OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles daily herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1884-1890, February 19, 1890, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042460/1890-02-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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Naw Yorx, Febraary 18.—Stocks today were
less active than yesterday, bat were stronger,
aud some material gains were scored during
the day. Sugar was again the most prominent
feature, and the announcement that the refin
ery at San Francisco belonging to the trust had
been placed in the hands of a receiver, to wind
up its affair?, created a more bearish feeling on
the trUßt, and certificates scored a final loss of
1% per cent. There wa« a better tone toward
the close, on the contradiction of a portion of
the Btory, but it closed weak at the lowest price.
The market closed quiet, but firm. The final
changes were almost all in the direction of
higher prices, and Colorado coal and Jersey
Central rose 1% per oent. eaoh, and Wisconsin
Central, 1; Oregon Short Line was weak and
dropped 1 per cent.
Government bonds were dull and steady.
Petroleum opened steady at 105%.
Stock Exchange—Opening, 195; thlghest,
105%: lowest, 105; closiag, 105%.
Consolidated Exchange — Opening, 105;
highest, 106; lowest, 105; doling, 105%.
Total sales, 187,000 barrels.
Naw Yobk. February 18.—Money on oall
3%t_)5 per oent.
Prime mercantile paper, 5@6% per cent.
Sterling exonange—Quiet aud weak; 60-day
bills, $4.83; demand, $4.87.
Bar silver, 95%0. per ounoe.
Ban Fbancisco, February 18.—Silver bars,
96@96%0. per ounce.
stocks and bonds.
Nbw Yobk, February 18.—Closing quota
0.8. 4s, coup 122% N.P. Preferred.... 73%
O. S.4s, reg 122% Northwestern. ...118%
U. 8. 4%5, reg...123',; N. W. Preferred..l4l
D. 8. 4%a, coup... 124' 2 jj. Y. Central 106
PaolUc 6«: 116 Oregon Imp't 45
Amorioan Ex. ...115 Navigation ,99
Canada Paclflo... 73 7 8 iTranscontinental. 35%
'""enada H0n.... 53'4|Paclflo Mail 38
Ceutral Pacific .. 33% Reading 40
Mia,'Mow- 147 Rooklsland. 90%
D. L. AW 135%15t. Paul 68%
Denver A Rio Gr.. 11 % St. Louis AS. F.... 17%
Brie 26% St. Paul A Omaha 32
titans A Texas.... 9}4| Texas Pacliio 20%
Lake Bhore 105% Onion Paclflo 85
L. AN 87%\ 0. S. Express 85
Mloh Central 92%' Western anion... 83%
Missouri Paclflo.. 71%! Am. Cotton 0i1... 27%
Northern Pac 26%! Fargo 140
Boston, February 18.—Closing prices:
A A T R R 132% I Hex Gen Ist m bs 70%
Burl A Quinoy,... 107 San Diego IS
MexCent 00m.... 18 |
Naw Yobk, February 18.—Mining shares
wer j as follows:
Alice. $1.00 Homestake $7.50
Caledonia B. H. 150 Horn Silver .... 235
Oou.Virginia... 4.50 Mexican 3.00
Deadwood, T... 1.50 Ontario 37 .*>o
Eureka Con 3.00 Ophir 3.60
Bl Cristo 1.50 Sierra Nevada.. 2.00
Gould & Curry. 1.35 Sutter Creek.... 1,50
Male A Norcrosa 2.80
San Fbanoisdo, February 18.—The follow
ing tie the closing prices-
Best A Belcher. 2.95 IPotosl 1.60
Chollar 2.50 Ophir 4.20
Crocker 20 |Sierra Nevada.. 2.10
Con. Cal. A Va. 4.80 iCnionCon 2.50
Gould ACurry.. 145 1 Velio w Jacket.. 2.05
HAN 2.75
Oram market*.
Ban Fbancisco, February 18.—Wheat-
Very dull. Buyer season, $1.29%; buyer, 90,
$1.35% per cental.
Barley—lactive Buyer season, 79% c.; buyer
90, 85% c. par cental.
Corn, 97%[email protected]%.
Ohicaoo, February 18 —1:15 p. m. close-
Wheat—Firmer. February, 74% c. per bushel;
May, 77% c.
Corn—Steady. February, 27% c. per bushel;
May, 30c.
Oats-Firmer. February, 19% c. per bushel;
May, 21c.
Barley—Nothing doing.
Bye—May, 44% c. per bushel.
Wool market.
Nbw York, February 18.—Wool—Steady;
quiet; Domestic fleece, 32@3<c.
Philadelphia, February 18 —Wool—Quiet,
prices unchanged. Montana, 18@25c.; Terri
torial, 15®22c.
Boston. February 18 —Wool—Business fair.
In Territory wools there have been sales of
flue ats6@sß: fine medium at 53(055, and me
dium, 50®52. Scoured Oregou sells prin
cipally at 45®50. Clean Texas and California
have moved slowly; pulled wools, quiet.
Oenerai Dlarketi.
Saw Yobk, February 18.—Hops— Barely
Coffee—Options closed barely steady. Bales
32,250 bigs. February, $10.30; March,
$16.20®10 30; May, [email protected]
Spot Rio—Firm; fair demand. Fair cargoes,
19%; No. 7, 17%@17%
Sugar—Raw, steady. Sales, 200 hhds Dema
rara Muscovado, 87 test, 4%; 1,257 bags cen
trifugals, 96 test, 5%; cargo of centrifugals, 96
test, 3%, aud No. 4 refined e»sy confections at
6; granulated, 6 5-16.
Lead—Quiet, easier. Domestic, $3.77%.
Tin—Firmer, active. Straits, $20.80.
Chicago, February 18.—Whiskey-$1.02.
Shoulders, $4.15®4.25; Bhort. clear, $4 95
®5.00; short ribs, February, $4.70.
Pork — Higher. March, $9.70; May, $10.00
Lard-Steady. February, $5.77%; May,
Tne Local markets.
Poultry—Hens, No. 1, per doz, $6.00 ; Old
Roosters, per doz, $4 [email protected]; Young Roosters,
per doz, $5.00; Broilers, large, per doz. $4.00;
Broilers, small, per dcz, [email protected]; turutys,
per lb, 15@16o: ducks, large, per doz, $7 00;
ducks, Bmall, per doz, $4.50®5.00; geese. $1.00
'"lard—3-lb, pails, 9c; 5-lb. palls, 8%c.;
10 lb. tins, B%c.
Hams—Eastern Sugar-Cured, Rex, 12% c; Lilly
and Crown, 13% c.
Raisins—Three Crown, new, layers, per box,
$1.7001.90; Dried Grapes, 2%®3c; Loose Mus
catels, $1.30®1.45; bulk raisins, 3%c. bid.
Beans and dried Peas—Pink, No. 1, $2.50®
2.75; bayous, $3.00®3 50; Limas, $4.75©
5 25; navy, small, $2.50®2.75; Garvancos,
[email protected].
Apples —Evaporated, B%c; Hunt's Aides,
8%c.; sun-dried, 7%c.
cheese—Large, ll%c: Small, 12%o; 3-lb,
hand, 13% c; full cream. Coast, 11c.
Butter— Fancy Califoruia, per roll, 40@loc;
choice roll, 30®350; fair roll, 25c; pickle roll,
30@35c; firkin, choice, per lb., California, 22c;
Egos—Fresh ranch, 17c.
Provisions-Breakfast bacon, Rex, ll%c;
Lilly and Crown, 12% c. „
Vegetables-Chiles, per string, [email protected];
garlic, 4@6c; cabbage, per 100 lbs., 80®90c.
Nuts—Walnuts, ; peanuts, California, s©<c;
Honey—Extracted, light, 7c; amber, 4%®5c.
Beeswax—Per pouud, 160 bid, 17c a> ked.
Dried Fruits—Peaches: Sun-dried No. 2,
10c bid; sun-dried, peeled, No. 1, 15c
bid; Apricots: sun-dried, 10% c bid, 12c
asked. Prunes: California French, bo bid, 8c
asked; CaliforniaGeiman, 7c.
Flour— Lob Angeles XXXX extra .family
patent roller, $4.20; Capitol Mills, extra family
patent roller, $4.20; Sperry's, $4.90. „
Corn—Large Yellow carload lots, 80@85c;
small yellow, 80@85c; large white. 85c; small
white, 90c.
Grain Bags—New Calcuttas, 7%c; potato
sacks, 4%c.
Oats—Feed. No 1, $1.25.
Barley—Feed No. 1, new, 70c.; brewing
No. 1, 75®80c.
Wheat—White Ruisiin, $1.00.
Mill Feed—Bran, $16.00; Bhorts, $18.00.
Cracked Corn, [email protected]; cracked baney,
850 bid; rolled barley, 85n bid; ground barley,
85c; mixed feed, corn and barley, $1.00.
Potatoes—Local, $2.00; northern, $2.00®
Citrus Fruits—Oranges per box, Los Angeles
seedlings, $2.00; navels, [email protected]. Lem
ons, valley, per box, $2.00®2.50; Eureka and
Lisbon, $3 .00.
ONIONS-Quoted [email protected].
HAY-Bar.ey No. 1, $8.00; do No. 2, $7.00;
oat, No. 1, $7.00; wheat, No. 1, $11.00; alfalfa
tresh meats.
Following are the rates for whole oarcasses
from slaughterers to dealers:
Beef—First quality, 6®6%c; second quality,
5@5%0; third quality, 4@4%c per pound.
VBAL-Quotable at 6@7c for. large and 8®
100 per pound for small.
Mutton—Quotable at 6@7c per pound.
1. am ii -Quotable at 9@loc per pound.
Pork—Live hogs on foot, grain fed, me
diuro, 5®5%0; dressed hogs, 7®Bc per pound.
Wagon Material, Hard Wooes
Iron, Steel,
Blacksmiths' Coal, Tools, etc.
11T »d 119 Bout* MM iHf«iM «
Company. Location and principal place
ol business, Lis Angeles City, California.
There is d-llnquent upon the following de
scr el stock, on account of assessment levied
January 17th, 1890. the several amounts set
opprslte the names of the respective share
holders, as follows:
No. Of vn r»f
Names. Certifi- shares Amount
E. E. Hall . _ IT 173 $432.50
" 57 50 125 00
181 5 12.50
181 15% 38 75
E. C. Bnrlingame 14 200 500.00
15 200 500 00
. 78 100 250.00
" . 79 100 250 00
" . 80 100 250 00
M. E. Garbutt 130 10 25.00
" 131 SO 75.00
189 18 45 00
H. Garthwaite 46 54 135.00
C. B. Van Every.. 85 20 50.00
N.T.Blair 102 10 25.00
" 103 5 12.50
" 108 20 50.00
" 109 10 25 00
" 201 35 87.50
" 203 5 12.50
" 204 40 100.00
223 80 50.00
225 20 50 00
M C. Marsh 97 800 500.00
" 98 124 310 00
A. H. Trotter 117 108 270 00
C. H. KeUey 124 40 100.00
„ " 125 5 12.50
Warren E. Marsh... 129 35 87.50
M. A. McKelvey ... 134 1 2.50
W.B.Johnson 172 5 12 50
Jno. J. Jones 155 30 75.00
" 187 2 5.00
H.S. West 158 60 150 00
" 159 50 12500
Nina J. West 160 8 20 00
Edwin Layton 169 6 15.00
" 175 5 12.50
188 4 10.00
C.E.Norton 170 1 2.50
222 5 12.50
J. H. Austermelle 176 50 125.00
W. W. Beach 185 25 62.50
213 457 1,342.50
H.W. Altraan 186 8 20.00
A.A.Graff 230 10 25.00
W. B. Scarborough. 219 50 125.00
A. A. Durrell 221 10 25 00
J. H. Levering 236 166% 416.25
And in accordance with law and an order of
the Board of Directors, made o. the 18th day
of February, 1890, so many shares of each par
cel of such stock as may be necessary will be
sold at the main entrance of the Bnrdick block,
No 29 West Second street, Los Angeles city, on
the 10th day of March, 1890, at 11 o'clock a. m.
of such day, to pay d ellnquent assessments
thereon, together with costs of advertising and
expenses of sale.
8. P. REES, Secretary.
Room 8, Burdick Block, N. E. corner Second
and Spring streets, Los Angeles City.
fel9 17t
county of L>~B Angeles, State of California.
The Redondo Beacu Company, plaintiff, vs.
Geo. W. Durbrow, defendaut.
Action brought in the Superior Court of the
couuty of Los Angjles, State of California, and
the complaint filed in Baid county of Los Ange
les, in the office of the Clerk of baid Superior
The people of the State of California send
greeting to Gej. W. Durbrow, defendant:
You are hereby required to appear iv an ac
tiou brought ugainst yon by the above-named
plaintiff in the Super! r Court of the couuty of
Los Angeles, State of California, and t > answer
the complaint filed therein within ten days
(exclusive of tho day of service) after the ser
vice on you of this sunim ins, if served within
this county, or, il served elsewhere, within
thirty days.
The said action is brought to obtain the
judgment and decree of this court that it fix a
day within which rtefendaat be required to
Say to this plaintiff the said sum of four hun
red dollars iv U. S. gold coin, deferred pay
ments as aforesaid with interest thereon from
the 9th day of April, 1883, at the rate of eight
percent, per annum, and costs of suit; and
that in the event the defendant should f»il to
make such payment to plaintiff wlthi.s the
time so fixed by the coun, that defer.nant and
all persons claiming uuder him, be tnereafter,
that is, Iroui the day last mentioned for the
payment of said m ney. forever barred and
forcloi>ed of all right, interest and estate in and
to the land described ln plaintiff's complnlnt,
and said contract and every part thereof, aud
of all right to a conveyance thereof, and that
from and after the day so fixed by Baid court
for tbe payment of said money, if the same be
not so paid, plaintiff be fully restored to its
form, r rights and estate ln the land described
in the oomplaint, and the rights and estate
therein which it held before and at the time
of the making of raid contract, and that upon
tlie failure of the defendant to make such pay
ment within the time fixed by the court as
aforesaid the title of plaintiff to the land de
scribed in the complaint as against dofendant
and all persons claiming under him, thereupon
become good and valid and forever quieted,
aud tbat said defendant thereupon become for
ever barred and restrained from aßsertiug any
claim whatever te said land or to the muneys
paid by defendant to plaintiff under said con
tract mentioned in plaintiff's complaiut as
"Exhibit A," or to any part o- portion of said
laud; and for costs of this suit and for such
other or further order or relief as to the court
may seem just and equitable in the premises,
as will more fully appear by reference to the
complaint on tie herein.
And you are hereby notified that if you fail
to appear and answer the said complaint, as
above required, said plaint ff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's
Witness my hand and the seal of said Su
perior Court, of the county of Los Augeles,
State of California, this 25th day of November,
A D 1889
'seal.) ' OH. DUNSMOOR, Clerk,
By F. E. Lowry, Deputy Clerk.
ja22 ltawk wed lOt
Location of principal place of business, Los
Angeles > ity, California.
meeting of the Board of Directors, held on
the 17ih dny of January, 1890, an assessment
of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per
ohare waß levied upon the capital sto> k issued
of the corporation, payable January 20, 1890,
to the Secretary, at his office, Room 3 Burdick
block, N.E corner Spring and Second streets,
Los Angeles, Cal.
All stock upon which this assessment shall
remain unpaid ou the 18th day of February,
1890, will be delinquent on that day and ad
vertised for sale at public auction, and unless
payment is made before, w 11 be sold on the
10th day of March, 1890 (or as much thereof
as may be necessary), to pay the delinquent
assessment, together with cos's of advertising
and expenses cf sale.
By order of the Board of Directors.
8. P. REES, Secretary,
Office, Room 3. Burdick Block, Los Angeles.
jalB lm
Company—Notice is hereby given that In
pursuance of a resolution of the Board of ll
rectors of this corporation, adopted and en
tered on record on the 4th day of February,
1890, a meeting of the stockholders of said cor
poration is called and will be held at the office
of this corporation, on the northwest corner of
Marcheßsanlt and Alameda streets, in the City
of i.os Angeles, Los Angtles county, Btate of
California, on Thursday, tne 17th day of April,
1890, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. of that day, to tako
into consideration the propriety of issuing
bonds of this corporation for the purpose of
selling the same and raising money to carry on
the business of this corporation.
8. H. MOTT, Secretary.
Los Angeles, February 8, 1890.
City papers please copy. f9-td
partnership heretofore existing under the
name and style of Hellman, Haas A Co., on
North Los Angeles street, in the City of Los An
geles, County of Los Angeles, State of Califor
nia, and at No. 100 California street, Ban
Francisco, California, has been dissolved by
mutual consent.
The Bame business, at the same places, will
hereaiter be conducted by Abraham Haas and
Jacob Barccli, successors in partnership, under
the name and style of Haas, Baruch A Co.,
who assume all the liabilities of the former
firm, and will collect all debts, claims, demands
and outstandings of the firm.
Dated at Los Angeles this 17th day of
February, 1890. „ .
Administrator of the estate of Jacob Haas,
deceased. haaB
Referring to the above announcement of
dissolution, I beg to extend my gratitude to the
trade of this Coast, for the liberal favor and
patronage extended to tbe firm of Hellman,
Haas A Co., and solicit on behalf of Haas,
Baruch A Co., a continuance of the same.
Sated February 17, 1890.
$200 Per Acre on Ten Years' Time.
W. P. McINTOSH, President and General Agent of the BARTON LAND
AND WATER COMPANY, is now selling the finest Orange Land in the City of
Kedlauds for $200 per sere, 10 per cent, cash and no further payment for ten (10)
ypars except per cent, per annum, with one (1) inch of water, miner's measure
ment, to every seven acres, in pipes at every ten-acre tract. San Bernardino Valley
Branch R. R. and Motor Line through the center of ranch. Canning establishment
and packing house also on the land. No fruit pests of any kind, and not enough of
frost to injure the oranges. This is a good opening for the capitalist and business
man, as well as for the poor man. The fruits produced will certainly meet the pay
ments. For maps and particulars, apply to
ja3olm Rooms 7 and 8, No. 42 South Main st., Los Angeles, Cal.
of Los Angeles, State of California.
The Redondo Beach Company, plaintiff, vs.
Clara Misener, defendant.
Action brought in the Superior Court of the
county of Loa Angeles, State of Ca ifornia, and
the Complaint filed in said county of Loa An
gelea, iv the office of the Clerk of said Superior
The people of tbe State of California send
greeting to Clara Misener, defendant.
You are hereby required to appear in an
action brought againat you by the above-named
plaintifl in tbe Superior Court of the county of
Los Angeles, State of California, and to answer
the complaint filed therein, within ten days
(exclusive of the day of service), after the
service on you of this summons, If served
within this county; or, if served elsewhere
within thirty days.
The said action ia brought to obtain the judg
ment and decree of thia Court that it fix a day
within which defendant be required to pay to
this plaintiff the aaid aum of three hun
dred and forty dollars in U. S. gold coin, de
ferred payments as aforesaid with interest
thereon from the Sth day of May, 1888, at the
rate of eight per cent, per annum and costs of
suit; and that in the event the defendant
should fail to make such payment to plaintiff
within the time bo fixed by the Court, that de
fendant and all persons claim ng under him,
be thereafter, tbat is, from the day last men
tioned for the payment of said money, forever
barred and foreclosed of all right, interest and
oa-ate in and to tbe laud described in plaintiff's
complaint, and said contract and every part
thereof, and of all right to a conveyance
thereof, and that from and after the day so
fixed by said Court for the payment of said
money, if the same be not bo paid, plaintiff be
fully restored to its former rights and estate in
the land described in the complaint, and the
rights and estate therein which it held before
and at the time of the making of said coutract,
and that upon the failure of the defendant to
make such payment withiu the time fixed by
the Court es aforesaid the title of plaintiff tc
the land described in the complaint as against
defendant and all persons claiming under mm
thereupon become good and valid and forever
quieted, and that said defendant thereupon
become orever barred and restrained from as
serting any claim whatever to Bald land or to
the moneys paid by defendant to plaintiff
under said contract mentioned ln plaintiff's
complaint as "Exhibit A" or to any part or
portion of said land; and for costs of this suit
aud for such other or further order or relief as
to the Osurt may seem just and equitable in the
premises, as will more fully appear by refer
ence to the Complaiut on file herein.
And you are hereby notified tbat if you fail
to appear and answer the said complaint, as
above required, said plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's
Witness my hand and the seal of sMd Superior
Court of the couuty of Los Angeles, State of
California, this 25th day of November, A. D.
(seal) C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk.
By F. E. Lowry, Deputy Clerk.
ja22 wedlawk lOt
county of Loa Angeles, State of California.
The Redondo Beach Company, plaintiff, vs.
A. A. Staunton, defendant.
Action brought in the Superior Court of the
County o' Les Angeles, State of California,
and the Complaint filed in said County of Los
Angeles, in the office of the Clerk of said Supe
rior Conrt.
The people of the State of California send
greeting to A. A. Staunton, defendaut.
You are hereby required to appear In an
action brought against you by the above-named
£ lain tiff in the Superior Court of tbe County of
os Angelt s, State of California, and to an
swer the Complaint filed therein, within ten
days (exclusive of the day of service) after tbe
service on you of this summons, if served
within this county; or, if served elsewhere,
within thirty days.
Tbe said action is brought to obtain the
judgment and decree of this Court tbat it fix a
day within which defendant be required to
pay to thtß plaintiff the said sum of Two Hun
dred and Sixty-live dollars in U. el. gold coin,
deferred payments as aforesaid with interest
thereon from the 18th day of April, 1888, at
the rate of eight per cent per annum and costs
of suit; and that in tho event the defendant
should fail to make such payment to plaintiff
within the time so fixed by the Court, that de
fendant aud all persons claiming under him,
be thereafter, that is, from the day last men
tioned for the payment of aaid mouey, forever
barred and foreclosed of all right, interest and
estate ln and to the land described in plaintiff's
complaint, and said contract and everpart
thereof, and of all right to a conveyance
thereof, and that from aud after the day so
fix3d by aaid Court for the payment of said
money, if the same be not so paid, plaintiff be
fully restored to Its former rights and estate in
the land described in the complaint, and
the rights and estate therein which it held be
fore and at the time of tbe making of said cou
tract, and tbat upon the failure of the defend
ant to make such payment within the time
fixed by the Court as aforesaid the title of
plaintiff to the land described in the complaint
as against defendant and all persons claiming
under him, thereupon become good and valid
and forever quieted, and that said defendant
thereupon bee >me forever barred and re
strained from asserting any claim whatever
to said land or to the moneys paid by defend
aut to plaintiff under said contract mentioned
in plaintiff's complain aa "Exhibit A," or (to
any part or portion of said land; and for costs
of this suit and for suoh other or furthei order
or relief as to the Court may seem just and
equitable in the premises, as will more fully
appear by reference to the complaint on file
And you are hereby notified that if you fat
to appear and answer the said complaint, as
above required, said plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for iv plaintiff's
Witness my hand and the seal of said Supe
rior Court, of the County of Loj Aogele.-, State
of California, this 25th day oi November, A.
(Seal) C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk.
By F. E. Lowry. Deputy clerk.
jan22wed It a wk lOt
of California, County of Loa angelea—ss
In the matter uf the estate of Chr.siian
Brleatly, deceased.
Notice for publication of time for proving
will. etc.
Notice is hereby given that Thursday, the
Sth day of March, 1890. at 10 o'clock a. m
of aaid day, at the courtroom of this Court,
Department 2 thereof, corner Franklin and
New High streets, ln the City of Los Angelea,
County of Los Angelea, and -Hate of Califoruia,
have been appointed as the time and place for
hearing the application of Rosalia Briestly
praying tbat a document now on tile in this
Court, proponing to be the last will and testa
ment of the said deceased, be admitted to pro
bate, tnat letters testamentary be issued thereon
to Rosalia Briestly, at which time and pla"e all
persons interested therein may appear and con
test tbe can c.
Dated February 18, 1890.
C. H. DUNSMOOR, Couuty Clerk.
By M. J. Ashmobb. Deputy.
Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned,
Alice M-irlett s executrix of the estate of
Catharine Ingham, deceased, to the credito: s of.
and all persons having claims against the said
deceased, to exhibit the same with the neces
aary vouchers, within four mon hs after the
first publication of this notice, to the aaid
executrix, at her residence, No. 1424 South
Main atreet, the same being the place for the
transaction of the business of said estate, la
the County of Los Anreles.
Dated this 4th day of February,*. D 1890.
Executrix of the estate of Catharine Ingham,
deceased. felB-lm
the stockholders of the University Bank, of
Los Angeles, will be held at the narlors of said
bank, ou Monday, the 7th day of April, A D.
1890, at 2 o'clock p. m, for tbe purpose of
electing a Board of Directors to serve for the
ensuing year, and for th- tranaantlnn of nnnh
other business as may proi "*
GEO- L. A '
Loa Angeles, Cal., Feb I •
county of hoi Angeles, State of California.
The Redondo Beach Company, plaintiff, vs.
D. L. West, defendant.
Actiou brought in the Superior Court of th«
county of Loa Angeles, State of California, and
the Complaint filed in aaid county of Los An
gelea, lv the office of t c Clerk ol said Superior
The People of tbe State of California send
greeting to D. L. West, defendant:
You are hereby required to appear in an ac
tion brought against you by the above-named
plaintiff in the Superior Court of the county of
Lob Angeles, State of California, and to answer
the Complaint filed thereiu, withiu ten days
(exclusive of the day of service) alter the
service on you of thia summons—-if served
within this county: or, if served elsewhere,
within thlrtv days.
Tho said action is brought to obtain the
judgment and decree of this Court th it it fix a
day within which defendant be required to
pay to this plaintiff the said sum of one hue dred
and eighty-five dollars ln U. B. gold coin, de
ferred payments as aforesaid, with Interest
thereon from the 16th day of May, 1888, at
the rate of eight per cent pr annum, and costs
of suit; nnd that in the event the defendant
should fail to make sucb payment to the
plaintiff within the time so fixed by the Court,
that defendant and all persons claiming under
him, be thereafter, that is, from the day last
mentioned for the payment of said money,
forever barred and foreclosed of all right,
interest and estate ia and to the land de
scribed ia plaintiff's complaint, and said con
tract and every part thereof, and of all right to
a conveyance thereof, and that from and alter
the day ao fixed by aaid Court for the payment
of said money, if the same be not so paid,
plaintiff be fully restored to Its former rights
and estate in the land described in the com
plaint, and the rights aud estate therein which
it held before and at the time of the making of
said contract, and that upon the failure of the
defendant to make such payment within the
time fixed by the Court as aforesaid the title of
plaintiff to the land described in the complaint
as against defendant and all persons claiming
under him, thereupon become good and valid
and forever quieted, and that said defendant
thereupon become forever barred and re
strained from asserting any claim whatever to
said land or to the moneys patd by defendant
to plaintiff under said con'ract, mentioned in
plaintiff's complaint as "Exhibit A," or to any
part or portion of said land; and or costs of
this suit, and for such other or further order <> ■
relief as to ths Court may seem just and equita
ble in tbe premises, as will more fully appear
by reference to the complaint on file herein.
And you are hereby notified that if you fall
to appear and answer the said complaint, as
above required, said plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's
Witness my hand and the seal of said Supe
rior Court of the countyof Los Angeles, State
of California, this 25th day of November, A.
(Seal) C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk.
By F. E. Lowry, Depoty Clerk.
ja22 wed law lOt
of Los Angeles, State of California.
The Redondo Beach Company, plaintiff, vs.
J. R. Sinnott, defendant.
Action brought in the Superior Court of the
County of I os Angeles, State of California, and
the Complaint filed ln said County of Los An
geles in the office of the Clerk of said Superior
The people of the State of California send
greeting to J. R. Sinnott. Defendant.
You are hereby required to appear in an ac
tion brought, against you by the above named i
I plaintiff In tae Superior Court of the County
of Los Angeles, State of California, and to
answer the Complaint filed therein, within ten
days (exclusive of the day of service), after
the service on you of this Summons, if aerved
within this county; or, If served elsewhere,
within thirty days.
The said action is brought to obtain the
judgment and decree of this Court that it fix a
day witbin which defendant be required to
pay to this plaintiff the said sum of ninety dol
lars in U. S. gold coin, deferred payments aa
aforesaid with inte'est thereon from tae 16th
dayo' April, 1888, at the rate of eteht Der cent,
per annum and cost of suit; and that ia the
event the <le. ctidnnt slum d fail to make -rich
payment to plaintiff within the time so fixed
by the court, that the delendant aud all per
sons claiming under him, be thereafter, that is.
from the day last mention d for the payment
of said money, forever barred and foreclosed
of all right Interest aud estate in and to tne
land described in plaintiff's complaint, and
said contract aud every part thereof and of all
righstn a conveyance thereof, and that from
and alter the day so fixed by Baid Court for the
payment of said money, If the same be not so
paid, plaintiff be fully restored to its former
rights and estate in the land described in the
complaiut and the rights and estate th -rein
which it held before aud at the time of the
making of said contract, and that upon tbe
failure of the defendant to make sue i payment
within the time fixed by the Court as aforesaid
the title of plaiutiff to the laud descrinedin
ihe complaint, a- against defendaut and all
persons claiming under him. thereupon be
come good and valid and forever quieted, and
that said defendant thereupon become forever
barred and restrained trom asserting any
claim whatever to said land or to the moneys
paid by defendant to pltlntlff under said c m
tract mentioned in p.aintiff's complaint as
"Exhibit A" or to any part or portion of said
land; and for co-is of this suit and for such
other or further order or relief as to the Court
may seem just and equiiable in the premises,
as will m .re fully appear by reference to rbe
Complaiut on file herein.
And yon aro hereby notified that if you fail
to appear and answer the said Complaint as
above required, said plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed lor ln plaintiff's
Witnoess my hand and the Seal of said
Superior Court of the County of Los An. eles„
State of California, this 25th day of November
A D 1889
'(Seal. | ' CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk.
By F. K. Lowby, Deputy Clerk.
J..J deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned,
administratrix of the estate cf Herman Bets
Benedict, deceased, to the creditors of aid all
persons having claims against the said deceased,
to exhibit them with the necessa-y vouchers,
witbin ten montbs after tbe first publication of
this notice, to the 6aid administratrix,. *t '•.,) er
residence, No. 413 Louisiana avenue, oh Boyle
Heights, in the City of Los Angeles County of
Loa Angeles, California, the same being the
place foi the transaction of the business of ssid
estate, in the said County ol Loa Angeles.
Administratrix of the estate of Herman Betß
Benedict, deceased.
Dated February 10,1890
W. P. Gardiner, Attorney for said adminis
tratix. fell-'w
. January 30, 1890.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Jan Delbasty against Peter Johnson
for abandoning his Homestead Entry No
5,000. dated July sth, 188 l», upon the KM
of NWW and E%, of BW% Section 8,
Townßhip 4 North, Range 15 West, S. B. M.,
ln Los Angeles County, California, with a view
to the cancellation of said entry, the said
parties are hereby summoned to appear at this
offloe on the Bth day of April, 1890, at
10 o'clock a. m„ to respond and iurnish testi
mony concerniug said alleged abandonment,
fell-lm I. H. POLK, Receiver.
copartnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, under the firm name and
style o Walton & Wachtel, doing business at
the storerooms heretofore known as Nos. 214,
216 and 218, now knows aa Noa. 312, 314 and
316 South Spring street, in the ciiy of Loa Au
geles, haa been this day dissolved by mutual
consent, Mr. Frederic A Waltonretlriug. The
business will hereafter be conducted at the
same s and by John V Wachtel. who assumes
all of the liabilities and will collect all of the
nr ratandinga <l«e •aid firm
! Datod at Loa Antoles this 7th day of Feb
ruary, 1890.
FRKnttr.;'" A. WALTON,
I (009-101 JOll-N v. WaOUTEU
of Los Angelea, State of California
The Redondo Beach Company, plaintiff, vs.
R. F. Watkins defendant
Action brought in the Superior Court of the
Countyof Loa Aug' les, State of California, and
the Complaint filed in said County of Loe An
gelea, in the office of the Clerk of said Superior
The people of tbe State of California send
greeting to R. F Watkins, defendant.
You are hereby required to appear ln an
action brought against you by the above named
plaintiff in the Superior Court of the County ot
Loa Angelea, State of California, and to answer
the Complaint died therein, with in t»u days
(exclusive of the day of service), after the
service on you of this Summons, if served
within thia county; or, if served elsewhere,
within thirty days.
The said action is brought to obtain the
judgment and decree of thia Court that it fix a
day within which defendant be required to
pay to this plaintiff the said sum "f eight hun
dred and toirty dollars ln U S. Gold Kola, de
feired payments aa afo.eaaid with interest,
thereon from the 19th day of April. 1888, at
the rate of eight per ceut. per annum and coats
of suit; and that in the event the defendant
should fall to make such payment to plaintiff
within the time so fixed by the Court that de
fendant and all persons claiming under him,
be thrreafter. that is, from tbe day last men
tioned for the payment of said money, forever
barred and foreclosed of all right, interest and
estate in and to the land described in plaintiff's
complaint, and said contract and every part
thereof and of all right to a conveyance there
of, and that from and after the day ao fixed by
said Court for the payment of said money, if
the same be not so paid, plaintiff be fully
restored tn its former rights a*id estate in the
land described in the complaint, and tne rights
and estate therein which ft held before and at
the time of the making of said coutract, and
that upon the failure of tbe defendant to mate
such payment within the time fixed by the
Court as aforesaid the title of jilalntiff to tbe
land described ln the complalnfa" againat de
fendant and all persona claiming under him,
thereupon become good and valid and forever
quieted, and that said defendant thereupon
become forever barred and restrained from
asserting any claim whatever to said land or to
the moneys paid by defendant to plaintiff
uuder said contract mentioned in plaintiffs
complaint as ' Exhibit A" or to any part or
portion of said laud; and for costs of this suit
aud for suoh other or iurther order or relief aa
to the Court m»y seem just and equitable in the
premises, as will more iuily appear by refer
ence to the complaint ou file herein.
And you are hereby notified tbat if you fail
to appear and answer the said complaint, as
above required, said plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's
Witness my hand and the Seal of said
Superior Court, of the County of Los Ange es, i
Btate of California, this 25th day of November,
A. D. 1889.
(seal) C. H. DUNSMOOR Clerk.
By F. E Lowby. Deputy Clerk.
ja22 wedlOt
No. 11,877.
of California, in and for the County of Los
C. B. Boyes and C. E. Crowley, partners doing
business under the firm name of Boyes &
Crowley Plaintiffs, vs. D. A. Bascom J. C.
Delvy and M, J. Hathaway, Defendants.
Action brought in the Superior Court of the
State of California, in and for the County
of Los Angeles, and the complaint filed in said
County of Los Angeles in the office of the
Clerk of said Superior Court.
The people of the State of Califoruia send
greeting to D. A. Bascom, J. C. Delvy and M.
J. HHthaway, defendants.
You are hereby required to appear iv an ac
tion broueht against you by the above named
plaintiff in the Superior Court of the State of
California, iv and for the County of Los Angeles,
and to answer the complaint filed therein,
within ten days (exclusive of the day of service'
after the service on you of this summons if
Berved within this county; or if served else
where, within thirty days, or judgment by de
fault will be taken against you according to
the prayer of said complaint.
The said action ia brought to foreclo' c the
lien against lot 15, block 9, Los Angeles im
provement Company's subdivision in ihe city
of Los Angeles, county and State aforesaid, for
grading Alabama street ln trout thereof. The
amount claimed is $235.26, with interest,
attorneys' fees, and cost of suit. Reference Is
had to complaint for particulars.
And you are hereby notified that if you fail
to appear and answer the said complaint aa
above required, the said plaintiff will cause
your default to be entered and will apply to
the court for the relief demanded in the
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Superior Court of the State of California, in
and for the County of Los Angeles, this 23d day
of November, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine,
By F. B. Fanning, Deputy Clerk.
Jones & Carlton, Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
d 4 wed2m
usa, Count , Cal.
Notice is hereby piven by the Board of
Directors of Central Irrigation District, that
said board will, at its office in the town of Max- ■
well, in the County of Colusa, in the State of .
California, on the 4th day of March iv the year
1890, at 3 o'clock p. m. of said day, sell to the
highest responsible bidder for cash in gold coin
ef the United States, four hundred and fifty
bonds of the said district, to the amount of
two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars,
being part of an issue of bouds aggregating
the sum of seven hundred and fifty thousand
dollars; that aealed piofosals for the purchase
lof said bonds will be received by said board
till the day and hour aforesaid, at which time 1
s'id board will open the proposals, and award
tbe purchase of Baid bonds to tbe highest
responsible bidder, but said board reserves the j
right to reject all bids, and will in no event
sell any of Bald bonds for less than 90 per cent
oi the face value thereof; said bonds are dated
the first day of July in the year 1888, and bear
interest at the rate ol 6 per cent, per annum,
payable semi-annually; any Interest accruing
between said date and the date of the sale and
delivery of said bonds, shall be credited before
delivery, on the first maturing coupons attached
to said bonds Said bonds will be delivered to
the successful bidder, and the money received
therefor at ths District Treasurer's office in tbe I
town oi Maxwell, or at the Colusa County Bank I
in the town of C lusa, County and State afore- I
said, aud each proposal mu»tbe accompanied I
by a certified check in favor of R, De Lappe,
Secretary of the Board of Directors of Central I
irrigation District, for an amount at leaßt as I
great as 5 per cent, of the amount total to be
paid for the bonds bid for.
(Above bonds approved by Supreme Court.)
The Supreme Court has decided that Central
Irrigation District was validly organized, and
that it« bonds were properlj issued, aud are in
the form required by law. See Ceutral Irrlga.
tion District is. R De Lappe, 79 Cat , 351.
R. De L *PPE,
Secretary of said Board.
Maxwell, Cal., January 22, 1890.
ja3ld-to mar 3
Board of Directors of tbe Los Angeles and
rii lie Railway Company, duly passed on the
9th day of January, 189 ', a meeting of the
stockholders of said company is hereby called
to meet on the 12th day of April, 1890, at 1
o'clock a. m , at No. 44 North Spring ttreet (the
s.me 'being the place where the Board of
Di.ectors of said company usually hold their
meetings), in theOity of Los Angeles, St .te of
Califoruia, for the purpose of authorizing tbe
creation of a bonded indebtedness of said
company, consisting of three hundred bonda, of
aaid company, numbered from one to three
hundred (said two numbers inclusive). Said
b >nds are to be first mortgage bonda. Said
bonda are to be for one thousand dollars each,
and are to be all of the same date, and all pay
able in thirty years from date, and are to bear
'nterest at tje rate of six por cent, per annum,
with interest coupons attached thereto payable
semi annually, and for the securing of said
bonds to further authorize tbe execution of a
mortgage or trust deed, covering all ot the
corporal property and franchises of aai t com
pany, owned at the date of the execution of
said mortgage or trust deed, or that may there
after be acquired by said company during the
running of said bonds to maturity. The said
bonds aud proceeds thereof are to be used in
settliug and pavinu the present indebtedne w of
said c mpany, and in paying for the further
const ruction and equipment of its roadway.
Said meetlngof stockholders is also called 'or
the purpose of electing a new Board of Ditectors,
and for the purpose of transacting any other
business that may be brought before it.
By order of the Board of Directors of the Los
Angeles and Pacific Railway Company, this
9th day of January, 1890.
8. W. LUITWIELER, President.
S. P. Rees, Secretary.
Directors, adopted February 18. 1890, the
regular aunual meeting of the stockholders of
the Farming and Fruit Land Company, a cor
poration having its principal place of buslneaa,
at Loa Angelea, Cal, will be held at the offloe
of tho eomp">n» at th* Safe rwnslr hnildlng
Iln tho City .if i oa Angeles, at 12 o'clock m. oi
Saturday, tae hih day of March, I*9o.
JOHN GOODS, Secretary.
•Sonthern Pacific Company
Thursday, Nov. 28, 1889
Trains leave and are due to arrive a*
. Loa Ansrelea (New Arcade Dectoay
Fifth Btbmt, Bailt. ab ForxowaT
Leave For. dbbtination. Arr. Frost
II 3:50 r.M Banning 110-OAa.m.
5 10 p. m Banning. 10 OO r ».
9:00a.m C01t0n..... . g-wl't
H 3:50 r.M Colton ; lo -Aa . m
' 2 10 p. m Ooltcn 4-S»V»
_-}°. r - v Deming and Bast... I0«0 r._Z
510 p. m Bl Paso and Baat.... 10 00 *■!
12:35 r. m Long Beach 11:66 a*lt
. » :60 -"- | U>nß ß™ Be p^o. M,d |
; 5:10 pm. 4:16,..
10:40 p. m Ogden and Bart 7:26 a. m.
•••••• Ogden and East... 4:lorau
lg *or.ic .Portland,Or 7 26La.
! , 9:00 a.m Riverside. 8 57 tat
i II 3:50 p. m Riverside ;'io-04a *
; 2;10r.m Riverside "4-20r. £
■■• • • • Biverside 10:00 t. m.
,2:ooa.ii San Bernardino 8:57 A.?
H3:sof. m San Bernardino HIOO4A.M
2:10 r. m San Bernardino 4:2orTi"
San Bernardino IO.OOp ■
9 : 00a.m Bedlands !|lo:o4a^
113:50 r.M Kedlands 10:<WrTai.
1:4.0 t. m. San Fran, and Sacram'to 7:25 a. bt
10:40 r. m. San Fran, and Sacram'to 4:10 r. bt.
0:30 a. m. Santa Ana and Anaheim 8:37 tbt
5:03 p. m. Santa Ana and Anaheim 3:35 p. bt.
1:40r.M. | Santa Barbara I 4:16 p.m.
7;25«a. M. \ Santa Barbara ) 905 p.m.
9:37 a. M Santa Monica. ... 8:33 a. bt.
1:07 p. m Santa Monica 12:08 p.*.
5:12 p. m Santa Monloa. ... 4:28 r. c
I|6:lop.m Santa Monica. .. [ 7:35 A. BT.
4:28 P. M Tnstln 9:03 A, BT.
||11:0Oa.bt Whittier I|3:l6p.st
4:28 p. M Whittier. 9:03 A* IT
Local and tnrough tleketi sold, baggaae
checked, Pullman sleeping car rninirillnS
made, and general Information given upon aav
Plication to J. M. CBAWLEY, Asst. 8. Pas. Art.
No. 200 S. Spring St., cor Second. CKARjJS
■UCYi.kk Agent at Depot.
II Sundays exoepten (Mondays excepted,
A. N. TOWNS, General Manager
Gen'l Passenger and Ticket Act
01-3 m
Southern California R'y Co.
On and after SUNDAY, OOT. 27rw.
1889, trains will leave and arrive at First
Htreet Depot as foUows:
Leave. Los Angelas. Arrive.
•8:30 a. m Overland *4:20 1. at
•8:52 A. M. San Diego Ex Coast L. »8:00 a. m ,
*4:40 p. M. San Diego Ex Coast L. *1;00 P. a
+810 a m I 8 * 11 Diege Bx viaf
to'ov a. x. |..sanßernardlno..{
(San Diego Xx vla( »„..„ _ _
f Jtivers'e & Orange! 6 °o r - *■
*8:52 a. M Santa Ana. *80 r. BL
+10:30 a.,M. Santa Ana. +10 :15 a at
+4:00 p.M Santa Ana *1:00 P. Bt,
*4:40 P. M Santa Ana. +6:50 p. a.
+10-.30 A.M. .. *\ _ +6:50 r.a,
*8:30 a. m. (Riverside via San f I? : X *■•"
•4:00 p.m. J....Bernardino .\ **■•»>*.■
+10:30a.m Colton via Orange., t 6 '-??*- *■
•8:30 A. M. Colton via San Brnd'o
•4:00 p. M. Colton via San Brnd'o *t __ ** *
*8:30 A. M ... San Bernardino.... 9 -55 a. bl
•4:00 p. m. .. .San Bernardino.... +6:50 a. m,
+ 10:30 a.m. j 8 » nBe o'? a a n r g U e ,lo . Tlt i *4:20 p.m.
+7:45 a.m- Pasadena +7:40 p.m.
•8:30 a.m- Pasadena +8:50 a.*.
+12:30 p.m- Pasadena. *9:55 a. m,
•4:00 p. m Pasadena. I +2:50 p.bt.
+5:05 p. m. , Pasadena. *4:20 r. ar,
+6 20 p. m. Pasadena. +6:10 p. t
+12:30 p. m. DuarteAocommodat'n +7:40 p.m.
+6:20 p. m. DuarteAocommodat'n +2:50 p.m.
+10:00 a, m Port Ballona +3:55 p.m.
•10.00 a. m Bedondo Beach.... *8 :25 a.m.
•5:00 p. m. .. .Bedondo Beach... »3:55 p. x.
+8:30 a. m San Jacinto.... +6:50 p. k.
+10:30a.m San Jacinto
+4:40 p. M.I Ksoondldo +1 AOr. tc
+8:30 a. M.I Redl'ndsand Mentone *9:55.i. M.
•4:00 p. M.jßedl'ndsand Mentone +4:20 p.m.
•Dally. +Dally except Sunday
Tralna leaving Loa Angeles at 8:30 a. m. cost
nect at San Bernardino for all points south t«
Oceanside. Trains leaving Los Angeles at
10 .30 a.m. and arriving at 6:50 p. m. conneot
at Baat Riverside for all points south to Ooeaa
Depot at foot of Flrnt street.
K. H. WADE. General Maaatm.
8. B. HYNEB Gen. Fasa. Agent.
Ofty TJoket Ofßoe, No. 29 North Spring crass
CHAS. T. PARSONS. Ticket Agent.
Coiflpapie eenu Trausatlantiii.
North River foot of Morton str et. TalEliT
Travelers by this line avoid both transit b*
English railway and tho discomfort of crocatsi
the Channel ln a small boat.
LA NORMANDIB, Frangoul, Saturday. Fe*
8, 6:30 a m.
LA BOURGOGNE, Santelli, Saturday, Feb. 15.
1:00 p m.
La BRETANGE, Santelli, Saturday Feb St.
7:00 a. m.
LA GABCOGNE, Boyer, Saturday, March 1.
1.30 a. m
For freight or passage npplv to
_ - _ A. FORGET, Ageai,
t, . . . No ; 3 Bowling Grjen, New York.
Tickets for sale by all railroad and steamship
offices ln Los Ange.as.
J. F. FUGAZI & 00., Agents 5 Montgomprr
» va ■*■ ' 429 tf
Goodall, Perkins <s Co., General Agents
San Francisco.
Northern routes embrace lines for Portland.
Ore.; Victoria, B. C, and Puget Sound, Alaska,
au ail coast points.
Time Table for February, 1890.
Port Harford .. 1 S. 8. Mexico, Feb. 1. 9. IT
Santa Barbara... I and 25.
Ban Pedro fS 8. Corona, Feb. 5,13. M
San Diego J and March 1.
» F P r I s - 8 - Eureka, Feb 3, U,
Redondo I 19 and 27.
San Pedro andfS. 8. Los Anarelea, Feb. 7.
Way Ports J 15, 23 Ud March 3.
For 1 8. 8. Mexico, Feb. 3, ILl»
\ and 27.
San Diego (8. 8. Corona. Feb. 7, Is, 13
J and March 3.
For )8. 8. Corona Feb. L 9, 17
Sau Francisco... ( and 25.
Port Harford fB. 8. Mexico, Feb 5, 13 21
Santa Barbara . J and March 1.
For 1 8. 8. Los Angeles, Feb. X
San Francisco ( 10,18 and 26
and fS. S. Eureka Feb. 6. 14,
Way Ports J 2 i and March 2.
Cars to conneot with steamers leave 8. P. BJL
depot, Fifth street, Los Angeles, aa follows:
Wll the Mexico and Corona *i 9:50 o'clock
a.m.; with Loa Angelea aa. Bareka, gatfeMc
north, at 5:10 o'clock p. at.
Passengers per Los Angeles and Eureka vxa
Redondo leave Santa Fe depot at 6:00 p.m.
Plans of steamers' cabins at agent's flarML
where bertha may be secured.
The steamers Los Angeles and Eureka wis
call regularly at Newport pier for and with
freight and passengers.
The company reserve the right to change the
steamers or their days of sailing.
JWP-For pauago or freight as above or for
tickets to snd from all important points is
Enrope, apply to
tv. PARRIS, Agent,
Offloe: No. 124 Weat s-econd at.. Loa Anaelea.
Leave Commercial street, Los Angelea, via 8.
P. B B , for >ltia"itir«. Monrovia and
Way Stations.
Forenoon. Afternoon.
9:00 8:54
Leave Monrovia for Alhambra, Los Augeies
and Way Stations,
Forenoon. Afternoon.
8:00 3:20
The same time, except 3:54 p. m. train frost
Commercial street, will leave at 3;14 p. aa
Passengers transfer at Ramona.
Time between Los Angelea and Monrovia—Osa
ihtbbmsdiatb stations bbtwbsb TSBBTtMAI
Soto street, San Marluv,
Bats, San Gabriel.
Ramona, Sunny Slope,
Alhambra, Chapman,
Mayberry, Baldwin.
Lake Vineyard, Arcadia,
to parties erecting ranV
deaoaa on the Use ot tali road.
> residen., tG«n,Mtiiigas

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