H N. during st. Hoars 10 s. m. to 4p. m. and 7 to , 8 p.m. n 15 5m HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., M. C. P. 8. ' • O. Specialist In diseases of the head, j throat and chest. Compound oxygen and - other medicated inhalations used in all eases 1 of the respiratory organs. Office move] to 37 J South Fort St., between First and Second. , Office honrs from 9a.m.t04 p. m. Sundays ' from 2 to 2:30 p. m. n2 . ELiEVuFLYII«MN~HO3PiTAL IS NOW . opeu, under the management of Mrs. Dr. J. - H. Smith. Patients can have their choico of physicians, and the best of care is given. Mid- j wifery a specially. 145 Bellevue aye. n2B tf j SPECIALIST. J Office, 115 South Main st., Booms 3 and 4. * n3O 6m 1 8. LANGLKY, ■ oor. Second and Los Angeles sts. Electrical - treatment, baths and massage. n3otf HOiaEOfftTlllSTS. c MRS. H. TYLER WILCOX, M. D., CORNER First and Spring Bt., Wilson block, n-8-tf ALBERT WILLIAMS, M. D.—OFFICE, 121 8. < Spring st.; hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5; resi dence, 1001 Grand aye. n23tf SB. 8 ALISBURY, M. D.. HOMCBOPATHIBT. i , Office, rooms 11 and 12, L. A. Bank build ing, oor. First and Spring sts. Residence, 538 S. Poarl st. Office hours, 11 a. sc. to Br. k. Telephone Nos.: Offioo 507; resldenoe 577. n24tf j DBS. BEACH A BOYNTON. OFFICK, 37 N. Spring st , Los Angeles, Cal. Office hours, 8 to 12 m , 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 r. sr. Dr. Boynton's residence. 735 Olive et. nlStf If A. OLABKSTm. D„ OFFICE AND REBI- ' !i. denoo, 24 B. Spring st. Hoars Ito 4 p.m. > Telephone 358. nl4 t c Offloe Honrs—ll to 12 a. St., 2t05 p. X., Offloe—Nos. 2 and 5 Odd Fellows' Building, Loa Angeles, Cal. Residence 408 South Main street. nO-tf. OK N TINTS* OTEVENB & MON, DENTISTS, 7 N. SPRING O St. Booms 18-19 Schumacher block. Fill ings, $1 up: porcelain and gold crowns, $5 up; plates, $4 to $10. Painless extraction by the electric vibrator, the only one In the city. J n22 lm DB. I. M. WHITE, DR. E. L. TOWNSEND, —Dentists,— 41 South Bpring street First building north of Bryson-Bonebrake block. J Telephono 138. nl9 lm G. CUNNINGHAM, DENTIST, REMOVED 1 . to No. 31 N. Spring St., rooms 1 and 2 Phillips blook. Los Angeles. Cal. nlStf 1882 RBTABLIBHRD 1882 DR. L. W. WELLS, COR. SPRING AND FIRST sts,, Wilson block; take elevator; Boom 30; teeth filled without pain: anaisthetlo per- ' fectly harmless; all klndsof dcutistry doneand teeth extracted positively without pain. n4 tf TDAMS BROS., DENTISTS, 28 8. SPRING O. stroet, Rooms 4 and 6, Gold fillings from $2 np. Amalgam and silver fillings, $1. Painless extraction of teeth by . vitalised air or nitrons oxldo gas, $1, Teeth extracted without gas or alr„so cents. Beet sets of toeth from $6 to $10. By our new method of making teeth, a misfit 1* lstposslble. All work guaranteed. We make a specialty ot extracting teeth with out pain. I Offloe Hours from Sa. ia,, to 5 p.m. Snadays from 10 a. m. to 12 m. Evenings, 7p.m. to 9 p. m. nB-tl ISIDORE B. DOCK WEI LER. ATTORNEY-AT law, rooms 10 and 11, Bryton-Bonebrake Block. nl7 lm* t R. B. TBI at. ~F. R Willib, I Commissioner for lowa. , WILLIS & TREAT, ATTORNEYS. EO"MS 35 to 38 Lanfranco blook, 118 N Main st,, Los Angeles, Cal. nIS-lm it. X . WOOD. M. C. IiESTER. A. H. JtTDSOS, JUD3ON, HESTER & WOOD, ATTORNEYB -at Law, 117 New High street, rooms 17, IS, ' 19, University Bank building, Los Angeles, Cal. ■ nO-tf [ T D. LONG9TREET—ATTORNEY AT LAW, < J . Room 100, Phillips Block. tf f. hsatTVmTnTattobney AT LAW. , Booms 21 and 18 Bryson-Bonebrako ; blook nl7tf B. GORDON, ATTORNEY, REMOVED TO ' . Booms 28-29, Bryson-Bonebrake Building. n!7 tf Geobsb H. Smith. Thomas L. Winder. 1 Hk.ney M. Svith. SMITH, WINDER & SMITH, ATTORNEYS at-Law, wIU practice In all the State and . Federal Courts. Offices: Rooms 1, 2, 3 and-4, ' University Bank building, 117 New High Bt., Loa Angeles, Cal. Telephone, No. 583. nl4tf ( Intel piokit, attorney-at-law, ' room 19, Jones block, 75 N. Bpring st., over Boston iHn. Txvi Angelas Cal. n4»f financial., on~~reall estate~ L. BCHM'DT, 109 W. Ist st., room 13. nB PACIFIC) LOAN COMPANY—LOANS MONEY in any amounts on all kinds of personal property and uollateral security, on pianos without removal, diamonds. Jewelry, seal skins, horses, carriages, libraries or any prop erty of value; also on furniture, merchandise, etc., in warehouse-; partial payments received, money without delay; private offices for con sultation. WILSON & DeGROOT, Managers, Rooms 14 and 15, No. 32U Sonth Spring St. n29 l? TO LOAN AT B. G. LUNT'S LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENCY, Cor. First and Fort, Redick Blook, Los Angeles, i Agent for the GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY of San Francisco. n22 1m att nnn (Win" 8 *" fkancisco "I.UUU.VV/U money, to loan on choice city and rannhn property; lowest rates and best terms. W. B. BUBKR, 55 N. Spring st. n2l lm TOWER CALIFORNIA MINING COMPANY'S i stock ronehc and sold. RICHARD GAR VEY, San Diego. dl 3t MON bY LOANED ON WATCHES, DlA monds, musical Instruments and all kinds o' personal pr petty Everything strictly pri vate .>nd confidential. Address P. 0. h.i.t 1032. n2B-lm ONHYTO LO\N ON MORTGAGE—C. A. SUMNER A CO., 7 S. Fort St. n2O-tf • rONBY TO LOAH PIANOS WITHOUT REMOVAL, MORTGAGES, NOTES, ETC., —ALSO — Personal property of sll descriptions. F. A. OARBUTT, room 23, Bryson-Bonebrake block. n 13-lm* ON~E~Y LOANED ON DIAMONDS, watches. Jewelry, piano*, sealskins, live stock, oarrlages and all kinds of personal and collateral security. 304 8. Spring and SW. First sts., room 1. n 13-lm rjK> LOAN. , $1,000 to $100,000. At the Main-street Savings Bank and Trust ■ Co J. B. LANBBBSUIM, President, nIS tf 326 S. Main st. I __ , . — i nBAWFORD A HcOBEEBY, i \j Room 10, over Los Angeles National Bank, Corner First and Spring s reets. , Loan $50 to $50,000 on city and country prop , erty; bny notes and mortgages; conservative first mortgages for sale. dl 2m MONEY TO LOAN-IN LABGB OB SMALL amounts on resl estate seourity, by 1 POHLHAUS A SMITH, No. 28 M. Springst., room 4. n3-lm itKAA AAA TO LOAN UPON IMPROVED •JOUU'UUU oity snd country property; lowest rates; loans made with dispatch. Ad - dress the Northern Counties Investment Trust, I Ltd., FRED. J. SMITH, Agent. Pomona, Oal. RW. POIND-EXTER, 25 W. SECOND ST.— . Leans on good otty or country property, dltf MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT. L. SCHMIDT, No. 10S W. First St., Boom 13. ; n4 a ■ ■ ■ ■■ ' <I-1 Art AAA TO LOAN—A. J. VIELE, 88 = 151UU.UUU t tgip* ■*•• Rooxm •■ - IfONEY TO LOAN OM MORTGAGE. MOB -1 fteb K i2ok* vm.******™**^ ABSTRACTS!. panyot Los Angeles, N. W. oor. Franklin and Hew High streets. nl7-llm THE SEOtTIUTT TITLE INSURANCE AMD Abstract Co. of So. Cal., 40 N. Snring St., rooms 4, 5 and 6. nl7-tf Fl DELITY ABSTRACT~CO.~PLAMTrBOOMS 3 and 4, Phillips Blook No. 1. nl6 tf THE LOS ANGELES"Ab¥trTcT~COMPAN Y, No. 11 Temnlc at. n!7-tf MKTaPM i'SiTy Al**! MBS. O. T. SHEPARD, OF CHICAGO,META physteaI Teacher and Healer, is at the Bamona, oor. Spring and Third streets, Los Angeles. All interested in nietaphyslos are cordially Invited to call. Classes will open at an early date, Mrs. Shepard's method of in struction is Bmln»ntlv nrnctical. nlO lm AUCTION S.tXkfr. BY JOHN C. BELL & CO, No. 75 8. Los Angeles st., rear of Cathedral, Bet. Second and Third sts., ON SATURDAY, DEC. 7th, 1889, AT 10 O'CLOCK, 48 Hortes, Carriages, Double Harness, etc. — ALSO— Eight (8) New Celebrated Schuttler Farm Wagons. Nora—The above are warranted In every respect. Ladles nnd gentlemen are cordially Invited. The owner, Mr. Telller, retires from the grading business. Can bo seen any tfme before the sale, by applying of Mr. Telller, or of the Auctioneer. JOHN O. 8F.1.L, Auctioneer. n22 ltlt W. E. BEESON'S —GENERAL— Auction and Commission House, NOS. 119 and 121 W. SECOND ST. Peremptory Sales of New and Second-Hand Furniture WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4, SATURDAY, DEC. 11, At 10 a. St. and 2 r. m. AUCTION SALB OF HOUSES AND CAR RIAGES ON SATURDAYS. BBS O. RHOABES, Auctioneer. 05-tf GRAND : AUCTION 96 north Main Street, Commenting Saturday November 23, 18S9, aud continuing EVERY EVENING nntil all the stock is sold. Tha Largest. Finest and Best Selected Stock of Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Opera Glasses, Music Bones. Bwiss Carvings, Jewelry of every description, tn Southern California, from the ■took oi L M. WAGNER & «0. These Roods were purchased for their retail trade and are all flrst-class in every respect, bat being overstocked they have decided to sell them st Auction and will guarantee every thing sold the same as if purchased at private sale. Goods are open for Inspection during the day. THOS. B. CLARK, n2O-lm AUOnONEBB. 53.00 For One Dozen Finest Finished Cabinet Photographs. We guarantee them to be as fine as any made In tbe city. Come early with the babies. N. B.—Parties holding oontract tickets on other galleries will be allowed $1.00 on their erder. WEBNER, 21 West First street, bet. Main and Spring. n!9-6m RIVERA. Town Lots, Villa Lots, Farms of 5, 10, 20 to 40 acres. CHOICE ORANGE AND WALNUT LANDS. Parties wishing to find homes in South ern California should see RIVERA. I SNAP BARGAINS IN AIL LINES OF PROPERTY. ■1. F. ISBELL, Agent for Rivera. II so lot STANTON I BURDIGK, PHOTOGRAPHERS, Temple Block, LOS ANGELES, CAL. se23;ilm DRESSMAKING! MISS SUMMERFIELD Has Just returned from the Bast, and she will be f lad to see her patrons st her DRESSMAKING ROOMS, At »99% South Soring Street. assist LOCAL EVENTS. How a Physician Obtained Cuticle for Grafting. SEVERAL indignant paeents. Board of Education — Historical Society—Mind Reading; at the Theatre—Other News. Yesterday, as a Hhrai.d reporter passed the Police Station, he saw one of Moray's char-a-bancs at the door being rapidly filled with a sturdy lot of yonng fellows, perhaps twenty in number. It was evidently not the chain gang. What was it? Officer Grubb bod the affair in charge, and it was evidently of a public nature. Mr. Morey, who stood by, told the reporter that a person had bean burned somewhere so as to lose a large portion of the cnticle, and that these fellows were volunteers going out to be skinned in order to plant portions of their cnticle on the person burned. This looked like so queer a story that the re porter took it to be a new edition of the Morey letter. But it proved to be dead true. It appeared that an advertisement ap peared in a morning paper as follows: "Wanted—6 or 8 strong healthy boys over 12 years of age; can earn from $1 to $2 each in an hour. Apply Monday, Bp. m. sharp. Dr. Stevens, 215 Ocean avenue." It was in reply to this the score of boys were going out. This party did not reach the place, but ten or fifteen ether boys did get the place, where it is alleged the doctor offered them 5 cents apiece for every bit of ekin cut from their person to be "transplanted" like sod onto the burned spots of the injured man, whose name is VV hit taker, and who is a brother in-law of J. F. Crank, of Fair Oak.s San Gabriel valley. The beys thought it a lark and an easy way to make money, and the doctor proceeded to take bits of cuticle for purposes of transplant] up.each about the size of an old 3-cent piece. One boy allowed ten such pieces to be removed from his arm, and received the munificent sum of 00 cents for the job. ■ All this seems to be very funny, par ticularly as the coloring matter is said to be just under the epidermis, and these boys were of all colors usually found among Caucasians. The idoa might be carried out co as to include all colors of the human race, and make a veritable spotted man. Here is a chance for the dime museum to get a freak not yet put on exhibition, and at the rate of five cents a patch a boy might be produced who would have come at last to such a complexion as a polka-dot handkerchief. But the parents of the boys take a serious view of the doctor's freak. They are very angry, and propose, as they state, to bring the matter at once before the authorities. One irate paterfamilias is in a bie humor to institute criminal proceedings to see if it is all according to good morals to have his son live-flayed in this fashion at the rate of five cents a patch. EDUCATIONAL. A Snort meeting of tne Board Last Mailt. * The Board of Education met in regular session last evening at the City Hall, President A. E. Pomeroy in the chair, and Messrs. Cox, Ellis, Frew, Powers and Woodbury present. A communication was received from Superintendent Friesner with regard to the communication from the Board of Health, which was referred to him at the last meeting. He stated that the law required the beard to have an annual list of the names of all children attending the public schools who had not been vaccin ated, and he had made such a list, con taining 2,860 names. The law also re quired the board to furnish vaccine matter, and give each child who wished to be vaccinated but who was unable tc pay for the same, ten day's notice. Not being in a position to comply with the requirements, he asked the board for further instructions. On motion of Mr, Powers, the matter was referred to the Superintendent of Schools with power tc act. The applications of Mrs. A. L. Watson Mrs. S. Foster and Mrs. I. Schubert, 7 W. Talbot and J. H. Taylor for position: as janitors were referred to the Commit tee on Janitors. The Finance Committee's report showing a balance on hand of {67,090.9; on the Ist inst., was read and adopted. A number of demands amounting in the aggregate to $1,862,70 were read anc approved. The report of the Superintendent o Schools, showing that during the pas' month 3,414 boys and 3,457 girls were enrolled, and that 317 new pupils had at tended the public schools, was read and placed on file. Mr. Powers, of the Committee on Sap plies, requested that the matter of plac ing fire extinguishers in the public schools be deferred nntil the next meet ing, so as to enable his committee to find out the amount of reduction in the in surance which the agents were willing to grant, on the condition that the build ings be provided with the extinguishers. The request was granted. Mr. Ellis' motion that the resignation of Mr. Boas Hanna be accepted, and that Miss Mary Deacon be appointed as a regular teacher, was carried, as was also his motion to appoint Mr. L. D Brown as a teacher of both day and nighi schools. On motion of Major Frew the salary o: the janitor of the Spring-street school was raised to (100 per month, and Henri Crisp was appointed to that position. The board then adjourned. BEADING HINDS. Slater's Attempt at the Dtfficnl rant. John Slater, who pretends to look quit through the thoughts of other men, gay his first exhibition in this city at th Los Angeles theater last night. There wa a good house present and many of th people there seemed to enjoy the fan. Ac cording to Caesar's view he ought to do al he pretends to do. II "lean Cassias" ha any odds over Slater In tke matter c FIVE CENTS. pparenoss of flesh, he was thin md cd. Slater wonld have a great advantage in tbe Kansas cyclones. The wind conld not get a purchase on bim. He did some wonderful things last night. Many went away convinced that the man had really plucked the heart out of many a fellow's mystery and told him all he was thinking of. Unless ho had half a hundred confederates in the house he is a mind reader, and as he had been in the city only a few hours prior to the performance, it is hard to see how he could get into communication with so many. He told the girls how they hesitated what dress to wear to come out last night, selecting the individuals, who con fessed judgment. He told them how many buttons they had on their boots, but did not try to see tbe color of their garters. He told one blushing damsel she had an object in mind, about which her uppermost thought was a strong de sire to hug it, but she was afraid if she bad an opportunity she wonld f queens so hard she might break her arm. He missed on two of bis guesses. He eaid there was a man in the audience whose habits were bad. That was all right, but when he eaid it was a married man, no one, particularly tbe married men, believed him. Then he "got onto" the "boom," and the way he did toes Los Angelea real estate would make a Wall-street broker burst with envy. He said there was a man there who had bought a lot, and wanted to get hold of a little money to pay off a mort gage. The whole honse knew that was a wild guess, which flew wide of the mark. It is an established fact that no man In Lob Angeles is in such circumstances. When he said the lot wbich the man wanted to hold on to was worth $6,000 now and would be worth $60,000 tn two years, all knew him to be a true Beer. He told a young gentleman whose part ner in business is very silent that he was going to sea, but when the yonng gentle man denied the soft impeachment Slater said he was surrounded by water. Sla ter is a good Seer, but a poor interpreter of dreams. This vision is easily ex plained. The young man is only in "hot water." So many girls admire him tbat he is in a regular fix. Slater sees sights in such style all the week. A PAIR OF PASTS. TSielr Disappearance Investigated br tne Police. About 8:30 o'clock last night a mes sage was received at Police Headquarters to the effect that one of the rooms at 32 V 4 South Bpring street had been burglar ized. Detective Bowler was detailed to investigate the matter, and learned from tbe landlord of the place tbat one of bis lodgers, Dr. Allen P. Poaps, had over stepped tbe limits of his endurance early in the day, and had slept nntil about 8 o'clock in tbe evening. On awaking from his slumbers the doctor rose and proceeded to dress himself, but when about midway with his toilet he discovered that his nether gar ments were missing and with them $15 which reposed in one of the pockets. As the doctor's supply of pants was limited to the missing pair, he was in a horrible predicament, and the only resource left waa to wrap himself up in a long overcoat and make for the nearest telephone. When the detective entered the doctor's room, the occupant was found parading up and down in a nondescript costume, and a state of mind bordering on frenzy. After listening to the doctor's tale of woe, the detective searched the room, and the missing trousers were found under the bed, where they had been thrown before the owner went to Bleep. To the unspeak able joy of the doctor, the $15 was found Intact in the pockets of the garment, and tranquility was once more restored. Objected to Arrest. Shortly after 7 o'clock last evening oUlcer Vignes arrested a negro named Harry Smiley, in front of Lowe's saloon, on Spring street, near Third, on two war rants charging him with disturbing the peace and threatening Gertrude Bennett. When the officer notified him of his ar rest, Smiley seemed to be much amused and laughed at Vignes' invitation to ac company him to the station. In spite of the fact that Smiley almost doubly out weighed him, Vignes determined to take him along and a desperate struggle ■ occurred, lasting for eeveral minutes. Finally, however, the officer handcuffed his big prisoner snd took him to the City • Prison. In the corridor of the jail he i made another desperate fight, but Officers Vignes, Pond and Lenox soon subdued i him and placed bim In a cell, where he i remained for the rest of the night, i , Cut By a Battle. Officers Stewart and Sanchez arrested ! an Italian named L. Constants on Buena Vista Btreet last nigbt npon a charge of i assaulting Antonio Fatovich with a deadly ■ weapon. Dr. Wing attended to the in juries of Fatovich, which consisted of an ' ugly cut on the scalp. Fatovich and ' Constante were engaged in a game of 1 bowls at an Italian rendezvous ou Buena Vista street when a dispute arose over the score, and Fatovich alleges that his opponent struck him on tbe bead with a ' glass bottle. When brought to the sta tion his clothes were deluged with blood. A Brainy Uathsrlng. Today at the Nadeau at 10 a. m. there will be a meeting of tbe Executive Com mittee of the Editors' Association of Southern California. Scipio Craig, of the Citrograph, and others of the band of thonght-mitls of the section are here. They are like the mills of the gods in one respect. They grind exceedingly i small. But they are not like those old time affairs as to the swiftness of their I motion. _____ I Tbe I nlon Fair. 1 The ladies of the W. B. O. gave a ball ' last evening at Armory hall as a grand ending of the Union Fair. A large num ber were present. Tbe trademen's march was repeated, and a good pro gramme of dances given. Undelivered Telegrams At the Western Union Telegraph office, c corner Court end Main streets, Becem s ber 2, 1889: Mrs. B. Barrett, Robt. Bar s rett, M. Jas. Orr, M. P. Wiokham, Dr. g Powell Reeves. 9 Transfers of real estate yesterday • amounted to $45,678, and were 71 in 1 number. Of these 16 were for more 1 than $1,000 each, and 41 were for f nominal considerations.