Newspaper Page Text
FINANCE AND TRADE. Financial. ■XCHAHHB BBVIBW. New York, February 20.—Stocks today were quiet and heavy, and closed at slight change from opening. MONBY QUOTATIONS. New York, February 20.— Money on call 3@4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 5@6% per cent Bterllng exonange—Quiet and weak; t>o-day bills, $4.83; demand, $4.87. Bar silver, 95%0. per ounce. Ban Fbancisco, February 20.—311ver ban, per ounce. BTOCKB ANn BONDS. Nbw Yobs. February 20.-01osIng quota tions: U. 8. 4s, coup 122% N.P. Preferred.... 78g< U. 8.45, reg 122-Ji Northwostorn ... 118% U. S. 4%5. reg... .123% N. W. Preferred. .141 D. S. 4&e, 00up... 124% N. Y. Central 100 Paoifloßs. H« Oregon Imp't 45% American Ex. ...115 Navigation.. 08% Oauada Pacific. . 73% Transcontinental. 34.% Canada H0n.... Pacific Mail.. 38 Ceutral Pacific... 84k Reading. 40 Bn, <vi 144 Boeklßland. 89% D. L. a i W 135% St. Paul 68% Uanvor&Rto(lr..llM/i|3tLouls *8. F.... 18 Jtiie 26%'8t. Paul A Omaha 31% itans & Texas.... OU Texas Pacific 23% Lake Shore 105% Union Paclflo 96% L. A N 87H U. S. Express 85 Mloh Central 92vi Western union... 8;-.% Missouri Pacific. 71% Am. Cotton 0i1... 27% Northern Pao 60% | Fargo 140 Bobton, February 20.— Closing prices: A4TRR 132 : >i|Mex Cen Ist m bi 70% Burl A Qninoy,... 107 San Diego 18 Mcx Oent 00m.... 18 | MINING STOCKS. San Fbancisco, February 20.—The follow ing are the oloslng prices ■ Best A Belcher. 330 Peerless 25 Chollar 2.60 Potosl 1.75 Con. Cal. A Va. 5.00 Ophir 4.80 Crocker 30 Savage 180 Gould & Curry.. 1.75 Sierra Nevada.. 280 Hale ANorcross 2.90 Union Con 3.05 Peer 20 Yellow Jacket.. 2.45 Oram ill (tracts. DOKBSTIC. San Fbancisco, Febrnarv 20.—Wheat- Very dull. Buyer season, $1.29%; buyer, 90, $1.36% per cental. Barley—lnactive. Buyer season, 78% c; buyer 90, 84% c. per cental Corn, 97%C.@51.07%. Chicaoo, February 20.-1:15 p. m. close— Wheat—Firmer. February, 75% c. per bushel; May, 76% c. Corn—Steady. February, 27%0. per bushel; May, 30%0. Oats—Firmer. February, 10% c. per bushel; May, 21% c. Barley—Nothing doing. Bye-May, 44%0. per bushel. Seaeral markets. Chicago, February 20.—Whiskey—$1.02. Shoulders, $4.15(ig>4.25; short clear, $4 95 @5.00; short ribs. Febiuary, $4.70. Pork—Steady. March, $9.70; May, $9.95. Steady. February, $5.77%; May, The Local filter Kets, Poitltry—Hens, No. 1, per doz, $5.50@56 ; Old Roosters,per d0z,54.50@5.00; Young Roost ers, per doz, $5.00; Broilers, large, per doz, $4.00; Broilers, small, per doz, $3.00; turkeys, per lb, 15@16c: ducks, large, per doz, $7 00; ducks, small, per doz. $4.50@5.00; geese, $1.00 Lard—3-lb. pails, 9c; 5-lb. pails, B%c; 10 lb. tins, B%c Hams—EasternSngar-Cured, Rex, 12% c; Lilly ami Crown, 13% c. Raisins—Tnrue Crown, new, layers, per box, $1.7001.90; Dried Grapes, 2%@3c; Loose Mus catels, Bl.8OTl.45; bulk raisins, 3%c bid. Beans and Dried Pbas—Pink, No. 1, $2.50® 2.75; bayous, $3 OC@3 50; Limns, $4.75® 5.25; navy, small, $2.50®2 75; Garvaucos, $5.00@5.5fc. Apples —Evaporated, B%c; Hunt's Alden, 8%o.; sun-dried, 7%c Cheese—Large, ll%e; Small, 12% c; 3-lb, hand, full cream, Coast, 11c Butter—Fancy California, per roll, 40@45c; choice roll, 30@35c; fair roll, 25c; pickle roll, 30@35c; firkin, choice, per lb., California, 22c; Euos—Fresh ranch, 18c. Provisions-Breakfast bacon, Rex, ll%o.; Lilly and Crown, 12% c. Vegetables—Chilei-, per string, 75c@!1.00; garlic, 4@6c; cabbage, per 100 lbs., 80@90e. Nuts—Walnuts, ; peanuts, California, s@7c; Honey—Extracted, light, 7e; amher, 4%(g>sc. Beeswax —Per pound, 17c bid, irtc »■ sea. Dried Fruits—Peaches: Sun-dried No. 2, 10c bid; sun-dried, peeled, No. 1, 15c bid; Apricots: sun-dried, 10% c bid, 12c salted. Prunes: California French, Cc bid. So asked; California German, 7c. Flour.-Los Augeles XXXX extra family patent roller, $4.20; Capitol Mills, extra family patent roller, $4 20; Sperry's, $4.90. Corn—Large Yellow carload lots, 80@85c; small yellow, 80@B5ct large white. 85c; small white, 90c. Grain Baos—New Calcuttas, 7%c; potato sacks, 4%c. Oats—Feed. No 1, $1.25. Barley—Feed No. 1, new, 70c; brewing No 1, 75@80c. Wheat—White Russim, $1.00. Mill Feed—Bran, $16.00; shorts, $18.00. Cracked Corn, $1.10@1.20; cracked baney, 85c bid; rolled barley, 85c bid; ground barley, 85c; mixed fetd, corn and barley, $1.00. Potatoes—Local, $2.00; northern, $2.00@ $2.25. Citrus Fruits—Oranges per box, Los Angeleß seedlings, $2.00; navels, $3.50(94.00. Lem ons, valley, per box, $2.00®2.50; Eureka and Lisbon, $3.00. ONIONS-Quoted at52.50@3.50. Hay—Baney No. 1, $8.00; do No. 2, $7.00; oat, No. 1, $7.00; wheat, No. 1, $11.00; alfalfa $10 00 FRESH ME&TB. Following are the rates for whole carcasses from slaughters™ to dealers: Beef—First quality, 6@o%c; second quality, 5@5%c; third quality, 4®4! 2 c per pound. VEAL-Qiiotable at 6(g>7c for large and 8@ 10c per pound lor small. Mutton—Quotable at 6(317c per pound. Lamb—Quotable at 9@loc per pound. Pork—Live hogs on foot, grain fed, me dium, o@s%c; dressed hogs, 7@Bc per pound. DAILY S.-A.L ESTATE RECORD. Published by the Abstract and Tltlt Insurance Company of Vom A«. Cflies. Thursday. February 20,1890 CONVEYANCES. George Palmer te Isabel Palmer—Part of lot 2, range 2, Temple and Gibson tract; $1,000. Nathan M Jonnson to C F Holder and John C Gove—Lot 7, Wood and Banbury sub, Pasadena; $3,000. Stephen Townsend and Anna Townsend to A X McQiiliing—Lot 5, bock A. 8 Townsend sub of Summit aye tract; lot 14, block 15, Altadenn, map No 1; lots 13 and 14, block A, Cent al tract, and lot 20, M H Weight sub, Pasadena; $3,000. San Jose Ranch Company to A X Crawford- Villa lot 6, San Dlmas; rlso W% of BE% of SE%, sec 5, T 1 8, R 7 W: $4,000. Frank White to Ira F White—Und % of 8% of NE% of lot 28, Loop and Me»erve tract, Ro San Jose; $1,800, Providencia Land, Water and Development Company to Ezra J Post—Lots 8 aud 9, block 109, Providencia Rolands; $4,032. Eliza Letizberg and Max Lenzberg to H W Altman—B% of lot 11, block 1. Mott tract; $4,300. SUMMARY. Number of transfers above $1,000 each, 7. Amount, $26,132. Number of trauafers under $1,000, 7. Amount, $3,800. Number of nominal transfers, 15. Total amount of considerations, $29,932. Note—Transfers of which the consideration is less than $1,000 are not published in the above list. _ NOTiOE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE OP JAMES STAPLETON, DEr ceased. Notice is hereby given by ihe undersigned, administratrix of the estate of James -tap'eton, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to ex hibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice to tbe said administratrix, ht t* c office of Barclay, Wilson A Oarpeu'er, 139% North Spring street, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in said County of Los Angeles. GERTRUDE J. STAr-LETON. Administratrix of the estateof James Staple'on, Dated Los Angeles, Cal., this 20 day of Febru ary, 1890. fe2l-frl-4w NOTICE. THE CRYBTAL SPRINGS LAND AND W ATBH Company—Notice is hereby given that ln pursuance of a resolution of the Board of 11 -rectors of this corporation, adopted and en tered ot. icord on the 4th day of February, IK9 ), i. n . : tingofthe Block-holders of said cor poration is called and will be held at the i.llice of tide corporation, on the northwest corner of M trcht-ssaii.t "ud Alameda streets, iv the City of Los Acti s, Los Angeles county, State of Caliiornia, on Thursday, the 17th day of April, 1890. at 2:30 o'clock p. m. of that day, to take into consideration the propriety of issuing bouds of corporation for the purpose of selliu ■ tne seme . ad raising money to carry on the business of in is corporation. S. H. MOTT, Secretary. Los Augeles, February 8,1890. City papers please oopy. 19-td THE LOS ANGELES DAILY HERALD- FRIDAY MaKNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1890. LOB ANGELES AND PACIFIC RAILWAY Company, location and principal place of business. Lis Angeles City, California. There is delinquent apon the following de sen ted stock, on account of assessment levied January 17th, 1890. the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective share holders, as follows: No. of M . Names. Certlfl- __°_' r oB. Amount. E. E. Hall It 173~ $432.50 " 57 50 125.00 " 121 5 12.50 " 181 15% 3H.75 E. C, Burl In game 14 200 500.00 15 200 500 00 " . 78 100 250.00 " .79 100 250.00 .80 100 250 00 M. E. Garbutt 130 10 25.00 " 131 30 75.00 Ij2 18 45 00 H. Garthwaite 46 54 135.00 C. B. Van Every.. 85 20 50.00 N. T. Blair 102 10 25.00 103 5 1250 " 108 20 50.00 " 109 10 25 00 201 35 87.50 203 5 12.50 " 204 40 100.00 223 20 50.00 " 225 20 50 00 M C. Marsh 97 200 500.00 " 98 124 310 00 A. H. Trotter 117 108 270 00 C. H. KeLey 124 40 100.00 125 5 12.50 Warren E. Marsh... 129 35 87 50 M. A.. McKelvey ... 134 1 2.50 W.B.Johnson 172 5 12 50 Jno. J. Jones 155 30 75.00 " 187 2 5.00 H.B. Weßt 158 60 150 00 159 50 125 00 Nina J. West 160 8 20.00 Edwin Layton 169 6 15.00 175 5 12.50 " 188 4 10 00 C. E. Norton 170 1 2.50 222 5 12.50 J. H. Austermelle 176 50 125.00 W. W. Beach 1»5 25 62.50 213 457 1,342.50 H.W. Altman 186 8 20 00 A.A.Graff 230 10 25 00 W. B. Scarborough. 219 50 125.00 A. A. Durrell 221 10 25 00 J. H. Levering 236 166% 416.25 And in accordance with law and sn order of the Board of Directors, made Ou the 18th day of February, 1890, so many shares of each par cel of such stock as may be necessary will he sold at the main entrance of the Burdick block. No 29 West Second Btreet. Los Angeles city, on the 10th day of March, 1890, at 11 o'clock a. m. of such day, to pay d ellnquent assessm-enm thereon, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. P. P. BEES, Secr'tary. Boom 3, Burdick Block, N. E. corner Second and Spring streets, Los Angeles City. fel9 17t NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. MEBRTCK BEYS OLDS, PLAINTIFF, VS. Patrick C. Tonner, Defendant. Sheriff 's sale. No. 11417. Order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure aud sale, issued out of the Superior Court of the countyof Los An geles. State of California, on the 30th day of December, A, D. 1889, in the above entitled ac tion, wherein Merrick Beynolds, the above named plaintiff, obtained a judgment and de cree of foreclosure and sale against Patrick C. Tonner, defendant, on the 30th (lay of Decern her, A D. 1889, for he sum of $893.56 in lawful , money of the United States, which Baid decree was on the 2d day of lanuary, A. D. 1890, . recorded in judgment book 15 of said Court, , at page 54, I am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Los Angeles, State of California, and bounded and described as follows: In the town of Pomona, particularly bounded and dekcribed as follow-, to wit: Being lot four (4), block thirty-five (35), of the town of Pomona, as per map duly recorded in the County Eecords of Los Angeles county. Public notice is hereby given, that on Satur day, the Bth day of February, A. D. 1890, at 12 o'clock m. of that day, ln front of the Court House door of the county of Los Angeles, on ' Spring street, I will, in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, sell the above described property, or ao much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, with Interest aud costs, etc., to the hiKhest and best bidder, for casn, lawful money of the United states. Dated this 16lh day of January, 1890. M. G. AGUIttBK, Sheriff of Los Ansreles Coanty. 1 Ky A. M. Thornton, Under Sheriff. t Graves, O'Melveny A ShanklaHd, Attorneys 1 for Plaintiff. jal7 fri4t . ' CO-PARTNERSHIP RENEWAL. The co-part"ershlp heretofore existinsr bet ween E. L. "tern, Leon Loeb and B Stern, all I residents of the City of Les Angeles, aud doing i business uQder the firm name of fctem, Loeb ACo., in the city and Counts of Los Angeles, and State of California, having expired on the i first day of February. 1890, is hereby renewed. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, the Ist day of February. 1890. E. L. STERN, (seal.) L. LOEB. (seal.) B. STERN. (seal.) Los A ugeles, Cal., February 1,1890. Static of California, j Couuty ol Los Angeles.( On this 3d day of February, 1890, before me, N Lindenfeld, a ~-otary Public, in snd forthe County of Loa Ang.les, personally appeared E. L. Stern, Leon Loeb and B Stern, to me person ally known to be the Individuals de cribedin and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they thereupon acknowledged to me that they executed tho same. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal, the day and year in thiß certificate first above written. (SEAL.) N. LINDENFELD, Notary public. feB-sats-3t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TN THE SUPERIOR COOKT OF THE COUN _L t" of Los Angeles, State of California - No. 11 981. In the mstter of the estate of John W. Broaded, <-eceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned Anne Frances Broaded, executrix of the last will aud testament of John W. Broaded, de ceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, to ex hibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said executrix at her place of business, to-wit: the office of her attorney, Stephen M. White, rooms 11,12 and 13, Tem ple block, Los Angeles City, California. ANNE FRANCES BROADED, Executrix of the last w.ll and testament of Jehn W. Broaded, deceased. Date of first publication, to-wit: February 9th, 1890. f 9 6U 5t NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. OT. BARKER, PLAINTIFF, VS. M. 8. NEW , man, administratrix of the estate of J. Frank Newman, defendant. Sheriff's Sale. No. 12,191. Order of sale and decree of foreclosure and Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of/foreclosure and sale, issued out of the Superior Court of the County of Los An geles, State of California, on the 13th day of January, A. D. 1890 in the above entitled action, wherein O T. Barker, the above-named plaiutiff, obtained a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale against M S. Newman, administratrix defendant, on the 13th day of January, A. D. 1890, for the sum of $3070.00 iv gold coin of the United States, which »aia decree was, on the 14th day of January A.D. 1890, recorded in judgment book 15of said Court, at page 188, I am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lvlng and being lv the County of Los Angeles, State of California, aud bounded and described as follows: The northeast quarterof the southeastquarter and the north halt of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section number four (4), Township one (1) north, Range fourteen (14) wes r , San Bernardino meridian, containing ; sixty (60) acres of land. Beserving, however, on the west side of said sixty(6o) acres, a right of way for roads, ditches and other aqneduots 1 over a strip of land twenty feet wide extending , along the eatire west Bide of said tract. Public notico is hereby given, that ou W-dnes ■ day, the 19th day of February, A. D. 1890. a 1 12 o'clock, m., of that day, iv front of th Court House door of the County of Los Angeles ou Spring street. I will, in obedience to aai i order ot sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, . sell the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, etc., to the higuest and best bidder, for cash, gold coin of the United States. Dated this 27th day of January 1890. M. G. AGUIREE, Sheriff ef Los Augeles Coanty. By A. M. Thornton, Under Sheriff. ScarbO'oagh A Waterman, attorneys for < plaintiff. ja2Btues-4t 1 OS ANGELES COUNCIL, NO. 11, BOYAI 1 and Select Masters, F. and A. M.—Holds its I stated assemblies on the fonrth Monday of each month, st 7:30 p. M., st Maaonio Hall, Spring Bt. bet. First and Second ORANGE LAND AT REDLANDS AT $200 Per Acre on Ten Years' Time. W. P. McINTOSH, President and General Agent of the BARTON LAND AND WATER COMPANY, is now selling the finest Orange Land in the City of Kedlande for $200 per sere, 10 per cent, cash and no further payment for ten (10) years except \V/_ per cent, per annum, with one (1) inch of water, miner's measure ment, to every seven acres, in pipes at every ten-acre tract. San Bernardino Valley Branch R. R. and Motor Line through the center of ranch. Canning establishment and packing house also on tbe land. No fruit pests of any kind, and not enough of frost to injure the oranges. This is a good openiDg for the capitalist and business man, as well as for the poor man. The fruits produced will certainly meet the pay ments. For maps and particulars, apply to W. P. McINTOSH. ja3olm Boomß 7 and 8, No. 42 South Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. SUMMONS. INTHEBUPEBIOB COURT OFTHE COUNTY of Los Angeles, State of California. The Ke ondo Beach Company, plaintiff, vs. James Carroll, defendant. Action brougnt in the Superior Court of the Conntv of Los Angeles, State of California, and the complaint filed ln said County of Los Ange les, ln the office of the Clerk of said superior Court. CO. P., Section 407. The people of tbe State of California send greeting to James Carroll, defendant: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by tne aoove-named plaintiff, in the buperior Courtof the County of Lob Angeles, State of California, and to ai.swer tbe complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service), after the ser vice on you of this summons—lf served within this county; or. If served elsewhere, within thirty days. I he said action Is brought to obtain judgment against you. The judgment and decree cf this Court that it fix a nay within which defendant be required to pay to this plaintiff the said sum of three hundred and seventy-five dollars in U 8. gold coin, deferred paymentsas aforesaid with inter est thereon, from the 23d day of April 1888, at tho rate of eight per ctnt. per annum, and costs Of suit; and that in the event the defendant should fail to make such payment to plaintiff within the time so fixed by the Couit, that de fendant, and all persons claiming under him, be thereafter, that fs, from the day last men tioned for the payment of said money, forever barred and foreclosed of all right, interest and estate in and to the land dt scribed in plaintiff's complaint, and said contract and every part thereof, and of all right to a conveyance thereof, and that from and after the day so fixed by said Court for the payment of said money, if the same be not so paid, plaintiff be fully restored to its former rights and estate in the land described in the complaint and the rights and estate therein which it held belore and at the time of the making of said contract, and that upon the failure of the defendant to make such payment witbin thetime bo fixed by the Court as aforesaid, the title of plaintiff to the land described in the complaint as against defendant and all persons claiming under him, thereupau become good and valid and forever quieted, and that said defendant thereupon be come forever barred and restrained from as serting any claim whatever to said land orio the moneys paid by defendant to plaintill under said contract mentioned in plaintiff's compla'.nt as "Exhibit A," or to any partor portion of said laud, and for costs of this suit and for such other or further order or relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable in the premises, as will more fully appear by refer ence to the complaint on file herein. And you are hereby notified that if you fall to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's complaint Witnesß my hand and the seal of the said Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, this 25th day of November, A. D. 1889. (seal) 0. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. By F. E. Lowry, Deputy Clerk. j23 th lOt It a wk SUMMONS. IN THE BUPEEIOB COUET OF THE County of Los Angeles, State of California. The Bedondo Beach Company, plaintiff, vs. A. J. Wheeler, Defendant. Action brought in the Superior Court of the Countyof Los Angelas, State of California, and the oomplaint filed In Bald County of Los An geles, ln the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court. C. C. P , Section 407. The people of the State of California send greeting to A. J. Wheeler, defendant. Yon are hereby required to appear in an ac tion brought against you by the above named plaintiff, in the Superior Court of the Coanty of Los Angeles, State of California, aud to an swer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service), after the service on you of this summonß, if served within this county; or, If served elsewhere, within thirty days. The said action is brought to obtain tbe judg ment and decree of thi Court that it fix a day within which defeudant be required to pay to this plaintiff the said sum of two hundred and sixty-five dollars in U. ii. gold coin, deferred poymentsns aforesaid wltn interest thereon from the 25th day of June, 1888, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum and costs of suit; and that in the event the defendant should fail to make such payment to plaiutiff within the time so fixed by the Court, that defendant and all persons cMming under him, be thereafter, that is, from the day last mentioned for the payment of said money, forever barred and lor cloEed i f all right, iuterest and estate in and to said con ract and every part thereof, and of all right to a conveyance thereof, and that from and after the day so fixed by said Conrt for the payment of said money, if the same be not so paid, plaintiff be ful'y restored to its former rights and estate in the land described in the complaint, and the rights and estate therein which it hold before and at tbe time of the making of said contract, and that upon the failure of the defendant to make such payment within the time fixed by the Court as aforesaid the title of plaintiff to the laud described iv the complaint as gainst defendant and all persons claiming him, thereupon become good and valid and forever quieted, and that said defendant thereupon become forever barred and restrained from asserting any cla m what ever to said land or to the moneys paid by de feudant to plaintiff under said contract men tioned iv plaintiff's complaint as ' Exhibit A," or to any part or portion of Baid land; and for costs of this suit and for such other or further order or relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable in the premises, as will more fully appear by reference to the complaint o i file herein. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appearand answer the said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will apply to the tluurt for the relief prayed for in plaintiffs iom plaint. Witness my hand and the seal of said Su perior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, this 25th day of November, A. JJ. 1889. (SEiL) C. H. DUNBMOOR, Cleik. By F. E. Lowby, Deputy Ulerk. j»23-Thurs-10t-ltaw TN THE SUPERIOR COURT OFTHE STATE _L of California, County of Los Angeles—ss In the matter of the estate of Chr s'.ian Briestly. deceased. Notice for publication of time for proving will, etc. Notice is hereby given that Thursday, the 6th day of March, 1890. at 10 o'clock a. m of said day, at the courtroom of this Coart, Department 2 thereof, corner Franklin and New High streets, ln the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, and -nate of California, have been appointed as the time and place for hearing the application of Rosalia Briestly praying that a document now on tile in this Court, proporting to be the last will and testa ment of the said deceased, be admitted ro pro bate, tnat letters testamentary be issued thereou to Rosalia Briestly, at which time and pla c all persons interested therein may appear and con test tbe sai< c. Dated February 18, 1890. C. H. DUNBMOOR, County Clerk. By M. J. Ashmork, Deputy. fel9-10t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing uuder the name and style of Hellman, Haas & Co , ou North Los Angeles street, ln the City of Los An geles, County of Los Angeles, State of Califor nia, and at No. 100 California street, sun Francisco, California, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The same business, at the same places, will hereafter be conducted by Abraham Haa • and Jacob Barnch, successors in partnership, under the name and style of Haas, Baruch & Co., who assume all the liabilities of the former firm, and will collect all debts, claims, demands and outstandings of the firm. Dated a". Los Augeles this 17th day of February, 1890. H. W. HELLMAN. WM. HAAB, Administrator of the estate of Jacob Haas, deceased. A. HAAS. JACOB BABUCH. Referring to the above announcement of dissolution, I beg to extend my gratitude to the trad» of this Coast, for the liberal favor and Wk ..v»», extended to tne fTrni of Hellman, Haa:; & c.> i nd solicit on uehalf of Haas, Baruch ii Co., a continuance oi the same. Bated Kobrn-iry 17. 1890 B W. HKLLMAI>. telS lit Li lit* All. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE county of Los Angeles, State of California. The Redondo Beach Company, plaintiff, vs. Oskar Huber and Chas. Mensch, defendants. Action brought In tbe Superior Court of the countyof Los Angeles, State of California, and the complaint filed in said county of Lob Ange les, ln the ofiice of the Clerk of said Superior Court. C. C. P. Bection 407. The People of the State of California send greeting to Oskar Huber and Chas. Mensch, defendants. You are hereby required to appear in an ac tion brought against you by the above-named plaintiff in the Superior Court of the county of Los Augeles, State of California, and to an swer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons—if served within this county; or, if served elsewhere, withiu thirty days. The said action is brought to obtain the judgment and decree of this Court tbat it fix a day within which defendants be required to pay to this plaintiff the said sum of twenty four hundred and seventy dollars in U. 8. gold coin, deferred payments as aforesaid, with in ter'st thereon from the 12th day of April, 1888, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and costs of so it; and that ln the event the de fendant should fail to make such payment to plaintiff witnin the time so fixed by the Court, that defendant and all persons claiming under him i c thereafter, that is, from the day last mentioned for the payment of said money, forever barred and foreclosed of all right, in terest and estate ln and to the land described in plaintiff's complaint, and said contract and every part thereof, and of all right to a con veyance thereof, and that from and after the day so fixed by said Court for the payment of said money, if the same be not so paid, plain tiff be fully restored to its former rights and estate in the land described in the complaint, and the rights and estate therein which it held before and at the time of the making of said contract, and that upon the failure of the de fendant to make such payment within the time fixed by the Court as aforesaid, the title of plaintiff to the land described in the complaint sb against defendant and all persons claiming under him, thereupon become good and valid and forever quieted, and tbat said defendant thereupon become forever barred and re strained from asserting any claim whatever to said land or to the moneys paid by defendant to plaintiff under said contr»ct mentioned In plaintiffs complaint as "Exhibit A," or to any part or portion of said land; and for costs of this suit, and for such other or further order or relief as to the court may seem just and equita ble in the premises, as will more fully appear by reference to the complaint on file herein. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of said Supe rior Court of the county of Los Angeles, State ef Calif irnla, this 25th day of November, A. D. 1889. (Seal.) C. H. DUNBMOOR, Clerk. By F. E. Lowry, Deputy Clerk. ja23 th lOt law SUMMONS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE County of Los Angeles, State of California. Ihe Redondo Beach Company, plaintiff, vs, James A. Beville. defendaut. Action brought in the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and the complaint filed in said Co inty of Los An geles, in the office of the Clerk of Bald Superior Court. The people of the state of Californfa send I greeting to James A Beville, defendant You are hereby requtred to appear ln an action brought against yo.i by the above-named plaintiff iv the Superior Courtof the County of i-os Angeles, State of California, and to an-wer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service), after the service oa you of this summons—if served within this county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days. The said action is broueht to obtain the judgment and decree of this Court that it fix a day within which defendant be required to pay to this plaintiff tbe said sum of five hundred and seventy-five dollars in U. 8. gold coin, deterred payments as aforesaid with interest thereon from the thirteenth dayof April, 1888, at the rate of eitht per cent, per annum and costs of suit; and that Li the event the defend ant should fail to make such payment to plaintiff withiu the time so fixed by the Court, the defendaut nnd all persons claiming under him, be thereafter, that ts, from the day last mentioned for ihe payment of said mouey, forever barred and foreclosed of all right, in terest and estate in and to the land described in plaintiff s complaint, and said contract and every part the eof, and of all right to a con veyance thereof, and that from and after the day so fixed by said Court for the payment ef Bald money, ir the same be not so paid, plaintiff be fully res'ored to its former rights and estate in the laud described in the com plaint, and the rights and estate therein which it held h j ore and at the time of the making of said contract, and that upon the failure of the defendant to make such payment within the time fixed by the Court as aforesaid, the title of plaintiff to the land described in the com plaiut as agalns defendant and all persons claiming under him; thereupon become good and valid and forever quieted, and that said defendant thereupon become forever barred and restrained from asserting any claim what ever to said land or to the moneys' paid by defendant to plaintiff under said contract mentioned in plaintiff's complaint as "Exhibit A" or to any part or portion of said land; aud for costs of this suit and for suoh other or further order or relief aa to the Court may seem just aud equitable in the premises, ns will more fully appear by reference to the compla'nt on file herein. And you are hereby notified that If yon fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required, mid plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the plaint, ff's complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of said Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, this 25th day .of November, A. D. 1889. [Boal.l C. H. DUNSMOOR. Clerk. By F. E. Lowry, Deputy Cierk. ja23 thu-10t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1/STATE OF HERMAN BETB BENEDICT, Jji deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, administratrix of the estate of Herman llets Benedict, deceased, to the creditors of ot dail persons hiving claims against the said deceared, to exhibit them with the neeessa y vouchers, withiu teu months after tbe first publication of this notice, to the said administratrix, at > er r< sidence, No. 413 Louisiana avenue, on Boyle Heights, in the Ciiy of Los Angeles Couuty of Los Angeles, California, the same being the place foi the transaction of the busluess of said estate, in the said County ot Lou Angeles. VaLLONA BENKDICT, Administratrix of the estate cf Herman Bets Benedict, deceased. Dated February 10,1890 W. P. Gardiner, Attorney for sail ndminls trstix. fell-f>w ~. NOTICE. US. LAND OFFICE, LO3 ANGELES, CAL., a January 30, 1890. Complaint haviug been entered at this office by Jan Delbastv against Peter Johnson for abandoning; his Homestead Entry No 5.000. dated July sth, 18841, upon the 8% of NW% and EU, of SW Section 8, Township 4 North, Bange 15 West, 8. B . M., in Los Angelea County, California, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at thiß ofiice on the Bth day of April, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m,, to respond and furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandonment, fell-lm I. H. POLK, Becelver. NOTICE TO CREDITORS! ESTATE OF CATHARINE INGHAM, DE - Notice is hereby given by the u-dersigced, Alice Marlette, exeoutrix of the estate of Catharine Ingham, deceased, to the creditors of. and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit the same with the neces sary vouchers, within four mon.hs after the first publication of this notice, to the said executrix, at her residence, No. 1424 South Main street, the same beisg the place for the ; transaction of the v -''iose of stld estate, ln the Coir:-- ol Anj.ce liated thus 41b, day of i cbruary.A. D ls9o. ALICE MAillETl E, Executrix of the estate of Catharine Ingham, j deceased, felS-lm ________ SUMMONS. IN THK SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COUNTY of Los Angeies, State of California The Redondo Beach Company, plaintiff, ys. R. F. Watkins defenaant. Action brought in the Superior Court of the Countyof Loa Angeles, State of California, and the Complaint filed in aaid County of Los An geles, ln the offloe of tie Cleric of said Superior Court. The people of the State of California send greeting to R. F Watkins, defendant. You are hereby required to appear ln an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the Superior Court of the County ol Los Angeles, State of California, and to answer tbe Complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service), after the service on you of this Summons, if served within this county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days. The said action is brought to obtain the judgment and decree of this Court that It fix a day within which defendant be required to pay to this plaintiff the said sum ol eignt hun dred and toirty dollars in U S. Gold Coin, de ferred payments as afo.esaid with interest thereon from the 19th day of April. 1888, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum and costs of suit; ana that in the event the defendant should fall to make such payment to pi. in tiff within the time so fixed by the Court that de fendant and all peisons claiming under him, be thereafter, that is, from the day last men tioned for the payment of stfd money, forever barred and foreclosed of all right, interest and estate in and to the land described in plaintiff's oomplaint, and said contract and every part thereof and of all right to a conveyance there of, and that from and after the day so fixed by said Cour; for the payment of said money, if the same be not so paid, plaintiff be tally restored tc Its former rights and t state in the land described in the complaint, and the rights and estate therein which it held before and at the time of the making of said coutract, and that upon the failure of the defendant to mane such payment within the time fixed by the Court as aforesaid the title of plaintiff to tbe land described ln the complaint a' against de fendant and all persons claiming under him, thereupon become good and valid and forever qnieted, and that said defendant 'hereupon become forever barred and restrained from asserting any claim whatever to said land or to the moneys paid by defendant to plaintiff under said contract mentioned ln plaintiff's complaint as ' Exhibit A" or to any pait or i portion of said land; an.l for costs of th<s suit i and for such other or further order or relief as . to the Court m» y seem just and equitable in the i premises, as will more lully appear by refer ence to the complaint on file herein. i And you are hereby notified that If you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as i above required, said plaintiff will apply to the i Court for the relief prayed for In plaintiff's 1 complaint. , Witness my hand and the Seal of said Superior Court, of the County of Los Ange es, i State of California, this 25th day of November, < A. D. 1889. (SEAL) C. H. DUNSMOOR Clerk. By F. E Lowby. Deputy Clerk. it ja22 wediot SUMMONS. No. 11,877. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles. C. B. Boyes and C. E. Crowley, partners doing business under the firm name of Boyes & Crowley Plaintiffs, vs. D. A. Bascom J. C. Delvy and M, J. Hathaway, Defendants. Action brought in the Superior Court of the State of California, In and for the Oounty of Los Angeles, and the complaint filed ln said County of Los Angeles in the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court. The people of the State of California send greeting to D. A. Bascom, J. C. Delvy and M. J. Hathaway, defendants. You are hereby required to appear in an ac tion broueht against you by the above named plaintiff in the Superior Court of the State of California, in aud for the County of Los Angeles, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service after the service on you of this summons if served within this county; or if served else where, within thirty days, or judgment by de fault will be taken against you according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action is brought to foreclo c the lien against lot 15, blcck 9, Los Angeles Im provement Company's subdivision in the city of Los Angeles, county ai.d State aforesaid, for grading Alabama street ln iront thereof. The amount claimed is $235.26, with interest, < attorneys' fees, and cost of suit. Reference lb had to complaint for particulars. And you are hereby notified that If you fail to appear and answer the 'aid complaint as above required, the said plaintiff will cause yoar default to be entered and will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the ■ complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the Superior Court of the State of Californfa, in and for the County of Los Augeles, this 23d day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and tighty-nine. TsEALI CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, By F. B. Fanning, Deputy Clerk. Jones & Carlton, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. d 4 wed 2 m BALE OF BONDS. CENTRA' IRRIGATION DISTRICT, COL usa, Count , Cal. Notice is hereby given by the Board ol : Directors of Central Irrigation District, that said board will, at its office in the town of Max well, ln the County of Colusa, in the State of : California, on the 4th day of March in the year 1890, at 3 o clock p. m. of said day, sell to the highest responsible bidder for cash in gold coin of the United States, four hundred and fifty bouds of the said district, to the amount of , two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, being part of an issue of bonds aggregating the sum of seven hundred and fifty thousand , dollars; that sealed pioiosals for the purchase ! of said bonds will be received by said board till the day and hour aforesaid, at which time s id board will open the proposals, and award tbe purchase of said bouds to the highest responsible bidder, but Bald board reserves the right to reject all bids, and will in no event sell any of said boi ds for less than 90 per cent oi the face value thereof; said bond* are dated the first day of July ln the year 1888, and bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, payable semi-anunally; any interest accruing between said date and the date of the sale and delivery of said bonds, shall be credited before delivery, on the first maturingcoupons attached to said bonds Said bouds will be delivered to the successful bidder, and the money received therefor at tha District Treasurer's office in tbe town ot Maxwell, orat the Colusa Couuty Bank In the town of C lusa, County and State afore said, and each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check in favor of B. De Lappe, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Central Irrigation District, for an amount at least as great as 5 per cent, of the amount total to be paid for the bonds bid for. (Above bonds approved by Supreme Court.) The Supreme Court has decided that Central Irrigation District was validly organized, and that, it* bonds were properly issued, and are in the form required by law. Sep Central I riga tion Bistrict vs. R. De Lappe, 79 Ca , 351. R. De L »PPE, Secretary of 6aid Board. Maxwell, Cal., January 22, 1890. ja3ld-to mar 3 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET ING. IN PURSUANCE OF RESOLUTIONS OF THE Board of Directors of the Los Angeles and Pacific Railway Company, duly passed on the 9th day of January, 189 I, a meeting of the stockholders of said c impany is hereby called to meet on the 12th day of April, 1890, at 1 o'clock a. m , at No 44 North Spring street (the s-me being the place where the Board of Di.ectors of said company usually hold their meetings), iv the City of Los Angeles, St.te of Califoruia, for the purpose of authorizing the creation of a bonded indebtedness of said ( ompany, consisting of three hundred bends, of said com. auy, numbered ficm one to three hundred (sild two numbers Inclusive). Said buds are to be first mortgage bonds. Said bouds are to be for one thousand dollars each, and a'e to be all of the same date, and all pay able in thirty years from date, and are to bear 'ntere tatt ie rate of six per cent per annum, with interest coupons attached thereto payable semi annually, and for the seeming of said bonds to further authoriza the execution of a mortgage or trust deed, covering all of the oorpora c property and fr»nchlses of sal t com pany, owned at the date of the execution of said mortgage or trust deed, or that may there after bo acquired by said company during the running of said bonds to maturity. The said bonds aud proceeds thereof are to be used ln settling and paving the present indebtedness of said company, and in paying for the further construction and equipment of its roadway. Said meetlngof stockholders is also called 'or the purpose of elect! ng a new Board of Dti ectors, and for the purpose of transacting any other business that may be brought before it. B v order of the Board of Directors of the Lob Angeles and Pacific Railway Company, this 9th day of January, 1890. 8. W. LOITWIELEB, President. 8. P. Bees, Secretary. feB-62t STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. BY A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF Directors, adopted February 18,1890, the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farming and Fruit Land Company, a cor poration having its principal place of business, at Lob Angelea, Cal, will be held at the office •f the company, at the Safe Deposit building, ln the City of Los Angeles, at 12 o'clock m. of Saturday, the Bth day of March, 1890. JOHN GOODE, secretary. tel9l4t 7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURTOFTBK COTJITTT of Loi Angeles, State of California The Redondo Beach Company, Plaintiff, vs. Geo B. Noble, defendant. Action brought ln the Superior Court of the County of Loa Angeles. State of California, and the Complaint filed ln said Coanty of Los An geles, in the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court. The people of the State of Califoraia send greeting to Geo. B. Noble, defendaut. You are hereby required to appear ln an ac tion brougnt against you by the above-named plaintiff, in the Superior Court of the County of Loa Angeles, State of California, and to an swer the Complaint filed therein, within tea days (exclusive of the day of service), after the se vice on you of this Summons, if served within thiß county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days. The said action is brought to obtain the judg ment and decree of this Court that it fix a day within which defendant be required to pay to this plaintiff the said sum of six hundred and fifty-five dollars in U. 8. Gold Coin, deferred payments as aforesaid with interest thereon from the 18th day of April, 1888, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum and co»ts of suit; and that in tbe event the defendant should fail to make such payment to plaiutifl" withia the time so fixed by the Court, that defendant and all persons claiming under him, tie thereafter, that is, from the day last mentioned for the payment of said money, forever barred and for closed of all rig Jt, interest and estate in and to the land described in plaintiff's comp.aint, and said contract and every part thereof, and of all right to a conveyance thereof, and that from and after the day so fixed by said Court for the payment of said money, if the same he not so paid, plaintiff be fully restored to its former rights and estate in the land describe d ln the complaint, and the rights and estate therein which it held before and at the time of the making of said contract, and that upon tho failure of the defendant to make suoh payment wltniu the time fixed by the Coart as aforesaid the title of plaintiff to the land described in the romp aim as againßt defendant and all persons claiming under him, thereupon become good and valla and forever quieted, and that said defendant thereupon become forever barred and restrained from asserting any claim what ever to Baid land or to the moneys paid by de fendant to plaintiff under said contract men tioned in plaintiff's complaint as "Exhibit A," or to any part or portion of said land; and for costs of this suit und for such other or farther order or relief as to the Court may teem just and equitable in the premises, as will more fully appear by reference to the complaint on file herein. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in plaintiff' plaint. Witness my hand and the seal of said Supe rior Court, of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, this 25th day of November, A. D. (seal.) C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk, By F. E. Lowby, Deputy Clerk. ia24-fri-10t SUMMONS. IN THE BUPEBIOB COURT 'OF THK County ol Los Angeles. State of California. The Redondo Beacn Company, Plaintiff, vs. Fernan o Lambert, defendant Action brought in the Superior Court of the County of Lo* aniteles, State of Ca''fornia, aid t'.e comnlalut filed in stid Countpßsi Lo» An geles in the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court. The people of the State of California send greeting to Fernando Lambert, defendant: You are hereby required to appear ln au action brought against you by the above-named piaii tiff in the fcuperlor Court of tt c County of Lob Angeles. State of California, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service), after the service on you of this summons—it served within this county: or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days. The said action is brought to obtain the judgment and decree of this Court that it fix a day within which defendant be required to pay to this plaintiff the said sum of three hundred and ten dollars ln U. 8 gold coin, de'erred payments as aforesaid with Interest there a from the 18th day of April 1888, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum and costs of suit; and that in the event the defendant should fail to make such payment to plaintiff within the time o fixed by the court, that defeudant and all persons claiming under h there after, tbat is, from the day last mentioned for the payment of said money, forever barred aud foreclosed of a>l right, interest and e«tate ln and to the land described in plaintiff's com plaint, and Bald contra, t and every part thereof* and of all light to a conveyance thereof, and that lrom and after the day bo fixed by Bald Court for the payment of said money, if the same be not so paid, plaintiff be fully restored to its former rights and estate in the land described in the complaint, and the rights and estate therein which it held before and at the time of tbe making of said contract, and that upon the failure of the defendant to make sach payment within the time fixed by the Court as aforesaid, tne title of plaintiff to the land described in the complaint as against defendant and all persons claiming under him, thereupon become good and valid and foi ever quieted, and that said defendant ther upon become forever barred and restrai, ed from asserting any claim whatever to said land or to the moneys paid by defendant to plaintiff under said contract mentioned in plaintiff's complaint as "Exhibit A," or to any part or portion of Bald land; and for costs of this suit aud fo r such other or further order or rel ef as to the Court may seem just aud equi ta li c in the promises, as will more fully appear by reference io the complaint on file herein And you are he;eby notified that if ycu fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will apply to the Conrt for the relief prayed for in plaintiff s complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of satd Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, state of California, this 25th day of Novemb i A. I>. 1889. (seal. C. H. DUNSMOOB, Oleik. By F. E. Lowry, Deputy Clerk. ja24-fri-10t SUMMONS. IN THE BUPERIOE COUET OF THE County of Lob Angeleß, State of Californfa. The Bedoßdo Beach Company, plaintiff vs. Clark L Hullng, defendant. Action brought in the Superior Court of the county of Lob Angeles, State of California, and the complaint filed in said county of Los Ange les, in the office of the Clerk of said Superior Court. The people of the State of California send greeting to Clark L. Huling, defendant. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought a gainst you by the above-named Elalntiff, in the Superior Court of the county of os Angeles, State of California, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service), after the ser vice on you of this summons—if served within this Bounty; or, If served elsewhere, within thirty days. The Baid action Is brought to obtain the judgment aud decree of this Court that It fix v day withiu which defendant be required to pay to this plaintiff the said sum of six hundred and fifty dollars, in U. 8. gold coin, deferred payments as aforesaid with inter est thereon, from the 13th day of April, 1888, at the rate of eight per oent. per annum, and coats of mi.:; and that in the event the defendaut should fail to make such payment to plaiutiff within the time no fixed by the Court, that de fendant, ar.d all persons claiming under him, be thereafter, that Ib, from the day last men tioned for the payment of said money, forever barred an Ifo eclosed of al right, interest and estate in and to the land described in plaintiff's complaint, and said contract and every part thereof, and of all right to a conveyance thereof, aud that from and af:er tbe day so fixed by said Court for ihe payment of said money, if the same be not so paid, plaintiff be fully restored to its former rights and estate ia the land described in the complaint, and tho rights and estate therein which it held before and at the time of the making of said contract, and that upon the failure of the defendant to make such payment within the time fixed by the Court as aforesaid the title of plaiutiff to the land described in the complaint as against defendant and all persons claiming under him, thereupon become good and valid and forever quieted, and that sai I defendant thereupon be come forever barred and restrained from as serting any claim whatever to said laud or to sthe moneys paid by defendaut to plaiutiff under said coutract mentioued in plaintiff's complaint as "Exhibit A." or to any part or portion of said laud: and for costs of this suit and for such other or fuither order or relief as to the Court may seem just a d equitablein the premises, as will more fully appear by refer ence to the complaiut ou file herein. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to app-. ar aud answer the said complaint, as above required, said plaintiff will app y o the Court for the relief pra> ed for iv plaintiff's complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of the said Su perior Court, of the county of Los Angeles, State of California, this 25th day of November, A D 1889 (Seal) C. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk. By F. E. Lowry, Deputy Clerk. ja24-frt-lut STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. THE REGtTLAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the University Bank, of Los Angeles, will be held at the "alters of said bank, on Monday, the 7th day of Apri , A D. 1890, at 2 o'clock p. m , for the purpose of electing a Board ot Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other busineas as may properly oome before tne meeting. GEO L. ARNOLD, Secretary. Loa Angeles, Cal , Feb 15,1890. felO lOt