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The Herald VOL. XXXIX. NO. 104. THE MUSIC BUSINESS o>- George S. Marygold —and that ot the— Fisher & Boyd Piano Co. —have been— CONSOLIDATED, and will be conducted a' tho old stand of the latter at 121-123 North Spring St., —under the firm name of— Fisher Royd | Marygold —who will handle— Steinway & Sons, Sohmer, Gabler, Emerson Fianos, Estey & Packard Organs. CaT" The atten lon of the rubllo Is <*pei ttully directed to this mag nificent II eof Instruments, aud in spection Invited. Fisher, Boyd & M^rygMd,. 121 and 123 N. Serins: .St., L a AntTPlex. Crystal Palace 138-140-142 S. MAIN ST. ■ I'M The Cheapest and Most £Z 53 Reliable Place to Huy China. Crockery, Glassware, /jgP Lamps, Gas Fixtures, House Furnishing Goodc, etc. O n Special Sale this week— English Semi-Porcelain, Decorated Dinner, TVa and Chamber Sets Of entirely new and handsome pa' " terr.s hey ate, f r auali'y and (136 not Tail to reo our »»wbss ta v-u. mat = — W ln 9omh * how win Lamp Department. MEYBERG BROTHERS . • . 'ON LV 'T * . TWO WEEKS MORE AND OUR 20% REDUCTION SALE WILL END. This is a golden opportunity that should not be over looked. Men's and Children's Suits and Overcoats at great bargains. MULLEN, BLUETT & CO. BIG BARGAINS IN PIANOS! WILLIAMSON BROS., having purchased for cash, at a very large discount, the stock of PIANOS and ORGANS carried by W. T. Somes, are offering the same at greatly reduced prices. These goods must be sold at once to make room for NEW STOCK from the east. Intending purchasers will do well to inspect these bargains at WILLIAMSON'S MUSIC STORE, 327 S. SPRING ST. Largest stock of Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, Music Books, etc., in town. Standard and White Sewing Machines, and all supplies. 327 SOUTH SPRING ST. FURNITURE We have a large and well-selected variety of new designs in Parlor, Chamber pining Room, Library and Hall Suits: are showing many antique patterns in Chairs, Rockers, Divans, Tables, Writing Desks, Music Cabinets, Pedes tals, etc., in Antique Oak and other woods. Pine tableß in great variety. ' CARPETS WILTONS, MOQUETTIS, VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, INGRAINS, We are now showing a choice collection of handsome Rugs and Carpets lbeae goods have been carefully selected and merit special attention. RUG'S ORIENTAL, TURKISH, PERSIAN and SMYRNA ISPAHAN and KBNNIHGSTON ART SQUARES A large variety in all sizes. CURTAINS An unusually fine assortment in Portieres, Lace and Silk Curtains. Sash bilks, India Muslins, French Cretons, Plushts, etc. Los Angeles Furniture Co 22e-227-220 S. BROADWAY, Opposite City Hali . Los Angeles, Cal I! . n. Have Defective Ryea And consult us. No case of defec tive vision ivlWss glasses arc required is 100 complicated lor us. The correct »i.Justment of franv- is quite as important, a* tho perfect fit tt'g of lenses, and the rclentlfic fitting and making of glasses Mid frame* is our only busi ness (specialty). Have satisfied o'hers, will sniisfy y n. We use oiectrlc power, a"d are the only hous • her., that grinds g asses to order Established 1832. a. U. MAU HUTZ, Leadiii7 Scientific Optl cian (specialist), 107 Korth Spring St., opp. old courthouse. Don't forget too number. Stimson Mill Co., Wholesale and Retail LUMBER DEALERS PUGET SOUND PINK snd HUMBOLDT REDWOOD. Office end yard, comer Third street and Sants lj'e avenue, Los *URi'les. Tel. 94, 12-11 1 yr MRS. A. MENDENHALL, Hairdressing and Manicure Parlors, 107 North Pnrlnß streot, room 23 Schuma:'iier olock, HhAmpooing done at reMdenceii If desired. BUILDERS' EXCHANGE ■ Gor. Broadway and second. Open dally from 730 a.m. to ft;3o p.m. Of ficial business meetings every Wednesday at S p.m. I. M. GIIIFFITH, President. JOiTM RPTERB. Secretary. 8-18flm LOS ANGELES: MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, \m. FLASHES FROM ABROAD. Gladstone's Vigor Said to Be on the Decline. The Khedive's Defiant Attitude Toward John Bull. Great Joy Over t«\e Reconciliation of Natalie f#d Milan. Russian Influence Bald to Have Brought It About—Dynamite Bzploslons lv Borne — Other Foreign In telligence. By the Associated Press. London, Jan. 22 —AH the party lead ers have issued whips exhorting their followers to be unremitting in attend ance to their parliamentary duties dur ing the coming session, as the home rule bill will be introduced shortly after the opening, and heavy, hot debates are to be expeoted from the beginnio'g. At the cabinet meeting yesterday the ministers discussed tbe legal aspects of the home rule bill. Reports that Gladstone is failing have caused great solicitude and some alarm among hia personal friends and the ad vocates of home rule. To dispel all dcubtß he walks and drives frequently in the parks, besides sending out occasional denials tbat, he is feeling less strong aud euergetic than formerly. There ia a general apprehension among the Liberal Englishmen, however, that the prime, minister is not as well at he and his friends would make the world believe. It is impossible to verify tbe apprehen sions, as G adstone is very closely guarded by his family and his nearest ■rlends, and only personal and political intimates are able to gain access to him. ANXIETY IN CAIRO. Europeans Alarmed at the Khedlve'i Defiant . ttttade. Cviro, Jan 22 —The good impression caused by the success of Qreat Britain's intervention in Egyptian cabinet affairs is giving way to a feeling of great anxiety among tbe European residents, in con sequence of the almost defiant attitude since adopted h«\ tbe khedive. The kbedive's open encouragement of popu lar demoDßtjatipoa„in.. ing tbe excitement among the natives, caused by the action of the British gov eminent. The British officials here be lieve the khedive's course has shaken the British position in Egypt and en dangered thi progress of the reforms in stituted by the British government. London, Jan. 22 —The Cairo corres pondent of the Times says: The situa tion is very strained. Popular excite ment is increasing owing to tbe general belief that the khedive intends to test Great Britain's determination to con tinue her occupation and ascendancy. The press denounces the British officials as rebels because tbey iefused to recog nize three new ministers during the two days between the kh c dive's nomination and England's rejection of them. The khedive is credited openly with his intention to dismiss all the highest English officials. The lan guage of the press is increasing in vio lence and alludes to the khedive ac a hero. The khedive, with a strong na ture impelling him to extremes and with preferences for advisors interested in disturbing public order, can easily be made the tool of clever heads about his court. DYNAMITING IN ROME. Bombs Exploded Before an Hotel and the Proprietor's Residence. Rome, Jan, 22. — Dynamite bombg were exploded almost simultaneously thia afternoon before the Hotel D'Angle terre and in the garden of the proprie tor's house in Via San Claudia. The heel wae partly wrecked. Nobody was injured, although the hotel had more than 100 lodgers at the hour of tbe ex plosion. At first the front wall was ex pected to fall; after an examination, however, tbe commissary announced that there was no immediate danger and the lodgers might return to pack their trunks. Several women refused to re turn, and their belongings were cared for by the police. Before evening all had left for other hotels. The proprietor said this evening the hotel and contents are almost a total loss; not a whole piece of furni ture is left in the building. The walls of houses near tbe hotel were cracked, and all the windows in Via San Claudia more or less damaged. All the windows were smashed for 100 yards on every side. No walls were racked, however, and but for the breakage of glassware, crockery and furniture little barm was done. Nobody was injured, as the families bad left their ho nee. for tbe afternoon. Immediately after the ex plosion the report went abroad that An archists were again at work. Tbe pro prietor of the Hotel D'Angelterre, how ever, Bays he is convinced both explo sions were caused by a man whom he discharged recently from his service. JOY AT BELGRADE. The Reconciliation of HHan and Natalie Causes Rejololng;. Belgrade, Jan. 22 —The Servian rad icals have joined in national rejoicing over the reconciliation of Milan and Natalie. The newspapers are vicing with each other in expressing congratu lations and good wishes. Young King Alexander telegraphed to his parents the announcement that their reconciliation is the pleasantest news ever received by him, and that it afforded him the hap piest day of his life. Many letters and telegrams of congratulation have been Vigor, vitality and a healthy appetite, im parted by a little Angostura Bitters ever? morning. Solo manufacturers, Dr. J. G. B. Blegert & loot. At all druggists. received by the king and bis parents from foreign courts. Io court circles it is said the reconcil iation is due to the pleadings of the son, but thia is not credited generally. The whole affair is believed to have been the achievement ol Russian diplomat' l , who found tbe absence of so good a friend as Natalie a serious detriment to their interests. Milan was Rusaianiz-d by securing loans from St. Petersburg, and bis return to Natalie is believed to have followed directly a promise of further payments from the same source. The question as to the necessity oi an other marriage ceremony is much dis ensued. The divorce was not accepted as valid by Natalie, although Milan al ways maintained that it wae complete from every point of view. As the di vorce was sanctioned by law it probably will stand, and another wedding will be indispensable. FRENCH AFFAIRS. Politicians Anxious to Extradite Her/ * M. Rouvler's Douceur. Paris, Jan 22. —A number of politi cians are anxious to have il--iz extra dited, not from political motives, but because of their desire to eae out of the way a man who apparently knows too many secrets. General Ferron in an interview today confirmed Andrieux'a statement that in 1887 he handed Rouvier 100,000 francs out of the secret service fund of the war department. '•We had to fight the Bouiangism," said General Ferron today, "as it waß becoming a great danger M. Rouvier had no secret fund, ao he was compelled to apply to his colleaguos. I gave him tbe cum, which he afterward refunded, tt was devoted to defending the govern ment's line of policy. It is every gov ernment's duty to defend iteelf when attacked." DEAN HART'S CRUSADE. A SUNDAY CLOSING CRUSADE BEGUN IM DBNVUR. All Places of Amusement Closed by the Poll™ Cut Night—A Mob Stones the H.»UBe of the Preacher Who Began It. Denver, Colo., Jan. 22 —All places of amusement found open tonight wore closed by order of the pohea board, and the proprietors and employes arre;- c l and placed in jail. Among tho theaters raided was the Tabor Grand Opera house and tho Wonderland. The places were nermitttd to get under way. aud The police wore forced to make tbe arreßts by Rev. H. M. Hart, dean of the Episcopal church, who has inaugurated a crusade against Sunday amusements and insists upon the en forcement of the law which heretofore has been a dead letter. After the thea ters were closed immenee crowds gath ered on the principal streets and talked the matter over, much excitement ex isting. Suddenly a move wa made for Dean Hart's Inuse and in a short time about 2000 people surrounded it and alter hooting and cat calling, stones were thrown, smashing the windows. An alarm was rung and the, police soon arrived on tbe scene and dispersed the crowd without making any arrests. Nobody was in the bombarded building at the time, the dean and his fam ly having been removed by friends a short time before the mob arrived. The excitement soon subsided and no farther trouble is ex pected tonight. I.UNING'B LUNACY. The Sadden Mental Derangement of a Young Millionaire. London, Jan 22.—The exact facts ac to the sudden mental derangement of John Luning, son of a San Francisco millionaire, and hia subsequent removal from the yacht Alert at Nice to Paris, are as follows: Luning began acting peculiar when half way across the At lantic; he grew rapidly worse until his arrival at Nice, where the friends whom he was enter ainlng decided that for his own welfare they ought to place him under restraint. They telegraphed Charles Peters, formerly Luning's schoolmate in San Francisco and now student of art in Paris, the details concerning Luning's condition. Peters, Frank Unger snd Harry Gillig went to Nice and took Luning back to Paris. They summoned to the hotel Dr. Warren Bey, an Ameri can physician, and subsequently called Dr. Charcot. Upon tbe recommenda tion of both physicians Luning was re moved to a private asylum. His friends then cabled to London for an English physician aud the physician will bring Luning to London shortly. A dispatch from Paris says Luning planned to marry in Paris a young woman from Now York, who was there awaiting hie arrival. The dispatch adds that Luning was a conductor on a New York elevated railway when, by his father's deatb, he became an heir to $2,000,000. l.iike Erie Frozen Over. Toledo, 0., Jan. 22.—Not in the his tory of the present generation has Lake Erie been frozen as it is now. Special dispatches indicate an unbroken field of ice from the Detroit river to Put-in-Bay. Fishermen have driven 15 milea out from Monroe and returned with the statement that the ice was solid all the way, and tbat it extended as far as they could see. The entire Lake Erie archi pellago is frozen up and fishermen are compelled to suspend operations. Dandruff. Thia annoying scalp trouble, which <ives the hair an untidy appearance. IB cured by skookum root hair grower All druggists. Canada's Next Governor. London, Jan. 22.—1t is stated the earl of Aberdeen wil succeed to the governor ship of Canada next June. Successful men secure fine tailoring with pleasing fit from H. A. Getz, 112 West Third street. THE BIG FOUR DISASTER. Awful Results of Saturday's Catastrophe. The Death Roll Now Swelled to Seventeen. Fourteen Others Will Die of Their Injuries. It Is Fearod Others Who Are Missing; Were Burned to Death—Agon izing Scenes in the Hospi tal and morgue. By tho Associated Press. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 22 —Eleven addi tional deaths np to 6 o'clock is the rec ord of the catastrophe at Alton Junction since midnight. The additional dead are as follows: William Shattuck, Upper Alton; Henry Penning, Warm; Daniel Harers, Alton Junctiou; William Maatz, Fosterburg, III.; Charles Utt, Willie McCarthy, W. H N. Miller, John Lucke, Charles Parris, Edward Manhin, John Wilkinson, all of Alton. All these died in the hospital at Alton, except Utt, Miller and Mantz, whoae dead bod ies were found near the scene of the wreck this morning. Of the injured, 14, the hospital physi cian said, cannot recover. They are Otto Hagwan, John Fred, Joßeph Har mon, Henry Pilgrim, John Luttrell, William B. Richardson. David Richard s.jii, all of Alton; A. F. Frazer of St. Louis; Frank Barth, Brantford,Canada; Fratik Scullin, John Burke, both of Alton Junction ; — Murray, — Rototf, both of Upper Alton. Those wno sustained serious injuries but who will probably recover are: Mrs. A. L Willen and child, Henry Wiggins, George Staples, John McPike, Herman Nuske, Ev n Caldwell, Louis Denean, Henry Staples, — Montgomery, Dan Harris, Frank Berton, Louin Mcin tosh, Williutn Mcintosh, John Henry, John Monahon, James Mullane, Charles Harris, W. C. Harrison, Hameline Val t-utine, Charles Hamilton; B. M. En haus, Pat O'Meara, Z B. Job, John Seister, E.iirs it Rich.;rdeon, John Fia ley, Patrick Finlay, Cnarles Crow. Besides theae there are more than a score who sustained injuries of a more or less serious nature, whose namer and body, but the worst injuries sus tained are fearfully burned beads and faces. AU were also injured internally from inhaling bur ing flames, which scorched and parched their throats to such an extent that their escape from instant death is almost miraculous. The other injured persons suffered from burns on various parts of the head, limbs and body. SCENES IN THE HOSPITAL. The wreck and Us consequences was the topic of conversation in Alton to day. A representative of the Associ ated Press arrived in-the city early this morning and visited the hospital. The scenes in the wards occupied by tbe in j ured were even more heart-rending than yesterday. Lying on cote, wrapped in cotton bandages until they had almost lost the semblance of human beings, and surrounded by weeping re lations and sorrowing friends, they formed a p : cture that brought teai'B to the eyes even of the physicians. Tbe moanings of the patients was piteous. Every few moments some tortured soul, writhing in agony, would half rise from bis couch, then fall back, suffering more intense pain than before. Tbey would beg piteouely to be relieved from their pain. A PITIFUL SIGHT. Perhaps the most pitiful sight was that of 13-year-old Willie McCarthy. The boy's flesh was baked from bead to foot; his eyes were burned out; the skin was peeled oil' his face and head, taking with it large portions of flesh. The only response his anxious mother received to her inquiry as to how he felt, was: "Oh, my head! Doctor, can't I die. Some patients lay perfectly quiet, no sigh or moan escaping from their lips. Tbey will soon be beyond earthly suf fering. A VISIT TO THE MORGUE. Not until a visit was made to the morgue did the horrible reality of the accident become apparent. Here, awaiting the undertaker, were tbe bodies of five of those who died during tbe night. Tbe bandages were re moved from the bodies and the 'earful ravages of the burning oil were plainly apparent. Scarcely one in five could be recognized even by their relatives. The oil, wherever it touched tbeekin,burned deep into the flesh, while euch portions of the cuticle as escaped entire destruc tion were blistered and in many places blackened by tbe intense beat. Their lips were terribly swollen and dis colored and the eyes of all five were burned out entirely. Every vestige of hair was burned off the face and head, and in many places tbe skull and cheek bones were exposed. Wives, mothers, sisters .uid daughters, on being shown the bodies of their beloved dead, shrank back in horror and could scarcely be convinced that tbe distorted features before tbem were all that remained of tboee so dear to tbem. INQUEST AND FUNERALS. A coroner's tnqueßt wae held at the hospital, the jury having previously been in session at, Warm and Alton Junction. The verdict in each caee states tbat death was "caused by burn ing oil accidentally exploded and thrown over them." Tbe funerals of a number of victims will be held tomorrow morning; the Found, it the drag store, a valuable package •forth its weight in gold. My hair ha? .topped falling and all dandruff has die appeared since I found skookum root hair grower. Aak your druggist about it. PRICE FIVE CENTS. others on Tuesday. Edward Miller was buried this afternoon at Alton. OTHER PEOPLE MISSING. There was a rumor on tbe streets this afternoon that 11 students from Shutleff college were missing since tbe accident. All efforts to verify the rumor failed, however, but the fact that bodies were found this morning near the scene of the wreck gives rise to the probability tbat there may be yet more bodies which have not been found. Mrs. William Mantz reported thia morning that her husband, who started for the scene of the accident, had not yet returned. A searching party organ ized, and after a long time tbe dead body of Mantz was found near Wood river, over half a mile from tbe place where the explosion occurred. The supposi tion is he started to run in the direction of liia home as soon as the explosion took place, but was caught by the show er of seething fluid. He, however, most have run some distmce after he waa burned, and probably fell dead on reaching the spot where his body waa found. Reports about others missing led to the finding of other bodies, and when the reporter left the city, parties were still out searching for additional victims. CROWDS OF SIQHT-SBEBS. The scene of yesterday's dreadfnl catastrophe was visited by hundreds to day. Every available vehicle in Alton was pressed into service to convey sight seers to the destination. Every train running between the two places waa crowded, and scores made the distance, four miles, on foot. No trace has been found of the runa way switchman, Richard Gratton. The total loss to the company, so the officials state, will ba between $125,000 and $150,000. REVIVAL OF NIHILISM. AN JKVKNT WHICH HAS SET Alt BEBLIN TALKING. The Czar Said to Ro Trying to Make a Dicker with the Kaiser to Fight Nihlilitm aud Socialism Conjointly. New Yobk, lan. 22.—A Berlin cable says: Tne forerunner of hia imperial highness, tbe czarewitch, arrived tome 24 hours before the great event material ise which aeta all Berlin talking. Stories are going the rounda with refer ence to the czarewitch that it ia the I'zar'a desire to make a dicker with the story its refa~te<l wlifcil the revival of nihilism: The St Petersburg central committee of Nihilists, it ia said, ordered come three months ago one of their members, a you'>g aristocrat, noted for his manly beauty aud refinement of manners, to engage in an intrigue with tbe wife of General Browdeinki, a shining light of the political bouse of the czar, whose duty it is to watch the international league of Nihilists and Socialists. The comrade did honor to the confidence which his friends extended him, and ia November he eloped with the general's wife from St. Petersburg, tbe woman having first provided herself with 15,000 roubles from ber husband's safe. Tbey traveled through various parts of Europe, stop ping finally at Pi time. They had no eooner put up at a hotel when a cipher diepatcb ordered them to return at once to Kief. Thie was on January sth. The Nibiiiet, though thinking it very strange tbat his comrades bad recalled aim so quickly and demanded bim to pu\ him self into immediate danger of capture, followed the summons, and with tha general's wife re-entered Russia. They had no sooner crossed the fron tier when a number of police officers in citizens' drese entered their carriage and informed them that they were prisoners of the state. Arrived in Kief, tbey were at once confronted by General Brow deinki and subjected to a rigid cross examination. The general'B wife, npon seeing ber husband, assumed a deter mined attitude and boldly said: "I am a Nihilist, and I will not reveal one single word that I know." Tbe general tried bis best to move her. On receiving only defiant answers, he finally got enraged and drew a sword and plunged it into his wife's heart, killing ber instantly. The Nihilist waa carried off lo St. Petersburg, where he ia now imprisoned. BLAINE GROWING W 1 AKEK. The Distinguished Patient Gradually Losing; Strenctta. Washington, Jan. 22—That Mr. Blame is weaker ia the only knowledge the physicians have gained of any change in his condition today. He ia apparently about the same aa he has been fcr several days past. He retains consciousness does not appear to be better or worse, but tbe doctors have noted a slight loss of strength each day. The doctors visited Mr. Blame again at 9:30 and reported that there was no material change in his condition. If anything, however, he is slightly weaker. The house was closed for the night at 11 o'clock. A Note of Warning. New Yobk, Jan 22.— Henry Van Dyke, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Fifth avenue and Thirty-seventh Btreet, told his congregation today that if the original scriptures were to be set up as a test of his orthodoxy he would be driven from the Presbyterian church, Dr. Van Dyke's note of warning waa uttered in unmistakable language, and he pointed out the dangers if the Briggs 088s is pushed on to the end. Victim* of a Boiler Explosion. Blissfikld, Mich., Jan 22—A boiler in the engine room of A. B Hatbaway's >aw and planing mil! blew up last night, injuring 10 people, hut to what ezteot is not known, though it is not thought any will die. ■"troi 1 car drivers and others who are con stant, y expnged to all kinds oi w.'-.thpr. and cannot And t me to In by, should -v t bear in mind this plain fact, that or Bull's Couch byrup cures coughs and colds. It la unequal**!,