The Herald
VOL. XXXIX. NO. 110.
Discount Sale!
i Organs
Owing to the consolidation of the music bus
lnesdof Utorke 8 Mary gold and 1 i'dier *fc Boyd
Piano Co., a special sale of pianos will beheld
in ihe old store of George H, Marygold, 221
South Broadway, in oder to dispo c «f a num
ber of brand new upright piano*,of m ikes t■ nt
the now firm ol Fisher, Boyd & Ma ygold will
discontinue to carry. Abo a fine line of* ec
ond-hand squares and uprights, This will be
an opportunity never before offered to Ue pub
lic of Southeru California to buy .pianos and
organs at positively sacrifice prices. We ' aye
not aot room enough in our spring- tn>et store
for these goorls, and will cell them no matter
at sacrifice
All the eecond hand pianos and organs of
fered are of rec gnlz?d standard makes, and
have been overhauled and put In first-civs
condition by co nine tent workmen, .satisfac
tory terms will h-i given. The sile will *alte
place-aturday February 4th. We mean busi
ness, and a sure the pub Ie that the goods will
bs sold if good quality and sacrifice prices will
■ell them.
121 and IS3 N. Spring «t.
Crystal Palace
138-140-142 S. MAIN ST.
We take pleasure in '■xtend'nir
tS—"a to the public au iuvitaliin to
iusppct the latest productions
id ior 1833 of
I Vr\J v uJf Limoge, France,
i J .'• On exhibition at Our Art Rooms
V - I' 'f Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and 2.
The collection 'his veer will in
Lsaotsaa, ( , [Joliy specimen**!!" their
1 it-ns Intended fnr the Col-
TEA POT 11 LOUTS XV," mitotan Wor d's Exhibit.
OUR MR. BLUETT being in New York selecting stock
for spring for which we MUST HAVE ROOM, we
are closing out heavy-weight goods at
This is the opportunity for customers and friends to
greatly under value.
WILLIAMSON BROS., having purchased for cash, at a very
large discount, the stock of PIANOS and ORGANS carried
by W. T. Somes, are offering the same at greatly reduced prices.
These goods must be sold at once to make room for NEW STOCK
from the east.
Intending purchasers will do well to inspect these bargains at
Largest stock of Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, Music Books,
etc., in town. Standard and White Sewing Machines, and all supplies.
Eagieson & Co.'s
Great Clearance Sale of
Wool Underwear, Wool Hosiery,
Heavy Cashmere Underwear,
Cashmere Hosiery, Negligee Shirts, etc.,
At Oreett T^eclirotiorjs.
113 South Spring St.
If You Have Defective Eyes
And value them, consult us. No case of defec
tive vision where glasses are requtred is too
complicated for us. The correot adjustment of
mimes is quito as important ai the perfect fit
ting of louses, and tho scientific fitting and
making of glasses and frames is our only busi
ness (specialty). Have satisfied others, will
satisfy y. v. We use electric power, aud are tne
only hous* here that grinds g.asses to order.
Established 18«2.
8. Q. MARSHUTZ. Leadin™ Hclentlflc Opti
clan ("peciaiist), lb'7 North Spring St., opp. old
courthouse. Don't forget the number.
Stimson Mill Co.,
Wholesale and Retail
Offlce and yard, coiner Third street and Santa
Ye avenue, Los Angeles. Tel. 94.
1211 1 yr
Hairdressing and Manicure Parlors,
107 North Spring street, room 23
Schumacher nlock.
Shampooing done at residences If desired.
Cor. Broadway and Second.
Open dally from 730 a.m. to ft ;30 p.m. Of
ficial business meeiings every Wednesday at
2 p.m. J. M. GRIFFITH, President.
JOHN RPLKRR. .Secretary. 8-19 6m
The German Army Bill Still
Holds the Boards.
Chancellor Caprivi Again Urges
Its Adoption.
Germany Hastening to Strengthen
Her Naval Effective.
Proposed. Coalition or the French, Rus
sian and Banish Fleets—A Synop
sis of the New Irish
Home Bale Bill.
By the Associated Fresa.l
Berlin, Jan. 28.—The reichstag com
mittee on the army bill has concluded
its general debate. The dosing de
bates showed an increased disposition
to accept the government's proposals,
the only material opposition being of
fered by a faction of the Centre party,
led by Dr. Lieber. Chancellor yon
Caprivi once more appeared before the
committee and spoke in favor of the
bill, urging that it be approved in en
tirety. Tbe measure, he said, was not
intended to avert momentary danger of
an acute nature. It was aimed to
make suitable provision for a etite of
things which he must describe as pre
senting Dermanent danger. The mem
bers ol the committee ii conversation
in the lobbies subsequent to the chan
cellor's speech concurred in the opinion
that bis words menaced an appeal to
the country if the bill was not passed
by the reichstag.
The budget commission is now rapidly
voting new credits for tbe navy* under
the impulse of Chancellor Caprivi's
declarations that there is danger of the
coalitin of the fleets of France, Russia
and Denmark, iierr Hahn, a member
of the reichstag, made a powerful im
pression upon tbe commission by the
statement that, despite the declarations
of the Danish foreign minister in the
folksthing, the German government had
reason to believe Denmark, in the event
of war, would make common cauEe with
Though the reception of the czare
witch here ia not likely to modify the
grouping of the powers or reverse the
policy of Russia, it is decidedly a tem
porary check to the French party at the
rzar'e court. The impression that the
czarewitch created on the diplomats is
the reveree of what wae reoor/ied by the
semi-official press. The closest observ
ers say the cordiality was all on the side
oi Emperor William.
A Synopsis of the Bill Now Before the
Britleh Parliament.
London, Jan. 28.—Following is a
synopsis of the new Irish home rule bill:
It declares that there shall be estab
lished in Ireland a legislature consisting
cf representatives of the queen and an
Irish legislative body, empowered to
make, amend, and repeal laws for the
peace, order and good government of
Ireland. Power to enact laws on a
number of subjects concerning the king
dom at large is retained by the imperiai
parliament. A sub-clause' retains to the
imperial parliament control for live years
over land legislation. The Irish legis
lature is restricted from passing any laws
respecting the establishment of religion
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,
or imposing any privilege or con
ferring any disability on account
of religious belief, or impaling, without
either leave ol her majesty in council or
consent of tbe corporation interested,
the rights, property or privilege of any
existing corporation, incorporated by
royal c arter or a local or general act of
parliament; or from enacting any legis
lation changing the terms of the home
rule act, except so far as tbe act is de
dared to be alterable by the Irish legis
Ihe queen retains the same preroga
tives with respect to the Irish legisla
tive body as with the imperial purlia
ment. The Irish legislative body can
continue five years and no longer from
the day it is appointed to meet. The
executive government of Ireland shall
continue to be invested in tier majesty,
and be corned on by a lord lieutenant,
with the aid of such officers and council
lis her majesty may from time to time
ccc fit.
The ninth clause of the bill, relating
to the constitution of the Irish legiela
tive body, differs in one important re
spect from the bill of 18SG It provides
that tbe legislative body shall consist of
two houses, but instead of del berating
together, as in tbe bill of 1880, it pro
vides that they sbail eit and vote sep
arately. If the result of voting brings
the two boußes into collision, then tbe
question at issue shall be referred to a
joint committee of both houses. If it
can't agree, the question may be referred
to the people. The new bill thus pro
vides for popular refeience.
The upper house, or first order, in
eludes 103 members, 75 elective and 2S
peerage members. The elective mem
bers are to be possessed of property
bringing in an income of at least £200 a
year The term of an elective member
of the first order is 10 years, 37 or 38 to
retire every fifth year. The peers are to
be the 28 Irish representatives of the
peerage. The peerage representation in
the first order is to last not longer than
30 years from the appointed day of or
ganization, when the places of all the
peerage members are to be vacated or
filled by elective members. Dissolution
of the legislative body does not vacate
tbe offices of members of the first order.
The second legislative body shall con
sist of 204 members, to be chosen by the
existing constituencies in Ireland, two
oy each constituency, with the excep
ion of the city of Cork, which is divided
in two divisions, and two members ar
to be chosen from each division.
An important new clause provides
that 103 members of tbe imperial par
liament may also sit in tbe Irish legit
ative body if elected thereto, ac well »>
in the impetial parliament.
Tbe annual contribution of Ireland ol
account of the national debt, army and
navy, imperial and civil expenditures,
royal Irish constabulary, Dublin metro
politan police and the reduction of the
national debt is reduced to £2,301,000.
This reduction is exactly half from the
bill of 1886, which provided that Ireland
should pay £4,602,000.
It is made the duty of the Irish legis
lature to impose all such taxes, duties
and imports as may be necessary to
raise sufficient revenue to meet all sums
charged for the time being on the Irish
consolidated fund. Thia fund is to meet
advances toward the expenses of the
Irish government debts incurred by the
Irish government, salaries of the judges
of any court and all payments for Irish
services, except the lord lieutenant's.
The Irish land commission shall re
main in existence until all charges pay
able out of church property in Ireland
and guaranteed by the treasury are
fully paid, subject to any existing
charges on such property ; such property
shall belong to the Irish government.
If the queen signifies to the Irish leg
islature that a state of war exists, the
Irish legislature may make extra ap
propriations for the army and navy and
to aid in the defenses of the realm. It
shall not be lawful for the Irish legisla
tive body to adopt or paea any measure
making an appropriation for any pur
pose, of any part of the public revenue
of Ireland or any tax or impost, except
in pursuance of a recommendation from
her majesty, signified through the lord
The exchequer division of the high
justice ia to continue to be the court of
exchequer for revenue purposea, and any
vacancy occurring in the court may be
filled by her majeety on the joint recom
mendation of the lord lieutenant of Ire
land and the lord high chancellor of
Great Britain.
The Dublin metropolitan police ehall
continue anbject to the lord lieutenant
for five yeara, or until tbe Irish admin
istration will guarantee that adequate
legal police system has been organized.
Tne royal Irish constabulary, while it
exists, is to continue subject to the con
trol of the lord lieutenant, but the Irish
legislature may provide for the estab
lishment and maintenance of a police
force in counties and boroughs in Ire
*and under control of local authority,
and arrangements may be made be
tween the treasury and Irish govern
ment for the establishment and main
tenance of police reserves.
There ia an entirely new clause which
gives the crown the right to veto all
bills of the Irish legislature, and gives
the Irish representative peers a right to
sit in the house of loidß at Westminster
and votH on all imperial qu»Btionß.
The juriiciary shall remain lor five
years under the contiol of the imperial
j government, then pass under the con
i trol of the Irish Kovernm&nt.
81-Mutalllc throwing In Eng
land and India.
Manchester, Jan. 28 —At the annual
meeting of the Bi-metallic league the
report for the past year showed great
progress. Vigorous, aggressive work
wae urged, in view of the fact that the
Brussels conference would reassemble in
May. Sir William Henry Houldsworth,
one of the British delegates to the Brus
sels conference, denounced as artificial
the scheme proposed by Alfred de
Rothschild for the purchase of an al
lotted quantity of silver under an inter
national arrangement. Sir Guilford
Lindsey MoleßWorth declared that the
contest had resolved itself into a fight
between Lombard Btreet and the inter
ests of England. The meeting was
largely attended, and considerable en
thusiasm was manifested.
Calcutta, Jan. 28.—At a large meet
ing, at which all i he mercantile classes
were represented, a resolution was
adopted demanding, in view of the fail
ure of the Bruesela monetary conference
to arrive at any conclusion on the bi
metallic issue, that the government of
India should immediately close the
mints to free coinage.
France's Naval Effective.
Paris, lan. 28.—The chamber of
deputies took up the naval estimates
this evening. Thompson, chairman of
the committee on naval estimates,
stated that tbe French Mediterranean
Fquadr n was now superior to the Ital
ian Mediterranean tquadron, and
France's northern squadron would soon
equal the entire northern squadrou.
France now has 422 fighting Bhips, and
this number will be increased to 515 by
One Hundred Men Perished.
Buda-Pesih, Jan. 28. —A partially
successful effort was made late last
flight to rescue the men entombed yes
terday morning by the explosion in a
coalmine at Lokod-Grar. Fifty-seven
men were taken out. Se.venty-three are
still in the mine, and they are beyond
all doubt dead. Altogether about 100
men perished.
To Be Sold for Charity.
London, Jan, 28 —The princesß of
Wales has Bent to the world's fair at
Chicago a carved oak chair of hsr own
design, and Princesses Victoria and
Maud have sent music stools of their
own decorating, to he Bold for charity.
A Big Fire in Berlin.
Rerlin. Jan. 28. —Fire broke nut last
night in the cellars of tbe great central
market, filled with lard, tallow and
other combustibles. After an all-night
tight the structure was gutt.d. Loss,
Will I.o« Angelas Be la It?
San Francisco, Jan. 28.— Manager
Harris of the San Francisco Baseball
club says he is the only member of tbe
California baseball league who is in favor
of admitting the Los Angeles club. If
Los Angeleß is admitted, Harris Bays,
Al Lindley will be manager, but he does
not think there is any possibility.
Successful men secure fine tailoring
«ritb. pleasing fit from H. A. Getz, 112
•Vest Third street.
The Oersnlr Towed In.
San Francisco, Jan. 28. —The tui
Vigilant got in this afternoon with th
vrecked schooner Corsair in tow. Tb'
cargo of lumber be discharged and
ihe schooner repaired.
After » night with the buys
Yours tor a clear head—Bromo-Seltzer.
Qneen Lilionkalani's Reign
Suddenly Ended.
The Monarchy Overthrown by a
Popular Uprising.
A Provisional Government Formed
by White Residents.
The Change Peaceably Brought About.
Envoys Sent to Washington to
Bequest Unole Samuel to
Annex the Islands.
Special Correspondence of the Associated Press
Honolulu, Jan. 18.—The downfall of
the Hawaiian monarchical government
haa finally occurred. Yesterday a pro
visional government was organized, com
posed entirely of white residents, and it
haa assumed control of all the functions
of government and awaits the decision
of the United Stateß government whether
it will accept the Hawaiian islands as a
portion of its domain.
The events which led up to this situa
tion began immediately before the de
parture of tbe steamship Mariposa for
Ban Francisco on January 11th, by the
passage of a bill which gave a conces
sion for the establishment of a lottery in
the kingdom, the franchise being given
to six people on the promise of the an
nual payment of half a million dollars.
This measure the ministers would not
support and the proposition bad the vote
of only one white man, the other 25
votea necessary to carry it being con
tributed entirely by natives and half
Thia act waß followed on the after
noon of January 12th, after the de
parture of the Mariposa, by the spring
ing of a vote cf a want of confidence in
the ministry, and which, after but a
little argument, was passed by a vote
of 25, tbe exact number necesfary. The
defeated ministry had had the confi
dence ol the public and of the capital
ists and bußUicafc community ..*>.! — »>■<■
prorogation of parliament had been set
for January 21st by the queen, herself,
their tenure of office was expected to
run until 1894.
Considerable excitement then followed
among the white residents of the island,
which was heightened on January 13th
by the appointment of a ministry in
which there was no confidence, and by
the fact that on tbe morning of the
14th the queen signed the lottery biil.
the climax reached.
The climax was reached on January
15th by the queen attempting to pro
mulgate a new constitution, guarantee
ing to her absolute authority; but which
act her new ministry declined to en
dorse. The queen made her appeal al
most entirely to the natives and half
castes to sustain her. She declared to
the populace that her ministry would
not carry out her commands, and it
appeared for a time that come of the
excited native leaders would kill the
members of the cabinet for refusing to
carry out her wishes.
On tbe afteinoon of January Kith
nearly 4000 natives assembled on tbe
Palace square as supporters of tbe
queen. On the platform were J. E.
Bush, J. A. Nawabai. W. White, G. P.
Kamauaha, A. Rosa, R. W. Wilcox, C.
L. Hopkins and others. Resolutions
were adopted declaring confidence in
tbe queen and giving assurance that ail
present wouid give her cordial support
and indorse her outlined policy.
Speeches were made by those present in
support of these resolutions, after which
the meeting adjourned.
A mass meeting of whites on the
same afternoon was attended by about
1200 determined men. The meeting
was addressed by Nobles Thurston and
Baldwin and Representative Wilder of
the revolutionary party of 1887, and
since then a member of the legislature
The speech of Thurston declared that
the promises of the queen were worth
less. It was not her fault that the
streets had not ruu red with blood. Ho
declared that the time had now come to
establish a free government. He
read a report drawn up by
a commi"e« of 13 declaring the
establishment of a provisional govern
ment and offered resolutions ratiiyiog
such action, and empowering the com
mittee "to further consider the situa
tion and further devise such ways and
means as may be necessary to secure
the permanent maintenance of law and
order and the protection of life, liberty
and property in Hawaii."
Speeches were made by H. F. Glade.
Mr Young, C. Bolts, J. Emmulth, H
P. Baldwin and J. R. Green sustaining
the resolutions.
martial law declared.
On the same afternoon an executive
order was issued, as follows:
"It is hereby ordered and decreed
'hat until further ordered the right of
vrit of habeas corpus ia hereby eu
■i-Mided, and martial law is her- by de
iared throughout the island of Pahu."
Thia was signed by Sanford B Dai
.linister of foreign affairs; J. A. Kina
minister of tbe interior; P. C. Jones,
minister of finance; William V. Smith,
attorney general, the four constituting
the executive council of tho provisional
government of the Hawaiian islands.
Simultaneous with this proclamation,
a proclamation was issued dismissing'
the existing ministry and marshal. At
the Bame time a squad of 30 armed men
took charge of tbe government building,
placing the ministers of the queen un
der arrest.
At 5:15 o'clock 2CO sailors from the
United States steamship Boston landed
and proceeded to guard the American
consulate and residency, and also took
up a position near the residence of J. B.
Alberton, a short distance from the pal
ace where the provisional government
was in session.
Late in the afternoon tbe following
was issued:
I, Lilioukalani, by the grace of God
and under the constitution of the Ha
waiian kingdom queen, do hereby sol
emnly protest againet any and all acta
done against myself and the constitu
tional government of the Hiwaiian
kingdom, by certain persons claiming to
have established a provisional govern
ment of and for this kingdom; that I
yield to the superior force of the United
States of America, whose minister plen
ipotentiary, his excellency John L.
Stevens, has caused United States troops
to be landed at Honolulu, and declared
that he would support eaid provisional
Now, to avoid any collision of armed
forces and perhaps loss of life, I do un
der this protest, and impelled by eaid
force, yield my authority until such time
as the government of the United States
Bhall, upon the facts being presented to
it, undo tbe action and reinstate me in
the authority which I claim as the con
stitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian
This was signed by the queen and the
members of her cabinet, and wae ad
dressed to the men composing the pro
visional government, and the receipt of
which was formally acknowledged by
After issuing this protest the late queen
and cabinet yielded unconditionally all
departments of tbe government to tbe
provisional rulers.
The provisional government sent a
notification of tbe situation to represen
tatives of the foreign powers, with a
request for recognition, which waa
granted by the representatives of tbe
United States and all the other resident
ministers of foreign powers, except
Great Britain,
The provisional government issued a
proclamation reciting the present condi
tion ot affairs and the necessity of a new
government, and appointing commis
sioners to proceed at once to lay the
facts bef ire the United States govern
ment at Washington with a plea for an
No Crowds Allowed to Congregate.
Electric Worki Seized.
Honolulu, Jan. 18, 6:30 p.m.—The
provisional government has placed J.
11. Soper in command of all armed
troops on tbe island. Soper has issued
the following notice:
Under martial law every person found
upon the streets or in any public place
between the hours of 9:30 p.m. and 6a.
m. will be liable to arrest unleßß pro
vided with » pass from the commander
in-chief, J. PI. Soper. The gathering of
crowds is prohibited. Any one disturb
ing the peare or disobeying orders ia
liable to summary arrest without war
By order of the Executive Committee.
(Signed) J. H. Sopeb,
This proclamation is printed in tbe
Hawaiian, English and Portuguese lan
guages under the orders of the execu
tive committee. All the saloons have
been closed. The electric works, which
supply the city with light and tbe print
ing offices with power, have been seized
by an armed body of the provisional
The Steamer Clnurtluo Brings the Infor
mation to San Franoiseo.
San Fbancisco, Jan. 28. —At 2 o'clock
this morning tbe steamer Olaudine ar
rived in Jthis port from tbe Hawaiian
islands, bring the important news of a
revolution in that kingdom. A provis
ional government has been established;
Queen Lilioukalani has been deposed
iroin power; the monarchy abrogated;
tha government buildings seized, and
the new provisional ministry, composed
of four members, is sustained by the
bayonets of volunteers.
The queen attempted, on Saturday,
January 15th, to promulgate a new con
stitution, depriving foreigners of the
right of fianchiee and abrogating the
existing house of nobles, at the same
time giving her the power of appointing
a new bouse. This was resisted by tbe
foreign element of the community, who
at once appointed a committee of safety
of 13 members, who called a mass meet
ing of their claBS, at which 1200 or 1500
were present. That meeting unani
mously adopted resolutions condemning
the action of the queen, and authorizing
a committee to take into further consid
eraiion whatever wbb necessary to pro
tect public safety.
They did so, and organized a provis
ional government on the Tuesday follow
ing. This was composed of S. B Dole,
J. A. King, P. C. Jones and W O Smith.
They at once issued a proclanntion re
citing tbe arroganceof the queen, giving
ibe broken promises of her majesty, de
tailing the wrongs inflicted on residents
md property owners, and ending as fol
lows :
"We, citizens and residents of the
Hawaiian islands, organized and aoting
tor public safety and the common good,
hereby proclaim ac follows:
''First—The Hawaiian monarchical
■'. etem of government is hereby abro
"Second—A provisional government
f >r the control and management of pub
lic affairs and the protection of tbe pnb